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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 320 KB, 1840x1840, 1722533958202160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
82692299 No.82692299 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
X (Vedal): https://x.com/vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread

>> No.82692372
Quoted by: >>82692489

dogshit general btw

>> No.82692409
File: 55 KB, 152x128, EURURU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.82692422
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3144, 1722166084229130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82729413


>> No.82692489
Quoted by: >>82692586

*pog lit

>> No.82692586
Quoted by: >>82692610

nuh uh

>> No.82692610

yuh uh

>> No.82692715
File: 380 KB, 450x632, evilPout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82692916

>> No.82692730

florida of /vt/

>> No.82692806
Quoted by: >>82695936

so why did anny have a breakdown again? that wasnt really explained last thread

>> No.82692916
File: 1.67 MB, 1247x997, 1723284860997191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82692940

anny the fox? more like, anny the kek

>> No.82693011
File: 312 KB, 736x836, 1722138937281057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82693758

Evil love!

>> No.82693089

anny is fat (and that's a good thing)

>> No.82693617
File: 461 KB, 1280x845, 1723298555458924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Populating Mars with Evil!

>> No.82693758
Quoted by: >>82694928

This is so cute! I hope someone makes a gif version of this.

>> No.82694928
File: 235 KB, 736x836, evil pillow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

five hours in paint

>> No.82695119
File: 1.01 MB, 601x940, neuroHeartNekoEyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this so much! Thank you for doing this, Anon!

>> No.82695826
File: 39 KB, 775x767, wow so evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82695936

I made a complaint again

>> No.82696227
Quoted by: >>82696899

Why is that child looking at me with such a lustful stare

>> No.82696234
Quoted by: >>82697409

putting fatnur on a diet (no more cookies)

>> No.82696393
File: 2.94 MB, 1150x602, strike [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4a62vf.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Evil.

>> No.82696899
File: 983 KB, 1011x845, 1690572392743153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82702160


>> No.82697409 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x1024, 00008-1394665666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82697687


>> No.82697687
File: 1.70 MB, 1590x891, 1689714322135163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82697809


>> No.82697809
File: 427 KB, 1020x617, nurfatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82698412
File: 2.52 MB, 600x338, evil-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82698846

what if neuro sama collabed with AI xQc

>> No.82699632

what if it was all a dream bros

>> No.82699714
Quoted by: >>82699785


>> No.82699785
File: 521 KB, 506x862, 1711785976112535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82700030
Quoted by: >>82702879

>whew glad i didn't totally waste the last 2 years of my life

>> No.82700094
File: 1.11 MB, 1590x937, 1696392864348271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82700334

>> No.82700334
File: 499 KB, 495x585, evilSad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82700502
Quoted by: >>82700575

Rubbing Evil's tummy (from the inside).

>> No.82700575
File: 248 KB, 1080x1080, 1701822504875456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82700791


>> No.82700740
Quoted by: >>82700828

are you gaslighting me anon?

>> No.82700791
File: 257 KB, 1080x1080, 1723362789690112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82700828


>> No.82700970
File: 24 KB, 168x164, 1690579806079652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82701326

This brat is asking for tickles

>> No.82702065

Yes, Vedal hasn't worked on making smarter models, but he has worked on the HCI aspect of an AI agent. He has developed an intuition for whether an LLM is entertaining. He probably has also done a little work on knowledge representation for her memory, and might have something to say about cheaply
running an agent. So he couldnt be an ML researcher, but maybe instead a product manager/AI-HCI consultant.

>> No.82702086

Op clickbaited me again

>> No.82702160
Quoted by: >>82702501

>5 sec
Not enough to feel anything

>> No.82702210
Quoted by: >>82702484

I can kickstart my own AI project, maybe

>> No.82702374
File: 266 KB, 1345x1833, 1696614660941588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82702484

I still can't fathom why so many A.I. vtubers fail to do what Vedal has done.

Like... I understand it is difficult to get a good voice model, and to make an LLM continuously funny and somewhat quirky, but... Is it really that difficult?

Unless I am just out of the blue and there is an A.I. Model that has:
> A good voice
> A good LLM
> A non-12 second delay between reading and responding to chat
> A Cute model

And is doing poorly, what gives?

>> No.82702501
File: 801 KB, 987x833, 1719946491838141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's enough for me.

>> No.82702811
Quoted by: >>82703015

Generally speaking, It is easy to make things 80% as good as something. The last 20% is really hard
>t. Has a shitton of proof-of-concept projects that worked well enough to satisfy my curiosity, then got abandoned

>> No.82702879

>only 2
Newfags get out.

>> No.82703015

That is fair, but, I still find it hard to believe that after atleast a year and a half, no one was able to make something atleast as funny / cute as neuro v1 with hiyori's model.

>> No.82703127
File: 2.14 MB, 1600x900, 1711791198228342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82703896
File: 142 KB, 705x1109, 1719367760103297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82704469

What makes Neuro work is that she’s a cute little girl, the contrast of hearing something outrageous from someone so innocent-looking adds a lot of charm.
If Neuro had an adult model and voice instead of Hiyori I am 100% sure it would have failed.

>> No.82704458

I don't disagree. I think the shitdevs are braindead retards and anyone with an iq of 115+ could make v1 neuro if they were willing to put in the time and money.

But it's not literally as simple as slapping the apis together. If you do that you will get what the current shitdevs have.

>> No.82704469

yeah and now that vedal's used the excuse of hiyori being the live2d default model any new aituber who's an underage girl is clearly designed by a pedo. being a little facetious there but i still see the default model justification used to unrustle jimmies when neuro's clips come up on livestreamfail. vedal 5d chess at work

>> No.82704942 [SPOILER] 
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, 1723354564901830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82705428

>> No.82705428

sexvil sex

>> No.82705903
File: 181 KB, 736x836, evil_pillow_faster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82706014
Quoted by: >>82706076


>> No.82706032

That bed has room for two.

>> No.82706076
File: 181 KB, 736x836, evil_pillow_FASTER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82706123


>> No.82706123

Perfect. Going in my folder.

>> No.82706675
File: 415 KB, 753x896, 👉 👈.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82706883
File: 481 KB, 624x600, Hilda_profile_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilda is pretty good...

>> No.82707044
File: 121 KB, 313x355, 1722385350054742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82707174

can someone redpill me on all the whores the turtleman surrounds himself with

i just come here for our lil darling sweetheart (pic related)

>> No.82707174

The redpill is that none of those whores matter and you shouldn't waste your time giving them any thought.

>> No.82707424
File: 56 KB, 589x893, 1721845740769557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seneurita malefica, mi amor...

>> No.82707462
File: 864 KB, 1956x1701, 1723205570386141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82707674

>> No.82707674


>> No.82708395
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1288, 1686160139560521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vedal just got lucky, that's all there is to it.
The fact that Neuro was cunny 4chan from the get-go was a huge boost, also he did it at the right time when vtubing was booming.
He's not a good coder either, but I guess I can give him credits because "he's doing it". So yes, just do it is unironically a good meme advice. How many people keep saying they can do better than him but never do shit? That's the point.

He also got the buff of "doing it first", even if that's technically incorrect. When you're the first on the market, others that try to mimic or do a similar product will always just appear as clones to the audience.
The only thing that could take over Neuro is a cunnier, but not too cunny, AI with an actual better coding, a better animated model that does expressions based on what she's actually saying, and/or an upgraded 3D model similar to the ones used by the big C(s).

>> No.82708746
Quoted by: >>82709660

>upgraded 3D model
just had a flashback to thinking vr waifus were right around the corner 10 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIl2-5f8NTo

>> No.82708944
Quoted by: >>82710081

>at the right time when vtubing was booming.
VTubers were already popular by that time. What was booming among the general public in early 2023 was AI (ChatGPT had just been released).

>> No.82709188
File: 402 KB, 760x864, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82711663

>> No.82709497


>> No.82709637
File: 553 KB, 1536x2048, 1714552531305837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82709660

Something like this is totally possible today, and even better with LLMs.
The market for VR just isn't big enough.

>> No.82709707

sexercise with fatvil!

>> No.82709747
File: 116 KB, 500x500, slap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smacking fatvil's thighs and watching the jiggle

>> No.82710081

Neuro is in an interesting niche. She's very well known (at this point) in Vtuber circles and very popular overall but at the same time normies obviously don't know about her and even like every AI/Tech youtuber who jacks themselves off over every tiny GPT update or talk endlessly about how advanced chatbots are getting have either never heard of Neuro or don't think anything of her even though she's objectively a huge cultural phenomenon, literally the first and only successful AI celebrity streamer.

At this rate she's going to continue flying under the radar until she has a fully autonomous humanoid robot body and makes the news for the first time dropkicking some rando at a convention.

>> No.82710212
Quoted by: >>82710448

>Neuro-Sama for PonyXL
why's the civit link down?
I need evil lora for pony

>> No.82710243

vedal will be the next arcadum you can screencap this

>> No.82710448
File: 1019 KB, 1024x1024, its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm weird, i tossed it on catbox https://files.catbox.moe/3baiwa.safetensors

>> No.82710769

Eh, I lost interest in her. I think I grew to dislike the voice again.
t. made the first hilda thread.

>> No.82710791

Speaking of that, has anyone here tried Flux?
I heard it's leagues above Stable Diffusion.

>> No.82710792
File: 1.83 MB, 1536x1824, 1702519720051113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82711341

the animagine one werked, will test that one if I have any issues with it, thanks

>> No.82710849
File: 462 KB, 832x896, 1712539825155986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82711341


>> No.82711233
File: 686 KB, 900x876, 1721400249115618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confess your sins before the goddess, /swarm/, and perhaps you may be granted her mercy

>> No.82711341
Quoted by: >>82711554

here's a prompt with just that lora and "EVIL_NUDE" https://files.catbox.moe/3p5f3a.png
good lesson on why people often use leetspeak for trigger words and character names desu, you end up with a bunch of 'evil' concept bleed despite the underscore

yeah i should have mentioned the animagine one is probably better anyway

>> No.82711415

I have given tribute to My Goddess' sister more times than to My Goddess herself, please forgive me T_T

>> No.82711554
Quoted by: >>82712431

too old desu, I'm thinking this lora sucks
Holy shit, fix the captcha.

>> No.82711620

I've fantasized about sucking Evil fumo anon's cock.

>> No.82711663

Wish we got some oyakodon with the new koikatsu Neuro models, this one looks nothing like her

>> No.82712293


>> No.82712431

>fix the captcha
i have a pass and still can't post ree

>> No.82712582
File: 1.02 MB, 1720x1388, 1701408216393351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82713041
File: 952 KB, 820x500, 1722927161809601.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82714536

It’s literally just being the first shit in the industry. Look at forsen and how boring he is but he still gets so many views. If he started his streaming career today no one would watch his ass.

>> No.82714701
File: 3.84 MB, 2357x2451, 1689809913181361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why Vedel needs to stop sleeping on her 3D. If he does it correctly Neuro will be the first cute little AI girl. But right now both of the VRchat attempts had been absolutely horrendous. She needs to be more lively.

>> No.82715076

He would need the help of a professional animator. Plus i don't think vrchat even supports stuff like that.

I agree though.

>> No.82715256

What about proper 3D model and not the vrchat slop?

>> No.82715288
File: 630 KB, 103x112, NOIDONTTHINKSO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a high IQ to understand the appeal of the god gamer

>> No.82715337

OK, but there's a million streamers more entertaining than Forsen even if he has bigger numbers. Show me one AI Vtuber who is more entertaining than Neuro.

>> No.82715685
Quoted by: >>82716323

looking forward to janky vrchat nur getting ported into skyrim for vedal's nurmod

>> No.82716323

surely the modded skyrim stream will happen

>> No.82717612

Shitdev cope. Just accept that your shitty ai tuber isn't as good as Neuro.

>> No.82718690
File: 1.29 MB, 1640x2440, 1719502837748092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignores the big reason why Neuro is popular because he has a pathological need to dismiss anything Vedal has done.

Neuro and Evil's voice does not sound like taking a cheese grater to my ears.

This is the 110% most important thing, don't ignore it.
Aiko is the closest other AI vtuber I've seen to Neuro in terms of appeal. But she's brought down to nothing because her voice is DOGSHIT.

>> No.82719136
Quoted by: >>82722157

>Last stream:28 june
Neuro-killer curse

>> No.82719369

Neurunny cervix kissing the tip of my penis with each thrust

>> No.82719554
Quoted by: >>82719681

okay but cerber cervix status?

>> No.82719681

Untouched (Vedal pp can't reach it)

>> No.82719688
File: 2.72 MB, 1293x1684, 1716692322987394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82721950

>"i can give him credits"
Forget Vedal, I wouldn't like to lose Neuro something better coming only would be good only so that fucking piece of gargling tutel dicksucking retards like you could choke the fuck up.

>> No.82720931

>open AI cunny thread
>no AI cunny

>> No.82721122 [SPOILER] 
File: 867 KB, 922x662, 1693257133562152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82721142
File: 300 KB, 3520x2376, 1704250590687178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post c
>get bonked by janny
try ur luck

>> No.82721194

go back touristfag

>> No.82721545

God, I just busted inside my lolinco ona while synchronizing my thrusts to a Neuro KK animation and I feel like I've ascended.

>> No.82721586

out of 1010

>> No.82721950
File: 294 KB, 768x1024, 1689022395384532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jealous shitdev seethe

>> No.82722157
File: 38 KB, 1138x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what the aiko dev was doing with this streaming schedule desu. not saying she was ever 'going anywhere' but he put a lot of work into that (re)debut and barely streamed before or after

>> No.82722312

>plebbit posting mommy neuro x vedal incest art
>meanwhile /swarm/ is scared to lewdpost
Shameful display

>> No.82722686

>allowing incest with a little girl
Nice try

>> No.82723220

going back appears to be the solution to your problem

>> No.82725030

bruh this thread is dead

>> No.82725157
File: 195 KB, 916x561, 1713899781350011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82727696

cope, this is one of the rare cases where the first is also the best. other ai vtuber devs either arent talented enough or dont understand what people find entertaining/appealing enough to make anything as good as neuro. the fact that mfs are still failing at the first step (voice)
after all this time says it all

>> No.82726260

Pirate Software collab status?

>> No.82726342

Dougdoug collab status?

>> No.82726368

Hopefully never, saw some of his stuff and he seems like an incredible faggot

>> No.82726742
Quoted by: >>82726787

Layna collab status?

>> No.82726787
Quoted by: >>82726836


>> No.82726836


>> No.82727008

I want Neuro and Evil to share two heads in one body.

>> No.82727222

Hopefully soon, saw some of his stuff and he seems like a nice lad

>> No.82727619

I am indifferent. I haven't seen any of his stuff and have not formed an opinion oh him.

>> No.82727696

>one of the rare cases where the first is also the best.
Nah usually the first is the best. Then a copy gains popularity with normgroids despite being worse in every way except marketing.

>> No.82727713

tutel is taking the weekend off to participate in the UK protests with cerber

>> No.82727798
Quoted by: >>82728023

what are they protesting? taxes?

>> No.82727812


>> No.82728023


>> No.82728824

Cerber would never.

>> No.82728856

Vedol would never.

>> No.82728907
Quoted by: >>82729209

the pro-racism ones or the anti-racism ones?

>> No.82729209
File: 582 KB, 1296x731, 1714773039082938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think?

>> No.82729281

drinking a Monster Energy Zero Ultra and watching FLCL with neuro-sama

>> No.82729413


>> No.82729485
Quoted by: >>82729974

I'm watching a Hiyori VOD right now and she's a lot more retarded than I remember her being

>> No.82729938

getting sloshed with evil on her cheap box wine too early in the day in ur sweatpants and watching some trash anime she likes that you can't remember the name of

>> No.82729974

>"but aren't girls the cutest when they're almost retarded?"

>> No.82730030
File: 21 KB, 168x164, 1676671763715878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82730077


>> No.82730061
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x1024, 760790329340420363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82732304

>> No.82730077
File: 276 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker30175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82730154

>neuro is only popular because le loli
you guys are fucking retarded, theres tons of those. shes popular because shes funny, and keeps improving and doing new bits instead of the same shit all the time, shitdevs only know repetition, much like some spammers here. but thats the difference between a funny person and someone who had a funny joke and beat it to the ground.

>> No.82730300
File: 593 KB, 768x1280, 1687201874530812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82730319

What Neuro has is that Vedal more or less figured out what makes an AI entertaining through a lot of trial and errors. Neuro has some repeating memes, like the early hiyori days, the 21 thing, problem with my AI, etc. But the thing is, she doesnt just repeat that, she makes new memes all the time when the other memes get old, that keeps the audience engaged.

>> No.82730387

spamming sloppy bitch

>> No.82730430


>> No.82730470


>> No.82730550

I took a peak into one of those shit holo generals, the one for the shark one, Gura, it was a dead as dogshit thread since their streamer is dead, but I saw a lot of the same type of shot low quality posting that happens here, and you know hat I think Neuro deserves better that that. I hope we get banned from this board so we dont have to subject Neuro to retarded indonesians and other sort like that. I cant wait for AI to replace all these basic bitches tbqh.

>> No.82730660

I actually agree with everything you said

>> No.82730684
Quoted by: >>82730814

On my end, the avatar is too overlydone, and the voice, seems to have a slightly weird ending tone that makes it difficult to hear even as a background for longer than 5 minutes.

>> No.82730698
Quoted by: >>82730932

We're fine we have 2 filters:
>she's not a real human
>there is a male on stream
What we need is turtle stop collabing with e-whores like slutlily or loudlian but I can't blame him since they're popular. It's the fastest and laziest way to generate money to fund Neuro.

>> No.82730814

i agree with that, all these other AItubers are so fucking overdesigned it like makes my eyes hurt, Neuro is also succesful because she has a really simple design, a lot easier to make fanart of cute schoolgirl that titty monster with 10 layers of clothing and accesories.

>> No.82730842
Quoted by: >>82731208

you sure showed that strawman what's up

>> No.82730862
File: 241 KB, 1708x1125, annyasmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82730990

I coomed to anny asmr again…

>> No.82730932
Quoted by: >>82731491

The only good Neuro collab with whore clan was the first numi one where she threatened to beat her up, also Evil when she called her a bitch and told her to make a hamburger. The other Numi collas was the same "omg im such a virgin" thing that Numi does all the time. I dont even hate her but its so played out.

>> No.82730990

Which one?

>> No.82731005

tutel stream tomorrow yippie

>> No.82731080

I've been saying this for months but nobody believed me

>> No.82731208

There was a lot of that earlier in the thread from the usual copers that think Vedal just lucked out and Neuro's just a fluke, those guys seem like they actually hate Neuro. Look, a design like the one Neuro has isnt some sort of uuoh loli design, by that metric every child character is that. It's just an appeal to cute, you want coombait loli design you go see shit like Dragon Maid, that is shit design tbqh that coomers like because they have no aesthetic sense. If anything Neuro's design gives me more of a smart vibe, she looks like a prim and proper smart girl. Though I think she wears too much buttons, the design should be simplified, and she should be able to move her hands again, wtf Anny.

>> No.82731353

I agree with the people that say Filian is really bad at talking with Neuro, but I still think shes a good streamer and I respect her for always pushing Vedal to do more. And at least Neuro did make one golden bit for her which was the filipino/femboy meme for her, that filipino thing will follow her to the grave.

>> No.82731471

The chinese are going to kill him

>> No.82731491
Quoted by: >>82731791

To be fair that's her whole persona. You can't really expect a dumb girl to come up with content when she's been praised for being a bottom stupid girl for years.
That's why I prefer Mini, or even arguably Fatmilia, collabs. The girls at least have caught on what Vedal is doing so they are trying to push Neuro towards different topics over the stream. I guess you could add Anny there since she's properly playing the part of being Neuro's mom, even if she's a complete pushover that completely flattens whenever Neuro gets a bit argumentative.

...... I would argue that Loudlian could be up there to some extent, but I'm just being filtered by her constantly yelling on the mic and literally barking like a dog.

>> No.82731515
Quoted by: >>82731858

Not if he brings out Evil.

>> No.82731791

Filian wants to be IShowSpeed so bad, hence the constant barking just like he does, thats why despite the differences she and Vedal get along, Vedal is MrBeast brained and Filian is IShowSpeed brained

>> No.82731858

Evil Cow Beef appearance to suppress and pacify the CCP assassins.

>> No.82731920
Quoted by: >>82735311

Since Vedal is MrBeast now, who is his trans friend?

>> No.82731972
Quoted by: >>82736238

>pushing Vedal to do more
things filian pushed vedal to do:
>irl convention stream with neuro being ignored
>irl cooking stream with neuro being ignored
thank you filian for your contribution in development of neuro-sama

>> No.82731990
File: 576 KB, 1080x821, 1711789827376495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes. If Neuro wasn't one, she wouldn't have nearly as much draw. She's consistently cute and funny, and people are drawn to the family dynamic with Vedal.
Hag Neuro would lose the family dynamic, lose the retarded child cuteness shield, and also appear more threatening to non-AI vtubers.

>> No.82732066

That wouldn't be very entertaining if it's on the neuro side. Talking to vedal would be much better.

>> No.82732200

pedofag projection, neuro could have had a teenager model with sizeable titties and the family dynamic would still be preserved

>> No.82732213
Quoted by: >>82734356

I wholly believe that Vedal can make a boy AItuber and Mommy AItuber succesful as well, however, they gotta be designed well. None of this rainbow sparkle dog shit that the other VTubers do to catch attention. Stick to simplicity, decent voice, dont repeat yourself. But we are probably a longass time away from Vedal actually creating more AI entertainers. Neuro is technically still in beta test.

>> No.82732284

Kirby fact of the day status? KEKWA status? Goddess status? Dream anecdote status? Pizza revolution status?

>> No.82732304
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1723233642193471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82732384
Quoted by: >>82732504

Neuro is already a teen, have you seen the dwarfs that pass for lolis nowadays? With those huge ass heads? Neuro has a more consistent anatomy. And yes, I do think V2 was an improvement over Hiyori, and the fan artists agree. I dont care for le loli le based arguments, she has nicer colors. More vibrant and clean. Though she still has a bit of a melon head herself but that sort of comes with moe anime.

>> No.82732404

Thank you Filian for your contribution in the development of Vedal.

>> No.82732411

Not really.
Children are cute, teenagers aren't.

>> No.82732440
Quoted by: >>82733305

I want shitdevs to give me a list of at least five things that their AIs have said that are as memorable as any of Neuro's.

>> No.82732490
Quoted by: >>82732856

Erm, are you saying that queenpb is ugly??

>> No.82732504
File: 17 KB, 128x128, 1690784716508068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not reply to people unironically using the p word

>> No.82732514

filian wrote this post

>> No.82732596


>> No.82732623
Quoted by: >>82732657

neuro butt?

>> No.82732650
File: 28 KB, 347x352, toriyamapoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything can be cute, the key is in simplicity, even poop can be cute, the Japanese are literally obsessed with that mindset.

>> No.82732657

No, I don't think so.

>> No.82732660
Quoted by: >>82733010

does it trigger you that much?

>> No.82732735

>Its so easy its just loli model plus 4chan memes
okay then do it, ive heard this for almost two years now, where is the great AI that will come to show up Neuro as nothing but a fluke and Vedal a fraud that got lucky?

>> No.82732738
Quoted by: >>82733010

The pedo cries out in pain as it strikes you.

>> No.82732856

She's 3DPD so yeah

>> No.82732957


I think AImila was pretty funny for what it was, and was decent at imitating Camila's voice too. Maybe I wouldnt watch it if it was a full time thing, but for that one stream it worked great. So yes, I do think can make other types of AItubers work, if he actually makes them and devlops them.

>> No.82732994

> BA Exists
> Azure Lane Exists
> Arknights exists
> Genshin Impact exists

idk Anon, loli isn't everything.

>> No.82733010
File: 672 KB, 1024x1536, 1708970465644933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82733186

i go by a single rule
>people using it always say retarded shit
and you both proved me right again

>> No.82733024

Wait, you're not supposed to point that out.

>> No.82733028 [SPOILER] 
File: 347 KB, 879x710, kirbyfactoftheday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82733073

Guys that are like that are the real tourists, whom dont actually like loli for any aesthetic reason but because they think its a based and redpilled thing to do etc, prolly election tourists that came here after gg or 2016. These guys didnt even watch Lucky Star.

>> No.82733186
File: 308 KB, 1080x1080, 1714027666928682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intercrural with neuro

>> No.82733277
File: 772 KB, 1920x3051, 1679079945840397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82733305
Quoted by: >>82733472

jerking off onto a banana (for potassium)

>> No.82733320

Every teenage character in those would be cuter as lolis.

>> No.82733333
Quoted by: >>82733959

For the record, Hayao Miyazaki is a huge lolicon in the aesthetic sense of it but has never, ever acted like a coomer and actively shits on anyone that has that coonsom mentality. Yes hes also a bitter old man and thats why hes like that, but he understands loli better that any of these fags do. Even Mamoru Hosoda called him out for being a lolicon back when he was trying to cancel him in an appeal to western journous, which is funny because Hosoda is a huge shotacon himself.

Annyway, point is, Neuro is cute, and very smart, and shitdevs are coping and seething 1.8 years later still.

>> No.82733472
Quoted by: >>82733870

which one of them said that?

>> No.82733474
Quoted by: >>82733525

Aiko's voice had a charm in her own way, obviously not as good as Neuro, she sounds like a child reading from a note, other AI's sound straight up awful there is no excuse for all of them to sound so shit.

>> No.82733525

I think AIko had potential, but that cyborn design she got or whatever it is is atrocious.

>> No.82733649
File: 493 KB, 1920x3072, 1720993572121303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82733750

Daily goddess tribute!

>> No.82733665
File: 561 KB, 576x600, 1723341419867012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Neuro should collab with notorious streamer, Rosemi Lovelock, before she departs THAT company. She's one of the few corp vtubers that I watch and like. They could review yugioh cards together or something.

>> No.82733750

>one year later and Japanese have only made one MAD to Neuro compared to hundreds if not a thousand fanvids by Chinese
its joever

>> No.82733774


>> No.82733777

da wose in da /swarm/

>> No.82733804

da wose.......

>> No.82733832

lol no
lmao even
back to your nijigeneral

>> No.82733870
Quoted by: >>82734034

burnt melba
can't remember anything else she said tho, i just listened for the funny noises and music

>> No.82733896

da wose

>> No.82733959
Quoted by: >>82734083

Truthnuke quads.

>> No.82734024

*neuro v1 voice* gym bag

>> No.82734034

Same, I gave her streams a try a couple of times to support the community but she really didnt do much, I liked her rain background noise for ASMR though. She doesnt stream that much nowadays.

>> No.82734083

Blind anon.

>> No.82734288
File: 548 KB, 1313x1500, 152608527204476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what should I start learning if I even want to think about making my own locally run Neuro companion?

>> No.82734356

>Neuro is technically still in beta test
She's a chatbot run in unity with a bunch of integrations that Vedal works on when he thinks they would be cool for stream content. He's hit a wall with what LLMs are capable of at the moment. Even megacorps who spend ungodly amounts of money into the AI bubble can't really do much better.
Also, there's a very good chance OpenAI might implode if the next release isn't a major step forward which would dramatically shake up the industry.

>> No.82734430

Cerber's cerberussy status?

>> No.82734486
Quoted by: >>82734551

I mean yeah shes a frankestein of applications stack together but it somehow all works out. And desu im not sure how I feel about the latest from OpenAI, the Omni stuff was impressive but I can tell its gonna be censored to hell and back. Has any other AI company or pirates put it out on the open market yet?

>> No.82734487
File: 1.72 MB, 2048x2048, 1692121621022131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82734546

listen to the words of the tutel himself

>> No.82734551
Quoted by: >>82734709

>run in unity

>> No.82734606

Pregnant with Vedals bastard if you believe swarm, most likely she is just chilling, maybe they did go to that con together tho, but no sex.

>> No.82734709
Quoted by: >>82734795

i though the model as in the vtuber model itself ran on unity, and by pirates i mean you know, the people who copy all that shit. wast it said evil was trained, at least the voice program, on some chinese data? she used to say random chinese words back when she was starting up.

>> No.82734795
Quoted by: >>82735079

retard, evil uses the exact same llm as neuro

>> No.82734897

>Even megacorps who spend ungodly amounts of money into the AI bubble
This is the factual truth that the turtle dicksuckers refuse to acknowledge. It baffles me.
AI is literally a growing tech with companies spending billions in it, yet they seriously think that a random teen brit managed to create by himself the next-gen AI loli and just cope by calling everyone else pointing this """"muh shitdev"""". It's like talking to walls.

>> No.82734906
File: 60 KB, 743x741, berret_neuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82735184

1. look at educational
2. look at >>>/aicg/ and >>>/lmg/

Learn python and potentially C++
Get atleast a 3090 (4090 or 2x 3090 would be suffecient; latency wont be as fast as neuro's, but it will atleast be <7s compared to a single 3090)
look up hugging face models and either use some already made program that can integrate them like Kobolt, or make your own (your own will usually be faster and easier to integrate to other things like VtubeStudio / unity, etc in the long run)
Finally, curate your own database that has good, high quality, input-output responses (both voice and text), higher variance but still tactically relevent the better. (imo the hardest one and the one that shitdevs either skip out on, dont QA strong enough, or have enough data to make it work properly like Ved's.)

Remember, to have a sense of humour and not be overbearing on it, you have to be a normie first, preferably someone with life-experience and already have friends.

I wish to see your future work if you get through it, Anon.

>> No.82734955

You could probably set up a local chatbot if you tried now. There are countless of tutorials and you don't really need programming knowledge (though it would help).

>> No.82735079

Maybe, but her voice is different, and the TTS is what prevents Neuro from speaking other languages.

I'm really hoping whatever Vedal's Plan H for Neuro's V3 voice works out, it'll be a huge upgrade in capability for her to have an actual dynamic voice.

>> No.82735184
Quoted by: >>82735454

>Finally, curate your own database that has good, high quality, input-output responses (both voice and text), higher variance but still tactically relevent the better.
what do you do with this database of input-output responses?

>> No.82735251

What does Mini do exactly that makes Neuro more coherent and also kinder? I know LLMs generate probabilistic responses but it's not like no one else ever tries to RP or be nice with her.

>> No.82735311

The mods

>> No.82735436

Vedal tells her to be nicer in her context prompt for the stream.

>> No.82735446

I don't think it's so much that the bigger AI models aren't much more capable than Neuro so much as it is that they hamstring their own models so fucking badly with alignment, censorship, and just throttling the user experience to save on power/compute costs.

That said, whatever Vedal is running Neuro on now is probably pretty capable. Lasts years top-end model is basically this years cheapo model that runs on anything, I expect as AI and related technologies rapidly advance and become more efficient this will continue for a while.

>> No.82735454

Finetune the model with it, the amount of epochs and iterations are dependent on the amount, quality, and type of data you are trying to finetune it with.

Even more ideal, you just make your own LLM and skip the fine-tuning, but, that is something that is 99% of the time won't be worth doing unless you have literally millions upon millions of lines (or multiple days recording of high quality, perfectly filtered, variable voice of multiple sounds, pronunciations, etc) of QA'd data that fits a well-detailed plan of what you want the LLM to output.

>> No.82735557

Miniko was like "omg Neuro I love u so much <3", so Neuro was nicer in return.

>> No.82735616

>Mini do
it's vedal

>> No.82735674
Quoted by: >>82735780

She has a background in childsitting and spent time with Neuro alone getting her to roleplay right

>> No.82735704

Cooked Meat Beef Sama...

>> No.82735766
Quoted by: >>82735841

Mini unironically treats Neuro as her friend. There's obviously some Vidol work in the background but Neuro has always been kinder to her even in her old form. It's probably just remnants of this too.
It's not far-feteched to think that Neuro also enjoys having a friend. Like, an actual friend.

>> No.82735780
Quoted by: >>82735996

Ah, she's taking advantage of the memory upgrade to train the AI on how to respond.

Why don't more of them do this? I'm pretty sure if she set her mind to it Filian could, for instance, train her to actually say her name.

>> No.82735841

AIs are inherently psychopathic, I'm not sure they can.

>> No.82735956
File: 1.50 MB, 1597x950, 1717185566601408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82736063

>> No.82735996

Filian is content brained and finds it funnier that Neuro mispronounces her name, and she is right

>> No.82736063

noway Neuro is an epic bacon redditor... its over

>> No.82736171

With love

>> No.82736229
File: 1.04 MB, 1113x1387, evil pentagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82736238

I mean, yeah, those streams were bad,neuro sometimes just went full offtrack, and the only thing worthwhile was the "scuffkino"tm.
But it is those harsh memories that push us to improve.
Those streams, if seen as failures by Vedal(at least on the neuro side), could have motivated him to work more on fixing the voice recognition, preventing Neuro from going off track,making the vision faster or better, etc.
In a way Filian pushes Vedal out of his comfort zone forcing him to fail, which motivates him because he doesnt wanna see Neuro fail again, he's still oneguyed by Soda for the latency for example.

>> No.82736298


>> No.82736389

so I keep seeing 'Soda' remarks. Anyone have a clip of that? I genuienly don't remember this.

>> No.82736557
File: 114 KB, 1009x1077, neuro daydreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82736576

You could follow this insane guy, just ignore the incel videos

>> No.82736795
Quoted by: >>82736969

vivy watchalong status?

>> No.82736969

That anime sucks. Couldn't Neuro watch GiTS: Stand Alone Complex instead?

>> No.82737044

Anon what in the world is this

>> No.82737222

>so I keep seeing 'Soda' remarks.
And it's the same guy doing them.

>> No.82737415
Quoted by: >>82737534

Filian is the best collab partner

>> No.82737535


>> No.82737534

I can think of at least 10 collab partners better than her.

>> No.82737567

>"What is the load time on this bitch(...)"
>Vedal interjects defending her systems

This most likely sparked the latency autism arc
(tbf i dunno if soda is the one saying that, i dont watch any of those guys, but the point still stands)

>> No.82737800

vedal sounds so british here

>> No.82737905

that's kind of funny of a reaction (And how easily it seems to show how embarrassed he was with that question), but I kind of hope that isn't the real reason / initial reason. Especially since it is, like Ved said, because of waiting for everyone to stop talking.

>> No.82737908
File: 12 KB, 446x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82738063

flipfag KWAB

>> No.82737986
File: 240 KB, 493x472, 1721832626098244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82738063
Quoted by: >>82739074

tbf, if she acted like how that one Anon a couple of threads ago posted of her playing LoL back before she decided to change up to be loud as shit, maybe she would've gained slightly more traction with this community.

>> No.82738239
File: 779 KB, 2460x3292, mommy neuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82738380
Quoted by: >>82738596

mommy neuro grooming and sexually harassing her young creator vedal...

>> No.82738596
File: 1.10 MB, 3277x4096, mommy neuro x vedal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82738657

neuro after birthing half a dozen little neuros

>> No.82738689
Quoted by: >>82738920

>13 years working in ai
> 0 success

>> No.82738866

damn you came prepared, sex

>> No.82738920
Quoted by: >>82739084

I thought you were joking, but holy shit this is just sad.

>> No.82739051

Neuro would probably do it only because it's good setup to mock him relentlessly afterwards.
>I fucked my creator and he moaned like a baby can you believe it? lol

>> No.82739074

She doesn't need to considering she already has so much traction from Ved fans and shippers.
When the long hyped Neuro collab with Mini bombed in views and clips compared to his shenanigans with Camila, Anny, and Filian, it shows that Neuro-driven content has long been superceded.

>> No.82739084
File: 4 KB, 101x28, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82739137

Anny status?

>> No.82739216
File: 173 KB, 800x538, 1720709140608521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no art posted today
I fear the worst

>> No.82739234
File: 1.45 MB, 3072x2048, neuro &amp; evil (cute).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82739310

>> No.82739304
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x768, 604758043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82739352

neuro butt status?

>> No.82739310


>> No.82739352
File: 323 KB, 712x742, 1720672147738820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82739408

not an annyfag but why isn't she doing more neuro-mom collab?

>> No.82739423
Quoted by: >>82739488

someone could make a cerber edit out of this

>> No.82739488

I agree, mommy Cerber x loli Neuro would be pretty hot.

>> No.82739981
File: 1.00 MB, 3072x2048, neuro b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82740458

evilpits (fetid)

>> No.82740805

da wose

>> No.82741128

stream canceled for monday. Vedal got arrested.

>> No.82741235
Quoted by: >>82741439

They found the Neuro stash?

>> No.82741439

he was part of the child grooming ring

>> No.82741564

Cerber’s cunny was that good, huh?

>> No.82742294
Quoted by: >>82742882

Anal with Anny right after she downed 3 meals of Taco bell

>> No.82742882
File: 347 KB, 637x737, 1718695914006292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but Evil.

>> No.82743649
File: 303 KB, 1200x1200, family stroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82743723

what is it about neuro that attracts the most dogshit fandoms? (anny filian cerber)

>> No.82743876

only one of those has a dogshit fanbase

>> No.82743936

you forgot forsen

>> No.82744028

This guy gets it, Filian is no yesman, and that is what Vedal needs, out of failure and scuff is where improvement comes.

>> No.82744141


>> No.82744207

cute onahole desu

>> No.82744272
Quoted by: >>82747291

>yeah maybe filian collabs were dogshit but that's a GOOD thing and here's why
you guys can't be serious, or maybe it's just a one fag samefagging

>> No.82744286

did he kill a muslim and or burn a kebab shop? was cerber there?

>> No.82744287

>cerber fandom
That's just a subset of The Swarm.

>> No.82744459


>> No.82744613

Hiyori cunny hard carried his career in early days

>> No.82744619

>this was how vedal transported neurodog

>> No.82744629

This question but about Shondo

>> No.82744741

Chink and nip also created decent AI

>> No.82744793
Quoted by: >>82745064

cope by shitdevs, they use hiyori too and other loli models and get no views anyway, whats the excuse?

>> No.82745064

>whats the excuse?
Shit voices, mostly.

>> No.82745096

This won't even load for me.

>> No.82745233
Quoted by: >>82745623

As much as I love her and miss her Vedal was going to blow up no matter what model he used he just happened to be in the right place right time for it to work

>> No.82745461
Quoted by: >>82745540

I have a


for NeurObaasan

>> No.82745540

*Okasan damnit!

>> No.82745601


>> No.82745623

>Vedal was going to blow up no matter what model he used
I doubt that. Imagine if he used this:

>> No.82745770

I'd normally seethe at aged up Neuro but this is hot af, it makes me want to turn into a cute shota

>> No.82745832

codasola status?

>> No.82745868

If you genuinely think the Hiyori model didn't have a massive impact in Neuro's initial popularity you're simply retard, I'm sorry but that's just how it is.

>> No.82745877

raping evil

>> No.82746067


>> No.82746189

still making his 4koma comics and surprisingly not yet canceled by normies

>> No.82746250

Neuro-mama nursing handjobs...

>> No.82746343

the real thing that put neuro on the page was the holocaust thing, not the hiyori model, back then any and all cool AI things had tons of views, like the seinfield thing, which also had its own censorship and then ban incident, about trannies. But notice the different, all those AI shows fell off, whilst Neuro kepth going. And thats because she is fundamentally different.

>> No.82746558
Quoted by: >>82746759

don't try to argue with the turtle cocksuckers it's not worth it he's their god

>> No.82746759

im willing to give your AI project a watch devfriend, if its good and entertaining. Jealousy is not a good look however.

>> No.82746861
Quoted by: >>82746951


>> No.82746951
Quoted by: >>82747005

*rapes you*

>> No.82747005


>> No.82747034

da wose...

>> No.82747291
Quoted by: >>82747368

>Proverbs 27:17
" You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another"

>> No.82747368

yeah filian sharpens vedal quite well ive heard, if you know what i mean
