How the hell did this scam go as far as a 500 million marketcap? I think that is the most hilarious thing /biz/ has ever done.
This wasn't all biz bruh
>/biz/ has ever donenice fud, implying dgb hype is only from biz.
Why are you pajeets FUDing a dead coin then?inb4 screeching POSW graph
Nakamoto here, friendly reminder to sell off your DGB before it becomes even more worthless.
>>2450340>>2450353ayy there it isgo to bed Varun
Biz had hardly anything to do with pumping dgb if the 500mil market cap didn't make it obvious.It is manipulated by whales but the tech is good... if you don't think they bought back the dip you're a fool
Yes let's not mention the whale who bought 100btc worth at 1800. Does anybody watch buys/sells or am I alone there? Gee, I wonder why that just happened? Fuck I can't wait for this shit to explode so we can be done with these fucking scripted threads.
made my initial investment back plus some at 1800 sats since I bought at 120 satsNOW ITS JUST A WAITING GAME FOR THIS SHIT TO HIT A DOLLAR IF YOU WANNA BE A JEW YOU GOTTA THIBK LIKE A JEWits still a unique coin just you guys are so retarded and don't have patience so you call it a scam when t doesn't go to a dollar overnight. (I hope you fail at life if this is how you are) patience is virtue
>>2450415I don't know if they want to slide this or what but here's the post >Someone had two large sell orders at 1180. The first time it was 60btc. Second time it was 30btc. And a whale proceeded to slow buy both times. 1180 is a good entry point if a whale bought close to 100btc worth at that price point. It's fucking aggravating because without the manipulated sell order, it'd be around 1350 after those buys.
Daily automated reminder to be afraid of everything, also superpower by 2020!
>>2450415Meh, whales can do stupid things at times.Back in the day, September, there was a stock, IMNP, that I was invested in. Seemed like it was going to go well, rumors of a partnership was floating about. One day some guy bought 4 million share worth 50 cents or something close to that. Keep in mind this was worth like 30 to 35 cents at the time too, btw. Everyone gets all excited that this guy must know something everyone else doesn't and starts speculating and yeah long story short it's currently ~65% down from back then. So yeah moral of the story is don't count on people who happen a lot of money to make the right decisions for you. Or maybe he had some grandmaster plan or something after all and sold at a profit somehow.