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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10787136 No.10787136 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10787158

please for the love of god tell me that isn't something she actually rapped

>> No.10787356

almost died from cringe after reading this.

>> No.10787403

yep, BBC

>> No.10787705

I don’t care about Mori, but what's with all the anti threads popping up about her?

>> No.10787712

Deadbeats, could you explain this?

>> No.10787775

>Mori being based and denying the BBC for BAC

>> No.10787833

It's cringe, therefore Mori rapped it

>> No.10787965
File: 687 KB, 1080x5500, 1620741183188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10788524

/u/fags still deny that she's not a faggot

>> No.10787991


>> No.10788040


>> No.10788120

Our Asian brothers have suffered much at the hands of American roasties. I'm glad someone is brave enough to make a change in this world.

>> No.10788167



>> No.10788225
File: 267 KB, 2000x2000, vtuber calli rap zombieland saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your vacation mori

>> No.10788250


>> No.10788264
File: 5 KB, 184x184, gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asianbros, we won

>> No.10788444

Isn't her whole life based around her horniness for that manlet jap rapper.

>> No.10788451


>> No.10788483

If you think about it, it makes sense.
Some guys like trannies to avoid the reality that they like cock.
She likes asian guys to avoid the reality she's gay.

>> No.10788524

Shes oneof the few actually straight holos. Her, Ina, Sora and Hakos are the only ones actually straight. Literary all the others holos are either lesbian or bisexual.

>> No.10788533


>> No.10788541
Quoted by: >>10788562

mutt cope

>> No.10788553

Nijinigger discord gayops, all week.

>> No.10788562


>> No.10788564

takamorifags on suicide watch

>> No.10788563


>> No.10788566

accept that BAC is superior in every way to your puny white cock

>> No.10788613

You can self insert into JAV, im envious of that at least.

>> No.10788663
Quoted by: >>10789720

She came to japan to fuck a japanese manlet, how many women are willing to move to another country for dick. Her asian manlet list is real. Yes i know she also moved for music.

>> No.10788680

as much as I hate mori her old music is somehow even worse
don't get me wrong, mori makes bad music but she's at least improving I guess

>> No.10788703
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Quoted by: >>10788777

Stop this nonsense, funny man.

>> No.10788777


>> No.10788793
Quoted by: >>10788890

>american deadbeats actually seething itt

>> No.10788890

Why do so many faggots want their ochi to be a lesbian? I dont fucking get it, even 8f you by the idol mentality, getting cucked by a women is the same as getting cucked by a man. Cucking all the same.

>> No.10788902

I mean... she told us she likes short guys, so this isn't really a shock...

>> No.10788941

I hate lesbians, which is why I have always avoided Calli.
I have believed it since the start when she was more 'grossed out' than I was over shipping.

>> No.10789063

Mori stay winning. Went from putting out shitty album that she tried to purge from her catalogue where she gushes about her crush to getting paid to bone her crush on a tour bus.

>> No.10789086

>she is literally the very definition of a weeb
>she was able to become a successful anime girl, living in Japan.
So as autistically cringe this basic white bitch is, she is a lot more respectable than 99% of weebs, who just talk the talk without ever walking the walk.
To be fair she is a woman, which diminishes this accomplishment by quite a bit, but if nothing else she's way more respectable than most female weebs.

>> No.10789233

Lesbians are almost universally bad people, even moreso than gay men (who are also by and large awful people)

>> No.10789328
Quoted by: >>10789404

If you hate lesbians why would you avoid one of the few straight holos.

>> No.10789355


>> No.10789385

Anon your reps.

>> No.10789404

I can smell your SEAness from here, I can smell her faggotry too.

>> No.10789480
Quoted by: >>10789666

Also since this thread seems to revolve around the gays I will chime in and note that in the past she has lamented the fact that she only wants to bone dudes because she thinks wanting to bone girls would be easier

>> No.10789554
Quoted by: >>10789666

why is everyone saying Mori is gay now?
I don't remember she showed any romantic interest in Kiara

>> No.10789557

Holy cringe

>> No.10789613

Ok, then remove her from the list. The point stands, we have straight holos in the single digits. Why pretend the actual straight ones are lesbians.

>> No.10789666
Quoted by: >>10789738

Are there any vtubing groups than don't hire lesbians? Is like is a requirement to be a lesbian to vtube.

>> No.10789693

NTA but I did my reps, post the info otherwise stop making shit up.

>> No.10789720

>japanese manlet

>> No.10789738

there are like 2 lesbians in hololive and they've never talked about it on stream

>> No.10789740


>> No.10789820

Do you mean two straight girls. Almost of them are either bi or lesbian.

>> No.10789888

He already won, his fiancee is based.

>> No.10789914

you're delusional lmao

>> No.10789941
Quoted by: >>10790082

its called acting retard, none of them are genuinely lesbos. yuri gets views

>> No.10789968
Quoted by: >>10790067


>> No.10789981


>> No.10790067
File: 235 KB, 1280x1600, cali_w__death_sensei_by_jhaymbart_dekh7ba-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a chad!

>> No.10790082
Quoted by: >>10790267

Hes right tho, look at EN for example. So far we have 11 members and only two straight girls.

Anon stop coping dude. Even Gura gets caught checking women out during mo ue watchalongs. You think she is clever enough to sprinkle random moments where she lust after women without even the audience noticing until way after.

>> No.10790086

ITT: clipniggers mistaking a femcel for a lesbian, with a tinge of some off-topic bullshit

>> No.10790098
Quoted by: >>10790267

Retardchama...most of us know who these girls actually are, you're the only one delusional here.

>> No.10790134
Quoted by: >>10790267

If you think cat and dog are the only lesbians you're delusional

>> No.10790196

It's a good thing my oshi loves 2D men so much, she can't possibly be a dyke

>> No.10790206

Ahahahaha jesus fuck.

>> No.10790242

FFXIV meetups

>> No.10790264

Its private now but I still can't believe what I just heard... What the fuck

>> No.10790267
Quoted by: >>10790329

no, they're Reine and Sana.
I'm not a retard who will fall for the yuribait like these faggots >>10790082 >>10790098

>> No.10790273
Quoted by: >>10790600

The reason why all these people want to imagine seeing lesbians is because it's an easy coping mechanism so you don't have to acknowledge the fact that none of these women would ever date you on your own merits.

>> No.10790329

You tagged the wrong person, considering anyone who's done their reps knows they're all straight.

>> No.10790371
File: 22 KB, 522x522, 1602666205153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10790389

Kek, i'd love to see a doujin where she have online vcs with japanese manlet, then asked for offline date only to find out it was tall white man all along.
Anyway, mori probably a femdom and being taller than your partner is the easiest way to assert dominance.

>> No.10790389

Mori is built for domination loss

>> No.10790452
Quoted by: >>10790492

The only thing Mori is built for is my cock

>> No.10790492

tfw above average cock so mori won't suck it cause she only want 3 inch jap peen

>> No.10790499

2koma mating press?

>> No.10790600
Quoted by: >>10790743

Its really weird because i like vtubers but i hate the yurishit, so i dropped a lot of chuubas. Even if you go indie you end up with mostly yurishit. Im at the point where im just gonna start looking for right wing chuubas because maybe just maybe there i can find a yurishit free place.

>> No.10790641

LMAO the state of holobronies

you're new here

>> No.10790703

It's really clear that the people saying they're lesbians are either coping dykes or autists that have never actually even met a woman before. Back when magazines were still a thing, the ones for women like Vogue and shit would pretty much exclusively feature images of scantily clad women and hardly any men at all. Women just like to see other women, it doesn't mean they're gay. It doesn't mean they don't prefer men. My 26 year old slut of a sister has been with like 8 dudes and zero women. When we still lived with our parents, she and her friends would sometimes take showers together if they had a sleep over. This isn't a fucking revelation. Women are just different then you projecting faggots.

>> No.10790742

>8 men
that's basically a nun in todays world

>> No.10790743

There's that one bitch who's a kiwifag

>> No.10790763

Delete /u/ and hang all the dykes pretending that Hololive is some kind lesbian pride icon.

>> No.10790832
Quoted by: >>10791034

That's like a new boyfriend every year, anon.

>> No.10790943

Post picture of your sister anon, so we can all see how much of a dirty slut she is

>> No.10790947

People call them gay because they show lesbian feelings, not because they get naked with each, whichim sure happens also. Straight women dont go around kissing each and flirting constantly. Straight women dont get caught lusting after women ass in watchalongs.

>> No.10791012


>> No.10791021
Quoted by: >>10791088

That's not really true, especially with zoomers. People have less sexual partners but meet them more often, like friends-with-benefits but without the friends part.
The sluttiest girl in todays highschool is probably less slutty than the average girl of the 90s.

>> No.10791034

yeah significantly more loyal than the average woman
my sister is 23 and has had 11 boyfriends I know about, several of whome she didn't tell me of herself so I expect more I don't know of

>> No.10791077
File: 17 KB, 256x198, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Charlie
>Then Grant
>Now this
Deadcucks have enough fap fuel for the whole year, jelly.

>> No.10791084
Quoted by: >>10791212

The only reason Hololive isnt considered a pride icon is because is japanese. I can guarantee you that as their EN market grows eventually they will considered a queer success story in the west.

>> No.10791088
Quoted by: >>10791136

cope, the average bodycount of girls today is well into the 20s by their 21st birthday

>> No.10791131

Nah. The youngest generations are veering back to conservative and there's a lot of anti-sex sentiment among teenagers these days

>> No.10791136

In a trailer park maybe

>> No.10791212
File: 2 KB, 240x240, 1625497963006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora wouldn't let that happen.
She would slap Omega infront of Yagoo.

>> No.10791223
Quoted by: >>10791289

Holy cope. Polls show the same as always, young kids either vote left or are too lazy to vote at all. If you're talking about somewhere that isn't America then who the fuck cares cuck sit the fuck down kek.

>> No.10791283
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>> No.10791289

>young kids either vote left or are too lazy to vote at all
kids cant vote bro

>> No.10791309

cope of the highest degree, the right wing zoomer myth is /pol/tard cope they're all tranny loving faggots
