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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.73228296 [View]
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The worst part is all the discourse from fags that never would have watched her loudly proclaim that her sole problem was gfe and act like it's a universal problem. They're the same obnoxious fucks that can't talk about anime without crying about the fan service in it. They wouldn't have watched her even if she didn't go that route, they would have dropped her long before because she attracted and enabled the UOOOH CUNNY audience from day one. And that crowd IS a legitimate issue, they're the most loud, unsightly and obnoxious, moreso than unicorns. GFE used properly is just a way of appreciating your fans. Appreciation is key here and why it blew up so spectacularly for Yuko; it wasn't just coomers, UOHers or gfe-fags rioting, it was fans of her content in general because she buried all the appreciation streams AND declared a new direction for the channel, it didn't come off like she was done with one specific thing, it came across like a bait-and-switch for all of her content/personality so even general fans were burned, felt unappreciated, and most importantly, they weren't going to get the streams they liked anymore.
Here's some examples of vtubers that do gfe without being a detriment:
>Can perform well both with Game streams and gfe streams (Miori Celesta)
>Can still do creative and niche shit alongside it (Mono Monet)
>Can keep up the idol image whilst having down-to-earth venting (Polka, Kiara)
>Can have a needy dependency that is still wholly platonic (Amiya Aranha, Elia Stellaria)
>Can make irredeemable tubers like Finana briefly likeable as it brings out their appreciative side before she also got groomed out of it and lashed out
>Even idol have perfect examples of how to not fuck it up (Fuyo, Coni).
No new insights here though, Yuko self-sabotaged as hard as Nyanners did back in her /a/ days, but unlike Nyanners she isn't enough of a socialite to get into the right circles to stay relevant. Her best course of action is to apologize, use the new brainworms buzzword to justify herself and grind out streams consistently to rebuild trust. Actual vtuber shit; games, zatsu and creativity, not gay little outdoor vlogs that embody her alienation.
Yuko obviously has seasonal issues and needs to not make any decisions around this time of year. She likes fucking around being a mild degenerate and being cute, it's what she personally consumes too, but like every fucking woman that wants to try new things she shame spirals hard because she thinks those things are sully her and are incompatible with whatever new obsession they stumble upon and see more "ideal" examples of people doing it. I bet one of the big reasons she went back to her PL groomers was for validation since they have accepted her the longest. Chances are she would have gone back to normal if she didn't make a stigma of her own core personality traits but now she probably feels stupid if she backtracks.
Hopefully she has enough determination to get over herself and not dwell on her mistakes because she's funny and has the capacity to embrace the shit that makes vtubers fun.

tl;dr people saying gfe was the problem fail to understand the situation and are giving shit advice at best or being disingenuous at worst. Yuko: Backtrack your announcement and FUCKING STREAM

>> No.47257851 [View]
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>the best of her game series
>consistently cancelled or delayed

>> No.30032294 [View]
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>only one member can't make it to collab stream
>all of them cancel streaming plans
I normally don't give a shit, but it's just hit me wrong today, I was looking forward to something to unwind after a shitty work day. Why does it feel like the default option is always to just drop everything? I don't know, it just feels so fucking typical of EN to give up at the slightest mishap, I said it to myself half-jokingly but they actually have just dropped any plans tonight. At least Kiara is OK.

Oh and it's expo weekend, so absolutely no streams all weekend. Again.
Fuck this.

>> No.28041443 [View]
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Wish she would fuck off. /here/ is too hyperfocused, it's like any /vg/ thread that's gone on too long and has become useless at discussing what it's meant to be celebrating. The usual 4chan absurdist humor is instead just a form of poisonous astroturfing that completely covers anything positive about being in Hololive.
She should focus more on the positive parts of the community. Kiara, Fauna and Ame really highlight the efforts of dedicated fans, whereas it feels like Kronii is still trying to appease a part of her audience that will never express contentment with her.
It's why I got so mad at Mori during the cuckbeat drama because she actually fucking lowered herself to that level of retardation and let it be the priority in her community.

>> No.17968016 [View]
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>Overworked herself in the first year, massive workaholic that streamed, produced and had full time work
>Used to only stream up to 4 hours max for most games, a lot of series started up and stopped
>Quit her full-time, but carried over some retarded standards for streaming
>People kept bringing up unfinished shit like Doom all the time, clearly got in her head
>Got into a bad mindset of "I must finish the game ASAP"
>Burned herself out trying to complete all the new games she starts with 12 hour "finale" streams on the third episode
>Gets stressed in those episodes, the fun of the game taken away for her
>Never broke out of the chore mentality of playing games that she had from her work + production + stream days
>Wanted a very braindead game she can zone out to for hours on end to contrast with the workaholic mentality she's stuck in
People forget just how fucking insane Calli's work ethic was and she carries that stress with her to this day. What doesn't help is that chat can tell she's stressed and not having real fun with the game when she goes on for too long, but her contrarian mindset sees that as concernfagging and has taken in any criticism that wasn't conjured by her for months.

Calli isn't going to fix her issues by running away to a different channel or by trying to kill two birds with one stone with Jump King in a meagre effort to run away from her self-imposed grind.

She'd be doing herself and the audience a favor by not making long-ass streaming sessions that people can only possibly stick around for half the streamtime.
Even if that's "how she wants to play it," it's gay and if Calli has the same standards she used to have then she wouldn't be against trying a different approach to improve the quality of her work.
Faggots need to realize that nothing will change even if Calli moves on from Jump King, not without fundamentally changing how she approaches streaming. She'll just try and find another braindead outlet to focus on for months.

t. "I can fix her" guy

>> No.14800879 [View]
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People should duck out until Sana's back to a consistent stream schedule again if they're just in it the content. I like her and Baelz member streams the most in council, they're the only ones who chill out and have a different vibe, everyone else makes it feel like it's just another stream.

All of council are pretty bad with their memberships though. They don't use their community posts for anything except for stream-related questions, their watchalongs are all anime series which is harder to get going than movies (and series are shit because of the time gap between continuations) and none of them have a definitive content "draw" to them, whereas Gura and Irys have their Karaoke, Ina's art, Kiara's real talk and Calli's behind the scenes production stuff.

Ame back in summer was the gold standard for membership, gave out random updates, thoughts, images and shared fun things. She's stopped that now though, only Ina does that sort of thing anymore, feels bad.

>> No.14178713 [View]
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Apex alienated me hard. It's not exclusive to Ollie though, Apex is the worst fucking stream game, most of it is spent in the lobby, the actual games last 30 seconds, there's barely any chat engagement, most of the lobby time is spent lamenting the 30 seconds of play. If it's a collab then so much of it winds up being dead air because they're too focused on winning.
It ruined her other content too. She doesn't play anything more than short indie wonders and I get the impression the reason she won't commit to something bigger is because it would detract from Apex. Any time she does start a new series though there's an average of a month between episodes for it. I just feel completely out of the loop as a result, I don't know what her jokes are, what she's been doing in her own time, why she's obsessed with Chess and Maths now, why her manner of talking has become so gentle lately. If she does something that isn't Apex I have so little motivation to watch her because it's just been too long.

The thing is I fucking love Ollie. She's hilarious, her timing is on point, her unapologetic networking makes her one of the most interesting members of the vtuber community as a whole and on top of all that she's a sweetheart. Easily one of the best vtubers,
But I can't stand Lobby Legends and she's left the people who don't care about it behind.

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