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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72557945 No.72557945 [Reply] [Original]

Greencard-Fu Experience edition

Previous thread: >>72534175

This thread is dedicated to those chuubas that give all the lonely single men a reason to keep on going. Their dedication to GFE can vary wildly
>Hours of Just Chatting
>Date RP streams
>Marriage ASMR RP
Even a simple "I love you" can suffice.

No flirting with other dudes onstream
List of GFE chuubas: (WIP) https://pastebin.com/uVvUcSp2

>> No.72558162


Man, Fushi always talks about the weirdest stuff when she starts going off

>> No.72558211

Ok now I see, this is actually an anti thread. No way you use Meloco as the OP when she was flirting with Luca on stream, I think they even offcollabed.

>> No.72558445
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Eat shit, faggot

>> No.72558590

Did I stutter? None of what I said was false.

>> No.72559160

I really want a Meloco girlfriend

>> No.72559316

sorry about the retardation anon. glad you figured it out though.

>> No.72559423
File: 1.24 MB, 1173x1174, 1453232342323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72559827

My name is Ryan, and I'm in love with a vtuber.

>> No.72559827
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Quoted by: >>72560042


>> No.72560042

Not you, the vtuber I love loves me back.

>> No.72562166
File: 61 KB, 1072x561, GAU4838239eu239.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you consider her a pickme?

>> No.72563294
Quoted by: >>72564846


>> No.72564846

Best design in all of Vtubing

>> No.72566150
Quoted by: >>72580784

I don't even watch her but I agree

>> No.72568117


>> No.72572880


>> No.72573039

Man this thread really slows down without the schizos screaming "cuck" at the top of their lungs nonstop

>> No.72574151

even the especially retarded have caught onto what this general actually is

>> No.72574174

What happened to them anyway? I doubt they got banned for something so minor

>> No.72574783

Probably got bored

>> No.72575929

They were screaming cuck in the mirror, literally

>> No.72576205

The guy screaming cuck is a know Kiara doxxing anti from the Philippines

>> No.72577022
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i don't get his fixation with Miori, she was the girl he was screaming cuck cuck cuck for hours and hours

>> No.72577101
Quoted by: >>72577470

i like melo too, but damn, i wish she didn't get shipped with Hex of all people.

>> No.72577273

Schizos from south east asia don't need motives to return to monkey in the worst possible way.

>> No.72577470
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I'm not normally a vindictive person, but I genuinely hope that Hex dies in a car accident after months being strung on life support until his family pulls the plug. Between the teen grooming, the hypocrisy when it comes to "edgy jokes" against Zaion, and the whole bit with his fans cutting themselves and him liking the pictures, he seems like the worst kind of human being in pretty much every way. The Angra Mainyu of Vtubers, and I mean the real one, not the dindu nuffin Fate version.

>> No.72577623

Go outside.

>> No.72577684

Niji males are honestly for the most legit shit people.
Some of them are alright but compared to TEMPUS or StarsJP guys who are all harmless as fuck to actually nice guys Niji just has a lot of shitheads

>> No.72577811
Quoted by: >>72580648

>Uses one of Luca's onaholes as the OP.

>> No.72577863

>the whole bit with his fans cutting themselves and him liking the pictures
When was this again

>> No.72577935
Quoted by: >>72580267

mio both has extremely low self-esteem and is extremely bad at hiding her feelings. he's fixated on harassing mio because it gives him the same euphoric feeling that slowly cutting the legs off a crippled puppy does. some people are just wired wrong.
>he seems like the worst kind of human being in pretty much every way.
i don't really give a shit about nijishit but you know the flipnig we're talking about has also been doxxing kiara AGAIN recently, right? even if whatever the catalog says about hex is true i'd still take a hundred of him before another one of these anthropomorphized bedbugs.

>> No.72580267

He doxxed Miori showing it to her under her own twitter while spamming cuck itt

>> No.72580648
File: 247 KB, 513x661, 23031006310938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72580679

>Only knows Luca because of drama threads
Fuck off cataloge fag

>> No.72580679
Quoted by: >>72580905

maybe he should not involve himself in a shitton of drama to make himself know because of it nigger

>> No.72580784

Too tall.

>> No.72580850

any very small gfe chuubas (talking 3 inches or less) ((like 100 ccv or less))

>> No.72580905
File: 1.78 MB, 1433x2048, 1710177411452853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving you're a dumb catalog fag who has no opinions of his own and just follows whatever is trendy at the time.
