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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4606119 No.4606119 [Reply] [Original]

What are the memes you are most tired of? I can't stand when people say "YA BE" anymore. It's fucking annoying. Even the slightest bit of profanity and chat freaks out like they just witnessed a murder. I think it all goes back to purity crap, as if they legitimately believe these girls have never heard a swear word before.

>> No.4606238

Japs spamming 草

>> No.4606290

Well, that's still better than people spamming "LOL" and "LMAO". Remember when we used to look down on people for using those words, now they actually use them unironically.

>> No.4606304
Quoted by: >>4606338

Yabe, learn some respect sweatie.

>> No.4606311
Quoted by: >>4606338

OP you are one insufferable faggot.

>> No.4606338
Quoted by: >>4606414

Let me guess. You say YA BE.

>> No.4606410


>> No.4606414

yes you tiny yubi yubi'd incel. I can say what ever I want.

>> No.4606433

all of them

>> No.4606810
Quoted by: >>4609779

When I typed that bait I didn't actually expect someone to be such of a huge weeb to type what you just typed.

>> No.4607015

Literally every meme on Reddit.

>> No.4607394

Honestly every single thing that comes out of *eddit aka /hlgg/. It's fucking weird that people somehow think anything revolving around discussing real life females is in anyway funny. Like some people try to tribalize the streamers and it's just fucking embarrassing. I could get laughing at a bunch of autists raving about console wars, movies, anime, or even politics but like jeezas imagine thinking a culture revolving around female streamers can be anything but sad and pathetic

>> No.4607429

Ground pound. That's literally a one-shot yomama joke that was being stretched for how much? Half a year?

>> No.4607937

I agree. I'm tired of chat overreacting whenever a streamer does literally anything that could even be vaguely construed as sexual or profane.

>> No.4608548

People are STILL posting "hi honey" in Suisei's chat.

>> No.4608616

>that's still better than people spamming "LOL" and "LMAO"
>it's better because it's Japanese!
ywnbj btw

>> No.4608975
File: 259 KB, 1080x597, Screenshot_20210604-185124_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4616183

This is all I think of when I hear "Yabe"

>> No.4609023

TMT spam

>> No.4609526


>> No.4609584


>> No.4609646

> Rushia pettan
> TakaMori love
> Hi honey
> Boing Boing
Kill me.

>> No.4609777

how is 草 any different from LOL. what.

>> No.4609779

If you feel you have to admit to trolling, it means that you've failed at trolling.

>> No.4609816
Quoted by: >>4612752


>> No.4609872
File: 866 KB, 1000x1138, 1617994621652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Boing Boings, making fun of flat chests.

God, it's like I'm in grade school again.

>> No.4610880
Quoted by: >>4611046 >>4611225

It's a symptom of retards not being able to comprehend the fact that there is a real person behind the avatar.

>> No.4610923


>> No.4611046

I'm not defending those morons but I also sincerely doubt the people with flat-chested avatars are all actually flat-chested.

>> No.4611225
Quoted by: >>4612703

You say that as if the girls don’t compare their virtual tits, tease and poke fun at each other because of it. They’re represented by their avatars and very attached to it, as well.

>> No.4611231
Quoted by: >>4611656

x potato was never funny

>> No.4611656
Quoted by: >>4613246

What is x potato.

>> No.4611912
Quoted by: >>4612277


>> No.4611927

>emote spam
>collab with sykkuno

>> No.4612199
File: 466 KB, 796x902, 1620427539228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4621331 >>4627279

literally anything getting spammed in the chat again and again, e.g. PPT, TMT, kusa, elite, etc.

>> No.4612277

>VTuber is surprised by something and says "Ah"
>chat becomes unreadable for the next five minutes

>> No.4612471

weeb is cringey

>> No.4612493
File: 211 KB, 463x290, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4612677 >>4619236

I find it funny because 90%+ of weebs/otaku are pedophiles and love flat chests

>> No.4612634
Quoted by: >>4612752

Lmao stfu

>> No.4612677
File: 186 KB, 368x768, 1602595217661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been waiting for an excuse to post this.

>> No.4612703

It's generally funny when they do it because they have personal relationships to go along with the joking, and don't say "lolol rushia" every time they see a 2D object

>> No.4612752
Quoted by: >>4613306 >>4613356

All these people seething because they've been unironically using lmao all these years and they're finally getting called out on it. I've seen how it's the "thing" to do now, you gotta post lmao at the start of your post to show how you're totally not taking it serious and totally unbothered by it. I doubt a single person who says lmao is actually laughing in real life.

>> No.4613246

she read a spanish name wrong

>> No.4613291
Quoted by: >>4613666 >>4623339

The fuck are these complaints? The streamers and other viewers want to see the reactions of the crowed. That's half the fun of a livestream and chat. Watching chat explode after Calli typos "Mythrape" is some good shit. Do you think chat should be typing out new unique sentences for every comment? No one is gonna read them retard, we want easily recognizable memes. Either ride the wave, or fade away.

>> No.4613298
File: 3 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4613306

You will never be japanese

>> No.4613356

笑っているing right now

>> No.4613461

From 2006 to 2012 I remember people saying rofl and lol all the time. When is the the time period you're referring to. Throughout caramelldansen, puddi puddi, raptor Jesus, girugamesh, and all that shit everyone said lol.

>> No.4613666
Quoted by: >>4613751 >>4623393

Why did Calli say Mythrape?

>> No.4613751

her mind is full of non-consentual SEX after the meme review with Coco

>> No.4614080
File: 46 KB, 281x340, 1617650883633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4616183

what one's more of a YEAHBAE!

>> No.4619236

2d isn't 3d bro.

>> No.4619337

having fun should be punishable

>> No.4619361

hey boyz it's ya be

>> No.4619483


Yabe seems to be the most common but literally all of them.

Problem with the internet in general, people do not know when to let a “joke” be over.

>> No.4619524

>Boing Boing
>Rushia pettan

The holos themselves abuse these meme though.

>> No.4619572

>Even the slightest bit of profanity and chat freaks out like they just witnessed a murder
This was worn out quicker than screaming FBI over the slightest thing.

>> No.4619600

They just want some weed man.
Let them have their grass.

>> No.4619635

My face is beet red right now from surrogate embarrassment. What the fuck dude lol

>> No.4619645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4619784
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>> No.4619842
File: 362 KB, 708x720, averycuterobot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha Yagoo's dream isn't dead!
>I forgot they were actually idols!

>> No.4619911

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.4620009
Quoted by: >>4620310 >>4621373

Comments saying that they're going to leave for work or going to sleep. I don't give a fucking shit about their personal life and why they choose to stop watching, and neither does the streamer or anyone else reading the comments. They need to just fuck off and leave quietly.

>> No.4620055
Quoted by: >>4620988

Responding to someone saying something disagreeable, tonally off, etc. by accusing them of being from another site. Sure they could be, they could not be, but that's besides the fact. Name-calling is just boring. I could do it just as well, but it's not even worth typing out and doesn't encourage anything of interest.

They're posting on 4chan.
You're posting on 4chan.
Whatever they do on other sites doesn't factor in to whatever they're saying on 4chan unless they bring it up.

>> No.4620310

For a smaller VTuber where the chat isn't going so fast they might actually respond to you and personally tell you to have a nice night or something, so I can actually understand why someone might do it. I've never done it myself but I've seen it happen. But I do agree that doing it for like Pekora or Gura something where the message will disappear in seconds, is just deranged.

>> No.4620316


>> No.4620706
File: 581 KB, 902x902, 3zje05rsgwv61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be help.... even the other vtubers like nijiEN or Vshojo literally adapted the meme. It was like "monkaW" of Vtubers

>> No.4620831
File: 10 KB, 246x250, 1619616652416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm so tired of people using the word "is." Buy a dictionary and learn another copula you dumb cunts

>> No.4620836
File: 303 KB, 640x340, 1604573258127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4621399


>> No.4620891

holy BASED, wish I could so effectively harass random women even if only online

>> No.4620959


>> No.4620988
Quoted by: >>4622896


>> No.4621033

what a fucking CHAD

>> No.4621090

I find it funny because most of the flat vtubers who get made fun of for it aren't actually flat.
Matsuri's pretty oingo boingo IRL as is Rushia.

>> No.4621331
Quoted by: >>4621396

Once I got tired of pettan/oppai it eventually cycled back to being funny again.

Aren't these mostly spammed during collabs or when the vtuber is mentioned by another vtuber?

>> No.4621373
File: 314 KB, 1000x783, 1609757614406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio waves goodbye to working people, shut your trap

>> No.4621396
Quoted by: >>4621603

People spam this shit even when a VTuber is not mentioned by another VTuber. Like apparently these fuckers in the chat do not even bother reading the rules. I wonder if the chat mods ban them for it and it's just invisible so we don't see it happen, or if their moderation is so incompetent that they just don't care. Either way I keep seeing it over and over, people just constantly mentioning other VTubers in the chat unprovoked.

>> No.4621399
Quoted by: >>4621575

Yonkisei is a mistake

>> No.4621575

I think everyone in the fourth generation is great except Coco bugs me a bit, like it feels like she thinks she's more clever than she is. But it's impossible to criticize Coco on this board even slightly without being accused of being Chinese, so I'll just say 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. There, does that shut people the fuck up? I still think Coco has problems. It just feels like she's really openly condescending to people sometimes, especially on the shitpost reviews. I'm not sure how to explain it, so let me just see if anyone agrees with what I'm saying before I bother typing more words.

>> No.4621603
Quoted by: >>4621632

>people just constantly mentioning other VTubers in the chat unprovoked.
That has to be one of the least enforced rules, and also one of the rules that the talents care the least too.
It's just there to avoid collab begging.

>> No.4621632

Well, if people do beg for collabs, do they get banned for it? Because I'm not sure I've even seen it enforced in that particular situation.

>> No.4622106
File: 585 KB, 633x539, 1622164848831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4622362

Give it a year and "YA BE" will become "YEA BAE"

>> No.4622191

All of them. Ironically my favorite vtubers are the biggest memelords, but chat is 99% of the time pain for me

>> No.4622277
Quoted by: >>4622442 >>4622504

I wouldn't know, I turn chat off when I watch a stream.

>> No.4622362
Quoted by: >>4622658

I dunno, people tried to push "wifu" instead of "waifu" and that never caught on.

>> No.4622407
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1610530196085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4622442

You can tell people who post this don't actually watch any streams or else they would know the vtubers embed the chats into the stream so you can't turn it off. But go ahead. Make up some excuse about how you don't watch ones that do that. You're full of shit, you couldn't name a single vtuber that doesn't embed their chat. This board is just a bunch of people gossiping about vtubers they never watch.

>> No.4622499
Quoted by: >>4622519

Panik/kalm, any meme involving yagoo and boing boing pettan
The boing boing stuff would be fine if the "people" joking about it weren't a bunch of incels

>> No.4622504

vtubers who hide their chat can still read it and be brought down by a poor quality chat

>> No.4622519

It's like reading a sex scene in Game of Thrones and then imagining George R.R. Martin's face when he wrote it.

>> No.4622527
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1592309941154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4622548 >>4622601

90% of youtube comments are either bots or painfully unoriginal template memes.

>so it would seem
>a suprise for sure but a welcome one
>(literally just quotes from the clip)

>> No.4622541

>Watches the stream at a resolution that allows you to read chat

>> No.4622548
Quoted by: >>4622601

>two things appear
This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!

>> No.4622580

You're mentally ill, no one looks at the embed chat

>> No.4622601
Quoted by: >>4622716 >>4623307

True, but we also have we fair share of template posts here, I guess some people prefer to stick to the winning formula for views/replies.


>> No.4622658
Quoted by: >>4622683

What the fuck is "wifu" supposed to be?

>> No.4622683
Quoted by: >>4622717 >>4623057

The same thing as waifu but spelled the way an American would spell it.

>> No.4622716
File: 28 KB, 782x199, 1602935049743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4622717
Quoted by: >>4622737

> spelled the way an American would spell it
Why not use wife if you want correct spelling?

>> No.4622737

And now you understand why the attempt to shift the spelling from waifu to wifu flopped. Nothing about it made sense. We're talking about a failed meme here.

>> No.4622758

>It just feels like she's really openly condescending to people sometimes
This, I actually don't like her because she's very rude.
Obligatory Taiwan is an independent country.

>> No.4622816


>> No.4622857
Quoted by: >>4622913 >>4622973

Any yagoo meme honestly I don't give a fuck about your ceo even if he looks funny.

>> No.4622896

Yeah. I can call you nigger too.
However that makes you feel is probably about same as me.
There's much more sting to be had in saying something original.

>> No.4622913

I actually find the voice clip of him sadly saying "Hai." to be consistently hilarious.

>> No.4622964
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>> No.4622966
Quoted by: >>4623242

I'm tired of whiny faggots creating retarded threads about how annoyed they are about absolutely innocuous shit.

>> No.4622973

The problem with reddit-specific memes is how they tend to be overused till you start vomiting them. I actually like memes about Yagoo (and girls going ewwwww in reaction to them), but holy shit, do something new, "Yagoo is the best girl" or "Yagoo is meme review guest" stopped being funny two years ago.

>> No.4622990

I always think back to this one time where Noel was staring at a picture of Yagoo and you could tell she was slowly becoming attracted to him and had to snap herself out of it.

>> No.4623018
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1608076155207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most common answer seems to be one of the many boring catchphrases which doesn't garner a reaction just from using it.
You all must have a suffering existence if that of all things gets to you.

>> No.4623022
Quoted by: >>4623092

>The problem with reddit-specific memes is how they tend to be overused till you start vomiting them.
All memes get overused.
kys retard.

>> No.4623057

Well that's just stupid. At least the similarity in slang usage matches up for "YA BE" and "YEA BAE"

>> No.4623084 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 454x520, 1619546968519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4627274

>The problem with reddit-specific memes is how they tend to be overused till you start vomiting them.

>> No.4623092
Quoted by: >>4623148

Also forgot about being low-effort, thanks Rushia-poster. Saying "Rushia flat not boing boing" isn't funny, that comic where redditor locks himself in only to realize that wall is Rushia made me laugh.
Overused memes either die or go meta, like watamelon or rrat. Not on reddit though.

>> No.4623148
Quoted by: >>4623297

>Saying "Rushia flat not boing boing" isn't funny
I don't think people who repeat it are trying to be funny. It's just an inane catchphrase to get a word in.
Why would you assume they are saying it with others in mind? Not like there is any obligation to do so.

>> No.4623184

Why the fuck would i prefer to look at the chat instead of my oshi no matter where she put it?

>> No.4623242

Hanging out on 4chan must be hell for you

>> No.4623297
Quoted by: >>4626962

>post anything on public space
>It's n-n-not for you guys, I didn't post it with you in mind
>I swear it's for myself!
Piss off, if you are not saying it with others in mind then why the fuck you are saying it publicly in the first place?

>> No.4623307
Quoted by: >>4623881

>True, but we also have we fair share of template posts here, I guess some people prefer to stick to the winning formula for views/replies.
Difference is those are all just references to popular films or shows that reddit faggots spam to death because it'll get upvotes. Things here are more contained as inside jokes.

>> No.4623339


Watching it go crazy over Mythrape live was incredible. That’s when chat is funny and making it an actual enjoyable experience. But what anon was talking about is people saying “AHHH OH NOO” to any little swear or every slightly negative thing that happens. It’s an overreaction when done all the time. Mythrape was funny because it was a huge mistake, and chat exploding over it was proportional.

>> No.4623393


>> No.4623758
File: 145 KB, 1320x1320, 63ac67d7db4536ea075a370af5560db458d07db6.jpg@1320w_1320h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4627549

>Virtue signalling to nationalists on a board about live-streaming anime girls

>> No.4623881

Baneposting and Sneedposting are literally just movie and TV show quotes. You have got to be delusional. How many fucking times I've run into people like you on this site who cry about people doing something on Reddit but are completely blind to the same thing happening here.

>> No.4623910
Quoted by: >>4623999

Anytime a dumb bitch screams and people say blessed it’s like y’all are drones or something.

Or the same retards that still ask for Ara Ara then never comment anything else.

>> No.4623999
Quoted by: >>4624070

I hate how mainstream ara ara has become. This used to be one of the greatest videos on YouTube.

Now I can't enjoy it anymore.

>> No.4624070
Quoted by: >>4624155

I like Ollie but seeing her try to force that killed me inside I’ve never cringed so much. It’s even worse been the EN Vtubers try to make it sound sensual but it just sounds fake as shit because 90% of them can’t even do a deep voice or act.

>> No.4624113
Quoted by: >>4624128

I so tired of RIP Yagoo's dream, you cannot go to the Youtube comment section of any clip without seeing a comment saying that for the most insignificant shit.

>> No.4624128
Quoted by: >>4627613

Plus I seriously doubt Yagoo has any problem with the current state of Hololive.

>> No.4624155

I have mixed feelings on Ollie in particular doing it, because I think she actually is really good at it but I just find it really embarrassing to hear her do it and wish that she wouldn't. I actually have to close the tab and walk away for a bit any time she does it.

>> No.4626348

Did you know that pain peko isn't even a real tweet? People think that it is.

>> No.4626365

Coco has extraverted autism she really isnt considerate in social interactions

>> No.4626728
Quoted by: >>4628044

Bottom left

>> No.4626872
File: 136 KB, 900x900, smwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4626927

> Coco bugs me
Of course Mr. Zhang

>> No.4626895


>> No.4626927

They don't even bother finishing the post before crying about China. Unbelievable. It's not worth walking on eggshells for people like you. You'll get bored and leave once you realize you can't squeeze any political drama out of VTubers.

>> No.4626962
Quoted by: >>4627105

For attention to oneself or a personal feeling of belonging. I mean technically yes they are trying to get that from the crowd, but the consideration towards the group stops there.
Keep in mind I personally find it dumb and obnoxious as well, but good luck stopping people from acting like that when it is considered innocuous.

>> No.4627105
Quoted by: >>4627151

I'm not that other poster and I think this argument is dumb, but it's clear that your mastery of the English language is imperfect and it has resulted in a misunderstanding of whatever you were trying to say.

>> No.4627139
Quoted by: >>4627209

>Rushia pettan
I theorize this is where her rage comes from. Not from "flat", but from having to tolerate this fucking spam for so long.

>> No.4627151

I'd actually appreciate if you pointed out what could be causing any misunderstandings, as I'm not seeing it.

>> No.4627209

I thought her rage came from fucking up in video games. And that one time where everyone bought some candy so that she couldn't get any. That one is interesting because there's no way the English speakers had any idea what was going on so the blame is 100% on her Japanese viewers for being cruel to her for no reason. I'd be mad if I knew my own viewers were like that.

>> No.4627274

>The problem with reddit-specific memes is how they tend to be overused till you start vomiting them.
How is that different from soijaks, pepes, sneed, schizo/tranny labeling, seethe/dilate/etc.
You can't force people to have anything of value to say, and you can't make them shut up when they don't. Well unless you suck enough janny cock to do his job for him >>4623084

>> No.4627279
Quoted by: >>4627291

TMT is awesome

>> No.4627291

Why? It's just a ripoff of a Re:Zero meme.

>> No.4627549
Quoted by: >>4627621

Are you losing your damn mind?

>> No.4627613

who knows, he might hate success, having people invest in his company and enough money to work on his projects.

>> No.4627621

Not at all. These guys are hypocrites.

>> No.4627938


>> No.4627971
Quoted by: >>4628041

Why don't you just stop reading chat?

>> No.4628041

What else do you expect him to do?

>> No.4628044

I despise this one. It's not funny without context, and it's even less funny with context.
