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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 997 KB, 2314x4096, LOAVES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23454249 No.23454249 [Reply] [Original]

/tsun/ This Bread Can Sing Edition

>Merch Website
https://shop.tsunderia.com/ LAST CHANCE FOR ORLA MERCH
>Official Website
>Official Twitter
>Teamup Schedule
>Jetri Schedules

▼Generation 0
>Inukai Purin
Mesugaki dog

▼Generation 1
slugma balls

▼Generation 2
>Amemachi Hanabi
The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town

▼Generation 3
>Tetsuya Kazune
Insomiac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa
The giggling little sheep sister experience
>Uzuki Tomoya
Choir kid. Just how you like 'em, fffffflaming
>Tsurugi Nen
Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha
Itsy bitsy spider mommy. Certified hag

▼Former members
>Hoshino Char
>Yazaki Kallin
Certified chuuni bat
>Matsuro Meru
Sweetest person alive, high energy
>Nini Yuuna
The embodiment of chaos, bread crumb sized braincell
>Miori Celesta
Freaky deaky beertuber, isekai edition
>Orla Gan Ceann
Half toxic, half wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Umiushi Urara (Alive and visiting Offkai Expo with Phase) Garbage bin waifu, savior of Tsunderia

>Tsunderia Friends
Prism Project >>>/vt//ppg/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Cyberlive >>>/vt//clg/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
NijiKR >>>/vt//kr/
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Una - https://twitter.com/unamedch
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii -https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii

Previous Thread: >>23382304

>> No.23454414

Stupid sexy Bread

>> No.23454425
File: 306 KB, 487x594, Hot Choccy Meru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Meru!

>> No.23454489

Remember to listen to Breadwife cover

>> No.23454493
File: 609 KB, 661x659, 1627063409059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my boyfriend.

>> No.23454624
File: 307 KB, 497x485, 1650492156975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe my wife is gone for 2 days, this is so painful

>> No.23454677

Was watching a vod of Nen (to give a chance) play New Vegas and there's no way this is a dude. Way to bad at video games.

>> No.23454698
Quoted by: >>23454834

I hate that this stupid sexy bread has good ecchi art

>> No.23454834
Quoted by: >>23455805

Probably commissions it herself

>> No.23455062
File: 927 KB, 819x650, 1647646713390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23463011

PSA: Please do not fuck your little sister's anus or she will develop an addiction and won't go back to normal sex

>> No.23455094
File: 32 KB, 510x343, TakeASip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455612

There's at least a few different anons that make the threads. Just depends who's available at the time.

>> No.23455612
Quoted by: >>23455816

I meant it more that I'm getting more involved in this thread than my home thread. Guess its because I'm in my vtuber honeymoon period with Lisa, watching all her old vods and stuff.

>> No.23455805
Quoted by: >>23455894

She even kept her R18 dakimakura for herself
damn bitch knows what shes doing

>> No.23455816
File: 817 KB, 919x517, 1636257159072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455961

You'll know you're stuck here when you start the incestposting. It happens to the best of us.

>> No.23455894

do you think she'll send me one if I pay her 10k ARS?

>> No.23455961
Quoted by: >>23457020

Jokes on you, i don't even watch Lisa and i incest post

>> No.23455989

No. That’s like $9

>> No.23456285
Quoted by: >>23456561

You'll need to give a lot more than that to win over her heart anon.

>> No.23456561

anon, I just want to fuck the lewd daki of herself, I dont want to marry her because her stalker tendencies freak me the fuck out

>> No.23456708
Quoted by: >>23457182

But if she sends you the daki she'll have your address

>> No.23456738

I had a weirdly long sex dream this morning about Mio. What did she mean by this?

She isn't even my oshi but I love her too

>> No.23456843

>She isn't even my oshi but I love her too

>> No.23456901

>She isn't even my oshi but I love her too

>> No.23457020
File: 1.16 MB, 976x783, BigSad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457072

Niichan... Why dont you watch my streams?

>> No.23457072
Quoted by: >>23457658

You're too cute...

>> No.23457182

you're assuming she doesn't already know

>> No.23457268

PRISM somehow actually more fucked up than Tsunderia

>> No.23457273
File: 149 KB, 759x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many we can get lucky and Sony will buy Tsunderia too?

>> No.23457363


>> No.23457387

>tsunderia dies
>gets to keep their models
>prism gets bought by Sony
>everyone gets fired except for yura who now has to work 5 characters

>> No.23457465
Quoted by: >>23457650

Oh don't worry, I know you wanted to fuck the lewd daki.
But she isn't letting it go for cheap, she might even ask you more to fuck the daki instead of marriage.

>> No.23457650
Quoted by: >>23457777

did you mean to say 'fuck the daki more'?

>> No.23457658
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1647075298521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call me cute!

>> No.23457777
Quoted by: >>23457842

I'm saying that she knows you want the lewd daki, but she's also a stalker that wants (You)
She isn't gonna be happy that you want to fuck the daki instead of her, she'd probably set a ridiculously unobtainable pricetag like 1 million just for the daki.
Meanwhile she'd also give you an easy out in the form of marriage.

>> No.23457842
Quoted by: >>23484581

>an easy out in the form of marriage
I fucking wish, I'd wife the bread in a heartbeat

>> No.23458031
File: 206 KB, 324x263, 1648173116071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23463141

I'm gonna play twister with my little sister and we wont have sex!

>> No.23458074

Damn guess when Slugma talked about knowing which vtuber startups just wanted to be acquired, it was PRISM.

>> No.23458292
File: 213 KB, 669x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458384

Who is editing the wiki?

>> No.23458384

Sorry I like to edit in marriage status periodically (it's to me)

>> No.23459681

What if Urara is now a manager for Sony to oversee PRISM?

>> No.23460296
File: 804 KB, 874x834, 1645820486677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23460457

Maybe now we can incestpost and ryonapost in peace. Even if only for awhile.

>> No.23460396
Quoted by: >>23460429

Are we still refusing to even acknowledge that PPP "insider posted" all over the board before the company implosion and then tried to dox Urara after it?
Not sure why this is still out headline Vtuber news. Is it because le room mate yabs are automatic repellent?

>> No.23460429
File: 40 KB, 450x622, 1651105424610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23460457

I want to beat up my little sister so bad

>> No.23460514
Quoted by: >>23462583

Anon wait! You're mixing up the scripts! That kind of posting would be too powerful!

>> No.23460528
File: 219 KB, 600x275, 1651363116301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slugma has always been a step ahead.

>> No.23460534

Your geolocation is so bad, you're really bad at this.

>> No.23460696
Quoted by: >>23460757

Ok Lisa

>> No.23460757

Geolocation is too big of a word for Lisa.

>> No.23460843
Quoted by: >>23460915

Lisa would absolutely try to use a big word to seem smart in an argument.

>> No.23460900

She's definitely west coast though. She does shit really late into the day, sometimes it feels later than even sometime in PST would though is she... Alaskan???

>> No.23460915
Quoted by: >>23460972

She'd mispronounce it.

>> No.23460972

You're not wrong but this is in text.

>> No.23461240

>new IP
>repeating (You)r and (bad)
Yup this is Lisa alright. That's her speaking style and writing style. Seen enough of your discord posts to know that

>> No.23461253

Did you guys know that the Lisa incest RP poster is just Lisa herself? She told me while we were in bed together.

>> No.23461593
File: 438 KB, 453x459, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23461717

>Lisa is /here/
>Lisa takes part in the incestposting
>As the niichan

>> No.23461717
Quoted by: >>23461869

Look at that cute tiny mouth
And those horns perfect for grabbing when your have to get rough and finish the job....

>> No.23461869
Quoted by: >>23463331

And as you force her in while she tries to pull away from you while choking, and then you unload into her throat, imagine the screams she'd give after you finally let go. How she'd insult you and call you gross and a freak

>> No.23462055
File: 798 KB, 634x735, 1642136153378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisa is a stinky sheep that needs to be sheared!!

>> No.23462102

Sorry, i couldn't help cumming on her hair and she's bad at washing it off

>> No.23462136

No, leave the pubic wool.

>> No.23462583
Quoted by: >>23462981

Every girl looks better with bruises on her body

>> No.23462738
Quoted by: >>23462836

Lisa's hospital episode renewed my love for bandage moe. If she doesn't keep hurting herself I guess I'll have to do it for her...

>> No.23462836
Quoted by: >>23463256

Yes, yes! Let the ryona fill your body sheeple. Hurt your already broken oshi.

>> No.23462981
File: 648 KB, 1280x720, 1646444239451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that was me

>> No.23463011

just break her into having normal ones
its fine

>> No.23463074
Quoted by: >>23463988

I could never hurt my dear friends

>> No.23463141

no sex with Lisa, Impossible
I can't live a day without having sex with her

>> No.23463256

A ryon for Ami
a ryona for Lisa
Everyone gets their own ryona

>> No.23463316
Quoted by: >>23463988

me? with you? lol don't make me laugh your just a friend and nothing more

>> No.23463331
Quoted by: >>23463429

not really, she'd choke a bit as you pull out and with teary eyes says "thanks for not pulling it out I hate washing cum out of my hair"
then she'll go down on your dick to clean it up, you'll get hard and the cycle repeats again

>> No.23463393

Stfu whore.

>> No.23463429

Thanks for playing along Lisa, that was hot

>> No.23463461

Shut up Mio before I smell your boobs

>> No.23463584
Quoted by: >>23463689

My cumslut sister Chikafuji Lisa

>> No.23463689
Quoted by: >>23463819

My fleshlight punching bag sister Chikafuji Lisa

>> No.23463819

Those little celery stick arms... defenseless...

>> No.23463866
Quoted by: >>23464088

Uh oh, Lisa's online.

>> No.23463968
File: 381 KB, 483x469, 1650138549319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23464783

>No, stop, you can't just rip out my stitches

>> No.23463988
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, friendzoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23464088
Quoted by: >>23464149

At least if she's online over there we know she's not here and we can post freely. Though i do kind of hope she reads this degeneracy and is disgusted or turned on by it

>> No.23464149
Quoted by: >>23464266

Pippa and Lumi probably send it to her anyway

>> No.23464266
Quoted by: >>23464311

and they won't send any if Lisa's grossed out by them...

>> No.23464311

Unless they enjoy seeing her squeal in disgust and horror

>> No.23464503
File: 2.88 MB, 364x518, 1651341660787.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Lisa, have you ever heard of ryona?

>> No.23464530
File: 66 KB, 639x584, Screenshot_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate /meat/ is going to go in the Tsunderia Friends section...

>> No.23464783

there is no need for stiches
my cum heals all wounds inside and out
let me inject some into your body just to be safe

>> No.23464794

To be fair Lisa's asking for it, with all those surgeries and stitches, and how delicate she is and refuses to take care of herself. It's a wonder it took this long before sheeple wanted to abuse their little sister

>> No.23464954

And don't forget all the screaming Lisa does too.

>> No.23464980

Do not fall for the astroturfing
/tsun/ posters are not like this

>> No.23465073


>> No.23465086

But yet the IPs have not gone up. /tsun/ posters are closet degens who burst open occasionally

>> No.23465097
File: 531 KB, 1024x608, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23470548

/tsun/ posters have always had a few screws loose.
But that's why I like it here.

>> No.23465120
File: 114 KB, 949x819, 1650787172499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not sheeple
buckos are trying to normalize their sick fetish by posing as them and ryonaposting about lisa since /tsun/ threads are practically lisa/ami generals at this point. To control both is to control all of /tsun/

>> No.23465406
File: 14 KB, 289x208, 1649970965965_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay quiet, you're too smart for your own good

>> No.23465776

Lisa always says she wants to punch and fight us. She's not the sort of person who's not ready to receive what she wants to give.

>> No.23466279

Purin hasn't masturbated on Discord stage in awhile. Did Ura finally put a stop to that before she left?

>> No.23466371


>> No.23466456
File: 228 KB, 1219x1408, tentacles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23466983
File: 1.22 MB, 788x788, 1647653393751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Niichan stop playing with my tits. They keep getting bigger and I can't afford to buy a bigger set of bras this month"

>> No.23467012

This looks like a face with a fist in front of it.

>> No.23467058
File: 68 KB, 177x177, 1209394032454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The small corpo scene has been fucking wild recently

>> No.23467321

why cant we go back to incestposting ;w;

>> No.23467416

sorry Lisa, buckos are just being uncool

>> No.23467934
Quoted by: >>23468217

Sisterfucking is way more gross than wanting to see the full range of emotion from a girl you love.

>> No.23468217

>wanting to see the terror in her eyes as you beat her half to death is better than lovey-dovey sex

>> No.23468335
Quoted by: >>23468491

Those aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.23468344

no worries
the bigger they are, the more fun it will be
Why don't you play with my cock?
who knows, maybe it will get bigger and you will moan louder when I insert it into your hole

>> No.23468491
File: 948 KB, 1080x669, 1646526098241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they are you sicko

>> No.23468513
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 198452376467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomo/Mio cover just dropped

>> No.23468554
Quoted by: >>23474031

On one hand, PPP handing over Tsunderia to somebody who actually had any kind of interest in running it clearly should've happened ages ago, even just letting Urara officially run the company would've probably led to things working out better than they did.
On the other hand, it's questionable whether Sony vtuber management is preferable to no management.

>> No.23468794
File: 276 KB, 640x480, 1645302447621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how the girls feel talking to their fans knowing that people like this are swimming under the surface.

>> No.23468842
Quoted by: >>23468950

I’m guessing they used this as an example in their panel?

>> No.23468904
Quoted by: >>23469132

It’s why most of them will run away or mace you if you talk to one in public

>> No.23468950
File: 1.00 MB, 1163x701, 2147432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The panel hasn't happened yet but yeah

>> No.23469132

Joke's on them, I run like an athlete and have been trained to endure pepper spray and commercial tasers.

>> No.23469396

Oh this is actually good. I guess all those other covers made me think Tsunderia couldn't make any good songs but I guess this is one of the exceptions.

>> No.23469527
Quoted by: >>23469576

I remember back in January when everything was comfy in the small corpo ecosystem. I really thought those days would last longer...

>> No.23469576
Quoted by: >>23469782

Things were comfy for us because the talents were suffering behind the scenes and management was incompetent or abusive or neglectful depending on the company. Now all the crap is finally out of the vtuber asshole and the toilet is clogged and overflowing.

>> No.23469782
Quoted by: >>23470527

>food analogy

>> No.23469883
File: 1.14 MB, 2015x1136, 490823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe things are gonna be okay, bros

>> No.23470070

Mio got mogged. I will finally understand when she says she's not good.

>> No.23470106
Quoted by: >>23470306

Considering that that was an improper use of the word geolocation, you're objectively correct and that just further proves it's Lisa.

>> No.23470306
Quoted by: >>23470717

It was proper.

>> No.23470527
Quoted by: >>23470548

>poo analogy
I sure hope this isn't the newest /tsun/ fetish

>> No.23470548


>> No.23470717
Quoted by: >>23471167

She was using geolocation like a verb when it's a noun. Improper.

>> No.23471167

Okay there Mr. Pedant, let me show you how this is really done. First of all, nothing in that post suggests it was criticizing the process by which the other poster concluded her location. That would be the only context under which you could assume they meant "geolocation" as an action and not just an area. Second of all, location has always been a noun that refers to an action. Action is a noun too, wild huh? Regardless of what they meant, you're wrong. Never fucking talk about grammar on the internet ever again or I will find you.

location noun
lo·ca·tion | \ lō-ˈkā-shən

Definition of location

2 : the act or process of locating

>> No.23471427
File: 349 KB, 495x691, 124743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They laugh at how tame we are compared to them

>> No.23471459

Mio's planned announcement for Monday:
She will release her own lewd daki as an independent. It will be limited edition with sale decided by lottery.
To enter the lottery you will be required to give Mio use of your dick in a designated hotel room for an hour during the next Offkai Expo

>> No.23472252

are there any streams of the Offkai expo?

>> No.23472290
Quoted by: >>23474469

>how delicate she is and refuses to take care of herself
This is 80% of vtubers, with multiple examples in tsunderia alone

>> No.23472738

I can't believe we're almost halfway through 2022 and people are still falling for stummy hort.

>> No.23473277


>> No.23473626
File: 222 KB, 389x427, hon hon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23473805

Sex? With my friend Mio? My good pal Miori? My best bud? My closest companion? My highest homegirl? Miori Celesta, my sister from another mister?
Wouldn't dream of it.

>> No.23473805

Lisa is the one who I will so it with
Miori, stay as a friend please its getting tiring you know

>> No.23473923

Hey, you still got that bra pic you promised us
hell no you aint going away with it

>> No.23474031
Quoted by: >>23475164

I wonder how purin will feel about that
I worry about her employment

>> No.23474469

That just means we should be beating 80% of vtubers at minimum

>> No.23474581
Quoted by: >>23475090

Well? Who will rise up to the occasion?

>> No.23475090

Can't. Headpats are fun and all but when i see her cute eyes as i pat her I'll get other urges, and if she showed up with marks on her face to the offkai event she'll be embarrassed and she's already too nervous about it. Afterwards maybe

>> No.23475164
Quoted by: >>23478594

I'm very curious as to what her situation is like at the moment, Hanabi and Tsundream seem pretty clear cut but Purin is an enigma

>> No.23475524
Quoted by: >>23476051

You obviously don't watch enough Lisa. She streamed while sick last week and started getting violent messages after teasing chat.

>> No.23475871

Where's that guy who was predicting that Tsunderia was going to be bought out?

>> No.23476051

Lisa, if you're reading this I'm not like those sickos. I'll beat you out of love, not to actually threaten or scare you. It'll also be consensual and you'll be into it, though if it's not, that's entirely your fault for not consenting

>> No.23477617

> the ryona flu has spread to the steeple
Come on mio, come back and take responsible for this already. You cultivated this in the first place.

>> No.23478038

It's always on Saturday too

>> No.23478066

At least it didn't hit us this week

>> No.23478594

She's Tsunderia's next CEO. She's going to rename it to "Mesugakitopia" and all of the talents will become sassy lolis.

>> No.23478639
Quoted by: >>23478792

sounds based

>> No.23478792

based on what?

>> No.23478946

Holy shit

>> No.23479473

Is Tomoya gay?

>> No.23479665

Tomoya is a musical theater kid

>> No.23480645

Tomo's been on Rita's channel for a bit

>> No.23481219
File: 1.12 MB, 833x694, LisaJoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Lisa, think of all the money we'll save not having to buy milk anymore!

>> No.23481872
File: 125 KB, 1215x684, just yuuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuna is doing a felting + ASMR stream at 7pm PST.
That's it, that's the schedulepost. Nothing else today unless you're at OffKai.

>> No.23481990

>Of course it's sensible Amiya. Imagine all the money we'll save on laundry and water now that we strip naked as soon as we get home! No I'm not staring whenever you bend over, you're just self conscious. Yes, I removed the bathroom doors. It's because of the fire code changes!

>> No.23482377

If the voice doesn't give it away then him constantly bringing it up should do the trick.

>> No.23482687
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, FRr3F6YWUAEqfT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karaoke finally
>Purin and Meru yelling at BBQ
Gonna be a good week if Purin wakes up

>> No.23483340

Purin needs a new rooster

>> No.23483711


>> No.23484238
File: 115 KB, 1080x513, Screenshot_20220501-125348_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine the split second of intense fear as your fist fly towards her face, and the lingering fear and anxiety about what you might do next to her

>> No.23484581
File: 32 KB, 456x456, 1617699202081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, unfortunately I do not make bank and am a broke uni student so I doubt she would consider me, much less her family

>> No.23484963
File: 84 KB, 310x338, mio smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck on that FRIEND

>> No.23485188 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 850x937, sample_0ff67d89d5ea62b69a7559c2e1ca7c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23486287

>Its an act of love

>> No.23486017

I have not met one woman who doesn't enjoy some form of abuse

>> No.23486287
File: 319 KB, 449x527, 2418394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Lisa to beat the crap out of this dumb rabbit (lovingly (in Roblox))

>> No.23486470
File: 16 KB, 211x206, 1649758340295_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh stop it, you know you can't have sex with your own mom. Your jokes can be so weird sometimes, you sicko. Oh wait, you're not joking? No no no that can't be right, that would be wrong...wouldn't it? We couldn't possibly do something like that, but...

>> No.23487922
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1270432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Kallin announcement

>> No.23488039
File: 50 KB, 635x409, KallinHeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: Slayer of Rrats

>> No.23488041

Kallin joins phase first

>> No.23488119
File: 143 KB, 2048x1152, E4p1Gw2VkBAiUM9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23489664

Are there any archives anywhere of Meru's Twitch streams? Archives for the other members are fine too. I know Purin has one or two YT channels for her Twitch vods and Lisa has torrents.

>> No.23488439
Quoted by: >>23488979

>Big Kallin

>> No.23488621

Nice try Mio, but I know better

>> No.23488979
File: 119 KB, 1059x603, ASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23489122


>> No.23489122

Kallin, please, make a video squeezing into pants or a skirt.

>> No.23489664

No, but Meru is starting to upload old Twitch streams to Youtube. Says she plans to try and do that more regularly.

>> No.23491490
Quoted by: >>23491586

Is she going to forcibly feminize the boys?

>> No.23491586

Finally we can get the Nen we need

>> No.23491943

Im in Offkai and I see Slugma, what do you want me to say to her?

>> No.23491981
Quoted by: >>23492430

Slugma balls

>> No.23492030

Can you tell Mio that we'll always be the best of friends?

>> No.23492136
File: 30 KB, 400x400, ura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23492430

Tell her she's cute

>> No.23492335

Tell her I want a written apology for making me worry about her so damn much

>> No.23492370

Tell her to open a personal merch shop so I can buy her some more.

>> No.23492430

okay I just said this to her passing by since there's a ton of people swarming her trying to talk to her and all she did was glare at me with a mean look.

>> No.23492484
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1637374617355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based. Thank you for telling her to slugma balls.

>> No.23492587

>all she did was glare at me with a mean look
I bet you said "you are cute slugma balls" instead of "slugma balls you are cute", no wonder

>> No.23493018

They call it a partnership but they basically just got bought didn't they.

>> No.23493514

Yeah. Honestly all things considered it seems like they got a pretty good deal, at least on the surface.

>> No.23493695


>> No.23493772
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>> No.23494022
Quoted by: >>23494110

How was the outfit? The booba?

>> No.23494110

Wearing a shoulderless white dress thing? She pretty much the most fashionable person there and she sticks out hard.

>> No.23494192
Quoted by: >>23494221

>She pretty much the most fashionable person there and she sticks out hard.
That makes sense.
Is the booba as good as the pics suggest?

>> No.23494221

Yeah it's great!

>> No.23494354
File: 167 KB, 1080x800, Screenshot_20220501-165358_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like shit that I'm gonna miss Ami content and will never get the chance to see it. I hope i don't miss out on any extra special cute Ami moment just cause I didn't go.
I'm gonna draw her getting slapped so i can feel better.

>> No.23494518
File: 124 KB, 1055x1055, koma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a slow /tsun/ day so I'm gonna remind everybody that our tomboy dragon friend is redebuting an hour from now and that you should watch her

>> No.23494852
File: 278 KB, 508x474, 1646987659832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23495184

Is she finally going to announce that she and Shimada are part of Tsunderia and are going to save the company?

>> No.23495184
File: 90 KB, 723x675, 194082390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight we may finally discover the truth behind one of /vt/'s longest lived rrats, it's going to be a momentous occasion no matter what the answer actually turns out to be

>> No.23495297

\ ˈnau̇n \
> any member of a class of words that typically can be combined with determiners (see DETERMINER sense b) to serve as the subject of a verb

A noun can never be a verb because a noun is a noun and a verb is a verb. They're fundamentally different parts of language and grammar.

It's cute that you're trying to act as a grammar nazi when you can't even understand the simple difference between nouns and verbs, the MOST BASIC aspects of all grammar across all languages, that even 3 year olds understand.

BTW here's definition you conveniently left the example out of
> the act or process of locating
>Fog made the location of the harbor difficult.

Made -> the verb and action of the sentence. Location is not the action.

You don't "geolocation" something. You geoloCATE. "-Cate" is the actionable form of that word.
>to determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of

Learn grammar ESL.

>> No.23495543
Quoted by: >>23509845

holy fucking based

>> No.23495783
File: 510 KB, 633x505, Screenshot_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509845

Lisa BTFO.

>> No.23495957
Quoted by: >>23509845

>using a definition that uses itself to define itself

That is known as... a shit definition. Location refers to a place. A place can be referred to by actions, but that doesn't make the place itself an action...

>> No.23496141
Quoted by: >>23496535

Yeah, the old owner is gone and has been replaced.

>> No.23496451

I want to stuff her buns

>> No.23496507
Quoted by: >>23496599

It's over bros, Discordchads just got a private date with Lisa and took her around offkai.

>> No.23496535
Quoted by: >>23496696

He's not completely gone, he's just an advisor now

>> No.23496599
Quoted by: >>23496806

Lisa could only dream of such a thing. She's literally seething on discord every day that she's unable to do this

>> No.23496696

If he says yes and Sony says no then it's no.
If he says no and Sony says yes then it's yes. He's gone, everything else is just PR.

>> No.23496806

She just privately streamed to some of the guys on discord so they can take her around offkai with their phone.

>> No.23496854

That ain't so bad, i thought you meant she was at offkai with fans

>> No.23497241

I want to rest my cock balls deep inside of amiyas pussy
Then while I'm still inside her I want to begin tazering her. I want to feel her clenching and spasming on my dick

>> No.23497344
Quoted by: >>23497515

Hey that sounds like a pretty good idea

>> No.23497377

She's live, and Char even pinged her discord about the stream.

>> No.23497387
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>> No.23497471
Quoted by: >>23497536

Why does everyone want to hurt Ami?

>> No.23497515
Quoted by: >>23497588

fun fantasy aside, you'd break your dick.

>> No.23497536

It's our love language

>> No.23497588
Quoted by: >>23497654

Ah, thanks for telling me, i would've actually tried it

>> No.23497654

I might still actually, it wouldn't break THAT bad would it? Dicks are strong and flexible

>> No.23497705

>Pinned the tweet for good measure

>> No.23497740
Quoted by: >>23497921

>Dicks are strong and flexible

>> No.23497878

>Lisa goes to offkai
>Incestposting considerably slows down

>> No.23497891

I mean I haven't tried it... but a taser will cause someone to spasm hard, we're not talking a twitch, it's full on convulsion. A 100 pound woman clenching on your dick and spasming will fucking break it, 100% unironically.
but you should try it and post results.

>> No.23497921
Quoted by: >>23498193

Have you ever cracked your dick, or squeezed it with all your strength? It doesn't really hurt. Though while reading up on it, you'd feel the shock yourself if you try that cause of the electric current, which would just make things even better but you could use a condom to protect yourself from that

>> No.23498181
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>> No.23498193
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Quoted by: >>23498452

>Have you ever cracked your dick

>> No.23498398

I still agree with that one anon. Corset piercings along Amiyas pussy sealing it shut would be so cute.
It'd be really hard to not just rip it open when you're horny though. It's my biggest fear of piercings, I just always feel an urge to rip at them and I've seen enough girls get gages ripped out that it worries me I might ever do it even accidentally...

>> No.23498452
Quoted by: >>23498511

It's not as bad as it sounds
you gotta get as hard as you can, then pull down as much as you can, I'd just lay against my bed so i could use my body weight, you'll feel a lot of pressure as you get to that point, and suddenly the pressure goes away after you hear/feel a crack (or snap?) at the base of the dick where it connects to your body. It's kind of oddly relieving. As a kid I'd do it a lot but as an adult it's a lot harder to get to happen, maybe cause i snapped it too many times

>> No.23498511

Do NOT do this. It creates mustard gas.

>> No.23498586
Quoted by: >>23500404

I am kneeling hard to Komatsu right now, this is crazy

>> No.23500404
Quoted by: >>23500468

Has this intro really been going on for an entire hour?

>> No.23500445
File: 455 KB, 600x588, 120498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23500737


>> No.23500468
Quoted by: >>23500619

There was a bit of a waiting screen, then some highlights, then this game for most of it, yeah. Koma, it didn't need to be this long...

>> No.23500619

>Says 2 hours worth of content for the return stream
>an hour and a half of it is this

>> No.23500643
File: 143 KB, 836x635, 123245325532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23500737
File: 511 KB, 462x474, bath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23500905

I platonically love my beer friend so much
I want to hear the sounds she makes when I have wild feral sex with her, you know, platinocally

>> No.23500876
Quoted by: >>23501085

OK, game's over and holy fuck, Koma's singing is great.

>> No.23500880
File: 138 KB, 1079x626, Screenshot_20220501-190538_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least i think that's what she meant by monkey stream, quirky spider

>> No.23500905
Quoted by: >>23500968

I want to lick Mio's armpits

>> No.23500955
Quoted by: >>23501117


All the buckos here better show up

>> No.23500968
Quoted by: >>23501477

Platinocally, right? She's your friend after all

>> No.23501085

She's legitimately one of the most talented people I've ever seen, the amount of stuff she can do well is ridiculous

>> No.23501117
Quoted by: >>23501282

>Ami's ccv is lower than usual
>Buckos passed out trying the dick snapping thing from earlier

>> No.23501282

I'd recommend it, it's purely theoretical but my friend also happened to snap his dick a lot growing up, and we both have the same slightly above average dick size, so there might be some correlation, since there's a lot more dick inside you than outside, and some cultures and surgeries do break off what's holding it back so they can get a bigger one. But in those cases they get really big but can't get erect, i feel this might be a middle ground situation.

>> No.23501441
Quoted by: >>23501512

/tsun/ - Linguistics & CBT

>> No.23501477

That's up to Mio

>> No.23501512

Honestly, when you expect it to happen, ball squeezing also isn't THAT bad. It's not fun either though

>> No.23501726
Quoted by: >>23501913

Bow down mortal for our god Chikafuji Lisa!

>> No.23501903
File: 955 KB, 833x1216, COMAmi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After being very busy and taking the time to install the Japanese version, I return with a new model: Amiya (Forma de Sensei)
The Lisa, Kallin, and half-finished Meru models also imported fine into the Japanese version except Kallin was shirtless for some reason.

>> No.23501913
File: 333 KB, 547x497, the ass was fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Stinkafuji Lisa

>> No.23501929
File: 53 KB, 799x210, Screenshot_20220501-192454_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23502014

I can't believe i missed someone streaming the Ami event cause i wasn't paying attention to the retarded discord

>> No.23502003


>> No.23502014


>> No.23502074
File: 404 KB, 598x546, image_2022-05-01_192820264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23502304

I want to lick those teeth.

>> No.23502079
File: 286 KB, 1716x1284, 20220501_152905_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fingers for finging
You guys missed out on Ami fingering herself live

>> No.23502105

How many times did Ami meow?

>> No.23502134
Quoted by: >>23502221

Please tell me one of you recorded the stream, please

>> No.23502221
Quoted by: >>23502296

You’re not allowed to record the panels, only the guests can. Unfortunate that she didn’t want to record it herself.

>> No.23502224

Amiya schedule making gorilla

>> No.23502284

It’s adorable how attached Ami is to her chat, she really does care about them.

>> No.23502296

Yeah but Lisa forced one of her sheeple to get permission and record it for her and stream it to discord, that's the stream i mean

>> No.23502304
File: 677 KB, 575x521, coolmatsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool doragon!
I love this dork

>> No.23502751
File: 386 KB, 640x450, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508358

Bread schedule feat. the yeast girls

>> No.23502769

That's a thick Ami

>> No.23502773

Dying dead company

>> No.23502826


>> No.23502890
Quoted by: >>23502938

Ami once mentioned she wanted a more adult looking model, imagine how thick she'd look

>> No.23502938

As much as I enjoy the idea of thick Ami I did fix that to make her a bit thinner.
But maybe I shouldn't have.

>> No.23502985
File: 2.17 MB, 1336x1250, 120794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, we have an answer

>> No.23503051
Quoted by: >>23503436

This alone brings up so many rats

>> No.23503075

>Drinky poo
Ami.. why...

>> No.23503090

For you

>> No.23503116

A hiatus superpower to rival Tsunderia!

>> No.23503121

>You thought tiger was joining tsunderia
>but it was tsunderia who was joining tiger

Directed by M.Shamlyan

>> No.23503197
Quoted by: >>23503482

>"Will you marry me"
>Ami starts laughing hysterically
>Ignores question
Poor Carl

>> No.23503436
File: 327 KB, 391x529, 12490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We move one step closer to the truth, but the truth moves ten steps away from us.

>> No.23503482

Ive seen this guy SC 5 different chubbas know,is this a joke?

>> No.23503503
Quoted by: >>23503670

Ami's chat is now offering to send their organs to her as food offering. The sickos have spread outside of /vt/

>> No.23503557
Quoted by: >>23504329

Yeah he does this to everyone. I think he's done it to every EN holo and would spam them, and recently he did it to Lisa and she told him to go outside

>> No.23503626
Quoted by: >>23509845

Lisa is not PNW

>> No.23503640

He started with holos then came to the reasonable conclusion that indies and smol corpos are the best for finding a wife to share his fortune with

>> No.23503670
Quoted by: >>23503869

Casual cannibalism has been part of Ami stream culture since the early days

>> No.23503869

>early days
Its been like 2+ weeks since all this cannibalism stuff started because Mio taking breaks brings the worst out of all of us, unless you mean that there were undertones of it

>> No.23503976

I think since the first couple of streams there's been talk about Ami eating buckos

>> No.23504214
Quoted by: >>23504453

Are they talking about a DND group or actual story? I mean, bless her heart, but Char is not a good voice actress.

>> No.23504227

Not surprising. I wonder how many of those girls Char will try to groom.

>> No.23504329

Which stream was that again? I kind of want to clip that now.

>> No.23504347

Try to? She's already done, her master plan is complete.

>> No.23504408

I don't remember if it was even archived, I'm pretty sure it was on twitch

>> No.23504453
Quoted by: >>23504558

I think they are trying to take the "lore" part of chuubas (that most chuubas forget about or have little meaning outside of debut) and turning it into some weird LARP that they're going to take more seriously.

Which makes it funnier to see Char there... having a history as an indie and tsunderia. This is already some jacked up MCU shit.

>> No.23504548
File: 155 KB, 2030x1110, 1294832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio taking breaks brings the worst out of all of us
This is true, my most sickening and vile desires have slowly begun to rise to the surface ever since Mio went on break and I don't know how much longer I can control my primal urge to have lots of children with and live a long, happy life alongside Orla

>> No.23504558

Not to mention Char is based around scifi mobile suits and everyone else is a fantasy magic character

>> No.23504756

Ami is confirmed to love villains. Ryona chads win again over the wholesome buckos

>> No.23504770

Not lisa but he has a decent sized clip of when he did it to ame and gura https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9lqbILbWs8

>> No.23504846

Yes, albeit a bad one. It's like a worse Johnny Bravo.

>> No.23504867


>> No.23505002
Quoted by: >>23505238

Ami gets flustered so easily
She too cute bros...

>> No.23505141

So what started the whole thing with Mio being down atrocious

>> No.23505178

Do not be deceived, the entire thing is blatantly just a front for hot sweaty lesbian sex

>> No.23505238
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>> No.23505266
File: 462 KB, 464x545, 1209449343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505345

>what started the whole thing with Mio being down atrocious
If I had to guess, I'd say it was Mio being down atrocious

>> No.23505345

its probably when she run away from the promise of showing a bra pic

>> No.23505414
Quoted by: >>23505606

So the fans are just projecting?

>> No.23505606

not if she the one started it
and an exclusive thing of all of that

>> No.23505642
Quoted by: >>23505850

Drinking streams that progressively got hornier and hornier

>> No.23505753

Can't wait for kallin and meru to join as gen one
yuuna and mio probably wont because of toxic fanbaseyes, they are small but enough to cause damage

>> No.23505786
Quoted by: >>23507811

> attract ryona fags and cultivate more new ones from within her fanbase
> make her fanbase hornier and degenerate after every drunk stream
> post underwear, promise to post bras
> go on weeks of break without releasing the bra pics

>> No.23505850
Quoted by: >>23506160

Which is the horniest one? They sound fun

>> No.23505855
File: 91 KB, 393x414, FQ7ZyojXEAA86h5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just part of the usual Mio routine
>Talks a big game
>Instantly collapses into a pile of spaghetti in practice
Many such cases!

>> No.23505871
Quoted by: >>23506024

Amiya feels dorkier than usual this stream

>> No.23506024

That's the power of sleep deprivation

>> No.23506067

Place your bets. Is the Eve character going to be:
Rebranded Artemis
Tsunderia Gen 3 reject
Rebranded Orla
Rebranded Mari Furuya
Rebranded Char little bro who's actually going trans
One of Char's RL DnD friends

>> No.23506158

>Yuuna rejoins her old friend group
>Char joins this
Abandon small corpos. Take the streaming group pill.

>> No.23506160

The one where she talks about ugly bastards
The one where she watches an anime with chat

>> No.23506235
File: 90 KB, 940x626, 1649071841500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Listen, I didn't mean it when I said I love you back then okay? M-My brain was just fried from the mind-numbingly good sex so I just blurted it out without thinking okay? I wasn't fully conscious when I said I love you so stop grinning and"

>> No.23506324
Quoted by: >>23506871

Website with a bit more info

>> No.23506338

what the fuck?
I’m slowly becoming a jaded Eren Jaeger because of these birches it’s unreal. I hate traitors.

>> No.23506397

*Smacks the shit out of Lisa*

>> No.23506448

>if you break your dick in half it will try to repair its cells and might make itself bigger
what the hell is going on in this thread

>> No.23506497
File: 1.41 MB, 1065x978, 1629085712933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to a school where everyone was either gay or questioning and just down bad in general, most likely caught it from them
>Talks big but wilts like a flower when challenged
>A massive sub, wants to be degraded
>Has an account devoted to retweeting all porn of her(?)
>Sonaria gangbang (also that one "Re zero" stream)
>Self proclaimed femcel, cursed with the average man's luck with women
>Fans friendzone her and not the other way around
>Has admitted to being parasocial with chat multiple times but thats just the tsunderia norm to be honest with you
Just a couple of things

>> No.23506506
File: 70 KB, 742x560, sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506613

>I hate traitors
I hate brand loyalists

>> No.23506536
Quoted by: >>23506613

You're going full rumbling because a worker moved to a different job? Absolute state of late stage amerifarts

>> No.23506560

It works, i promise

>> No.23506589

>if you break your company in half it will try to repair its cells and might make itself bigger
So that was Slugmaballs's plan all along

>> No.23506613

>replying to bait

>> No.23506654

It all makes sense now, I will never doubt the slugtits ever again.

>> No.23506685

It all makes sense
my brain was not big enough to understand the big picture

>> No.23506762

>Sonaria gangbang
with how much her fans friendzone her I'm inclined to believe that mio is forced to watch from the sidelines while beerpals fuck each other

>> No.23506767

Ami's edit is one pixel too low

>> No.23506807

so... slugma thinks in terms of dicks?

>> No.23506871

>Duskward seeks to break the mold and create new ways for fans to enjoy and interact with their favorite vtubers.
Generic corporatespeak
>From comics, to writing, to music, merchandise, and even video games, Duskward content will go beyond the streaming medium.
Self fanfic - okay, sure
Comics - are any of them artists? If not, expensive
Music - gonna get expensive
Merchandise - okay, sure
Video Games - this is gonna be SUPER expensive if they want anything more interactive than visual novels or simple arcade games. Also gonna need months of lead time depending on complexity. Time that is gonna cut into streaming.
>We plan to release character profiles and mixed media lore chapters for each member over time soon!
We're gonna write cringy fanfic about our OCs

Unless they have some GOOD FUCKING writers, this story content is gonna be cringe and a half to anyone over the age of 16. I'll give them a chance but I'm not expecting much.

Char reveals she's been part of a secret content creator group with her personal friends that's been in development for months while she was barely active in Tsunderia. Said group is promising a ton of stuff that would make a company large corpo question the profitability of the expense and time cost.

>> No.23506923


>> No.23506924
File: 388 KB, 920x570, SlugmaPermit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shouldn't surprise you

>> No.23506931

Did you watch the debut? They had a video game, self made and rigged model, a trailer, and two covers ready.

>> No.23506974
File: 1.21 MB, 1515x852, 1621197082751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the obvious
Rebranded slugma

>> No.23506972

>Calls herself cute
>Starts laughing in a flustered manner
Ami must've never gotten any attention growing up, she's so cute

>> No.23507085

Bros Amiya might legit be the most adorable vtuber ive ever watched,gimme something to stop myself from full unicorn-ing im failing.

>> No.23507112

How rich do you think ami's husband is for her to be able to be supported like this and have multiple pcs?

>> No.23507122

Safe to assume they've got money to throw around (I know Shimada definitely does at least) and Komatsu is a great artist

>> No.23507133

I doubt it when this is her youtube channel

>> No.23507182

She talked about a date she went on. That might make you unicorn less hard, it didn't stop me though

>> No.23507216

A date she went on 15 years ago when she was a teenager

>> No.23507219

None of the above

>> No.23507230

Does slugma cook?

>> No.23507238

Unicorns usually don't care about length

>> No.23507464

Shes married. To me. Sorry anon

>> No.23507484
Quoted by: >>23507529

Slugma is retarded and was a shit manager

>> No.23507527

She hated school, but loved college, you should know what that means

>> No.23507529
File: 40 KB, 450x622, 1626645165523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507587


>> No.23507587
Quoted by: >>23507679

Politely requesting somebody make a Slugma squib

>> No.23507633

if you don't admit it
then I'll stop watching your streams and fuck with my friend Miori instead

>> No.23507679

If you want a great value squib like the Amiya one, I'll bump it up in my to-do list.

>> No.23507811
Quoted by: >>23507868

Were the bra pics even real? I always took them as a rrat, a joke we made up to cope with her absence?

>> No.23507843
File: 13 KB, 190x179, frame0_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is what friends are for after all, right?

>> No.23507868

I have no idea either, it sounds just believable enough but at the same time really silly

>> No.23508116

tomboy vtuber group my god finally

>> No.23508216
File: 617 KB, 664x651, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a bat stream...

>> No.23508300
File: 136 KB, 463x453, oggey sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenager 15 years ago
b-bros... is this hag final form?

>> No.23508358

>Drawing YOUR fantasies
Bread WILL draw herself getting panini pressed

>> No.23508398
Quoted by: >>23508613

Teenager is what people think, i don't even agree with that. I think she's older than we think, cause that kind of teenager or kid invites someone over for coffee

>> No.23508475
File: 242 KB, 699x721, 1628282280586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.23508613
Quoted by: >>23508705

>cause that kind of teenager or kid invites someone over for coffee
She probably just fudged the minor details like that, I doubt she'd remember exactly how she worded it

>> No.23508637

holy shit that's hot

>> No.23508688

based retard

>> No.23508696
File: 1.47 MB, 1340x752, urara irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she have a mole on her chest like picrel?

>> No.23508705
Quoted by: >>23508854

>Ummm anon, do you want to come over and play Sonic 3 at my place?

>> No.23508854
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>> No.23508887
File: 513 KB, 513x541, 6516512123156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this spider so cute

>> No.23508970
File: 35 KB, 333x333, 1646529332242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509002

>"Oh yeah? Why don't you fuck my brains out and make me? You won't"

>> No.23509002
Quoted by: >>23509160

Lisa has 300% said this shit before

>> No.23509046
Quoted by: >>23509128

>I wanted to spend time with you guys
She really missed us even with the panel cute

>> No.23509128

Ami gets more and more parasocial by the day, I'm not sure if she knows what she's doing, but she definitely takes advantage of her power occasionally. If she could actually make us worship her, she would

>> No.23509160


>> No.23509178


>> No.23509264
Quoted by: >>23509325

Where do i find my own Ami? Is it even possible to find these hags in the wild or does it all depends on pure luck. And after i find one how do i convince it to date someone 10 years younger than it?

>> No.23509325

They're stuck in their houses, you will never meet one in the wild

>> No.23509364

Life truly is a waking nightmare

>> No.23509388

Sonaria stream? Also whats twitter account now?

Who is she now?

>> No.23509396
File: 41 KB, 326x326, 1649502817687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509480

They're just like me...

>> No.23509496

Sheeple are lucky that you can find Lisa clones by accident no matter what you do

>> No.23509557
Quoted by: >>23509692

I've literally dated one before
They go easy but also mentally unstable

>> No.23509631

I don't want a clone, I want the real thing

>> No.23509692

>mentally unstable
And yet Lisa is probably one of the more normal Tsun girls. Ami is probably the clingiest creature on earth with Meru at a close second

>> No.23509845

"Is" is the verb, you retard.

>Your locate is so bad.

Are you smart enough to feel stupid yet?

That's the point.

>> No.23509879

put me in the screencap lel

>> No.23509898

>Ami is probably the clingiest creature on earth with Meru at a close second
Them over Yuuna?

>> No.23510041
File: 310 KB, 600x534, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lisa is probably one of the more normal Tsun girls
Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here
