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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13205019 No.13205019 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>13197692

>> No.13205029

General numberfag sites

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.13205073

so chammers for the silver today? my numberfagging brain is just hurting right now...the wasted potential...

>> No.13205087
Quoted by: >>13205126

Who the fuck is defending them? I'm just calling out a newfag for not knowing what he's talking about.
Nijisanji's number problems are far bigger than just not being favored by the algorithm, because most of their streamers are declining even when they're already well-known in Japan.
Appealing heavily to casuals is how they got into this situation in the first place.

>> No.13205097

How can vt stop the "YT culling" conspiracy?

>> No.13205126

I'd rather be popular with casuals in my own country than being viral in some backwater shit place. Like, they don't pay for shit and internet fad is short-lived anyway. People here don't know reach and growth for shit.

>> No.13205129

until the waiting room number stops dropping

>> No.13205137

get some brave hero to have sex with Susan

>> No.13205142

That was last year, she's perfectly fine with that spot now, pretty much every since council debuted

>> No.13205160
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>> No.13205164

Is the Susan'ed frequency higher than last year?

>> No.13205170

slow & steady anon, you're winning morally at least

>> No.13205172
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, 47A1DA30-8291-4854-BE4A-126E9F1E0538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cards getting a second print, will it sell out again?

>> No.13205173


>> No.13205181
Quoted by: >>13205241

Or people just left? You know, quit the tab? You know, shut off the phone? You know, do their job?

>> No.13205192

It's hard to say if Haachama would have won even with proper marketing. PekoMari is really stronk and more people in Haachama's stream could've meant more people funneled into the PekoMari stream.

>> No.13205193

which is why Nijis dominated scs right?...wait they don't? hm looks like you are wrong anon

>> No.13205199

more like how fast will it sell out

>> No.13205201
File: 257 KB, 987x666, image_2021-11-18_203950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko 20k possible?

>> No.13205211

Within the week

>> No.13205210

if they remember to pay for more shill streams, sure

>> No.13205216
Quoted by: >>13205269

Since she's declining, she's fine now.

>> No.13205218

gotta love the cope, thanks for making my day anonchama

>> No.13205220
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Quoted by: >>13208666

>in my own country

>> No.13205237

Not a chance. Queen Usada will never allow peasant like Miko to have a shoot to dethrone her.

>> No.13205241


>> No.13205251
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>> No.13205252

I think she could have gotten 20k more by showing the guests in her thumnail

>> No.13205269
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>> No.13205285
Quoted by: >>13205317

to the cope list, right fucking now

>> No.13205302

Shion playing new pokemon game, probably another time limited perms.

>> No.13205317
Quoted by: >>13205350

No way it's not already on the list.
>Niji is mainstream in JP, which is more important than Hololive's international dominance
is a classic

>> No.13205319

better buying more than paying to scalpers

>> No.13205325
Quoted by: >>13205516

>building a sub-culture
>slow and steady growth
>merch sales
>no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
>tournaments don't count
>fortune telling
>total CCV during primetime
>trailers are ads
>Google trends
>Holo EN was a desperate gambit
>Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth
>stop picking on midgets! fight someone your own size!
>pit Vshojo against HoloEN when you're losing
>pit HoloEN against HoloJP when you're losing
>pit former Holo against HoloJP when you're losing
>Holobubble is bursting
>foreign buff/global audience bad, muh local Nips good
>YouTube Japan trends
>Apex will only get more popular from now on!
>flexible creative freedom
>Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate
>Cover uses bots
>Hal is honorary Niji
>Kson is honorary Niji
>Ui is honorary Niji
>Most vtubers are Nijisanji like and Nijisanji is part of greater vtuber community
>Nijisanji fans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
>Sponsorships are retarded
>Hololive's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
>Koshien is not an event
>Nijisanji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
>Pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
>Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
>Hololive invented unicorns
>Watchalongs are POVs
>Nijisanji isn't a corporation, it's a family
>Each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers because Selen flopped her first Twitch stream and Selen never flops
>Evil God Korone is an event game.
>All non holos are nijis
>muh subs to growth ratio
>I'd rather be popular with casuals in my own country than being viral in some backwater shit place.

>> No.13205333

I'm more interested in FBK. Is nightmare a new difficulty for phasmo?

>> No.13205350


>> No.13205371

Ayame, it's your turn!!

>> No.13205381
Quoted by: >>13205479

they are doing another pokemon tournament in nico nico douga with the remake versions or diamond and pearl, so yeah they have pokemon permissions again

>> No.13205395 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 900x508, 1627009865535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.13205409

I hate split collabs so much but yes, she should hit 20k.

>> No.13205414

EN just need more people to play with other than JP and ID, that's all, since they live hours from each other (Well, aside from Calli/IRyS

>> No.13205426
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>> No.13205440
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Will she break 100 viewers?

>> No.13205456


>> No.13205463


>> No.13205468


>> No.13205476

Well, that's a big fail.

>> No.13205479
Quoted by: >>13205519

Pokémon perms wasted on Nijisanji…

>> No.13205480
Quoted by: >>13205511

Get out, midget.

>> No.13205492
Quoted by: >>13205511

don't shill your indie here anon

>> No.13205499

Newfag spotted

>> No.13205503


>> No.13205511
Quoted by: >>13205558

>Trashing PRISM
Apparently you weren't around for the Luto superchat moggings. Those were fantastic days, lol.

>> No.13205514
Quoted by: >>13205543

i hope kronii plays it, shes a huge autist about it

>> No.13205516

Is Nijicope already longer than Eilene's crimes?

>> No.13205519

I don't know if they have paid for permissions or they have the same agreement with nico nico

>> No.13205539
File: 514 KB, 752x1082, 1637240817488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN where?

>> No.13205543

Kronii has said multiple times that she is good at Smash Bros. Why the fuck hasn't she played it yet? Seems like it would be some pretty good numbers if she actually is good at the game.

>> No.13205558

come back when they do it again, don't expect a hugbox

>> No.13205567

way to out yourself, newfag

>> No.13205571

Maybe she's like Subaru who's "the best in her hometown" but gets beat up by her viewers.

>> No.13205575

In the shitter kek

>> No.13205579

She also like tetris but hasn't played it yet

>> No.13205594

shes going to play smash with gura, from her last karaoke

>> No.13205609

It takes some time for people to migrate from the waiting room to the stream

>> No.13205613

The Pekora/Marine stream is bleeding viewership. Wrap it up already so those viewers can be funneled. My lord its so frustrating!!!

>> No.13205629
Quoted by: >>13205685

well it is not a nico nico only thing, shion is playing on youtube

>> No.13205631

Why is there a "popularity" talk in here for some reasons? It is not something that can be calculated easily, otherwise jun channel is more popular than the entirety of hololive?

>> No.13205638
Quoted by: >>13205765

man, holojp is just a different beast these days.
theyre not like nijijp or holoen where they get a fuckton of tourists one day who disappear the next, their audience actually stays.

>> No.13205643

We fuck Aqua all night and you little penis chink can only watch
Do you unserstand?

>> No.13205645
File: 279 KB, 301x509, 1622951771931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13205714

They made Mumei pretty smug in the DST mod.

>> No.13205646

Newfag LMAO, nijikeks really are a joke huh?

>> No.13205649

Mioshuba is starting soon, PekoMari will still be going for a while

>> No.13205659

Probably different perms since holo has time limit.

>> No.13205674
Quoted by: >>13208511

>All big events and Pekora

>> No.13205685
Quoted by: >>13205753

the agreement is you give us content for our platform we give you temporal permissions for your YT channel

>> No.13205714

cute, gonna play it later

>> No.13205716
Quoted by: >>13205875

Anyone else nostalgic for when Niji put up a fight? Them getting crushed so reliably means the threads are open for schizos to samefag all day.

>> No.13205718

No they have blanket year round permissions, whereas Hololive only gets their permissions through NND

>> No.13205727

Kronii will have a Smash Bros collab with Gura but the date is still unspecified.

>> No.13205728

When sales starts dropping they still have HoloEN to get another boost

>> No.13205730

I hope both Nijisanji and Hololive get Elden perms.

>> No.13205752

Why? Its huge for watch hours.

>> No.13205753

huh does nintendo own niconico or something?

>> No.13205754

>all big event and peko/mari meme streams

>> No.13205762
Quoted by: >>13205821

micomet basically had sex on stream, sadly still can't beat pekomari tho

>> No.13205765

How likely that Pekora next outfit reveal breaks Gura record? Everything seems to be settling in place for it to happen.

>> No.13205797
Quoted by: >>13205858

she'd need a huge hype campaign, with all HoloFantasy helping it out

>> No.13205801

If it ever happens, i hope it mogs Niji Koshien too lmao, its only a few thousands away

>> No.13205806
Quoted by: >>13205820

If she break 200k
How can nijiniggers survive?

>> No.13205821

because Marines sheer existence is sex

>> No.13205820

They will go back to EN vs JP post, mark my word

>> No.13205825
File: 12 KB, 322x141, lunners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pegora, please give the princess some of your power.

>> No.13205833
Quoted by: >>13207163

No, Niconico has a sponsorship deal worked out with TPC, and as part of that deal they can give permissions to anyone they want to stream the games. Then Cover strikes a deal with Niconico to be part of that promotional effort, and as a result they get pokemon perms, but that only lasts for as long as that sponsorship deal lasts

>> No.13205837
Quoted by: >>13205897

It's highly unlikely imo.

>> No.13205845
Quoted by: >>13206087

to get pokemon permissions you need to ask : Nintendo, Gamefreak and The Pokemon Company. Yeah, is shit but it seems nico nico ceo has some kind of agreement with them

>> No.13205846

Maybe Gura 3D will happen first, even Peko surpasses Gura's oufit, it still loses to 3D reveal.

>> No.13205858

Why does she need that? Isnt just an announcement like the EN outfit reveal, then set up a room 24h beforehand enough?

>> No.13205862

i think she can get around 150k but gura's is just too high. she needs more tourists

>> No.13205875
Quoted by: >>13205941

Nijisanji competes on cycles since their viewership base is a lot more casual. Hololive has a much more dedicated and hardcore fanbase who will tune in everyday. Nijisanji fans are tourists who turn up for big events only.

>> No.13205879

Not likely, Gura has a meh CCV nowadays but her 3m subs come in handy when there's a big event.
Pekora lacks that tourist power.

>> No.13205893

Impossible. Gura has a ridiculously high ceiling. Also lots of EN watchers think Gura is the most well known chuuba because of subs and never realize that JP chuubas can absolutely shit on her numbers

>> No.13205897

How about Pekora's new outfit with special guest Gurasaurus?!

>> No.13205918
Quoted by: >>13205986

Or Gura's 3D with Peko guest

>> No.13205935

Her voice would be perfect for loli design

>> No.13205939

>JP chuubas can absolutely shit on her numbers
Then why impossible? She has been having all this high CCV now, why when it comes to an outfit reveal suddenly people are skeptical?

>> No.13205940


Gura has the highest ceiling in all of Hololive its just that her fanbase is more spread out and more casual in general so they aren't necessarily going to tune into every stream. Gura's 3D debut is going to mog every other Hololive 3D debut for example. I'm very confident of this happening.

>> No.13205941

You know, if Hololive had Nijisanji’s merch game they would be crazy dominant. This year was mostly Hololive building their relations with companies.

>> No.13205943

Hey gura! 56!

>> No.13205944

Just no. Pekora has incredibly high floor but in my opinion her ceiling is not as high as gura or marine.

>> No.13205953

Gura + Pekora has a much higher ceiling than Pekora + Gura

>> No.13205957
File: 396 KB, 1090x371, image_2021-11-18_210707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft without peko

>> No.13205977

PekoMarine under 60k soon!

>> No.13205980

Honestly I thought Miko and Suisei would put up more of a fight

>> No.13205986
Quoted by: >>13206029

best youll get is aquashion guests, unless pekora finds a way to add gura to her outfit reveal somehow in return

>> No.13205994
Quoted by: >>13206112

Lol, Gura is bleeding subs to Pekora as well dumbass. GURA WILL NEVER BE TOP AT ANYTHING!

>> No.13206011



>> No.13206012

Does it matter though? She is still getting watch hours.

>> No.13206014

Yeah MioShuba is starting

>> No.13206023
Quoted by: >>13206060

I know Pekora is holding a lot of viewers, but not even getting to 20k is kinda bad...

>> No.13206029

HoloEN will never get 3D, Covid-19 is already rising in some countries again.

>> No.13206044

So.. For this month only 3D can save nijis huh

>> No.13206060

Yeah, Subaru broke 20k and had a bit on top.

>> No.13206072
Quoted by: >>13206124

Suisei isn't known for streaming while Miko is below Marine without buff. Against literally two of pinnacle of the food chain, they never stood a chance.

>> No.13206074

>quick, HoloJp vs EN is not working, lets pit Jp agaisnt JP!

>> No.13206087

I swear to god someone at the TPC has a grudge against hololive, they have no issues granting perms to nijisanji and NND, but not cover despite several of their talents really hankering for it.

>> No.13206103
Quoted by: >>13206122

Link to the jap vtuber news comment section where they only talk about numbers?

>> No.13206106

as much as people shit on en numbers here, en has a huge audience that just cant be asked to watch daily streams. its just a matter of activating them with a big event that catches attention like myth's very first outfits week
jp (holojp at least) has a smaller but definitely more dedicated audience, they have tourists too but not as big as en's

>> No.13206112
File: 62 KB, 563x479, 1611812984594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13206136

anon, please

>> No.13206118

High daily CCV isn't the same as having a high oote trial ceiling. Some Anons here love to shit on subs, but subs matter when they aren't proven to be dead (see : Ai). The fact that Gura gets amazing song view growth is indicative of the fact that her subs are NOT in fact dead, they're just as fucking lazy as she is and don't watch streams on a regular basis. This was proven when her costume broke all records for peak CCV up to that point, and then Reflect/King smashed records on fastest to 10m.
Imo, Pekora can easily hit 100-150k on a new costume of done right, but to get 200k would be...not impossible, but. Unlikely imo.

>> No.13206122

It doesn't exist bro.

>> No.13206123
Quoted by: >>13206177

Barring Coco graduation, what was the highest ceiling for holoJP of the recent time? Can use that to guess if Peko can break Gura record or not.

>> No.13206124

Her most recent Tetris stream gets 20k though

>> No.13206136

>0 subs last day
is already happening

>> No.13206145
Quoted by: >>13206210

[Bad news]
PekoMarine is under 60k now

>> No.13206146

The biggest problem of EN 3D is that they don't have appropriate working visa. Vtuber is consider as freelance. Only Mori and IRyS have license to stay in JP.

>> No.13206154

anon, please, just stop

>> No.13206177

Pretty sure it's Noel's costume reveal for within the past month, and if you go a bit further back, Marine's live.

>> No.13206179
Quoted by: >>13206207

Tetris > Minecraft for Suisei

>> No.13206182

Kek, that pic literally proves my point. Such a dumbass.

>> No.13206196

I can see alot of holomembers try this mod for collab.

>> No.13206203

Minecraft is not Suisei's buff game. Tetris is.

>> No.13206207
Quoted by: >>13206256

Yeah but today she have the micomet buff

>> No.13206210

End the fucking stream already. People are checking out and its bleeding viewership. Let the funnel happen.

>> No.13206212
Quoted by: >>13206302

Personally I think Nijisanji might have paid for them. One of their top talents at the time (panda) quit over Nintendo game perms in the past.

>> No.13206227
Quoted by: >>13206341

Something like "bigger fanbase, smaller audience" I guess?

>> No.13206231

Anon two cute girls are having fun playing game.

>> No.13206240
Quoted by: >>13206266

So, did anything but hololive happen today? Everything has been so one sided since Halloween.

>> No.13206256

miComet doesn't have legacy buff like PekoMiko

>> No.13206258
Quoted by: >>13206302

its not about having a grudge against them is just money, if you want permissions you have to pay

>> No.13206266

They're just playing the videogame they'll end when they want to
Kuzuha got twenty something thousand with an event

>> No.13206268

It's the Japanese company's autism. Konami and Fromsoft are also the same.

>> No.13206267
Quoted by: >>13206360

Because of that high ceiling. Pekora has high floor but her ceiling is nothing to Gura who has a lower floor but insane ceiling. To beat Gura, Pekora needs EN numbers. Unfortunately, EN watchers know Gura maybe holoEN but not JP. Gura is well known in EN and JP. When a big event comes, Gura can count on more tourists than Pekora even if nousagis are more reliable daily watchers than chumbuds

>> No.13206275

I love how people keep bitching about Pekora not ending her stream

>> No.13206299

She needs a big hype campaign similar to her joke outfit but in bigger scale. Plus points if she brings guest to a goddamn outfit reveal.

>> No.13206302

Anon if showing up with a briefcase full of money is enough to get cover pokemon permissions they would already have it, Cover literally has so much money right now they have no idea how to invest it properly. If all TPC demands is money it wouldn't be an issue to this day.

>> No.13206341
Quoted by: >>13206377

Basically. EN Stream watchers are more split across YT + Twitch whereas video viewing (not livestreams) is all YT. It means it's easier to get subs to watch short content than hours of VODs, whereas Japan is far more dedicated when it comes to stream watching on YouTube.

>> No.13206349

i think her best shot is having her outfit at the tail end of EN new outifits, which are likely in december winter break

>> No.13206355

Also it needs to be 3 goddamn outfits plus her original model update(she has a bunny girl no coat option)

>> No.13206360

People have been talking about how Pekora is super popular in and out of Japan all the time, but when it comes to actual EN numbers of fans she is still lacking? This is not exactly like Kuzuha who has been debunked to have very low EOP fans, Pekora I think is actually popular worldwide, unless that is also a misperception.

>> No.13206371
Quoted by: >>13206408

Imagine if the taiwan yab is actually the reason Cover couldn't get it.

>> No.13206377

add on the fact that people who watch Japanese streams likely all live in one timezone whereas people who watch English streamers can be all over the world

>> No.13206387
Quoted by: >>13206456

I don’t think Cover cares enough about those perms in particular to pay a premium for them. Nijisanji wanted one of their top talents to come back so they hit the bullet.

>> No.13206389

I have a question, how fast do Gura clips appear after Gura finishes the stream? Especially karaoke.

>> No.13206391
Quoted by: >>13206419

pekora is popular worldwide but as much as gura is popular worldwide

>> No.13206408

Most likely they still hold a grudge from when before the holocaust happened because they disrespected my rights and waht not, you know, japanese autism. You see a similar thing happen in the modding sphere for any big game too.

>> No.13206419

but not as much*

>> No.13206430
Quoted by: >>13206623

Karaoke is fast. Within an hour or two iirc.
Streams, depends on length. If it's a longer stream, right as it ends as the clippers will have had time to work on editing and whatnot. Otherwise, also within an hour or two. Speed is important.

>> No.13206437

its like korone, people know her name, her character design, maybe watched a few clips but since she speaks japanese thats the farthest people know about her. eops wont go out of their way just because she has a new outfit or something

>> No.13206438

Pekora can get 30k+ on judgment which is an EOP filter game

>> No.13206441
Quoted by: >>13206485

Enschizo cope

>> No.13206456
Quoted by: >>13206662

They cared enough to pay for sony's ridiculous terms for their games, if they could pay for pokemon permissions they absolutely would.

>> No.13206480

karaoke ones are often up the moment the stream ends if not within the hour. i remember a karaoke clipper was getting shit on a while back due to uploading the songs while the stream was still ongoing.
not sure about highlight clips since i don't watch them

>> No.13206485
Quoted by: >>13206522

? That's the first time I've been accused of being the enschizo. Anything in particular that you object to?

>> No.13206513

Gura is more popular than Pekora despite what the CCV obsessed fags will have you believe. As a true numberfag I take in all the numbers and CCV is tje only number Pekora beats Gura in. Gura crushes her in every other metric.

>> No.13206521

Ok, new question for brain storming for number guessing: Isnt there a recent nijisanji event, on their main channel or whatever, that breaks 200k? Im not knowledgeable to know what kind of stream and pull it has, but can an outfit reveal has the hype/pull of that stream? Couple with how hololive is more popular than nijisanji abroad might have more info/data to guess for Peko.

>> No.13206522

he's retarded, pay him no mind.

>> No.13206532
Quoted by: >>13206564

I thought it was common courtesy to not upload clips of a stream when said stream is still live.
I'd agree with you but it wouldn't hurt to not make it seem like you're trying to start JP vs EN.

>> No.13206545

This retard again

>> No.13206549

Anon, I never said Pekora was more popular overall than Gura though. I agree that Gura is more popular (worldwide) than Pekora, even if she gets absolutely mogged on CCV daily (for a variety of factors).

>> No.13206550

>End the fucking stream already
NEVER! Gotta cash in the watched hours and crush Miko

>> No.13206558

PekoMarine will be under 55k soon

>> No.13206564

It is common courtesy, and also because youtube algo will go nuts if you do it too often and strike the stream as a copycat

>> No.13206571
Quoted by: >>13206614

It is pretty horrifying if you need to pay to stream a game because it should be the opposite way from a business perspective. Companies pay to put their product during world cup etc.

Small companies pay me to put their new products on my retail chain stores.

>> No.13206576
Quoted by: >>13206791

Pekora has more SCs, watchtime and VOD views though.
Gura wins in subs and memberships.

>> No.13206581
Quoted by: >>13206620

Save the JP vs EN until the scheduled time please. (In about 9 hours)

>> No.13206603
Quoted by: >>13206627

why the warning? peko's being really smart farming watchhours, any chance she can catch up to amouranth? the gaps big so maybe not but i hope she gets #2 at least

>> No.13206613

So it's just the rare buff of PekoMarine collab pulls high numbers
People won't stay long

>> No.13206614

It should be but Japanese autism.
This is what the lack of someone like total biscuit does to a society

>> No.13206620
Quoted by: >>13206713

more like after the final tally.

>> No.13206623

So the fast growth of clips is one of indication of popularity ?
Clippers want more benefits, ofc they will choose the BIGs.

>> No.13206627

Not unless she streams 24 hours and rebroadcasts old streams no. The ur-ethot is way too good at farming watched hours.

>> No.13206635

they are a company anon, maybe is more profitable for them to get permissions with some shill streams whenever a new game release than paying a shit ton of money every year

>> No.13206642


>> No.13206649
Quoted by: >>13206701

>Gura wins
She does in some categories, especially in laziness with 145 None stream days this year.

>> No.13206662
Quoted by: >>13206711

what are you even talking about?

>> No.13206679
Quoted by: >>13206709

For each 30 min at 55k Miko and Kuzuha has to stream a full hour to catch up in hours watched

>> No.13206700
File: 1.12 MB, 784x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13206766

Why does she make people on every side of the aisle so mad?

>> No.13206701
Quoted by: >>13206828

I'm willing to forgive about 2 weeks of those though, since those were taken for family reasons (and very likely the death). Her penchant for taking 2 day breaks after every schedule though, gah. It annoys me, because she never even indicates it anywhere and just goes ghost on twitter.

>> No.13206709
Quoted by: >>13206726

>Kuzuha has to stream a full hour to catch up in hours watched
He's ahead of pekor

>> No.13206711
Quoted by: >>13206797

Sony's permissions for games are both Time limited and only apply to a single vtuber, or at least the terms they offer to cover are. Miko talked about this to explain why she couldn't continue playing the uncharted series. On top of which they also charge a hefty premium for this which is why Miko couldn't just extend the perms for another season.

>> No.13206713

I was trying to base it around when I think the ENschizo shows up, but true other people can fill in

>> No.13206726

True, because he streams long hours to ensure his supremacy. They didn’t call him the (former) king for no reason

>> No.13206730

How tf Peko lost 25k viewers

>> No.13206762

Take your pick

>> No.13206766

> Streams over other concerts and anniversaries
> Funnels over people's 3d and birthdays and steal their gold
> Puts every holo in minecraft limbo every time she builds a new attraction
Truly the sigma female of holo

>> No.13206775


>> No.13206791
Quoted by: >>13206814

kek if you're counting simple total vod views that's very very correlated to watchtime itself

>> No.13206797

I know miko said she couldn't continue cause time limited permissions but I don't remember she saying anything about paying for it, specially since she didn't monetize her streams

>> No.13206805

its been 2 hours since they started streaming. It's hard to retain those numbers as they enter the EU timeslot.

>> No.13206814

In other news, MiComet fell under 28 (combined) views
Not really, music videos count towards VOD views while doing jack shit for watchtime. One person watching your stream for an hour is worth many times more than one person watching your 3 minute long song.

>> No.13206823

Ccv :: pekora
SC :: pekora
Sponsors :: pekora
Watch time ::pekora
Vod views total :: pekora
Subs :: gura
Vod ave. Views :: gura
Membership :: N/A

>> No.13206826

people need to work tomorrow anon, specially if they want to but a ticket for gen 3 live

>> No.13206828
Quoted by: >>13206912

I can concede family issues, but removing those 2 weeks and she's still at 131 days, even if we add some good old vacation(I know she's a burger but let's assume she would want to be a first world worker and get 25 days) that would have her end up at lets say 106 days of not streaming on her channel. Extreme fucking laziness.

>> No.13206849

Do you get paid by watchtime?

>> No.13206858
Quoted by: >>13206940

>Sponsors : Gura
>Membership : Gura

>> No.13206859

Watch time is still a guess or N/A, it is on their YT analytics, we dont have that. It's most likely is Peko but no actual data to prove.

>> No.13206860

Topping the watchtime chart is free advertisement

>> No.13206862

>he counts songs
ok, even more retarded than I thought

>> No.13206893

So they get paid in exposure?

>> No.13206900
Quoted by: >>13206949

I mean... watch time is Pekora... It's obvious

>> No.13206912

Agreed, she lazy. Love me shark, but her absolute desire for break days means she'll never push on watchtime metrics, and her lack of drive to optimize numbers means I must suffer (POST YOUR SCHEUDLES TO YT AGAIN AHHHHHHHH)

>> No.13206915

now this is coep

>> No.13206930
File: 142 KB, 1152x1080, yX7Cieg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13206932

will they continue this mc mod in Marine's channel another day?

>> No.13206934
Quoted by: >>13206997

it's obviously pekora since she streams nearly twice as often as gura and has higher average CCV

>> No.13206940

That tacobell isnt as big as curry

>> No.13206944
Quoted by: >>13206972

fake, pekora has at least 20k

>> No.13206949

If there is data, it is obvious, I said it is most likely her, but I dont 100% sure, the only way to know 100% obvious is to have YT analytics access. Otherwise it is a "most likely".

>> No.13206964

Old data, and also incomplete, since this is a minimum floor by active in chat in some way.

>> No.13206967

Mori, Suisei : Why not just collab?
Just dominate the different market.

>> No.13206972

>Source : my ass

>> No.13206975

Provide a recent one

>> No.13206986

wasn't Pekora in the top watched females streamers list? with Gura not even making place 5?
(admitedly the nummber they had for Pekora was lower than this threads estimate but still)

>> No.13206997

Watch time is different than the Hours watched those websites report. Even downloading a 3h VOD adds 3h to watchtime, doesnt need to rely on CCV.

>> No.13207019
Quoted by: >>13207110

Mention Gura after she streams more .

>> No.13207022
Quoted by: >>13207110

Yes. The metric 'watch time's specifically is for livestreaming only. VOD watchtime doesn't count, and since sharkie is lazy, she'll never chart again.

>> No.13207031
Quoted by: >>13207056

Are you talking about watch hours or watch time(what ever you mean by that metric)?

>> No.13207046

membership data for holos is lacking to say the least
its one of the few numberfaging tools Nijis have superiority in with their twitter bot

>> No.13207056
Quoted by: >>13207093

Watch time, check the anon

>> No.13207074
Quoted by: >>13207314

>Do you get paid by watchtime?
Yes, youtube has been optimizing for watchtime for years now. Why do you think every fucking video is 10+ minutes now?

>> No.13207084
Quoted by: >>13207129


Pokemon streams

>> No.13207093
Quoted by: >>13207195


yes, and which metric does that define?
since watch hours is the metric for avg ccv * stream length. And there is no discussion that Pekora is ahead in watch hours.

>> No.13207095

Membership is Gura, everything else is correct.

>> No.13207110

>Mention Gura after she streams more .
??? explain to my drunk ass what you mean
thanks for the info

>> No.13207129

>この放送は 株式会社ドワンゴ の実施するニコニコ生放送の出張版放送として配信しております。
what does this mean?

>> No.13207163

See >>13205833

>> No.13207170
Quoted by: >>13207210

"This is a live broadcast by Dwango Inc. on Nico Nico Live." -DeepL

>> No.13207186

Mirror stream maybe?
I've never been a stream watcher before Hololive so I don't know why is this actually not a normal practice.

Can't you stream on Twitch+YT+NNC at the same time?

>> No.13207190
File: 174 KB, 1350x287, king and queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13207212

K-KING..... ;-(

>> No.13207195

Anon, you dont know that Watch time is a proper YT metrics? Do you watch that Spiff Brit video where he mentioned the term about one of his most profitable video? It is accumulated, even from downloading the VOD, which is not reliant on CCV. The Hours watched is from Live streaming, but the term Watch time has always been another YT metric.

>> No.13207198
Quoted by: >>13207217

Gura has dropped in membership for quite some time now, she only has around 7k-8k currently.

>> No.13207204

Only the Holos who are part of the sponsorship get to play it as well.

>> No.13207210

yes we can throw it on autotranslator too, but what does it mean since it is actually on youtube?

>> No.13207212
File: 231 KB, 850x850, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekomarine love

>> No.13207217
Quoted by: >>13207244


>> No.13207235

>pekomarine love
the only love Pekora has is for big numbers and thus cash
literally gay for pay

>> No.13207244

my ass

>> No.13207246
File: 804 KB, 2894x4093, FEef4bqaIAAQxAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13207411

I like them more than PekoMiko

>> No.13207265
File: 224 KB, 850x1131, 2927c29cf5220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13207304

Marine's pov

>> No.13207268
Quoted by: >>13207331

I went to check and Hajime’s dislikes number on his 3D debut tomorrow is only 20 now. It was 400+ a day ago. Is it YouTube trying to protect creators from hate raids or something?

>> No.13207273

Unironically a good streamer mindset

>> No.13207304

god thats hot
groomer pirate on the prowl

>> No.13207314

It's not just that, they've recently been pushing another metric, session time, which is how long you spend in a given sitting going through videos. It's why clips are the length they are now, Inman attempt to drive you to go through mulitples of them in a given sitting. It likely got pushed up in importance when they started to push YT shorts.

>> No.13207331

they litteraly are planing to hide those entirely

>> No.13207358
Quoted by: >>13207387

[Bad new]
PekoMarine is under 50k now

>> No.13207373

Hotel :: Trivago

>> No.13207375

Because popularity doesn't necessarily bring in enough people willing to shell out for the product. See how Superman is the most popular superhero ever but other heroes from the MCU or even still in DC, can make more money in the movies.

>> No.13207387
Quoted by: >>13207414

It's midnight on a weekday. MiComet combined are under 24k now. People are just going to bed.

>> No.13207411

Can't see the appeal of PekoMiko or PekoMoon as pairing desu. PekoMiko feels more like that sibling that always having argument every five seconds while PekoMoon are like two autistic people trying to have a conversation.

>> No.13207414

Mio still holds 16k

>> No.13207459

How, in the name of Queen Usada, my autocorrect went from "desu" to "desu"?

>> No.13207468

>Being this new

>> No.13207473


>he doesn't know

>> No.13207485

next you gona wonder what senpaitachi is

>> No.13207492

PekoMari is a very common dynamic in anime so I don't know why a lot of people sleep on it. Literally
>Loud pervert who will absolutely do outrageous things if left unchecked
>The quiet normal one who is there to stop them from doing outrageous things

>> No.13207499

Shion vs Lize, who'll win? Lize getting 13k atm while Shion is at 8k, granted polka is also streaming the same game.

>> No.13207535

PekoMarine will be under 45k soon

>> No.13207545
Quoted by: >>13207632

>Pokemon is a worse debuff than a several years old animal crossing game
sucks for Shion. hope she pulls trought

>> No.13207546

When will AZKi be included in Hololive "official"? Next year?

>> No.13207547

It's even more basic than that. Boke & Tsukkomi.

>> No.13207555

I am very concerned for Marine right now. She been talking nonstop with Pekora for hours now, they cannot stop talking

>> No.13207576
File: 448 KB, 1448x2048, 2f220913e396f31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13207665

based pervert rabbit bullying the quiet and bashful pirate

>> No.13207582
Quoted by: >>13207665

Which is just a variation of
"Straight man and Wise Guy/funny Guy"(or Manzai though not quite a perfect match), which is even more hilarious a because Pekora is normally the funny man.

>> No.13207589

Peko-botan-towa-marine collab tomorrow.

>> No.13207591

>pekotowabota + marine collab for tomorrow
hopefully its not fps

>> No.13207596

PekoMariTowaBota tomorrow.

>> No.13207598

from nip numberfags:

Current number of slots over 10,000

にじホロ Number and percentage of ace slots
Own channel 18:22%
Official, Chronowa included 21:25%
Kuzuha unframed and convex included 23:28%

Own channel 18:8%

November Niji Holo results
Holo 14 wins (Peco 6, Marine 3, Miko 2, Subaru, Rushiya, Ramy)
Niji 4 wins (Chronowa, Lewis, Official, Fumi)

>> No.13207626
Quoted by: >>13207662

>it's over
see you next year, pekomarin

>> No.13207632

It's not about the game, who's gonna win the numbers between them on a new pokemon game with the same new release buff. Second most popular female liver of nijisanji or Shion the 4th most popular of Holo gen 2.

>> No.13207638

Nijibros...what do.

>> No.13207660
Quoted by: >>13207780

Hope it's one POV. I want Hajime and Sony vtubers murdered in cold blood.

>> No.13207662

Pekora is learning from ayame's scarcity buff and made her ship interaction scarce for free buffs.

>> No.13207663

this thread is litteraly my source of vtuber news
also 90% chance for it being a fps since 3/4 members like dem shooters
sorry that one anon

>> No.13207665
File: 75 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this single screenshot describe their dynamic quite well

>> No.13207671
File: 2.95 MB, 3327x3259, 1635343721972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13207782

PekoMiko has the childhood friend romance appeal, not to mention last year there were various moments and clips you can find where the other Holos ship them, like Marine in particular ive seen push for the ship the most.

For Moona though they definitely are more on just weird friendship/companionship, there really shouldn't be any reason to ship them together since they come together primarily just to build stuff in Minecraft.

>> No.13207674

No look at the numbers now that pekomarine is over its currently inclining.

>> No.13207678
Quoted by: >>13207720

Do they have their own list or are they stealing from us?

>> No.13207679
Quoted by: >>13207758

Probably a 4-man payday stream perhaps, or a B4B collab.

>> No.13207689
Quoted by: >>13207758

I want them to play visceral cleanup atleast ;_;

>> No.13207696
Quoted by: >>13207722

>Oh no no no no no
Shion 12k now

>> No.13207707
Quoted by: >>13207729

>new release buff.
its a remake. and a shit one from what i saw online.
but hey have fun with your endeavor

>> No.13207716
Quoted by: >>13207791

Is the 10% that silly pvp game NePoLaBo play alot? I wouldn't mind that.

>> No.13207720

seems like they have their own
here's their daily:

[11/18 Niji Holo Joint Ranking]
1. Pekora Usada (Minecraft) 82,551
2. Akai Haato (Birthday LIVE) 55,543
3. Gawr Gura (song frame) 35,368
4. Kuzuha (ahamo promo) 26,055
5. Ozora Subaru (song frame) 24,905
6. Kuzuha (Supra 2) 21,674 * Provisional value (confirmed after confirming
Niji Mado )
7. Sakura Miko (Minecraft) 19,531
8. Ogami Mio (midnight broadcast) 17,848
9. Hoshigai Suisei ( Midnight Broadcast) Minecraft) 15,338
10. Fuwa Minato (Supra 2) 14,235 * Temporary value (confirmed after confirming

Niji Mado) (within 10th place other than Niji Holo)

[Number of frames over 10,000]
Holo 12 frames (Pekora, Haato, Gura, Subaru, Miko, Mio, Suisei, Okayu, Noel, Kanata, Zion, Kiara)
Niji 4 frames (Kuzuha, Kuzuha, Fuwa,
Kano )
merise 1 frame (Shibuya Haru)
Nori Pro 1 frame (Inuyama Tamaki)

>> No.13207722

Lize is inclining aswell anon.

>> No.13207729
Quoted by: >>13207791

Game is a downgrade from platinum.

>> No.13207737

they're playing mario party on Marine channel.

>> No.13207758

the 3 of them have a surprisingly big selection of fps to choose from. from shit like pubg to L4D2. lets pray its a good one
that would be pretty kino anon but there is almost no chance for it

>> No.13207780

Why are you talking about Hajime?

>> No.13207783
Quoted by: >>13207822

Give pekora pokemon permission and she will do some gimmick challenge that would get big numbers.

>> No.13207782
Quoted by: >>13207854

I think of Pekomoon as partner in crime. They are the heart and soul of UsaKen after all.

>> No.13207791

gangbeast? fuck that would be fun
sucks to hear.sucks even more that it will still sell better than sliced bread

>> No.13207805

>Kuzuha unframed and convex included 23:28%
This surely mean
>Collab with Kuzuha + Kuzuha showing up in totsu

>> No.13207822

and have those junfags shit up everything with rumors again? i doubt it

>> No.13207827
Quoted by: >>13207851

Link me

>> No.13207849

Miko and Suzy (slightly) inclining!

>> No.13207851
Quoted by: >>13207988


>> No.13207854
Quoted by: >>13207923

>partner in crime
If you consider the dynamic of a conniving evil genius with their lackey who seems dumb and just follow orders, as "partners", then sure I guess.

>> No.13207855
Quoted by: >>13208087

His 3D debut is tomorrow

>> No.13207870

>confirmed after confirming

>> No.13207912
Quoted by: >>13207966

kek polka should have pushed her pokeremake stream to morning instead

>> No.13207923
Quoted by: >>13207993

I find that funny as well, usually Moona just follow Pekora like a nice puppy, but the moment Pekora tell her to do something she will fucking speedrun it. Or that time Pekora suddenly want to build a hotel, Moona just build a hotel from scratch in 1 stream, it even have sunset view
Hell I still remember that time Kanata(?) said she need sand so Moona tell her to stay there and come back with a full inventory of sand

>> No.13207966
Quoted by: >>13207996


She probably can't since they are playing because of the NicoNico tournament. Probably she and Shion have to stream at a similar time

>> No.13207974

If we divide Holo's numbers by 3 it becomes pretty close but with a slight Niji lead.
Liz is at 17k and Shion ius at 14k~
Polka is at 5k~

>> No.13207988
File: 189 KB, 1235x588, nip numberfag banter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nip numberfags are as brutal as the lads here

>> No.13207987

Gura KING is only 1K less liked than Ochame Kinou.

>> No.13207993
Quoted by: >>13208111

i want another usaken arc maybe start recruiting from council after shion

>> No.13207996
Quoted by: >>13208057

when is that tournament?

>> No.13207999
Quoted by: >>13208054

Lize is the number 1 niji female isn't she?I want her to incline more so holo can have atleast a female competitor.

>> No.13208037
Quoted by: >>13208066

Unironically yes, if you fill a video or vod with midroll ad slots, YouTube doesn't cram every one of them into your viewers' face, it will serve ads every X minutes. I think around 20-40 but I could be wrong. For long videos you get paid every time those ads serve. So the longer someone watches you, the more ad rev from that viewer. The preroll is a bit more complex but it won't serve on every video view either, YT doesn't want to drive viewers off their platform with ads so what a viewer might tolerate is somewhat accounted for. If someone hasn't seen ads in a while, for example they move from a pc with adblock to a phone without, YT will jam ads down their throat at first then move to a measured pace.The payout for YouTube Premium is completely based on watch time also.
Live viewership doesn't have midrolls but almost every vtuber has a vod viewership that eclipses their live numbers.

>> No.13208054

wasn't it Mito? althought she sadly sliped
Ange is pretty good as well
Lulu was good (often around 10k from what i remember) but alas...

>> No.13208057


They didn't announce a proper date yet


>> No.13208066

Premium apparently is pretty significant income for longer videos. Spiffing Brit is one of many who have commented on it. And vtubers have absolutely crazy watch time compared to other Youtubers

>> No.13208087

Tomorrow is going to be grand. I'm more interested in the losers than the winners.

>> No.13208108
Quoted by: >>13208131

What do they mean? Do they still count pekora's stream for next day too or did they mean the other pekocollab with botowa?

>> No.13208111

Pekora DO have a plan for Usaken, a big one actually. Basically UsaKen vs 50 Wither because Pekora need 50 Beacon for the Pesuke which would likely initiate an entire arc by itself. Can you imagine a building with 50 beacon surrounding it?
But of course she need 150 head first to make it happen. I don't know about you guys but all UsaKen vs 50 Wither sound like one hell of a stream to me

>> No.13208121

Nips are pretty funny sometimes.

>> No.13208122
Quoted by: >>13208151

>digging blocks for 3 hours
>82k ccv peak

>> No.13208124

post like this is why i finaly got it. i am going to make my oshi rich and no stupid adds will stop me

>> No.13208131

The stream extended past midnight so it's considered part of the next day for them

>> No.13208151

Skyblock novelty x Pekomari. Powerful combo, off of the funnel from Haachama live.

>> No.13208153
Quoted by: >>13208184

Yeah I knew there would be a clip, here ya go

>> No.13208154

Hololive 12
Nijisanji 6

It was a moral victory.

>> No.13208155

Interesting news in the vtubing world, Kamitsubaki is opening auditions

>> No.13208175

Mori will get her pantsu soaked the moment she notices Pesuke

>> No.13208184

Forgot link

>> No.13208223

Yes, Hal also showed premium as a decent income source for him. I think it was something like 10%? Probably remembering the number wrong but it was enough to pie chart.

>> No.13208242
Quoted by: >>13208275

Sony Music.... you keep getting hit again and again..

>> No.13208275
Quoted by: >>13208297

Tomorrow is gonna be fun, Hajime 3D and Sony vtubers debut at the same time.

>> No.13208297

That reminds me I should make a sony vtubers thread in the catalogue soonish

>> No.13208334

Anon, literally anyone would notice a building with 50 laser beams shoot up on to the sky. It might even start a Pesuke arc where Pekora held a tournament with a big prize to whoever can clear it the fastest
I can already see it being hyped like Sport Festival if it happen

>> No.13208335
Quoted by: >>13208378

>Nips actually gets bored when pekkers take numberfagging seriously.


>> No.13208341

>50 Withers
neh Usaken cant handle all that, they are going to have to hire some freelancers

>> No.13208372
Quoted by: >>13208417

They can use other mobs no? Pekkers clear like 3 or 5 wither with iron golem.

>> No.13208378
Quoted by: >>13208482

kek, what did they say

>> No.13208379

dam, so this is what it's about
saw some artists post art tagging sinsekai few months back, but the account got deleted now so I forgot about it

>> No.13208383

In other news:

>> No.13208388

Iron Golems. She did try creating an iron golem army against 5 Wither before and the experiment were a success.
Also I don't think they will be fighting all 50 of them at once, maybe 5 at a time?

>> No.13208411
Quoted by: >>13208486

Explain, what am I supposed to be looking at?

>> No.13208417
Quoted by: >>13208483

iron golems are too dumb, theyll get rekt

>> No.13208437

I'm not sure what to make of this. I know it's a streamer academy but I have yet to see any reason on why. Does Anycolor charge tuition?

>> No.13208456

>20 years and younger

>> No.13208482
File: 50 KB, 1072x400, IMG_20211118_234818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13208483

Most likely Pekora will ask other kensetsu to join if they want. Hololive Kensetsus vs 50 Wither raid (10 at a time)
No one have ever done it before

>> No.13208486
Quoted by: >>13208775

They’re below NijiID in views and vod.

>> No.13208511

u forgot Marine

>> No.13208520
Quoted by: >>13208551

Heh. They know who the winner is when Pekora wants that gold (and you KNOW she's keep track, she had fucking vnuma as one of her most visited sites after all)

>> No.13208551
Quoted by: >>13208616

Lol does she even need that anymore, at this point everyone know she would be getting good number every stream without checking

>> No.13208582
Quoted by: >>13208837

Coco, Gura and Pekora killed numberfagging kek

>> No.13208593
Quoted by: >>13208650

Link me up anon

>> No.13208616

You don't stay at the top without doing your reps.

>> No.13208650
Quoted by: >>13208941


>> No.13208666

> 22190 vs 22528

Anon... Your numbers reps...

>> No.13208745

This December gonna be packed
>Christmas month
>Preparation for New Year
>Pekora and Myth outfit looming in the horizon
>All the other big Christmas collabs

>> No.13208775

They’re not even vtubers.

>> No.13208803

Face it, hololive is riding a buff month due to the sportfes and December will be a decline month.

>> No.13208822


>> No.13208837
Quoted by: >>13208889

These three are also hard to deal with from management's perspective. No wonder they hire five girls who don't like numbers for HoloCouncil. It hasn't been half a year, and all of them will be doing conventions and other type of shillings already.

>> No.13208859
Quoted by: >>13208878

HoloMyth's new outfit

>> No.13208877

Gypsies and their fortune telling.

>> No.13208878
Quoted by: >>13208918

Same day relay. One gold if it isn't on a Friday.

>> No.13208889
Quoted by: >>13208937

That reminds me, apparently Hololive is doing something with the Consulate General of Japan in New York or something?

>> No.13208905
Quoted by: >>13208960

No way Myth outfit gonna make anything decline lol, that and Pekora long awaited outfit
If Pekora outfit is a flop then it’s fine there’s still Myth, if it isn’t then good

>> No.13208918
Quoted by: >>13209026

Who said that it's a relay ?

>> No.13208932

what about rokusei?

>> No.13208936

Pekora new costume is easy 100k+

>> No.13208937

Don’t know what they gonna do yet, only an announcement

>> No.13208941

This thread is pretty funny

>> No.13208942

Cope. Sportfes buff only lasted for a week and it mostly only benefits Miko.

>> No.13208954
File: 10 KB, 266x190, sour-posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13209015

> Enter /#/ thread
> "S-Subs don't matter!"
> "V-Vods don't matter!"
> "S-Songs don't matter!"
> "C-CCV don't matter!"
> "O-overseas fans don't matter!"

If they don't matter then why are the big two include all of them in the pitch deck?

AnyColor Pitch Deck:

Cover Pitch Deck:

>> No.13208960
Quoted by: >>13209093

6 streams don't make a good month.

If Kuzuha had 30 streams of 50k CCV and won every gold in a month but if the next best was getting 3k no one would be saying it was a good month for Nijisanji.

>> No.13208961

Need 3 more

>> No.13208969

I have no idea what to make of it, is it big?

>> No.13208981

I only list events that I’m certain will happen. There should be more special streams than that. It’s Christmas month after all

>> No.13208999

Why hasn't INNK opened more auditions for VSingers?

>> No.13209012
File: 597 KB, 1222x970, laughin ollie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>riding a buff month
>buff month
I as well wish to be this powerful and with a single day of entertainment in the first few days of the month to buff the whole company to 80k peak CCV territory

>> No.13209015

Those numbers look nice to investors who may not know everything about the vtubing industry like us schizo NEETS on 4chan do.

>> No.13209025

NYC con with council

>> No.13209026

That's how they did it before

>> No.13209032

*Points to Suisei

>> No.13209036

doesnt seem like its that big, just a nice thing to have some support from the government

>> No.13209044
Quoted by: >>13209070


>> No.13209054

Because Cover is not dumb. Given how much INNK bugled both Suisei and AZKi there is nothing Cover wants more than allow INNK to quietly go into the darkness without losing face

>> No.13209060

They probably gonna pick a few Holo to represent Japan + some EN maybe because it’s in New York
Honestly it’s hard to predict what they would do for a Consulate General

>> No.13209069

Crossborders that reside in this thread don’t know that much as well, just like investors.

>> No.13209070
Quoted by: >>13209105

Does it still exist? Would anyone apply?
I see sarcasm wasn't something they learn in SEA schools.

>> No.13209072

Check days, Myth outfits were not a relay

>> No.13209078
Quoted by: >>13209188

Because they could barely handle managing one talent, there's no way they'll be able to handle more, and Suisei's situation proves this

>> No.13209089


1) Marine (Hololive) - 34.7k - Karaoke
2) Pekora (Hololive) - 42.5 - Minecraft (Sport fest prep)
3) Chronoir (Nijisanji) - 48.9k - Announcement
4) Pekora (Hololive) - 36.4k - Rhythm Heaven
5) Luis Cammy (Nijisanji) - 39.4k - 3D Debut
6) Miko (Hololive) - 81.5k - Minecraft Sports Fest
7) Miko (Hololive) - 69.7k - Sport Fest Totsu
8) Pekora (Hololive) - 57.6k - Evil God korone
9) Subaru (Hololive) - 44k - Evil God Korone
10) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 56k - Kuzuha Concert Free Part
11) Pekora (Hololive) - 55k - First FFXIV stream
12) Fumi (Nijisanji) - 38k - 3D Debut
13) Rushia (Hololive) - 81k - Outfit reveal
14) Marine (Hololive) - 81.8k - Subaru's High profile case
15) Lamy (Hololive) - 83.3k - Birthday 3D
16) Pekora (Hololive) - 31.8k - Ape Escape 3
17) Marine (Hololive) - 34k - Bus Simulator
18) Pekora (Hololive) - 82.5k - Minecraft Mod with Marine

>> No.13209092
Quoted by: >>13209188

It's a a dead brand

>> No.13209093

That’s a good point. Still there are things to hype for in December so it shouldn’t be a shit month at least

>> No.13209105

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.13209137

No it wasn't

>> No.13209136

Go check the month start of May on holostats you fucking retard. It was not a relay.

>> No.13209144
Quoted by: >>13209585

Nijisanji has to go 12-0 the rest of the way for a win and 11-1 for a tier. Hololive hasn't clinched yet.

>> No.13209158
Quoted by: >>13209195

(ᵐᵃᵗᵘˡᶦ ᵇᵗᶠᵒ)

>> No.13209165
Quoted by: >>13209637

That’s a lot of Marine and Pekora. I love my girls

>> No.13209188

They still associate themselves with Hololive and more fame points if they do collab songs with other holos as a vtuber. If they can't handle one Suisei, how does other labels especially Kamitsubaki handle their singers?

>> No.13209195
File: 128 KB, 596x785, honorary holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13209209
Quoted by: >>13209338

why not just call the marine one "sister marine"? subaru literally only appeared for a minute to end the stream

>> No.13209221

They are going to sing the national anthem for the tourists.

"Jooooseeeeee, can you see? Hororaibu numbah one!."

>> No.13209262

>and December will be a decline month

>> No.13209265
Quoted by: >>13209294

What numbers will weekend tournament bring?
On Sunday 3rd gen will answer 100 questions, probably on Pekora's channel since she was collecting them. Anything on Saturday that can rival Kuzuha? I don't think Marin and Fubuki collab will be as special as last week.

>> No.13209272
Quoted by: >>13209360

Gura's guerilla karaoke had a higher number than Marine's karaoke, but it didn't win the day. Such is the fate of a guerilla stream.

>> No.13209294
Quoted by: >>13209321

What will Kuzuha do on Saturday?

>> No.13209314


>> No.13209321

Tournament takes 2 days unless I'm wrong.

>> No.13209326
Quoted by: >>13209610

Pekora still has a chance to break Gura's record of most golds in a month, but 6 out of the 12 remaining days is going to be hard.

>> No.13209338

yeah just noticed that
its retarded
its like giving credit to subaru when it was fubuki and marine all the time with guests

>> No.13209360
Quoted by: >>13209635

You need 50k before you can start feeling comfortable with maybe getting a gold, so far in November.

Gura is kind of a goldlet. I think Miko has won more in the past 30 days than Gura has won this year.

>> No.13209410

Has Nijisanji done anything like this before? I think Kizuna Ai did.

>> No.13209428
File: 29 KB, 344x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, Pekora's viewers usually don't go back to watch VODs since she streams every day, but her CCV is so high that she gets high views regardless.

>> No.13209474

I still want Marine to get her own gimmick game like Peko's minecraft

>> No.13209483


>> No.13209493
Quoted by: >>13209587


>> No.13209500

Marine unironically should just stick with her boomernesss and play her old af games.

>> No.13209502
Quoted by: >>13209587


>> No.13209549
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is self-aware

>> No.13209560

wait till gen 3 live

>> No.13209585
Quoted by: >>13209627

I want you to keep posting this until the last day of the month, will you?

>> No.13209587
Quoted by: >>13209608

Her last 2hu stream was 5 months ago

>> No.13209608

Unfortunately Touhou is not an endlessly replayable game like Minecraft

>> No.13209610

6 out of the 11 unless gen 3 live is on Peko channel

>> No.13209613

Just learnt how to autosum, average, median and graphing it. Numberfagging is a good way to learn excel.

>> No.13209627

No, there is no point if Hololive clinches it. Just play out the seasons and wait for the next one.

>> No.13209635

Competition is fiercer in JP primetime. holos need to make an effort against Silver and Emperor and the occasional 3D while EN primetime is just other holos.

>> No.13209637

It is, but Miko, Subaru, Rushia, and Lamy also won days. In baseball terms the top of the order for Hololive would be Hall of famers, but the middle of their order is all All Stars as well. Fucking Mel can mog Kuzeha on occasion.

>> No.13209696

Gura's Odo 1M

>> No.13209741
File: 21 KB, 242x212, Screenshot 2021-11-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live twitch numbers

>> No.13209766

How new?

>> No.13209785

niji en's ace...

>> No.13209806

Her bad guy just crossed 700K
Even more impressive her Galaxy also crossed 700K on a KR channel
Her total karaoke views including clips must be bananas. Even her member content gets leaked and clipped instantly

>> No.13209825
File: 1010 KB, 1623x2896, 2021-11-18 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>82,489: Pekora (Hololive)
>55,333: Haachama (Hololive)
>35,245: Gura (Hololive)
>26,064: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>24,897: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,985: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>19,542: Miko (Hololive)
>17,832: Mio (Hololive)
>15,256: Suisei (Hololive)
>14,375: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>14,366: Shibuya Hal (merise)
>13,327: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>12,892: Tamaki (NoriPro)
>12,196: Okayu (Hololive)
>12,064: Noel (Hololive)
>11,361: Kanata (Hololive)
>10,821: Shion (Hololive)
>10,218: Kiara (Hololive)

>> No.13209837
Quoted by: >>13210318

Actually where did the "Pekora fan are all kids" thing came from? I thought it was just an insult Pekora antis throwing around

>> No.13209875

The mix on that bad guy is really good. Her "duh?" also blows the original out of the water.

>> No.13209884

If only she actually bothered making covers instead of feeding clippers.

>> No.13209901
Quoted by: >>13209957

Maybe we should also count how often Gura goes to shit.

>> No.13209933

Covers are a money sink so the only reason to do covers is for exposure and that's not really a problem for Gura.

>> No.13209945

Pokemon numbers summary:
Lize is more or less on Shion's level
Chihiro is on Polka's level

>> No.13209947
Quoted by: >>13210071

Gura is borderline an anti numberfag. For whatever reason she just doesn't care that much. If she has as many members as is speculated she could literally do nothing for months and make hundreds of thousands for a long time before enough people cancel to matter.

>> No.13209954
Quoted by: >>13210004

Pekora will stream Pokemon on saturday.

>> No.13209957
File: 524 KB, 1072x603, 1635983008817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13210083

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more

>> No.13209997

Mori doesn't like MC despite being addicted to Stardew Valley

>> No.13210004

NTA but here's the link to the tweet

>> No.13210013

Any news how Splatoon tourney is gonna be? Split POVs or spectator POV from the one host channel?

>> No.13210029
File: 66 KB, 255x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k possible?

>> No.13210058

Maybe? Her floor is going to be 6k but I don't think COD is a buff if you are a beginner.

>> No.13210071

Gura hates being at the top as it puts pressure on her, imposter syndrome and all. She would have been way happier being mid-tier overall and just coasting.

>> No.13210083

It has been a while since I've seen this pasta...

>> No.13210097

Cover wants Pekora to impress TPC

>> No.13210180

english covers might are pretty much impossible due to copyright

>> No.13210188

Niji appeared
Honorary Niji
Honorary Niji
Honorary Niji

Nijisanji wins the day 10-8

>> No.13210227

dont think, cod is not the kind of game her fanbase prefers

>> No.13210228

Silver boy didn't get silver today.

>> No.13210233

Silverboy didn't even get bronze today.

>> No.13210280
File: 607 KB, 764x1004, clips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13210295
Quoted by: >>13210474

>on saturday
is that her new weekend afternoons marathon game?

>> No.13210318
Quoted by: >>13210357

peko started it then there's the teacher rrat

>> No.13210357

Teacher rrat?
You mean when Pekora said she’s licensed to be a kindergarten teacher?

>> No.13210371
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, blonde power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13210395


>> No.13210395

Seriously, how do we un JUST Matsuri's shit? I mean besides therapy and meds.

>> No.13210400

So Selen really flopped in transferring her viewers over to twitch. NijiEn is just cursed at this point.

>> No.13210429

And this is without YouTube actively culling CCV…

>> No.13210474

Usually she take a week break from that after finishing a game

>> No.13210501

So what are some possible number events for the rest of the week? From holo side there's at least
Friday: PekoMariBotanTowa collab
Saturday: Peko pokemon
Sunday: Gen 3 collab

>> No.13210532

I wouldn't move to twitch just to follow a streamer

>> No.13210574

gen 3 nerf pls

>> No.13210592
Quoted by: >>13210677

isnt that friday split povs?

>> No.13210595

Probably that's it

>> No.13210596

Anon.....what? She gets 3-4k on youtube, and she's getting 2k on twitch. How is that a "flop"?

>> No.13210632
Quoted by: >>13210702

She has the niche of English speaker vtuber who's good at APEX. But there is no shortage of vtubers or APEX streamers on twitch. She doesn't really stand out much there compared to the competition.

>> No.13210677

most likely, though I dunno what they're doing/playing

>> No.13210702

You know that twitch is on a different standard, right? Viewers on twitch are worth a LOT more than on Youtube. You can literally make a career on 100 live twitch viewers.
