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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22058678 No.22058678 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links

Official Website:

Official Schedule:

Official Twitter:

Official Character References:

Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:

▼Ashelia Rinkou 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
A "clumsy" special agent from the other world. Cheerful, clueless, and laid back - a little too laid back to be on the run...

▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
A "young dragon" who has just recently awakened from her slumber. What awaits her in this new world?

▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
A special killer-agent disguised as a maid. She was sent from the other world to capture a very dangerous criminal and retrieve a very important relic. The fate of the other world depends on it!

▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
A trainee agent from the other world. She dropped out of the academy to pursue her dream of becoming a rock-star. Well... Let's just say it's not going too well for her...

▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
The daughter of a powerful wizard and a beastman. She grew up surrounded by magic, animals, and love. As a free spirited young wizard, she decides to travel the worlds and experience new things.

▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
A mysterious little fox claiming to be a college student. She appears to be smart, kind and innocent, but harbors an unexplained fixation on a particular rabbit.
Twitch Archives:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw

▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
The cutest rabbit in the universe - or so she would like you to thin-

▼Phase Friends
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Minecraftbros, Help Develop Phase Town

Previous thread >>22014057

>> No.22058723
File: 61 KB, 800x682, BF2929E8-E752-4A6B-A470-B3164B110678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22058738

▼Today's Streams
Tenma is playing Risk of Rain 2 with Juliet

Iori will be doing a Zatsudan in 3 hours

https://youtu.be/E99xBEmOHug [Embed] (Nnon POV)
https://youtu.be/lUnG6ZW4c7E [Embed] (Tomoya POV)
https://youtu.be/xUf71dRCWqo [Embed] (Pippa POV)
Three rabbits will be playing Minecraft in 5 hours

▼Karaoke Night
The karaoke is in 10 hours

>> No.22058825
File: 242 KB, 720x704, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand she only wakes up after sunset (she's a hard worker). If she streamed any earlier she wouldn't have any moderators to watch her streams.

>Outright screaming "YOU ARE NOT A LOLCOW"
She is one.
Birds are autistic and desperate. Remember, they did post her coworker's personal information for (You)s in a thread, another one came to her with a "helpful megadox :k orz" for a moderator position. They're maggots.
If she ignored them they'd become even more schizo than that one SEAnigger that keeps whining about how he's being ignored and would fuck with her instead of their current 'lovebombing'.
>to the point where they consider themselves faggots for doing so.
It's the site obsessing over an autistic shapeshifter that put on a dress before shagging -or knotting- his own mother.

Hilarious when you think about it.

>> No.22058905

if the lolcow site unanimously declares you not a lolcow you are officially not a lolcow

>> No.22058994

>if the lolcow site unanimously declares you not a lolcow you are officially not a lolcow
Did you not understand the post you are responding to doxxfag? They are as sick and delusional as the people they gossip about.

>> No.22059018

>if the lolcow site unanimously declares you not a lolcow you are officially not a lolcow
I'm sure her former youtube moderator and current friend is a valid authority on the matter.

>> No.22059080

>another one came to her with a "helpful megadox :k orz" for a moderator position
I thought this was just a rrat? QRD?

>> No.22059337

You are literally making up shit paranoid schizoposter.
Blaming kiwis for everything bad in the thread is retarded.

The reality is that Pippa's honeymoon phase is over and there are a handful of faggots who hate her for various reasons, some want her out of PC, some have delusions about her, some are the typical shit stirrers every board has, some are tribalfags and I seriously think there are a couple of small corpos in the mix who are seething with envy for her recent incline but are too scared or bound by contract to openly shit talk her.

>> No.22059511

It is funny when you call someone a paranoid schizoposter and here you go listing a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theories for why people are sick of Pipa's doxxing fanbase and by extension, her.

>> No.22059657

>You are literally making shit up
Where's the lie?
Them posting Lia's linktree and PC sending the site owner a takedown request?

>making up shit
sir sir do not redeem the akasupa- learn to type properly you fucking nigger
>and I seriously think there are a couple of small corpos in the mix who are seething
The legion of indie vtubers that can call you a nigger faggot and that would've totally been able to leech from right wing audiences if it wasn't for some american goblin with a high pitched voice?

>> No.22059703
Quoted by: >>22059829

>locked in pet carrier
>get pelted with pennies
>locked in garage
>locked outside until sick
How the fuck is this sweet girl still alive

>> No.22059788
Quoted by: >>22059833

more vtubers, less meta

>> No.22059801
File: 84 KB, 242x320, kangel pip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22059932

>it's another concern episode
Well, considering these stories we can at least say she's definitely not 30.

>> No.22059829

>How the fuck is this sweet girl still alive
We're soul mates. She stayed alive so she could eventually meet me.

>> No.22059833

What do you do when the thread is about a meta vtuber though?

>> No.22059932

Are we really timelooping her age?????
every thread???????

>> No.22060047 [SPOILER] 
File: 709 KB, 1498x2768, PIPPA LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22060142
Quoted by: >>22060187

I need to know whether the rabbit is a christmas cake or a new year noodle. This is important, anon.

>> No.22060150

we should just reply with "kiwi page 1905" every time

>> No.22060187
Quoted by: >>22060463

Her birthday is on May 31st, do the math

>> No.22060337 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 1513x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22060047 (me)
forgot this one

>> No.22060363
Quoted by: >>22060514

How long has vee been over here? Just when I thought I was safe, I see him in chat

>> No.22060463


>> No.22060471

granthh hasn't declared anything on the matter in months.

>> No.22060514
Quoted by: >>22060718

Since here https://twitter.com/not__vee/status/1504754554327420931

>> No.22060654
Quoted by: >>22060780

>kiwis are better than this shithole
welp, its depressing how one or two drama faggots can shit up slower threads

>> No.22060691

Why is Vee any worse than the many centrist "classical" liberal grifters you faggots suck off anyway? He's just Jim with a weird accent, essentially.

>> No.22060718

Who fucking told him? And why the fuck did she ACTUALLY REPLY to a tweet like that too?! Is she TRYING to get fishman mad by engaging with faggots like this calling attention to her?

>> No.22060758

The other ones aren't as loud or annoying or pushy, feels very attention whore to me

idk autism maybe

>> No.22060780
Quoted by: >>22060979

>t. fruit
this is not better, it's all concernfags who even take her jokes literally.

>> No.22060836

He has been there since the redebut. Don't you guys keep saying how he has a personal army? Considering some of his simps are lurking here, the chances of him bleeding onto !pippa's vids was 100%

>> No.22060893
Quoted by: >>22064059

because not only does she not care about pc, she is an actual retard and the guy is such a massive attention whore he can't let anything go and he can't even lay low

look, the attention whore's cocksucker is at it again

>> No.22060979
Quoted by: >>22061047

bro i will take a hugbox over a fucking wall of shitposting, fake dox, insults and eceleb drama
if i see the russian guy mention one more time i will get a stroke
and the fuck is wrong with being concerned about something, what are you, a souless npc fag with no care for others?

>> No.22061002
Quoted by: >>22061101

It really seems like you guys hate Pippa more than other corpos. When she collabed with Pina our thread only had like one guy trash talking Pippa. Gotta respect her hustle. Every honeymoon period ends and Pippa knew this too that's why she went so hard to make sure to capitalize on it.

>> No.22061007

>former youtube moderator
keep up anon, the rrat is that he's one of pippa's new mods incognito on an alt.

>> No.22061047

>bro i will take a hugbox over a fucking wall of shitposting, fake dox, insults and eceleb drama
If that was really what we are, she'd be a regular here instead of there.

>> No.22061072
Quoted by: >>22061152

No no, we'd need real dox for that to happen.

>> No.22061101
File: 384 KB, 1838x942, 30 Times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22061208


>> No.22061109

woops, I can't believe I posted ITT so much yet forgot to hug my favorite rabbit.

>> No.22061152


>> No.22061208

we are the hellhole not the hugbox, i really hope she dosnt come here
yeah, about what i expect to see if we had ids, same one or two fucks shitposting all day every day

>> No.22061407

>same one or two fucks shitposting all day every day
Shitposters force you to bring up ecelebs and other sites constantly anon? Really? The truth is (you) do these things yourselves and then shitposters add fuel to the fire. But you lit the match.

>> No.22061498

>i really hope she dosnt come here
how new?

>> No.22062387

the more i watch pippa the more i feel myself drifting away from her

>> No.22062462

If you're not enjoying something, take a break, anon. Skip a stream or a few, watch someone/something else, then come back with fresh eyes.

>> No.22062652

It's not us who are drifting away, it's her
She's becoming successful and popular, eating properly, fixing her sleep schedule, drinking water
She's becoming the complete upset of who you are

>> No.22062700

Good. I hope she continues on this upward trajectory

>> No.22062766
Quoted by: >>22062869

>She's becoming the complete upset
Woah ESL faggot, better double check your post if you want to try and dunk on someone this hard. You look like an even bigger retard than you normally are.

>> No.22062835

Phase Connect has other talents anon. They aren't discussed much in this thread, but they are great and you should discuss them elsewhere.

>> No.22062869
File: 28 KB, 349x490, 1641522171765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22062952

Jokes on you that's brain damage from abusing glue and cough syrup, not ESL

>> No.22062952

>glue and cough syrup

>> No.22063059

wasn't here for the start but today's twitch stream seems to be in good spirits. So that's a huge relief

>> No.22063541

rrat: She takes her meds before 19:00 UTC and they wear off by 01:00.

>> No.22063680

>pippa on yt
>400 ccv
>800 votes on polls
>!pippa on twitch
>180 viewing
>60 votes on poll

>> No.22063699

Fuck off thread splitter. Michiru belongs to me, ergo : here.

>> No.22063842
File: 250 KB, 584x585, pippa blanky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is cute!

>> No.22063926
Quoted by: >>22066185

twitch doesnt hide "bots"

>> No.22063931

different characters, different interests.

>> No.22063954

She leaves those YT polls on for longer. after about 2-3 minutes the polls start to get numbers equivalent to CCV and by 5 they're normally above
Also Twitch CCV is different

>> No.22063963

Susan doesn't run Twitch so their view counter actually works

>> No.22064059

>he tweeted at Luna
>Luna responded

This is wrong.

>> No.22064131

Nobody cares about the off topic idiot beyond people trying to use him to hurt Pippa.

>> No.22064219

Who replaced Tenno with a broken markov chain?

>> No.22064246

They aren't discussed much in the other thread beyond "I want to X Y's body part Z" either.

>> No.22064441

one thing I noticed: weirdly enough there's less people prone to create rrats watching her.
I expected such obsessed type would be paying a lot of attention to everything she says in the smaller channel

>> No.22064543
Quoted by: >>22067038

I am eagerly awaiting more ammunition for the witch rrat.

>> No.22064558
File: 439 KB, 871x873, 1633317702000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Pippa premiered her shorts on her days off rather than before her streams as a promo, if the threads schizo posting wouldn't escalate so fast
>Pippa IS the meds

>> No.22064614
Quoted by: >>22066185

Twitch is known to have bots. Asmongold will once in awhile look at his twitch metrics and will note that a large portion look like bot names. Just look at the amount of people that stay in stream lobbies 2-3 hours after the stream is over

>> No.22064629

Yeah, not enough people factor in that not everybody participates in stream polls when looking at youtube polls. 800 responses translating to 2.4k CCV feels a bit much, though.

>> No.22064660

seaniggers can't access twitch and chinks are currently asleep

>> No.22065822

Fishman knows what he's doing.
That is all.
Move on.

>> No.22065930

I hope so
He already deleted her channel on the discord because of kiwis raiding it

>> No.22066149
Quoted by: >>22066224

The channel is still there.

>> No.22066185

>talking about bots
>when the site that presumably doesn't kill bots has LESS CCV
She has more viewers on YT. It's not that hard.
I honestly get it. Her RM content is really low effort. Not bad but honestly I respect her more because every Pippa stream is far higher spec.

>> No.22066224
File: 17 KB, 239x275, channels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you gain from lying?

>> No.22066250

Pippa is infallible and you're not allowed to say not nice things about her not smart decisions! She has never been rude to anybody or said anything mean ever!

>> No.22066286

>that one thing I'm sperging out about is the end of the world
Sure thing, anon.

>> No.22066389
File: 411 KB, 499x281, 1633687307791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa has never done a thing wrong, ever

>> No.22066438
Quoted by: >>22066807

tonights pippa stream will begin an hour early to prepare for the collab

>> No.22066549
Quoted by: >>22067141

>arguing with retards that got banned from the discord when they raided it
Stop. Just stop.

>> No.22066585

i am tired i'll go to bed
if i am lucky i won't wake up

>> No.22066807
File: 49 KB, 320x335, 1637275832247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then I can have another meltdown
Look what you did /pcg/, you hurt her feelings again
She is trying her best, why are you like this?

>> No.22066853

she did it to herself

>> No.22066927

Pippa's monthly crying stream!

>> No.22067012

Pippers cries once a week on average now.

>> No.22067038

We need to get her to collab with Michiru with witch cosplay. It's our only chance.

>> No.22067061
Quoted by: >>22067734

>monthly crying
why does she do this? what could cause women to be so emotional every few weeks

>> No.22067064
Quoted by: >>22067935

Her fucked up internet is the source of her troubles and /pcg/ are not the ones who are fucking up her internet. Don't give that one schizo too much credit.

>> No.22067141
File: 14 KB, 269x329, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dishonest retards.

>> No.22067359

>falling for it

>> No.22067478

Thought he just cleaned it. Wouldn't know, I'm no tranny, so no discord for me.

>> No.22067634
File: 835 KB, 670x328, lying faggot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22068752

>calls others dishonest while lying
yep, its a kiwinigger post alright

>> No.22067687

How do you think Pippa feels when she sees you representing her in this thread? Do you think she’s proud of this thread, or ashamed? How do you think she feels now that there are two threads because you ran off all of the other girls’ fans? Do you think it makes her feel less isolated, or more?

>> No.22067734

must be the phase of the moon

>> No.22067821

But she still has us
Why would she need anyone else?

>> No.22067827

I think she has some laughs then goes back to her business. Concernfag.

>> No.22067914
Quoted by: >>22068170

When she's looking for stuff to feel bad about she looks here, when she needs a dishonest hugbox she goes to the fruits.

>> No.22067935
File: 184 KB, 490x416, 1634938568058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22068138

>and /pcg/ are not the ones who are fucking up her internet
What do you mean?
I'm literally in the same state seeding videos from 5 different seed boxes each time she wants to go online because she didn't laugh at my joke 5 months ago.
speak for yourself

>> No.22068082

she is a woman, she doesn't even understand she should care about this

>> No.22068138

I want to believe but I know you're bullshitting

>> No.22068170

This thread is actually a hugbox as well.

>> No.22068388

>caring about anything beyond avarice and lust

>> No.22068607

Can Pippa realistically fix her internet or is she doomed to getting throttled until her current lease expires?

>> No.22068752

i think there's something wrong with your discords, try delete system32.dll

>> No.22068767
Quoted by: >>22068971

There is a solution for her, but she has to get over the hump of "Maybe it won't be that bad tomorrow" that she's been going through.

>> No.22068834

Can you idiots realize that there are no internet issues
You cant have no issues on notpippa and then have issues on pippa
Its just factually not possible

>> No.22068891
Quoted by: >>22068955

you can if the fragmented witch theory is true.

>> No.22068928
File: 175 KB, 469x469, 1646763041498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22069210

>Can you idiots realize that there are no internet issues
>You cant have no issues on notpippa and then have issues on pippa
>Its just factually not possible

>> No.22068957
Quoted by: >>22068980

>What is peak time throttling
Are you a city slicker or does daddy pay the internet bill?

>> No.22068955

Very true. Her Wiccan practices are paying off.

>> No.22068971

She apparently has a fix coming up within "a few days" according to her twitter. https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa/status/1512333442704453632

She has been actively working towards fixing it for quite some time now. Called the ISP and had an offline collab with a technician.


>> No.22068980

Wrong on both, I live in a first world country

>> No.22069078
Quoted by: >>22069358

Why would living in a first world county make it so that you don't know basic things?

>> No.22069114
Quoted by: >>22069227

So you are just a retard.

>> No.22069210

wrong thread

>> No.22069227
Quoted by: >>22069322


>> No.22069322

Hey it's ok being a bit slower than the rest. The modern world provides many opportunities for people like you.

>> No.22069358
Quoted by: >>22070022

1st world countries dont have those issues
note: i'm clearly not american

>> No.22069664
Quoted by: >>22070146

Sure, she could pay double for business internet and her issues would disappear.

Or she could pay less than that but still more for a higher tier that might still have enough uplink when throttled, because the way cable companies throttle is to limit each subscriber on a node to the same percentage of their individual maximums, such that node congestion remains at ~95%.

Or she can complain to her ISP daily until the cost of her tying up CSRs and generating house calls pushes them to actually do a node split or other network upgrades.

>> No.22069718
File: 30 KB, 680x380, EfsfljOWsAIcdJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong on both, I live in a first world country
>wrong thread

>> No.22069852

The principle of throttling is that it's not on all the time.

>> No.22070022

Literally everywhere in the world oversubscribes consumer bandwidth

>> No.22070146

>Or she can complain to her ISP daily until the cost of her tying up CSRs and generating house calls pushes them to actually do a node split or other network upgrades.
Best outcome, but I can't imagine that socially awkward rabbit hanging on the phone.

>> No.22070265
Quoted by: >>22070324

pippa is live and preparing for tonights collab

>> No.22070324

Post the others instead because we already know she will "pretend" that her internet is out while she is still in a call with them

>> No.22070626
Quoted by: >>22070667

You never got your own deal with a ISP did you kid?
Trust me, once you have to select a provider yourself you will discover how most offers are scams.

>> No.22070667
Quoted by: >>22070841

I had to deal with dial up while you were still eating your own shit in diapers.

>> No.22070841

Sure you fucking did, and you dont know what peak hours throttling is?
Good joke.

>> No.22071000

Pippa has been an inspiration to me, seeing her give up on so many things, taking the easy way out and make excuses has prompted me to work harder. I do my reps, take my vitamins, drink lots of water, brush my teeth after most meals and work out daily. The power of spite does a lot of things Pippa it works and feels good, just use negative posts for inspiration.

>> No.22071191
Quoted by: >>22071361

This, but inspired by her upward spiral from absolute mess into somewhat functional real girl that is a vtuber. I am even missing today´s collab to do actually poductive things!
Pippa Love!

>> No.22071251

Seeing her social skills improve has inspired me. I will sneed Pippa.

>> No.22071361

I’m always torn on these kinds of comments. She has definitely improved but she still has such a long way to go. She is still struggling with basic oral hygiene, an elementary task. I don’t want her to get complacent until she is at least able to go grocery shopping without having a panic attack, then I will consider her “functional”.

>> No.22071410
Quoted by: >>22071628

Unfortunately anxiety is a bitch and doesn't follow any logic. That one will take her some time to get over.

>> No.22071422

I just want to hug her. I don't care if she stinks or is generally dirty. I want to feel her in my arms while she desperately tries to escape my grasp in an autistic fit.

>> No.22071427
File: 74 KB, 856x480, 1638246423696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa taught me it's okay to give up because someone will eventually rescue you from yourself

>> No.22071460 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.39 MB, 1050x838, 1649362709722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to miss the Pippa stream for a few hours. Is she witchyer than usual today?

>> No.22071521

Extremely witchy if you saw and heard you would be shocked by how witchy.

>> No.22071601

>She is still struggling with basic oral hygiene
That's not true. She is brushing her teeth and has regular dentist appointments.

>> No.22071628
Quoted by: >>22071919

I agree, I was and still am there to an extent. However I did not have the opportunity to make money from home, so I had no choice but to subject myself to the severe vomit-inducing anxiety of getting a traditional job. Exposure therapy, as I call it. If I can be a concernfag, my biggest concern with Pippa is that once the streaming gig ends, whenever that may be, she will still not be ready to deal with the outside world. I worry that streaming is just enabling her to postpone her core issues, but maybe I’m just being dramatic.

>> No.22071708

Anon like a week or two ago she popped some manner of cyst on her gum and talked about how she drinks soda a particular way to avoid it touching her teeth because it hurts. You don’t have to coddle Pippa to appreciate and support her.

>> No.22071755

based on what? the voices in your head?

>> No.22071773

I have a thing for witches and I am in love with Pippa. This pic melts my heart.

>> No.22071845

I don't trust this pipsqueak guy

>> No.22071919

>my biggest concern with Pippa is that once the streaming gig ends, whenever that may be, she will still not be ready to deal with the outside world
She's inclining hard + you can stream as a hag. She essentially made it. She's already making much more than living wage, it will only get better as time goes.
And that's before I get to marry her. Wait until I get in the game and she'll be living off dividends in no time.

>> No.22072091

this pipsqueak bit got old like an hour ago, maybe i'll come back for the collab

>> No.22072117
Quoted by: >>22072181

is another "Pippa being emotionally vulnerable" episode.

>> No.22072158

>anti threads already getting spammed in the catalog
the fuck is wrong with kiwis?

>> No.22072160
Quoted by: >>22072331

>this pipsqueak bit got old like an hour ago
you have no soul

>> No.22072181
File: 638 KB, 2121x2465, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy I love those!

>> No.22072218
Quoted by: >>22072331

This is peak little sister autism anon.

>> No.22072331

ok, but maybe if she wasn't saying pipsqueak 60 times per minute it wouldn't trigger my autism

>> No.22072334
File: 3.57 MB, 1080x1920, 94791009_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn sleep with pippa
>and her seven hundred plushies

>> No.22072485

Not only will I, but I will also add my two hundred plushies to the mix.

>> No.22072490

what if Pippa is my plushie? Just need Fishman to ship the damn daki already

>> No.22072511
File: 30 KB, 509x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22072589


>> No.22072558

They aren’t even good ones

>> No.22072589

that is like not true

>> No.22072614
Quoted by: >>22073152

Probably not getting enough traction in here with the endless time loops.
I don't think it's them.

>> No.22072958
Quoted by: >>22073025


>> No.22073025

Thread theme

>> No.22073152

the guy that spammed the clip of pippa shitting on nijisanji was outed as a kiwifag
sorry but I dont give benefits of doubt when they're proven to raid this website on a regular basis

>> No.22073281

Gyaru Pippa is hot.

>> No.22073385


>> No.22073470

I will fuck him

>> No.22073511
Quoted by: >>22073550

This guy is a legitimate fag, isn't he? This is pretty strong gay lisp.

>> No.22073550

Good to know, then there is no need to fear that he will seduce Pippa.

>> No.22073583
File: 124 KB, 293x716, pipkin_minister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22073594
Quoted by: >>22073677

Oh no, two idiots who's entire personality is horny posting. Please send help.

>> No.22073618
File: 137 KB, 831x650, Troudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22073677

>Oh no, two idiots who's entire personality is horny posting. Please send help.
and Pippa becomes seiso, every time.

>> No.22073688

Anyone has that one pic of pippa watching nazi shit on stream?

>> No.22073719

i REALLY wanna put my dick in pippa now

>> No.22073783
Quoted by: >>22073845

this colab stinks. going back to watch the comfy ghost hunting colab

>> No.22073839

Pippa's autism is showing

>> No.22073845

I agree they should've invited pekora instead of tomo

>> No.22073923

Pippa going full "shy" episode.

>> No.22073944
File: 704 KB, 511x954, Visible confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22083480

I'm loving it. Just look at these faces.

>> No.22074000

What's her timing on stream cancellations? I placed a bet that it happens in less than 40 minutes, but I think the guy I bet against actually watches her or has her on board.
I have $50 on the line.

>> No.22074070

triple down on the bet with those trips

>> No.22074159

bet the guy dies of GRIDs before that

>> No.22074163

What sort of audience does the faggot rabbit even have? Who watches this guy?

>> No.22074193

women and girly homosexuals

>> No.22074198


>> No.22074207

This Tomo fag is the fucking worst at "yes, and"ing if someone says something he misses. He neither moves on or rolls with it: he drags it out in the slowest, most painful way possible.

>> No.22074213

Homosexuals and a few women

>> No.22074246

>22 viewers
A niche one.

>> No.22074317

considering his is a literal 1view

>> No.22074325

>What sort of audience does the faggot rabbit even have? Who watches this guy?

>> No.22074328


>> No.22074349

>21 watching
You can probably go ask, chat should be slow enough.

>> No.22074415

His Nijisanji EN mashup song was really good so I checked him out and he's alright.

>> No.22074422
File: 157 KB, 1609x1604, 1628075516526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pippa quiet this whole time
pippa please try to join the conversation, please!

>> No.22074474

when are they gonna bully pippa into crying
>she's growing guys!!
>still won't say more than 3 words in a collab

>> No.22074493
Quoted by: >>22074572

>pippa quiet this whole time
that is the normal, everybody was expecting it.

>> No.22074531

>we should tone down the energy levels for pippa

>> No.22074542
Quoted by: >>22074587

For what it's worth, this is a pretty awkward and forced conversation. There's nothing easy for an autist to latch onto.

>> No.22074563

he is trying to help

>> No.22074572
File: 144 KB, 850x559, 1625475237425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know but I want her to get over this awkwardness.
She could have talked about the lava in his house when they mentioned it and told how it happened.

that hurt to hear

>> No.22074587
Quoted by: >>22074844

yeah this collab so far feels like the vtuber equivalent of mandatory fun day at work

>> No.22074655
Quoted by: >>22075893

lmao, pippa dosnt know what to say after all the gay butt sex talk
desu they arent that bad, but pippa is being pippa, still socially shy

>> No.22074747


>> No.22074830

Everyone is saying she is shy, but desu it is just that the other rabbits are just not on her level. Pippa is not shy, she is introverted and wont talk that much if the conversational quality is kinda shit desu. The rabbits are to forced hype horny lul so randumb mode and she probably feels icky. It is hard to carry actual conversation with that kind of people, been there done that.

>> No.22074844
Quoted by: >>22075032

This is a great way of putting it. From the beginning it's felt like one of those mandatory group lunches at the office where no one knows what to say but you have to stay the whole hour.

>> No.22074880
Quoted by: >>22074974

this an-non understands

>> No.22074882
Quoted by: >>22074925

The gypsy is sperging out and tries to help her in the chat. I told her to listen to him but the mods banned me for saying "gypsy"

>> No.22074925

>tries to help her in chat
hes helped enough, he can fuck off

>> No.22074974
Quoted by: >>22075038

actual cope

>> No.22074998
Quoted by: >>22075125

the quiet kid snapped

>> No.22075032

>one of those mandatory group lunches at the office where no one knows what to say but you have to stay the whole hour.
but that is so easy

>> No.22075038

cope for what
coping because Pippa is the superior bunny?

>> No.22075125

Pippa is bullying the weak

>> No.22075154
Quoted by: >>22075239

Well, Lisa is tomorrow and that will be fun. This easily beats out the infamous 66 minutes holo collab in terms of awkwardness.

>> No.22075239
Quoted by: >>22075470

I don't remember

>> No.22075291

Why is my sweet pure wife Pippa collabbing with a male

>> No.22075363

Unironically blame fishman for wanting people to build shit on his minecraft server.

>> No.22075388

Pippa collabing with a male will just anger her fanbase. why does she anger those who love her?

>> No.22075413

Pippa seemd like she had an easier time dealing with Pina for some reason

>> No.22075450
Quoted by: >>22075635

pippa doesn't like these people

>> No.22075470
Quoted by: >>22076072

Moona and Coco did a Super Bunny Man collab and it was so tremendously awkward with them being unable to hold any resemblance of a conversation that Coco just straight up said "Well it's been 66 minutes, let's just wrap it up here." They just ended the stream immediately and privated the VOD, never spoke of it again, and didn't collab until right before Coco graduated over a year later.

>> No.22075482

I just wish Pippa could do ghost hunting collabs with Tenma/Lia/Yuri/Lumi

>> No.22075509

>sweet pure wife
>collabing with a male is bad!
Oh man, how new are you? She has known groomers she probably talks to daily. She lives with a man. Why are you acting like she's an idol

>> No.22075514

Do your reps.

>> No.22075520
Quoted by: >>22075641

She's an autistic virgin neet around two people who can't stop talking about segs.

>> No.22075554
Quoted by: >>22075641

>She lives with a man
her dad does not count as "a man"

>> No.22075568

stfu Pippa is an idol

>> No.22075580
Quoted by: >>22075681

so, what we've learned today is right after a sad girl problems episode, Pippa regresses on her social reps. Bad timing for a collab but whatever at least she tried

>> No.22075597

Yeah, it's a bit strange. Pippa has been doing very well in recent collabs and also interacted a lot during her twitter space streams.
Is this a forced collab management came up with?

>> No.22075635

Also she's doing that thing autists do where they go silent to avoid saying something and getting into trouble
They make Lisa look like the autist whisperer in comparison

>> No.22075641
Quoted by: >>22075691

it is not her dad
it is a furry friend lol
he is not that bad and keeps to himself afaik
doubt she is a virgin, but it does not matter as long as she is not a whore
why are idolfags the worst?

>> No.22075681

The people she's collabing with just kind of suck in general and there's not much to say. It will be night and day with Lisa.

>> No.22075691

If Pippa isn't a virgin, how did she curse anons with her witch powers?

>> No.22075732

I just feel bad for Non if anything since she actually loves Pippa and was looking forward to this collab for a while but Pippa would clearly like to be doing literally anything but this

>> No.22075764
File: 3 KB, 271x82, Gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know why she hates this collab.

>> No.22075774

Pippa could be able to handle one of these guys at a time, but they both feed of each other lolsorandomhornyuwu energy and kinda creates what we are witnessing

>> No.22075792

a one on one collab between them would be better than a multiperson collab like this. her autism is directly proportional to the number of collab partners

>> No.22075796

Does she? It's hard to tell when there's a literal faggot dominating the conversation with lisps and reddit humor

>> No.22075801
Quoted by: >>22084275

The guy is cancer as well. She is trying to do banter with him and he just doesnt do it.
Pippa : You're copping
Tomo : Yeah I'm copping
Pippa : you're dumb
Tomo : Yeah i'm dumb.
Grow a spine dude, jesus.

>> No.22075833

>The people she's collabing with just kind of suck in general
True, but she still should be trying a lot harder.

>> No.22075857
Quoted by: >>22075972

or maybe she's just not familiar with them at all. they both do well streaming solo

>> No.22075893

>what to say after all the gay butt sex talk
Fujo is 9000000000000000000% a fujo.
You don't sing ram ranch that much without being into boys loving boys.
He's just too much the softboy kind of fag.

>> No.22075902

Pippa going full sperg, I'm worried for her guys.

>> No.22075939

I want to bully Pippa and make her cry

>> No.22075972

He has 40 views, that's doing well?

>> No.22076021
Quoted by: >>22076335

Unironically yes.

>> No.22076029

I hope they are not reading this thread and making it worse. They can read this when they finish shitting up the bed.

>> No.22076055
Quoted by: >>22076335

As a male chuuba in a small company? Yeah, I think it's fine. My oshi has been getting 70-80 CCV lately and I've been proud as fuck of her for the incline, pippafags have lost their perspective of how the small corpo life goes...

>> No.22076072
Quoted by: >>22076366

I thought it was something crazy, that shit doesn't feel worth remembering.

>> No.22076075

for someone who started 3 months ago? dunno, probably not that bad

>> No.22076134
Quoted by: >>22076335

better than you, that's for sure

>> No.22076183
Quoted by: >>22076291

This is the most awkward collab I've seen in my life but honestly I'm kind of enjoying the schadenfreude as I watch Pippa slowly dying inside. I wonder if they'll do this again sometime.

>> No.22076188

It has been 5 months.

>> No.22076234

Wow these people are insufferable holy shit.

>> No.22076283
File: 156 KB, 222x417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22076289

hehehe penis torches

>> No.22076291

maybe, throwing 3 people with different characters one of them a flamboyant gay guy might not lead to good chemistry and would take at lest one or two streams to get on a similar wave length

>> No.22076335

That's how low the standards are for male vtubers or just the gay ones?

I don't claim to be an entertainer, he does and Pippa is literally declining views because of him, she's below 300 now thats lower than when her internet is completely fucked

>> No.22076366
Quoted by: >>22076414

It wasn't really crazy or anything, it was just the definition awkward. There was NO chemistry on top of some ESL issues and they were playing a game neither of them likes. They knew it too, since they both memoryholed it instantly. It just sort of became the bar for how bad collabs could go.

>> No.22076378

I just got back to watching the stream. She sounds so over this. What the hell is with Aegis' speaking png?

>> No.22076384

Does Pippa get off on placing herself in really awkward collabs? This isn't the first time she has done this.

>> No.22076411

go back and watch stuff from like October from Pippa. much better than this shit collab

>> No.22076414
Quoted by: >>22076605

come on now

>> No.22076432
Quoted by: >>22076838

I don't watch tomo but I know male vtubers outside nijisanji traditionally have a pretty hard time, so 40 ccv isn't that bad considering that.

>> No.22076470
Quoted by: >>22076559

why is she collabing with people well beneath her? she is giving these 2 the rub and she is having a miserable time doing it

>> No.22076532

Pippa should offcollab with Uruka or Lia. She lives close to Cali.

>> No.22076559

Small corpos gotta stick together and share their success with their peers

>> No.22076578

>270 yt views
this is such a nerf to her. I'm sorry Pippa. Is this a form of community service?

>> No.22076583

No it's an autism thing
>I don't want to embarrass myself in front of new people
So she's quiet and has her walls up, remember how gently Lisa coaxed Pippa out of her shell when they first talked and humored her weird questions?
Oh and Tomo was there, this is not their first interaction, he should know better

>> No.22076605

What word would you rather have me use? Some people bounce off each other right away. Look at Pippa and Lumi.

>> No.22076655

everything is good in planning
its not that bad, they are nice, just talkative, pippa just dosnt know what to say since she isnt that outgoing

>> No.22076685
File: 281 KB, 268x426, sad pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22076706

go back and re-watch the Phasmophobia collab and compare it to this. it's like comparing iced cream with aids.

>> No.22076720

Pippa should collab with Meno next time

>> No.22076833

I can't bear it anymore guys, Imma watch Tenma

>> No.22076838

I only know of Voxx and he's a britbong I think? Which is basically cheating
What archive reps should I do to educate myself on males without having to watch one?

>> No.22076889

She's trying to put herself out there and it's hit or miss. Some have been great, but this just didn't work out and it's very obvious to everyone involved. It would just feel impolite for someone to bail out after half an hour.

>> No.22076898

>pippa has to cope so bad shes started building stairs
the pipkin is strong in her today, i think a more directed plan for what to do and where would help

>> No.22077007

Non is actually acting more like Pippa than Pippa. I wish Non was more like this in general. She's kind of pleasant in a chill environment and I enjoy the m*le because he's seiso.

>> No.22077113
File: 6 KB, 372x38, keym1Rq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This jannie is so bored with the collab he's trying to start shit with chat

>> No.22077144

You enjoy the male because you are gay

>> No.22077148
Quoted by: >>22077858

discount fake Pippa*

>> No.22077228
Quoted by: >>22077395

>I enjoy the m*le because he's seiso.
He talked about being a bottom twink within 10 seconds of joining the call.

>> No.22077315

Probably because the Slug manager from Tsunderia just announced her graduation.

>> No.22077342

Pippa, this is the ideal time to unplug the ethernet cable and blame your ISP. People would thank you for ending this, including your collab partners.

>> No.22077395
Quoted by: >>22077524

yeah, hate those kind of people, you ever see a straight person walk into a room and say he likes to fuck women up the ass on a table?
dont think so

>> No.22077441

wait what? does this mean no more slug porn?

>> No.22077514
File: 67 KB, 202x153, booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, I really like her design

>> No.22077524

>you ever see a straight person walk into a room and say he likes to fuck women up the ass on a table?

>> No.22077618
Quoted by: >>22077763

that rabbit guy is my new oshi

>> No.22077677

that and the vee posting needs to stop

>> No.22077763
Quoted by: >>22077846

you know tomo is gay?

>> No.22077794

wew, doesn't have internet problems and reruns her collab script. Better than sadgirl problems?

>> No.22077846

he's only saying that to score with the girls. That or he's secretly an incel. The incel to tranny pipeline is real

>> No.22077854

she probably does not have internet problems because she started earlier (although I saw some hiccups here and there)

>> No.22077858
Quoted by: >>22077947

She has more charisma than Pippa has had whole stream.

>> No.22077870
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1647863546225s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22077906

her strim lags on my end

>> No.22077947

it shows on the ccv count

>> No.22078016
Quoted by: >>22078125

Kill yourself Vee

>> No.22078125

>new ip

>> No.22078205

>Pippa is literally declining views because of him
I mean she's not helping things at all. The other streamers might not be good, but saying almost nothing for an hour doesn't help keep people interested. She's not even really trying to interact with them at all. This was obviously pushed by management, but she's being a bad streamer here.

>> No.22078319

At least she's slooooooooowly warming up as this goes on. Good job on not spiraling Pippa

>> No.22078335
File: 36 KB, 850x850, 1647157349559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa don't like 'em
I don't like 'em
Simple as

>> No.22078353

I hope her chat thinks that she is ignoring them on purpose

>> No.22078392

I'd probably skip this stream if I wasn't obliged to stick around for it. I haven't willing skipped one maybe summer maybe. Here's to tomorrow's collab tho

>> No.22078406
Quoted by: >>22078621

You know the way this collab was framed was that rabbit antics were going to happen but instead Pippa is a total wallflower. Male rabbit and Non have good chemistry though.

>> No.22078441
Quoted by: >>22078491

she tried to start the bantz even after the cringe buttsecks start, but the dude was too much of a pushover and then 70% off fake Pippa just went in too hard and fed the cycle of lolXDSEEEGGSSSANDSPORK bullshit
she is (or was) trying

>> No.22078491
Quoted by: >>22078533

No she's not

>> No.22078533


>> No.22078562

Has Pippa ever had a stream worse than this one? I can't think of one off the top of my head.

>> No.22078619

just how fucking new?

>> No.22078621

true, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not
tomorrow will just be great, even if due to sheer contrast

>> No.22078645

No, I watch Pippa regularly but this is completely her fault. Non and Tomo are actually trying but Pippa is literally just breathing.

>> No.22078655

Getting kind of sick of Pippa acting like she's so much better than everyone else

>> No.22078696

I hope Pippa cries after this collab

>> No.22078740

Why does this guy keep saying "pog"

>> No.22078746

>This was obviously pushed by management
I thought this too, but I'm starting to wonder if it's just an especially bad day of doomer Pipkin right now.

>> No.22078791
Quoted by: >>22078862

Probably, I assume she got some bad news that we aren't privy to yet

>> No.22078809

meds, now

>> No.22078833
Quoted by: >>22079013

>It's a 4chan meme

>> No.22078862

She did have a little cry yesterday

>> No.22078918

Pippa is doing self deprecation
>I'm not a good mentor

>> No.22078958

is this Stockholm syndrome kicking in or is Tomo sounding less fake and annoying now than he was an hour ago?

>> No.22079013

she had the same stock response when someone asked about glowies at the start

>> No.22079031

I want to see Pippa have a mental breakdown on stream

>> No.22079049

It's stockholm syndrome, he just made another joke about rabbit holes

>> No.22079082

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.22079105

Come on, it would be pretty good entertainment

>> No.22079164
Quoted by: >>22079245

>I mean she's not helping things at all. The other streamers might not be good, but saying almost nothing for an hour doesn't help keep people interested. She's not even really trying to interact with them at all. This was obviously pushed by management, but she's being a bad streamer here.
Sad but true, add in yesterday pressure and its clear Pippa almost shut down completely there for a moment, started with her not knowing what to say she started to panic to start just building pointless stuff in middle of a colab.
Its not that they talked over her, they kept the air from being completely quiet so at lest something was going on.
They actually grew on me, they trying hard to be nice and not to say anything about her being quiet and going on weird tangents.

>I thought this too, but I'm starting to wonder if it's just an especially bad day of doomer Pipkin right now.
yeah, just yesterday she was really depressed talking about how much of a fraud she is and how uncharismatic etc. this wont help her feel better thats for sure

>> No.22079170

not this

>> No.22079245

>yeah, just yesterday she was really depressed talking about how much of a fraud she is and how uncharismatic etc. this wont help her feel better thats for sure
Good. She needs to be brought down a peg or two.

>> No.22079298

Most of her not one-on-one collabs are like this or worse, other than the Zomboid ones.

>> No.22079325

>I'm gonna punch this rock!
Yup. You're right. Imma quickly watch that Uruka furby singing vid to cleanse my brain.

>> No.22079377
Quoted by: >>22079509

Having 10 viewers puts you in the top 1% of streamers

>> No.22079447

lmao, is this sperg for real with this samefagging

>> No.22079509
Quoted by: >>22079663

Your definition of what 100% of streamers are sounds pretty silly. Can't really make any worthwhile statements if your foundation is messed up like that.

>> No.22079531
Quoted by: >>22079640

lmao, is this sperg for real with this samefagging

>> No.22079570

Maybe NijiEN has ruined my sense of m*le vtubers, but he's not perpetually making gay jokes. He can at least talk to other people like a human unlike Pippa.
I don't want to see Pippa breakdown but these ego checks are good for her.

>> No.22079633

>I don't want to see Pippa breakdown but these ego checks are good for her.
Ehh, I can see her making the same cope excuses to herself "oh well I'm just too good for those guys anyway, they just couldn't keep up with me" etc

>> No.22079640

all I want for Christmas is for gookmoot to give us flags and ids. Won't fix everything but a man can dream

>> No.22079663

Im just talking statistics here. Regardless of whether or not you deem 40ccv successful, it puts him well into the top 1% of streamers.

>> No.22079697

Pippa should do a collab with Moona

>> No.22079710
Quoted by: >>22079946

all I want for Christmas is for gookmoot to ruin this site even more. Won't fix everything but a man can dream

>> No.22079819
Quoted by: >>22079946

I want 4chan to implement NFT posting like twitter's thing

>> No.22079861

That's not how Pippa acts and you know it, anon.

>> No.22079875
Quoted by: >>22079903

>Oh thank god it's over
Pippa, probably

>> No.22079889

> Maybe NijiEN has ruined my sense of m*le vtubers, but he's not perpetually making gay jokes.
I don't think he's constantly making them but he does seem to fall back on them as a filler crutch. Better than Pippa completely locking up but that's a pretty low bar.

>> No.22079903

Whoa... She's just like me...

>> No.22079927

>I'm sorry I'm awkward

>> No.22079945
Quoted by: >>22079959

This would be incredibly strange but might somehow work with Moona's autism. Even ID management wouldn't let it happen though.

>> No.22079946


>> No.22079959
Quoted by: >>22080160

You never know. Moona has collabbed with Iku of Prism before

>> No.22080024
File: 190 KB, 328x328, 1647982156010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get'em next time.

>> No.22080068

for fucking real, this one fag in this thread is getting annoying

>> No.22080120

She must understand her place in social orders and she's dead last. She talks big alone because that's what autists, especially from 4chan are like. You put someone from /here/ in a real social environment and they automatically sink to the bottom.

>> No.22080160

Iku hasn't made hurtful doxx referencing jokes about hololive members on her corpo-affiliated account

>> No.22080203

I hope Pippa starts crying

>> No.22080257

>Tomo told Pippa he didn't want any 4chan lingo
Who does he think he is?

>> No.22080264

Oh nyo, she's blaming the twink now

>> No.22080271

>tomo told her before stream no 4chan memes
>can't say anything cause that's her whole content

>> No.22080295

> Tomo told me before stream he didn't want to hear any 4chan lingo

That's we got a bunch of deflated
> oh it's a 4chan meme
responses out of her when asked about things

>> No.22080308

>"no 4chan lingo pippa"

fuck that dude

>> No.22080336
Quoted by: >>22080440

Risu might actually work well with her in the bizarre timeline that it would be allowed.

>> No.22080366

Why does she tolerate some 2view making demands like that? Sounds like he doesn't want to collab with Pippa the streamer, just Pippa's numbers.
Pippa is too nice.

>> No.22080383
Quoted by: >>22080492

The jew controls you by prohibiting your language while mandating his

>> No.22080429
Quoted by: >>22080583

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and guess it was his manager that told him 4chan stuff was off the table

>> No.22080440
Quoted by: >>22080606

squirrel hands typed this

>> No.22080443

the fact they don't know just means she could say as much stuff as she wanted, but she is too retarded to realize that

>> No.22080482
Quoted by: >>22080735

On a scale of 1 to UmiSea, how forced was this collab?

>> No.22080492
File: 84 KB, 310x289, marinekneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides.
I remember being told I shouldn't use the j-word to talk about Phase Cucknect's volunteers on reverse internship positions (they pay to do it)

>> No.22080499

Imagine if Pippa had mandated 'no sex talk'.

>> No.22080526

i mean it not really either of their faults when some faggots went to tomos chat and went "ask pippa about [4chan meme] lol"

>> No.22080533

>Pippa fumbling over why the collab is so bad
>only talks now that she can talk to her chat
>"I have to be on good behavior"
>blames the male and says he didn't want 4chan lingo
>earlier in the stream Pippa explains a 4chan joke and says it's from 4chan
>Tomo is pleasant and doesn't react
It's frustrating she can't own up to being an autist. Anyone who watches the stream can see she didn't even talk.

>> No.22080567

They would not have been able to talk.
She should do that actually.

>> No.22080583

it's even dumber to have him collabing with pippa and phase in general to a lesser extent in that case, just like the discord not allowing /vt/ talk despite this board being the creative engine of the community

>> No.22080592

Yeah, one of these days someone needs to put her in her place and let her know that just because she lucked into some KF/dramawhore views doesn't mean she's hot shit

>> No.22080606
File: 413 KB, 638x757, 1643663923791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know, huh?

>> No.22080658
Quoted by: >>22080867

>>earlier in the stream Pippa explains a 4chan joke and says it's from 4chan
She didn't explain anything, she said twice 'it's a 4chan meme' and that's it.

>> No.22080735

Ina voice acting/10

>> No.22080751

lmao, then the fag wouldnt say a word
once again i was proven that faggots make all their personality around ass fucking, 50 seconds in and hes already talking about how he likes it up the ass

no joke it was probably a big reason for initial awkwardness

>> No.22080867
Quoted by: >>22080956

it's not even really a 4chan meme, just a 25 year old joke from the Simpsons
Pippa's mind, if it's ever been posted on 4chan it's something not safe and will make people hate me

>> No.22080956

>>Tomo is pleasant and doesn't react
Is he supposed to sperg out and start yelling at her over something he brought up in the first place?

Yeah, I'm sure the guy telling Tomo to ask about sneeding was just your average Simpson fan, retard.

>> No.22080975

please understand. He is likely a faggot because he was raped by another faggot as a child like how vampires spread. That shit would fuck up anyone's personality. Pray for him.

>> No.22081034

>Open stream
>"I walled everything so they wouldn't touch my stuff"
>This is or was a collab in minecraft
Her inability to egirl it up for free stuff fucked with her plans for this stream didn't it?

>> No.22081038

Why is Pippa collabing with faggots? both of them

>> No.22081152

>Yeah, I'm sure the guy telling Tomo to ask about sneeding was just your average Simpson fan, retard.
My point is is that it's harmless, moron. You think Pippa would be in trouble if she said kek or quoted some dumb meme from here?

>> No.22081162

Having 3 rabbits from 3 companies just made too much sense thematically. It had to be tried.

>> No.22081236


>> No.22081240

I think that sneed joke was never funny

>> No.22081315

No, the point is he did the right thing and Pippa just buckled into silence because someone mentioned 4chan. She could've played it off and yelled at us but she's terrified of these nobody corpos she overshadows in numbers.

>> No.22081323

I could tell early on she was trying incredibly hard to control her autism. Originally thought it was a management thing. Guess not. I can also understand frustration at playing with people that are just outright bad at the game. Well, she managed to salvage it a bit near the end. Keep doing your social reps, Pippers!

>> No.22081365

>t. Chuck

>> No.22081385
Quoted by: >>22085194

yeah not the best choice seeing how awkward pippa is about sex, the initial 5 minutes talk about gay sex completely shut her down and she didnt recover till the end
thats the point, its anti humor, the posting started to make fun of how unfunny and shit simpsons are
the joke comes from repetition and self referential nature,

>> No.22081410

You guys are so toxic, other threads talking about how Pippa isn't actually so bad but you guys that are supposedly her fans are roasting the shit out of her, unless that's her fans ways of appreciating her (I don't care about tomo, even tsunderia doesn't about him, male vtubers are a mistake)

>> No.22081619
Quoted by: >>22081926

>muh toxic board culture
I fucking love Pippa but this was a bad collab. It was entirely her fault because she was the fun sucker in the room.

>> No.22081633
Quoted by: >>22081743

its mostly 2 samefaggers it seems, look at number of posters vs number of posts
but yeah man, half the thread is just shitposting, we cna only hope for ids

>> No.22081636
File: 2.15 MB, 1536x2048, Pippa smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a lot of people that don't like her. Unfortunately they manage to be louder than those that do.

>> No.22081695
Quoted by: >>22081808

>you guys that are supposedly her fans
There are a couple of people here who just hate Pippa, always spamming the same shit posts.
For the rest it's because I I almost "we"-posted here - disgusting love the yabbit and know that she can do better, because usually she does.

>male vtubers are a mistake

>> No.22081743
Quoted by: >>22082499

Are these the people Pippa called out for being toxic to catch her attention before in a chatting stream?

>> No.22081808

Sorry I can't scrub away my league of legends lingo, we used toxic way before fags started abusing it on twitter

>> No.22081926

No you don't understand, Pippa is the one with the big CCV, the other two should be thankful for simply being allowed to collab with her!

>> No.22082048
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New thread

>> No.22082145

Non didn't even stream, apparently she knew this shit would happen

>> No.22082275
Quoted by: >>22084199

I guess the "rate the stream" poster is going to pass on this one.

>> No.22082375

This, but unironically.

>> No.22082499

I can't remember well enough, I think this was around the time we had some other threads being made about her but honestly the phenomenon of people being mean to girls they like to try and get their attention can still happen with adults, especially autists. Maybe in that stream she was referring to was one specific guy who sent her a disparaging supa before but later got on the thread and apologized for it?
Dunno if he's back at it or if more schizos are coming out of the woodworks (in regards to the recent bait supa) but the samefagging anti is slightly recent. There is someone who types out longer anti Pippa posts to try and get her attention or w/e but not this guy I don't think.

>> No.22082539
File: 1.42 MB, 908x1074, Funny bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22082657

Idk didn't watch it

>> No.22082692

pippa austim episode part 4/10

>> No.22082748

Anon, we're on page 10 already. This thread is gone, it's too late.

>> No.22083480

>have once in a lifetime chance to catch Pippa live (timezone hell)
>play vidya instead
Sorry pippa. Have a low energy hug instead before I go crash in my bed like a meteor.
She so cute

>> No.22084014

>She lives with a man.
Lived. Plus others, including females. They were basically a youth hostel.

>> No.22084199

>Who does he think he is?
Someone vastly more important than he is.
Also Slugma self-destructed either before the stream or during it. This is bound to get interesting.
Good riddance IMHO. She seems to have been interested in people's welfare but just kind of... not very competent.
>I guess the "rate the stream" poster is going to pass on this one.
Yeah I switched to Selen. Pippa can make cube game fun with the right people but this ain't the right people.
First stream in a while that didn't improve on a previous one.

>> No.22084275

Isn't being a bottom his whole thing tho?

>> No.22084277
Quoted by: >>22084461

>Slugma pulled hard for this collab to try to put Tsunderia on the map
>It becomes a huge dumpster fire and embarrassment for everybody
>She gets fucking fired, company lets her pretend she resigned to save face
I can see it

>> No.22084461

Not what I meant but that's a hilarious fanfic.
Also Pippa is probably one of the easiest appointments to get i 3view vtubing.

>> No.22084470

>during it
Things don't move that fast. Especially not with slugs.

>> No.22084482

What's even rule 5?

>> No.22084526

>5. Please don’t mention other streamers in chat unless I bring them up. Also do not bring me up in other streamers’ chats unless permitted.

>> No.22084546

Don't mention unrelated streamers.

>> No.22085194

The sneed joke is actually pretty good because it's something that sneaked its way where it doesn't belong.
It's a south park tier joke in a family friendly show.
