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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.09 MB, 673x1025, cute loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68980307 No.68980307 [Reply] [Original]

loli Layla is real edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>68941691

>> No.68980516
Quoted by: >>68981024

My objective is to gather a ton of following and killing myself while on live streaming in front of everyone.

>> No.68980640

sex with children

>> No.68980661
File: 214 KB, 640x480, porquenolosdos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68981005

>1. Why not merge with /wvt/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with /lig/?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Corpos?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the [...]'s numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The crabs are insulting your oshi!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard about [...]!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, tainted.

>> No.68980913

>cr*ne astroturfing again

>> No.68981005
Quoted by: >>68981276

Anyways he folded and made this edit forcefully inserting himself into the image after receiving a lot of blowback for erasing Beryl. And no he was not sorry since 'I don't know who he is so why does it matter'.

>> No.68981024
Quoted by: >>68981123

Same. I will either find a girlfriend through this(no) or I will kill myself live with my shotgun. The juxtaposition of my splattered brains next to my cute anime man avatar makes me laugh

>> No.68981123

Hot. Post stream link here when you are going to do it, please.

>> No.68981276

Crane is a thread staple and actually supports /here/tubers and makes his presence known. Beryl is a literal who and I have never once seen him support another /asp/ie.

>> No.68981408
File: 15 KB, 579x536, Crane Simple As.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Ate crabs
Luv chubas
Simple as

>> No.68981454
Quoted by: >>68981861

Yeah but why you lyin

>> No.68981600

stop crabbing Beryl, Crane

>> No.68981658

im gonna have to skip today's stream. i messed up my set up after going from handcam to gaming and back. i should've checked it beforehand. gotta beef the scuff early on! i'll have it all ready for tomorrow's build a date stream orz

>> No.68981715


>> No.68981851
File: 99 KB, 500x555, Pleasure none.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68983837

ngl I feel the pain of the skeb text saying flat loli and the artist still CHOSE TO GIVE HER FUCKING BOOBS

>> No.68981861

Just calling it how I see it. Crane is actually supportive, he's ALWAYS in chats and raiding people from here.

>> No.68981889

Thought I'd finally gotten my computer to stop restarting during streams
Wish I knew what was causing it but I've tried absolutely everything

>> No.68982110

KH1 or Signalis for tonight?

>> No.68982133
File: 368 KB, 768x768, Untitled411_20240122195549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69018472

I miss iriya

>> No.68982161


>> No.68982252

>the 2nd most watched male /asp/ie is a literal who
>never seen him support another aspie
You must not be supporting aspies either because I've seen him in chats before

>> No.68982294
File: 14 KB, 734x306, IMG_8019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry ill continue doing it

>> No.68982315
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707530364300855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68982432

We need more girls in glasses

>> No.68982317

When you walk away, you don't hear me say, pleeeeeeeease, oh baby, don't go.

>> No.68982432

4 not cute girls and a man
stop posting this

>> No.68982458
Quoted by: >>68983103

2 of them collabed with him last week

>> No.68982532

Gay sex with Beryl.

>> No.68982614

You think?

>> No.68982758
Quoted by: >>68983103

Why would you post this in a place that's full of people he has raided, collabed with, and socialized with? Not only are you demonstrably wrong, everyone that reads your post has a personal experience that disproves your claim.. What was the point of it?

>> No.68982785

It will not be gay no matter how many loads I put inside him

>> No.68982950

>be me
>have bpd
>have a unique chuuba design
>make most of the 3d model and assets needed
>bdp swing
>feel the need to change the theme
>feel the need to trash everything
>none of the assets i have made before will be useful for my new theme
I will finish my model but now I don't know if I really want to use it. I guess it might be useful for a VRChat project but who knows

>> No.68983046

Lesbian Beryl

>> No.68983103

Why isn't he here actively supporting newer aspies? It sounds like he's just trying to grab clout with basic collabs at best.

>> No.68983325

name chuby

>> No.68983332
Quoted by: >>68983789

I want to start streaming and become a vtuber but I dont want to be friends with any of them. Do you think it'll work out?

>> No.68983337

Gamedude chuuba when?

>> No.68983389

Crane, why don't you make a noose with that rope and hang yourself?

>> No.68983388

>Came here as a new aspie
>Supported and in turn became friends with older aspies
>They became my audience yay but they scare viewers away
>Want to support aspies and comfort viewers

>> No.68983448
File: 266 KB, 1111x619, workout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White digby

>> No.68983654


>> No.68983723


>> No.68983776

Beryl never is the first to offer to collab, most people ask him for collabs instead. He doesn’t host anything and focuses on his own content which you should do instead of crabbing here

>> No.68983789


>> No.68983837
File: 3 KB, 498x80, booba size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68984232

My artist has in the tos that all women will have gifted booba

>> No.68984076
Quoted by: >>68984558

I didn't give my model fat tits for nothing damn you >(

>> No.68984078
Quoted by: >>68986192


>> No.68984140
File: 470 KB, 2560x1440, sven coop 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back to get wrecked by physics puzzles, jumping sections, and some wild human NPC AI that's sometimes borderline unfair.
Yep, that's right, it's Co-Op Half-Life 1 Campaign through Sven Co-Op with Bunkumm. May the devs have mercy on our souls.

Choose your pro gamer POV here:

>> No.68984144

He’s a leech

>> No.68984190
File: 23 KB, 225x225, 1593104808238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69026178

sure anons! came say hi I'll play some video games


>> No.68984232

Well okay, no harm done then. Just something I have experienced before, so it rubbed me the wrong way.

>> No.68984242


>> No.68984558

It was based on personality and not the model

>> No.68984640

Is stoner a fun characteristic to have?
is it safe to assume most are potheads so it could be relatable lore, idk any weedtuber

>> No.68984807
Quoted by: >>68985547


>> No.68984895

Use a good amount of discretion because you will be riding the line between funny and annoying going down this road.

>> No.68985516

You're REALLY bad at this

>> No.68985547

more vtubers and viewers need to smoke weed. like this loser for example

>> No.68985795

want to do valentines stuff this year but being called "daddy" makes me cringe

>> No.68985856

Drugs are not a replacement for a personality.
Go fry your brain some more and induce brain death on yourself.

>> No.68985888


>> No.68985940

i think calling someone daddy is cringe, i prefer master or owner, desu

>> No.68985984

>induce brain death
lol dumb square bitch

>> No.68986036

I did so many psychedelics in highschool and fried my brain
im proud of myself for streaming and passing it off as being shy and quirky

>> No.68986047

sad, i love calling people daddy or master

>> No.68986156
Quoted by: >>68986373

Do valentines stuff by outright forbid incest RP, problem solved.
Being called daddy is weird, don't nomralise that shit.
Just stick to honey, darling and other petnames that make people blush.

>> No.68986192
File: 28 KB, 183x192, 213miukyun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68987508


>> No.68986206

I can already tell from your responses that you don't have much of a personality yourself anyway, so desu being a stoner would be an improvement. people like stoners more than angry losers who cry about shit on 4chan all day so maybe u will make some friends too. it's worth thinking about is all I'm saying

>> No.68986208

Why would doing Valentine's day stuff require it? Same, though.

>> No.68986373
Quoted by: >>68986551

>forbid incest RP

Play the Coffin of Andy and Leyley for Valentine's day instead. Good romantic game.

>> No.68986402
Quoted by: >>68986812

newfag detected

>> No.68986410
File: 2.85 MB, 1536x2048, RurRawr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68986502
Quoted by: >>68986812


>> No.68986551
Quoted by: >>68986767

You're cringe, daddy RP is faggy and only homos want that!

>> No.68986580

I smoke from time to time and I've never met anyone who calls themselves or uses "stoner" unironically who wasn't an annoying retard

>> No.68986622


>> No.68986675
Quoted by: >>68987170

I want to suck hanabi's dick what do I do to get into DMs

>> No.68986727

Less of a Vtuber thing and more of a gaming thing, for general PC gaming should I pick up an Xbox controller or a Dualshock? I'm stuck streaming PC games for the foreseeable future and I'm sick of using the keyboard for everything.

>> No.68986760
Quoted by: >>68987022

gyaru Haru

>> No.68986767

nothing wrong with being an homo but i am more fan of brother x sister incest anyway

>> No.68986812


>> No.68986814

You can stop pretending to be cool and hip Shania.

>> No.68986848
Quoted by: >>68987278

I'm wondering since you post last thread. Your oshi is a guy, right? Why do you draw the girls more?

>> No.68986896

PS requires some kind of input wrapper on PC iirc, Xbox is plug and play but you can make either work fine.
Ergonomic preference is more important.

>> No.68986929
Quoted by: >>68987106

Depends on the one you prefer. I personally use a PS4 controller because I used to play a lot on Playstation when I was younger and never had an Xbox so I don't want a non Dualshock controller.

Just keep in mind older than PS4 controller they have trouble with support in PC. Get a PS4/PS5 controller if you want one for PC.

I think PS5 controller is better in general because of the new Dualsense shit something they added that only SOME games support, tho

>> No.68986950
Quoted by: >>68987106

Almost every single game that you can play on a PC will default to XBox control schemes unless it is specifcally a prot of a PlayStation game.
I would suggest keeping an XBox pad as a priority or becoming familiar with gamepad emulation.

>> No.68987022
Quoted by: >>68987092

I can't begin to imagine what that would look like.

>> No.68987067
Quoted by: >>68987510

Careful the smaller biped is ready to cut a fucker.

>> No.68987092

the blonde tan one.

>> No.68987106

Thanks anons, much appreciated.

>> No.68987105

>PS requires some kind of input wrapper on PC iirc
This only happens on old non Steam games or if you have a PS3 or older controller. Steam accepts natively the PS4 controller now.

>> No.68987127

Calling girls mommy is also cringe.

>> No.68987170

literally just DM him retard

>> No.68987213

>pc gamer
>prefers controller

>> No.68987278

I'm not married to my oshi(or anyone for that matter), I just like Rura as a person she always has been supportive of me encouraging me to draw and post more, and I think her design is actually really good except her bony tail so I enjoy drawing her, something similar happens to cheen who I respect and like a lot and who has a design I love so I draw the rat a lot.

>> No.68987294

You try playing shit like Hi-Fi Rush with PC controls!

>> No.68987348

if he has a sexy accent its hot

>> No.68987389
File: 539 KB, 2560x1440, CP77_Phantom_Liberty_KV_16x9_RGB_4K_01_EN-scaled-305956646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Operator is playing more Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty.


>> No.68987437

>I'm not married to my oshi
Have you asked him out for Valentine's day?

>> No.68987452
Quoted by: >>68994592

I agree, all incest RP is cringe and should not be normalised.

>> No.68987510
Quoted by: >>68987625

Iriya has been a bro to me in every time we interacted, I'm also one of the people who egged him to draw and post stuff so I hope he draws Rura sometimes.

>> No.68987508

SO CUTE!! :"3v xy4

>> No.68987610

Try playing CoD without a controller, lmao.
And don't say "play on console", online isn't free.

I am not paying to play online too.

>> No.68987614
Quoted by: >>68988496

I ask as another male vtuber, it's hard compared to being one of the girls plus I'd do anything for my oshi. I wasn't trying to attack you.

>> No.68987625
Quoted by: >>68988496

Not nocking it, if you think I was.
Just saying that the smaller one looks like he is gonna cut a dude.
I enjoy seeing art posted, drawing is fun.

>> No.68987690

It's not 2007 anymore. PC has lots of games designed for controllers, both native and ports, and the best way to play many classic console games is by emulation. Platformers in particular are awful with arrow keys or WASD.

>> No.68987992
File: 7 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68988166

>Scroll through front page
>See what the average /vt/er types
>Absolute virgin coomer nonsense

I need to do something to get to the next tier already. I'm so sick of this.

>> No.68988166

You can't escape how the average vtuber fan thinks and acts. Those are your fans.

>> No.68988427

this is so cute!! thanku, love how im towering over all the dinos very menacing.

>> No.68988462


>> No.68988496

No no, I understand what you meant and I wouldn't take it as an attack, I draw Haru and other males a lot its just that it doesn't get posted because I didn't like the results.
Ah no I'm retarded, since people make fun of Iriya a lot for cutting himself I immediately jumped to the thought that your post referred to him and the "bipedal" part was making me question if I was not getting a joke or something like that.
I'm an idiot don't take me seriously.
And yes I wanted to give the little carnotaurus toy a little bit of gremlin energy.

>> No.68988583
Quoted by: >>69008456


>> No.68988717
Quoted by: >>69008456

Want to do Valorant collab with me? (I am in the lowest rank with less than 30% win rate).

>> No.68988716
Quoted by: >>69008456

can I get a free carry? ty

>> No.68988730

Is the new streaming standard now 6 hours a day or something? If so, are 2 of those hours solely dedicated to zatsu? Is the more zatsu you do actually better?

>> No.68988774

>Ah no I'm retarded, since people make fun of Iriya a lot for cutting himself I immediately jumped to the thought that your post referred to him
I did not know this or I would not have made a tasteless joke, my genuine apologies.

>> No.68988810

incel coded post

>> No.68988881
Quoted by: >>68989447

Consider the opening Zatsu to be the "invitation" stage.
What views you get in the Zatsu will probably be around for the whole stream.

>> No.68988928
File: 13 KB, 277x231, 20240214_002222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i was like the only active chatter in this small vtubers stream and they said they were going afk for a min then coming back for another game, but they just ended stream. i get im just one person, but it sucks seeing a vtuber you enjoy watching slowly give up.

>> No.68989006

I don't even have enough time on my days off to stream more then 2 or 3 hours. On work days its even less how do you have enough time to go for 6

>> No.68989070

I'm a male /asp/ie on the verge of giving up too, don't forget how important your support is even if it's still too depressing for them.

>> No.68989163
File: 631 KB, 2367x2771, vheeba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its reloadin' time!


>> No.68989391
File: 368 KB, 2048x1920, 20240214_003256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68989447
Quoted by: >>68989783

Shut the fuck up rebel your advice is always ass

>> No.68989455


>> No.68989505

You don't know who I am, you can't say that.

>> No.68989724
File: 156 KB, 1080x760, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you leave again and come back again
At this point just debut
Here's a concept

>> No.68989783

Who is Rebel.
I am sharing only observations.

>> No.68989808

Stoners should kill themselves
It's not like they have dopamine receptors left to enjoy anything genuinely anyways and at that point there's no use in living

>> No.68989927
Quoted by: >>68990088

Pictured here we see cute neko vita and random guy

>> No.68990045

Depends on the style of the stream. Some streamers are naturally chatty and if they don't just chat for 2 hours before starting whatever else they planned to do that night they'll inevitably stop doing that thing and tangent for two hours anyway so its fine to get that out of the way up front. Some don't have that inclination or don't have that much time to stream that gives them the luxury so they just barrel straight into the main event.

>> No.68990088
Quoted by: >>68990230

Nigga vita is the one drinking in this

>> No.68990212
File: 91 KB, 447x447, 1700796706777364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68990230

vita is a nyagger, anon

>> No.68990316
File: 562 KB, 1668x3246, gfbnjgfdjnfgdjn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69012792

Finally back to stream, time to deal with barbarians in CK3

>> No.68990757
Quoted by: >>68994163

I did leave for a few days but that was mostly from shame rather than what I posted, every time I post something full stupid like that it's because I'm drunk and when I drunk I can't stay quiet even though the stuff I said was the truth of how I felt.
Also I'm too shy to even talk over the internet.

>> No.68990846

Keep it up!

>> No.68991152
File: 397 KB, 723x682, wao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68991162

I hate having a job I hate having a job I hate having a job I hate having a job

i just want to stream!!!!!

i want to fly planes!!!

>> No.68991182
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68991505

Which /asp/ie would you be most likely to buy merch of and what merch would you like to see?

>> No.68991884

putting pukki in a jar

>> No.68991894

Ria WinAmp skin

>> No.68992031

Brickman model kit w/ Heat Hawk

>> No.68992253
Quoted by: >>69020665

Digby beanbag

>> No.68992807

Beryl daki/sleepmask

>> No.68992923
File: 93 KB, 500x500, kuro1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68993458

Tekken 8 coaching stream.
Drop in with questions on how Tekken works

>> No.68992999

Pukki acrylic stand

>> No.68993125

Haru's coat

>> No.68993458
Quoted by: >>69029102

Question for the streamer, Tekken 8 vs Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection?

>> No.68993815
Quoted by: >>68995546

Anyone know of a person or company that will make a custom fumo for you

>> No.68994163

no worries, hope you feel better soon man glad to see you in streams

>> No.68994210

I'm live playing more smb wonder if you wanna come hang :)


>> No.68994592
Quoted by: >>68995564

What I hate is that it's been normalized as the default term for all dominant women. Let me use something more neutral.

>> No.68994702
File: 216 KB, 491x476, not actually for sale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for stopping by.

>> No.68995546
Quoted by: >>68996047

You can find them all over and they're insanely expensive per piece.

>> No.68995564
Quoted by: >>68998138

>something more neutral.

>> No.68995972

Man, i honestly want to collab with beryl one day. Seems like a fun dude.

>> No.68996047
Quoted by: >>68996097

I can't find any

>> No.68996097
Quoted by: >>68996933

You're not looking very hard.

>> No.68996488
File: 1 KB, 128x128, doinkdoink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68996819
File: 3.01 MB, 720x406, clip1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you like to hear from male asmr stream?

>> No.68996933
File: 486 KB, 854x480, 1704043449324157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68997612


>> No.68997035

Pooping in a public toilet

>> No.68997073
Quoted by: >>68997495

if it's from you, please sperg about things that you like, as long as you can alter from left to right from time to time, i will be more than happy with whatever you choose <:3

>> No.68997087
Quoted by: >>69008447

A male looking like this?
Say he is a faggot and wants to be humiliated and have his anus completely destroyed by his daddy's cock

>> No.68997367

gay men and women like dom rp stuff, if i were you i'd try to do "normal asmr" which is stuff like

>> No.68997495

Calm down with the glazing, slushy

>> No.68997612
Quoted by: >>69018462

Make one of these with your vr model Crane

>> No.68997715

Dear guys,
Words cannot express how much I hate you guys. As we fight our way northward into the great unknown, only that one thing remains certain: that I hate you guys with every tired muscle in my confederate body. We have taken Topeka, and now I must rally the men onward to Missouri, because I will not stop until we have won it all, and you guys are my slaves, because I hate you guys.
I hate you guys so very, very much.
General Cartman Lee

>> No.68997806
File: 320 KB, 1200x1200, 1680231045352685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scarfing down my dinner so I can continue to stream

>> No.68998138

Mistress is okay. I've taken a liking to just Miss, too. But my point is that it's a personal preference to discuss together, not assumed.

>> No.68998589
Quoted by: >>68998765

If a model has nude base is the cost of getting additional outfit lower than the original model? Just trying to see what the benefit is so I know if paying the extra fee for the nude base is worth it or not

>> No.68998765

No, they’ll milk you for all you’re worth. Just makes getting outfits easier

>> No.68998918
File: 30 KB, 320x320, 1469304373575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wondered why I kept getting so many south americans
>notice I had my streams tagged vtuberES and not vtuberEN

>> No.68998938
File: 148 KB, 268x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no mic genshin

>> No.68999079
Quoted by: >>68999738

>no mic
Nigga, then why even stream?

>> No.68999726
File: 1.35 MB, 1343x752, brave_2024-02-14_03-21-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68999829

Thank you to everyone who stopped by! Things didn't quite go as planned, but we made alot of progress nonetheless!
Having too much fun with the game, so hopefully I can stop rambling as much before the shooting-

>> No.68999738

>He can't read or hear the messages in the encoder artifacts.

>> No.68999829
Quoted by: >>69000123

it was fun. if you ever have some more warhammer question, ill answer them for ya if need some help.

- mexicron guy

>> No.69000123

It's likely I'll take another plunge into it, so look forward to then! Honestly I really want to do a painting stream or the like, but the buy-in price is just kind of high so trying to resist until I upgrade my PC-

>> No.69002430

when are the asp yuri lovers gonna commission the Old Woman Yuri artist to draw their ships????? https://skeb.jp/@schwinn_draw

>> No.69003725

I managed to cram some art in around doing other things. I'm happy!!

>> No.69004174
Quoted by: >>69005740

>Playing game
>It's fun doing decent #s during it
>One guy shows up consistently across morning and evening streams
>Gives advice and overall chill
>Hasn't followed despite being there multiple times
C'mon man

>> No.69004258

i did so much last minute work for my next stream i sure hope everyone likes it uuuuu

>> No.69005253

Cheen, if lava heard that she'd kill you

>> No.69005557

Too bad she was busy

>> No.69005609

I'm behind on followers for a fucking no mic streamer it's fucking over

>> No.69005740
Quoted by: >>69005968

Now now don't scare him off. Viewers are fickle and can smell the desperation of chuubas and will flee upon being noticed so they don't get added to your regulars list

>> No.69005968
Quoted by: >>69007022

It's like the 5th time he showed up in chat for the game and he stayed even when I was straight up fucking around at the end of stream and EVERY TIME I end stream I do a "hey guys don't forget to follow" like God damn

>> No.69006547
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-02-13-18h50m44s511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now with Metal Gear Solid! I think we're pretty close to the end, so lets see if we can get there in about 2 hours!

>> No.69007022
Quoted by: >>69007416

you have a viewer and you get angry about it.

>> No.69007025
File: 865 KB, 1024x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69017408

Looking forward to getting back into VR. It's been too long.

>> No.69007034
File: 9 KB, 70x70, 87afa615-374a-4fca-9b0c-ee11340f3525-profile_image-70x70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69031937

Camui is playing Ultrakill and Crash Bandicoot

>> No.69007055

I use https://skeb.jp/@morisoba1213 for yuri art

>> No.69007234

wassup asp, any new dead hour streamers around? haven't been here in a bit

>> No.69007319

my waifu, but i wont share their info to you :3c

>> No.69007333
File: 48 KB, 240x277, 1707841496821106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some kisses goodnight from cute boys

>> No.69007416
Quoted by: >>69007542

I need more

I need to escape the wage cage

>> No.69007432

I will not provide any more goodnight kisses unless I know the voice of the one who asks for them.

>> No.69007480

At least wait for it to be Valentine's Day in my time zone

>> No.69007531

Nice trips. Goodnight, anon

>> No.69007542
Quoted by: >>69008337

You will not get them if you complain every time somebody is testing the waters with their new could-be-oshi!!!

>> No.69007578
Quoted by: >>69007975

What time do you consider dead (In EST)

>> No.69007674


>> No.69007975

early mornings so around the time beryl usually streams (and some hours beyond). i follow about ~60 aspies but it's always dead during that time.

>> No.69008167

I hate Cheen's chat so much.

>> No.69008188

Very cute, I'm glad to see you around, and that you're still getting by and even doing your drawing reps. If you ever need to talk, I'm always around if you need help :)

>> No.69008337
Quoted by: >>69008632

I don't complain every time you don't know me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.69008447

cabu saying this would be kino

>> No.69008456

I only play Swiftplays

>> No.69008632
Quoted by: >>69009397

Yet here you are, complaining that you dont have enough followers, complaining that someone is watching you, complaining that someone doesn't know you. I don't know anon, take your meds...

>> No.69008647
Quoted by: >>69008764

Now kiss me back.

>> No.69008764


>> No.69009397

Who are you

>> No.69009520


>> No.69009710
Quoted by: >>69010032

i never listened to the vocaroos for this ritualpost but now that i have i understand the appeal. i too want goodnight kisses from cute boys

>> No.69009753

he sounded so pissed off about it kek
she really was using him for art, who would've thought

>> No.69009835

That's just how the women from here are.

>> No.69010032


>> No.69010140

reverse vox akuma

>> No.69010555
File: 45 KB, 777x777, 102331806_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69010774
Quoted by: >>69011008

Timestamp it

>> No.69010793

(ง •̀_•́)ง

>> No.69010892

Who the fuck are you

>> No.69011008
Quoted by: >>69012075

It was near the end, bro is having another menhera episode

>> No.69012075


>> No.69012792
File: 3.51 MB, 2560x1440, CK3Feb14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69018929

Thanks for coming!
The save is broken but at least I conquered Rome and Constantinople before that so a happy ending I guess...?

>> No.69014521

Kek, it was the same time that uwu was streaming or ending stream, she was active in his chat
She literally just keeps cheens stream muted for art holy shit I feel terrible for him

>> No.69015452
Quoted by: >>69015590

This is the most underwhelming thing ever. He sounded maybe a tiny tiny bit disappointed at best.

>> No.69015590

Just ignore it. It's drama mongering.

>> No.69015830
File: 3.12 MB, 1920x1080, happyvalentinesday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69027786

>> No.69016010

"drama mongering" is giving it too much credit when it's regular-old shitposting.

>> No.69016613

It sounded like he was barely able to restrain himself from making a scene

>> No.69016817
Quoted by: >>69017539

I really need to try and find a "stream buddy" I think it's the only way I am going to be able to talk regularly. Only problem is finding someone...

>> No.69017408
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, VRChat_2024-02-14_00-13-23.480_1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VRChat is the shit, 100%.

>> No.69017539
Quoted by: >>69017867

Name yourself.

>> No.69017867
Quoted by: >>69017950

Take a guess.

>> No.69017950

I don't know, that's why I'm asking. If you're on a similar wavelength we can chat and get to know each other.

>> No.69018104

If you go slightly back in the vod you can literally hear when he realises she's in uwu's chat and stops drawing her
He's even more retarded than I originally thought

>> No.69018462
File: 855 KB, 1920x1080, VRChat_2024-02-14_00-21-33.071_1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need FBT but if I can find an MMD song that has this motion in it I can try.

>> No.69018472

I miss you too. I'm staying away from here and most streams for a while, especially after the Lava puke stuff. I feel really bad over it because it was behaviour (taking advantage of a drunk person) I find revolting and I'm distraught over how I convinced myself what I did was okay. I don't know why I decided to click on this thread. I'm in the process of getting medicated. I haven't given up. I'm just mentally unwell and it's getting substantially worse to the point I start randomly crying throughout the day. I want to focus mostly on ASMR because I can't keep getting drunk every time I need to stream just so I don't have a panic attack. I nearly doxxed myself once because of it but I caught myself at the last second. I like playing games with everyone though and I would love to do live ASMR. So I need to sort my anxiety out first. I'm hoping this new round of medications will help out but it's going to be a long road. I'm sorry if I have disappointed you, I don't ever mean to. I love all of you very much and I consider some people here as genuine friends which is something new for me.

Happy Valentine's Day.

>> No.69018594

Tails are a bit silly innit

>> No.69018893
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, VRChat_2024-02-14_00-22-14.450_1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, I know we haven't meet or talked or anything like that, but I wish you well. I hope you find something that works for you. I've haven't been able to afford my medication since about November last year and it's been really fucking with my mood in a similar way. Ganbatte Iriya.

>> No.69018929
File: 223 KB, 1911x979, GGRjpxxaMAAzNno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69019098

And I think this is the turning point of my self, the game can't handle Olga is ded

>> No.69019098

*my CK3 save

>> No.69019152
File: 25 KB, 199x175, sipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69023147

Happy Valentine's Day /asp/, for my stream I'll be playing games while answering any Valentine's Day questions and reacting to any stories, comments, vents, rants, plans, experiences you want to anonymously share on Marshmallow; https://marshmallow-qa.com/blneob9gfweypli .
I miss you Iriya, you are always a pleasure to be around with. You're not alone, I am also going to try to get medicated as well this week, I hope we can reach a level of mental health that doesn't disrupt our lives anymore. I would love to play games with you too! if you don't mind me being really bad qq

>> No.69020665
File: 177 KB, 1920x1920, digbyfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69020694
Quoted by: >>69020916

Fake unless it's posted with the chocola

>> No.69020748
Quoted by: >>69022233

I'm not happy and this scene here isn't keeping the loneliness away anymore. I want to just disappear from the world. Please don't say anything if you notice I'm gone. I feel incompatible with living itself. I feel disgusted by life. Nothing will make me happy. I'm just going to keep being a shadow on this Earth until something really bad happens.

>> No.69020910
Quoted by: >>69021322

happy valentines day, anons! remember to love yourself, I care about you!

>> No.69020916
File: 26 KB, 460x460, Chocola 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69021322
Quoted by: >>69021867

>t. someone that has a Valentines date

>> No.69021867
File: 11 KB, 112x112, peepoWater(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I am also sad and alone, but it makes happy when I get to see you guys happy

>> No.69022051
Quoted by: >>69022704

thank you so much
I hope you saw
i love you

>> No.69022233

Cheers to escapism!
I hope tomorrow is good for you anon

>> No.69022346
File: 161 KB, 997x1014, IMG_4089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women so much it’s unreal.

>> No.69022655

say that while you finish balls deep in my cunt, mmk?

>> No.69022704

I love you more than you realise.

>> No.69022711
Quoted by: >>69023120

once you are a whore, you are nothing mo

>> No.69022933

have you considered maybe someone in your mental state shouldnt be streaming?
The stage lights have broken stronger men.
If I were you I would just delete and stay away from vtubers for good for the sake of mental health, or at least away from 4chan

>> No.69023120

I'm sorry, that'll never change

>> No.69023147

what's your channel? I don't recognize your design

>> No.69023396
Quoted by: >>69023534


>> No.69023534

im gonna gump my jorts!

>> No.69023914

get well soon irya.

>> No.69024135

https://www.twitch.tv/gumpaich! I like talking but I haven't been into games as much. I do art as well and I like drawing aspies when they drop by (shameless promotion) I was thinking of playing more ps1 games once I get some stability

>> No.69024281
Quoted by: >>69025799

>new Suwawa
>on valentine's

>> No.69024296
File: 31 KB, 467x501, F_AXdQmbQAAlOtE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suruya finally posted a voice reveal

>> No.69024312
File: 65 KB, 579x485, we only live to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69026198

KH1 killed me inside, thanks for chummin to mah strimb, i feel like destroying.

>> No.69025473
Quoted by: >>69026299

Hope you go unmedicated and kill yourself. Your ASMR is unoriginal that just rips off what others have already done and nobody wants to watch apex, it's obvious you just do this to have a reason to sexpest rura

>> No.69025799

Not convincing as a girl...
but convincing as some chain smoking hag from broadway

>> No.69026178
Quoted by: >>69026318


>> No.69026198
File: 140 KB, 432x354, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69026290


>> No.69026290
Quoted by: >>69026378

Duuuh uuuuurg i'm retarded *hits desk* go fuck yourself

>> No.69026299

I agree go unmedicaded and write more scripts because you can clearly see we love your asmr specifically

>> No.69026318

A pox upon normie games

>> No.69026378
Quoted by: >>69026653


>> No.69026653


>> No.69026674
File: 1.23 MB, 244x250, community-donald-glover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I want to properly introduce myself here, there's some weird shit going on and I think "Eh, maybe later."

>> No.69026730

cute little smile

>> No.69026982

It better stay that way for eternity, literally nothing weird is happening and vagueposting proves you're ngmi

>> No.69027043

it's never a good time to introduce yourself at this point, always something happening.

>> No.69027213
File: 340 KB, 1080x1080, 1704065077623533a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Valentine's Day anon, here is my 熱水器

>> No.69027387
Quoted by: >>69028570

Make Scout blowjob asmr already!

>> No.69027449

why is flandzen targeting women with boyfriends? first gumpai now pukki

>> No.69027510

Since one anon has already fallen for your bait, I'll have to give you another (You) as a freebie, happy valentine's day

>> No.69027623

what does that mean?

>> No.69027709
File: 21 KB, 440x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69027890

probably chinese rather than japanese but the meaning seems about the same


>> No.69027786

I really like this one

>> No.69027890

thank you anon o7

>> No.69027942
Quoted by: >>69028988

Water heater, but in Chinese vtuber, it also means soft porn, because 熱水器 and 軟色情 had same pronunciation in Chinese
But I'm a honestly person so I give people a real 熱水器

>> No.69028022
Quoted by: >>69028838

>Lava puke stuff


>> No.69028064

gumpai and pukki have bfs?

>> No.69028092

Gumpai openly has a bf.
Isn't pukki a lesbian?

>> No.69028101

I think he must like NTR

>> No.69028123

Okay suwawafags, whats the lore behind this one?

>> No.69028244

gumpai is with that one guy that has an afro
pukki is with sh'vah i thought

>> No.69028570
Quoted by: >>69028606

How? I'm male, and voice changer probably not very working with that
At best I can give you some "chinese submissive boy"(according to a anon's reply in previous thread) voice to you

>> No.69028606

men cant do blowjobs or something????? retard

>> No.69028695
Quoted by: >>69029712

Now I want to hear some blowjob ASMR where its the guy telling you how good you are at sucking his dick.

>> No.69028838

>lava drunk
>iriya asks her how much to make her puke on stream
>she says 20 subs
>he actually donates 20 subs

>> No.69028896
Quoted by: >>69028939

That anon said scout blowjob though
It's okay if just mine's

>> No.69028939


>> No.69028988
Quoted by: >>69029127

熱水器 = Rèshuǐqì
軟色情 = Ruǎn sèqíng

Is it really the same pronunciation or is it just similar? when I try to pronounce it, it sounds similar but it's still distinct, sorry I'm retarded and I started studying a few months ago

>> No.69028992
Quoted by: >>69029115


>> No.69029102

I like Tekken 5 better because it's not simplified for the "wider audience", but my main was bottom tier in that meta.

I'm still enjoying 8 because isn't a competent game and Jin is strong, but I miss the more grounded karateka design he had in earlier games.

>> No.69029115

Why the fuck is merlie so funny and contagious? now every time something unusual happens in my life I imagine him shouting "AAAAAIEEEE".

>> No.69029127

Similar yes, bilibili had a explanation video

>> No.69029248

Thank you,Ainslie, love you muwah muwah

>> No.69029712
File: 63 KB, 252x599, 7f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69029812
Quoted by: >>69030412

same man.

>> No.69030412
Quoted by: >>69030695

Same. I've been visiting on and off since 2022, maybe 2021. I'm not sure I missed out on anything other than a few easy followers and getting crabbed.

>> No.69030695
Quoted by: >>69030791

You can also get awkward europeans talking about how they want to fuck your ass. There's a lot of that.

>> No.69030750

use have/has for the present tense and had for the past tense

>> No.69030791

True, but I already get that anyway.

>> No.69030938

Who groomed Ainslie to become a femboy

>> No.69030971


>> No.69031062

Always was

>> No.69031089


>> No.69031160
Quoted by: >>69031276

My 15 inch European cock

>> No.69031276

Thats not a cock thats a sledgehammer

>> No.69031288
Quoted by: >>69031690

He's a ccp agent, he'll take all the cute boys to xi jiping

>> No.69031347

And you love it Ainslie

>> No.69031532

>15 inches
That's clearly a ball-peen.

>> No.69031690
Quoted by: >>69031908

Fuck him hard enough to make him join the freedom then

>> No.69031908

>Rape someone into freedom
If that was possible, I would be doing it constantly. But it usually creates mental problems that are almost opposite of freedom, so I can't out of principle.

>> No.69031937

He malded and gave up, didn't he

>> No.69032151
Quoted by: >>69032651

Is it that hard? Or is he a casul?

>> No.69032202
Quoted by: >>69032690

Make him dependant on your cock

>> No.69032333

for those who have posted their own streams here what was the outcome like? did you get problematic viewers that wouldnt follow the rules, did you even get any viewers in the first place? was it worth it? ive thought about posting my streams here in the past but im always worried it will just lead to me getting doxxed or something

>> No.69032457

I was murdered

>> No.69032613
Quoted by: >>69032855

The people who like to cause shit in this thread generally keep it to the thread, I dont think Ive seen anyone act up in a twitch or youtube posted here.

When I post my link here, something I like to do every second or third time I stream, I get a few lurkers, maybe one extra chatter, its very lovely of them and they are appreciated.

>> No.69032651

He couldn't beat helltaker

>> No.69032690

>did you get problematic viewers that wouldnt follow the rules
>did you even get any viewers in the first place?
yes, but not all of them have become my regulars, but they always show up from time to time and interact with my posts on twitter
>was it worth it?
>but im always worried it will just lead to me getting doxxed or something
not to be rude but you're not as important as you think, even the most crabbed people here haven't been through something like that, if you're really paranoid just don't use an account with links to your past/irl

>> No.69032761
Quoted by: >>69032938

>what was the outcome like?
Got to know people, to discuss problems, to troubleshoot things, to find support on my streaming wish, to spend time and socialize with others, to play some games, to met some who I dare to call friends...
>did you get problematic viewers that wouldnt follow the rules?
Only 1, and I corrected his attitude afterwards. The rest are all normal.
>did you even get any viewers in the first place?
I went to almost 40ccv my debut, now Im 2view, although sometimes more than half of my audience isnt aspies, but when I was just starting ceetainly I was never literally 1view or 0view.
>was it worth it?
Yes, I was more than accustomed to forum communities and their behaviours, to find out about the discord was to see that this all could go somewhere else, nowadays I dont really come here as I am doing good, but its always nice to be with other chuubas.

>> No.69032855

The dorian schizo and the gumpai report.

>> No.69032884

he was playing the demo that ends before the fight with the hideous mass

>> No.69032929

>did you get problematic viewers that wouldnt follow the rules
No, not really
>did you even get any viewers in the first place?
A few, but they left as soon as they came in
>was it worth it?
Personally? No, not really
>it will just lead to me getting doxxed or something
unless you've done some really heinous shit and/or didn't do your opsec reps, that won't really happen

>> No.69032938

>I corrected his attitude

>> No.69033261

He probably willing to become your sex slave if you promise bring him to America

>> No.69033584

I wish i could save one of you aspies, really wish i could

>> No.69033614

I want to be saved

>> No.69033621

Save yourself.

>> No.69033650

Ngl, it helps with my anger issues and allows me to be more creative on stream when I'm able to stream high. (Meaning I'm off from normie work and not likely to get drug tested.

>> No.69033904

>come to thread
>looking for tierlists for brainworms
>Find cute skeb artists instead

Thank you anon, we're not Yuri but will consider this artist. <3

>> No.69034143


Threadly reminder that Valentine's Day is an attempt by corporations to market towards couples, gaslight single people into getting married to produce more consumers. /hj
