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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.22253996

Bought at 90 cents, I am NEVER selling

>> No.22254003


>> No.22254005

Either they dumped long ago or they are literally autistic and want you to buy more so they can sell it off at their desired price. You're dumb for catching the knife and/or buying the shit at anything less than a few dollars to a dollar.

>> No.22254013

People said the same at $5

>> No.22254016

bought at 30c and still holding my linklet stack. sold couple hundred links at the top

>> No.22254027

How can you profit if you never sell? Sounds like more magic to get newbies like me to lose money...

>> No.22254042


>> No.22254045
Quoted by: >>22257988

All the real og link marines sold, all that’s left is larpers, nulinkers and the odd 2 og link marines who have been staring at the noose in their bedroom

>> No.22254079
File: 35 KB, 640x617, 1598082276837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22264261

think about it anon, someone who bought at sub .50 will continue to hold because if it goes down from 19 to 9 they still have a massive roi.

it's all the neulinkers who bought at 15+ who have been selling/panic selling.

>> No.22254128
Quoted by: >>22256968

bought 3.5K at 20c
sold at 17$ feels comfy

>> No.22254127
Quoted by: >>22262149

Just hold you idiot. It doesn’t matter who dumped what. You need to go through the archives otherwise you won’t make it. Take this downtime to do some research.

>> No.22254174

6 figs of link since etherdelta days
Haven't sold
You got dumped on by weak minded limp dicked newfags like yourself

>> No.22254188
File: 49 KB, 760x428, a_ov_Pepe_160928.focal-760x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. 15k OG linker, $0.27 avg

Steady small profits on the way up past the 3.5 pump. Sold ~ 5k so far. My friend the same, 21k sold 11k. 10k is the og number, most will be hard pressed to sell past that. Also sitting on some LP so staking is worth watching paper gains come and go.

I dipped a bit below this run, so I've been buying back periodically during the crash and the months of volatility.

Just go to etherscan.io and check out the 10k wallets. They should start around #3000 or so.

>> No.22254226

I safely assume the pages of 10k stack wallets are mostly biz

>> No.22254268
File: 110 KB, 900x596, 1595151589418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys dumped on us right?
top wallets are dumping
you fell for the /biz/ psyops and bought a decentralized jason parser anon lmao

>> No.22254341
Quoted by: >>22255430

I am a swing linker. If I buy back now I get 40% more link. I don't know where is the bottom. I'm watching daily btc more to be honest.

>> No.22254374
Quoted by: >>22255119

Yeah I bought at 18 cents too I'm not sure what everyone's so worried about

>> No.22254441 [DELETED] 

First off, hello /biz/ and 4chan
I'm a medium-sized LINKperson who has about 200 LINK.
One q

>> No.22254481
File: 201 KB, 850x1189, 1565841662358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would never do that. Take profits when we are up hundreds or thousands of % and gets rejected at a clear price point along with the market as a whole? We would never, ever, ever think of selling at this point. If you are down 80% you are a brave and proud marine! Join us!

>> No.22254492
Quoted by: >>22255003

15k here
0.3 usd avg
not selling and not my first rodeo

>> No.22254542

Any predictions on the bottom? Not fud, but actual guesses based on something? I keep hearing 7-8. I bought at 12, so I'm not hurting too bad, but I want to buy the lowest point if I can.

>> No.22254548

I'll be honest with you OP. I come to /biz/ to FUD Chain Link in the hopes that I can get OG's to sell. We all know Link is the middleware to Swifts interbank transfer system. But there is no way TPTB will allow thousands of racist NEET frogposters become millionaires. This is why I FUD.

>> No.22254553

I only have 1k link from the 2$ days, the drop is intense, but still up

>> No.22254560
File: 1.22 MB, 1960x1404, god bless america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, hello business and finance and 4chan. I am a new LINKman and hold about 200 LINK in savings.
I have a question for you. You mentioned this Jason Parser fellow. I've been seeing his name a lot lately and was wondering who he is? Any attempts at Google searchbar searching has yielded confusing results. Thanks in advance. Yours truly, Adam Betraymoto.

>> No.22254611
File: 3.17 MB, 2209x2921, 1512925437094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, still holding. I'm slightly sad I didn't sell a part of my stack at 20 just so I could have bought more at these prices, but I've had quite a fun and cheerful day even though I was looking at the charts all day.
Not a worry on my mind.
I read everything, still not selling.
If only you knew how comfy things really are.

>> No.22254608
Quoted by: >>22258258

My god, lurk moar before you post, please.

>> No.22254644
Quoted by: >>22262266

Jason Parser is my neighbor. A bit rought around the edges, but he's nice enough.

>> No.22254751
Quoted by: >>22255652

OG Linker here, I bought 100K at ICO.
Sold at 19.
I tried to warn you of the inevitable dip, but you did not listen.
I set a buy order at $7.

>> No.22254926
Quoted by: >>22260871

Link marine and gay sex club enthusiastic here. I caught PSD2 from the Sibos bathrooms back in 2016 and then again in 2017. My life has been completely changed but sir gay, great guy, market bought me link so that I wouldn't feel back and be taken care of in the future. He doesn't return my calls anymore but I know I'll make it.
I still go to sex clubs in San Francisco but it's not the same without Sir Gay

>> No.22254959

I know that I didnt

>> No.22255003

Whats your target?

>> No.22255034

The moon, baby

>> No.22255119

I put in 10.000 to buy 555 LINK. Thats worth about 5800 now. So it hurts. How do you guys deal with this? I can’t stop thinking about all the decisions that got me into this mess. I’m stuck refreshing blockfolio and hurting all day like a zombie. I feel terrible, stupid and worthless.

>> No.22255152

I only swing so I can finally get back to holding a comfy 10K stack, at which point I will also never sell.

>> No.22255173
File: 52 KB, 500x469, tumblr_olt7mhHUo21vfquxeo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22255181

Just hold dumbass

>> No.22255218
Quoted by: >>22255623

You bought the literal top? Honestly if you don't even know what it is why are you buying it? And if you do know what LINK is why are you panicking?

For the record, I only measure my net worth in LINK tokens

>> No.22255234

>having a target


>> No.22255248

Because we know what we're invested in. You don't. I'm down 200k but don't feel anything. Of course I've cashed maybe 15% out, so up about 4x on my initial. But yeah, will always keep majority of stack.
What you need to do now is actually start reading. Start doing your research.

>> No.22255296

Anyone want the covid stuff to be over for gay sex encounters at link events? I cum so hard from random encounters in these bathrooms and marines on discord are always up for some fun

>> No.22255317

theres no reason to help people anymore. Anyone who wants to learn can just read the archives. Plenty of people who bought late did exactly that and now know exactly what they're holding. But these newfags can fuck off. I don't want them to make it and i'm tired of their bullshit.

>> No.22255363
Quoted by: >>22255436

Some deserve saving. Most don't.

>> No.22255373

>You guys dumped on us right?

>> No.22255396

Exactly this. 10k is the stack I hold I play with the rest. Sold on way up to 20, missed the top - buy the bottom

>> No.22255430

I'm about to buy back in I think it's close enough

>> No.22255433
Quoted by: >>22258258

The fact that newfags are still on this board is bearish.

>> No.22255436

then just tell them to read the archives. If they aren't willing to do that they don't deserve it.

>> No.22255457
File: 133 KB, 300x577, 1580945941296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can sell it off at their desired price
I'm NEVER selling. Do you hear that, kikes? NEVER!

>> No.22255479
File: 12 KB, 250x240, 1594279369774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We deal with it buy buying at fifty cents.
1, dollar, 2? 3? 6? 10?
Is this a cult?
It's a cult.

>> No.22255490
File: 14 KB, 672x170, Screenshot_20200905-191341_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22255802

I unloaded a 50k link stack on you buddy. You fell for the greed and euphoria and got obliterated. I feel no remorse.

>> No.22255553


Top 1000 wallets have accumulated more.
It’s the pussy 2k stacks that are unloading.

>> No.22255623

>For the record, I only measure my net worth in LINK tokens
This is the key. LINK is more valuable than fiat. It has more future than fiat. I only keep enough fiat on hand to pay for food, mortgage, and misc expenses.

>> No.22255633

No, we dont sold.

> Bought at 12cent in Nov 2017

>> No.22255652

means nothing without pic faggot. buy orders in at 8.50 gl

>> No.22255685

Yeah but I'm not gonna lie and say I could have done it without people smarter than me spoonfeeding from time to time.

>> No.22255688
File: 93 KB, 1820x394, andale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2018 buyer 0,16 cents to 65 cents
>started unloading at 10$, ended it at 16$
>created thank you threads, posted threads about how this shit will fall
>get called faggot/fudder
>cashed out of crypto completely
>enjoying 3 weeks, cash, looking for new hobbies etc.
>came back to /biz/ when crypto did a flip
>looked at twitter first, bulls in disbelief
>satoshiflipper literally went MIA from August 26th, some anon fuckin shiller told his followers this is a bullrun, as soon as BTC got rejected his parents got RONA > okay.jpg
>check /biz/, still deluded
I created like 5 threads after i cashed out, talked to new people, talked to old people.

Link went to 20$ after my threads, felt nothing.

Link went down to 9$ felt nothing.

No money in the game, waiting for a bigger crash.
>ETH 100-200$
>LINK 5-7$ or 1,5$ magic number from march 2020 and 2019 dumpening

if this shit doesnt happen, i will rebuy some crypto with % of earned money, but wont go fullin, just to get a thrill.

but. im waiting for this board to turn into SEA of pink wojaks, then i will buy heavy.

weeks, months even of capitulation, despair, tears. when everyone on twitter and biz is bullish, thats the time to unload.

take care anons, not going to post as much, im taking more vacation from this board.

those last weeks were refreshing after 2 years of 24/7 browsing and shitposting.

>never fudded LINK from early 2018-August 2020
>whoever bought sub $ and didnt sold when LINK went 100X aka 16$ + is fuckin deluded

see ya guys, we will talk again
>pic related me
>LINK price at the time of post 19$

>> No.22255710
File: 50 KB, 480x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i know right. I've lost so much money I can't believe it. I'm about to have a mental breakdown; I could have made it but I got reckless and fucked up. I want a hug.

>> No.22255716
Quoted by: >>22261091

of course they did retard. all link threads now are fucking garbage you can clearly see the quality changed due to oldfags leaving and newfags coming in
>90 cents
all you got here are these clowns calling themselves OGs and buying at ridiculous prices like 90 cents lmao
real OGs accumulated every paycheck between 17-30 cents. anyone else is a fucking newfag bagholder

>> No.22255725
Quoted by: >>22256728

which archives in particular, set me in right direction please i want to learn

>> No.22255747

based and white pilled

>> No.22255753

I’m late to the party but now is the perfect time to accumulate. We will look back on this time and weep.

The OGs who got in early who hold will make it abs sine antedating have. I still think new guys can make decent money but it’s just going to take longer. There are always opportunities to make money anyone who’s selling now is a retard

>> No.22255802
Quoted by: >>22266449

>crops out the amount
Nice larp faggot

>> No.22255872

Checked - digging those digits
Haven't sold a Linkie
And I know some of you think that I am retarded for not having sold - but, all I know, is that I wouldn't have 100K + Linkies if I'd tried to sell the top and buy the dip. Or if I'd taken profits.
Could it all go to zero - sure. But that is the risk I'm willing to take. It's on me. Life goes on. And, you've got to admit - the last month has been pretty fun with regard to the market

>> No.22255903
Quoted by: >>22260908

Well unfortunately the larpers got a hold of this thread. But I don't mind giving you newfags a little insight as a 50k bag holder. It's purely about where you bought gang. I cannot claim I avg'd at 22c but I'm in well under a dollar, and for us the Hard part is over. You can be first or you can be Smarter, but it's way easier to be First. Remember that kids.
Now personally I like to have a Logaritmic profit taking schedule, exactly for these PnD cycles. so I personally wouldn't hold forever and yeah I like the idea of keeping 10k or 20k of the "under a dollar" stack in case it does explode again.

>Advice for newfags who got in late:
Don't do that. Get in early. Work on learning fundamentals so that you buy something promising real low and set yourself up to be where us og's are right now. I cannot save you from the sleepless nights if you bought Ath's and no one can. Be fucking first. But if you bought high you bought high & yeah just hodl it now.

>> No.22255925
Quoted by: >>22255969

Sorry, fren, but you had the perfect sell signal, when Portnoy got in.

>> No.22255969

This run's Katy Perry!

>> No.22255973

Gay link marine here. No more chains only links

>> No.22255977
Quoted by: >>22260943

bought 100k link at $0.29,
sold 30k when we broke $4.9 bsn news
sold 50k when we hit $19
have 20k currently, will sell 10k at $50 and keep the last 10k for next year.

>> No.22256022

Bought in dec 2017 and held for 2.5 years without swinging at all, then I dumped on you guys on the way down at 17.50

>> No.22256063

Sold half stack. Buying silver and other metals with my profits. Bought at 29 cents. Thanks for playing

>> No.22256142
Quoted by: >>22262266

my dad works for Jason Parser and he says chainlink $1k EOY

>> No.22256144
File: 274 KB, 600x1080, 7F408063-CF95-440E-9B18-0A204F69AADD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw the ride is not done yet. But I needed to derisk. Not a numb skull bagholder. Maybe you will learn from your mistakes OP

>> No.22256426

Literally no one still holds LINK from under $1. Many oldfags sold and bought back later so they just larp as if it's the same stack and they never sold.

>> No.22256490
File: 53 KB, 656x549, 45254CDC-60E4-4CD0-9BEF-4D1A8CC4A546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22256789

I just have to hodl and my rank goes up. My node is going to be in high demand.

>> No.22256647
Quoted by: >>22258258

Kek. Noone understands do they Marines. Read the white paper

>> No.22256665
Quoted by: >>22256716

I sold 7k of my stack @ $18 to buy a house.

>> No.22256700
Quoted by: >>22266136

>sell a part of my stack at 20
It was at 20 for a very short time. Everyone saying they sold at 20 is the same as buying your while stack at 17c. Lies. You wouldn't have sold at 20

>> No.22256712

I remember about a year ago someone said that only the turbo autists and 1-3k link holders would make it. Everyone else would sell during the turbulence.

Lucky for me I’m so poor that I only have 1k link. Never selling.

>> No.22256716


>> No.22256728

Google 4chan archive biz. Now search

>> No.22256789

Terrible fud. We understood>>22256490

>> No.22256791
File: 470 KB, 1379x2017, 1573633736839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, this is me.

>> No.22256968

So what are you doing here still

>> No.22257076

Top 700 wallet. I sold 2800 near $17.50, along with some other profits just so I can have enough money to survive for 18-24 months before moon mission.

>> No.22257109


>> No.22257155


>> No.22257186

I hold LINK from under $1, asshole. For me it's just not worth cashing out at the moment because the profit wouldn't be life changing for me.

>> No.22257218
File: 33 KB, 474x355, OIP.ompJGhyx5sN-JenF_jUQFwHaFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this good boy right here? Do you think he gives a fuck about the market taking a fat shit right now? Do you think he gives one single fuck? No. Just look at him. Look at how comfy this son of a bitch is. He couldn't care fucking less. Maybe you should stop being such a gargantuan faggot and try to be more like him.

>> No.22257289

Imagine buying at 50c,v watching it go over$1 then back to 17c - but all we had were crumbs. You have everything. If you're still worried you're a faggot. Also it was easy with only crumbs too...

>> No.22257301
Quoted by: >>22257369

Im a nulinker af up in here. Started buying in February. Mass profits follow. Im gonna keep buying and not selling. Ride or die

>> No.22257369
File: 136 KB, 630x945, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit.

>> No.22257697

just check wallets instead of fudding.

>> No.22257703

For us to make money, some gotta lose money, sorry

>> No.22257710
Quoted by: >>22265490

>Presently I believe I got duped and dumped on. I just need some truth.

Top wallets aren't dumping. I'm in the top 300 and haven't moved in weeks.

>> No.22257767

I bought 12K at $.30-.75 in 2017-2018
Sold 2.5K from $8-13 to buy a chunk of land
I have no intention of selling my remaining 9.5K and if it dips low enough, I’ll be buying back 500 to get back to the magical 10K

>> No.22257797
Quoted by: >>22258258

There is unironically a reason to never sell

>> No.22257974

I took profits on a few hundred LINK (less than 1% of my stack I'm safe) and fucked some bitches with the gains and confidence. You virgins are holding my -50% cum bags and shitting yourselves.

>> No.22257988
File: 1.09 MB, 1242x2022, 194B238A-3687-4B2E-ACDD-F1F165B4A405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22267811

OG marines don’t really post here much anymore, but I can assure you that they’re not selling. Mostly we just shitpost on TG. Pic related

>> No.22258063
File: 222 KB, 1980x1304, MW-IE963_mc2004_20200422103601_NS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22258140

>> No.22258099

Just bought 50 more LINK

>> No.22258140
Quoted by: >>22258171

Still up at the mean and will hold through the next cycle too

>> No.22258157

Early 2018 profit taking the end of the bull market into underperforming LINK. I haven't dumped.

>> No.22258171
File: 19 KB, 362x259, 1518816967943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22258201


>> No.22258201

Moments like this are the only time I wish /biz/ had usernames

>> No.22258227

t. bought at 17c

>> No.22258251
Quoted by: >>22262266

Jason Parser just flew over my house

>> No.22258258

pls tell :(

>> No.22258335
Quoted by: >>22258360

Read the white paper

>> No.22258360
Quoted by: >>22258386


>> No.22258386
Quoted by: >>22258423

I guess they think it is a meme

>> No.22258398


>> No.22258401
Quoted by: >>22261494

I dumped less than 10% on you guys I'm still holding the majority of my stack

>> No.22258423

It’s why all of the shitposting fud we’ve created over the years didn’t stop people from buying
Retards deserve what they get

>> No.22258473

Hey I'm about to trigger you:
kek nice fud faggot never selling.

>> No.22258519

He doesn’t know he will die.

>> No.22258533

based pooch

>> No.22258549

Bought at 20 cents. I am still here.

>> No.22258579

This is how I feel after watching my portfolio for 6 years. Swings don't even bother me anymore.

>> No.22258597
Quoted by: >>22265012

Nah senpai. I'm not a 10k stack holder put i hold 7k from 2017@ 0.45 usd. Almost forgot my Binance login until a few weeks ago. Didn't sell but the FUD threads were real.

>> No.22258642

If I buy 10 link (around 100 dollars at the current prices) , will I make it like you guys?

>> No.22258775

This goofy asshole again. You sold because it jumped too fast and you knew there would be correction at some point. It could have easily blown up in your face just like so many anons who have sold at any point in the last three years and wanted to kill themselves over it. Your predictions about where link goes from here mean absolutely jack shit. You're high on euphoria because you guessed right and now you've deluded yourself into believing you're some kind of fucking crypto Nostradamus. Eat shit.

>> No.22259355

based. nostradamusfags always out themselves as newfags for the simple fact that they haven't stuck around long enough to be wrong.

>> No.22259973
Quoted by: >>22260689

reddit post

>> No.22260294

Yes we dumped on you

>> No.22260336

Bought at 21c still holding. Never selling.

>> No.22260520
Quoted by: >>22262180

First of all, delete blockfolio! You lost fuck all. You have 555 links. If you understand chainlink and it's future ramifications on current global paradigms which will be imminintly felt especially as we enter the 'new normal' decentralised 'after bandwidth' world. Not worth worrying about.

>> No.22260644

Haven't sold since I bought in 2017. Just added to my stack today thanks to the weak handed faggots.

>> No.22260689
File: 143 KB, 1264x125, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's the post where I complain that you too much teeth when you prep me before I fuck your wife.

>> No.22260871

Sir Gay still has skills that are necessary for his future. Like making toilet wine.

>> No.22260908

good post. bought under 50c and will never have to worry about losing money unless the entire space fails

>> No.22260943
Quoted by: >>22266608

Bro what are you doing. You could have been worth $50M easily with a bit of patience. Keep the last 10K until LINK is at least $1K. Don’t sell for a few million, you don’t want to be stressing about whether it will be enough for the rest of your life.

>> No.22260970
Quoted by: >>22264300

How does 10 million dollars sound

>> No.22260996

Yes. You always, and I mean always take profits.

>> No.22261032

Based and made it

>> No.22261091
File: 138 KB, 959x1280, mtr_1388886071055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i sold, or will ever sell
pre-ED listing linkie here
you seem tense; anything you missed out on in the past three years?

never selling, cheng :^)

>> No.22261494

same here anon. sold %10 at around 18. got enough cash to survive the pandemic in my shit country.

never sell all your stack.

>> No.22261743

my rank on ethplorer is the same as it was before the crash. i'm in the 900-1000 range.

>> No.22262033
Quoted by: >>22262062

t.sub 1000 linklet

>> No.22262062
File: 21 KB, 750x387, buythedip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22262110
File: 84 KB, 939x803, F19AAA22-F719-4CC1-86AB-FD101B01513A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even linklets knew to sell above $19 dumbass

>> No.22262149

>muh swift
>muh derivatives

none of that will happen, its a pricefeed for defi at best

>> No.22262180
File: 17 KB, 236x288, 78164781278312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22267813

>it's future ramifications on current global paradigms which will be imminintly felt especially as we enter the 'new normal' decentralised 'after bandwidth' world

>> No.22262266
File: 173 KB, 1080x642, 1581199810002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22263926

Jason Parser? He’s Rory’s dad. He’s got a problem with Sergey because when Rory and Sergey were friends when they were younger, Sergey used to raid the cupboards and eat everything in the house. It cost Jason Parser a lot of money to replace all the food Sergey used to eat. The final straw was when Sergey was staying at Rory’s one night and stole his car when they were 15 to sneak out to a McDonald’s drivethru. Rory’s dad Jason thinks Sergey is a bad influence on his son and does anything he can to stop them being friends or working together. Why do you think we haven’t heard from Sergey in so long? Jason Parser has been staying with Rory and Sergey has been in hiding shitting his pants.

>> No.22262586

Sold 0.6% of my stack at 17.20

>> No.22263454

Based anon.
I will try to do the same thing

>> No.22263557

No, I didn’t dump on you. I held and haven’t ever sold a link since I bought in 2017

>> No.22263593

Bought at 20 cents, not selling any time soon. These shakeouts have happened before and will happen again.

>> No.22263804

Smartest thing I’ve read all day.

>> No.22263868

OG here.

I didnt dump shit. Actually I bought again at $19 As I still buy every month.

>> No.22263926
File: 51 KB, 431x360, 1558206795025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based Jason Parser

>> No.22263963
File: 231 KB, 422x646, 1598602455602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ranked up to major general buying this dip, never thought id get there

>> No.22263976

This dump from 20-9 I lost one million $.
That is way more cash than I’ve ever had.

However I’ve been holding this shit for years and I know it’s value so I feel 0. My hands are beyond iron by now.

Just DYOR and hold. It gets easier with time.

>> No.22264261

why wouldn't they sell at 19 though? lets say you bought your 500k LINK stack at 4 cents or whatever you guys love to larp as. Years later, you haven't sold a single link, but now it's worth millions of dollars. you've made it. why wouldn't you sell? what retard wouldn't take trade magical internet monies for generational wealth?

>> No.22264300

a billion million? really anon?

>> No.22264334

You don't. Stop falling for the meme. We all left at $19.

>> No.22264371

Everytime I check my stacklet it's either up or down
Some folk are making a lot of money right now

>> No.22264441

You faggots are insufferable, like talking to a brick wall

>> No.22264477

Imma sell at $80999.99 to beat everyone else

>> No.22264845

You forget that 9 usd is still huge for this token. Look at the supply. Same with the xrp scam

>> No.22264915
File: 327 KB, 900x900, 1583299416363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDding is futile if you read the whitepaper you would know how valuable LINK is and that these filty stinking child molesting jews will never ever in their whole incestuous bloodline see my Linkies again. MY LINKIES STAY SUPER STINKIE AND WHEN WE ARE RICH THERE WILL BE SO MANY NICO DOUJINS



>> No.22264948

Hi fellow 100k brother. Take a look at the initial eth run up to 31 million MC, and the retrace to 22 million MC. Chart looks very similar. Then take a look at what happens next :)

>> No.22265012

Kek - I logged on to Binance for the first time since early 2018 yesterday - as I wanted to dump that Sushi before it went though $5 and couldn't be arsed with UniSwap. Along with 1200 ICX and other unmentionables - I had 39K Linkies that I'd forgotten about. My Binance account is pre-KYC so I can only move them out less than 2 BTC every 24 hours

>> No.22265183

I honestly don’t give a shit where the price of link goes. I don’t care if it goes to 100$ tomorrow or 5 years from now. All I’m concerned about is having the least amount of black people owning this coin as possible. That is why I FUD this coin. I don’t care if some white reddit faggots get on board because they find out more and more about it before it takes off. If it takes 5 years for link to moon and that means more black people end up selling because they need to buy more pork rinds... then that is the optimal mooning timeframe for me.

And make no mistake all you black linkmarines out there. You will undoubtedly be invited to the yacht party when it happens and I’m personally going to sell 50 or so link to build you your own seperate faucet to drink cheap malt liquor out of on a seperate area of the yacht while the rest of us have a faucet with Grey goose vodka pouring out of it
September 4, 2020

>> No.22265255
Quoted by: >>22266435

Based segregation-anon

>> No.22265265

>tfw bought more during this dump

>> No.22265314

Yes. You made us a lot of money. All biz is a pump amd dump forum. Someone has to lose. It was you unfortunately

>> No.22265354

Holy shit dude. You've lost half and still holding. Top kek. Hold longer so I can come back in a week and laugh more

>> No.22265402
Quoted by: >>22266435

Extremely based.

>> No.22265490

what's the cutoff for top 300?

>> No.22265531


>> No.22265605

Been buying weekly for 3 weeks and I've never sold a single LINK, if there are ogs out there who dumped then they just got in early on something they don't fully understand, which is perfectly acceptable and they made a lot of bank.

But ogs who fully understand will never let go.

>> No.22265652
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1597753294073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought at 0,40usd. Not selling.
My 4k stack is not big but it could be my ticket to better live so I will not gamble with it.
If its goes to zero it would suck but my initial wasnt really big so I can cope.

>> No.22265680
Quoted by: >>22266435

what about pajeet Linkmarines? (10k stack here)

>> No.22265701
File: 2.88 MB, 1125x2436, B2A87102-047B-4B4E-9402-013B1ACBA051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gtfo my board you piece of shit. Sell all of your chainlink and KYS. Fucking faggot. Fuck you. Why are u even here. You have the audacity to post some stupid shit like this. Fucking die faggot.

>> No.22265856

also down over 1m here, all I feel is excitement for the future & regret that I don't have both more link & any spare fiat to buy more in this dip

>> No.22266068
File: 12 KB, 296x335, e532574e1a70927fb172452bfb925f3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22266435

Based. Fuck niggers

>> No.22266136
Quoted by: >>22266346

Lol, coincidentally 0.17 is exactly, on the cent, where I bought. So your argument fals flat. Some people are simply better at buying bottoms and selling tops than others. It's kinda like poker in that way. Telling yourself anything else is doing yourself a disservice and keeping your growth potential small.

>> No.22266164

Long term you could be sitting on 10k or more

>> No.22266220

pretty based desu

>> No.22266281
File: 14 KB, 320x288, 1CF235D7-9F1E-4E3E-9DEF-CFEB13208B76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought in between $1-3 and I’m never selling. I’ll gladly buy more if it dips to single digits again

>> No.22266310
Quoted by: >>22266366

Bought 10,000 at ICO, sold all at $15.

Will buy back at 4-5.

>> No.22266346


>> No.22266366
Quoted by: >>22266582

Show trade.

And delta screenshot doesn't count.

>> No.22266435
Quoted by: >>22266532

This is pasta you fucking idiots

>> No.22266449

Even if he didn't he could just inspect element and edit it.

>> No.22266462

I dumped 20% of my stack on you at my designated price points. It was always the plan anon.

>> No.22266485

how does 1/10x your money sound?

>> No.22266493
File: 76 KB, 960x1440, 7CE1B811-9581-4DB0-B11E-88D372C47DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why wouldn't they sell at 19 though?
$81,000 by winter solstice 2026

>> No.22266500

shit I lost $200k and felt somewhat shitty (Been in since post ICO.), but it faded almost instantly. Dunno about losing a mil though. Whats your end game?

>> No.22266532
File: 10 KB, 251x242, pepelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bully Nico GF 六四天安門事件 Rory's Wife's Son 天安門大屠殺 The Binance Bot Massacre 反右派鬥爭 Forbidden Feet of Blythe Masters 大躍進政策 The Great Flush Forward 文化大革命 The Fourth Industrial Revolution 人權 民運 Decentralization 自由 獨立 DeFi 多黨制 COVID-19 Accumulation Dump 台灣 臺灣 The Oracle Problem 中華民國 Yacht Party 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 BSN 達賴喇嘛 42 法輪功 Chainlink 新疆維吾爾自治區 Ari Juels 諾貝爾和平獎 Money Belly 劉暁波 Sergey of Nazareth 民主 言論 思想 God Protocol 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 CZ 暴亂 騷擾 Nazarov 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 Make It Stack 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 Pee Pee 強制堕胎 MANIAC! 民族淨化 SWIFT 人體實驗 肅清 216 胡耀邦 Fundamental Cheese 趙紫陽 Nail Salon 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 SN = SN 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 $1K EOY 九評論共産黨 Smart CON #0 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 Big Mac Sandwich 監視 鎮壓 WTFWT 迫害 侵略 Nothingburger 掠奪 破壞 拷問 Cayman Islands 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Cup of Coffee 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 SmartContract 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Poo Poo 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.22266582
File: 245 KB, 1242x1714, EDC95552-251A-4AA5-8E53-D235E46DD2F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the buy at the bottom was the buy from when Teeka recoed it.

The sells are all recent and I have to add in the final 4K link sell I did on CBP.

This wasn’t that hard to do: if you were around for the ETH pump because of the ICO craze then you could identify the LINK pump because of the Defi craze

>> No.22266608
Quoted by: >>22267051

People like you are exactly the people that end up with nothing.
Unrealized gains are not your money until you actually sell.
Taking profits is the only way to stay consistent and succeed in this market.

And how would you stress about not having enough for the rest of your life with over a million? How retarded are you with your spending.
He could easily live off just the interest on that million+

>> No.22266635
File: 1.88 MB, 1023x1595, hepre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao as a 56k link holder this thread is abslutely pathetic i was down 580k usd and now the price is hovering 12 again i survived link going down to 20c from 50c at least five times and you dumbasses can't handle a dip 50% dip

yeah, a lot of ogs have sold but i haven't. im still going to shitpost here waaaaah waah i lost 5k link bad investment just stfu lmao

>> No.22266673
File: 70 KB, 673x970, dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22266733


>> No.22266733
File: 61 KB, 655x677, 1591689225180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The blue dumpster
The rest was cringe bro not having a good time

>> No.22266828

Bought 40k links @ 44 cents
I have 43600 links rn because I DCA on the way up.
Not only never selling.
I keep buying more

>> No.22267051

Nah, you’re retarded. The dude is selling off on too large of chunks before staking? Why?

>> No.22267064

Still holding ~250k and not dumping any until $360

>> No.22267232
File: 1.98 MB, 498x261, never ever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never ever selling.

>> No.22267414

This anon is right, bull, bear, or pig, everyone gets high on guessing right (scientists have shown that it's very similar to a drug high), at this point you should just accept that you're always gambling and hope you're in the 1% that makes it big.

>> No.22267469

>haven't stuck around long enough to be wrong.
This is what I always think when some smug fuck posts.

>> No.22267811

how to get invited? 55k OG block 478 marine here, can prove it ofc

>> No.22267813
File: 199 KB, 1000x847, 1592470736814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekd so hard at this

>> No.22268554

i sold a little less than half of my 200k for a really good house in a nice area and a new car after basically student mode neet for the last 3 years .. this was my original goal achieved with $ still in the game, no regrets bought the ico and had 330k at one point AMA

>> No.22268786

Don't hold your breath. It's a cult of deluded retards. You got dump on, hopefully learned your lesson. Move on and never buy the top again

>> No.22268918

2nd Lt Link Marine here. Avg purchase price was 35 cents. Didn't sell. Been in it this long, would hurt more to sell and find out later it was all true and see price go to $100 than selling at $19.