Previous: >>70959801
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>>
>>70963546>the non-homocollabers getting good viewsnot the half that should be chased out, retard
What is miko doing? why is she suddenly overlapping roboco's anniv outta nowhere?
>shitposters and shitstirrer trying their best to derail the thread>thread ends, a new one starts>have to start from scratch
This doesn't bode well for the upcoming 3D debuts
>>OPWhy does moco chan have her tits out?
>>OPRecent clip numbers>>70959638>>70959683>>70959732
>>70963656Wait RBC anni today?
>>70963643fubuki and suisei are homocollabers
jesus christ the sister seethe has been something
Are first army the biggest streamer in JP rn? Shaka and other f2p boys only average like 17k without buff shit
>>70962620>Do you actually drop girls that collab with homos? Yep>Is it that hard to just ignore those streamsThey will keep doing it anyways, dropping them now to cut loses and focus your time and effort in someone else is the logical conclusion.
>>70963704>Are first army the biggest streamer in JP rn?Biggest girls, among the biggest overall
>>70963456It feels nice seeing Haachama in 3D lives again
* YESTERDAY’S FINAL TALLY *>37,873: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>37,710: Miko (Hololive)>36,795: Hajime (Hololive)>27,782: Pekora (Hololive)>20,560: Shiina (Nijisanji)>19,679: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>19,527: Subaru (Hololive)>17,049: Aqua (Hololive)>15,824: Lamy (Hololive)>15,502: Koyori (Hololive)>12,979: Hinano (VSPO)>10,067: Towa (Hololive)
>>70963678One them is supposedly overlapping the free part of Holo Expo....
polka news she is a sapling now
>>70963695her delayed anniversary totsu
>>70963408Yeah with how aggressive she trades HP it's obvious she just started, it will bring good numbers though
Love and peace <3
>>70962620>Is it that hard to just ignore those streamsNo but why should I when there are other girls who don't do those things and I can support them instead?
Pekobots are working hard today to fail miserable kek
*YESTERDAY’S EN TALLY OF THE DAY*>03/8 TALLY:9,983: Dokibird (Indie) | Apex Nessie Cup Tournament9,128: Bijou (Hololive) | Superbugs: Awaken collab w/ Kaela8,393: Kronii (Hololive) | Outer Wilds5,856: Shiori (Hololive) | Sonic Frontiers>EN GOLDS FOR MARCH 20241) Bijou (Hololive) - 28,629 - Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes w/ Kaela2) Bijou (Hololive) - 34,018 - Unarchived Karaoke3) Nerissa (Hololive) - 34,981 - Mamarissa Debut4) Nerissa (Hololive) - 12,784 - Poppy Playtime5) Mori (Hololive) - 31,760 - everything is great6) IRyS (Hololive) - 24,609 - Endurance Karaoke to 1,000,000 Subs7) IRyS (Hololive) - 63,442 - Hope to the Future 3D Live8) Dokibird (Indie) - 9,983 - Apex Nessie Cup Tournament>PER COMPANY7x: Hololive1x: Indie>PER STREAMER2x: Bijou, IRyS, Nerissa1x: Dokibird, Mori>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)17p: Bijou14p: IRyS13p: Nerissa8p: Dokibird7p: Fauna6p: Mori4p: Fauna3p: Alban1p: Kronii, Mumei, Nijisanji, Wilson
>>70963696Hey man if HoloEN only gets 3k for an offcollab I would be seething too
>>70963754You mean she was a sapling but became da wose.
>>70963704In the world actually, Hololive been taking over the top 10 female streamer ranking worldwide since 2021. You know it’s legit because Twitchfag actively ignore watchhour despite them being the people who invented it, because they lost
Gm /#/friends, anything interesting today?
>>70963704its different style of streaming, desu its really unique to hololive.we cant really d a one on one comparison but id say holos have a bigger audience.
>>70963796cant relate
>>70963708>>70963772Truly menacing behavior
>>70963754>PolkaHomocollabing runt that should stay far away from Fauna
>Miko raided her girlfriend's premiereGay
>>70963704they are one of the biggest streamer in japan and biggest female streamer in the world
>>70963784Le Miserables is quite a good read, you should try it
>>70963754she's no longer considered a new player in ffxiv now?
>>70963741The glorious golden King is back. Pekofucker BTFO, not even bronze
>>70963697Fubuki earned her cred with her response during the taiwan crisis. She gets a pass.Suisei is part of micomet. Not a pass but the collabs are rare enough to actually be ignorable.
>>70963839holoEN could never
Are there programs in HoloExpo that are paywalled??I thought everything is free on their YT stream
>>70963781KEK!Whats the point if theyre just doing it /here/Nothing will change, only invisible war affects everything
>>70963741Without Kuzuha what would Niji's standings be like?
What was Suicei's announcement?
>>70963874sighnijiniggers still squirming like worms even at their deathbed.
>5 ongoing threads about NerissaThe fuck happened to Nerissa?
>Holostars participation is mandatory>Homo collabs are successful>Niji homo collabs are accepted and celebrated.>Cover corp is chasing away Unicorns because they don't need them.You lost, we won the war hurray! Hurray! War has ended!
>>70963882>the collabs are rare enough to actually be ignorable.She collabs with them whenever it will have the biggest impact which is worse.
>>70963882There's always an excuse when it comes to the JPs, isn't there?
That was a kino prank stream, I fucking love hololive
>>70963922Hoshimatic Cover song
>peko fighting melania with an easy 40k >JPkeks trying desperately to make people /here/ accept homocollabers and watch their streamsI will NOT watch homosI will NOT watch homo accessories I WILL watch Pekora kill Melania(eventually)And your whores will remain whores while I do it
I understand it is too early for the Niji audience (which only pops up after 11PM, for some reason) but DAMN, it's not even a competition anymore on JP primetime.
>>70963902Yeah, there were some last year as well and a big reason why it came across as the homos having the full floor of holoexpo since they featured in many of the free programs.
>>70963913Nice filename retard
>>70963902they only give a venue tour
>>70963918No goldLegit no gold
>>70963940better than Botan always shoving homos into every stream she has
Speedy rundown?
>>70963305>MinecraftPick any of the Minecraft streams from 2021/2022 then. They're all kino.
>>70963956Pekora is not EN.
>>70963918beaten to the ground like feb 2024 would have 3 niji gold, if not for kuzuha
>>70963902Dunno about this year but last year there were several paywalled programs.
>>70963825>menacingIf you call that menacing, then how do you call whatever te fuck is happening in the doxx shithole?
>>70963777holy sex
>>70963937And you faggots still won't watch streams.
>>70964001keep seething jpkek, never watching your jpwhores
>>70963922To get in here right now:
>>70964034Pekora is a jpwhore
>>70964003>>70963969Yes, last year there were too many of them... I hope not this year
>>70963767Malenia is not actually that hard if she doesn't use the OP move .. Pekora will keep fighting her until she gets lucky RNG
Jwu, what was the micomet stream about?
>>70963768RAPE and War
>>70963825so true, the existence of interpersonal expectations scare the shit out of me too
>>70963939You weren't there. Fubuki deserves respect. Its not anyone who could immolate half their income like she did and receive the seethe of milliions of bugs for it.She's a bigger fan of Hololive than anyone here for sure.
Whorelive (no go zone, the cuck zone):MatsuriRushia MelAkiTowaBotanSuiseiSoraLa+ChocoFubukiMoriBaelzKroniiRegloss IDCondoms for Homos, e - celebs and male prostitutes. Once a cheating whore, Always a cheating whore.Never forgive, never forget.And Nothing of value was lost.
>>70963956Homobeggars are retarded to think we will change our minds about the homos>What a pathetic sub-human with self-insert fetishes
>>70963989kronii still couldn't get over the fact that her ex-lesbo partner (one-sided) just went and get married. bd 3d live soon.
>>70964057>keep fighting her until she gets lucky RNGShe didn't beat the game.
>>70963937you sound like a woman
last time I checked pekora had 38k, after watching a few rounds with Malenia I see it's 42k now. Nice
>>70964070No homocollaber deserves respect.
>>70963902I don't recall seeing any paid expo streams this year
>>70964001I didn't say JP viewerI said JPkekI watch cute girls You are a cuck
>>70964070Don't take the resident pagpag eating whorelive poster too seriously
Kanade anon?
SHUT UP, MONGOLOIDS!>there is a really cute robot talking right now about celebrating her sixth anniversary
>>70964057Once Pekora is in despair and JPbros convince her to use greatsword + giants hunt ash of war spam, then its over for malenia
Is Nijisanji recovering
>>70964011They self insert as streamwatchers, thus only one bland dude watching the homos is enough for them
yet another day where holoEN had to spam gigabuff content to beat doki's neutral numbers
>>70963989That's her IRL friend. Kronii's doing a 3D Live soon. The date isn't set.
>Homos was in the NY countdown (twice now)next they will have Marine or Pekora shill them on their 3D live
Phase chads won. Niji who?
>「My Dearest」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)
>>70964145JPkek=JPfan/viewerThat's what it meansAlso Pekora collabed with males.
>>70964163nope, still got beaten to the ground
>>70964168>gigabuff content>a cute kirin playing a few rounds of poker to make enough money to buy a vegan onigiri
eat shit pagpagniggers. (You) will never be white and (You)r oshi hates your kind
>>70963937Keep coping
>>70964163No. Their YOY comparisons are pretty bad.
I didn't remember this song being so long
pego about to snipe silver
roboco's auto-translator can't really keep up with the way she talks
>>70963781Ah, the unicorn-sissy alliance against the homos, we will be able to get rid of them at this rate
>>70964178You rike?
>>70964231I'm curious to see their impending investors report. NijiEN YoY will be down from 2023 and it's not even because of anything Selen related as the quarter in question precedes it by a month
>>70964097>>70964170But... Why? Why is she bringing a literal who into her stream and calling it a debut?
>ReGloss half-year anniversary relay stream>Raden's Karaoke>Ririka's Karaoke>Kanade's Karaoke>Raden's collab with Nijiclown>Ao's Karaoke>Hajime's KaraokeOne looks very different
>>70963825Well, those homocollab loving tourists are free to support the gir-oh wait.
>>70964229Jap is resisting but god know how long
>>70963937Lost What troon?
>>70945990Is this true?
Peko DID IT(not really)
>>70964178>twice nowI didn't see any homo on the second NY countdown concert. Are you perhaps schizophrenic?
>>70964265it's the love of her live, not exactly literal who.
>>70964263Yeah i'm totally a nijisister for hating the nijihomo collab that's live right nowsuck some more cock cuckaroo
Here it comes
>>70964131learn to respect those who defend the hololive you say you love. Without her defense it might not have continued to exist.
>>70964295>just a bit lower for a full tummy view
>phase 2 startInstantly +3k
>>709642753D debut announcements soon too
>>70964295press the rrat
I don't know if they upgraded Hololive's software but DAMN, many of the girls are upgrading their rooms and this one from Roboco is amazing
>>70964297IRyS visiting Australia?
>>70964061FubuMicomet raped Subaru live on stream. It was hot.
>>70964231this quarter is looking really bad for en.last year their revenue is too high. expect a decline 40% this year
>>70963533Yo, I'm so happy for Fauna if she got to do VA work, it was one of her debut goals that she really wanted to do.
>>70964073This is consistently the most worthless and pathetic schizo in this thread and that's saying something when Faunaschizo exists
>>70964003>>70964049On these ones, while I don't necessarily condone pirating them, I'm far more understanding of someone doing so than the main concert.
>>70964329Collabing with homos is the opposite of defending holo
>>70964322I think she's quite the literal who.
>>70964377>last year their revenue is too high.It's not even just that. It is their first quarter after Mysta graduated vs. the same quarter with Mysta celebrating Luxiem's anniversary with the rest of his wave
>>70964229>Nerissa >Shiori
Man chinman was so close to getting pushed off the podium
sister don't look!
>Quit the first playthrough>Come back to it before the new DLC drop for “revenge”>Get even better number than her first playthroughDunno if lucky or genius
>>70964199>that's what it meansIrrelevant, I told you what I meant>Also Pekora collabed with malesPekora did one-time promotional content involving males*Don't go playing dumb when you are perfectly aware of that line and how it has existed for yearsOr do, I don't really care about what you say anyway because it is retarded
>>70964057I mean sure, but you can also smash your face into waterfowl dance enough times to sorta get good enough to dodge most of it. >>70964265Kronii has kinda not been subtle about her friend being more than simply 'just' a friend.
I told you unicorns were going to use the Holo boys to divide the holopro fanbase and shit on the Live girls
effortless 20k for Raden
>>70964430Collabing with homos is the opposite of defending holo
>>70964440Never doubt peko's genius
>>70964357Isn't this too ... ecchi?!
>>70964440lucky rabbit. her foot is giving her luvk
>>70964357>play button YAB YAB YAB YAB
So tiresome that tourists encourage this nonsense.
>>70964073Why are Miko, Subaru and Aqua not on the list? Once a cheating whore always a cheating whore right? Did their hymens grow back or something?
>>70964439That's a man,.
>>70964449>Live girls
>>70964440pegochan thinks 5 universes and 7 timelines ahead, everything is part of pekos plan.
>>70964444Still a male collab, retard. She is a JP whore
>>70964485EOP please
>>709644212 more weeks
>>70964375>>70964477I never understood why there's someone here who saves clipfag thumbnails like these, it's like a dollar tree version of the Suischizo but for Bae
>>70964440Probably renewed interest + not having to compete with every JP streamer playing the same game.
>>70964357>>70964462Was her mascot always a duracell battery? Why is he in a cage?
Jezaz how big is the Holobox right now? 200k?
>>70964439not big enough
>>70964163you see this thread?
>>70964486They've been redeemed like Mumei and IRyS
>>70964462IS it pink or redish brown?
>>70964485eh, its just like that ao homopizza collab, got 17k on the 1st stream, 6k on the second stream
>>70964419i checked nijistore and yeah lots of luxiem 2nd annive didnt sold at all lol.a decline of nijien and also selen drama are going to hits hard this quarter.cant wait for thursday already
>>70964359momma rat coming to japan
>>70964485let them learn the lessen that Kronii, Bae, Ame, and Mori had to learn
>>70964485Real holofan love nijisanji, but you won't be able to understand that because you're a tribal/dramafag.
>>70964449We can’t let Holostars be accepted or successful, Anon. Successful Male vtubers are the sole advantage AnyColor over Cover, and we need to persevere that.
>>70964527Seems to have peaked at 150k at the top of the hour or close >>70963963
>>70964407forcing management to not kneel to china is a bigger defense of what makes Hololive good than any number of personal choice homo collabs. She doesn't even do them that often either.
>>70964517Not her mascot, that's a robosa, her fans
>>70964462It's fine.
Nice bots Fagoo
>>70964534There is no redemption in being a cheating whore.>Once a cheating whore always a cheating whore.
>>70964357Those are some big ass lightsticks, I wonder what she uses them for
>>70964538I'm more interested in the quarter AFTER that, since that's when the effects of Selen's THREE PAGE MANIFESTO FIRING SQUAD EXECUTION will have had their effect.
>>70964576Why can't EN give us kino like this?
>>70964583anon, suisei and miko/fubuki/subaru all ended their streams.of course the other holos are going to benefit. cause unlike niji, the holo community does watch other talents within the company.
>Furen is having a cute 3D live and no one said anything30k
I just realised there are 29 Holomen who are willing to collab with homos.Holojp will collab with homos every week, La+, Matsuri, choco, RBC, azki, Suisei, Sora, FBK, Aki, Towa, Botan, Polka, Raden, Ririka, Ao. That's 15 members and same number of talents as HoloEN.Holoids have been sucking them off since their inception.In HoloEN we have Ame, Mori, kronii, and bae.Most of the remaining talents are your regular streamers and only 5-6 of them are GFE. Are we sure that Hololive is still unicorn friendly? Because the numbers says otherwise.
>>70964540for the fest?
Man the retardation went into full overdrive
homobeggars are quite desperate
>>70964553This, we need to push our Holo boys so they can finally kill NijisanjiThe more collabs and integration with the Live girls, the betterIt makes the sister seethe SO MUCH lol
>>70964538>a decline of nijien and also selen drama are going to hits hard this quarter.True and it will also be the first full quarter without Pomu and Selen. The current investors report will be bad, the next one might end up being catastrophic for NijiEN>unless Anycolor gives them the "homo" treatment and hide them deeply within the general numbers"Nijisanji (EN + JP) had a growth of 7% last quarter">what about individual numbers per branch"Next question please"
>>70964616You want collabs with the nijiEN faggots?
>>70964622It is obviously bait 60-70% of the time.But it's what anons here want to believe, so hey bite every time.
>>70964621post tits
>>70964618>watching nijislop
>>70964639150k extra mindbroke them
>>70964617Do you really think you're clearing a misunderstanding? You're replying to a shitposter, anon.
>>70964621Yagoo san kakooi
>>70964662>Do you really beleb #s are biting?
>>70964688sad merch as always
>>70964620I wish to see they cosplay Kiryu Coco and post it on Chinese tiktok
>>70964634Roberu marriage
>>70964594thats true since they wasted february lol
>>70964505I am not going to pretend to like corpo promo male slop, but it's on a whole different level and you know it
>>70964621the top holos are unicorn friendly, the bottom ones are homo friendly. Explain
>>70964621>Are we sure that Hololive is still unicorn friendly?no it's over for hololive sister, it's better to become female unicorn for VOX SAMA and harass people IRL
>>70964622Man, it's so good that we have sisters openly planning to shit on homos i can't wait until they revel their next devious plot of criticizing Cover of giving the homos more resources than they are worth.
>>70964741with mea?
>>70964758>the top holos are unicorn friendlyFlip sisters are really dumb today
>>70964594>>70964746>thats true since they wasted february lolI still have no idea of what they were thinking when they wrote the "negligible" investors post.That did even more damage than the "termination manifesto" or even the "elira knives out stream" because it amplified the problem to their JP side which was ignoring up until that moment>and forced theri CEO to dogeza
>>70964621Total CGDCT DOMINATION
>>70964729I fucking love akutan's stupid ass kaomoji, she's so cute RABU ONYAN
>>70964757It's that much different when Pekora likes the male she is doing the promo with.
>>70964688I like brown hair with red eyes.
>Holox 3/5>Advent 4/5>Regloss 1/5
>Loving homos = NDF>Hating homos = NDF>Liking Regloss = NDF>Hating Regloss = NDF‘NDF’ unironically broke /vt/. “NDF" are mostly just attention whores who give 0 shit about Nijisanji. They just want free (You). The fact they live rent free in your head mean they’ve won.
Bad day to release a Kyukurin Cover, Kanata.Thankfully it’s a good one.
>>70964811Isn't Iroha the only untainted holoX now?
>search "NDF" in the current thread>first result: >>70964815Anon?
Don't know about you sisters but I WOULD DIE FOR VOX & MY KINDRED FAMILY
>>70964805Thats a bait>A Jailbait
>>70964815Call them nijiniggers like they deserve
>>70964811Why are foreigners like this?
>>70964729Come home Rion chama
Does anyone have that "Some day the world you love will disappear" Korone quote image?Can't find it.
>>70964815And here's the latest evolution>hating a niji collab=NDF
Bodega is Open
>>70964839>He doesn’t know
>>70964859What's the point of this edit?
>only 300 waiting for the dogsoof. nice "big" return stream.
>Lui just talked to Roboco on he totsuHe sleepy hag voice is pure honey
>>70964478Right next to her Glock to stop any prowling button-stealing whores.
>>70964859this dude is everywhere
>>70964851the ESL levels in this tweet is impressive
>>70964779Actual Retard
>>70963825So long as they don't sperg out about her it's whatever. If they just quietly move over to another girl who caters to their taste it's perfectly fine. This is probably what 99% of people who oshihen due to male collabs do.
>>70964534>IrysNever needed redemption in the first place>>70964486>>70964587unicorns won>>70964621And most of those traitors suffered the consequences and many others are recent and will in time>>70964553>>70964564Beggar psyop
>>70964876I'm pretty sure you said much more than that to be labeled a nijinigger
Sister News: NijiEN is thriving and dookie is reclining!WOAAAAOOWWWWWW
>>70964811ID 0/9
>>70964622>sisters shitting on homos for usdamn, unicorns not only won, but enslaved the enemy too
>>70964876Soon we'll have>supporting the walled garden = NDF
>>70964827>Bad dayWhy?
>>70964892Followed by beni SEX, what a sex lineup so far
where is the benischizo, beni is in roboco totsu
>>70964916But without the invisible guns
pekora is going to be here forever
>>70964912Yeah I said that anyone that collabs with niji is trash. What a nijinigger opinion to have.Neck yourself, retard.
>>70964916Sisters doesnt even realize it yetDont tell them
>>70964916kek, all jokes aside this is pretty much the best outcome>this place keeps dunking on the homos>sisters take the blameThis is an even better cloak than the "JUNSGANG"
>>70964916kind of sad, I have to do less with every passing day...
>>70964956This time its the invisible strings
>>70964892>>70964948Beni's voice reminds me of Choco, I thought it was her at first
>Sora collabs with homosSuccessful>Suisei collabs with homosSuccessful>Azmi collabs with homosSuccessful>Raden Collabs with homosSuccessful>Towa collabs with homosSuccessful>Botan collabs with homosSuccessful>Bae collabs with homosSuccessful>Mori collabs with homosSuccessful Unicorns are you sure Homo collabs have any negative effect?
>flips ITT calling other people flips because nobody bought their bait about miko not being unicorn friendly Browns knowing that browns are disgusting better than anyone else will always be funny to me
Why do nijis do very idol-like 3D streams where they sing and dance instead of doing... something else?
>>OPI'm about to give her some numbers alright. Plap plap plap get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
>>70964916>Unicorns successfully outsourced their work to the chinese
>>70964512It's this guy, he's also the no-cuck zone ritual poster
>>70964948It's strange how going outside the walled garden is never viewed as a bad thing on the JP side, but if an EN collabs with a single non-holo, there are dozens of catalog threads about it.
>>70964987I don't know if I'm OK with outsourcing the unicorn duties .... do I still get my share of the invisible MREs?
>>70964969>I called multiple Holos trashSounds like a Nijinigger
>>70965008Wait, it's a totsu?
>>70964916We run this
>>70965010>BaeNot so fast there bratcuck.
>>70965008its cute that beni really loves choco too she fangirls like crazy when they met in ark and the minecraft thing they did
>raden casually getting 22k with a chatting streamWhy isn't she considered first army, again?
>>70965010>Unicorns are you sure Homo collabs have any negative effect?
>>70965061It's in the title>凸もある!?>Totsu mo aru?Maybe a totsu too?
>>70965010>AzmiTell your pagpag discord that one of their retarded templates has a typo beggarchama
>>70964264Every quarter has been >But wait until [another giga recline] rolls inFor 1.5yrs, the analytics from the inside must be really scary for few heads
>>70965073She is successful and a proud fan of HolostarsNow seethe
>>70965083>with a NijiHomothat's why
>>70965073Bae is literally unstoppable now she's in Japan.
>>70965041JP barely counts as hololive anymore, the only branch still faithful to hololive culture is holoEN
>>70965083Because she has to be consistent throughout the year to be first army
>>70965010It filters out the schizos, which is the best thing you could ever doUnless the girl invests HEAVILY into gfe and parasocialism, in which case it could be the worst thing to ever happen
/#/ - Timeloops & Bait general
>>70965038My soul just cringed out my body.
>>70965107>the analytics from the inside must be really scary for few headsThe revelation that an XO was personally thanking Luca for not having been fired because of his success was something out of the world >knowing it happened during Luxiem's peak and thinking where his head must be now
>>70965010More holostars soon
The walls of the walled garden are shaking a little bit but don't worry they always learn
>>70965126*Bae is unstoppable now that she's management's cum receptacle.
>>70965125all the top JP holos are unicorn friendly and CGDCT
>>70965083Because drama tourists aren't a stable demographic whether it's JP or EN
>>70964297Bae's mother going to JP no? She was whining about it with Mori iirc
obvious retarded baits get yous
>>70964969And somehow you are surprised that people call you a nijinigger for being a legit holo anti?
homochads won
>>70965010>Botan>successfulBy what metric?
>>70965010So singers and fps players have no problem with homo collab?
>>70965087That's a white man dumbass there's no cheetos in sea. How disappointing
>>70965175she mogs all of EN
>>70965155Hahahaha hahahaahSuisei top holo>Collabs with Holostars and supports them
>>70964968malenia is such a fun fight
>>70965060>>70965163>nijicollabing trash are holosThey don't qualify as holos, do you also call homos holos? Retard
>>70965010The only one that successful is Suisei because of her singing abilities
>>70965060Why do you love homo/nijicollabers? Why do you refuse to call them shit?>>70965163>being anti niji makes you pro-niji holo antiAre you fucking retarded?
>Holo runts need to leech off NijiGODS to be relevantgrim
Whats gonna happen to sisters once the NijiEN Merged to NijiMain happens?How are they gonna cope on the fact that NijiEN will be discontinued?Are they gonna blame holoGods again like they usually do?
JWU and turns out the unicorns and CGDCT schizos were nijisisters all along? kek told you sonever let them divide an conquer HoloPRO ever again
>>70965038of course it's a chumkek...
This thread is weird. Some people are clearly watching streams while others are eating bait like honey.>PROVE YOU ARE A STREAM WATCHERPost a screencap of the stream you are watching right now and give a quick rundownI'll start>Roboco is having an anniversary totsu after revealing her new room
>>70965194Could the AI even render balut properly?
>literal homobeggar raidI do not understand how you "people" don't realize how obvious you are You stick out in this thread like a lighthouse lmao
>>70965217>>70965219Very organic, sisters.
>>70965155Top JP holos do not respect core hololive culture.
>>70965010Not my problem
Did Roboco remember to tell anyone that she's having a totsu?
>>70965246We are winning the culture war.
>>70965227>Whats gonna happen to sisters once the NijiEN Merged to NijiMain happens?Mass suicide
>bait post>17 replies everytimeIt's too tiresome
If flips and indogs love homos that much, why do they still hate each other?
>>70965237Also watching it, she just put on the overtime spirit shirt whilst she waits for someone else to show up
>>70965261Calling others "sisters" doesn't make you fit in, nijinigger.
>>70964946Going up against Unknown Mother Goose from Hoshimatic Project.
Total Yaoi Faggots EradicationWe only love girls here. All male vtubers are gay and cringe. There is no place for Yaoi Faggots in Hololive.
>>70965208Can't wait for the next official HoloEN channel appearance bratkek, surely this time people will recognize her for the amazing talent she is instead of closing the tab the instant they hear her hideous accent!
>>70965217>>70965219Attack or criticize their actions instead of the person then, all you people are doing is poisoning the well and effectively aligning yourselves with the people that hate holos, funnily enough you people never ever act this schizo towards the outsider the holo happens to interact with despite them being the supposed problem in these situations.
>>70965266It's in the stream title but I don't think she planned it to be the main part of her stream, it looks like an "old timer" totsu similar to the ones Holo girls threw in 2020
>>70965163>if holos like nijisanji then you are a holo anti if you hate nijisanjinijisanji is a holo anti by default, brown
Kek roboco is wearing the a chan overtime shirt
>>70965275kek winning so hard your subhuman brown beggar ass got BTFO by bunch of ledditors at /r/hololive
>>70965307But Hololive girls love Holostars
>>70964688Is that the same picture as last year? Or was it used in some other merch because it looks really familiar
>>70965246#s is getting raided everydayIt is you who still didnt understand and getting affected by it emotionally unlike #Gods>#s are born with it>molded by it
>>70965280(you)s are the IDR of currencies in this thread
What's the last kanji in her shirt? Seems a present from A-Chan>Zangyo something>something overtimeIt is "overtime monster" or something?
>>70965292third world mentality, they must hate all their neighboring countries
Looks like the psyop back fired so they came out of lurking, kek
>>70965305I guarantee you this fag is responsible for a lot of the shitposting in this thread
>>70965280You don't understand anon, homobeggar posts make me seethe uncontrollably and I must reply.It's probably mostly sisters replying to themselves and each other though. /#/ is blatantly getting raided rn.
>>70965310>Attack or criticize their actions instead of the person thenThat's literally what's being done, you fucking moron.>anyone that collabs with niji is trashThis is criticism of the action "collabs with niji".Stop twisting and turning around, nijinigger.
>>70965307nice try sister, your plan has been uncovered, we love all of HoloPRO herethis is a unity thread
>>70965326KEK! Imagine getting owned by plebbitardsSisters are losing on all sides
>>70965237pekora blaming her controller
Remember when Holostars and male collabs used to be a rare occurrence?Now it happens everyday week and with each passing day more and more Holos start collabing with them.
>>70964968Yeah everyone know that
Homobeggers in my ThreadHow Lame
>>70965307Why did Botan bring an actual gun to school?
>>70964968Cheesing it with maliketh WA was her only hope, now she is truly lost in the sauce
>>70965393holy shit, the absolute state of niji subleddit
>Only 2 people called inRoboco...
Top 10 holos>Marine - unicorn friendly>Pekora - unicorn friendly>Miko - unicorn friendly>Aqua - unicorn friendly>Subaru - unicorn friendly>Susei - homo friendly>Gura - unicorn friendly>Korone - unicorn friendly>Kanata - unicorn friendly>Fubuki - homo friendlybottom 10 holos>Ollie - homo friendly>Anya - homo friendly>lofi - homo friendly>Risu - homo friendly>Bae - homo friendly>Matsuri - homo friendly>Laplus - homo friendly>Roboco - homo friendly>Aki - homo friendly>Kronii - homo friendlyexplain this homo beggars
>>70965083Because First Army are getting double and triple that tonight
>>70965389SEA intelligence is truly an amazing thing to behold.
>>70965246They keep posting about how doxx sister is roleplaying as unicorn but I only see homobeggars running wild here.
>>70965194they have their own cheetos puffs
>>70965398the good thing is, it is not helping the homos, the moment they go back to solo streams they are back to their pathetic numbers with no members or SC gained
True kino
>>70965398You rike?
Roboco spaghetti handed and showed the wrong merch before>this is the right oneCute as fuck
>>70965083Because 2020 was 4 years ago
>>70965443Did they just make their own /#/ thread?
>>70965443KEK! No wonder theyre MAD MAD MAD right nowAnd they think shitting on #s thread will do anything for nijiENHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>70965473Yeah I'm a dumb SEA monkey for biting your bait, nijinigger. You will never fit in.
>>70965448DELETE THIS
>>70965443That offcollab got more viewers than I expected actually. Pretty sure it was boosted by some asian viewers.Millie was unironically the most popular person there. I guess Meloco's audience is largely the NijiJP audience so she brought some people
Suichan was one merciful ccv tick away from knocking Chinman off of the podium on his anniversary
>>70965353zangyou tamashii = overtime spirit or some such
>>70965482It's hurting anyone that does these collabs.
>>70965448Not cool, you need to watch holostars
>>70965482Didn't some of them even recline afterwards?
Anyone know if Pego made it to the 2nd phase yet?
>>70965570This is a cute box
>>70965544If only Miko accepted Suisei's time extension...
>2.3 Mil views in 4 days's gonna cover this first?Great video too. I saw it after the Toriyama announcement and it hit really hard.
>>70965010They all would have been far more successful without the homo pity collabs
>>70965601Yes, once, now she is tilting and making mistakes trying to reach phase 2
>>70965448>The mental gymnastics required to call this Unicorn Friendlysugei…
>>70965448Bottom tier had nothing to lose so they collab with male for fun.
raden & joe duet kino...
So new gf asked me about my hobbies so I introduced her to Hololive and Pekora... Then she sent me a picture of Frieren + Shiro from NGNL, and asked me if Pekora is from the same anime...
>>70965498Classic pon
I'm kind of proud of the thread ... clearly people replying are catalog tourists or the same fags samefagging.When the fuck did you learn restraint, faggots? You were not like this six months ago
>>70965633>professional collab
>>70965353Zangyo tamashii残業魂
>>70965559And it's their fault for being retarded.
>>70965443that place is full of bottom feeders picking off a corpse
>>70965633>retard newfag doesn't know which collabs are fine in idol and unicorn culture
>>70965642were they doing karaoke?
>>70965653>Then she sent me a picture of FrierenDUMP HER! She clearly is a filthy elf lover!(or show her Flare)
>>70965633She's leeching Hikakin so yeah Unicorn friendly
>>70965659Spammers were actually getting banned six months ago
>>70965548 >>70965662Thanks! I knew it had something to do with spirits as the "oni" kanji is part of the bottom kanji but couldn't figure out it was just "spirit"
>>70965633Gonna post a thumbnail of that one fucking bald faggots talkshow next?
>>70965585vesper and magni
>>70965689yes, acapella
>>70965448>Marine>Pekora>KoroneNot unicorn friendly
>>70965633Sisters yet again proving that their standards and context for males is way more extreme than actual unicorns.
>>70965451thanks, must have been something else then
>>70965653Rape correct her
>>70965689AcapellaThey're singing rn
>>70965661All collabs are professional collabs when done for profit on company time.
pekora be way too aggressive on this malenia fight here.
>>70965633Lurk more.
>>70965208Post her membership then homobeggar.
>>70964790poor pagpag
please gather
>>70965633retard, stop being such a faggot tourist start getting into idol culture, uncultured swine sister
>>70965743>for profit
>>70965653Tell her Ubel is in Hololive too, JP7
I tabbed out and missed, what's this doll about, it's her "with friends" plushie?
>>70965653>NGNLshe wants incest roleplay, hot
>>70965147they shed sisters for the whole second part of 2022 and the mass graduations after 1st anniversary put a tombal stone on any chance to ever recapture the spark, still remember the coeps>you don't get it chinese daughters are supposed to help in the kitchen for lunar new year holobrony you'll see next month they will incline back to old splendorsbut the sisters never came back
>>70964827The illustration is absolutely awful. At first you’d think the sketchy black outline has some style to it but they were really quite sloppy in some parts that it’s obvious how traced from the original MV it is The other MVs like irohas are much better and cleaner
I thought Pekora would eventually quit the Guts Sword but she actually stick with it until now
I hope Joe appears in Raden's 3D debut. It would be actual kino.
>>70965653Frieren is not even from the same anime as Shiro...
>>70964618>not even the bait with a graduated member can make them get good numbers
>>70965732Pekora embraces the unicorns
>>70965448And Regloss are failures
>>70965779It's practically designed to fit a fleshlight
>>70965633>t. Linear brain retard>100% Pagpag drivenI have flip friends from uni, theyre not retarded people like this anonI'm guessing this anon is an uneducated internet dweller
>Haachama on Roboco streamMore like Haato, she's using her non exasperated morning voice
>>70965821This is a reputable as Laplus saying the same thing.
>>70965744Anon that is how Pekora is, always brute force everythingI wonder if any of you remember how Pekora literally burning through all her 99 lives in the Mario race with Korone
>>70965822ID is jobbing
>>70965801She's doing better than I thought she would to be honest, not a quitter at least
39/55 Holomen has collabed and will Collab with Holostars.Are you sure Hololive is still Unicorn friendly?Homo and male collabs are a daily occurrence these days. Like this year we have more Hololive X Holostars than the entirety of 2020,2021 and 2022 combined.
>>70965743Alright break is over sisters, go shit on homos for me. Chop chop.
>>70965850At first I thought Rushia called inturns out its a whotuber
Who is this, why is she in my recommends and why a 3D live is on 3 views?
>>70965909>can't spot an obvious typoYou can't speak English.
>>70965821I hate EN fags
>>70965917>full 3D live>3viewAGHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!
>>70965827EN what Homo sister?
>>70965937>T-TYPOYour insecurities are showing shitskin.
>>70965894>frame for Fuwamoco stream in 13 hours>homo collabers filtered from my subsI'm both eating good and doing my part
>>70965822raden is out, hajime and kanade is still good, theres literally no excuse on earth can justify a niji male collab
>>70965448>bottom 10 holos>Laplus - homo friendly>Aki - homo friendly>Kronii - homo friendlyHow are they bottom exactly? They do quite well numbers wise
>>70965963Wrong person schizo
>>70965894Da bois will incline this year
>>70965822>gen 5 shittier than Promise and AdventWhat went wrong?
>>70965684>muh idol cultureFemale idols appear together with male idols which logically excuses homostar collabs but somehow you won't accept that.
Gen 0 4/5Gen13/4Gen24/5Gen34/4Gen42/4Gen52/4Gen61/5Regloss2/4Myth2/5Promise2/5Advent5/5Holoid9/9Unicorns have lost the war. Accept it or else..
>>70965684>>70965698>>70965767Unicorn friendly when hypono ojisan had his way with gen 3
>Nodoka post on the reddit thing>not a single mention of any retarded homoThey REALLY kicked homobeggars out of that place, that's remarkable!
>>70965992 Here Have some big numbers cuck
>>70965917nice boobies
Where the lolis and hags at?
>>70965684There's no such thing as "Unicorn culture and idol culture" together. Both are completely different things
Are they using bots now or has the pagpag rotted their brains to mush?
>>70965987>kanade is still goodOh no no "unicorn" bro
I don't get why beggars use one off streams as counter example to being unicorn friendly. It's pretty obvious Pekora deliberately avoids male collabs. You don't see her playing games or dancing/singing with males. Whereas with non unicorn friendly girls it's not surprising when they do such collabs.
>>70965976Of course an insecure ESL like you would get massively offended over getting called out like this. It's ok, just go back to school and maybe one day you will be able to spot genuine mistakes like anyone that actually knows English.
>>70966044Even nodoka really doesnt want to be paired with homos, she just wants to be A-chans assistant
>>70966087It's all they have and it's not enough that some girls are fine with them, they have to demand that EVERYONE is
A shiver runs through the fabrics of space.If gods and demons were alive today, even they would dread the upcoming calamity.The immortal mage shrugs in her slumber.Causing an unholy calamity.Soon.... cat mindshare
>>70966112next time Botan should just invite all the cute fleshstreamer girls only
How the fuck AZKi get this strong with map and city games?
Tempus truly kill any goodwill for male collabs
>>70965917AZKi's surname is Saotome?
Seethe more commie troons
>>70966087Even if she is Unicorn friendly, the fact of the matter is that those collabs were not unicorn friendly no matter how hard your double standards apply here
>>70966093why did yuujin a do it?
>>70966102that silence will never gets old
>>70966033>what is a v-idol
>>70966112They should keep inviting cuties like this instead
Aruran inclining
>>70966112Damn she cuteBotan shouldn’t have invited males, instead she should gather all the qt female fleshstreamer
>>70965868Link one Pego stream where she's dating with a male eceleb.
>>70966137Why the fuck did they do this
>>70965868This sister as no idea if what she is talking about
>>70966112>3k subs>1.3k ccvhow?
>>70966168Where are you even seeing that? There is only one good Saotome and it's Saotome Mary!
>>70966194If you're applying idol culture then homo collabs are ok. gods onegai
>>70966190So she can have holostars all by herself
>>70966102Some anons predicted that they would go silent as soon as the homos came on the screen and when it happened i bursted out in laughing
Joe is very cool
>>70966157Azki is proof that anyone can incline once they find their audience
>>70965821 hate unicorns btw
>>70966150>>70966198that was the plan, but then management stepped in and "asked" her to not exclude the homos
I am kinda liking this niji clown
>>70966157She had become SEX.
>>70966233It's right there. Azuki Saotome. Azuki = AZKi
>>70966194Homo collabs and male collabs are okay in Idol cultureHomo collabs and male collabs are not okay in unicorn cultureThey are not the same thing, they are different
>>709661373D fauna my beloved
Ok tell me I'm genuinely curious how is Hololive still Unicorn friendly even though they collab with Holostars and male e celebs.
>>70966245unicorn pandering has always been a part of v-idol culture ever since virtual youtuber idol corpos and branches began
>>70966157her autism made her popular with this kind of games, will not be surprise if azki will collab with the tourism agency or government
Raden my beloved
All the sponsors for Botan tournamentsNot beating KZHCup sponsors list tho
>>70966254this, the JP Stars actually respect idol culture and know how to behave
These numbers are just absurd. Did it cause terminal numberrot already?I remember when a 40k stream was remarkable and 35k was almost guaranteed gold.
>>70966314first and last after they see how it will filp, Cover will have to learn the hard way once again homos are not wanted in this industry
>>70966234fgc crowd is checking out the participants
>>70966318Lol lmaoUnicorns coping
>>70966288This.The thing that matters in idol culture is whether the idol is dating or married.
>>70966306Because Jap exists and is the head of the EN branch and soon even further beyond
>>70966327Hololive is growing
>>70966288learn to realize how homobeggars/sisters post look likeThey will always ask question/vauge post and expect you to explain everything in full details
>>70966327Anon we had a sub-40k gold yesterday.
>>70966318Lmao you wish all the Homos combined can be as cool as clown man
>>70966314Botan is still starting out so it's not bad
>>70966360Yes, but that used to be the norm. Yesterday's "horse race" used to be the type of exciting one in 2021 and right now, they're seen a a slow day
>>70966327the vtuber industry without Hololive would be dead as fuck, lucky for us Hololive is a thing
>>70966307Hikakin collab is not unicorn friendly.
>>70966327>First Army are the only group breaking 30k today in HololiveThe list will never change, and anyone who try to change it simply don’t know numbers
>>70966288>>70966345see >>70966307
>>70966357I know but I was just putting it out there anyways in case there's still confusion among a susceptible newfag
>>70966179Don't talk about things you don't understand.
>>70964163Millie just had a 3k offstream return stream with a lot of the girls
>>70966327yes, remember that at some point the minimum for first army was 10k. Nowadays is 25k
>>70966393Nigger she won't collab with your male failures.
>>70966217Link one stream where everyone that's labeled as a homo collaber is dating with a male eceleb first. You need to establish this pattern to make it a reasonable thing to follow.
>>70965917She's pretty cute and energetic
>>70966399Weak argument with no basis, sorry
>>70966396I starting to believe that the only way to get a new first army member is recruiting an already popular indie which numbers will grow higher with the holobox
>>70966425>10kHoly shit nigga it literally started out at 20k. You are selling the “First Army” title very cheap
>>70966393You're too silly. You are looking at the very people defining *their own* starndard and saying>you are wrong, the things you should actually like or dislike are these or thatwhile being told>The things that I accept are X and do not accept are Y. That's my personal standard and one shared by many of the people in this placeThere is no possible pilpul that can convince a person that the things they're OK with are actually not OK, and the things they're not OK with are actually OK.
>>70966393I don't need to like hikakin nor like the stream with him to understand that Pekora herself is a unicorn pandering holo
>>70966265and i hate homobeggars more
Nice bots Niji/Homo sistersGo watch your livers/boiz
>>70966307*Unicorn pandering has always been a part of unicorn culture ever since virtual youtuber idol corpos and branches began
>>70966434When did I ever say she should collab with homos? I want all male collabers out and that includes Pekora>inb4 it's ok if a millionaire male fucks my oshitypical JPkek
>>70966425>minimum for first army was 10kIt always 20k newfag
>>70966425retard, it was always 20k+
Future vtuber's ASMR starting
> shorts pumped numbers collapse> go back to leeching holororu
>>70966457very funny post
>>70966502>fucksAnon? Is vtubing different in your universe?
>>70965917>>70966446>indies are catching up nijisanji's techat this point if they dont improve their 3D they will be mogged by indies
>>70966479She is but that doesn't mean the collab was Unicorn friendly
>>70966327The numberrot in question:>>70966469>>70966501>>70966507
>>70966265Nobody likes actual mentally ill unicorns.that said beggers are equally as worse, and unfortunately greater in numbers.
>>70966075New yab just dropped
>>70966473>You are looking at the very people defining *their own* starndardBut they didn't do that. They said that this is what's done in idol culture to excuse it and then switched gears when they got told that idol culture excuses appearances with male idols.
>>70966502And this kind of extremism is exactly what the beggar niggers do when they larp as unicorns. Sorry sis, Pekora still won't collab with your male failures.
>>70966490they are trying really hard to prove/leech the blue dorito
>As Jesus was walking along, one of the V's was being stoned.>Jesus asked, "Why is this woman being stoned?">The pig replied, "This V was skipping her delivery and playing with a man.>Jesus said. "Then only he who has never played VC with the opposite sex should throw stones at her."The rain of stones continued for three days and three nights. wonder how many here know her
>>70966482what's the fanbase this sillyonionorion person classified themself as anyway?
>>70966512>youtube ffs rica you grandpa died ages ago
>>70966179So you agree she is unicorn friendly then, because all you can do is fixate on two of thousands of streams and act like her intentions aren't obvious.
>>70966537>Catching upWhoever is behind this recent boom of ~1k 3D debuts has slightly better tech than Nijisanji.I think Brave is renting out a studio... or it might even be the old Holo studio, but with a new group staffing it.
>>70966498there has never been a v-idol corpo or branch that did not involve unicorn pandering in any way from any member therefore unicorn pandering is v-idol culture
>>70964440Now that Pekora is not aiming to be most watched anymore she is playing a all the things wanted but postponed because she assumed it was bad for her numbers. She even apologize a few days ago for just doing whatever she feels like it. But it turns out that these "difficult to watch" streams are good for numbers too.
So are we all in agreement that Homo collabs are now ok? Hololive has long since discarded the unicorn culture. Now we should move on to idol culture and celebrate both Male and femal idols.
>>70966553Nah, they're right in this one. From the very moment "first army" was first coined the threshold was always a "20k median".Amusingly, that did not change in 2023
>>70966512>open vtuber stream>not a vtuber???????
Someone have that post where bae and bettel got forced to collab because homobeggar can't let go of a throw off word she said. Then she said she will never joke about it anymore because of homobeggar.
Ok but homos is still annoying and i want them to go
>>70966548read the first part of my sentence
Pekora should do a run when she focuses exclusively on not getting hit. Face tanking hits trying to land weapon arts has been proven to be unsuccessful.
>>70966627All I'm saying is that the stream with Hikakin by definition, wasn't a unicorn friendly stream but by ratio she would be a unicorn friendly Holo
>>70966567I thinks its a matter of time at this point till Nijisanji get closed, they have a yab every week and they are losing the goodwill of everyone, Im assuming that maybe in 2-3 years they will collapse
>>70965448>Fubuki and Kanata>Top 10Hmmm
>>70966567>anykuro gives unironic ptsd to their employees
>>70966601I cringe harder than at those "Pickle Rick" spammers outside a McDonald's.
>>70966678What's the fucking point of your original statement then?
>>70966629oh btw what is Hololive doing with their old studio? just renting it or they still use it?
>>70966567What about those artist tweets
Ame and Kronii are now Unicorn friendly.Mori is OK.Kronii is doing GFEYou Lost Homo sisters
>>70966630You are making shit up and revising the core definition of the word by twisting it into a new word when there are tons of Idols in the biggest Idol vtuber company that do not pander to Unicorns
>>70966566Anon, you are being pedantic while being told exactly what it is.You are arguing "definitions" and "established standards" while being told>My standard is that I don't mind X and mind Yand you're saying>but that's not what "Z" means and you are calling yourself "Z" so you should accept "Y" or reject "X"and people are replying>not really, I'll continue calling myself "Z" and continue rejecting "Y" and accepting "X"Can you see how dumb is the whole debate. Your whole point is that>if you reject "Y" or accept "X" you can't call yourself "Z"but people will continue calling themselves whatever they want and accepting and rejecting whatever they want
Pekora should equip a shield and block the waterfowl, she's clearly too stupid to dodge anything
wrap up the unicorn and homobegging shitposting, we are moving over to the new nijiyab now
it just keeps going... shes too powerful...
>>70965917i dont know, but it was recommended to me too. i posted a screen earlier. have to say, it's been pretty nice so i hit the subscribe button
>>70966733none of them are unicorn friendly until all the EN homos get graduated
>>70966643we are all in agreement that you should kill yourself
>>70966718It's simple, I'm not the anon who you were talking to, the one who is going to the extreme and saying that Pekora isn't Unicorn friendly
>>70966684>they have a yab every weekThe worst part for is WE KNEW they had shit situations like this for years, so now the floodgates opened, they have 6 years worth of confessions to deal with.
>>70966233Best Saotome
>>70966567>publically shaming a women in a board room to the point of giving her PTSD.everyday, nijiniggers dwell deeper in the depts of derangement.i think we should start gassing them.
>>70966733some stains never wash away
[Current thread IQ average] 54
>>70966733>Kronii doing GFE If you consider her talking about flirting with gymbros GFE then sure.
>>70966719They still had it, at least for a while, but didn't have enough people to man even the main studio, so no one was there to use it.
>>70966233>best saotome>didn't even build getter robocome on, now
i hope you fags know that whats happening in the thread right now is a result of the lack of cunny posting? CUNNY BRINGS PEACE TO ALL
>>70966803Blame the PagpagSisters
Azki is unironically one of the top 10 strongest holo streamers now wtf17k overlapping Peko is impressive
>651 ips DAMN NDF really coming out in droves today because of the yab huh?
>>70966788its like when an old artist finally gets accused by one rape victim and all their old crimes suddenly come up
>>70966803quite generous, it probably around 20
>>70966790How long has it been since she collabed with an EN star?
>>70966567>The artist was forced to attend the meetings daily by The Company where she got yelled at, verbally abused, told to write down her flaws and read it out loud.That's dumb as fuck and part of some corporate culture and dumb contractors take it.I've been in meetings with very loud and rude managers and my answer was always the same>please forward your complaints in writing so I can forward to the appropriate department to ask for adviceThat usually shut them up because they knew I would be forwarding it UPSTAIRS and they would have to justify whatever the fuck they were asking to their own rude managers
>>70966738>My standard is that I don't mind X and mind YThis is not what happened. The hikakin collab was excused on the grounds that it aligns with idol culture. That's all. Nobody ever said anything about their personal preferences. The entire argument was that certain things should be accepted by everyone because idol culture but then tried to switch things up by claiming that we're not talking about idols but "v-idols" despite previously mentioning idol culture.Stop trying to move the goalposts.
>>70966831Bruh Unicorns are fucking cringe, but you are REACHING with that one
>>70966864What’s the yab this time?
>>70966860See >>70966644, she was #10 on the dot in 2023 for those with 60 or more streams in the year
>>70966567holy black company, they need a purge asap
>>70966910NTA but the v-idols fag is just a revisionist with no balls, don't take him too seriously
>>70966889Since when did they have the rights to yell at an artist who aint part of their company?And sisters will defend this behaviour
See you tomorrow anon :)
>>70966490The stream went down at the end for a few seconds. Nice try though, retard.
>went out shopping >pekra still at 42kso niggas didn't get bored with Malenia huh
>>70965307What's going on in her head right now?
>>70966737idol culture is not defined by individuals, it is defined by widespread engraved trends within the industry that are considered expectations v-idols began and have existed with unicorn pandering for their entire existence not a single v-idol group, corpo, branch, or gen has yet to exist seperate from unicorn panderingunicorn pandering is v-idol culture to not unicorn pander is to reject v-idol culture
>>70966677Hey but it would be awesome if she actually win like this
>>70966697Isn’t she just some random hired artist?
>>70966790>"please don't forced us to collab, i will never make a joke anymore about staren collab"
>>70966968Cya unicorn brother
>>70966942Im not watching homocollabers
>>70966112She's a koronesuki, has Korone merch in her cam lol
>>70966934It's so weird because her music numbers are still relatively terrible by holo standards.Really shows how powerful finding your niche is as a streamer.
>>70965633not a homo
>>70966992>v-idols began and have existed with unicorn pandering for their entire existenceThen why did hololive start with male collabs?
>>70965307BASED! Homobeggars hate this because they cant self-insert to it
>>70966992That's a whole lot of words that define Unicorn culture under a different and conveniently revised branding you pulled out of your assIdol Culture is what the definition of it implies. Male collabs are a-okay as long as the talent is not in a relationship.
>>70966819Tsundere GFE
>>70967016says more about innk and hope, rather
>>70967006That's a retweet. She is not actually doing anything.
>>70967016Remember when she always positioned her stream just in time to catch Pekora funnel?
>>70966910Anon, you are once again dissecting semantics and terminology.>Nobody ever said anything about their personal preferencesEverything about this is personal preferences cloaked behind a "group imagery" and you are attacking that "shadow" without noticing it is only used by people to justify what they prefer and what they do not prefer.I am not moving any goalpost and not even part of the initial conversation, just highlighting how silly is your crusade to "properly define" what "unicorn culture" is and what "idol culture" is when people are almost shouting to you>This is what I prefer. This is what I prefer not.>This is what I believe people, in this thread self identifying as "unicorns" prefer and what I believe the Hololive audience as a whole accept and rejectsYou can debate the terminology used forever and a day and even be right about proper terminology but that won't ever change the basics of what people are telling you>they don't mind the Hikakin collab>they mind collabs with the homosYou are trying to challenge terminology but is failing miserably at that because you refuse to understand what people are telling you, which is ultimately>they accept X and reject Y
Wtf is this thread can't you guys just ignore bait
>>70966976I am watching Pekora do her best Sisyphus impression, Malenia is just the catalyst
>>70966800how long was subaru's probation period?
I heckin love arguing semantics
>>70967104>shitting on kurosanji is baitlmao
>>70965642disgusting. i hope regloss flopped and she faded into irrelevancy
>>70967104This thread runs on talking about sisters and homos. We haven't had a good horse race in a long ass time.
how the fuck does azki have 16k watching a fucking cities stream?
>>70967048same reason it was called GAMERS instead of gen 3the idol company path wasn't set in stone until late 2019aqua was the first real v-idol and as expected she has not collabed with a male
>>70967149We had one this week negro, IRyS vs. Alban
>>70967135I'm not talking about that you know what I mean
>>709668779 days
>>70967104I like to shit on homo beggars
>>70967099So you're saying that anyone arguing about male collabs is a dishonest liar. Thanks.
>>70967059male collabs have never been a-okay with virtual idols as a whole
>>70967171my bad then
>>70967156She had 20k+ a week ago with the same game. Shes doing well lately
Does channel block expired?I keep seeing the one I blocked on my feed after awhile.
>>70967158hololive started as "v-idols".
>>70967088She is trying her best
>>70967156Advisor of Second Army
>>70967184That's our job here
>>70967104As if homobeggars aint sameFagging and replying to each other right now
>>70967104pagpag discord raid or more likely sisters judging by all the seethe & malding at unicorns, they are powerless kek
>>70967206>cue someone posting the Pic of HoloNiji collabs from 2019
NotMelMel is looking cute today bros…
You're all newfags. /vt/'s current definition of unicorn wasn't the original meaning. It used to be just>she better be a virginBut now it's twitch's definition ever since EN tubers >no male interactions everThis is literally the same behaviour twitch viewers have had towards female fleshstreamers since even before vtubers.
>>70967248shit numbers btw
>>70966393Hikakin is married you retardYou idiots don't even have the barest of concepts of what idols are likeIt's like trying to teach trigonometry to someone that can't even do basic addition
>>70965237>Rica ASMR>on a different tabI can't
>>70967206Anon please stop, this is embarrassing. Just accept that you adhere to Unicorn culture and adhere to that instead of putting it under different branding
>>70964839Koyo and Iroha are the only virgins in Holox
>>70966567>niji family>appreciate artistsevery brigading tweet coming from organs, you just know something is completely opposite
>>70967264>married Oh no no no no..
>>70967275>IrohaOnly because Roberu doesn't fuck his fans
>>70967264And? Several male vtubers are married. Are collabs with them ok?>It's like trying to teach trigonometry to someone that can't even do basic additionThe fucking irony. I know for a fact that you are not ok with any kind of male vtuber collab.
goobert sweep...
>>70967189>anyone arguing about male collabs is a dishonest liar.Not really. The basics of what they say is the absolute truth>they don't mind Hikakin>they mind the homosThey are not hiding that from you and, actually, they are saying that for the whole exchange.The ONLY thing you are hanging on to is that they are using the "wrong terminology" to describe their personal preferences (turned collective preferences because it is more or less a widespread feeling).The INESCAPABLE reality is that they don't like the homos and would prefer that they didn't exist, and barring that they would prefer that the girls pretended that they didn't exist. That's the core of the whole thing.The terminology used is secondary for them, but very important to you hence you returning to this point on a weekly basis.
>>70967264anon, being married doesn't mean anything, especially in japan where mistresses are pretty much accepted as part of married life.
>Unicorn gold and silver today>Unicorn larpers melting downHolocorns grew even stronger today.....
>>70967252Youre replying to copypasted shitpost
>>70967191SWEET, saved
>>70967104pagpaghours. just come back later, friend
>>70964892Redpill me on the robot, what kind of anime girl she is? All I know is that she is clumsy and often gets hospitalized for eating expired food
>>70967340once we eradicate nijisanji, homobeggars are next
>>70967340winning by doing nothing, as usual
>>70967305like who? roberu? who is gonna break that to bae
>>70967191Fern really is quite similar to Moona.
>>70967340My horn grows stronger
>>70967305why are you so obsessed with this cuck fantasy, bro? share your story with the class, pagpagbro
>>709672721. There is no such thing as unicorn culture 2. Miko(and Pekora by extension because she was referencing Pekoras early no male collab promise as being a "true idol") said the same thing I am, Kanata said the same thing I am, holos have literally said this shit before, you can stop being retarded
>>70967340KEK! Theyre malding as alwaysThis is their logic BTW>Shitting #s thread == NijiEN and Stars are inclining
Wait, how is Azki getting 17+k with Cities Skylines?
>>70966567if they do this to their own livers then imagine what will they do to outside people
>>70967394shit numbers
>>70966179>>70966678> Pekora has a hikakin/seikin reference in her opening rap song> hikakin is JP pewdiepie, OG youchuuba> zero いちゃいちゃ during the collab> focused on comedy, matching both their brandsyeah it was perfectly unicorn friendly
>>70967319>The basics of what they say is the absolute truthThe main argument is that their personal preference are the cultural standard. The argument was never about what those preferences actually are.According to you, they are lying.
>>70967346Just saying, this constant unicorn shitposting on here is twitch culture cancer. It should have stayed on twitch.
Life is good as a unicorn bro
>>70967374it was done invisibly.
>>70967437There are tons of homocollabs with zero いちゃいちゃ during the collab
What happened to PekoMonna? why are they never interacting again like at all? no, actually, what happened to ID1? i rarely see them interacting with other holo anymore
>>70967364I'll answer to that question with one clip>Lui Starts Cleaning Roboco's House 1 Minute After She's Arrived is the house Roboco lived before building her own house and moving out (IIRC), Lui mentioned it was even dirtier than Chloe's.Roboco is this PON and disorganized, if in an anime she's the rich girl living in a room full of red bull cans and merch of her favorite anime girl
>>70967414What cuck fantasy? Collabing with a married man is not cuckoldry according to you. It seems to me like you're the one with the cuck fantasy here.
>>70967443Nice try sister
>>70967423did you hear her intro?
>>70967423she is unicorn friendly
>>70966318jesas christ beggar raiders don't even know their own supposed "oshis"at least use the chuuba wiki instead of making everyone here feel second hand embarrassment at your retardation
>>70966157Why geographyfags can have their own chuuba? Where is my run-and-gun Holo?
>>70967489offcollab produced disappointing CCV, so pekora cut moona loose
>>70967417Jesus Christ shut the fuck up you attentionwhoring revisionist. That's not Idol Culture either since they are not the progenitors of it.
Bros that roboco totsu looks grim
>>70967340>>Unicorn larpers melting downyou wanted to ask wtf is going on today? Is it LARP Day or something?
>>70967493no, you
>>70967433Compared to who?Tempiss? uproar??Even the weakest Advent beaten them.
>>70967465We cant stop winningWhile FAGGOTS are malding
>>70966776Finally something I and my fellow unicorns can agree with
Someone said unicorns are the good guys and I'm forced to agree. They really have been right about everything. I've decided to grow out my own horn.
no wonder their employees are giving 5 stars raving reviews, i could probably rape a cute niji girl and get away with it
>>70967077Kronii stopped being GFE back in 2022 ever since then she has hated her holo audience especially her gachis.
>>70967514>run and gunHow is it different from APEX?
>>70967493So collabing with a married man is cuckoldry and Pekora betrayed her unicorns.
Magni outing himself as more menhera than Vesper truly was eye opening today
>>70967542I wanna Rape Sexshikawa so fucking BAD!
>>70967252EN boardEN definitions>This is literally the same behaviour twitch viewers have had towards female fleshstreamers since even before vtubers.No it isn't Twitch whores are all literal male accessories
>>70967423wow didn't know she can expand her geoguesser meta like this...
>>70966567redditor is a retard, that part is referring to the company she worked for that slandered her to nijisanji, not nijisanji itself.
>>70967547>t. Retard who doesn't watch streams
>>70967568Did he say something new
>>70966567 kek she roasted the fuck out of their "lawyers" lmao
>>70967510>>married>>unicorn friendly
>>70967568all of the homos are like thisyou just don't see it because you are not watching themthey are a ticking time bomb, but Cover has no one to blame but themselves
>>70967231Homo beggars won and we did not even have to watch Holostars. Hololive let them in on their own
>>70967519Name a single corpo virtual idol unit that has never done any unicorn pandering right now
>>70966963They don't, but Japanese people are like sheep, they will do what you tell them to just because "that's how things are"
>>70967612Big yab in 2 weeks right?
>>70967542I want to rape Amamya
>>70967606homobeggers doxxing, a tale as old as time
>>70967525Beggar attempts psyop>>70964622It back fires>>70964916Beggars start shitposting in rage
>>70967437Nigga, u forgot one man
>>70967438>The main argument is that their personal preference are the cultural standardIt is definitely not, that's the secondary point people are making, projecting their preference in the overall group.And people anchor the belief that ti tis the "cultural standard" for Hololive basing it on two facts1) Most girls see no personal benefit in their numbers from doing it and, quite the contrary, more often than not they take a personal loss to continue doing it2) Even a mostly passive audience (the EN one) rebelled and make an absolute fuss against the 2022 attempt to onboard the EN homos into the day to day reality of the Hololive EN branch.But the reality does not change, the people you are talking in this thread see no problem with Hikakin but would rather the homos not to exist at all and, if that's not possible, that the girls pretend they don't.And the overall audience, based on the pitiful numbers of the stars, would not mourn very deeply if they didn't exist as well.
>>70967252>no male interactions everExcept this is not what it means. Unicorns are fine with males.
who the fuck is sally is that an indie?
>>70967593Just threatening to be violent towards those he felt wronged him
>>70967568How? Vesper called his managers yellow monkeys
>>70965126Her numbers seem very low for someone who is "unstoppable". She's not even mid tier among the JPs
>>70966799>i think we should start gassing them.
>>70967542Holos are for watching, nijis are for rape fantasies. This is the way.
>>70967623Yeah a idol agency like that does not exist and these niggers can't name any. But it's a fact that Hololive is not a unicorn friendly agency it has not been one since tempus debuted.
>Homobeggars wants a Unicorn L so bad they start pretending to be unicornslmaoooooooooUnicorns won Hololive since July last year when dumb and dumber, the two most anti unicorn talent in the entire company, got fired with literally 0 talents grieving them.All other conflicts from there on are just skirmishes contesting tiny amounts of plots. The unicorns has the castle and the entire kingdom while beggars are fighting tooth and nails over dried up wells in the outskirts
>>70966265All of those Holos have the lowest viewers.
>>70967714>All other conflicts from there on are just skirmishes contesting tiny amounts of plotsThe current battlegrounds for the homos is to NOT BE ERASED FROM EXISTENCE.That's the only thing the beggars are gloating these days>they still exist!
>>70967623You are the same as those twitter SJWs who tried to claim the trap word as a derogatory word that belonged to their community while it had anime origins and belonged to that community
>>70967669>that's the secondary point people are makingNo, it's the primary point because the only reason it's even being said is to invalidate any criticism regarding male collabs.
>>70967568was it really that surprising? I thought people could see it through the pre-debut tweets He unironically had a sonic persona anon
Gotta give it to AZKi: she really beat the charge that her audience was downstream from Pekora
Roboco is the kibd of girl that will suck your dick by mistake
I wish there were a separate thread for ESLs.
>>70967252Male collabs were not that big of a deal especially professional collabs. Unicorns was used as a shitpost but now people unironi take this too seriously after Cover went retard in 2022.
>>70967623Unicorn pandering brings a lot of money. The main aim of corpos is to get money so of course they will pander to Unicorns but even then, the biggest Idol corpo is near half n' half in Unicorn pandering so your point falls flat as once again, they are not the same thing. Idol culture is different to Unicorn culture but they can mingle however they are not one and the same.
>>70967714>got firedAnd yet they're listed on the alumni page while Mel and Rushia aren't hmmmm
>>70967714It's especially funny to see beggars treat ignoring them as tacit support nowadays
>>70967714I cant wait for HomoStarEN separate twitter account to be released after the holofestMr Jap already cooking a best positive message to make it look like the separate twitter account is a good thing for homos
>>70967827Nobody ever liked homo collabs, nobody ever will
>>70967770holy deflection still waiting for you to name that virtual idol unit that doesn't involve unicorn pandering btw
>>70967672Kronii's non-terminally online regular person actually normal friend
>>70965448Understanding this is part of the homobeggar to holoanti pipeline.
>>70967542i want to rape sukoya
>>70967820We love ESL here
>>70967867You can take your invented definitions and shove them right up your gigantic asshole you pull them out from, I'm done with you
>>70967820There was one but "jp" numbers could barely sustain themselves since half of them were either raiding this thread or talking about their favorite niji that no one else gave a fuck about
>>70965683why nijinig hate holo when phasenig is the one harassing them?
>>70967549Fucking zoomers man...
>>70967836sisters.. your psyop is showing..
>ctrl-F "Homo">121 resultslmao, you fucking retards
>>70967868Keep coping. Homocollabs usually do well, like Raden's collab today. The "negatives" come later after the unicorn virginity is lost.
>>70967893>6th anniversary>tingrim
>>70967836not magni said they were forced to retire which is essentially fired. terminations are caused by breaches of contracts, you can still get fired (with compensation packages) without breaking any contracts if the company wishes to do so.