Youtube: VODs: Gura Pop Up Parade rerun Thread: >>85239457
I love my wife so much!!
Does Gawr Gura want to go out with me?
1 thread per shark cock
Day 7! Give it up for day 7!
MY wife
ay caramba la creatura
>>85270717Why is she like this?
Called it.>>85219142>I doubt she's home or else she'd have tweeted about the concert. She won't say anything about it, even after it ends and everyone else in myth tweeting out thank you's to their fans.>She won't have access to her hololive phone because she's not home sick and is spending the night somewhere else instead.Mori:'s "I'm sick" tweet is the only thing she's said to us the entire anniversary week. From her perspective, she hasn't seen us even once.
I'm watching the live right nowGura was just doing random shit and mumbling autistic noises in the background during MCs while Kiara was doing all the talking
MY Gurandma
>>85270910My autistic sharkwife
head reduction surgery like Marine's when?
Sex with a fembud.
>>85271221her head is fine being proportionally large like a baby's
I think Gura might be an actual shark...
>>85271368medsshe is the dearest lady farquad
>>85271368she needs lots of cum
>>85271221Hopefully never
Gura will join Vshojo and collab with Bettel in 2 weeks.
Gura's bushy pucci and hairy pits.
Gura is fuzzy like a squishy peach.
>>85271749>>85271823fuck off anti
>>85268361hell yeah nigga
Buds i think my PSU died, i disconnected the cable off the waal by accident and it won't turn on at all now...
>>85271926did you buy an offbrand PSU?
>>85272012Nah it was a MasterWatt 750w from cooler master. I'm thinking on opening it up and see if anything is fried or if it's fixable.Else i will have to buy a new one and have to postpone buying the new earbuds.
I'm glad gura wasn't tommy hort during ENreco because she's obviously not going to be playing GTA. We'll always that kino at least
>>85271926why did you pull it from the wall?
Gonna give Gura my goom energy so she gets better soon.
>>85272178>I'm thinking on opening it up and see if anything is fried or if it's fixable.very very dangerousyou can get yourself killed
>>85272311NTA but why? Is it not okay even if it's unplugged?
>>85272190I do not care about enreco or gtaI want normal streamsalso yes please do not crack your psu open, that is a very bad idea
>>85272342IIRC some parts (capacitors) retain their electric charge even when unplugged, and if you touch them, they will release their charge into your body
>>85272284I don't think you really believe that. I think you just want an excuse to jack off.
>>85272284I give my goom energy to her every day in hopes that it speeds her recovery.
>>85272459I believe in both.
>>85272236I was very drunk and say the cable half plugged in so as i tried to put it all the way in i disconnected it by mistake.The PC was running so ofc it probably broke the PSU.
>>85272453Nothing more than a good jolt like that electroboom guy or whatever his name is.
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
>>85272342here's an article i found
Why does she always disengage? She's the only one who hasn't said anything about the concert. Unless she's in the hospital, there's no reason she can't send out a simple tweet about it. Instead, she's always silent because she's always doing something else. She completely disappears because we mean nothing to her and she doesn't see any value in talking to us. She has no interest in seeing what we think and she finds no happiness in seeing our replies.She's the only one who didn't say anything yesterday. How can you possibly rationalize that she still cares about her fans or that she's not grifting?
>>85272569I woud unplug everything from pc and turn PSU off and wait 30 minutes, maybe reseat everything, even bios battery and try again just to be sure.
this guy shitposts in baubau too btw
>>85273013Do you shitpost in /baubau/ as well?
>>85273168No. I don't shitpost anywhere.
Mornin chumbies, our thread has a VTL7 divegrass match in about 20 minutes against /skynetFC/, which is just a collection of the AI threads from /vt/. Tune in if you want something to watch before other streams in the day.>>85268915
One of these days my psychic powers will increase and I will know when Gura is flicking her bean so I can start jacking off at the same time, then we both reach climax together.
>>85273314Gura has psychic powers attuned to me and starts flicking when I start jacking.
>>85273206Except here for days on end and looking like a sociopathic schizophrenic with self inflicted delusions.
>>OP>>OPGura is next after Shondo disgusting pedophile freaks.
Is Gura a lonely loli god?Is Gura a lonely loli god?Is Gura a lonely loli god?Is Gura a lonely loli god?>Is Gura a lonely loli god?>Is Gura a lonely loli god?>Is Gura a lonely loli god?>Is Gura a lonely loli god?
>>85273206Yes, she has Ui's blessing.
>>85274364Gura wants me to fuck her neckhole.
>>85273237 now
It's finally coming out
>>85274511Let's Go!!!!
This would have been really fun, I think...
>>85274511and big tummy dino scores the first goal of the game!
>>85274101No. If she was lonely she would stream more and would actually care about us like she did during Covid.
Wow she’s so flexible
>>85274614It doesn't look bad from the back! Maybe it will be good!
too easy
>>85274614BLOOP HATE
>>85274614>bloopwhen will they learn?
>>85274732if you stopped right about here you'd have a much higher success rate to your anticslike yeah, she did stop streaming as soon as she wasn't forced into seclusion and that really sucks, but now you're gonna use that to lead into spending the next twelve hours talking about cocks
What if she was visiting family she hadn't seen in a long time because she got married? A wedding would have been reason to get a lot of extended family together.
>>OPOkay guys, imagine this. What if Gura had huge fucking tits.
>>85275063nice timing lol
>>85275129then I'd get fresh milkies every day
I see gura's wife is good at using her feet TuT
>>85275129I bet she had a plan to make a booba potion and decided not to. Fucking brat.
I goomed to Chimera
>>85275769Gura’s wife should stop being a whore
>>85275913Based, that's what Gura wants.
Dominant performance by the team. Defense and offense were both on their A game today. Despite not being the most goals scored in a match, this is now /ggg/'s biggest win and it was capped off with the domination goal horn playing. Thanks to everyone that showed up, our next match is September 20th at 5:40 PM EDT against /rrat/.
>>85276530Gura's wife is so proud of her for winning that game TuT
Gura cute Gura cute!
I haven't decided how I feel about the new Alien movie yet. I want to watch more movies with Gura.
why is Halo 2 so big? it's like 3 times the size of 1, Reach and both 3s
>>85277647>Halo 2 mentionedI did everything in my power to keep my friendly grunt allies alive during the Arbiter missions, which is funny considering the lack of care I showed for the marines back in the day.
>>85277404It's literally just shittier aliens with gay retarded teenagers for the cast. The only good part is the hybrid and even that is shitty fanfic-tier.
>>85277656yeah my slut
>>85277404She doesn't want to watch movies with us anymore. It's been almost 1.5 years since the last watchalong.
Comparing Gura to others will always lead to Gura winning so people should really stop.
>>85274628>JP-focused event>starts at 3am
is there a streamable or catbox of chimera
>>85279087Why did she do it? Why did she whore herself out?
>>85279822Don't worry, it was Kanauru.
>>85279822I want to see my cheesestick wife do more sexy things
>>85277647I love halo 2 a lot. All my halo dreams happen on halo 2 maps.
>>85280118yes and no, I only want her to do these things for ME, not anyone else, especially not randoms
>>85279871Wrong, he specifically said he did art for them. Can't use that angle.
>>85279492>starts at 3:00 AM.No. It starts at 6:00 AM. Why do you think your west coast time zone matters in this thread when Gura lives on the East coast?
>>85280527Nta but I'm PST too and it would inconvenience me greatly if gura joined that
waoh i put a screwdriver on the big capacitor and now im seein spots huhaha
>>85279774here you go, not sure if it expires, the expiration time disappeared after I made an account with 10 minute mail, but it should last at least 2 days
>>85281048I will now fap to Gura, thanks
>>85280869I had a mentor tell me about that method once. Apparently you can fry your eyebrows off like that.
>>85281310*puts on fedora*
>>85281048Man this song sucks. Goob did an amazing job though.
I've lost gallons to Gura in her swimsuit.
You guys are fucking retarded, ofcourse it wasnt Gura doing the splits, the most obvious skinwalk ever, not kanaru but someone else in the studio, or even bae. Guras joints cracks loudly everytime she moves, she was stiff as fuck during miko boxing stream and remember last year after walking on threadmill, could barely walk and could barely lift her leg straight up in the air while laying on her back even though the joints move that way, so no way in hell she made the splits herself, it was just a funny bit. Also a 250 lbs person would shatter their hips into million pieces if they even contemplate doing the splits. Once again you got tricked
>>85281674Gura made my pants split right down the middle
>>85275807>>85275208>>85275129Ngl, I love booba Gura.
>>85281674ah there he isi was wondering how gura-is-fat-schizo is gonna cope and he does not disappoint lmao
Gura ugly Gura ugly!
>>85281674Hah! You lost a shitposting tool, retard. I'm gonna be laughing all day at you and the btfo you received from all that shitposting last night. Stay losing, cum breath.
I need to protect this dumb sick girl.
thinkin about goob
>>85281946gura loves my cum breath
Goob abternoon retards
>>85281848Convinient ignored the part that referenced several streams where she was as stiff as a fridge, cope retard, you lost gallons to a Cover janitor
>>85282619sure, random schizo on the internet
>>85282619Mori is the fat one.
I think I'm getting sick too, I've been around my mom and dad recently who caught some illness.Man I hate being sick, it actually kinda sucks.
I think he's actually crying from chumbies laughing at him. Couldn't of happened to a bigger faggot.
>>85282801no, unless you think eating your own counts
It's almost like you become less stiff and robotic the more you practice dancing....woooooow my mind is blown!
>>85282958That poster has no idea of the concept of "self improvement" because they've lived their entire life in the shitter and can't imagine taking action to change their situation.
>>85271948>*Le touché*
>>85272625>*Lo touchõ*
>>85283156Your posts are getting more retarded the more you write, you memoryholed guras health issues for the last year AND the streams mentioned was bith before AND after this concert was recorded. But yeah maybe she ”self improved” magically for 1 week and then returned to her crumbling aching body again. Most retarded poster in ggg by far, congratz
Moving on to a serious discussion, what are the advantages of Gura's flexibility during sex? I mean, she can use it to seduce you before sex but you're just going to plap her like there's no tomorrow anyway so I fail to see any further advantages.
>>85283449Are you a fembud in denial?
She's way too cute, I can't handle it.
>>85283449good god your tears are delicious i want them as lube for my cock
Guys I’m stuck on Elden ring…I can’t beat Consort Radahn…
>>85283669It already was nerfed brah
>>85283913I know…
>>85283669Funny you mention Elden Ring, I was about to boot it up myself.As for advice, have you tried hitting it harder?
>>85283669I gave up and used the rot blade shield cheese.
>>85283669If all else fails, just get the biggest shield you can find, a large pokey stick, and poke him to death while holding your shield up.The changes make me want to try the fight again, but... that's like 100 more hours of gameplay...
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr>Yagoo is with thee>Blessed art thou amongst lolis>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus>Stinky Gura, mother of memes>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST>a>men
>>85284225Personally I like to Comet Azur everything. No, being a dick-ass wizard never gets old.
>>85283459Do you have a webm of the second split?
close your eyes and imagine its gura
>>85283459she can bend more like a shark
>>85284695>Actual children Please, kindly fuck off and slowly die in a dank hole full of flesh eating bacteria
>>85284557I should try a pure magic build one day. I always end up using huge weapons.
>responding to it
Which one of you lost me?
>>85284999I just want to know if it is a fembud or not.
Why doesn't she say anything?
>>85284999What's wrong with responding to it?
I lost so much semen last night when she danced chimera
>>85284987Magic is fun, and there's lots of different spells to choose from and different strats. I think some people hate me in PvP though.
Do you really think she's alone?
>>85277063I have questions and it about the sauce possibly decensored
We are, Japanese Goblin.
>>85283669I heard that middle roll is pretty ass in this fight to the point that even fat rolling is better. So you might want to change your armor to get the light roll (if you are not light load already)
>>85285920Great, now I have that song stuck in my head. I hope you're happy.
>>85286098I do be pretty happy sometimes, mister…
>>85286440It's good that you're happy at least sometimes.
I need to sexually bully the smug out of this bratty cat T u T
Gura is gay.
>>85287724yeah, me
>>85287824Needs more dishes, dirty clothes, and sticky notes.
>>85287824Imagine sniffing Gura's socks
>>85287824That dino gura sitting there is staring right at me...
>>85287824needs to be way dirtier, he's heard her desk clinks lately he knows the truth
>>85288289Why are you talking like Gollum?
>>85287824Where's the trash bin with all the used condoms?
I just remembered that she was coughing a bit in one of ENreco streams and said that she thought she has dysentery for some reason, though I'm pretty sure she confused stomach flu or something like that with dysentery. That's probably what she's down with
>>85288667It wouldn't last multiple weeks.
gura has stinky feet
>>85288529This is the only post that made me smile today. Thanks.
Please don't bully my sickly shark wife.
>Bullies your shark wife
>>85288789I made you smile today? What the heck, that makes me feel good.
im worried for Gura, her mic in the MC sounded like an xbox mic. im worried shes recording shit while being away for health reasons possibly
>>85289157It was recorded months ago.
>>85289199It was recorded after the spelling bee
>>85289257That is months ago.
>>85287824Wait I'm not sure that's actually dino gura, it kind of looks like frogura...
>>85289315absolute sex
>>85287824A lot of really cute details here.
>>85289315a child...
did any of you manage to snag vaultroom merch?
Baguraette honhonhon
>>85285773On drawthread a while ago:
Cheer up, buds. Have some Gooba tier humor.
>>85288007Knowing gura, she definetly imagines smelling shion's thighhighs
>>85290733the thread is happy now we don't need cheering up
>>85277647MCC Halo 2 has 4K cutscenes and other high quality assets built in for the anniversary mode
>>85290921You could always be happier.
>>85286086That’s pretty interesting. Sounds like you’re somebody who’s in the know! I’m mid-rolling, so I’ll try a put together a light build and see how it goes.
>>85288849wedgie time
>>85290038The only thing I snagged was my penith in the car door
>>85290921I'm not happy at all.
>>85290733but im already happy
>>85291788Imagine giving Gura a front-parts wedgie…
Happiness is a spook
>>85291989she’s a prime candidate for a good, hard melvin
For King and Cunny!
>>85291444La basé
>>85292132For s’ghetti too!!!
>>85275129imagine this 141cm midget with badonkahonkers in your office
>>85292073Errmm… a what?? What’s a melvin??
I love this little dum dum so much.
>>85292846Gura should ask the cameraman to emphasize her flat chest too. It's obvious she requests for the butt shots.
>>85292473front wedgie
God damn it could they stop trying to assassinate my fucking boss right before I go to work
"Melvin" sounds like a wizard name like Mordred
>>85292389I love s’ghetti so much!
>>85293396I’ve got confused by this before too. You’re thinking this because of the famous wizard Merlin!
>>85293588Isn't his name actually "Emrys" or something?
>>85293396I feel like I'm missing what vaguepost this is supposed to be but Mordred is not a wizard name, it's like a knight name, it's the opposite of a wizard bame
>>85293396melvin sounds like a nerd name
>>85294269Sorry, I'm not actually vagueposting and whatever. I've just been thinking about wizards.I'm not here to start trouble.
>>85293396Wedgieing Gura by wizard magic… she would be lifted off the ground with ease
Gura has a cunny that chumbies like
semi-retired? more like full retard
>>85295299My sexy retard
>>85295299My retard
>>85295299she's autistic, not retarded
Retard can’t even carry her food. Kek. What a pussy
>>85295508She's both.
imagine gura being so retarded that she can't breathe by herself and you have to resuscitate her through mouth to mouth every few minutes
Can you guys stop picking on my daughterwife?
Gura isn't retarded. She's actually incredibly intelligent and her real day job is being a nuclear physicist.
Gura should get a really big hat.
>>85295880What is that stance!?
Off, once again, to the nightshift
>>85296373That stance is called Samegaki
>>85296438Thenks choccybud
Wife soon?
Gura never participates in anything. She never shares anything with us. She treats this as nothing but a job, does the minimum, and then clocks off to go be with prople she won't talk about.She said she wanted RP stuff for years. Well now it's here and she disappears again.
>>85296373I think Gura could get into the MGS franchise if she gave it a try. She might get engrossed in the story off stream.Yeah it's a little better for us that she streams it, but she prefers to get comfy playing games by herself and I can understand that.
that tail is coming out of her ass
>>85297178we know
I thlammed my penith in the car door
No activity for 3 days
>>85297443I had to get stitches for my thumb when it got slammed in the door. I hope your penis is okay.
>Gura still has health issuesDamn, her body must have a negative immune system. Had a classmate who had to go to the hospital very often back in the day. Sounds annoying.
Hope my mpv works now so that I can make more dumb webms
>>85297756It's almost like she's actually sick.
>>85297846I'm sure her eating like crap isn't helping.
>>85298011N-no shes j-just going out on the t-town like a total extrovert! *begins seething*
>>85297846>>85298060yeah I need to properly feed and take care of her, cook dishes that contain actual meat, no over-processed vegan slop. I'll also make her go on walks with me to improve her heart health. She can still eat junkfood every now and then, but not replace most of her meals with it.
>>85298060Potatoes are quite healthy. The problem is all the other shit she's eating that she isn't telling us about.
>>85297846Sounds like AIDS, actually.
>>85298287Potatoes are fine in moderation. She needs to be eating protein and cutting back on starch, while also exercising enough to turn that protein into muscle
>>85298011>>85298260I wasn't talking about her
this is cannon
>>85297120that's one of the things she actually promised to save for us, like the word promise for real without a cap in sight, no room for the promises argumentI do not want her to play that without us, there's plenty of other games in the sea
>>85298508I love mgs but I can't imagine gura actually enjoying it. It's the only game I can think of that intentionally weaponizes jank against the player.
This general is gonna be really wild in 10 years
>>85298416Nah, you're fine eating only potatoes. People can't reasonably stick to that diet, but if they could, you wouldn't die of anything and can build muscle.
>>85298844I don't think so either, and it is a little bit of a commitmentThat said I'd still want her to stream it if she was gonna play it at all
>>85298966Do you think /ggg/ will still be around in ten years?
>>85299060I certainly think chumbuds will still be shitposting and crying in ten years, yeah.
>>85298967luve me shatk
>>85299060/ksg/ still exists. Surely /ggg/ will be around then
>>85298262I don't know, man. Your recipe of Cup of Noodles isn't very healthy per say. Unless you can prove you can cook something better.>>85298060>>85298287I don't know if her eating habits are that influencial in her condition. Said classmate of mine used to eat the blandest foods possible (salads with zero dressings or oils, chicken with no condiments and so on) and she was still going to the hospital regularly.>>85298366I don't think so. A friend of mine has herpes and besides itchiness and having to take medicine for the rest of her life she says its not that bad, or at least it doesn't affect her too much.
>>85299060no, way too longI give us maybe six tops and I'm counting a long shambling zombie /yah/ phase
>>85299060Gura only made it to 2 and you guys are already on 4, I have hopes.
>>85298967need soundpost>>85299282gura cute gura cute gura cute
>>85298426Then you're even stupider for suspecting anything from someone who's still got an actual job and is in military service.
>>85297443I want you to know I hate you the most, it's playing in my head and it won't stop
>>85298844I remember playing MGS2 on Xbox many years ago.I played it thinking "What the fuck am I doing? Who are these people? I seriously suck at this" And then fell in love with the franchise.I had countless playthroughs of MGS since then.
>>85299060For sure.
i'm spoiling
When I marry Gura we're taking her Holo money to buy a bakery. We would't work since we have employees but as the owners we get to choose the menu and everything else.
didn't read the threadI LOVE GURA!!
>>85300254Little does he know Gura’s already packing a whole bakery
>>85300089It's pretty heartwarming seeing her improve both her stage presence and her dance ability over time
>>85299060There is no way she's going to last 10 more years. And if you think she's going to stay single for ten years, if you even think she is now, then you're insane.
>>85300732>There is no way she's going to last 10 more yearsAnon...Gura already burnt out two years ago.
>>85299172AIDS is not herpes, anon. You really need to read a book.
>>85300732The /ggg/ thread will outlive hololive
>>85300818The true man talks to the monkey, but he does not step in the cage.
Why is someone coming in here just to bully my daughterwife?
>>85300934Bullying is hot
>>85300878Well he did step into the cage. And then he fucked that monkey. And he got HIV from it. Then he flew back home to the US and had gay sex with a bunch of men because he was a disgusting deplorable disease-spreading faggot and that's how AIDS spread in the 80s. And now Gura has it.
I beat Radahn
>>85301207proud of you, chumbie
>>85300089I love her>>85301087
>>85301207wao good job
>>85301207You beat a nerfed facsimile. A gentle phantom of the the real thing, the true challenge forever sealed away behind the poorly thought out updates of a developer pressured by the weak. wailing mob.
>>85301087That's actually Gura baby.
>>85298844I think MGS is like DMC where she wouldn't really like the gameplay but she would love the characters.
>>85301591fresh out of the womb gura...
>>85298978nta. really? I heard that potatoes contain all the amino acids you need to survive, but the keyword is "survive" I'm not sure if you'd be thriving if you only ate potatoes, don't you need protein to build bigger muscles?
>>85301591Gura baby...
>>85301591Her using a baby was weird.A bit on the nose, considering the rumors.
did bait biters get banned or are you guys being good about ignoring them for once?
>>85298978>>85301666Potatoes are starch. Not protein.
>>85301666Thriving probably not, but growing slower is still growing. Obviously don't trust a random faggot, not that anyone here is actually going to only eat potatoes.>>85301789Potatoes have protein in them.
>>85301540the true challenge is beating him solo no-hit no-gear no-items no-parry fists only rl1 ng+7anything less than that and you were abusing game mechanics added to make it playable for casual normies
I defeated Radahn with lightning perfume bottles.
>>85301701No, it was extremely on brand and if anything long overdue.
>>85301701It was a meme on the fleshie grifter, anon. Note the repeated “googoogaga”
>>85302451You're a retard too. Gura doesn't remember who that bitch is.
>>85301765I used to reply to point out shitposting for anyone that might not recognize it, but at some point I realized everyone knows /ggg/ is targeted so there's no reason to point out the obvious.
>>85299172>Your recipe of Cup of Noodles isn't very healthy per sayI have actually never eaten cup ramen in my life, I make home cooked meals almost every dayI can make all sorts of dishes mostly from scratch(like I'm not gonna butcher my own meat or grow my own grain, but I can make my own pasta, bread or pizza doughs for example) I can autistically type out a huge list of dishes I have memorized the recipes of if you want, but I can make stews, soups, pasta dishes, anything fried, steaks, casseroles, meatloaves and many more, I also usually make a salad that fits with the dish or add veggies into the dish
>>85302519thank you for respecting our intelligence
>>85301207Based. I spent so much time on radahn that I felt nothing when I finally beat him.
I'll play Elden Ring now.
>>85302551Just show a picture of it sneedpai. We know you autistic chef love taking picture of your delicious meals.
>>85302709Have fun chumbie
>>85301649Who do you think her favorite Snake would be?
>>85301983a medium potato has like 3 grams, youd have to shitloads to get enough for building muscle