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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2486863 No.2486863 [Reply] [Original]

>hey boys, my coin is crashing
plz buy my bags

>> No.2487160

Warned /biz/ at 230000 all the way down to 160000.

I hope I helped some /biz/iness men out there.

>> No.2487253
File: 68 KB, 683x744, SWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sigh don't you ever get tired of this you faggot? 3 days on the trot and you're still going with the fud.

You fell for this in the other thread, where you thought the dip here was SWT, when it was ETH from two days ago.

Even tards on here don't have that short memories they can't remember that dips happen, fucking everything dipped two days ago.

>> No.2487304

Fuck off pajeet. No one wants your rupees.

Hold your bags silently.

>> No.2487381

Here we go again with the pajeet projection.

You can't even be arsed to change it up a bit. You've literally sat regurgitating the exact same shit for DAYS, yet claim you've no motive and apparently no care.

You provide no reasoning, can't even be arsed to research any legitimate criticism, and sit just posting scam scam, pajeet scam!

Your factory-line mass-produced fudding is so low-energy and half-a-job I'm convinced your a pajeet yourself.

You're literally the Indian call-centre script reader of wannabe fudders. Now fuck off to your shitting street and release all that pent-up bowelache you've been storing from all the copy-pasting you've been having to do while sat there unmoving just F5'ing /biz/ for days on end.

>> No.2487396

I'm right here pajeet. Believe it or not I'm not the only one that hates your shitcoin? lmao

>> No.2487427
File: 103 KB, 711x518, pajeet'srideservice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I warned you the day before the release to sell your bags before hand. You didn't fucking listen and now you are stuck holding some shitty Uber-ripoff Pajeet scamcoin. Next time listen to /biz/ advice kid.

>> No.2487521
File: 197 KB, 2440x927, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an update on the dump. lmao

>> No.2487533

Oh hi faggot, I can do that too.

Pretending to be multiple people by posting the SAME low-energy baseless, factory produced fud just make you look even more of a no lifer idiot.

>look mum! I have lots of friends who all agree with me, honest!

Get a new script boyo, this one is getting old.

Case in point.

>> No.2487550

Yeah doesn't surprise me, I stopped checking after that release stream was over. Every fucking time I tell these people to sell the news they never listen. Fucking retards.

>> No.2487555

pajeet, the street shitting rapist continues to shill his rape sharing app. sad.

>> No.2487570

No one here is samefagging, we are laughing at you because you are bagholding a Pajeet pump and dump at a loss of like 50%. Let me guess, you fell for POSW too?

>> No.2487594


>In so much denial he thinks 1 person is running a giant smear op against SWT

Okay /biz/ let's guess what kind of person this is,


Pick 2.

>> No.2487597

The news-selling dump began 10 minutes BEFORE the livestream started lol. Zoom in, stream started at 12:30, sells started at 12:20.

Just shows that the twat making the SIXTH THREAD IN THE LAST FEW HOURS doesn't understand anything.

>> No.2487628

Sell the rumor, buy the news.

>> No.2487637

Sure mate, same terminology, same pictures.

Oh and there's that PoSW reference again! Going to post that PoSW-DGB comparison pic you were using in EVERY FUCKING THREAD too?

How about the ETH-spider one? Changing IP and pretending to have friends on /biz/ to back yourself up means nothing, I did the same here: >>2487533

Seriously the only thing shitting up this board is you, you gigantic fucking faggot with your scripted, factory-produced threads. People are getting sick of your copy-pasted bullshit and your folder full of Indians. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.2487670

this is some hot pajeet on pajeet action! you little monkeys are really stepping up your shilling.

>> No.2487682
File: 16 KB, 231x244, TinfoilPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seek help for your retardation.

>> No.2487802


>> No.2487804

bagholders gonna baghold, how does it feel you will never recoup your initial investment?

>> No.2487845

not nearly as satisfying as shitting on a street.

>> No.2487873

You realise the posting system means we can simply click on your posts, and see you using the EXACT SAME copy pasted terminology and bollocks in every single one, regardless of the ID, right?

Again case in point, pretending you're a random observer but forgetting you used the same stupid "pajeet" shit in one of your previous posts under that ID...


>> No.2487874

Serious question: What's the motivation for making this thread over and over? Regardless of the price dump, SWT looks like a promising coin. Are you trying to FUD it so you can get it cheaper or something?

>> No.2487898

Of course he is lol. Same guy keeps sitting there saying he doesn't care about this coin.

Then shits out 20 threads a day about it using the same pics.

This is the same retard who keeps posting the PoSW-DGB chart (even though it's completely irrelevant) btw.

He thinks he's fitting in by saying "pajeet" every two minutes.

>> No.2487918

Why would FUD be needed when it is already down 50% in two days? Everyone with a brain knows it is already dead, at this point its just making fun of the retarded bagholders. The people who bought into this are the same people who bought into POSW, DGB, and now Swarm city. All retarded Pajeet coins and this faggot shilling probably bought every single one lmao.

>> No.2487924

It's multiple people making these threads... If you knew about SWT's history (it's just a shitty reboot of ArcadeCoin) you'd know that the devs lack any and all technical skill / are liars / pajeets (yes, that's what you are)

They have 2 people shilling on /biz/. One that will write you emotional paragraphs and another that will call you a fiat loving jew for some reason.

Just stick around and see.

>> No.2487941

Yes, why is FUD needed? What is the purpose of these threads? That's what I'm asking. No one even knew about SWT. I saw like 2 threads about it in the last 2 weeks. Suddenly there's shitposting about SWT every day. What is your goal?

>> No.2487957

pajeet confirmed.

>> No.2487963

to make fun of the bagholders who fell for the scam. for the same reason its fun of people who went all in on DGB.

>> No.2488006

That's kind of pathetic. If you had an ulterior motive it'd be underhanded, but at least not pathetic. Successful people don't need to rub failure in other people's faces.

>> No.2488022


Is this your first day on /biz/ faggot? That's all we do here.

>> No.2488044

Yes, multiple people.

>"I'm right here pajeet"

/yawn, go to bed faggot.

ArcadeCoin was led by an arsehole, which the Swarm team quickly ejected and re-branded so he had no control. Proving they can actually get rid of idiots from their project. Vitalik's dad moved over also.

>"why would fud be needed?"
You tell me, you're trying fucking hard.

Oh wait I remember, something about being a captain faggot superhero and "saving" /biz/.

Go on, post that PoSW-DGB comparison again. If you keep shitting up the board I'm going to save all your copy-pasted shit and post it back at you so it's obvious you're a samefagging low-energy retard using production line call-centre script tier fudding.

My guess is you came onto /biz/, invested HEAVILY into fucking NGR or bitbeans or one of those meme-coins with no actual use during an ATH, and scared shitless it will never get that high again if you don't pull focus off everything else.

>> No.2488057

>using LMAO on 4chan
I think I know who the new one is. Go back to Rebbit and let the adults talk about making money.

>> No.2488058
File: 58 KB, 1920x1080, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed Pajeet, Find another coin to shill.

>> No.2488065

"We", still pretending to fit in.

Sitting screaming "pajeet" all day doesn't make you /biz/. It just makes you a newfag.

>> No.2488072


This guy is Mr. Emotional Paragraphs. He seems to have a lot to lose with this coin


Hey, where is your friend 'fiat jew meme' guy?

>> No.2488081

It looks like a great buy if it doesn't go farther than the 13s.

>> No.2488086

Holy fuck enough with the SWT scam threads

its misinformation, SWT is clearly not a scam FUCK OFF

>> No.2488096


>This is the same retard who keeps posting the PoSW-DGB chart
(Now modified to be PoSW-SWT I see).

Gotcha bitch, not as Anon as you thought you were ey, despite the IP changes. I smell a tasty dox incoming VERY soon if you keep shitting up the board.

>> No.2488110


>Still thinks only one person is roasting him

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.2488136

How infuriated are you that you are sitting on 75%+ losses on your investment? How fucking mad does it make you feel that you will never get that money back? Let me feel the rage flow through you, Pajeet.

>> No.2488163

I am glad I cam even out of this scam.

>> No.2488175

I bought at 14300 should I just sell and go to ANS?

>> No.2488209


Definitely, it can only go down. The coin dropped on news which has never happened before in the history of crypto.

>> No.2488219

You should get out of a coin majority owned by cunts like this guy

>> No.2488235


That's literally what I told him pajeet, stop shilling your scam coin and stfu lol

>> No.2488456 [DELETED] 

>The coin dropped on news which has never happened before in the history of crypto
>The coin dropped on news which has never happened before
>The coin dropped on news

Anyways keep fudding faggot, you've been busted. You're making so many posts under different IPs, you forget which ones you previously posted under.

You were caught right here saying you're the same guy earlier, then pretending you were a third-party observer later, under the same fucking ID.

You posting that fucking PoSW comparison sealed it when you posted here:
When I called it up here much earlier:

We know who you are faggot, you're the idiot who's been samefagging this shit over and over all fucking week for different coins. It's clear you have a motive.

I'm sure shitloads of people have been seeing this recently too, you need to vary your fudding:

>> No.2488481


I'm just kidding, I put over 2.5 btc into this at 150k. This is /biz/, don't get too worked up man.

>> No.2488498

>The coin dropped on news which has never happened before in the history of crypto
>The coin dropped on news which has never happened before
>The coin dropped on news

Anyways keep fudding faggot, you've been busted. You're making so many posts under different IPs, you forget which ones you previously posted under.

You were caught right here making out you were a third-party observer, yet posted the same shit earlier under the same fucking ID.

You posting that fucking PoSW comparison sealed it when you posted here:
When I called it up here much earlier:

We know who you are faggot, you're the idiot who's been samefagging this shit over and over all fucking week for different coins. It's clear you have a motive.

I'm sure shitloads of people have been seeing this recently too, you need to vary your fudding:

>> No.2488511


Calm down, it's already recovering. It looks like a very nice double bottom is forming. Just buy more and sell at the all time high gradually so this doesn't happen again.

>> No.2488535

Take your tin-foil hat off and get some fresh air please. Your paranoia is really stinking up this thread.

>> No.2488638

> tfw I sold at ATH and now I just bought back at the dip

AHHH, I'm going to have an orgasm. now I can stop FUDding against this project and start supporting it again