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>> No.77117171 [View]
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>> No.76818340 [View]
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Chumbies I just ran into Jamaal fucking Bowman at the train station on my way home from work LOL
He was with some kids handing out fliers, apparently trying to talk to his constituents because election season. Was tempted to lift my jacket and show him the logo of Trump Org on my work shirt, but I'm way too tired for this shit so I just kept walking
Disgusting faggot clapped me on the shoulder as I passed. Gotta say, I had to move probably like 20 frogs off the cartpath while patrolling tonight, and frankly they didn't seem one tenth as dirty and slimy

>> No.76744299 [View]
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>> No.75798547 [View]
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>Le EN branch was "dying" rrat
Why do Phasekeks and Nijihogs never specify what they mean when they mean by "dying" ? Oh yeah, because if they said something concrete it would be extremely easy to disprove by literally any metric. Seeing as any individual HoloEN GEN could swallow any other companies whole, let alone the whole branch
A state they mostly reached in the first place due to Myth, btw

>> No.75793337 [View]
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I don't know sister, how's the threadshitting going

>> No.75681546 [View]
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>Everyone else does it just fine regardless of how they feel
No they don't lmao, I WISH that was true
If you're going to whine and admit to lacking empathy, at least do it over something that makes sense. And ideally to someone who actually asked[/spoiler

>> No.75462255 [View]
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Time for (You) to swing from a tree

>> No.75364511 [View]
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>He calls ME a fucking liberal
>While continuing to spew mentally-ill chuuni atheist propaganda fanfiction
Absolute fucking pottery
I knew you were a dense, emotionally stunted retard, anon, but this takes the fucking cake. No, I am not a liberal. In fact, I'd say liberalism - and all modernist ideology, for that matter - is a mental disease, from which you are very clearly suffering a debilitating, terminal case.
None of those so-called "humiliations, setbacks or injuries" Forrest "suffered" as a result of being "used" outweigh the massive - frankly, unearned - successes, honors, accolades, and accomplishments that society handed to him on a silver platter. He was a BILLIONAIRE, anon. If you cannot comprehend this, then you are literally retarded beyond all capacity for human help.
As if it wasn't already clear that you were a retard from the fact that you're actually taking any of this pathetic, abject Reddit-tier horseshit about religion being a "fairytale" or "valuing your time on this earth" seriously. Not to mention failing to grasp the absolute jaw-dropping ass-numbing irony of accusing ME of being unempathetic, in the same breath as you minimize returning your ability to walk as "doing something nice for you once" and then suggest you shouldn't abandon your childhood love to die alone, only AFTER repenting and FINALLY realizing the errors of her ways as she knocks on death's door.
Stop projecting your infantile callousness onto other people just because they empathize with legitimate human emotion, connection and sentiment, and aren't validating your conceited, fragile, petty, materialistic, egotistical vanity and pride. Imagine, faulting someone for not being able to "empathize" with the toddler throwing a tantrum because mommy didn't buy him the toy he wanted - lmao
And no, romantic love absolutely, unequivocally does NOT have limits. If there are limits to your "love", then I hate to break it to you, anon, but it wasn't love. It never was. It was nothing more than inauthentic, cynical, cold-hearted, self-serving performative deception and trickery. If you really haven't managed to figure that out yet, then (You) are the one who is naive, gullible, and letting yourself get taken advantage of. If THAT'S all you can find inside yourself to feel for the ones you "love", then holy fuck, no wonder you turned into such a bitter, vindictive, miserable, pitiable, unfeeling, soulless little sack of shit who might as well kill himself, he's so fucking empty inside. If you had ever felt real, GENUINE love in your worthless little life, you would understand that, and you wouldn't embarrass yourself by saying something so completely laughably fucking stupid to people who know better than you over the internet.
The same goes for forgiveness. There is NO LIMIT to what you should, and MUST, forgive, and honestly, you'd have to be born yesterday to say otherwise. You know why, atheist-LARPer-chama? Because your master already forgave you for a ten million dollar debt you owed him. Now, imagine he learns that you strangled another servant of his to death over a measly hundred dollars - how do you think he would feel, and what do you think he would do, exactly?
Put two and two together. Assuming a subhuman fucking ape like yourself is even capable of basic addition, of course.
And so, here you are, having completely and utterly failed to refute any of my arguments - analytical, religious, or otherwise. But probably too fucking obtuse to notice, just as before. Genuinely sad. Do keep desperately firing that blank and projecting that I'm Forrest and Gura is Jenny or whatever over and over, anon, but the simple fact of the matter is that I don't need to worry about raising another man's kid. Because unlike you, I know what it's like to love and be loved. (You), on the other hand, might as well already be the cuck stepfather, for all the good this thirdworlder mentality is gonna do you. You know, assuming you aren't speaking based off of past trauma... which, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if you were, lmao

>> No.75300117 [View]
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Yes I did, actually
Thankfully the train back home arrived immediately after I got off, popped a couple advils and in bed with air conditioning now and feeling cozy

>> No.75133705 [DELETED]  [View]
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>It is YOUR fault for not driving her away harder
>Won't someone PLEASE think of the poor seethebuds and theiw dewicate wittle feewings!
Kill yourself, spineless cuckposter. Your hatred is impotent, meaningless and illegitimate and serves no purpose beyond justifying someone stomping your brains out your ears
You'd better pray we never meet in real life, or I'll show you what happens to crybaby whiteknight faggots who bootlick for permamelty retards

>> No.74755402 [DELETED]  [View]
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Careful with that there wrongthink bud, you'll set off all the bitter, mindbroken "humanity bad, technological advancement is the only moral standard so welcome conquest by aliens, there were no empires before the 1700s, so what if the people who actually BUILT the civilization I'm now destroying would completely disagree with me about literally everything?" spiteful mutant losers into projecting their own vindictiveness and psychopathy onto you again
There seem to be a few patrolling this thread on and off, for some reason. Sad, ugly, impotent little people - could you believe some of them actually expect us to believe they're white? lmao

>> No.74645398 [View]
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brb just gonna rewire my mutant nervous system rq to requalify for Gura tard-wrangling perms

>> No.74526478 [View]
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