Mori Calliope, Holos Santos' Swaglord Sheriff
These rp streams were really special. I bet a lot of folks are gonna remember them as a high point for hololive
>>OPLet’s just say, hypothetically, I were to meep the morp. What would happen afterwards?
>>85911721Can anyone translate?
Anyone able to decipher these here moon runes?
>>85913429>>85913451tldr: thanks for doing this event, minor suisei teetee
So mori took down baelz? Or at least killed her?
>>85913888Yeah, she downed her in the tunnel once they went closer. So she got exactly what she wanted with getting one kill.>>85913765Awww, so cute.
>>85913888Who's "Baelz"?
>>85914174Isn't that your fucking name, rat?
>>85913765>I was killed, but I forgive you!kek, she is never beating the M allegations
>>85913765It was poetic that suisei joined the cops after that, and then on the last day mori even rescued her
>>85914256Uh, sorry I know nothing about this "Baelz" person, but I do have a cute oshi named Bae.
>>85914606Baelz has a sister named Bijou, perhaps you've heard of her?
This might be her best merch set yet, I can see myself using every single thing practically minus the ring which is an awesome display piece
>>85914342If Suisei spit in Mori's mouth, Mori would go "thank you my queen, may I have some more?"
>>85915035This is basically the hoshiyomi discord
Mori cool
>>85915035I wish mori would spit in my mouth
>>85915035She's just like me
I think every member of Hololive should be lined up and get a turn with Mori, getting to do as they wish, then I will go last. Then she gets the nicest bubble bath imaginable to soak and soothe the soreness.
Mori Calliope please beat me to death with your big hefty honkerydoos
Mori Calliope please walk me home gently
Need DONMAI with a live band yesterday
remember to love your Mori
I was thinking of something. we know Mori became friends with Coco a bit before/after she left. Do you think Mori would of got over her autism about reaching out to JP senpais earlier if Coco never left?
>>85918884I think that was always more of a lack of self-confidence in her Japanese thing rather than being hung up on Coco
>>85919004I don't mean that. I mean she would have someone that could help her connect with the rest of JPs easier. Also Coco knowing english and JP would be a bonus too.
mori should literally kill me
>>85918884things definitely would've went smoother for her if neither Coco nor Rushia lefthell, if Chama didn't have her hiatus too, they're pretty tight right now
This CC Fauna collab would have Mori so confused kek
I don't think the Japanese have the same concept of a "shot" as us because these glasses are fucking huge
>>85920631Ci is so cool....
>>85920815>open stream>see osananajimi in bottom tier>close stream
I want Mori to sing in the upcoming Batman Beyond anime reboot.
>>85923294Do you mean the very bottom tier? I think that's just where they keep tropes that aren't sorted yet
The ringbeat is pretty cool.
>>85924321oh shit, it's a babybeat>two rows of teeth
>>85924458Forever commemorating "Babytown"
>>85923846Fuck you anon you made me look for news for something that doesn’t exist
>>85923846Shame on you
four sports bras...
>>8592666250 sports bras, 4 pounds each
>>85924321Yeah I just got my merch too. Really good set. Everything is pretty quality and the pillow is super soft.
>>85926662All drenched in sweat
>>OPI wish I was Biboo in this pic
>>85926816Imagine the absurd amount of time it would take to get dressed, there has to be a better way!
>>85927654imagine the heavenly smell
>>8592666223 kilos each
>>85923846>>85925095>>85925536No Batman Beyond gameOnly more Suicide Squid
we need something like that tit squish meme from awhile back but with Mori and a skull
>>85930006Yes but>Spiderman-like traversal>CYBERPUNK!>Goth girls>PLAP PLAP PLAP Inque until she's a puddle>Bruce Timm
>>85930006>Suicide SquidMori bagged the new Watchmen adaptation? Nice
>tfw no mori gfliving is suffering
>>85930991After you've scrubbed all the floors in Hyrule, then we can talk about [mori gf]
>>85930991She would never have time for you though...
>>85924321My muffler just came and it is a lot bigger than I was expecting it to be.
>>85931795Looks comfy desu
>>85931795when did muffler catch on back in the day these were scarves
>>85933266Is there a difference? I thought it was just diffrent names for the same thing like beanie vs toque
>>85913098Yep, apart from the graduations, post Breaking Dimensions has been a peak time for Hololive. Compare this to 2 years ago when 8/10 of the EN girls were off sick / awol and Hololive was in its doldrums with people screaming for EN3.
>>85934988was that the start of Inas big break
>>85934988Not just EN if I recall, like half of JP were sick too
>>85933866All mufflers are scarves but not all scarves are mufflers
>>85935112Yeah it was pretty brutal. It was also whe Mori got the rep of being damn near invincible to sickness since she was doing work that would increase her risk far more than everyone else, but managed to stay healthy. Which is kinda funny with what is happening now, even though she is still streaming through it.
I am addicted to cumming to my morbi, I cannot stop
1 more day of absolutely dog shit hours and then we are back to normal fuck jp and sea trash.
>>85935892You picked a pretty unlovely way to say "it'll be nice when streams don't start at 3 am pst," but that aside I agree
>>85935824coom to mori milkies dot jpeg
>>85935892Does babybeat need his nap time?
>>85936837I can tell that rattled you seachama sit down the adults are talking here.
>>85936837>>85936889Never change debbies
>>85936889Yes we are, so pipe down, racist baby child
>>85937069Oh look he pulled the race card when all I did was say I dislike a timezone.
>>85936837Shut the fuck up these times have been pretty bad for na beats and eu as well. Everyone misses the old timeslots. Don't get me wrong this gta rp series has been kino but it has absolutely ruined my sleep schedule. Seabeats have been eating good, be grateful.
>>85935043That started in October that year, everyone got sick in December
>>85937066That's squirmfag
>>85937512idk man as an eubeat this has been kinda nice having a normal sleep schedule again, that shit was 11am to 5pm and her normal slot is 3am and often going on for several hours. not ideal I guess if you're working and can't watch streams but pretty comfy for me.
>>85937676For me they're pretty much the worst time because getting up early and staying up late are both equally painful. Also I'm old
Some people are just cranky she wasn't able to do normal hour streams on top of the RP because she was sick.
>>85938127>complaining about streaming hours of japan-based chuuba working for a japanese company on a japanese culture board of a japanese websiteYou picked the wrong hemisphere, fool!
>>85938390You realize big smoke is a fat traitor who dies like a small dog, right?
hey is it normal to be in love with mori
>>85938683Like it says in the book: we are both blessed and cursed.
I saw the future and Mori will eventually graduate, I'm sorry debbies.
>>85938966I don't know how some people aren't tbdesu
>>85931795holy shit, I just received mine and yeah that mf is beeeg,also the ring is super cool, I giess Im now married to my Mori!!
Now Zeta has moved to Japan do you think Mori will hang out more with her
Simply be awake at 5am so Your Mori can welcome you into each new day.t.cstbeat
>>85939634Doubt it Mori was never really close with zeta out of gen 3
>>85939740How's Zeta's Japanese? They might hang just to have someone she can talk to easily.
>>85939634Mori now has ANOTHER cat
>>85939581Mines literally about to arrive too according to the trackerBut the other three deadbeat rings I ordered to make a full set of knuckle dusters wont be coming in until later
>>85939899>three cats>they are
Aren't deadbeats kinda dorky?
>>85939899So impulsive......
>>85939514I love her but for her body, does that count?
Did Mori say what's she's doing Wednesday because then we've got a schedule for the week.
>>85940375Are they more or less dorky than the calliopeople?
>>85940184>>three catsI think you're forgetting another one...
>>85940735it's GUN chargen, ain't it?
>>85940823That's tomorrow
>>85940823Wednesday is amopen day still. Maybe she has something to do.
>>85940735Well wednesday (for her) is GUN Session one but I assume you mean NA time, possibly she's just having a day off/more recording, it'd be weird for her to put up the things for gun x2 and dark souls but leave out something that's before 2/3 of those, or maybe a collab on another channel
>>85941006she did say she's doing some collabs didn't she like tf2 might be 1 thursday
>>85940988When are the Ame collabs?
>>85940918yeah nigga, the day after Tuesday is called Wednesday
>>85941113Well TF2 and stuff is friday (I think ame called it a 'valve game marathon' or something) and there's a myth collab on sunday.
You guys should really attach a timezone when asking about stuff on x day lol.
>>85941297Hong-Kong chama.......
>>85939740I feel like Mori always has the one in each gen she tries to not get close with because she's the type of person that feels it isn't fair if she talks to everyone.
six feet under still slaps
>>85941445I wouldn't go that far I'm sure if she didn't do music and had more time she'd get to know every one.
>>85941585As I said before it's one of her worst song.
>>85941810There there, it's okay to be wrong sometimes debbie
>>85941585It's a pretty good show. Michael C Hall is sadly slept on
>>85941864>Fast rap trash>schizo modern art mv>I didn't like her high singing Sorry I don't like it
There any non-obvious holos you would want her to do a song with?
>>85942230Akithey both have great lounge singing vocals so they could pull off something incredibly sex, but it'll probably never happen
>>85942230Unironically I wanna hear Gigi do extreme metal vocals with mori singing the clean parts, like a 2000s metalcore song
>>85940083(me)nevermindturns out the three deadbeat rings came in first before my complete birthday set
>>85942607Why did you buy three rings
>>85942823Because I want to put a ring on each finger so I can give you a fist full behind the family mart
>>85942939buy me dinner first
>>85942230Does Azki count as too obvious? Because I vote her.
>>85943329Non-obvious would be like Nene or something to me.
I wonder if she could gorrila join the LC collab so they have 4
I have no Morp and I must meep
Ame was the best short stack in hololive
>>85943688I wish she would but anon, but I think she should take it easy and rest
>>85943899If she doesn't have a stream she could get through it with like 20 words spoken.
>>85939634I remember Reine brought up that Kaela was pretty close to Zeta among all the IDs. A bit sad that they're further away now. Or maybe Kaela is moving to Japan too?
>>85944139I'm suprised any ID would move to Japan. They always are doing stuff with each other in ID because they live so closest each other.
>>85944314Zeta did said she'll go back if it didn't really work out.
>>85944480I wonder if she knows someone to help her get set up easily. Moving to a different country isn't a small task
Mori could been in this collab...
why is Mori so STINKY though
>>85944866There's like two collab happening that this applies to lol
>>85944480get some sleep buddy, you're making typos
4 year crystal skull membership badges are starting to roll out
So is it games or drawing or what?
>>85945977Member's cock rating stream
>>85946071Ina had the best cock rating streams
>>85946071would meep just sayin'
>>85946071reminder, 5 inches is more then enough
>>OPPrevious thread: >>85864270//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-ENYT: #calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilustSpotify: //// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)Twitter: TikTok: Most recent stream: stream: Music: DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: Stream Q: Mori Store: LIVE SHOWOUT FOR THE SEASON—coming soon to a venue near (You)!//// Archive: moments: Remember to love your Mori. :}
>>85927759I wish I was Biboo so I could have an army of women in their 20s-30s at my beck and call to command to do whatever I tell them such as rest my head on their bosoms, also I'd be like 4 feet tall so I could run between people's legs and punch them in the balls
>>85942939Holy shit it’s da fister
debbies is it weird that I'm in love with my boy but want to fuck the ever living shit out of her?
I am a recent deadbeat watching early VODs from 2020 and holy fucking shit I am so glad she dropped this awkward attempt at cutesy psuedo-seiso idol with the forced high pitched voice Seeing what she's like now when she's comfortable and in her element makes watching this kind of painful
>>85947304She did some debut retrospectives in 2021-2022 where she completely agrees with you. The 2022 one was a retrospective of her retrospective so that was a pretty surreal multi-layered thing.
>>85947304>forced high pitched voiceThat never lasted that long
>>85947262i'm in the same boat so i'm gonna say not at all
Why do people assume she has adhd when she never confirmed it.
>>85948273She did, but not as MoriMori has also never said she has tattoos, either
>>85948358I don't remember her ever saying it as not Mori either.
>>85948273Because she’s just like me fr fr
My mouth x Mori Calliope's anus
Global wants to know her bra size any ideas?
>>85947304Not gonna lie, I'd love to see her pull it off again only for one stream
>>85949085Probably like an American F or G desu
>>85949085I went to see why they were talking about such an interesting topic and was met with a schizo battle, what a disappointment
>>859497174chan doctors and ame seethe yum
>>85949085That was me fuckass, do your reps and stop threadreading this place to argue with people in other threads
>>85948273She talked about taking an ADHD diagnosis test twice when she was younger and I believe the second time around she was determined to have it. I remember it cause she mentioned feeling guilty over Mama Mori having to pay for the tests.
>>85949946i might be making this up but i believe the wording she used for the second test was "riddled with it"
>>85950032The fuck does that mean
>>85949838Well if you are wondering, I'm roetty sure she said "grim reaper cup" before so I assume American G cup. I doubt she ever gotten sized properly before though.
>>85946791What about 4 and 4 1/2 on a good day?
Breast reduction means no more G
>>85950347I'll never understand people who find entertainment in being retarded on purpose
>>85949085The only hint she’s given about exact bra size on stream has been that Double D’s is too small for her size.
>>85950480People just assume it because she's lost weight but anyone that's watched 10 seconds of her knows it was for her knee.
>>85950121ESL or just don’t know much about ADHD?
>>85950640How can you be riddled with it sounds like the wrong word to use
>>85950736Since it’s a neuro developmental disorder someone using riddled to describe how it affects someone probably means it impact every part of their behaviour that it would be able to.
>>85950638It's also an extremely invasive surgery. They don't just vacuum out titty fat. It's requires 2 long incisions, removal of fat, skin and they have to relocate your nipples to the correct spot. My friend was recovering for like 2 months after her's.
>>85950891that makes more sense
>>85950976Why didn't you carry her burdens..
>>859512411. Lesbian2. She had K cups on a small 4"11'' frame. It was literally destroying her body. She brought them all the way down to a larger C.
>>85951372>2. She had K cups on a small 4"11'' frame. It was literally destroying her body. She brought them all the way down to a larger C.LITERALLY THE PERFECT WOMAN
>Marine convinces Mori to come into the strip club by giving her a kiss>Marine makes out with Biboo too>Mori gets drunk and Subara beats her upI’ve never regretted not doing my JP reps more….Forgive me Debbies for I may clip watch Mori content…..
>>85952224Check the vod on holodex. Mori had multiple live TL the whole time.
>>85951652>'m gonna miss this dumb fucking buddy copy duo....
>>85951372>2. She had K cups on a small 4"11'' frameYour friend was built like that once race of short-stack from GranBlue....
>>85953676Sadly those proportions don't work IRL.
I love Mori and her FAT BUTT
Sometimes I think back to that time where she wrote mythrape instead of mythtape
We still have that mengen in seven hours, right?
>>85956233Yeah, there is a frame up.
I want Mori to choke me out while smiling sweetly
not a complaint from me, but seems like membership streams are just becoming her just chatting streams. Creative/gaming member streams are probably too hard to set up
>>85959034>not a complaint>complains anywayShut the fuck up.
>>85959034Yeah, that is what most holomem member streams are. It's not like she can always be making MVs to have those type of unique streams
>>85959034This guy wants a Wukong mengen
>>85959042What the fuck. I guess teamates are really taking this hard. I wonder what even has to happen for that warning to pop up.
>>85959313Enjoy a funny screenshot for what it is
>>85950809Toramori was one year ago...
>>85959381It appears for everyone it seems.
>>85956291Oh fuck yeah, let's go
>>85959197It's literally not a complaint. it's an observation, sensitive-chama
>>85959470Huh, that's strangeI wonder what triggered it
>>85960036What kind of member content do you want then?
>>85960301guess the YouTube bots thought it was a suicide thumbnail
>>85959034Kung Pow was like last week
>>85961767*licks pits
>>85962416B-but she sweats from there....
JWUwhat happened to the TTRPG?
>>85963519What happened to the TTRPG?
>>85963519> nothing?
Mori really should remake that DS3 frame. It's so old barely anyone noticed it even came back.
>>85964422big fat reaper tits
nighty noodles debbies
>>85964920G'nite boob beat
>>85945289it's okay for girls to be a little stinkysometimes it makes them even better
>>85964920Wait boob beat ! There's a members only stream in only 3-4 hrs don't goooooo?!
>>85959470I got this on a video about DSP once kek
>>85964884Many people are saying this
>>85966381Oh nice, wish he uploaded them induvialy though
>>85966060Sister Mori and Kronii comes up to you and says "it's time to repent your sins" what do you do?
>>85966579Ask to her lay a hand upon me and pray for me
I've been gooning to blue women recently.
>>85966979That's the spirit debbie. A good goon offers their services out to a wide list of clientele in order to boost da boss lady's notoriety in kind.
>>85966979Thanks for the update Mori
>>85968074But Members is in 50 minutes
red dress is her best outfit
Deadbeats, what are some songs that highlights mori's improvement in rap? personally love TGRIALS. I think her style match those type of songs
>>85971306Donmai, I'm not even joking.
>>85971306>improvement in rapUhh, 6FU?
I didn't know this song was uncensored too less than 5000 until it hits the 3 milliin.
>>85972371oh it should hit it during the stream, that should be nice.
>>85942028Thoughts on Mori cat noises in bed?
Mori's Morning Mammaries
>taKe a bReaKThese fucking retards really aren't listening to a word she's saying
no Morp....
>Mori is important to UMG>Mori is important to Hololive>Mori is important to meWE ARE
>>85972993Not exactly in equal positions, but having someone in common
any guesses?
>>85971973you're gonna trigger 6fu schizo
>>85972993Ame was important to Hololive
>>85971306Last Days second verse is honestly one of her best flows to datealso second verse in Tide
>>85972717It's always like this, doesn't help that for basically every other Holo treats streaming as the main job rather than their preferred from of procrastination>>85973138I've put on my strongest, most elaborate tinfoil hat to say Ado
>>85973186*Is important, and she's leaving of her own volition, so it's not applicable to Mori's case.
Got to be honest I would not buy another Low Fi album
>>85973353you didn't even buy the first one
>>85973395the first lofi album was free
Mori for Guilty Gear Strive
>>85972993>Mori is important to UMGlollmao
>>85972371Btw, it will be the fourth Go-getters 3M .
>>85973424 you can buy it for download on itunes/amazon/mora
>>85973665It's more like a cute dork harem at this point tbdesu
Her next album will be a flop
>>85973844no more debt is good
>biggest stage ever
Two more meeps
>my biggest stage yet is comingyay>I was invitedmehunless it's Kohaku, then FUCK YES
Mori: "I'm not going to stop until HoloEN performs at the sphere." We're in boys. I hope your calcium levels are high, because this is the long haul.
>>85973844Pay the $5 if you want to attempt to threadshit
Mori at the Superbowl!
>>85973940Suicide postponed
>>85973915if it wasn't for the "bunch of different artists" comment I was wondering if Mori was going to be a guest for Suisei's tour in Saitama
One stream, Mori!
>someone that rejected a collab suggestion in the past, but recently they changed their mindwho is it?
>>85974014Suzy doesn't really do Holo guests anymore
>Yung GravyKek, I thought chatbeat was making fun of Wavy there
Someone should SC her about the Yagoo CEO thing.
>>85974528I'm sure she knows
oh I get itshe's the shinigami
>>85974195Mori will show up as a surprise guest and propose to her onstage
>>85974528the what?
>ywn play Alien Isolation while Mori is hiding behind you
Wow her Japanese is still badd
>>85974710Yagoo was doing a panel and was asked what talents he think could replace him as CEO if needed. He named Foobs for JP and Mori as Global.
>>85974710think he means this
>>85974641where we're going we don't need meds
>>85974846She's commented on it before
>>85974906When? I don't remember.
>>85974932I think it was after an early GTA stream
I really need a bass ASMR stream... Hearing this but Mori would send shivers down my soul
does mori deserve it?
>>85976513yes she's a great girl who deserves the world
>>85976513She deserves Tutu kisses
>>85976513lol no absolutely not there like 100 different people in the world that deserve it more then mori, but that's just semantics.
>>85976513she deserves all our love and support
Big Sack
I love my 12 year old reaper wife
Kek she just gave herself a phlegm laughing fit out of utterly nowhere
That laugh was so hot... My smoker aunt Mori...
Uhhhh guys...if it was based off her friend as a kid, why did he have a sack of dangerous weapons...?
>>85976513That and more.
Imagine Mori's reaction if she was a gang member and Suisei cuffed her...
>>85976981She got to cart suisei's unconscious body around and sit on her face at least.
yeah Morp, I don't think that IRyS collab is happening, she likes to play games like that for herself first
>>85976795>Hey Mori, you're cool. Don't come to school tomorrow
>>85974195She has multiple shows to fill.
>>85977104Mori loves suisei rape.
>>85976795Mori was friends with a supreme gentleman?
damn, that goodbye was so girly
I love her so much she's such a great girl
That was a cute PEACE, nice
>>85977104I think Suisei asked Mori to carry her around and I think she sounded very surprised and glad Mori actually agreed to pick her up and carry her around for moral support. And then she managed to down Bae and got praised for it. Probably made 4 hours of waiting worth it for Mori.
I don’t like that the Arkhand intro starts with her mispronouncing her name
Mori's impression of Kronii's cadence
>>85977979She won suisei's respect after gunning her down in cold blood. Kind of a dark lesson in there somewhere
>>85977979If Suisei whispered that Mori is doing a good job, Mori would break down crying, while also cummin in her pants.
Fucking sex with blue women. Kronii, Suisei, Nerissa, Gura. All need fucking
i think mori should do a stream where she speedruns a game and upon reaching the finish line and pausing the timer she yells "Tiiiime" and then sings all of Red from chorus 1 onwardsthoughts?
>>85978759this minus Gooba she stinks
Sleeping again will be nice
>>85978110It's a real problem to have "fuck" that early in the stream. That's the one thing that youtube cares about.
>>85978887Wow abandoning an extremely lonely shark in her time of need because you can't light a candle in the room baka
>>85978935Thats a good point
>>85978949ugh fine I guess I'll fuck her brains out the shit I have to deal with
>>85979576That’s a boy
>>85979668Deadbeats haven't let that stop them since like late 2020.
>>85979022Nice, I'm just in time for the gameplay to start.
>>85979022The Mori -> Raora -> Kiara redirects have been like a roller coaster today
>>85974723Someone draw the Faceguher and then the Xenonorp that was birthed from it