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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 139 KB, 1260x2048, 20210903_024501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9157782 No.9157782 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>9157827 >>9157917

>> No.9157792
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1618127179763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.9157795
File: 475 KB, 468x486, hello[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fo50qmc.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9157797
File: 2.47 MB, 600x338, cutemei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9157801 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 500x384, ≪MINECRAFT≫ LET'S EXPLORE!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157850 >>9158118

>> No.9157807
Quoted by: >>9157841 >>9157871

What is wrong with Ame's arm? I'm concernfagging. Is Ametori collab cancelled because of it?
Did Kiara say anything?

>> No.9157810 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157813

China too!

>> No.9157814
File: 439 KB, 907x855, 1625881636036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this new thread, everyone watching that massive marathon of streams likely just went to bed. It's like a whole new pool of people.

Who is left here? What kind of posters are still around at this dark hour?

>> No.9157819
File: 86 KB, 305x305, 1607488452444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to sleep, I predict the flavor of tonight's SEAnigger hours will be concentrated Ollie seethe. Enjoy

>> No.9157827
Quoted by: >>9157958

conceptualize having sex with rushia

>> No.9157829
File: 1.66 MB, 2179x3206, 1626527757412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori!

>> No.9157828

thank you Ayame for not doing a 3D I'm so fucking tired from all these events

>> No.9157830
File: 1005 KB, 1500x1700, treerrat130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more Les Mis performances from the Holos man

>> No.9157831
File: 1.43 MB, 1243x951, 1609360115689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157883 >>9157938

Today was truly a great day with amazing streams, have a nice night bros

>> No.9157835

>kino night
>Ollie ruins it
SasuGUH zoombie

>> No.9157837
File: 135 KB, 319x393, 1623747028392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157839

is the rat minecraft worth watching or no?

>> No.9157838

This one cause Rishis is getting raped

>> No.9157840


>> No.9157841
Quoted by: >>9157871

Dumbass probably slammed her hand in anger too hard and injured herself. It's likely nothing.

>> No.9157843
File: 931 KB, 1300x1300, 1627608105397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157895

>>9157423 >>9157423 >>9157423
>>9157709 >>9157709 >>9157709

>> No.9157851
File: 53 KB, 379x370, E-RcysTUYAU8BMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157907

I can't sleep and didn't feel like playing video games...

>> No.9157850
Quoted by: >>9157933

fucking hell was this actually in the latest minecraft stream i need to go watch it

>> No.9157855
File: 195 KB, 1224x792, 1630558015692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158111

Stream king

>> No.9157858
File: 211 KB, 951x1200, 1630651059664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157939

>> No.9157859
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, 1630612580449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought about a good fucking day filled with amazing streams... can't wait for minecraft later today

>> No.9157860
File: 10 KB, 264x452, 1629093293596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157861
File: 1.94 MB, 4096x4073, 1599895028852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157869
File: 1.32 MB, 951x933, 1628308718291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157909 >>9157913

I'm going to the store, you guys want anything?

>> No.9157871

Pretty sure its related to edema from her allergic reaction. Can get pretty bad if its not treated correctly.

>> No.9157872

Why is it called "Wonderwall"? What does it mean?

>> No.9157874

It'll be a white only cock rating stream and Ollie will make her SEA audience compliment them in English and ban them if they don't

>> No.9157879

where hat?

>> No.9157880

still up, processing ame's singing

>> No.9157883
File: 448 KB, 1779x2048, 1629477899843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night!

>> No.9157884

hey guys I couldn't find a thread earlier

>> No.9157885
File: 244 KB, 448x381, ame_ameface-hq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still here, i just do other stuff while browsing and telling myself i'll eventually start doing art reps with hololive fanart, i haven't drawn in months, maybe more than a year

>> No.9157890
File: 538 KB, 853x480, me_irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's voice is cute, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.9157889
File: 289 KB, 3508x2480, 1630608931147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love

>> No.9157891
File: 1.15 MB, 1465x857, 1630007410965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157912

I hate Matsuri

>> No.9157895
Quoted by: >>9157953

He's 5'7" lmao

>> No.9157896
File: 50 KB, 544x807, F171EFBC-0C4C-4907-A439-991BA3B8D835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157955 >>9157964

>Kino streams
>Threads fall to shit

I hate it. Just talk about the streams

>> No.9157899
File: 52 KB, 587x339, our.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is it?

>> No.9157900
File: 906 KB, 4096x3961, E8ZaGMkXsAIW0K8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157901
File: 223 KB, 1280x720, manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft thoughts. i’ve been looking forward to one since the one last week got cancelled.

>> No.9157902
File: 68 KB, 495x530, 1628217339247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im leaving this dumpster fire thread, see ya tomorro

>> No.9157907
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1614227776694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157976

I swear Reine is one of the cutest holos to see in chibi form

>> No.9157909

milk daddy!

>> No.9157913

Mori milk

>> No.9157912


>> No.9157916

See OP pic

>> No.9157917
File: 317 KB, 540x454, B187B2AC-5CA9-485A-A63B-7C3FDF095330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic image

>> No.9157919

Apex tourney with e-celebs
And teamates get ready because Ame will have to participate.

>> No.9157920
Quoted by: >>9158030

>What kind of posters are still around at this dark hour

>> No.9157921

I’m listening to CLB

>> No.9157927

Serious answer: Vtuber APEX tournament in the same mould as the Shibuya Hal ones.

>> No.9157929
Quoted by: >>9157984

Kiara's story about going to the doctor wearing a dress and wearing no bra and just having panties on made my penis hard and I wanted to be the doctor in that situation. That is all.

>> No.9157931

Gallagher is a fucking hack, don't think too much about it

>> No.9157932

named from a bint noel shagged innit

>> No.9157933
File: 45 KB, 346x52, SHARK in minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9157959

Technically, no. But it is still worth watching.

>> No.9157934

I'm doing Destiny reps, but I'll be around this thread

>> No.9157938
File: 305 KB, 2048x1566, 1630240178043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino left and right... I'm so glad I had the day off today.

>> No.9157937

It’s SEAhours. Threads are dogshit, as usual

>> No.9157939
Quoted by: >>9157993


>> No.9157950
File: 1.52 MB, 2432x2480, 1629740312166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157951
File: 540 KB, 2973x3789, 20210903_145619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

_ ____ ____

>> No.9157954


>> No.9157953

manlet tier lmao

>> No.9157955
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, nyoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposters get drowned out during the fun stream so they can only attention whore when everyone’s chill. Please understand.

>> No.9157958 [DELETED] 
File: 952 KB, 3147x2553, E5IWflHVkAQeR8J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157959

LOL wait why did Gura do that
and also got it, will watch

>> No.9157962
File: 239 KB, 1140x874, 1611632317915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute owl

>> No.9157963


>> No.9157964

I only come here to reactionpost during streams, not much point in engaging with schizos.

If only more people could learn to do this.

>> No.9157966
Quoted by: >>9158271

This would probably be fine.

>> No.9157967
File: 238 KB, 1000x1392, 1630607376453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157972
Quoted by: >>9157994

She can't collab with Gen 2

>> No.9157974

you are so based

>> No.9157976
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, E-QhBmRVcAACYcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158066

Have some chibi Reine doing the jacko challenge while sipping tea

>> No.9157977
File: 546 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm listening to a bunch of performances from Les Miserables while I wait for Ame's karaoke to finish downloading so I can listen to Tomorrow again. Also acutely aware that I need to sleep so I can wake up for the ID Gartic Phone collab as it's been ages since Risu last streamed

>> No.9157983

I keep a look out for gachanon at these times. He’s the only I care about.

>> No.9157984

Same and based

>> No.9157985
File: 220 KB, 1200x1800, E9Uf7VBUYAI7s1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give you a hint

>> No.9157993
File: 428 KB, 1893x1200, E9fSZHaVIAsqYni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158057

It was deleted but @wllmagic

>> No.9157994

oh right the collab ban, Goorah...

>> No.9157997
File: 1.02 MB, 2896x4096, 1622277655037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158083

>Luna 1hr
>Polka 2hr
>Kanata 2hr
>Sana 2hr
>Mikochi x Mel x Mio x Rushia 3hr
>Ayame 3hr
>zombie 1hr

>> No.9157998

Connor threesome with Ironmouse

>> No.9158000

nah, that's too much of a responsibility and spotlight on the wrong people, it's something smaller, maybe chess

>> No.9158002 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.99 MB, 2997x2837, 20210903_145737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158004
File: 717 KB, 1158x1165, 89048508_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158071

Think Ame will stream tomorrow? Kind of seemed like she didn't really intend to when she was talking about the con and her doctor's appointment and stuff

>> No.9158005

I heard that Cover is interested in releasing a new Famicom, called the Lamycom. It will have many Botans. Unsure how production will be with the Korone outbreak. Definitely Inateresting stuff. Worried their polkaing the hives nest by getting into the games industry. What do you guys think?

>> No.9158009
File: 1.21 MB, 1067x1500, 1605383870304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158146

Mori has gotten the best images out of this meme pose.

>> No.9158011
File: 136 KB, 600x876, E281C52F-585D-4C5E-99DE-789D3E5220A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m here and happy because folks are happy

>> No.9158013

I feel bad for Takos. They never get that love reciprocated

>> No.9158020

SEA hours. Haven't you seen the amoujt of faggots seething over a kiara duet? Or maybe the niggers overreacting over Ollie's dumb tweets?

>> No.9158021
Quoted by: >>9158087

Either a joke (in context) or she accidently signed on (at a hilariously well timed moment), realized, and signed out so she would avoid the BONK

>> No.9158023
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1629987703972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pound pound pound Pound pound pound Pound pound poundPound pound poundPound pound poundPound pound poundPound pound poundPound pound poundPound pound poundPound pound pound

>> No.9158025
Quoted by: >>9158087

They were talking about Minecraft having no sharks, so Gura showed up

>> No.9158030
File: 553 KB, 512x512, tumblr_6579b60f6e46e7f6196a60ebc386fc88_a143adbc_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158101

don't lump me in with those niggers
t. Japan

>> No.9158031
Quoted by: >>9158087

she did it as a joke cause they were asking if there were sharks in minecraft or something

>> No.9158034

Ame would 100% chicken out of this as "caster"

>> No.9158037


>> No.9158039
File: 94 KB, 1200x743, 1608870261068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you guys think?

>> No.9158041

But Ina doesn't love you back...

>> No.9158042


>> No.9158051
File: 68 KB, 680x680, 1601616972062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158057


>> No.9158061
File: 116 KB, 674x909, 1630622811041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158066
File: 263 KB, 899x899, 1624559866138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I appreciate it

>> No.9158071

Her arm is fucked so probably not. Maybe a zatsudan.

>> No.9158076

Good night /hlgg/!

>> No.9158083

>Loli whore

>> No.9158085


Ayame totsu, who will call in?

>> No.9158087

got it thanks guys

>> No.9158091
File: 133 KB, 857x1200, 1610915330843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158162

funny looking Rushia, whore

>> No.9158092

sorry botan, I can't do more stickmin

>> No.9158093

So, Do The Hololive is pretty outdated now. They're probably going to update it before too long Are you eager to hear IRyS awkwardly go ".....HiRyS!"

>> No.9158097
File: 2.75 MB, 720x480, あつい、さむい、あつい、さむい... あつい!!![sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fga9u3x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158224

Undecided dog.

>> No.9158099

I'm never going to escape this fucking game

>> No.9158101


>> No.9158103

It's a bit late in the fad but I think the lion would make this pretty good.

>> No.9158111
Quoted by: >>9158182


>> No.9158112
File: 63 KB, 1528x1080, E-AWPEGVEActdvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158113
Quoted by: >>9158155

I'll call in

>> No.9158116

WTF I thought you guys told me Botan is based.

>> No.9158118
File: 449 KB, 498x426, 1629070718783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158120
File: 269 KB, 625x318, 1624121894330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158127

>They're probably going to update it before too long
they aren't going to update it.

>> No.9158135

I still think it's hilarious that the only one with an English greeting is Reine, an ID

>> No.9158138
File: 3.31 MB, 3507x2481, E-M2TLzVgAQzM8o@JQHNHARQLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158252 >>9158254

>> No.9158139

I'm always eager to hear that.

>> No.9158142
File: 454 KB, 1000x1302, 1630434735994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158143

Better than konnichiwatson

>> No.9158144

maybe Marine
Noel (?)
some indies/nijis

>> No.9158146
File: 76 KB, 360x336, LeMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We posting Mori Jack-o?

>> No.9158149

Boo to that.

>> No.9158153
File: 101 KB, 726x1026, Gwr-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why I should waste my seed into the napkin right now

>> No.9158155

The hell you will, Risu.

>> No.9158162
Quoted by: >>9158187 >>9158205


>> No.9158164
File: 207 KB, 600x338, spin[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw79ioq.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158168

Please I don’t want to be chained by Rushia
My dick wants it, but it’ll be bad for my mental health if I fall in love with her

>> No.9158170

please make me horny

>> No.9158173

Here's some Flare for real men

>> No.9158179

Collab with Connor and Ironmouse.
Or some other e-celeb vwhore bullshit.

>> No.9158182
Quoted by: >>9158216

Sounds like shit just like every other KING cover.

>> No.9158184

please make me horny as well

>> No.9158187
File: 5 KB, 180x200, 1599611261507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had two good streams today so you'll remain undoxxed

>> No.9158190

I bet your pussy is so tight anon

>> No.9158189
File: 677 KB, 1009x768, 8F69953C-BD73-4D2F-A4F5-F5E91627D2FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158241


>> No.9158193
File: 1.22 MB, 800x714, calmhours[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3rld0w.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158229

>> No.9158195

So when's the IRyS / Risu duet happening?

>> No.9158196
File: 1.64 MB, 1600x2600, 92457794_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158198
File: 643 KB, 1200x889, 1627664364627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158200
File: 339 KB, 1344x1888, 1625119144301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158205

It's a deadbeat anon, I'm sorry but your days are over.

>> No.9158215
File: 344 KB, 1280x1843, 1617415023833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am madly in love with Amelia Watson. I have schizophrenic thoughts about her multiple times a day. I imagine rubbing her shoulders after a tough stream while she complains that her tummy hurts and her bra is too tight. I imagine raising a child with her. I imagine her singing to herself while looking out the window at our beach-side home. I imagine taking care of household chores for her while she nurses our child. I imagine passionate lovemaking between us. I imagine playing Mario Kart with her and letting her win. I imagine taking her out to farmers markets to find gluten-free fresh food. I imagine pretending her gluten-free dinners taste good for her sake. I imagine introducing her to my old outdated jrpgs. I imagine sitting through her visual novels with her. I imagine comparing our animal crossing villages. I imagine collecting tiny twigs and ants for her terrariums. I imagine her many cats and dogs crowding us while we try to get cozy. I imagine watching her setting up streaming equipment and demanding I don't help. I imagine growing old with her.

I love Amelia Watson, and nothing will stop that.

>> No.9158216

Why stream either version linked then?

>> No.9158222
File: 488 KB, 579x723, 1624964556789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158224
Quoted by: >>9158275

Decided dog.

>> No.9158223

drake didn't include calli's feature on clb, no 10 from fantano.

>> No.9158225
File: 156 KB, 463x453, 1624967361725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158226
Quoted by: >>9158303

The final yab: Garry Kasporov collab.

>> No.9158229
File: 1.14 MB, 150x150, ogeyheaven[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnvwau5.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158231
File: 137 KB, 600x848, FB4855AC-7B1A-4530-9326-F87B51555A33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158283 >>9158308


>> No.9158232
File: 198 KB, 848x1200, E-IPr8wVUAUc7FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158238

i made this post

>> No.9158241

mmm that dusty infertile womb

>> No.9158243

I know gura doesn't collab outside of the gen very often but is there a reason why she hasn't collabed with Irys at all ?

>> No.9158244
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1613420409423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158263

wait anons, SEA hours was only a joke
please come back!

>> No.9158252

Is it ball pen? Amazing!

>> No.9158254

That's lovely

>> No.9158259
Quoted by: >>9161105

Kiara Kiara Kiara...
Ame Ame Ame....

>> No.9158260

based schizo

>> No.9158264
File: 2.24 MB, 3000x3000, 1624964496624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158287 >>9158291


>> No.9158263
File: 2.98 MB, 350x350, primalogey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0e4wxj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still here

>> No.9158267
File: 595 KB, 640x640, E6GsNpGVEAIbE_C (1) (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how cute and pure this is

>> No.9158271
Quoted by: >>9158288 >>9158292

More Connor though. Possibly even interacting with JP holos.

>> No.9158273
File: 83 KB, 749x999, e19f6df0477672105b9f6790ce7c1985-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe this is IRyS' type tho...

>> No.9158275
File: 16 KB, 276x337, 1594518814177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158318

Maximum cool

>> No.9158277
Quoted by: >>9158409

Ame didn't either, their hours are kinda shitty for collabing with her

>> No.9158279

She reserves her collab juice for her lover, her bonebro, and her sister.

>> No.9158281
File: 2.32 MB, 550x596, bruh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F376iyw.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158632

Why is she like this?

>> No.9158283
File: 668 KB, 2007x2833, E3tjrnSUYAEwCOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158336


>> No.9158286
File: 268 KB, 1938x1388, E9xn0zzUUAgZk__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158287
File: 240 KB, 404x263, 1628872366405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158288

How would that be a part of a vtuber tourney

>> No.9158291
File: 598 KB, 2780x1909, AE23F117-6330-462E-9979-BD5725AC6A03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit the fuck down to be sexually bullied

>> No.9158292

the only JP I could see entertaining Connor is Matsuri

>> No.9158293
Quoted by: >>9158323

she talked about wanting to do something IRyS and that they talked about a whole bunch of different things to do together but I guess nothing ever ended up happening with that

>> No.9158294
File: 22 KB, 431x110, 1622554987063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem. Song buff

>> No.9158302

I think its an ame-zing idea.

>> No.9158304

Why am I like this

>> No.9158303

him shitting on everyone would be great though

>> No.9158305
File: 579 KB, 1920x1080, ss_1e6f3504fe71cd772b0d86589ea83c19b331f9bd.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158342

Fuck APEX, Battleship vtuber tournament when?

>> No.9158306


>> No.9158308
Quoted by: >>9158367 >>9158425

why is rushia so neurotic

>> No.9158307
File: 74 KB, 640x400, 1608302808681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158312
File: 516 KB, 2048x3085, 1605188798701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158313
Quoted by: >>9158824

Gonna have to show her growth rate, I don't think anyone's keeping track of Gura's day to day numbers outside the million milestones now

>> No.9158315
File: 255 KB, 1500x1500, 1627354716546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158332

Rushia raping a fandead

>> No.9158318
Quoted by: >>9158385

Maximum Soap

>> No.9158320
Quoted by: >>9158338 >>9158359

I think she has some slight fighting spirit vs IRyS. It has benefited us. She has done a lot more singing streams per month since IRyS has been around.

>> No.9158323
Quoted by: >>9158340

Maybe a song cover or original? Or did she mean streams?

>> No.9158325
Quoted by: >>9158357 >>9159879

Fuck I just realized I have no lube. Imagine being horny for your oshi and not being able to jerk off
t. cut

>> No.9158327

Sorry too busy planning Matrix 2 and 3 watchalongs with her bonebro to get around to responding to the singer goblin's DMs.

>> No.9158332

yea, me

>> No.9158334
File: 336 KB, 1000x1000, 1602412870872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is quite inaff.

>> No.9158336
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 9C91E4BE-55D4-4F38-9F53-06251CA770F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it please

>> No.9158338


>> No.9158340
Quoted by: >>9158382

she was talking about streams

>> No.9158337

is fauna the only one with superchat so far?

>> No.9158342

we need a minecraft hunger games tournament

>> No.9158343
File: 2.20 MB, 1412x2000, E4PQFvVUcAEpvzv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this always works

>> No.9158351
File: 262 KB, 366x377, 1620563149502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158377

>niggers bringing HIM up yet again
time to bail, see ya niggers in a few hours

>> No.9158354
File: 745 KB, 1549x1646, 92440205_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158357
Quoted by: >>9158410

Just use your own

>> No.9158359

>She has done a lot more singing streams per month since IRyS has been around.
Numbers don't back this up

>> No.9158362
File: 177 KB, 1736x621, ZTYBXmE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158405


I found this pic on a taiwan bbs.
Apparently they don't have a channel in both cases.

>> No.9158364
Quoted by: >>9158380

Irys smells.

>> No.9158365

Oh so thats how uifags get filtered, good, good.

>> No.9158367
Quoted by: >>9158402


>> No.9158371
File: 2.99 MB, 842x1080, ugotrrat v1.2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz8k6uy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158377

Who? Connor?

>> No.9158380

Gura likes that though.

>> No.9158382

Yeah well we saw with Mori how most co-op games would go, and Irys is already doing It Takes Two with Ina so that's out. And there is no way in HELL they'll randomly find Synthetik

>> No.9158383
File: 438 KB, 2157x4096, 1611548738388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158385
File: 2.55 MB, 500x282, Ack[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fspr29n.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum scream

>> No.9158396
File: 1.05 MB, 1700x2000, 4DE0EDA6-DA16-4052-B397-B8F2EBD915FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158400
File: 500 KB, 2480x3508, 1629769489233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158402
File: 902 KB, 720x720, risu king gnu hakujitsu v5[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F78eo86.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158422

i don't really find this kind of thing appealing

>> No.9158403 [SPOILER] 
File: 527 KB, 726x898, Kroninpu-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So theoretically if Kronii really wanted she could bully her husband into impregnating her with triplets or more, pausing her pregnancy in the third trimester, and force him to completely dote on her or else she won't give birth to his children? Just on a hypothetical level, there's no actual reason why she couldn't abuse her position as a heavily pregnant woman by staying heavily pregnant as long as she wants right? What if she paused her current babies and started up her ovulation again so that she could get even more pregnant and get doted on even harder? Like she could let them reach third trimester, then pause, then add in more and also get them to third trimester? She could just keep adding as many as she wants. She could get extra food at restaurants, priority seating on planes and trains, and have an excuse for being constantly horny. Maybe she can keep a stockpile of a few dozen zygotes in her womb to fast forwards and rewind so she can grow and shrink her belly for the occasion. Like maybe she goes to a restaurant and she puts in the quadruplets, but when she goes to the beach she only has one or two. Maybe she can tease you in public when she wants to go home and get pampered by going third trimester octuplets and making loud groaning sounds so you look like a shit husband who doesn't care for his wife that's clearly debilitatingly fecund. She could even put in the full two dozen and just laze around all day with a watertight excuse for being a lazy piece of shit that stuffs her face all waking hours. Imagine how much Mac and cheese it's take to feed her when she's eating for 25, the sheer amount of dairy would probably upset her stomach and her gurgling belly would be super loud. Obviously the biggest issue would be her constantly leaking breasts but surely she can just pause the milk time stop doujin style and when she's back home just let it all out like a fire hydrant in the shower or something right? Just hypothetically.

>> No.9158405

so a new youtube bug then. hopefully it is just the message showing up with none of the powers

>> No.9158407
Quoted by: >>9158459 >>9159319

Why doesn't gura go for the artist channel or does it need to be a certain amount of music on her channel?

>> No.9158409

But Ame just streamed in Irys' usual slot and Gura is always still online at this time too.

>> No.9158410
Quoted by: >>9158430

Nah saliva sucks it's meat to break foods down not lubricate your dick

>> No.9158412

I can't sleep so may as well say it now.
I donated 20 bucks to Fauna out of mere social pressure, I can't help but think who's buying what with my money

>> No.9158418

Some people are just more comfortable in group collabs than they are in two person ones. There’s a bunch of JPs who haven’t done duo collabs with people they’ve been in several bigger collabs with too. It’s not that big of a deal if it doesn’t happen soon or at all.

>> No.9158419
Quoted by: >>9158491 >>9158749

Something that has been done before, like an Apex tourney but with an Ollie twist
>it's filled with random EN speaking chuubas, which include Holos, Nijis, Vshojo, smaller groups i can't remember, well known indies, and at least one TT guy because Ollie can't resist
>teams will be "randomized" (some teams will be fishy, like Mori getting matched with IM, and Ame being matched up with a Vshojo and a Niji).
>this "dream" they are talking about is normalizing collabs between outsiders and holos

>> No.9158420
File: 757 KB, 691x541, 1605701905354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158423
File: 1.04 MB, 2288x1289, rpr-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158422
Quoted by: >>9158545

Are you prepared for Risu to sing Scarborough Fair?

>> No.9158424
File: 6 KB, 630x560, anyathreatensyouwithafirearmfromabygoneera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hold up. Give me your Anyas and I might let you live.

>> No.9158425 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9158487

Low sslf-esteem, like half the posters in this thread
Her first and only relationship was a barely 1 month mostly-LDR at the age of 26 wth a known abuser who dumped her at a Christmas party by laughing and saying he was bored of her.

>> No.9158430
Quoted by: >>9158471

I'm talking about your precum anonchama

>> No.9158434

>mere social pressure
Who the fuck was pressuring you into sending a supa? I've never sent a supa in my life.

>> No.9158438
File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, treerrat102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158441
File: 558 KB, 1200x857, D36C8563-AB67-45FC-BD7B-12BAB8E89820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158468

Can’t have Horny hours with out Botan!

>> No.9158442

A nice spaghetti meatball meal she'll share with her boyfriend anon, such a kindhearted gift

>> No.9158448

why did the thread crash so fucking hard?

>> No.9158453
File: 65 KB, 163x169, 1610308591825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158459
Quoted by: >>9158604

needs at least 3-4 songs they can sell under their channel name, it's probably why Suzy and Watame started cranking shit out so quick currently
the real surprise is AZKi and Sora not having it sorted, but they didn't care too much about Youtube until very recently

>> No.9158461

Streams stopped and only schizos remain

>> No.9158464
File: 428 KB, 2180x3032, E-Qf9kfVIAQ5NW_@hikigaya_0926_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158468
File: 3.83 MB, 2125x1654, Risu - Scarborough Fair [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F83j6cd.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nor without Risu

>> No.9158469
File: 291 KB, 500x500, 1611193411373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158471
Quoted by: >>9158602

I want photos that will make me drip pre-cum.

>> No.9158470

Seems like a mod kicked him in the baelz

>> No.9158475
File: 50 KB, 227x222, 1624073499855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158484
File: 139 KB, 381x351, 1629121449221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158486
File: 994 KB, 168x162, hot[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdwwvd3.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158488

After the Ame karaoke, Gura/Mori Matrix and also the triple Council MC impromptu collab it feels like 70% of the viewing audience was satisfied somewhere/way, and went "ok I've had my fill for tonight later"

>> No.9158487

>dumped at Christmas party
the most literal case of Christmas cake in history

>> No.9158490

>User was warned for this post
>For a fucking punfest
Okay meido, seriously? What the fuck?

>> No.9158491
Quoted by: >>9158682 >>9158749

I can see that
And I can see the absolute state of these threads

>> No.9158492

Shishiron is cute

>> No.9158493
File: 846 KB, 2892x4096, E-VaGOSXsAUk7KH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinkin about la lion

>> No.9158498
File: 96 KB, 192x220, 1608364937743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158497
File: 193 KB, 463x453, 1630593775681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158584

SEAMeido or Towaffle Meido?

>> No.9158503

kek what a retard

>> No.9158504
File: 159 KB, 242x293, 1600450817645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158505

Is this based or autistic by Mori?

>> No.9158507


>> No.9158511

issa shitpost you dip

>> No.9158517
File: 1.23 MB, 1251x1920, 02012CA0-1836-4874-A83C-43E130F45CC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No source.

>> No.9158518
File: 267 KB, 500x549, 1613118822255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158521
Quoted by: >>9159324

can you... can you please go back to the NijiEN threads...

>> No.9158522

sorry m8, kronii is barren

>> No.9158523

Onky Reine is streaming, and just a superchat reading with 880 views. Things might pick up once Ollie & Astel start.

>> No.9158524
File: 105 KB, 1200x697, ElOcOR1UUAEC9e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he knows too much

>> No.9158526
Quoted by: >>9158579 >>9158640

I wish meido gave that badge of honor to my shitposts.

>> No.9158527

redtext bans are quite often just jokes/shitposts on the part of mods.. or at least sharkmeido is like that. she's probably as bored as us right now.

>> No.9158533
File: 267 KB, 750x890, 1629301636977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158537

Anon... you put mori and autistic in the same sentence. What do you think

>> No.9158538

I think it's kind of based that Mori is unabashed about this sort of thing.

>> No.9158541

Man >we have been going for hours and hours of pure kino, it's enough to drain anyone

>> No.9158545
Quoted by: >>9158581

i've never listened to simon and garfunkel beyond sound of silence, but sure. it's not really my thing though

>> No.9158549
File: 439 KB, 673x577, goback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158550
File: 138 KB, 1200x810, 1575726990888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158552

The only english region still awake is PST and all the streams are done for the day.

>> No.9158559


Other than that though I actually can't remember this thread got red text.

>> No.9158565

There will be people who think this is an abuse of power, but as a DM who has made players take psychic damage for puns before, I approve

>> No.9158568

Meidos sure are having a Gurand old time tonight. I wonder if Ame get punished too. I guess we'll have to Mumei and see

>> No.9158570
File: 691 KB, 3708x2256, 1630594604122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158590 >>9158637

i hate that this faggot is getting kino wallpaper art

>> No.9158571
File: 3.83 MB, 2892x4096, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158583 >>9158663

>> No.9158575

Since when is Sharkmeido awake at SEA hours?

>> No.9158577

This women is something else, I'm not even 1 bit surprised by this infact I saw this coming

>> No.9158576
File: 371 KB, 600x300, 1629830677173.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158605

>all these kino streams yesterday and there wasn't even a Sana, IRyS, or Mumei stream to round it out
>we're going to get the following soon
>based Sana horoscope stream that will likely shit on Virgos in some way shape or form, fuck virgofags
>based RRAT zatsudan comfy times where she'll ramble about anything and everything like a pro
>based Kiara minecraft stream where she'll probably shit on the poverty cave the flower group set up shop in
>based Fauna carrying the Hololive tradition of doing a Plug&Play playthrough and getting it out of the way
>based Kronii monetization stream where she'll likely drown in the same swimming pool of money that Fauna did
>based Gura playing a boomer humor game based on the greatest MMORPG of all time, but now in game form
>based Mumei will be drawing more realistic peacock heads in Passpartout and turning her audience's brain into mush with incoherent autistic babbling and noises
>based Ina and IRyS having yet another It Takes Two collab, hopefully getting to finish the game this time before they sneak back into their lesbian bunker to talk about how much they love Gundam
>there may or may not be a based Ame guerilla stream

>> No.9158579

I dream of a mod attaching something like
to my post. That'd be pretty fun.

>> No.9158581
Quoted by: >>9158623 >>9158858

Heard her partial performance yet?

>> No.9158583

me on the left

>> No.9158584

This is SEAMeido hours. Could also be TowaffleMeido.

>> No.9158586

Kinda cute actually.

>> No.9158590
Quoted by: >>9158621

this is just corny, nothing kino about it

>> No.9158591


>> No.9158592
File: 100 KB, 643x1200, 60E12F20-26C8-4C31-B625-054DCFECFA0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158602 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.78 MB, 1662x2047, apron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158603

I do not understand the puns please explain

>> No.9158604
Quoted by: >>9158655

Suisei and Watame are cranking them out to have enough for their Lives in 2 months, and they need time to practice them as well. I genuinely don't think AZKi or Sora is aware of it and what it does for you, though, since the former doesn't even have it on her roommate's channel.

>> No.9158605
File: 53 KB, 500x635, 0369f6430e9af66de0b1eada2fa74a58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158607
Quoted by: >>9158643

it's doing the user a favor, as it guarantees (You)s
for every (You) that you receive, you will live for another 24 hours

>> No.9158609

Maririn watchalong was fun

>> No.9158610
Quoted by: >>9158698 >>9158777

Now post her attempt at asking Gura to watch 2 and 3.

>> No.9158613

Made for skinny niggers with big black dick

>> No.9158617
File: 3.21 MB, 2880x3883, 1618672597369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hacks into Mori's pants
"Heh I'm in, boys"

>> No.9158621
Quoted by: >>9158657

that's easy for you to say.

>> No.9158623

Also I think this was singing the arrangement used in that anime, not the standard Simon & Garfunkel version (though in a different key, the pacing seems more like this than the normal)

>> No.9158625

I want to superglue my mouth to Rushia's cunt and lick until my tongue is a nub and I drown in her pussy

>> No.9158627

Should’ve been a perma ban desu

>> No.9158630
Quoted by: >>9158730

PekoMiko alive yet?

>> No.9158632

Kronini can't communicate without memes and references, pls andst

>> No.9158636
File: 299 KB, 713x555, chrome_2020-10-27_06-14-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158650

This is a NO PUN zone. Do NOT pun.

>> No.9158637
Quoted by: >>9158719 >>9158778

He/she/it actually does have a cool design I must say. Just not a fan of a management having a literal RP char for.. reasons, particularly one that's a literal god. It's the chuuniest thing I have ever fucking seen.

If management was represented as some kind of side char I'd think they should have been a complete joke char instead, just to not actually be taken seriously or give the impression of butting in on the action.

>> No.9158640
Quoted by: >>9158818

Anyone else remember Towaflip requesting (and receiving) a meme ban for his nails? Good fucking thread that was.

>> No.9158642


>> No.9158643
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, 1624039114434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158646


>> No.9158649


>> No.9158650

Every time man kek

>> No.9158651
File: 161 KB, 881x392, 1625113666115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158780

>> No.9158654
File: 163 KB, 1080x1080, 1628922995067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158683

I love Reine!

>> No.9158655
Quoted by: >>9158716

>Suisei and Watame are cranking them out to have enough for their Lives in 2 months
man, it's kinda strange to see them scrambling to get 9-11 pieces for a live performance, while Mori could basically do one tomorrow with stuff she already released

>> No.9158657

yeah it is easy, that's why i said it

>> No.9158663 [SPOILER] 
File: 727 KB, 860x1108, lilly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no blind gf

>> No.9158667 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.28 MB, 388x590, MuSneeze [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuu60e2.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owlfags, defend this.

>> No.9158669
File: 144 KB, 945x700, ADD0EFE3-7F1C-4D1E-8BED-6812C2600C1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158715

>> No.9158670
Quoted by: >>9158731

>streamed over almost every important milestone/event the whole year
yis, I do wonder who

>> No.9158673
File: 866 KB, 829x543, 1611597260365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158754

Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.9158677
Quoted by: >>9158701 >>9158794

Was just watching a clip of Gura singing Reflection from Mulan where she broke down crying. I feel a little angry that she's thinking of "us" watching her stream for a good time, instead of for her.
Am I developing a para-social relationship anons?

>> No.9158682
Quoted by: >>9158874

/vt/ will burn if that happens

>> No.9158681
Quoted by: >>9158759


>> No.9158683
File: 472 KB, 1100x800, 1612596483300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158857

Me too!!!

>> No.9158684
Quoted by: >>9158696

How was the Rat's unplanned Collab

>> No.9158690
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1625551230326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158740

Towa you said you'd play Minecraft at 17 JST...

>> No.9158693
Quoted by: >>9159016

>go to dating tips page
>one dude posts "why am I getting so many matches in Korea and Japan?"
>Most of the posts are "Let me guess, you're white?"
Is this why Ollie does what she does?

>> No.9158694
File: 1.02 MB, 1306x1400, letmework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158696


>> No.9158698

that was cute and funny

>> No.9158700


>> No.9158701

You are 7 months late for that discussion, slowpokechama.

>> No.9158708
Quoted by: >>9158752

Imagine being one of the celebs that Susan bought from Twitch and your biggest competitor is this

>> No.9158709
Quoted by: >>9158743

Gura thought she was being serious lmao

>> No.9158715
File: 3.11 MB, 2893x4092, treerrat141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck the squirrel on the beach

>> No.9158714
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, CatMashing[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9l49iq.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158716

Watame had her training arc with the vocal lessons and she's only started to feel confident enough to start to put herself out there as an artist. Suisei I have less of an explanation for, but she might have been soured on making music for a while with the chinks stealing Pieces.

>> No.9158719

Let's just be patient and wait to see if Omega wants to make their presence known on stream their self.

>> No.9158720
Quoted by: >>9158771

The only fitting call-in list she'd deserve would be this, but I'd guess basically take a pick of at most 1-2 of the Gen2s (probably someone random like choco) and maybe a couple of the SENPAITACHI.

You also have a few girls who clearly are very buddy-buddy social and will try to make every one of these like Watame, Button, Fubuki, maybe Matsuri etc.

>> No.9158721
File: 243 KB, 557x515, 1626362062773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop saying "filipino" you filthy northerner thugs. It's tagalog.

>> No.9158724
File: 154 KB, 827x1665, E5cCExfVkAAzhfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158747 >>9158862

Why did she do it, bros?


>> No.9158727
File: 25 KB, 330x113, 1599367225151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.9158730
File: 371 KB, 850x1151, __usada_pekora_inugami_korone_sakura_miko_and_aki_rosenthal_hololive_drawn_by_yohane__sample-da4c7492bb9f6a691c951d7690932fe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158731

Are you referring to Risu?

>> No.9158737

>Mori just bursts into laughter when Gura asks about the third Matrix movie
Yeah, same.

>> No.9158739
File: 463 KB, 622x676, 1630192328241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158740
File: 38 KB, 501x424, F9954392-D270-47FB-A6BA-A8AE47BC1419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158798

>Minecraft cancelled, gonna play APEX with Jamal And Tyrone instead.

>> No.9158741

This woman never fails to surprise me

>> No.9158743

She was, and Gura exploited that for a good amount of ribbing.

>> No.9158745
File: 30 KB, 714x532, received_410965459940873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158747
Quoted by: >>9158779 >>9158830

Gura's too cute here.

>> No.9158749

I'll do ya one better
>Ame gets matched with the purple dragon. The envelope they are trying to push is making specifically Ame and teamates be more open to outside collabs, so they decide to get the niji dragon to carry her and add Silverwolf to push the VSJ angle too
>Ollie's goal wasn't to make the tourney balanced due to the previous point, so Ame's team crushes everyone
>threads are absolute garbage because you got cuckposting due to C*nnor being the only non vtuber included, and nijiposting on cooldown

>> No.9158751
File: 530 KB, 720x708, Anya - Lithium Flower(GITS Stand Alone Complex) [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr613cn.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158752
Quoted by: >>9158833

That tim dude got 100k viewers for his first stream and still couldn't beat mori in SC lmao

>> No.9158754

He threw all his Familiarans in ovens. He's a monster...

>> No.9158756
File: 31 KB, 852x480, 1630257109064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158792

>Mori will never nervously ask you on the date
I hate it

>> No.9158759
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, all me [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxhtrgz.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158762

Precious, a true tresaure

>> No.9158768
File: 993 KB, 4096x2731, 20210903_025914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158783

>> No.9158771
File: 72 KB, 990x742, tumbleweed_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also my image probably would have been useful

>> No.9158777

That actually pissed me off.
Wasn't mad at either of them in particular. Just that I've been waiting for fucking ever for Gura and Ame to watch another movie, specifically for Scarface.
Then Mori shows just how easily it could've been done if those two weren't so ... the way they are.
I'd have gone to sleep angry over it if Ame didn't mellow me out immediately after.

>> No.9158778

>I'd think they should have been a complete joke char instead
but that's what he became, because both Myth and Council clown on him constantly
fucking A-Chan is a colossus of authority in comparison

>> No.9158779


>> No.9158780
File: 1.34 MB, 1192x1688, D858CA7A-418D-415A-8493-69D1F2BE6CD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine

>> No.9158783
File: 140 KB, 1548x792, 1630210650507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that neck
i guess she is an owl. imagine the blowjobs

>> No.9158786
File: 830 KB, 1502x2048, E-MdjQ9UUAUXbNA@homura910210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158792
File: 28 KB, 236x200, smugshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to get keked by the shark, deadbeat?

>> No.9158794

Sadly the majority of most EN audiences really are just there to be mindlessly entertained without sparing any real thought for them. Hence why all the 'say the line' reddit types are so popular in their chats. Most of their viewers just see them as performing monkeys.

>> No.9158795
File: 131 KB, 600x386, Anya - War Cant of Mars [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdwpger.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Flesh is Weak

>> No.9158798
File: 350 KB, 586x950, 1624983800583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes, Jamal and Tyrone, a bunch of 18 year old Korean highschool girls

>> No.9158809
File: 147 KB, 249x308, 1630216874089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158835 >>9158845

I hate SEAniggers
t. seanigger

>> No.9158811
Quoted by: >>9159024

Pretty cool clip if you're bored
>inb4 clip
Oniikami clips are good

>> No.9158819
Quoted by: >>9158849

Filipino is the national language friendo.

>> No.9158818
Quoted by: >>9158850 >>9158911

This? >>1992425

>> No.9158820
File: 1.60 MB, 1169x1461, 1628349897193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mention of Nene at all
Well deserved.

>> No.9158824
Quoted by: >>9158891 >>9158908


>> No.9158828
File: 270 KB, 2012x1390, Tomorrow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsu1mwl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these bozos

>> No.9158830

look at Mori's face when asked the question, it's peak cute as well

>> No.9158831

Well you're gonna need to ask Ame to imitate contact then.

>> No.9158832
File: 273 KB, 1447x2048, 20210903_025906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158833

also, this will mostly affect the male side of the scene, for good of for bad

>> No.9158835
File: 11 KB, 196x257, FB_IMG_1629033402905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158868


>> No.9158837
Quoted by: >>9158929

So you aren't mad at the girls, just mad at their autism preventing potential collabs?

>> No.9158839
Quoted by: >>9159251

If ame wasn't such a social autist she could collab whenever she wants but doesn't. It's not moris fault she asks

>> No.9158841
File: 5 KB, 180x200, 1623217183335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158843
File: 684 KB, 1700x1300, 1630247373767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158845

Every self-respecting SEANigger hates SEANiggers and hopes they can migrate out of SEA.

>> No.9158849
Quoted by: >>9158882

It's wrong when it's just Filipino because it refers to the people, it should be the Filipino Language or Tagalog

>> No.9158850

Yeah, that. It was...2 weeks? 3 weeks after he began weaponizing his nails under spoilers and they're already growing back

>> No.9158857


That way that picture is drawn, it exudes granny vibes
Seriously the face reminds me of a bony brittle grandma

>> No.9158858
File: 836 KB, 720x720, risu yasashii suisei v8[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F43vo6u.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i heard it when someone linked it earlier today, she sounds nice. i'm not into a whole lot of music with vocals in it besides shit like stevie

>> No.9158860
Quoted by: >>9158887 >>9158902

I hate spics.
t. spic

>> No.9158862

Gura's question has the same energy as a kid asking a parent if they gonna die someday

>> No.9158863

My lifelong dream came true

>> No.9158867
File: 111 KB, 1106x1200, 1630207802092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what else to post so im going to bed

>> No.9158868
Quoted by: >>9158877

Tbf, their president Is a Chinese puppet anyway.

>> No.9158869

>Gura's gonna get those third and fourth dates before deadbeats do

>> No.9158872
File: 1.28 MB, 550x550, She Will Be Loved[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flkx7ds.mp3].gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158985

>> No.9158873
Quoted by: >>9158889


>> No.9158874

You mean it don't burn over everything and anything

>> No.9158876

>aw ye dood

>> No.9158877

Yes, I'm sick of living here, our government is shit

>> No.9158882
Quoted by: >>9159385

Tagalog is just a dialect, Gago.

>> No.9158883

I want to fuck space

>> No.9158884

I hate crackers
T. Yt

>> No.9158887
Quoted by: >>9158916

what breed are you

>> No.9158889

Last thread

>> No.9158891

>bilibili subscribers

>> No.9158893


>> No.9158896
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 1618649490849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I the only burger awake ITT?

>> No.9158902

I'd rather but a spic in the middle of Mexico than be a SEA

>> No.9158905
File: 3.08 MB, 1903x2894, 7CAB573D-1240-412E-A50B-5A09A7FBD34F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158903
File: 539 KB, 2853x1783, E-VmuZxXsBA6VSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goorah is cute so it's ok.

>> No.9158906

No. I JWU.

>> No.9158907
Quoted by: >>9158939 >>9158940

How often does Gura post to her second membership tier?
How long has she had it? I never noticed it before

>> No.9158908

Why the fuck does she have nearly 2 million views? Did the debut vod actually spread over there?

>> No.9158909
File: 615 KB, 2097x1888, ayame burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158911
Quoted by: >>9159231

>those are the hands of someone who turned 18 less than a week ago
Gonna look like an old lady that was in the tub for 4 hours when he's in his mid twenties

>> No.9158910


>> No.9158916

Mexican, my mother's bloodline is native but one generation ago somehow we ended "white"

>> No.9158922
File: 642 KB, 893x537, 1614996954005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West coast best coast represent. It seems however that like 90% of us went to sleep after such a fucking great evening of caligula, ame karaoke and a sudden en2 MC collab.

>> No.9158926
Quoted by: >>9158944

There are worse fates.

>> No.9158929

Yes. I've been real patient about it for a long time but it built up a good bit.
I'm over it for now.

>> No.9158931

No, i should be sleeping, the second shot is going to murder me when i wake up

>> No.9158933
File: 431 KB, 552x800, 4981798213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 AM baby

>> No.9158939

I'm about to tap out myself, been here for about 8 hours now.

Never and since monetization

>> No.9158940

Been there from the start far as I can recall

>> No.9158944
Quoted by: >>9158975

Like being a Kenzoku.

>> No.9158946
File: 292 KB, 2000x2000, 1630552016014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I'm a night owl in the mountains

>> No.9158954
File: 2.86 MB, 854x480, Oyasumi [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmtvkp2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158955

Ame should've done it as a duet with Gura

>> No.9158962
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x2000, 1606018018821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still awake

>> No.9158961

no, i have NEET sleep schedule

>> No.9158969
Quoted by: >>9158980 >>9159030

I hate SEA

>> No.9158975

Nah, I can think of worse. Being a Matsurisu, for instance.

>> No.9158974
File: 148 KB, 600x848, 47B0B9AF-00F2-4C0A-9474-E1B8D3B5D346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to fuck all of Gen 4
Watame specifically

>> No.9158980
Quoted by: >>9158990

are you a girl

>> No.9158985
File: 102 KB, 1242x1219, 1628905345111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late at night for these feels

>> No.9158988
File: 263 KB, 900x665, 164656164686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9158991 >>9159006


>> No.9158990

No but I know a couple

>> No.9158991


>> No.9158999
File: 552 KB, 996x985, MoriEnglishClass[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foelevp.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159000
File: 291 KB, 940x1312, E-UFQEQVIAIik4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159001
Quoted by: >>9159061

So why was the Rat's collab stream good?

>> No.9159004
File: 490 KB, 1174x1864, 1630646222823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm here but I should sleep soon to catch Kiara's minecraft stream...

>> No.9159006
File: 146 KB, 933x485, 1629846120194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159016

Ollie probably just likes the attention in general.
Also, your post reminded me that I need to spoof my location and get on Japanese Tinder so I can save Choco

>> No.9159021


>> No.9159025
Quoted by: >>9159056 >>9159096

How was Bonebros Matrix?
How was Rrat Minecraft?
Did Fauna get good money?
I hate being a yuro

>> No.9159023
Quoted by: >>9159048 >>9159133

What does it take to get a girlfriend like Ina

>> No.9159024
Quoted by: >>9160256

Hearing all this its kinda baffling that they chose someone Mumei. She's a social blackhole and not entertaining at all.
Unless she had a 1M channel before or something and that influenced the decision.

>> No.9159030

Are you that one youtuber who makes videos translating our comments?

>> No.9159033
File: 78 KB, 255x414, playlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159230 >>9160472

>> No.9159041

Probably true but I've been here for the past 10 hours.

>> No.9159045
File: 270 KB, 1489x2047, 20210903_031242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159048

A decade of grinding and reps

>> No.9159052
File: 1.70 MB, 360x570, i woke up[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpgff8s.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... i overslep the matrix
how was it?

>> No.9159056
Quoted by: >>9159097 >>9159127

Really fun, best part was the pre and post discussions though.
Great, Mumei and Kronii showed up and it became a collab
Fauna made like 17k
Also Ame did a guerilla karaoke

>> No.9159061

Rrat is really good in collabs, just a bit dull when solo streaming.

>> No.9159065
File: 10 KB, 308x319, treerrat60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a leaf so idk if that counts

>> No.9159070


>> No.9159088
File: 203 KB, 703x447, 1603806498724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you must be new here.

>> No.9159093
Quoted by: >>9159105 >>9159117

Anyone got a timestamp when Mumei said "rrrrrat"?

>> No.9159096
Quoted by: >>9159275

Mumei addressed baelz properly as a rolled-r rrat, triggering a bunch of hereposting.

>> No.9159097

Even if the Rat did most of the work

>> No.9159101
Quoted by: >>9159125

Was this Kronii's voice?

>> No.9159105
Quoted by: >>9159132

It was near the end of the collab, 1 hour 55 something. let's see.

>> No.9159108

god i wish i got publicly banned

>> No.9159109

i messed around with ame's wonderwall duet with gura a bit, and i panned the vocals apart and tried to balance things out with some compression


>> No.9159117
File: 124 KB, 500x341, 1627100042345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159275


>> No.9159125

No that was Mori

>> No.9159127

Great to know
Wish I was there

>> No.9159131
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, Shinji-kun[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F647d2e.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reine going full otaku on her stream from her Evangelion watchalong

>> No.9159132

got it

>> No.9159133

look like Kaworu

>> No.9159136

Who are the bonebros of EN2?

>> No.9159143

I had a dream where Gura and Owl did a Collab where they both used a png of Gura and get the chat to see who the real one is

>> No.9159174

The Rat and Owl

>> No.9159175
Quoted by: >>9161046

Judging from the EN2 guerilla, unironically Mumei and Kronii

>> No.9159179
File: 933 KB, 2833x1712, E-UxP4rUcBgyDiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159178
Quoted by: >>9161046


>> No.9159202
Quoted by: >>9159271


>> No.9159207
Quoted by: >>9159213 >>9159308

What was the "okay I touch" from Gura a response to, song lyrics?

>> No.9159212
File: 1.86 MB, 2483x1604, 1621871020266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cya nerds, Botan gave me handjob during live

>> No.9159213


>> No.9159230


>> No.9159231
File: 1.92 MB, 2265x1900, 1630291040035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159232
File: 245 KB, 850x1275, 1617937192470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159298

Apparently the Minecraft stream was good, huh.

>> No.9159234


>> No.9159251
Quoted by: >>9159293 >>9159310

No it's Mori's fault that she's being a retard and hogging all of Gura's collabs. Give it a break already my god

>> No.9159259

>Ame stream
>Ollie tweet gets posted and people seethe immensely
>Ame stream ends
>No one is talking about Ollie anymore
I wonder if there's a pattern here
teamates are the worst posters in this thread

>> No.9159265

*cums up your ass*

>> No.9159271

I'm glad he's putting out an original. It's gonna be great

>> No.9159275

thanks bros

>> No.9159282
File: 408 KB, 770x439, 1623814357705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159293
Quoted by: >>9159310

How does that even make sense, the last collab was over a month ago and gura collabed with ina aswell. Its almost as if they asked to collab. WOW SHOCKING

>> No.9159298

It seem she is best when in Collab for some reason?

>> No.9159302
File: 900 KB, 2731x4096, q0p6quj2vm271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159341

So which EN2 is going to get the best merch or at least has the most potential for the best merch?

>> No.9159304

>ollies wearing her wedding dress with astel

>> No.9159306

I never understood this implication
Surely during their oshi’s stream is the one time people wouldn’t be here shitposting, because they would be watching the stream and posting about that

>> No.9159308

Yeah, I think it was Tainted Love

>> No.9159310
File: 266 KB, 1544x2048, 1625358652757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159338

When in doubt, it's always Mori's fault.
I can't believe she ruined Hololive.

>> No.9159317


>> No.9159319

doesn't it destroy the videos tab?

>> No.9159323

Wouldn't those Teamates be too busy watching Ame's stream and posting about that though?

>> No.9159324

Anon fags moan about him going to NijiEN and now you moan about him being back here

>> No.9159326

>Astel is infinitely evolving
so he's on the hunt for more Zussy

>> No.9159329
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2479, end_of_the_stream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr4no9j.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ina

>> No.9159338
Quoted by: >>9159361

>Makes Gura extremely uncomfortable during their first collab together
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Drags the entire generation into a series of extremely boring Overcooked 2 where she just mumbles to herself the whole time forcing collab partners to pick up the slack, despite being the one to start it
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Promises Kiara that they'd do weekly Minecraft streams where they could learn the game together, collabed MC exactly once one one month later and never again
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spends half an hour thanking superchats during her first Minecraft collab with Gura
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Doxxes herself and then obnoxiously fake screams into the mic the entirety of the Secret Neighbor collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Can't even be bothered to set up the game correctly for the first big Among Us collabs, is a massive anchor for the team and a wet blanket during meetings
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Was in a separate Discord channel thanking superchats during her second Among Us collab while her JP senpais all introduced themselves
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Played Lethal League with deadbeats while Ina literally stood there and watched, in what was supposed to be a Mori Ina collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Starts sulking when the punishment game comes up in Puyo Puyo Tetris, refuses to take part and brings the mood down
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Extremely and inexplicably rude to Kiara during the Takamori Q&A, nearly brought her to tears
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Doesn't know the first thing about Reine during their collab together, keeps calling her 'senpai' and actually thinks she's a Turkey character
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>According to Kiara, has overslept multiple collabs, forcing them to be delayed or rescheduled
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spoils the outfits for the Walfee outfit reveal collab, doesn't even try during the Jeopardy rounds and just types gibberish
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>was in a separate discord
>Completely uninterested during her Clubhouse 51 stream with Kiara, Kiara even has to pull out the fucking weather deck to try and get any sort of response from Mori
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spent 2 hours saying absolutely nothing but random autism grunts, as Kiara desperately tries to carry a conversation during their Shadowverse collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Can barely speak two words of Japanese during her Super Bunnyman stream with Rikka, forcing him to use English instead
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Completely shits the bed in the highly anticipated Coco Meme Review collab, exercising her usual "awkward sperg spamming stock phrases like naruhodo instead of holding an actual conversation" shtick to its fullest as Coco becomes more and more desperate to get ANY kind of reaction out of her and eventually asks 75k live viewers "is she always like this?"
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>made Gura wake up early on a day she had a stream later in the day
>replaced their game because it only has local play with a game that only has local play
>didn't install the game anywhere between the game being changed and the actual collab
>made a sleepy Gura wait 20 minutes only to have her experience about 0.5 to 2 second lag
>finally settle on Phasmophobia after all this struggling
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Collabed with anituber trash that is responsible for most of the casual fan flood from which casual doxfags and cucks who want male collabs can be traced to
>Way, way more prepared and enthusiastic for this than ANY of the collabs listed above
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Shows up to a literal who vtuber's birthday but never did a call in for her senpais
If you don't like her, don't watch her!

>> No.9159340

My man, the thread literally died after Ame's stream.
If you haven't figured out after 12 months, teamates are a huge part of these threads.

>> No.9159341
Quoted by: >>9159405 >>9159443

Yagoo is going to sell you a literal paper bag with holes cut in it for ¥3500 and you'll eat it up

>> No.9159355
Quoted by: >>9159381

For some reason, tourists identify as teamates very quickly. I guess it's because she's memed as a based American

>> No.9159360
Quoted by: >>9159474

At this point I’m seeing it as something on Ame, Gura said she would literally bug Mori about the watch alongs and not let her forget and Mori asked in the first place.

>> No.9159361
Quoted by: >>9159451

Calm down brapbeat

>> No.9159379

Any Rosentai here who know when Aki is doing her next Subnautica stream? Watching her play is very cathartic for me for some reason.

>> No.9159381

Tourists are mostly chumbuds, teamates are here most of the time.
Not saying that as a bad thing, we have a lot of chumbuds here at all times, but when Gura is doing some important stream you just have a huge influx of newfags and tourists

>> No.9159385

Tagalog is a language. So is bisaya and hiligaynon. Stop calling separate distinct languages dialects you fucking uneducated squatter.

>> No.9159387
Quoted by: >>9159413

It's not Teamates as the fanbase, but shitposters and dramafags flock to Ame (and Ina) because they perceive them as "safe". Love them, but this board has a huge underaged population.

>> No.9159399
File: 847 KB, 1280x720, 【Donation Reading】Thank you everyone!!!【hololiveID 2nd generation】 3-36-48 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159420

I love when Reine goes on tangents about the most random things

>> No.9159403

Ollie tweet? Did she commit a yab again?

>> No.9159405

You forgot about the ¥2000 shipping and that it'll take 8.5 months if you use Geekjack

>> No.9159406


>> No.9159412


>> No.9159413
Quoted by: >>9159473

How is Ame "safe"? She gets shitposted a lot.
The 2 safe ones are Ina and IRyS, all the others get a ton of flak here

>> No.9159420

I love when Reine has sex with me after her streams

>> No.9159421


>> No.9159422
Quoted by: >>9159452 >>9159494

What are the chances that the Calligula KING cover was delayed because LAM was busy working on Ollie's new outfit?

>> No.9159443
File: 156 KB, 1200x675, EOrYX1qUwAAn9CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159492

Wouldn't be the first time they did something like that I suppose.

>> No.9159449
File: 127 KB, 267x201, 1622877203531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159451
File: 21 KB, 720x395, 365095131233945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159478


>> No.9159452
Quoted by: >>9159494

Who knows, we know guras pretty slow on the music side of stuff

>> No.9159456
File: 458 KB, 535x494, 1617281596912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally my astel and Ollie ship has a name

>> No.9159459
File: 638 KB, 873x831, 1620743293304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159505

Ai Dee = ID = InDonesia

Guys I think Reine may be from Indonesia, or is it too cryptic?

>> No.9159461

>incoming 24hr Apex stream

>> No.9159465
Quoted by: >>9159527

I miss Cococchi a lot

>> No.9159473
Quoted by: >>9159499

I genuinely don’t remember the last time Ame was seriously shitposted.

>> No.9159474

Ame said since the start she's part of "sololive" and she heavily prefers solo streams over collabs.
If she's your oshi you should know what you're getting into. I love solo streams and couldn't careless about most collabs.
I'm also not a shipfaggot but the art can be cute.

>> No.9159478
Quoted by: >>9159519 >>9159566

You weren't shitposting the shazam post? Jesus

>> No.9159490
File: 707 KB, 2597x4096, E4OX4QuVkAEVqAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159550

images with this body type?

>> No.9159492

I actually own the PP shirt. Kanata wasn't monetized for ages, so it was basically an extremely impractical superchat

>> No.9159494

Mori said the mixing was the last part that needed to be finished before it came out, she had finished the MV a while ago.

>> No.9159495

I burned my hand handling a hot meat and now I can't jack off

>> No.9159497
File: 6 KB, 375x214, E963VOXUYAALW1P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160848

>wake up
>open youtube
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I16cQyBxsKw
>post polka

>> No.9159499

Compared to Ina and IRyS?
She gets shit on quite a lot.
Recent example, Ame in the AM when she was sick

>> No.9159505
File: 345 KB, 507x433, 123456789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're reaching, no ID is that good in english

>> No.9159519
Quoted by: >>9159529

You shouldn't really be surprised by the amount of /vt/ourists we have at this point.

>> No.9159520

Tokyo ghoul mention...

>> No.9159523
File: 310 KB, 1536x2048, Ezzv0uyVIAoK9Qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want tsundereine.

>> No.9159527
File: 1.69 MB, 3123x3136, 1624101565886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.9159529
Quoted by: >>9159551

He probably didn't even know what i meant lmao

>> No.9159530

She’s not my oshi but I do wish my oshi would colab with her more often.

>> No.9159549

>It's another episode of Astel ruining everyone's fun in wood rank lobbiies and carrying Ollie into lobbies where she cannot possibly hang in

>> No.9159550
File: 282 KB, 1556x2048, 20210902_113444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159564


>> No.9159551

Chill out brapbeat

>> No.9159556
Quoted by: >>9159576

Astel.. my ears...

>> No.9159564
Quoted by: >>9159756

cute but not fat enough

>> No.9159565


>> No.9159566
Quoted by: >>9159645

Throwing "t. deadbeat" at Mori antis doesn't really work anymore, since they keep increasing in numbers and are very vocal.

>> No.9159573
Quoted by: >>9159613 >>9159672

Even when she's invited its like she doesn't wanna do it sometimes Look at Mario kart for example. I get you don't wanna collab but at least be there for your friends

>> No.9159576


>> No.9159579
Quoted by: >>9159586 >>9159605

>Reine wants to do a Turing Love cover with someone
Who should it be?

>> No.9159586


>> No.9159590
File: 982 KB, 1333x999, E-VUgY4VkAEb1lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159594

If it involves anitubers and western e-celebs, I will seethe so very hard

>> No.9159604
File: 468 KB, 1448x2048, 1615485661889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more fall art of the holos.

>> No.9159605

Mori for en
Okayu for jp

>> No.9159613

Now this is schizo or you straight up don't watch her.
She pretty much accept all collabs, thats way she has so many collabs with JP so far, almost the same amount of Ina and Mori, without speaking JP at all.
She wanted to do something that would give her even more work for mario kart, shoutcasting that shit would make her interact with everyone even more, she simply didn't know you'd need 12 people for the collab to work
JP Mario kart collab had someone doing that (A-chan and Towa helping)

>> No.9159614

I'm listening to Unison again and why is it so fucking weird

>> No.9159616

10am EST is late night for rrat
nice EN timeslot ya got there

>> No.9159617


>> No.9159633

>Unironically enjoying APEX
All these shit eating mongrels

>> No.9159635

[Good news] Astel will be able to sleep on 2022

>> No.9159638

OGEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9159644
File: 118 KB, 757x588, E-WKa5HUYAQTMDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159645
Quoted by: >>9159675

the antis or the deadbeats?

>> No.9159659
Quoted by: >>9159714

>Ollie talked with Mumei and Hakos
>they told her to request Astel some songs
>He's going to deliver

>> No.9159670
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x1648, 123178231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159750

>> No.9159672

Uh oh we got a bad case of Threadreading here

>> No.9159674
Quoted by: >>9159686 >>9159812

dozed off bae's stream did gura join the server?

>> No.9159675

The antis. Actually, the deadbeats are decreasing in number pretty fast and defecting to EN2 (particularly Kronii for some reason), that's why the "ficklebeats" thing exists. No other fanbase has a "ficklebeat" equivalent, if you think about it.

>> No.9159683
File: 1.25 MB, 1128x634, unknown-328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.9159685

dumb lion you're months late

>> No.9159686

Yes, she delivered the message and left, basically asserting dominance

>> No.9159706

Anon you realise that people who do that are not deadbeats at all. Theres been 2 Purgebeats that are complete faggots and have been doing it for months.

>> No.9159714

>Circle of Life
He'll fucking nail it too

>> No.9159724

I feel lonely...

>> No.9159729
File: 162 KB, 930x1257, 1629542286652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159746

I will watch Towa

>> No.9159733
Quoted by: >>9159761 >>9159791

...no fanbase has a 'breadbeat' equivalent either, you must be retarded if you attach importance to autistic drive of attaching names to different parts of the fanbase

>> No.9159736

*cums on you*

>> No.9159739

does anyone else sometimes still wonder why she did it bros

>> No.9159746

I will put towa on, but mute her, to drive her viewership up

>> No.9159750


>> No.9159752
File: 217 KB, 1217x1722, 1629465129561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Towa

>> No.9159755

>Actually, the deadbeats are decreasing in number pretty fast and defecting to EN2 (particularly Kronii for some reason)
Do people just keep repeating this in the hopes that it will come true, even though literally nothing in terms of numbers suggests this

>> No.9159756

But she's retarded enough.

>> No.9159761
Quoted by: >>9159771

What the fuck is a breadbeat

>> No.9159768
Quoted by: >>9159778 >>9159779

>ollie plays gas ojii

>> No.9159771
Quoted by: >>9159800

It's the deadbeat who works at Ame's local bakery and sells her bread.

>> No.9159778
Quoted by: >>9159862

oh boy, and the reason she's using it is worse

>> No.9159779
Quoted by: >>9159862

Caustic is based as fuck

>> No.9159780

Those weren’t deadbeats they were schizos shitting up the split. Now Kronies get to deal with them.

>> No.9159781
Quoted by: >>9160016

I'm going to fuck Astel and Ollie at the same time

>> No.9159785

you don't understand! we made a poal and everything! surely that's proof

>> No.9159791
Quoted by: >>9159847 >>9159876

While "breadbeat" is a stupid meme, "ficklebeats" describes a category of people who abandoned their oshi for whatever reason. The fact that this category is big enough to be acknowledged and identified with a name is pretty telling, no other fanbase has something like this.
I don't mean the general fanbase, I mean deadbeats in /vt/.

>> No.9159794
Quoted by: >>9159835 >>9159844

Gura was working on 5 original songs as of Feb. 26, when do you think we're going to see the other 4?

>> No.9159797

Botan's outfit is cute and sexy, as expected simple is best

>> No.9159800

Yo deadbeats that's pretty fucked up

>> No.9159809
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x720, Holo_EN_battle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159812
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, 1629245269305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She killed them all while wearing diamond armor, teabagged the rrat and owl and T-posed over Kroni. Then she typed in "Hoocha", and left.

>> No.9159822

Where my lunaitos at?

>> No.9159830
File: 118 KB, 766x1200, 20210903_040039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159833
File: 453 KB, 1020x1079, 1629357943267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Towacraft during these comfy hours

>> No.9159835
File: 6 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159844

roru roru rumao
she never told us she was going to deliver them all

>> No.9159846
Quoted by: >>9159863

Why do deadbeats spend all day making up faction names as if they exist.

>> No.9159847

>I mean deadbeats on vt
Anon the mori split is still fast as ever. She's the vocal minority in hlgg and the people spamming I'm switching oshi was way too much for genuine people and not shitposting

>> No.9159862
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1610808082486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159891

Is it because of his fortified?

>> No.9159863

Sorry, it's the work of the factionbeats and balkanizationbeats.

>> No.9159875

*kisses you*

>> No.9159876
Quoted by: >>9159901 >>9159903

>I don't mean the general fanbase, I mean deadbeats in /vt/.
the deadbeats on /vt/ that had a 100+ IP thread just yesterday? and it wasn't even around for the entire day?
I think they're fine

>> No.9159878

>Ame said since the start she's part of "sololive"
That's a sort of disingenuous way to put it. She's never said anything drastic like that. At most she's implied she likes to do a lot of streams by herself.
Ame's favorite streams and memories are almost always collabs. So you could say in hindsight she prefers collabs more than solo streams, as a ratio.
I'm not upset with Ame for not doing any specific collab with anyone particular, but I do hope she could learn to be more assertive in asking to do collabs with everyone, because she loves doing them and it's sad to see her anxiety get the better of her.

>> No.9159879

Sorry for your loss. I'll buy you lube when we meet again

>> No.9159880
Quoted by: >>9159945

I don't know about you, but I abandoned her a long time ago and I've never been happier, now I don't have to deal with her bullshit (except for when she collabs with other chuubas I like and brings her scuff to the stream)

>> No.9159883

If you push the right buttons, something on this screen will temporarily fix that.

>> No.9159887
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1616216894185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konyappi! Yaaaaaay!

>> No.9159891

it's because a niji was using it in the tournament

>> No.9159897
Quoted by: >>9160129 >>9160400

If anything Mori more is getting more support since chumbuds seemed to have warmed up to her a lot recently.

>> No.9159901
Quoted by: >>9159931 >>9159998

Doesn't that mean they all went to the split? Especially considering they're less numerous than ever in /hlgg/?

>> No.9159903

Stop it, I made up a narrative about how all the Deadbeats would leave once EN2 debuted and you're ruining it.

>> No.9159915
File: 288 KB, 1240x1754, E-IXfdlVcAEPJ_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159917

>Actually, the deadbeats are decreasing in number pretty fast and defecting to EN2 (particularly Kronii for some reason)
Only deadbeats are pushing this nonsense

>> No.9159920
File: 1.08 MB, 406x368, 1630485735902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Towa

>> No.9159931
Quoted by: >>9160393

yes, which is why the amount of IPs in global heavily fluctuated ever since /jp/-
oh... wait... it didn't...

>> No.9159940
Quoted by: >>9159954

>that's why the "ficklebeats" thing exists.
It doesn’t exist, (you) are just trying to make it stick, so you have another nickname for people who don’t agree with you.

>> No.9159944
File: 373 KB, 2078x2130, 1630439219410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160010

Date with Towa

>> No.9159945
Quoted by: >>9159972

Retards here love to say they dropped her like its some achievement. Why do you seek validation? Are you a ADD schizo who needs attention because you never got any as a child?

>> No.9159954

>for people who don’t agree with you
Who? Mori is not my oshi.

>> No.9159964
File: 2 KB, 74x82, 1626768336339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand Towa

>> No.9159969
File: 60 KB, 350x460, 1630583320803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open YT
keks hours...

>> No.9159970
Quoted by: >>9159994

Fucking hell meta shit is the most boring sort of discussion you can bring to /hlgg/. What's next, we're going to revive the great Tako Exodus rrat? Kill yourselves already, please.

>> No.9159972

it's like two dudes who really need validation from the thread so they keep mentioning it

>> No.9159979
File: 184 KB, 850x1223, 192087381923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9159992

Unprotected hand holding with Towa

>> No.9159984

Please understand, purge schizos take that “last deadbeat” larp seriously

>> No.9159985
File: 330 KB, 587x529, 1620987549726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159988

I stopped watching Mori when she did Trash Taste, but then I stopped watching HoloEN right around the time /hlgg/ left /jp/. It sounds like in the interim, deadbeats had a hard time with her going on a long-ish vacation and then coming back and saying the 5% thing (which I still can't believe is real). Deadbeats, I'll never watch your oshi, but I am glad that she seems happier and more connected with her fans and coworkers recently, with that wholesome scuffed TTRPG stream.

>> No.9159992
File: 96 KB, 420x300, 1612325700555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's lewd!

>> No.9159994
File: 154 KB, 1200x850, 1606095047061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, was the Minecraft collab a good sign for EN2's future collabs and their chemistry?

>> No.9159998

I’m in both.

>> No.9160004
File: 161 KB, 628x1000, 1630418975325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160009
Quoted by: >>9160022 >>9160059

It's dumb and stupid, people were saying yesterday that takos left ina. People have an oshi would be retarded to drop them now when en2 hasn't even been around for that long

>> No.9160007
Quoted by: >>9160125

Hell yes it was. People were only semi-ironically saying "all EN1 minecraft collabs mogged"

>> No.9160010

Huh, the smoking area in a restaurant is usually outside.

>> No.9160016


>> No.9160022

I'm actually trying to find a new oshi in EN2 but their times filter me

>> No.9160029
Quoted by: >>9160060

I think as a group EN2 will have better chemistry than EN1 but it is yet to be see whether EN2 will have a pair as powerful as GurAme.

>> No.9160034
Quoted by: >>9160077 >>9160125

Yes and no. Yes in that I think Bae can make any group work so long as she's in it by carrying it with her energy, no as in I don't think Mumei has a social bone in her body and Kronii has the same issue Mori sometimes has where she focuses too much on what she's doing and not what her collab partners are saying.

>> No.9160043
File: 654 KB, 2400x4000, 1626449901755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160070

I wish I was Nene here

>> No.9160045
Quoted by: >>9160083

The last bastion has fallen, Gen 5 is compromised.
Your oshi WILL play Henry Stickmin. look forward to next week's council schedules

>> No.9160060
Quoted by: >>9160096 >>9160114

The weak link in EN1 is Mori, she's still awkward, autistic and cringe around her coworkers (because they certainly aren't her friends) after a year. Remove her and it would be better. Hell, even replacing her with IRyS would be a great idea.

>> No.9160059

It's literally only newfags who are saying this. Nobody said shit like 'oh man Gen 3 fags are going to abandon their oshis for Gen 4, Gen 4 fags are going to abandon their oshis for Gen 5, ID1 fags are going to abandon their oshis for ID 2 etc'. This is literally only something being pushed by shitposters who latched onto Hololive with EN2 and it's very obvious.

>> No.9160068
File: 118 KB, 710x1109, 98216312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160070
File: 166 KB, 628x857, 1610022263243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is always in our hearts

>> No.9160072
File: 50 KB, 495x499, FlareTrueForm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi, Mori Calliope, has betrayed me for the last time. I am vexed by the Negro of the Orient no longer. I now shall take Gawr Gura, a sprightly young thing, as my preferred woman although she is but a child, supple enough to make one moan and weep with joy.

>> No.9160077
Quoted by: >>9160106

Mumei is at least trying. No one forced her to do an improptu collab with the most energetic member of her gen, that was her choice.

>> No.9160083

At least with Botan we'll get someone who's been around long enough and has enjoyed western internet trends to make this interesting

>> No.9160096
File: 826 KB, 1200x986, 1608367395549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, you really gotta work double time now that people enjoyed the last streams

>> No.9160102

>willing to join without announcing a collab
>great chemistry
>different personalities
>different skill levels
>don't need handholding
I understand why Fauna didn't join but I didn't see a reason as of why Sana didn't, she was even in chat

>> No.9160104
File: 322 KB, 1554x874, E-WVh1fVEAMveeQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160127 >>9160163


>> No.9160106

Sure, but it was kind of the same with Sana as well. The Fauna collab was only alright because Fauna sort of took on a role that made Mumei's fumbling autism work. I'm not saying this from a place of dislike for Mumei or anything and I'm sure she'll get better, it's just that she definitely has a ways to go.

>> No.9160114
Quoted by: >>9160143

Man I stopped reading real quick there
>because they certainly aren't her friends
You have genuinely have to been a complete and utter retard to not belive this.

>> No.9160120

Do you guys follow all of the Holos on Twitter? Or just the ones you like?

>> No.9160125

i'm highly anticipating a Bae+Sana collab, whatever the content

i haven't watched the VOD yet but there's no way it's better than Gura's impromptu space launch collab or Takotori

>> No.9160127

The port is apparently filled with a ton of bugs and freezes.

>> No.9160129

>since chumbuds seemed to have warmed up to her a lot recently.
That sorta happens when you have a lot of good collabs with Gura while going on a very long redemption arc. Let’s hope it lasts

>> No.9160133

So Kronii is just Mori 2.0 in Minecraft huh..
why do they hate that game so much?

>> No.9160134

I follow 'em all noripro and vspo as well

>> No.9160137

I follow every single Holo and Homo on twitter, even the ones I'm not subbed to on youtube. Also every mama/papa.

>> No.9160138
File: 1.25 MB, 600x600, 1626770151042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160141

Super Mario World the cutest teresas/boos have ever been

>> No.9160142
Quoted by: >>9160162

I've never even had a twitter account. I just look at their posts when you guys put the links here.

>> No.9160143

Compare that with the collabs she had with her actual friends, MilkyQueen and Gigguk. There's a world of difference

>> No.9160147
Quoted by: >>9160160

>A sinful woman who made a hamburger in the middle of the night
seriously what did she mean by this?

>> No.9160155


>> No.9160156
Quoted by: >>9160177 >>9160196

Mori is going to bruteforce learning the game next week with the two marathon streams, I think that will either make or break her as someone who streams Minecraft. If she doesn't 'get it' with that stream, I doubt she'll touch it again outside of collabs. Hope that IRyS or Gura will show up to help out though.

>> No.9160157

Mori doesn't hate the game, she's doing a 2 10 hour back to back streams next week. Kill me. Although it should have some fun improtu collabs

>> No.9160160

She's saying she's a fat whore anon-chama

>> No.9160162

I didn't until recently. I made a dummy one so I could follow the Holos and some others like Tamaki and Shigure Ui

>> No.9160163

the vtuber sonic isn't going to be there, right?

>> No.9160164

Most of them. I have notifs on for all ENs but only for IDs/JPs that I like.

>> No.9160167

games with a goals are fun
sandboxes are tedious

>> No.9160170

The lore page of Alternative is finally in English

>> No.9160173

Ah your pushing the that retard angle again I see. Nah that shit doesn't work just stop. The ttrpg collab really disproves all that

>> No.9160172

man you really gotta try at later hours when there's actually people in the thread with this crappy bait
for the time being watch any Takamori offcollab and shut the fuck up

>> No.9160176
Quoted by: >>9160202 >>9160205

>This is the "Hololive Alternative" management team.
>With the update of the official website, we have implemented a news feature.
>We will be updating this page with a variety of information.
>Thank you for your continued support of "Hololive Alternative"!

>> No.9160177
Quoted by: >>9160240

>is going to bruteforce learning the game next week with the two marathon streams
That's... not how it works. Mori's absolute refusal to use external resources for learning when Minecraft is built around that is why she's utter dogshit at the game.

>> No.9160182

Only from EN. Too lazy to translate JP tweets

>> No.9160186
File: 1.72 MB, 1000x842, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which other holos are Christian?

>> No.9160192
File: 91 KB, 1200x704, 20210827_051207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>immediately start thinking about kiara
how is she so perfect?

>> No.9160191
Quoted by: >>9160270 >>9161140

I like Ollie's new layout but man does the game look small.

>> No.9160196

I’m guessing she will get visited by all the myth girls and IRyS. Only iffy one is Ame with her health.

>> No.9160202
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1626609651467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An announcement that they can now make announcements on their new website.

>> No.9160203

It's next Friday and Sunday she should be fine by then.... i hope

>> No.9160205

>Announcement for an announcement
Classic. Japanese corpos are such niggers.

>> No.9160208

What the fuck is going on with Ame

>> No.9160209


>> No.9160211

Only the ENs, i don’t like to clutter my twitter feed with too many people, and i don’t care that much about ID.
Don’t follow artists because most of those faggots all follow roommates

>> No.9160216
Quoted by: >>9160247

not really? the only difference with Milky collab was her being able to reply without Discord delay, but she chats with Kiara/Gura in basically the same manner

>> No.9160222

ate bread became dead

>> No.9160225

I doubt Ina will be there. Not because of any dumb rrat but because Mori is likely to do it at the exact opposite hours that Ina is usually active around.

>> No.9160227
Quoted by: >>9160253 >>9160317

And the alternative website got ddos’d by a single tweet, bravo Cover

>> No.9160234

All the ENs and IDs. Only my favorite JPs because it becomes a mess if I follow all of them.

>> No.9160239

tummy hort

>> No.9160240
Quoted by: >>9160252 >>9160266

>Mori's absolute refusal to use external resources for learning
watch streams... she said verbatim she plans to use guides

>> No.9160247

Mori should collab way more with Ame and Ina. She barely knows the former and all the collabs with the latter have been kino (shut up THAT stream doesn't exist).

>> No.9160248

It's gonna be a 2 10 hour stream so there's still a high chance she'll be alive for some of it

>> No.9160250
Quoted by: >>9160292

I don’t fully know, her arm is swollen or hurting now? Would need to ask a teamate.

>> No.9160252

He'll reply with 'DYRBI'.

>> No.9160253
Quoted by: >>9160272 >>9160282

The what?

>> No.9160255

>40+ holos
>can't understand half of em
lmao, fuck no. Only non-EN I follow are Fubuki because she's based and retweets tons of unity stuff, Nene because I love her and Roboco because I love her and she needs the followers. Lists are also a thing; follow a Hololive one that'll retweet a few tweets from all the girls every so often, instead of all 40+ of them tweeting all day.

>> No.9160256

Why wouldn't they choose someone who went on to become on of the most successful members of EN2 so far?
Cover actually has an eye for talent and filling gaps in their portfolio.

>> No.9160259

Allergies killed her arm, she can no longer be a gamer

>> No.9160266
Quoted by: >>9160316

>Watching Mori

>> No.9160268

Thank you, Astel.

>> No.9160269 [DELETED] 
File: 687 KB, 1342x798, 1629665973538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, mumei may have a bf and may be extremely boring, but she said rrat on stream so who can really say if she's bad or not.

>> No.9160270
File: 2.31 MB, 1919x1079, 1624041795200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll only be a matter of time before she'll make herself bigger and the gameview area smaller and smaller

>> No.9160272
Quoted by: >>9160328

The website for Alternative, Anon.

>> No.9160275

I wonder if one of her 10 hour MC streams is gonna coincide with Kiara’s Mamatori one next week.

>> No.9160278

Ina is almost always the first one to hop on for impromptu mc collabs, she probably won’t stay long but she’ll pop in.

>> No.9160282


>> No.9160283

Ina and Mori live in the worst possible timezones when it comes to collabing, and both have said they're autistic about contacting one another for fear of imposing on someone busy. As for Ame, we all know how Ame is with collabs.

>> No.9160290
File: 22 KB, 902x86, 1630661120837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck? Official hololive lore

>> No.9160292

Well that's all we know until she goes to the doctor tomorrow

>> No.9160294

Mori has good chemistry with Ina in every group collab so there's honestly no particular need to bend their schedules backwards for solos
Mori/Ame is the only pair that feels somewhat distant, though in the last Gatic collab they were bouncing off each other nicely and they seem to have connected better through the TTRPG

>> No.9160297
File: 164 KB, 650x866, 1613874968332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matriarch of Moscow and all Rus', Kometa of Moscow.

>> No.9160302
Quoted by: >>9160311 >>9160362

I had my first Holo dream and it was so fucking weird. Kiara had a full on 3D concert with a live audience but all of myth was cheering on, in full 3D, like among the real life people. Except for Ina who was standing in the far back in full shadows, shaking hands with Obama.

>> No.9160303
Quoted by: >>9160402 >>9160520

Why did they do it bros

>> No.9160305

Ina is the most likely to join, she’s in pretty much every single impromptu collab

>> No.9160307

Ame is ame and she hardly initiates collabs anyway. Mori and ina never see each other with stream times. I'd like it too but I doubt that they will. I really like the ina and mori duo too

>> No.9160308

When is JP visiting the EN server again? I don't want them to laugh at IRyS' hut or Bae's house/cave

>> No.9160311

Takokeks will defend this.

>> No.9160314
File: 25 KB, 593x183, 1614968263070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an account just for holos, follow them all and enable all of their notifications
Then, I follow all the artists and schizos that post holo related content, my timeline is full of holo stuff and if I exclusively want to see what they are posting, I open the notif tab, it's pretty

>> No.9160316

you know that if you don't watch Mori you can just not comment on what Mori plans to do so you don't make a complete baboon out of yourself, right?
it's literally that easy

>> No.9160317

I guess this affected the holonometfia site as well huh
Damn, i kinda wanted to read through it

>> No.9160320
Quoted by: >>9160371

Dec 16, 2019
C97 New issue "Okusuri Wet Ne" Broken heartR18 Heavy multiplication x
B5 / 56P / It is a story that Udagawa applies medicine to Mitake's nipple that has broken down due to excessive masturbation (Tomoe Ran who is dating
Are women more degenerate than men?

>> No.9160325
Quoted by: >>9160340 >>9160351


Indos, what's Bahasa Kalbu? I know Bahasa is the Indonesian language, but what's Kalbu?

>> No.9160328
Quoted by: >>9160355

It still works what are you talking about

>> No.9160330
Quoted by: >>9160384

The main problem with EN1 is their extreme collab autism.

>> No.9160334

Cute Wada

>> No.9160335

I think the only confirmed ones are Lamy and Pekora

>> No.9160339

the yukimin inventor is at it again

>> No.9160340


>> No.9160344
Quoted by: >>9160357

At this rate it'll probably be whenever the JP EN portal gets built, which is apparently going to be a group collab thing.

>> No.9160348

They likely won’t connect the servers before the EN2’s collab ban is up. Not to say that JPs can’t go right now but they’re probably saving their visits to build hype.

>> No.9160349
Quoted by: >>9160368

>watching the minecraft vod
>"Mumei where are you"

>> No.9160350

the page is working now, it wasn't some minutes ago

>> No.9160351

According to Google Translate, Heart Language

>> No.9160352
File: 212 KB, 480x480, mna [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flsqlvp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is very cute playing Super Mario World

>> No.9160355

Not him but hardly anything on the page will load.

>> No.9160357

I thought one of myth mentioned en2 will be doing the portal stuff aswell

>> No.9160358
Quoted by: >>9160369


>> No.9160362


>> No.9160363


Subaru is going to play a shitty horror game whilst hooked up to a decibel measuring program.

>> No.9160368

She is an owl after all.

>> No.9160369
Quoted by: >>9160404

I don't normally think gura is cute but she is very cute in this clip

>> No.9160370


>> No.9160371

>Are women more degenerate than men?
how new?

>> No.9160384

Mori hasn’t been bad about it in a while. I think she would collab with Ina more often if they had an idea on what to do together.

>> No.9160390
Quoted by: >>9160407

Towa is flattening the land, how devilish

>> No.9160392
File: 227 KB, 850x1159, 787878235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine and Pekora

>> No.9160393
Quoted by: >>9160436

Anon? The number of IPs is limited by how many posts can be made in a thread before it's death, it's not going to go down significantly if we're still hitting 1500 per thread since it's not time limited. Measuring how long a thread takes to die is a much better way to determine things.

>> No.9160400


>> No.9160402
Quoted by: >>9160434

go back clipnigger

>> No.9160404
File: 149 KB, 560x314, 1612059947263.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, she has her cute moments

>> No.9160407

Just like her chest and pancake ass

>> No.9160408

JP-EN merge will formally happen when EN builds a portal to JP. Similar to that portal-relay event that happened on JP server. The questions are when EN will do that, and if they plan to include Council on the portal building project

>> No.9160409
Quoted by: >>9160483

Mori seems to be reaching out to a whole lot of people nowadays but she needs to like, sit on her ass for a while and stop moving around

>> No.9160412

Mori finds basic knowledge in a childrens game to be the same level as reading frames in fighting games for some reason, and block autists piss her off.
>some grey name tells holo to organize her inventory
>Gura: “oh i will, i got big plans for the storage area i’m planning”
>Mori: *goes on a 5 minute rant about how you aren’t the boss of her that the grey name will not remember by the end of the stream*
Kronii just doesn’t have a brain meant for creative building, says she just likes organizing chests and making strip mines

>> No.9160413
Quoted by: >>9161830

>HOLOLIVE ALTERNATIVE Creator >Application Form
>We are looking for creators who can help us with the production of various official products that we plan to produce in this project.
>We are looking for creators who can help us.
>If you would like to be contacted for a project, please send us
>If you would like to be considered for a project, please send us your name, job title, contact information, and
>If you would like to be considered for a project, please send us your name, job title, contact information, and production experience using this form.
>Your application will be reviewed by our project team, and we will contact you when we have a suitable offer.
>If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
>Please note that we may not be able to reply to all applications.
>Please note that we may not be able to reply to all applications. We will inform you of future requests as they arise, and we will not notify you immediately if you are selected or not.
>If you are looking for a permanent position, please contact us. If you would like to be hired as a full-time employee, please apply through the following employment office of Cover Corporation.
>Alternative project-related employment opportunities
>Art Director
Art Director https://www.wantedly.com/projects/644760
>3DCG Designer
>Client engineer
>Server engineer
>UI/UX Engineer

>> No.9160416

Mori was never really the one to never set up collabs but more in collab autism

>> No.9160434
File: 286 KB, 3400x2300, 1630105031255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160444 >>9160492


>> No.9160436
Quoted by: >>9160734

anon, the stats collected for the /hlgg/ threads show almost no effective change in output, % wise, only a small incline as some new people joined the flow/some new holos popped up
if that amount of regular posters just dropped, it'd be more notable, don't be a moron

>> No.9160440
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 20210903_040053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160467

>> No.9160444
Quoted by: >>9160464

this explains everything, go back and kys

>> No.9160449
File: 29 KB, 220x204, watameded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should I fap to this morning?

>> No.9160454
File: 2.26 MB, 1699x2400, 20210903_043619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160455

Botans botan's

>> No.9160458
Quoted by: >>9160532


>> No.9160463
File: 107 KB, 829x1311, FB_IMG_1630661888544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160480 >>9160702

>> No.9160464
Quoted by: >>9160474


>> No.9160465
Quoted by: >>9160727

Mori is fairly open for backseating in games with set goals/skillchecks but sees MC as a complete sandbox experience
people backseating MC are like someone trying to backseat you while you're building with legos, not only they're being a complete fucking hopeless autist, they're also missing the entire point behind legos and spoiling the fun

>> No.9160467

This fucking smug brat needs to be taught a lesson fucking FAST before she gets any big ideas...

>> No.9160469

why did comet do it bros?

>> No.9160471

HomoEN after all the boys get their 3D, cap this

>> No.9160472

Checked her playlist and its ironic she doesn't have a dmc playlist despite being her favourite

>> No.9160474
Quoted by: >>9160485 >>9160488

lurk 1000 years before posting

>> No.9160475

Wasn’t there a cat in boat in the ice road to Phoenixton? Did Ame or someone take it?

>> No.9160477
File: 1.67 MB, 1720x1214, 1618044164404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160480

Called the cops

>> No.9160481

In the past 10 weeks mori has not had a collab in only 2 of them and in every other has had at least 1 or more collabs

>> No.9160482
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1612028869025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit AYAME!!! Streaming your anniversary when the Hololive official channel is going to stream something. I tried to ignore people calling you a whore but streaming over my Oshi!!! I shall now join them!

>> No.9160483
Quoted by: >>9160522

She does but having a lot a free time usually seems to make her depressed.

>> No.9160485

Trying too hard to fit in tourist

>> No.9160488

Stop replying to retard spending his whole day shitposting here, in /hlg/ and likely in /qa/ as well.

>> No.9160491
File: 231 KB, 850x1501, 1629407891661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160492
Quoted by: >>9160524

>redditors coming here
ah yes, not even the feeble-minded redditor can resist the seductive charm of 4chan

>> No.9160494
File: 178 KB, 1100x880, myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously? The 3Ds of all the boys were already promised and semi announced. They’re gonna have a concert at the end of the year. Myth will get a debut date TBA announcement like the ID1s at best.

>> No.9160497
Quoted by: >>9160548

t. future Homo EN

>> No.9160500
File: 296 KB, 2048x2048, 1612003135870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160503

luna sucks

>> No.9160512

having severe and ongoing allergic reactions to something in her diet, it's unknown what exactly although signs point to gluten

>> No.9160515
File: 592 KB, 850x1200, 1620249603252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru being hypnotized by Marine!

>> No.9160516
File: 338 KB, 1380x2048, F754B091-6152-4265-A4F2-D8B6F31361A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is always hags

>> No.9160520

so you guys watch socially retarded lesbians flirt all day? jesus

>> No.9160522

I don't mean relaxing, I mean physically moving around, she seems to be in a constant state of traveling recently which cuts into scheduling like a motherfucker

>> No.9160524
Quoted by: >>9160723

4chan deviated from reddit

>> No.9160527
Quoted by: >>9160551

Bros I will literally forgive the HomoEN if they make the girls less menhera even if it requires a sexual act...

>> No.9160529
File: 238 KB, 816x226, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160535 >>9160555

Have they recovered yet?

>> No.9160532

Me, but with >>9160458

>> No.9160534
File: 70 KB, 996x800, FB_IMG_1630588348180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160554 >>9160576

>> No.9160535
Quoted by: >>9160550

anon, you're retarded and late
the battle ended with a cool unity verse

>> No.9160539
File: 330 KB, 598x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omega retweets cool, edgy art of the girls
kek. At least it's good art.

>> No.9160540
Quoted by: >>9160557

In retrospect, if Cover wasn't expecting EN to be a very successful branch, why did they take such a chance on debuting Myth with 5 girls when ID and Homos have 3 girls per gen?

>> No.9160548

Please, anon... Have mercy on poor Migabi's frail and chubby body...

>> No.9160550
Quoted by: >>9160625


>> No.9160551


>> No.9160555

Anon.... watamates declared a truce

>> No.9160554
Quoted by: >>9160574

Please don’t, towaflip.

>> No.9160557


>> No.9160559

>goes on a 5 minute rant about how you aren’t the boss of her
Literally a K____

>> No.9160560
Quoted by: >>9160579

Has Kiara mentioned the King cover yet?

>> No.9160561
File: 57 KB, 450x669, 1620350615271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160570
Quoted by: >>9160682


11 months later, one of the all time great Holo streams may just be seeing a sequel.

>> No.9160573
Quoted by: >>9160598

I really want to fuck Ollie (purely consensually)

>> No.9160574
File: 376 KB, 478x580, 1620052377681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160576
File: 817 KB, 720x575, 16237319352190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160579

Has she fuck, why does it matter. Mori and gura didn't even mention it themselves during the watchalong

>> No.9160582

>Ame sang 25 (twenty five) different songs in one karaoke
teamates (me) are so lucky

>> No.9160585
Quoted by: >>9160593

a Kiara?

>> No.9160589
File: 256 KB, 1212x2136, 1623556146021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160593

Well, that too. Remember when she was building her restaurant in Minecraft?

>> No.9160594
File: 107 KB, 1200x1008, 1622723416505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's already been more than a week since Vsaikyou S3 is over
>Astel still hasn't given up on the Wingman

>> No.9160596
File: 1.02 MB, 971x1023, 1630275506076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160707

>Come with me if you want to live

>> No.9160598
Quoted by: >>9160689

I really don't care whether it's consensual or not

>> No.9160599

You know come to think of it, because EN1 has been waiting so long on their 3Ds, this means they may have time to do IRyS and EN2 as well. We could potentially get a concert just for HoloEN at some point early next year or something if Cover was smart about this, and didn't let their guys sit on their asses waiting for covid restrictions to relax.

>> No.9160606

It's amazing how even after all the collabs with good apex players and how much she fucking plays the game, Ollie is still as terrible as ever.
And Caustic literally just needs to fart in the direction of a team in order to get assist points at least.

>> No.9160613
File: 94 KB, 360x300, 1625814646063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160614

Is Mori even "good" at fighting games? I used to wreck my friends in DoA, but that's just them being casuals, or superior mind-games.

>> No.9160616

She just likes it.

>> No.9160623
File: 260 KB, 1920x1920, 1616216630458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160625


>> No.9160628
Quoted by: >>9160654 >>9160699

That would be a complete kick in the teeth for myth. They waited that long for some new nigs to get thrown in aswell. That's stupid

>> No.9160629
File: 466 KB, 1752x1896, Screenshot_20210903-124608_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160691 >>9160739

Why did Susan do it?

>> No.9160631
File: 51 KB, 640x841, FB_IMG_1630662439580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160630
Quoted by: >>9160699 >>9161008

EN2 and IRyS are not going to get their 3D at the same time as EN1, even if the work for it is done at the same time. Japanese autism about seniority cannot be swayed.

>> No.9160632

That's Ollie for ya.

>> No.9160634

She's trash even from a casual's perspective
She seems to be competent at platformers though

>> No.9160639

Maybe that's why aniki doesn't invite her anymore. She sucks.

>> No.9160643
Quoted by: >>9160656 >>9160658

I have no clue what this is supposed to say

>> No.9160649

Of course not but she like playing the her fans and likes the game/music

>> No.9160654

But it would be deserved, EN2 and IRyS are 100% the idols compared to Myth what with Whori and Kekara destroying any chance of a concert

>> No.9160655
File: 786 KB, 597x1500, 1612718135430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160656

That's because you're new. Don't worry, it's not something you should know about anyway.

>> No.9160658

A Kronii

>> No.9160659
File: 11 KB, 590x656, 1614914342163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160662

thanks anon

>> No.9160670
File: 75 KB, 720x1156, FB_IMG_1630662583601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160701

>> No.9160671

He posts the 2 with actual stage experience. What a retard

>> No.9160672

Not really, but I've seen worse.

>> No.9160676
Quoted by: >>9160706 >>9160719

I hope you didn't come up with those on your own Anon...

>> No.9160682
Quoted by: >>9160712

>11 months later
b-but that was just 5 months ago stop lying

>> No.9160686
File: 752 KB, 2029x1080, 1622040169716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160772

>> No.9160689

Ollie seems like a very nice girl and I wouldn't want to make her sad by raping her

>> No.9160691

Kronii's subs seem like "recovered", you could piece together the graph growth and it could make sense, everyone else however...

>> No.9160699

I never said they'd get 3d at the same time, just that they'd share their first concert together, or that the models for the newbies are at least finished by the time the EN1s do their streams.

>> No.9160700

HoloMyth... Lost...

>> No.9160701
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, Yozora Mel Kyun! Vampire Girl Haaaaaan! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6shnub.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160725 >>9160726


>> No.9160702


>> No.9160705
Quoted by: >>9160729 >>9160755

what was the best song ame sang today?

>> No.9160706

12 years old. Please understand.

>> No.9160707
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1630662720642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160752 >>9160865

Nice try old man.

>> No.9160709

a lotta pachi pachi going on here

>> No.9160711
File: 2.63 MB, 1601x1801, 5su3j2wdrp461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160712


>> No.9160713

They're probably further from idols than EN1 are. Very embarrassing post.

>> No.9160716
Quoted by: >>9160756

That is actually a really good rap

>> No.9160719
File: 540 KB, 775x411, 1613486325039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160766


>> No.9160723
Quoted by: >>9160800

4chan was 2 years before reddit and never had that backwards karma system.

>> No.9160725
File: 463 KB, 614x900, E4MTFJxVoAEymhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160754

Meru chan has a stream in 2 hours.

>> No.9160726

Mel is pure sex and cute.

>> No.9160727
Quoted by: >>9160803

But some of the backseating is kind of needed though. Basic stuff like putting up more torches to prevent monsters from spawning.

>> No.9160729

I dreamed a dream

>> No.9160734

I'm not making an argument about them leaving or not, just saying that IP counting is the dumbest way to do that.

>> No.9160736
Quoted by: >>9160771 >>9160774

Why do some people just randomly post reddit memes here? I always question it.
Also, I find myself liking Gura and Mori's KING cover more on relistens. Gura's whispering is very erotic.

>> No.9160739
Quoted by: >>9160760 >>9161784

It's weird that this is basically what the ENs originally thought their growth would be predebut, and that these numbers are only because YouTube said fuck you.

>> No.9160744
File: 307 KB, 1668x1668, 1625370413988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160750

Just a random unrelated nostalgia thought. I miss the days on /a/ you could announce reports to "gatekeep"

>> No.9160752


>> No.9160754
Quoted by: >>9160793

I fucking swear for every thumbnail migoti is in her tits get bigger

>> No.9160753
Quoted by: >>9160785

I don't know why cover can't just give them a three month work visa. It seems to be available right now.

>> No.9160755

Le Mis because she fucking hit the notes, and that's honestly astonishing and amazing progress on her part

>> No.9160756

Yeah, personally sounded the best to me out of all of them. The guy was a good rap writer.

>> No.9160757

she's omega casual tier but at least knows how to block, which places her in top 30% of players
she can't execute moves consistently for shit but that's simply cause she doesn't play the game offstream

>> No.9160760

Eh en1s goal was 100k

>> No.9160763
File: 77 KB, 818x854, FB_IMG_1630662892121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160807 >>9160813

If you ever feel useless, remember that there is a night vision goggles made for a lion
Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/pgh5e4/if_you_ever_feel_useless_remember_that_there_is_a/

>> No.9160764
File: 677 KB, 713x879, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160766

Holy kek that bitch got BTFO'd

>> No.9160768

She's improved a lot, she used to get double digit damage. She's plateaued hard though, and won't improve without actual coaching and training, something neither her nor anyone else is willing to do for her.

>> No.9160769
Quoted by: >>9160816

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.9160771
Quoted by: >>9160795

It’s just towaflip spreading facebook trash.

>> No.9160772


>> No.9160774

To use up image slots in the belief that this somehow "ruins" the thread

>> No.9160777
Quoted by: >>9160856

So we can expect this cringe to happen soon?

>> No.9160776

Who's this IAmVisco guy credited for the Alt translations?

>> No.9160778
File: 162 KB, 923x1200, 1621859356500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160785

Why do you think they are all getting vaccinated?

>> No.9160789
File: 765 KB, 3000x1800, E9VRJIqVkAUlFot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9160793
File: 606 KB, 1200x1200, 1630592898100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the power of that outfit. It enhances the boobs.

>> No.9160794

Only my oshi, though I do have a second account I use with Tweetdeck for keeping up with a bunch of indies without making my main feed unusable.

>> No.9160795
File: 377 KB, 1168x2048, 1630662525270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ones I post are the FB filename ones, theyre not all me

>> No.9160797

Because they paid him to translate it?

>> No.9160800

Weird. Pretty sure no one had even heard of Reddit until like 2010.

>> No.9160801
File: 130 KB, 1000x1350, 1623891612125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160914

>> No.9160803

it's honestly not, the worst that can happen is some creeper spawning and messing with a vanity build a little, which just increases replayability and gives a purpose to all those resource farms other than just ever growing amount of pixelart

>> No.9160807

why are you like this

>> No.9160809
Quoted by: >>9160843

>Ame has Kiss Me
What do the other girls have?

>> No.9160813

I hate you.

>> No.9160816

They're just saying it how it is. Mori and Kiara shit all over idol culture, and shown multiple times that they don't give a shit about it. As such, EN2 are bigger idols than EN1 will ever be simply because of those 2. Then again, the ENs aren't Idols, the only one that is an idol is IRyS.

>> No.9160819

JWU went to bed after the Matrix.

How were the streams?

>> No.9160821


>> No.9160823

We not GMI

>> No.9160824

Based. I wonder if Sharkmedio is coming back around for the EN anniversary.

>> No.9160825

Towa's building a cock tower from the building book she got

>> No.9160829
Quoted by: >>9160860


>> No.9160832


>> No.9160833


>> No.9160839

I follow all of them, I have notifications for my oshi and my favorites

>> No.9160840
Quoted by: >>9160866

They were good until Ollie started Tweeting

>> No.9160841

The second half of the EN2 collab was fun and Ame's karaoke was also good. Assuming you're a chumbud or deadbeat Ame did a couple of Gura duets and also sang two MCR songs for Mori.

>> No.9160842
Quoted by: >>9160876 >>9160889

In what way are they shitting on idol culture to be exact? And don't say male collabs because you know fuck all if so

>> No.9160843

The other girls don’t really repeat and practice the same songs often, do they?

>> No.9160846
Quoted by: >>9160954

>Literal reddit memes being spammed
I hate SEA threads

>> No.9160847

Oh its the gurame schizo who always uses up the images. I guess you graduated from using gurame to using reddit memes, how cute.

>> No.9160848

Polka cover time!

>> No.9160849

The funnier thing is L*ger is behind a lot of the TL work too.

>> No.9160850
Quoted by: >>9160904


>> No.9160852

im replying to the bait

>> No.9160856

I wonder if that means Mori will release the full version of Dawn Blue soon.

>> No.9160859


>> No.9160861
Quoted by: >>9160935

Of all the Ado songs for Polka to do, she does the least interesting... Well, at least the song fits her thematically.

>> No.9160860


>> No.9160865

Im shaking and crying rn, oga would never do that

>> No.9160866
Quoted by: >>9160939

How does Ollie tweeting on twitter affect the quality of a stream that has nothing to do with her? I think you mean the threads?

>> No.9160868
Quoted by: >>9160895

Wtf does this even mean

>> No.9160874
Quoted by: >>9160893

Mori and Gura showed up to Ame's karaoke. Rrat kino was still kino.

>> No.9160876

Don’t fucking engage holyshit. That “ENs are not idols”fag is here at these times every fucking day.

>> No.9160877

this countdown is pretty cool

>> No.9160878

What the fuck are these new premiere loading screens

>> No.9160880


>> No.9160881

Out of 24 thousand people in the world, Toowa:s smile s my favourite

>> No.9160885

Wow thanks google, this countdown is totally incomprehensible

>> No.9160888

>Watch Polka!!
What does it mean anon?

>> No.9160889

Not just any fucking male collabs but anituber ironic weeb cancer and they shamelessly plug their roomates work all while shitting on their colleagues if this were a normal job they would have been fired or reported to HR in seconds don't be a pathetic white knight.

>> No.9160890

fucking MKULTRA ass countdown fuck offfffffff

>> No.9160892


>> No.9160893
Quoted by: >>9160943

>Mori and Gura showed up to Ame's karaoke
Mumei Mumei Memeiiiii...

>> No.9160895

Kanji muzukashi, everyone read the title of their manga wrong so they had to spell it out

>> No.9160896

Macrossfags rate this rrat.

>> No.9160898

wow this intro is peak

>> No.9160901
Quoted by: >>9160918

polka is going to have fun picking all the fucking weird countdown screens i see

>> No.9160903

Is it true Deadbeats are the reason Ollie is about to commit ANOTHER Yab?

>> No.9160905

>white knight
There it is! Pathetic.

>> No.9160904
Quoted by: >>9160939 >>9160957

Holos really like to cover Ado songs
Oh sorry, i thought you said threads because i forgot that shit happened after Matrix, EN2 minecraft seemed to be good, but it was overlapping with Ame so i didn't pay attention to it.

>> No.9160907


>> No.9160910

Ah there we go thought so, go back to your schizo dream world. So predictable

>> No.9160912

I don't think you can blame Deadbeats for Ollie's shit.

>> No.9160914

>Implying Mori knows who Choco is

>> No.9160918

I wish Youtube would let your add your own countdown screens

>> No.9160930

>Shamelessly plug their roomates work
This fucking faggot is still at it? And as far as I know the only collab Kiara has done with antitubers that even comes close to that shit is the sponsored shadowverse tournament.

>> No.9160931
Quoted by: >>9160950

Astel your quick scope reps...

>> No.9160932


>> No.9160934

After almost a year people are still doing this huh

>> No.9160935
Quoted by: >>9160965

>covering any of Ado's overcovered self admitted 'we want the kpop audience' songs

>> No.9160937

they also pissed into your milk so it went sour
damn deadbeats

>> No.9160938
Quoted by: >>9160971

So that means he's correct about Mori

>> No.9160939

Second part meant for >>9160866 I am very tired

>> No.9160943

Yeah, her too.

>> No.9160947


>> No.9160949

I mean it's not like she did a quick sketch of her in a stream or anything.

>> No.9160950

It's the lag bro I swear

>> No.9160954

This is the future that was choosen for us.

>> No.9160955

They also started the coof
Fucking deadbeats

>> No.9160956
Quoted by: >>9160998

English Only Apex

>> No.9160957

At least it's Ado. Kanaria is a hack.

>> No.9160959

This one is vintage.

>> No.9160960

>No response for Mori
So you agree that she needs to be graduated?

>> No.9160962

this is a really cool polka design

>> No.9160963

lets fucking go.

>> No.9160964
Quoted by: >>9160976

I wonder how long until people finally stop this bit.

>> No.9160965

Not all Ado song's are kpop audience bait, like for example Gira Gira. I think Odo is her most kpop bait song it really does sound so kpop-y

>> No.9160966

Yes, I forcibly held her at gunpoint.

>> No.9160968

Here, have some of Kiara being based

>> No.9160971
Quoted by: >>9160997

But the original thing was idol shit which has 0 correlation. He just hates them both and tacked on "non idol shit" that makes 0 sense

>> No.9160975
Quoted by: >>9161096

Yeah but Gura doesn't mind backseating because she has no pride and enjoys being treated like a child by her chat.

>> No.9160976
Quoted by: >>9161000

When she starts caring about Hololive more than her e-celeb friends

>> No.9160979

Here's your next Apex collab

>> No.9160981

Are we getting TTRPG next week or will they be too busy because of the anniversaries?

>> No.9160983

If Aloe was still in, she could potentially fuck that up, but she's drawn Choco in a stream, so she would know her.

>> No.9160982

>No fucking in Ollie's household

>> No.9160988
Quoted by: >>9161033

JWU and apparently i missed a kino council minecraft collab. Since i havent watched/listened to any EN minecraft streams in a while, i just got bored of it, for quite some time, back when it died due to enma/jenma not having paid for it, how hard will the changes/new buildings hit me? Can i just have it as background and not watch it?

>> No.9160989

Polka when are you going to release your true singing powerlevel this is getting tiring...

>> No.9160992
Quoted by: >>9161446

Mori gets off the plane on Wednesday, anon

>> No.9160994

Our boy lyger made it

>> No.9160996

Probably the week after that, I would assume. You also have the cons next week aswell.

>> No.9160997
Quoted by: >>9161038

Look, Mori is the only one that deserves contempt, see >>9160968

>> No.9160998
Quoted by: >>9161009

ame, get ready

>> No.9161000
Quoted by: >>9161017

And how did you come to this conclusion schizo? Humour me go on

>> No.9161001

No, Mori's flight gets her back on the Thursday JST and said there wasn't any time to schedule it in with the other girls outside of the regular time (especially with the anniversaries coming up).

>> No.9161006
Quoted by: >>9161027


>> No.9161008

Rikka was specifically given his 3D model first out of all the Holostars because he's one of the few musicians they have that can perform onstage, and they let Nene debut her 3d like 5 months after her genmates because it couldn't be helped. Anyways, I can see Irys getting hers sooner than later if they expect her to perform, but not EN2 anytime soon.

>> No.9161009

I wish.
She's too adhd to do her apex reps.

>> No.9161013

TTRPG has essentially been cancelled at this point since Mori only wanted to do a limited run anyways now that more than two sessions have been cancelled I can see her trying to weasel out of doing them and also the players hwo hate doing it like Ame and Gura want out.

>> No.9161015

I know people hate it but I personally liked Ado's Yoru ni Pierrot
HOWEVER I have yet to hear one (1) good cover of that song
Even Joe Rikiichi couldn't give the song justice and he's supposed to be one of the best Niji singers

>> No.9161017

How hard is it not to respond to bait fucking deadbait??

>> No.9161016
Quoted by: >>9161039

You forgot about the possible vshoujo collabs.

>> No.9161018

>it's another timeloop of /vt/ era newfags and vwhore raiders trying to damage control and justify their whores after those disastrous nijien collabs
anyone with a brain should know by now they should be ignored

>> No.9161019

Isn't Lyger suspected to be a schizo?

>> No.9161020

at least put some effort and paint the catalog pink you piddly fags

>> No.9161021
Quoted by: >>9161031

I am (You), but less cringe.

>> No.9161027

it jork

>> No.9161028

one step closer to shagging Matuli
my condolences to him

>> No.9161029

What exactly was going through your head as you bashed out this retarded stream of consciousness run-on sentence? Other than 'not much', of course.

>> No.9161031
Quoted by: >>9161078

Still cringe, desu

>> No.9161032
Quoted by: >>9161067


>> No.9161033
Quoted by: >>9161143

Nothing drastic has changed. There is Phoenixtown with villagers and a few traders that Kiara set up. There is a small icebridge connecting it to the main EN area. Gura removed her half-finished barn and Tower of Friendship. IRyS has a small house a short distance away from the main area.

You'll be able to follow along and enjoy the stream.

>> No.9161035

Only Cunny can save these threads...

>> No.9161037

What else did the voices say anon?

>> No.9161038
Quoted by: >>9161063

And this makes her less idol like because? Just because she speaks to people you hate doesn't make her less idol. Your post is completely retarded and baffling. Change your approach next time please

>> No.9161039

Kiara said that after the Vei collab fell though, Vei hasn't talked to her, so I don't really see that happening for a long time, if at all.

>> No.9161040
Quoted by: >>9161067

Anon please...

>> No.9161045

>This thread

>> No.9161046


>> No.9161047
Quoted by: >>9161052 >>9161068

Why did cover hire Rrat when she clearly got in just to fuck her oshi? I thought they vetted that stuff.

>> No.9161049

Astel no kyat

>> No.9161052

*clap clap*

>> No.9161055

>Mori had a trench Coat phase
>Mori had a hacker phase

I'm.. worried about your boy deadbeats. She never grew out of those phases huh

>> No.9161057
Quoted by: >>9161077 >>9161117

I am really gonna stay up till 2 PM after pulling an allnighter just to hear Sana say stupid shit about my starsign

>> No.9161060
Quoted by: >>9161067

he's perpetually on copium and denial. his schizo levels outranks mamaloni

>> No.9161063
Quoted by: >>9161101 >>9161131

She's not an idol because she doesn't work alongside her fans, but only for herself. But that's beside the point: my point is that she shouldn't be in Hololive, idol or not.

>> No.9161068


>> No.9161067
Quoted by: >>9161083

Plausible deniability anon. Trying to do my Legal Lying Reps.

>> No.9161072
Quoted by: >>9161116 >>9161145


>> No.9161074

How would you describe the personality Polka adds to her singing?

>> No.9161075
Quoted by: >>9161087

Every single watchalong Mori does gives us a great insight into her formative years. If you want even more of this go back and watch her Boondock Saints or Fight Club watchalongs, some things become very apparent. I wouldn't want her any other way though.

>> No.9161077

>Knowing your star sign

>> No.9161076
Quoted by: >>9161115

at least during the hand yab he reacted as the good kind of schizo, the undying blind loyal schizo
kind of like the fandead that went absolutely nuclear after Rushia's mafumafu """"""yab""""""

>> No.9161078

I am just a mere man after all.

>> No.9161082
Quoted by: >>9161099


>> No.9161083

I don't even know half the words you said but okay

>> No.9161087

Hopefully she takes fans like you with her out of hololive in a month when she finally leaves.

>> No.9161088

>astel hear's a japanese word
>starts sperging
God damn it ollie, is it that hard to speak english?

>> No.9161090
Quoted by: >>9161109

>sometime soon

>> No.9161092

Mori's bankai is like Zangetsu's Quincy form.

>> No.9161093

if Festival goes missing he will be instantly on the top1 to be suspected

>> No.9161095

I'm really warming up to Mori.

>> No.9161096

Getting help with billion of Minecraft's hidden mechanics is being treated like a child? You think having wiki opened in another window at all times is more mature somehow? Gura just uses backseating as interaction with the chat and doesn't take the game too seriously.

>> No.9161099

Killing CHAOS?

>> No.9161103

Hippity Hoppity Ollie Is My Property (my wife she's not a slave or anything we're in love)

>> No.9161101

Man you are mentally challenged, well mori will keep succeeding and you'll keep seething. It brings me much joy keep going dude I believe in you

>> No.9161104

>S-She'll graduate any minute now!
Come on anon, you're better than this. I mean, you're not, but at least make an effort.

>> No.9161105

I mean Kiara already had multiple group collabs with Irys

>> No.9161107
Quoted by: >>9161126 >>9161150


>> No.9161109


>> No.9161111

>your oshi
>your astrological sign

>> No.9161112
Quoted by: >>9161132 >>9161134

I want Sana to play Marathon/System Shock/System Shock 2.

>> No.9161115
Quoted by: >>9161148

you have it the other way around anon, the dangerous schizos are the ones who can behave at the right moment

>> No.9161116

>there are 7 forks

>> No.9161117
Quoted by: >>9161130

Why is she even starting with Virgo, and not Aries? Is Sana a Virgo?

>> No.9161120
Quoted by: >>9161164

Huh. When was this?

>> No.9161122

>I work in CS
>I have a leather jacket
>I'm 6'1

>> No.9161123


>> No.9161125

Sad for you anon because she's already renewed so your gonna have to seethe for longer and make my life much better thanks

>> No.9161126

I'm an idolfag and love Mori, but Kiara is clearly the answer here. IRyS strikes me as more of a diva, like Azki.

>> No.9161127

She'll g-graduate any day now, r-right guys?

>> No.9161130

It's the month of Virgo today anon

>> No.9161131
Quoted by: >>9161147

>she doesn't work alongside her fans
Kiara and Mori are the ones involving their fans into their streams most directly, they also tend to be most responsive to all types of fanart dedicated to them and also use said fan content as big part of their stream setup (Mori's favorite chiptune bgm is literally made by a /vt/beat)

>> No.9161132

I want her to park her ass over my face.

>> No.9161134
Quoted by: >>9161146 >>9161194

I also want Sana to play Prey (either one works) and No Man Sky

>> No.9161135

I want Ollie and Astel to play this game

>> No.9161140

Yeah, I liked the old layout's darker colour scheme for the UI elements.

>> No.9161143

Nice, thanks. I'll probably watch it after sana's horoscope

>> No.9161145

>Named "Matsuri Monitor" because I'm obsessed and that's how I plan to use it

>> No.9161146
Quoted by: >>9161183

The new expansion looks cool, would make for a fun collab maybe?

>> No.9161147

I remember when Mori told her fans to fuck off when they wanted a simple karaoke stream, and when she told them to fuck off when they offered useful advice for an anticipated collab.

>> No.9161148
Quoted by: >>9161158 >>9161184

>the dangerous schizos aren't those who actually harass the girls, but those that in my opinion may eventually harass them
i'm not saying someone like him can't snap but so far he's done nothing but support his oshi

>> No.9161149
Quoted by: >>9161161

Was astel about to say "lick my ass"

>> No.9161150

Obvious answers are Kiara and IRyS.

>> No.9161158

>so far he's done nothing but support his oshi
Lyger pls... the amount of evidence...

>> No.9161160

Dam its almost like you only see that because you hate her guts. Wow shocking revelation

>> No.9161161

Pretty sure, lmao. The way he drug out that a until he found a similar word in his brain to fill the gap is pretty telling.

>> No.9161163

She literally just did a members stream where she brainstormed ideas for even more sessions.

>> No.9161164

Members Only watchalong shortly before she did the Tales of Arise "Holotalk" stream.

>> No.9161165

Kanatan is late again...

>> No.9161167

What a fucking good rap, can't believe I missed the thread for this
Where do you get a beat like that anyway? If that was done by a human rapper with similar vocal tone but with better flows and emphases then it would be really legit

Easily the best OC or at least my personal favorite I've seen from /hlgg/ yet and I was around for Cunny Roads and Randisi TTGL

>> No.9161168
Quoted by: >>9161193

>things that didn't happen: the post

>> No.9161169
Quoted by: >>9161526

>Seeing some translated Smol Ame clips from Mori's playthrough last night
Really, really hoping that one of the JPs see these and give it a whirl.

>> No.9161173
Quoted by: >>9161222

Kronii is entertaining and fun to watch. Subbed.
Mumei is cute and I like her. Subbed.
Sana's design is top tier and is fun in convo streams. Subbed.
Baelz is really good at chatting and is trying her best to be ganki. Subbed.
Fauna. Meh. I don't like ASMR and she feels fake all over. plus the rrats, yuck what a whore. Not subbed. For now

>> No.9161174


>> No.9161175

Kek Astel

>> No.9161177

Astel is NOT ok

>> No.9161183

NMS is an alright game now. Very chill and low threat level. Could make for a good zatsudan game and I'd like to see what names Sana would give to stuff.

>> No.9161184

>but so far he's done nothing but support his oshi

>> No.9161185


>> No.9161188

I thought I left you in the anti thread.

>> No.9161193
Quoted by: >>9161205 >>9161215

>That "ASMR" stream
>The Cuphead collab
Then she went on to have a collab with fucking Gigguk, where she was VERY enthusiastic.

>> No.9161194
Quoted by: >>9161245

I saw some people mention Elite Dangerous as a potential game for Sana. I haven't played it myself, but would it be?

>> No.9161195

Yamato seems cool, better than the generic isekai world and normal world, maybe the underworld and post-apocalyptic world is cool too

>> No.9161205
Quoted by: >>9161213

t.threadreader and clipwatching faggot

>> No.9161207

>HoloAlt is releasing Chapter 1 of their new manga soon, Holoearth Chronicles
>Hollow Earth
>Pekora wasn't far off all along

>> No.9161211
Quoted by: >>9161224

You know, you are giving Kronies a bad reputation. Because Mori lives rent-free in your head, you just had to involve my oshi into this by making it a contest. Fuck off.

People like me may have moved on from her to the clock unironically, but we never ever did it out of malice. There were just some qualities that GWAK-person has over GUH-person. And for some deadbeats it's the reverse.

You are not making us Kronies brigade against our oshi's senpai. So kindly piss off, or be glassed.

>> No.9161213
Quoted by: >>9161231 >>9161274

Maybe take Mori's futa cock out of your mouth next time you reply to a post retard

>> No.9161215

>giving streams when none of said things happened
...thanks for proving my point, I guess?
also, she was pretty darn enthusiastic to collab with Gura in Cuphead, it's why they tried to make the game work in the first place?

>> No.9161216

I am surprised at how well extended Astel eigo is. It's nowhere near fluent, but he seems to be able to get by and convey/understand enough.

>> No.9161222

fauna gives me the sessyoin kiara vibe with er uuuuuuuuuu. it's almost like fufufufufufu. i did enjoy her mc speedrun stream. seems to be the most competent gamer of council. just don't fall for her.

>> No.9161224
Quoted by: >>9161242 >>9161254

Who the fuck mentioned Kronii, you obsessed faggot

>> No.9161231

Great reply dude you sure showed me. Actual lazy mori anti. You're boring me now

>> No.9161234
Quoted by: >>9161287 >>9161304


>> No.9161242
Quoted by: >>9161265

probably a samefag responding to himself to start another proxy fanbase war
like an evolution of the schizomate that tries to fire up the deadbeat/teamate conflict on schedule
might even be the same dude

>> No.9161243

Most faunafags are goslings, they fell for the siren songs of the vixen

>> No.9161245

Elite Dangerous is a space trucking simulator at the end of the day. I haven't play it in long time, though. NMS is also more casual and colorful, plus the procedural generated stuff can be funny at times. I think it would work better as a stream game.

>> No.9161246
Quoted by: >>9161289 >>9161533

it's always funny to me how people try to extend the Mori timeloops to Kiara just because they're close friends and support each other

>> No.9161250
Quoted by: >>9161258 >>9161268

I hate Mori, That's it that's the whole post.

>> No.9161254
Quoted by: >>9161271

>consistent deadbeat falseflagging on /∞/
>dies down when called out
>suddenly shitposting in /morig/
Fuck off and stop memeing a "rivalry" to serve your anti purposes.

>> No.9161255

Absolute kino, jesas

>> No.9161258

Congratulations welcome to hlgg

>> No.9161261
Quoted by: >>9161531

>just don't fall for her.
H-Haha, yeah, about that…

>> No.9161265
Quoted by: >>9161285

I thought that was a schizobeat

>> No.9161266
Quoted by: >>9161270 >>9161296

Towa has a huge cock and she fucks someone with it

>> No.9161268

mee too, but I hate those 4 deatbeats even more

>> No.9161269

This thread isn't very good.

>> No.9161270

Yea, Me!

>> No.9161271
Quoted by: >>9161283

Take your fucking meds, I only use /hlgg/ and I don't watch Kronii that often

>> No.9161274

You didn’t even quote the correct streams bro. Revise your bait.

>> No.9161275
Quoted by: >>9161531

Too late Ima droppin fat akaspas like a manwhore

>> No.9161277
Quoted by: >>9161298

so /hlgg/ excited to hear your Holoscope?
remember, this thread is virgo

>> No.9161283

>admitting to stirring the pot.

>> No.9161285
Quoted by: >>9161302

Nah its that dude who posted saying
>I'm gonna make this place a living hell for what you did to ame
Something like that, I don't remember the post exactly

>> No.9161286


>> No.9161288


>> No.9161289
Quoted by: >>9161361

I like how they forget how Mori actually fought for Kiara and any other EN to also be able to collab with whoever they feel like and that Kiara is both grateful and impressed by that

>> No.9161287
Quoted by: >>9161316

That's gonna happen often when she's just running around on the JP server huh

>> No.9161291

I’m indifferent to Mori, That's it that's the whole post.

>> No.9161296
Quoted by: >>9161314 >>9161324

yeah, rpr
btw, how did that collab go? just how much spaghetti was spilled?

>> No.9161297

Reine is so fucking hot when she’s mad

>> No.9161298

I don't take horoscope stuff seriously, but I like reading personality stuff. I'm excited for the stream.

>> No.9161302

Anon, that is something a deadbeat would 100% write.

>> No.9161304
Quoted by: >>9161350

Yagura still haunts me. I'm glad Gura finally seems to be reaching out to the JP girls now though.

>> No.9161303


>> No.9161309

This is true!

>> No.9161310

Wait, now that I saw it brought up I guess EN2 really does feel the least idol-like of any recent gen. No former idol like we had in Gen5 or EN1, and they all suck at singing. I guess this is what P-san meant by them looking for 'content creators' first and foremost, but I can't help but feel like even by that metric they're kind of underwhelming.

>> No.9161313

>White knight
There it is, go back to discord

>> No.9161314

It was really good and suprisingly rpr held his spaghettis though he was nervous and being bullied by both towa and his chat the entire time

>> No.9161316
Quoted by: >>9161328

You know it became a meme on 5ch?

>> No.9161324

rpr spilled a lot of spaghetti and wasn't able to play very well with really shit ping, but it was pretty fun.


>> No.9161328
Quoted by: >>9161358

I've not been around so I didn't, that's funny though

>> No.9161336

She's also hot in general, the average temperature in Indonesia is around 30°+! Imagine how sweaty she gets when she's streaming!

>> No.9161339

What does it mean

>> No.9161340
Quoted by: >>9161347

I like Mori!

>> No.9161341

>suck my cock, you undead roach
Harsh, but great eigoreps Astel

>> No.9161347


>> No.9161348
Quoted by: >>9161395

They were specifically chosen not to have overlapping appeals as their Myth senpais but they’ll grow into it. There’s an idol in each of them there somewhere and we’ll get to witness it develop.

>> No.9161350
Quoted by: >>9161372

I want that cunny collab with Anya and Shion to happen. I don't even like cunny, but the lineup would be hilarious.

>> No.9161353
Quoted by: >>9161364 >>9161411

>wasn't able to play very well with really shit ping

>> No.9161358
Quoted by: >>9161401

It took them forever to upload a clip to Youtube.

Read the comments using a translator

>> No.9161361
Quoted by: >>9161383 >>9161432

even funnier, it's the same people that creamed their pants for the Pikamee-Ina collab
without Mori "popping the bubble", oh the humanity, that wouldn't have happened

>> No.9161364

Okay, what I should've said is that he wasn't able to consistently carry in the way he would be able to if he was on regular ping.

>> No.9161369

Ame often enough feels too masculine in her streams

>> No.9161372
Quoted by: >>9161384

Will Gura be able to keep meaningful conversation with 2 JP girls like that?

>> No.9161374
Quoted by: >>9161403

damn, he laughs like a girl

>> No.9161375

Rhythm with Towa

>> No.9161377
Quoted by: >>9161412 >>9161440

why do women shove it to your face when you forget asinine shit like birthdays and favorite food?

>> No.9161381
Quoted by: >>9161398 >>9161410

Have you seen mori, she's basically a dude there's nothing wrong with tomboys

>> No.9161383
Quoted by: >>9161624

I would gladly give up that collab if that meant HoloEN could stay safe from Vshitters and e-celebs.

>> No.9161384

Cute noises are fine too.

>> No.9161387

This is such an infuriating bait for me, because she's way too feminine most of the time.

>> No.9161389

No such thing.

>> No.9161394
Quoted by: >>9161427

Reine's always so fucking hot

>> No.9161395

Maybe rrat ironically enough given that she's obsessed with Roberu of all of the homos.

>> No.9161396

The idol experience comes from anywhere. I'm not a teamate, for example, but you can absolutely get your fill of idolfagging from Ame even though she absolutely sucks at singing. It's all about the journey. Personally, I'd argue that having someone who is a perfect idol right out of the gate is something a lot of idolfags wouldn't really go for.

>> No.9161398
Quoted by: >>9161416 >>9161438

Is that why so many hololive members lust after her?

>> No.9161400

Why do you think she's often shipped with the others?

>> No.9161401
Quoted by: >>9161435 >>9161576

The worst part is that the people who want it to be a thing like hey moona will probably get their wish, someone's gonna say ya gura and she's not gonna know what they mean afterwards

>> No.9161403
Quoted by: >>9161423

Selly does too. Maybe it's just an Apex pro thing.

>> No.9161404

Towa cute

>> No.9161410
Quoted by: >>9161419

Have you?

Mori is actually very feminine. She's just really dorky and chuuni. Even her rapping is just her trying to LARP Eminem

>> No.9161411



>> No.9161412

Remembering small details shows that you’re listening and are interested in them.

>> No.9161415
Quoted by: >>9161442 >>9161476

How has the Ollie Astel Apex collab been? Good?

>> No.9161416

Exactly they can't satisfy themselves so they call the 5ft scythe

>> No.9161417

Sex with Roboco

>> No.9161419

>Mori is actually very feminine
Said no one ever.

>> No.9161423

But selly is a cute girl

>> No.9161427

This is true!

>> No.9161432
Quoted by: >>9161561

nah, Pika is closer to JP side, similar to Tamaki, so it'd most likely go through, it honestly seems that it's the EN part of the scene that was strongly barred off, but it's hard to tell

>> No.9161435

>someone's gonna say ya gura
that's so fucking cringy

>> No.9161434
Quoted by: >>9161459 >>9161539

>did not watch any of her date streams.

>> No.9161437

>Ollie Commited ANOTHER YAB

Deadbeats did this

>> No.9161438

Check: Okayu and Furea.

>> No.9161440

It shows that you care in a more long term way.

>> No.9161442

Astellu just got angry and is facing the wall right now

>> No.9161444

Just watch streams, man.

>> No.9161446
Quoted by: >>9161469 >>9161483

>two day long plane ride

>> No.9161449

>open Ollie's stream
>she's dead
>Astel is going insane
>continue watching

>> No.9161451


>> No.9161452

has luna improved at all?

>> No.9161453

Anon often enough feels too masculine in threads

>> No.9161455

Kek, I missed that.
Friend tries doing this to me all the time now (and dies every time) after I did it to him a few times not realizing I was tap strafing over large gaps in order to do it safely. RIP tap strafing.

>> No.9161459

>date streams
Oh, the ones she got rid of because they were "too embarassing"?

>> No.9161461

>Fauna monetisation still at 7k
Huh, I really expected more even with doxnigger rrats

>> No.9161463

People that watch her a lot would know she has a very feminine side. Getting hair done, nails and having 100 plushies in her bed. But she's still your boy after all

>> No.9161469

The plane ride on her schedule isn't her leaving the country, she's stopping somewhere to visit relatives with her sister. It's after that she's flying out of the country.

>> No.9161471

Why does Bae's MC stream not have chat? did something happen?

>> No.9161475


>> No.9161476

Very good

>> No.9161477

Anon often needs to compensate for small penis, pls understand.

>> No.9161480

Astel monkey...

>> No.9161482

Watch streams, Kiara and Gura both have called her feminine before as well.

>> No.9161483

anon, look up how timezones work and in which direction she'll be moving

>> No.9161486

if the anon who made this is around, could you drop a soundcloud or something? you've got legit talent and if you can shit something like this out for a joke then you've definitely gotta have some hidden gem tracks stashed away somewhere

>> No.9161489

... were you expecting it to rise post stream?

>> No.9161490

I can save him!

>> No.9161498

I wonder if any other BR will be able to dethrone Apex as the go to vtuber BR.

>> No.9161499
Quoted by: >>9161521 >>9161542

are the girls going to conveniently get monetized one day after the other?

>> No.9161503
Quoted by: >>9161535 >>9161622


>> No.9161504
Quoted by: >>9161562

Towa's building this quite well from a guidebook that didn't have a blueprint

>> No.9161507


>> No.9161516

*cums in you*
are you sure?

>> No.9161519

monetisation is his penis

>> No.9161521

You really want another relay?

>> No.9161526

The Moona level is a fun filter to see who really pays attention to Hololive.

>> No.9161528

Playboard is bugged, she got 17k, and that’s without doing any SC reading.

>> No.9161529

She made 17k-ish, playboard was broken.


That's still not a crazy amount, if you consider that Ame made over 20k on debut, but it's still not terrible.

>> No.9161531

Good for you.
You're still a cuck but I admire your frankness of being one

>> No.9161533

A simple mistake they make is equating TT faggots with Vshojo just because both are hated here.
Kiara has absolutely 0 problems collabing with the VShojos and talked about it a bunch.
On the other hand she has 0 interest in collabing with TT because why would she? The only one she even had any interaction with was Gigguk in the Shadowverse tournament

>> No.9161535

I'd rather watch Apex ngl

>> No.9161539

>gotta "wine and dine" her for access to her feminine side
No thanks, pass

>> No.9161542

they were actually waiting for everyone to get monetized

>> No.9161545

playboard takes a good while to calc on frontloaded streams

>> No.9161547

And even then she bullied him

>> No.9161551

and that guy is actually a wuss, and someone who's very loyal to his Hime

>> No.9161553

Well damn.

>> No.9161555
Quoted by: >>9161583 >>9161592

Completely unrelated, but I'm kind of disappointed Kiara never collabed with Momojelly after the tournament. It sounded like they really hit it off.

>> No.9161557

jwu, gimme the latest gourami deets doc

>> No.9161561

that's pure speculation, facts are EN did exactly 0 collabs outside Hololive since Huke before Mori pushed for them, and then in a very short period of time every member did at least one

>> No.9161562

She can also barely understand the Japanese in it.

>> No.9161566
Quoted by: >>9161644 >>9161677

I still think astrology's bullshit, but at least she's trying to make it entertaining

>> No.9161570
Quoted by: >>9161595

Kanata... stream onegai...

>> No.9161572
Quoted by: >>9161591

did you count it up yourself anon, or do you have a bot?

>> No.9161575
Quoted by: >>9161598

are you a beeg enough motherfucker to satisfy sana?
me? yes

>> No.9161576

I don't want it to be a thing at all.
All I want is for it to come up in conversation once or twice during one of their next interactions in Minecraft.

>> No.9161578
Quoted by: >>9161595

Is Kanatach dead?

>> No.9161583
Quoted by: >>9161609

That wasn’t a requirement and she still talks to her any time she’s in the chat so.

>> No.9161584


>> No.9161591
Quoted by: >>9161615

I didn't do it, I got it from /#/. A bot was used though.

>> No.9161592

I thought she said it might happen down the line? It's just this month will be busy. Someone correct me though.

>> No.9161595


>> No.9161597

God I want to peropero Ollie's onaka (while she's pregnant((with my children))

>> No.9161599

Playboard usually chokes on big streams and has to recount

>> No.9161598


>> No.9161600

>nene has the least amount of subs in 5th gen
>top 3 in august revenue

>> No.9161603
Quoted by: >>9161612 >>9161649

I woke up.

>> No.9161609

I'm not saying it's mandated or anything, I just thought they had good chemistry and was hoping they'd do a collab someday, that's all. Not really a big deal if it doesn't happen.

>> No.9161612

Go back to sleep

>> No.9161614


>> No.9161613

them gamer chairs gotta be comfy

>> No.9161615

useful little thing
but yeah, I think people are sitting on their bags for Kronii/Moomy, but the real fountain will be the anniversaries

>> No.9161616
Quoted by: >>9161640

That’s 17k with a short one hour stream and no SC reading, though. I’m sure she would have gotten a lot more if she did something like Irys and read SCs for three hours.

>> No.9161622
Quoted by: >>9161695 >>9161724

What point is there for me to watch this if i'm not virgo?

>> No.9161624

I wouldn't. Everyone should collab with her more, it's practically impossible to fuck up a Pikamee collab (although vshojo managed...) and she can interact with both EN and JP just fine

>> No.9161625
Quoted by: >>9161654

Coco, please take better care of your wife. She has a member's stream later too...

>> No.9161626

Numbers don’t matter. All the girls are succesful in their own ways. Please. Understand.

>> No.9161627

I haven't watched Ollie play Apex in a while, has she gotten any better?

>> No.9161630

>kanata falls asleep in her chair often
>i fall asleep in my chair often

>> No.9161633

Astel baby..

>> No.9161634


>> No.9161635


>> No.9161637

Towasama that looks nice

>> No.9161640

Potentially, but keep in mind that both Fauna and IRyS' SC streams were VERY frontloaded. IRyS didn't actually make a huge amount once she started reading, it mostly came in the first 15-20 minutes.

>> No.9161642
Quoted by: >>9161694

So has ollie actually gotten better at the game? Last time i remember watching her play was with mori where it took ollie an entire hour to tell mori what exactly "become champion" meant

>> No.9161641
Quoted by: >>9161681

gfe effect
she is better at that than lamy
plus she is a literal stacy irl

>> No.9161644

I equate astrology with retarded tumblr women but I can't bully sana for it because she's cute.

>> No.9161645

She’s having fun!!!!

>> No.9161647
Quoted by: >>9161664 >>9161667

>Making a sequel to a game no one liked
I'll never understand Sonic Team, just stick to 2D games for fuck sake.

>> No.9161648
Quoted by: >>9161662

Astel doing lines of coke it seems.

>> No.9161649


>> No.9161650
Quoted by: >>9161753

it makes me really sad that among all VShitjo Kiara had to fall for Vei
really shitty person from what i've seen, proof enough how she pretty much dropped Kiara off stream after the collab went up in smoke
all in all i'm glad she collabed with Nyanners, it proved how fucking hard Hololive talents mog anyone in the western scene in terms of charisma and really made the claim that VShojo could corrupt the Holos laughable

>> No.9161653

Gen 5 anniversary.

>> No.9161654

Coco's "care" was probably too good. That's why she fell asleep.

>> No.9161658
Quoted by: >>9161706 >>9161710

I mean that sounds more reasonable but I'm not comfortable using some retards spreadsheet as fact.
Using playboard keeps shit consistent

>> No.9161659
Quoted by: >>9161729

Is Astel ogey?

>> No.9161660

JWU, why is Ollie a slideshow?

>> No.9161662

Can you blame him?

>> No.9161664
Quoted by: >>9161756

It's not sequel, it's a shitty port

>> No.9161667
Quoted by: >>9161756

Its not a sequel. Its a remaster.

>> No.9161672
Quoted by: >>9161688 >>9161690

Susan doesn't want to acknowledge that holos pull a shitton of money for them, look at this recent "acquisition", they signed him an exclusivity contract, "debuted" on a collab with another very popular eceleb (combined total of 8m subs), armed a whole campaign on twitter where he has double the followers as Gura and barely got 22k over 8 hours of streaming

>> No.9161674

Kanatan should fondle my balls as punishment for oversleeping

>> No.9161676


>> No.9161677

Listening to cute girls ramble about things they really like is its own joy, even if you don't particularly care about what it is they're talking about.

>> No.9161680

【Important News】Towa has broken out the MSPaint

>> No.9161681

>plus she is a literal stacy irl
she walks around nude when she has guests to assert dominance, sasuga nenechi

>> No.9161684
Quoted by: >>9161698 >>9161714

I miss Ina's forehead

>> No.9161688

Susan really doesn't want Holos to appear on Youtube Rewind

>> No.9161690

wrong pic

>> No.9161694

these timeloops are happening way too fast

>> No.9161695

You get to hear Sana,!

>> No.9161698
Quoted by: >>9161712

She'll show it in this week's member stream. A little bird told me

>> No.9161703

...is there a reason ollie has reverb on?

>> No.9161705

>Fauna creates ASMR content
>Kronii does mixing
>Sana does astrology
What content creation does baelz and mumei do?

>> No.9161706

Personally I'd rather keep everything on Playboard as well even if there's maybe a margin of error of a few hundred dollars here or there, but when the data is so obviously wrong you don't really have a choice but to look elsewhere. You could just manually count the SC's in the first 10 minutes yourself and easily see that it exceeded 10k without the need for any bot.

>> No.9161710
Quoted by: >>9161773

The vtuber number autists are genuinely more reliable than most of the mainstream tools like playboard.

>> No.9161712

That'll be the last 1 for a month, enjoy it

>> No.9161714


>> No.9161716
Quoted by: >>9161738


>> No.9161719

They create cum in my balls hoocha!

>> No.9161722

something something whore

>> No.9161724
Quoted by: >>9161740

We can shitpost about Virgos together, anon

>> No.9161726
Quoted by: >>9161745

Fine, I’ll masturbate to Rushia

>> No.9161729


>> No.9161730
Quoted by: >>9161757

>>Kronii does mixing
That's godawful stream content, I hope she doesn't stream that

>> No.9161732

Enter, LAM!

>> No.9161736

>and they all suck at singing
Mumei and Kronii can; they were just having debut jitters.

>> No.9161738
Quoted by: >>9161779

I'm consistently surprised by how well Ame does on I Dreamed a Dream considering how genuinely hard it is.

>> No.9161739


>> No.9161740

Fuck virgos, amirite? Absolute shitheads. Now taurus, THOSE are the real ones

>> No.9161742


>> No.9161744

What is it with Holos' parents wanting to collab with Astel in Apex?

>> No.9161745
Quoted by: >>9161791

oh nyooo

>> No.9161753
Quoted by: >>9161801

Vei is literally shitposting in the threads /here/, if anything she was sparing Kiara dealing with extra bullshit

>> No.9161755
Quoted by: >>9161785

>>Sana does astrology
That's a big cope my dog.

>> No.9161756
Quoted by: >>9161766

Where is my Heroes remaster??

>> No.9161757
Quoted by: >>9161805

It wasn't exactly mixing, but Mori's early sampling/track making streams were fucking hilarious. Wouldn't mind seeing stuff like that.

>> No.9161763

Astel is a cool guy and if I had a daughter I'd want him to fuck her

>> No.9161764
Quoted by: >>9161881

He’s the best in the company, no?

>> No.9161766
Quoted by: >>9161799

Heroes aged insanely poorly.

>> No.9161768

This level isn't even that hard.

>> No.9161773
Quoted by: >>9161802

Playboard is generally extremely accurate in terms of SC.
And most important of all it's the same methodology used on all channels making them comparable

>> No.9161777
Quoted by: >>9161789

Astel is teasing Ollie
They're gonna have sex after the collab...

>> No.9161779

She must be really into broadway.

>> No.9161780

Nene had a shitton of problems early on which stunted her sub growth, but she found her groove in due time
since then, she's one of the most succesful Holos by any other metric
Kiara said it best: Nenechi just keeps winning

>> No.9161783

Bros why the fuck is Botan so hot... she was hot before her new costume but her sports bra is just unfair to my balls....

>> No.9161784

EN1's original goal would be closer to something like NijiEN, this is still much higher.

>> No.9161785
Quoted by: >>9161796

Wdym cope what's she doing in 10 minutes?

>> No.9161787

Only holos are allowed to play fall guys with kfp so the parents have to resort to that.

>> No.9161788
Quoted by: >>9161833


FBK... your capeshit addiction...

>> No.9161789

Ollie's a brocon....

>> No.9161791
Quoted by: >>9161812 >>9161828


>> No.9161796

Having sex with me

>> No.9161797
Quoted by: >>9161810

Why doesn't sega make NEW 2D sonic games?

>> No.9161799

I still regret never beating it.

>> No.9161801

sure thing, what a heart of gold
and yet they stopped talking privately too

>> No.9161803

>Mumei sucks my dick
>Baelz nibbles on my balls

>> No.9161802

Anon, you can literally see that it's completely wrong here by just counting the akasupas in the chat replay yourself.

>> No.9161805

that's not mixing but yeah that'd be fun

>> No.9161810
Quoted by: >>9161826 >>9161850

Its only been 4 years since Mania.

>> No.9161812
Quoted by: >>9161829

She's so cute...

>> No.9161813
Quoted by: >>9161820 >>9161845

ASMR and whore stuff
Mixing and videogames
Astrology and Science related streams
The "Marine" or "Coco" of the group, good at being the Host of collabs
Being cute like Nenecchi.

>> No.9161817

kill this threads, i must post Kanata's Undertale pics

>> No.9161820

>Being cute like Nenecchi.
And as autistic as aqua

>> No.9161826

Anon's point is that Sonic Colors isn't new, it came out in 2010.

>> No.9161828
Quoted by: >>9161849


>> No.9161829

She sure is!

>> No.9161830

Don't you need to be Japanese for this shit?

>> No.9161833
Quoted by: >>9161865 >>9161890

>Disney gave her permissions for this, but still haven't given Kingdom Hearts permissions yet
What the fuck

>> No.9161838

Reality isn't real. But my love for this shork is.

>> No.9161845
Quoted by: >>9161873

>Being cute like Nenecchi.
do you just not watch either? Nene may be (or act) dumb but is always energetic as fuck and very sociable

>> No.9161846

So how will Kanata fuck up this time?

>> No.9161849

Oh nyooo~

>> No.9161850
Quoted by: >>9161868

>Sonic Team

>> No.9161851

Why doesn't Sana just do a drawing stream?

>> No.9161852

They're the normal ones

>> No.9161862
Quoted by: >>9161924 >>9161951

bros why does Ollie sound so fucking SEXY holy SHIT I want to PILEDRIVE THIS ZOMBIE SO HARD

>> No.9161865
Quoted by: >>9161893

you don't need permissions for watchalongs because none of the stuff is on the stream

>> No.9161867
Quoted by: >>9161879


>> No.9161868
Quoted by: >>9161886

No mention of Sonic Team in that post. The game was published by Sega.

>> No.9161873
Quoted by: >>9161914

something something whore
nah just joking
Yes I know she's sociable she is a literal idol and one of the more extrovert people in JP

>> No.9161874

Was it Fauna who said she wanted to try and play some gamecube games during her debut? I know one of them mentioned it.

>> No.9161876
Quoted by: >>9161894


>> No.9161879


>> No.9161881

Yes he is and before someone brings up botan, she SUCKS at apex

>> No.9161882


>> No.9161886
Quoted by: >>9161900

It's a fangame with an official sega sticker on it.

>> No.9161890
Quoted by: >>9161917

>wake up
>see https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1433668519149723650?s=19
She's really trying hard to keep an iron grip on me and it's working

If that's just a watchalong she doesn't need permission because nothing shows on stream

>> No.9161891
Quoted by: >>9161905 >>9162006

>keiffy mama also in Astel/Ollie chat

>> No.9161894

I'm a Pisces, am I still allowed to watch?

>> No.9161893

I just want Kingdom Hearts permissions

>> No.9161900

Yes but it was published by Sega. Its an "official" sonic game. Sonic Team itself wasnt mentioned in the post.

>> No.9161904


>> No.9161905


>> No.9161907


>> No.9161912

>Watching Kiar- I mean Baelz Impromptu collab.
>Gu- I mean Mumei is goofing around
>Mor- I mean Kronii is lost

This is the worst case of deja vu I've experienced.

>> No.9161914

i'm not 100% sure what you're trying to say but i don't like you
fuck off

>> No.9161917
Quoted by: >>9161970

Have some self respect man

>> No.9161921

die thread die

>> No.9161923


>> No.9161924

I agree, Ollie is plenty hot and sex-worthy, however I don't care for her much more than that; it's just her design for me. Personality and voice are both big filters

>> No.9161927
Quoted by: >>9161963

Watched the IRyS member karaoke. Man, she so cute and bubbly and funny. I'm surprised more people aren't into her.

>> No.9161929

>Your oshi
>Your bread sign

>> No.9161936

Virgos where we at?

>> No.9161937


>> No.9161939

Ey bros, kill the thread for Sana.

>> No.9161940


>> No.9161942

I am going to watch MY space wife without linking the stream just so I can have her all to myself

>> No.9161943

>have to wait almost an entire year for a gemini holoscope stream

>> No.9161944


>> No.9161946

post 1

>> No.9161947

Corn bread daddy

>> No.9161948

Pizza (the best sign)

>> No.9161950

Artisanal bread

>> No.9161951
Quoted by: >>9161993


>> No.9161958

>less than 1k
I WILL save Sanners.

>> No.9161960

fuckin cornbread

>> No.9161959

Muffin/cinnamon roll

>> No.9161961

>your oshi?
>comfy hags or young menhera?

>> No.9161964

Banana Bread

>> No.9161963
Quoted by: >>9161991 >>9162012

I'm not watching her goblina ass avatar, i don't care what people say the l2d fucking matters and Ayame and Kronii are proof of it

>> No.9161969


>> No.9161970

Some of us have lost that a long time ago anon-chama

>> No.9161971

Pretzel iirc

>> No.9161972

post 2

>> No.9161974

Comfy hags

>> No.9161979


>> No.9161983


>> No.9161989

I didn't get notified about Sana's stream despite having reminders on for both the channel and this stream specifically, Susan confirmed to still be racist

>> No.9161988

towa baby

>> No.9161990


>> No.9161991

if appearances didn't matter, some of the girls wouldn't need vtuber avatars in the first place

>> No.9161992

Balanced christmas cake

>> No.9161993


>> No.9161998

Comfy menheras

>> No.9161999
Quoted by: >>9162020

>Virgo review
>a stream to 1/12 of her viewerbase

>> No.9162001

post 3

>> No.9162000

Cinnamon roll (or muffin bread)

>> No.9162006

Anon, Gura won't have a new rigger and will be presenting another atrociously rigged outfit for New Year. Make peace with it. Cover doesn't care.

>> No.9162010

Banana bread

>> No.9162012

It's actually really cute though. Especially the way the mouth moves.

>> No.9162014

Mr. Koro
Comfy Hags

>> No.9162017

Happy birthday Burgers

>> No.9162020

To filter out weak ass libras

>> No.9162025

Hag 4 lyfe

>> No.9162026
Quoted by: >>9162063

>Happy bday to all the burgers
They're all asleep Sana...

>> No.9162029

post 4

>> No.9162028

Sana is so cute, bros...

>> No.9162031

I want to eat burgahs with Sanner...

>> No.9162032

Bur-gah but Ver-goh

>> No.9162033

>we cal it burger
Aussies explain

>> No.9162034
Quoted by: >>9162046

God her tits are incredible

>> No.9162035

Banana bread

>> No.9162038

Sourdough (Based)

>> No.9162043
Quoted by: >>9162076

Wait, who is lamdayo? I stepped away

>> No.9162044


>> No.9162046

>The spillover on the sides of her top
God bless Pako.

>> No.9162047

sana's big ol burgahs

>> No.9162048

post 5

>> No.9162054
Quoted by: >>9162077

Got anon's nose

>> No.9162055


>> No.9162056

>Your oshi
>Have you been born before?

>> No.9162059



>> No.9162063

Only the normal functional ones.

>> No.9162064

bros im getting a love letter from the stars

oh god she's so nervous to talk about her astrology hobby

>> No.9162073


>> No.9162076

Ollie's mama

>> No.9162075

No, I'm catholic

>> No.9162077

Wtf give it back.

>> No.9162078

op op op op oppan gangnam style!

>> No.9162084

I think so

>> No.9162082

not in my life

>> No.9162085

post 6

>> No.9162089

anal with kiara

>> No.9162090

>2k watching
wtf she's a nijien

>> No.9162094

Once, but I didn't enjoy it

>> No.9162096

was the space goat maid the virgo one?

>> No.9162097


>> No.9162098


>> No.9162103

