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>> No.26612284
Quoted by: >>26612364


>> No.26612324

Yeah, I'm FOMOing 30k into GME tomorrow.

>> No.26612332


>> No.26612353

This one was first

>> No.26612357
File: 3.84 MB, 5000x5000, tere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe normies saying OMG IM GONAN GET IN GME WITH 500 BUCKS AT 200$ GME

fuckin fags

try being all in with 40,000$ in gme april calls 6 months ago and becoming homeless when i cant pay my rent in february

fucking loser ass fucker piece of shits

no your 8$ gains on your 500 dollar fomo bet you put in gme at 300$ gme a share is not going to help

>> No.26612359
File: 38 KB, 512x384, DolphinOlympics2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26612360

Thanks whale. Keep it out of the hands of wallstreet.

>> No.26612364

Buy land.

>> No.26612416
File: 15 KB, 594x330, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean...

>> No.26612427

Kill yourself already.

>> No.26612442
Quoted by: >>26612579

Anyone catch the ticker $GME today??

>> No.26612461
File: 225 KB, 548x538, 1603126854861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me how GME stock affects GS2C stock?
If all the short sold shares are on GME, how come the squeeze happens on GS2C too? They're apparently not the exact same thing under a different name so how do they relate to each other?

>> No.26612463
Quoted by: >>26612555

>Only made 45k off GME options

fuck :( literal millionaires made this week and I can only buy a new car

>> No.26612498
File: 123 KB, 750x693, 2E9311F3-5DD3-4980-A04E-2C37C8264DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26612824

Melvin capital has a 1 billion dollar position in EXPE
EXPE is a 19 billion dollar company
We short it
Melvin has to liquidate and sell it
We win

>> No.26612501
Quoted by: >>26612631

this is going to make BTC in Q1 2018 look like a fucking joke, can't wait to harvest normie robinhood tears when this rug gets pulled out

>> No.26612515
File: 2.82 MB, 710x600, 1611008652708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26612524

and then there's you, with 0$

>> No.26612555

get out of the GME game anon. you've made your cash, congrats! head for the exit.

>> No.26612579

No I haven't heard of that ticker, what is $GME?

>> No.26612587
File: 19 KB, 360x270, activate it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26612657

the whole board has stopped talking about shitcoins. it's going to be great when they get rugpulled.

>> No.26612618

How do I store my GME in my Ledger Nano? Help???

>> No.26612631
File: 50 KB, 563x846, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a few threads ago I mentioned that I'm now scraping WSB comments as they come in.
What data should I extract?

>> No.26612641
File: 3.04 MB, 1627x2475, 1582670507241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26612885

ruined my chance of a lifetime

i put in more hours of my life devoted to gme than anyone here

fucking asshole fucker piece of filths

>> No.26612643
File: 22 KB, 300x391, denim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post hedgie and kike salt from today.

>> No.26612657
Quoted by: >>26612869

crypto is WAY too high to invest in currently. that's why they are looking at stocks.

>> No.26612664
File: 912 KB, 4032x3024, 1611702645291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26612799

>> No.26612670
Quoted by: >>26612745


>> No.26612706

Anyone aware of RDHL. A pharma company with a COVID drug in trial and a 99.5% short float.

The drug looks promising and the potential for a short squeeze is there. It’s going fucking crazy AH.

>> No.26612735


>> No.26612736
File: 477 KB, 1242x1400, kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26612738

Part 1 of "The Big Short 2":
Michael Burry opens a long position on GME in March of 2020. Huge payoff despite the naysayers for more than a year
Part 2 of "The Big Short 2":
Huge payoff from TSLA short position despite the naysayers for more than a year
Some of you might be part of the "also rans" for Part 1 the Big Squeeze. Are you bad enough dudes to be part of the Big Short?

>> No.26612745

Schwab is pretty based, next day deposits. I like their stock slices too, don't use them, but it's a neat option.

>> No.26612756
Quoted by: >>26612883

Who gives a fuck when they already have this in a more presentable format?

>> No.26612762
Quoted by: >>26612915

I think GS2C is just a low volume copy of GME, so I guess people trading GS2C try to align with GME to avoid getting screwed over. Like, no reason to sell for less or buy for more than the GME price, so GS2C mirrors it.

>> No.26612768
File: 173 KB, 600x900, EiV3tvmU4AAFn5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking hilarious how its all over the news and shit and elon musk tweets it and stuff

its almost like it was meant to happen and for me to not be a part of it

>> No.26612769
File: 112 KB, 1280x719, amc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do have your AMC cheapies don't you, anon? You don't want to miss the next moon mission, the next gain train?
You don't? Oh, well there's still time to get in. Better run to the concessions while the opening credits are rolling. But hurry, the film has started and the line is already spiking! Not much time left before 7, then 10, then 20, then 50! The clock is ticking, anon. Time to take action.
Now, I hope you've got all your snacks, since there's no leaving now. Your names will be plastered on the end credits as you emerge richer than you've ever been. Ladies and gentlemen, the show has just begun!

>> No.26612800
File: 459 KB, 2000x1333, 1610384124719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true /smg/ers do not post outside of the general. everyone else is risking the anger of the gods. let these shitcoiners get rekt.

>> No.26612799

>They will keep shorting in order to keep the stock from rocketing to the moon
cringe desu

>> No.26612812


placed in reverse-order


>> No.26612824

Let's see what the experts at /r/wallstreetbets decide

>> No.26612843 [DELETED] 

Wait until your dad dies and leaves you half a million dollars, throw it all in ETFs and run covered calls to keep you afloat from week to week.....

....like me :)

>> No.26612857
File: 390 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210124-194428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What private business should I short under biden?

>> No.26612869
File: 74 KB, 500x500, B99C6D93-D178-4AC3-890D-0B86FA7D4F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're looking at stocks because of MEMES that's the only reason anything happens ever.

>> No.26612881

>Try to buy another GME stock while it's at 210
>Accidentally sell one instead
>Buy two more while it's lower
Damn, I fuck up at everything

>> No.26612883
Quoted by: >>26612974

didnt know that exists

>> No.26612885
File: 28 KB, 450x450, Snapchat-271109537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy lol

>> No.26612887

i wonder how many canadians are gonna get killed by their taxman wanting gme option money

>> No.26612910

Just deposited 25k.

>> No.26612915
Quoted by: >>26613046

It don't, it's at 94 as of now

>> No.26612974
Quoted by: >>26613119

Yeah they have been posting them in the general threads. Wish /smg/ was as easy to scrape and put into something like this.

>> No.26613000
File: 268 KB, 691x604, Screenshot_20210113-172840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manganese is a scam

>> No.26613002

Bist du Deutscher? Wo handelst du? Ist GME auf Trade Republic und wenn ja bei wie viel sind wir momentan?

>> No.26613009
Quoted by: >>26613116

Give me a standalone chart client i can just torrent

>> No.26613012
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>> No.26613029
File: 97 KB, 658x487, 1001 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incredibly stupid. why is GME going up if so many people shorted it?

>> No.26613046
Quoted by: >>26613218

it stopped trading at 2 pm when GME was at $114. Which is 94 euros.

>> No.26613088
File: 13 KB, 205x246, BE7851A7-234E-4CDA-A9F0-8328ED73CD99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching GME moon while being all in on steel

So this is what it’s like to be a cuckhold

>> No.26613107

So it sounds like we're going to short squeeze gold and silver next?

>> No.26613116

Check the sidebar over at reddit

>> No.26613119

scraping is easy
i'm just not sure how the data should be presented and what to look for

>> No.26613125

Because more people bought it

>> No.26613150
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1444493686027s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eToro will take 3 days to verify my account
Nah, being a cuckold is hot, being on steel is sad

>> No.26613186
File: 6 KB, 250x238, crysadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it again guys. I've watched and watched over the last 18 months tesla, gme, and other ev and energy penny stock memes moon and sat by just watching.
I was up 27% in 2020 but means fuck all when you only have £9k, all the small caps I've bought in the last few years go no where, only made money on gambling stocks and pets (flutter, william hill, pets at home ) is it because I'm in UK? our markets suck

>> No.26613191

>being all in on steel now that Biden is going to sell out American industry again

>> No.26613218

GME is at 147 though. Is that due to the German market closing early?

>> No.26613275

Yep. It fucking hurts. Could have even picked up a couple of meme shares at the dip today. Oh well, could be worse, at least we’re not Tinny.

Sad I missed out, thinking about going in on AMC even though I think the play is stupid. But I thought GME was unviable too so what do I know, at least they’ve got Cohen. What does AMC have?

>> No.26613300
Quoted by: >>26613396

Good. You have a few more days to hold onto your money before they take it away from you.

>> No.26613327

checked and kek'd. the anti-mnxxf shill made me buy more. thanks for the fud, faggot!

>> No.26613378

I am eager for the future, where all commodities are worthless. Everyone eats dirt and only flashing green lines on the computer have any value.

>> No.26613379
File: 20 KB, 594x173, 12543563467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26613603

Is it time to finally bury the battle axe?

>> No.26613381
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1611687604013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is gme different from a PnD?

>> No.26613391
Quoted by: >>26613605

Yes, german markets are long closed.

>> No.26613396

I don't care if jews take my whole $15 anon, they would do it in anyway

>> No.26613418
Quoted by: >>26613542

And make no mistake, you WILL lose 90% of it as a newfag.

>> No.26613429

I just told you it stopped trading at 2 pm. Yes.

>> No.26613432

So, what's next GME? Who we rezing? Radioshack? Blockbuster? Chuckie Cheese?

>> No.26613471

PnD usually doesn't coincide with the amount of shorts that have been placed on GME.
It's more of a "perfect storm" situation.

>> No.26613477
Quoted by: >>26613873

retail gets to dump all their bags onto the short sellers

>> No.26613509
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>> No.26613532
Quoted by: >>26613715

At least we’re not tinny anon. I’m sure his $2k worth of calls that he sold for a loss would have easily been worth $50k+ now.

How do you ape out in GME early and still make a loss? KEK

>> No.26613542
File: 298 KB, 1000x1288, 1611375815644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And make no mistake, you WILL lose 90% of it as a newfag.
OH NOOOO, I AM GOING TO LOSE $10, how can I ever financially recover?

>> No.26613540
Quoted by: >>26613620

do not trade cfd's

>> No.26613544


i dunno. GME might have enough money to change their business model to do online gaming services now.

but who knows. i'm not fucking with gme. it's way to volatile even for my tastes.

>> No.26613559

all hail mechatronic mouse

>> No.26613594

When someone buys an option, it's not usually traded against another retail, it's traded by a MM. MMs are liquidity providers: they have extreme amount of money and are effectively hired to buy or sell a certain security at a certain price for a certain period of time.
Of course, they don't want to lose money on that, so they use a few tricks. When they're handling stocks, usually they make money on the spread. When it's options, they usually use the greeks (usually theta, sometimes vega). The idea is that they'll sell you a call, but also buy the underlying stock (100 * (1-delta) at a time). This way, they make money on the premium you pay them for the call, but they don't lose money regardless of the direction of the stock price.
Melvin, citron, etc. are all on puts, not real shorts, on GME. Thus, MMs sold them puts, and thus had to go short the stock to hedge. They are eating a huge interest rate on GME (>50% right now) because of how shorted it is.
Melvin is losing crazy money on the puts. They can't afford to roll them anymore. Meanwhile, the MMs will secure their profit when the puts they sold expire. At that point, they'll close their short because they just can't afford the 50% interest rate. Thus, they'll cause a short squeeze.
But for all that to happen, the price has to moon first. Originally, we mooned the stock simply by buying it (nobody can overshort since there are no more shares available to short, so we're free to move the stock however we wish). This made a lot of smaller-time shorters sweat. Next, people bought options as they saw GME moving the way they expected. Options force MMs to hedge by buying the stock, thus moving the price up. This caused a feedback loop of sorts.
Now we're waiting for the squeeze.

>> No.26613603
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, 1603429796184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26613605

OK, sorry, Frankfurt closed at 5.30PM CET

>> No.26613614

the bag holders are hedge fund investors rather than newfags

>> No.26613619
Quoted by: >>26613814

Brazilian poorfag here, my dad give me some money so tomorrow I will buy $200 on GME.
I not gonna sell for last than $2000.

>> No.26613620


>> No.26613675

I don't feel ballsy enough to buy GME tomorrow but I feel like buying AMC or BBBY since they're at the start of the meme cycle.

Should I?

>> No.26613700
Quoted by: >>26613776

BBBY (also shorted by melvin) and AMC.

>> No.26613701

I really really really hope they do a quick funding round this week.
10% dilution for over a billion dollars cash.

>> No.26613715

His calls assuredly would be worth a very solid six figures by now.

>> No.26613738

im dumping 10k into new OTM calls

>> No.26613753

The problem with AMC is that they will do an ATM cash offering into any squeeze which will kill any and all momentum

>> No.26613760

what happens if i buy gme right now? will my order be placed tomorrow?

>> No.26613762

AMC is where GME was a week ago.
Hop on now and join us on the moon mission

>> No.26613776
Quoted by: >>26613903

Is this also shorted by melvin?

>> No.26613796
File: 294 KB, 2872x1172, 1609872243447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMC has enough nostalgia going for it and might gain traction because of it

bbby is should go into your STACY/MILFS ETF

>> No.26613812


>> No.26613814
File: 19 KB, 483x443, bung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26614263

Congrats you can buy less than one GME when the market opens

>> No.26613873


>> No.26613903
Quoted by: >>26613981

I don't think so, but it's a very shorted stock (>66% shorted) and they just put bankruptcy off the table, plus everyone in the US is trying to reopen now that orange man bad is gone. This could be sufficient catalysts to send it to the moon.

>> No.26613981
File: 51 KB, 501x552, 1586256201492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll put $500 into this meme. Wish me luck.

>> No.26614005

I made a little money on the first day up but I'm not touching it anymore, even if another moonshot is coming
I think it's worse than a typical pnd because the FOMO into GME doesn't seem to realize they have to cash out and pay taxes on it yet

>> No.26614043
Quoted by: >>26614258

I’m going to go into AMC and RHDL.

ARK has been buying up RHDL and it’s got a 99.5% short float, as well as good news in the pipeline. AMC for the memes.

>> No.26614101
File: 58 KB, 288x300, 1596746391797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock go to moon

>> No.26614114

You only need to pay taxes when you cash out, there's no taxable events before that. Thus, if they hold, their profits will go into next year's taxes, not this year's.

>> No.26614167
Quoted by: >>26614314

Except it’s not. GME still had free cash flow and a all round good balance sheet before Cohen came in. The play was
>Company that’s in good financial standing +Billionaire investor but is heavily shorted (unfairly) = Extremely undervalued

AMCs balance sheets look like shit, it’s staving off bankruptcy. Any gain made in its stock will make AMC dab on share holders buy immediately diluting their stocks to pay back the $500m loan they took out currently to stave off bankruptcy.

>> No.26614217
Quoted by: >>26614605

That's the problem, there is no 'holding' a short squeeze, you get in and you get out

>> No.26614218
Quoted by: >>26614605

you really think all these retards are going to hold until 2022?

>> No.26614237

>AMC 7$
>AMC 7$
>AMC 7$
>AMC 7$

>> No.26614256
Quoted by: >>26615230

when is gme unlocked again?

>> No.26614258
Quoted by: >>26614565

What's the pipeline looking for this one?

>> No.26614263

So what? If I have a gain of 10x, that is a lot

>> No.26614314

Ok buddy.
I'll call you at $15

>> No.26614374

I know I have to pay taxes on it you brainlet. It's still profit.

>> No.26614399

CNBC is shilling some kind of "criminal investigation" into all this shit lmao. I genuinely hope these motherfuckers get blown out on Friday and beyond.

>> No.26614406

can i buy gme right now?? what happens if I try?

>> No.26614434
File: 222 KB, 500x500, 1594240917692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both AMC and BBBY are my only greens at +300ish

thanks /smg/

>> No.26614461
Quoted by: >>26614722

The kikes miscalculated. It's simple. They use their media cronies to manipulate voters cuz it's just 1 vote per citizen. They try to use the same tactic to turn the tide away from GME longs but it doesn't work simply because it's not one vote per person, it's as many votes as you have the money for. Millions of retail traders with a lot money have a whole fuck ton of money when combined. The Jew is fucked

>> No.26614469

The market is closed so you won't get it until whatever it opens at in the morning.

>> No.26614558

Take the day off of work and camp the Yahoo Finance charts. My call is $400 EOW tops, SI% has got to be around 80%, since it was 97% I have no sources though

>> No.26614565

A new patent on a H Pylori drug, as well as some new COVID oral pill treatment in trial, and massive short interest. 99%.

>> No.26614605
Quoted by: >>26615722

I don't, but I thought he was suggesting that the dumbasses needed to get out before the squeeze to pay their taxes.
Yes, but how is that related to the taxes then?
>oh noooooo I have to pay $3m taxes on my $10m earnings it's the end of the wooooooorld I'll never make iiiiit!
Like come on dude.

>> No.26614658

Fucckkk I cashed out of AMC because I thought they were about to supress a surge and crash it. Now I'm all in on NOK I'll have to wait this out.

>> No.26614669

One day BOTY bros are going to rise up and know what it is to be wealthy. And those that already know what it’s like will be gods of US dollars

>> No.26614694
Quoted by: >>26615009

It'll queue up your order.
Then when market opens at 9:30 it'll process at whatever amount it's gone to after hours.
I put in my $1000 order when it was at $67 after market, and when it opened it was $97 so that's what it processed at. 15 shares vs 10 shares.

>> No.26614717
Quoted by: >>26615081

If you have afterhours trading you can get in now. I recommend waiting for premarket instead, it's likely going to go lower (100-150) before heading back to >$1000.

>> No.26614722

Look at me Melvin. Melvin... look at me... we’re the Bogs now.

>> No.26614724
File: 29 KB, 778x225, GEO'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying GEO was a mistake. Not selling it today was an even bigger mistake. Man.

>> No.26614799

is that a real tweet?

>> No.26614802
Quoted by: >>26614951

What do I buy when the market crashes and how long should I wait into the crash?
I'm going for the long term

>> No.26614813


>> No.26614817
Quoted by: >>26614959


>> No.26614837
Quoted by: >>26614924

Bought a few AMC shares @ 4.62 for laughs. Gonna really laugh if this hits double digits by friday.

>> No.26614864

Anyone here holding $EXAS? Dumped pretty heavily today and i'm thinking of buying the dip

>> No.26614872

It's trading under book value.
If it dumps more it might be a good liquidation buy.

>> No.26614878

Fuck you for holding onto private prison corporations. Suck a dick

>> No.26614891
File: 359 KB, 620x703, C832CDB9-D770-4124-9704-CC520B127BCB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26614924

Same, bought in at $5. I need it to be given the GME treatment by those fucking redditors.

>> No.26614938


>> No.26614947

should I get a brokerage account up and get money into it and purchase GME stock.. when should I start selling it? Start of business friday? If rest of the week like today it'll be constantly stopped trades and I don't want to be left holding once the sell-off happens.

>> No.26614951
Quoted by: >>26615152

If you're serious about long term, like a year out, Nokia, AMBL, any lithium/battery tech play really, airlines. There's an airline ETF I forget the name of if you're into that.

>> No.26614959

I got a couple bags today when it dipped to $18.

Wondering how long till I get destroyed.

>> No.26614977
Quoted by: >>26615068

Don’t the lawyers profit? Fuck this guy

>> No.26614985
File: 15 KB, 414x172, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26615678


>> No.26614990
Quoted by: >>26615441

Oh no that sucks.
Do you think I should short it without even checking existing short volume?

>> No.26615009
Quoted by: >>26615178

>Then when market opens at 9:30 it'll process at whatever amount it's gone to after hours.
9:30 on new york hour?

>> No.26615060

Hur my 18 wheeeler

>> No.26615068

Whoah. Cool it with the anti Semitic remarks.

>> No.26615081

so should i buy now or wait untill it opens? I'm a brainlet

>> No.26615103

getting to the moon is more difficult than going from the moon to the galaxy

>> No.26615126


>> No.26615147
Quoted by: >>26615182

You can't buy now unless you're jew. You must wait till the market opens.

>> No.26615152

Bout to get out of college and start working so I am trying to secure a job before then. Will probably have some graduation and ask for investment money, really want to just put it there to stay there for 10 to 20 years hopefully then peak at it to help pay for land or a house

>> No.26615154

Hilarious that people believe the WSB Vs Hegde narrative. Some hedge funds are gonna go bankrupt and that's funny, but even more of them are gonna make money off this. Glad to be on the money making side but this is big money Vs big money

>> No.26615178
Quoted by: >>26615617

Can anyone explain to me where to look up SEC 13F filings? I was sure that Blackrock has trimmed off their fat from 17% to 13% but an Anon told me about SEC 13F filings.


>> No.26615182

when does it open?

>> No.26615215

I think Gamestop's hours are 9-5 on weekdays.

>> No.26615222

It opens tomorrow.

>> No.26615230
Quoted by: >>26615327

ngmi holy shit. If you're that naive to ask, maybe GME isn't for you bud.

>> No.26615238

The pink fields when the squeeze is over are going to be fucking amazing.

>> No.26615293 [DELETED] 

6:30 PST

>> No.26615296

So amc is the move then?

>> No.26615297

Anyone watch cnbc? The jews absolutely seething

>> No.26615308


>> No.26615309
Quoted by: >>26615964

This is true. According to SEC 13F filings, Blackrock has increased their stake in GME to 13%. Also, look at the recoveries after the halts today. No way that's all retailers, Big Money is on our side.

>> No.26615327
Quoted by: >>26615424

i got into stocks today nigger help me out. cant believe I gave away ethereum to you fuckers

>> No.26615331

yes, but for once the little guys got money from the big guys

>> No.26615346
Quoted by: >>26615675

all these fucking newfags infesting the board, jesus

>> No.26615382
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, d00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26615536

I'm up ten thousand dollars today on gme, my dad has called me multiple times literally begging me to sell

>> No.26615422

Think about all the calls that will expire in the money this Friday...and the next week...how many calls for GME April earnings were written under $100...the squeeze is just getting started

>> No.26615424

GME is a stock traded on the NYSE. The NYSE is open from 9.30 to 16.00 EST

>> No.26615431
Quoted by: >>26615760

Who cares? It's literally the cuckoo laid in the swallow's nest. The other hedgies might getting pushed out of the nest by a fucking parasite that will eat me out of house and home, but I'm feeding the bird that can dab on all those little tiny bitches.

>> No.26615441

Redditors can pump Funkopop Distribution Inc, they couldn't stomach G "kids in cages" EO.

>> No.26615443
Quoted by: >>26615529

I mean I can't say I'm surprised given the context, but asking when the fucking market opens on /smg/...

>> No.26615455

To whoever bought BX when I shilled it a month or two ago.
Enjoy the money in a few days ;)

>> No.26615464

I'm going to sell all my aqb and buy 5k$ now. Someone convince me to wait until tomorrow morning. Please

>> No.26615490
File: 82 KB, 240x240, 1611617973418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Portfolio manager at Malvin Capital
What's your play?

>Suicide is not an option

>> No.26615492
File: 10 KB, 300x168, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missed out on GME on Thursday
>Missed out on GME on Friday
>Missed out on GME on Monday
>Missed out on GME on today

>> No.26615500
File: 9 KB, 407x172, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started getting into investing and always thought with boomer mentality.

Quickly changed when I found out fucking around in my schwabb account nets more money. Started with 1.3k, all thanks to GME and BB, im too dumb to get into crypto

anyways, is it really possible for it to hit $1000+ a share?
ive been holding at an average of $55

>> No.26615521
File: 135 KB, 2173x3783, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hedgefunds are literally going to go bankrupt because of autistic retards on the internet

>> No.26615523
File: 1.22 MB, 500x375, table.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want newfags, tourists, and r*dditors to leave

>> No.26615529

My mistake was underestimating the amount of new/stupid money what would come flooding in.

Ah well, at least I’m not Tinny.

>> No.26615536
Quoted by: >>26615691

Have you covered your investment with a profit? If so, tell your day to suck your dick and after that invite him to an expensive diner after you check out those delicious gains

>> No.26615551
File: 294 KB, 481x269, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ma, I'm on TV!

>> No.26615568
Quoted by: >>26615721

What price did you really consider getting in at, anon? Be honest.

>> No.26615571

Go into a Gamestop and sell your shorts. They'll probably give you some store credit which at this point may be worth a decent amount looking at the GME share price.

>> No.26615576

Buy GME and then crash the fund even harder.

>> No.26615581

Needs AMC

>> No.26615596
File: 79 KB, 350x181, 97781C5E-7354-4EF5-A45A-ECBC334D448D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26615616
File: 178 KB, 960x952, CCDF896A-6655-457E-9DF9-FAB578D71A87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why AMC is being shilled as the next GME? Y’all just trying to ride the wave of GME or what?

>> No.26615617
Quoted by: >>26615723

I can't even belive a poorfag like me can make 10x my investment just allying myself with internet autists, lol, I love you now.

>> No.26615618
File: 20 KB, 500x500, att_globe_500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BKR - blew earnings so stock is diving. However they won't stay down for long.. Current price is 20.50 a pop. For a quick profit you may want to give a look. Hell during the march event they fell to sub 10.

>> No.26615635

You're not holding GME, I want YOU to leave.

>> No.26615669
File: 61 KB, 522x418, AMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26615671
File: 719 KB, 270x360, 1610920748080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have bought as many calls as possible to not only offset my losses, but make money on the way up.
Then when it eventually comes back down, cash in on that, too.

>> No.26615675

I've been inviting them from reddit. We could use their expertise

>> No.26615678

How many follows does he have now?

>> No.26615679


>> No.26615681

when to buy GME puts?

>> No.26615684

Built for the ___

>> No.26615688

I'd buy with 1/3rd of the $ you want to put into it right now, 1/3rd tomorrow pre-market, and wait for a dip early during the day for the last 1/3rd if I were you, but anything works in my opinion. It's going to the moon.

>> No.26615691
Quoted by: >>26615797

I have the money to burn and I've already covered it yeah

>> No.26615700

You don't know shit faggot, we been talking about this shit for months the CCP owns AMC and our media put two and tow together xhang

>> No.26615709

I think we need to create a separate thread tomorrow for in hours. Comfy market general or something. Leave these ones running as the containment thread.

I fucking miss this place, it’s as good as dead at the moment.

>> No.26615722
Quoted by: >>26615997

If you can pull it off good for you, but those are just two separate reasons why treating stocks like lottery tickets is a bad strategy
If you miss your window you're ruined
If you win you lose a large chunk off the top
If you play the boomer way you always win (and you can still pick memes, just not pnds)

>> No.26615721

$40, and I pussied out. Every day it kept rising I was sure it was going to crash back to $20, and now here I am looking like a fucking faggot.

>> No.26615723


>> No.26615734

Hedgies trying to soften the blow and poorfags who can't buy into GME

>> No.26615750

>enough is enough
After 109 years of privately owning all the money printers

>> No.26615752

>I'm holding PLTR, MARA and LGVW
find a more retarded portfolio

>> No.26615758
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretend you forgot the password to all your accounts
>walk away
so easy

>> No.26615760

Not me, I'm gonna make some fat bucks off it and some jews are gonna go bankrupt. Just people thinking that a Reddit community is the main driver in all of this is daft.

>> No.26615762

Will this GME shit cause the entire market to crash on Friday? Should I take all of the money out of my index funds as well before then?

>> No.26615763

Can anyone help a brother lm trying to buy gme on etoro. Never done anything like this.

Just says unable to set order, what am I missing?

>> No.26615782
Quoted by: >>26615993

Will there be a dip tomorrow AM? Have 5k to fuck with, not sure when to buy.

>> No.26615788
Quoted by: >>26616017

If you bought at 5 you could turn a 40x profit

>> No.26615795

Buy YOLO calls to negate the losses, then knockout the positions until I'm free. In particular, organize the endeavor so as to force an early short squeeze to happen.

>> No.26615797

It's a great week for you. Enjoy the rally and I hope to see you next week on /smg/ !

>> No.26615798

Start calling the GME board members and start begging them to issue more stocks to crash the value.

>> No.26615826

The most money to be made is at the end of a bubble. Just keep an eye out in index dip below their 200 dma

>> No.26615828

Better safe than sorry

>> No.26615867

Markets closed due to stingrays and aids

>> No.26615870
Quoted by: >>26616009

What's your strike price, Bryce?

>> No.26615878

Underrated, anon.
I laughed.

>> No.26615882

it's fucking rallying again lmao

>> No.26615884

I'm happy people are making money, but I can't wait for the sea of pink wojacks when this shit finally comes crashing down for good. So many retards are gonna get burned on this

>> No.26615893
Quoted by: >>26616097

Trading hours are over anon.
You most likely don't have access to after hours trading.
Try again tomorrow when the markets open.

>> No.26615895

nigger if you are too retarded to look up short interest, the exact same reason GME is pumping, no one can help you faggot.

>> No.26615909

I'd really laugh if AMC hit $35 per. It hasn't seen that price since 2016 lol.

>> No.26615911


>> No.26615918
File: 109 KB, 626x1040, femme-fatale-pointing-gun-camera_13339-148366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to buy BB now when it's low? After the GME squeeze hits $2,000 there are going to be millions of people who want in on the next big thing. Next in line is BB boys

>> No.26615921

With my luck, this clown market will end when I commit suicide. I'll keep you posted to that.

>> No.26615931
Quoted by: >>26615999

What are the rebound consequences if this going to be?
>assuming this builds and pops over 1000 this Friday

>> No.26615955

>buy GME
>profit 10x your investment just because you are allied with the anons against big investors

>> No.26615964
Quoted by: >>26616467

Doesn’t blackrock own robinhood?

>> No.26615967

Call your female broker

>> No.26615974
Quoted by: >>26616060

Call your (female) broker. Don't text her.

>> No.26615988
Quoted by: >>26616236

Is it gonna be BB or AMC?!?!?!

>> No.26615993

Yeah, day traders and paper hands.

>> No.26615997
Quoted by: >>26616209

If you play the boomer way you always lose lmao stop being literally high on farts, moron. Net losses before taxes and inflation is winning now? Making multiple millions after all expenses is a loss? Cringe and cope.

>> No.26615999

Curious of this to. Realistically I can see GME being valued at 100+ after this.
If it pops and it plummets down to sub 100, does it make sense to buy a little back in and actually hold GME long term?

>> No.26616003

I a poor student, who has small shares in amd and tsm from last year. Told myself that I won't get into trading to much and let this be a passive income. Back now to make some quick cash and more long term holds. I heard nokia is a long term one, but what about blackberry and AMC. Who are the magicians I need to talk to know when to sell these.

>> No.26616009
Quoted by: >>26616092

I am never selling my single meme share. I bought it instead of getting a pizza and had rice for dinner. It will be an heirloom of my house and a reminder of the days of light for my children and all who follow them

>> No.26616017

Sure, but what does that have to do with the thing he said? Also:


>> No.26616060
File: 112 KB, 1122x900, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26616065

you had 6 months of shills on this board telling you to buy it

>> No.26616074
File: 1.05 MB, 2700x1800, 19995739123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26616199

High short interest, just pulled 1 billion dollars out of there ass, high meme potential and low price.


>> No.26616090
File: 441 KB, 1875x2500, 1584404595100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys

i am from reddit

i saw all these funny memes and said that 4 chan was racist

is that true?

anyway i don't think that's cool as a trans, disabled, demi-black hispanic jewish person of full English descent

how do i buy stockS?

when does the market open?

can i buy gme now?

or do i have to wait?

what are the hours i can buy?

who do you message to buy?

can i just send venmo money instead?

>> No.26616091
Quoted by: >>26616185

what the fuck is a broker?

>> No.26616092

I was just going for that
>What's your vector, Victor?
dialogue lol

>> No.26616095

Eventually but the IV is way to high and with earnings around the corner I don't think it'll truly settle...this fucked breh

>> No.26616096
File: 37 KB, 407x369, 1592262281674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better be fuckin right I'm trusting you boys

>> No.26616097
File: 163 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20210127-005321__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it says it will buy when market opens or am I retarded?

>> No.26616150

CRBP and ATOS fud'ers + sellers will get blown the fuck out really hard lmao. Imagine buying into institutionally owned stocks and then getting shaken up by a textbook short attack and selling. Jesus christ. I guess this is the board which fomo's into GME at 240

>> No.26616160
File: 165 KB, 421x370, Quock - ariel pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26616257

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.26616162

Yes. Fuck options. Power to the players.

>> No.26616164
File: 121 KB, 661x408, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26616228

Screenshot of a historical moment where Retail gets banned from market participation.

>> No.26616168
File: 143 KB, 366x353, Screenshot_20190918085656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26616296

New to all this but I'm holding two $7 amc contracts for Friday am I gonna make it bros

>> No.26616176
File: 39 KB, 540x310, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was also 6 months of FUD on this board telling us not to buy it

>> No.26616180

I'm already in this one for the normal reasons you should buy stock, if loads of the newly minted want to drive up the price I'll happily take it too

>> No.26616185
Quoted by: >>26616491

Someone or a company (like these hedge funds) that's declared bankruptcy and has to sell off their portfolio. Broke -> broker, see?

You always want to buy from them because they're desperate and offer the best prices.

>> No.26616187
Quoted by: >>26616320

It's like Gamestop video games, if you set the order now you basically "preorder" at that price. So even if it goes up, it'll buy at that price at market open.

>> No.26616188
File: 117 KB, 220x220, 99584155-7D2E-4086-91C7-1BB5C0F71CE0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t buy GME months ago when you guys were meming the coomcat

>> No.26616192
Quoted by: >>26616293

I'm actually confused right now. Fundamentals tell me not to bug GME, but seeing the bullshit stock like tesla and roku did, I'm this close to putting 10k in.

>> No.26616194
Quoted by: >>26616290

Doesn't AMC have the risk of putting out an offering or something and just crashing the stock price? They are in a lot of debt aren't they?

>> No.26616199

im already all in, using GME gains to roll into AMC, its going to be disgusting watching this happen twice.

>> No.26616209

yes sweetie, everyone asking "what time does the market open" is going to be a multimillionaire off gamestop by friday

>> No.26616221

You're retarded and brand fucking new lurk more

>> No.26616224
File: 693 KB, 628x756, getting close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26616228

Not accurate it hit 245 earlier

>> No.26616235

You're retarded.
You set the order and it sits in the queue of everyone else's AH orders.
Also, don't make an order AH as there's oing to be an opening dip. Probably.

>> No.26616236
Quoted by: >>26616306


>> No.26616257

Have him listen to ICP one of these days.

>> No.26616290
Quoted by: >>26616362

Like Gamestop isn't?

>> No.26616293

Elon tweeted about it today twice, so it's going to 3x just on this basis alone. And this stonk moves up unrelenting. Any dip is instantly bought on the way up.

>> No.26616296

i bought a ton of contracts too, its looking like rocket ships this friday boys.

>> No.26616306
Quoted by: >>26616515


>> No.26616311

It means that when the markets open tomorrow, you will buy 418 shares at whatever the opening price is.
And yes, you are retarded. Lurk more.

>> No.26616312

I just bought 11 shares of gme. Ill buy 2.5k tomorrow morning after open if its dips. Fuck this shit. Im tired of missing out.

I had 100 I sold at 12

>> No.26616316

anon just educate yourself, I know you want to get in on this but please just learn what the fuck you're actually doing here

>> No.26616320

I don't understand my initial question was why it says unable to place order, one anon said the markets are closed. But it says it will buy when market opens?

>> No.26616332
File: 85 KB, 680x680, I am vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sorta hobgoblin is that? It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.26616341
File: 68 KB, 200x203, 4A860D08-380B-40FA-B5FC-B07AB1A9FD36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.26616356

Yup just place the order and it'll execute tomorrow morning. Set it and forget it for easy investing!

>> No.26616362

Gamestop actually isn't anywhere near the same hole that AMC is in.

>> No.26616369
File: 63 KB, 709x531, 1611689702779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As other anon's have said, call her and tell her what stock you want to buy and how many you want. Make sure to do this all in a sentence, and then hang up. It's that easy.

>> No.26616371

Go cry to SEC about market manipulation.

Protip: that's what's going to happen. Screencap this.

>> No.26616384


>> No.26616386
Quoted by: >>26616500

Some brokers will just hold on to your order until the market opens, others will just flat out refuse it instead of queuing it.

>> No.26616388

Are all the free brokers in the pastebin more or less the same? The casinos got shut down again and I want to gamble.
No one around wants to shoot dice either.

>> No.26616392

Basically buying GME is like buying a blank check to Brokers bank accounts. If you don't sell then they have to buy at whatever price you set on friday. I'd aim for the low thousands.

>> No.26616395

You need a 4chan gold pass to buy stock here

>> No.26616403
Quoted by: >>26616583

Is that Idubbbz' whore?

>> No.26616413
Quoted by: >>26616506

But haven't Citron been manipating?

>> No.26616429

found the kike

>> No.26616442
File: 27 KB, 553x441, 1604623946758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26616490

Didn't get in on gamestop but i'm happy as hell for you guys that made bank, and i'm also going to laugh at the retarded greedy faggots that don't know humility or when to leave before the dump

>> No.26616451
Quoted by: >>26616608

>that's what's going to happen
If you watch any of the finance shows, this has already been happening over the past couple months. Just had a former SEC lawyer on CNBC talking about how the SEC most likely already has an investigation going into these "rogue retail investors".

>> No.26616454

>up 800% on GME
Thank god I just barely managed to beat the daily inflation rate from this month

>> No.26616467
Quoted by: >>26616561

Where do you check this info? I'm having trouble navigating the SEC site

>> No.26616466
File: 6 KB, 1024x38, 54353454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invest in trannys
RTX :^)

>> No.26616470
Quoted by: >>26616589

Just call them niggers and faggots or troll them with seemingly-legitimate-but-incorrect information.

>> No.26616478

Quick question, can I still sell stuff AH or will it wait until market opens

>> No.26616490

Based and shadenfruedpilled

>> No.26616491
Quoted by: >>26616730

what the fuck is a broker? i just swipe on robinhood on my phone. i dont think a broker would want to talk to me

>> No.26616492

Yes, you can venmo me and I’ll send you the stocks

>> No.26616494
File: 25 KB, 797x865, 1611587971156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy 5k worth of AMC tomorrow

>> No.26616500
Quoted by: >>26616730

So I have to wait until the shit opens then?

>> No.26616501
File: 171 KB, 326x326, 1603967717520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26616506

You're not us, goy.

>> No.26616515
Quoted by: >>26616579

Is that what AMCX is?

>> No.26616528

Advice for new investors: Stocks are expensive, a nice warm bath and toaster aren’t.

>> No.26616530


>> No.26616539

heh, then why do you have an image saved in the 15s when we're currently in the 16s? I have outwitted you. begone.

>> No.26616552
File: 608 KB, 800x600, 1585353710115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME inching up after hours

>> No.26616555
Quoted by: >>26616682



>> No.26616561

It’s in their TOS when you sign up

>> No.26616579

Yes, I was joking. I have no idea what AMCX has done, is doing, or will do.

>> No.26616580
Quoted by: >>26616682

new thread

>> No.26616583

looks to be

>> No.26616586

That’s a man

>> No.26616589
Quoted by: >>26616730

It’s all so tiresome. I just want our comfy threads back. I will make a comfy market general for tomorrow’s open and see how it goes.

>> No.26616590

I want to buy in on Gamestop tomorrow ASAP. RH is out since won't be ready in time. Looking at Fidelity right now. There is the option of EFT, which is free and takes 1-3 days.. There is also wire transfers which are available same day. Should I go in on a wire? Would be investing 5k.

>> No.26616608

Not surprised in the slightest. It might get ugly.

>> No.26616621
File: 44 KB, 364x444, 1611525439387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26616682
Quoted by: >>26616816

we're doing split threads again
fine by me, slightly more comfy than the blazing fast ones

>> No.26616694
Quoted by: >>26617160

As much as I would like you to throw your life savings in GME, please educate yourself, or only throw in what you’re willing to lose.

>> No.26616700
File: 50 KB, 700x553, 1610293412423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26616914

Sorry lads - if I stick in $1500 now, will my order just be filled with as many shares as I can buy for 1500 when the market opens? Or will the order just not go through?

>> No.26616730
Quoted by: >>26617126

I just explained. Some companies like TDAmeritrade declared bankruptcy in the 80s and have been slowly liquidating ever since. Robinhood's newer, some tech startup that went bust but had a decent
app built out before Chapter 7 hit.

Most of the time the only person associated with them that'll talk to you is court-appointed, so they probably don't want to talk to you either. Makes their day easier.

If you can't search your broker's help page for "After Hours" or "Pre-market" then, yes.

Save a "First for SRAC" for me.

>> No.26616743
Quoted by: >>26616884

What are the trading hours anyway?

>> No.26616816
Quoted by: >>26617126

Now they last a whole 45 minutes.

>> No.26616884

9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time

After hours trading can go to 8:00 PM Eastern Time on some services

>> No.26616914

depends if it's a market buy or a limit buy
market = buy $1500 of stock, no matter the price
limit = buy $1500 of stock below a price you input, otherwise don't order

>> No.26616944
Quoted by: >>26617242

Defense companies

>> No.26616976

Get rekt fag I put in a thousand a week ago and I'm up 268%

>> No.26617075


>> No.26617098
File: 7 KB, 411x729, Essm7CLXcAM8Sz2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening!

>> No.26617126

I went ahead and did the thing


>> No.26617160

It's just 209 bucks. Extra i had to spend.

>> No.26617242
Quoted by: >>26617455

>defense companies
are going to buy cheap steel from 3rd world shitholes through shell companies. Steel isn't a strategic asset as long as international quality standards are followed.

>> No.26617408

Unironically bought FANG and it's in the green.

>> No.26617455

Oh yes I meant defense corps might be a good bet rather than steel considering biden