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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.82540541


>> No.82540604

I've spent over $40,000 on my oshi

>> No.82540616

Reddit on!

>> No.82540967

Nope. There's no point in giving my hard earned money to some egirl who will most likely spend it on condoms or birth control pills. Gift memberships are also a thing anyway so i'm not missing anything.

>> No.82541460

nah, I only use monopoly money

>> No.82541487

no lol
i did buy some merch tho

>> No.82541903

She said she love me so I did it

>> No.82542839

Not for free, but I buy merch

>> No.82543148

Was it Rushia?

>> No.82543205
Quoted by: >>82551368

If you still worry about money to the point you have to ponder the decision of giving some spare cash to the anime girl you enjoy watching (membership, SC, merch, etc.), then you are you are not working hard enough or earning enough.

Focus on improving your financial situation first before spending pocket money on luxuries.

>> No.82543223

I've robbed my oshi at gunpoint

>> No.82543982
Quoted by: >>82544072

That's how they get you. That's why you're born.
Women are fucking evil.

>> No.82544072

the evil? that was me btw.

>> No.82544908

why not

>> No.82544993
Quoted by: >>82547560

Sure you did

>> No.82545059

outside of whatever member or on twitch sub it is, ive only donated 15 dollars in 4 years. but ive been subbed or membered to several over the years a way to tip someone a month at a time, its only 5 dollars.

>> No.82545980

this whole time I giving my oshi Monopoly money...

>> No.82547015


>> No.82547446

Yeah I wouldn't give money to EN girls either.

>> No.82547560

NTA but I donated at least $36,500, probably a lot more. Depending on what time of the year it is, whether I've maxed out my 401k or not, $100 a day is about 30% or 60% of my take home pay. I'm probably going to slow down now. My mental health was not good this year, and it only kept getting worse. I don't regret a single penny of it, it went to an indie vtuber and supported her streaming, but at some point I started waking up in the morning and felt like the edge of my bed dropped off into a yawning empty void and I was standing on the edge looking down. I think she wanted something I couldn't give her, and I wanted something she couldn't give me.

>> No.82547880
File: 559 KB, 928x675, image_2024-08-09_221928930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82548114


>> No.82547973
Quoted by: >>82548114

Pathetic if true

>> No.82548110


>> No.82548114
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>> No.82548952

>nearly 40 grand
Shit man. At that point, just propose to her already.

>> No.82549387

Yes, I do. They entertain me and are a pleasant presence in my life. Also, I enjoy having my dumb messages reacted to on stream.

Kill yourself, chud.

>> No.82549558

I don't, but the only way this hobby/business is kept alive is by the people who do.

>> No.82549725

She probably wanted you to increase your take home pay. I make about $100 per hour before taxes, so that's 12.5%, but I still never gave a red cent to any of them for years. Recently my final last vtuber until she graduates gets some membership gifts when needed, it makes me sick though when I think how much of that youtube has taken, plus unlike superchats sales tax is applied to membership gifts.

>> No.82550488

I have a closet full of unopened merch of my oshi. Can resell at a much higher value.

>> No.82550591

Yea I’m not poor so I spend money on whatever I want. Hard for thirdworlders to understand.

>> No.82550645

>Give money

>> No.82551196

i just don't get it. i'll often feel empty even after just donating $50, because every donation makes it super obvious how much they take you for granted and actually don't give a shit. i might have been willing to drop real cash if the vtuber gave something back as a token of appreciation and love for their most dedicated fans, but they just don't. not even 2views.

>> No.82551260

What's it like being homeless?

>> No.82551368
File: 267 KB, 1514x2048, 1707638438106655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82563274

Beggars are either underage, early 20's and poor or perma NEETs who don't know what it's like to have surplus income. Also possibly (likely) third world and thus poor by default. The idea of giving such a small, insignificant amount of money for membership to support a creator they like is so alien to them because they aren't in a position to do so. Fauna's membership for example is a paltry sum to me. It'd cost more to order in a big mac meal.

That or they have regressive views about supporting creators and aren't real fans and thus should be ignored altogether.

>> No.82551739

no, I use fake money (ARS)

>> No.82552109

Why would I? There's plenty of retards around who support them well enough. In a perfect world people wouldn't donate so much and the girls would be forced to stream more/work harder for their money but oh well

>> No.82552189

2views, and even some bigger vtubers, play a dangerous game when they start thinking about "most dedicated fans", or giving certain individuals special treatment. That sort of behavior can alienate everybody else watching at best, and cause schizos to lose their minds and make up crazy rrats at worst (just look at how eternally butthurt some people on /vt/ get over mods in chat). Then there's the actual groomers who get aggressive over what they think are other groomers stepping in on their "territory".

For me it was never really about receiving something in return for the donation, not any more than the standard "thank you" that all donations get. I never felt like I somehow deserved something special for it or like there were strings attached which is why they were all anonymous. I'd probably have felt bad if she was blowing it all on gacha games or something, but that really wasn't the case, I wouldn't have donated to a streamer like that anyways.

>> No.82552435

Time is money and I support my oshi by watching all her streams in full. She doesn't need more than that, and she doesn't even ask for more than that.

>> No.82552497


>> No.82552513
Quoted by: >>82552613

tldr reddit simp

>> No.82552563
File: 564 KB, 1622x1197, 430zkq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82552613

Sir, your red*it gold... my gods you have earned it

>> No.82552600


>> No.82552604
Quoted by: >>82552697

i gave 1.5k to my oshi in her donothon

>> No.82552613

>donate money
>don't donate money

vtubers are reddit

>> No.82552697
Quoted by: >>82552746

And how much do you make in a month, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.82552746

not enough to justify it

>> No.82552882

they do it with subathons though

>> No.82552972

this is probably the ugliest vtuber animation ever created and it astounds me that both normies and anons praised it

>> No.82553048

2view getting $50: wow thanks, that'll let me buy something I wanted a few hours sooner than otherwise. Still have to work my real job though that pays $15-$20 an hour or more, not going to suck your dick.
Holo getting $50: thanks sir 1 of 1000. Next!

2views only become more appreciative when donations are in covering rent territory.

>> No.82553150

the fuck? go be a sexpat instead. you'll actually get to fuck them instead of paying for condoms.

>> No.82553245

Nope. If she reads greys then there's no reason to pay, if she only reacts to paypigs then she's a gold digger who doesn't deserve my money.

>> No.82553252
Quoted by: >>82553768

no, digital transactions are confusing as fuck; and a reason why i choose to be an eternal grey

>> No.82553768

lolwut, how are they confusing?

>> No.82556014

I like her product. I wanted her to have a little walking-around money.

>> No.82556072
File: 445 KB, 1080x1080, 1713000360615358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82556332

I haven't given my oshi a penny and she still pays attention to me. Thanks to all the paypigs who write my wife's check! She bought me a lego set today!

>> No.82556332
Quoted by: >>82556377

how? which set?

>> No.82556377

How what?
>Which set
The tuxedo cat

>> No.82558669


>> No.82558765
Quoted by: >>82569904

I need to keep my expenses higher to lower tax so yes.

>> No.82561075


>> No.82562353

Fibby bibby

>> No.82563274
File: 75 KB, 425x640, puppet show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about the fans or about the streamer?

>> No.82563466

You know you could have raised A CHILD with A REAL WOMAN in REAL LIFE with that kind of money, right?

Holy shit, I'm screencapping this shit. /vt/ is such a gold mine of cringe. Should've started browsing earlier.

>> No.82563605
Quoted by: >>82566626

I feel genuinely bad for people who need to spend money to get someone to pay attention to them.

>> No.82563653

Ugly shit

>> No.82563834
File: 22 KB, 280x360, 1720179046124250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82564136

>he thinks any post without proof on here is real

>> No.82564024

What we do here is go based.

>> No.82564136
Quoted by: >>82566172

idk man, sounds believable. Just today I saw Lucy Pyre warning some dude to stop gifting subs, because he already had given 690 ($3.4k).
I'm sure even bigger streamers have even bigger, more pathetic simps. Plenty of betas with some IT hundreds of thousands fucking their own hand every day.
Then there's the merch, figurines, gamersupps poison slop... plenty of fools with too much money.

>> No.82564489

>implying anons here can get a real woman

>> No.82566172

Lucy makes that much? Damn. Was it some kind of event stream?

>> No.82566537

no i give fake money

>> No.82566610

fpbp and same

>> No.82566626
Quoted by: >>82566718

It's less messy than trying to beg for it for free anyways. There's always some guy who comes into random streams, ignores everything the vtuber is doing and saying, and tries to make her pay attention to him by telling a sob story over and over until she acknowledges it. Basically
but unironic and cringe.

>> No.82566718
Quoted by: >>82566748

Plenty of people do that via SCs too. I don't get it, I just chat and get responses

>> No.82566748

I may be a pathetic simp, but at least I do try to keep my SCs relevant and topical.

>> No.82567245

do NOT look into how much ruffians spend on fuwamoco. one of them sold their parents land just so they could superchat. their parents found out btw

>> No.82567276


>> No.82567403

I'd rather give my entertainment money to a cute anime girl than to Disney or Amazon or Netflix.

>> No.82567416

I’m an incel with zero irl friends living in my parents basement and surviving on neetbuxs, and not even i can imagine myself sinking so low that i would pay some woman on the internet to simply make her acknowledge my existence, i get attention simply by writing things in chat.
The pathetic simps who do actually throw money at women on the internet because they somehow manage to be so boring that they need to resort to paying them for attention sicken me.
I would rather kill myself before debasing myself like that.

>> No.82567632

Sounds insane until I remember that one dipshit son of a SEA millionaire who sold an acre of his family's land for Kronii superchat money.

>> No.82567817

I have 5 subs, buy nendos of my favorites, and throw the occasional superchat. It's a reasonable amount.

>> No.82567824
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, dfp2du5-48601369-8db4-4e33-8e09-f6f0c7c3b042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love to give away money
btw, buy my chocolate to win $1,000,000

>> No.82567831
Quoted by: >>82568309

I can't even fathom doing that kind of shit. It's one thing to donate too much to a vtuber but still within your means and still using your own earned money, it's total insanity to steal money from your family or take out loans and shit to donate too much to a vtuber. Actual "nigger on a pay day" behavior.

>> No.82567854

autistic faggot it amazes me how many people on the internet cant spot blatant lying

>> No.82568065


For all their faults, Niiji talents always made sure to read/acknowledge superchats-usually during the stream as they were recieved.

Hololive talents either don't bother or make you sit through a six hour "superchat reading stream" or bullshit like that

>> No.82568109

You are not a real fan

>> No.82568309
File: 739 KB, 784x441, Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 22-16-11 apothecary diaries - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of insane behavior was normal back in the day when geishas and courtesans were around.
Some men would drop a years' worth of salary to go on a date with some of the top courtesans for a day.
That's what female vTubers and egirls are basically. Virtual girlfriend that you go on e-dates with... along several other thousand guys.

We've come full circle and people have become so isolated that they have to pay for a courtesan for female attention (not even sex). Just like in ancient times.

>> No.82569351

The sad truth is that the modern day loneliness or incel "epidemic" is actually not modern at all. It's always been like this for men. The vast majority of men throughout recorded history have never actually had girlfriends or fathered children, and they've always had to cope with something less. DNA studies estimate that 8000 years ago 17 women reproduced for every 1 man. Women have always found ways to exploit this, and men have always happily paid money and resources to take the pain away if even for a moment.

Most men alive today probably shouldn't be, myself included. In the past we would have been culled by wars and famines.

>> No.82569904
Quoted by: >>82570272

That's not how that works

>> No.82570045

I mean, it's kinda true, anon. If you're an American working from home or in a low-socialization kinda job, you also probably live in the suburbs. Nobody talks to their neighbors, preferring to just sit inside watching Netflix or whatever, so hanging out in vtuber chat or fan discords or god forbid this shithole called /vt/, i mean, at least you're technically interacting with other humans.

>> No.82570272

>he doesn't claim his superchats as a business expense

>> No.82570401
File: 690 KB, 3366x2894, 20240809_120828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I give at least 40% of my income to my oshis.

>> No.82570480

FuwaMoco's top 5 superchatters have sent over 15k each. The top giy has sent around 40k to them.
