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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 182 KB, 2048x1226, @KUMO7474_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53071951 No.53071951 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Male General, formerly /luxnoc/

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji EN's male vtubers from Luxiem, Noctyx, ILUNA, XSOLEIL and NijiKrisis!


https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (graduated)




Fic Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ebZ5h4XdzvtoHhgVo4NwIMGvqWEFtwcxVBC1T1ISlJA

Vod Archive Guide:

Our watchalong site:

Guide to finding fanart on Lofter: https://rentry.org/aum8x

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Fujo, yume, pregposting, and hornyposting is encouraged.

Previous thread: >>52939142

>> No.53072002
File: 303 KB, 2048x2048, @CrystalPeachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the anchor post for fics. Please reply here for archival purposes. Links to greentexts and old posts from /nijien/ are okay too.

For organization purposes, please feel free to suggest tags for the work you are linking (ie female POV, fluff, noncon, pregnancy, etc)

If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.

Thank you!

>> No.53072086

aik rabu

>> No.53072286
File: 904 KB, 3221x4096, Fzy7bFsaUAUYx6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulgur and Ver 3.0: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1674726978660995072
Ike, Luca, Vox and Shu at Japan Expo Paris July 13-16: https://twitter.com/japanexpo/status/1666127813785661454
Shu, Ike, Alban, and Sonny at Virtualfes July 22 (Hong Kong): https://twitter.com/virtualfes2023/status/1666369406086291457
Noctyx at Bilibili World July 23: https://twitter.com/KamiWW15/status/1670826099444523008
Iluna & Xsoleil at Anime Impulse July 29-30: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1666882791693484033
Mysta at ACGHK2023 July 31: https://twitter.com/LizRias/status/1673623993423908864
Alban and Uki at Otakuthon August 11-13: https://twitter.com/otakuthon/status/1654516315514716160
Outfit status: 6 weeks

Merch on sale:
Mysta Arma Bianca Preorders: https://pr.armabianca.com/nijisanji-newera-jp/
Mysta 1m
Mysta Outfit Goods
Luxiem UFO Catcher
Krisis Debut Goods
Noctyx 2.0

Recent & Upcoming Projects:
Ike Orisongs:
Ver Lore 2.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6UFgNxbHj8
Ver Audio Drama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPyYBKlNhDs
Zali Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZIbfLeWiWY
Uki Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjZNwyX_0aI
Vox Lore Movie Teaser (Full project in fall): https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/status/1649624965275107329

>> No.53072525
File: 238 KB, 858x753, 1688682661811254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaslighting shota

>> No.53072585
File: 952 KB, 2109x1770, Fzf-RgRWYAApwA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boywife will not stop misbehaving.

>> No.53072609

yu sex

>> No.53072671
Quoted by: >>53072967


>> No.53072967

oh that would be really cute, creative AND sex

>> No.53073048


>> No.53073122

Clone Yu x Yu is my new ship I guess

>> No.53073213

yu sex noises

>> No.53073250

I always hc'd that zali has a bit of mad scientist stuff on the side so boy do I have a setup for you

>> No.53073285
File: 264 KB, 1233x2048, F0b9HSxagAACi2J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53073371

selfcest is good

>> No.53073426

Selfcest is godtier

>> No.53073506
Quoted by: >>53073536

wilson said the boots stay on during sex

>> No.53073536

foot fetishers in shambles

>> No.53073645
Quoted by: >>53074202

so... he's doing a split personality thing where one of them is wilson and one of them is yu...? wonder if this'll lead into lore

>> No.53073807

>i could rest my elbow on your head
the shota teasing his big sis about being bigger.... how is he so sex without even trying

>> No.53074082

because smug

>> No.53074129

As in a Kanekuro or Hikarino type situation? If so, that's hilarious. Imagine your split personality/alter ego taking over your body and the first thing it does in front of your audience is play Minecraft.

>> No.53074140
Quoted by: >>53074272

>My closet friends

>> No.53074202

Wrong reply, I'm so sorry. That was meant for >>53073645

>> No.53074272

His friends are furniture

>> No.53074352

his smugness seems to be returning but he's also clearly doing a bit, i'm too sleepy to try and decipher his intentions

>> No.53074476

I like the idea of yu being tall desu

>> No.53074559
Quoted by: >>53074638

Is Yu trying to be schizo chuuba like Doppio
He did have those fake discord messages with Krisis

>> No.53074576

I accept Tall Shota Yu for reasons I went into a few days back.
But I like his angry short vibes...

>> No.53074602

A JP has hit the server

>> No.53074638

who knows

>> No.53074698
File: 1.74 MB, 3072x2304, @NaBe_E_pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53074937

alban LOVE !
live NOW !

>> No.53074759

Cute wilson that likes nijien

>> No.53074937
Quoted by: >>53075046

Yu can stay tall but Alban really is just a little boy, I will put him in a car crusher and reduce him to half his size

>> No.53074954

yu forgets things easily just like me

>> No.53075046
File: 684 KB, 2434x2434, @haru_12003(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alban is a little boy that wants to be cute !

>> No.53075051

yu proudly showing off his inventory management

>> No.53075096


>> No.53075131

He still has better memory than I do.

>> No.53075276


>> No.53075401
File: 252 KB, 1375x2048, 1688867702653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love/miss my fatherbrotherhusband!!! Please come back soon or at least give a vague status update I am starting to lose it. My birthday merch finally shipping is the only thing keeping me sane right now

>> No.53075508

yu please reply to your senpai

>> No.53075674

there's a storm and streams lag at anything more than 144p, it's not fair, I want to watch my little brothers expressions in good definition, not have him be a pixelated blur

>> No.53075835

TOT alban is being lured away by a strange man

>> No.53075961

>doesnt know any jp senpai
>i like all senpai
he's showcasing his little shota brain

>> No.53076053
Quoted by: >>53076304

He's hallucinating because I drugged him earlier and it's just starting to take effect, after he passes out I'll keep his stream online as I fuck his unconscious body so everyone can watch as he comes too again after and realises what happened to him while he was out of it

>> No.53076059

he forgot all of them

>> No.53076297

I hope this is an 8 hour stream

>> No.53076304

isn't it 4AM, go to bed bandage

>> No.53076317

he's a little confused but he's got the spirit

>> No.53076382

Stop you made me read that post in his accent

>> No.53076404
Quoted by: >>53076946

>Yu is a shota built for sex
>Yu loves all his jp senpai

>> No.53076437

the bite of 87...........

>> No.53076532

how do we save the shotas from this french menace?

>> No.53076743

>leaves on pee break
what did he mean by this- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.53076744


>> No.53076946

Now I'm thinking about Leos as a mad scientist villain and Wilson as the hitm- hero who's tasked to put a stop to his dangerous and illegal experiments. But Leos manages to disarm him and knocks him unconscious before Wilson even knows what hit him. He winds up in Leos' basement, in his lab, bound and gagged. Leos proceeds to sexually torment Wilson for god knows how long, keeping him as his cute little guinea pig that he can experiment anything on, at any time.

>> No.53077420


>> No.53077458
Quoted by: >>53077517

Alban is horny AND schizo

>> No.53077517

just like me fr...

>> No.53077913

happy birthday markiplier

>> No.53078778

retarded cat...

>> No.53079162

alban found wose

>> No.53079761

twitterfags are so obvious in chat

>> No.53079801

albans praise kink !

>> No.53079965

alban is breaking the game

>> No.53080888


>> No.53080996

He's blind from too much std-ridden old man cum getting in his eyes

>> No.53081150

albans tummy is full of ojisan cum TOT

>> No.53081495
Quoted by: >>53081799

wife on ironmouse stream

>> No.53081531
Quoted by: >>53081591

wtf jacksepticeye

>> No.53081591

Game celebrates markiplier's birthday, wose cameo, jackscepticeye cameo...

>> No.53081799

bratty wife sneaking out to play games without telling us. he needs correction!

>> No.53082219

alban scooby do roleplay

>> No.53082321
Quoted by: >>53082869

I'd like a collab with yu and his brother after what he said

>> No.53082869
Quoted by: >>53083379

what did he say? i was spacing out

>> No.53083142

Alban from marketing!

>> No.53083379

He was talking about holostars jp. Seems like he used to watch them.

>> No.53083439

alban loves me !!!!!

>> No.53083579

wilson talking about breeding again.
mating press yu when?

>> No.53083853

alban is such a teasing brat

>> No.53084044

Alban is being attacked by ropes of white stuff

>> No.53084294

yu and sex cat sex when

>> No.53084369

Alban if you don't stop making noises like this I'm not going to be able to hold back

>> No.53084390

they were supposed to have zomboid apocalypse sex... we got robbed.
maybe they know the raw shota sex power is too much.

>> No.53084450
Quoted by: >>53084507

But who tops? They should be gangraped and forced to make out while being fucked instead.

>> No.53084471

Zomboid collab soon I believe

>> No.53084507
Quoted by: >>53084614

Excellent taste. But we can't get the fuel without the collab in the first place.

>> No.53084614

They'll collab soon enough, 10 hour long zomboid autism stream will happen

>> No.53085243

Is this why wife is having a sleepy gentle voice membaas zatsu tomorrow because he's going to be busy sneaking out and playing with his friends all night, I see you wife, I know your tricks

>> No.53085349

Alban's going to be raped...

>> No.53085453

rape correcting wife with a corkscrew cock

>> No.53085630
Quoted by: >>53085761

Monday zomboid stream, Wilson will be in the collab

>> No.53085639
Quoted by: >>53085685


>> No.53085685

I would prefer a one on one but I'll take this for now

>> No.53085761
Quoted by: >>53085788


>> No.53085788

Alban said so.

>> No.53087325

miss piochan

>> No.53088794
Quoted by: >>53089267

yu going deeper inside me

>> No.53089267
Quoted by: >>53090207

his dick is too small he can't

>> No.53090207

not true his dick is thick and long

>> No.53090371
Quoted by: >>53090552

His dick is huge (for a shota) or tiny (for a young adult)
That's my horny.

>> No.53090552

good taste

>> No.53090715

good night yu! thanks for another fun minecraft stream (i never thought i would ever say that)

>> No.53090915

which boy had a nazi phase

>> No.53090991


>> No.53092130
File: 3.79 MB, 2395x1586, @fluffySo_(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53092134

Mr Cop

>> No.53092473

Luca (killed millions)

>> No.53093459
Quoted by: >>53093520

i miss alban he should stream 24/7 so i can hear his cute snore when he sleeps, his sounds as he does things around the house, him working on offline work, him showering, his moans as he fucks his ass with toys imagining it was a real cock inside him...

>> No.53093513

wheres my fuldrops sextape

>> No.53093520
File: 2.53 MB, 4096x4096, Take my money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53093654

alban mengen masturbation stream when

>> No.53093654

right after he gives us a little brother rp asmr please alban, please don't forget or chicken out of the little brother rp

>> No.53094216

wife memba stream! hope he touches himself this time

>> No.53094487

Luca's going to be the first one to cum on stream after getting himself caught up in his shirt when trying to remove it during summer because he's too hot. The fabric keeps rubbing against his nipples and by the time he's freed himself, he's so distracted that he's forgotten he's live and plays with them more to finish himself off. He doesn't get in any trouble and the other boys take note of that, starting to do masturbation streams after.

>> No.53095169

Vanta still streaming...hes such a good boy

>> No.53095202

hes too fvcking cute i cant bro

>> No.53095353

He's going to be so sleepy and vulnerable after spending all night playing with mousey, perfect for rape

>> No.53095912
File: 217 KB, 2048x1616, 2BFC70C3-89EB-4E78-BF8E-E0AA6F07F4E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095948

I feel better after seeing that Mysta is not the only one who opted out from Pomu's cover.

>> No.53095948
File: 71 KB, 512x512, nadenade_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones that opted out were probably hesitant to sing

>> No.53097041
File: 92 KB, 1309x794, @bamu_ROM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53097728
Quoted by: >>53099621

demon will stream in like two and a half hours from now on

>> No.53098442
File: 388 KB, 700x700, B663E876-FC62-4308-9C3C-B37EFE1AD6D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I see Japanese fans refer to FoxAkuma as Heisei BL and Rensta as Reiwa BL. Shows the difference between old and modern BL.

>> No.53099621

I’m so happy

>> No.53099860
File: 709 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20230612_194218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53100006

Caught up with willy’s vod, sasuga shota the last time I was this rused was Ike’s UT stream

>> No.53100386

Froggy https://www.youtube.com/live/7RuO2nUpgFg

>> No.53100935

I like the frog but I'm probably unreasonably irritated by this sort of thing
I'll just stick with Vanta

>> No.53101682

Not zali thinking that stuffed animals sounds like a taxidermied animal...

>> No.53101970

>doesn't like kids
Based as fuck

>> No.53102233

shu (forma de collab) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3UT3nv7kFo
Vox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__VPy0AFMso

>> No.53103025

Vox sounds like he actually really hates voxto

>> No.53103052

take meds

>> No.53103295

Demon so ambitious and cute

>> No.53103469

ver q/a

>> No.53103689

You could’ve streamed whenever you wanted, dumb demon…

>> No.53104141
Quoted by: >>53104193

Vox finally met a kindred irl

>> No.53104193

I want to meet milord irl.... good for them though

>> No.53104340

ver proud of having the 2nd fattest ass of nijisanji

>> No.53104588
Quoted by: >>53104685

Which is the correct opinion to have

>> No.53104685
Quoted by: >>53104770


>> No.53104729
File: 63 KB, 732x727, IMG_20230419_064626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53104753

wife time

>> No.53104770

>people who have any opinion other than mine need meds
no wonder this thread is dead

>> No.53104786


>> No.53104842

Keep seething over the fact Shoto doesn’t collab with NijiEN anymore sis

>> No.53104853

Demon you know people will continue to concernfag your drinking if you keep saying things like this

>> No.53104861


>> No.53104866
File: 133 KB, 768x768, nina_sandal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53104875
Quoted by: >>53104910

I miss yu

>> No.53104898

do people actually still ship voxto a year and a half after luxiem debut

>> No.53104908
Quoted by: >>53104952


>> No.53104910

So do I, I just wish it wasn't Chilla's coming up.

>> No.53104952
Quoted by: >>53105066

ok get well soon

>> No.53104953
Quoted by: >>53105021

ships never die
so many fandoms i get into the most popular ships are things that are 'dead' for years in the context of the story i.e no interaction for years

>> No.53105021

idk there are some I would consider pretty dead. foxakuma for instance

>> No.53105040
File: 59 KB, 1280x1280, FeOd6KCakAIT54d.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53105209

my first time watching a ver stream since debut and man this is pretty nice.......thanks for the advice kaichou

>> No.53105066

take meds with me

>> No.53105196

I miss the oldfag regulars

>> No.53105209

yes try out eyeliner anon!

>> No.53105323

Demon so cute

>> No.53105587

poor wife…

>> No.53105643

Oh never mind. Still a weird system for outfit tickets

>> No.53105682

this fucking sucks........

>> No.53105690

Fuck man...rip to that

>> No.53105758

not like this....god fucking dammit

>> No.53105790

Wife...don't fucking say shit like that man...

>> No.53105832

Yes please take your meds more that only up stream was really nice

>> No.53105840

ver is scared of heights nice.

>> No.53105865
Quoted by: >>53106137

im with demon but what anons are liveposting about wife is making me nervous

>> No.53105908
Quoted by: >>53106137

comfydants are scaring me

>> No.53106137
Quoted by: >>53106263

I wish people didn't vaguepost member stuff like this...it always freaks people out. He's fine. Just got some bad news about a delay and is sad about it.

>> No.53106261
File: 347 KB, 854x626, IMG_3127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53106478

>> No.53106263

Oh ok then it’s not as bad as I thought. I forget that sheep can be pretty dramatic

>> No.53106478

cute hex

>> No.53106562

Wife smash

>> No.53106769

I'm always in the mood for BL >:(

>> No.53106882

Wife has been hinting at something big happening for Noctyx and I’m literally vibrating HE CAN’T KEEP TEASING US LIKE THIS

>> No.53106971

finally....cabin orgy stream is real......

>> No.53106973

Wife smell *sniff*

>> No.53106994

he hates it

>> No.53107021

kek you can say it smells too feminine man

>> No.53107067
Quoted by: >>53107088

What else other than a song could it be? Alban already made me believe it’s not a song

>> No.53107088

Cabin orgy

>> No.53107175

Wife might have sniffed a sheep's perfume....TOT I'm jealous

>> No.53107330

That’s a good stream idea demon

>> No.53107396

Such a girly shampoo

>> No.53107402
Quoted by: >>53107468

wife is smelly but in the good way

>> No.53107468

I will now go buy his shampoo and soaps

>> No.53107493
Quoted by: >>53107617

What's the horror short film Vox recommended? I missed it.

>> No.53107519

Fuck you and your straight ass hair, my shit tangles if I even lie down on a pillow

>> No.53107536

imagine the wife musk...

>> No.53107617

portrait of God

>> No.53107710

ver wants to do a book reading stream but hasn't got permission to do it. wants to read the miraculous journey of edward tulane

>> No.53107736

My Disney princess wife

>> No.53108031

Wife is slowly integrating into Chinese culture

>> No.53108056
Quoted by: >>53108102

Kaichou was sleeping commando when he made his "I can feel my leg" tweet.

>> No.53108102

his balls and cock flopping around as he tosses and turns

>> No.53108290

Bye bye demon I love you very much

>> No.53108289

Stop edging me!!!!!

>> No.53108441

ver's oily dewy skin

>> No.53108530

Man but I have a fetish for hands

>> No.53108749


>> No.53108779

kek kinda missed part of what he said but ver writing a story about a christian missionary girl?

>> No.53108821
Quoted by: >>53108876

wife really is a dad holy shit

>> No.53108876

He's our dad

>> No.53109099

Wife would be such a dramatic bitch with dynamic lighting

>> No.53109180


>> No.53109240

aw ver. i'm happy you had a friend who understands you unlike your parents in that situation

>> No.53109608
Quoted by: >>53109742

ver's next study stream he will show cock

>> No.53109742
Quoted by: >>53110226

oh, real and true?

>> No.53109884

Wife feels good when he sniffs us

>> No.53109926


>> No.53110050


>> No.53110226

yes. he was talking with an indie(or a fleshtuber)? who shows skin when they do study streams for donos and he said next time he'll show cock

>> No.53110290

Wife done pissing

>> No.53110618

He really wants an assistant huh

>> No.53110795

So many sheepies...

>> No.53111017

I want a chibi wife

>> No.53111169


>> No.53111537

bad sheepies, all of you (us)

>> No.53111682

Wife isn’t that into bara’s anymore… no archivist bara :((

>> No.53111757

Wife has been mindbroken into liking twinks and otters

>> No.53111764
File: 218 KB, 750x1021, 1688919767917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53111928

yeah he's been saying that for a while, he likes ikeojis now

>> No.53111842

the annoucement is they're all pregnant

>> No.53111862

with my children yeah

>> No.53111928

Based wife baras are too muscly

>> No.53111989
File: 196 KB, 1274x1170, IMG_20230122_000602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife has accepted babygirl mode

>> No.53112122
File: 188 KB, 717x1080, 1687237727849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're AI...

>> No.53112446

Holy shit please do that, I will cum in my pants

>> No.53112506

I love animal genitals wife please talk about it :)

>> No.53112529
File: 157 KB, 1283x767, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53112821

Wah, was just catching up on the vod - whatisthiswhatisthishwatisthissss

>> No.53112557
File: 240 KB, 1446x1929, F0l2AH4agAARyU9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye ver. really enjoyed your stream today.

>> No.53112639

He really does baby the cn sheepies

>> No.53112821

I hope it's lore

>> No.53112837
Quoted by: >>53112885

it's taking a while because it's taking time to conceive

>> No.53112885

fuuchan and alban have given birth, sonnys been MIA so i guess thats why...now all we have to do is wait for uki

>> No.53113043

>second body i didn't even ask for
kek. can't blame wife, imagine getting an ugly ass outfit, and having to wait to have the one you actually want

>> No.53113232
File: 172 KB, 919x1060, 1687231545032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53113539

Hey don't be mean...the hair is cute

>> No.53113480

i wouldn't complain if he never used it again except to wear assets made by his fans, i'm tired of all the recent fanart being him in this ugly outfit.

>> No.53113539
Quoted by: >>53113715

i agree with the hair

>> No.53113542
File: 17 KB, 300x285, IMG_20230526_234044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife don't leave....
I miss you already....
Wife gone world cold....
Come back soon....
Be happy wife <3

>> No.53113715
File: 180 KB, 943x1056, 1687235093888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53113781

I wish he would use his new hair on this old outfit, it'd be so cute

>> No.53113781
Quoted by: >>53114343

i wish he was able to...the hair overlaps with the collar i think

>> No.53114343
File: 241 KB, 1044x1057, 1687235093556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man...I wish his edgy popped collar is toggleable

>> No.53114403
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, 1688923068960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He saw my crying...

>> No.53114935
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 38474844938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53115201

i am deliriously happy right now

>> No.53115201
Quoted by: >>53115279

I felt my stomach drop once I realized it was real... 2D man should not be able to shock me like this, he really will give me a heart attack one day

>> No.53115249
Quoted by: >>53116585

Its so so sweet how much he adores his parents

>> No.53115279
File: 114 KB, 851x851, 346468798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree wholeheartedly. my entire body clenched up in surprise and excitement.

>> No.53116214

o-oniichan ranking?

>> No.53116291

t-two pst friendly streams and its a karaoke and an o-oniichan ranking? h-he really loves me, my oniichan really loves me!!!

>> No.53116349
File: 335 KB, 655x373, F0koVtnaAAAKZc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you guys rape my smug little brother so hard that he turned into a schizopherenic

>> No.53116494

i only see that as an improvement

>> No.53116585

I wasnt expecting this to be the “vibe” for today. Im loving it

>> No.53117059

Heart full

>> No.53117326
File: 115 KB, 1401x1349, Fn-DlM9aUAArisw.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53117475

i'm anxious about the zomboid collab......i hope it goes well......

>> No.53117475

i'm curious how yu will act. will he get senpai stage freight and let them walk over him or will his zomboid fanboy come out and he'll take over everything in his smug shota ways (please be latter)

>> No.53118934
Quoted by: >>53119181

wait milord met with a kindred?

>> No.53118988

Schizos are hot

>> No.53119181
Quoted by: >>53119368

a few at a private party yeah

>> No.53119368
Quoted by: >>53119509

damn, how lucky

>> No.53119509

I'm just glad he has a tangible experience that shows his impact on people and his industry. I can relate to him in that way (Not exactly but y'know). I hope those kindreds gave him lots of hugs

>> No.53121077

miss wife

>> No.53123130

sex cat rape and abuse

>> No.53124543
Quoted by: >>53128083

Wilson is piloting the body today https://twitter.com/YuQWilson/status/1678139069430202371

>> No.53124763

If only Vox could have horns with his debut hairstyle. I do like the combo he had today, I hope he keeps using it

>> No.53125819
Quoted by: >>53127604

i want to bake with wife (he hates it)

>> No.53127604
Quoted by: >>53128232

what would you bake with him anon?

>> No.53128083

collab with vanta when

>> No.53128232

a heart shapped chocolate cake, we would both fail tho

>> No.53129111

willy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyrySH2clrk
pio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tof507Y07UU

>> No.53130001
Quoted by: >>53130087

>wilson had a nightmare
>vezalius was there

>> No.53130087

"nightmare" more like potion induced amnesia

>> No.53130215

Wilson you're scaring me

>> No.53130504

>we're here to breed

>> No.53131108

These games always make me feel like I'm not wearing my glasses.

>> No.53132146

Holy moly pio that moan

>> No.53132472
Quoted by: >>53132554

As expected, Uki in the chat thirsting over Pio's sexercise moans

>> No.53132554
Quoted by: >>53132712

the multitasking, he's with Wilson too.

>> No.53132712

Oh yeah, he called him a noob.

>> No.53133211

Ahh I love when he's this bratty

>> No.53133220

Pio enjoys riding

>> No.53133796

Jumpy willy

>> No.53134051

love me a bratty shota who's cursing the crap out of the game

>> No.53135466

1-word Ike crumbs in Wilson chat <3

>> No.53135585

that "fucker" whimper from yu...!

>> No.53135648

my little brother is extra rapeable today

>> No.53136208

Ike's in Wilson's chat. That one anon's getting crumbs tonight. Happy for them. Hope they collab together one day.

>> No.53136215

He's extremely sex right now

>> No.53136558

ike grooming my little brother...

>> No.53138033

Cute scared willy!!

>> No.53138184

that cute little nonono, need to violate

>> No.53138218
Quoted by: >>53138448

between the stop stop stop stop and the no no no no you could make a rape audio edit out of this stream

>> No.53138448

we need a vocaroo wilsonite

>> No.53138521
Quoted by: >>53139046

Ike jumpscare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrPY-3O6z1Q

>> No.53138588

willy is hoarse.......

>> No.53138622

His voice... no...

>> No.53138631

bro stop I am gonna make a rape edit of you

>> No.53138655

screamed so much he lost his voice, yu.....

>> No.53138774

Kiss me anon

>> No.53138926

He's so mad and cute

>> No.53139046


>> No.53139165

My little sister wilson TOT

>> No.53139227

yu thought it was sept instead of oct, my dumb little brother

>> No.53139245

willy can't deepthroat

>> No.53139571

Willy's weak throat!

>> No.53139631
File: 826 KB, 1429x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duality of man

>> No.53139819

yu is usually loud!

>> No.53139875
Quoted by: >>53139968


>> No.53139931

God I love boys
I'm having an aneurysm from listening to them and Piochan but I'm happy

>> No.53139968

I'm sorry to any scythekicks pio's moaning distracted me too much but i will be back for iron lung

>> No.53140000

imaging comforting scared shitless yu after he lost his voice from screaming and cursing

>> No.53140038

Uki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgPXSYVDbTk

>> No.53140117

Zali really is the emotional rock in Krisis huh

>> No.53140184

how else will he groom the other two into being his lab rats

>> No.53140191
File: 78 KB, 827x827, Fzbw8-naMAAnVqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the three really round each other out well

>> No.53140321
File: 1.56 MB, 1427x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quadrology of men

>> No.53140483

Cute krisis, I'm happy they exist despite what happened

>> No.53140689

Krisis all have projects coming soon(tm), nice

>> No.53141027

alban and wilson as parents........

>> No.53141234

We noticed wilson we all raped you

>> No.53141451

Pío on da telly

>> No.53141673
Quoted by: >>53142037

dumdum wilson that can't cook

>> No.53141760

Zali really is the mom of the group holy shit these boys can’t live without him

>> No.53141953

>Likes sweet things
he really is a child

>> No.53142037
Quoted by: >>53142226

he can actually cook, he's just... super white. typical quebecois

>> No.53142226
Quoted by: >>53142500

he said he can cook a little. it’s enough to survive on, but nothing big

>> No.53142500

*gestures at the state of the boys in this branch* i'll take what i can get

>> No.53142507

wilson you're making me think you have clones instead of family members

>> No.53143327

wilson hiccup

>> No.53143929

Vox is gonna rape wilson for that

>> No.53144081

Cute wilson needs someone to babysit him for scary games

>> No.53144899

sucking yu's cock

>> No.53145283

i missed ike's voice

>> No.53145547

my ears must be shit because this sounds like a normal music kek
