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871218 No.871218 [Reply] [Original]

Consuming Spirits edition

Today's stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgYgsCmkqh8

>> No.871400
Quoted by: >>879214

haha goora cause its made of goo

>> No.873292

Is she sick? She sounds like she's just doing her real voice rather than her "normal" voice. It felt the same way in the Papers Please stream yesterday. Not that I mind, it sounds more authentic, but it just seems like she's purposefully not putting on a voice as much.

>> No.873349
Quoted by: >>873482

I think you're worrying too much about her

>> No.873365
File: 206 KB, 539x540, ExoticGura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>873482 >>875905

>> No.873482

It's good to see you here.
I just said I prefer it, I'm not worried I'm curious. She just said she couldn't hear very well so it could be she's just nor hearing how different her voice is.

>> No.873826

The other thread wasn't on auto-sage though.

>> No.873978

>9000 year old shark eats baby food

>> No.874062

>Breast milk on the other hand...

Shark is lewd while still a little sleepy.

>> No.874568

>been lurking the old thread because I didn't know there was a new one
p a i n

Gamer chairs do be kinda bs tho... you pay a lot of extra money for it to be colorful and called "gaming", an office chair of the same price will always get you more chair for the same money.

>> No.874709
Quoted by: >>884057

From what I remember people talking about in my circles, the chairs are good, just too expensive. But good chairs are always a decent amount of money. Slapping "gaming" on them just bumps it up even more.

>> No.874893

People keep saying that, but every time I see a "good" office chair, it doesn't go up to the head, and when it does, it's actually more expensive than a gaming chair around here.

>> No.874912

She apparently just woke up
What time zone is she in?

>> No.874936

>we don't suck it off
Gura pls.

>> No.874974

She probably wakes up in the middle of the day like the neet she is

>> No.874995

She's in the USA, she just doesn't do her sleep schedule reps.

>> No.875066
Quoted by: >>875136

>work from home
>mostly at night
Yea, that's how you get a messed up sleep schedule. I've got the same shit lmao... though for me it's also because my mental is fucked

>> No.875129 [DELETED] 

I'm convinced she's east coast every since her amber alert went off at the same time as mine during her fit stream.

>> No.875136

>though for me it's also because my mental is fucked
That's the case for Gura too

>> No.875473

>Gura saying Watson's line just now
bruh she put the SAUCE on that oh my LORD

>> No.875704

So? Head or hat?

>> No.875878

Gura got the SUPER SUCC

>> No.875905

Please play Destiny with me Guranon

>> No.875911

Bullhorn Gura from last night was best Gura.

>> No.875959

Damn she sounded relieved after that big s u c c

>> No.876377

Moon fish.

>> No.876498

Fly me toad the moon :^)

>> No.876737

Seems that chads are scary

>> No.876755
Quoted by: >>876827

I legit thought she was drunk

>> No.876827

cute bb shork staying booted off the choccy milk

>> No.876831
Quoted by: >>876895

Pls americans, what joke was she (trying) to make?

>> No.876895
Quoted by: >>876942

I'm fucked up and forgot what happened. What did she say?

>> No.876942
Quoted by: >>877166

Something about biceps, just take your finger and the stream stopped for me, she said it was a middle school joke.

>> No.877166

Ah yea that was really confusing... I'm thinking it was just a joke about how sometimes young men/boys will stand in the mirror faking having muscles by holding up their biceps with their fingers. I honestly can't be sure tho

>be me
>used to be a big hippie
>these namaste puns
I feel at home. People ask if you're going to the concert? Namaste at home.

>> No.877527

The shark is getting pissed at chad...

>> No.878049
Quoted by: >>878169

Sometimes I am in awe at the lives these creatures have lived. Almost surreal.

>> No.878169
Quoted by: >>878227

What are you on about? Also loved how pissed she got, she just want this game done even though it's a good one.

>> No.878227

"Look at these rrats"

Gura 2021

>> No.878294
Quoted by: >>878612

>light shows stains on the shower walls

>> No.878322

that's my bad, I thought the other thread 404'd so I made a new one. I'll check more carefully next time

>> No.878612

based nintendo

>> No.878739

Nice zoomer shark that appreciates animes older than herself, I need speedracer Gura now.

>> No.879214


>> No.879273
Quoted by: >>879319 >>882417

Wait what just happened a min ago. She dropped her voice and said she had to go what was that all about

>> No.879319
Quoted by: >>879382

Home invasion. She's now streaming at gunpoint.

>> No.879382

Aight which one of you autists has her at gun point

>> No.879402 [DELETED] 

What if Gura isn't attractive irl? She's so cute and funny, I can actually imagine settling down with her but I've got this awful sinking feeling that she isn't as beautiful as her a avatar

>> No.879435
Quoted by: >>879629

You're retarded, this is the same voice as ever. Fuck you're that same schizo who kept doing this shit the week she was sick too, aren't you?

>> No.879530
File: 81 KB, 392x298, 1613679103469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoke crack
>enjoy gura
Explain this atheists?

>> No.879595
Quoted by: >>880351

Of course no one is as cute as their perfect 2D self, but she's still cute.

>> No.879629

Concernfags should graduate themselves from life.

>> No.879760

Imagine if she's like 5'11

>> No.879793

I don't think that this woman was a shitposter in the same way as HER and Gura, but, I knew a weeb who played vidya and she was kind of meh. Pain dayo...
The EN girls are probably 4/10's or really really weird. Even shy esl girls will go on dating apps
>t. speaking from experience in both cases

>> No.879931

Stop baiting saucegivers and do your archive reps.

>> No.880135

give her a couple hours as a mustachio'd italian man and she's flashing people, succing, getting money, and consuming suspicouse powders.

>> No.880253
Quoted by: >>884317

Is Gura's popularity fading? She is still the top dog but she seems to be losing live stream views to the other holos like Haachama.

>> No.880351

>What if Gura isn't attractive irl? She's so cute and funny, I can actually imagine settling down with her but I've got this awful sinking feeling that she isn't as beautiful as her a avatar
In my personal opinion it is better to not know how the sausage is made. Just keep watching and forget about it. Seeing them actually ruins it. Even seeing how vulga her other v-persona is kinda ruined her for me. She cusses like a drunken sailor.

>Of course no one is as cute as their perfect 2D self, but she's still cute.
I still refuse to believe anyone knows what these girls really look like and all of the leaks are #FakeNews but keep believing what you wish.

>> No.880360
Quoted by: >>880419

I don't know and I don't care. Gura is great and watching her makes me happy and that's all that matters.
'ate metrics, luv shork, simple as

Also tf is King boo doing... his room looks like a freaking love hotel lmfao

>> No.880419
Quoted by: >>880772

HER was /ourgirl/, fuck off.
The brilliancy of games for all ages are those small things.

>> No.880428
Quoted by: >>880548

Whenever she sucks in a ghost it makes me giggle because reminds me of that stupid 'Oh no... Not again!' meme from a few years back about wojak being anally vored.

>> No.880529

Numerous vtubers have had notable enough past lives or roommates where it's entirely possible to know. It's pretty case-by-case.

>> No.880548

Lmao I forgot about that one

>> No.880683
Quoted by: >>880743

Wow Gura is bad at games lol

>> No.880743

Her tiny shark brain can't comprehend the simplest of puzzles. She literally didn't understand push vs pull on a door

>> No.880772

>HER was /ourgirl/, fuck off.
Your big brain IQ reading comprehension is making too many assumptions. I liked her old vtube persona too. I just find it hard to reconcile how vulgar she was compared to how innocent she acts now. Her new persona comes off as an act whereas her old persona seemed to be her real personality.

>> No.880866
Quoted by: >>880918 >>881151

>how vulgar she was compared to how innocent she acts now
Being vulgar brought money then
Being innocent brings money in now

>> No.880918
Quoted by: >>880952 >>881151

She can curse as much as she wants, she's in the same company as Coco, she wants to play this character, or maybe she changed, I do have a friend that is trying to stop swearing so much.
Coco only loses to Rushia in superchat, and she's not innocent, just hardcore GFE.

>> No.880943
Quoted by: >>881295

It's comforting that people here haven't seen the dox.

>> No.880952
Quoted by: >>881026

>Coco only loses to Rushia in superchat
Coco has the Dixie Reddit English speaker fields down
Rushia has the yandere gf fields down
Gura has the meme "a" shark field

>> No.881026
Quoted by: >>881050

>meme "a" shark
That's a strange way of saying "cute mesugaki imouto" but whatever bro

>> No.881050

No I mean meme "a" shark

>> No.881061
File: 414 KB, 1064x841, 85533030_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.881118

I mean she literally mentioned reddit in one of her shitposter songs.

>> No.881124

Why is Mario such a dick?

>> No.881151

> I do have a friend that is trying to stop swearing so much.
Meh. It's not just the fact that she stopped cussing. She's also acting less vulga in general. Her old persona she said something sexual like "daddy ____" something, I forgot what she said but it was lewd as fuck. It's just hard to believe the Gura persona after seeing how vulga/lewd she used to act. With some of the other girls who act innocent, we don't know of their old persona so their act is more believable to me. I still like Gura and think she's one of the most entertaining, I just role my eyes when she acts too innocent.

>> No.881180
Quoted by: >>881230

She acting for money

>> No.881230
Quoted by: >>881249 >>881261

Yeah, we all know the hololive girls are roleplaying, it's just you can't roleplay as an innocent girl when the whole world knows you used to be a cussing/vulgar girl.

>> No.881249

No one that actually watches gura still buys this innocent loli thing, it's just that in her case, that is the fanservice, not the vulgarity, it's the reverse, understood? Even reddit calls her "bottom left" if youtube comments are anything to go by.
Yes you can.

>> No.881261
Quoted by: >>881301

>we all know the hololive girls are roleplaying
No, it's not that simple. Risu explains it really well.

>> No.881295

Don't speak of it or encourage others to find it. Like I said, when I saw it it briefly ruined the entire suspension of disbelief for me. I stopped watching hololive for an entire month. Their faces are no longer in my memory so now I can go back to watching it.

>> No.881301

t. believes in noefure

>> No.881344
File: 440 KB, 1000x577, 85186069_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>881360 >>885230

Gura your aim reps....

>> No.881360

>No bottom teeth
That is a canon drawing.

>> No.881423

>cute a smol gorl
>says lewd things sometimes
>still feints innocence
>gets away with it because cute
This energy. It sustains me.

>> No.881690
File: 262 KB, 1489x2000, 1582976194216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>881800 >>882169

Gura please, my sleeping reps... don't lose...

>> No.881692
Quoted by: >>881911

It's also possible she just kinda grew up.
When you're a kid you think it's cool and edgy to curse all the time. Eventually you learn there is a time and place.

>> No.881780
Quoted by: >>889281

Yeah, she grew up.

>> No.881800
Quoted by: >>882169

You will never go to sleep

>> No.881877
Quoted by: >>881988

Nintendo games are too hard for Gura.

>> No.881911
Quoted by: >>881947 >>882023

>When you're a kid you think it's cool and edgy to curse all the time. Eventually you learn there is a time and place.
I actually agree with this and I will probably use this as an excuse to ignore Gura's past behavior. I once dated a girl who acted like a vulgar random /b/tard when she was around her friends but when she was with me she acted very normal and innocent. High school girls, especially the emo ones feel compelled to act edgy for whatever reason. Maybe they think that's the best way to get attention or something. Gura most likely grew out of this behavior.

>> No.881921
Quoted by: >>881928

This is actually a rough boss

>> No.881928

For kids.

>> No.881947

In this moment, anon is euphoric.

>> No.881951

She's using fucking motion controls right?

>> No.881988
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>882025

Games that ask for the mastering of all mechanics at the end will always be the bane of her, since I never played it I also don't know how she should dodge the 2 spinning tongues going to the center.

>> No.882023

Glad you finally understood chumbud.

>> No.882025

They are essentially jumping ropes, you can walk under them when they are up or jump over them when they are under.
Do they not have jump rope in Atlantis?

>> No.882045


>> No.882071
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>> No.882086
File: 588 KB, 510x429, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>883087

Assume the gamer position

>> No.882098


>> No.882142

Y'all were talkin shit and she got it minutes if not seconds later SIT THE FUCK DOWN lmfao :p

>> No.882169
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, oyasame[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foau5st.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.882343
Quoted by: >>882387

she’s getting better once she does an outside collab all rrats will be slayed

>> No.882381


>> No.882387

All the good rrats are about Enma anyway.

>> No.882417

The ghosts dabbed

>> No.882830

>actually eating packs of baby food

>> No.883075

That's kinda hot.

>> No.883077

she only has a top row of teeth, she needs to buy her food prechewed.

>> No.883087
File: 82 KB, 769x889, 1613945138085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>896617

Sit/stand desk Chads rise the fuck up. Seriously though, I used to get back pain and switched and no more pain.

>> No.883170

>That's kinda hot.
It is not normal to get a rise form this anon. I suggest you visit a therapist and figure out why a girl eating baby food sexually arouses you.

>> No.883190

anon please seek help before it's too late

>> No.883278

If she admitted to drinking Onions or Instant Breakfast or any of those meal replacement drinks I'd totally believe her

>> No.883453
Quoted by: >>883648

You've seen those overpriced on the go packs marketed at lazy pieces of shit? It's those. Not baby food.

>> No.883502
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, proxy-image(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had a goo clone of any vtuber who would it be, and what would you do?

>> No.883616

>Gura lacks a dorsal fin

>> No.883633


>> No.883648
Quoted by: >>883797 >>884104

Then for what unholy fucking reason would she decide to call it baby food? What does she mean by this?

I don't know, but this is a based question.

>> No.883666
File: 12 KB, 480x360, highfive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura, it'd be like having my own personal High-Five Ghost

>> No.883678

The fuck is a goo clone. Can we just get an onahole mold made from their vaginas instead? A bid for something like this on ebay would probably approach $70,000.

>> No.883751
File: 26 KB, 600x339, weegee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be one of my favorite streams Gura has ever done. Nothing can compete with the unarchived karaoke or the cooking streams, but it was a banger for sure. She was super genki and cute today, totally on point with bundles of funny quips and references too.

I might have to finally get members for tomorrow...

>> No.883797
Quoted by: >>884130

It has the consistency of baby food. and she has an age regression fetish goo goo gah gah

>> No.884057

Chairs are like barbells, good ones cost a little bit more but say they're for "crossfit" and your entering Apple levels of ripoff.

>> No.884059

Soon you'll have a diaper fetish. It's not too late to accept Jesus as your lord and savior. All sins can be forgiven.

>> No.884104
File: 870 KB, 360x203, 245325b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.884130
File: 494 KB, 480x270, Nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.884194
File: 41 KB, 600x400, merlin_58625563_50afb23f-3dc4-4433-b3a5-f7804cb015c8-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>884777

Shit like this. Basically pureed fruit and veggies. Maybe some added protein. Idk man the shark is kinda dum

>> No.884317

You are retarded

>> No.884777

Jelly meal is convenient if you don't have much time, you have to deal with hunger though.

>> No.884938

What the fuck happened here?

>> No.885045
Quoted by: >>885735

real voice slip...

>> No.885066
Quoted by: >>885133

Muscle cramp would be my guess.

>> No.885133

If not this
Then maybe a pinpon or call/text that might of been urgent but a false alarm who knows, but I'm sure it's nbd.

>> No.885230

The aiming on this game suck though, it locks you in an axis.

>> No.885717
Quoted by: >>886226

>be me
>changing into pjs while viewing this
So... for whatever reason, the amount of time it took between when you hear the controller set down to her model starts moving again was the same time it took for me to pull down one pair of pants and pull back up the new ones... idk, lads. Maybe her pants were too tight? Seems like she was fine afterwards so I wouldn't sweat it too much.

>> No.885735

Does her real voice have a lisp?

>> No.885737
File: 306 KB, 1059x1324, 152247039_177790480502067_1846308608818069462_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.885763

She sounded genuinely panicked... watching it live it freaked me out a little

>> No.885845

I honestly wonder what it could have been, and maybe she didn't bring anything up so as to not worry her chat
Who knows, but that's the kinda thing that'll get people thinking

>> No.885861
Quoted by: >>886226 >>886411

She thought she wet farted because she's been eating jelly food all day.

>> No.885868
File: 108 KB, 1080x1350, 145444331_477843529876687_1339443463890472869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.885896


>> No.885926

minor yab at the office

>> No.885931
Quoted by: >>885989

Yeah... I feel like if it was something minor like a muscle cramp she would have said something. There's a bit that can be speculated on but we'll probably never know, so that's probably pointless. I hope she's ok though!

>> No.885989

Has she ever freaked out or had a similar moment on stream before?

>> No.886049
File: 97 KB, 1080x890, 124578346_141589787656209_4291559570974660312_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.886137 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>886721

>M*LES, other persons in background
Wouldn't explain why she resumed playing normally and pretty quickly, also can't hear a shit
>sick, pain
Same as above, too quickly to recover

My guess is that she was merely joking because the scene was cringey to her.

>> No.886226
Quoted by: >>886654

shark shart rrat intensifies, extra points if she was wearing a diaper

>> No.886312

>someone tries to break into Cover hq
>security alerts staff
>enma signals to Gura that she needs to get to safety
>Gura gets ready to evac
>Gura quietly says "i have to go"
>security has managed to restrain the intruder
>enma looks over to Gura and signals that it's safe
>Gura comes up with "stretch legs" excuse

>> No.886411
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, proxy-image(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>886654

Picture this. Gura spends her whole day eat all her favorite jelly sweets. She knows she shouldn't but it has been a long weekend and she wants to start the week off right. She in the middle of playing Luigi's Mansion, a game she's enjoyed more than anything else as of recent. Suddenly her stomach rumble. "oh I must need to break wind" Gura thinks to her self. "Gosh I'm have such a good time, I think I'll just try to secretly squeeze one out." The sense or relief follows though Gura's lower body as the pent up gases finally free themselves from Gura lower intestines. But wait, that's not the end of it. Something has followed it..."Oh no..." thinks Gura. "There is no way I shit myself on stream" Gura's short career flashes before her eyes as the panic sets in. She was the first to a million, she had the fastest growth, she can't be the first one the shit themselves! Gura is shaking as she gets out of her office chair. "I'll tell them I need to stretch" thinks Gura. As she slowly pats down her ass she realizes that it was all just a false alarm. "oh silly me, back to the stream :3"

>> No.886553

She almost got caught being a single mother when her kid came in the room and she had to take him outside.

>> No.886654
File: 213 KB, 640x640, 1613585052810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking face hurts from laughing rn omg I almost feel bad lets be fuckin honest tho she cute af so I think most of us would memory hole it if she actually did

>> No.886721

>>M*LES, other persons in background
>Wouldn't explain why she resumed playing normally and pretty quickly, also can't hear a shit
Mutes. Calls out to them, gets a response and realizes it's okay to continue streaming. It takes no time.

>> No.887339
File: 495 KB, 600x600, 1613349861332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.888635

Rhythm gang, have you done your reps today?

>> No.888747

Why does Gura not have a dorsal fin?

>> No.888861

She's cute anon don't worry

>> No.888920

That's the price she pays for having hands.

>> No.889055

I suspect that was a Futurama reference. There's an episode where Dr. Zoidberg "dorsal fin" as a euphemism for the penis.

I don't remember the specifics leading up to it, but Fry was injured in an accident of some sort and Zoidberg put him back together. Upon waking up Fry asks Zoidberg if he's lost anything important. Zoidberg says that he's lost his dorsal fin, prompting Fry to ask if he can live without it. Zoidberg replies "[depends on what you'd call living]".

>> No.889281
Quoted by: >>916943

She could be talking about the toy videos too

>> No.890254
Quoted by: >>890361

She was making a joke about them dabbing

>> No.890361
Quoted by: >>890386

Are you going to do this when we show it to newfags too, fun police?

>> No.890386


>> No.893149


>> No.894029

You know when you think you have diarrhea but you fart and suddenly it's okay?

>> No.894536

>I still refuse to believe anyone knows what these girls really look like and all of the leaks are #FakeNews
>but i refuse to find it out myself
in denial copefag

>> No.896160
Quoted by: >>896256

What do her gills look like?

>> No.896256
Quoted by: >>898215

Have you seen Monster Girl Doctor? Hopefully like that mermaid, if you ask me.

>> No.896288
Quoted by: >>896582 >>898428

she is qt, not hot or pretty but still QT

>> No.896582
Quoted by: >>896628

Keep believing what you saw was real and not just a jackass troll. Enjoy your #FakeNews.

>> No.896617
Quoted by: >>896800

>Sit/stand desk Chads rise the fuck up.
How? They're already standing.

>> No.896628
File: 360 KB, 560x512, 87191399.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>896754

Why would a jackass troll pretend she's someone cute? It's not insulting or worrying in any way other than the slim possibility someone might stalk her.

>> No.896754
Quoted by: >>896836

I have beach front property to sell you in Switzerland if you are dumb enough to trust a type of person who is willing to (1) stalk someone and find personal info about them and (2) publish that info about them online. Both of those are massive red flags that should make you be skeptical about their character/morals. A creep like that should never be trusted.

>Why would a jackass troll pretend she's someone cute?
They obviously would fake her to be a cute girl just to make it more believable. Their goal is to make you believe in their fake photos. It looks like they succeeded in their trolls.

>> No.896800

Buy a regular chair, wait till it arrives, unpack it, assemble it, sit on it and then stand up.

>> No.896825
File: 493 KB, 2149x3035, 1613774559950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh do your reps if you must but keep it to yourself... the more you talk about what might be there the more people will look. If you like someones content do you really want to do anything that could endanger their career? It seems minor, but life is a game of odds, and every time we mention this shit we're making those odds worse.

If you like fight club don't talk about it, because if you talk about it then it can't exist.

...and it's all poorly substantiated anyway. Don't waste your damn time, go watch a vod or some clips of your oshi instead. Pic for attention and because Gura a cute.

>> No.896836

I've been trolled by someone doing whatever the opposite of slander is against someone I like. Okay.

>> No.897822

I analyze her voice and this is my conclusion.
This is not her "real" voice leaked or anything, its just her whisper while she get closer to the mic.
So she either lean forward to check something or in half-stand half-sit position.
Now, if its something in front of her, she would not need to say "have to go" with a slight tone of panic.
Of course, a cute girl like Gura would never fart on stream so THAT possibility is discarded.
If its a cramp, then it should take longer to recover and we should hear some moan.
May be she get some sharp pain and gone when she react to it.
I am a SEAnig so take this analysis with a grain of salt.

>> No.898050
Quoted by: >>898170

>May be
>gone when she react
it stopped when she reacted
>take this analysis with a grain of salt
I should kill myself

>> No.898159

First I thought she was just cringing at the dancing, but that's probably a cramp or charlie horse coming on and then a quick recovery. Happens to me when I fap sometimes

>> No.898170
Quoted by: >>898206 >>898334

Thank you, EOP bro.
Also, what the difference between it's and its? I always think "its" is just a lazy way to type "it's"

>> No.898193

>May be she get some sharp pain and gone when she react to it.
Sounds likely actually
>its just her whisper while she get closer to the mic.
Usually when someone gets quieter like that its to hide pain. She doesn't want chat to worry

>> No.898206

you should consult google before I teach you wrong as a joke

>> No.898215
File: 346 KB, 900x900, gura drake 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another chumbud of culture.

>> No.898262


>> No.898334

It's is short for it is (hence the apostrophe)
Its indicates possession (like his or hers), for example, "that dog loves its bone."

>> No.898412

>real voice
>real voice
>real voice
>real voice
these people are fucking retarded

>> No.898428 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>898949

>she is qt, not hot or pretty but still QT
As much as I believe the leaked photos are fake, a part of me believes they are real. A decade ago I used to have elite doxxing skills. Like I was at such a high level that I could even dox fellow anonymous/namefag programmers on 4chan (and we all know how much programmers on 4chan value their privacy). Even people who leave no traces of themselves can still be vulnerable if you engage in social engineering with people they are close to and use them to get more info about your target. And one blind spot that everyone seems to make is they don't put privacy protection on resume websites like linkedin that allow employers to see their info. Now I've become such a casual that I struggle to find anime subs and couldn't navigate my way out of a paper bag. In my prime it would have been trivial to dox the holos but I'm a changed man now.

>> No.898728
Quoted by: >>898844 >>898856

Did Gura buy a gamer chair? Is she too embarrassed to admit it after learning she fell for the meme?

>> No.898844
Quoted by: >>898856

I remember her losing her shit laughing when chat made a gamer chair joke during a stream so probably

>> No.898856

Gamer chair meme? What?

>> No.898921 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 306x556, 1614097657697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura if she real.

>> No.898949
Quoted by: >>899123

hack my balls

>> No.898971
Quoted by: >>899179

They're overpriced shit.

>> No.898981
Quoted by: >>899179

Gamer chairs are a meme, they're overly flashy and don't provide better support than your average cheap office chair.

>> No.898999
Quoted by: >>899031

How do you spill food that comes out of a tube?

>> No.899031 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.77 MB, 274x202, 1614097964329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>904338

We all know Gura has a drinking problem

>> No.899072
Quoted by: >>899089 >>900056


>> No.899089
Quoted by: >>899235

Why do so many clippers feel the autistic need to have a long outro at the end of the video?

>> No.899123

I actually need to make a correction to what I said. I never managed to get strictly anonymous people on 4chan, but name/tripfags were doable. If you were a namefag I could get very very deep into your anus back in the olden days. I've discovered Jesus and no longer do that type of shit though.

>> No.899179
Quoted by: >>899351 >>900081

I was just about to buy a gamer chair this week. Glad I didn't get meme'd.

>> No.899235

It gives a place for the little button linking their other videos to sit without covering up the content your viewers want to see. I don't agree that that's worthwhile, but there you go.

>> No.899351

They're not actually bad, the opposite if anything.
You're just paying a brand label tax for them basically. You can find office chairs just as good that cost a lot less and aren't gaudy as hell.

>> No.900056
Quoted by: >>901462

Who /blocks ads on clippers/ here?

>> No.900063

Chat was memeing gura because she bought a 1400$ one on a whim, not really researching prices, but they are legit good chairs with their fixed neck pillows and shit.

>> No.900081

They're literally the crossfit of chairs

>> No.900203

She bought a $1,400 chair? I thought they would at least try to hide the fact that they are rich from all the SC. I guess not. What next is she going to buy a lamborghini and still be asking her poor plebian otakus to keep sending her more money. I would love to see black ghetto holo one of these days that flaunts their wealth and insults viewers who don't have money.

>> No.900374
Quoted by: >>900572 >>900635

She didn't.
Some dumbfuck sent a SC flaunting his $1400 office chair and she was making fun of him

>> No.900388

She didn't buy a $1400 someone SC her about their $1,400 chair and she was all shocked.
Gura is the type that even with thousands in the bank will continue to live like a poorfag. Not that there is really anything wrong with that.

>> No.900500

Why would they hide it? People sent them money because they like them. The people WANT their money to be used to make them happy in whatever way they see fit. That's what it's for.

>> No.900572
Quoted by: >>900726

she actually should buy a fancy office chair and $1400 MSRP is appropriate given how much she sits for work. i don't believe she will use a standing desk.

>> No.900605
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 20210113_174329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bait chumbuds

>> No.900635
Quoted by: >>900726 >>901463

I use a chair that msrps for about that where I work and its the comfiest shit in the world, Gura SHOULD buy one

>> No.900715

Dude the most likely story was that she got that sudden "gotta shit and i know its gonna be bad" feeling but it went back up.

>> No.900726
Quoted by: >>900834 >>901486

I'll admit I don't know much about chairs but if it's for her health then I hope she does get something really good.

>> No.900738

If you sit in a chair for 4+ hours a day you owe it to yourself to get a good one. Does it HAVE to be $1000+? No, but I'd argue a $50 chair from target isn't ideal either.
She used to sit on a wood stool for gods sake.

>> No.900768

Gura wants to give her fans a skin eating fetish.

>> No.900788

She should buy one of those emergency operator chairs. They're expensive but literally designed to be sat on for hour and hours.

>> No.900834
Quoted by: >>901486

it's normally wrong to cheap out on any crucial equipment you use for work.

>> No.901462

I block ads on everything. They aren't worth my time and a single $5 superchat a year would give a vtuber more revenue than that same person watching ads.

>> No.901463
Quoted by: >>901490

Link to it. Also you rich fuck. How do you have money like that motherfucker. I'm a software dev in the USA and even I don't got fuck you money like that.

>> No.901486
Quoted by: >>901617

If I was Gura or any of the top Holo earners I would invest in a $3000 gaming rig. You're essentially investing in your job/career which is never a bad investment. People have wasted their money on dumber things that don't do shit for their career.

>> No.901490

He's a pro gamer dude...

>> No.901617
Quoted by: >>901689

yes. the penny-pinching you see with people talking about what hardware holos "need" is insane.

>> No.901673

Gura needs to stop eating food exclusively in paste form.

>> No.901689

Gura has made 20k in 3 hours. Like even after Youtube and Holo take their slice of the revenue Gura has more than enough to buy a super gaming machine in the 6k range. She can also write off a lot of stuff on taxes cause it's work related. It actually makes me mad that she has all that money yet doesn't wield it. I'm just pleb with no real job yet even I bought a $2k gaming rig.

>> No.901832
Quoted by: >>902261 >>902699

she already did order a new PC and has been waiting on it for a few weeks. buying parts individually is a mess right now, and building it herself would be a waste of her time that would hinder her access to good parts and would accomplish the meaningless goal of saving a few hundred dollars while saving no time.

>> No.901913

some people are just so used to being frugal it's hard to change.

>> No.901955
Quoted by: >>901975

Has gura ever said anything about having ticklish feet?

>> No.901975
Quoted by: >>901994

She seems more into having them sucked.

>> No.901994
Quoted by: >>902038

That's all well and good but are they ticklish

>> No.902038

I dunno footanon, but we do know she's practically always barefoot.

>> No.902044

One of the problems is that nobody can universally agree what the best streaming setup is. There are peripherals all over the place, and competing recording methods, and it's all unique to each streamer's needs. From what we've seen in just Hololive alone (even with just microphone selection in the case of Kiara), they get zero guidance from the company itself on what they need.

Fortunately this is the kind of thing that resolves itself as they identify and solve the challenges they're having. Gura is eventually going to figure out what she needs for capture cards and streaming setups, but it's going to be a while.

>> No.902089
Quoted by: >>902287

No one gives a shit whether they stream a game on ultra or low graphics. Not a single person will base their decision on whether to watch or superchat on this.

>> No.902133
File: 387 KB, 803x1080, Gawr_Gura_Full_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>902151

last night she said she does indeed have gills, but didn't say where they are.
Where are Gura's gills /vt/? Please show us on the shark.

>> No.902151

She said their on her ribcage in an earlier video.

>> No.902261
Quoted by: >>902404 >>902729

>she already did order a new PC
Her simps fail at life for not advising against this. Try to search for a prebuilt PC right now and all are pure shit or overpriced by hundreds of dollars. The simps should have given her a SC warning to wait a while to buy a new PC during a global silicon shortage. The GPU market is a complete shitshow right now, you can't even buy new GPUs in most countries. A of corporations bought up all the GPUS for mining or remote work purposes. GPUs with an MSRP of $600 are being sold for $2000. This is literally one of the worst moments in history to try to buy/build a PC. You simps should have built a PC for her and told her to wait to buy the parts for it.

>> No.902266

I like how the shark slaps her "tail" on the floor when she's happy or excited.
that's all I wanted to say.

>> No.902287
Quoted by: >>902420

>No one gives a shit whether they stream a game on ultra or low graphics.
Gura's minecraft stream look like pure shit compared to Ame. #facts

>> No.902404
Quoted by: >>902608

don't ever offer your "expertise" in a holo thread ever again

>> No.902420

The graphics quality resembles their skill levels.

>> No.902608

Nice empty calorie response, we are all a little bit dumber having read it. There's a global sillicon shortage, more people are working from home and buying up all the parts, and bitcoin mining is at its highest peaks. This creates the worst time in history to buy a PC or PC parts. You literally can't find GPUs right now. So with all that said, why in the actual fuck would you allow Gura to buy a PC right now?

>> No.902699

her current rig is underpowered for the loads she puts on it as it is. delaying to save a couple of thousand dollars is fucking retarded. you can get GPUs from prebuild vendors, and that is what she did. trying to get suggestions on parts from chat yields responses as bad as yours, and some even worse. you are literally exactly the kind of idiot i was talking about here: >>901832

>> No.902729
Quoted by: >>906553

OEMs are getting first dibs on GPUs, so buying a pre built is the best way to go right now. Many vendors have gaming rigs ready to ship. Even fucking ibuypower has Ryzen 9/GTX 3070 ready to ship for under $2k.
Price is not really a factor since this is a, a job necessity, b, she can easily afford it or the payments for it, and c, as another anon said could even be written off on taxes.

>> No.903432
Quoted by: >>903590 >>905404

my dildo is made of silicone you can use that to build at least a hundred GPUs

>> No.903539
Quoted by: >>903590 >>903772

recycled ass-dildo GPUs

>> No.903590
Quoted by: >>903772 >>912899

thank you anon for the sacrifice your massive loose bunghole has taken.
We shall melt down the silicon and make only the finest ass-gpu with it

>> No.903772
Quoted by: >>903890

You could technically measure its performance in horsepower if you know what I mean

>> No.903890
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1613966646403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fuckin' guy... I'm dying. Why am I like this? Mfw myself.

>> No.904338

>Hololive reenact Airplane.

>> No.905404

Males buy dildos? What?

>> No.905986
File: 847 KB, 800x800, 1613742282435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>911245 >>916586

Just finally got membershrimp for today's karaoke fuck yea I feel kinda bad, honestly, it's not like I didn't have the money I just am cheap as hell because of how I was raised... Gura's karaoke is so fire it would be worth the 5 even if it was payperview tho, so fuck it.

>> No.906553
Quoted by: >>906621 >>910319

>so buying a pre built
/g/ would laugh at you for saying pre-built and buy in the same sentence.

>> No.906621

of course you would care what someone thinks of your posts

>> No.909168
File: 101 KB, 600x454, 1609542896246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.909942
Quoted by: >>910291

Anyone have a mega where archives are uploaded I missed the first 30 mins due to a family issue. =(

>> No.910291
Quoted by: >>910766

Wait for the stream to end ELSchama

>> No.910319

And normally, if you have the skill to build, I'd agree.
But time aren't normal and low end gpu cards go for thousands on the scalping market.
So if you NEED a high end gaming/streaming PC, ya know, for your professional salaried streaming job? You do make do and buy a fucking pre built because they have direct factory supply.

>> No.910766

Yea just wondering if there is a place they are normally uploaded kind of like all her other unarchive streams besides members since ive never actually missed one yet....

>> No.910769

WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT HER SINGING STREAM? It's like people just hate the shork because she has popularity. She ACTUALLY HIT THE HIGH NOTE IN BOHEMIAM RHAPSODY FFS

>> No.910815

Chumbuds prefer to stay at /hlgg/ friend. And yes this might be Gura's best karaoke yet.

>> No.910818
Quoted by: >>911217

Because they're watching it you dumbass.

>> No.911134

bros... I just want the shark to be happy bros.

>> No.911217

yea, i'm not taking my attention off our cute shark for /vt/
i'm sure you all understand which one is more important

>> No.911228
File: 16 KB, 409x99, Screenshot 2021-02-23 192328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop crying and then telling us you had a bad day Gura...

>> No.911245
File: 402 KB, 974x628, 3141010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followup from ^^^
Nothing you could have told me would have prepared me for that. Any expectation I could have had was entirely shattered.

Lately life has felt like being trapped on a ship, tossed about in a storm, all sense of direction obliterated with no hope of finding a way home. Suddenly, a break in the clouds: a lone star shining thru, orienting us against the storm. An idol is just that, shining beautiful and distant, like a star. We can't reach them, nor should we want to, but simply thru witnessing them they bring light and joy to our lives. When we feel lost and alone we look to them for direction.

If idols are stars then Gura is The Sun. Her voice shines like the sunrise hanging low over the ocean, shining and sparkling with endless complexity and depth. Vivid, as though it were composed of more colors than the eye can count.

Was too busy crying to post. Felt like I was actually at a concert there for a while, and I haven't been to one that good in a cool 5 or 6 years.

>> No.911300
Quoted by: >>911359

Why did she dox Ame?

>> No.911315

That's beautiful, man.

>> No.911359

Trap sprung. Only a doxxfag would know that was doxxing.

>> No.911671

I've had a membership to her since it opened and I couldn't catch her singing stream today, just got home and settled in. Fuck sakes. Her singing streams are always the best.

>> No.911726

yeah same

>> No.912062
File: 70 KB, 632x616, 1599683615910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a balance of scuff, gura being silly, strong emotional songs and just all around fun. It was great.

>> No.912123

Are we not gonna mention how fucking CULTURED this little samehime is?

>> No.912343

I can't help but concernfag after the karaoke.
Can we even help the shark be happy?

>> No.912370

Just send her nice messages when you can, it's really the only impact we can have on her unless she decides to open up and talk about her feelings on stream one day.

>> No.912483
Quoted by: >>912514

What happened during the karaoke?

>> No.912514

this happened. I'm still worked up about it too, jesus christ gura.

>> No.912554
Quoted by: >>912886

Nope, we are just along for the ride, through pain and happiness.

>> No.912621

Oh my. She usually wears her emotions on her sleeve but this was a bit stronger than usual. I hope things get better for her.

>> No.912642

It hurts to watch again.

>> No.912789
Quoted by: >>913130

I think most of us that watched cried at some point during the stream. Is it really so weird if she cried a little too? Things are rough lately in so many fuckin' ways, and everyone is on their own trip, so there's really no telling what it is. I hope we can avoid being overbearing with speculation and such, just be chill and leave her a nice comment whenever you get a chance. Challenge mode: earnest and well considered complements only. No basic "ur cute" shit, get on those vods/twitter (Allah forgive me for uttering that site's name) and comment some in depth shit that shows you pay attention like "Gura is so cute when she's doing her bratty act and she drags out the ends of her words with the big 'uh' sound on the end". Tell her what you like about her. Why is Gura great? That should be easy for any of us to answer, pick your preferred reason.

>> No.912873
File: 105 KB, 1077x1081, EkqrecGU8AAUPcR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with her?
I don't mean that in a disparaging way, I just honestly wonder what could be getting her down like that

>> No.912886

yea, one of the tough things is accepting that as much as you want to help, you can't really do anything besides continue supporting through watching/membering/superchatting

>> No.912899

We'll make GPUs from their ashes, take them into streams with us.

>> No.913048
File: 429 KB, 1070x1001, If-only-you-chew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.913069

>concernfags and savior cmplexs into overdrive
Man, you guys are weenies. I wouldn't doubt if people like this interacting with her is part of why she's so stressed

>> No.913082
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1614064725958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>913207

>vacuums sand for 20 minutes
>seemingly uncharacteristically freaks out at ghost dabbing
>now this
Is she okay?
Are you guys okay?

>> No.913087
Quoted by: >>913109

I mean, just from casual attendance to her streams, she's mentioned missing her family and that she's lonely. And most of her company & co-workers are on the other side of the planet. I'm sure it gets to her sometimes. And the world in general is kinda in the shitter right now. She's gonna be fine, but everyone has their down days.

>> No.913109

Well that I can understand
The isolation from others can drive people mad; I've managed to deal, but some probably can't handle it as well

>> No.913130
Quoted by: >>913209

She's said it a couple of times before that she can get really emotional when listening to/playing music. Some people are just like that. Little shark has a big heart, and the feels snuck up on her when she wasn't expecting it. Like I was saying in >>912789, best we can do is just try to let her know we're out here supporting her. Lowkey that's why I write things like >>911245. Secretly I hope somehow it filters its way back to her, down the strange and winding internet pipes.

She's brought me so many smiles I feel I owe at least that much.

>> No.913207

Sand vacuuming was clearly a joke, anon.
Honestly, I think it's just the case of sad. I myself get the feeling of dread and despair just by looking up the news these days.

>> No.913209

I think I get it then anon, she must mean a lot to you, and evidently a lot of people here too

>> No.913342
Quoted by: >>913355

Thinking about the lyrics of this song, they might have hit pretty close to her. The song might as well be about vtubers.

>> No.913355
Quoted by: >>913541

What do you mean?

>> No.913451
Quoted by: >>913601 >>913758

You guys lift for gura... right?

>> No.913490

Coco cried singing the same song after her rough time with the chinks.

>> No.913510

Listen to this and imagine if Gura took proper singing lessons.

>> No.913541
Quoted by: >>920468

Well, I was exaggerating a bit, but she's playing a character and trying to entertain thousands of people on the internet. There must be a lot of stress behind having to keep certain parts of yourself hidden.

> Look at me
> You may think you see
> Who I really am
> But you'll never know me
> Every day
> It's as if I play a part
> Now I see
> If I wear a mask
> I can fool the world
> But I cannot fool my heart
> Who is that girl I see
> Staring straight back at me?
> When will my reflection show
> Who I am inside?

>> No.913601

I mean, I got into ringfit at least. Partially due to Gura's stream too.

>> No.913641
File: 196 KB, 694x604, forgive-me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>913722

I decided to make her happy again.

>> No.913668

The 2M imposter syndrome

>> No.913722

Who is this goofy looking nn-- girl looking at.

>> No.913758
Quoted by: >>913801

Eh, just calisthenics and yardwork for me, if we're being honest. I do count that manual labor shit tho, cause I go freaking hard when I do it. lmfao and of course the rhythm game reps, have y'all done yours?

>> No.913801

I'm shit at rhythm games.

>> No.914770

yeah this is the first time i have cried at one of her karaoke streams for a reason other than the performance. it really sucks being so helpless to do much to cheer her up.

>> No.914904
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x2896, Enmaj5GW8AIWQjH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some music from today's karaoke. I got goosebumps during some of these.

>Part of your world
>Colors of the wind
>Bohemian Rhapsody
>Scarborough Fair
>raison d'etre

>> No.915104

I think you're all exaggerating now, people have good days, people have bad days, sometimes emotions creep up from the dark cave we shove them into, especially when you're doing something like singing, that can bring up quite a load of things. Don't make such a big deal, our shark will be happy again.

>> No.915159
Quoted by: >>915251

Does someone have a dl link to the members karaoke stream?

>> No.915251
Quoted by: >>915274

I'm pretty sure someone uploaded it to nyaa.

>> No.915274

Ooh, they're being uploaded to Nyaa?
Very nice, found it, thanks!

>> No.915607

I love her so much. I really want her to be happy

>> No.916332

finally got around to listening to the valentines kareoke. It was the first one that I missed in weeks. oh lord my heart, of all the things to miss live, why this


>> No.916504

>Chat was memeing gura because she bought a 1400$ one on a whim, not really researching prices, but they are legit good chairs with their fixed neck pillows and shit.
so either you didn't pay attention to what chat was saying or you weren't paying attention to what Gura was saying. She clearly was complaining about her chair, and saw someone in chat bragging on the 1400 office chair he owned. she then mocked him out for it.

>> No.916586
Quoted by: >>917607

i couldn't believe she broke down singing that Disney song.

she sounded so sad today. even said it was a bad day, then she started signing a Disney princess song about not being able to be herself without destroying her family and she just lost it. I hope her homelife is ok.

>> No.916908
File: 1.15 MB, 720x540, ymca_brat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuucr97.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.916943

>stream clips

>> No.917195
Quoted by: >>917493

I'll appreciate any anon who archived tonights stream. Got rushed away from home due to senpai shite. It wasn't good. Can't legally comfory others or be comforted. Just wanna crumble listening to gura.

>> No.917493
Quoted by: >>917586

like scroll up my dude

>> No.917586

sorry lad, all I did was ctrl+f mega. Assumed nothing was posted. Cheers dude.

>> No.917607

>I hope her homelife is ok.

>> No.917733

she deserves so much better

>> No.918326

thank you for uploading archive anon, whoever you are. I love you.

>> No.918626
File: 455 KB, 569x509, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends, have a good day, Gura will sing to us another time again.

>> No.920468
File: 16 KB, 804x63, gurrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it reminded her of the time she came out to her parents and getting disowned

see comment left on that vid of her singing lost boy

yes. i know i need to take my meds

>> No.921022

my god. I had no idea it was that bad with her family.

little gremlin deserves better.

>> No.921144
File: 115 KB, 833x595, 2398-4306-8802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.921431

What could she possible meant by this?

>> No.921505

