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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4917919 No.4917919 [Reply] [Original]

Kiryu-Kai is Forever!
Eternal Kaichou Coco!

>> No.4917947
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Quoted by: >>4918120

I love her so much.

>> No.4917969

She's joining Vshojo pass it on

>> No.4917985
Quoted by: >>4936752


>> No.4917998
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they didnt collab

>> No.4918040
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>> No.4918090
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>> No.4918120
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Quoted by: >>4918569

Everyone is multi-dimensional, everyone has different parts of their personalities, but with any media, any celebrities, it can be easy for that to be overlooked. With Coco, at least for me, it was imminently apparent that she is gifted at expressing herself in a bunch of different ways. Even though she was trying to be her character in a particular way, you saw a bunch of sides of her right out of the gate, and got a sense of her skill at connecting to others by being herself: her dorky, stubborn, crass, caring self.

>> No.4918166
Quoted by: >>4918583 >>4918964

So what do you people think?
She's not going under anyone anymore (Unless Cover cleaned up their shit, which they never will) so she's not joining a group.
She's not quitting entertainment though.
So either she stays Indie (as K or a new character) or she's making her own company.
The latter seems unlikely, but maybe a long term goal for the future.

>> No.4918223
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Quoted by: >>4918447

You mean "gone forever".

>> No.4918253

I've got to stop watching videos of holos reacting to coco's graduation announcement. Shit's making me tear up again.

>> No.4918299

>En2 reveals smol orange haired pettan dragon character design
>fanbase gets angry because it's too similar to Coco's design
>debut stream goes live
>"Howdy Motherfuckers!" in a thick southern accent

>> No.4918349
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>> No.4918401
Quoted by: >>4918428 >>4918446

Dnot give me hope. There's only like 10% chance of this happening.

>> No.4918428

You're half right.

>> No.4918446

There's a 0% chance because that would be fucking retarded.

>> No.4918447
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Quoted by: >>4919105 >>4925861

If you listened to her member's stream today, she said that being able to keep her channel up (esp. as it will be demonetized), all of her tweets, etc., is not the norm. She has had to work extra to make that possible, but she did that work. She did it for us, for her fans. She is moving on, and her presence will not be able shine anew into our lives every day. I have been wrecked by the news, but we will have the archives, the memories, and so "erased" is an improper characterization.

The default WOULD BE for her to be erased, and just much else that has done, she is not the default. She is extraordinary.

>> No.4918523
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Quoted by: >>4918685 >>4920271

I want everyone to stay friends and hang out together and I don't care if we even know about it! I just want everyone to be happy!

>> No.4918569
File: 147 KB, 1440x900, 1592507983649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i always felt she was one of the best in Hololive at using her vtuber persona to it's fullest, she understood from day 1 the opportunity she had to be someone she really isn't, a shy introvert, turned into a shitposting dragon with a "fuck you" attitude.
I wouldn't call it her "ideal" self, just someone she would have fun being, she always had a Coco inside of her, and the live2D allowed her to take it to the next level.
Her character eventually lost quirks and things she had to "force", as Coco slowly turned more and more "real".
Perhaps her slow but steady personality change also had something to do with her slowly losing enthusiasm.
She never stopped being a tryhard workaholic grinder though, that's something she could control, Kiryu Coco? not so much.

>> No.4918583
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I'm doing the "wait and see", and I know my waiting may have to much longer than "On July 2nd, 'Bright Future Studios' was announced and unveiled the debut dates for its first talents." It may be months, and we probably won't get details that will be deep or satisfying for a while.
I have accepted that, and instead of spending my energy speculating, I am spending my energy enjoying her streams.

>> No.4918685
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>> No.4918692

I hope that Coco being considered a hololive "alumni" will allow her to return for super special events and shit. More like a retiring from streaming but not exactly never going to participate in events ever again. Imagine if at the 3rd holoFES, Coco just fucking shows up out of nowhere and does a song with Gen4 before leaving once again. Or if when Kanata hits 1 million subs and does a call-in stream, Coco joins.

I know the chances are astronomically low but a tatsunoko can dream right? Right?

>> No.4918743

You're small time my friend, i think she'll be back in a year or so.

>> No.4918794
Quoted by: >>4918995 >>4919172

You are like little child.
The three months until membership ends after graduation is actually a countdown for her return.

>> No.4918964


>> No.4918995
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Just enough time for Yagoo to do some house-cleaning

>> No.4919012
Quoted by: >>4919032 >>4919165

She'll be streaming some kusoge or ARK a week after graduation on mildom without an avatar like nothing happened because she's genuinely addicted to streaming. This bitch will be fine.

>> No.4919032

She recently started using avatar again. Revamping it would be cheap for her, if not free.

>> No.4919105
Quoted by: >>4919152

Thank you for this anon. I missed the stream and people on Twitter are gatekeeping what she said.

>> No.4919152

>member stream

TL;DR: after Taiwan yab and YT content guidelines Cover management clamped down on their talents. Formalized everything and introduced more paperwork. Some were fine with it but Coco and Haachama couldn't breathe under new restrictions. After discussing a compromise and not reaching it, Coco decided to leave. She outright said "Creative differences" and talking them out with management extensively without reaching consensus. That's why she left the door tentatively open for comeback: her graduation is a question of not being able to create content she wants under current Cover policies and management. The spam and YT slowpoke response to it was just a bonus stress.

>> No.4919165
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Quoted by: >>4919350 >>4924767

The ideas she comes up for streams are so funny, it's like everytime she leaves the house it's an excuse to find streaming material.
Like when she went to visit her family and came back with a puzzle box stream.

>> No.4919172

>Or if when Kanata hits 1 million subs and does a call-in stream, Coco joins.
I think Kanata's (or Watame's) 1M will be so soon that it is hard to allow. It would set it up as too likely of a precedent that Coco is still "around".

>Coco just fucking shows up out of nowhere and does a song with Gen4 before leaving once again
I would love that, but thinking as the organize of such an event, it would put an unnecessary focus on her, at the expense of everyone else: those who are getting to be in their first live concert, other yonkisei songs without her, etc.
I would love it, but that won't happen either.

I can imagine that if she does return as a presence, it will be slowly at first, and grow over time.
- Rushia mentioning speaking to her, just as an aside, in this-or-that stream.
- Kanata reading a letter from Coco for her own 1M.
- If anyone plays ARK2, I'm sure there would be some Coco tributes in there.
- Kanata doing a meme review, and thanking Coco for helping.
- FBK sharing an old memory when some game moment reminds her of Coco.

That kind of thing. I can imagine after about year, her actual voice showing up once, and it being a HUGE DEAL that overshadows everything else that happens. But once that cools down, maybe her voice appearing isn't as overwhelming to whoever's stream it is on, and it happens more often, once a month or so.

It allow us to feel that Kiryu Coco, the character in the Hololive universe, is still out there. She's out there, just that the camera is not pointed at her anymore.

>> No.4919212

The fact that (at least by appearances) both she an Cover are making every effort to avoid burning bridges, I'd say that's possible. Like she might make a suprise appearance at Hololive's 5 year anniversary or something. Assuming Vtubers are still a thing in 5 years of course.

Also, is it just me or is this the first time a graduation has been (apparently) amicable for ANY vtubing company? Usually it's a complete shitshow where the graduate gets totally erased.

>> No.4919225
File: 150 KB, 1115x950, E3inIigVUAAmxA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4919490

>turns her graduation into a month long party
absolutely nothing can stop this bitch

>> No.4919241
Quoted by: >>4919308

I think she would have stayed if it was only creative differences, the harassment is the biggest reason.
Why stay if you can't even have fun while not being able to do what you want.

>> No.4919253
Quoted by: >>4919292

Can someone who's not an EOP check out Suisei's stream? I read some translations where she talked about having known about Coco's graduation since last year, but I can't imagine that being right

>> No.4919254
Quoted by: >>4919490

>vtubing is still a thing in 5 years
it's a new industry, it's here to stay
>first time graduation was amicable
Well all other graduations were yabs.

>> No.4919260

Hard to say. Coco's too big. Normie tabloids and twitter trending makes it hard to fire and forget. Not saying that this was Cover's intent.

>> No.4919277
Quoted by: >>4919415 >>4920258

Fubuki is contradicting her previous promise

>> No.4919291

>The spam and YT slowpoke response to it was just a bonus stress.
Yeah I left a job for reasons like this once. The job itself was the main reason, but I had a lot of background life issues at the time. If I didn't have those issues, I would have had more energy to put up with the rough edges at work. It's like filling a bucket with water until it overflows. Some annoyance may only represent an inch of water, but when you're dumping it into a bucket that is already full, it has a larger impact.

>> No.4919292
Quoted by: >>4919956

That was just what the translator thought, Suisei never actually said that.
She only said that she has know "for some time", likely a month or two at most, probably less, she didn't give a specific timeframe.

>> No.4919308
File: 113 KB, 599x428, 1594457998107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4919347 >>4919415

I don't think so. If it was happening - other holos would not speak about trying to talk her into staying. That means she just truly could not do content she wanted and I believe it: JAP companies are incredibly restrictive.

>> No.4919347

Oh come on anon, look at the image you're posting, she made the same joke several times in asacoco, it doesn't mean anything, that's just her being her, trying to make fun of a bad situation.
Just like her roommate stream about that dice game minutes after the graduation announcement.

>> No.4919350


in the last few months, k*on made better solo streams than kiryu coco. at the time I didn't understand why she would put so much effort into her roommates streams but now its clear that she was doing stuff she wasn't allowed to do in hololive without management breathing down her neck.

>> No.4919374

>Just like her roommate stream about that dice game minutes after the graduation announcement.
Meant to say tweet. "ochinchin"

>> No.4919397
Quoted by: >>4923716 >>4937026

Imagine going through weeks-long labor of explaining your new project to 50+ years top exec dinosaurs that are completely removed from the industry, only for it to be shot down because it's unsafe under arbitrary YT algo and spam firepower.

It grinds down your motivation. Literally how young and bright workers burn out in any kind of industry. They either fall in line or leave.

It's possible as a hapa she just doesn't bend down to widely accepted workplace norms of Japan, however shitty. Look at Haachama, an aussie raised jap, she also gets in trouble. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banishment_room

>> No.4919399

Oh, and also, that image is old, it's from when she took her break.

>> No.4919415
Quoted by: >>4919442


fubuki is not pushing the nuclear "blow everyones dream of going to budokan up" button and neither is coco.


she said harassment on youtube and twitter was one of the reasons in the mengen.

>> No.4919442
Quoted by: >>4919563

>she said harassment on youtube and twitter was one of the reasons in the mengen.
sure, I doubt there was any inside Cover though.

>> No.4919466
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i get recommended clips with coco in them its so sad i have enough depression

>> No.4919490
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Quoted by: >>4919534 >>4919814

>Well all other graduations were yabs.
No they weren't. There have been loads that weren't centered on mistakes or big dramatic incidents. There have been graduations that didn't end poorly. Nobuhime is the easiest to come to mind.
>Also, is it just me or is this the first time a graduation has been (apparently) amicable for ANY vtubing company?
There have been some, but there haven't been any in Hololive.
But if you expand it to all of HoloPro, Kaoru left on good terms iirc?

I was on the "REMEMBER WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU" team initially, but seeing the comments of other holos, how long ago they knew, how tried to talk her out of it, and now they all say they understand. It's been a crazy number that have had something to say along those lines. Plus Cover being graceful with it, basically letting her throw a month-long party (as >>4919225 says), it all lends credence to her claims that it was primarily creative differences, or close enough to that, and is her choice, where the other side of that choice would be staying, but not being able to do the streams she wants to do, to make her fans smile.

>> No.4919534
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Quoted by: >>4919774 >>4930059

Also Gibara Era graduated really abruptly, and there was no real reason other than she apparently found another job she liked.

>> No.4919563
Quoted by: >>4919617


a functional not-shit agency would not ghost Coco for weeks when she asks for an EN collab or issue taboos to prevent other holo members from acknowledging her existence for half a year. I can understand wanting to protect the other talent from yabs, but shit like this has no purpose other than to isolate coco. many of the actions cover has taken can only be interpreted as hostile.

>> No.4919603
Quoted by: >>4919647 >>4919963

I hope Coco leaving is a wake up call and they actually reconsider the creative restrictions they are putting on the talent. The fact that Kanata's idol show was too much is completely insane. I don't think that'll actually happen now. They have a huge audience, so the best thing to do business-wise is to just play it safe and coast.

>> No.4919617
Quoted by: >>4919774 >>4920062

it's their damage control model
same with creative content restrictions
they're inert, conservative, slow, typical jap company
not actively malicious or anything
that's what I think

>> No.4919647
Quoted by: >>4919963

>play it safe and coast
Coco just had shortest fuse. Talents might start to bleed from attrition.

>> No.4919774
Quoted by: >>4920062

Yeah, there have definitely been very, very sudden announcements that were not "yabs". It's a wider spectrum than just "perfect harmony" and "graduated effective immediately".

I have spent time in Japan, and done work collaborating with a Japanese company (i.e. I didn't work for them, but my company worked with one). This is an important part of the puzzle. I understand why people who have not experienced the typical Japanese conservative attitude over look this factor, but it is still a huge, huge factor to overlook.

>> No.4919814

Sorry but i can't accept that, she knows her fans would be fine with her just playing the games she wants, sure she has ambitions and tons of ideas and being restricted certainly weighted heavily on her, but that's not a reason to graduate, times changes, rules can change, you never know if something that isn't allowed could be okay in the future.
The best i can do is a combination of both, you can't tell me she can't smile because she can't make asacoco or something new anymore, you could tell how happy she was in most collabs, those memories are precious to her and losing the ability to make more of them is not something that she would choose simply because of creative differences.

Remember, she said "if only *that* didn't happen" on her mengen.

I do agree with the rest of your post though, i almost feel ashamed of thinking about begging her to stay, it took me 2 days but i finally understand her reasons and accept them, it would be incredibly incosiderate of me to want her to keep going when she's not enjoying it anymore.

>> No.4919881

Well why do you think restrictions and bureaucracy clamp down happens? Because Taiwan, Holocaust and YT guidelines. They're just actors, Jap corporate mentality is truly to blame.

>> No.4919921

>it would be incredibly incosiderate of me to want her to keep going when she's not enjoying it anymore.
Yeah when she talked about how she is bad at faking smiles, and that she can only make us smile if she is truly smiling... not only is that so true to her, it's also something I can deeply relate to. I am bad at faking enthusiasm and have had that be a factor in my career a few times, and I'm not even in any creative content or media role.

>> No.4919956

Makes sense, thanks

>> No.4919963

>I don't think that'll actually happen now.
was supposed to say "though" not "now"
Agreed, but I think that in typical corporate fashion, they aren't really considering the well being of the talent. They just think creativity = risk and that's the end of it.
>Remember, she said "if only *that* didn't happen" on her mengen.
I'm pretty sure she said that in the context of the restrictions, as in "if Taiwan didn't happen Cover wouldn't be so strict".

>> No.4920062
Quoted by: >>4920140 >>4920153


How is managers completely ignoring a talents request damage control? It's one thing to deny a request and another to ghost someone in your own company


I have worked in japan for several years and I know Japanese bullshit when I see it. I'm not surprised japs believe the evil management theory more than eops do. Cover put Coco in the Iい出し部屋 because management hates that she won't give up as easily as marine and pekora and finds ways around bullshit rules. She said this in her mengen.

I'm going to try my best to enjoy whats rest of this month but I still know she was treated unfairly and that cover doesn't deserve any of the success their talents have brought them.

>> No.4920140
Quoted by: >>4920290

追い出し部屋 or banishment room.

>> No.4920153

I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying it's the only way they know. It's shit, but not "worse than usual".

>> No.4920258

Cover hasn't gone full black company yet, if Cover doesn't keep their promise not to unperson Coco and FBK says nothing then we can start talking

>> No.4920271
Quoted by: >>4921409

That tweet broke me.

>> No.4920284
Quoted by: >>4920367

I'm slightly curious how many members her channel has by now. I've always kept her free chat in pop-out mode on the side but ever since the announcement stream the flood of membership joining notifications in there still hasn't stopped.

>> No.4920289
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Quoted by: >>4920351

I don't think it's healthy to act like she's leaving just because management is being restrictive, those who know Coco well understand she's a very rational person who doesn't take decisions lightly.
She denied leaving to protect other members on her mengen, and she may not be lying, but i'm sure other holos getting spammed really troubled her, you can tell how much shame she felt when Flare had to set her chat to members-only when they collabed in Minecraft.

Remember how long the 2.0 > 3.0 asacoco break was, remember what she told Tamaki as one of the reasons for the extended break, she wants to bring happines to Hololive, and after permissions and Aloe, AsaCoco wasn't the right fit, whe things calmed down she started it again.
Now think about that when she's collabing with holos and their chats get spammed because she's there, it goes in the exact opposite direction of what she wants for hololive.

>> No.4920290
Quoted by: >>4920610

>content restrictions
Haachama was equally restricted. When corpos don't know how to deal with new threat, they default to familiar policies: apology, vacation, bureacracy guidelines. That's how Jap companies are.
>collab restrictions
To avoid spillage. It was justified, as you have seen. YT is slowpoke with their anti-spam and as discussed in threads, they have horrible feedback system for content creators and it is impossible to request and roll out features to all of Holo channels.

>> No.4920351
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>> No.4920367
Quoted by: >>4920514

At least 12k judging by likes on her last member video. Assuming it wasn't public before it started, I'm not sure if it was or not.

>> No.4920411
Quoted by: >>4920473 >>4920620

IF they go back to China market , what can we do?

>> No.4920473
Quoted by: >>4920531 >>4920620

scream on social media
write them reports
cancel memberships and call others on doing the same

honestly just chink game permissions would be a giant red flag

>> No.4920514
File: 48 KB, 1152x1080, 1609273943260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4928675

I got this from here and it's a bit old.
This only counts people who sent messages, so it's safe to assume it could be 10 or even 20% more.
What i really want to know is how many her other channel has, the flood of memberships was huge on her freechat.

>> No.4920531

Honestly if I were Cover I'd be more concerned about what their JP fans might do. Tatsunokos are a devoted bunch and firebombs may be in their future.

>> No.4920559
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Quoted by: >>4922326


>> No.4920598
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Quoted by: >>4920622

Just finished watching her membership stream. Honestly, it was a huge relief and it was able to give me some closure for what's going to happen in the future. I hope that her merch will be up for sale again during the upcoming weeks. Even though I managed to grab her tsukumo plush, I want to at least try getting my hands on her pin as well.

>> No.4920610
Quoted by: >>4920890

>YT is slowpoke with their anti-spam
I wish Cover had the balls to use one of the top superchatters leaving to shame YT into giving some proper support/tools to the other channels.
Coco spent far too long dealing with level 1 helpdesks on twitter when she was getting mass-spammed.

>> No.4920615
Quoted by: >>4920918

Probably why Coco tried her best not to point fingers at anyone. I don't think she would be able to cope with someone in her fanbase pulling a KyoAni or hurting other staff members on her supposed behalf.

>> No.4920620

I'd probably stop watching desu. I don't think they will though, a lot of the bugs are anti-Cover in general, not anti-Coco. Also thanks to their spam efforts JP/EN/ID fans fucking hate China, and will probably revolt if they try to go back.
It's rumored that Cover has a decent relationship with Yostar, they just stopped playing their games to avoid getting them in trouble. Muse Dash or Asus would be a huge red flag though.

>> No.4920622
File: 319 KB, 1000x1392, 1610447758327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream was legendary, it had everything, humor, banter and emotional moments.

>> No.4920765

It still feels like a dream.

>> No.4920791
Quoted by: >>4920888

Imagine being creatively-stiffled yet still making bank. Even on her worst days she was still earning tens of thousands. Cover had lightning in a bottle and they let her slip through their fingers.

>> No.4920818

yostar moved their HQ to japan so it is expected.
They also are in bed with cygames

>> No.4920888
Quoted by: >>4920925

What remains to be seen is whether or not one of the other Holos will attempt to fill the 'edgy' content void that she left. Regardess of someone's personal feelings about such things, there is an audience for it and pushing the envelope in that way is what encourages innovation.

My money is on Zombie or Chicken. Haachama may graduate not long after Coco

>> No.4920890
Quoted by: >>4921013

superchat is just a fraction of youtube money. they dont care.

>> No.4920918

I honestly doubt that people would go that far.
More likely fans are going to kill themselves when she graduates. Japan already had that phenomenon happen with Hide and a bunch of other celebrities, where people killed themselves after they killed themselves. I would be worried about how that'd affect Coco.

>> No.4920925
Quoted by: >>4921762

hachama will keep going becasue hatons are her family. unfrtunately she has university.
so she will be ayame like in streaming at most

>> No.4920939

>I'd probably stop watching desu. I don't think they will though, a lot of the bugs are anti-Cover in general, not anti-Coco. Also thanks to their spam efforts JP/EN/ID fans fucking hate China, and will probably revolt if they try to go back.
I feel the same way. I cold see their investors wishing it could happen, but at this point Cover likely knows that that door is closed for a long time.
I don't see it happening. If it did though, that'd be my cue to get out. I don't think I would be a "Cover anti" and seek out ways to harm their business, but I would definitely speak ill of them if they ever come up.

>> No.4920964
Quoted by: >>4921041 >>4921053

Is Cover incompetent or evil?

>> No.4921013
Quoted by: >>4925658

Vtubers are the main userbase of their shitty streaming service, they have failed to bring in any major streamer (besides Dr Disrespect, bu that was because he was banned from twitch)

>> No.4921041
Quoted by: >>4921077

"Japanese" is a more-than-adequate description of their behavior.

>> No.4921053

Incompetent to the point of being semi-intentionally evil

>> No.4921077

Evil it is then. Make her work experience so dreadful that it forces her to quit.

>> No.4921088

so where is that link to her roommate's channel?

>> No.4921197
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>> No.4921224
File: 1.29 MB, 365x205, 1623351507178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance, Reddit dragon won't be missed

>> No.4921296
File: 430 KB, 1080x1751, i.imgur.com_g8Hxcsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said

>> No.4921346

she's a bit uh, unstable

>> No.4921409
Quoted by: >>4921457

What does it say?

>> No.4921457
File: 46 KB, 1125x524, E3eXmUmXoAo38Ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4921522


>> No.4921522

I love them!

>> No.4921533
Quoted by: >>4921558

kneel to the cpcfags

>> No.4921558
File: 177 KB, 700x470, 1608802905085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4921703
Quoted by: >>4921735

I really don't think Cover is THAT retarded, Coco isn't pointing anyone, if they return to do business in China it's like shooting in your own foot. It's like they were saying: ''Yes, we fired Coco and she was lying to protect us saying it was ''creative differences'' just to return to China''. No one would stand this

>> No.4921735
Quoted by: >>4921858 >>4921869

>I really don't think Cover is THAT retarded,

I can't even count how many times I thought this and was proven wrong this year.

>> No.4921762

Yeah, I was in that members stream and I felt she genuinely wants to stay with us no matter what happens, I'll support her forever whatever she does

>> No.4921784
Quoted by: >>4921800


>> No.4921800

google archive or use capture2text & DeepL yourself

>> No.4921858

That would be a next level of retarded, I don't thibk even Cover would be that retarded, they should know that pandering to China would kill their entire international market and that they aren't really welcome in China anymore.

>> No.4921869
Quoted by: >>4921889 >>4922326

Yeah, me too, but this is way more retarded than eating glue. If someone has +80 IQ that's enough to think ''Hey, overseas fans wouldn't be angry at this? They hate China a lot after the Taiwan incident''

>> No.4921889
Quoted by: >>4921939 >>4921952

How about JPs

>> No.4921914
Quoted by: >>4921925 >>4921930


>> No.4921925

Do your graduation reps, anon.

>> No.4921930
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x575, 1620439039060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4921939

JOP too, and also another people. I don't think the other Holomembers would be happy to return to Bilibili

>> No.4921952
Quoted by: >>4922035 >>4922051

JP ichimi and 35p mostly rolled over for the fujos during that mess, tatsunoko are a different breed but after that I don't trust the nip fans to stand up for their oshis

>> No.4922035
Quoted by: >>4922210

they did exactly what marine told them to do. she had a mengen where she told fans to calm the fuck down and not harass anyone because it would make hololive look bad.

>> No.4922051
Quoted by: >>4922282

There's a difference between rolling over for other JPs and rolling over for the Zhangs. Remember; no matter how much you think you hate China, your hate is nothing compared to Japan.

>> No.4922210

Coco said the same thing many times too

>> No.4922282
Quoted by: >>4922326 >>4922533

Yeah, even with Coco’s explanation that creative differences was the deciding factor in leaving there was implicit admission whether intentional or not that the incident spurred on by the chinese was the reason why those differences came to exist in the first place. That’s a conflict I don’t think Coco could smooth over in another member stream, especially since she’ll be gone before any sort of decision to attempt to reconnect with the CN market is made.

>> No.4922326
File: 636 KB, 703x745, 1611230392139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4922404
File: 704 KB, 768x432, 1623369234926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

台湾は国。 臺灣是國家。
Taiwan is a Country

Remember Tiananmen Massacre

>> No.4922434
File: 675 KB, 1028x800, 1623343591058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4922445

Taiwan is a Country

Remember Tiananmen Massacre

>> No.4922445
Quoted by: >>4922927

are those helicopter headphones?

>> No.4922485

And to think Coco would've loved for her to come back to Hololive.

>> No.4922533

Things were already proceeding in that direction before that incident happened. She had been talking about management gradually getting stricter and allowing less and less for months already. Remember the explanation she gave for Asacoco 2.0 being different.

>> No.4922698
File: 61 KB, 960x540, E3hlvOdVIAMqa_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4923124

No I'm not going to say good bye. This is 'See You Next Time'. Coco will come back. Coco and her in your face bitch attitude with a heart of gold has inspired her genmates and the rest of the Hololive members. Someone somewhere down the line will get a little rebellious and sneak Coco into their stream and thumb their nose at management.

Remember who she's named after. This is not farewell.


>> No.4922866
File: 181 KB, 449x407, 1605289473714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1:45:37 birthday
Cocochi burp!

>> No.4922927

Sennheiser HD600

>t. audiofag

>> No.4923124

Kanata did say that you'd probably hear Coco's voice in the background after her graduation.

>> No.4923162
Quoted by: >>4923308

As "Friend C."

>> No.4923238
Quoted by: >>4923399 >>4923448

I mean it's pretty much unavoidable since they live so close together. I'd also imagine that it'll be a long ass time before Coco moves out, if at all. Heck she'll probably still keep in touch with most of the Holos.

>> No.4923308

A-Chan’s full name is Yuujin A, which is literally just “Friend A” in English. If Coco becomes “Friend C” it implies cameos in the future or her still working with Cover in some capacity, but I wouldn’t get my hopes too up.

>> No.4923399
File: 2.37 MB, 2480x3508, 1594293458772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4923444 >>4923458

>I mean it's pretty much unavoidable since they live so close together
Is it really? The only times i've heard Coco on Kanata's stream were all planned, like that time she started an utawaku and Coco told her to finish her food.
I have yet to see any sign of Kanata in Coco's roommate streams either.
It's such a dumb thing to worry about, i really don't get why they made it seem like it could be a problem, it's never happened before, both of them are very careful, lock their doors and their rooms are soundproofed, they've literally done simultaneus utawakus and you couldn't hear anything.

>> No.4923444

That's not worry, that's half a pinkie-toe in the door crack.

>> No.4923448
Quoted by: >>4923716

Gen 5 is all still in contact with Aloe, I doubt she’ll ever lose her contact with the other members when she’s apparently good friends enough with Sora to have regular convos if memory serves right. Considering Kanata and Coco were so compatible that they wondered if they were reincarnated friends from a previous life I’d be surprised not just if they stopped being roommates, but if they move any farther away from next door from each other.

>> No.4923458
Quoted by: >>4923485 >>4923523

Kanata has a soundproof booth in her room that she streams in, there's literally no chance of her voice accidentally appearing unless Coco walks right up to the door and screams.

>> No.4923485

stinky sweaty soundproof booth

>> No.4923523

She's still using a booth? i thought her room was fuly soundproofed.
That's what it looked like when she uploaded images on twitter when she just moved in.

I'm pretty sure Kanata isn't using a booth anymore, that's when she hadn't moved in with Coco.

>> No.4923551

she gifted booth to someone I think

>> No.4923654

She got a new booth and gave away the old one.

>> No.4923716
Quoted by: >>4923826 >>4923835

Aloe stopped talking to them ever since November from what I remember, I recall Nene said something to that affect in one of her members only back then. I haven't really kept up with the whole thing though.
Hasn't Gura been bringing up Muse Dash a lot more recently?
Supposedly they're making their own streaming site, wouldn't restrictions loosen up with that? Right now they seem to be playing it super safe because Youtube AI can easily decide to fuck you up for no reason.

>> No.4923774
Quoted by: >>4923835

>[EN] Coco: When I can't smile anymore, I can't make you guys smile. The main reason why I can't stay with you guys is because I can't make myself smile anymore...
I think that says it best. She has to be happy to be able to entertain and she isn't happy anymore. So why isn't she happy?

>[EN] Coco: It's just, no matter what we tried.... As I said before.... It's a difference in creative difference. Hololive is like, "I wanna do rock!" But you want country music. Like, I don't think I can sing rock happily. But they're like, "No, rock all the way!" So, the direction is completely different.
She's being forced to do content she doesn't enjoy doing. If she doesn't enjoy doing it then she can't make it enjoyable to watch. So she's leaving.

>> No.4923785

I don't have a reddit account because I'm straight, but I'm interested to know how they're reacting to this. What will they do without their reddit dragon?

>> No.4923826

Not that anon, but I remember Muse Dash devs sending supas to Watame after the incident actually happened. I remember there was a backlash, did they issue an apology the spammers or something?

>> No.4923835

>Supposedly they're making their own streaming site
dyrbi? tech illiterate japs love youtube
I can maybe see a platform for VTubers in general emerging as a colloboration between several bigger agencies.
Maybe there would be unique promotions and projects there at the start to bring audience in and then they can move some talents over there idk.

But that's very big and too innovative to expect from japs.

>She's being forced to do content she doesn't enjoy doing.
More like she's restricted from doing content she likes because Cover overplaying it safe after yabs. Typical corpo response.

>> No.4923893
Quoted by: >>4924034 >>4924778

Don’t have one either, but last I heard the subreddit got placed in restricted mode cause they actually had handed the keys to Cover for some reason.

>> No.4923937

they said oh so sad, I'm crying, this is so sad guys, anyways-

>> No.4923977

Took a look. It's about the same as this thread but with a bunch of shitty remembrance memes. Lotta people sad she's leaving and trying to understand. A few people demanding answers and trying to find where to lay their blame.

>> No.4924011
Quoted by: >>4924082 >>4924099

making your own streaming site is hard, especially since you need to support an existing audience that is large and geographically spread out

unless you've already got venture capital levels of funding and a bunch of competent tech people lined up, that's not happening

>> No.4924034
Quoted by: >>4924237 >>4927457

no, T-chan speaked up on the report spam chat room, she just didnt want to deal with an avalanche of emotional posts, also she said cover constatly asks for intervention like reoving the aloe flair but they refuse every time, they are in good terms with cover but they are their own thing.

>> No.4924082

They're doing alt which is supposed to be some big metaverse shit. I think a streaming site is less innovative than that. If I recall cover has a failed streaming site project from their early days as well.
If it did happen I would only expect them to put big streams or non-youtube friendly streams there (ASMR/Swimsuits/Haachama schizo shit.)
Cover is backed by one of the biggest VC groups in Japan apparently so they should be fine in that regard.

>> No.4924099
Quoted by: >>4925658

Actually, it's easy. The properly scalable infrastructure under it is what's hard.

>> No.4924142

>More like she's restricted from doing content she likes because Cover overplaying it safe after yabs.
Pretty much, she herself said earlier this year thar the reason there had been no Asacoco replacement yet after saying she was working on it was that management kept shooting it down no matter how much she reworked it.

>> No.4924237
Quoted by: >>4924411 >>4927457

Cover crop owns the hololive reddit and T-chan is
one of the employee that runs the reddit.

>> No.4924411
File: 321 KB, 2000x1550, GRASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4924767 >>4924814

>Cover crop

>> No.4924492
Quoted by: >>4927457

You don't need an account to read threads. They're mostly just confusion and sadness. The reddit page has Cover Corp as a moderator so I'm guessing any negative posts are removed.


>> No.4924767

Pretend i posted this image >>4919165

>> No.4924778
Quoted by: >>4924898

>cause they actually had handed the keys to Cover for some reason
That's how it goes for any subreddit related to a company. The company can be given control of a fan-run subreddit by contacting the reddit admins. Be glad you can post your opinions on 4channel without needing approval from covercorp first

>> No.4924814


>> No.4924898

It was handed over by the subreddit's original creator, just like the Nijisanji subreddit.
You can only take over a subreddit if someone hands it over or if it has been unmoderated for months.

>> No.4924932
File: 116 KB, 900x900, 1623245829932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4925041 >>4925520

Always remember support your oshi so go sub to kson now.

>> No.4925041
File: 28 KB, 867x276, 1601412639879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4925104

I'm ready for a higher tier membership since I dislike superchatting.

>> No.4925104

I'm joining next live stream hoping after July 1st she'll add more

>> No.4925144
File: 211 KB, 648x663, PREDICTED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4925272

something kinda funny, check date. muse dash lul

>> No.4925272
Quoted by: >>4925472

Whoa... he said that same thing that almost everyone else has said ever since the controversy...

>> No.4925358
Quoted by: >>4925601 >>4925755

Its amazing how much this has killed my enjoyment of hololive. Just tried to watch that Pikamee/Ina collab for a change of pace, and yeah its cute but its just making me more and more depressed. Had to turn it off.

>> No.4925472

didnt look into all this shit enough, my bad

>> No.4925520

I’ll be honest, her roommate’s account having regularly updated content went a long way in holding back a feeling of despair at the announcement. Some of my favorite content was her Bar Coco and chatting streams that were more laid back, and stuff like her make up streams are pretty similar.

>> No.4925601
File: 60 KB, 215x245, 1611839224851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, i used to watch several holos, now i can only tolerate to watch Coco and Kanata, i can't even watch Towa now and i love her.

>> No.4925658
Quoted by: >>4925830 >>4926172

The only people that YT and Twitch actually care about are advertisers.
Scaling video streaming isn't all that hard either, if you use any cloud provider. Interactivity, auth, advertisment inserts, and dealing with the big ugly problem of detecting and removing illegal content is the hard part. Particularly content moderation. Maybe that could be partly solved by auto-banhammering all 3DPD shit so you don't have to deal with brats making live CP 24/7, but you'd still have trolling and harassment, and the chinks showed that even a paywall wouldn't stop them.

>> No.4925725

>She's still using a booth? i thought her room was fuly soundproofed.
>That's what it looked like when she uploaded images on twitter when she just moved in.
That was her putting sound absorbing panels on her new soundproof booth. It was so big that reverberation became an issue.

>> No.4925755

It was the same for me yesterday, Inwas finally able to start watching today, specially after the member stream

>> No.4925830


>> No.4925861
Quoted by: >>4925939 >>4925982

>If you listened to her member's stream today, she said that being able to keep her channel up
so does that mean all her videos aside from old members content is staying up? ive been out of the loop on anything since i was doing everything but vtuber related shit to get my mind off what happened.

>> No.4925869
Quoted by: >>4940188

No matter how I look at it, Hololive and Cover is the bigger loser in this move. If it was up to me I would have gone as far as possible to keep a talent like that. It's doubtful to me that it's really worth for Cover to let her go for whatever idol company vision they have or to please their investors. I guess it helps that they are keeping their options open for a possible future return.

>> No.4925939
Quoted by: >>4926044

Her Twitter and all her tweets are staying.
All of her public video content is staying.
Her membership videos will stay until 3 months after graduation. They will be inaccessible after that because her channel will be demonetized, allowing no way to access membership videos.

>> No.4925982

Yes, she specifically went out of her way to mention that her channel and twitter will remain intact and it was her doing because it's something that doesn't usually happens.
Probably one of the biggest reasons why i think she'll eventually return besides outright not denying if she'll ever come back when someone asked her.

>> No.4926044

>All of her public video content is staying.
alright, thanks a relief. I should probably still do my due diligence and start backing up my favorite streams anyway. thank you anons.

>> No.4926172
Quoted by: >>4926285

Why would they ever let any randoms stream. It would most likely be verified company chuubas or big indies only.
If it was Covers site only their talents would be able to stream or do videos.

>> No.4926190
Quoted by: >>4926512 >>4926825

i drank alot last night to coco karaokes and broke down pretty hard, woke up this morning to that coco member stream and felt better after hearing more from her, but the evenings here again i find myself still feeling empty again, nothing to drink this time but im still listening to her sing and have so much fun. it hurts because it reminds me how short lived everything is in the end and the futures uncertainty since HL felt so invincible, the fact i feel this way despite watching coco maybe like twice a month makes me scared for when girls i watched regularly leave... i love hololive more than i thought i did, my heart goes out to tatsunokos who loved her even more

>> No.4926285
Quoted by: >>4928785

This. Hololive blew up. Nijis are big too. They can collab and introduce limited video/streaming service for their VTubers, with option of allowing indies in later.
They have the audience they can herd over there and guess what: there will be no 50% cut from YouTube there and they would control technical side.

NND dinosaur is one leg in the grave, time for a successor.

>> No.4926354

I feel like any return will be more like an A-Chan role, I mean Kanata already mentioned referring to her as Friend C. Though I definitely wouldn’t count on it, perhaps for a special event or commemoration she might make an appearance but that’s the most I’d expect.

>> No.4926417

I honestly think this is more of bargaining chip. Much like saying, I am not okay with the restrictions but I still want to do my shit. Can I tap out? If Cover ever changes or makes things a bit loose then her coming back is a no-brainer. It's just like how Sasaki graduated because she can't play the games she wants and then when things became okay. Management invited her to comeback. Which she accepted. The only issue is whether or not Kson becomes so successful that it will be so much of a lesser deal to even consider an offer from Cover after the fact

>> No.4926487

>The only issue is whether or not Kson becomes so successful that it will be so much of a lesser deal to even consider an offer from Cover after the fact

She is close friends with many of the Holos so it's not totally impossible.

>> No.4926512


Same. I respect Coco so fucking much for everything she's done even though I don't watch all of her streams. Haven't had a single productive day since the graduation announcement and I fear that when other girls start graduating, I'm just gonna be broken on the inside.

On the bright side, at least we can reasonably assume that Coco as a person is not gone for good and with her "alumni" status, you could view it as a long indefinite hiatus if need a rrat to cope with.

>> No.4926581

I think the biggest thing is the draw of being able to interact more with her friends on hololive.
She has already made those references of "I might be back in 500 years" so she has entertained the idea obviously.

>> No.4926634
Quoted by: >>4926995

The main reason for wanting to come back is to be able to collaborate and do projects with her friends. By the time that even becomes feasible Youtube will probably have their spam shit rolled out.
Of course, assuming Cover gets its shit together by then is a different question.

>> No.4926659
Quoted by: >>4926995

Her primary reason to join hololive was to make friends, and she's voluntarily leaving a ridiculous amount of money by graduating when she could just take it easier and stream once a week and still be one of the most superchatted holos while doing more roommate streams where Cover doesn't get a cut.
I don't believe money has been a deciding factor in this.

>> No.4926675
Quoted by: >>4926995

Going off how frequent her streams were on Mildom, her roommate channel is something she definitely was maintaining at the same time. Don’t know how frequent her membership streams were on Youtube, but her roommate definitely didn’t seem to have any beating on her being Coco.

>> No.4926825

I think a lot of them are staying. They tried so hard to convince Coco to stay. You won't do that if you hate your job. Luna's being so astounded made me convinced that the talents do enjoy their current work inspite of the restrictions and cover's incompetence. You know when you hate your company but love the people? It's like that. They support each other a lot. A lot of them have said in a lot of streams that they would have quit if not because of each other

>> No.4926995

I'm just happy now that the door is not closed. That she can still appear as a guest of some sort.

>> No.4927457
File: 151 KB, 716x996, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover Corp as a moderator so I'm guessing any negative posts are removed.
Pretty much.
Not only that, but that Cover employee working as a moderator is having a meltdown in there.

>> No.4927541


>> No.4927595

Jezas what a shithole

>> No.4927651
Quoted by: >>4927708 >>4929872

i mean sending dead threads or telling people to die on the official reddit is dumb.
the mod is there to remove any political posts too.
As coco said it is no ones fault, it is her choice.

>> No.4927708
Quoted by: >>4928022

>free speech
Holy shit he's on an ego trip. And people say Cover shills aren't on /vt/. Why wouldn't they be? r/hololive is 1984 moderated shithole, who even goes there?
>As coco said it is no ones fault, it is her choice.
She also said much more don't be coy faggot.

>> No.4927803

Why would you ever expect anything from that place, they're the exact kind of people that say they care, but they actually don't, at best they feel sad.
Not sad enough to stop making memes and shit while downvoting any kind of controversial opinion though.

>> No.4928022
Quoted by: >>4928144 >>4929872


>> No.4928073
File: 1.51 MB, 1951x1127, vtsings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 days left until the deadline. Tatsunokos better get in on this, we're singing JUDGEMENT.

>> No.4928144
Quoted by: >>4928581 >>4929466

yeah it's her choice caused by "creative differences" and dinosaur management response to crisis, go figure

>> No.4928391
File: 414 KB, 1137x2048, EpemJJAWwAAIT3W.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4929183 >>4932531

Why is it that I find Coco's crassness cute and pure, but vshojo's cringey. They all swear, talk about drugs, and sexually implicit stuff. Yet I've tried watching vshojo and I can't tolerate more than 5 seconds of that garbage. How does she do it?

>> No.4928516

lets be honest as long as that 9k bed is there, Coco will be there

>> No.4928581

so go eat a dick and respect her wishes.

>> No.4928675

>Risu and Iofi at the bottom
It hurts lads. At least they seem to just be having fun, that's what counts.

>> No.4928762

Coco agrees with management so much she had to leave
you go fuck yourself, shill
Cover is quintessence of bullshit Japanese corporate culture and it's what made Coco leave and Haachama benched

>> No.4928785
Quoted by: >>4928844

>They can collab and introduce limited video/streaming service for their VTubers, with option of allowing indies in later.
Building internet video services fucking sucks. It's not that they can't but it would be an entirely different core competency to build out a deeply technical service, especially one that can function internationally.

The upside is, as you say, more control on their end. But that would come at the end of a HUGE investment of time and money. Especially if it's multiple companies coordinating/cooperating, I would say a year of negotiation, a year of development, and a bumpy first-year rollout and ramp up... no telling how long before they come close to revenue positive on the investment.

>> No.4928844
Quoted by: >>4929069

500 dragon years

>> No.4929069
File: 23 KB, 128x128, coco-bangbang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4929211


>> No.4929183

Soul, obviously

>> No.4929211
Quoted by: >>4929451

>3500 (dragon) years old
I give her 25 human years.
500 dragon years is therefore 3.5 years.
I look forward to January 2025.

>> No.4929334

Don't bother anon, i've come to realize people cope in different ways.
The only thing that truly makes me doubt Cover is the incident where management gave antis moderator rights on her channel.
That's what caused her breakdown on stream and the timeline aligns with her telling a few holos like Watame (who seems to be the first one to ever hear about it besides Kanata) that she's thinking about graduating months ago.
It's petty obvious that was her breaking point, she spent weeks talking with Kanata about it and thinking what they could do..
I try not to think about it though, mostly for 2 reasons: Coco couldn't have made it more clear that she loves Hololive with all her heart and the people in it, she also thanked management, attacking Cover also means attacking her friends.
The second one is that thinking a company would help break down a girl who's has been harassed for half a year at that point is just too fucked up for me.

>> No.4929354




>> No.4929451

>Jaunuary 2025
Coco confirmed for HoloFes 5

>> No.4929466

>The second one is that thinking a company would help break down a girl who's has been harassed for half a year at that point is just too fucked up for me.
Who even said that, retard?
>yeah it's her choice caused by "creative differences" and dinosaur management response to crisis, go figure

The idiot you're protecting is arguing that Cover isn't slow on uptake and ultra-conservative, which is a classic Japanese company.

>> No.4929609

>attacking Cover also means attacking her friends.
Holy shit you're actually a shill sorry for responding, go fuck yuourself too.

>> No.4929733
File: 811 KB, 796x656, 1606120992755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4930553




You faggots are pathetic retards. I bet you also liked Gura outfit with a hole through it. Get the fuck out and shill on your upboats shithole.

>> No.4929820
Quoted by: >>4929872

Please fuck off back to global or one of the hundred shithole threads on this shithole of a board please, you're supposed to stay in your containment and leave the individual threads alone.

>> No.4929872
Quoted by: >>4929960

You heard that? >>4929820 fuck off, shills.

>> No.4929960
Quoted by: >>4930076

I'm talking about you though, go somewhere else if you want to start shitting what Coco loves, this thread is supposed to have rational discussion, not childish spergouts.

>> No.4930059

Gibara hurt. She was a ton of fun and her design was great.

>> No.4930076
Quoted by: >>4930350 >>4930671

Nice ad hominems, missing your r*ddit moderating powers?
Cover crisis management is retarded, it's what hit Coco and Haachama: not being to create content they want under new restrictions.

>> No.4930350
Quoted by: >>4930375

What hit Coco is nearly a year of harrasment coupled with Cover rejecting all her ideas, failing to protect her and even hurting her with the moderation incident.
Stop acting like it's just one thing when it's not true.

>> No.4930375
Quoted by: >>4930504

>Stop acting like it's just one thing when it's not true.
Stop putting words in my mouth, faggot.

>> No.4930504
Quoted by: >>4930553

You called me a shill for saying attacking Cover is attacking the girls, how am i wrong? her best friends are working there, if anything bad happens to the company her friends will suffer.
Welcome to the idol business.

>> No.4930553

See >>4929733

>> No.4930628
Quoted by: >>4930671 >>4931018

Stop replying to the drama tourist globalfag

>> No.4930671

See >>4930076
>Nice ad hominems

I guess everyone that doesn't agree with your opinion is a globalfag/dramafag etc.

>> No.4930946
Quoted by: >>4930983 >>4931197

>[EN] Coco: Of course, I can't get into details.
>[EN] Coco: When I said I'd do the graduation stream, mgmt asked, "How would you explain the graduation to the fans?" I was like, "Uh, is there actually anything I CAN say?"
>[EN] Coco: And they could only go, "Unnn....."
>[EN] Coco: But well, it's a corporation.

>[EN] Coco: It's just, no matter what we tried.... As I said before.... It's a difference in creative difference.
>[EN] Coco: Hololive is like, "I wanna do rock!" But you tatsunoko want country music.
>[EN] Coco: Like, I don't think I can sing rock happily. But they're like, "No, rock all the way!"
>[EN] Coco: So, the direction is completely different.

Coco said enough to you bootlickers be completely powerful. Fuck off back to your den >>4927457

>> No.4930983


>> No.4931018
File: 1.98 MB, 1615x1200, 1619153461317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4931082 >>4931844

I'm just gonna leave for a few hours and hope the thread is better when i come back.

>> No.4931082
File: 133 KB, 800x450, 1600825827846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4931113

Come back when cover isn't a black company.

>> No.4931113
Quoted by: >>4931192

That image is like 4 months old and it's a joke she made several times.

>> No.4931192
Quoted by: >>4933501

>Coco: There was a lot that mgmt told me not to say since the start of this year. But I still found lots of loopholes. That's how I am.

>> No.4931197
Quoted by: >>4931428

Yes, she said enough to absolutely confirm the reason is creative differences, killing all of the retarded anti-cover rrats in one go. It's unfortunate that cover feel they need to go in a direction that coco doesn't like, but that doesn't make them evil.

>> No.4931380
Quoted by: >>4931702

I'm just going to be dropping hololive, and sticking to smaller twitch vtubers. The way hololive is being run doesn't sit right with me and I wouldn't feel good in supporting the status quo.

>> No.4931428
Quoted by: >>4931813

>killing all of the retarded anti-cover rrats in one go
Says you, the dumbfuck shill paid to be here.
>Coco: But I do want you guys to know that I ran the race as best I could.
Coco: If only "that thing" didn't happen.....
Those creative difference werecaused by
>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
>[EN] Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
Ultra-conservative Cover response to the crisis.

Cover is to blame: no anti-cover rrats were slain by Coco. She confirmed them in a way that she could.

>> No.4931563
Quoted by: >>4931620 >>4931982

I just don't understand how can anyone have enough time and energy to hate Cover when there's people who have been spamming all her streams, harassing her on twitter, doxxing her friends and using her face for countless edits while spamming gore on her twitter tags for nearly a year.
Her birthday roommate stream from 3 days ago got spammed too, and yet you're angry at Cover instead of the people who did all of this to her.

Good night.

>> No.4931620

They're just the problem, retard. Coco quit because of Cover management handling of said problem, which was castrating her content and isolating her.

You are clearly trying to damage-control in a very blatant way, try and be more subtle next time.

>> No.4931702
Quoted by: >>4932009

I would too if their existence wasn't even more fickle than corpos. My escapism portfolio is due for diversification it seems.

>> No.4931796
Quoted by: >>4931822 >>4940380

To this day I have no clue how Cover allowed Coco's anti's to be her mods. That crosses the line from being bumblefuck retarded to actively trying to sabotage your own employee

>> No.4931813
Quoted by: >>4931858

>Says you, the dumbfuck shill paid to be here.
I only wish I was paid to argue with you hysterical dramafags all day.
>[EN] Coco: There's no one to blame.
>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
If you're incapable of thinking about disagreements and creative differences in any other terms than right & wrong, good & bad, blame etc. you need to grow the fuck up and spend a while working in the real world.

>> No.4931822
File: 46 KB, 238x263, 1616250422156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty YT interface could be to blame. X is apparently where "make user a mod" button hitbox ends.

>> No.4931844
File: 360 KB, 1920x1920, 1605658614466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I'll see you in the next thread.

>> No.4931846

That interface........HOLY SHIT

>> No.4931858
Quoted by: >>4932026

>[EN] Coco: Of course, I can't get into details.
>[EN] Coco: When I said I'd do the graduation stream, mgmt asked, "How would you explain the graduation to the fans?" I was like, "Uh, is there actually anything I CAN say?"
>[EN] Coco: And they could only go, "Unnn....."
>[EN] Coco: But well, it's a corporation.

"Creative disagreements" are clearly Cover response to Taiwan incident. They've put their talent into Banishment Room, literally restricting her creative freedom and collaborations. Kill yourself.

>> No.4931982
Quoted by: >>4932074

I hate them both equally. The bugs spamming was no different than the discord tranny spam the ENs get. A major difference was that they at least had proper moderation for their live chats, while Covers solution to Coco was to restrict collabs and tell her to stop making absurdist content. There's a major difference between 2020 Coco and 2021 Coco. It's obvious whose to blame for that.

>> No.4931997

Lmao what the fuck.

This is some next level pajeet web design

>> No.4932009
Quoted by: >>4932163

I've found a few small ones that are entertaining; and the average chat are in the hundreds or less so you can actually interact without being a pay whale. I still haven't even had to pay for a sub yet. Usually within 3 streams someone will gift you one. Even some Vtubers have gifted me subs.

>> No.4932026
Quoted by: >>4932074

So what? Doesn't matter what the source of the disagreement is. Management had one set of priorities, coco had another. They tried to work it out, and found that they couldn't reach a compromise, so they're parting on good terms. , That doesn't make either one of them malicious, it's just how things work between adults, outside of your autistic black and white world of good vs bad.

>> No.4932074
Quoted by: >>4932195

>That doesn't make either one of them malicious
Tyrants never think themselves evil nor do the corporations.
>found that they couldn't reach a compromise
See >>4931982
>Covers solution to Coco was to restrict collabs and tell her to stop making absurdist content

Cover mismanaged chink spam crisis. They are to blame.

>> No.4932155
File: 240 KB, 462x430, Untitled (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4932641

Maybe I've read too many rrats but I think Yagoo is going to take advantage of wherever Coco goes. I can see Coco streaming her new debut and all the sudden Yagoo drops a huge supa and messages something very positive but laced with an hidden message of 'you held your end of the bargain defending us, we'll uphold ours'

>> No.4932163
Quoted by: >>4938416

Ok, groomer

>> No.4932195
Quoted by: >>4932346

Evil? You think stopping coco shaving her pussy on stream is evil? You're a child.

>> No.4932346
Quoted by: >>4932515

Nice knee-jerking, shill. Cover strangled Coco and Haachama creativity as a response for Taiwan incident. They're to blame for her graduation. The compromise they couldn't reach is letting her make content she wanted again.

Cover management is typical money over risk corporate bullshit. Which yes, is EVIL to the actual workers. They never innovate unless they absolutely have to and hammer down nails that stick out (risk, remember?) or bully them into leaving.

Coco was spammed to shit and Cover response was to castrate her content and ban collabs. Is that not dumb and evil to you? You're a psychopath then.

>> No.4932515
Quoted by: >>4932644

I think people here are buying into the corporate narratives a little too hard. I don't think it came from the top, I think there were mid level chinese symapthizers who encouraged or directed overbearing restrictions, as well as the infamous antis becoming mods incident was assuredly foul play. An optimist would say YAGOO would want to remove these people as fast and quietly as Japanese work culture allows firings, and Coco will return but I don't think so. Cover has a history of questionable hires and despite all the memeing YAGOO is a bit spineless when it comes to the entertaining side of the company and probably middle managers rule the overall direction of the talents.

In any case I hope Coco after her july 1st graduation has something big for july 4th to make the bugs seethe.

>> No.4932521
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, ahem fuck yagoo fuck cover and fuck china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4933450

>telling us to f-off
What if Coco tells Yagoo to fuck off? Is that ok? or is that why she's graduating?

>> No.4932531
Quoted by: >>4934632

when coco does it, its for a one off joke, or at the very least its not drawn out. it retains the "idol" nature as an off character beat rather than the norm. vshojo keeps the "joke" going for longer than you think
I went into a vshojo thread once, they apparently thought one of the girls describing in detail how her shit and period mixing together looks like food, and giving snot hand/blowjobs is the pinnacle of humor

>> No.4932641
Quoted by: >>4932674

I don't think there's any bad blood. Coco mentioned it's like when a band breaks up over creative differences. She doesn't hate hololive, she just has ideas for content that doesn't fit within what cover believes is their brand.

>> No.4932644

>I don't think it came from the top
You are operating under assumption that that decision was outside the norm while it is not normal only for you, the westerner.
For a japanese company everything was business as usual: apologize, vacation, clamp down.
They see nothing wrong with treating their talents like that and they were probably surprised when Coco decided to leave.

>> No.4932674
Quoted by: >>4932733

>She doesn't hate hololive, she just has ideas for content that doesn't fit within what cover believes is their brand.
>what cover believes is their brand.
Clearly they were fine with it before the Taiwan incident.
Which makes change of Cover belief into crisis response.


>> No.4932733
Quoted by: >>4932760 >>4932959

Again. No.
Coco has been struggling with this since Kanata forest.
Do your Asacoco reps.

>> No.4932760
Quoted by: >>4932968

>Again. No.
Stopped reading there, only tourist faggots post like that.

>> No.4932818
Quoted by: >>4932908

If you faggots still insist on kneeling to Xi and crediting everything to chink roaches, how about you gtfo to NGA and suckle on their teats there.

>> No.4932885
Quoted by: >>4933032 >>4935261

Mori is right about hololive being a bubble.

>> No.4932908


>> No.4932959
Quoted by: >>4933287 >>4937191

yeah. her stream about hachama schizo rest pretty much tell what she things she aint happy about the restrictions but she understand why they are there. the BL debacle for miko and marine and most recent Oga show how something so small even if not malicious could spiral out of control and some people will take advantage of it.
is a hard position to be for cover but that is the position that the number1 vtuber company of the world sometimes need to have. Still i think it is beyond just she not doing asacoco or some lewd or nasty content. The way kanata,choco, mio and watame phrased it. it seemed that they were brainstorming something for coco to do in replacement. i think it might be idol or sing related, i find hard to think there was nothing that couldn't have replaced asacoco specially when they brought back hachama videos and rather is about something new that will take place in the future that coco simply is not comfortable with.

>> No.4932968

Not your personal echochamber

>> No.4933032
Quoted by: >>4935261

I think you can see the pressure on her too. She's stopped cursing recently and said it was due to a management request. I'm sure they're curating her content just like they did to Coco. I wouldn't be surprised if she eventually follows suit and graduates due to creative differences herself. Eventually all hololive talents will just be copies of each other doing preapproved streams like learning Mandarin on Duolingo

>> No.4933128

This looks like one of those "shitty UI" memes

>> No.4933287

>is a hard position to be for cover but that is the position that the number1 vtuber company of the world
i think part of that is that they have virtual no competition and they are the ones that need to be on the front pretty much testing what can be a yab or not and are super cautious about it. They are actually the first successful multi talent company group across the globe and are so far ahead of the rest that they need to both try new things but be cautious at the same time, there is no point of reference they passed kizuna and nijis long time ago.
Back on march last year they were on the same level as nijis and they were copying or learning from their mistakes and viceversa. They are now the focus for most companies on what works and what doesn't on a market a global scale.

>> No.4933316

"Well sure, let's put the shadowban button right next to the 'promote to moderator' button with no clear border between them, what's the worst that could happen?"

>> No.4933450

At this point in time I'm thinking that everyone but us knew that Coco was going to graduate, and Coco was leaving a lot of clues for us, but nobody realized it until the end.
Like the Bar Coco stream when someone asked what she would do if she had a month left to live.
>Keep doing the same, keep riding the bicycle to see where it takes you.
Or the Calli collab, or the Calli/Ollie collab.
>The reaper has come for me. I'm in hell.
>Fuck YAGOO.
>A reaper, a zombie, and a dragon.
And the minecraft collabs.
>She was a Minecraft noob and she was never interested to play it, but suddenly, she decided to collaborate with everyone else.
And the new song. The list goes on and on.

>> No.4933501

>But I still found lots of loopholes. That's how I am.

>> No.4934564
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>> No.4934610


>> No.4934632
Quoted by: >>4934663

Likes flies to feces. Too bad. vshojo has really nice models. Their content is just unwatchable.

>> No.4934663

but at least they're allowed to make it
imagine if it was quality one

>> No.4934927

>someone asked what she would do if she had a month left to live.
She sent that marshmallow herself kek.

>> No.4935085
Quoted by: >>4935294

>everyone but us knew that Coco was going to graduate
This is 100% true, most of the other JPs have mentioned that they've known for quite a while. I am curious as to whether EN and ID knew ahead of time, though.

>> No.4935261

>>4932885 Didn't you watch Ina play with Pikamee? There is a difference between choosing to say such nonsense and then right off the bat feature an anituber with 2.9M subs. She was heavily criticized because it's not as if she has been stellar in her collabs
Don't be absurd. Polka has Legen of Polka. Watame replaced Watame no uta with that exercising thing. Nene, Aqua, Watame, SubaChocoLuna, Roboco, Kanata, Towa and Suisei all had and are about to have their own 3D concerts that all has different varieties. Towa getting her own band. Suisei having her own Idol platform. Nene having her own theme park. Botan managing this whole festival with Usaken. I can list a lot of varieties that they are doing. Miko and Subaru does the most varied type of streams. There are content that can be produced and are still being produced. This is why Cover probably was so strict because a lot of the girls are doing well regardless. One yab can cost you a talent(s)

>> No.4935294

Rushia said it well for me. Even though Coco told her, Coco never said a date. So she was still hoping it will get cancelled. Probably everyone was hoping for that. I think they are now just really feeling the sting. Even fucking Botan cried.

>> No.4935326

Please anon... don't give me such hope

>> No.4935492

Collab at 6 PM today

>> No.4935591
File: 274 KB, 1699x1828, E2XlbmfVgAIpU5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4935640 >>4935708

So I just finished reading the Membership stream translation. So in the end it was all just creative differences with management, which is understandable as how many have mentioned in this thread, Hololive is pretty much the vtuber representative around the world, they need to play it safe, sanitize their content as much as possible and play it safe as much as they can, especially after the whole China incident, they just can't give themselves the luxury of playing it risky anymore especially with so many antis waiting for any slip of the tongue to try to bring them down. It reminded me of the time Pekora had to take a break because her own projects were also rejected, which worries me a bit because many Holos might already be feeling very restricted in the kind of content they can create, but still not to a degree like Coco who pretty much wasn't enjoying streaming anymore.

I actually wish she could have stayed at Cover as part of management as K-chan, maybe even become manager for one of the newest generations, that would have been the best case scenario, her input has been so valuable and she being highly responsible for the overly successful EN branch means a lot, but at least her roommate account has gotten a huge boost in popularity.

But it all ends relatively well, Coco leaves in good terms, her channel and Twitter will remain open, her name won't become a taboo and her landmarks in Minecraft will remain there for everyone to see, is the best possible scenario when it comes to a graduation. I just have this dumb wish that someday in the future she'll be given the option to come back with better creative terms.

>> No.4935640
Quoted by: >>4935712 >>4935763

she does say. "If only "THAT THING" didnt happen" , confirming that if it wasnt for chinese fuckers , she wouldnt be graduating.

>> No.4935708

I think the fact that the channel will stay alive leaves that option open. If she ever wants to do a guest appearance that can also happen, like by popular demand or something.

>> No.4935712
Quoted by: >>4935782

I think it still might have happened down the road. Coco obviously loves pushing the boundaries with her content, and the new youtube restrictions (and cover's overreaction to them) probably would have come either way. Zhangs definitely accelerated the shit out of the timeline though.

>> No.4935763
File: 747 KB, 2416x4096, EwCFqa-VEAUst_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4935893

Oh that's definitely a factor and I don't disagree at all, but even if that had never happened, who knows if Cover would have increased their restrictions anyway with how inmensely popular they were becoming. They're now the face of the vtuber industry and they're, at the end of the day, a corporation aiming to keep a clean public image, they have to look as "seiso" as possible.

>> No.4935782

Yeah. If the zhangs didn't happen and we got the haachama schizo arc, best believe a clamp down would have happened. We also had the BL shit. Or this Oga situation. Whatever they do, they are always a target for scrutiny. It's just how things are

>> No.4935893
Quoted by: >>4936023 >>4936140

which is precisely not the reason why they became popular in the first place. Scrutiny will always happen no matter what and the only way you can deal with it is to focus on your talent's creative freedom and let them soar. Oga just had the best stream on his entire career and treating it as a mistake and making him apologize is the absolute worst thing you can do to your talent.
Cover needs to wake the fuck up and see their talent in their face for once and just let them do what they want WITH some form of restriction and SOP. Not with this current suffocating neutered bullshit. People adores Coco and Haachama and it shows.
The fact that they managed to lose the single most influential vtuber of all time should wake them up from whatever the shit they've done all this time and start restructuring their entire company system and management.

>> No.4935909
Quoted by: >>4936040

The BL drama was one of the stupidest things that I've seen happening in Hololive, it was blown way out of proportions and it was completely obvious that the artist didn't even watch or knew Marine to know she loved his work.

>> No.4935944
Quoted by: >>4936031

Wait what Oga situation?

>> No.4936023
Quoted by: >>4936692

The problem with this argument is that almost all of the talents are not affected by the restriction. Maybe just 5. You can see projects being approved like the Legend of Polka. A lot of them have shown a number of creative features like Miko's baby contest or that drawing stream or when Mio hosted haiku contest. There are opportunities there.

Also, you are lumping their response to twitter hate in the same category. What they need for that is a better PR. Which they coincidentally still trying to hire. You can apply if you want.

>> No.4936031
Quoted by: >>4937200

Oga and nene wanted to play a dice game where you make vulgar words with dice. Got blocked by management, presumably.
Oga decides to make his own safe version in rpgmaker. Original game creator got miffed or something. It's by far the most petty drama that's happened.

>> No.4936040

God it still makes me mad. Even more so since the TokiMemo stream was absolute god tier and it's still gone (from youtube, anyway).

>> No.4936140
Quoted by: >>4936692 >>4937626

>which is precisely not the reason why they became popular in the first place. Scrutiny will always happen no matter what and the only way you can deal with it is to focus on your talent's creative freedom and let them soar.

There are so many factors at play that I don't want to entirely blame Cover for their decision to tighten restrictions, is also Youtube who has gotten very anal as of recently with the kind of content that can be uploaded and the amount of dedicated haters that are more than ready to attack their talents if they ever step "out of line". They're playing it safe but unfortunately, it was too safe for Coco to be comfortable in the company.

>> No.4936692
Quoted by: >>4936895

I mean of course there are some incredibly creative projects from the Holos like Sports Festival, Mio and Shuba game, werewolves, that monster hunter thing on holo official channel, and so many other events. They're all amazing and hilarious on their own right. But if I'm being biased, they are not as groundbreaking as Coco's show who put them in the spotlight in the first place of Haato's schizo arc which when absolutely viral. People praised and loved that shit so much. I agree some leash and a bit stricter management is needed to control them but it is clear that the leash that they put to their talent stresses them out especially towards someone like Coco and Haato.
My point is, when you lost the most influential and impactful vtuber because of your inability to face crisis properly and to manage your talent, the problem is on you, the corporation.

>> No.4936752

Stop pretending

>> No.4936895
Quoted by: >>4937432

Dude. The haachama thing was divisive. She has ended it and moved on. Coco on the other hand, as far as how the girls are carefully trying to explain this... They were trying to help her out. They were trying to suggest varied things for her to do. And i think Coco for the most part did. Remember her responding to that person that said reddit has become shitty? The reaction from the people were affecting her. She was basically running with a limp. I honestly think that is what triggered her. When she getting affected by it.
And it easy for anyone to say to just ease up. Don't be a downer Yagoo but what exactly does that mean??? They have become explicit with their restrictions exactly because of all the yabs that happened beforehand. Not just the Taiwan. But the kanata hanging on the tree, the copyright, the monetization bans, the bl incident, the hachaama arc, miziryu kei, aloe and the janitor thing.

>> No.4937026
File: 353 KB, 1334x750, 7612FA29-2911-4C41-BB6C-44477E22E7E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4939184

Haachama was pretty unsubtle with that stuff.

>> No.4937146
Quoted by: >>4937252

I thought that subreddits weren’t allowed to have company employees to stop this very thing from happening. Or maybe that rule doesn’t stand anymore. I remember people didn’t like the Hololive subreddit when it started for this very reason (and others)

>> No.4937191
Quoted by: >>4937200 >>4937206

What happened to Oga?

>> No.4937200


>> No.4937206

Nvm, stupid of me to not read the whole thread. Shit sucks, Oga is pretty cool

>> No.4937252
Quoted by: >>4937314

Company moderated subreddits aren't supposed to happen, they all do it anyway but Cover seems more blatant about it than others.

>> No.4937314

I remember years ago when I was somewhat active on Reddit (couple years after 4chan went to shit) finding out corporate involvement was a huge deal.
I don't think it's even a real rule anymore.

>> No.4937411

kek, everyone criticizing that mod or Cover is getting deleted or downvoted into oblivion.
What a fucking shitshow.

>> No.4937432

>Remember her responding to that person that said reddit has become shitty?
At that point I believe she already set her mind to graduate. The "just enjoy" message is just a way of her saying that she's going to be gone soon so just enjoy whatever the time they had with her. She obviously was extremely tired and dejected because most if not all of her content are neutered by the management.

>They have become explicit with their restrictions exactly because of all the yabs that happened beforehand.
And they will keep happening no matter how strict they become. The reason is people who hate them will still find a way to hate them regardless. Kneeling down and throwing your talent under the bus for entertaining their audience is the absolute worst thing you can do as an entertainment company. Why would you ever appeal to the people who fucking despise you no matter what you do? What's the fucking point? Hololive did not get became the biggest vtuber company in the world by playing it safe and appeasing to their haters. What they need is a better lawyer and PR now. Don't choke their talents creativity out for this one.

>> No.4937575

melfag here, sorry about your loss anons. Gonna miss her singing On Top of the World

>> No.4937626

Cover is a business and, unfortunately, has to act conservatively to stay afloat, I think we all understand that part. Many people forget that they are not an 'entertainment' business, just a tech company, so when an idol comes up with a creative or insane idea the management don't have the artistic inclination to know whether it's good or bad idea so they default to their safe space. It might be wrong but it sounds that these two warring ethos' have caused problems in the past and for Coco it was something she couldn't get around.

>> No.4937830

Upcoming collab
13th 12:00reddit
14th 23:00
19th 11:00
20th 12:00reddit, 16:00
22nd 19:00
24th time undecided
25th 20:00
27th 12:00reddit, Usaken Fes

>> No.4938416

I dont follow

>> No.4938444

She sacrificed herself to stop the suffering of other chuubas under the appendages of the zhangs.

>> No.4939073


>> No.4939168

>Whatever they do, they are always a target for scrutiny. It's just how things are
Cover needs to learn to put their talents, and not vocal minorities, first and in these situations. This is literally western twitter trannies backwards.

>> No.4939184

That's what happens when people are repressed: they get unstable.

>> No.4939307
Quoted by: >>4939319

Newfag here, is there someplace with links to all her streams? Her channel is missing most of the collabs so I guess they're distributed among all those third parties she did them with.

>> No.4939319
Quoted by: >>4939344

there will be nyaa torrent with all her streams, but I guess collabs from other holo channels won't be in it

>> No.4939344
Quoted by: >>4939389

Will be? Does it already exist, and/or can we help contribute to the effort?

>> No.4939389
Quoted by: >>4939930

if you want to start downloading her streams - nobody would stop you

>> No.4939809

>cancer patient fun
I can't watch it.

>> No.4939881
Quoted by: >>4940058 >>4940119

On Coco's member playlist there's this video:
It's private and the only information I can find about it is this tweet
Anyone know what it was?

>> No.4939930

I already am, I just wanted to perhaps assist, or at least contribute the ones that I am backing up. I'm focusing on Bar Coco right now, since those are my favorite.

>> No.4940058
Quoted by: >>4940102 >>4940119

I found the /hlg/ thread about it, apparently she accidentally showed her manager's name, which Kanata did also a few months later during her Fall Guys endurance stream.

>> No.4940102
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>> No.4940119
Quoted by: >>4940220

Also she admitted she can't sleep without sleeping pills and everyone got mad and mass disliked apparently.

>> No.4940188

Yagoo still doesn't understand what he created, how it works and why it's popular.

>> No.4940220
Quoted by: >>4940274 >>4940303

Huh, why did they get mad at that?

>> No.4940274

japan xanax no rike

>> No.4940303

Japan hates drugs

>> No.4940311

this game is such a kusoge kek

>> No.4940322

>watame vibin

>> No.4940380
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Quoted by: >>4940571

I want to clear this up because from what I remember Coco gave management a list of users to ban. That menu is when you're clicking someone directly from chat, this one's a different interface that you use when you want to affect a larger group of users. Considering this the situation just becomes even more bizarre, it's really hard to believe that someone can be THAT incompetent.

>> No.4940386

the streams are fun, but then the ending card comes up on the screen...

>> No.4940571
Quoted by: >>4940617

Most likely there were multiple groups of accounts and the manager mixed them up. Around this same time she was collecting wrongly banned accounts on twitter.

>> No.4940617

I'll never forgive Cover for that.
No, i won't waste my energy hating on them, but i can't forgive what they did to her.

>> No.4940790
Quoted by: >>4940861

She was already pretty much EN, I can see it happening

>> No.4940808


Another stream in a couple hours

>> No.4940861

Stick to the sticky you fucking retard

>> No.4941581
Quoted by: >>4941623 >>4941629

I want to watch her roommate but I suspect there will be a lot of cringe in the first few weeks because people cant keep the cocoposting in their pants and I dont want to see her uncomfortably and awkwardly skirting around those comments.
Not to mention she does different content than Coco.

>> No.4941623

She's smart, she's fully expecting it and it's not like it hasn't happened occasionally before.
With that said, I'm personally thinking her content to shift a bit in time. Not turning into Coco, but integrating some of that energy. It already comes out occasionally.

>> No.4941629
Quoted by: >>4941666

She always had to deal with that and it wasn't a problem, just ignore them like she always did.
Whatever you do, don't tell them to stop posting her name in the chat, that only makes it worse.

>> No.4941666
Quoted by: >>4941713 >>4941817

They're idiots but if they found her and followed her they probably mean well, they're just happy and have no impulse control.

>> No.4941713

Yeah i know.
It's just that back in the day someone would post her name in the chat and then you'd have 5 spergs telling the guy to stop, it just makes it worse.

>> No.4941817
Quoted by: >>4941860

When she did the bracelet making stream with her old friend I saw some goofball who even had a membership posting something like "is that by any chance a SPY with HIGH GRIP STRENGTH?" Pretty embarrassing in more ways than one but it can't be helped.

>> No.4941860

Damn, now i remember how happy some of us were on that stream, it was so nice to finally see M-chan again...

>> No.4941870


>> No.4942091
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