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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70073505 No.70073505 [Reply] [Original]

Driving Edition
Previous Thread >>70050452

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.70073611
File: 989 KB, 981x1070, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70073668

This one was first I guess

>> No.70073690

Bau bau...

>> No.70073723

bau bau

>> No.70073728


>> No.70073737
File: 312 KB, 796x764, 1693021536790178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post an unbelievably unpopular opinion: I actually kinda appreciate the break, it gives me time to relax a bit and settle some things and take care of other stuff and both them and I will get back into things more refreshed before long anyway.

Maybe breaks every so often wouldn't even be bad, like say a week every two months.

>> No.70073752

Super-cute OP, I've never seen the colour version before.


>> No.70073788
Quoted by: >>70074097

I miss them...
Why does love have to hurt sometimes...

>> No.70073842


>> No.70073855

I learned Japanese to play eroge. The whole reason I got into vtubers in the first place was for listening practice.

>> No.70073878
File: 2.04 MB, 1912x1058, 1694694525005287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never not gonna miss them on breaks but it is nice in a way, like a mental refresh.

>> No.70073892


>> No.70073940

Breaks are okay if they announced it in advance.

>> No.70073945
File: 1.05 MB, 898x1080, 1707975887659682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fuwawa

>> No.70074001

Mococo my princess

>> No.70074011

Holy baused

>> No.70074029
File: 651 KB, 904x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70074163

Wuffians... I'm trying to find that one edit of Moco-chan going super saiyan that was on twitter... could you help me out?

>> No.70074096
Quoted by: >>70074168

same, i really like breaks
theyve seriously streamed so fucking much, 310+ videos in only 6 months, theyve spoiled us so much its unbelievable, we REALLY needed a break

>> No.70074097

>Why does love have to hurt sometimes...
Because it does, it hurts even worse when the love is completely gone..

>> No.70074110

Is kinda funny seeing homobeggars turn into gachikois.

>> No.70074115

Any tips on learning? Or is it just immersion, anki, and grammar reps.

>> No.70074138
Quoted by: >>70074356

The break is not an issue, what worries me and makes me miss them more is the fact that they're making such a big life changing decision and we can't really do anything to help them with any trouble they might come across with

>> No.70074147

Oh fuck I just noticed when it’s Christmas, will they stream in Japan time at night or wait for morning of the 25 to do the stream? Gonna be really interesting year, honestly this makes things more exciting. What amazing things are in store? This is peak ENTERTAINMENT! The suspense, mistery!

>> No.70074163
Quoted by: >>70074954


>> No.70074168
Quoted by: >>70074364

It's not even a real break for them. I think they deserve one too. I know they won't do it soon after settling in Japan but at some point they should legit just take a week off and do nothing, just chill on some beach

>> No.70074251
Quoted by: >>70074655

Considering the few we have are still hoping for them to collab with guys I don't find that very fun

>> No.70074277
Quoted by: >>70074389

I hope they go back to Canada for Christmas and New year's at least

>> No.70074324


>> No.70074356

>we can't really do anything to help them with any trouble they might come across with
We can provide them with emotional support when they need it.
But yea it's shitty that we cant physically help them with stuff.

>> No.70074364
Quoted by: >>70074652

This is the one time I'm counting on pink woman to do something nice and forcefully takes them on that promised onsen trip for a few days

>> No.70074379

they streamed on christmas eve last time so it'd be actual christmas for them

>> No.70074389

I don’t think they will fly back if they are involved in the new year countdown program .

>> No.70074401
Quoted by: >>70074469

Where are you seeing this

>> No.70074423

They are HoloEN

>> No.70074438

Fuwawa should swap clothes with Mococo haha...

>> No.70074469
Quoted by: >>70074530

Take a wild guess. You can do it anon, you can use your brain for once.

>> No.70074471

Those things aren't mutually exclusive unfortunately. They have a couple hardcore gachikoi that would also shit on you if you suggested you don't want them to collab with the homos

>> No.70074481
File: 432 KB, 2000x2000, GHQDih_W4AAZfD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70074501

I wonder if FMM is going to change. When they move to Japan they're going to have to do FMM at 1am Jap time aren't they?

>> No.70074524
Quoted by: >>70077801

They'll have Christmas dates to go to at night but I'm sure we'll get sloppy seconds the morning after.

>> No.70074525

They should play Chrono Trigger

>> No.70074530


>> No.70074542

watch streams
read their tweets

>> No.70074574

It will be 12 midnight for the next 6 months.

>> No.70074576

i wonder when you'll watch streams

>> No.70074652

Isn’t pink woman a workaholic herself? She even said she understand their hunger and won’t tell them to take it easy .

>> No.70074655

The only guys I'm against are the EN homos, those are clear sexpests. The JP ones are professional idols and would be fun to have them in concerts and such just like Bae is doing. Of course I'm not going to bothers the twins to do anything they aren't comfortable with but I can't lie and say it wouldn't be kino.

>> No.70074660
Quoted by: >>70074734

sex with wuffians!!

>> No.70074730
Quoted by: >>70074938

I am fine with riika and roberu. They know where to draw the line. Pizza man is annoying.

>> No.70074733
Quoted by: >>70074939

>if they are involved in the new year countdown program
They were involved in one already and participated without issues before moving, don't see why they wouldn't be able to do it again like that

>> No.70074734

Im too sad for this Fuwawa. Can we just cuddle instead?

>> No.70074856
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, F2j7J4haAAAkdfT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6pm PT Spooky's or 4pm

>> No.70074868

Was axel the one talking about masturbation on Mel Mel stream?

>> No.70074887

Stream time remains the same, but that also means we won't hear their morning voice anymore, we'll just hear their tired voice from now on.

>> No.70074939
Quoted by: >>70075019

Just a hunch they don’t wana fly around with their streaming laptop for a major event. You know how they feel about tech issues.

>> No.70074938
Quoted by: >>70075004

Faggots, Fuwamoco's channel isn't some place to promote those nobodies. Fuck off.

>> No.70074954
File: 2.23 MB, 726x944, Fuwawa I love you, Ruffians[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fflxs8o.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you wuffian!

>> No.70074984

How the fuck is them interacting with people they have never once met or interacted with 'kino'? Why do you want girls that rp as your girlfriend in voice packs to dance around and sing with males?

>> No.70075004

Most people like Roberu and he seems like a really nice dude. I only have problems with NA homos to be honest.

>> No.70075019

I'm assuming they're leaving their current PC at their parent's house, taking that along for the move sounds like hell

>> No.70075055

don't they have a laptop

>> No.70075075

I miss them...

>> No.70075089

Oh they definitely are getting a new rig. I just assume they will buy a streaming laptop like kaela in case they need to make trips.

>> No.70075120

Yeah the old ass one that papapuppy gave to them that runs minecraft at 10 fps

>> No.70075134

They have Papapuppy's old Laptop which could barely handle minecraft for Fuwawa to take a screenshot with Mococo after the sports festival.

>> No.70075140

After Ruri i wouldnt be so trusting of him. Mind you she wasnt playing hard to get, but still.

>> No.70075145


>> No.70075164

You lost me at "it would be fun to"
No, it wouldn't be. Enjoy them doing their own thing, don't bring them near FuwaMoco.

>> No.70075203

The problem is vesper and axel are sexpests. You really don’t have someone like them in the JP homos.

>> No.70075208


>> No.70075209

where the fuck do you people even come from

>> No.70075222

>yuro hours
>Homo collab discussion
Of course...
They might be more cucked than the nips

>> No.70075233

Pure soul.

>> No.70075236

Kiara talking about the Erens from the past complaining about her speaking JP back then and it made her speak less japanese and lost all her jp fans lmao

>> No.70075243

>The JP ones are professional idols
lmao fuck off. jp homos are just as bad.

>> No.70075252
Quoted by: >>70075306

The chart is now full.

>> No.70075306
Quoted by: >>70075468

the headpat chart with duplicate names?

>> No.70075324

Is true though. She got attacked alot.

>> No.70075355

Those losers are doing scheduled headpats but I'm doing scheduled tributes

>> No.70075356

i am upset because no fuwawa

>> No.70075368
File: 209 KB, 697x289, 1683069140332003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fwmc morning
>day sucks
what do I have to do to have fwmc morning every day?

>> No.70075396
Quoted by: >>70076149

we just had a fuwamoco morning

>> No.70075421

who cares this is a fuwamoco thread

>> No.70075453
File: 253 KB, 450x524, 1706928059797829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70075468

>duplicate names

>> No.70075473

Is this the new raid subject? I don't think there's a single anon who posts in the homo general who would ever even suggest wanting to see jp homos with FWMC.
It feels so forced that it doesn't even bother me, it's kind of funny.

>> No.70075483

I will protect this smile

>> No.70075493
Quoted by: >>70075609

some chink probably training an AI of fuwamoco alraedy

>> No.70075514
File: 1.77 MB, 890x944, Fuwawa What about Fuwawa_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb5k1oz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70075521

Will narumi-chan stalk them?

>> No.70075533

But not really. But she's pretty sad because her cat pissed in 3 spots in her room while she was at her spa and now her room smells. So she wants to move out and join Fuwamoco.

>> No.70075554

I will protect your smile too

>> No.70075557
File: 489 KB, 589x828, 1706841694287765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70075575

There are multiple unironic homo fans in the twitter group, some of which are also niji fans. It's not a false flag.

>> No.70075604

fuwawa is more popular in japanese schizo site

>> No.70075609

i welcome our AI overlords

>> No.70075651
Quoted by: >>70075710

I am a soratomo. I wouldn’t mind if they take part in the singing competition organized by suisei and riika. The only homo that ever annoyed me is vesper.

>> No.70075687

the morning is over and now i'm going to sleep

>> No.70075689

It's pretty relevant in demonstrating why guys mad about hearing the Japanese language under any circumstance are retards.

>> No.70075691

i had cat piss problems so just let them outside to fuck around now

>> No.70075702

Honestly all of advent moving to japan would be incredible
Though the only one I really can't imagine doing it is shiori

>> No.70075710
Quoted by: >>70075826

That's about as far as I'm willing to go with such interactions. Being part of an event where they are also present without it being direct collabs with them.

>> No.70075753

shiori survived a deserted island full of cannibal monkeys she'll live

>> No.70075756


>> No.70075815

its just speculation but the japanese female menheras actually like her

>> No.70075826

I still can’t believe the balls of mgmt to come up with HZTNL. Nice way to get everyone to hate the homos.

>> No.70075831

would nerissa move away from her family? with how close they are i find her moving hard to imagine.

>> No.70075875

nothing at all because that site isnt used by people who watches streams

>> No.70075889
Quoted by: >>70076007

Do you have the rankings available?

>> No.70075899

no point in moving out unless its for work or building a family

>> No.70075917

It's hard. She wants to. She's spoken many times about this. She really would like a place of her own, at the same time she is totally a family person and really likes having her family around. She would definitely get lonely.

>> No.70075953

Kiara did it in a retarded way. Fuwamoco rarely speak japanese unless they see a japanese comment or superchat. When it's EOP gachikoi time like valentine's they keep it EN only and when it's Japanese collab time they keep it JP. Kiara constantly tried to translate everything she said which was annoying.

>> No.70075974

i love that hztnl has now been memoryholed and gone without anything said
trash idea w

>> No.70075977

I don't mind if they collab with comedians like Kuro-chan or anything for official sponsorships, but I want them to NEVER, EVER collab with holostars simply because it pins bait to them for all the disgusting homobeggars and would end up being an endless headache for FWMC and FWMC fans.

Luckily, FWMC know this better than anyone.

>> No.70076005
File: 2 KB, 92x82, 1708216793832666s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good FWMC AI voice models? I want them to make some covers for myself I'm too lazy to train a model from scratch

>> No.70076007
File: 239 KB, 1181x801, 1685334435236160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont take this shit seriously. schizos here are smalltime compared to them

>> No.70076036

He forgot to mention that she indirectly threw shade at FWMC as well while saying that with saltily adding "they aren't getting shit for it unlike me"

>> No.70076047

Let's be honest, Kiara lost Japanese fans because her debut design isn't cute and that really matters for JPs.

>> No.70076092

Pretty brilliant when you think about it desu, did more to get people to hate the homos than a million shitposts ever could

>> No.70076118
Quoted by: >>70076193

Are those the anti rankings or the positive rankings of who they actually like
I know the anti rankings were led by Matsuri, Laplus and such so I guess this is the "good" ranking

>> No.70076149

eh, this is always a double edged sword, on one side if cool and it provides a lot of cool interaction, on the other, streams always get cut in half because
>dance lessons
>preparation of off collabs
>"I went to the studio the other day"
>1s cameo on x senpai anniversary concert
>I've been eating the same [combini meal] every day, it's so good
>"I went to the doctor and I'm literally dying from exhaustion from everything going on"

>> No.70076193
File: 217 KB, 1142x838, 1677638757233336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are the positive rankings
this is the negative one

>> No.70076235

they did though.... like unironically early on there were definitely comments on their streams shitting on them for JP
theres actually a noticeable decrease in them speaking JP early on compared to now
they still do speak JP and it definitely irks a few people but theyve probably learned to accept it or not complain because of how much happiness and joy fuwamoco bring them

>> No.70076251

Kinda surprised Ina is even on the negative one

>> No.70076300

Probably because gook

>> No.70076333


>> No.70076343

She draws for chink gacha.

>> No.70076350
Quoted by: >>70076558

Yeah kiara's wrong about that. I mean they definitely get less shit than Kiara got in the Myth days, but Fuwamoco definitely had people complaining too and I'm pretty sure it reached them given they barely speak JP these days.

>> No.70076461

Mori hated? I thought she is kakkoi?

>> No.70076464

I'd tweet some good enzyme cleaner that I used when my cat was marking everywhere

>> No.70076558

Why are you even responding earnestly to threadreading shitposter?

>> No.70076601

I was thinking about them while driving home and I couldn't help but smile

>> No.70076620

Ruffians are retarded, preasu understandu

>> No.70076636
Quoted by: >>70076711

I don't really care what Kiara did or did not say. I just want to push back on the idea that Fuwamoco didn't get shit for speaking JP

>> No.70076671

New IPsama, it's literally true.

>> No.70076711

I am more surprised how little shit IRyS get. But given her PL, I guess her fanbase wanted that.

>> No.70076728
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1669783815396342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The JP ones are professional idols
Spoken like someone who doesn't keep up with them. Pizza dad is Vesper tier in being a sexpest. Roberu isn't a sexpest, but he sure loves collabing with indie woman who fall over themselves flirting with him. Please fuck off back to your trannycord.

>> No.70076746

>theres actually a noticeable decrease in them speaking JP early on compared to now
Their brain used to be more focused on JP to begin with, their thoughts are in english far more often now. If you pay attention to the sentence structure you kinda can tell whether the thought was formed in english or japanese.

>> No.70076768

Absurdly baused Faufauposter

>> No.70076848
File: 588 KB, 1347x806, BAU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year is 2037
>Fuwamoco graduated several years back so they could focus on raising our children
>Ruffians are unable to move on
>Ruffians have scheduled MWF watchalongs of past Fuwamoco mornings
>Each night has watchalongs of FWMC vod archives at their usual stream time
>Fuwamoco have released so many streams by this point that by the time ruffians make it through all the vods, they've forgotten the beginning vods
>Once out, they restart, rewatching from the beginning of the archive
>Eventually /baubau/ is a shell of its former self, tamed, normalfagged, no longer oji-sans, but ojii-sans
>There are complaints about EN-JP insecurities still, but then an anon says "what's the point caring still? they're gone" and the thread goes in a pitiful silence
>in desperation, the best of the clique, /baubau/ and the 2ch JP join together to create BauAI to produce new Fuwamoco content
>It works
>More years pass
>Fuwamoco episode 2853
>(You) are still not an ESR despite being day 1
>The AI hates (You) for unknown reasons
>(You) complain in /baubau/ but everyone calls you retarded, since they've been ESR dozens of times already
>(You) send a sad BAU BAU, but no one cares. It's bauver.

>> No.70076882

that one commenting about mococo is a zainich korean definitely.

>> No.70076889

i knew it
this is just global 2

>> No.70076919

I still cannot believe ririka tanked her viewership to be pizza man’s cocksleeve.

>> No.70076953

Based based based

>> No.70076960
Quoted by: >>70076987

should've let the thread die until they're back

>> No.70076962
File: 332 KB, 433x433, 1256134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70077278

>it made her speak less japanese and lost all her jp fans

>> No.70076970

non relevant fuwamoco posts should go back to their respective dead threads

>> No.70076987
Quoted by: >>70077251

kys dont reply to me

>> No.70077035
Quoted by: >>70077470

Yeah I'm sick of fag apologists pretending there are "good" homos. The only good homo is a dead homo.

>> No.70077251

There's no new fwmc content, all thats left is tourists, bait(which retards will bite) and offtopic shit. Just take the lesser evil.

>> No.70077278

Baused erenschizo

>> No.70077418
File: 153 KB, 1577x986, 1611970743091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they aren't getting shit
They did though because I was one of the people giving FWMC shit for it back in August. I trust them enough now to know they will keep the japanese only for reading a rare jp comment in chat or if it's related to a superchat. Kiara did it all wrong by translating everything while trying to appeal to both fanbases each stream which ruined the flow of the stream experience.

>> No.70077470

Stop being so homophobic, you will offend the gay ruffians...

>> No.70077489

Occasional streams in a different language stream is tolerable but 50/50 split every stream is pure suffering
Actually worse than male collabs, boyfriends, being whores and all that other shit because at least those only waste your money while 50/50 language split wastes your time

>> No.70077542


>> No.70077565


>> No.70077596
File: 309 KB, 1318x1800, 1684039269553198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching sluts or whores is also wasting my time, 100% of it even
So I don't do that and watch good girls instead

>> No.70077630

>who would ever even suggest wanting to see jp homos with FWMC
Because EN homos and JP homos are different. When they were in NA, sure, but now that they are in Japan, close to them and that they will see them when they go to the office and stuff, they will absolutely have to interact with them.

>> No.70077649

This isn't global at all. This thread has all of the insufferable posts of the /jp/ /hlg/ threads.

>> No.70077755
Quoted by: >>70077912

That's just your cucked fantasy cretin. You don't watch any JPs

>> No.70077801

Men here don't go for women her age, much less gaijins
You are just butthurt of the move to Japan, but the truth is, if they had BFs or were fucking around, that was WAY more probable in Vancouver

>> No.70077855
Quoted by: >>70077912

>EN homos and JP homos are different
Your fan fiction doesn't change the fact that fuwamoco treat them the same. Go homobeg elsewhere.

>> No.70077912
Quoted by: >>70078015

I trust Fuwamoco, unlike you. You seriously think that they will forget about their values and become sexpests the moment they speak to them? nah, fuck off with that shit. I can understand if it was bae or some other trashy EN, but not FWMC.

>> No.70077986

There are multiple JPs who do absolutely nothing with them and who have been there far longer, so no. You're an idiot.

>> No.70078012
Quoted by: >>70078171

Yeah, she was really retarded >>70077630
>they will see them when they go to the office and stuff, they will absolutely have to interact with them.
Is that true?? Don't they keep things separate?

>> No.70078015

That's my point retard. I'm not talking about my wives, I'm talking about you shitting this thread up with homotalk.

>> No.70078035

They'll do two JST Christmas Streams and 3 EN Christmas streams(one mengen)
Unless they fly to the NW Passage to spend the time with their parents.

>> No.70078071

Why are you talking about the homos?

>> No.70078110

Something riled up the sisters

>> No.70078130
Quoted by: >>70078345

fwmc will never collab with homos but theyd do with professional ones like garibenger v and /vt/ will have a huge meltdown over it and there will be chock full of bait threads. just to let you know in advance, holomems who never collab with homos like miko, luna, noel etc have appeared on it

>> No.70078159
Quoted by: >>70079190

The next thread will be better.

>> No.70078171

Things are as separate as possible, yes. It's just more weird fanfiction being used to justify the idea that they should homocollab.
Other girls have already confirmed that they never talk or have never talked to the homos.

>> No.70078293

>50/50 split every stream is pure suffering
It is. That's what filtered me from Kiara when she debuted. It's funny because I loved her OG design and I love the color orange.

>> No.70078296
File: 370 KB, 600x833, 1708906770220591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet they could show them some really good soft drinks from Japan.

>> No.70078345

>but theyd do with professional ones
Unironically, no, they wouldn't. They were literally radio silent during the expo showcase thing when the homos showed up, and that could have been seen as "talking about the homos in a professional setting."
They will literally never interact with or collab with the homos.

>> No.70078403

Sorry, Roberu's got his hands full running away from Bae.

>> No.70078419

Fuwamoco should speak Spanish. As an spanish speaking ruffian who can’t understand spoken English I find it frustrating whenever they read a comment or supa in Spanish because that’s all I can get. Most of the time I can’t understand what they are saying.

>> No.70078429
File: 83 KB, 268x230, 1698175168519501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70078510

>hide post
>only see posts complaining about the post I hid

>> No.70078434
Quoted by: >>70078482

In Japan is different if they see each other in person from time to time.

>> No.70078439

Sisters trying to find another tactic to shitpost with since the JP cuckposting isn't getting anymore traction.

>> No.70078482
Quoted by: >>70078601

But they won't, so fuck off

>> No.70078509
File: 618 KB, 584x544, 1626663596607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS had a good time

>> No.70078510

>hide post
>hide replies
>no stub
There you go

>> No.70078517

I agree, they should do 1 ES solo stream per week

>> No.70078601

Why are you so against it? Give me 1 good reason why they shouldn't, no shitpost or insults, just 1 good reason.

>> No.70078607

They should do 1 EN unarchived karaoke per week

>> No.70078610
File: 168 KB, 1110x1500, 1633967061656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basado más allá de lo creíble

>> No.70078662
Quoted by: >>70078924

I can't wait until Yagoo creates HoloES so you Brazilians can FUCK OFF forever.
>b-b-but we speak Portuguese...
Portuguese is just raped Spanish.

>> No.70078670
File: 179 KB, 310x392, 515684564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70078701

They are solely here for cute girls doing cute things. Males are not part of the equation.

>> No.70078759

Cause they are cute girls who only want to interact with other cute girls. I'd rather they do things THEY want to do than be forced to interact with the homos, who they don't care about.

>> No.70078768

I don't want them to.

>> No.70078817

They should have sex with Watame, any objections?

>> No.70078878
File: 909 KB, 763x878, 1701749047177642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70078895

They shouldn't just have sex with her, they should have lots and lots of sex with her.

>> No.70078924

*Refined spanish

>> No.70078930
Quoted by: >>70079058

She's married, so no.

>> No.70079037

I wouldn't mind but Watame doesn't have a lot of sexual power. I think they need someone who will strongly come onto them like Koyori or Marine.

>> No.70079057 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 571x640, 30241364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only homocollab I want. He basically lives at the Cover building too, so we might get a collab sooner than we think.

>> No.70079058

Ui mama can share

>> No.70079130

please tell down

>> No.70079177

People forget kanata exists, the symbol of unicorns.

>> No.70079190

Only if its baked after they announce a twitter space

>> No.70079202

>Watame doesn't have a lot of sexual power

>> No.70079217

He's so dreamy...

>> No.70079221
File: 2.41 MB, 1536x1152, 1685082490734532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should talk about idols with her

>> No.70079239

kek. I remember you guys complain they will never do an unarchived karaoke again, and that you only want 1 every 3 months. Now you are begging for once a week.

>> No.70079241
File: 350 KB, 3072x3072, baubau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they are eating properly. Moving halfway across the world is pretty taxing on the body..

>> No.70079255


>> No.70079290
Quoted by: >>70079385

>asked the rest of advent if they also eat once a day during the brunch collab
well...it can't get worse at leaset

>> No.70079305
Quoted by: >>70079400

koahri poll status?

>> No.70079322

They've unironically done more unarchived Karaokes than I thought they'd ever do. After the first, I assumed they'd never do any more.

>> No.70079381
File: 67 KB, 290x288, 1697253771554180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was definitely me, a guy who loves EN karaoke and who advocated for more of them early on already

>> No.70079385

I wonder how they do with airplane food with how picky they are? I know they sometimes serve you Japanese food on flights to Japan, but I think it's a coin toss.

>> No.70079390

They should get molested by her and also talk a lot about idols with her

>> No.70079400

Mogogo 25%
Ravencroft sisters 23%

>> No.70079411

I dont like the EN songs. Phantom of the opera is the exception.

>> No.70079433

Ravencroft sisters... how is Mococo so strong?

>> No.70079477

>I hope they are eating properly.
I hope they are too... Who are the fattest girls in Japan right now who could feed these girls when they land?
>Inb4 Mori

>> No.70079496

Day 2 of learning JP to prep for JP fuwamoco
Fuwawa kirei na desu
Mococo kawaii desu

>> No.70079540
File: 449 KB, 618x561, 100000512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't mind but Watame doesn't have a lot of sexual power.

>> No.70079550

"I don't like English music" is such a baffling thing to say. How far do you have to be gone to say this when there are like 472649284020 songs in English

>> No.70079571
Quoted by: >>70079892


>> No.70079597

garibenger V is a vtubers gate of success. theyd work with it because they are mega weebs and already have enough knowledge of it.


nearly all jp holomems have worked with male professionals. all the so called top army holomems, marine, pekora, miko, subaru, suisei, and even aqua have. i dont think fmwc think they should go against the jp norm for en's absolute unicorns. also if they refuse all such professional work, itll just make them look like weird extremists and they wont be able to get any sponsors/jobs.

>> No.70079599
File: 496 KB, 1080x1133, symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She rather stand in 1 corner than interact with male fleshies in a corporate setting even if it made things awkward for everyone. The true symbol.

>> No.70079609
Quoted by: >>70079937

kanata literally refused to collab with males on stream when she found out some guys got invited to some event. she made a scene on stream. fwmc have nothing on kanata.

>> No.70079656

>I think they need someone who will strongly come onto them
Like Oga

>> No.70079661
Quoted by: >>70080608

-> >> 70079599
Kanata gives no fuck.

>> No.70079664
Quoted by: >>70079892

you dumb
kirei should be used alone, "kirei na" would apply as an adjective to the following object, which in your sentence, there's none

>> No.70079669
File: 364 KB, 456x358, 1669252768901636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70079760

IRyS is taking FWMC's timeslot now. Are you going to watch her while they are away?

>> No.70079691

Everyone has their own taste, anon. There's always a song or two you can enjoy in genres you don't normally like.
For instance, I don't actually like or care much about idol music, but there HAVE been quite a few songs FuwaMoco sang that I think are really great.
Shiori's taste in early 2000s cringekino music is unironically closer to my taste

>> No.70079695

I love how Chloe comforted her during that.

>> No.70079712
File: 269 KB, 1423x2048, GHRCMBqasAAkk_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70079723

english music isn't a fucking genre

>> No.70079732

Kuroe love

>> No.70079760

No, I find her model disturbing
mostly her teeth

>> No.70079771
Quoted by: >>70080608

Nah, if there are male vtubers there, they won't.

>> No.70079784
Quoted by: >>70079866

Overgeneralization, I suppose a more suitable statement would be "I despise the burger pop songs" which are the staple of EN karaokes. I really dont dig the lyrics.

>> No.70079785
Quoted by: >>70079853

English music isn't a genre, are you dumb?

>> No.70079811

Tell that to the Beatles.

>> No.70079835

if they collaborate with or speak to any of the homos, whether mandated by cover or not, i will drop them.

>> No.70079853

It's my favorite genre.

>> No.70079866

I thought sabotage was pretty okay?

>> No.70079892

Stop bullying me
Fuwawa kirei na fuwafuwa desu

>> No.70079930
File: 2.33 MB, 1454x2060, 116401617_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70080865

>> No.70079937
Quoted by: >>70080048

Imagine if FWMC did the same thing, compared to the HoloExpo stream stuff you'd never hear the end of it from homobeggars and dramafags.

>> No.70079984

Good. A lot of gachis are homobeggars too, so we might lose one but we get one of them. A fair trade.

>> No.70080028

I'd always forgive them for anything mandated, not like it's their choice then

>> No.70080045
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>> No.70080049

Why aren't Ruffians this based?

>> No.70080048

They were shitting on Kanata here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6AQZdGyQmU

>> No.70080097
Quoted by: >>70080262

>FWMC turn off their mics and go play VNs while homos dare to be on-screen
>Kanata is contractually obliged to attend a Microsoft-sponsored event but no one put it in writing that she can't go stand in a corner to get as far away from disgusting males as possible
absolute kinomatography

>> No.70080102

Fuwamoco want to be more gachikoi friendly than someone like Suisei though

>> No.70080109

Give me 2 years.

>> No.70080122
File: 30 KB, 600x875, 1701136226316660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70080121

What about a kuro-chan collab?

>> No.70080156

Retarded falseflag. If it's mandated/forced then it's not their fault. I'll just shit all over cover/Jap-sama.

>> No.70080160

I would do this if I had any skills or talents of note.

>> No.70080170

Me soon. I'm a mean Kuma and Dragunov chad in Tekken.

>> No.70080188

Collabs with professionals like voice actors, comedians, musicians and game producers are always allowed.

>> No.70080260
Quoted by: >>70080607

That'd be normal for idols (even better than 99% of idols get), they need to get way more popular to pull that off though. FWMC love variety show type stuff.

>> No.70080262

Holy fluff that's actually baused. Imagine how much her fans must have loved her after that

>> No.70080295
File: 1.66 MB, 734x900, 1696387741200782.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Miofa

>> No.70080326

Yeap, they got mad at her manager instead for putting her in that position.

>> No.70080354
Quoted by: >>70080463

That's cool. Comedians and actors/celebrities have always been fine. Kiara collabed with fucking frodo and I remember Gura had some thing with MatPat. Both girls avoid homos like the plague.

>> No.70080431

>Imagine how much her fans must have loved her after that
I dont think it had any effect beyond appreciating the gesture, much like when fwmc went silent

>> No.70080463

In neither case did Kiara or Gura speak to Frodo or Gura. With Kiara her fans just bought a cameo that she watched on stream. In Gura's case she did an interview with youtube which Mattpat narrated and by her own admission did not actually meet Mattpat

>> No.70080499

When is fatto catto doing this with FWMC? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3kQIkXoPxA

>> No.70080537


>> No.70080607

I don't get it, most idols usually find their boyfriends during those meetings and only date celebs anyway, but unicorns are cool with it?

>> No.70080608

you will have a meltdown over it but i told you that anyway. even aqua has had it and jp fans arent hysterical about it.


i know much more about kanata than you but fwmc are totally different from her. kanata focuses on music so she doesnt really need to stream with male professionals even though she asks male musicians/creators to produce her songs/MVs but fwmc are entertainer types.

also the jp industry is absolutely different from the en industry with no corpo business or connections to other genres like anime, manga, toys etc. its just dumb if they do the same circlejerk thing they did in canada and im 100% sure they wont.

>> No.70080613
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you feel if FWMC (Fuwawa) complimented an ojisan Ruffian on stream like this? Would you go menhera?

>> No.70080671
File: 1.74 MB, 2092x1178, 1683633637357495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70080792

That's fine because it's a irl famous comedian who is a public figure. Think of it as your wife meeting her favorite Marvel actor at a con and getting to interview him.

>> No.70080674

Baused 35p.

>> No.70080690
File: 108 KB, 260x319, 1704941854563397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70081046

No, I'd simply become even pudgier than him.

>> No.70080720

I think it's dumb that fans don't allow them to show their feelings or taste in men, to me that is good because it sets a goal I can try to achieve.

>> No.70080746

No, because I would be the Ruffian they are complimenting.

>> No.70080754

No because that's me

>> No.70080764
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Duality of Dogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's dumb that fans don't allow them to show their feelings or taste in men

>> No.70080784

>you will have a meltdown over it but i told you that anyway. even aqua has had it and jp fans arent hysterical about it.
Are you retarded? Thats fucking Kawahara Reki. How the fuck is he a vtuber???

>> No.70080792

Holy fuck, lucky fox...

>> No.70080801

Whatever you say homobeggar. It literally won't ever happen. If you watch streams, you'd know this by now.

>> No.70080810

many manlets would be go mad and commit sudoku, which is a good thing but not something they'd want

>> No.70080821

FWMC already met me so its safe

>> No.70080832

I would be shocked over Fuwawa loving muscles instead of pudgy ojisans

>> No.70080838

>many manlets would be go mad and commit sudoku
Fuwawa is into manlets, though? Pudgy manlets, but still.

>> No.70080865


>> No.70080867

>many manlets
>he doesn't know

>> No.70080873
File: 582 KB, 830x400, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 11.32.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloJPs get to interact with actors and actresses.

>> No.70080895
File: 328 KB, 603x573, 1706846270380393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70080903

god that video was really uncomfortable

>> No.70080920

If I were ever praised like this by my oshi, RTs, likes, or having my comment read would mean very little to me from then on.

>> No.70080929

FuwaMoco aren't those idols though?

>> No.70080967

Yeah, but I don't give a fuck about most of them. Mads is my oshi, he's so cool...

>> No.70080979
Quoted by: >>70081338

She's a big fan though apparently it was a little awkward

>> No.70080984

You gotta be a special kind of retarded to compare playing games with homos for fun to talking to a famous author of a series you love

>> No.70081001

Go back giraffe, Fuwamoco are for manlets ONLY

>> No.70081030
File: 298 KB, 558x613, 1708844492744558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70081092


>> No.70081045
Quoted by: >>70081160

He is just shitposting. As if anyone will be mad if they get to collab with some big name author.

>> No.70081046

Fuwawa might masturbate to your picture then

>> No.70081064
File: 3.04 MB, 444x250, 1673381542564873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa sex Hoping one day I can get to this kind of level of art.

>> No.70081081

Some retarded homobeggars like to conflate actors/authors/comedians/celebs with the homos in order to muddy the waters.

>> No.70081092

Why is she like this?

>> No.70081134

I hope if FWMC ever call for a room inspection they do it in the summer so I can actually be cut instead of a fat fuck at >20% bf.

>> No.70081160
Quoted by: >>70081209

Mamapuppy collab with Christopher Tolkien, where they both try to convince FuwaMoco to read the books and to NOT watch the movies WHEN????

>> No.70081182
Quoted by: >>70081510

that kind of swing sounds unhealthy

>> No.70081209

>Christopher Tolkien
How are they going to do that? Use an ouija board?

>> No.70081223

The fact that she kept saying she "loved" this game after this moment fucking floored me kek
She can barely contain her fatlust.

>> No.70081270
Quoted by: >>70081346

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in her fluffy brain.

>> No.70081283
File: 275 KB, 478x623, 1708839058072391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was great. That single moment completely salvaged the game for Fuwawa.
>I don't know, I liked the ending!
Yeah, we know, Fuwawa.

>> No.70081298

>haha no way is he dead!
>look it up
>died in 2020
No... How did I not hear about this

>> No.70081338

He's a bit like that in his interviews, yeah. I imagine it isn't every day you meet an anime fox friend. You'd think he'd be used to it after all the time he spent hanging out with Kojimbo

>> No.70081346
File: 474 KB, 2048x1536, 1704237997189127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70081411

>I wonder what goes in her fluffy brain.
That would be me.

>> No.70081376
File: 457 KB, 753x663, 1707015431958862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change Fuwawa

>> No.70081382

>Christopher Tolkein graduated
No... this worldline just gets worse and worse...

>> No.70081411
File: 2.20 MB, 1503x1000, 1985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this guy speaks Japanese, he could turn Fuwawa into a puddle.

>> No.70081446

Who is the most based ruffian so far?

>> No.70081451

What does Fuwamoco think about twinks?

>> No.70081469
File: 1.64 MB, 464x638, Kek Fuwawa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1wju7b.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70081730


>> No.70081490

>worst of both worlds

>> No.70081510

I can only give a shit about controlling my diet with any strictness from March until October. If it's unhealthy it's unhealthy, I prefer to call it bulking.

>> No.70081524


>> No.70081555

You're either a fat pudgy ojisan or a handsome lad with a toned body. Twinks don't occupy their mind at all.

>> No.70081704
File: 269 KB, 481x535, 1705027767634425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to that one sound post with Fuwawa laughing uncontrollably while she jiggles left to right?

>> No.70081730
Quoted by: >>70081840

No... Fuwawa wouldn't laugh at me... R-right?

>> No.70081735
File: 263 KB, 1300x1100, F8QDhijawAAYSsG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70081739
File: 240 KB, 672x595, 1703689528287479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that when women say they like men a little chubby or big, they are always talking about this kind of body type.

>> No.70081775

Me by far

>> No.70081811


>> No.70081828
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1024, 1694725096821400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean we're talking about it anyway so might as well

authors, industry professionals for songs or interviews, hosts at conventions or panels, celebrities for events, things like that
>borderline, depends on the specifics
participating in a big corp wide event that includes dudes, being in some other event where they'll have to do something with them, mandated shill collabs where they have to advertise something alongside a guy
>no go zone
1on1 (well, 2on1 or 2on2 in this case) collabs with guys for no ulterior reason such as a shill collab or a mandated event appearance, offcollabs, any kind of flirting, any shitty eceleb or sex pest

>> No.70081840
Quoted by: >>70081912

Not to your face.

>> No.70081844

>they are always
Not always. Some women have wierd as fuck tastes.

>> No.70081912
Quoted by: >>70082018

Yea she would. She's a troublesome woman with no self-control.

>> No.70081930

They just have a wider strike zone.

>> No.70081946
File: 985 KB, 2479x3728, 1000003340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree with this. Thanks, Pero.

>> No.70081974
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1080, Fuwawa I'm thinking about gorillas[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzc2390.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70081994

Not Fuwawa though, she loves me and I'm a twink

>> No.70081997
Quoted by: >>70082035

you sound insecure

>> No.70082002

Powerfatting isn't for me, if it was I'd be a phase fan. Seriously, /fit/'s /plg/ is a /pcg/ colony.

>> No.70082018
Quoted by: >>70082118

>with no self-control
you know this isnt true

>> No.70082035

I'm very secure in what I want out of hololive and the ones I watch

>> No.70082065

Where do I find more women who are into fat ojisans? Is Fuwawa a rarity or do others just keep it to themselves?

>> No.70082091

They only exist in doujins

>> No.70082102

I’m fucking losing my mind. I don’t want to lose them. I don’t want things to change. FUCK.

>> No.70082117
File: 88 KB, 362x265, 1704906743072843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want anyone else, Ruffian?

>> No.70082118

Sorry, I should have specified she doesn't have any functional self-control because she uses everything she has in order to not be constantly molesting Mococo

>> No.70082140
Quoted by: >>70082301

It's not as rare as you'd think it is. But also, for the most part sexual attraction is a combination of biology and social development. You need to find a girl who played fat bastard eroge at a young age with her twin sister.

>> No.70082175

Everything is fine, calm down.

>> No.70082178

Gura, Nene, Matsuri have all mentioned something like that or shown themselves being okay with chubby guys

>> No.70082219
Quoted by: >>70082351

They will get a japanese boyfriend, and eventually they'll make half the streams in JP

>> No.70082244
Quoted by: >>70082295

>I don’t want things to change
Watch streams.

>> No.70082295

But Ruffian, that would require him to change

>> No.70082297

Start learning Japanese now. I believe them when they say they aren't planning on changing, but after living in Japan as someone who will be completely obsessed with it there's no chance they will be able to resist using more JP content. They will start to exclusively start talking about their days in JP, just chatting streams will even more exclusively be on JP topics which will inevitably get more JP chatters which will lead to them using JP more to discuss things that don't have proper translations in EN. They WILL start to have more and more jP content at the expense of EN, intentionally or not. But you have plenty of heads up to learn so you aren't left behind. If you don't want to, may as well cut your losses now and leave or accept you will have more content than now that you can't understand. They are so cute that maybe you don't need to understand.

>> No.70082301

>You need to find a girl who played fat bastard eroge at a young age with her twin sister.
And the odds of being in a relationship with them both once I do?

>> No.70082313

Menheras like you should fuck off.

>> No.70082351
File: 447 KB, 746x494, 1000002675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Japanese boyfriend? Me.
Those Japanese streams? Nonstop collabs with Koyori.

>> No.70082381

Introverted girls in general are pretty accepting. For example there's one into the usual tall blonde man with green/blue eyes but was more than willing to date a below average man who was rather fat and was going bald because he was really funny and a generally caring person.
The thing is, you gotta have a suitable personality and most of the people in this site fail that test.

>> No.70082387

what really gets me is that thought of seeing more JP words on their chat, and them going on tangents about what they did during their day in japanese. If they start doing that often I will drop them.

>> No.70082393

that might be pushing it, but tons of girls are surprisingly into dadbods

>> No.70082443

Based. There sure seems to be a little group of people who enjoy both FuwaMoco and Koyori. Great taste.

>> No.70082450
File: 3.87 MB, 610x600, Fuwawa Just jam your way through the Japanese language[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhfcjxs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck on your journeys, EOPs!

>> No.70082474


>> No.70082477

Extremely baused.
I made this post

>> No.70082506
Quoted by: >>70082571

I wish you would, but we both know you never will - you already claimed you were done before and yet here you are.

>> No.70082518

Get ready then, It's going to happen sadly. They'll do a lot of collabs with JP senpais, they'll get new JP viewers, and before you know it half the chat will be in japanese

>> No.70082528

I'll never forget you, my princesses.

>> No.70082541

>I will drop them.
If only that were true...

>> No.70082550

>no tweet in over 14 hours
It's over, they hate us.

>> No.70082571

KYS faggot, go watch some holoJP

>> No.70082584
File: 234 KB, 320x513, 1708402640618726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70082607
File: 191 KB, 1088x1080, 1708977323182797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70082840

Japanese hobby
Japanese company
Japanese obsessed chuubas

>> No.70082610
File: 1.38 MB, 6212x5336, 1700837458290264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy paste posts and samefagging

>> No.70082677
File: 265 KB, 1000x1840, 1707356284272782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My princess

>> No.70082689

It was already bad enough when they did batsu game lines in Japanese and refused to say them in English.

>> No.70082732
Quoted by: >>70082775

I'm a EOP. Be honest, should I stop watching them? Do they not care about us?

>> No.70082757
File: 44 KB, 430x323, 1692267532273575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70082828

For the FWMC is merciful; She will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which She confirmed to them by oath.

>> No.70082758

Fuwawa seems to hate english but Mococo at least tries to translate it. As a Mocofan I'm safe for now.

>> No.70082768

Thread theme

>> No.70082774

It's Tuesday alright.

>> No.70082775

>should I stop watching them?
>Do they not care about us?
"Us" as in me, their Ruffian? Yes, they do.

>> No.70082785
Quoted by: >>70083010

Honestly, I feel like this future isn't set in stone or even necessarily likely, BUT it is one possibility. I went through my week schedule to put at least an hour and half each day for reps in preparation. Who knows where the future will be, but I'm determined to be ready over the course of months for any changes that happen. I feel extra motivated now to learn.
Granted, if we go down the world line where schedules change a year from now to JST standards, I'm fucked, but I can't do much about that. (They said they don't have plans to change, and I believe them, but I'm only saying on the possibility later on.) At that point, I'll be happy I did what I could. If I can't watch them because of it, well... it was a good ride. I can't control schedules, though I can control my JP skills.

>> No.70082789

>There sure seems to be a little group of people who enjoy both FuwaMoco and Koyori.
I actually started watching her a bit after their collab together. She has a pretty clear and cute voice, so she's really good for immersion imo.

>> No.70082822

>mask off

>> No.70082828

Pero-sama, watch over this thread in these dark times

>> No.70082840
File: 22 KB, 715x325, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know what side their bread is buttered on.

>> No.70082875

That's the only complaint I agree with

>> No.70082893

this will cease soon bc western banks will cut their interest rates

>> No.70082895

This is true. Fuwawa is also the one that goes out of her way to respond to JP chats the most.

>> No.70082909
File: 315 KB, 1448x2048, 1708744162504086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70082963

We're watching Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion tonight, right?

>> No.70082936

Damn, thanks for reminding me I need to order myself some more clothes and doujin

>> No.70082941 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1628x488, 1563616045071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't do his reps when he had the chance

>> No.70082963

But they told us to watch Cookie and Cream?

>> No.70082976

Did you miss their last JP collab where Fuwawa was the one speaking eigo a lot? Or is this just more retarded anti-Fuwawa garbage?

>> No.70083000
File: 125 KB, 1200x1200, GHQKA0RbEAAguwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or is this just more retarded anti-Fuwawa garbage?
It's sister hours. What do you think?

>> No.70083010

I DID start doing my reps, but even if I become fluent in japanese I would still want them to stream in english. I will feel betrayed if they start pandering to the JOPs and do less and less EN streams after saying that they won't change

>> No.70083016

Did they say to watch ALL of C&C, or just the first episode...?

>> No.70083021
File: 75 KB, 481x492, 1708743194932451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70083033

>It's sister hours
When is not sister hours?

>> No.70083064

you should know by now they're shitposters trying to bait people

>> No.70083100

She's just always trying to be inclusive. She picks out graynames a lot too

>> No.70083109

This is an extremely cute Fuwawa which I have never seen before. Thank you for blessing me with it.

>> No.70083151
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 1644810359160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70083286

Did you not watch FWMC Morning earlier? The next stream is Spooky's Mansion tonight at their normal stream time.

>> No.70083153

1 collab out of all of them doesn't excuse her. When they come back and the JPs start writing more and more in their chat, you will see, I will save your post for later.

>> No.70083221
File: 500 KB, 400x300, 2fc6356e-4135-417b-81a9-b993c16fd1a6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70083820

I'm raising the flag.

>> No.70083286
Quoted by: >>70083394

I did enjoy FWMC Morning today, but I must listen to the orders from above

>> No.70083288

The JPcuckposting used to get to me back in fucking aug/sep, which Im still embarassed about but now it doesn't do anything to me at all kek
It's actually almost nostalgic in an autistically annoying way... talks about yen v dollar, branch-switching, open cuckposting, "do your reps, you had years!!"
It's like we've been transported back 4 months again.

>> No.70083295
Quoted by: >>70083477

Aw man

>> No.70083304
Quoted by: >>70083384

>"do your reps, you had years!!"
This one is true.

>> No.70083310

Maybe this is a cope, but I can understand it in a way as someone who is a native English speaker but fluent in German from years of study. No matter how well-versed you become in another language, saying something in your native tongue simply hits different. Swear words have more impact. Embarrassing things like saying "I love you" are more emotional.
If Fuwawa or Mococo was saying something embarrassing in JP, I can understand not wanting to repeat it in English, because it feels more real-- in their native tongue of English that is.

>> No.70083312

Conceptual sex with Mococo in the mercenary position while holding hams.

>> No.70083384

Its only true if you're complaining unironically. Otherwise, no it doesn't matter at all kek I've watched Korone for years and still barely even understand anything. That won't change for me.

>> No.70083393


>> No.70083394
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>> No.70083411

Right? Now it really does feel like home. No need to feel bad, I think we've all been there somewhere along the way. Just be thankful you're a better Ruffian now.

>> No.70083477

>fuwamoco will never return and ruffians will die still waiting for them
that's ruff

>> No.70083500

>I've watched Korone for years and still barely even understand anything.
Holy baused and same

>> No.70083521
File: 414 KB, 2653x1782, 1707768255502126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70083576

Lmao. You're just mad I turn them on and make'em blush with my SC's.

>> No.70083547
Quoted by: >>70083636

Only time will tell what happens after 3-5 months from now.

>> No.70083576

If you don't know japanese you are nothing to them

>> No.70083586

They should recommend the bomb game collab to people
That made me laugh so much

>> No.70083636
File: 229 KB, 514x493, 1000003541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70083752

You shitposters have been saying this for 6 months. Give it a rest already. We already know how much these girls love and care about ALL of their fans.

>> No.70083669
File: 119 KB, 1080x1013, 1708667361476629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wives and they love me

>> No.70083670
File: 64 KB, 648x575, Screenshot 2023-12-07 021013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've watched Korone for years and still barely even understand anything
baused cute dog enjoyer

>> No.70083700


>> No.70083748
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, GHRtOMEaUAE5Bx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70083752
Quoted by: >>70083881

I haven't said shit you dumbfuck, they literally just moved to japan, stop thinking any comment on them are sisters.

>> No.70083758
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 1694633849687371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't care either way normally but I kinda want them to go harder on the JP now if it means that this schizo ropes himself

>> No.70083760
File: 1.28 MB, 1388x777, bathing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70083805

Clearing out my PC and I found this old gem

Now that Fuwawa will be living in Japan, will she finally be able to enjoy mixed bathing?

>> No.70083798

fuwamoco is abandoning us for japanese cock

>> No.70083800

Baused and same.

>> No.70083805

Holostars collab idea!

>> No.70083810

I’ve made them both giggle with my thick eigo letters. Seethe.

>> No.70083820
File: 326 KB, 1224x952, Z flag - The fate of the Empire rests on the outcome of this battle. Let each man do his utmost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're rising the flag

>> No.70083836

Baused Pero-sama, inflict your curse

>> No.70083881

Kek whatever you say, sister

>> No.70083882
Quoted by: >>70084005

He will just become an anti (if he isn't one already) and the pandering to JP will just upset some good EOP ruffians

>> No.70083945

Heh, both VN streams were in full English and nothing will ever change that. I've already peaked in life and am happy.
Marshmallow Mania? Marshmallow Mania.

>> No.70083961

How big will the return be and how will it happen?

>> No.70084005
Quoted by: >>70084218

It IS the anti. I'm tempted to make a schizopost on my findings soon.
The one who spearheads the JP cuckposting is also the RM shitposter/leaker who cuckposts at every opportunity. Once you discover this, it becomes both hilarious and sad since he's wasted literal months doing this without accomplishing anything.

>> No.70084015

it will be a full japanese stream

>> No.70084033

Depends on the guerrillas they do

>> No.70084094

just thinking about them being happy to us after so long is getting me to smile, god I love them

>> No.70084095

All posts in this thread now belong to me

>> No.70084135
Quoted by: >>70084157

JP only stream where they'll announce that they've graduated from holoEN and now are part of holoJP

>> No.70084144
File: 273 KB, 1232x1565, 123561361469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "they want the JP Ruffian money more" shitposts don't even work anymore. FWMC know where the money is.

>> No.70084147

>entire stream dedicated to sucking off and worshipping Japan
japs love this shit every time, so I'm sure it'll do well

>> No.70084157

If only.

>> No.70084218

Hello. This is the anti. I will laugh when they start responding more and more to japanese messages and drop english streams for japanese collabs, I'm currently taking screenshots of all of your cope and will post it back when they do it so much no one can ignore it.

>> No.70084220

Just wait until they start getting more japanese viewers from all the collabs they'll make...

>> No.70084250
File: 314 KB, 1440x1800, hanariv fuwawa 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you guys let people defend homos and beg for homocollabs instead of quoting every post with kys?

>> No.70084295

report and ignore

>> No.70084296

I don't know but I'd love more of this woman's fat tits.

>> No.70084302

The same reason we let jpschizos shit up the thread

>> No.70084311

Holy SEX

>> No.70084314
File: 525 KB, 1536x2048, 1706933430875210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking sex

>> No.70084322

Ruffians are silly today...

>> No.70084346

Ruffians are too weak willed

>> No.70084363
Quoted by: >>70084410

redebut as angelic attack cats on april 1 (when the waiting room ends)

>> No.70084410

They actually changed it kek

>> No.70084444


>> No.70084479
File: 2.34 MB, 1536x2048, 1688810165472358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop having sex with women just because they cosplay as FuwaMoco

>> No.70084522
File: 814 KB, 2775x4096, IMG_2611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Fuwawa and I’m ignoring all the antis and schizos!

>> No.70084542


>> No.70084585
Quoted by: >>70084636

>I love you Fuwawa
What about Mococo...?

>> No.70084603


>> No.70084633
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>> No.70084636
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>> No.70084689
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>> No.70084755


>> No.70084814

They should show us their feet

>> No.70084874

Fuwawa's troll face is on point here.

>> No.70084879
File: 303 KB, 743x413, 2013613646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a weak Ruffian right now. I went back to listen to Koone giving me sloppy asmr ear kisses.

>> No.70084900

There was a pair of cosplaying twins (Twin Capricorn Cosplay) who had a table at a con I went to, and I wish I was brave enough to suggest that they cosplay FWMC

>> No.70084955

Would Fuwawa and Mococo be proud if I got laid in their absence?
How would one go about SCing that to them?

>> No.70084988

why are there so many sexy 35p and why am I not having sex with them

>> No.70085052

Wuffians... are you really going to find some street girls and pay them to cosplay as me and Moco-chan here...

>> No.70085096
File: 450 KB, 1667x2320, 1000003469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. I'm 100% loyal to my wonderful wives and that will NEVER EVER change.

>> No.70085099


>> No.70085171
Quoted by: >>70085228

>street girls
no. i have gotten my two sisters into fuwamoco and have convinced them to cosplay as fuwamoco instead.

>> No.70085176
File: 221 KB, 1080x1350, 425288263_913840327068287_2152574923653685087_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If picrel offered me sex, I'd be a madman to turn them down.

>> No.70085228
File: 121 KB, 312x312, 1686902308534237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.

>> No.70085263
Quoted by: >>70085328

I honestly can't tell if that is another person or she's just good at editing.

>> No.70085296

If escorts didn't charge 1k an hour to cosplay and also do sex then I maybe temtped to do it.

>> No.70085309

>biggest threat to fwmc arent other chuubas, its cosplayers
i dont know how to take this info

>> No.70085314

Before I moved and changed timezones to PST, koyori was the only girl I kept up with live. Still watch her archives from time to time, but for me now it's fuwamoco first, koyori second (I still love them all though)

>> No.70085312


>> No.70085324
Quoted by: >>70085435

I would never cheat on Fuwawa with a cheap copy

>> No.70085331
File: 24 KB, 770x207, theJPstream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're going to be number monkeys for a bit, let's also not forget the low turn out on the Takoyaki all-JP stream. Gameplay only lasted 45 minutes with the stream ending right at an hour. Was a rare JP zatsu and didn't break 20k yen.

>> No.70085328
File: 227 KB, 1080x1346, 424639925_1123648741970602_564009711488045851_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other one is another cosplayer named luffylam.

>> No.70085435
File: 217 KB, 1080x1351, 424988964_1072142317363063_1091361497742005186_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss.

>> No.70085505

They will make double the money because of the needy ruffians, probably cute stories of how things were. ect.

>> No.70085697

summon the gorillas next thread

>> No.70085911
File: 228 KB, 493x443, 1705812779095909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
