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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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93953469 No.93953469 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>93995029

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>93687720

(Where we discussed a bitey Gigi, a High School anthology, Momcest, a spicy sleepover, and Anya's seduction technique)
/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.93953484
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.93953537
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.93953611
File: 853 KB, 2218x4096, 1737049349399002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story recap. There was one story posted last thread:

A White December Chapter Thirteen >>93749212
Tags: military, romance, Sora, Ao, Kanade, Civia

>> No.93953671
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Contest Story Anchor

The /wg/ Writing Rumble is back on! The contest officially started on January 14 and ends on February 14 (23:59 UTC-12 time).
If you wish to submit a story to the contest, reply to this post!

Further rules and clarification can be found at:

>> No.93954468
File: 861 KB, 2800x4096, BijouKatana2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting Bijou angry enough that you two have a legit epic sword fight

>> No.93955862

this but it's a sword fight with Anya that eventually becomes a scissor fight

>> No.93955898
File: 468 KB, 1920x1080, __anya_melfissa_and_anya_melfissa_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_baloolax__c4010c34931891e3024e74be95ec98c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I forgot my pic

>> No.93956260
Quoted by: >>93962415

Getting invited to the Biboo v Anya Sword fight but getting confused on if it's a sword fight or a futa fight.

>> No.93957346
Quoted by: >>93957945

I imagine Biboo's katana style would be like those Chinese monks who fought while acting like they were drunk except she would just be tripping and falling all over the place and she wouldn't be acting.

>> No.93957757

In the winter of 2025 IRyS was raped by a half-elf with a gun... Kek what a bitch.

>> No.93957938
Quoted by: >>93958630

A low quality NTRslop fic, written in questionable english
>But what I don't know yet is my oshi graduate and collab with males, live on bedroom kekw.

>> No.93957945
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Biboo's katana style is copying cool sword moves she sees in anime and video games while lasers shoot out of her and her opponent tries in vain to crack the rock.

>> No.93958113

>Bijudgment Cyute End is her doing the lightning fast iaido unsheathing but it's actually you getting lasered by hiding pebbles instead of her moving really fast

>> No.93958326
File: 156 KB, 850x1378, 1749220655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you come back home to visit, and thanks to situations, you're stuck home for a month. you soon find out while you were gone your sweet sister became a hardcore weeb and she keeps trying to flex to you her knowledge since you were the one who got her into anime (she just wants you to think she's cool)

>> No.93958630

NTRslop fic but it's written as if it was from a record of ancient myth

>> No.93958768

I watched a documentary about taisho era swordsmen, and one of the first things they learned was to cut through giant boulders with the power of their breath. I think she's cooked.

>> No.93959561

You're an underage homosexual

>> No.93960585

i think I saw that one. She should be fine. so long as she goes to a different school of sword fighting.

>> No.93961946
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>> No.93962415
Quoted by: >>93967010

How does a futa fight look? Are there safety measures for the viewers?

>> No.93962991

Biboo, if you're going to be a huge weeb and chuuni, at least pick good anime to base your crafted persona on it...

>> No.93963540
Quoted by: >>93966323

Got some western dime novels at the store yesterday so hopefully it'll inspire me to write a chuuba cowboy story. I've always wanted to write one but I am dogshit at writing westerns.

>> No.93966323
Quoted by: >>93966560

Who will be the cow?

>> No.93966560

my wife (noel)

>> No.93967010

It's like a sword fight in the night without swords and with a splash zone.

>> No.93968528
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Quoted by: >>93968640

Wake up!

>> No.93968640
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Quoted by: >>93974022

>Shiori waking you up to talk about nonsense
i could die a happy man

>> No.93970057
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Quoted by: >>93976459

What was that Anon going to do with the links to the past contest archives?>>93643040

>> No.93970413
File: 1.84 MB, 3999x3999, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93970445

sex with mom's friend that isnt really your aunt but she used to drive you to karate lessons when dad was busy getting a new job (actually he was striking at the factory and the pigs busted his best friend's knee)

>> No.93970445
Quoted by: >>93970636

That's so oddly specific I'm kind of scared to ask what prompted you to add the angle of class struggle.

>> No.93970636
File: 455 KB, 796x887, smol irys guilty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just adding stuff to the prompt but you cant deny that it makes for an interesting backdrop
>a struggling family creates an enviroment where a young kid is forced to mature early and thus he seeks the comfort of an older woman to try and soothe the years of hardship he endured
Im picturing Anon being barely 17, he's triying his damn best to get into a good college because money is tight, he spends a lot of time holed up studying or working and Lui is constantly triying to make him slow down.
As a gift, and because she feels bad he spent most of his highschool working, she invites him to drink and ends up turning him into a man

>> No.93972320
File: 123 KB, 850x956, __elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__sample-b25728737cf6ffe7fa7ae595fc53cc45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93973576
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>> No.93974022

What kind of weird shit would she wake you up to talk about?

>> No.93974164

Hotboxing the bedroom as a potential solution if you ever have bed bugs

>> No.93974292

Fuck I can't get back to sleep now. I need to see what the hell she's going with this

>> No.93974386

>Ever heard about mongolian death worms?

>> No.93974505

Don't let the intrusive thoughts about raunchy kinky sex or the yearning void of despair distract you.

You have writing to do!

>> No.93974657
Quoted by: >>93974967

How funny it would be if she just turned you into a character in a fic she's been writing.
And she did it right then, and now you're fighting escape from her wacky horror romance fic.

>> No.93974967
Quoted by: >>93975283

Of course the (You) in the fic she's writing is an archived instance of your mind. Of course the actual (you) have no idea that she has copy of (you) archived as her plaything

>> No.93975048

the parasitic worms that live in your anus and make your butthole itchy (she said this on stream and it still lives rent-free in my head)

>> No.93975086

I never saw a reason to watch her VODs and thought her entire weird tangents things was a threadreader/clipper thing.

>> No.93975283

Advent discussing wacky hypothethicals.
>Rissa would you or would you not torture a tiny little perfect clone of Anon.

>> No.93975290

>Be you at a party, a group of girls eyes yours
>This oreo haired woman approaches you with her friends laughing behind her back
>"Hey, does your anus itch, but only at night?"
>... who the fuck starts a conversation like that?
>Spend the night with this woman.

>> No.93975386

it's very real

>> No.93976459

I was gonna put them together into one consolidated entry of all the winners past. When I get the chance to do so though.

>> No.93977730

Shiori is DEFINED by pulling conversations into weird directions or by simply assaulting a member with some thought.
Its really endearing and one think it would stun members but a lot of times it makes for some cool moments shiori made me realize how sharp FWMC are because they keep up with her no problem

>> No.93977757

Not not all. Shiori lack any sort of mental slulce for her thoughts. The second it hits her brain it comes out

>> No.93979772

i need a tier list of women and their hug strengths, i'm talking who can leave bruises and who can break my ribs

>> No.93980695

Top tier is Kanata and Noel

>> No.93981182

Roboco could probably squeeze you like an industrial presser.

>> No.93981359
File: 288 KB, 874x591, 6e59f17fdb02def52188fd8b149d3ca5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is among the strongest but unfortunately she wants (you) to break her ribs instead
>Kiss me as if you're punching me, until my lips bleed
>Hold me until my ribs make a cracking sound and break
>Like you, Like you, I love you!
>Like you, Like you, I love you!
>Like you, Like you, I love you!
>Say you love me or I’ll kill you!

>> No.93982863 [DELETED] 


>> No.93983219
File: 810 KB, 1448x2048, lamy1 SenakaR18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93986586

I still think Lamy should butt-chug some sake
>but that's dangerous
for humans, not for half elves

>> No.93983862
Quoted by: >>93985936

Black souls, but Shiori is Leaf, who keeps writing contrived tragedies into every chuuba you come across because she loves the emotion and scenery of your loss.

>> No.93985936
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1200, FuwaMocoSleeping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"...and so, she conceived of an imaginary older sister, who would bear all the pain and suffering she received. But, alas, a dream is still a dream."
>Shiori I can see Fuwawa
>"E-Even if it's a VERY convincing dream."

>> No.93986330

You live together with lamia Kronii in the same house, but it's winter and power goes out.
You are keenly aware of the following:
1. Reptiles including lamias cannot maintain their body heat on their own.
2. Even the smallest lamias can weigh up to 300 pounds and Kronii is not one of those.
3. You are the only source of heat left in the house.
4. She doesn't take no for an answer.
Your objective is to survive until the power comes back on.

>> No.93986586

Serious Marriage Lamy...

>> No.93987889
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Quoted by: >>93988307

>throw a weighted blanket on her (or just every normal blanket in the house)
>climb on top of her for good measure
>she gets even warmer from trying to squirm free

>> No.93988307
Quoted by: >>93988404

Blankets don't really make you warmer, they just prevent heat from escaping as easily, which in turn lets the heat you're producing build up more. In this case, you'd basically just slow down her cooling, but not stop it since she can't generate heat unless you join her under the blanket.

>> No.93988404
Quoted by: >>93988749

Nahone... I'd still try to pin her down with my body instead of vice versa though

>> No.93988749
Quoted by: >>93988841

There's likely not enough body surface to get away with that even with a 2x difference in height.

>> No.93988841

I resign to my fate then, doesn't sound like the worst way to go out when you really think about it

>> No.93988930
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Quoted by: >>93989046

so what's supposed to be the bad thing? spending time with my wife?

>> No.93989046

400 pounds of muscle and cold scales pressing against a relatively frail body

>> No.93989311
Quoted by: >>93989570

just like some anons train their cocks, i've trained myself to take every single gram of my snake wife's FAT TAIL
i think the prompt works better if Kronii is very reluctant to cuddle but you convinve her its okay and she shouldnt feel bad

>> No.93989570
Quoted by: >>93990030

You can go both ways, but the urgency would probably change her attitude compared to an average sunday even if she wouldn't feel proud later.

>> No.93990030
Quoted by: >>93990337

>Kronii has transformed into her lamia form because i dont fucking know, something
>she's triying to avoid you really hard because she feels like she's a monster
>power goes out. bundled in a bunch of covers and triying to get some heat
>emotional moment+making her realize not only do you love her as she is, this snake thing also gets you going
and then you decide if its a cute fic or a snakeussy one

>> No.93990337

It's just a bizarre form of moulting she occasionally undergoas that additionally involves shedding limbs for a while.
This is also why she is so focused on skincare.

>> No.93991247
Quoted by: >>93992002

>Kronii eating her old skin and then criying (she's sensitive and hates how much of a monster she is)

>> No.93992002
Quoted by: >>93993385

Better not happen while someone is watching without knowing context

>> No.93993385

>both you and promise are used to this
>turn the corner
>see gigi dead, smelling like piss, and her soul is still screaming

>> No.93994706

Jaw surgery? They just temporarily bolted Kronii's jaws so that she doesn't accidentally open her jaw too wide again.
Rib removal? A few extra ribs got left after transforming back.
Moving all the time? They just transport her to a bigger house suited for a 15 feet long woman and then back to a regular one.

>> No.93995029
File: 393 KB, 507x475, para-cute!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your oshi walks in right after you bust a nut.
>terrified and embarrassed you scramble to cover yourself
>yell at her to get out
>"look at the fucking state of you. end your life you ignoble creature"
>she leaves, slamming the door behind her

>> No.93996284

That's the part where I throw my glove into her face and procure a pair of flintlocks as my choice of weapon

>> No.93996314
File: 153 KB, 441x333, 1665139195702113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94004982

>Oshi walks in after you nut
>Asks if you can do it again

>> No.93997544

One day, Promise finds a bunch of bizarre eggs on a sofa with an equally bizarre and slightly smudgednote: "Happy Mother's Day to Council's XXX"
They get confused over them and make a few jokes aimed towards Mumei, but then one of the eggs hatches and a smaller Kronii emerges from it.
Kronii denies ever laying anything - she's pretty sure she doesn't lay eggs in the first place - but her genmates don't believe her.
And then another egg hatches with a tiny Mumei.
Unlike Kronii, Mumei isn't sure these aren't hers. With the two hatchlings looking the way they do, the others come to the natural conclusion that they belong to those two.
But then more eggs keep hatching and nothing makes sense.
The truth is that Koyori was trying to clone gods. She succeeded.

>> No.93998120
File: 76 KB, 850x1199, __azki_and_azki_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ecli_xx__sample-6087898d85b2543c41125852866fb3ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii despises her Lamia form and keeps changing into her humanoid form despite how much her body rejects it

>> No.93998549
Quoted by: >>94000878

And the diets are just there so that it takes longer for her body to get enough nutrition to revert back to its far bigger form. She'd rather deny herself the pleasure of good food and a full stomach than have to slither more than she walks.

>> No.94000878
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>All of promise gets severely "nerfed" and crippled by adopting humanoid forms
that's a neat concept to steal for an action fic

>> No.94003970

>Mumei's sheer volume of history and accumulated knowledge leaves her human form unfocused and unstable
>Fauna needs to actively suppress nature's primordial need for blood and sacrifices, going as far as avoiding eating anything even remotely originating from animals to not rebound
>the concept of having a consistent and coherent form is actively contradicting to Bae's nature and not only leaves her weakened, but also surprisingly well-adjusted as a person
>IRyS is just smaller and thus spared any real trouble
I guess?

>> No.94004982
File: 267 KB, 1000x1500, GJyv2NZbEAESIUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94005401

>"What the hell, I'm LITERALLY in the other room."
>"Am I not good enough for you anymore?!"

>> No.94005019
Quoted by: >>94007880

>YabaIRyS is IRyS' attempt to healthily eject the negative energy and stay out of balance as her paradoxical existence struggles between the two extremes of zeroing out or becoming the great vessel of Hope and Despair.

>> No.94005401
Quoted by: >>94005555

You're my goon friend, Marine
I couldn't ask for a better buddy to have by my side

>> No.94005555

Taking Marine out to Rob a Bank!

>> No.94005698

>you tell her to get a mask and say something about goons
>when you meet her at the bank, she's wearing bdsm gear

>> No.94005791

>"A-Anon this seems exessive..."
>"Marine, pirates steal things. Now c'mon, put on the mask. It's show time."

>> No.94007880

Would be cool if going too far in either direction had an effect on her appearance too.
Too nice? Feathers, then eventually extra wings and eyes start growing. Too naughty? More horns and spikes emerge, then nails fall off to make way for claws and more Doom goodness.
Too lazy? She becomes Ina.

>> No.94010276

>Too lazy
All of her angelic/demonic stuff starts retracting and she briefly turns human before vanishing in a puff of logic.

>> No.94011354
File: 204 KB, 850x1096, __nerissa_ravencroft_pavolia_reine_nerissa_ravencroft_kaela_kovalskia_elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_and_6_more_hololive_and_3_more_drawn_by_yuri_kyanon__sample-94a6b432a14936c16fbfe206ed5d758d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Sana i guess just remains as space since she's the one who can "hold it" the least".

There's a lot of fun implications all over hololive if you apply this type of logic
>Miko's fertility shrine makes her extremely lewd (both in body and mind)
>As the Moon, Moona has "phases" where she wildly changes personalities
>Kemonos can swap into their animal forms
>Since Niko is an artificial kemono, she cant swap into an animal but she can become a kemono for short periods of time

>> No.94011967

Why is Miko's shrine specifically one for fertility? I don't understand when this happened.

>> No.94011975

Niko just projects an aura shaped like a tiger
The catch is that it reflects her true personality far more than she wants you to see

>> No.94012255
File: 152 KB, 850x1277, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else do you explain this bombshell retard huh? am i supposed to believe there's no divine intervention?

>> No.94012291
File: 807 KB, 3415x2106, IRySVariants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redjuice is way ahead of you

>> No.94012366
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1000, 1666571987747451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94012450

Some people are born hot, as well as retarded?

>> No.94012450
File: 101 KB, 850x1322, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94012790

perhaps, but miko is too hot and too retarded

>> No.94012615
Quoted by: >>94013233

>Miko's shrine is one for retardation

>> No.94012790
File: 993 KB, 1020x994, 1670602261095864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you got a proper pantheon and background for the goddess or higher being of fertility, Migo can certainly help tend to their shrine. I look forward to reading more about it.

>> No.94013233
Quoted by: >>94013720

No, it's for fertility
Unfortunately, it hit the parasites inside Miko's brain rather than her
If you were to cut open her head, you'd see a massive bubble filled with worm eggs

>> No.94013720
Quoted by: >>94014083

>Removing the worm-filled sac from Miko's amygdala turns her into a very eloquent heterosexual prude

>> No.94014083

Would you save Miko's life by removing the worms at the cost of her old self being gone forever, including the memories she made with everyone?

>> No.94014568

>Get hit with a ray from Koyori's lab
>You turn exactly 160 CM.
>Koyo apologizes for such a lame experiment. Usually she makes cool and dangerous stuff but she admits she was just throwing shit at the wall this time
>Anyway come back later once she makes something to give you back your height.
>Go outside her lab
>Manlet sense activates
>You feel it.
>Aside from the need to pick fights and get really into motorcycles...you can feel it
>Theres a select group of girls out there...lurking
>They want to make you the small spoon and get things from the shelves for you
>No way fag

>> No.94014783
Quoted by: >>94014984

The other aspect of kemonoslaying is rather unpopular in recent times so the fertility part of the Sakura Shrine has to do double duty.

>> No.94014984
File: 482 KB, 675x705, 1704682733116941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck did murdering kemonos come into this? Explain yourself.

>> No.94015362
Quoted by: >>94015542

The pekomiko rivalry didn't come from nowhere.

>> No.94015542
File: 168 KB, 1181x1575, 1672572844171689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explanation fucking sucked. Get your own prompt next time.

>> No.94015753
Quoted by: >>94016373

Actually, it's very simple: racism.
Most things that look like humans with animal features are youkai, which tend to eat people or just get them in trouble. That's bad for keeping a shrine running.

>> No.94016373
File: 473 KB, 728x720, 1690110089352552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94016608

But shrines and the faithful who work and tend to them are often the ones who get called upon to dispose of yokai. Expelling the monsters is what gets more commonfolk to visit and donate to the shrines.

>> No.94016608
Quoted by: >>94016779

If they all get eaten, there's nobody to hire you to get rid of monsters.
Either way, she has a good reason to spank folks.

>> No.94016779
File: 429 KB, 806x706, 1714702885493453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94017504

Nah, this fucking sucks too. Get your own prompt like the other guy.

>> No.94017504

Miko gets visited by a supposedly popular idol with alarming frequency, promised wealth if she leaves the shrine. She is not all too keen on abandoning her duties.
The catch is that it's actually a monster wearing some failed idol's flesh as its own hide, it barely knows anything about the industry. The beast has history with Miko's family and wants to eat everyone in the area due to its grudge. But then it starts growing attached to the retarded girl, initially coping by saying it's gonna help reach its goal and nothing more.
Act 3 is when, for reasons, the disguise fails and everyone including Miko learn the truth. Knowing what they're dealing with, people around her call for its head. Does Miko herself think there was anything real between them? Will the beast meet its end after centuries of bloodstained conflict? Find out next time.

>> No.94018714
Quoted by: >>94022887

For clarification, it's Suisei. She starts as a fraud, but genuinely gets into idol shit once her feelings become genuine as well. That's also when she drops her squeaky bait voice in favour of a deeper one.

>> No.94020876


>> No.94020881

I love tall(er) women....

>> No.94021063

I'm at 161cm
And people mistook me for a fresh school graduate despite being 24

>> No.94022887

This but the shadow of the popular idol was actually all in Mio's head and this journey was all started because of her own suppressed desires to leave the shrine and become an idol.

>> No.94022954

you had me at 400 pounds
its gotta somewhere in human form, right?

>> No.94024375
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>> No.94026262
File: 110 KB, 850x1206, wordcountcheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94029017

Contest wip word count check!

>> No.94027799
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Raora's honest reaction to the information that you offered(your phone number)

>> No.94029017


>> No.94029259

What if instead of kemonoslaying we change it into something like 'kemonobreeding?'
Ayame can join too since oni's are like, really popular than what kemono's are.

>> No.94029447
Quoted by: >>94029732

Also forgot to add that I'm not the one who originally put up the idea of 'kemonoslaying'. I too think that's a dumb idea and would rather (even though its not my prompt and I've no idea how it'd relate to Miko's shrine) see breeding instead.

>> No.94029732

Why are they trying to breed the kemono Messiah?
