>Brokershttps://pastebin.com/F1yujtVqhttps://brokerchooser.com/>Stock market words:https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ>Risk management:https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp>Live Streams:http://www.livenewson.com/american/bloomberg-television-business.htmlhttps://watchnewslive.tv/watch-cnbc-live-stream-free-24-7/>Educational sites:https://www.investopedia.com/https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domainhttps://www.thebalance.com/>Free charts:https://www.tradingview.comhttps://www.finscreener.com/https://www.koyfin.com/>Screeners:https://finviz.com/https://www.tradingview.com/screenerhttps://etfdb.com/>Pre-Market Data and Live data:https://www.investing.com/indices/indices-futureshttps://finance.yahoo.com/>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:https://biopharmcatalyst.com>Boomer Investing 101:https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:https://www.dividendchannel.com/drip-returns-calculator/>List of hedge fund holdings:https://fintel.io/>Misc:https://squeezemetrics.com/monitorhttps://market24hclock.com/https://tradingeconomics.comhttps://wallmine.com/https://tikr.com/Previous:>>52848678
thread bump limits are 310, not 290.
>>52849854I haven't seen that webm in ages
so is FOMC gonna send the market up another 5%?
would the KOLD baggie like to comment on his massive losses today
>>52849854is that a man or a woman?
>>52849872neither it's a goblina
How you doing anons? I opened long at open but managed to get out of it at the second 15min candle almost unscathed. Now just comfy watching my oil long from yesterday crab.
>>OP...Anonymous (ID: xlY715ax)12/09/22(Fri)20:55:49 No.52803773>>52803583 (OP) #Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe gqrbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.You know how all of you parasites always say "HuRr durr gommunism maybe good in theory but always 'fails'"? Well capitalism doesnt even work in theory and unfortunately for financier parasites like you, we live in a mathematical universe and if something cant be expressed in a theoretical/mathematical way it WILL not appear or be maintained in the physical world.The freer the market the more enslaved everything and everyone else is and the more blood sacrifices need to be performed to "the Line god". An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible to serve the living beings needs and desires and be able to be adjusted according to our needs at any given moment/period.4chan parasites, financiers, rightoids and nazis like you will seethe and cope but these are the facts and the longer you deny them and bury your heads in the sand and scapegoat innocent beings(poors,women,non human animals,black ppl or whoever else you braindead parasites hate) the more you will continue leading lonely, sad, hateful and painful lives into even more miserable and pointless deaths as the proud, obedient, compliant, insecure and submissive bootlicking proud modern day slaves that you so desperately want be
>>52849869>so is FOMC gonna send the market up another 5%?Anon, is this the face of a man who's going to pump bags?
>>OP> ManowarNoice
>"Federal holding facility"?>Bring him to the Buccaneers locker room. I'll take care of him.
>>52849869it's a big market
>>52849901God i love these pictures XD
>>52849871Yeah show yourself faggot. Face the music. We know you are here.
>>52849901this is
faggot market’s just gonna crab until power hour, isn’t it?
Doing great bros, how are you this fine morning?
>>52849871If you didn't sell KOLD on the massive pump, then you're braindead.>>52849905*kisses your son*heh
should i just close my puts and take the L or gamble it all on powell dumping tomorrow...
What if I buy good companies?
>>52849900>Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of itand that's a good thingthis is the only way i can larp as a supervillain. i once made money indirectly off the uyghur genocide when a security software company got acquired by china and later implicated in it
nothing but motherfucking green around here
Well anons. There was a nice drop in IV today for the indexes. So I bought a couple deep in the money SPY LEAPS. Furthest expiration date. I guess we'll see if SPY can get above $440 in 2.2 years.
I'm starting to get pretty frustrated about being such an idiot. Everything I do is timed so poorly as to appear to be deliberately bad.
all you bitch ass niggas from the reddit should have let the last thread hit the bump limit before posting in the new thread. you are all everything that is wrong with these threads
>>52849966What an interesting concept, anon.
>>52849961Powell will not dump it, tomorrow.>>528499661 question:Do you do business with any of them?
>>52849961gamble is always the correct choice.
>>52849871>>52849925>>52849957It pumped 12% yesterday and I sold before close.. go read the old thread retard.I sold $12 12/16 puts today
>>52849859u wut m8
>>52849988What have your recent trades been and why did you time them the way you did?
>crypto bros going to prison>inflation over>stocks going up>chinese people forced back into factoriesThe world is healing, bros
>>52849983Begone Brie poster. We don't want your kind in here.
>>52849996Peter is what peak performance I ironically looks like and his accent makes me wetter than a really wet pussy.
>>52849993Who cares about bump limits, Ukraine got tactically nuked.
>>52849983>>52850023>brie larson (man)>jen connely (old)Where is the emma poster when you need him?>>52850039set point?
>>52850035>Ukraine got tactically nuked.digits and its happening
is Vix literally just free money?
>mfw I got sqoozed out this morning
>>52850013This seems like helpful advice and i will heed it and review my trades during the year to see if i can learn from my past mistakes.In short, I keep buying the top and selling the bottom. I think it's mostly a variant of fomo.
>>52850017>chinese people forced back into factoriesAs an oil baron, I object to this cruel workaholism. For pity's sake let them go on some globe trotting vacations first, preferably as far as possible.
Pretty sure Musk is taking a gigantic diarrhea dump on TSLA baggies today.He has gone full Karp.>remember arguing with Musk simps in /smg/ near the beginning of 2021 that said he would never sell any shareslolJustLOL
>>52850049I am one and the same.
What the fuck was that!
crab chads win again
>>52850035> got tactically nukedDamn, I missed that. Shit's fucked m8.
>>52850067We saw what happened last time we let those people loose on the world
So CPI goes down because of oil falling, that was expected. But now oil goes up 4% in a day because of oil falling.i'm too dumb to play this market
>>52850066Buy Low Sell High, thats the smg way
wtf WAS that?
>>52850084based best emma
>>52850095It all works out in the end as long as there aren't any commies
Tesla, at these prices, is a bargain
Congrats on inflation not being 5000% per month, it's only 4999.99% per month!
4150 rejected , 4100 rejected ...Mumus you got too cocky
Stocks are now up less than DXY is down.
>>52850035fun-sized nukes don't do shit, if putin actually had some balls he'd fire off a couple king-sized tsar bombas.
>>52850049>the emma poster>theHow gay do you think /smg/ is? There's no way we have just one.>>52850066Yeah, people can sometimes tip you off to good moves or companies but if there are a lot of them, or it's bragging about past gains rather than fundamental reasons to buy, you're probably better off waiting for a pullback.
>>52850006Good move anon. Glad you didn't dca in like you wanted to.
4000 breached posting soon
>>52850129emma is a man, right?
>>52850023Bree… Caitlin bree
Is SPY goes red today i will seriously rip my fucking dick right off my body. wtf is this retarded dump???
I'm getting heemed
what the actual hell is going on. Why did nasdaq drop 1% in just a few minutes???!???
>>52850092I still get a chuckle out of "bat soup croup".But that's actually a good point for them to be unleashed, nobody'd be around to cook up new viruses at the WIV.
has there ever been a market more clownish than this?
>>52850165Ukraine got nuked dawg.
>>52850120half the pump is already gonei have a bad feeling about this
>>52850119>Tesla, at these prices, is a bargainHistoric P/Es for auto manufacturers is 5-10 and TSLA's is juiced with dark arts accounting.
>>52850161*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap
>futures just hit that signal againIt's ogre
>>52850165>Why did nasdaq drop 1% in just a few minutes?I'm calling my female broker to find out.
>>52850142If you think men can get pregnant, sure, kiddo.>>52850161>Stocks plunge on news of stock plunge
oil? oil.Remember the black golden rule:any pump in this inflationary environment will cause oil equities to outperform over time.
>>52850177No fucking way. The press would be all over this shit the second it happened calling for WWIII
>>52850183Market giving up 2.5% in like 1 hour, nah, that's great action! buy buy buy!
The pump is deflatingStop selling right this instant
Holy shit we are fading fast. We will end up red at this rate. Bulls are about to get slaughtered.
SPY breached below 200 SMAsell everything
>>52850211>men can't get pregnantwow, bigots out now!
>>52850220its all over /pol/, this is THE happening of the whole year.
>>52850226Why didnt you start selling when you saw the deflature begin?
>Carvana, Silvergate, MPW, ARKK all pumped>I didn’t short anythingWhich one of you took advantage of that golden opportunity?
>>52850227Just weaklings getting shaken out. Tomorrow will be a giant green dildo. Easiest market of my life.
>>52850215>SPY: +0.8%>XLE: +1.9%>XOP: +1.7%>OIH: +3.3%>CRAK: +1.1%
>>52850005TSLA, META, GME, and AMC for sure. Rest is speculative.
I"m not a bobo but if you zoom out on SPY it seems like we're going to go down
>>52850192Why is she shoving her feet in the trash bag's face and why is the trash bag just taking it?
>>52850241Baggie stop. I'm gullible.>in before hi gullible I'm dad
>>52850005Depends. Are you shorting this Silvergate money laundering shitco?
>>52850130I said I would if it went against me and then 3 hours later I said it was going parabolic and then an hour later I told everyone to sell and called them niggers.$12 is a great entry these puts I sold are probably not going to be assigned but if they are ill just DCA shares and ride it back up again. KOLD is my shitcoin until DRIP gives me another good entry.. $12 or so I'll start buying DRIP again
>>52850215the inverse is also true tho
>>52850234theres a difference between giving birth and shoving an infant up your ass so you can shit it out and call it a live birth
>>52849924The age of Darth Powell is not over. He said that he won't stop raising rates until the job is done. Don't play into his hands. He's going to unload the fed balance sheet on you.
>>OPDigits and we end up red today
>>52850305Who does Powell mean when he says "you"?
SPY is back above the 200 SMA buy buy buy
>>52850119Tesla is a $20 stock that pulled off a massive pump and dump on the S&P500, which is now slowly unwinding.The whole thing was just frontrunning and manipulation all along. Elon got his bag and diversified into taking over twitter, so he no longer cares.Reminder that $20 is still $300 pre-covid, pre-splits, which itself was already a fairly high speculative valuation. However, given the vast quantity of share dilution they managed to push onto passive investors at stupidly high price levels, there remains some actual cash that supports the balance sheet. While some cash was wasted on mal-investment in German factories and such, there is still a real business underneath - so I can't quite call Tesla a zero like many of the other SPACs and other scams that popped up in the 2020-2021 fed-induced liquidity bubble.
just end my life tbqh senpai
>>52850347to heck with you Powell!
>>52850305>He said that he won't stop raising rates until the job is done.This month just put a 0.1% on the board. And that's with a hot shelter number which he's previously acknowledged is lagged (i.e. a component the doves are able to throw out).Unless OPEC goes ham in the next month, tomorrow might very well be the last hike of this cycle.
>>>52849742>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_PxN8J9WQncLet's dissect...>#18 It's a successful ETF launch!For JPM :^)Keep in mind what he says in the segment, though.Then realize that you're supposedly getting a "safe" 10%+ return while only paying 0.35% expanses.First red flag for anybody who hasn't jizzed all over himself yet.>#17 It's not cheap, but it is a good valueHoly fuck what a brainlet, almost stopped the video right there.IT IS RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP (for what it supposedly is doing)[see point above]>#16 It's secretly a low-volatility stock portfolioTell me that you're relatively new to the financial markets or started your "career" during the 12+ year golden bullrun without directly telling me.That guy has never seen a monthly red candle.Not his fault, though.>#15>#14>#13Whatever>#12No shit?!>#11 It offers a ridiculously high yield...IT JUST DOES, OK!?!??!b-b-b-but HOW?COOL IT WITH THE ANTISEMITISM>#10 But not all from dividendsYou don't say.>#9 That big income comes at a costOHNONONONONO that cost is not just from "limited upside" topkekThat guy has very little knowledge and experience with options it seems.For example he does not address what happens to covered call writing in rampant bull markets, which is one of JEPI's unexplained and unsolved mysteries how they are able to avoid those effects.>#8 THIS ISN'T (TECHNICALLY) A COVERED CALL ETFYOU DON'T SAY!?AND HE DOES NOT MENTION THAT JPM DOESN'T PROVIDE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THESE ELN HOLDINGS WHICH JEPI INVESTS IN ANYWHERE.>#7 That brings counterparty riskBut that counterparty is seemingly fine with donating their funds to JEPI under literally every market condition (in the past) EACH AND EVERY MONTH(1/2)
Decided to use my daytrade to sell my $160 puts I brought this morning. Missed out on another 200 dollar pump but this gave me back all the money I put in on puts. Up 60%. Here is to hoping things stay down so I can sell tomorrow at open before JPow fucks my other puts.>Captcha: JPVUP
>>52850366(2/2)>#6 It performs best in sideways/down markets...until it doesn't.>#5 JEPI offers better risk-adjusted returnsCan't say that because nobody is able to assess JEPI's true risk as the specifications of their ELN holdings are nowhere explained. The most crucial downside of JEPI, btw.>#4 You shouldn't beat the S&P 500 long-termOh?>#3 Don't buy in a taxable accountWhatever.>#2 Don't spend the income!Just don't, ok? :^)>#1 The best covered call ETF I've seen...And this is where this guy reveals his cluelessness and/or incompetence since he IS NOT ABLE TO ASSESS the true risk of JEPI simply because of the fact that certain specifics to the mechanics of the fund are purposefully hidden and undisclosed by JPM themselves.JEPI is pure mystery juice and nobody, literally nobody, has yet been able to point to a document where the specifics of the ELN holdings are disclosed.>they're just writing calls, broNo they don't.You don't know what they do.They won't let you know.My best guess is that those ELN's are the off ramp of the counterparties which they will happily pay hefty fees for every month just to be able to have them for the very moment that they will need to exercise them.Moments later JEPI will go poof.It goes on until it doesn't.
>>52850251Yeah, no shit about tomorrow, but what about today?It seems like an easy put scalp day until sour hour and then we load up on some spy 400c going into tomorrow
>>52850251I bought some calls on the dump. This is my take as well. Trying to shakeout the retards that bought calls at the top and screw people both ways.
>>52850324And wallah, just like that resistance has become support
>>52850356hahasorry that's just how it works
>JEPI has a namefag nowSo it's dogshit
https://www.reuters.com/technology/binance-halts-withdrawals-major-usdc-stablecoin-2022-12-13/Binance Bros...
SOXX went over the 200 dma today briefly and now it seems to be sticking around. Is now actually, finally, the time to load up?
>>5285025150bbp already priced in, same with the lunacy rate cuts next year.He will be hawkish as fuck since core cpi is sticky, and the rest is only down due to enegy, which is already rebounding, putin thinking about cuts same with opec.nat gas already rallying since the winter is , oh how can that be, colder then planned
is it actually possible for today to end red
>>52850285Do you think it's gonna touch 12?
>>52850386Assuming today will be sour is a mistake. Market should close up at least a full percent over current levels. Regardless your expiry should be tomorrow or Friday, if it was today you should have sold at open.
>>52850413it has to close aboveor that's the Gayed rule for leverage on SP500 at least
>>52850445Yes... lmao
>>52850445if today end red it is 100% OFFFICIALLY over af
aaaaaaaaa SPY is back below the 200 SMA sell everything
i bought the premarket top thinking we are being priced out and its done nothing but dump. fuckin literally can not get a win
lol lmao
close deep red
>>52850446Probably on China opening narrative or whatever other clickbait we see $10-12. Then I'll buy calls for like $14 May 2023 and just wait again until they 2x-3x. It's a shitcoin you don't even have to look at the chart or wonder why it moves just buy low sell high nigguh
So is Tesla dead?
>>52850318when he says he is going to rape you if don't listen. the (you) is the one not listening.
>>52850445Its possible to end...exactly where it began!
>>52850406The question isn't whether Binance is going under (obviously they're not, the article's retarded) the question is who wants Reuters to FUD it.
S&P is literally a penny stock right now. How anyone take such price action on a multi-trillion index seriously is getting to breaking point
>>52850504nah just heading to 150
>>52850492congratulations on getting hooked LOLbig money bid it up hard to dump on retail at lmao prices
>>52850445It's possible, and also likely. This is the natural realization that deflation due to recession is not bullish. It takes a while for liquidity to flow through and for dollar based positioning to be exited though.In the end, today's CPI news is a loss for the United States. We think we're winning, but we are losing.
>>52850436Hawkish jawboning is priced in, market is scared. MoM just printed at target. If Powell so much as sneezes in a dovish tone the market rockets. Risk is offsides in favor of the bull thesis. I own both puts and calls but I expect calls to print tomorrow. You do you and good luck.
>>52850506yeah i'm thinking so toomess with the crab and you get snibbed young man
I staked my entire net worth into leveraged equity longs yesterday, I took the risk, CPI was on my side, and now all the gains are fucking dumping back out again. I TOOK THE RISK, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY REWARD?!?! this market is unbefuckinglievable, best economic print of the year and it can't even sustain a 2% pump
heh i might end up in the red today
>>52850445i dunno, i would think we would be red since putin used the funsized nuke. i doubt we can close red if a nuclear strike in europe isn't getting us there. maybe lil kim can fire one off at the south koreans next and that'll move the needle to where we need it to be for us to go red.
Really wishing I kept my 408p that I sold too early rn.
>>52850536>6+% inflation>goodbulls are so fucking delusional its unreal
>>52850318Yknow whats fucked up.This is an exact quote.
>>52850480We told you not to get HOOKEDAnd you are definitely HOOKED
>>52850551annualized MoM was below fed's 2% target bobonigger
>>52850536>he didn’t sell the news
>>52850472I see. Well, fingers crossed. I'm betting nothing exciting will happen until after Powell speaks though.
I hope you didn't buy the top today anon
>>52850536If it's good enough to screenshot... It's good enough to sellPrideful niggers get the ropeSPY to sub 400 now
>>52850560I love seeing this, it took me like 15min to make back in January
I took profit on my SOXL at $14.80. when should I start buying back in?
Market manipulation at its best
Mumus on suicide watch ...we told 2 hours ago but you didnt listen
>>52850586Imagine the succ
>>52850580Simpleton mumu
Short meta It needs to go down 3% to match the rest of the marketAapl already gapped down, meta is next.
Buy close sell open, it’s that simple anons.
The Fed is not done.
Damn my shorts might not actually get margin called today
>>52850517>deflationwhat deflation?
so uh, why are we dumping after a good cpi?
>>52850666Man you held all day? Not sure if you're smart or dumb
The real mystery is who the fuck saw stocks +3% this morning and decided now is the time to buy.
oh no no no fellow mumu bros, not like this, not like this, nooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
M-mumus? I'm afraid this is just a prelude for tomorrow's real heemin
>>52850686trust the plan
Wowzers, crude contango nearly wiped out.
dow is redlol
>>52850688lmaonormies>>52850697naw, just a heckin reddit shakeout
I loaded up on sqqq at 39.90. it is absolutely printing
>>52850666digits confirm today closes in the deepest depths of hell
Fuck this clown market.
>Weekly vwap is now resistanceSorry mumu
>SPY went from +3% to flat
When are bobos on SMG going to learn the markets will never ever dump? Do you want to know what happened in 2008? Banks made losing bets over housing loans and were doing it for decades and accelerated it greatly after the dotcom crash and bush jr became president because baby boomers had nowhere else to park their blown up fiat other then that and piss metal (gold) and even boomers didnt want to stack piss metal at a multidecade low. And you know what the silent generation started the market ponzi game ball rolling because they didnt want a great depression 2 in 1980 out of paranoia. The government was more then happy to dump trillions not billions but trillions in 2008 to tape it all up and did it smugly because they knew there was no alternative to third party transaction settlement institutes (banks) then. Why do you think big players like dimon always hated on bitcoin? Cause it was the technology that would invalidate the need for bank bailouts then. And then you have midwits thinking buffett was some galaxy brain for not offering bailouts to banks during the meltdown leading up to the crash. It was a one time incident that almost crashed the entire medium of exchange we use for everyday business and the gravy train was too easy since. Bailouts and market pumping will never end until another system of transaction invaliding the need for trusted third party settlement systems comes into mainstream (bitcoin).
It's over.
>>52850720lmao even
>>52850681I keep on saying what I'll keep saying. Darth Powell is dumping his bags on you. He literally said what he is doing.
Jesus fucking christ, going from +15% to 0% is SO FUCKING STUPID god dammit man can't the fucking faggots running the markets just... not do it this way? When do they just say "oh shit okay the algorithms are pretty wild these days"?
>>52850661Is "long service companies because higher inflation = higher prices = higher revenues = better earnings" a good takeaway from this?
and to think I almost panic sold my SOXS
>>52850676>what deflation?The momentary flip from prices increasing to prices declining, before they start increasing again in the 2nd stagflationary wave. It's already happening with rents, gas prices, shipping costs, etc.CPI has a massive lag on some data points. It's why the Fed had that bullshit narrative of "transitory" inflation all through 2021, all the while it was becoming increasingly obvious that a serious spike was about to show up in the data.
>>52850688because it could easily do another 3% and then another
brutal rejection
The relief feels good. Dont it?
santa rally bros... what's going to happen tomorrow...
I guess 7% inflation with a crashing economy and a fed not showing any hints of rate hike stops is in fact, not bullish
>>52850809holy shit. this is it. this is actually it. this is the big one.
Tech Bros, we are still in the lead
>>52850192those are some incredible legs ngl
Why is everyone ahhhh posting. The TMF, YANG and KOLD I shilled are all printingI told you not to fuck with JPOW days if you can't handle +/-4% candles on indexs every two seconds
4150 rejected , 4100 rejected , 4050 rejected , 4000 rejected...
>>52850803That'll only happen if the fed cuts. But why would they need to cut if markets have pumped? But then why should markets pump? But if they don't pump, maybe the fed needs to cut?It's a recursive loop, continuing infinitely.
>>52850783>flip from prices increasing to prices decliningApart from certain sectors, where do you see prices broadly declining at the moment?"Official inflation numbers" still remain positive m/m.However, I agree with you that these reports are lagging.Nevertheless, you see another broad wave of inflation hitting soon?How so?Genuinely curious.
>>52850809Never go against the meme line
Gap fill by eow
Another pump and dump coming tomorrow. Stock market is now a shitcoin
>>52850783>It's not transitory!>It's just a spike!That is literally the definition of transitory you fucking mong
>Fed Whisperer: Get more bullish
>>52850822If the market closes at current levels despite today's print (which was at target on an annualized basis) the Fed is going to get nervous and try to calm markets a bit which could easily cause a squeeze going into close. If the Fed remains full hawkish expect a devastating puke into Friday and next week.
>>52850841they dont make their decision based on whether or not the market pumps. market is irrelevant
I am now up for the day.
>Nobody cares about the housing market collapse
Hope you guys closed your longs already
>>52850876>line may go up or may go downThis is why i come to smg.. top tier market analysis
>>52850828Yknow like the concept of a shooting star... Yeah this was the shooting star. Like its actually ganna be painful. Imma close my eyes.
Just opened a new stock broking account to trade in US equities. I openeded it to just buy uranium. Am I going to make it?
>>52850822jewish tricks, 100 point rate hike, pre-recorded fairwell message from zelenski will be broadcast.
>>52850897Soxl sissies are still bagholding
>>52850876>Expect a devastating pukeWhy?? Why the absolute fuck are markets STILL skittish about rate hikes and inflation after literally a year of the exact same shit? How can the markets simultaneously be "forward looking" but still bounce around like a shitcoin every time there's a fucking report?
>>52850897I bought some. Why the fuck do you niggers panic sell the bottom and greed fomo the top?
this market makes me want to kms nothing but jewish scams at every opportunity
lost 25k usd, all my money on thsi spy shit. my position closed since it hit 410 and now its going down again immediateley afterwards. its over for me.
>>52850911Because finance workers are nowhere near as smart as they think they are. Throw algos into this uncharted territory and you end up with major indexes as shitcoins.
Goto $SH don't tell anyone I sent ya there.
>>52850919>implying this is the bottomtop kek my good mate
I literally just don't know anymore. this market has completely baffled, bamboozled and beclowned me. wake me up when shit starts to make sense again
WHY are people fading this generational buying opportunity?! Is it just boomers derisking before the FOMC? Do they not realize that it's now an ultra bullish event?
>>52849900You know all of these things about capitalism and the market and yet you're still poor. Curious.
Mumu’s exuberance was palpable at 8:40am and then at the open
>>52850936buck brokenshoulda bought OIL
>>52850936thank you for your sacrifice, goyimhttps://voca.ro/15zim0mZSRjM
>>52850936Kek rip anon
This dump is actually extremely impressive, you'd expect it to hold on to some gains, but no, and all the shit stocks that were up 7% at open are -3% now.Wow.
>>52850846>Nevertheless, you see another broad wave of inflation hitting soon?>How so?China reopening. SPR releases ending. Perhaps the Fed actually makes the laziest choice and cuts when they see inflation has zeroed out 6 months from now.Meanwhile anyone with treasuries is seeing 5% more dollars in their account, year over year. Anyone with a job is seeing 5%+ pay raises. All of this means actual dollars that will eventually be spent. Once people realize this, it'll explode higher as no one wants to hold the bag on a declining currency. It's a confidence game. It's a cycle.>>52850860The rate of inflation is transitory. The rise in price level and flood of dollars was permanent. People interpreted "transitory" inflation as if everything would go back to pre-covid. You can't just magically reverse inflation like that. Inflation spiraled harder and longer than people expected because the Fed spent too long telling everything that it was just gonna magically work out. Now they're stuck paying people nearly 5% on treasuries just to try and recover some sense of balance.
>sqqq loses and regains almost the same amount in a daynice market
>>52850911The market is highly emotional right now and JPow has been beating it senselessly so it has battered wife syndrome. It wants to be loved but it's scared to show affection lest JPow takes out his belt. For this reason JPow is likely to woo the market a bit tomorrow if it continues to whimper in the corner but if it gets up before the announcement the belt will come out and it will be buckle end this time. Hope that helps.
Anons who traded before 2020: Were (they) a bit more subtle in scamming markets then? I feel like it's pretty blatant now.
>>52850952Baggie don't play ignorant you know the kike tricks>blow up all the puts >blow up all the calls>stop at magic even 400.00>pump
>>52850970the retrace of the brookings pump last week at least made sense since it was just a random powell appearance where the markets pumped +5% based on literally nothing other than his relaxed body language. this is literally the most bullish economic print of the last year though and people are selling it off like the S&P is a bsc shitcoin. I am well and truly perplexed.
>>OPI shorted above 34600 but didn't hold, I actually left 3-4 minutes after US stock market opened (EU here), ffs. This is really tiring
>>52850986Nailed it.
>>52850955cpi/fomc fuckery. once everyone realizes its all a nothingburger after tomorrow. we scam pump up 4%+ again
I told you all last Friday to head to the International markets until the USA crab is dead. They are still up today even after the sell off and will actually make sense in movements. None of this shitcoin movements in the US markets.
>>52850994The volatility in 2020-2022 is unusual, so it's a lot more obvious now than it used to be
>>52850780no. it just means wages are going up, so any company that uses wagies will have higher expenses
Said yesterday they'd find a way to fuck over both bears and bulls and what do ya know, it happened.
>>52850951>>52850960>>52850965>>52850967on the 13th of october i was up 20k on it, i didnt sell like the greedy goblin i am. now i lost it all.its over, i legit have to focus on my school now and be a good wage slave so maybe i can build it back up in the future.
yfw the guy went 40x short and then went long after it was up at start of day
>>52850935I like the volatility
So I still don't get it, why did we pump on the numbers this morning? How is rising inflation supposed to be bullish?
Morning gap up is closed. Market can pump again now.
>jepi>schd>trade spy optionsyeah
>>52851049less inflation points than expected = less aggressive hikes= higher stocks.
>>52851049high prices = greater sales = higher gdp
>>52851049it was less than expectedthen everyone sold the newsand here we are
>>52850975Great post.Food for thought.
>>52850935>nothing but jewish scams at every opportunityGood. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.
>>52851049check again, we are going back down
>>52851049because the market is too short sighted. i said yesterday we might get a negative print but it doesn't mean anything. wages are growing too fast meaning future prints are going to be sticky at 7% or higheroil went from 95 to 85 to get this good print. itll have to keep falling in order to keep numbers low
better gains in the next ten years with a weekly DCA:SOXL or AMD
Pure volatility. My pincers are quivering with excitement.
>>52851069>less than expected>inflation rising>need to bring it down>it doesn't rise as much>but still risingIt's just not computing here, why is this bullish? Inflation is still going in the wrong direction.
>>52850994every year is progressively worse since at least 2000 here. 2008+ was blatant. 2020+ is absolutely a clown market.
>>52850808>>52850947>>52850951>>52850986https://twitter.com/federalreserve/status/1602718203695742980Tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. ET: Chair Powell hosts live #FOMC press conference: https://federalreserve.gov>>52851032And the Bogleheads march on, unphased.Also someone posted a pic of my house yesterday.
>>52851046Same. Easy to make money either way just bag the gains and get the fuck out >>52851056This guy gets it
>>52851036>20kYeah, you would have had to focus on school and be a good wage slave with that anyway.
>>52851049Month over month inflation was roughly at the Fed's target 2% rate on an annualized basis.I think the market is actually dumping because it's still expecting a 50 bps increase tomorrow which now looks like an overshoot. No one really expects a surprise to the downside since JPow hasn't done that this entire cycle so he's just expected to pump rates into deflation. He already said "raising rates too high is less risky than not high enough."He was behind the curve on raising rates and now he'll be behind on the other end too.
>>52851003That's why I trade a 30-120 minute timeline. Far as I'm concerned there's no past and no future on the SPY/QQQThere's only now and a little longer than now
>>52850975So next year, even if prices are the same (too high) Inflation only will be 0-2%? That's what's meant with transitory?
Activate crab-22 until tomorrow
>>OP>thread themehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jxwQWVI-jA
Fuck. What fucking FUD is this? Can I meet the author so I can see how small his hat really is?
...and it's under $400
>CNBC Mike Santoli>Markets are acting like a video game
and just like that, SPY was never able to go above $400 again.
>>52851133>markets are acting like a video gameSTOP NOTICINGGGGGG
>>52851099less than expected means rates will rise slower and/or there will be a lower absolute highest rate which is bullish...sortaproblem is that it's still a long way to gobasically the market is trying to time the bottom of rates but it's super early, so that's why we are still gonna go down over the long termso TLDR less than expected means a temporary pump, emphasis on temporary
>>52851137I still believe the day we initially busted under 400 spy was the greatest day on /smg/ so far this year, it was a back and forth battle all day
>>52851115>So next year, even if prices are the same (too high) Inflation only will be 0-2%? That's what's meant with transitory?I wouldn't doubt that we will witness the most retarded screeching of>INFLATION OVER>PRICES FALLINGif we might see low, yet still positive y/y inflation numbers starting some time in 2023.Never mind the 8%+ rise the year before which still remains in the system... that's like totally a long time ago hehe.No, seriously...They will just gloss over the rampant price inflation that we've seen 2022 when next year prices appear "stable."
>>52851087thiswage price spiral is in actionsee >>52850661cpi means nothing
Is this like the opposite of a short covering rally or something where everyone with a brain was giga long and now the market dumps on good news because event longs are closed? The economy is strong with a great labor market and annualized MoM inflation is below 2%. All evidence points towards a soft landing and ATH soon except yield curve astrology. Hopefully boomers will be reassured by JPow and the climb to ATH resumes.
>>52851049It’s rising less fast. Kek. That’s literally it.
>>52850536The volume wasn't there because JPOW is speaking tomorrow.I think this morning was just a preview of what happens when we get a 50bps hike.
>>52851189>except yield curve astrology.so every indicator except the 96% accurate one says no recessionkeep going long LOL
>>52850935Of course. I thought everyone knew that wallstreet is just Jews jewing Jews all the way down. Have you ever been to New York?
>>52851179There is no evidence of a wage price spiral. Which is why goods inflation was actually below target this print. If the Fed is smart they'll either pause tomorrow or raise 25 bps but we know they're always behind on everything so I expect them to raise until the market breaks and then we'll go back to zero in a single quarter.
>>52851189>All evidence points towards a soft landing and ATH soon except yield curve astrologyYeah just throw that one out. It doesnt fit
>>5285119750bps is what everyone was thinking, you’ll only see a pump like this morning is if he does 25bps or giga dump if he does an unexpected 75bps since no FOMC until February
I bought some more MDB at 203.70.I will start selling it at 300.I will make a lot of money.
>>52851224It doesn't mean anything, bonds are distorted by the Fed and the traders themselves trade based on what they think the Fed will do. They're betting on a recession that is NOT HAPPENING.
>>52851215slavery was outlawed awhile ago, people are not goods.
>MFW the DOW is now red
>>52851236A 75% chance of 50bps is priced in.When he announces a 50bps hike those odds will have jumped to 100%.
Fucking bake already
>>52851236False. 50 bps can easily pump if he jawbones dovishly. 75 bps is absolutely off the table at this point.
>>52851273never bet against darth powell
why the fuck are we dumping?
>>52851189basically cpi was bullish today but they had to crush someone, so they crushed the puts with the pump and then crushed that pump after. another flavour of the same shit tomorrow
>>52851284>inflation going up>bullish
>>52851273>The previous two CPI reports have showed our rate hikes working while the job market stays strong, hence we will do another 75bepis
>>52851281the market is healing
>>52851170But is that what they mean when they say transitory? I mean, Inflation technically goes down, cause it's stagnating aka not going up further yoy, but that doesn't mean that we are not getting fucked by high prices.
>>52851109>2% annualizedIsn't the core inflation rate above 6%, meaning we should see 6% annualized next year if it stops accelerating?
>>52851215Dude, I’m paying over 200% for eggs from the start of the year. If you believe in federal stats about inflation going down you’re a fool.
>>52851296If he says bepis I'll be dead
>>52851302Yeah. You finally figured it out
Imagine not selling such an obvious top this morning. You guys are so stupid
>>52851209i know its all scams, just still surprises me just how jewish it is every time i submit an order. i would somewhat like to visit NY but it also scares me to some extent. i used to live in a city and im not really a fan, its filled with large amount of shitty people
>>52851306No they want these prices to go even higher, but only at 2% ;-)
>>52851306This. CPI numbers are complete bogus. Markets are starting to realize it was only low because Oil crashed. Real inflation is still shafting middle/lower class.
The jews are coming back from lunch. We can resume the pump.
>>52851306>Eggs make up our entire economy.
>>52851305Look at MoM annualized to figure out what a given month's data actually says. Annual CPI is just last month's diluted into the previous eleven months, which is useful but can be misleading.
>>52851295https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/consumer-price-index-cpiits come down ever so slightly
>>52851302They'll likely see the past price increases as wholly and resoundingly accepted by business and the consumer.Which, quite honestly, they wouldn't be completely wrong about...Everybody has accepted these prices,people are still gorging on more debt.Iphones as well as everything else still flying off the shelves.
>>52850956Why would i be rich or even aspire to be rich as a communist? Are you braindead or something. I lead honest happy life i am not a parasite nor aim to become one
>>52851314Yeah, imagine.
>>52851404cpi isnt even the problem, its houses doing +300% and rent doing +800% since 2000and the only way to fix that is running off the balance sheet and permanently ending easy money
>>52851536Who said anything about rich? You could be making a living owning the means of production with all your vast knowledge of how to manipulate those evil capitalists and outwit their schemes.But I know you don't think about it. Communism literally is the ideology of the idle rich who think they know better. You have a trust fund and everything so you never have to think about where your next meal is coming from.
OMG, NOOOO, I JUST SHORTED 20 minutes ago, please, noooo
>>52851587Wtf are you even talking about holy fucking shit
>>52851536>Why would i be rich or even aspire to be rich as a communist?why wouldn't you? you, as an individual or as part of a group, need money to influnce the society.
>>52852121Wtf are you saying, no i dont. Yes i could influence society by money-maxxing but i would be influencing it in the literal opposite way of the one I seek and want, just spreading more cancer. It is literally counter productive to money maxx, since communist seek classless, stateless and MONEYLESS societies, we seek to kill moneh. Instead i influence society every day with my actions, work(i mean work in the mathematical term not just my job), words and lifestyle.