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File: 101 KB, 576x846, GOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24271025 No.24271025 [Reply] [Original]

Massive Nuggets Edition

Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

EU/ENGLAND sources
https://www.chards.co.uk/ [Much cheaper than BullionByPost]
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ [Website to compare gold prices for UK]

Russian/European coins

Previous thread:

Freedom round at spot:

Level 1 encounter:

>> No.24271128
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The Future is GOLD

>> No.24271291
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The commodity general died before it was born. We're going to have to plan the OP links over here at /pmg/. Also sucks because commodities are such a niche right now, I have a feeling threads dying will be commonplace. At the very least we should ready the OP post and save it on a text file so that when commodities really begin booming eventually (gonna be a commodity decade I believe) people will have a place to congregate and learn about investing into commodities.

Let's make /comgen/ real /pmg/!

>> No.24271305
File: 307 KB, 2518x1024, 4a5vm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274136

And just like that, the Crypto Shills disappear

>> No.24271317

Thanks PAN MAN.

>> No.24271349
File: 498 KB, 2560x1440, sona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SONA Nanotech on ceo.ca just turned out to be the next NNA. It's down 95% from the peak now, just crashed 70% the moment after getting unhalted. Was the most pumped stock on ceo.ca, the euphoria which you saw every day was immense. Many furious people are saying that they lost their entire life savings. All the gurus (like Minty) who promoted it every day are in hiding. I know this isn't a mining stock, but it's useful to learn lessons from this. If you see people treating a mining stock in the same way that the SONA people were treating SONA, be careful. They way they were talking every day also strongly reminded me of crypto moonboys.

>> No.24271384
File: 925 KB, 2868x1912, Drills at Pebble Mine project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F in the chat for Northern Dynasty Minerals and their doomed Pebble Copper Mine project. No project has ever brought so many sides together to stop it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/pebble-mine-alaska/2020/11/25/bc46575c-2f41-11eb-860d-f7999599cbc2_story.html

>> No.24271451

we will get it going, we just need a catalyst to spark it.

>> No.24271544
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Quoted by: >>24271937

Nice dumps today lol

>> No.24271666

DESU, commodities, along with collectibles and antiques have always been a secondary topic right here on /pmg/. Maybe that's just how it's going to be.

>> No.24271688
File: 31 KB, 340x226, dollar ratios 11-25-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly like /pmg/ this time last year. Back then it was mostly just silver generals

Which reminds me, an update:

>> No.24271721
Quoted by: >>24271919

I don't mind so long as PM's don't get overshadowed and package openings still happen.

>> No.24271919
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Quoted by: >>24272056

Check of doom, really hope that you're just playing the devil's advocate *badum tss*
No but really I think that at least some of the smarter guys from /smg/ would appreciate a place where they could shill their favourite commodity stocks or learn about them once a bull market begins
Checked. I want /comgen/ to be real, I want this crypto scam infested board to have some real economic discussion!
Absolutely! /pmg/ will still remain a place where you can discuss miners. /comgen/ would be a place where you can also discuss precious metals miners but the focus would be in the commodity side (agri/energy/metals/construction materials) rather than shinies. The reason for /comgen/ to exist is that I feel like talking about oil, uranium and whatnot in a precious metals general is kind of overstepping the boundaries, especially if people migrate from other circles to discuss those. The focus must remain on pm's here.

>> No.24271922
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Henlo Satan, why not have both? Antique silver pocket watch e.g.

>> No.24271937
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Here are a few of the delusional posts which the ceo.ca gurus were making when SONA was 15 CAD a share (it's now 1 CAD a share). Reminds me of the moonboys talking about "digital gold" and BTC to $100,000, etc.


Everybody who bought NAK always knew it was a gamble. SONA is especially disturbing because everybody who questioned it got insulted relentlessly and treated like an idiot. Shows why it is important not simply to go with the crowd.

>> No.24271991

checked, miners like CLF and other base metals I tolerate even though this is /pmg/. I work in ag commodities and I've never seen a commodity general thread last.

>> No.24272039
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Any good black friday deals happening yet on bullion or coins?

>> No.24272044
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i already blew my load but i cant stop checking the price chart

>> No.24272056
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Although on second thought... Maybe we're a bit too early. Maybe we shouldn't think about creating a new general yet when there isn't any demand for one. Maybe I'll bring it up again if the need arises.

>> No.24272107

I have 2 of the 2oz rounds and 5 1oz bars. I love the design, my favorite is the keep calm and slave on coin.

>> No.24272592
Quoted by: >>24272647

Lost $700 by ignoring your advice. Well, I took your advice to heed and put a little into it anyway on the off chance.

>> No.24272647
Quoted by: >>24273276

sorry to hear bud that blows.

>> No.24273089
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You guys thing gold will dip further to $1600 ish? I kinda of want to buy a golden Krugerrand

>> No.24273144
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Quoted by: >>24284145

This thread is getting snowed under by the shitcoins threads. Bumping

>> No.24273276
Quoted by: >>24273843

All good. I put 1000 in and marked it down as dead money anyway. Did the same thing with XRP back in June so ya win some and lose some.

What do you think about KL? My biggest regret is only putting 1000 into that back in March

>> No.24273843

which KL are we talking about?

>> No.24273853

I'm praying it does. If it closes low this week, hopefully that means it'll drop far.

>> No.24273870
Quoted by: >>24273998


What would I invest in exactly? Oil? Gold? Hogs?

>> No.24273998

I backed up the truck on DBA over the summer along with some EPD and XOM

>> No.24274010

Don't if you seen this one, pretty obvious now that crypto is already taken charge by bank and manipulated to look better for the plebs. Is it not the ultimate trap to get more control on people's wallet. I'm I too alarmist or cryptocucks are just too blinded by their greed and dont care about being the instrument of better enslavement system.

>> No.24274058
Quoted by: >>24276809

My bad for the spelling mistake btw

>> No.24274136
Quoted by: >>24274382

theres is no such thing a richest generation even?

>> No.24274382

Yes, there will be once this global reset hits.

>> No.24274463
Quoted by: >>24274936

I was looking into some agriculture and farming commodity information, I'll be off work here shortly. Once I get done at the gym I'll be able to put some work in and get some solid links/other info put together for that. Hate using /pmg/ to plan another general, but at the same time it (sort of) falls in line with how we invest.

>> No.24274525
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Quoted by: >>24276434

Thanks to >>24257394's splendid answer to the question yesterday, we can skip the test, now enjoy your documentary.


>> No.24274936
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Hey why not anon, the /pmg/ thread is kinda slow today anyway and it is good to diversify your portfolio

>> No.24274974
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BTC was invented by the central banks for three reasons, first, to split the anti-fiat community, and cause dissension in our ranks; secondly, to divert capital away from precious metals; thirdly, to prepare the world for CBDCs. It ought to have gone to zero after 2017, but it has been pumped and re-inflated by tether and other stablecoins, just as the stock market has been pumped and re-inflated by Q. E. My reasons for thinking as I do:

1) Tether is widely believed to be responsible for the 2017 crypto pump (its own founder admitted this suspicion to Jordan Belfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzpqxqbq0Jg).).

2) Tether now has 10x the mcap that it did since the March crash, when BTC crashed to $4000, and a 40 billion per annum printing-rate. The only time when tether was ever audited was 2018, and yet even then it was found to be backed only by “75% cash and cash equivalents.” But 1 USDT is supposed to = 1 USD.

3) BTC volume is only 5% of what it was in 2017, and Google searches for Bitcoin are in the gutter. This shows that retail interest is low, and almost all BTC is going into tether's hands (as DesoGames explains here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzDjJ-SrojY).).

4) BTC is completely worthless as a currency. https://blog.plan99.net/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7?gi=a80dff4c0636 In 2017, you had $100 fees and 3-day transaction times when sending BTC. Even if the Lightning Network were implemented, only 0.1% of the world population could use BTC.

5) The only way to use BTC as a currency is to go through Blockstream's second-layer solutions (like the LN), which track and trace everything you do. BTC also tracks you forever on a pseudonymous ledger, hence why the BTC Twitter hackers were caught within days of cashing out. Physical gold and silver coins are therefore superior for privacy to BTC.


>> No.24275051
File: 96 KB, 902x717, btcblockstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6) Solutions like BCH are not the answer, since, the larger the block-size, the greater the centralization. To the point where you might as well simply keep your gold in a vault and use a gold-backed crypto instead, because that is no more centralized than what you will inevitably have with something like BCH or BSV. Kinesis (allocated gold on the Blockchain) does everything which BCH claims to do (banking the unbanked, 24/7 transactions, making microtransactions, etc.) while also functioning as a working currency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9aYYluRA0

7) Satoshi is really Adam Back, the head of Blockstream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcvX0P1b5g Blockstream is controlled by the banks and the Bilderberg Group.

8) Bullion banks are bidding up the price of Bitcoin on the futures exchanges at the same time as they are suppressing the price of gold, as Rob Kientz shows. (https://youtu.be/Bq9SblPW-6w))

9) Promotion of BTC in the mainstream media is unrelenting, showing that they completely back it. The MSM, of course, is controlled by the bankers.


>> No.24275158

Quite a few of the analyst that I follow I’ve been watching the 1800 level for several months as the floor. We’ve bounce pretty hard off of around 1808 yesterday so I really think 1800 is the floor it’s possible we go a little bit lower but I seriously doubt it. I bought about $4000 worth of physical and miners this week so my money is behind my words.

>> No.24275201
File: 321 KB, 1291x1790, backed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10) Russia, China, and the other eastern countries have been accumulating gold to issue gold-backed currencies after the reset, not crypto. They already have enough gold reserves to do this. The eastern countries are where the real production is, so, if they don't take BTC, BTC is good for nothing.

11) Gold-backed currencies in the modern banking system would work with perfect efficiency, whereas no crypto can function as a currency for more than a minuscule fraction of the world population.

12) Money must represent savings, i. e. what is useful for production and industry; otherwise, no country has any reason to take it as an equivalent exchange for their goods and commodities. But crypto stores no intrinsic value. After the reset, then, BTC will go to zero when priced in gold (as Alasdair Macleod says).

13) Crypto has enormous intrinsic disadvantages when compared to gold. If you have gold in a vault, you are protected from the following: Being tortured out of your life-savings within ten minutes; losing them to memory-loss; dementia; a thoughtless mistake when making transactions; a key-logger or other hack; burglary (extremely rare with respect to private vaults); a fire; a hardware failure. BTC also, as I have said, lacks the privacy of gold and silver coins, and is fundamentally unusable as a currency. Whereas digital gold on the Blockchain (Kinesis) or gold-backed currencies in the banking system are perfect as currencies.


>> No.24275254

Smdh @ retards who think that crypto is the end-all-be-all for finance, or that institutions won't co-opt it
We need DeFi shit for sure but it has to be outside of what the banks can wrap their hands around

>> No.24275438

Try it again, burgers are off work.

>> No.24275564

Yeah let's make it happen. Commodities gets brought up every now and then in /pmg/ anyway

>> No.24275691
Quoted by: >>24275743

Markets gonna start crashing soon. And after that next intervention by the Fed, the dollar is gonna shit the bed all the way down and past 80.

>> No.24275696
Quoted by: >>24275891

Hello 4Chan world, is there anyone who could explain the bullion world to me? new to this and trying to get a sense of investments. Commodities seemed like a good investment. does anyone have any tips?

>> No.24275743
Quoted by: >>24276688

gimme a qrd, if the markets shit the bed and the dollar goes tits-up, what happens

>> No.24275891

Go to Costco right now before you're too late. They sell gold there now

>> No.24276002
Quoted by: >>24276085

just buy straight gold? is it a set price across the board? or do some places sell it cheaper?

>> No.24276022
File: 7 KB, 320x200, gold_1d_o_AUD_z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24276224

So here's gold today

>> No.24276058
File: 11 KB, 320x200, silver_1d_o_USD_z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now compare that to silver.

The fuck's going on here?

>> No.24276085

Find your LCS (local coin store) and go in. Try to find gold with the lowest premium (the percentage above the spot price of gold). Try not to buy in small fractions because the premiums are higher. The smallest size I try to buy is 10 gram bars.

If your LCS is a bust, check out findbullionprices.com

>> No.24276220
Quoted by: >>24276462

You joke but there are Costco locations in the London area that do sell bullion you can find the articles about it online.

>> No.24276224
File: 9 KB, 320x200, 5FC3E698-D256-44D6-A0EF-5683E1EA274D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24277341

It's not as pronounced if you compare them both in USD.

>> No.24276434
Quoted by: >>24277125

I'm going to attempt to break down his assessment of the true value of gold, so bear with me because it may sound completely retarded, or insightful:

If what I'm reading is correct, I can picture a scenario where when we (USA) become so economically unstable that the federal government could put a stop to mining in general until they can fix a value to reset the dollar to gold back is. It sort of plays out with the great reset theory that's being thrown around (that is looking closer to being a reality each day). Otherwise, why is the value allowed to be supressor the way it has been? JPM has been busted doing this while hoarding their own vault. It gives us time to stack sure, but big institutions like that have way more capital to throw at it than anyone here. This goes back to halting mining operations. At this point, extraction is cut off completely and the asset now becomes completely finite, a definite amount. This will cause the value to soar. Too many people are playing the casino with crypto as it's completely speculative, but stuff like monero mat come out ahead simply for it's privacy. Outside of that, it's nothing but code on a blockchain with value attached to it based on the last bag that got dumped.

>> No.24276462

just read an article that says they do sell gold. pretty cool thanks for the tip.

>> No.24276678
File: 318 KB, 1314x1402, 1606219298447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.24276688

Well in the dollar goes tits up, then all dollar denominated Bonds and Treasuries flood out all at once searching for anything that can maintain its value compared to real yields.

>> No.24276759
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>> No.24276809
Quoted by: >>24276978

>My bad for the spelling mistake btw
The worst part is your sentence structure, not the spelling

>> No.24276883
File: 1.28 MB, 4000x1800, F the system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24280785

thanks fren to bring that up, they are selling their freedom for a part of the cage and they are happy about it, mesmerizing.
The entities at the top need to be brought back more at our level, that's what need to happen. hierarchy is good to keep things in a certain order but the greed of power is taking too much place now. It sad to see people accepting this too, that things can be different. Anyways, 100% physical cause I trust my senses and I despise more and more digital tech because of the people behind it. Godspeed

>> No.24276915

Its harder to manipulate silver when shit get really tight because there is so much less of it available for investment.....Thats why the Hunt brothers went all in silver in the 70s, and probably why buffet went hard on silver in the 90s....

>> No.24276978
Quoted by: >>24277032

haha English is my second language, French leaf here and I don't say sorry, I do my best to learn from my mistake.

>> No.24277009
Quoted by: >>24277445

>2 years until breakout
Guess I have more time than I thought

>> No.24277032

alright keep working on it friendo

>> No.24277125
File: 19 KB, 402x377, 1574374243614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24277704

The long and short tl;dr of it is that all assets are gonna spike as combined currency deflates (ie no collective crashes, only individual minor ones like the recent Lira); and while those 'peaks' will be an illusion of prosperity given the collective lower value of everything, it's that there's vested interest in PM supression (which, when she blows and spikes; willbe the 'final' peak as hyperinflation begins to take hold)
>mining operations will stop
As out there as some economic calls are, I'd say that's bordering on delusion. You're not going to stop third world blood mining (because they really don't give one about the global economy, and there'll always be buyers), and to demand so in the first world would cause so much economic instability that at least one of the major currencies will collapse. Not to mention that, if that was the case; then Asia (not just China, but India and Japan too) wold just flood the market.
To finite back the dollar against Gold would be an equal economic threat to burgerland as the Three Gorges Dam being struck. I'd unironically believe the people ITT who dream of the ultimate Silver mission of the dollar going Silverback+finite before it would Goldback+finite.

I genuinely don't see a 'way out' for any recovery. At best, once profits have been made from the Christmas spending period; I'd say it's Suden Death until breakout (especially given the acceleration of that point from Corona fucking the economy). They can't offset it forever, the COMEX defaults are already coming in.

>> No.24277131
Quoted by: >>24277360

Why did the entire board turn pink today?

>> No.24277341

Ah right, well spotted, I'm an idiot

>> No.24277360

Guessing BTC dipped? The rest of the board generally only cares about Crypto, which is on the whim of mostly fiat confidence outside of a very select few coins, so who knows.

>> No.24277445

Are you blind?

>> No.24277515
Quoted by: >>24277597

Stock lost 50% today lol. I'm glad we talked some guys out of NAK, some mines just shouldn't be built. We can find copper elsewhere.

>> No.24277588
File: 1.79 MB, 777x1270, 25237237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24277634

checks out, such a weird place and no context for this image.

>> No.24277597

its not just that it shouldnt have been built, its that not even half way through the process of getting the mine planned out Northern Dynasty Metals signed their death notice by thinking up insane pit upgrades and other infrastructure work without a shovel ever hitting the ground. The project was doomed from day one. A perfect combo of bad choices lead to probably hundreds of millions or billions down the drain.

>> No.24277634
Quoted by: >>24277718

from my understanding it was a private persons nugget collection he had built up over the course of decades from miners all over the US and Canada, but I have no info on its current location. Its one of the largest private collections of gold nuggets in existence and it up and vanished in the 1990s.

>> No.24277647

Gold Vs. Silver? are they generally both the same besides price per ounce? or does one hold value over the other in some other way.

>> No.24277704

I probably should have clarified that to mining operations stopping I'm the US only. That is a good point about third world shitholes mining non stop, it is delusional to think they ever would.

You also bring up the fact this holiday season is a buyer's dream, and it's definitely been that way. Why, I can't imagine because we're still recovering from the financial fallout from the (((virus))) and a second wave of lockdowns all but guaranteed. I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around it, because something as volatile and speculative as BTC is reaching ATH. It just isn't adding up. Stocks I can at least partially understand since there are actual businesses to be invested into (even if it's still a toss up).

Having said all that, silver/gold is essentially crabbing right now with all this money being thrown around (that is basically fake because muh gibs and unemployment). I'm not complaining because I can still keep buying PM, but delusion of the general public right now is kind of a blackpill.

>> No.24277718
File: 1.70 MB, 733x1142, 25234354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24277801

its an interesting story. this is a bit better quality, the op looks a bit washed out. i dont even see any mention of context in the foot notes for this month. not that it would help. its 17 years before the 90s started

>> No.24277743
Quoted by: >>24277887

Silver has thousands of industrial uses
Gold is mainly used in jewellery and bullion, with only a few industrial uses

Gold is also 10x rarer in the earth's crust

>> No.24277801
Quoted by: >>24277825

there is another photo of these nuggets on display somewhere, sitting in a wood casket with a security guard but that photo is even rarer than this one. There is little info anywhere on this gold or what happened to it. I sure hope it wasnt melted down.

>> No.24277804


Craig Hemke on Twitter just now:

"Why all of the interest in November Comex gold deliveries?
November is a "non-delivery" month with the trading and delivery volume in December, instead.
Here are the delivery totals since 2015:

Nov15: 214
Nov16: 2,699
Nov17: 1,065
Nov18: 219
Nov19: 1,731
Nov20 so far: 9,656"

Some people commenting below:

"How big a deal is it that someone is so nervous there won’t be gold left tgat they lay down 700,000,000$ for gold delivery back to back days? Idk but I can’t even fathom that much money/demand...if that much money went into bitcoin it’d. R at 1 mil/coin lol"

"That's what happens when you send the price sufficiently into backwardation - Europeans et al turn up at the Comex where it's cheaper and request delivery. If they didn't sufficiently shake the 'other reportable' category with the price move, they just made their situation worse."

"Comex default in Dec?"

"I thought this was gonna take years but we could be days away...best to be strapped in a rocket too early rather than waiting for movement to occur! Grab popcorn and ur fav drink Craig."


"This has been going on for LITERAL MONTHS.

I've linked my research to you before yknow."

Rob Kientz (who has backed DesoGames all along):

"Someone is late to the party"

>> No.24277820
Quoted by: >>24277946

Gold is money. Silver is a speculative bet that gold will go up and therefore silver will go up even more because it's worth less (relatively). SIlver is not money or a store of value but a 3-4 year play around bull markets.

>> No.24277825
Quoted by: >>24277928

if its in a nat geo i have all of them archived.

>> No.24277870

Gold is the better holder of wealth throughout history and it’s price has consistently gone up, silver is good but in modern times its price fluctuates wildly ($50 in 2011 vs. $12 March 2020) due to industrial demand and other factors. In short you can’t go wrong with either one, and it would be a good idea to have both

>> No.24277887

hmmm interesting...not looking to spend thousands, or even hundreds of dollars on gold ATM. if i could buy ounce bars of silver, would 4Chan recommend?

>> No.24277902
File: 350 KB, 900x951, prem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, David Brady on Twitter just now:

"FYI - While everyone is focused on paper prices for PMs, availability of physical disappearing and premiums exploding again, just as in March. Case in point: Last Fri, 1oz Silver Eagle on Bullion Vault was selling at 70% premium to spot, 103% w/ VAT! Btw, pre-sale = out of stock."

"i.e. $42 in London for a 1oz Silver Eagle, $51 w/ VAT.
Spot future price for Silver at the time: $25."

>> No.24277928
Quoted by: >>24278031

i believe it was in a copy of nat geo but it may also have been an old gold prospectors magazine too. I will look through my archive too because this is one mystery i ve never really gotten to the bottom of.

>> No.24277932

tl;dr Gold is more valuable, stable, consistantly grows upward and is widely recognised as THE Precious Metal; Silver has a lower bar to entry, is more volitile, doesn't really change in value outside of crisis times (ie it just crabs at a given dollar level most of the time) and has much more potential to spike due to historic supression - however has the extra downside of having a higher premium on it (VAT etc).
Put money in Gold if you want to keep it safe and stable against inflation, minimal losses upon investing into it, with a nice bonus if the economy chokes; put money in Silver if you're a poorfag who can't afford Gold, if you've got enough Gold that it's time to diversify or if you want to try to make a really fucking fat check if the economy chokes and Silver spikes (at which point you ought to transition that money into Gold/Land anyways) - and if Silver normalises (which it 95% chance won't, but it's nice to dream) you could make a killing off of it.

>> No.24277946

It depends on the place and context really, here in Mexico silver has been more practical as money historically. Even in the US there has been advocacy for a silver monetary base, remember Dorothy's silver slippers.

>> No.24278031

my bet it went into a private collection somewhere or someone is laying low with it. second likelihood is it was split up. worst case is like you said, melted down.

>> No.24278046

OP here. Yes i am a poorfag (lol) but given the fact that the stock market is in the shitter rn would y'all recommend buying? i could buy gold NP, just not multiple ounces of it. i could buy more silver ATM.

>> No.24278158

>OP here
Don't worry, we've all got ID's on /biz/. And try to keep it civil, we're humans here, not the average jk lmfao totes kool br0 y'all social media faggots.
Depends what you want from your investment, how much you want to keep and eye on it and (as a ballpoint figure) how much you're thinking of investing.

>> No.24278184

Monument metals has their black friday sale out already, don't know about the others but theirs looks half decent.

>> No.24278202
File: 115 KB, 983x703, IMG_20201126_090304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24278270

>it just crabs at a given dollar level most of the time

>> No.24278256

Your countries bullion coin, for me it would be the American silver eagle, you will pay a higher price over melt value than if you were to buy a generic round or bar, but it is much easier to sell, which despite memes on here, is something you may eventually want to/have to do. Also if/when you do sell your metals, you may have better luck with third party methods rather than selling to a local coin store or something, I was able to sell some of my silver over spot about a month ago on Offerup but I could've got more if I sold my American Silver Eagles

>> No.24278270

>log graph
Try harder next time

>> No.24278281


Something strange is definitely going on at the COMEX.

>> No.24278291

buy an ounce of gold first IMO, and then do what you want from there

>> No.24278341
File: 109 KB, 1080x625, IMG_20201126_090803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24278509

>it just crabs at a given dollar level most of the time

>> No.24278364
Quoted by: >>24287113

>here in Mexico silver has been more practical as money historically
Silver had a use before gold backed paper, because it has some value and was easier to transact with than gold as you can split it up easier due to its lower value. But when you can have gold backed paper, you can split it into smaller and smaller amounts. This is preferable to currency users because gold doesn't degrade, but silver does. Ever since paper (gold-backed) money was invented silver is just slowly bleeding out. It's now more a speculative play on industrial use than a real store of value.

>> No.24278413

Krugerrands or ASE?

>> No.24278439
File: 99 KB, 720x332, 1606346690465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder, Trump is getting 4 more years


>> No.24278509
File: 213 KB, 1080x625, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24278625

And there we go. Outside of instability (ie, not most of the time), it's mostly crabbing at a given level; especially against the relative continual rise of Gold.

>> No.24278538
File: 39 KB, 700x467, 1605412362212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now that I'm back home for the evening, I promised some agriculture research.


This right here is a pretty well written "baby's first farm investment" guide for ETFs to follow and how to further take your DD to the next level as far as agriculture is concerned.


This site seems to have a simpler breakdown of futures contracts that are (a little) easier for those new to ag, or wanting exposure to certain markets.

These are just two that can lead someone to finding stock plays, because a lot of the market is physical (like gold and silver!) movement of what it is you're selling (cattle, crops, etc.). Because crops are seasonal, that leaves making the plays you want to a double edge sword: on one hand, it leaves ample time to study the market of a particular asset to make the best timed and sound investment. On the other hand, you also have time to consider outside factors that could disrupt the flow of the exchange of these commodities. Got a problem with the Shanghai shivers? First thing that flew off the shelves were protein related food items, so beef/pork/poultry were solid plays. Nobody even touched produce.

A lot of meat processing plants had problems with the virus spreading and had to shut down. So that jacked the price up as well.

Wildfires and hurricanes destroyed the west coast and southern coasts, so that's a direct cause of lumber prices soaring.

These are all things to consider when trying to make the best play.

>> No.24278590

>the stock market is in the shitter rn

>> No.24278625
Quoted by: >>24278728

You're suggesting that the massive parabolic rises in silver are almost chance and beyond that silver never does anything. I understand if you're trying to advocate gold as the safer, easier choice of of 'investment' because thats definitely true. But to deny the immense opportunity in silver both now and historically is foolish.

>> No.24278728

>You're suggesting that the massive parabolic rises in silver are almost chance and beyond that silver never does anything.
I'm not.
>I understand if you're trying to advocate gold as the safer, easier choice of of 'investment' because thats definitely true.
Which is as I said.
>But to deny the immense opportunity in silver both now and historically is foolish.
Which I'm not.

If you dispute anything, try fucking asking for clarification instead of attempting to disprove an inferrence. In objective, relative terms; Silver crabs in stable economic times (while Gold continues to rise much more steadily and stably tied to inflation), especially compared to Gold. Meanwhile, in crash/unstable times, Silver's voltility gives rise to it's meteoric increases over Gold (hence the variable GSR).

>> No.24278777
Quoted by: >>24278816

>Even in the US there has been advocacy for a silver monetary base, remember Dorothy's silver slippers.
For the longest time the U.S. used both as money and the U.S. constitution sets monetary values on both gold and silver.

>> No.24278816

Checked and based. That is how the states accumulated the most amount of gold in ww2.

>> No.24279325

does your pic suggest the actual value of gold is 30k?

>> No.24279348
Quoted by: >>24279802

Check the gold:silver ratio, above around 1:70 is when silver is undervalued and you can get more silver for cheap, below around 1:50 it might be better to get gold instead.
I'd still say get both if you can

Plunder that South African wealth

>> No.24279423
Quoted by: >>24279802

Krugs no question

>t. No ASE-er

>> No.24279524
Quoted by: >>24279802

theyre both gonna milkspot to shit, krugs

>> No.24279567
Quoted by: >>24279596

If you're just starting out and are on a tight budget, silver would be the best starting point. It seems the $23 per ounce is a fair value, anything less would be worthy of buying the dip honestly. I'm still a stacklet myself so I haven't got any gold yet. I'm waiting for tax season before getting my first ounce.

And when you do buy gold eventually, get in whole ounces. Anything fractional you're still paying a premium on, so keep that in mind because it does add up. See does apply to silver, but not nearly to the effect of gold simply for the price per ounce alone.

>> No.24279596

Same applies to silver*

>> No.24279691
Quoted by: >>24281445

I tried guys. Im glad it made it a couple posts though. Lets keep going and try it again.

>> No.24279693
File: 2.17 MB, 4000x3000, 20201126_020023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24280292

Sorting through masses of world coins for pm's atm from my folks garage. Not silver but this lil nigga 5f still worth a cappuccino in Switzerland.

>> No.24279802
Quoted by: >>24280142

Looks like a resounding consensus for Krugerrands

>> No.24279852
Quoted by: >>24283936

thoughts on gold bullion ETFs like GLDM?

>> No.24279936
Quoted by: >>24280033


silver has better utility and gold is overvalued compared to its importance as a raw material. i see no real reason to distinguish some precious metals as "monetary" but not others like platinum, iridium, etc. not. i would buy gold if it were a bit cheaper i guess but it does not appeal to me very much.

>> No.24280033
Quoted by: >>24280071

If metals were based purely on utility nickel, copper, and steel, and many other metals would be worth way more than gold or even silver for that matter, gold has been money for thousands of years and it has nothing to do with how useful it is

>> No.24280035
Quoted by: >>24280071

and i'm sure part of the reason gold was valuable in the first place is because it's a metal that can be found naturally in its pure form. it must have been one of the first workable metals that humans used for crafting, before smelting and more advanced metallurgy allowed them to use copper, iron, etc.

>> No.24280071
Quoted by: >>24280415


nickel, copper, and steel are too common to be used as a convenient store of wealth. utility and rarity must intersect. that is what makes a good store of wealth. anything else is just cultural bullshit.

>> No.24280142
File: 39 KB, 1319x227, 1590805740138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24280501


>> No.24280292

Ayyyyy, one thing I loved while I was in Zurich was how pocket change was actually worth something. Coinage should be to the point you can pay for a meal or drinks with it. Still have approx. 20 CHF in coins as a memento.

>> No.24280415
File: 178 KB, 1200x800, scythian gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24280513

Gold is not the first workable metals; it's THE BEST metal to make fine crafts and jewelries with. It is extremely malleable and it never breaks down/rusts/etc. Pic related is nearly impossible with other common metals.

>> No.24280451

Why are phils so fucking ugly

>> No.24280501
File: 55 KB, 512x336, 78B85F1D-35D2-48D7-A5C1-B37C57BB1593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I can’t wait for the second Apartheid

>> No.24280500

Very busy design with lots of words, fonts and clutter.

>> No.24280513


sure, the point is that gold actually was very important for its use in crafting, and became a convenient currency. in order to become a lasting currency, it had to be useful first.

>> No.24280610

GSM has silver under $25

>> No.24280785

That's a nice 100oz bar

>> No.24280861
File: 3.71 MB, 1920x2560, fatsackspill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24281699

actually lack of uses/consumption makes something a better form of money.

You are conflating what increases the value of something, and what makes something a good store of value/money

>> No.24281050

The building is okay but a bunch of instruments just isn't very awe-inspiring compared to a national symbol or personification
Also the lack of ridges

>> No.24281051

truthfully have you ever held gold? every human instinctively understands it is valuable

>> No.24281066
File: 97 KB, 1151x683, inerdasting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24282034

Hmmmm, I am not a TA expert, but I do know that bonds and gold are very closely related given both having status as "safe haven"s


>> No.24281102

Shocked me the first time I held Gold and Silver in my hands. Something about the density and weight to it, and the shine...

>> No.24281445

I posted my ag stuff here a few posts ago: >>24278538

It's at least some starter material for newbies into the agriculture and farming markets. Most of it is done physical, as knowing there prices for produce if you decide to hit farmers markets or actually sell cattle, but less /out/ anons can certainly be lead to some wall street plays as outlined in the investopedia article I posted.

>> No.24281492
File: 73 KB, 441x512, 1604939063995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24281548

>every human instinctively understands it is valuable
Look at the smile it can put on your face when you have to wear gloves and it isn't even yours.

>> No.24281548
Quoted by: >>24281975

Anon...can you tell me...where those kilo gold coins are?

>> No.24281612

I have a couple, but honestly want to see if my LCS will let me trade them for some Buffalos. I don't know what it is about them, but I love the look of the Buffalos.

>> No.24281699


i disagree. gold was valuable because it was both rare and useful. it still is rare and somewhat useful. but gold didn't become a lasting currency just because it was shiny. it was durable, rare, and useful.

this should be the sort of thing that an anthropologist or historian figures out, instead of studying african dance theory or whatever bullshit they study. why do i have to do everything?

>> No.24281786

told you guys le bubble was gonna pop

>> No.24281859
Quoted by: >>24282176

>looks at btc
Damn, look at it go.

>> No.24281863
File: 168 KB, 1080x990, Sam Stacker Bridges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad handles investments
>doesn't want me to move money from mining fund into physical
>only about 10% in physical right now
What do bros? Trust my dad but I also want a bit less risk, mainly since you guys make good arguments for physical.

>> No.24281874
Quoted by: >>24281918

CBDC's will only reinflate it along side negative interest rate.

>> No.24281881

Thank you anon, I'll put the links into the OP text file

>> No.24281918

Negative interest rates will do that, but so far it doesn't matter enough to actually impact the market

>> No.24281950
Quoted by: >>24282305

Tell him the TFMetal report.

>> No.24281963
Quoted by: >>24282305

I just stay physical. Seems like every time I try to paper trade it I get burned immediately with no recovery. Physical never seems to dump (hard at least) and you're in it for the Long haul anyway.

>> No.24281975

>Anon...can you tell me...where those kilo gold coins are?
That’s a 1,000 troy ounce coin

>> No.24282034

Chart just says one of the two lines will break up or break down to match the other. More likely gold as it's bull flagging in the chart but you never know.

>> No.24282176

Apparently, one of the causes was niggers.

>> No.24282305
Quoted by: >>24282496

I don't see how these are arguments against stocks though, if metals go up so do miners.
It certainly seems risky but the fund has made huge gains in the past year or two, and it's not what I'd call unstable. It's just a hard choice since I don't want to miss out on a likely moon mission.

>> No.24282496

It only matters if the financial reset hits. I am sharing this since you have an opportunity to buy at a bargin. CBDC's will not allow people to buy gold or silver, but they can buy stocks. This means he can ride in mining after he gets as much gold and silver he has.

>> No.24282625
File: 137 KB, 1544x913, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely loving the Gold chart right now, broke down from the bull flag and sitting at a confluence of support on the very strong 1800 level, which is also the 200 day MA. crazy how charts line up like this. We're getting oversold on the RSI as well. If we break here we're going for 1750 fast, but that ought to be the bottom. So, decision point happening this week and next week. I'm excited. Especially considering BTC breaking down, Dow 30k, miners bull flagging, comex shenanigans, lockdowns starting. Maybe these can give us clues.

>> No.24282869

Hello PMG people, can I hide here for now?

>> No.24282944

You've made your point Banks. Big Leg is coming up.

>> No.24282980

Seems like a lot of places have discount on premiums, big deal when premiums are ridiculous

>> No.24283273
Quoted by: >>24283388

Nowhere is safe until you master emotions. Market pumps and market dumps. You must be one with the market.

>> No.24283388

pretty good advice

>> No.24283525

I would buy both.

Buy three 1oz round/bars/coins so you hit the free shipping threshold on most site.

Then buy physical gold ETFs(such as GLDM)on Robinhood.

Of course physical is best but between huge premium on fractional gold, tax in some states, and spread if you were to sell, it’s not worth it unless you can buy at the very least 1/2oz at a time. I would set Robinhood to auto buy a small amount weekly for dollar cost averaging.

>> No.24283583
Quoted by: >>24284555

kek Northern Dynasty bagholders in meltdown.









I know some of you were about to buy this stock before being talked down from the ledge.

>> No.24283598 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 4000x1800, 20201125_221921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure make yourself comfy and lurk around

>> No.24283674

Only got ~23oz silver and a 1/4 oz AGE. I was following Maloney's ratio, but I'm itching to get a full gold coin, at the very least a 1/2 oz. Any recommendations?

Also, with interest rates as low as they are, is anyone taking money from their savings and buying physical?

>> No.24283693

Should I get this? https://monumentmetals.com/wartime-nickel-1-face-value.html

>> No.24283734

I got a sovereign the other day, it's a full gold coin and not a half sovereign! Just nowhere near 1oz though.
I want a Krug someday but I'm out of powder at the moment

>> No.24283778
Quoted by: >>24284753

For an oz
For two 1/4 of these near spot,

>> No.24283936

If you can’t afford to buy several oz per year it’s the only gold that makes sense, in my opinion

>> No.24284059
Quoted by: >>24284753

Scottsdale also has a ton of 1oz gold to pick from.

>> No.24284145
Quoted by: >>24285069

So, if oldsilver anon is here, can you fill us in on these vodka tokens? Like, how how on earth did it even become a thing? I just can't find any info on DDG, and you know how google is... don't wanna touch them unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.24284222
Quoted by: >>24284753

A coin I really like is the Chile 100 pesos, around 20 grams or 2/3 of an ounce with a low premium

>> No.24284376
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x8300, pmgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, bee a tough year, but now its almost over. frens please sign my /pmg/ yearbook

>> No.24284453
File: 785 KB, 1080x783, standing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285477

whatever else you do please don't go trolling around the crypto threads, making fun of them

>> No.24284506

/EYHy3Yy- Hey bro. One day we'll look back on all this and laugh. Have a bitchin summer metal bro. -xjLxzEjn

>> No.24284523

Yeah. I can not wait for collages in the future about PMG in textbooks.

>> No.24284555

I had some, but sold for a 10% profit after the election and feeling the guilt of ruining the salmon flows and general beauty of the region. Looks like virtue was rewarded.

>> No.24284573

Also, should I back the truck for Black friday or cyber monday silver deals? I do not have much money to do both.

>> No.24284608
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, CurrentStack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24284741

I'm glad Kenji made the cut.

>> No.24284741

Are those sgtreport rounds or freedom rounds?

>> No.24284753
Quoted by: >>24284793

These are all dope additions to my stack, definitely grab some of these before year end. Also

>> No.24284793

I will say. Get the near spot deal or the perth mint since those are hot deals. The next target is scottsdale covid bar since those will have a premium post pandemic.

>> No.24284884
File: 596 KB, 1819x1892, 20201126_000902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Thanksgiving my fellow stackers

>> No.24284929

Happy thanksgiving. You finally got that anon. I remember you posted that you were about to get it. Nintendo is really scalping their fans with the limited edition of the super mario 3d collection.

>> No.24284959
File: 3.84 MB, 4032x3024, 7E3356CB-E315-4190-AF33-2274AE2EDC58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy fellow based game and watch stacker

>> No.24285069
Quoted by: >>24285223

Not him, but what do you mean by
>don't wanna touch them unless absolutely necessary ?
They're just tiny (1-2g) bits of fine silver. The one I got from him is 1g, but clearly says "Ag .999".

>> No.24285120
File: 2.33 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285147

guten tag

>> No.24285147
File: 2.47 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285193


>> No.24285182

We've had a good year anon. The macro discussions and miner talks were my highlights.

>> No.24285193
File: 2.52 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285242


>> No.24285223
Quoted by: >>24285612

He means he doesn't want to touch Google

>> No.24285242
File: 2.71 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285319

bubble wrap in a bubble wrap?

>> No.24285319
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285403

A meme!

>> No.24285354
File: 2.69 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

batboi is heavy

>> No.24285387

Me and the misses are actually looking at starting a cattle ranching operation. She has a degree in agricultural education and im a hard worker with a good head on my shoulders. Im currently in grad school for hydrology and when im done with that and my investments pay off we'll be buying land and starting the ranch.

>> No.24285403
Quoted by: >>24285716

really looking to get that one too, nice one!

>> No.24285477
Quoted by: >>24285627

Did bitcoin crash? What happened? Oh my god im so going to go and shit on them

>> No.24285612

And I'm a dumb dumb.

>> No.24285627
File: 634 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2020-11-26-13-24-15-492_com.android.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems pic related is the trigger.

>> No.24285658
File: 61 KB, 540x680, 1602473305319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds awesome. i wish you all the best!

>> No.24285716

thanks! yeah, you definitely should get one. Interesting thing is, they are pretty rough on the edges, it feels like a real piece of metal, not just like a fancy coin.

>> No.24285736

So it looks like Silver One sold all of their mexican assets and now they only have "an option to own 100% of their flagship nevada property"

Anybody want to talk me out of selling? Theyve done very well and held their value but being that they dont actually own any property right now I want to sell and move it into a solid producing silver or gold mine. Maybe first majestic?

What you guys think? Keep or sell and where should I put it? I'm up 3% and I'll have about $1200

>> No.24285759

Oh hes just trying to cause panic
He looks like a gay liberal number one and number two there have been no official announcements. Probably just trying to sow fear

>> No.24285795

Maybe aurcana?

>> No.24285851
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, SilveruWaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24285855
Quoted by: >>24285913


>> No.24285913

Okay. Thank you

>> No.24286131
File: 90 KB, 360x480, 118600991_2666547193560147_6610467132082301157_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulling that ore cart up a mountain was a fun day trip!

>> No.24286252

Do you feel like your hydrology education will help with your ranch?
Why cattle? Why not farm basedbeans?

>> No.24286735
File: 150 KB, 550x173, E60F8C32-1D6B-4E15-B0AB-2CC911A2139A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really do enjoy laughing at all you pathetic silver stackers. i own a metals recycling company and i’ve been in the mining business for 30 years now. you people are the most pathetic i have seen in a long time. none of you will ever be as successful as me no matter how much worthless silver you have.

>> No.24286869

Yeah i think so. Its a water management hydrology program so aside from learning about water management like wells and stuff, i can get a job with the city or county where I reside.

>> No.24286899
File: 21 KB, 276x322, 1552375595121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impact silver or dolly varden.

>> No.24287028
File: 54 KB, 600x500, look fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Twitter: "These heckin Rethuglican chud facists trying to stop crypto! I can't wait till Kween Kamala is president so the government will embrace PROGRESS!"

>Biden: "Listen fat..."

>> No.24287032
Quoted by: >>24287054

Based fellow hydrologist. Respect putting that knowledge to work on your own land. Trying to find a way to move myself to a more rural setting and somehow still use my skills there.

>> No.24287039
Quoted by: >>24290675

I threw another commodities general up there!


>> No.24287040
Quoted by: >>24287074

Totally fucking normal.

>> No.24287054
Quoted by: >>24287438

Well im only a geologist right now but hopefully I'm get that hydrology cred when I get into gradschool!

>> No.24287065

Bought a gold pan a few days ago, I plan to go up north next summer and maybe test out my pan with My Dad

>> No.24287074

Jews = Bad news.

>> No.24287077
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, Remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver, unironically is going to parity with Bitcoin. And gold.

>> No.24287113

Silver does not degrade. You see major tarnishing on silver items due to other metals mixed in (eg sterling silver items) not because of the silver itself

>> No.24287117

So I have $2-3k I am thinking of dropping on PMs right now. Live in California. What do you think is the best bang for the buck right now?

Also I know /pmg/ is very hodl-oriented, but what are the options for selling? Not many local gold sellers near me that aren't run-of-the-mill CASH4GOLD stores. Are they okay? Lets say the price shoots up and I need to sell... is there always a local buyer in your experience?

>> No.24287140

Hydroanon should get rich farming deenz.

>> No.24287176
Quoted by: >>24287438

If it was my money: silver 1oz coins dollar denominated.

>> No.24287236

Sexy. Did you just get the one?

>> No.24287262
Quoted by: >>24287438


You can also sell to many of the same online dealers you can buy from like APMEX and JM Bullion, and they are reputable companies that won't jerk you around. It does mean mailing the gold though.

The dealers will generally keep buying/selling no matter what because they hedge against price fluctuations and make their money on the premium %.

But if shit gets really crazy and the futures markets break down, it might disrupt things somewhat.

>> No.24287299
File: 17 KB, 240x240, This-is-literally-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24287390

Supercomputer says there is a chance of going below the $1,000 mark but all signs are a bit too bullish at the moment on all time-frames. It's like a snow-globe all shock-up. It never did sub $1,000 and it really needs it. I for one welcome our new shitcoin overlords - it might be what's needed.

>> No.24287350
File: 1.69 MB, 2709x2900, 18A67B6B-5D11-4C5C-BC6E-70A31C5D6BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24287438

>Also I know /pmg/ is very hodl-oriented, but what are the options for selling?
Ebay would allow you to sell at a much higher price than the coin would even retail for, but you'd get hit with fees that might negate this.
Craigslist is good if your patient and live somewhere with people you can trust.
Find out if there are any Coin Shows locally, you might be able to find a buyer there, but I'm not sure how that would work.

>> No.24287390
Quoted by: >>24287580

>Supercomputer says there is a chance of going below the $1,000 mark
That's the most bullshit thing I've heard all month, supercomputer or not. For Gold to go to 1k, worldwide combined currency would need to pre-2008 crash levels; which they sure as fuck aren't until a complete globabl collapse (to which even that's iffy if it'll even happen as oppose to a drawn out hyperinflationary event)
Blow it out your ass retard, and sauce your shit so we can laugh at both it for 'predicting' it and you for believing it.

>> No.24287438

Thanks. Was leaning silver for now, too.

Right on. Keep going brother

>> No.24287580
File: 353 KB, 1224x1632, IBM_PC_XT_5160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24288530

I'm just saying. I'm not trying to spook anyone and price but you guys need to understand it's not a straight line going up - the price. One the problems I see is the control over the gold mark... and silver market right now and it's not just in the market it's surrounding the market. Everything is tracked and it's getting worse. If those markets break down in a fantastic way it'll provide the slingshot to send them higher. And with all the billionaire fund mangers stuffing other peoples money into Bitcoin, I can only view this as, 'the fastest horse in the race' but more likely an escape plan when things blow sky high or collapse. You can't do that with gold – escape. It's not going to last. The government control everything and if you think you can hide out in the caves of Afghanistan and transact Bitcoin you're delusional. Goats would be a better investment there. The phenomenon of Bitcoin cold storage is also a sure sign it's going to end in disaster much like any other time silver and gold was hoarding - it's indicating a scarcity in the real economy and collapse if you have Bitcoin or no Bitcoin. It's all going to be the same.

>> No.24287868
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>> No.24287965
Quoted by: >>24288554


been trying to tell /pmg/ about basedbeans swing trading but no one wanted to listen.

>> No.24288530

If it gets to the point where we need to escape with our gold i dont really think anything will matter that much anymore

>> No.24288554

Im interested and am the OP of cmg but honedtly im just exhausted right now and was going to go back to it later.

>> No.24288602
File: 102 KB, 749x420, s_topTEMP900x420-4852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24290201

I wonder if the Trump admin's recent rebuke of the Pebble project will have a cooling effect on projects like the Ambler Mines Road approved this summer. should probably keep an eye on that with a Biden admin too https://www.miningnewsnorth.com/story/2020/07/24/news/feds-approve-critical-alaska-mining-road/6369.html

>> No.24288620
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 71AA784C-C28F-4063-951B-E1012523C5AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what do you think of this: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/coinbase-ceo%3A-trump-administration-may-rush-out-burdensome-crypto-wallet-rules-2020-11-25

Bearish for crypto? bullish for PM’s?

>> No.24288710

Interesting news from Copper Fox in BC's North Coast just at the edge of the Golden Triangle. Rethinking the Schaft Creek project https://www.miningnewsnorth.com/story/2020/11/27/northern-neighbors/copper-fox-revisits-schaft-creek-study/6559.html

>> No.24288864
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>> No.24288937

I would like to remind you that XRP will hit $5/coin
Just because I am down 30% right now does not mean I am wrong

>> No.24289085


And they expect us to believe that thr spot price of silver is 25 bucks. Lol. TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SILVER BOUGHT THIS MONTH VERSUS THE ENTIRETY OF LAST YEAR.

>> No.24289181
Quoted by: >>24289271

Holy shit, large if true

>> No.24289224
File: 49 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24292945


>> No.24289271
Quoted by: >>24289412

Read the article.

>> No.24289412

I did, gonna have to see the numbers
Still, might be worth getting more physical while I can. At the same time deflationary pressures would be nice to have for cheapies
So many things to invest in, so little time :^)

>> No.24289561
Quoted by: >>24289608

guys been looking at kinross, and i think its a great buy. 8.4 p/e ratio, 9 billion marketcap with 9 billion in assets, 3.8 billion revenue 34% profit and 1.67% dividend. really seems like one of the best buys in the major sector, 2 million ounces in the ground and many explorations ongoing. what are your thoughts?
friendly reminder to keep these threads focused on what miners to buy, and not pictures of your pathetic stacks or other bullshit talk, HERE TO MAKE MONEY

>> No.24289608
Quoted by: >>24289907

Overvalued, ngmi with those dd skills

>> No.24289851

nobody gives a fuck about your batboi you fucking autist, keep these threads information and miner focused, not this kiddy bullshit

>> No.24289905
Quoted by: >>24290042

bugger off faggot or at least lurk moar before you spout dumb comments like this. Unboxings have been part of /pmg/ for years

>> No.24289907

explain to me why its overvalued

>> No.24290042
Quoted by: >>24290234

and its cringy af

>> No.24290201

Trump's pebble mine decision was a surprise, but to be fair before the election he was kissing miners' butts to get votes and now that doesn't matter.

I don't think Biden will revoke permits, he's just going to beef up the EPA which Trump gutted. Enforcing the existing permits will probably drive a few less profitable projects under and cut into the profits of the ones that survive.

>> No.24290234
Quoted by: >>24290360

>keep these threads information and miner focused, not this kiddy bullshit
holy shit you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.24290360
Quoted by: >>24290410

make /pmg/ great again

>> No.24290410
Quoted by: >>24290526

we used to ban people for talking about miners

>> No.24290526

sad, we have the collective power and autist resreaching mining companies to put together a great /biz/ miner portfolio and instead people wanna small talk and post their "batbois", whatever do you bubu, but you guys are wasting time when we have the biggest opportunity in human history infront of us

>> No.24290575


>> No.24290613

Your miners will all go to $0 eventually
some of them very quickly

anons' stacks will never be worthless.

I'm not going to tell you to fuck off to /smg/ because I don't mind a bit of stock discussion. But if you're telling people to stop doing what this thread was invented for you really are in the wrong place.

also stop being such an obvious newfag.

>> No.24290669

Gold/Silver ration: you use silver to buy gold.

>> No.24290675

You fucked up the OP post big time.

>> No.24290683

oh i get it, your one of them people thats "gonna hold forever so my grandkids will have wealth" instead of trying to TRADE when pmg at some point will be overvalued and miners will have 50x-100x, okay kiddo i see youre dogshitbrain tier

>> No.24290775

No, I'm a guy that owns a multimillion dollar business, laughs at your petty little gains, and admires the coins in these threads.

>> No.24290819

you can go google gold coins faggot, and give the rest of us a chance to make money since your such a bigshot, lmfao, imagine actually mentioning "multimillion dollar business owner" on an anonymous board

>> No.24290855
Quoted by: >>24293216

Don't answer to that faggot, most of us miner actually have a physical foundation before going into miner. That faggot is probably a cryptofag trying to derail the thread.

>> No.24290858

I don't need to google coins, i can discuss them right here. And I don't care if you make money, though I doubt you will. Several of the stackers here already make far more than you, that's how they afford to stack more metals in a year than you could in your life.

>> No.24290862

Welcome back schizo.

Consider suicide

>> No.24290899
File: 1.10 MB, 1320x1320, 7057F2DE-7ECF-4454-8BE9-1E685D7520A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong enjoying a bit of batboi, miners have been discussed even in the previous thread already. So I don’t know what is your point. Here to make you seethe more

>> No.24291255
File: 49 KB, 626x626, 1606372462225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not surprised, my LCS told me approximately similar numbers for his sales since march. Even though he order x6 what he usually does from various mints & essayeurs, he's constantly facing ultra low inventory because ppl constantly buy, no matter the price.

They don't brag too much about it because they are smart and prefer to remain discret while 25% of the pop is unemployed, but let me tell you that between the premiums' increases and the stellar amount of sales, the shop owners have made an absolute KILLING this year. Like never before. It truly was the business to be in to make a fortune in 2020. He also told me the shops are ordering so much that mints can't keep up with the pace, and the preorders list are full up to end of 2021, this is pure crazyness.

Yet, (((somehow))), the spot price is going down kek... It must sucks to be a JPM kike rn, forced to sell what remains of your giant dragon stack just to continue suppressing the prices for few more weeks.
Idk how long they can play this trick, but considering the absurb levels of comex deliveries to sustain the retail demand, while in the meantime mines produced way less than the previous years due to the coof, well,...

>> No.24291350

JPM is loading up not selling.

>> No.24291360
Quoted by: >>24291390

>mines produced way less than the previous years due to the coof,
they usually sit on 3-6 months of production in order to time market sales. At 50% capacity they can stretch that reserve from 6 months to a year. Warehousers have a similar stock on hand. So far the investor demand has been balanced out somewhat by a drop in industrial and export demand. But when those stocks on hand are depleted we're going to see some shit.

I think it's going to depend on vaccine timelines. but if the virus runs well into 2021 I'd expect to see metals spike, and precious metals spike hard.

>> No.24291366
File: 156 KB, 1615x937, shitcoiners pinked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically warned them they were about to be global rugpulled for the whole week, and each time these faggots were acting like big brains smugniggers saying it could only go up forever.
Serve them well, fucking cretins getting dabbed on by whales just like 2017.

>> No.24291390
Quoted by: >>24291439

>if the virus runs well into 2021
the scamdemic*

>> No.24291414
Quoted by: >>24292230

Btc is closer to its ath then gold though? cope harder pleb

>> No.24291435
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x3024, 12C8175F-B9A6-4BDB-8632-ACBCD131393D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the stop shitting up /pmg/, yeah serves them right

>> No.24291439

doesn't matter if it's real or not, it's cut US mine production by over 50% and crippled the economies of china and most of the western world. If that situation persists industrial demand will dry up, investor demand will skyrocket, and we're going to run out of gold and silver on the supply and storage side.

>> No.24291469
File: 65 KB, 626x461, 1603421647341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based french frog, serve them right

>> No.24291585

>Kinesis traded $1.5 million of gold in the past 24hrs
God I wish I could buy kvt

>> No.24291980


I mentioned my opinion why BTC was a scam in these posts, especially because of the tether and futures manipulation by the bullion banks. >>24274974 >>24275051 >>24275201. Then here pointed out some strange things which are going on at the COMEX >>24277804 and in physical PM prices. >>24277902 Are the bankers pulling the rug out of crypto and exiting the COMEX at the same time?

>> No.24292072

Nice bat friend

>> No.24292230
File: 154 KB, 512x378, 1584671043083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High quality posts fren, i enjoyed the read.

Ok copeman. Don't force me to take a new screenshot now it's at -11% instead of -7% lmao.

>> No.24292302

Can't we all just get along?

>> No.24292316

Checked and based

>> No.24292320

The fact that Macleod views standard chartered as one of the most vulnerable banks while Andy Maguire is saying that they are now buying tonnes of silver has me kinda shook. I feel like their stock could be interesting to look at

>> No.24292945
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, 1596798766099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men only want one thing and its disgusting

>> No.24293080
Quoted by: >>24293202

What would be the cover story for this? There has to be some surface-level boogeyman to blame something like this on in the mainstream media. Perhaps the US Presidential election result being overturned, and in the ensuing social unrest and political chaos, exacerbated by a second wave of increasingly severe lockdowns, a COMEX default which sends the markets into a tailspin has a perfectly plausible cover story that obfuscates any involvement by the banks and elite ruling classes. Just a tinfoil hat theory I have.

>> No.24293140

The only thing I dont like about stack posting is that it creates a trail.

>> No.24293181
Quoted by: >>24293258

Youre just looking for people to do your research for you because you're a lazy fag

>> No.24293202
Quoted by: >>24293353


This is my belief as well. The narrative will be that the election chaos is responsible for crashing the markets and or causing a COMEX default. People don't believe in the coronavirus nonsense any more, so something new is required. They can simply say "Well, of course everything crashed, look at all this political instability going on right now." And yet again people won't blame the robbery of Keynesianism, fiat, and Q. E.

>> No.24293216

He's a crypto fag trying to walk in here for easy 100x gains without having to do any Dd and expecting us "pm nerds" to cough up the goods.

Be gone leech.

>> No.24293258

This. Everybody has to DYODD

>> No.24293270
Quoted by: >>24293371

Those are fantastic titties. Good job if thats your girl.

>> No.24293289

You don't belong here. Post stack or go back to your cryptos faggot.

>> No.24293353

I respectfully disagree with your assertion about the public’s skepticism about the pandemic. While they may voice these opinions at home to family, in public, at least in most places in the US, at least 75% of people are faithfully wearing their masks everywhere. I think the public has covid fatigue, but it’s still only a minority of people who actually question or doubt the severity of covid. I think the media can get another few months, perhaps until springtime, of fear-mongering out of the virus. It’s literally the perfect boogeyman for market crashes, quelling violent societal discord, and issuing draconian government policy overreaches. Still quite useful to the powers that be.

>> No.24293366
File: 75 KB, 624x509, Gold Mining vs DOW great depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore this retard>>24290775

he insists on shitting up every /pmg/ and has never once added a valuable contribution towards any form of an investing suggestion

small cap precious metal miners will significantly outperform any asset class and anyone who cant see the opportunity was simply never destined to be a great trader

>> No.24293371

It's literally a shop, look at the edges

>> No.24293376

That's a man

>> No.24293718

I think it's weird that when massive debt defaults start to appear people would give it all up for reasons rather than just take what they got and fuck the banks. lmfaobbqrofl

>> No.24293729
Quoted by: >>24294388

Multiple independent confirmations of deso theory. Is it really habbeding?

>> No.24293743
File: 77 KB, 640x800, B3BCCA1B-7AA4-481C-A88C-740F50863074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24294491

I’m feeling pretty bullish.

The resurgence in cases is gonna be great for gold prices (leaving aside whether it’s a Chinese Democrat hoax or whatever, bottom line is it means more anxiety, more lockdowns, less confidence in the economy and the dollar, more demand for safe haven assets).

>> No.24294255
Quoted by: >>24294438


"People don't believe in the coronavirus nonsense any more" is perhaps an exaggeration. But what I mean by it is, I think that enough people have stopped believing in the coronavirus, that some new catalyst is required as an excuse for additional Q. E. Stimulus cheques and U. B. I. will always be popular, while Q. E. is especially unpopular, because people increasingly understand that it is a direct wealth transfer from poor to rich. But in order to keep this market afloat, the next round of it is going to have be even larger than what we already saw. During an alleged crisis, people don't so much seem to notice or mind these trillion-dollar rounds of Q. E. and bailouts. Doing enormous Q. E. during a supposed crisis also makes the money-printing look more credible to foreigners, as if it's only a one-time and not a necessarily recurring event. Election uncertainty could also excuse an especially large demand of gold on the COMEX. Hence nobody goes to prison for manipulation, because "of course there would be a rush on gold during a time of political chaos."

>> No.24294332

My jew employer won't pay me until next week, can't wait to grab 3oz of gold with the Christmas bonus.

>> No.24294388

Feels like it, after years of stacking we are finally gonna make it friends.

>> No.24294421
File: 28 KB, 562x344, 2020-11-26 140547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long from 1805 but I don't like this gap. Might be bear flag. Stops a little bit below blue

>> No.24294438

True. We must remain patient, especially those of us leveraged to the tits with small-cap junior miners. The tide has still not yet turned in our favor, and when it does, our place in line is probably last. It will take months or even years before the small caps reap the benefit of a full-bore PM bull market.

>> No.24294451

We seem to be the much more level headed and mature biz posters but lets just all take a moment to breathe deeply and laugh at all of these crypto faggots who lost their ass today and lets especially laugh at that BIG crypto faggot who was shitting up the board yesterday. Im in some crypto and I dont even give a fuck that its down because laughing at those faggots is worth it.

>> No.24294491

I hope they lose everything


And then add a real estate crash on top of that and we are perfectly positioned. Acquire land.

>> No.24294498

Crypto isn’t real. Someone can just hack your crypto and take it

>> No.24294526

Who are some miners who will make big profits sooner? First majestic? Kinross? Aurcana is shooting for production this year.

>> No.24294560
File: 103 KB, 1086x889, best day of 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a beautiful image

>> No.24294580

i dont see why there is this assumption that mining equities will lag the physical price. perhaps to some extent, but once we see sustained prices at new ATH's, they will certainly start performing very strongly.

>> No.24294669

Flare and Flare Finance. XRP --> Flare --> Flare Finance

>> No.24294799

You do realize both gold and btc are safe haven assets right....

>> No.24294828
Quoted by: >>24294900


When fiat goes to zero, BTC goes to zero. BTC is a pure tether-pump. Not only does it have severe intrinsic disadvantages (like being unusable as a currency), but it also has no value in a post-fiat world, because Russia and China and the other productive nations will demand gold in payment for goods, not Bitcoin. BTC was created by, and is promoted by, the central banks and their minions as a distraction from precious metals.

>> No.24294847
Quoted by: >>24294854

Btc is still closer to ath then gold.. and silver is miles away. Lol

>> No.24294854
File: 2.30 MB, 1163x1153, 1602465966421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24294900

BTC is absolutely a speculative asset above all else. It has no historical track record for being a safe haven. Gold and BTC charts look totally different.
Cope and dilate

>> No.24294900

It's the best performing asset of the decade by the widest margin ever recorded. What do you mean no track record?
>When fiat goes to zero, BTC goes to zero
Your entire reply makes zero sense and indicates a fundamental lack of understanding for both fiat and bitcoin. I'm sorry but I'm not going to waste my time on this.

>> No.24294941
File: 208 KB, 1126x720, 1602268752393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best performing
Still speculative, and still not a safe haven. Apples and oranges. BTC is a decade old while gold has thousands of years of history. That's a track record

>> No.24294971

>thinking in decades and not multiple decades, centuries, or millennia

This is why youre never going to make it and obviously not an intj

>> No.24295012


>It's the best performing asset of the decade by the widest margin ever recorded. What do you mean no track record?

If you bought Tesla in 2010, you made 15,000%. Objectively worthless with a P. E. ratio of 1,100, but pumped by exactly the same fiat money-printing as Bitcoin. (In Bitcoin's case with tether, in Tesla's case with Q. E.). Both are going to zero when fiat money ends.

>Your entire reply makes zero sense and indicates a fundamental lack of understanding for both fiat and bitcoin. I'm sorry but I'm not going to waste my time on this.

This dismissive arrogance is the classic sign of a bubble. There are ingenious people (DesoGames is one of them) who know a thousand times more about Bitcoin than you do, and who are convinced that it is completely worthless. I gave my own reasons for thinking so in three previous posts.

>> No.24295046
File: 1.47 MB, 737x800, 1602985477887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bread baked

>> No.24295300
File: 272 KB, 1909x917, 1606256498614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24295354

Silver One is one of Sprott's larger positions. The Mexico sale is old news and they're youtube vids where they discuss the logic behind the sale.

>> No.24295354

*there are

kek, I'm sleepy