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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 243 KB, 787x787, FQC_oQxakAMYw1n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22245434 No.22245434 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>22223342

>Gira Gira
>Sakura no Ame with Miko, Aki, Polka, Iroha

Check out Towa's recommended manga (Shueisha x holopro collab):

Upcoming shows/events:
>(04/11) Guillotine Quiz with Laplus, Lui, Iroha, and A-chan
>(04/17) Vtuber Saikyou Ketteisen S4 with Aqua and Suisei

Previous shows/events:
>V no Uranai-kan
>All-Star Athletic Meet
>hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish
>「Every Member to Their Positions! Wink Derby Grand Opening」
>Project V Oshisugite V #8
>Game Shop Maruyama
>JOYSOUND artist interview
>Latest Hologra

>YouTube channel
>Twitch channel

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact

>> No.22245452
File: 708 KB, 853x500, FQCqh8DaQAAjeU9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(FamilyMart holo White Day) https://www.family.co.jp/campaign/spot/2203_hololive_cp.html
(Project V #8 Official Pamphlet) https://projectv.booth.pm/items/3644567
(hololive IF petit-Relax time-) https://twitter.com/bnam_jp/status/1483643472133308416
(Overseas) https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/tokoyami-towa
(hololive Christmas Voice Collections 2021) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_christmasvoice2021?variant=42205279322332
(set ready, hololive!) https://setreadyhololive.hololivepro.com/
(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
(Hololive Wafers) https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html
(1st Anniversary) https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2885961 (Voice-only)

Solo Originals:
>Scream EP
(Preview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm0KHnGOsyM
>born to be real
>My Roar
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc05le75CfI
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0

Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk
>Prism Melody


>> No.22245481
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>> No.22245490

can't believe kuroboshi drew pettan towa

>> No.22245515
File: 981 KB, 1200x1600, 97568303_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.22245532

Is she gonna record maruyama tomorrow?

>> No.22245570
Quoted by: >>22245717

Well if she is I guess Marine's gonna be missing from the next few episodes

>> No.22245588
Quoted by: >>22245717

Probably will be postponed again because of Marine

>> No.22245717

But I need my 3d Twapps

>> No.22245836

Now that Towa is gone I feel lonely

>> No.22245967

>makes a big deal about going out of her way to stream other stuff besides Apex
>is hardly even going to stream the scrims

>> No.22246024

Think of it in reverse, anon
Towa wants to stream more for her Kenzoku praise dose because she can't stream all of the scrims.

>> No.22246109

To be fair it kind of seems like other than tomorrow she just didn't know what other days they would be streaming it

>> No.22246289

too bad

>> No.22246359

3 is a bigger number than 2 btw.

>> No.22246399

dont lie to my face

>> No.22246408
File: 772 KB, 999x1069, 1638454230930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Towa can't count I won't learn how to count either!

>> No.22246472
Quoted by: >>22246515

Seeing the previous thread's discussions makes me assume that the team didn't went for today's scrim.

>> No.22246485

What are you talking about

>> No.22246492

but muh (you)s

>> No.22246515
Quoted by: >>22246630

>>22246472 (me)
went well

My bad, was thinking about Towa.

>> No.22246549

Even if the only one released got a full version, and is still mediocre af, I still fap to it whenever I rewatch it. Especially the kissing part. I really, really, really want to kiss the Towa... Also tits too small, and the hat is very stupid.
Forget the custom talk.
Time to hornypost while Towa is gone, lads.

>> No.22246627

i have all three vids of it and it's not as bad as people in this thread say

>> No.22246630

Haven't watched yet as I was at work, but just from looking at score boards Aqua at least was getting the kills up, which they will need to place well on the day. It'll probably come down to ring luck what happens.
desu I think their bikini Marine one is much more fap worthy than the Towa.

>> No.22246662
Quoted by: >>22246787

If I fap to Marine, would she get better?

>> No.22246787

There's only one way to find out.

>> No.22246836

Today i learn that wattson fence is stronger than towa.

>> No.22246903


>> No.22246950

Looks like she's not recovering anytime soon.

>> No.22246989

Yeah that is another factor, they had very awkward rings for the first few games, the last one was the first "normal" kind of ring they got and they did well
>shitpost analysis time
Suisei keeps getting lost when it comes to pushes. She does best when she can stay in a general location and shoot. They should give her the CAR instead of a shotgun.
Aqua doesn't always say what she wants to do until she's almost about to do it.
Towa should encourage more Valk + dome landings to make up for their shitty positions. They have the teamfight ability to win these kinds of fights, doing a valk landing + dome on the edge of rings will help them get around having to push some of these stupid caustic/wattson teams.

>> No.22247008

I really don't know what was up with her today, even putting the keybind issue aside it seemed like she was freezing up even worse than usual. She shot like 3 shots at that fence without adjusting her aim at all.

>> No.22247067

Aight, Imma watch that later.

>> No.22247147

she was hitting her shots in general though, might just be that she's tired/nerves, especially since she probably still has to be conscious of aqua's fans (playing in front of 60k-100k people is some serious shit)

>> No.22247159

Wait. Why is there a siren in the background noise? Lmao

>> No.22247161

Ever since that one anon kept saying the peace sign in front of the mouth is the Towa pose, the more aware of it I've become and keep seeing it everywhere in art...

>> No.22247207
Quoted by: >>22247318

Signature of a carpet muncher...

>> No.22247318

Is it really? Recently I've heard that thumb rings were a lesbian thing, is it something like that?

>> No.22247392
File: 494 KB, 1488x2085, FLagHy_agAACBgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twa pose!

>> No.22247404
Quoted by: >>22247639

It's a common pose for Japanese selfies.

>> No.22247436
File: 249 KB, 1536x2048, FP8nAT2agAEcwM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22247485


>> No.22247461

Guys please stop ruining Towa for me, she is already perfect...

>> No.22247485

Double lesbian...

>> No.22247507
File: 688 KB, 1280x720, 1647805962969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22247549


>> No.22247531

The fence was weird but I put that down to trying to fit her fat body where it doesn't fit properly in order to try and shoot it without getting hit by the fence and then still getting hit by the fence and using a fucking shotgun for the job lol, especially since she was hitting plenty more shots than she usually does.

>> No.22247544

This is also Towa...

>> No.22247549

Me in the middle

>> No.22247564
Quoted by: >>22247608

In the western world the peace sign in front of the lips is definitely a sign for eating pussy, don't think it carries the same meaning in Japan though.

>> No.22247588
File: 2.03 MB, 2000x2500, FBlgUG-VcAU2qg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22247876


>> No.22247608
Quoted by: >>22247642

>not eating pussy

>> No.22247615
File: 523 KB, 3254x3280, 20220412_001531319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total kills and total damage for 6 rounds

>> No.22247639

Yeah it's a more common thing in Japan and doesn't have the same connotations as elsewhere.

>> No.22247642

No one ever said that, just that that's not what artists mean when they draw that pose.

>> No.22247876
Quoted by: >>22248611

towa and okayu together next to ku100...

>> No.22248473
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, 20220411162330_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22248572

Towa harvests the life energy of girls she has groomed by eating their pussy...

>> No.22248572
File: 499 KB, 960x1200, 97525757_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I take that off will she die?

>> No.22248611

Okayu getting any other Holo to get on her ASMR shit would be fucking god tier. Actually Fubuki's shit has been really good lately too.

>> No.22248612

she needs to take it off to eat her snacks...

>> No.22248875
File: 336 KB, 1258x2048, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.22248906
Quoted by: >>22248965

I want Towa to beat the shit out of me during sex...

>> No.22248924
File: 1.81 MB, 2000x2000, E4c8EaQWQAM-BqD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22249122

She's a small debiru.

>> No.22248965


>> No.22249011

I want Towa to rape me...

>> No.22249068

I want Towa to kiss me goodnight...

>> No.22249090

I wish Towa was 50 cm taller, more aggressive and also my girlfriend...

>> No.22249122
File: 230 KB, 1439x1325, FBKnDAbVQAAzBLw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22249657

Towa hasn't paid any child support this year...

>> No.22249707
Quoted by: >>22258622

I'm still thinking about THAT TowasamaJAV...

>> No.22249927

I have nutted at least twenty times to that JAV...

>> No.22249981
Quoted by: >>22250686

Towa Hypnosis makes me feel funny....

>> No.22249986


>> No.22250135
Quoted by: >>22250176

I don't need the Towa JAV because I have actual Towa in my bed

>> No.22250176
File: 1.27 MB, 1500x1100, 1649237476627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22250207

Suisei please...

>> No.22250207
Quoted by: >>22250240

This art would be incredibly hot if Suityan's face didn't look weird.

>> No.22250240

I like the face, she very much looks in control.

>> No.22250686

Towa has hypnotised us all...

>> No.22251078

That would explain how I went from not watching her at all to needing her streams to be in a good mood

>> No.22251085

at least we got a post stream tweet

>> No.22251182
File: 2.54 MB, 950x1349, 1563eea9ebcbbcb7a2661231c85e9615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically she is one of the few things that makes me properly happy, I can't have a good day until I watch a stream or at least an archive

I have loads of pictures of her above my bed and in my room and I honestly think about her so much

When she finishes a stream a cry and sometimes I lie in bed and just repeat "Towa..." to myself like a weirdo while I'm falling asleep

>> No.22251189
Quoted by: >>22251799

I think Startend are the sexiest team.

>> No.22251453
Quoted by: >>22251512

>When she finishes a stream a cry and sometimes I lie in bed and just repeat "Towa..." to myself like a weirdo while I'm falling asleep

>> No.22251510

The fact they kept marketing it as "the first and last aqua tournament" doesn't help at all

>> No.22251512
Quoted by: >>22251626

What...is that bad
It's bad isn't it
I can't help it I love her so much

>> No.22251626

I wouldn't call it bad. Probably more like "unusually intense". You're not harming anyone it seems

>> No.22251721
File: 228 KB, 465x406, 782421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, the day Startend graced Vsaikyou was the first and last tournament of your life. But for me, it was Sunday.

>> No.22251739
File: 40 KB, 527x490, 1605025535928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22251799

Suisei alone is peak SEX.

>> No.22252100
Quoted by: >>22252395

Towa can't hypnotise me because I hate her too much!

>> No.22252122

Go back to the grave Raul Julia.

>> No.22252395

Towa, stop posting here and go to sleep.

>> No.22252409

The fact she won't be streaming scrims for the next 2 days really depresses me... I need more towa in my life...

>> No.22252580

I still need to watch the okami vod... and everyone else's pov from customs but I am also a little sad.

>> No.22253021

I hope she streams at least a solo in the day after tomorrow...

>> No.22253479

just don't expect many late evening streams...
mornings should be fine

>> No.22253569

I hope the three of them get a live and orison together. I love their dynamic very very much even if their coordination is dogshit!

>> No.22254322

Towa is fucking DEAD!

>> No.22254437

If theres one thing I know about crusaders,it's that the body pillow will be "confisicated" by father

>> No.22254570

Honestly kinda feel the same. My life is so shitty that the only thing keeping me going is towa and her streams. I know its unhealthy but fuck man its the one thing that makes me happy

>> No.22254690
File: 38 KB, 720x388, Screenshot_20220408-025539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22255477


>> No.22254785

where's the link

>> No.22254855
File: 330 KB, 1920x1080, claw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being fisted by towa...

>> No.22255011
Quoted by: >>22255170

>the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world she wasn't dumb.

>> No.22255014
File: 556 KB, 876x1240, 不知火フレア_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is apex fun ?
i do not know how it works.
towa looks the most best always though.

>> No.22255070

i think it's about as good as BRs get, but i hate BRs. and it only gets worse if you are playing solo with randoms.

>> No.22255170

idk how she didnt know what t in tps stands for

>> No.22255388

So I recently watched a Towa clip and her voice sounds really different from what I remember. What happened?

>> No.22255477
Quoted by: >>22259797

I don't think she would appreciate her likeness being slammed on the ground.

>> No.22255498
Quoted by: >>22255596

If that's bait, I'm not responding to bait.
If it's not bait, it's probably one of the clips where she was using her lower, "less tension" voice.

>> No.22255499

She stopped smoking and started vaping instead...

>> No.22255537
Quoted by: >>22255713

Variable boobs, variable voice, variable mood and variable apex skill...

>> No.22255596

Not bait probably less tension voice and its pretty damn hot

>> No.22255674

i want to fuck unpacking voice towa

>> No.22255713
Quoted by: >>22255747

towasamachoke is the only constant.

>> No.22255747

not always, its usually a cycle of towasamachoke and towasamaclutch, sometimes a rapid cycle, but its a cycle nonetheless!

>> No.22255784

everyone that gets close to towa dies...

>> No.22255816

I haven't died yet!

>> No.22255906

This is her husband speaking
I'm happy and healthy

>> No.22255905

Kotaro you fat fuck

>> No.22255912

Sio...it's time to rest...

>> No.22255962

This is true but in a different way. She killed my cold dead heart and towasamalove made me enjoy things again.

>> No.22256183

Im the closest one to her and im fine!

>> No.22256747
Quoted by: >>22256885

Yes, but the more time you put in the less fun it gets.

>> No.22256885
File: 1.37 MB, 330x454, 1614660277312.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Still having fun at 800h

>> No.22256889
Quoted by: >>22257196

I don't think so but I just hate how playing like a filthy rat is the best playstyle. That goes for all battle royales because that is just how the game mode works.

>> No.22256985
Quoted by: >>22257086

I'm going to kiss Flare!

>> No.22257086

I dream of a tanned Twap but I know mama would never allow that.

>> No.22257129
File: 819 KB, 1296x1812, 1649707523756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22257196

i don't because i don't care about ranked points

>> No.22257239

mama only likes the purest white and cleanest of shaven girls

>> No.22258105

I would play apex but I'm scared of dissapointing my team mates

>> No.22258161

They will disappoint you first, dont worry about it

>> No.22258281

At least there's less pressure in Apex compared to something like Dota

>> No.22258318

I wouldn't wish a moba on my worst enemy.

>> No.22258332
Quoted by: >>22258359

I like Towa. I don't hate her, but I don't worship her either.

>> No.22258350
File: 486 KB, 526x501, 1626491132642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22258359
File: 368 KB, 270x434, 1622805231825.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't worship Towa, I just want to marry Towa and have kids with her.

>> No.22258622
Quoted by: >>22258686

the WHAT

>> No.22258686
Quoted by: >>22258711

Towa-sama needed some money...

>> No.22258711
File: 398 KB, 1158x1636, E1P4AxRUcAEtASs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, mine.

>> No.22258789

Towa put something in my drink yesterday (29th Feb) and now I feel really fuzzy and weird...

>> No.22258820

Anon, it's April the 11th

>> No.22258825
Quoted by: >>22259160

I wish Towa had my unconscious body for a month.

>> No.22258917

Being Towa's onahole...

>> No.22258962

Towa would just take care of me as I lay there being in a coma, sometimes would kiss me on the forehead and worry about me...

>> No.22259037
Quoted by: >>22259067

Towa taking care of you in a catatonic state but not understanding what's wrong and putting the controller in your hand and guiding you to play games with her by gently controlling your hands...

>> No.22259067

Towa's modest chest on your back...

>> No.22259160
Quoted by: >>22259198

The last leap year was in 2020...

>> No.22259198
File: 646 KB, 2048x1589, E3PaRTzVkAInTC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days all the days look the same to me!
They all have Towa in them!

>> No.22259271
File: 2.11 MB, 2894x4093, FP_oEG_acAYhCp9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i really love towa

>> No.22259343

Do you think they'll do well in the tournament,

>> No.22259426

no but i'll still watch

>> No.22259434
Quoted by: >>22259738

They could, Candypop did pretty poorly in scrims and won the whole thing and Startend have shown real promise.
I would be content with top 10 like they got today as long as they have fun though.

>> No.22259738
File: 217 KB, 1359x1150, 1618761705654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will become anti with anything less than a close top 4

>> No.22259797
Quoted by: >>22259894

I imagine she would be either confused or laughing out loud.

>> No.22259894
Quoted by: >>22267453

I think she would understand with the kimoi factor and the shotgun. Although I don't think that is the official dakimakura...

>> No.22260068

why'd they fuck up drow ranger and the skeleton king btw?

>> No.22260171

They can do much better than today if they manage to work out their issues.
Their dual leader thing isn't working because Aqua and Towa are barking over each other resulting in confusion and missed callouts. They could have won today if there was a follow up to Towa calling out valk ult which resulted in her getting flanked, downed and them not getting a dome.
The IGL issue also feeds into Suityan not performing as well as she could because she's still a newbie with poor decision making and having a clear leader would help her.
And finally someone take shotguns away from Towa.

>> No.22260367

I want to see Towa with a CAR + flatline or R301

>> No.22260467
Quoted by: >>22260754

I was thinking she should really consider a wingman, it is very cool and that's the most important thing. Today she got a lot of downs with mastiff though so I am not so confident anymore

>> No.22260754

Wingman is a trap, probably less than half the teams have even 1 member who can use it effectively. On Towa's team, that'd be Aqua, but even then she's probably better served with other guns like flatline or devotion. I think those were the guns she used in her solo master grind?
I do agree though, it's very cool. Noah is sexiest when she's slaughtering with the wingman.

>> No.22261035
Quoted by: >>22261138

Towa was doing alright with the wingman yesterday.

>> No.22261138

yeah, that's what made me consider it, I am very easily swayed

>> No.22261206


>> No.22261394

I'm going to make indecent pictures of Towa with Koikatsu but I don't know what to make...

>> No.22261451
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 1648663303928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22261460

make towa cooking something while pov sits at the table

>> No.22261768

startend sex

>> No.22262175

Taking Towa to a Sunn live...

>> No.22262527
File: 325 KB, 620x730, towa_baka_baka_baka[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FmJMaT.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22262713

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.22262794

I'm going to become Towa's girl...

>> No.22262827

Towa sure loves Koyoyo.

>> No.22262836

Good night anon, sweet dreams

>> No.22262854

good night!

>> No.22262858

Can you make her cook breakfast in the kitchen wearing nothing but an apron?

>> No.22262897
Quoted by: >>22263400

Wingman is for believer, not doubter like towa
You chuck wingman shots with the hopium for the headshot. You ride on the high of the shot you land, and not think about the shot you miss. It feels like the most anti-towa weapon ever.
Aqua was indeed better with tracking weapons and this season did nerf her a bit with flatline going into crafting and volt going to care package (which also means less ammo in deatholbox for devotion). She never liked the wingman before and only grinded it and picked it up because it is a necessity for this season, especially in comp.

>> No.22263075

towawa shuki

>> No.22263120
File: 551 KB, 2067x2756, FNm_qqhVQAAcsmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22263203
Quoted by: >>22263216

looks dumb

>> No.22263216
File: 43 KB, 420x378, towadum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22263336
File: 406 KB, 1221x2048, 1639405122304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22263400

>Shoots 5 shouts lands 2
Me: This is fucking great I am on fire today.
Towa: I am terrible and I should die.

>> No.22263447

>>22263400 (me)

>> No.22263492

I'm just like Towa...

>> No.22263602
Quoted by: >>22263649

imagine joking about suicide, disgusting.

>> No.22263649
Quoted by: >>22263718

No not suicide, death as punishment for being bad at apex.

>> No.22263712
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, oppai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22263718
Quoted by: >>22263760

nobody would want to execute her

>> No.22263760

Self-depreciating humor is 4chan's thing.

>> No.22263820
File: 3.50 MB, 1662x1488, 1641064091658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twap when she sees Bora's fat tits.

>> No.22263845

This almost made me nostalgic about this game...

>> No.22263889
Quoted by: >>22263976

Nostalgic but the game just came out...
>4 years ago

>> No.22263976

I played it something like 2 years ago. Those last years have been weird, went by so fast

>> No.22264119
File: 37 KB, 334x341, 1639548283815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22264155

I guess it's a good thing that Towa is kind of shy, although she is growing more confident every day.

>> No.22264155

Why is this a good thing?

>> No.22264194

Fubuki just riled the schizos.

>> No.22265124
Quoted by: >>22265160

It's really fun so far, seeing the dangerous situations Towa overcomes is really nice.

>> No.22265160

I'm glad you're having fun, your Towa is very cute

>> No.22266501

Shy girls are extra cute.
It also means more Towa for me because she trusts me!

>> No.22266949

Towa isn't cute...

>> No.22266996

What kind of things should a shrine to Towa have?

>> No.22267275

Fat fuck plushie with fat fuck hat.

>> No.22267331

Towa photo edits with many hearts.

>> No.22267370

A marble statue.

>> No.22267431

W-what did she mean by this?

>> No.22267446

Ringing Towa's doorbell at 8:45...

>> No.22267453

it's not

>> No.22267716

A bunch of sweets,her favourite snacks and a tub of ice cream

>> No.22268145

My poor Twi...

>> No.22268317
Quoted by: >>22269163

I wonder if towa knows there are people who love her so much they hate her...

>> No.22268449
Quoted by: >>22268535

Towa pacing back and forth in her room flapping her hands when she gets excited thinking about a good moment she had in her stream that day

>> No.22268535
Quoted by: >>22268657

She acts like excited little kid...

>> No.22268657


>> No.22268676

In an alternate reality there are dozens of Towas watching our streams and fangirling about us and wanting to marry and have kids with us...

>> No.22269073

In an alternative reality Towa is good at apex.

>> No.22269163


>> No.22269243

In an alternate reality I'm the one begging
Towa to tell down the picture...

>> No.22269416

I would feel bad about not being able to make them all happy so maybe it's for the best that I'm here

>> No.22269477
Quoted by: >>22269525

In an alternative reality Towa can speak both English and Japanese...

>> No.22269525

this is too much

>> No.22269528

Gura just revealed that she invited Towa to an Overwatch stream next week.

>> No.22269676

Tomorrow no Towa, it's going to be rough...

>> No.22269749
Quoted by: >>22269982

I don't know if I should be looking forward to this or not...

>> No.22269774

Huh didn't realize Towa even had a split

>> No.22269812
File: 311 KB, 600x500, 1636222377212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they can have as much fun as when it was Ame and Roboco too.
Not looking forward to the state of /jp/ though.

>> No.22269823

How did you manage that? lol

>> No.22269982

I think it'd be fun, Gura's at least one of the less offensive ENs and we're already dealing with shitty fanbases this vsaikyou.
I wanna hear Towa's passion eigo a lot

>> No.22270032
Quoted by: >>22270109

Eh, who cares what /jp/ thinks, that board never should have existed to begin with. Let them sperg out.

>> No.22270109

I care because it's the best place to just generally discuss jp talents even with the schizophrenia.
It doesn't really matter though, it's all banter in the end.

>> No.22270154
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>> No.22270246

I wonder who else she's invited, i mean no way it's 1 on 1 collab, or..?

>> No.22270386

Yeah think of their touhou threads dying what a tragedy.

>> No.22270388
File: 811 KB, 354x486, 1613561151080.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope one of Towa's friends can make it like with Ame and Roboco.

>> No.22270409

its actually the fastest non EN split

>> No.22270483

Last time she had a bunch of EN: Mumei, Irys, Kronii, Ina and Ame. I think she wants a full group, but I can't imagine they want someone to sit on the sidelines either. One of the above will probably drop out if Towa accepts. (All of them had fun last time, so it's hard to say who.)

>> No.22270544

Towa assembles the all star JP girls overwatch line up to murder EN

>> No.22270593
Quoted by: >>22270624

jp Overwatch is basically just Towa...

>> No.22270624

towa will kidnap vspo friends and temporarily make them holo members

>> No.22270653

EN are like bronze tier anyway.
Irys seems like a lock though, since she can act as translator in a pinch.

>> No.22270673

Did she use towabanana on yagoo to convince him?

>> No.22270726

I wish for more holo and vspo fun.

>> No.22270740

You definitely want Irys there since she can speak both JP and EN, at least. Ame might also be there because she's collabed with Towa before.

>> No.22270818

Ideally you would have a Twap friend like Roboco if she can play Overwatch too.

>> No.22271018

I reckon she'd want a solid core of bilingual holos. Irys has already been brought up, but Iofi, Reine, Anya, Ina, Bae, Sana, and Lui are the most reasonable options, I feel.
Ame and Marine are also on tap, I remember a clip from...probably about a year ago where Marine mentioned that she and Towa had talked about roping Ame in to play some Overwatch.

>> No.22271064

Marine has the coof so seems unlikely any time soon

>> No.22271099

It'd be nice to have Marine but she is probably the unluckiest member when it comes to health problems right now.

>> No.22271338

Laying on Towa's lap while she plays overwatch and getting hit on the head when she rages...

>> No.22271470
File: 879 KB, 1920x1080, 1638364276651.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22271476
Quoted by: >>22271509

I don't think Towa will be able to see the screen if anyone sits in her lap...

>> No.22271509
File: 600 KB, 630x800, 1627800206003.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22271592

Lap pillow...

>> No.22271592

sneaking licks at Towa's yummy thighs while she plays games and gets sweaty...

>> No.22272074

Anon, Gura isn't going to deny everyone who played last time the opportunity to join again. One person has to go if Towa joins, but she's not kicking out anyone else. That's just wishful thinking.

>> No.22272140

I agree but I also think Towa can't be the only Japanese girl there.
We'll see but it might be a while away I guess?

>> No.22272303

damn sucks that we're not getting a scrim stream today. which chat ruined the opportunity, towa's chat looked okay for the most part. they had fun too... damnit.

>> No.22272390
Quoted by: >>22272439

Twa is busy and will be tired, it's nobodies fault.
It's better they have some days without streams to focus I think so for me this is okay, I hope when this is over they have no regrets.

>> No.22272409
Quoted by: >>22272439

Towa already said she wouldn't stream today before the scrim even happened

>> No.22272439

you're right, I was just trying to start shit. because I saw a certain other chat's behavior.

>> No.22272454
Quoted by: >>22272675

Anon Towa literally said she wasn't gonna stream today because she's gonna be super busy and not have time to set up a frame. If it were any other team we'd probably have POVs for the other two members but Hololive is weird.
Suisei was also mentioning streaming scrims has been making her feel nervous so maybe it's just a "if one person can't stream nobody should" kind of situation.

>> No.22272558

Well to be fair she's talked about how hard it is to actually get everyone's scheduled lined up properly so its not necessarily even denying someone

>> No.22272675
Quoted by: >>22272765

It's more like she'll be exhausted rather than not having time to set up a frame. Doesn't want to put on her stream persona.

>> No.22272765

She generally doesn't need to do a "stream persona" for scrims anyways, it's mostly serious talk and silly banter between rounds.
Aqua's gonna still be recording the scrims and uploading videos if anything cool happens too so that's a thing.

>> No.22273206

When Towa is tired she calls everyone a bitchcunt.

>> No.22273347

Yeah but what if I want Towa to insult me?

>> No.22273497


>> No.22273823

Sneaking under Towa's desk to get a taste of her yummy banana
Feeling Towa accept her banana mouth massage while she squirms around a little bit in her chair
Feeling Towa's ripened banana get bigger in your mouth
Squeezing out Towa's yummy banana cream and hearing her heated panting afterwards from a huge release of banana cream pudding!

>> No.22274086

Anon, even for scrims she turns on a stream persona. The point is that she doesn't feel like putting extra effort into banter and being entertaining and also having to read chat. I suppose she still has to do the voice since Aqua's recording (and at this point that's probably just the voice she uses when she's with friends anyway), but she doesn't have to fill deadair when they're dead and in the lobby.

>> No.22274516

I guess so. While it's different from her regular collab or solo stream attitude, I guess she still does read chat and hate dead air (Plus reading chat during this tournament in particular is probably cancer.) But for the most part while they're dead they're talking about strategies and reviewing rather than bantering, which I assume they do off-stream too.

That being said
>at this point that's probably just the voice she uses when she's with friends anyway
I've been thinking this for a while now and I don't really get why people keep thinking she just uses a super deep voice off-stream. Even the few times she was caught off guard and had a lower energy level she still sounds like Towa.

>> No.22274875
Quoted by: >>22275346

I just don't want to accept that the deep voice isn't what she uses naturally...

>> No.22275346

She only uses her deep voice when talking to ____(You)____.

>> No.22275637

Towa just want to eat snacks when she play apex and she can't do that as much as she wants to while streaming.

>> No.22275694

But I want Towa to eat snacks while streaming...

>> No.22275715
File: 1.83 MB, 3508x2481, 90389421_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's never let it stop her before.

>> No.22276583

you just became michele rorand-san
how do you invest your money?

>> No.22276646

Do you mean apart from give it to Towa so she can turn it into music?

>> No.22276690
Quoted by: >>22276932

$500 supa every time she gets a champion

>> No.22276801
File: 414 KB, 1448x2048, 1648859860129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22277028


>> No.22276932

>Towasama wins every match
>Michael san now lives in a cardboard box...
Be careful with what you wish, kenzoku

>> No.22276979

This is a sacrifice I am willing to make

>> No.22277028

I want to sex this Towa...!

>> No.22277214
File: 477 KB, 2039x1237, FQEsy3_aAAI6lpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22277334

>> No.22277224

What's the downside

>> No.22277331
Quoted by: >>22277521

I noticed Towa and Suisei were both practicing Valk together for like an hour after the scrims ended, I wonder if they're trying to teach Suisei Valk more so Aqua doesn't have to play her.

>> No.22277334

Aqua knew that with the master and pet with leash comment, there will be tons of lewd fan art of that nature for startend right? She absolutely said such thing for that purpose.

>> No.22277366

I sure hope so.

>> No.22277521

I think suisei's valk skills are decent. She just need to spend few hours playing arena/control for better team fight.
I actually never learn teamfighting from apex. BR apex fight frequency is too low to practice it. I learnt about team fight in average team dm fps games.
Maybe they are also testing out how to effectively rotate with valk ult better

>> No.22277772
Quoted by: >>22278183

That onion's a lot more perverted then I expected...

>> No.22278183

Cant spell tamanegi without M...

>> No.22278721

Towa holding Aqua's leash while she shoves her banana down Aqua's throat...

>> No.22279412
File: 2.36 MB, 4167x4093, 97513667_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a girl...

>> No.22279460
File: 1.28 MB, 860x1177, 1618667081858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22279691
File: 170 KB, 960x1280, FQEMwIQaIAIwvMk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22279711

haha joke bery bery haado

>> No.22281046


>> No.22281067


>> No.22281193
File: 728 KB, 2284x1856, sleepytowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22281230

Not surprised after the sudden doorbell at 8:45 woke her up early. That always makes me sleep more when I go back to bed.

>> No.22282239

my poor Twi...

>> No.22282424
Quoted by: >>22283248

Sorry I kept her up all night

>> No.22282494
File: 118 KB, 1256x900, 1630338702614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa should join an Apex tournament with rurudo

>> No.22283195

I wish I can fix Towa...
Or at least one menhera besides myself in my lifetime.

>> No.22283248

It's all your fault, Kotarou...!
You loud fat fuck!!

>> No.22283302

Hugging Towa tightly while she sleeps...

>> No.22283432

Aqua really likes being leashed.

>> No.22283823
Quoted by: >>22284330

I wish Towa would do that to me...

>> No.22284034
Quoted by: >>22284237

This team is great
Suisei gets to assert her dominance over Aqua
Aqua gets to trick everyone into indulging in her weird fetishes

>> No.22284203

Just posting a classic

>> No.22284237

>Aqua gets to trick everyone into indulging in her weird fetishes
Aqua is a little scary, I don't know if she does it on purpose but she has a way of bending people to her will. Like when her chat was complaining she wasn't playing horizon she made it so Towa was the one who ended the conversation saying she should be valk even though Aqua suggested it.

>> No.22284330
File: 59 KB, 589x249, fs4a6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22284939

>another discord leak

>> No.22285042
Quoted by: >>22285273

>I don't really get why people think she uses a super deep voice off-stream

He doesn't know the usual place...

>> No.22285229

>tfw we'll never be the real Tokoyami senpai

>> No.22285273
Quoted by: >>22285921

If you mean the EPIC FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE that's obvious and all but I meant moreso from the perspective of Towa being Towa with her Towa friends and Towa Towa Towa. Obviously for the people who know her as Towa, she will speak as Towa.

>> No.22285715
File: 397 KB, 598x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22285803

The owl is a good girl.

>> No.22285803
Quoted by: >>22285897

Moomers is precious and I hope she continues to draw all the holos.

>> No.22285886
Quoted by: >>22285915

Any idea how it actually got leaked this time? I can't seem to find how this even happened.

>> No.22285897
File: 57 KB, 776x776, 1634496581675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22285915

I assume someone flashed it on their stream on accident but no idea who

>> No.22285921

I can imagine towa using "current towa voice" with her streaming friends but I very much doubt she was keeping the voice she was making a few months ago even off line

>> No.22286137
Quoted by: >>22286601

If that was the case the black bars would not be all over the personal info of the person's pov. This was not a mistake.

>> No.22286202

could be a leak from cpt, uruca or alelu stream since all of them are in that discord.

>> No.22286490

I'm concerned about the fact that it was edited to not show any other information than the discord itself. Either someone inside of the discord leaked the image on purpose which would be extremely shitty of them, or someone screenshotted it from a stream and then editted it before posting.
The latter would be a lot better than a Towafriend being a bad person.

>> No.22286601

The banner at the top is for Discord streamer mode and you can see their mouse pointer so pretty sure it's a screenshot from a stream

>> No.22286650

I imagine if it was leaked with ill intent they would have tried for something juicier than Towa linking CR fanmanga, even if it was something out of context. It's not like there's anything yab in that screenshot (by Towa standards anyway)
I am slightly bothered by the name of the server but that's just me being a schizo

>> No.22286684
File: 836 KB, 1200x900, 1649740681110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually a nothingburger.
We all know this discord existed before.

>> No.22286727
Quoted by: >>22286841

The picture itself is nothing, I'm just concerned about whoever leaked it and how.

>> No.22286841

Yeah, that's the only issue really.

>> No.22286856

This is the only thing I'm jealous about

>> No.22286903

It's not fair
I want to see pictures of Kotaro...

>> No.22287012
Quoted by: >>22287043

Maybe it's a thread about Kotaro's dick pics
Cringe room? Or the other type of painful?

>> No.22287043

I took it as the place to vent when you get super tilted

>> No.22287094

I wonder what ふるさと納税 is, googling it brings up some Japanese tax law
