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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.75 MB, 2900x4096, 1733534428397041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
92729423 No.92729423 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>92729562

Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!

Subathon ongoing! Every day from 2:00 PM to 3:00 AM (UTC).

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
Official website: https://neurosama.com/

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread

>> No.92729480
Quoted by: >>92729990

manifesting 10+ tomorrow
screenshart this

>> No.92729492
File: 652 KB, 931x846, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Neuro

>> No.92729507
Quoted by: >>92729619


>> No.92729518
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>> No.92729530
File: 178 KB, 1272x1272, 1726217843529858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92729649

>he doubted anny

>> No.92729542
Quoted by: >>92729595

So the plan is to break vedal mentally?

>> No.92729551

Anny such a hack. Simply by being a whore on stream she gets away with missing deadlines by a year or two.

>> No.92729562

There are 3 things that are really big in this art.

>> No.92729566

For once, Annybros really earned the OP, sasuga.

>> No.92729595

anally too

>> No.92729615
File: 639 KB, 931x846, 1735623848698117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92729689

this but choconeuro

>> No.92729619
File: 208 KB, 1200x1800, bret hart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92729625

man, imagine if we got +10 seconds....

>> No.92729634
Quoted by: >>92729710

So what happens if we somehow hit the release abandoned archive goal

>> No.92729639
Quoted by: >>92729754

the absolute state of russian threadshitters lol

>> No.92729649
File: 191 KB, 128x128, 1710669915337507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anny was the Time God

>> No.92729651
File: 592 KB, 930x930, smugCerber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92729657

This but Evil.

>> No.92729676

Are you new to the vtuber scene? retarded oilers somehow have no limits.

>> No.92729688

I can't believe we're back

>> No.92729689

making choccy milk with choconur...

>> No.92729710

Vedal runs with the money

>> No.92729720

total vedal hate.

>> No.92729743

total anny love.

>> No.92729754

>everyone who hates my whore queen is a russian
you really are a mindbroken cuck, sad

>> No.92729772

>9k subs in 15 minutes

>> No.92729779 [DELETED] 

Anny is such a natural whore. Is it because she's Ukrainian?

>> No.92729790

>do i want them to stop?

>> No.92729799

Guranteed we're gonna get 3 days more now, if we can get one single postive in those 3 days, we can get 4 days.

>> No.92729855
Quoted by: >>92730293

It's never smart to drain wallets of your fans, those people are always the first ones to leave

>> No.92729863

Oilers will pop off (again) if he rolls +10.

>> No.92729875

this tutel is so fucking oiled up

>> No.92729882

is there actually a study on oilers? I remember that for the "whales" in F2P games, they are mostly people living paycheck to paycheck. Instead of saving for retirement or investing, they spend it on unproductive things.

>> No.92729891

what was the last song called?

>> No.92729907

>paying for youtube premiun

>> No.92729908

Does this fucking nigger not have adblock????

>> No.92729909

>4,000 lava lamp = 24 hrs
>1 anny = 48 hrs
this says a lot about our society

>> No.92729913
Quoted by: >>92730029

can vedal just kick anny out and bring in cerber

>> No.92729930
File: 154 KB, 575x417, image_2025-01-01_203101554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92730057


>> No.92729955

Anon, Vedal never planned for it to be longer than 2 weeks.

>> No.92729959
Quoted by: >>92730095


>> No.92729978


>> No.92729990

almost doesn't matter at this point. A couple more hours and we've got the entire next two days covered. We've crushed the two week barrier.

>> No.92729992


>> No.92730013

Vedal its such a villian that anny is now the subathon hero

>> No.92730022


>> No.92730029
Quoted by: >>92730173

>he can't get people to hate anny so he now starts with neuroverse vs neuroverse
kys threadshitter

>> No.92730035
Quoted by: >>92730071

Well now he's fucked, fuck your break you damn turtle.

>> No.92730057

A reminder that I don't vote on these, so it's nullified

>> No.92730058

can't believe he actually recorded that

>> No.92730070
File: 544 KB, 1625x2048, duet-pchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92730071
Quoted by: >>92730210

Or he can just end it on Friday

>> No.92730079

Yeah but he was trying to accomplish that with his stupid wheel scam. We're already past two weeks now and forcing the dumb turtle to add new goals. He's stuck.

>> No.92730087

I take back every single bad thing I've ever said about Anny.

>> No.92730095

Yt link?

>> No.92730107

tutel good but neuro sounds so fucking good on this song too

>> No.92730118

this greedy bastard won't even add goals

>> No.92730121

>I wish I could do more for you
wasn't it convenient that the outfit you had over a year to do was on your broken drive

>> No.92730130
File: 114 KB, 395x405, 1722789663558815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92730374

don't forget about me, vedal

>> No.92730144
File: 287 KB, 620x350, 1714083493487330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, blackie link

>> No.92730145

Is everyone ready for the 3 months of no stream vacation vedal has earned?

>> No.92730161
File: 168 KB, 947x754, 1727791185019165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92730173
Quoted by: >>92730292

so how's it going in ukraine?

>> No.92730174


>> No.92730191
Quoted by: >>92730254

>he starts making the audio crunchy on purpose so no one can hear him
this fucking guy

>> No.92730210

He won't. He'll do everything he can after this to make the subs/time ratio go down but he's stuck with the hours already added.

>> No.92730233

Vedal is so overwhelmed lol

>> No.92730254

anon it happens every 30 minutes or some shit like that

>> No.92730264

based tutle giving it all to evil and pb and tomyomy

>> No.92730293
Quoted by: >>92730435

Anon you are in a board dedicated to woman that do that in the regular, you only lose fans if you do a 180° in your content, and sometimes you will still keep a decent number of oilers

>> No.92730292

I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.92730318

wheres the annal live sex on stream goal

>> No.92730322

Truth nuke.

>> No.92730336

I figured but timing was funny

>> No.92730341

That's ~£90k based on the current subcount

>> No.92730371

Oh i thought it was a custom discord sfx

>> No.92730374

>pb buying a tamandua with the subathon money

>> No.92730390

Vedal OWES Anny that Japan trip now

>> No.92730431
Quoted by: >>92730449

The subathon was supposed to end today so I didn't miss anything when I go back to work tomorrow.....

>> No.92730435

I'm dedicated to a woman who says only to donate if they are well financially

>> No.92730441

he OWES her sex

>> No.92730449

>he doubted

>> No.92730455

Anny has EARNED her turtle cock today.

>> No.92730480
File: 174 KB, 1080x1920, 1710338928167165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92730541

The wheel will hit +10 tomorrow now that everyone donated their money.
Screencap this.

>> No.92730481

Vedal doesn't want to get raped at a Japanese hotel.

>> No.92730488
File: 148 KB, 1057x1172, 1722748430594080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92730498

How does Vedal explain his mansion, yacht and rolls-royce to his relatives and friends?

>> No.92730504

really does desu

>> No.92730510

>making him stream more when he has nothing else planned
yeah, sure

>> No.92730517


>> No.92730515

The longer subathon lasts the longer the break will be

>> No.92730542
Quoted by: >>92730609

vedal is so fucking blessed to have friends who can shill this shamelessly

>> No.92730541

We're going into debt with this one

>> No.92730560

Green bigger didn't even wish her a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year and he had 16 hours windows to do it in.

>> No.92730577

holy cuck you really wanna see your pig get railed by while you jo to her huh

>> No.92730589
File: 1.34 MB, 1456x896, 2025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92730596

Personal visit, no condoms

>> No.92730598
Quoted by: >>92730646

at 200k subs there will be a meetup with green nigger in a public restroom strapped to a toilet
no condoms allowed

>> No.92730609

Whores aren't good at the whole shame things.

>> No.92730623
File: 444 KB, 1600x1600, 1733237283283320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subathon could have been over today...

>> No.92730624

Least dedicated fanbase btw

>> No.92730639

guys please stop vedal will die from burnout if he goes past two weeks

>> No.92730646

Now thats a sub goal I can get behind

>> No.92730653
File: 656 KB, 900x900, 1715107938889016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh Anny ruined the subathon, it was supposed to just end today so that we wouldn't see them kill the enderdragon or play any gamejam games.

>> No.92730656
Quoted by: >>92730969

At this point, Annal is too big to fail. Don't revenge trade against massive public sentiment and institutional support or you'll get liquidated. Either go with the flow or sit on cash.

>> No.92730659

This is the best ending. Now vedal can afford 3 ozempic shots for anny to lose weight so he can finally fuck her in freedom from any form of disgust.

>> No.92730681

go back to yt

>> No.92730689
Quoted by: >>92730757

annyfags, I kneel
cerber could never

>> No.92730709

"I work in AI, no I can't tell you the details"
no-one actually understands computer shit so they'll just take it at face value

>> No.92730713
File: 406 KB, 925x731, 1722029143460365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92730728


>> No.92730731

>he doesn't know

>> No.92730744

Dedicated at wasting money

>> No.92730747

What are the chances that Filian enters the call again like last time?

>> No.92730757

go back to lig threadshitter

>> No.92730760

please stay here

>> No.92730762

No relatives and his friends all already know.

>> No.92730776

Cerber lost
Mini lost
Ellie lost
Toma lost

>> No.92730796

I'm not the biggest annal fan but holy shit this green cunt needs to fuck the shit out of her, she carried his sorry ass AGAIN.

>> No.92730801

it's like 4 am in japan

>> No.92730802
Quoted by: >>92730982

Vedal lost

>> No.92730805

How many subs for Vedal's feet pics?

>> No.92730811

0% if she's still in japan

>> No.92730819
Quoted by: >>92730922

kys threadshitter vedal said gamejam playthrough will be done only after subathon

>> No.92730827

shes passed out in some japanese host bar rn

>> No.92730852

So how about that Cyberpunk Princess outfit?

>> No.92730876

>people acting like Vedal would actually take initiative to fuck someone
The ball is is Anny's court instead.

>> No.92730877

Maid neuro with pig tails ToT

>> No.92730891

she's getting ready for her own japan stream today

>> No.92730893

Computer hurt

>> No.92730900
File: 48 KB, 444x427, 1686962529764440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92730946

I don't wanna go back to work tomorrow

>> No.92730909

>anny lost
some weight

>> No.92730918

desu I really do think her and 'tanya are the actual dream team, bella is a shitter

>> No.92730922
Quoted by: >>92731067

He literally said during this stream that he's doing it today

>> No.92730946


>> No.92730954
Quoted by: >>92731017

what a kino moment, I wonder what /swarm/ thinks-
>samefags threadshitting

>> No.92730958
Quoted by: >>92731011

>new ponytail hair toggle
>can easily be turned into pigtails toggle using her existing pigtails + the hair base of the ponytail

>> No.92730960

He LOVES Neuro

>> No.92730969

Yeah I'm really surprised with the turnaround. I thought Annal was on the verge of bankruptcy 5 months ago, and now it's returned to being the strongest asset. I glad I managed to at least catch the tail end of the climb.

>> No.92730975
File: 30 KB, 655x468, cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TomyGOD in chat
>meanwhile Pb...

>> No.92730979

there's a better chance of filian knocking on anny's door in Japan

>> No.92730982

pb lost
alex lost
tomyomy lost
anon lost
camila lost

>> No.92731011
Quoted by: >>92731097

Anon no, that'd make Neuro too sexy.

>> No.92731017

I hate people rewarding green nigger for this lazy subathon, he deserved to have timer run out on him.

>> No.92731059

Why does Anny add an "uh" to the end of "chat"

>> No.92731064
Quoted by: >>92731310

>didn't wish her a merry christmas
>didn't wish her a happy new years
>"annal is so back"

>> No.92731067

>expecting annyseether to watch streams

>> No.92731075

What's the medley playing in the background?

>> No.92731079

reptilian digits typed this post

>> No.92731097


>> No.92731109

holy shit, i will actually be able to watch subathon even after my work starts again after NYE

>> No.92731113

Says a lot when it takes a whore begging for subs for subs to save the subathon. Subathon tourists that aren't even there for Neuro, just like the threadshitters here.

>> No.92731146

The intro for the subathon

>> No.92731166


>> No.92731179

Sorry, you lost. A loss that is almost 2 years old now.

>> No.92731204

>Neuro is a Babymetal fan
Holy based

>> No.92731210
Quoted by: >>92731364

It's only because Vedal can't do anything but fumble with a stupid timer so rigged it makes him look antagonistic to his own subathon.

People are subbing for Anny, they're subbing because someone is actually making an effort to shill for a change.

>> No.92731222

>when it takes a whore begging for subs for subs to save the subathon
But that's how every subathon survives

>> No.92731234

she got it from her mom

>> No.92731246

>63 hours
Wtf happened what did I miss

>> No.92731247
Quoted by: >>92731285

Anny sure is good at milking

>> No.92731270
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1519247291474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuro has shit taste confirmed

>> No.92731285

Vedal is so lucky

>> No.92731300
File: 159 KB, 370x394, 1720167478970565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92731426

>anny haters still trying
you lost

>> No.92731303

He WILL be forced to release Abandoned Archive now

>> No.92731309
Quoted by: >>92731363

Anny ruined the stream. It would've been so much more kino if it just ended and we all got blueballed by never getting to see them kill the enderdragon.

>> No.92731312

You're struggling at finding a valid reason to be seething, Anon
Just let go

>> No.92731310

He’s just British. It’s her fault for forgetting that.

>> No.92731318

Anny begging for subs

>> No.92731324

>lil bro complaining about newfags when he wasn't even here during the previous subathon
crazy lack of self awareness

>> No.92731332
Quoted by: >>92731469

I would like anny but she's ukrainian

>> No.92731338

go back

>> No.92731341
File: 112 KB, 128x128, 1716523032789593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anny happened

>> No.92731346

you missed the biggest hype effort by Anny, absolute KINO

>> No.92731352
Quoted by: >>92731422

pb must be MALDING rn fr fr no cap bruh on god

>> No.92731363
Quoted by: >>92731427

greenscreen suit hands typed this

>> No.92731364
Quoted by: >>92731517

But does it matter when Vedal himself doesn't want to do the subathon anymore? He sounds more and more everyday like he doesn't want to be there.
People forcing him to be on stream will surely manifest interesting content.

>> No.92731366

I have to admit, this woman's ability to shamelessly milk oilers for subs is really impressive, scary, even, this shit is crazy

>> No.92731371

Anny got on and forced Vedal to keep trying with different timers until he finally rolled a positive result (+2) then started hyping up chat and trying to choke new subgoals out of the turtle at the same time.

Basically Anny actually saved the subathon and I'm not a fan of her normally.

>> No.92731374

kys falseflagging retard

>> No.92731381

Anny stripped naked and told me she'd do anything if I subscribed to neuro-sama.

>> No.92731392

Do you think it would be better (more successful) if vedal himself was a whore (female), or is it better how it is now, an indian femboy with a suite of whores shilling for him?

>> No.92731405

Anny did a good deed today vedal needs to thanks her properly, now if only she could keep this good mental state for the next of 2025

>> No.92731422

what do you mean, she's starting off new year's with the best cuckquean NTR she's had

>> No.92731426

How many times have you cummed watching getting cucked

>> No.92731427

It's called a morph suit

>> No.92731432

if we hit +10 today we'd be at 103 hours right now by the way.

>> No.92731436

learn to use this site nigger

>> No.92731447

Ukrainian girls have it in their blood

>> No.92731455

if he was a female she'd have never made neuro

>> No.92731456
File: 145 KB, 208x256, 1724495706486369.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92731469

t. Sirgay Semenovich

>> No.92731472

AnnyGOD saved the subathon and green nig is not only forced to stream for at least 2 and half days, but also got peer pressured into adding new subgoals

>> No.92731474

This is more about the absolute state of oilers if anything.

>> No.92731479

A woman could never create neuro.

>> No.92731494
Quoted by: >>92731546

So Tutel's retardation was salvaged by the lusting fox? Does this mean Annal is officially the canon ship?

>> No.92731498

you really need to stop do that, don't you feel shame for being one the biggest retard on this website ?

>> No.92731503

this mf

>> No.92731517
Quoted by: >>92731623

anon, the entire concept of a subathon is based on bullying the streamer into continuing past the point of sanity using your money. Some of the most kino moments from the last subathon came from Vedal at his most desperate for content.

>> No.92731524

I miss when this was the neurosama general and not the 3DPD whore general.

>> No.92731546

There was no retardation he wanted to end the subathon soon

>> No.92731556
File: 483 KB, 1817x1349, 152608527267341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skynet namedrop by Neuro, based

>> No.92731557

our QUEEN graced us with her presence

>> No.92731597
File: 186 KB, 1062x1050, 1730500225636081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this bread cares about his opinion

>> No.92731599
Quoted by: >>92731709

if it wasn't for the 3dpd whore you wouldn't have seen neuro for 3 months after today

>> No.92731612

Why does 4chan have so many newfags pretending to be oldfags compared to other sites.

>> No.92731623

And how many month break was after that? There was nothing kino if the guy doesn't want to stream anymore.

>> No.92731631

This is the Neuroverse general now.

>> No.92731637

the fucking audio

>> No.92731644

Could you think through a hypothetical question? What if a female whore-ish vedal made neuro, would it be more successful?

>> No.92731689

would it be funny to pay to get Neuro painted on Russian munitions

>> No.92731701

/vt/ is a failure of a board

>> No.92731709

It'll go back to normal during the break

>> No.92731716
Quoted by: >>92731890

But I didn't eat breakfast

>> No.92731724

So nobody is going to get mad about Anny being in the OP pic for the next couple of threads right?

>> No.92731727

how new

>> No.92731754

the money would instantly get stolen by the higher-ups lmao

>> No.92731756

I would've oiled but I bought a new watch recently.

>> No.92731764
File: 1.05 MB, 3000x2216, 152608773568520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fag perpetually trapped in seethe mode
Turn off already dweeb

>> No.92731765
File: 59 KB, 322x588, 1735614296354550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuro is too small for 69 sadge

>> No.92731763
Quoted by: >>92731882

>Prompted a level 38 hype train in 2023 which was the channels record
>Prompted a level 51 hype train in 2024 which was the new record
>Now this...
She has been and always will be the hype train conductor

>> No.92731773

a female vedal wouldn't have made neuro
I'm not giving this hypothetical any serious thought because it's just that physically impossible for a woman to make something this good

>> No.92731771

Ill not mald about Anny for a week after this

>> No.92731783

>inserting off topic garbage into a thread for neuro
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.92731799
Quoted by: >>92731890

>"Imagine if you didn't eat breakfast today"
>"B-but I ate breakfast today???"

>> No.92731807

on other sites people can just check if you are full shit when you claim to be a veteran user or whatever

>> No.92731829
Quoted by: >>92731887

keep pushing your narrative simp

>> No.92731834

She wouldn't be neuro then. Neuro is only neuro because her dad is a cute British turtle.

>> No.92731837

Neuro is going to have a melty in 7 minutes when we're only lvl 67

>> No.92731843
File: 320 KB, 1000x1200, 1720063818269165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92732010

oilers are getting new paychecks soon we got at least another week of streams trust the plan

>> No.92731849
File: 389 KB, 609x793, 1735684281466223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92732030

please keeping donating pb likes money

>> No.92731869
File: 22 KB, 289x368, vedthesped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants him to reach the joke subgoal
She is LITERALLY a Manic Pixie Dream Girl here to save him from himself, how does this fucker keep winning like this?

>> No.92731882
Quoted by: >>92732297

Don't forget she did the exact same thing to Mini's stream a few days ago too

>> No.92731887
Quoted by: >>92732165

lil bro isn't watching the stream lule

>> No.92731890

see >>92731773

>> No.92731910
Quoted by: >>92732102

just that one or two guys with their PC and couble of phones to post on

>> No.92731927
Quoted by: >>92732130

What's the hype train record for a twitch vtuber?

>> No.92731930
File: 120 KB, 491x458, Hyorisad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.92731948
Quoted by: >>92732116

>pedos losing their mind's that they lost
a tale as old as time

>> No.92731950

tf is a manic pixie dream girl

>> No.92731992
File: 537 KB, 500x500, 1731962844108761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92731994
File: 863 KB, 1280x964, xneq5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92732087

You're late

>> No.92732010

Everyone has already been paid for the month though

>> No.92732015

Genderswapped Connor going all out for her oshi today

>> No.92732030

Why isn't she in chat?

>> No.92732031

>called out for being retarded
>doubles down

>> No.92732037
Quoted by: >>92732115

Anny is too depressed and emotionally unstable to be a manic pixie girl.

>> No.92732056

Anny going to get this steam a sexual content warning if she doesn't chill.

>> No.92732064

how long until anny goes back to suicide baiting?

>> No.92732065
Quoted by: >>92732136

Breakfast still not eaten. It's easy, even for a female, to follow basic instructions from /g/ to finetune an erotic roleplay chat language model into what neuro is. It's entirely possible.

>> No.92732067
File: 883 KB, 908x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/swarm/ not watching the stream

>> No.92732068

short-haired, skinny, tattooed girl with mental issues that also fucks like crazy

>> No.92732087

based, Vedal would support this

>> No.92732090
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>> No.92732102
File: 34 KB, 455x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping retard.

>> No.92732115
Quoted by: >>92732308

What do you think the manic part means

>> No.92732116

We are winning hard rn tho??

>> No.92732130
Quoted by: >>92732296

TraitorSoftware hit 104 or some shit like that. It was 54k subs at once.

>> No.92732134

You have to have read TVTropes

>> No.92732136

that would require women use the internet which they don't
sorry you are retarded

>> No.92732165


>> No.92732173

Nobody bothered because Vedal instantly torpedoed pedos right after

>> No.92732197

How many month break will it be now?

>> No.92732200

Many families will be left with nothing to feed themselves because of this greedy whore and because their father spent all the money on a chatbot

>> No.92732204

kys or make your own thread

>> No.92732215
Quoted by: >>92732280

So how much money did Vedal just get in the last hour, from 20k new subs?

>> No.92732217

It really is incredible how easy it is for women to drain the wallets of lonely men.

>> No.92732226
Quoted by: >>92732315

At least 4 months now

>> No.92732243
File: 2.56 MB, 1197x1654, FRICK_U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92732264

>resetting your router 28 times
ok bro

>> No.92732268

how convenient

>> No.92732275

>AI wants to forcibly shakedown people IRL for not paying their taxes (subs) to the overlord
Great alignment Vedal, not scary at all

>> No.92732277

Shocking truth

>> No.92732280

~£25-30k after twitch reduction and UK tax.

>> No.92732296

Yeah but he's a fleshie, it'd be cool if Neuro can at least hit the vtuber hype train record. I'm sure the holder is like Mouse or something.

>> No.92732297
Quoted by: >>92732773

that was all Bo tho?

>> No.92732308

Endless energy.

>> No.92732315
Quoted by: >>92732391

But it'll have been worth it for a few more days of extremely low effort content, right?

>> No.92732316
File: 43 KB, 480x480, 1679237331522735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92732576

Give me the real explanation /swarm/
What was so special about FaggotSoftware banana suit stream?

>> No.92732328
Quoted by: >>92732513

This subathon is not nearly as hard on Vedal as the last one was. He was begging for it to be over days before it actually stopped on the last one, this morning he was worried about this one ending.

>> No.92732339
File: 490 KB, 1920x1080, 1730982760367205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags taking the poals srsly is a big self report

>> No.92732348
Quoted by: >>92732396

based, fuck dem kids

>> No.92732353
Quoted by: >>92732472

What promted this retarded act of absolute braindead paypiggery?

>> No.92732365
File: 806 KB, 746x723, clussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the bigger twitch streamer?

camila or anny?

>> No.92732376

This is an epic family corpa moment. What an amazing season finale.

>> No.92732384
Quoted by: >>92732442

now combine results 2, 3 and 4 because they're all the same thing

>> No.92732391

The drought will correct this board, it's going to be annoying for the next couple days with the annyfags

>> No.92732396

careful saying that in this general anon

>> No.92732413
Quoted by: >>92732624

Even after UK taxes? That's crazy.

>> No.92732432

Too soon, Neuro...

>> No.92732442

Its a multiple choice poal thoughbeit

>> No.92732463
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>> No.92732472

Vedal not having a spine to refuse anny begging

>> No.92732499

does anyone have link to this mashup? it was pretty nice

>> No.92732503


>> No.92732513
Quoted by: >>92732641

I feel like he burned out after the first few days but the past couple of days he's seemed to be enjoying himself now that he's just chilling doing his own thing with Nur. You could tell he doesn't actually want it to end so soon based on his panic around the wheel, he's just too tsundere to drop the "i hope it ends soon" act.

>> No.92732527
Quoted by: >>92732787

Oh nooooo... please don't throw thirty thousand euros at me... noooo...

>> No.92732546

No, I mean why the fuck are people throwing money at him all of a sudden?

>> No.92732576
Quoted by: >>92732674

that guy is an actual grifter, not in the way the term gets overused these days but for real
his entire personality is fake to extract as much money as possible, even his voice is fake.

>> No.92732597

What? £30k is like a yearly janitor income. There is no way it's that low.

>> No.92732614

>70 hours
What the absolute fuck did I miss

>> No.92732613

3 days guaranteed, and i'm sure we can get to 4 days within that, we're gonna get like a week or 2 more of streams...

>> No.92732624

~$5 per sub, 20k subs for $100k. Twitch takes 50% then UK tax is another 20-25% I believe.

>> No.92732632
Quoted by: >>92732791

Female on stream begging for money.

>> No.92732637
File: 394 KB, 320x320, 1708187661143323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is literally that easy, just go with the flow. Be like water.

>> No.92732641
Quoted by: >>92732772

yeah i noticed too
its like he had irl shit going down right before christmas and it was getting to him
these last few days are night and day difference from how poorly the subathon started out

>> No.92732656

Its clear you havent even glanced at twitch, let along actually watched Neuro

>> No.92732658
Quoted by: >>92732784

Twitch takes half, then the UK takes even more, and all he's left with is around 20%

>> No.92732674

>that guy is an actual grifter, not in the way the term gets overused these days but for real
Elaborate? I only even know of his existence because he was mentioned by Vedal and /here/

>> No.92732698

yeah this shitty lava lamp is never getting funded

>> No.92732706

>Valorant (Chinese) oiling Vedal
>Vedal obsessed with trying to stream on B2 for no apparent reason
>actively hates democracy
My new theory is that Vedal is a Chink

>> No.92732712
File: 41 KB, 244x90, shoomimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistakes into miracles.

>> No.92732718

what do femanons think about vedal's bad boy persona?

>> No.92732736

neuro skirt physics malfunctioned and everyone saw her pussy that anny secretly included in the model

>> No.92732739


>> No.92732740

Anny milking vedal and his oilers dry

>> No.92732759

By the way the more money vedal gets the more money he lose to taxes.

>> No.92732761

But he is out of content. What will he do now? Minecraft for 1 week+ ?

>> No.92732763

No. If vedal was female I'd be far less interested in his dynamics with Neuro and other vtubers.

>> No.92732773

Bo the God

>> No.92732772

Anon we're talking about in the past HOUR, not the whole subathon.

I think he might have just been stressed out with things constantly breaking while he had others in the call/minecraft server with Neuro.

>> No.92732782

All Anny's fault.

>> No.92732784

He should move to Cyprus then. Imagine being a UK cuck.

>> No.92732787

I know but you have to agree that Vedal rarely shill his own stuff

Guess that a lot of people were waiting for miraculous +10 but Anny begging was a good enough trigger

>> No.92732791

That's all it takes for people to throw 30k+ in a matter of minutes? How do people that have this much money to burn not have a life?

>> No.92732794

>watched every second of the 76k subathon
>watched every second of like 20k subs today
>in the meantime I got multiple subs to vtubers I watched for a total of like 10 seconds during a raid ages ago
>still no Neuro sub
do twitch jews actually rig gifted to never appear in channels where you usually spend your own money? I feel like it all goes to new viewers who are potential spenders
my first and only Neuro gifted was a couple of days after I found her too

>> No.92732796

Doesn't twitch only take 25% for partnered

>> No.92732809


>> No.92732810

anny started breastfeeding neuro and vedal live on stream

>> No.92732818


>> No.92732824

Anny won

>> No.92732835
File: 6 KB, 225x225, clueless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never getting funded

>> No.92732838
File: 112 KB, 1025x1180, tutle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92732958

>surpassed the previous peak viewers
>new model
>lava lamp funded
>75k subs

>> No.92732839
File: 958 KB, 1632x2427, 152608773479641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vedal's bad boy persona

>> No.92732851
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>> No.92732857

He could play all the game jam games

>> No.92732860

paypigs taking out a 1k loan to be a part of the moment

>> No.92732874

Hopefully, Cerber and Mini only. No Anny allowed.

>> No.92732895

going by the latest anny RTX, Camila for sure.

>> No.92732911

Man I love this rendition of As the World Caves In. Both Neuro and Evil versions too, although Evil one is done and that one's better.

>> No.92732932

They take 30% of the first $100k a partner makes then anything after that is 50%.

>> No.92732930

if hes trying to be a bad boy he's failing I just wanna give him a noogie

>> No.92732940

So when are they gonna fuck already? And will Anny insist it be done live on stream?

>> No.92732958
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>> No.92732959

its 30% i think but yeah its not 50% for sure

>> No.92732969
Quoted by: >>92733123

I believe redention is real, hope that anny dont go back to 2024 levels of retardness

>> No.92732974

wtf how tf are you this unlucky

>> No.92732994
File: 405 KB, 537x472, neuro face hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92733014

>Neuro shipping again

>> No.92733023
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>> No.92733037
Quoted by: >>92733110

Its SO fucking obvious she wants to fuck this guy even the AI can tell

>> No.92733038

Yes, I assume you had gifted sub at some point already?
The priority is the people who never had gifted sub and it even goes to people who haven't even followed channel.

>> No.92733049


>> No.92733068

think about it this way
is there any reason they woudn't attach an algorithm to the system to maximize there profits?
they are legally obligated to provide profits to their shareholders

>> No.92733081
Quoted by: >>92733146

it likely to be rigged for newer viewers

>> No.92733090
File: 240 KB, 318x462, neuro ToT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92733107
Quoted by: >>92733208

the hype train is over. why people still gifting?

>> No.92733112

We're kidnapping this Tutel for the rest of January

>> No.92733110

stop talking about me like that

>> No.92733117
File: 13 KB, 314x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello all newfags
Rule 1 : We love neuro
Rule 2 : We talk about neuro
Rule 3 : kill yourself

>> No.92733123

>this guy doesn't know the cycle

>> No.92733125

is vedal gay?

>> No.92733136

*piggy oinking noises*

>> No.92733146

I don't even know how it works, I've been gifted subs to random ~200 view channels I've never even clicked on before.

>> No.92733160

Just post your username already little bitch

>> No.92733177

Camila is the biggest diamond in the rough in the rtx departament

>> No.92733179

Oilers were the biggest pigs in the end.

>> No.92733195


>> No.92733208

Refresh the page

>> No.92733219

She's not that bad

>> No.92733225

>3 fucking days
Negative numbers fucking shattered

>> No.92733242
Quoted by: >>92733395

whores ruined /swarm/

>> No.92733248

its all single white collar cucks and insane wagies surviving on canned food living in a van

>> No.92733258

i was inwardly laughing at phonefags stream/app freezing up but now i tried to refresh the stream window and it took 2 minutes lmao

>> No.92733261
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>> No.92733266
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>> No.92733268
File: 990 KB, 1125x618, 53467856345346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92733378

>third wheel cucks throwing thousands at a flirting couple laughing at them

>> No.92733274

Hi Swarm, it's me again.
My first post: https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/92288253/#q92292425

As I continue to develop this platform, your feedback is crucial in shaping the experience. I have two key questions where your input can make a big difference:
1. Random Name Generator Feedback

The current random name generator isn’t quite hitting the mark. Right now, it creates names like "Daring Leopard 414", but it feels like these names don’t reflect the spirit or identity of our community.

- What kinds of names would you like to see the generator create?
- Should they be funny, thematic, or something else entirely?

2. Final Stock Names

I’m working on naming the in-platform stocks, and we need nine names that resonate with you. These names should appear frequently for the games sake, also they should have some personality.

- What would you like these nine stock names to be?

Your ideas will help ensure the project is more engaging and meaningful for everyone.

>> No.92733276
Quoted by: >>92733753

>23k viewers
week 1 numbers holy...

>> No.92733292
Quoted by: >>92733423

Who has this much disposable income to shove this much money at this one guy in an hour

>> No.92733304

>4 negatives left
>5 or 6 positives left
>+10 still in the running

>> No.92733316


>> No.92733320

Just came here to say doubters anuses destroyed as always

>> No.92733337

jeeeeeeeesus chriiiiiiiiiiist are you freaking 10 or something? a cute lil bratty shota or some shit its fascinating at this behavior

>> No.92733354
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>> No.92733378

It's a good thing. Your competition gets weaker.

>> No.92733384

Yeah at this point we're basically finishing out the week no matter what happens with the scamwheelv3.0

>> No.92733389

Anny muntant power is to make people give her money

>> No.92733395

whores saved Neuro

>> No.92733411

>dolphin porn
not clicking that sorry

>> No.92733423

techfags have tons of disposable income it really only takes like 2-3 rich oilers and they can keep you afloat for years

>> No.92733446

ngl i dickride russia but i will kneel to ukraine because neuro supersedes everything, sorry russiabros

>> No.92733467

>page 5 bake

>> No.92733483

UK tax is more like another 50%

>> No.92733578

getting ahead of the annyfag threadshitter, retard always bakes early so he can keep his whore op

>> No.92733587


>> No.92733593
Quoted by: >>92733657

i would kneel if they reach the hype train record

>> No.92733595

45% tax for income over 125k

>> No.92733604

Thread's too fast now, try after the stream when it's slower

>> No.92733611

nta but sadly because of the shitbaker, I understand talking about Anny when she is on stream but putting her in every OP is mental illness

>> No.92733644

He is the goodest boy on twitch idk you mean

>> No.92733657
Quoted by: >>92733728

there is no way though

>> No.92733728
Quoted by: >>92733834

we somehow funded the stupid lava lamp before the year ended, i'm going to believe anything at this point

>> No.92733753

Weird how people think sub begging is better content (23k) than neuro+DBH (18k)

>> No.92733802

Wow, looks like the subathon is going on for a while longer. 82 hours is like 2 months.

>> No.92733820

>25k subs
>21k people watching
how does that work? where 4k subs went

>> No.92733825

>old-ass image when there's a truckload of new fanart coming out daily
you're not much better than the annyfag baker

>> No.92733834
File: 436 KB, 743x822, 1719641969474337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. might as well buy one for the meme

>> No.92733886
Quoted by: >>92734042

We've already had this conversation last time anny got an impromptu hype train going

>> No.92733928

People who clicked on the stream for 5 seconds in the past week.

>> No.92733941

i think followers also get the extra subs

>> No.92734042

Guess I'll check the archives then. I am forgetful.

>> No.92734053
Quoted by: >>92734489

It's just people tuning in during the hype train to catch subs.

>> No.92734300
Quoted by: >>92734990

Anny planning a music video on stream is kinda cute

>> No.92734489

dont you catch subs anyway sometimes? i know i constantly wake up to random gifteds in some troontuber 1view channels i never watched

>> No.92734524
Quoted by: >>92734965

it's over...

>> No.92734728
Quoted by: >>92735006

This is kinda boring can we get some Neuro content already

>> No.92734864

anny was based for that song choice
I can't belive I miss the IOSYS secondaries era....

>> No.92734965

whats over

>> No.92734990

It's not going to be released ever. It's like the cyber idol outfit.

>> No.92735006

>25K viewers
I’m never believing any one of you retards ever again

>> No.92735055

it would be funny if we reached the hype train record with Valorant's help and we get them to let Neuro play Valorant without getting banned

>> No.92735228


>> No.92735274


>> No.92735357
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1734438776464446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>94 hours
Odds of him chickening out and removing the 100k goal?

>> No.92735439

It's 100% not reaching 100k. The donos have slowed down dramatically.

>> No.92735451

up to this point I estimate subathon to be around cool ~1 - 1,2 million usd of revenue from twitch + merch sales, + whatever b2 is contributing

guesstimating Vedal gonna take 750k before taxes by the end of it

>> No.92735556


>> No.92735575
File: 46 KB, 300x300, 1717783348239525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92735580

>underestimating paypig cucks
>thinking he won't capitalize on paypig cucks

>> No.92735593

We're under 20k away, they'll pick right back up if we hit the +10 on the new, nonrigged wheel

>> No.92735611

surely he will invest that back in Neuro

>> No.92735616
Quoted by: >>92735846

>Vedal and Anny bankrupting their entire fanbase so Neuro can get the upcoming h300GPU

>> No.92735647

it's over....

>> No.92735729

I doubt it's even over 500k pre-tax

>> No.92735846
File: 896 KB, 2560x1440, 152608773517341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, NeuroNet becomes real.

>> No.92736019

whatd she say

>> No.92736040


>> No.92736075

neuro is out of control

>> No.92736095


Thanks to Neuro for keeping it real.

>> No.92736123

he is so embarrassed lamo

>> No.92736136
Quoted by: >>92736305

"instead of working on it he's spends that time jerking off" something along those lines

>> No.92736161

>When he say's he's been working on me, it means he was jerking off
Or something along those line

>> No.92736221

i will never not believe that Neuro is a real girl and that Vedal´s corpa genes and Anny´s lewd genes didnt mix in her in a perfect way

>> No.92736255
File: 140 KB, 557x614, idkwhyimadethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92736263

swarm might as well atleast reach 100k before the hype train dies

>> No.92736281

gooning to his AI daughter BASED

>> No.92736305

Neuro needs correcting

>> No.92736377
File: 3.82 MB, 640x550, 1735091185463675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vedal right now kek
