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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 187 KB, 324x371, pc hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22008336 No.22008336 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for six of the talents of Phase Connect: Ashelia Rinkou, Utatane Nasa, Hakushika Iori, Fujikura Uruka, Shisui Michiru, and Tenma Maemi.

Official Twitter:

Official Schedule:

▼Ashelia Rinkou 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
A "clumsy" special agent from the other world. Cheerful, clueless, and laid back - a little too laid back to be on the run...

▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
A "young dragon" who has just recently awakened from her slumber. What awaits her in this new world?

▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
A special killer-agent disguised as a maid. She was sent from the other world to capture a very dangerous criminal and retrieve a very important relic. The fate of the other world depends on it!

▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
A trainee agent from the other world. She dropped out of the academy to pursue her dream of becoming a rock-star. Well... Let's just say it's not going too well for her...

▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
The daughter of a powerful wizard and a beastman. She grew up surrounded by magic, animals, and love. As a free spirited young wizard, she decides to travel the worlds and experience new things.

▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
A mysterious little fox claiming to be a college student. She appears to be smart, kind and innocent, but harbors an unexplained fixation on a particular rabbit.
Twitch Archives:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw

▼Phase Hex Friends
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Previous thread: >>21889349

>> No.22008425

Need to change that to /yumi/

>> No.22008476

Flakes will be MINE

>> No.22008725

>official Lia lewds
your wallet NOW, hand it over

>> No.22008896

Ah, you're right. It'll be corrected in the next OP

>> No.22009033
File: 135 KB, 821x947, 733D33AA-0D0A-4D86-A25E-E2217A067BE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22009108

is clg no more?

>> No.22009270
File: 1.77 MB, 1363x898, 1632670434152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22031089

>> No.22009358

I think they've splintered into Cyberlive + Lumi and Yuri as well as a general just for Yuri and Lumi but could be mistaken...

>> No.22009379

Nasa's "heh heh heh" laugh makes my my heart feel funny

>> No.22009710
File: 223 KB, 828x1792, FNeJt9tUYAICGY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Michiru's sense of humor

>> No.22009850

Small corpo society is collapsing

>> No.22010133
File: 849 KB, 978x466, Lia hands 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop asking for lap it's weird

>> No.22010614
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>> No.22010643


>> No.22010778

Lia hands erotic/10

>> No.22010797

cute keyboardtism/10

>> No.22011100

It was a fun stream, it's always cool to see a vtuber show off a hobby.

>> No.22011670

Lia's hands are cute and tiny/10

>> No.22012497

I want to hold Lias tiny little hands and protect her

>> No.22012503

I started watching Lia on the Shadow stream. Did I pick the right PhaseConnect?

>> No.22012585
File: 22 KB, 347x179, smug Lia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you did, she's a very loveable retard

>> No.22012836
File: 3.55 MB, 498x423, 715C4E23-9C28-467F-85B0-4912F6BE0FE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.22012915

She's a sweetheart genius (retarded) with solid bantz. Lia is a very good pick.

>> No.22013085
Quoted by: >>22014628

>regular powerade does not contain caffeine
>Powerade Fuel + does
well...I learned something today

>> No.22014181

i love you bear poster

>> No.22014628

Most sports drinks simply provide electrolytes. But that's only useful if you are actually doing something than sitting on your butt all day.

>> No.22015764

Uruka Lore Poster, I appreciate all the effort you put in. Glad to have you /here/

>> No.22015909
Quoted by: >>22016408

Tenma is starting

>> No.22016408
Quoted by: >>22026804

And now Uruka

>> No.22017665
File: 99 KB, 248x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22018918
File: 690 KB, 768x1024, sexy spooky Lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22019595

i want to sex the Lia

>> No.22019044
Quoted by: >>22021124

>another viewer sends you a friend request on twitch
Wat do? I just want to watch the Phase girl not talk to some homo.

>> No.22019595

Lia's model is pure sex, my god Mins has a gift.

>> No.22020768
Quoted by: >>22021233

This tenma stream is pure gold

>> No.22020891

I want to force Lia to listen to all my edgy whiteboy cringe-metal music!

>> No.22021124

Come on anon, it’ll be just like the thread except with some dick rubbing.

>> No.22021233
Quoted by: >>22023049

She is fucking losing it

>> No.22021928

True. There isn't a single mins kid that I don't want to milk me dry.

>> No.22023049
Quoted by: >>22023570


>> No.22023570

She lasted longer than I thought. Bless Miichan

>> No.22024197

As someone who still fights through severe introversion and anxiety by sheer willpower for the sake of a successful public facing career, it doesn’t make sense how it gets so bad someone can’t leave the house. Mine is pretty bad. I rehearse simple phone conversations in advance, go to stores early in the morning or late at night to avoid people, have few friends and never go out socially except as a business obligation, dread meetings that I have to run or know I’ll need to speak in, and after I have to do something like a speech or a performance in front of large groups of people I’ll lock myself in a room and curl up on the floor or a sofa and shake for over an hour or two sometimes. The entire day and sometimes even a day or two in advance is gone for preparation, rehearsal, not eating or sleeping, etc. Sometimes it feels like every public interaction is an act or performance. Maybe there’s worse cases, though? Can’t imagine how horrible that would be.

>> No.22025309
Quoted by: >>22025548

Ignoring all the tributes and menhera golsings do you think Lia expected to have gachikois at all nevermind what she got?

>> No.22025322

I would 100% watch a comfy zatsu of her lubing and filming (kek) switches.

>> No.22025431

Also have a job that requires me to be social, and worse I'm self-employed so I have to write the emails, take the calls, and write the texts myself.
Will often dread having to do any of it to the point where I start getting horrible cramps like my intestines are bursting only because I have to write a few words on my phone. Then once it's over I completely crash for about an hour unable to handle life.
Tried several anti-depressants (doubled as anti-anxiety) that did nothing but pretty much made me sterile for the entire time I was on them, then for some reason was given ritalin which gave me palpitations. Pretty much the only solution I've found is to suck it up and just force myself.

>> No.22025548
Quoted by: >>22026128

im probably a menhera gosling but i don't think she expected it. she's just very hard not to fall in love with, not really her fault and she doesn't GFE pander that much at all. i feel kinda bad for being what i am but i can't help it i just love her
jesus anon that fucking sucks, how'd you get into a public career with anxiety that bad?

>> No.22025551

>Pretty much the only solution I've found is to suck it up and just force myself
I haven’t tried any pills because they’ll dull my mind or my abilities. This is the only solution available.

>> No.22025575


>> No.22026081

sounds like you need real therapy anon
>Pretty much the only solution I've found is to suck it up and just force myself.
also works i guess

>> No.22026128
Quoted by: >>22026426

>how'd you get into a public career with anxiety that bad?
Money, now. It started out by talking myself into doing uncomfortable things on a smaller scale for various reasons, then suddenly grew to the point I felt like I couldn’t back out, and finally became the thing I know how to do well enough to make a living at. It’s not an unknown situation when introverted, creative personalities get trapped between the demands of the only thing they know how to do and their natural social anxiety. I didn’t turn to drugs to cope with it like a lot of people do.

>> No.22026426
Quoted by: >>22027194

i wish you luck anon, i respect your choice to tough it out and fight it's really not something anyone can do

>> No.22026804
Quoted by: >>22027293

One reason I’m here, in addition to grooming Lia, is to watch Uruka’s voice actress achieve success in the music business. Uruka is a talented musician and above average performer, especially given her youth. There’s one more thing in her favor, though, and it’s rather important. Her ethnic background and language skills are a huge advantage in the here and now. We’ve had J-pop and K-pop and they’ve been quite big. Canto-pop is due for a revival soon, and given certain features of the demographics and segmentation of the Asia-Pacific market, it’s going to have an extremely broad base of popularity. What you have with Uruka is a reportedly cute young American girl who grew up in the Pacific Rim mixing culture, who is bilingual in the two languages that are most important to most of the market segments in the region, and who is a young, talented, and improving musician and performer who will be ready to go on day one of this new trend. She’s going to be the face of it and a global superstar on a scale the world has never seen before.

>> No.22027194
Quoted by: >>22027385

What choice does anyone have except to keep going?

>> No.22027293
Quoted by: >>22027478

I feel like this is going to be turned into an "I FUCKING LOVE URUKA!" post sooner or later.

>> No.22027385

a lot of people will just become numb to it all with head meds or other addictions. some will just be non functioning or give up on life. even if your suffering at least you know it's you. i have anxiety nowhere near as bad as yours as this kind of thinking is how i cope. but yeah your pretty much right, nothing to do but wake up and do it all again tomorrow

>> No.22027478

I think I’ve posted something similar before, but the bottom line is the first person who has what it takes to crossover Cantopop is going to be big like no one ever before.

>> No.22030169
Quoted by: >>22030559

live damn you!

>> No.22030294

That is fine anon. But don't go to the darkside for the bear and become a schizo. You have seen the bad places that leads to yes?

>> No.22030559

It's hard to live while no one is streaming to give me life.

>> No.22030668

Fanart of Uruka Skywalker being tempted to become evil by Emperor Pipatine when?

>> No.22030907
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images that make faggots seethe.

>> No.22031089
Quoted by: >>22032614

Reminder this is the original undoctored image.

>> No.22032614
Quoted by: >>22033767

Instead of ignoring the bait, you publicly seethed over it. You are literally mentally ill.

>> No.22032730
Quoted by: >>22033547

other thread is being gay. let me squeeze in

>> No.22033360

Seems like Nasa is enjoying her new job.

>> No.22033547

>Let me join
>ip counter doesn't increment

>> No.22033767

Fact checking liars for confused tourists is important anon. But sure: seethe, sneed, cringe, based, redpilled, glownigger etc. Any other buzzwords you want to include put in there.

>> No.22034125

Start crying like babies, talk about your hexoshi.

>> No.22034164

Stop*. I’m retarded. Also I love Uruka.

>> No.22034178

Stop you mean.

>> No.22034570
File: 1.65 MB, 1375x749, 1642565103130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22035061

My dick is crying whenever I start thinking about Lia

>> No.22035170

My dick is crying whenver it thinks about Flakes getting pegged by Lia

>> No.22035457
Quoted by: >>22037082

Except Uruka speaks Mandarin and not Cantonese.
Unless, you just meant Chinese pop in general

>> No.22035893

I can't for the life of my remember where it was, nor can I find it at the moment so it's possible this was all a dream. But I recall Uruka mentioning in a recent stream that she's "older than everyone thinks" and is "probably older than most of Urufugang" and I just want to check in to see if anyone else remember this, or if I'm losing my fucking mind

>> No.22035944 [SPOILER] 
File: 299 KB, 1665x1635, chiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22036578

I must confess, I just want her and everyone else in phase to succeed, both as a vtuber and in real life.

>> No.22036578

love these girls and i love michiru simple as

>> No.22037082
Quoted by: >>22037332

Nothing of cultural relevance will ever come out of the mainland. Everything is going to be shaped through HK, Taiwan, and the diaspora.

>> No.22037267

I look forward to cute dragon stories

>> No.22037284
Quoted by: >>22037588

As a newbie, I have a question: Since PC has such a weird mix of talents, how many of these girls can even understand each other in a collab? Like how many of the english or japanese speakers can understand the other?

>> No.22037332
Quoted by: >>22049303

Except that Chinese pop is disproportionally created and produced in Taiwan, where Uruka is from. So despite the fact that it's referred to as "Chinese pop" it's really just Taiwanese pop but sun, Taiwanese pop generally being used when referring to Hokkien pop.

>> No.22037588

Iori, Michiru, Nasa and Tenma are fluent Japanese
Uruka, Lia, Pippa, Iori and Tenma are fluent in English
Uruka and Lia can speak conversational Japanese
Michiru can speak conversational English
Uruka is fluent in Mandarin

>> No.22038727
File: 982 KB, 3443x4096, SEEEEEXXXXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is not a single inch on this bear's body that I do not wish for my tongue to grace.

>> No.22039107 [DELETED] 


>> No.22041596
File: 3.35 MB, 2080x2350, URULIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22041796

When do we think we'll start moving away from the hex style OP photos and move to more talent centric ones?

>> No.22041796

probably soon, it's a pain to create an image for every thread and just editing a talent out of unity images feels kinda scummy

>> No.22042935
Quoted by: >>22043158

Lias sleep schedule reminds me of my neet days

>> No.22043158
Quoted by: >>22043580

These girls are really living the dream. I remember when I used to drive Uber for a living, working whenever I felt like it and when I needed money, sleeping when I want, partying when I want.
I'd do it again if it was so dreadfully boring

>> No.22043580

they are and i never wanna see them have to work a normal job for years. I'll work so my oshi doesn't have to

>> No.22045850

Have you ever dreamed about your hexoshi?

>> No.22045877


>> No.22046186

Not yet, but I hope to eventually

>> No.22047587

I've dreamt of Lia. She is not my oshi but I really like her.

>> No.22049212
File: 524 KB, 2048x2048, utatane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22049217

I don’t want to molest Uruka, just Lia. I only want to produce Uruka’s albums.

>> No.22049303

That and HK, but people really don’t get the differences in region, dialect, and culture in what is usually considered a homogeneous mass of insectoids.

>> No.22049863
Quoted by: >>22052383

I have romantic thoughts about Lia

>> No.22051572
Quoted by: >>22054041

Tenma Risk of Rain 2 collab with Juliet Winters in 30 minutes

>> No.22052383
File: 658 KB, 756x614, 1641926683869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22052997

I want to drink Lia's Fruit Loop Lilk

>> No.22053856
Quoted by: >>22056372

Tenma is live

>> No.22054041

I fucking love risk of rain 2

>> No.22056125

I fucking love the drunken fox

>Verification not required

>> No.22056372
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x1080, 0002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22056529

I can't believe Tenma is fucking dead...

>> No.22056998
Quoted by: >>22058036

i indirectly dreamt of Lia. when the mod applications were opened I dreamed that I got Lia mod but I overslept and missed a stream. Kap chewed me out, yelled at me, and called me very mean names then I got demoted

>> No.22058036
Quoted by: >>22058934

Did he call you the n word

>> No.22058111
Quoted by: >>22058459

Upcoming streams
23:00 Iori Just chatting in 3 hours

Tomorrow (04/09)
02:00 Discord Karaoke in 6 hours

04:00 Nasa Minecraft in 8 hours

15:00 Tenma Valorant collab in 19 hours

15:00 Iori Learn ENG in 19 hours

22:00 Tenma Amogus in 26 hours

23:00 Lia Black Mesa in 27 hours

>> No.22058296
File: 43 KB, 559x310, Santa_Rude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recreated something that happened in a dream I last year

>> No.22058398
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1080, new2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22058455


>> No.22058455
Quoted by: >>22115331

T-Tenma Daijoubou???

>> No.22058459
Quoted by: >>22058688

>Amogus in 26 hours
With randos or a group collab?

>> No.22058688
Quoted by: >>22060406

Probably randos.

>> No.22058934

no but he did call me a fag

>> No.22060406

Pain...hope she picks up some new viewers

>> No.22060487

I hope Lia plays Black Mesa with a controller to fuck with people

>> No.22061523

That was a nice stream, i look forward for more cartoon talk from Tenma.

>> No.22062018

How many 5-year olds do you think each of the hextalents could take down in a fight before being overwhelmed?

>> No.22062217
Quoted by: >>22062264

You mean while fighting as a squad of 6 or individually?

>> No.22062237

Uruka: 0
Tenma: 1
Michiru: 3, 6 if hungry
Iori: 5
Lia: 6
Nasa: --

>> No.22062248

Under 10. I think she would become overconfident after punting the first few, but she would soon be overwhelmed and get tipped over since she's top heavy.
She would probably fight a small handful before succumbing to guilt.
I can imagine Tenma fighting a good dozen before her heart condition exhausts her and her small stature is eventually overwhelmed.
Michiru can use magic, so I'd expect her to take down 20 without breaking a sweat.
An infinite amount. She would feast on the fallen to give her strength for the coming onslaught.

>> No.22062264


>> No.22062300

Lia is the second most powerful Phase Connect canonically.

>> No.22062318

Lia: at least 5, maybe more.
Uruka: would struggle against 1
Tenma: it's over the second one gets behind her
Iori: unlimited shotas
Michiru: she can fight until she gets hungry
Nasa: depends on how many 5 year olds she can run her claws through

>> No.22062371
Quoted by: >>22062887

Her one true weakness is overconfidence, so strength wouldn't matter. If you take her overconfidence out of the equation I'd say closer to Iori levels.

>> No.22062573

I don't remember her exact height but isn't Tenma about the size of an actual 5yr old? If she's even sober at the moment, I don't see her getting past 2.

>> No.22062733
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 259C9FF1-48A5-4862-9AF2-E7AB552A8B7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasa eliminates all the children with her big fokkin claws

>> No.22062786
Quoted by: >>22062918

>with her big fokkin claws
Surely she can also chokeslam a few with her giant lobster tail while her claws are busy

>> No.22062887
File: 218 KB, 338x487, 1630450197574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious Lia is the strongest phacon

>> No.22062909

not to mention her dragon form

>> No.22062918
Quoted by: >>22064649

Easily, while also goring some others with her gyoza horns

>> No.22064649
Quoted by: >>22065624

>Michiru bit her horns hard enough to switch bodies with her
Just how strong is the sex witch bros...

>> No.22065624
Quoted by: >>22067517

they both have such nice voices and by nice I mean hot

>> No.22066814
File: 14 KB, 269x329, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22067130

Dishonest retards.

>> No.22067130
Quoted by: >>22068616


>> No.22067517

They are also very fun when they stream together. 10/10 worth doing reps for.

>> No.22068616

Sorry, posted it in the wrong thread.

>> No.22068999

Bear is in space

>> No.22069168
File: 760 KB, 962x970, 1638560204014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deerotic chatting

>> No.22069603


>> No.22069764
Quoted by: >>22070333

And doing ASMR at that. Best model, best voice, best girl. Extremely underrated by you faggots I must say.

>> No.22070333

I've always thought she sounded like Pikamee to be real. And since people like Pikamee's voice the same should apply here. Just minus those annoying kettle noises.

>> No.22070425
File: 1.17 MB, 872x870, 1635071245481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one's allowed to come to this, I want deer all to myself

>> No.22071821

Too bad. I WILL say hi to your oshi.

>> No.22072304
Quoted by: >>22072544

do we get to say we want to drown in her deer pussy too?

>> No.22072544
File: 912 KB, 800x970, 1626445527428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dou iu koto!?

>> No.22073068

I want to ask this deer questions that would make her glow red and possibly want to assassinate me.

>> No.22073881

I want to ask this deer questions that would make her pussy wet and possibly want to fuck me.

>> No.22073974

>Uruka will never date anyone with a foot fetish
I’m going to kill myself, my life is over

>> No.22074041
Quoted by: >>22074219

choose hope anon, she didn't say anything about armpit fetishes.

>> No.22074057
Quoted by: >>22074806

bear hates hands and feet anon, you should know this by now

>> No.22074219
Quoted by: >>22074475

armpitchads truly rule this company

>> No.22074475

don't you fucking forget it

>> No.22074806

I know, but I thought If were to wed, I’d be able to slowly warm her up to the idea. Alas, it would appear as though the first stage isn’t even possible
(I’d also be willing to forsake my cursed ways for her, if it’s what she truly wants)

>> No.22075026
Quoted by: >>22075149

Listened to the blue bears twitter space. Is the discord side of things always that horny, or is this a one time thing?

>> No.22075149

Uruka’s streams are for when she’s bored, space is for when she’s horny

>> No.22075767

Which talents are confirmed for showing up at the karaoke? I know Uruka said she isn't.

>> No.22075984

if i recall lia said she was most likely going to be there.

>> No.22076086

Tenma is probably show up, she loves her community to much

>> No.22077232
Quoted by: >>22080605

Iori's in the list to sing!

>> No.22078750

I havent kept up with PC much, I was worried she had graduated.
Im glad she still around and doing stuff.

>> No.22080316
Quoted by: >>22081501

So, Uruka confirmed she has a job and is working 7:30-12 today. Any rrats on what kind of dog shit job she has?

>> No.22080605

Iori now!

>> No.22081501
Quoted by: >>22081845

It could be anything from music teacher to something shitty like gas station employee.

>> No.22081845

Given that she’s working till midnight, my money is on something shitty like fast food, or as you said, gas ststion

>> No.22082104
Quoted by: >>22082329

bear coming home smelling of french fries...
giving bear a massage to relieve her tension...
listening to her bitch about her boss and coworkers...
drawing her a hot bath to cool down in...

>> No.22082280
Quoted by: >>22082448

Those hours are very weird for service industry stuff, its definitely not restaurant or fast food, if it is in service it would probably be closer to retail.

>> No.22082329
Quoted by: >>22083982

Dear god, who ever manages to land her is gonna be the luckiest guy in the world…

>> No.22082448

I’m not sure about where Uruka works, but where I live fast food places tend to be 24/7 or don’t close till 1-2am, and even then, those tend to be very poor performorming stores

>> No.22082905
File: 1.03 MB, 1560x1050, FPr_AY1VUAI0O-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22083070


>> No.22083052
Quoted by: >>22084913


Nasa's gonna stream cube game soon! A good way to end my night.

>> No.22083070
Quoted by: >>22083252

Holy shit she's so cute and good at singing

>> No.22083252

I didnt know she played guitar. Actually so good at singing

>> No.22083982
Quoted by: >>22084583

>Coaching bear on mic technique in the recording studio
>Sharing a headset at the mixer board
>Getting glomped by a squealing bear when her album debuts
>Sitting next to bear in the Rooftop at Andaz in Minato Ward listening to bear’s newest single

>> No.22084583

Why’d you have to post that bro. My heart is going to have a bear sized hole in it for the rest of time now…

>> No.22084913
Quoted by: >>22085276

I'm still UOOOOOOH'ing over it
Nasa starting!

>> No.22085276

shes singing instead of mincraft!

>> No.22085319 [DELETED] 

Tenma is singing

>> No.22085456
Quoted by: >>22085555

Which streams has she played guitar in?

>> No.22085555
Quoted by: >>22085704

it was in the discord karaoke

>> No.22085704

Are there any archives?

>> No.22085748
Quoted by: >>22085972

pretty sure it's still going on. any archive will probably wait until after that.

>> No.22085830

archivebro is in there so maybe theres a possibility

>> No.22085863

You're not supposed to record these but there probably will be one.
I don't think he will.

>> No.22085972

I'll check the thread later and hope for the best.

>> No.22086039

The second karaoke had an archive. I imagine given the high possibility of gen 2 related shenanigans, someone is on the ball

>> No.22086145
File: 524 KB, 516x505, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22086430

just enjoy the karaoke shes doing rn

>> No.22086193

You have 12 hours
And here's the original

>> No.22086430

Thanks bro.
It's 5AM here. I'm going to be bed so sadly not possible.

>> No.22086447
Quoted by: >>22086611

do you also have iori by any chance

>> No.22086453

Fucking bless you anon

>> No.22086598
File: 1 KB, 118x25, nasaincline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22086944

She's doing great

>> No.22086611
Quoted by: >>22087268

I started recording after she began so this is all i have

>> No.22086944

Someone mentioned guitar and singing and all the music autists went to check her out.

>> No.22087268

thanks dude

>> No.22089010

goddamn I love tenma

>> No.22090756


>> No.22090935
File: 95 KB, 290x333, 1588631024217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for the next Lia arc?

>> No.22091116


>> No.22091485
File: 13 KB, 238x191, Screenshot_2022-04-09_03-39-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this?

>> No.22091621


>> No.22091738

A group containing your future oshi

>> No.22092063

Lia sonic lore stream incoming

>> No.22092690

Yeah, but she’s drugged out of her gourd on antidepressants so we’ll see lots of weird Lia behavior now.

>> No.22092749


>> No.22093904
File: 110 KB, 500x340, gen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Droid: https://litter.catbox.moe/vjrk75.aac
Pandemonium: https://litter.catbox.moe/u24102.aac
Gambler: https://litter.catbox.moe/yyxtxh.aac
Lollipop: https://litter.catbox.moe/1t93vu.aac
Royal: https://litter.catbox.moe/xdjmuw.aac
Seamstress: https://litter.catbox.moe/syfsb3.aac

>> No.22094133

Bros...PG13 is dead. Phase Connect Dozen?

>> No.22095089
Quoted by: >>22095230

I hope someone recorded Uruka, I barely just missed her performance :(

>> No.22095230


>> No.22095263

Have my children

>> No.22095940

Which of the hexagons get the most viewers consistently and why?

>> No.22096189

I think Uruka because her karaoke stream are pure talent and most of her other streams are pure sex.

>> No.22096236

I think it's Tenma. Uruka gets higher viewers during her music streams, but struggles to break 100 during regular streams. Though recently she's been reaching around 120ish pretty well

>> No.22096418


>> No.22096441

Are they only six now? Could it be that the 7th was not available or has recognizable voice and it's too soon to be revealed?

>> No.22098159
Quoted by: >>22098215

I prefer to keep the naming scheme and go with Phase Connect Dodecagon if we decide to bring all the new talents here. But, as of now, I don't think we should plan to.

>> No.22098215
Quoted by: >>22098336

It's probably best we wait until we have an official number. We started with 5, then 7 now 6. It's all over the place

>> No.22098336
Quoted by: >>22098390

Of course, I just mean I think keeping the naming scheme like that would be cute. We shouldn’t expect to bring any members here until we know for sure what they’re like regardless.

>> No.22098390

If the rumours of are true, I feel as though one member will be bringing quite a bit of drama. However, as one member appears to have mysteriously disappeared we can't make any hasty calls.

>> No.22098614

Wait, now I’m confused. I wasn’t here for it but did you guys really split your threads into one for all the PC and Pippa?
On one hand, that’s cool since now I don’t have to comb through 200 post of her schizos but on the other, that’s kindof fucked up to just unperson her from the entire company. I don’t hate Pippa, even if I can’t stand her attempting to /here/fag, but it’s still really fucked up.

>> No.22098673
Quoted by: >>22098947

/pcg/ is Pippa and everyone. /pchex/ is everyone but Pippa.

>> No.22098875

It's Pippafags that a lot of people are sick of, not necessarily Pippa herself

>> No.22098917

Theres quite a few people in /pchex/ that don’t hate her either, it’s just the type of fans she brings in makes any message board miserable. Thats why /pchex/ is significantly more peaceful than /pcg/, but I’ll leave it at that because it’s getting off topic.

>> No.22098947

>/pcg/ is Pippa and everyone.
>He says but all 99.99% of the post are all Pippa
I’d believe you if the usual Uruka pasta was still there but I checked and it isn’t, which is like a spouse packing their bags and leaving and you know it’s definitely over since they even took their used toothbrush. Not that I’m complaining since I glad we a can actually be able to talk about the other fucking members but it still sends a pretty fucked message.

>> No.22098954

People hate Pippa's orbiters and constant baiting. Considering that janitors don't exist, the split seems like the best solution.

>> No.22099052

>unperson her from the entire company
This is a fanforum. Pippa is still part of the actual real company.

>> No.22099598
Quoted by: >>22100276

Nasa's stream last night was great. I hope people are less shy about throwing song requests next time, seems only the same people were requesting. I'm excite for her next song.

This meta discussion is also very gay.

>> No.22100276
Quoted by: >>22101517

>This meta discussion is also very gay.
Meta discussion can be, especially when on a timeloop, but we all want the company and the talent to do better and grow I hope. And the main issue right now is that PC is associated with other companies in their own little scandals right now and has a certain "reputation" let us say. I would not be surprised if the big fish have put PC or will put PC on a blacklist not to be associated with. Now you could say,
>There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it?
Which is true, but I still wish they could clear any obstacles in the path.

>> No.22101372
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22101517

As long as the rest of the members aren't affected, I could give a shit what's happening or all this stupid drama. The only reason I despise Pippa being a /here/tuber is because it never works out since eventually she has to make a choice of doubling down and stay queen of the crap hole or climb out of it, pulling something of a Nyanner. Either way it isn't a good or easy road. If she was an indie I could care less what happens to her and although she did help the company in the beginning, which I respect, her still constantly showing up in all of this drama is annoying the crap out of me.
I like Phaseconnect, I like Uruka and the last thing I want is to see it being known as the company with the le 4chun wabbit. If that damn rabbit ever do anything to torpedo the chance of my blue bear for success, I'll be the first one to do everything in my power to destroy her even if I had vowed to seal the impotent rage of my past since that fateful day so long ago...

>> No.22101517
Quoted by: >>22101658

>A thread for six of the talents of Phase Connect
doompost, vent in the main thread onegai

>> No.22101658
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, uruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22101860

Sorry. I just really love Uruka. She makes me crazy and I would do anything to protect her.
I wasn't able to catch the entirety of her getting over it stream. What's was her end punishment?

>> No.22101860
File: 355 KB, 749x554, bearrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's was her end punishment?
She has to sing/record a cover of a song written entirely by Uruband

>> No.22102126
File: 75 KB, 814x699, (Me) and my GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, did the split finally happen? So this thread is actually about the chuubas instead of retarded lolcows and polniggers talking off topic?
With all the shit that's been going on /here/ recently its good to hear some good news

>> No.22102564
Quoted by: >>22112433

Did you record Tenma's rap?

>> No.22103179 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 2256x3922, urukos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22103294
File: 197 KB, 460x800, if urukas are legal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong size lulz

>> No.22103425

Michiru is live

>> No.22103433

I know another thread that loves talking about drama and all of the consequences around it in regards to all the girls, but this one works good for how much we enjoy our 6 girls and what we want to see them do/do to them. After Uruka's Getting Over It stream I started thinking about how easy it would be to make an ero VN just with audio clips from the girls, all of them have made enough sounds to have a full grunt track for each of them. I could finally live my dream of cumming on Uruka's eyebrows and hear her go "W-whoah, ha ha ha"

>> No.22103717

I love Michiru's large mana reserves!

>> No.22103744

I was actually thinking about doing something like this before. I suppose now that there's interest in it I should write out a story board and get to work on something later.

>> No.22103928
File: 100 KB, 583x657, 1615036915402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22104542

>wasting time and talent making a vanilla, lovey dovey VN

>> No.22104041
Quoted by: >>22104499

>an ero VN
It's funny you should mention that actually. I can't recall who, but someone is making an ero VN
Except it's between prominent viewers with the talents only appearing as cameos

>> No.22104499
Quoted by: >>22104585

really? never heard of this

>> No.22104542

Nothing in my mind about this is lovey dovey, erotic absurdist comedy was closer to my vision.

>> No.22104585

Yea, in last nights space she mentioned she'd be happy to help if they needed any. As far as I can tell, all the characters are genderbent

>> No.22105067

Im just happy to have a place where I can discuss the other girls, /pcg/ is far to pippa centric.

>> No.22106689
Quoted by: >>22106756

I'm starting to think Michiru has a gambling habit. A very cute one.

>> No.22106756

She's Japanese. All Japanese have a gambling habit

>> No.22107612

Learn English with Hakushika-sensei

>> No.22107696

Valorant w some dude

>> No.22108177
Quoted by: >>22110285

I'm going to enter the discord chat with Iori and propose to her!

>> No.22110285

Going to the meet and greet!
Calling her Deerotic instead of her name!
Begging her for armpit licking!
Demanding immediate marriage!
I love Iori!

>> No.22110536
File: 3.22 MB, 2322x1306, 1620488437119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhhh, Baby Michiru is asleep.

>> No.22110860


>> No.22112187

I WILL kiss sleeping Michiru's forehead!

>> No.22112433
Quoted by: >>22124608


>> No.22114045
Quoted by: >>22114811

if i wake her up what happens?

>> No.22114476
File: 275 KB, 1471x756, 1637611706903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22114811

it would be extremely painful.

>> No.22115331
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1080, 0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22116625


>> No.22116625

Holy shit is that real?

>> No.22118805
Quoted by: >>22119050

Not to doxpost but I think Lia has ears

>> No.22119050

Big (ears) if true

>> No.22119924
Quoted by: >>22120482

I like tenma most when she is streaming solo or with another phase connect member

>> No.22120471
Quoted by: >>22121296

Upcoming streams
22:00 Tenma Amogus in 2 hours

23:00 Lia Black Mesa in 3 hours

Tomorrow (04/10)
05:00 Nasa Drawing stream in 9 hours

xx:xx Michiru to be decided

16:00 Iori Learn JPN in 20 hours

18:00 Tenma Black Mesa in 22 hours

>> No.22120482

That's how I feel about most of the PC girls. I'm very rarely interested in the people they bring on for collabs unless it's the other mins kids or something.

>> No.22121296
Quoted by: >>22121693

Iori waiting room:

>> No.22121515

If they were taking an exam they were hopelessly lost on, how would each of the hextalents cheat to get a good grade and would they be caught?

>> No.22121693
File: 101 KB, 523x748, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm blind, thanks.

>> No.22123093

she's still going. i wouldn't be able to tolerate valorant for that long

>> No.22123962
Quoted by: >>22124263

wtf tenmas playing with schrodinger lee

>> No.22124263
Quoted by: >>22124501

Literally who??

>> No.22124501

he blew up pretty recently actually from tiktok. he just clips stream moments and put them on tiktok and they get a good amount of views. other than that just typical valorant/ variety streamer.

>> No.22124608

Thanks man. Did you get the rest of the gen 2s?

>> No.22124656
Quoted by: >>22124702


>> No.22124702
Quoted by: >>22124741

They've been singing all day.

>> No.22124741
Quoted by: >>22124825

the karaoke is still fucking going on?

>> No.22124825
Quoted by: >>22126291

Yeah and Gen 2 has been popping in all day.

>> No.22126229

No, that's all i have.

>> No.22126291

Anyone hyped for gen 2? It feels "eh"

>> No.22126462

i feel like the hype will be there when they release the gen 2 PV. but right now it just feels like sakana blue balling us

>> No.22126518

There's far too little info to be hyped.

>> No.22126780

The first gen 2 singing teaser was hype. I just want a release date at this point.

>> No.22126793

im still not convinced it's real

>> No.22127040
Quoted by: >>22127279

I don't even really care about gen 2 because I already love who I watch now so much and there's only so much time in the day.

>> No.22127279

based lia liker

>> No.22128265

I will still always love the first 6 talents of Gen 1, and Tenma will continue to be my oshi, but I’m hoping Gen 2 is a huge success so the companies “poster talent” is someone more respectable than the current one

>> No.22128519
Quoted by: >>22129298

I hope gen2 just ends up propelling Nasa and whoever (you) like into higher numbers and a better times for them.

>> No.22129298

Same, and for Michiru and Iori as well. I think some of Gen 2 can speak Japanese so I hope they reach out to them.

>> No.22129451

They aren't planning on doubling the roster are they? I know one of you fags will accuse me of doomposting, but I do not like the idea of adding a ton of new girls and just hoping that one hit it big and "saves" the company. I wish management could get every girl up to over 100 live viewers consistently to start with. I don't want any left behind.

>> No.22129659
Quoted by: >>22130132


Vtuber market is saturated, hes gotta get new talents willing to do constant gfe to rise.

>> No.22129889
File: 3.42 MB, 2000x2000, I LOVE LIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22129916

phase is literally the only "notable" small corp that didn't launch a new gen within half a year of their previous gen.

>> No.22130070

Lia is playing Black Mesa

>> No.22130132

Is gfe gachikois the only missing ingredient? I don't really understand why PC hasn't gotten bigger faster really. Has some unique talents with the mix of JP and english giving variety, has pretty good character designs and models. Has a great singer. In my mind it stands out but maybe it all blends together with the other ones for others.

>> No.22130192

>the boobs jiggle
oh god...

>> No.22130253
Quoted by: >>22139632

i think it is the lack of networking. the phase girls do not talk to other vtubers

>> No.22130675

I love how lia says hi to all the npcs its so cute....

>> No.22130737

all the little things she does are so fucking adorable

>> No.22130844

>5'11 is not a real height

>> No.22130928
File: 418 KB, 532x482, 1647682866397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia knows how to turn up the cuteness and brattyness when needed, she's secretly a genius but hides her power level on stream.

>> No.22131219

Trashcans dono...

>> No.22131228

Lias high energy bratiness this stream is absolutely beautiful

>> No.22132047

"When will Lia's FNAF phase be over? Shut the fuck up I like what I like." Yeah she definitely read the comments about people saying her liking freddy was cringe. Sorry bros but FNAF and Glamrock freddy are here to stay!

>> No.22132088
File: 174 KB, 273x391, 1606932400574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tails is my favorite sonic character

>> No.22132092

I don’t like FNaF myself, but I do love Lia’s love for the series

>> No.22132256
Quoted by: >>22132284

sonic will be the next arc since she saw the movie, I expect probably sonic adventure 2 like everyone else does

>> No.22132284

This, I'm excited for her Sonic autism

>> No.22132408
Quoted by: >>22132811

Wait, am I seeing this right? Are the Phase Connect threads readable now?

>> No.22132811

This is a fan thread for the six Phase Connect talents: Lia, Uruka, Tenma, Iori, Nasa, and Michiru.

>> No.22132865

Lia sure is dumb

>> No.22132914

Lia is stupid but I love her.

>> No.22132923
Quoted by: >>22133195

dumb = dashingly ultimate mastermind bimbo.

>> No.22133195

Well, at least you got bimbo right

>> No.22133698

it's part of the appeal

>> No.22134418
Quoted by: >>22134448

op anon you around?

>> No.22134448
Quoted by: >>22134868

Yup. I added Yumi link for the next thread, but kept the cyberlive link as apparently they are back.

>> No.22134612
File: 2 KB, 155x30, flakesyourbussywillbemine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22134687

I love it when flakes types like this when he stutters as he types like t-this. makes me imagine he's getting all flustered and his little femboy dick is twitching because he doesn't know what to say confidently. Imagine like if you pull out your dick infront of flakes and he's like "T-that's your c-cock? so h-huge?" and he's all flushed and blushing I can picture him getting all hot and bothered panting heavier as a big manly cock is right in front of him.

>> No.22134687
Quoted by: >>22135054

based fellow Flakes poster, im glad you came back. it was starting to feel lonely

>> No.22134868

I know you will probably have a bad reaction to this but it deserves being said: Lumi is the sort of toxic individual we are trying to get away from in this general. I don't see why individual people should get their own links anyway.

>> No.22134989

Two things
1) It's technically Yuri + Lumi
2) I actually don't care. I just try to keep the small corpo list updated and since we had Cyberlive in there and they are an off-shoot, I thought it was proper to add them, seeing as /clg/ themselves have them in the links section.
If the rest of the people here don't care to have them added, I'd be fine with leaving them off. I just try to make an OP that people are satisfied with.

>> No.22135054

Glad to be back my friend.

>> No.22135143
Quoted by: >>22137231

Hey Menaceposter. Lumi is not the one at fault.

>> No.22136126
Quoted by: >>22136709

Menhera LOVE

>> No.22136709

menheras are the best

>> No.22137231
Quoted by: >>22137564

Associating too much with an open whore who uses bad judgement is bad for the Phase Connect image anon. They need all the good publicity they can get.

>> No.22137564
Quoted by: >>22138024

Thankfully we've never really collab'd with Menace, Vera and the rest of Gen 2.

>> No.22137983

Friendly reminder to report and ignore off topic discussions about other streamers.

>> No.22138024

Almost like focusing on the personalities and getting involved in their little squabbles is the issue which is why just the company link is fine. Then nobody is taking "sides" in an unrelated general, which was the original point made.

>> No.22138147


>> No.22139632 [DELETED] 

i feel like pc is the small company thats growing the best. not super fast but all the members (expect jp) have gotten good numbers for just streaming under a year.
idk i like that tenmas collabing with normal streamers
