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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54775205 No.54775205 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>54769774

>> No.54775219
File: 3.21 MB, 2039x2894, 1672050431996502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54775318


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.54775250
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>> No.54775292
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>> No.54775311

Based nopan enjoyer.

>> No.54775318
Quoted by: >>54775379

wait a few months before you trust her what if she does a kronii

>> No.54775326
File: 593 KB, 1377x862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54775332

Being a HoloDD fan, seeing Holo vs Holo here is tiring

>> No.54775334
File: 608 KB, 1041x745, 1688424401267493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54775346

Can we make it a ritual post by posting Kronii saying unfortunately blah blah first? Make this a guaranteed reply instead

>> No.54775347

>be me
>be a numberfag
>like Kiara
>like Bae
>like Shiori
Why am I like this?

>> No.54775363

Shiori's fanbase is a time bomb.
She is openly inviting schizos into her fandom with her "fix me" gimmick while being open to collabs that has a potential to piss them off.

>> No.54775377

She must be really in the shitter with her universal contract with all the shilling she is doing
and looking for voice acting jobs

>> No.54775379
File: 579 KB, 3097x3125, 1688555767574683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop having fun because you might die tomorrow

>> No.54775385
File: 46 KB, 427x215, 1670348266691388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.54775392

How does HoloEN manage to grow stronger despite the shitposts from twitter and vt?

>> No.54775402


>> No.54775405

proof that gura made $1.7m from ebi sales?

>> No.54775412

you're a contrarian

>> No.54775417

The fanbase reflects the streamer. It cannot be helped that Kiara and Bae are poor at numberfagging.

>> No.54775419

Good then let them self destruct

>> No.54775422

this also me but without kiara

>> No.54775436

Sorry anon, you can't un-transition as far as I know

>> No.54775442

Maybe she wants to branch out? It's not hard to think anon

>> No.54775449

Is Nerissa really Kronster 2.0 and a better Kronster? I don't feel the sex voice like I feel with Kronster 1.0.

>> No.54775454
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>> No.54775461

how did this happen? what did mumei do different than kronii? and dont say its homos i dont believe that

>> No.54775463
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More like A new start, get it?

>> No.54775472
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1661868086266683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be a numberfag
>like first army
Feels good to be a JPchad

>> No.54775473

>falling for shit corpos and Niji failures demoralisation campaign

>> No.54775479

you're a saviourfag

>> No.54775480

subscribe to kronii please

>> No.54775482

Lui - talentless
Koyori - talentless
The blonde one (don't even know her name) - talentless

Chloe - talent
Laplus - super talent

>> No.54775486
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 616o2pUTU-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54775578

Not my problem.

>> No.54775487

it makes it easier when everyone else is a waste basket full of excrement, on fire

>> No.54775493
Quoted by: >>54775549

Vesper will raid her and you can't stop it

>> No.54775494

jesas look at the comments in Fuwamoco's Kaibutsu cover. >50% JOP comments

>> No.54775498

EN3 fast-tracked Kronii's collapse. She better treasure her remaining Kronies until her death.

>> No.54775504

>sex voice
>sounds like a man
Tempus is that way, anon.

>> No.54775510

It's not the homos in particular but how she keeps burning her gachis by being a flip flopping retard

>> No.54775519
Quoted by: >>54775710

Mumei is a better singer.
And kept interacting with fans during her many breaks.

>> No.54775527

Who would want that shitty voice for VA? Singing ≠ VA/ASMR vice versa

>> No.54775529


>> No.54775543
Quoted by: >>54775710

She failed to keep her fans happy. And drama always ruins the fun.

>> No.54775547
File: 1.42 MB, 920x1017, 128976948686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54775651

>Chloe - talent
>Laplus - super talent
Oof. Meds.

>> No.54775549

Mr. Jap can. That faggot is never streaming under that identity again.

>> No.54775550
File: 10 KB, 392x252, 1690800014353356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how this board is absolutely demonize Shiori I thought she'd do worse. Nerissa should've easily surpassed her even accounting her debut being 1 day late. Also I'm echoing that anon's question from the last thread; what the fuck did Shiori waste the budget on? It's not going to a song nor did it go to custom stream asset commissions like her genmates did.

>> No.54775557
Quoted by: >>54775674

Here are my predictions for each Advent:
>Shiori: fags will doompost and bitch, only to realize that she's mostly docile and harmless. It will escalate until the day the collab ban is lifted but she won't collab with males. Unicorns will be lured into a false sense of security.
>Bijou: will drop to 6-7k ccv by the 2nd week. People will realize that she's nothing without prep and she's no good at coming up with things on the spot.
>Nerissa: Fags will and have said she's the better Kronii, but will realize that she's fucking awful at games and boring too. She'll still get good /#/s for karaokes though. As good as peak IRyS.
>FuwaCoco: Will pander towards the nips after the first month. EN, more specially EU is a dead timezone.

>> No.54775559
Quoted by: >>54775642

JOP will use fuwacoco to learn EN
/#/ will claim fuwacoco's fraudulent CCV as EN numbers

>> No.54775561
Quoted by: >>54775621

Lol, dyrbi?
She'll rush over the next time Mori invites her to co0llab with DA BOIZ.

>> No.54775576

FuwaMoco has 1mil in 1 year listed as their goal
Do you think they can achieve it??

Side note: Nerissa listing 500k as goal means Cover has increased the 3D requirement from 300 to 500k

>> No.54775578

kirin you moron, your horn getting eaten by fucking monkey

>> No.54775582
Quoted by: >>54775710

Mumei showed a lot of love to Advent

>> No.54775581

How is the clip language breakdown done?
This is the language the clip is in, not the talent, right?
Is it based off the channel's language? What about those that don't list a language?

>> No.54775591
Quoted by: >>54775710

Unironically, JP mind share and shitposting content. I've seen a fair few of out of context clips and memes being shared around twitter even outside of the chuuba space. Her design is also simple yet appealing. Despite her lack of clip numbers, anecdotally I've seen a fair few anon who said they are new to council said that they like Mumei the most out of the bunch.

>> No.54775594

Not yet. She needs to be more than her.

>> No.54775600

Mumei didn't lie and betray her fans. No it wasn't just collabing with males. It was collabing with males, pretending to hear the concerns about it, promising things, then immediately changing her mind and hiding behind Cover because she knew the fallout would be bad.

>> No.54775604

Less likes too in comparison to Nessi. As expected of nips

>> No.54775606
Quoted by: >>54775928

how would burning her gachis affect her sub count, i don't recall anytime where she had any big tickdowns and it'd be weird if they somehow managed to leave at a similar rate tourists would sub

>> No.54775611
Quoted by: >>54775684

Blue Dorito = good, prove me wrong

>> No.54775621

>She'll rush over the next time Mori invites her to co0llab with DA BOIZ
A-Anon, you might want to sit down for this....

>> No.54775622

The tubers to surpass metal gura, the ones who will truly bridge east and west. With JP collabs and shorts farming their own clips they can do it.

>> No.54775642

Which branch are they under? Enough said.

>> No.54775645

Bros we been using Holo OP for weeks now and Nijifag can't even pushback on it

>> No.54775651
File: 177 KB, 265x467, catto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54775695

wait a minute

>> No.54775657

IF there will be any after EN3 debut.

>> No.54775659

Shiori just had full gen collab on her channel.

>> No.54775664

Nerissa has almost closed the gap with Bijou and Shiori

>> No.54775670

You'd need a steady release of covers and/or orisong to achieve that.
Just streaming simply doesn't cut it.

>> No.54775672

>Cover has increased the 3D requirement from 300 to 500k
It has always been 100k and they have completely done away with it these days.

>> No.54775674

>Bijou: will drop to 6-7k ccv by the 2nd week.
Easy grudge post.

>> No.54775685

Lore video assets maybe? Stupid transitions and shit we saw? Lots of it different for every stream

>> No.54775684

You can paint that dorito anycolor

>> No.54775693

Of course it's a bitter Lapcuck

>> No.54775695
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Quoted by: >>54776301

This scare the cat

>> No.54775696
File: 109 KB, 890x629, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you say flop in rock language?

>> No.54775708

Kronii never was comfortable with the idea that people actually want to see her and spend time with her, it started all the way back during debut where she spent more time playing in the Minecraft server than streaming, and then was shocked that people actually had a problem with that, and her takeaway from that was to stop playing Minecraft altogether instead of, you know, streaming what she does off stream

>> No.54775710

is there a change in kronii ccv lately?

is the advent buff really that big?

is mumei jp audience that big? i have seen some jp dedicated artist, but i dont know if that counts a lot

>> No.54775711

>A-Chan asks Mori about her music at the end
>Mori advertises her EP
>This makes anon shit his pants in rage
What am I missing?

>> No.54775722

bluefags, why is the top jpchuuba red and not blue?

>> No.54775724

>mumei didn't lie and betray her fans

since debut and until now shes still betraying hookeks

>> No.54775727
Quoted by: >>54775806


>> No.54775738
Quoted by: >>54777392

Bandwagon behavior

>> No.54775748
File: 1.03 MB, 1888x500, DarkLamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54775751

Huh, one of Phase girls said nigger on stream

>> No.54775757

Cant wait for uno collab with the boys

>> No.54775762

Just finished watching the debut. Who is the fuck is Nerissa? There are a lot of people that sound like that. Did we get 5/5 correct?

>> No.54775774

Blue still win by 2/3 across all branches

>> No.54775777
File: 606 KB, 4096x2304, 1677935026293332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54775848

>hiding behind Cover because she knew the fallout would be bad.
Still pisses me off that this shit even happened. those retard in the management along with Kronii basically did an airport announcement about "HEY LOOK HERE GUYS, THERE'S A FRESH DRAMA HERE!"

>> No.54775778

Mumei's fanbase is very international while Kronii's is mostly NA
Her main content (karaokes) also helped her A LOT

>> No.54775782

Mumei collabed with males and I won't let you Hoofags memory hole it.

>> No.54775787

eyes too small

>> No.54775802

i can't decide if Bijou, Nerissa and Shiorin being so close in subs is a good thing or not
on one end, no clear runt in a gen is great for their mental health
on the other, it may mean people aren't subbing for the person but just for the shiny new gen
i guess we'll see if it changes once they have more streams under their belt

>> No.54775805

I unsub Kronii after homo arc

>> No.54775806
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>> No.54775809

here's the translation clip on holoid bikini

>> No.54775812

You're color blind

>> No.54775816

Ah yes, advertising your product means it’s failed. From the same brilliant minds as “if you sell out all the seats it means you lose money” and “100 to 107 is a 107% increase”.

>> No.54775820

Huh? Back up your claim and check the tally.

>> No.54775824
Quoted by: >>54775867

She will ruin the triangle. We dont need another lamy

>> No.54775835

>and looking for voice acting jobs
She has literally the worst, most unemotive voice in EN. If she can get a VA job it only proves how shit western VAs are.

>> No.54775839
Quoted by: >>54776676

>nor did it go to custom stream asset commissions like her genmates did
I just realized why her layouts look so bad and amateuris. Why is she such a cheapskate kek

>> No.54775841

Something tells me Phase girls also shitpost here...

>> No.54775848
Quoted by: >>54775950

You're retarded if you don't think Kronii was the one who requested it specifically. They've literally never stepped in like that besides a major happening, Kronii literally just changed her mind. It was preemptive and usually they are reactive.

>> No.54775864

As a firm believer in /become/, I just don't see it yet.

>> No.54775867
Quoted by: >>54775912

You can simply put blue Wamy in the center.

>> No.54775873

sapkeks are you ready to get exposed today? it's going to be slaughter

>> No.54775877

Based account doing God's work.

>> No.54775906

The real answer is DAN DAN.
Only music can make changes like this.

>> No.54775912

That's zeta's place

>> No.54775928

Gachis is how you get effective word of mouth advertisement, they are the people who print out 20 foot tall cutouts of mori and proudly post them on their twitter, or send clips of their oshi to everyone who gives them the time of day. By burning them she got rid off all that free advertisement, leaving only the natural growth granted by the holobox and her model because she is also really bad at self promotion

>> No.54775941

There is no requirement for 3D. Talents can get 3D within 6 months if they are in Japan or have access to a studio.

For subs, they can achieve it.

>> No.54775943
File: 138 KB, 451x448, 1690776323763632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54776037

Just woke up from my hibernation, EN3 is real? Is EN saved?

>> No.54775950

Don't give a fuck about who requested it, the fact is that was the opening the floodgates moment of the entire Kronii's fiasco

>> No.54775953

>dingo's cocksleeve

>> No.54775962

Remove Fauna for a true triangle.

>> No.54775967

nousanji seething

>> No.54775971

They just lost their phone. For 3 weeks.

>> No.54775974

Grey Ame will never be Lamy. Let it go.

>> No.54775978
File: 61 KB, 1891x892, 1690800386162739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't really jive with picrel
It's less about Kronii slowing down and more about Mooms speeding up since March this year, which is way after Kronii's flipflop

>> No.54776011

Baubau OP was better.

>> No.54776027

ignoring reality won't make it untrue

>> No.54776029
Quoted by: >>54776326


>> No.54776035


>> No.54776037
Quoted by: >>54776381

all 4 of the girls are really good!

>> No.54776036
Quoted by: >>54777083

are these vtubers yet

>> No.54776044

>an ESL tripping over her words
i hate phase shills as much as the next guy but this is just being malicious cunts

>> No.54776046

Oh boy twitter war

>> No.54776058
File: 66 KB, 766x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're all beating the first boss by the end of their first week. 700+ days for 5 girls to show how pathetic the homo fanbase is. Talk about a retarded waste of time.

>> No.54776073
Quoted by: >>54776188

They’ve literally just finished debuts, calm down. There was a significant period where Ame was second highest subbed and people legitimately thought she’d pull back ahead. Now there’s a 500k gap.

>> No.54776084

Fuwa fits better

>> No.54776096
Quoted by: >>54776470

Nerissa is up 50k subs from pre-debut, only the dogs are mogging her in sub growth >>>54705560

>> No.54776098

Shiori is the clear runt anon.

>> No.54776109
File: 60 KB, 1251x819, Council day2 nombuers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone curious the day 2 numbers for Council. Looks like Advent is handily beating them but it is still way to early to tell how this will play out. Kronii dipped to 211ik next day after youtube culled her before picking back up again.

Kek, Sana almost hit sub-100k after she was culled. She always was a shitter.

>> No.54776115

My headcannon told me that it went to augment the Advent MV. Or she invested it into her research on vtuber crash course. She cannot just pocket it unless Cover is lax on receipts.

>> No.54776119
Quoted by: >>54776235

t-they were attacked by bears....

>> No.54776123
File: 37 KB, 1196x365, 1664004564899322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not solely JPs of course but every bit helps. Metric wise supa counts are probably a good indicator but not a true reflection of fanbase demographics. Despite having more total donations, Kronii's Yen donation was utterly eclipsed by Mumei's JP donation.

>> No.54776133

you ok deadbeat
it was just funny
someone else's debut stream and she shills her own shit nothing more than that

>> No.54776152
Quoted by: >>54776448

So holoEN will be like this in terms of CCV
1. Gura
2. Fuwamoco
3. Nerissa
4. Bijou
5. Mumei

>> No.54776153
File: 2.00 MB, 2480x3508, 77ffebe053a8cf9934fb7ad1933997f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going through normie twitter, reddit and other boards to get a feel for their impression on EN3 and general consensus is that Shiori is BY FAR the most interesting new HoloEN hire since Myth. For the NA side at least.
JP side is similar to our impressions more - gamers like Bijou, regular viewers like the dogs.

One thing that stood out is what Evanit0 said (a pseudo normie)
"she actually makes content" As opposed to just gaming, chatting shit, occasionally reacting and singing.

Streaming has been on the decline in the west for almost a year now, shorts are the current meta, but scripted/analysis content never went away and might be making a comeback in the vtuber sphere too.
With people like Rin and Lucy Pire getting attention from the bigger creators in the scene.

>> No.54776155 [DELETED] 


>> No.54776165

>holo vs holo
current meta for subs in youtube is shorts and marine is good at making coomerbait shorts

>> No.54776179

They need to somehow go viral with shorts or clips
Best way to do that is to attach yourself to Gura

>> No.54776187
Quoted by: >>54776624

>Shiori is BY FAR the most interesting new HoloEN hire since Myth
I don't care if I am bankrupt and without balls, I am going all in with Shiori.

>> No.54776188

tbf Ame dropping far behind Mori isn't something that happened naturally
it was due to her slowing down her streaming activity massively and separating from Gura out of (legitimate) fear of becoming her accessory

>> No.54776191

Lui's holotori choreography video

>> No.54776192

Do we have smaller time-to-sub-milestones? Like 500k instead of 1mil.

>> No.54776221

Take your meds anon

>> No.54776231

You're no better than bvtm shilling your shitty account here.

>> No.54776235

Is this why Fauna talked about bears today? That bears are always busy and going places?

>> No.54776252

>What Twitter, Reddit, and ecelebs think
Who gives a fuck?
Also we call them normalfags here tourist.

>> No.54776250

Fuwamoco will most likely beat the record

>> No.54776256

The worst poster is here

>> No.54776259

my menhera wife will be the leader and carry the gen on her back

>> No.54776267

this reads like a brrat wrote it

>> No.54776288
File: 65 KB, 210x154, Anal♡Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koyori - talentless
Have you taken your meds yet? Or do you need Koyori's prescription meds (x1 Giant Holstein Horse Cock)

>> No.54776293
Quoted by: >>54776385

t. bvtm

>> No.54776301

When isn't she on the verge of a menhara break down?

>> No.54776302
Quoted by: >>54776359

>don't say homos
Kronii is a member of Hololive English, an all female idol vtuber group. What does she do that aligns with the goals of her company? There's no overlap between the twitter brained stars "fans" and the Hololive audience.

>> No.54776309

daily reminder to report btvm on twitter/x

>> No.54776323
Quoted by: >>54776385

>Provide counterpoint to Phase defense
>Get name called

>> No.54776326
Quoted by: >>54776394

Fauna Minecraft and Gumei collab nice welcome overlap for EN3 lol.

>> No.54776327

My personal theory is that Mumei took some time (a lot of time) to really grow into being a competent streamer and now people are beginning to realize it.

>> No.54776332

daily reminder to not worship niche xitter mirocelebs

>> No.54776336

Music on Mumei's behalf and Kronii being a lethargic streamer at best while also taking long breaks and then burning good will from the fanbase at large by how she handled the Homos. If she had just said that she was going to do it and then ignored things, people would have silently left and the box wouldn't care but her flip flopping back and forth on how she's going to handle it, running to hide behind Cover's statement put out on her behalf, and then fucking off for weeks after means a non-neglible chance that the average tourist has a chance of a negative impression of Kronii at this point.

>> No.54776339
Quoted by: >>54776460

Marine is rewatching her own live

>> No.54776338
Quoted by: >>54776419

Is Holo vs Holo that bad? I mean, competition will encourage growth anyway, so why do some people hate Holo vs Holo?
Hololive is not a family like Nijisanji, right?

>> No.54776343

All I can say Shiorin is a landmine. You can enjoy her one day, and it can burn the very next day. Only for the strong hearts. At least she's not korean.

>> No.54776344
Quoted by: >>54776440

ok now that's something
just don't put Panko in the same basket, she's a good girl who dindu nuffin and a fellow KFP, i want her to be able to collab with Kiara

>> No.54776352
File: 21 KB, 1211x496, 1681420241924996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54776720

It's not just Mumei, Fauna and Bae have been reducing the gap a lot too, they went from nearly 200k gap to 120-130k now.

>> No.54776358

>obvious brownvtm discord raid
>this board

>> No.54776359

she has had like less than 10 homo collabs. i dont buy it, it made that much difference

>> No.54776381

Bijou wasn't THAT bad anon come on

>> No.54776385
Quoted by: >>54776444

Retarded twitter posting will always be retarded no matter the context.

>> No.54776394

You really think fauna can beat advent stream?

>> No.54776395

ah yes, the Twitter and Reddit crowd who at best only watch clips
worked well for the homos and all the male collabers

>> No.54776408
Quoted by: >>54777548

she streams debuff content

>> No.54776412

If she was wider and smiled I could see it

>> No.54776419
File: 19 KB, 557x550, 277846072_494124932192318_4102522448481791423_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive is not a family like Nijisanji, right?

>> No.54776425

You might not like it, but They are the majority of Holo viewers for years now.
They might not SC often so, views/donations ratio can be ass, but they're the ones that cause 100k+ viewer streams.

>> No.54776432
File: 113 KB, 800x533, photofunny.net__final_3963844388741871150_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54776440

Tell her to spot posting shit on bvtm

>> No.54776444
Quoted by: >>54776537

If you don't like retarded twitter and reddit posting you're in the wrong fucking thread on the wrong fucking board.

>> No.54776448

Shiorin is going to get mor ccv that any other advent

>> No.54776452
Quoted by: >>54777306

I spotted way more nousagi than I thought in Marine chat

>> No.54776451
File: 68 KB, 220x208, 1677741361757471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been going through normie twitter, reddit and other boards to get a feel for their impression on EN3
So... The impressions of those who won't actually watch streams?

>> No.54776460

We don't care. We don't talk about irrelevant branch

>> No.54776461

Now you understand that just because you can speak freely here without fearing the censor doesn't mean that everything said here is true

>> No.54776470

Yeah, Nerissa is catching up fast on the other two.

>> No.54776474

>Incest in family is OK.
Says CEO Riku

>> No.54776491
Quoted by: >>54777819

Kek, don't be fooled by what /here/ and homobeggar twitter tells you. normie audience still don't know Holostars even exist.

>> No.54776493
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, fuwamocomorning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco Morning pilot episode in 3hrs

>> No.54776498
File: 172 KB, 1000x670, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fphiads.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54776648

>> No.54776536
Quoted by: >>54777128

Mumei is everybody's second favorite and subs is a good way to show support for second favorite

>> No.54776537

>complains about retarded twitter posting
>defends retarded twitter posting when it agrees with him
You're part of the problem. Retards like you are why bvtm grew so big.

>> No.54776538

Isn't that just NijiEN viewers? so basically those who gonna let Ike languish as 2k shitter but for some reason always manage to get 30k+ on his karaoke?

>> No.54776539

Clip watchers don’t pay the bills

>> No.54776548

Marine 30k
Number is not grim today

>> No.54776575

....who is this nigga again?

>> No.54776581

New Nijisanji drama just dropped

>> No.54776582
Quoted by: >>54776611

Advent buff.

>> No.54776584
Quoted by: >>54776682

>Tapping into EU Market
>Will be able to entice tourists from JP box
>Collecting all of ENs jaded and lost gosling

Those dogs are scary

>> No.54776599

Oh nice, I can watch this before I go to sleep

>> No.54776602

who in holoJP is getting gold today and mog EN3?

>> No.54776608
Quoted by: >>54780276

i really hate the fact yesterday's crazy tally got drowned out by retards screeching at Shiori's homo follow

>> No.54776611


>> No.54776620

Nah, you're late.

>> No.54776624
File: 1.00 MB, 2621x1869, 0f1482cc90ce9c02ee8327429d7fdf12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54776845

Dunno know about that, as anon said
This impression is telling me she might end up like Coco, where her regular stream CCV is ASS, but she gets a lot of views on videos and event streams, along with the highest mindshare.

>> No.54776625
File: 175 KB, 645x634, 1664889588911027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon keeps track and posted this in the last thread.

>> No.54776626

This is hilarious coming from the thread that posts reddit and twitter screencaps on the regular

>> No.54776628

17:00 EU bros…

>> No.54776636

>Taking a literal nijinig's opinion about holo stuff

>> No.54776642

i mean he's right, hololive is absolutely nothing like niji "family"

>> No.54776649
Quoted by: >>54776749

Marine have a really good talking voice

>> No.54776648


>> No.54776659

they are neutral, even worse, not interested with stars.

>> No.54776661

Bro where did you think that screenshot came from?

>> No.54776676

she drew them, I think.

>> No.54776682
Quoted by: >>54777104

All they need to do is drop the obnoxious voices and kayfabe and they might get a fanbase.

>> No.54776695
Quoted by: >>54777070

I'm asking, what did she do to get the people who like Hololive to subscribe to her.

>> No.54776704
File: 138 KB, 800x578, photofunny.net__final_3963859189041031698_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54777259


>> No.54776711

Which fucking part of the world?

>> No.54776715
File: 25 KB, 590x184, screenshot_1690802004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah King experienced what?

>> No.54776718

And how's that exactly dispute what has been said already about them?

>> No.54776720

It's kinda wild how close Fauna and Bae have been for their entire career despite having very different content.

>> No.54776726



>> No.54776728
Quoted by: >>54776773

There are so many motivated chuubas in Advent. Did the 2view life scare them that much?

>> No.54776739

>normie twitter, reddit and other boards
too bad they dont watch streams

>> No.54776745
File: 2.23 MB, 2894x4093, 3ec0f05f791b2b181bff396bd4eed1f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54777268

Who cares anymore?

They don't even get fuking lewds anymore.

>> No.54776747

It's just one guy dumpsterdiving

>> No.54776748
Quoted by: >>54776775

Haven't post in awhile, things sure move fast when you go away for a week. Debut numbers looks healthy for Nerissa despite having the lowest number in her gen and on a Monday afternoon for JP. Slightly up from council's. At the very least the EN market isn't contracting.

>> No.54776749

Look just because ahoy is a shithole doesn't mean you can come to the numbers thread and live post about marine

>> No.54776756

Buy an ad

>> No.54776764
File: 59 KB, 809x838, F2VgHAEagAEH4a-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh is that why he's going spastic over the new girls besides being scared his whores will lose viewers.

>> No.54776767

Fuck off

>> No.54776768

Wasn't there a pekomari collab today?

>> No.54776773

Weren’t they all 2 views?

>> No.54776775

Hololive only grows stronger

>> No.54776780

don't click it's oboretai

>> No.54776781

Uh no
The majority of holo viewers are YT-only
And of that majority, most are only clip watchers
Video views alone dwarf twitter and reddit activity

>> No.54776792

I thought we talk about big chuuba here?

>> No.54776798

Thanks, anon.

>> No.54776803
Quoted by: >>54780348

We don't care. Irrelevant pairing.

>> No.54776806


>> No.54776818

No, some anon posted that earlier just because they were both streaming

>> No.54776823

not even the super-ESL holoid ever slipped and said nigger lol, fuckin phasefaggot

>> No.54776824
File: 63 KB, 256x139, 1679624539484006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54776872


>> No.54776825

Good job faggots for defending le based ogaman. Give beggars an inch and they'll take a mile

>> No.54776838


>> No.54776839

Where do they live exactly and how can they pull this off right off the bat after debuting? Canada? Japan? What time is it there now?

>> No.54776841

Delusional post.

>> No.54776845

Nigga Coco is not popular simply because she "Did something different". She's popular because she did something different that completely opposite to what normie thought about "Le Idol Company".

What shiori planned to do is more in line to Bae's branding more than Coco's branding.

>> No.54776848

the only part of the world that matters

>> No.54776851

No? Where did you heard that from?
Marine even posted her schedule since 3 days ago

>> No.54776859

>Sushi clips

>> No.54776872

i love me americanas like gurass

>> No.54776874


>> No.54776882

They're a two-person team anon.

>> No.54776888

Be less obvious, Cover shill.

>> No.54776907
Quoted by: >>54776939

if i could time travel i would choose to travel back in time to witness debut gura

>> No.54776908

Eh~ slip of the tongue from an ESL cunny trying to say neighbor.

... it's fucking pronounced neibəwr
English is such a shit language, Jesus Crust.

>> No.54776915
Quoted by: >>54776973

Any predictions of who the runt of EN3 will be?

>> No.54776917

>it's literally impossible to wake up at a reasonable hour
This is what years of lazy JPs and ENs does to a nigger

>> No.54776919

Coco got popular only because of myth

>> No.54776925
File: 96 KB, 592x832, Chlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54776997

>> No.54776927

botted post don't read

>> No.54776931
Quoted by: >>54777178

Fuwamoco gold today?

>> No.54776939
Quoted by: >>54777021

You're not missing much

>> No.54776969

>Kanata finally got better
>Let her be announcer for a baseball game immediately

>> No.54776973

Generation of miracles won't have runt.

>> No.54776977
Quoted by: >>54777029

chloe looks better with the mask on, you can't change my mind

>> No.54776980
Quoted by: >>54777023

>EU friendly hours
If they will keep this up I will member them 1st day and buy all their merch (as long as delivery isn't half the price of goods)

>> No.54776988
Quoted by: >>54777115

Huh, I was bringing Coco over to compare her CCV ratio, so people could understand with an example.
Never said she WILL BE like Coco in content or impact.

>> No.54776997
File: 129 KB, 608x900, FJXyB39aAAI8l1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most sex holo doing asmr???

>> No.54776995
Quoted by: >>54777060

I missed Fuwamoco's debut stream
What's the peak count?

>> No.54777003


>> No.54777019

>Shilling flesh streamer

>> No.54777021

no, when i can witness those kinds of numbers again?

>> No.54777022
Quoted by: >>54777058

it got deleted kek, but 15 shiori threads are totally fine

>> No.54777023

EU customs are going to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.54777029
File: 89 KB, 850x1133, 1672155730769702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54777044

That's not Lamy

>> No.54777052
Quoted by: >>54777144

Mumei will be 2k ahead of the clock after GuMei tonight. It is truly over for the clock woman.

>> No.54777058

She's going to make it...

>> No.54777061

shorts are the meta? but did it pay the bills? fuckin retard anon right here

>> No.54777060

119k then dipped
They were mumbling to each other too much, like you were a 3rd wheel in a group of long time friends.
It will get better knowing them, but they were too excited and distracted at debut.

>> No.54777062
File: 758 KB, 2280x1080, O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54777219


>> No.54777063 [DELETED] 


>> No.54777070
File: 602 KB, 1000x1000, 1663744700953898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54777832

i think i got my answer...
>mumei streams buff content: karaokes
>kronii streams debuff content: boring indie games

>> No.54777071

I know it is hard to fathom but it is possible for streamers to wake up early like human beings and stream more than 2 hours a day.

>> No.54777074


>> No.54777083

Don't they fleshtube?

>> No.54777088
File: 86 KB, 845x322, petranyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54777152

Petra Gurim

>> No.54777104

They already have one sis

>> No.54777115

Yes anon that's why I brought up Bae comparison. What shiori's planned for her brand is closer to Bae than she is to Coco's branding.

>> No.54777128

no true hooman fallacybut I don't entirely disagree

>> No.54777143

I ordered used official holo gravure book before, then I learned that Poland has nearly no tax on books
It's not that bad

>> No.54777144

Nah 1k maybe, I love chumbies but they are not that generous.

>> No.54777152
Quoted by: >>54777234

Remember when this girl was called the Gura killer?

>> No.54777160

Yeah, Cover really needs to up their logistics game, they are losing so much money because of shit like this

>> No.54777162

>deadbeat sees his own oshi
>irrational anger
you good?

>> No.54777164

Towa ASMR?

>> No.54777168

ew, fuck off

>> No.54777178
Quoted by: >>54777707

Looks like it, JP have no event today

>> No.54777184 [DELETED] 
File: 707 KB, 1440x1661, Screenshot_20230731-192129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nijimeido's mad

>> No.54777209

>holo gravure book

>> No.54777218

Yea, that was Kiara's job.

>> No.54777219

Kinda killing the joke

>> No.54777230

it's not that bad
shipping costs are shit, but from what i've seen NA is similar

>> No.54777232
File: 540 KB, 1668x322, screenshot_1690802560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well HoloJP look peaceful today at 20:00. There won't be anything majot until Miko countdown in 3 hours

>> No.54777234
Quoted by: >>54778568

People only thought she was the Gura killer because notMumei decided to give NijiEN fans false hope rumao

>> No.54777235

More like cuckmeido lol

>> No.54777248

kek, suddenly it's a troll post when it's about nijis huh

>> No.54777251

The most obvious slut on the board.

>> No.54777259
File: 31 KB, 500x375, its-time-to-stop-posting-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54777263
File: 28 KB, 549x719, 1663329492166402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I already knew it's oboretai even without looking at the embed

>> No.54777268
Quoted by: >>54777322

I still remember all the nijishills promising me that she would get her 3D debut by the end of the year. 7 months later and not even Obsydia got theirs yet while Meloco has the worst sc earnings of her wave barely above the terminated Zaion and 2 of the Krisis faggots have almost half of what she got in a month. As much as I loved Hedgehog she absolutely deserves the negative karma of choosing NijiEN out of all her options.

>> No.54777276

>Poland has nearly no tax on books
Really? As a fellow Pole thank you for the info.

>> No.54777278

wtf nijitroon

>> No.54777281

>he doesn't remember Nene's rigger

>> No.54777306
Quoted by: >>54777374

Nousagi will watch other Holo members while waiting for Pekora's stream or after her stream ends. Sometimes I watch Azki because Azki always streams after Pekora

>> No.54777307
Quoted by: >>54777640

why doesn't Holo get the same treatment

>> No.54777320

Now that we're balls deep in holo vs holo hours, who has the worse voice, Shiori or Fuwamoco?

>> No.54777322
Quoted by: >>54777686

Funniest part to me is how Niji basically abandoned the queue system specifically so they could give JP their 3Ds before EN.

>> No.54777326

They're very sensitive about their dying branch.

>> No.54777340


>> No.54777342

Is the hope for NijiEN to receive 3D models over?

>> No.54777365

favorite flavor of elf?

>> No.54777374
Quoted by: >>54777480

It's not that much of a surprise, I just thought it is good to know there are nousagi who watch and membered to her genmates too

>> No.54777378
Quoted by: >>54777467

holo vs holo is acceptable when it's CGDCT vs homowhores

>> No.54777381

>Watame literally just talks about her fucking plap plap design
>shiori bros we will rule the number waves!
yes the views will flow like wine, I'm sure

>> No.54777392

Nope, I oshi'd one of the first army mems before I even became a numberfag.

>> No.54777400

why would they get 3D?

>> No.54777415
File: 429 KB, 860x613, Streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54777446

Ahhhhhhhh so much content!!!!!
Also 2 Wamys

>> No.54777422
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x630, voxxymu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom

>> No.54777438

Easier and cheaper to terminate/graduate them

>> No.54777446

>Also 2 Wamys

>> No.54777461

Out of the Advent fanbases, which ones are the most chill?

>> No.54777467
Quoted by: >>54777542

Nijicucks please

>> No.54777478

bau bau

>> No.54777479

>is their plane ticket sponsored
better question

>> No.54777480 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 780x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but it's pretty common

>> No.54777487

The rock

>> No.54777492

So 40k+ stream for gura tomorrow?

>> No.54777495

Everyone sees Shiori as the weakest link and only possible EN3 girl that will give them a collab chance due to that little speech she did at the end.
The current cope is that these girls will pull a Kronii so they can collab with their unhinged bois.

>> No.54777515
Quoted by: >>54777580


>> No.54777532
Quoted by: >>54777580


>> No.54777542
File: 18 KB, 608x146, 1683262800672023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope homobeggar. afraid that your whore will recline into irrelevancy?

>> No.54777546

all of them are surprisingly chill, except you-know-who...

>> No.54777548
Quoted by: >>54777659

not just debuff content, she just doesn't talk that much and when she does its very focused on the game. which yeah is usually boring.
and her chat interaction comes off as genuinely insane. so many blue names talking, and she will call peoples names out personally? who does that
i unno its just hard not to feel like you shouldn't be watching her.

>> No.54777556

FuwaMoco first stream will open with 300k+ subs...
Council reached 500k in 4 months, looks like Advent should reach more or less in same timeframe

>> No.54777559


>> No.54777566
Quoted by: >>54777749

Unpopular opinion, but it does not matter that much. What matters is having a solid mindchair with a solid merch sales.

>> No.54777570
File: 197 KB, 678x230, upcoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54777580

wow anon, let's kiss

>> No.54777579

Thing is
They'll have to use them for Nijifest in September but, When they will get a proper 3D stream?
There's no hope for that one because Anykara decided to prioritize the new NijiJP hires for 3D debuts.

>> No.54777585

Stop falseflagging

>> No.54777591 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 537x439, 1687664234025157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they have to give one of those corporate mission statements about changing the direction of NijiEN and state one that is actually appealing. At this rate and from all the bad blood, their next mixed wave next month is going to get like 35k tops.

>> No.54777600

Melobro I know you're still grieving over luca having his way with her but this is now way to cope

>> No.54777612
File: 136 KB, 354x374, 1687083625172363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've seen, the cunnyfags. Very close second is the dog fuckers.

>> No.54777616 [DELETED] 

Stop ban evading, holobrony.

>> No.54777627
Quoted by: >>54777700

/here/ is at most 500 ips.
We don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.54777640
Quoted by: >>54780720

They do, some bloke got his posts deleted constantly, but just changed IP and kept shitposting.

>> No.54777649

hourly update for yesterdays release only (Bijou isn't growing much)
not gonna keep this up, just wanted to get a sense of the growth

>Love me, Love me, love me
274k 8 hours in
315k 7 hours in
228k 6 hours in

the twins are running away with it

>> No.54777659
Quoted by: >>54778454

>she will call peoples names out personally
you read this from their thread didn't you? let me tell you this: similar to the "Kronii never laugh this hard with the girls: the name calling is made up, by me

>> No.54777683
Quoted by: >>54777768

>spend money on 3d models that might only get used once or twice a year

>accelerate streamer, build audience, graduate streamer, collect goodbye akasupas, separate completely from streamer

I think we both know what Riku is going to pick.

>> No.54777686

To be fair to Anycolor the queue system would've never worked out with NijiEN and Hana Macchia in the mix (I believe she was the only non-NijiEN overseas liver that passed the sub threshold for a 3D debut). There's a reason for why Cover never gave a fuck about it and had Holox debut their 3Ds over a year before ID2 and Council. Still I'll remember "fondly" all the sisters who tried to justify Hedgehog's decision to me back in December. I'm sure they're all looking like retards after all the bullshit that happened with their garbage agency in the past months.

>> No.54777699

More popular and recent song, it was to be expected.
+the Gap.

>> No.54777700

This isn't 2021 faggot

>> No.54777707

Practically still JP

>> No.54777719 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778277


>> No.54777727

I see a lot of nip salarymen on their twitter tags saying they just got home and are watching their debut and cover. The twins are JP's favorite

>> No.54777731
File: 1.55 MB, 864x1304, 1690723386858527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/news/ anchor
Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

EN3 Special section:
Nerissa Ravencroft:
Fuwawa and Mococo Abyssgard:
>Yesterday's debuts
Shiori Novella:
Koseki Bijou:
>Merch + voices

News from today:
>JKT48 enters vtubing market with JKT48V
>Nyanners is doing a 24 hour charity stream for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Yesterday's news:
>Phase Connect X Mahjong Soul
>Lily & Syu (project blue) 3d debut

>> No.54777733
Quoted by: >>54777784

40k Marine
Who said JP reclined? Even tho the timeslot rn is kind of empty

>> No.54777749

the homos have one of the biggest mindchair in the whole industry, have you seen their merch sales? all of them combined lost to fucking Risu merch
it has been proven so many times that mindchair is a meaningless metric for revenue

>> No.54777768
File: 502 KB, 2480x3508, 6bc6322b86fd548d390279892bc29ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money is already spent.
Mysta and Nina had 3D models that will never see the light of day.

>> No.54777776
File: 310 KB, 727x643, 192874928734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei just has more mindshare these days, that's all

>> No.54777784

it's just retard trying to force it after en kept getting shit on for their numbers

>> No.54777791

Marine song is getting mogged by advent song

>> No.54777813

Pero's fanbase

>> No.54777819
Quoted by: >>54777954

>homos have one of the biggest mindchair
>normie audience still don't know Holostars even exist.
Who should I believe?

>> No.54777832
Quoted by: >>54778024

That's one part, Kronii also streams much less - if you care the number of videos she has around 100 more streams so far

>> No.54777840

Woahhhhh would you look at that
>Marine 20:00
>Pekora 21:00
>Flare 22:00
>Noel 23:25
What do we call this?

>> No.54777841

Idk wtf cover did, but all of Advent’s streams keep getting on trending for US. All their debuts have appeared on trending for gaming, including their group collab. Shiori AND Bijou are on the actual trending page now, not just Shiori

The NA fanbase is growing bigger and bigger it seems

>> No.54777868
Quoted by: >>54778050

what's the prediction for mysta granulation? higher than EN3 debut today?

>> No.54777880
Quoted by: >>54778091


>> No.54777883

regular gen 3 schedule back in plate

>> No.54777893

It's what we call edging play anon

>> No.54777894
File: 238 KB, 1336x552, asfeeqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so um, what happened to them?

>> No.54777896

Paid more than Anykara

>> No.54777908
File: 67 KB, 175x205, 1690784830719117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People wanted cute girls, and we got them. That easy.

>> No.54777917

Hololive... Keeps growing stronger <3

>> No.54777918
Quoted by: >>54777996

Better fundamentals and a bit of luck with the algorithm. Simple, easily recognizable design, reputation as Council’s best singer, wants to please her audience to an almost obsessive degree. Has both a Girl Next Door appeal to be relatable but enough weirdness to distinguish herself. Has more of a knack for doing numbers-friendly things despite panicking when she sees how much she gets. Homo collabs themselves aren’t the cause, but they’re a good demonstration of how they handle things differently. Mumei went full autist mode and made a performance out of not talking to her collab partners, while it’s difficult to see how Kronii could have handled it worse. Also, Hoomans have a reputation for being friendly, if a bit autistic, cult LARPers, whereas Kronies are notorious for being schizos.
Mumei in general seems to disproportionately benefit from new eyes looking at EN. With Advent in particular, Mumei streamed right after the announcement, being able to take advantage of the hype that way, and was active with them on Twitter when the stream ended, whereas there was a stretch where most of the Kronii/Advent content was joking about Nerissa taking her place.

>> No.54777923


>> No.54777924
File: 102 KB, 304x256, 5415165165416416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerrisa going to challenge gura in her 1st stream?

>> No.54777934

They continuously burned any good will and failed to craft a niche for themselves

>> No.54777954
Quoted by: >>54778206

all of the vtuber normie audience know the homos exist
the general normie audience barely knows Gura exists

>> No.54777966

who is sucking up marine's views?

>> No.54777977

Imagine If Gura and Fauna graduated.
That basically.

>> No.54777983
File: 126 KB, 305x252, oboretai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait since when this nigga has another channel? or he's just rename it?

>> No.54777988
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1412, 69775ef74731db34f97ce13992bc0778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50k get
Not even close to the HoloEN podium, but Shiina gets to keep 1st place for the month. Tied with Pekora.

>> No.54777996

>whereas Kronies are notorious for being schizos.
do kronies have schizo fame outside /here?

>> No.54777997
File: 31 KB, 260x359, 1686926626692034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa is practically going headfirst against the head honcho of Myth and Council

>> No.54778004
File: 45 KB, 906x421, SharedScreenshot01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my tastes

>> No.54778022

Termination notice this week

>> No.54778023

Not just Gura, Gura with a strong collab partner with collab rarity buff. Putting these girls up to task early.

>> No.54778024
Quoted by: >>54778100

>kronii 316 vids
>mumei 364 vids

>> No.54778034

pretty good

>> No.54778038

If they didn't before they definitely did after cover put out that notice

>> No.54778044

First full gen collab views:
>Gen 5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKF5AjvquOE - 302k views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkbXdXbs8vk - 1.2M views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S9QhFeGw60 - 838k views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu_0PP00TgE - 1.3M views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy6HD6t8XhE - 353k views

Advent already mogging gen 5's 2 year old video in views and it shows in what people think about how good their chemistry is, gen chemistry can be ranked as such:
Advent > Council > Myth > HoloX > Gen 5

>> No.54778045

We don't care. Stop asking

>> No.54778050

More coarse than Sana's granulation.

>> No.54778052

He got dicked for reused content so he couldnt earn money so he started a new channel that is called the same

>> No.54778056

faggot got demonitized i believe so he made another

>> No.54778062
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, 1670060295210026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54778064

Told you about letting novelites getting comfortable here bros.
Brrat/teakek in the making, I tell you

>> No.54778084

Uh yes, I'd say right around when the rest of Council said that Kronies were kinda crazy is when word started to get around. I can't remember which collab that was though.

>> No.54778090

nice kink

>> No.54778091


>> No.54778100

oh weird I was using playboard - it must count member videos. a 50 stream difference is still a lot.

>> No.54778108

Somehow other than Hololive, every EN companies gets their own vt mods

>> No.54778120
Quoted by: >>54778156

Don't use my lines to start Holo v Holo nigger

>> No.54778123

Nousagi have heard enough and are moving to Pekora

>> No.54778134
File: 176 KB, 854x796, Marine mv talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just finished watching the MV and went to discussing Merch.

>> No.54778137
Quoted by: >>54778178

If Vesper gets terminated will his new model be the least used one in Cover's history after Hitomi Chris? I believe even Aloe was in more streams than his Pako model.

>> No.54778145

>other than Hololive
>t. retard

>> No.54778154

lol holox mogged them all

>> No.54778155

chinene my beloved

>> No.54778156

are you a brrat? or are you a teakeks?

>> No.54778171 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778335

Enjoy your 1 month vacation, holobrony.

>> No.54778178
Quoted by: >>54778210


>> No.54778192

Vesper and Magni's terminations are going to be this week's dessert

It's not just that the homos will lose their top collabers, top talents, and 2 of the first gen. It's that combined with tempoop's shit performance, no one relevant will ever apply to Holostars again. Meaning the branch will never blow up and never get to stand on even a fraction of equal footing with hololive, relegating them forever to low status males that get even less collabs.

>> No.54778195
Quoted by: >>54778283

Fuwamoco already has almost 2k waiting 3 fucking hours away from stream

… They don’t even have chat open. Are we gonna see a 30k already???

>> No.54778206

Anon...the normie audience seethed at Gura after her debut

>> No.54778210
Quoted by: >>54778514

Omega never had a rigged model that we know of.

>> No.54778218

The singaporean shitposter is back

>> No.54778220


>> No.54778226

you already posted this before, bot

>> No.54778225
Quoted by: >>54778334

they are the despicable and abhorrent amalgamation of Kronies, Deadbeats, Brats, and Teamates.
The horrors they will unleash in the coming months have never been seen before.

>> No.54778237

>Mother, Maiden, Crone
flawless. the triad. hecate.

>> No.54778240
File: 502 KB, 666x709, 1668543254067021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54778317

>> No.54778245

the worst part about ame is that she pronounces gif wrong

>> No.54778251
Quoted by: >>54778481

rissa probably going to get 20k, but with unpacking i don't know if it's possible anymore....

>> No.54778252
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 164532234624229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't just a first week schedule and she intends to stay in this slot, she's going to snipe Gura when she pops a karaoke frame and do her own karaoke. I have a feeling Nissa doesn't like Gura.

>> No.54778265
Quoted by: >>54778322

So when can we expect a minecraft stream for EN3? After the colab ban? 2 weeks? next week?

>> No.54778271

It’s unlikely but I hope Miko countdown beat Shiina just so HoloJP can have a win today over NijiJP

>> No.54778275

>so um, what happened to them?
They probably just won the month over NijiEN due to some last minute heroics by red homo.

>> No.54778277 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778427

holocope, enjoy your ban

>> No.54778280
Quoted by: >>54778336

sankisei rule
sankisei funnel

I'm glad that only Pekora streams at 21jst.

>> No.54778283

50k easy

>> No.54778286

Nah, I'm thinking the literal opposite.

>> No.54778296

Did Kris delete his homobegging post about how nerissa will collab with da boizz?
Kek, did he grow self awareness or did people tell him she went so far as to unlike homoposts liked by mistake?

>> No.54778301

The nijimeido has been around for awhile, pretty much the main reason why the vtuber threads weren't kicked out of jp entirely is because otherwise the nijisanji thread would also be tossed into this madhouse.
I like to believe he comes to /vt/ every so often to check if /vt/ is nice enough to nijisanji yet and gets pissed whenever he sees posts like that

>> No.54778306
Quoted by: >>54778351

>Gen 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKF5AjvquOE - 302k views
>CCV - 24,412 33,714
Pre cull and pre Myth numbers were different

>> No.54778317

She really doesn't care, glad she's finished

>> No.54778322

After the collab ban probably. They'll get introduced to the Holo servers

>> No.54778334
Quoted by: >>54778438

>Kronies, Deadbeats, Brats, and Teamates
and Saplings, Hooman, Takos, Chumbuds and IRyStocrats.
seriously how the fuck do you even know exactly who they are?

>> No.54778335 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778364

Yeah anon because bans totally mean anything around these parts

>> No.54778336

Only because Miko do countdown tonight, but yeah 21:00 JST today look empty. Guess everyone is tired after the relay

>> No.54778338

try checking the replies

>> No.54778341

fuwamoco subs is ticking up by 1k every time i refresh....

>> No.54778343
File: 137 KB, 325x272, 2eae55c61ee3ba473daca67843f38396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54778418

>luca off collab with the nijien girl who does gfe asmr
>and that is her most popular content
Girls have it hard over there

>> No.54778351
Quoted by: >>54778424

Myth had no problem getting 1.2M views, maybe gen 5 should get better chemistry

>> No.54778354

They're doing about as well as Holostars JP have done. Which is to say bad but still above unloved and unmourned indies. What more do they want?

If they would just stay in their lane and stopped trying to leech off the girls I personally wouldn't give a shit what happened to them. They've already sucked up enough managements time and effort.

>> No.54778364

stop ban evading already

>> No.54778409

i just don't want her to end up like bae....

>> No.54778418
Quoted by: >>54778537

Did you forget the part where she came like a waterfall mentioning his name on debut?
How’d he get that impression from her.

>> No.54778424
Quoted by: >>54778452

What was the CCV on it?
Holostats has 0 data.

>> No.54778427 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778499

Yeah bro bans actually mean stuff around here

>> No.54778438
Quoted by: >>54778538

go read her split for a day, then you will understand

>> No.54778439

1st fucking stream is a giga buff stop acting like she's gonna be under Gura/Mumei

>> No.54778442

someone has the image of finana talking about that uki's offcollab?

>> No.54778446

Anon, do you know what

>> No.54778452

68k likes means at least 70k CCV

>> No.54778456

The only guys they can hope to get now are sex pests aiming to fuck the girls.

>> No.54778454

maybe she doesn't do it that much but she sure as fuck did it when I was watching.
it was awkward as fuck too she was immediately like oh everyone else too everyone else too but yo johnathon you my homie

>> No.54778481

Yeah she should've picked power wash or something if she wanted to get acclimated to streaming with a new audience. Bijou has the right idea picking up that truck simulator

>> No.54778484 [DELETED] 

Grovel and beg and maybe I might

>> No.54778489

hello newfriend

>> No.54778499 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778599

Sometimes it works, but you basically have to get the mods so fed up with banning someone that they range-ban them.

>> No.54778505

which holomem has the best thumbnails?

>> No.54778514

I swear we saw a rigging demonstration video

>> No.54778525
File: 71 KB, 247x248, IMG_0366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwamoco had 17k subs at the end of their former life
>By the end of today they might have 20x that amount in less than a week

>> No.54778529 [DELETED] 

not your discord, faggot

>> No.54778537
Quoted by: >>54778786

>she's like suisei because both can sing so obviously she will collab with the bois
that was his reason

>> No.54778538

>i'm a brrat and i totally support male collab. show them unicorns who is boss. yas queen
yeah should i make a couple of posts for you

>> No.54778544

Anon you know that will just draw more saviorfags to them and make the beggars even more obnoxious, right?

>> No.54778556
Quoted by: >>54778592

>Implying consistent Gura

>> No.54778563

yagoo and mr jap saved them

>> No.54778568
Quoted by: >>54778770

You mean because they tricked themselves into thinking she was doing that.

>> No.54778577
Quoted by: >>54778664

>/gem/ is the slowest general by far

>> No.54778582

Well his intro video was privated but I'm almost sure it was just still images of his design.

>> No.54778592
File: 799 KB, 1268x711, 1690315244108298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54778676


>> No.54778599 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54778821

>he doesn't know how to get around rangebans

>> No.54778603
Quoted by: >>54778643

>stream with Gura
yeahhhh nah, that had a ton of replays.

>> No.54778614

I believe that they will give their best for this chance, they will be EN Koyori

>> No.54778643

>Gura has better chemistry than all of gen 5 put together
Proves the point

>> No.54778648

7k of that came in when they announced their graduation, btw

>> No.54778649
File: 221 KB, 537x572, 1677279716893256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah lol, it's still there. why'd you expecting self-awareness from the nigga who unironically frontrunning the "Watching the bois 3rd party clips to help them grow" movement kek

>> No.54778658

I remembered that one screenshot that subbed only to Flygon. Might be Shiori herself kek.

>> No.54778664
File: 736 KB, 1024x1024, 1690769762969873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54778798

Sorry, we don't have drama or anything like that atm. We just chilling.

>> No.54778676
File: 124 KB, 1930x940, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54778999

I've been around long enough to know the Goob is a fickle beast.

>> No.54778689


>> No.54778693

don't think so

>> No.54778733

No seriously why BeJew face looks like that Enna shitpost image???

>> No.54778769

kek it says hololive right there, why did he add a holostars logo

>> No.54778770

That just adds to the hilarity of it. Either way, NijiEN fans only have themselves to blame for counting their chickens before they hatch

>> No.54778786

>she's like suisei because both can sing so obviously she will collab with the bois
No no he also said she worked with a man on the song so that means she's willing to collab with males.
I swear no wonder the beggers are so confused by CGDCTfags, they can't grasp the problem is no one wants to third wheel with their oshi and some other male content creator

>> No.54778798

Based, it's better that way.

>> No.54778811

fuwamoco is for the depressed audience.
>you come home from work tired as fuck.
>boss was extra gay and you have to stand Infront the bastard with a smile on your face without beating the shit out of him.
>have a pissed sour face as you go about getting ready for bed
>open youtube
>see the dogs and click on stream
>hear their voices and get instantly healed
>start having a shit eating grin as you hear them talk
>go to bed satisfied
they are the working man's choice.
you don't need to own a pet to feel happy when you have 2 dogs waiting for you to watch at anytime.

>> No.54778812


>> No.54778813
File: 38 KB, 660x418, 1661179023725115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54778821 [DELETED] 

Anon, of course there are ways around range-bans, there always are. It does stop those who either can't or won't though, which is enough that its worthwhile to give it a shot.

>> No.54778839
Quoted by: >>54781300

Popular demand

>> No.54778840

you know why

>> No.54778858

Just some small trivia but JOPs really like the default YT emotes huh? Most of the time the people who spam those in chat have Japanese name

>> No.54778869

>Both VSPO streams passed 10k
That makes 3 VSPO streams on the tally so far.

>> No.54778889

>What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter to her.
Who's going to tell him?

>> No.54778899
File: 135 KB, 247x329, 1681978872635206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54779007

This retard 100% didn't watch the debut stream. I mean in the first place how the fuck her could correlate this into collabing with Homo

>> No.54778918
Quoted by: >>54779072

It's bvtm who added that. For obvious anti reasons.

>> No.54778922

These twitterfags are so detached and oblivious to everything.

>> No.54778938

These fags are so cock obsessed.

>> No.54778991
File: 11 KB, 451x409, 1660184063194118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this nigga Kris is basically just getting all fired up from his own headcanon

>> No.54778999

Oh no a cluck

>> No.54779006

are twitterfags so deluded or broken at this point that when they see someone say "collab with everyone in hololive" they think it includes the homos? hololive has never refered to them, if you want to include them you say stars or holopro or whatever
don't listen to the fags pushing live or whatever

>> No.54779007

>This retard 100% didn't watch the debut stream
He doesn't watch streams, only clips - he himself said that when he tried to "help" Homos

>> No.54779036

>Open YT
>Like Pekora and all of her genmate stream/frame if they stream
>Also chat in it
This is how I contribute to Hololive numbers

>> No.54779041

I don't think any of these girls have it in them to have CCV anywhere near Gura with the kind of content they want to do.

Should we just stop using Gura as a benchmark for EN first army? I mean the JP first army are all relatively close and competitive. Let's consider her some fucking freakshit. Who then is EN first army and what ballpark should we expect these girls to hit to match them?

>> No.54779040

Beggars don't watch the debuts and just project delusions onto girls who made their stances crystal clear.

>> No.54779050

tell him to stop smoking whatever he is smoking

>> No.54779063

Does anyone else have this bug where the char emotes suddenly become gigantic when watching on phone?

>> No.54779064

always the poorfags that are the most obnoxious retards

>> No.54779072
Quoted by: >>54779186

as soon as that retard fucks up opsec, he's done. I don't understand why he does this

>> No.54779074

The only interactions with hololive content is on twitter, reddit and clips. The only interaction with this place is through youtube 4chan /vt/ videos.

>> No.54779091

>will not care
>when she made
what the fuck is he trying to say. use proper tenses you cretin

>> No.54779100

It won't go away
kinda fun though, unless you actually want to read the drivel posted in there I guess

>> No.54779105
File: 414 KB, 570x570, 1626728832804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy schizophrenia

>> No.54779132

>it doesn't matter to her
what the hell

>> No.54779154 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 800x533, photofunny.net__final_3963844388741871150_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Nerissa is for Ike only SEAnig. She's not interested in any of the homofarts.

>> No.54779176

The homobeggars have been desperately trying to pushing that Holo=Live/Stars ever since Omega tweeted that Holopro = Holo/Stars shit.
They lost so hard with this gen cause 4/5 are confirmed girls only with Shiori being a toss up. The two other homos being terminated is gonna make em go even crazier.

>> No.54779186

Not even, given bvtm's obvious bias towards phase all it takes is a phase yab (like the plappa incident) for people to really go in

>> No.54779197

9.2k waiting for Pekora last second

>> No.54779213

Yeah, it's annoying since the custom emotes are all low res

>> No.54779248

The guy's running an equivalent of /wg/ over there on X kek

>> No.54779256

yeah i thought it was a feature

>> No.54779261

It must be some update on the app.
I hope it gets fixed soon

>> No.54779285
Quoted by: >>54779391

>barely anyone made any references to Bijou also doing a powerpoint presentation on debut, something that got Kanata a whole ass nickname
2020 holos...the EOPs have all but forgotten then

>> No.54779292

Get your dose of NTR here

>> No.54779299
Quoted by: >>54779414

they unironically forced a re-definition of "Holo" to HoloPro and "Live" referring to the girls, Stars referring to the boys

>> No.54779304

Yes, saw it yesterday, thought it was just new settings

>> No.54779310

Wrong thread

>> No.54779314


>> No.54779323

I mean gura is also way above JP 1st army so i can see your point.

>> No.54779344
Quoted by: >>54779485

Why is the thumbnail formatted like a clip?

>> No.54779348

off topic btw

>> No.54779347
Quoted by: >>54779437

Why are you like this?

>> No.54779355
Quoted by: >>54779400

Mumei clips are making the rounds in Japan since she went there and met a lot of members.
And Moom is cute.

>> No.54779359
Quoted by: >>54779620

rate this song

>> No.54779378

Ok since the debut is finished, now is the time for grimgang to resurface. From my impression they are not really that great in their first collab, and for those who gave Tempiss a chance, it feels almost the same.
1. Fuwamaco is good, in as far as they can maintain their kayfabe and still be entertaining. They can probably do that judging from experience.
2. Nerissa is okay-ish. If she has the music mindshare then she is good sub wise. CCV wise... eh...
3. Bijou is good but she is no Gura. Her debut was by far the best but can she keep up?
4. Shiori,,, I am really not sure about this. I am interested in what she can become but history tell us that it won't be good.

>> No.54779379
File: 23 KB, 128x96, 1689562586439879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so high 4 view for all of them?

>> No.54779383
Quoted by: >>54779445

nerrisa is just kronii with new model and you can't tell me otherwise

>> No.54779388
Quoted by: >>54779442

>That Nerissa sub jump
I fucking knew it she would be fine

>> No.54779390

why is the barafag the only one who's not doing a soiface

>> No.54779391

>new viewers
have you considered

>> No.54779393

Least delusional cumtard.

>> No.54779400
Quoted by: >>54779491

I should sub, I love reading the comments on these

>> No.54779411
File: 3 KB, 268x43, screenshot_1690805174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54779414

Nah they're trying to force it and it just doesn't stick.

>> No.54779437

That's a fact anon

>> No.54779442

who are the extra subscribers?

>> No.54779445

there, i won, retard

>> No.54779455

Vesper, Magni bros…

>> No.54779459

Sisters and beggars lost so they just have to make fanfics about what was said in debut. It's not like they watch streams anyway.

>> No.54779460
Quoted by: >>54779618

>Specifically mentions Hololive
>even to the point of mentioning en id and jp all seperately
>Loves idols
>Hololive is all about Idols to me
>guys we don't know if she meant holopro yet
These guys live in some alternate reality

>> No.54779463
File: 55 KB, 441x511, 1674024610152432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54779499

1+ year of work beaten in less than a week
this is just sad

>> No.54779467

We're on top of my skyscraper and she's bouncing on my cock so i guess you're right

>> No.54779485
Quoted by: >>54779537

their viewers are more likely to open a clip than a their stream

>> No.54779492
Quoted by: >>54779559

Whose chat is this lmao

>> No.54779493
File: 304 KB, 592x417, screenshot_1690805252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.54779490
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the other girls are aware of how schizo Kroniis are

>> No.54779491
File: 44 KB, 788x377, 1662576784682813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54779499

>comparing to holostars

>> No.54779504

All me

>> No.54779507
Quoted by: >>54779559

What? Who?

>> No.54779511
Quoted by: >>54779604

So Marine is going into SC reading
She now gets so many Supers that she isn't just doing Reds Only
She's doing Reds Only, Reading Names Only

That's what success looks like

>> No.54779512

Me and my Nokias

>> No.54779519

Nerissa is going to overtake Shiori and Bijou in a few hours in subs

>> No.54779528
File: 119 KB, 599x486, 1659539309541989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54779537

kek, they know

>> No.54779541

Try fitting in better sister

>> No.54779544
File: 208 KB, 1356x250, 1660744709838001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54779744

Just listen to Bae's podcast

>> No.54779546
File: 2.99 MB, 1772x1288, Twitch 31 July.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitch numbers for the last day of the month.

>> No.54779547

god i bite bait too easily.
i know it's bait
it smells like bait
it looks like bait
but for some reason when i see something retarded i MUST respond to it.

>> No.54779559


>> No.54779571
Quoted by: >>54779679

I do hope one of advent joins the club, but until then, the idea of "EN first army" is stupid when only a single chuuba could qualify (and only rarely meets the technical definition of 20k+ CCV)

>> No.54779576

When is Magni's and Vesper's execution order gonna be published?

>> No.54779577

EN management seems to put them on the same level so why shouldn't I?

>> No.54779585

the korean won again i guess

>> No.54779604

Well what did she expected doing a celebration-t stream?

>> No.54779618

dude she went out her way to just mention girls
how these fucks twist it is just mind bending

>> No.54779620

life changing/10

>> No.54779623
Quoted by: >>54779734

Peko almost had a 30k poem

>> No.54779625
Quoted by: >>54779708

She’ll do fine if she doesn’t use her channel to promote her boring, nobody twitch friends. No body wants to watch that kind of content, especially not from Hololive. There’s nothing lamer than when a streamer you like starts shoving their awkward friends into their audience’s faces, when it’s clear who they came for.

>> No.54779629
Quoted by: >>54779707

This week. Trust in Jap.

>> No.54779652

sometime this week maybe? if it indeed is happening

>> No.54779661
Quoted by: >>54779918

Either tomorrow, next week, or never

>> No.54779669

towa is going to have sex with them all...

>> No.54779679

20k is wayyyyy too high for EN. Using Gura as standard for EN First Army is just absurd since even 10k put them way above everyone else, even Ina hit sub 10k more often than not these days

>> No.54779683

Nacho's been getting pretty decent numbers, ain't she?

>> No.54779687

Where my niggas Vesper and Magni at?

>> No.54779689
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, F2W8tGZbwAAhwDi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salome sings like THIS!?
Man, the difference in quality between spotify and youtube is crazy

>> No.54779698
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1596051441403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think Shiori would cover the Holocaust arc?

>> No.54779700

why is Vei at 1.9k viewers?

>> No.54779702

>She probably will not care about her fans screeching when she made a song collab with a male
Is he just making up his own reality now?

>> No.54779707

how should we celebrate when the time comes?

>> No.54779708

Shit never works either cause all the indies are on twitch

>> No.54779711
File: 156 KB, 1632x918, id-11134103-22090-1xhvhedpmnhv3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me.

>> No.54779732

Number look good so far. I guess this new kusoge can sustain HoloJP for another week

>> No.54779734

I mean, isn’t Pekora and Marine literally the only 2 streaming right now in primetime?

>> No.54779744

>App only

>> No.54779750

stfu nijishill. she is shit.

>> No.54779764
File: 1.53 MB, 960x960, I KNEEL.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30k at the end of her poem without any funnel
Pekotyan I kneel...

>> No.54779783

Yup, so not that surprising.

>> No.54779788


>> No.54779793

Yeah today is empty. I for once enjoying seeing the common fanbase between Sankisei moving from one to another. So there's like 20k viewer in Marine stream who moved to Pekora

>> No.54779808

I trust in Shiori. I feel like all of Advent have been watching EN closely and are aware of the traps they need to avoid falling into. Fuwamoco especially have that Koyori style hunger about them which bodes well. Nerissa clearly understands Hololives appeal well, and the Gem.

>> No.54779828

I mean, they're the POPULAR DEMAND© group, so...

>> No.54779839

Pekora your Best friend

>> No.54779865

Jessas bannedtvmemes is so fucking retarded it was obviously that she wasn't including holostars

>> No.54779880
File: 229 KB, 581x882, gura otv twithfags vouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54780101

> pander to twitchfags guiz!
> they will increaz noomberz!
/#/ exists to correct little retards like you
Twitchfags are salivating at prerecorded Video content because they can have more stuff to react to, and put the "hololive" label on their streams to leech off some of the audience.
They can't do that with streams, which is why they're crowing around Shiori like parasites.
Same shit happened with Gura as well, remember?

>> No.54779899

Pekora no way it took you more than 2 seconds to figure out what to do at that level

>> No.54779900

You can watch holostars vod

>> No.54779918
File: 9 KB, 344x344, 1688605387116885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek hopefully, so we can shitpost about which one going to have the first anniversary stream from tempus, Tempus 1 or 2

>> No.54779930

>Nene doing Valo again
What? Didn't she go menhera because her fans didn't like it? The fuck is twapper doing?

>> No.54779965

my only concern. she is too careful ruru. just avoid acknowledging fabricated drama and it will be fine. unlike that retard who went and wrote an entire essay on a clip

>> No.54779992

Nerissa basically has one foot into an idol unit already considering she’s a bird and Kiara likes her. She’ll basically just need to wait till she gets 3D at Holofes or something.
Nene is part of that Hololive tournament program they’re doing.

>> No.54779995

luilui is the sexiest holox

>> No.54780033

If Nerissa showed up on the debut carrying the decapitated heads of Vesper and Magni these kinds of people would still try to argue that it's just a matter of time before they collab

>> No.54780066

Towa is the sexiest holo

>> No.54780074

Nerissa is just Fauna that can sing

>> No.54780078

Nah they'd argue that was a collab

>> No.54780089

Why doesn't this faggot just block that account? What a retard

>> No.54780097


>> No.54780099

They weren’t really all that interesting. There’s too much variety in streaming to settle for a bunch of boring-ass dudes that can’t hold an audience. And this includes all english male vtubers.

>> No.54780101

Kinda feel bad for him here. Fag just want to be a normal fan and retard all over Twitch keep doing this shit.

>> No.54780106

This is a good thing

>> No.54780111

cakexloli are the best parings

>> No.54780130

>Did you see that unhinged collab?! She should collab with mega flygon, it’d be so chaotic l!

>> No.54780131

Which Advent will have the highest subcount at the end of the year?

Who will have the highest median of peak ccv?

Who will have the highest SC take?

>> No.54780139
Quoted by: >>54780206

He is a holoanti and bvtm aligns with his interests

>> No.54780147
File: 97 KB, 523x521, 1614265650998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they backpedalling now? Did the backlash scare them?

>> No.54780148
Quoted by: >>54780221

Nerissa doesn't even remotely sound like Fauna and also isn't also as cultured as her

>> No.54780182

this game looks better than the one on shorts. which is the original?

>> No.54780183

Pretty sure some anon posted about it before, his excuse was "So I can correct them", kek

>> No.54780192

That was good. I wish tempus did those.

>> No.54780199

>44k for game ads
Lets gooo

>> No.54780206

The unityfag to Holoanti pipeline is real

>> No.54780221

>isn't also as cultured as her
You only know that after 2 years of Fauna. Patience.

>> No.54780231

>old school let's play
ah I missed 2018

>> No.54780261

>Genshin NTR ASMR

>> No.54780276

that's because this website doesnt have competent moderation and it's on purpose so.

>> No.54780282
File: 1.03 MB, 640x360, Pekora huge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54780373

HOLY size gap, either Marine is small or Pekora is fuck huge

>> No.54780284

Well he learned now
I don't feel bad since it sucked for Gura too

>> No.54780292

The twins
The twins
Either Nerissa or Shiori, depends on how things develop.

>> No.54780321

You know they allude to her PL ASMR content? They still shit on EN3

>> No.54780322
Quoted by: >>54780400

Your sarcasm and shitposting identification reps

>> No.54780338

Why is peko so stupud...?

>> No.54780348
Quoted by: >>54780884

>the second biggest pairing after akupeko
roru roru rumao
go back to your discord stupid ugly troon

>> No.54780354

Pekora stop being retarded

>> No.54780373

Marine is 150cm and Pekora is 153cm. notPekora is 162

>> No.54780399

dogs cv, subs
shiori sc

>> No.54780400

you mean funposting

>> No.54780425

Somehow Pekora managed to solve that the way the dev did not intended

>> No.54780426

Wait I thought it is over for Pekora?

>> No.54780457

The more this hobby grows, the more this retard will have to dial back. It's not like his trace is all clean, some day some schizo here would screw his brown nigga ass.

>> No.54780491

Yeah his friend group sucks. It was cool to see he went to the concert, dude is still a pretty big fan 3 years later.

>> No.54780493

If it was Miko this would be a 60k stream.

>> No.54780494
Quoted by: >>54781622

Schizo gonna said "Empty timeslot" completely ignored that Miko 49k Chilla kusoge was in an even emptier timeslot

>> No.54780518

wtf Fuwamoco almost 300k when's the cull coming

>> No.54780558
File: 42 KB, 1403x171, holoearth jp bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54780722

JP bros is doing EN3 names in Holoearth

>> No.54780573

Elon is going to get lax with securing identity information and when the invitable hack occurs this guys details will be the first I look up

>> No.54780586

You fell for the deflecting 53piss posts.

>> No.54780591

The twins will do an ASMR collab with Patra one of these days.

>> No.54780599
Quoted by: >>54780952

Should've use different account, he is too big

>> No.54780607

Tourist takes

>> No.54780620
File: 23 KB, 605x223, e06dc579caa692770a784c9b7feda133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54780637

- Twins
- Twins
- Nerissa

>> No.54780640

How is that pace compared to Irys? She holds the EN record for fastest to 500k right?

>> No.54780649

>saw Shiori's PL channel
>THAT amount of subs
Why did she abandon her channel and chose to be the runt of Advent?

>> No.54780660

Wait i dont get it.
Schizo bait threads about Shiori flooding the catalog for 2 days straight
>nothing gets deleted
one quick thread about meloco
>insta deleted and banned from the website
???? i think that's illegal
and the most ironic part that you can't make up is the fact that they shit on shiori for the same reasons which they banned this anon for.

>> No.54780667
Quoted by: >>54780755


>> No.54780679

it never came on the 4th day from reveal

>> No.54780708

sure you did

>> No.54780720

They dont lmao
stop lying you piece of sack
are we living in the same reality?
go look at the archives and count the threads shitting on shiori

>> No.54780722


>> No.54780726

Can’t do much about that, in a twitch streamer’s mind it’s absolutely mind blowing to realize that some people aren’t clout chasers. Scarra thought Gura didn’t acknowledge them cause they don’t have enough clout.

>> No.54780734
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, くそうゲー (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54780740
File: 2 KB, 199x29, 1683907815102124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54780744
Quoted by: >>54780818

Because it's all dead subs
She already had abandoned it for another channel anyway

>> No.54780745

Her dead subs weren't her own, she inherited that channel from someone who put far more effort into their content, and used it to bargain her way into hololive.

>> No.54780748
File: 255 KB, 680x976, 1627776467071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54780847

Unironically protected by Elon. They'd be suspended already when trannies still ruled Twitter.

>> No.54780755


>> No.54780764

Just recheck his twitter banner. Until he does something stupid, he's alright.

>> No.54780791
Quoted by: >>54780921

I mean, I've been reporting the shiori garbage that pops up, and it does get deleted, but the fucker keeps ban evading, not much to be done about that when there's a coordinated effort from offsite bad actors to ban evade.

>> No.54780797

Deadsubs. Also iirc she was demonetized on that account.

>> No.54780818

Why does you guys make it sound like she killed the channel owner?

>> No.54780820

Still can't believe they got her, I haven't stopped kneeling

>> No.54780827

she can probably do more projects that she couldn't do before

>> No.54780841
File: 49 KB, 1049x407, GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54780847

On the bright side I'm seeing countless accounts naming the Jew and getting away with it

>> No.54780859

Stop ban evading.

>> No.54780861
Quoted by: >>54781036

>the runt of Advent
isn't that Nerissa?

>> No.54780863
File: 756 KB, 1645x799, ae4649ec7ba4088a8c139ca20a0fce68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly my entire home feed is every single stream of theirs and their music

>> No.54780868

The owner went MIA, leaving her with a channel that no one cared about.

>> No.54780875
File: 42 KB, 227x199, 1664382176258293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54780880
Quoted by: >>54780977

Welp Pekora hit the peak at 30 min mark, viewer going to the next timeslot stream now

>> No.54780884
Quoted by: >>54780995

You know, it’s really nice that Akupeko is actually a thing now instead of people shitposting about how they hate each other.

>> No.54780886

>used it to bargain her way in
It doesn't work like that, Hololive isn't Nijisanji that just sorts auditions by most subs

>> No.54780890

they were better than any other vtuber group that came before them
that's enough.

>> No.54780910
Quoted by: >>54780993

I think there's another account that's even more impressive.

>> No.54780914

i thought off-collabs are buff content for nijis?

>> No.54780918

>Pekora funneling to Miko's countdown
Pekomiko bros we are so back.

>> No.54780921

Yeah to be fair to the meidos, the Shiori rm posts I've seen in /#/ get zapped pretty quickly, unfortunately for them there are a lot of mentally ill sisters out there

>> No.54780925

I don't have any of them in my recommendation, only HoloJP. Skill issues.

>> No.54780931

Wait what? So she is a skinwalker?

>> No.54780932
Quoted by: >>54781004

Except that's literally what happened here.

>> No.54780952
Quoted by: >>54781661

When you grow up in the Twitch environment, you don't even think about it. It wasn't until Myth that I understood how to be a fan in this kind of hobby.

>> No.54780962
Quoted by: >>54781064

The runt of advent still mean the runt in HoloEN, anon. It's like being in Manchester United and getting paid £60k/week even when you're only play for 2 times for the entire season.

>> No.54780968

I mean Eilene disappeared so might as well

>> No.54780977
Quoted by: >>54781231

She's just too autistic and stuck playing the same game over and over again. Just try other games. Pekora isn't as good as you guys think.

>> No.54780979

She was playing valulrant some days ago with her fans

>> No.54780987

Retards falling for the obvious astroturf severely damaged my opinion of globalfags

>> No.54780994

No, she got picked up for that role and left to her own devices.

>> No.54780993
Quoted by: >>54781059


>> No.54780995
Quoted by: >>54781072

Honestly it have always been nonsensical to me, people can't hate each other forever, especially when they joined the same company. They are not that petty as to hold a grudge over an internet dispute for 6 years

>> No.54781004
Quoted by: >>54781066


>> No.54781011
Quoted by: >>54781068

You'll never get your A way out Collab, Ichimitranny.

>> No.54781036
File: 142 KB, 698x569, 1670809683508956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but she's catching up. She slashed the gap from 10k to 2k now

>> No.54781047
File: 243 KB, 432x409, 1680890865432287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual 1 view

>> No.54781051

Targeted harassment towards one person is actually bannable on twitter.

>> No.54781054
Quoted by: >>54781180

Her channel used to the channel used for Eilene EN translated videos, then they introduced Moe as a new character for this channel, and eventually they privated the Eilene videos and made the channel Moe only

>> No.54781059

The exchange was far greater when the potential reward was much shittier.

>> No.54781064

>Manchester United and getting paid £60k/week
>only play for 2 times for the entire season
Doesn't that feel horrible?

>> No.54781066

Give me proof she got picked for anything other than the dead subs.

>> No.54781068
Quoted by: >>54781293

>Suddenly Holo vs Holo using an hours old post
Too transparent

>> No.54781070
Quoted by: >>54781650

luca the vagina inspector

>> No.54781072

Pekora definitely is and did until very recently. Aqua reached out multiple times and was rebuffed

>> No.54781127
Quoted by: >>54781444

Did she? I don't really follow Aqua, granted she doesn't say much about her past anyway

>> No.54781133
Quoted by: >>54781340

You’ve never watched Eilene videos or the old Vocaloid Moe videos, have you? Working hard my ass. Seeing people try to whitewash that faggot’s past is embarrassing and shows what massive newfags you all are.

>> No.54781139
Quoted by: >>54781423

/wg is few threads over

>> No.54781142

did Nerissa do anything special? why the sudden jump?

>> No.54781144

It sucks if you like playing, but great if you don't care
>see also: Ben Simmons

>> No.54781180

Damn. I kinda know a similar channel like that, and I was an anti.

>> No.54781179
Quoted by: >>54781254

Yeah, but you'd be surprised with how many of these modern football players actually enjoying this, knowing there's no way another club gonna pay them that much.

>> No.54781199

Good Cover and her part in the Group song is good.

>> No.54781216

Unityfags saw she was being left behind, but within reach to do something about it.

>> No.54781227

Have you listened to her cover? The entire EN scene is flipping their shit over how crazy her singing is. Her cover tweet has like 700k views or something by itself

>> No.54781231
Quoted by: >>54781362

Why are ENsharts like this?

>> No.54781247

Best Pekora ship? Imo it is still PekoMari.

>> No.54781254
Quoted by: >>54781314

That is just scummy.

>> No.54781256

>Game about numbers
>Spend even more time thinking than puzzle
This is your numberfag /#/?

>> No.54781269
Quoted by: >>54781457


>> No.54781275

She had a pretty good English cover of a Japanese song. She’s gonna be the type to get a lot of views through her music I think. Kinda like Kiara, Bae and Mori.

>> No.54781278
Quoted by: >>54781377

What about Nerissa ones? Or are sisters still saying the same thing from before the debut?

>> No.54781293

That's called doing archive reps, ichimitranny.

>> No.54781300
Quoted by: >>54781565

She is better than Shiori and a little better than Bijou, the other 2 just had a debut date advantage

>> No.54781314

Literally get paid to do the bare minimum anon, why not?

>> No.54781328

lmao its on meloco's channel

>> No.54781334
File: 3.39 MB, 3800x6000, pekomari17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54781335

This might be one of the most balanced Gens.

>> No.54781338
Quoted by: >>54781418

EN streamers don't have culture unlike JP vtubers. I don't think I see something like that in JP vtuber community

>> No.54781340

He posted content daily of hand animated models, captioned them all, and even translated some of them. The TTS was part of her character as an android.

He worked his ass off back in its heyday, shilling gacha and putting the true wife experience, Moemi, on the highest pedestal. Moe was just a side project from the growth of his official discord server.

>> No.54781346

She's the Vsinger of the group

>> No.54781362
Quoted by: >>54781680

Fucking retard. She changed the game and returned to her peak.
That's craaaaazy. Here is a new idea. She can just SKIP the first few levels and start from more difficult ones. Easy new peak, +2k at the very least.
Streaming is just this fucking easy.

>> No.54781364

Shipfags should get the rope

>> No.54781371
File: 458 KB, 960x473, HEY GURA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54781379

>The entire EN scene is flipping their shit

>> No.54781377
Quoted by: >>54781708

Nerissa basically killed all possible rrats about her by going hard into the "I love idols and Hololive", which was definitely a wise decision

>> No.54781418

They do have culture, it just revolves around constantly making drama to keep people interested.

>> No.54781423
Quoted by: >>54781494

Pekoras grudge against Aqua was very well known. Aqua left a sign for her in Minecraft inviting her to do a build together and when Pekora logged in it was gone because she removed it offstream

>> No.54781424

very soon!

>> No.54781440

He backpedals a lot when afraid.

>> No.54781444

Pekora is right behind Aqua in the list of most autistic JPs, so if true it’s probably more a matter of her being too scared to go for it.

>> No.54781457

If that was the case then most of advent would never have been hired

>> No.54781491
Quoted by: >>54781646

How are the dozens of Meloco fans rationalizing this?

>> No.54781494
Quoted by: >>54781714

>The sign was gone because [headcanon]

>> No.54781512


>> No.54781521

different timezone

>> No.54781545
Quoted by: >>54781762

number predictions? I think 15k

>> No.54781565

You replied to the wrong post there, I was making fun of the homos.

>> No.54781566
Quoted by: >>54781605

No one is streaming retard

>> No.54781572
Quoted by: >>54781593

47k pegor

>> No.54781590

Pekora x Nousagi and no other ship exists. Only delusional ichimitrannies and 53piss try to push their ship for no reason.

>> No.54781593

Still slipped to baseball by 500 view

>> No.54781605

Marine is still streaming.

>> No.54781622

>Emptier when literally other chuubas are streaming

>> No.54781642

must admit, her cover is one of the best ones I have heard along between EN chuubas

>> No.54781646

meloco has no fans, she's a hardcore JP leech

>> No.54781650

I hate Luca the most from all NijiEN. Truly the worst example of male vtubers and he's still popular enough despite how shitty he is

>> No.54781651

Which Holo will lose the most viewers to EN3?

>> No.54781661
File: 654 KB, 1101x1080, lap_think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It wasn't until Myth that I understood how to be a fan in this kind of hobby.
do you think those "fan guidelines" they published would actually be useful for twitchfags who want to dabble in Hololive?

>> No.54781677

>2897 waiting
>2 hours out

>> No.54781680

If streaming was that easy your whores wouldn't be in the gutter, ENshart.

>> No.54781681
File: 101 KB, 285x234, nayuta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54781688
File: 6 KB, 335x67, dab095da706aa48ef7c9ef202cdf8989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actually gonna do it. They're going to hit 300k subs before they even do their morning stream

>> No.54781697


>> No.54781699

she had no choice
eilene went full schizo

>> No.54781704
File: 394 KB, 659x555, kson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54781754

Oh hey

>> No.54781705

Why is pekora copying ui's content . Creatively bankrupt as always

>> No.54781708
File: 1.50 MB, 500x281, chrome-capture-2023-6-31 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54781714
Quoted by: >>54781767

It was gone because Pekora removed it offstream. She didn't want her fans pushing her to do it. Dunno why you're so defensive over simple facts, are you incapable of inference?

>> No.54781722

Google Winston Bogarde

>> No.54781723
File: 54 KB, 441x234, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War never changes

>> No.54781728

Pekora and Suisei

>> No.54781729
File: 1.08 MB, 1888x500, 1690774012731527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I submit a New Challenger

>> No.54781736

Kronii, Whori, Bae, Kaela and Zeta

>> No.54781754

she have new model now?

>> No.54781762

I hope that their morning streams will have more viewers than later streams - maybe it will show that there is EU market for good Vtubers (Kiara filters too many people)

>> No.54781767

No proof btw

>> No.54781777

Marine is just shilling
