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File: 102 KB, 512x512, 8ni1FRC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2501892 No.2501892 [Reply] [Original]

is it really worth it?

>> No.2501924

yeah if you buy now you guarentee 2x your money but it could be weeks/months

Im holding long

>> No.2501937

You dont lose much buying right now. It's pretty much at it's floor level, can only go up really

>> No.2501956


>> No.2501958
File: 87 KB, 1069x889, SELL YOUR DGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already on it's deathbed.

>> No.2501965

hello pajeet

>> No.2501985
Quoted by: >>2502048

Fucking pajeet showing up in every single DGB thread with the same memes.

DGB is a long hold IMO. I think it will start to go up gradually next week but could be several weeks before it reaches 2k again.

>> No.2502048
File: 98 KB, 395x650, dgb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking pajeet showing up in every single DGB thread with the same memes.
Sorry Rahul, but I can only show up if your smelly discord keeps making them.

I'm just trying to save the newcoiners from filth like you. You bagholders won't get away with dumping them on innocents as long as I'm here.

If you're a newcoiner and can see this, stay FAR away from DGB, invest in a coin with a future instead!

>> No.2502073

No, it's not.

You'd be better off with literally any other shitcoin at this point. RDD and Verge have a better chance of mooning than this dumpster fire.

>> No.2502092
Quoted by: >>2502151

yes yes.

dgb scam

invest in xtrabyte will moon

>> No.2502094

$1 by December

>> No.2502149
Quoted by: >>2502157

>implying Mooncoin has a future
Give it a fucking rest Pajeet. No one shills this militantly with any good intentions.

>> No.2502151

xtrabyte really bro?

>> No.2502152

If you're willing to hodl, sure. Disclaimer: I just bought some recently around 1080 sats. It has an active dev team and has reasonably wide recognition, so there's a good chance you'll see it hit 2000 again or at least 1500 in the near future even if it never truly moons.

>> No.2502157
File: 185 KB, 475x475, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2502191

>implying I even mentioned Mooncoin
At least you tried bagholder.

>> No.2502191
Quoted by: >>2502230

You don't need to. I see you shilling it in your own pajeet threads. I'm not a bagholder either. Literally bought it a few days ago at 1.1k. I don't have shit to lose. I just see you posting in every single DGB thread that ever gets made here.

>> No.2502230
File: 342 KB, 1681x1502, average dgb bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2502252

That sharpie up your ass is making you see things, I've never posted anything about mooncoin.

Not that I'd expect any more coherence from someone gullible enough to fall for DGB.

>> No.2502252
Quoted by: >>2502290

>this level of butthurt
Why do you hate DGB so much pajeet? What drives you to show up in every single thread to shill so hard? Sounds like you lost money on it and have sour grapes.

>> No.2502271

Want to recover your money you DGB fags? Join the only pump group run by professional traders


>> No.2502290
File: 534 KB, 748x996, dgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2502318

>Why do you hate DGB so much pajeet?
I don't like seeing your discord running scams on /biz/. There's plenty of great coins for newcoiners to invest in but your discord slides dozens of threads off of /biz/ every hour.

>What drives you to show up in every single thread to shill so hard?
Protecting newcoiners from your scam.

>Sounds like you lost money on it and have sour grapes.
>he thinks I would touch DGB with a ten foot pole

>> No.2502318
Quoted by: >>2502331

I'm not on Discord though? You just have this irrational hatred towards it for whatever reason and several anons have noticed it, not just me. Keep bumping it though Pajeet you're doing a good job of keeping DGB threads on the front page.

>> No.2502326

to newcoiners heres a tip:
Absolutely no one is this heavily against something and would continually post the same shit over and over again unless theyre desparately hiding something.

The truth is DGB WILL end up being a shitcoin short term if youre looking for insta-gains but it DOES have potential (long term and not in pajeet-weeks) and decent fundamentals if you remove it from the hype. A month ago this coin was at 280 sat and even after its mind-numbing dip its at about 1000sat.

POSW has been falling steadily still and yet DGB has reached a new stabilisation phase.

Before investing, do your own research and then decide what to invest in because believing spammed charts will only get you so far.

>> No.2502331
File: 16 KB, 500x500, you will never moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2502356 >>2502384

I have no intention of saging this thread.

The scam needs to be seen for what it is.

>> No.2502356

Lol but do have any evidence DGB is a scam? I'd like to see it if you do. Or do you just make stale meme threads like this? >>2497041

>> No.2502384

The more blantant shilling there is,
constantly from the same guys with the same posts,
the better I feel about my DGB holdings.

>> No.2502478

If we could compare charts like that to every coin we'd be rich dumbass

>> No.2502527

I bought at 1800 and 2000, sitting on 4700 total DGB.

I'm gonna sit on it. I've lost way more money at casinos in the past. Shitcoins are way more interesting than slot machines.
Also have $25-50 worth in BAT, ARK, and RDD each.

>> No.2503321
Quoted by: >>2503395

>look mom i posted it again

>> No.2503380

Nothing gets passionately fudded like dgb. Street shitters are fucking IN LOVE with this coin and are obsessed with hoarding it

>> No.2503395
Quoted by: >>2503545 >>2503641

you do realize that there are tons of people who post this shit right? it's a matter of "do i feel like laughing at and fucking with the digibros again?" whenever a thread pops up.

>> No.2503545
Quoted by: >>2503588 >>2503590

>filename dgb2
You've posted this 6 times today already, somebody's obsessed.

>> No.2503588

Yep , he keeps using IP switches to pretend he's other people, yet forgets he posted previously saying the same bullshit.

I caught the lil fuck out on this yesterday.


He's STILL been at it all day today, on a fucking Sunday.

>> No.2503590
Quoted by: >>2503605 >>2503641

he's probably having a fuck with digibros day.
we all have those.

>> No.2503605
Quoted by: >>2503616

You forgot to switch IP again. Using the same ID while referring to yourself in 3rd person.


>> No.2503616
Quoted by: >>2503641 >>2503644

lol you guys are the most paranoid people on this board. you make it too easy.

>> No.2503641
Quoted by: >>2503668


>> No.2503644
Quoted by: >>2503651

Gets caught out being a no lifer literally spending all day, every day posting the same factory-produced low energy shit, pretends everyone else is the problem.


>> No.2503651

read the posts to see how stupid you are hahaha

>> No.2503668
Quoted by: >>2503678

It really is. Here's the updated list:




Probably loads I've fucked missed, those are just the ones I picked up while skimming through while I've been awake.

Most of those are from all last week, yet this faggot has been going all day today too.

>> No.2503678
Quoted by: >>2503714

You making that list is pretty autistic too but thanks.
It's always nice to see samefag shills get blown the fuck out

>> No.2503714
Quoted by: >>2504584

Only takes a shift click.

Takes him fucking HOURS of his day to sit here all day every day posting the same shit fud.

Meanwhile I've been BBQ'ing with the family, fucking the GF, watching movies, come on /biz/ and see him still there fucking posting lol.

His posts stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.2504196

im just sell all my dgb at 40% lost
and feel so good no holding anymore

>> No.2504308

DGB is a long-term hold which will reap you 2.5x-3x gains by the end of 2017..

..but for the time being, don't expect it to shift immaculately.

>s. Johnston Dennis

>> No.2504562

Pajeet! So quick on the draw! Go check your curry covered shit food. Make sure it doesn't burn while you wait to post this on every fucking dgb thread, fucktard.

>> No.2504584

That sounds like an awkward bbq for the senpai...but good for you, bro.

>> No.2504976

I have faith in it tb.h. Just placed a buy order at 930 sats