How do DGB bag holders cope they were scammed by /biz/?
What I really want to know is how they have gone from thinking an left wing organization was paying teams of people to make fun of them to scare them off of DGB to now thinking there is literally one person who is trolling them 24 hours a day?
this hate makes 0 sense
>>OPi bought even worse shitcoins (like RDD) to make the dgb pain not feel so bad
that fucking picture LOL
>>2503934It makes sebse when you realizd they are crashing the ebtire crypto to keep dgb low. Dgb is the coin of the everyday guy. The coin that will make all of us very rich and they are so afraid they make multiples threads per hours bashing on dgb.
I have a total of three (3) sharpies for any DGB bagholders who enter this thread.First come; first serve.
>>2503919Because you are. It's always the same shit over and over, no explaination, no difference, no flare. Same posting style, same lack of vocabulary. You're a faggot. >>2484344>>2464943>>2484266>>2487427>>2465001>>2464947>>2464472>>2492168>>2499089>>2488089>>2488058>>2450353>>2498661>>2497041>>2501958>>2503756>>2503877>>2503893>>2476201>>2486332>>2485311>>2491401>>2491948>>2502048>>2503857
Someone find me a coin that gets shilled by a discord even worse than DGB does that has a chart worse than this.I'll give you 10 minutes.
>>2503964nobody gives a fuck about dgb lmaoi bought at pumped it, sold at 2500 sat and then made fun of the bagholders
>>2503978HahahahaSomeone post the PoSW photo. That one seems to trigger them the hardest.
>>2503992"Someone". Faggot.
>>OPLmao they fell for the anime girl
>>2503978You know how you know you're delusional? Look at the filenames, there are more posters there than I.
>>2504099Hey, me. I think he's onto me. Try to act different so he doesn't think I'm me.
>>2504099Cause faggots can't change a file name now and then.Faggot.
>>2504117Yes me, this is me posting on my phone and me on my computer at the same time.>>2504124Ever heard of Occam's razor?You seriously sound paranoid, you should take a break and reevaluate your life.
OP post link to the speech I never saw it.
for every coin there will be a no coiner fudtake the risk and holdI went through countless fucking posts of ETH, Zcash and LTC fud and many others >BAGHOLDER >IDIOT>PAJEETheld 45K ETH since last year and sold 15K when I thought the ATH was 160$ still holding even after fuders say it's going to crash sold 5K LTCs recently at 46$ after holding for months and made a killing yet still holding for it to keep mooningsold a few ZCASH since I didn't have many when JPMORGAN partnered currently holding 7MM DGB just because I've yet to be wrong on a coin so I can't fucking wait to prove you idiots wrong
The trilogy of Pajeet's discord pump and dump scheme:PoSWDGB (PoSW 2.0)SWT (PoSW 3.0)
you can all laugh now but you won't be laughing when DGB lands on the moon desu
>>OPthat is an absurdly hairy ass
>>2504256Well Dan's a pretty hairy guy. What'd you expect?
I'm still holding onto 2.8 milly DGB. Bought in at 100 sats.You're retarded if you bought DGB high and sell low. It's seriously the dumbest thing you can do. It's the only way to ensure that you lose money in this market
> /biz/ had $250m to pump & dump
>>2504280I love how my ass is hairy as the DBG dude, I even got a sebaceous cyst and half of my butt was cut out, but my beard is pretty thin, I don't even have mustache, is just some hairs and a disgusting neckbeard.
>>2503985Well I guess someone needs to start putting pajeet in his place so it might as well be with the help of some anon who pointed out what a liar you are