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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 85 KB, 725x1024, 1712465190534601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73205470 No.73205470 [Reply] [Original]

i miss her so much bros, i dont care if she doesnt loves me anymore, i still do and i would literally jump infront of a train for yuyu. i just want to hear her voice again, 2 weeks without yuyu in my life is like getting my skin flayed by a demon with a large fire coated chopstick. i miss her, i want her to be with me, i want to see her smile, i want her to laugh again like last year.

>> No.73205898
Quoted by: >>73207904

go back to starbucks

>> No.73206051

are you the iloveyukoyurei guy on xitter?

>> No.73206452
Quoted by: >>73207904

shes getting fucked by black guys from /k/ while you post this

>> No.73206689
Quoted by: >>73207904


>> No.73206744

you think that Yuko snuff X rp scared her away from her weirdo fans

>> No.73206821

so why did you use a picture of her getting rejected for the OP?

>> No.73207312

I feel you. Man I just want her to be happy

>> No.73207904
File: 21 KB, 112x112, 1711082184254509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys shit on her, but she won back her self-respect and is on the road to recovery

>> No.73208126

These threads rerun too often

>> No.73208409

Yuko is very cute!

>> No.73208510

She won the opportunity to go back to work at Starbucks

>> No.73208850

>misses his oshi
>Doesnt send cum tributes

>> No.73208942

based boobro.

>> No.73209406

>she won back her self-respect
That pissdrinker can't win back something she never had.

>> No.73209430

Exboobros pretend to make positive threads about Yuko so they can whine in them and also claim they're not shitting up the catalog daily.

>> No.73209768

She earned less than $150 in the last 30 days. If you love her so much and want her to stream, go out to work and show some monetary support instead of making these threads.

>> No.73210471
File: 574 KB, 718x1181, nogfenomoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs to do gfe again, its not too late for her.

>> No.73211628

You mean road to a minimum wage job.

>> No.73211852
Quoted by: >>73224757

>0 bucks, 10 bucks, 2 bucks
Holy fuck and jewtube and idol take a portion

>> No.73212369

I... I wrote a song for Yuko.

You are my Yuko
My only Yuko
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Yuko away

I hope she'll like it.

>> No.73214170
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1684868773447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still coom to her succubus asmr sometimes
shit was cash

>> No.73214860

Here lies Yuko Oathbreaker, half-dead.
For verily all humans go through 2 deaths: the death of the body and the death of the soul.
Sometimes the body dies before the soul and you get a ghost. For others the soul dies before the body. That is Yuko. That is the second death.

>> No.73215009

Parasocial is one hell of a drug….

>> No.73215809

feel bit sad for yuko though
ah well, consequences

>> No.73216269

how did it look like before?

>> No.73216492
Quoted by: >>73224757

Its way too late. all the whales found better more deserving oshis

>> No.73216521

She used to earn tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.73216681
File: 517 KB, 692x985, gfeyuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her prime gfe period.

>> No.73216790

so they weren't even paying for her even WITH gfe?
What a disgrace of a fanbase.

>> No.73216995

From what I can tell she's not even particularly known, but she sure torpedoed her prospects of growing

>> No.73217542
Quoted by: >>73224757

only counting youtube sc bro, idol corp main donation method is streamelements and membership renewals.

>> No.73217842

she made every fucking wrong choice when she 'changed direction'. if she had made one single right choice, she would still be doing well

1. she could have kept fans updated instead of vanishing over the winter

2. she could have chosen to not
attempt to revive her past life account while she was ghosting fans, but instead, she did

3. she could have chosen to not openly reconnect with her old circle of groomer gun nuts from back when she was underage, who publicly hate or mock the fans of her yuko persona, but instead she chose to do so

4. she could have asked her groomer orbiters, who worship the ground she walks on, to stop shitting on boo bros. but instead, she did not

5. she could have been open with fans about having second thoughts about nsfw/gfe content, but instead chose to pretend everything was fine, with her final stream before her vanishing being a member's stream where she went dildo shopping on bad dragon for a toy to use for her upcoming nsfw asmr donothon goal, which in her words would end up being even spicier than anyone had predicted

6. she could have been open and honest and communicative during her comeback stream, and giving the true reason why she disappeared and was now ending the gfe, but instead she just said "I won't be doing that content anymore, thanks for understanding" and raced past the subject

7. she could have accepted the feedback and disappointment of the boo bros, instead of deleting almost every single negative comment to her comeback stream

8. she could have left her old membership gfe content up, but instead, deleted all of it

9. she could have deleted the gfe members content 'later that week' as she said during the stream, but instead did so an hour after her comeback stream

10. she could have chosen to deliver on the donothon goals people donated money to her for, during her donothon over a year earlier, but instead chose to not fulfill some of the goals that she no longer wants to do like the 18+ ASMR

11. at any point after the backlash, she could have come clean about her actual motivations and admit she handled things poorly and pushed away her most passionate fans - the ones that commissioned art of her, did animations about her, and gave her huge superchats every stream - but instead she has chosen to do nothing.

every single decision she has made has been a fuckup. she's a fucking idiot. not for canceling gfe - that sucks, but it's her channel and she can make or not make whatever she wants - but for handling the whole situation in the most retarded fashion possible.

>> No.73218066

She doesn’t owe you anything.

>> No.73218226

so true sister

>> No.73218319
Quoted by: >>73224757

Sounds like she bet on the wrong horses from the start.

>> No.73219236

>2. she could have chosen to not
attempt to revive her past life account while she was ghosting fans, but instead, she did
she should just go back to her past Vtuber life. It’s obvious, at least for me, that she’s given up on doing Yuko but probably just doing it out of obligation

>> No.73221023

and they don't owe her their money or support kek, hopefully she's able to adjust to working a real job again

>> No.73221576

You're right
She had every right to change up her content, but she did it in such a piss poor way
I'm surprised no one in Idol coached her through a better way, almost anything would have been a better call

>> No.73221961

yuko ?

>> No.73224757

so can we agree that a hidden rule of vtubers is for you to never have a boyfriend to have your paypigs forever?

>> No.73224972
Quoted by: >>73225486

yeah, absolutely. If you promise a product and then go back on that promise, it's 100% on you for fucking up. I'm no unicorn but even I can see how fucked what she did is. She'd need a serious rebranding if she wanted to change herself up that much.

>> No.73225374
Quoted by: >>73225486

It's not even hidden
The bigger issue is changing things without a real plan in place
Baking and selling donuts, and then one day you switch to gluten free flour on a whim

>> No.73225486

but why did she do it
is she a zoomer thinking that paypigs will remain after you announce that your mod is your BF?
now said BF is not even going to pull out enough money for them and they will break because she decided to be an idiot
I don't understand why GFE chuubas dislike the parasocial trend, decide to shit on the thing and then comeback crawling and crying

>> No.73225705

There is no reason they can’t; just keep it to themselves and don’t let the other person influence the vtuber content. Vtubing is all pretend and everyone can get what they want if they don’t go retarded.

>> No.73225712

I wish I knew
She probably saw GFE as easy money, and it absolutely is
You gotta commit though, that's what those paypigs are there for
If you suddenly decide to give it up, they will move on
She could have recovered from this too if she were open about it and ratcheted it down over time instead of going scorched earth on all of it

It reminds me of Nyanners, honestly
Being ashamed and disgusted by her old content but rolling right back to similar content because it gets views

>> No.73225844

If you're open about it from the start I personally don't see an issue with vtubers having boyfriends, I'm never getting with them

But at the same time you really gotta know what you're getting into if you're going the GFE route, you're actively marketing to unicorns at that point

>> No.73225856

She was never real, it was all an act to get money. She deceived you.

>> No.73225917

>I personally don't see an issue with vtubers having boyfriends
I do
All of these bitches who go into vtubers are girls that want easy money with anim avatars
You should never ever have a boyfriend otherwise the income will never be there, or will it be small, and I highly doubt at least for the EN side that these girls are 100% secured in the economy aspect

>> No.73226067
Quoted by: >>73239417

lol whats this new bs about her mod being her boyfriend? Shes fucked up enough stuff on her own, you dont have to make shit up.

>> No.73226090
Quoted by: >>73226303

In my personal opinion, I have no fucking clue.
She could have been stupid, thinking she could stop the ASMR and thought that people would still watch her.
She could be going through burnout, feeling no accomplishment from her streams.

She should have followed Filthy Frank/Joji's path of steadily moving away from the content she was known for. But again, she's young, dumb, and a poorly-educated woman.

>> No.73226303
Quoted by: >>73226425

>she's young, dumb, and a poorly-educated woman.
She’s not dumb nor poorly educated. She has a college degree.

>> No.73226425

Most zoomers and millenials do, at this point
They get caught up in the trap that gets pushed on them and get indebted for a degree they'll never use and get stuck working at wallyworld or starbucks

>> No.73226955

I feel like her best content is the dumb little skits/roleplays she did. Not sure if she’s gonna make it. I do feel bad, but it is what it is. Only thing I can think of what could have driven her to do this is that she felt disgusted with herself for doing the gfe stuff. That she went down a rabbit hole and felt like she needed a way out and it had to be a quick way out, or else she would keep going down deeper and deeper.

>> No.73227057

>to recovery
yeah, to recover her job at starbucks KEK

>> No.73228081

>but she won back her self-respect
Self/respect doesn't pay bills.

>> No.73228296
File: 74 KB, 800x680, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73230434

The worst part is all the discourse from fags that never would have watched her loudly proclaim that her sole problem was gfe and act like it's a universal problem. They're the same obnoxious fucks that can't talk about anime without crying about the fan service in it. They wouldn't have watched her even if she didn't go that route, they would have dropped her long before because she attracted and enabled the UOOOH CUNNY audience from day one. And that crowd IS a legitimate issue, they're the most loud, unsightly and obnoxious, moreso than unicorns. GFE used properly is just a way of appreciating your fans. Appreciation is key here and why it blew up so spectacularly for Yuko; it wasn't just coomers, UOHers or gfe-fags rioting, it was fans of her content in general because she buried all the appreciation streams AND declared a new direction for the channel, it didn't come off like she was done with one specific thing, it came across like a bait-and-switch for all of her content/personality so even general fans were burned, felt unappreciated, and most importantly, they weren't going to get the streams they liked anymore.
Here's some examples of vtubers that do gfe without being a detriment:
>Can perform well both with Game streams and gfe streams (Miori Celesta)
>Can still do creative and niche shit alongside it (Mono Monet)
>Can keep up the idol image whilst having down-to-earth venting (Polka, Kiara)
>Can have a needy dependency that is still wholly platonic (Amiya Aranha, Elia Stellaria)
>Can make irredeemable tubers like Finana briefly likeable as it brings out their appreciative side before she also got groomed out of it and lashed out
>Even idol have perfect examples of how to not fuck it up (Fuyo, Coni).
No new insights here though, Yuko self-sabotaged as hard as Nyanners did back in her /a/ days, but unlike Nyanners she isn't enough of a socialite to get into the right circles to stay relevant. Her best course of action is to apologize, use the new brainworms buzzword to justify herself and grind out streams consistently to rebuild trust. Actual vtuber shit; games, zatsu and creativity, not gay little outdoor vlogs that embody her alienation.
Yuko obviously has seasonal issues and needs to not make any decisions around this time of year. She likes fucking around being a mild degenerate and being cute, it's what she personally consumes too, but like every fucking woman that wants to try new things she shame spirals hard because she thinks those things are sully her and are incompatible with whatever new obsession they stumble upon and see more "ideal" examples of people doing it. I bet one of the big reasons she went back to her PL groomers was for validation since they have accepted her the longest. Chances are she would have gone back to normal if she didn't make a stigma of her own core personality traits but now she probably feels stupid if she backtracks.
Hopefully she has enough determination to get over herself and not dwell on her mistakes because she's funny and has the capacity to embrace the shit that makes vtubers fun.

tl;dr people saying gfe was the problem fail to understand the situation and are giving shit advice at best or being disingenuous at worst. Yuko: Backtrack your announcement and FUCKING STREAM

>> No.73229610

>2 weeks since last stream
So much self-respect she ran away again

>> No.73229621

I feel vindicated. Next logical step would be graduation.

>> No.73229623

A female streamer getting ousted as having a boyfriend is the number one way to kill their 'career.'
"People" who whale for female streamers unironically believe that the girl is saving herself for them and they just need to give enough money for her to fall in love with them.

>> No.73230320

Male collab regulars would be fine, I can't imagine Doki getting shit for it

>> No.73230434

>she went back to her PL groomers
I'm not sure I understand this talking point. Specificall, the "went back to" part. She doesn't seem to know that many people outside of a few internet person circles and she's known her /k/ friends for a while. I highly doubt she dropped them entirely and made her sole human contact be current coworkers and fans, so "went back to" isn't right. More just brought it back into "public" view, if a PL account even counts as public.

>> No.73230437

just graduate already, cunt

>> No.73230573

>didn't cut contact with literal convicted pedos
That's an even bigger problem

>> No.73230764
Quoted by: >>73231119

Yuko if you can read this, listen you can still revert this situation, if shondo can do that, then you can do that too

>> No.73230887

Given how they completely ignored "Yuko" until she reactivated her PL, only started watching her streams after the whole shitstorm in her return, and how one of them posted an image that looked a lot like her PL while angrily ranting about being abandoned, I find that hard to believe.
I don't really give a shit about what else she does though, and all her recent actions make it look like she's done with being Yuko too. Good luck to her I guess.

>> No.73231043
Quoted by: >>73231408

If she kept them close and had constant voices behind the scenes ridiculing her audience and content, then she wouldn't have gone as far as she did with it. Otherwise it completely changes the context of the situation and makes her both a victim and a retard to have kept people close that didn't have her best interests in mind and who were actively careening her away from the happiness and success she was building up in her new career. I find it more likely that her sudden alignment to them coincides with a shame spiral.

>> No.73231119
Quoted by: >>73233089

Specifics on Shondo? I don't watch her but I vaguely recall some drama where she declared she would stop doing shit like kissing in her asmr

>> No.73231408
Quoted by: >>73232102

> I find it more likely that her sudden alignment to them coincides with a shame spiral.
I’m under the belief that she actually had a serious normie boyfriend behind the scenes and broke up with her due to her doing gfe and and equating that with only fans. It would explain why she took long breaks in the winter.

>> No.73232102

Nah, Yuko doesn't seem like the type who can keep up streaming and dating, massive honeymoon syndrome obsession if you get me.

>> No.73232403
Quoted by: >>73233674

Yes, which is why you don't let it blindside your viewers
You're either open about it and take the debuff, or you never let it be known until you fuck up and mention it offhandedly and blow up your unicorn support a year in

>> No.73232613

she's literally that guess who I saw working at Walmart meme. All this chick has to do was pander once a week at most LMAO

>> No.73233089
Quoted by: >>73233281

That never happened? The only drama with shondo right now is that she's a schizo and has to go on hiatus for a while

>> No.73233170
Quoted by: >>73233354

I don't know what idol is going to do with her considering if you total the amount of superchats she has gotten in the past month is less than 300 dollars. She's had 7 streams and there was even one were she got no superchats

>> No.73233281

She definitely hit the catalogue last year for some shit

>> No.73233354

Termination after delivery of the donothon goods. What a waste of a model

>> No.73233604

She took a stand for her morals and we should congratulate her on that.

>> No.73233637

I dont think idol would do something like that i think avi has opperated under the assumption if he gives them fair deals they would work hard. Idol my guess is going to try to keep her for atleast as long she will want to stay or can stay with the company considering shes not likely going to make enough money for it to make sense as they dont want to be known as a bad company.

>> No.73233674

At least she's doing better now

>> No.73233830

I don't think she has morals or did it for morals. anyone who has gotten in a relationship with a groomer cannot be trusted with thier morals as they cannot even be trusted to mentally be sound. Either their father wasn't there or thier father didn't care to be there.

>> No.73234034

no that's not really the issue, it's about realizing that playing into what coomers and unicorns want is a double edged sword, you can get very strong returns but you have to realize that they'll want more and more for that attention and investment and they'll be hyper vigilant to anything you might do to ruin their investment,
if you fuck up, they have plenty of other girls that will provide what they look for on the moment and they will shit on you on the way out

>> No.73234731
Quoted by: >>73234857

lolno she ran way from something she liked doing because some kiddy diddlers laughed at her

>> No.73234857

Nah. Management most definitely bonked her. Kattarina does whatever she wants but even she said last stream she would get in trouble doing her usual content.
This is all because Idol are cracking down after Riro happened and wanna distance themselves from it.

>> No.73234927
Quoted by: >>73235012

>This is all because Idol are cracking down after Riro happened and wanna distance themselves from it.
Riro did nothing wrong though.

>> No.73235012
Quoted by: >>73235094

Yeah, tell that to Idol Management. I am sure they will strongly disagree with that statement.

>> No.73235066
Quoted by: >>73235242

That's just safeguarding against Youtube striking her, at most they told her not to orgasm into the mic. There's zero possibility that management told Yuko to torpedo her content as hard as she did, that was her own volition.

>> No.73235094

How can you trust Idol Management when one of the managers tried to fuck her? lol

>> No.73235139


>> No.73235242

Thats the point. I dont trust them.
Hence why I am sure they are so stupid, they nuked Yuko's content thinking it the right move even if it means she is going down for it.
They are no different from other companies. Trying to save face and reputation after Riro but in the most stupid way they can.
Now Yuko is the one being whipped for it.

No, it wasnt her own violition. Hence why I mentioned Kattarina. She also never had an issue with handjobs and other nsfw content but quit and literally said last stream how she would get in trouble.
Even her moaning in the mic needed an excuse cause she was actually worried about getting into trouble for it.

Face it, this is from management.

>> No.73235388

But Yuko offered to graduate herself. All of them knew there was gonna be backlash, but it was her own decision. They probably didn't expect that no one would donate anymore though

>> No.73235574
Quoted by: >>73240748

Explain Poko, Fuyo and Coni then? They do loveydovey shit all the time. The shit you described from Kattarina literally lines up with what I was saying about not orgasming into the mic. You're fucking paranoid.

>> No.73235576

It's sad, the moment Elira told her fans "we're not friends" I fucked off and stumbled upon Yuko and at the end of her stream she said "You know... I love you all guys, you mean everything to me you know?" The timing of her saying that and the Elira drama seemed a bit convenient and manipulative, but I kept watching and enjoyed every minute but in the end she was just the same.

>> No.73235685

She needs to refill my coffee cup. Maybe I'll toss in an extra $1.

>> No.73235700

or keep him super secret

>> No.73235750
Quoted by: >>73236364

>Self respect
>Drinks piss

>> No.73235983

It's a good thing how even after she quits vtubing, she at least left us with this: all those people coping about how she lost all her fame, her friends, her income and her potential because her groomers convinced her to do it but "hey at least she has her self-respect back!"
Comedy on this level doesn't happen every day.

>> No.73236364
Quoted by: >>73236515

Never happened.

Redemption is always something you should follow.

>> No.73236418
Quoted by: >>73237064

Since it seems to be imploding and the members content is now deleted, what content did she do on the members stream that ended up being deleted? Was mostly curious if she did any handcams on members j ended up putting it off until it was too late

>> No.73236515

>Never happened.
Around the last 10 or 20 minutes.
And it has nothing to do with redemption, or anything she did really. I'm just laughing at how not even you retards can find anything good that came out of her decisions so that's your only cope.

>> No.73237064

i miss her dick sucking onii chan member stream. consuming gfe yuyu's contents was unhealthy, almost like drugs.

>> No.73237073
File: 186 KB, 393x438, boobucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73238103

>Hi, can I get a spiced Fuck-up Grande, gfe-free, one-third lukewarm morals and an extra shot of lost revenue? Oh and a pump of ex-groomer. Wait-make that 2 pumps of groomer with a sprinkle of flakeyness on top. Yes I'll take that to go, I've got an outdoor vlog to do.

>> No.73237157
File: 149 KB, 1074x1064, 37489001204 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might have chance doing music.

>> No.73237497

She chose to be a lying whore instead of sincere one. There was no reason to choose first over second one but she did. Woman brain, I guess.

>> No.73237592

Top 3 lewdest asmr's?
I might as well see what she was good at now shes quitting

>> No.73238103

kek. normally I'd feel bad for someone like her, losing all her fans and having to get a normie job again, but then I think about the way she treated her fans and I realize she can't just be oopsie-woopsie-fucky-wucky cute retarded. every decision she made seemed designed to hurt her biggest supporters as much as possible. there is actual malice there. so there goes any chance of me pitying her.

>> No.73238204
File: 203 KB, 266x495, denpafish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, boobros.

>> No.73238519
Quoted by: >>73238756


>> No.73238756

>Twitch AND talks at normal speaking volume during ASMR with loud music
I shouldn't have looked further

>> No.73238815

What the fuck is wrong with IdolEN girls? Like seriously, don't they do any menhera filtering?
>be Pachi
>randomly decide to change great model into weird heterochromia loli
>get fired after going publicly menhera over money being late

>be Yuko
>have a nice start, but randomly decide to filter off non-deviant audience with piss and other fetish shit
>turns out she hated it from the beginning but wanted short term money from coomers instead of long term growth
>decide to dispose of loyal fans and with ruined reputation there is no chance to get new ones

>be Riro
>do basically irl Needy Streamer Overload shit
I also used to have bad feelings with Roca, but she is being heavily tardwrangled and is more chill than at the beginning

>> No.73239087
File: 12 KB, 222x227, confuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73239227

So I heard she cried in a member stream. Will y'all forgive her? If she does ASMR again, will y'all return?

>> No.73239227

ASMR was never the issue anon. Read the thread. It was the message she sent by supporting her friends that harassed her biggest supporters. She then proceeded to handle said scandal in the worst way possible. She still has her PL private to hide that she’s following them.

>> No.73239298
File: 113 KB, 1170x206, IMG_1693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73240321

She literally owes people donothon goals.

>> No.73239417

I have no clue where this came from. She did likely have a BF as she was playing league with so me guy on a daily basis on her old Rye account. It seems like they may have split up now though.

>> No.73240321
Quoted by: >>73241067

She owes them nothing.

>> No.73240363

She's just working on the next vlog guys. it's gonna be an entire 6 hour long nature documentary

>> No.73240748

I actually bumped up to the Coni ASMR tier because I had no idea what they were like after they fell off the regular membership. I only last a month since it got too weird.

>> No.73241067

According to the CEO she does.

>> No.73241138

i pee on her and she loves it

>> No.73241507

>bad feelings with Roca
QRD? I want to know what I’m getting into

>> No.73241906

do you have the comment/post from her supposed friends?

>> No.73242647
Quoted by: >>73242786

>>be Riro
Riro was framed and didn't deserved to be terminated.

>> No.73242786
Quoted by: >>73242857

Thats the biggest cope I've heard

>> No.73242832
Quoted by: >>73243377

Fuck her. She signed a deal with devil and is paying now.

>> No.73242857

She was literally getting raped by her boss and they fired her to save face.

>> No.73242924

Ah I'm getting trolled. Should've guessed it when you you said riro was getting framed, but now you Made it to obvious

>> No.73243377

don't be anti-semetic

>> No.73243457
Quoted by: >>73243915

the termination notice was worded soo badly tho lmao. its funny to see people thinking shit like >>73242857 happened.
most likely they were just embezzling or misreporting money.

>> No.73243698

That guy went on his anti arc though, even him had enough self-awareness to drop out.

>> No.73243894

>and then comeback crawling and crying
The issue is precisely because she's too prideful to even ask for forgiveness and go back, she would rather return to starbucks than stream.

>> No.73243915

Seethe and cope, Idol is a pitch black Harvey Weinstein company and nothing you say will change that fact.

>> No.73244049


>> No.73244188
Quoted by: >>73245039

iv yet to see anyone post one picture, one leaked dm, none of the talents, past or present, have ever said anything even when drunk or under the influence.
id be more inclined to believe it if there was literally any proof.

>> No.73244642
Quoted by: >>73244816

simping for a used up whore like riro is really embarassing

>> No.73244816
Quoted by: >>73245348

change the way you threadshit WhoreBro, its embarrassing how easy it is to point out your posts.

>> No.73245039
Quoted by: >>73245207

Yep and if Idol told a lie it would be the easiest defamation suit ever.
But cucks Like >>73243915
Rather give an actually whore, who fucked her non ugly simps and manager for Money, more money.

>> No.73245207
Quoted by: >>73245590

yes im sure a immigrant girl, that up until recently lived with her grandmother, could afford the lawyer fees for a drawn out suit. Idol has lawyers on retainer. even if she is in the right it would cost her more than its worth.

>> No.73245348
Quoted by: >>73247481

ur a cuckhold buddy

>> No.73245590

Maybe she should've fucked more people for Cash then. But yeah, If she wins she doenst need to pay anything. Idol need need to Show the evidence. If there is None, she wins by Default. The onus is on Idol told Back Up their Claims, but she knows she did it

>> No.73246289

>bad feelings with Roca
Is this still hold feelings about cyberlive?

>> No.73247210
Quoted by: >>73249506

She drank piss bro
Why do you want a piss drinker

>> No.73247481

Stay the fuck away from underage e-girls please. It’s fucking weird.

>> No.73247524
Quoted by: >>73248578

I'll have a green tea macha frappucino, tall.

>> No.73247611

Between you fags and the veibae simps, I wonder which one is more parasocial.

>> No.73247645


>> No.73247807

>with gfe
809 for 12 hours of work or 67/hr from the comfort of home.
17 for 12 hours of work which is basically doing it for nothing lol.

>> No.73248578
Quoted by: >>73248663

You should send her a SC with that

>> No.73248663
Quoted by: >>73250270

Can't, she hasn't done a non-member's stream in almost 3 weeks. i GUESS SHE REALLY WENT BACK TO STARBUCKS KEK

>> No.73249237
Quoted by: >>73249685

so the succubus is the good one?

>> No.73249506

I want her to drink my piss

>> No.73249685
File: 579 KB, 1957x2998, roca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ungroomable but cute girl who wants to tease her audience but rejects secret mod discords or whatever who wanted to be a cartoonist for disney and designed everything about her model. Yes, roca is good.

>> No.73250270
File: 36 KB, 762x332, Screenshot_20240408-190905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how little income she gets rn, she probably reads every message that comes in
