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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1400, @naive_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41913788 No.41913788 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>41929482

Nijisanji EN Male General, formerly /luxnoc/

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji EN's male vtubers from Luxiem, Noctyx, ILUNA, and XSOLEIL!


https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (graduated)



Fic Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ebZ5h4XdzvtoHhgVo4NwIMGvqWEFtwcxVBC1T1ISlJA

Vod Archive Guide:

Our watchalong site:

Guide to finding fanart on Lofter: https://rentry.org/aum8x

Boys Teamup: https://teamup.com/ksj1sm36oa1p146e26

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Fujo, yume, pregposting, and hornyposting is encouraged.

Previous thread: >>41874756

>> No.41913805
File: 622 KB, 2048x2048, @yubuchimao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41947448

This is the anchor post for fics. Please reply here for archival purposes. Links to greentexts and old posts from /nijien/ are okay too.

For organization purposes, please feel free to suggest tags for the work you are linking (ie female POV, fluff, noncon, pregnancy, etc)

If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.

Thank you!

>> No.41913971
File: 472 KB, 2048x2048, FnkVINjacAEVXQ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I headcanon that Ren's home planet is very nonchalant about what constitutes a marriage and polyamory is very common. It's why he quickly enters a relationship with Aster, just as quickly cheats on him to flirt with Uki and gets confused when they're both jealous. He believes he's married to Kyo when they're just bros because he doesn't realize its treated as a sacred romantic bond on earth.

>> No.41913987

I read the end of last thread... we have a rapist Takaradachi ITT? What happened?

>> No.41914105
File: 250 KB, 2048x2009, FnkDykCaIAA83Xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier to count how many non-rapist albanians we have(one). I thought everyone wants to rape Auban.

>> No.41914139
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20230125_205051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Father, please give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil.

>> No.41914210
Quoted by: >>41914424

do your reps anon but yeah

>> No.41914277

Ren's home planet has multiple forms of marriages so where he's from you could theoretically marry your bestfriend and have egg babies with them, but you can also have multiple partners so he's very confused about monogamy.

>> No.41914371


>> No.41914380
File: 110 KB, 961x588, chibi wuca and fuuchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41914424
Quoted by: >>41915089

Searching for "rapist takaradachi" turns up nothing so give me some keywords at least.

>> No.41914454
File: 64 KB, 543x512, chibi wuca and wucubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca love!

>> No.41914809
File: 62 KB, 567x380, voxscythe wrestle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could write an essay on how much i love doppio and vox together. schizo chicken im so glad tazumi picked you up

>Five thousand kindred sitting in front of a screen
>Vox's stream is on
"aaaaAAAAAaaaa DaaaDDDYYYYYY UWWWWOOOO!" "DADDY UR SO SEXY" "I love you milord!"
>"Alright, that'd be all from me today, I love you all kindred, here's a big kissy, MWEH."
>All of kindred start spamming supas and making out violently with the screen
"BYEEEE DADDY!" "小盒我爱你!" "TSKR MILORD" "I love you Vox!"
>Stream ends
>One by one, the smiling kindred each blink slowly
>Their eyes all widen as they begin to search around the room, confused
>Already the tears have begun
"D-daddy? Where are you? Daddy!?" "Vox你在哪儿!?" "H-Help! Milord disappeared! waa!"
>Panic sets in, the kindred begin to aimlessly search for Vox
>The search ends almost as soon as it began, with the kindred succumbing to despair
>After a long bout of uncontrollable sobbing, the kindred become manic in their desperation
>Some begin running around the room in circles, others begin pounding the wall with their gnarled fists, deepthroating their Vox Akuma acrylic stands, or masturbating furiously to his ASMR VODs.
>The hysteria lasts as long as the kindred still have energy in their shriveled bodies
>Once that energy is exhausted, the kindred yet again collapse into despair
"aaaaaaaaaaa啊啊啊啊啊啊" "ddd ddadddyyy" "...uuuuUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu..."
>This period of catatonia can last for days on end, but usually triggers after a few mere minutes.
>Hours later, the monitor reactivates
>Vox's Runescape BGM starts playing as his next stream begins
>The familiar sight and sounds of their daddy rouses the kindred from their torpor
"ooo..." "hmm?" "mmm..."
>Vox appears onscreen
"Hello kindred." *farts* "I've missed you."
>The kindred, suddenly reinvigorated, quickly spring to their feet
>Scrambling up to the monitor, the kindred take their seats and Hitachi wands and settle in for the stream
>And the cycle continues.

>> No.41914880

I love the idea of him essentially having a mostly one-sided harem where they just brush off any weird behavior as 'alien things' or him just being overly friendly. Then it all comes to a head when his mating season starts and they all end up full of his eggs.

>> No.41915089
Quoted by: >>41915748

incest might help, it was her brother

>> No.41915121

if only we had a horny alien boy....imagine someone else with ren's model and vox's hornyness

>> No.41915323
Quoted by: >>41915377

Oh I'm always here, you need to mention it for me to say it though, I'm not proud of it and have done all I can to make up for what I did

>> No.41915377

you can literally never make up for it because you destroyed a child's life

>> No.41915454
File: 16 KB, 96x96, J23VY5OUOfqI_9EPktKzmAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41915664

have no idea what is going on and I'd like to keep it that way

>> No.41915596
Quoted by: >>41915730

I feel awful about it. He'll likely kill himself early for unrelated reasons anyway though

>> No.41915616

Are you implying that he fucked all of the boys consensual or is he sneaking into their room at night pumping them full of tiny little alien eggs with out them knowing until after a couple weeks the eggs starts growing and the boys all becomes bloated and confused, Ren reveals that they're all pregnant with his eggs and are going to become sister wives!

>> No.41915634

What’s wrong with some pussy eating

>> No.41915664
File: 14 KB, 212x210, 1672462235877256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what's going on and I need context...

>> No.41915669
File: 1.03 MB, 4096x2663, IMG_20230128_185020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife schedule.....erhh


>> No.41915708

He was a toddler and didn't understand what was going on.

>> No.41915730
Quoted by: >>41915850

>anyway though
damn you really don't care. makes sense for someone able to rape kids kek

>> No.41915748

Okay, I found it, you fags are being melodramatic. She was like what - 6/7 years old? No real sexual knowledge. Innocent child stuff. Calling a kid a rapist for that is way too over the top. I'd understand if she was older and knew better, but nah.

>> No.41915764

He's going break,,,,,,no

>> No.41915798
Quoted by: >>41915865

>Innocent child stuff
dios mio kill yourself

>> No.41915802

As I said >>41915634

>> No.41915850

We were both children. I'd never do it as an adult

>> No.41915860
Quoted by: >>41916026

Pio has been tentacle raped by box and has sucked vox’s dick in a changing room. Vox and pio are also married

>> No.41915865
Quoted by: >>41915928

The dumb kid didn't even see it as a sexual act. I don't know, this to me is like calling a baby a rapist for pulling on another baby's dick.

>> No.41915923
Quoted by: >>41915951

I masturbated in front of my own dad on purpose so none of this matters to me

>> No.41915928
Quoted by: >>41915950

It literally doesn't matter. rape is rape, no matter the age

>> No.41915950
Quoted by: >>41915967

Tumblrina ass.

>> No.41915951
Quoted by: >>41916156


>> No.41915957

Please guys it's not even Sunday yet, don't do this today...

>> No.41915967

nice cope faggot

>> No.41915969
File: 172 KB, 1019x1069, 20230103_235430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cat

>> No.41916006

You think a literal toddler can be a rapist. There is no point in arguing with the mentally retarded.

>> No.41916026

Vox married his son that was a result of brothers incest? Hot

>> No.41916028

Who hurt you?

>> No.41916032

is it bad taste to say i want to rape him

>> No.41916081

Maybe not right now, with this whole conversation happening takoyaki

>> No.41916085
Quoted by: >>41916219

>rape talk
>wife's shit schedule and break
end it all

>> No.41916120
File: 38 KB, 680x680, 1673772300560669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont mention is again for a few months, people still blow it out of proportion

>> No.41916156

Why that conclusion

>> No.41916165
Quoted by: >>41916315

Who drew this

>> No.41916179
Quoted by: >>41916272

poor little rapist you

>> No.41916181

Yes it is. Alban should be protected and loved not raped.

>> No.41916200
Quoted by: >>41916569

For what it's worth I don't think it's a big deal.

>> No.41916219
Quoted by: >>41916294

He’s taking a break?

>> No.41916228

I hope if wife plans on playing more XIV he just does the story off-stream and then talks about his experience during a zatsu. I love ShB and EW to death but it's a pain watching someone else do the quests and having the most predictable reactions when they get to the parts you want them to see. It's more interesting when they have time to collect their thoughts and analyze the content after the fact.

>> No.41916272

Poor anon

>> No.41916287
Quoted by: >>41927496

teamup anon im saying this in case i forget later but as a precaution, id like to ask for the archive of luca's vrchat stream later

>> No.41916291
Quoted by: >>41916328

>/nenmen/ has a child rapist as a regular poster
Ah truly the most degenerate thread in /vt/, you have outdone /meat/ congrats

>> No.41916294
Quoted by: >>41927685

3 days anon use your eyes

>> No.41916315

NTA but https://twitter.com/_3__6_/status/1610256627365740544

>> No.41916328

Hello, tourist!

>> No.41916332

Since most of them don't even think they are in a relationship, the majority would probably be while sleeping? Or he could just forcefully push them down in a mating frenzy. I do think there's several that would be down to fuck, but I could also see many reject him because they know he's in a relationship with Aster. Definitely a bunch of awkward explaining afterwards, regardless of how he got the eggs into everyone.

>> No.41916386
File: 264 KB, 1962x1545, @Yakisoba_0918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41916444

who cares about this retard rapist post cute boys at least

>> No.41916406
File: 1.93 MB, 2449x3000, 1674943324333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41916459

I love/miss my fatherbrotherhusband! I'm still thinking about the end of that mario stream last night, nintendo games really do something to his brain... hope today is a little less miserable for him though. Heat-inebriated funnyman is all fun and games until he fucking dies

>> No.41916444

uohh!! little boys

>> No.41916459

I want this bitch to get an AC system so bad

>> No.41916525

this thread made me never want to watch alban again

>> No.41916527
Quoted by: >>41917594

I know he jokes but isn’t it literally difficult/not practical for him? He might just need to move

>> No.41916557


>> No.41916569
File: 434 KB, 965x1052, 16592137979480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, It also doesn't affect how much I love him, I'm very proud of him for getting 2nd

>> No.41916613
Quoted by: >>41916663

>one child rapist soured you on someone

>> No.41916633
File: 1.57 MB, 3342x1753, 1674731892382089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41916783

.....I thought "rapist takaradachi" was just a takaradachi who wanted to rape Alban, not THAT anon from months ago. I'm sad now.

>> No.41916663
File: 309 KB, 400x446, 1656912525985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41916681


>> No.41916690
Quoted by: >>41916754

Like pottery

>> No.41916742
File: 256 KB, 1600x915, cytoplasm-frog-eggs_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone sitting Ren down to have an intervention, teaching him that putting eggs into unconscious sleeping men is a big no no and that earth custom is that most people are monogamous so he has to choose between being Aster's boyfriend or being "married" to Kyo. On an related note I headcanon his alien species as being sort of reptilian so his eggs would be like that of frogs, and it'll slowly grow larger inside the host body.

>> No.41916754
Quoted by: >>41916841

I don't think you know how to use that word

>> No.41916783

i'm a not-rapist-incest takaradachich and you can imagine how i felt when people started talking about them as a thread personality while i misunderstood as it being people who want to rape him

>> No.41916802

the irony

>> No.41916804
Quoted by: >>41916843

You like wife but can't handle a takoyaki being a rapist?

>> No.41916841


>> No.41916843

>you like wife, someone who enjoys dark fiction, but you draw the line at real life child rapists?

>> No.41916899
Quoted by: >>41917011

do you also cancel children who say slurs when they were 5

>> No.41916907
Quoted by: >>41917011

They were also a child

>> No.41916971

This anon would sentence a toddler to death

>> No.41917011

why are you both so butthurt over this? why does it matter if a random anon on the internet decides to do X?

>> No.41917034
File: 337 KB, 1063x523, 20230128_141803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41917154


>> No.41917061
Quoted by: >>41917158

You should also ask that to the comfydant who’s mad about it

>> No.41917082
File: 201 KB, 1204x1146, FnlTToCaYAAB0N0.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41918008

gm ! i fell asleep while re-watching the kaida vs alban match ! i love my hardworking little brother who won 2nd place yesterday ! alban LOVE ! i hope he got some good rest !

>> No.41917091

there are only a few of us so i like to pretend we're not all bad

>> No.41917096
File: 39 KB, 309x383, 1674880064004120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think the parents of that rapist are also at fault. They had to be fucked up and extremely negligent to let something that avoidable happen.
We should never bring this up again because it's souring the thread and that anon should just change all their filenames and pretend to be someone else. It's a NijiEN male general not a platform to debate the ethics of accidental incest or some shit.

>> No.41917118
Quoted by: >>41917158

you should be talking to the comfydant

>> No.41917150

can we just drop this...

>> No.41917154

That’s been in talks for a while now hasn’t it?

>> No.41917158
Quoted by: >>41917236

so you guys are really bothered because someone else is bothered that there is a rapist itt. ok

>> No.41917168

Wow, Sonny weighed in

>> No.41917214
File: 48 KB, 468x468, 1674139884422120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41917236

In a thread? On this website? You’d be lucky to find one without at least one in it.

>> No.41917241

>frog eggs
I'm imagining Ren going "But we're all already married??? You all accepted my engagement bracelets? We've been married for months now??" With everyone looking down in unison at the bracelets he gave him that they joked were him finding out about friendship bracelets from the internet...

>> No.41917244
File: 88 KB, 560x573, 1656986541620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im going to stop watching alban because he reminds me of the rapist in his fanbase
i should care less what this thread thinks

>> No.41917257
File: 112 KB, 1420x1240, 1674944264468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? It's so frustrating hearing him complain about it ahh I want to be there for him. At least get another fan or stream with a cooling towel/bandana around your neck or something, I guess that's impractical too but anything is better than just stewing in the heat

>> No.41917278
Quoted by: >>41917340

then why did you announce it for attention

>> No.41917340
Quoted by: >>41917408

because I can and instead of ignoring it you replied because you're seething over it for some reason

>> No.41917341
Quoted by: >>41917381

Genuinely, why are you on this website if you’re so bothered by this?

>> No.41917381
Quoted by: >>41917460

because this site can be good for discussion, simple as

>> No.41917408

the same way you keep saying rapist everytime a post is made instead of ignoring it?

>> No.41917452

why do comfydants love to ruin threads

>> No.41917460

go back to the doxxsite or twitter

>> No.41917487
File: 17 KB, 96x96, CW3VY9viHPqI_9EPktKzmAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his emotes are so small...

>> No.41917494
File: 487 KB, 2048x1536, FnkfbitaQAIhVfO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the rrat that Sonny is shitting up these threads on purpose. Feels in-character for him and it means he read our fanfics!

>> No.41917542
Quoted by: >>41917904

sonny hates this split...

>> No.41917569
File: 137 KB, 874x1240, @miyuh_miyavi_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife being so cute right now

>> No.41917573

>mysta and sonny shit up the thread together

>> No.41917581

what if Sonny is the child rapist

>> No.41917596

Anon will have a meltdown everytime they see an Alban picture /here/

>> No.41917594

I just want him to stop his brain from getting boiled by the Australian heat and for bugs to leave him the fuck alone already… I feel so bad for him cause I know the heat must be really bad for him to get that mindfucked by it all the time.

>> No.41917710

That's adorable like penguins giving their mates smooth pebbles as a gift, I was thinking that he gives them weird courting gift and they reluctantly accepts it since he's an alien. I see a lot of Ren art with his long ass tongue and spit so it made me think of scorpion flies, they give the female food combinded with a huge glob of their saliva as a courting gift and the female would choose the saliva of the males she prefers. So I'm just imagining Ren cooking them a meal, curry or stew something watery with his alien saliva in it, they all eat and accept his meal so he took it as them accepting his courting gift.

>> No.41917722
File: 744 KB, 680x786, 1669947501864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41917737

i will rape the rapist

>> No.41917737


>> No.41917874

But the important question is: would you rape your oshi?

>> No.41917881

almost 9 hours of stream...i'm glad i didn't miss this one

>> No.41917904
File: 111 KB, 1426x1090, Fm6yK3yaAAA7hLl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He took one look at this place and hated us on sight. He spends his free time shitposting and getting a laff at all the chaos and infighting he causes. Overtime he's become familiar with thread regulars, he learns of our habits, our favorite things, our home situations... It seems like he's grown a bit of fondness for us, like an older brother who doesn't want to be around his sibling, but still shows concern regardless. Every now and then instead of shitposting he likes to offer life advice, words of encouragement, or maybe he even tries to be the voice of reason when anons people shitpost.
Welp, he's bored now, and he's had a bad day! Time to shit up the thread again!

>> No.41917935
File: 168 KB, 1069x1426, 1664969533580679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, proper rapists aside, of course i would

>> No.41917955
File: 252 KB, 1474x2048, FZwSsOHWAAA_4Fm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Mysta, it's nice to know the feeling is mutual though...

>> No.41917963
File: 347 KB, 2048x2048, 1674622757706800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons people
other anons*

oh nyo im so embarrassed at my typo

>> No.41917985

no, he can do it to me though

>> No.41918008
File: 300 KB, 488x525, Fdfgfdvcdx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41919354

>>41917082 (me)
i didn't know kaida was streaming ! this interaction is so cute...
i am not a briskadet...but thank you for including me...!
i can watch others do him !

>> No.41918053
File: 26 KB, 112x112, alban-knox-alban-nijisanji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41918091


>> No.41918088

I guess FE is just one of those games wife is going to spend 7 hours playing each time… fuck me but also I can’t complain too much

>> No.41918091
File: 439 KB, 2000x1915, Fng-1b3aMAAXpez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41918172

i will rape him for you then

t. briskadet

>> No.41918157

It's such a weirdly boring game to watch but I can tell he's having fun, it's also literally impossible to live post because nothing seems to even happen in the game.

>> No.41918172

why don't you just rape your oshi instead?

>> No.41918194
File: 196 KB, 1274x1170, IMG_20230122_000602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's asking for it.

>> No.41918405

i'm feeling sick so my brain can't even think of that so no. but maybe he can rape me instead while i throw up

>> No.41918426

fuchan you bitchass fucker now i have to choose between worm asmr and fatamoru

>> No.41918594
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 1673676486391647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41919002

id fantasize but i couldnt bear making him upset

>> No.41918639

I treat it the same way famelira watch their oshi play JRPGs for 8-12 hours. I don't watch the whole thing but I tune in for a small portion because he's live and his presence is comfy.

>> No.41918657
File: 66 KB, 827x827, FnknAMLaIAEtwpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That UTT episode went way better than I ever hoped for. Happy to see that Vox found a kindred (heh) spirit with Doppio. I know he was over the moon when Pio said he listens to his asmrs, even sharing his diabolik lovers cds as inspirations with him. And seeing them gush over Twilight of all things was something I never thought I'll see but I will wholeheartedly accept it bc of how dumb they are.

>> No.41918764

That's a great idea! I could definitely see it being a progression where he keeps gifting people weird shit and they all just think they have to be nice, since he has no idea about human customs. Eventually they get so desensitized that they don't even think it is out of the ordinary. Food tastes a bit strange? He's learning earth food. Bracelet? Probably saw friendship bracelets on the internet. Shiny rock? Well, he has been watching a bunch of animal videos recently....And so on. No one thinks to ask why because it would be rude. All while he's just going "My courtships are going great! :D"

>> No.41919002

Vox would absolutely be the mouthy and kicky type who fights tooth and nail to get away, you'd have to drug him up super well and tie him up so he can't move.

>> No.41919354
Quoted by: >>41920186

i found a translated version if any takaradachi are interested !

>> No.41919447

Imagine if the saliva has some kind of hormone in it that changes the biology of the person consuming it. So once a week he feeds his mates with alien saliva laced food and it's slowly changing their human body to be ready and primed to incubate his eggs, it makes them gain weight to provide nutrients for the eggs, slowly rearranges their organs to make space for incubation, changing their biochemical make up and makes them secrete lubrication during the mating seasons. Ren is very happy that all his new friends are so accepting of his gifts and so willing to have little alien babies with him!

>> No.41920186
Quoted by: >>41923129

kaida is literally me

>> No.41922016

pio-chan on da telly, I don't know why he only has one badge tho

>> No.41922223

Sorry had to make dinner
It is only proper as a responsible mate that he makes sure they are ready for his eggs! It is so nice to see them happily accepting his care and preparation! So gratifying to see the physical evidence of it! Even as some of them start to worry about the extra weight and start to notice other strange things going with their bodies...

>> No.41922664
Quoted by: >>41924977

Does ren have special mating procedures since he’s a prince? Gotta make sure those royal eggs are pristine

>> No.41922886

he's officially a dogboy now

>> No.41923129
Quoted by: >>41924334

i like how his first thoughts were to sexually harass alban....he really does have pheromones...

>> No.41924318

pio-chan really needs a break

>> No.41924334
Quoted by: >>41924517

Alban is literally living walking rape bait, he doesn't even have to do anything it's just the way he acts.

>> No.41924509

pio-chan hinting at doing dancing streams

>> No.41924517

he probably didn't even realise kaida was trying to harass him TOT he was so ready to reciprocate....so easily manipulated...albannnn...! harassing alban in front of 50k people....giwtwm

>> No.41924732

pio-chan nihongo SEX

>> No.41924917

help...i might be becoming a scythekick kamioshi...i dont wanna betray my oshi...

>> No.41924977
Quoted by: >>41947448

No worries.
What if Kyo or some of the boys starts to notice the weight gain and tries to go on a diet to lose weight. This sends Ren into a spiral because why are they trying to starve their body it's bad for the babies, cue misunderstandings and Ren thinking he's being rejected and they don't want to be mates with him anymore. Ren feels bad and gives them more pebbles as an apology for doing anything wrong to make them reject him.
Since he's of a royal blood line maybe he's genetically different from the others, like he's the Alpha alien or something. He's more fertile, gets first pick during mating seasons and they have special ceremonies for his wives to be indoctrinated into the palace harem. Maybe they dress them up all pretty in ceremonial clothes, they have to eat this special food that is laced with aphrodisiac to make them ready for him, but it also is very calorific so they can gain weight to incubate the eggs.

>> No.41924993

pio-chan has become japanese

>> No.41925070
Quoted by: >>41930024

who's your oshi? I think it's a little early for saying he's your kamioshi but you do you anon

>> No.41925239

gay bitch is playing one hand clapping!

>> No.41925264

you can have more than one oshi, not kamioshi though

>> No.41926384
Quoted by: >>41926558

I just heard someone and thought he sounded like one of the boys... I doubt he is but the feeling is really weird

>> No.41926558
Quoted by: >>41926646

in pio-chan's stream? you're becoming a schizo just like him

>> No.41926646

Nah, I was out and heard someone talking. You're right though I'm probably going schizo

>> No.41926858
Quoted by: >>41927203

Who did you think you heard?

>> No.41927046
Quoted by: >>41927203

which boy?

>> No.41927203


>> No.41927285

go back and kill him

>> No.41927496
Quoted by: >>41928700

Thank you for flagging it, I'll make sure I get it archived one way or another!

>> No.41927685
Quoted by: >>41927808

Not three days, longer than that by an unknown amount.

>> No.41927725

Are you in flipland didn't we agree he's probably in the Philippines? But also if you're not then maybe you heard corpse husband kek.

>> No.41927808
File: 324 KB, 2048x2048, 1666570371761238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41928400

it's over. he hates us and he's never coming back

>> No.41928244
File: 1.21 MB, 1944x2256, 1674956855340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm ready for shota Luca later

>> No.41928400
File: 71 KB, 1458x936, IMG_20221220_222724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41928804

I don't want to concernfag but what if it's a medical thing again...

>> No.41928700
File: 40 KB, 128x128, luca heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.41928804
Quoted by: >>41931744

it's really soon...wasn't his medical break mid year last year? sure it isn't that.......

>> No.41928823
File: 664 KB, 2014x982, 1674957357106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaichou love!

>> No.41929002

>stream delayed by an hour and 30 minutes
one day you'll learn your correct timezones

>> No.41929482
File: 69 KB, 1115x823, 20230129_015312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss shu ;w;;;; jwu and saw his tweet this morning and i just want to give him the biggest hug

>> No.41930024
File: 169 KB, 900x1269, 20230118_122503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he hath bewitched me in body and soul

(i actually dont think i could ever switch off my kamioshi from milord but occasionally ill go into huge manias of love for my other oshis)

>> No.41930418
File: 352 KB, 2046x2048, Ike20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41931009

>take a few days away from this thread
>impenetrable "rapist albanian" lore drops

>> No.41931009
Quoted by: >>41931355

welcome back quilldren, did you like the p5 stream?

>> No.41931355

yes. he was cute trying to be theatric

>> No.41931508
File: 371 KB, 1535x2048, FV3DtPUaQAEBUiJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about this Mysty again after organizing art folders

>> No.41931744

I hope it isn't but he's so vague about breaks and it makes me concern.

>> No.41931972

That thigh gap as ToT

>> No.41932176

Luca got his fanmail

>> No.41932178
File: 185 KB, 818x1200, FiDrGpLaYAA9xDK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im obsessed with mysty i need to see her fucked a hundred ways to sunday

>> No.41932500

i sent one last year around march, ill never know if he got mine

>> No.41932823

good for you lucubs. reminds of whatever happened to vox's fanmail, i hope he updates his mailing address...

>> No.41933839

Sonny live

>> No.41933948

im going to go schizo

>> No.41933954

Don’t die today retard

>> No.41934392

so glad the guys dont check here right

>> No.41934529
File: 7 KB, 293x183, FYweyLyVQAIu9GX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41934675

i will vomit....please no...

>> No.41934675

dont look at millie's stream, some of the boys are in it and its very obvious theyre all /here/

>> No.41934738
Quoted by: >>41934846

How do you know some of the boys are in it?

>> No.41934745
File: 51 KB, 680x680, @shiol14_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's here

>> No.41934749
Quoted by: >>41934969

i'm watching it....my only comfort is that i don't horny post in main...i hope alban never comes here i will actually cry TOT

>> No.41934814

What’s a point of a stream like that if not just for riling up schizos even more

>> No.41934846

it's obvious by the colors and topics theyve brought up about the boys

>> No.41934901
Quoted by: >>41935211

why is ethyria like this

>> No.41934969

i hate this, as long as the boys arent smart enough to look at the splits

>> No.41935183
Quoted by: >>41935279

We all know Dale is obviously Vox

>> No.41935211
Quoted by: >>41936713

I keep thinking that maybe they're not all bad but I'm just burying my head in the sand at this point. I don't mind having edgy humor but this is directly encouraging their viewers to check this place out which in turn encourages doxx related stuff. And with one of the members allegedly having had their nudes poster here makes this all seem like such a horrible thing to do

>> No.41935279
Quoted by: >>41935454

i thought it was mysta

>> No.41935319

So vox has definitely seen the pregnancy cult…

>> No.41935454

you know what you might be right, I think Vox is waggish plonker

>> No.41935751

i hope the vod is up later because i'm watching with my phone and i can't read shit

>> No.41936070

I really hate this.

>> No.41936175

i love piochan always calling us delicious

>> No.41936193

this lil nigga is defo Kyo you shota fuck stop having a distinctive typing style

>> No.41936210

i don't think my oshi is involved so i feel a bit better....

>> No.41936245
Quoted by: >>41937261

honestly why do this, literally this is most retarded thing i've ever seen a streamer do. Seething so hard over 4chan of all places enough to make a video and make everyone even more schizo

>> No.41936339

Yeah, same, or at least I'm hoping.

>> No.41936417

>Already running out of content

>> No.41936478
Quoted by: >>41936710

My oshi is definitely involved in this and I am cackling

>> No.41936588
File: 54 KB, 488x201, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41936747

Arcadians it's your time to shine

>> No.41936600

ASTEROID you're on the telly

>> No.41936710
Quoted by: >>41937098

Which one? Who is it?

>> No.41936713

i try to like them but it is quite literally the only wave in the branch that needs to constantly let the world know that low iq shitposting nobodies from the anonymous crocheting imageboard are living rent free in their heads and they're all fucking like this to some extent.
anyway at least sonny is being very cute playing as the chainsaw doggy right now

>> No.41936747
Quoted by: >>41937253

i wonder if he appreciates how much the arcadians continue to like him despite being the worst liver ever

>> No.41936991

>double posting

>> No.41937045

piochan's looping and so am i

>> No.41937061

Sonny being cute today

>> No.41937080

oh luca is streaming earlier, save me

>> No.41937098
File: 58 KB, 720x719, IMG_20230121_230416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41937342


>> No.41937239

They really making us look dumb

>> No.41937253

shut the fuck up wisconsin

>> No.41937261

I don’t think it’s seething. If it was seething they wouldn’t hide it. They’ve name dropped this place before and have hinted that they visit and see the shit main posts. This is probably them having a little fun copying main.
Is it going to attract the wrong crowd? Of course it is. Is it funny? Plenty.

>> No.41937342
Quoted by: >>41937844

Which one do you think he is

>> No.41937344

come on now, we are dumb

>> No.41937356

We are dumb

>> No.41937357
Quoted by: >>41937647

oh wow, two rainbow supas for piochan from the same person too

>> No.41937440

I saw the live as they see us as jokes which is true

>> No.41937486

Yeah but now the rest of the board, especially them, are going to hold this over our heads. It’s all going to loop back to “well at least our vtubers don’t care about this hellhole of a site”

>> No.41937647

Finally he gets some paypigs. He was gonna be scarping by

>> No.41937657
Quoted by: >>41937792

You care about what they rest of the board thinks? Did you forget what company your oshi is under? They already think we’re bottom of the barrel scum. And don't forget, their own stupid dingo leaked that he reads the MANS split so they can’t really say anything.

>> No.41937683

and do I care? they raid us all the time any ways.

>> No.41937695

fuck...sonny really was shitting up this thread

>> No.41937709
Quoted by: >>41937810

>more tourists
>more baits and shitposts
I loooooooooooooooooooove it thanks a lot

>> No.41937725

who cares, leave and go watch your oshi if your worried about that

>> No.41937792
Quoted by: >>41938103

Yeah but accidentally revealing you’re /here/ is different from making a whole ass stream about it. They could’ve been more subtle about it, but when have the girls ever been subtle

>> No.41937810
Quoted by: >>41937887

theyll all go to main not here anyways

>> No.41937844
Quoted by: >>41937998

we can both speculate but he is definantly in it

>> No.41937887
Quoted by: >>41938007

No, they come here as well. There’s just less of them.

>> No.41937946

I like to think of drinking my oshi’s vomit and piss to help me go to sleep at night

>> No.41937998
Quoted by: >>41938185

I have poor memory but that blue icon. Was it hiccup toothless?

>> No.41938007

we also shit up our own thread, no different

>> No.41938029

Sonny was the one time looping to shit up the thread, and Mysta is the anti-mystakeschizo

>> No.41938103
Quoted by: >>41938241

Wife literally mentions posts from here my guy. They haven’t been subtle in the slightest and that’s fine. This isn’t some secret club, in fact I’d say this site gets a lot of traffic with /vt/ being one of the more popular ones.
Get your head out of your ass and just laugh at this like so many others are. And if you’re bothered so much about what other boards thinks of us then it’s better you leave before it gets worse.

>> No.41938116

>VOD got privated
ricky tazmania definitely pulled the plug on this stream

>> No.41938149

i'm really frustrated by this but I can't put into words why. I just really dislike this behaviour

>> No.41938185
Quoted by: >>41938316

I think that might be him or maybe the one who said
>How did Hex get in deep voice = talent
he loves to shit on himself

>> No.41938201
Quoted by: >>41938336

Youre just mad they made fun of us

>> No.41938227
Quoted by: >>41938421

i thought it was hilarious

>> No.41938240

you dont like being called out for your behavior /here/

>> No.41938241

Somebody is angwy

>> No.41938316
Quoted by: >>41938528

That was brought up so many times though. I think its him because of the way he types and the emoji usage

>> No.41938336

no because I could barely read what was being said and I don't care what they think of us. I think I was just expecting them to not be retarded enough to make a whole stream about it

>> No.41938347

I hope my oshi knows I almost had sex with my father once

>> No.41938389
File: 98 KB, 1104x1839, 884FAD02-3E14-4C75-86E9-107C3DB2842B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Mysta has seen my hornyposts about him...

>> No.41938405

Ripping off balls is a patented VSF fighting technique... Naruhodo

>> No.41938421
File: 22 KB, 628x627, IMG_20230121_230449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41938528
File: 29 KB, 598x582, IMG_20230121_230454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41938626

My memory is so bad I already forgot all of the usernames.

>> No.41938536
Quoted by: >>41939651

doppio making us experience the loops he experiences. what a guy

>> No.41938609
Quoted by: >>41938673

Gonna accuse random anons of being Sonny even harder now.

>> No.41938626

us both having bad memory kek

>> No.41938651
Quoted by: >>41938815

that does seem like a name he'd find funny

>> No.41938673
Quoted by: >>41939378

stop deflecting sonny

>> No.41938740
Quoted by: >>41943221

waggish plonker my oshi... i think he'll be the type to /soc/post a lot

>> No.41938815

that's totally him

>> No.41939025
Quoted by: >>41939651

NTA but I agree with the first anon, I'm just not a fan when they go on long rants about hate or allude to dramatubers or the doxxsite too much. like whenever mysta would go off on his rants or enna @ed the dramatubers. it gives me this icky feeling of negativity and brings so much attention to hate even if its making light of it.

>> No.41939157
Quoted by: >>41939211

at least my oshi wasn't in the video, even tho he's /here/

>> No.41939211
Quoted by: >>41939289

who's your oshi

>> No.41939289


>> No.41939378
Quoted by: >>41939485

this reads like something sonny would type

>> No.41939485
Quoted by: >>41940215

you're just using reverse psychology on me but it won't work because I am not dumb, and I am not sonny YOU ARE

>> No.41939543
Quoted by: >>41939828

>I don’t think it’s seething
>when they had a whole minute to talk like anons complaining about their content
there is no way they're not seething even if a little

>> No.41939564
Quoted by: >>41939918

Wait was alban in the video?

>> No.41939568
Quoted by: >>41939698

I don't know wife could've been in it especially is millie asked him.

>> No.41939634
Quoted by: >>41940253

wife might have been in it

>> No.41939651
Quoted by: >>41940240

What a cute romance. Doppio being a schizo and slowly turning us schizo >>41939025
While I understand that, especially with people now saying they live rent free in the livers’ heads when more than likely the livers have a life outside of being a vtuber, I think it’s fine that they allude to that shit. Reminds people that they know. Not that I love that, but it does remind people that these people have eyes and ears. Is it the most healthy thing? Probably not. But most of the time it’s just light jabs like “hey I know of this kind of hateful thing and I think it’s funny.” I don’t think I’m getting my point across ugh…

>> No.41939698
Quoted by: >>41940253

I like to think he thought it was a waste of time. for the very small pieces of discord convo i've seen of him i don't think he was in it

>> No.41939707
File: 150 KB, 708x1042, FZAanCtUUAAIIIp (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my husband is debuting his new vrchat chibi!

>> No.41939828
Quoted by: >>41939975

They’ve acted like anons before while laughing their asses off. Did you forget the nepo hire care in Jackbox or the brotuber beggars in OW2?
Sure we’ve seen people like Mysta and some of the girls get downtrodden because of the shit they read, but this was obviously done in a fun manner.

>> No.41939918
Quoted by: >>41940467

he's not really close (?) with the suspected people in the video, and today is his rest day, so highly likely no.

>> No.41939975
Quoted by: >>41940354

As I said, i'm not saying they're 100% seething but they're bothered enough to make a whole ass stream about it

>> No.41940011 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 754x619, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this a hint? Where they talking about the GC video?

>> No.41940134
File: 8 KB, 212x212, IMG_20221231_155726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41944884


>> No.41940153


>> No.41940208

we now have twitter newfags browsing because of the stream

>> No.41940215
Quoted by: >>41940523

I see your reverse-reverse-psychology Sonny, you need to stop making it so obvious.

>> No.41940240
Quoted by: >>41940893

i get what you mean. i suppose it would feel worse for them if they kept it all bottled up, and like if i were in their shoes itd be pretty cathartic to roleplay as anons /here/ knowing that we'll talk about it. sort of a "like a taste of your own medicine?"

i guess as long as its not everything they do it should be ok. but i still can't quite shake feeling icky. ill be honest and say i do feel bad for feeling a bit of guilt; in a bit of a moral excuse i find venting on 4chan to be healthier than twitter, because i feel by convention its supposed to be more private. whereas twitter shit goes viral and can actually lead to cancellations or bullshit.

>> No.41940254
Quoted by: >>41940393

seems like pissing out of the window of your castle and it hits us down in the street. someone in main said they referenced another site in it too

>> No.41940253
Quoted by: >>41940374

I don't know I still think he might be in it, this anon agrees >>41939634, plus he makes references to here all the damn time I wouldn't put it pass him to find this idea funny.

>> No.41940344

why is luca's first instinct in vr to always hump the floor like a dog

>> No.41940349

Uoohh luca is forcing his dick into my mouth ToT

>> No.41940354

Oh for sure. I mean, if you were a person who wanted to see some horny posts your fans made only to see anons wishing that you never debuted then I’m sure you’d also be a bit pissed. It’s healthy advice to say that they probably shouldn’t read what comes out of this place, but sometimes there’s good conversations here that I think the livers could learn from.
As for making a whole stream about it, they could’ve just wanted a little laugh while reading the board while also doing their little shitposting, but I wouldn’t hold it against them if they did this out of spite. The Ethyria are known to “call out haters” and it makes sense that this was a Millie stream. Do I think all the participants are peeved? Not really. I think some like Fulgur and maybe Sonny find the shit posted here funny and don’t give a flying fuck, but that’s just me.

>> No.41940374

I still think he wasn't in it and I stand by that

>> No.41940393

oh no anon this is like seeing a peasant walking under your window and deliberating pissing on their head.

>> No.41940424
Quoted by: >>41940488

How do you know he wasnt?

>> No.41940446
File: 131 KB, 1200x1169, FixCBm5XEAEelmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sicklings quilldren lucubs and probably kindreds, say hi to your oshi!!!!

milord Vox Akuma if you see this dont forget to update your ASMR and UTT Playlists!!!

>> No.41940467


>> No.41940488

I don't I just think he wasn't

>> No.41940523
Quoted by: >>41940680

Okay whatever you say Sonny

>> No.41940538

luca isn't smart enough to check this specific thread but yeah he's here

>> No.41940605
File: 1.87 MB, 2300x2800, 20230103_030602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna kiss cute yellow pog man

>> No.41940635
File: 928 KB, 1080x1080, Luca27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaa he is LITERALLY doing this

>> No.41940680
Quoted by: >>41941007

Fuck off Sonny, stop shitting up these threads

>> No.41940699
File: 221 KB, 1213x1374, @sisi0404_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Hex,
Please go back to streaming during NA hours, my wife is streaming in the morning time slot already and I want to catch your stream live.
Sincerely, a Hexagon

>> No.41940719

The thought of Ike being part of this sucks. I guess more than anything I just feel disappointed they feel the need to broadcast this sort of negativity, regardless of whether or not they’re bothered by it or having fun

>> No.41940853
Quoted by: >>41941228

if vox was really in it then he feels like a newfag who only spam memes kek, i hope his coworkers don't influence him to browse this site

>> No.41940893
Quoted by: >>41941705

That’s one way of looking at it. They could just get private twitter accounts to rant to each other, but I guess it’s more fun to watch anons have a melt down. It was for me at least.
I don’t think you should feel guilty for venting or whatever. This site is anonymous for a reason and this isn’t the most morally upstanding place either, so shit talk all you want. No one cares. I mean, unless you think your oshi is so depressed because of one of your comments on here then I guess someone, you, care… uh just don’t think too hard about it, okay?

>> No.41940995


>> No.41941007
Quoted by: >>41941777

I'm going to restart the takaradachi rapist time loop just because you accused me of being Sonny.

>> No.41941009

I mean, I just posted it as a guess. But yeah, I hope Ike was just there to joke about the plan and not actually in on it. Pomu and Elira I don't think were involved.

>> No.41941017
Quoted by: >>41941217

i wouldnt have expected it from Ike, thats for sure.

as for fulgur, hm. i could see him as being one of the chatters who occasionally chimed in once or twice but i didnt see the whole video so i cant say for sure. It just doesnt feel like fulgurs style to engage with something like this in the first place, he knows way better.

>> No.41941028
Quoted by: >>41941633

alban zatsu tomorrow (1/30) at 9PM JST !

>> No.41941217

Well hasn't he had like 3 IRL meetings with Millie/Enna? Wouldn't be surprised if their bad egosa habits rubbed off on him.

>> No.41941228
File: 246 KB, 982x1281, 202523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag who only spams memes

waggish plonker has to be milord, theres no one else KEK

>> No.41941295
File: 64 KB, 536x680, @dann2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though he wasn't in the screenshot I believe with all my heart he was in it, he's that retarded for sure

>> No.41941347
File: 110 KB, 1370x1380, 1674966443228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny sure is making a lot of Noises and Sounds today

>> No.41941391

I didn't see Millie stream but I hope they know I am here and I love Nijisanji EN branch even when they have not the bestest streaming ideas. Never let em' see you sweat, you know?

>> No.41941443
File: 438 KB, 2744x3434, @ru3_999_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41941882

hi wife if you're in this general please stop going to main. also please stream more solo streams and zatsus I miss you. Also I hope whatever you're doing on your break goes well. I love you

>> No.41941557

yeah he's so dumb, nobody else in nijien uses that kind of image, vox...

>> No.41941633
File: 77 KB, 714x750, 1658503905584497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41941714


>> No.41941662
Quoted by: >>41941817

It's so distinctly him as well, plus calling other people weird british insults like boombog and sloopnogs

>> No.41941705

thanks anon

>> No.41941711
File: 135 KB, 549x671, 1653119994862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's going to be embarrassed again when he finds out we can hear his breathing

>> No.41941714
File: 2.09 MB, 4096x4096, NadeNade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41941994

i'm sorry takaradachi....

>> No.41941764


>> No.41941773

If he was an anon here we would've already sniffed him out because of his posting style or he would accidentally dox himself while sharing a screenshot.

>> No.41941774

He's being a slutty little manwhore again

>> No.41941777
File: 57 KB, 168x164, 1673844268458693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41942030

>it was actually Sonny
I-I'm sorry oniichan. I won't accuse anyone of being Sanii ever again I promise. Please don't take my internet privileges away again, I will behave like a good little girl. S-Sonny isn't /here/ sisters, he's streaming right now and can't be posting at the same time.

>> No.41941817

Cute...ill admit despite the content it makes me smile a little, he's distinct as always.

>> No.41941882
Quoted by: >>41941942

I feel like wife doesn't visit the split and he probably is in main right now so if you post that there there's a high chance he would see it.

>> No.41941942

no i'm too shy and main is on fire right now i wouldn't dare

>> No.41941994
File: 1.88 MB, 4096x4096, 1662689471507336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything for sex cat ig

>> No.41942030
Quoted by: >>41942141

Don't ever fucking reply to me like that ever again, that's disgusting and you should think about your actions before posting this type of shit on the internet.

>> No.41942092
Quoted by: >>41942249

I don't watch girls and their streams and I will continue to be unbothered about whether my oshi is /here/ or not

>> No.41942093

i leave to go be a normal human with normal friends for ONE DAY and what in everloving fuck happened

>> No.41942141

Focus on your game sonny

>> No.41942200
Quoted by: >>41942575


>> No.41942207
Quoted by: >>41942575

go back

>> No.41942249


>> No.41942473
Quoted by: >>41942575

do your reps and move on

>> No.41942544
Quoted by: >>41942715

Luca looks like a pokemon player, I don't know if I like this model

>> No.41942575

archive is up on main, i'll be back in 1h24min

>> No.41942715
Quoted by: >>41942781

ive been holding back from saying it but i prefer his old model a lot more. it reminds me of disney pixar animations

>> No.41942781

*his new model reminds

>> No.41942888
File: 212 KB, 1009x557, 1674967568049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41942971

it's not an real scale model but not chibi either IM CONFUSED

>> No.41942951
File: 98 KB, 328x357, 1674966411473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41943140

It's a shota model

>> No.41942971
Quoted by: >>41943140

it's his bratty shota model

>> No.41942974
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, 1658328456332923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife started retweeting fanart after the stream was over so or he was watching it/watching the discord on he was in it

>> No.41943053

this whore

>> No.41943058
File: 369 KB, 1536x2048, FnMQJZDXEAAt5nF.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41943241

i miss him...

>> No.41943123

oh no comfydants

>> No.41943140

guess you're right, holy fuck he's so thin and flat

>> No.41943167
Quoted by: >>41943323

welcome to the "your oshi is /here/" club

>> No.41943221
File: 47 KB, 939x193, 1674967856671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be onto something

>> No.41943241


>> No.41943262
Quoted by: >>41943323

I fucking told you

>> No.41943323

I always knew he was /here/, just wish he wasn't stupid enough to be part of this...

I couldn't huff enough copium....

>> No.41943346

Exposed himself as an Ameriboo, yeah that's totally Vox

>> No.41943489

Of course he is stupid enough to be in this, our wife is not that smart.

>> No.41943730

stream over... bye sonny

>> No.41943748

I doubt he was part of it, he would've made some kind of reference to this split.

>> No.41943815
File: 119 KB, 512x512, Lecreatura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's too perfect

>> No.41943817

i think fulgur is nice enough to not drag us down into this

>> No.41944057

would your oshi would hate you for being /here/?

>> No.41944104
File: 65 KB, 1057x239, 1674968577886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more, this is just too funny that it calms me down

>> No.41944267

I write fanfiction of him getting raped he loves that I'm here

>> No.41944348

he probably wishes id ignore his antis more but no

>> No.41944388
File: 30 KB, 392x318, Cnfjjxjxjjxjxbfbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41944484

why? im just one of the voices that love him

>> No.41944510
Quoted by: >>41944617

probably, but i don't think he can touch this site without crying

>> No.41944581

If he does he's retarded

>> No.41944601

doing my reps, if he's there i suspect he's dale

>> No.41944617
Quoted by: >>41944880

Who's your oshi I feel like all the boys have been here at least once.

>> No.41944880
File: 528 KB, 1668x1668, 1674969255747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he already received so much shit from his own fans and antis on twitter, i don't think he can handle seeing what they typed about him here

>> No.41944884
Quoted by: >>41944960

What was the deleted post?

>> No.41944902

no because he's also here. also I always say how much I want to rape him so i'm sure he appreciates that

>> No.41944960
Quoted by: >>41945626

holy newfag

>> No.41944997

Luca teabagging us.

>> No.41945023
Quoted by: >>41945112

I used to look foward to watching my oshi streams after work but now theres nothing to look foward too

>> No.41945112

I, too, miss Hex streaming during my time.

>> No.41945128
Quoted by: >>41945372

opened shinri's stream out of curiosity and he kind of sounds like hex holy cow

>> No.41945218
Quoted by: >>41945488

I wonder if that tarot card reader comfydant is still alive

>> No.41945372

isn't he the dude everyone thought was hex predebut

>> No.41945446
File: 278 KB, 2026x2000, FHP7dRnWYAEuyUc.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nenmen and main arent actually too bad on him, at least he has argumentative kindred regulars. but the catalogue is downright brutal to him, it makes me wince whenever i see some anon farming (You)s with his face.

>> No.41945488
Quoted by: >>41945611

he just finished streaming an hour ago, anon

>> No.41945548

Praying the next schedule is NA times

>> No.41945611


>> No.41945626

newfag holy

>> No.41945719
File: 12 KB, 286x203, 5DBA164F-5495-4910-969B-44A3DD1C5106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41945947

>They're probably from fucking 4chan
Oh yeah. I accepted that long ago though.

>> No.41945945

Alban anal sex

>> No.41945947

can't believe those random gta5 trolls were from /here/, posting about eating dogs and raping family members this whole entire time

>> No.41946007

He can't hate me more than I already hate myself.

>> No.41946092

If he even knows how to navigate 4chan I don't think anything said about him here or in main is particularly bad he just needs to steer clear of the catalogue.
Catalogue shitters are brutal towards him, they act like he murdered their entire family or something. And if I'm being honest they things they criticize him for reeks of double standards.

>> No.41946150
File: 454 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_20230121_230508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him, when will he come back from the war.

>> No.41946154

If he even knows how to navigate 4chan I don't think anything said about him here or in main is particularly bad he just needs to steer clear of the catalogue.
Catalogue shitters are brutal towards him, they act like he murdered their entire family or something. And if I'm being honest they things they criticize him for reeks of double standards.

>> No.41946193
File: 21 KB, 439x284, FnjjsNyaIAIQYWz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching the proseka tournament again....i'm so proud of alban TOT i think i'll be watching his matches again and again for a while....

>> No.41946250

I don't think so, unless they would hate me for being horny af, in which case they would have hated me anyway

>> No.41946374
File: 157 KB, 1078x596, 1674970780890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41946482
Quoted by: >>41946525

Is everyone is Luxiem a shota in disguise, I feel like all of them would work as a middle school kid.

>> No.41946506

it'd be hypocritical of him because he's stuck /here/ too

>> No.41946524

does he have heart eyes? i can only see the starry eyes before i have to close the stream

>> No.41946525

just mysta, luca and shu. i cant see the other two being ones

>> No.41946539
Quoted by: >>41946641

lucas new model scares me

>> No.41946547

He's the one shitting up our threads

>> No.41946614

Christ /NijiEN/ is such a shithole, but at least their trues colors are exposed now.

>> No.41946618
Quoted by: >>41946767

no, he just has a crying and blush toggle

>> No.41946633
File: 325 KB, 1635x919, 1674971081911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41946704

Why, does this scare you?

>> No.41946635
Quoted by: >>41946678

Where is otsonny anon? ;_;

>> No.41946641

It's uncanny but watching him move around is still really fun

>> No.41946648
Quoted by: >>41946794

>prime shota bait

>> No.41946649
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, 1674970904574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otsonny!! Aww byebye... I wish the stream would have been a bit longer even if I knew the DLC wouldn't be too long, but I guess the boss was no Armstrong that would take tons of tries to beat. I'll definitely have to rewatch it though since at times I was kind of distracted by the shitshow going on in a certain overlapping stream. That being said, I had a lot of fun watching sonny tap into his inner canine today! He adjusted to bladewolf's different movement pretty quickly and seemed to have quite a bit of fun slicing through enemies with chainsaw dog and using zandatsu to rip out robo balls (VSF technique). It was kinda funny watching him eat shit a couple of times during some of the platforming segments in VR missions, but he mostly just flew through this dlc (while focusing a bit more on pick-ups this time) and ended up beating khamsin in one try! This stream was short but sweet, he was cute today making a lot of stupid noises and I'm glad there was a breeze to make the heat a little more bearable. He talked about how in his initial playthrough of MGRR he was more focused on keeping the game moving so viewers didn't get bored, and felt like it still had more potential... he didn't promise he would replay it on-stream, but I think mgr is fun to watch; I'd love to see him explore more and fuck around with combos in a future idk. Also happy to hear more Mario is probably in the cards for next week. Thanks for a fun little time taichou, I agree it's been a pretty damn good week of streams! Have a great rest of your day! o7

>> No.41946678

kore anon

>> No.41946704

no... i just have something to do

>> No.41946767
Quoted by: >>41946882

oh that's a shame, nice blush though

>> No.41946794
Quoted by: >>41946953

well there is a reason they don't get as much shota art as the other 3

>> No.41946853

Vox is totally shota material it's how he acts, his voice is just too deep to be a proper shota.

>> No.41946882

he still plans on adding more stuff like his gun and everything so he'll probably get it later

>> No.41946953
File: 811 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20230119_100527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41946960

thank you kadet

>> No.41947448

ren/kyo, ren/aster, ren/uki, mpreg, oviposition, noncon

>> No.41947793

mama mia

>> No.41947850

What a cute fukuma moment where mr.milord acts like a dog boy.

>> No.41947868

>that's My Lucub
i understand kindreds a lot more now

>> No.41947897
File: 785 KB, 2048x2048, Fnkn77gakAAr9Rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41948027

meloco/ver teaching japanese/korean stream

kaichou avoid curse words/memes 3 times will be too much in such a short time

>> No.41947913

I did not realise that the conversation went on for that long kek.

>> No.41948027

koreans will cook his privates (again)

>> No.41948053

mama mia what a night

>> No.41948109
Quoted by: >>41948233

he's only got 1 inch left of his 3inches...

>> No.41948145
File: 128 KB, 748x745, IMG_20230128_220921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41948223

He keeps exposing that he visits the korean equivalent of 4chan like the idiot that he is, and he still isn't admitting that he's korean, what a man.

>> No.41948229
File: 377 KB, 900x900, 1657258882496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear scratching on my door from outside
>my dog is inside
i'm going to fucking die

>> No.41948233
Quoted by: >>41948621

It keeps getting smaller and smaller… at this point how can it even enter a vagina…

>> No.41948282

im still not over UTT from this morning

>> No.41948286

it was nice knowing you anon

>> No.41948540

Good luck and try not to die anon.

>> No.41948615

i'll pray for your safety, baamen

>> No.41948621

It's going to go into the negatives and he becomes a cuntboy because the koreans keep cooking his privates.

>> No.41948938

why is worm asmr so fucking early in the morning... this is NA's punishment isnt it

>> No.41949010
File: 485 KB, 1465x1124, 1674973381093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short stream today but i'm happy to see my sonhusband in vr again! his new model is so cute ToT gn /nenmen/

>> No.41949045

gn lucub! sweet dreams

>> No.41949206
File: 94 KB, 300x300, 1674973645272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn lucub

>> No.41949405

goodnighty fellow lucub

>> No.41950045

What is it with lolisex and apologizing for being crude. I would rather they curse like a sailor instead of trying to make a clean image.
