The main thing that AI represents is the loss of millions upon millions of white collar jobs globally, no more accountants, brokers, bankers, GP's, programmers and countless more jobs that should basically already have been replaced by artificial intelligence.
>the inevitable end of the Ukraine war with Putin's loss (unless he uses nukes in which case we all die and I don't have to go to work tomorrow so win/win, but besides that he's fucked)
Tell me you aren't politically informed without telling me you aren't politically informed. Ukraine has zero chance of winning this war, at best they can retain some sovereignty of their own but at this stage I doubt even that.
>and if you assume Trump was our Nixon and Brandon is our Carter, then next comes Reagan in 2024. Just off the top of my head.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Reagan is probably the biggest reason that you're in this mess in the first place. He put his foot to the floor in terms of selling off American assets to the rest of the world for short term gains and opened up your borders, again for short term gains at the expense of long term prosperity. Now you have nothing left to sell so good luck getting the next Reagan in 2024.