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67579057 No.67579057 [Reply] [Original]

>32 days since last stream

>> No.67579795

let's post our rrats and see who is right in the end.
i think she is still negotiating, but anycolor is like fuck you.

>> No.67580024

i think shes ghosting them until they decide to pubilcally fire her

>> No.67580675
Quoted by: >>67581321

She probably was ready to leave the moment she told her fans to reupload the MV, as seen in her PL, but anycolor decided to give her another chance since they can't afford to let their reputation sink deeper, that's why Selen suddenly stopped posting on her PL and is trying to be good since she genuinely believes she's nothing without Niji, just like a battered wife.

>> No.67581321
Quoted by: >>67587824

I dunno dude, she's been trolling pretty hard with her Steam name changes. My assumption is that she's gotten (legal) advice to avoid posting on twitter as that could trigger some contract clause probably.

>> No.67581497

I think it's pretty obvious that they're waiting for that voice pack resale that ends on January 31 to end before the announcement. She's already out.

>> No.67581548

Tazumi hired a Yakuza death squad to kill her and has been covering it up.

>> No.67582316
Quoted by: >>67609346

She got a lawyer involved to try to recoup her lost $15k, plus any other monies she beliwves she is owed. They can't immediately boot her, but she can't stream either.

>> No.67582500
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>> No.67582901

They're probably waiting until 2/1 so that they don't lose 2 livers in the same month. Also the sale ends 1/30, not 1/31.

If not 2/1, then she'll be gone on either 2/8 (anniversary of Zaion's public suspension notice)
or 2/9 (eve of...) or 2/10 (day of Chinese New Year; it's the year of the dragon, and she's either a Hongkonger or a non-Han Chinese, and if that's the reason why management and/or the Beijing investors hate her then firing her on that date would be their way of appeasing the Beijing investors while technically not violating Canadian anti-discrimination laws)
or 3/10 (anniversary of Zaion's termination)

or they'll wait until the day before her contract finishes and then Zaion her.

In any case, her twitter and streamlabs are still up, but she's still silent on main. She's not ever coming back as Selen Tatsuki, and the entire vtuber community knows it. Even Filian, who pretended not to know why Selen ghosted her right before their spicy ramen collab (she had to pretend not to know why, lest the other livers be forced to ghost her)

>> No.67585516

They’re probably making time so your anger will calm down and you don’t overreact as much when the inevitable graduation comes.
They’re actually being smart for once, although there is nothing smart about firing their biggest female streamer.

>> No.67586764
File: 212 KB, 850x543, 1704823280431904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking amateur

>> No.67587824
Quoted by: >>67608928

What are the steam names?

>> No.67588302

she is gone, got the Zaion treatment

>> No.67588344

It's just obnoxious at this point

>> No.67588673

Selen getting unpersoned is definitely one of the weirdest things that's happened in EN vtubing

>> No.67589677

Anycolor tried to off her, but she survived and is getting legal action
She posted hospital pics as a way to say
"I lived bitch"
She is laying low so that the police can do their jobs and she is protection
Anycolor used her account to tweet that one tweet to not be suspicious, but fucked up so everyone knows it wasn't her
Selen just plays games to pass the time, and is waiting things out
Also China was involved because she is a Dragon and they were colorblind

>> No.67589936
Quoted by: >>67590792

None of those dates mean anything to Anycolor. Just because Zaion was let go on those days doesn't mean Selen is going to be let go because it's "the anniversary." Similarly, I don't think they'll let her go because she is Chinese since that is, explicitly, discriminatory.

>> No.67590242
Quoted by: >>67600983

Why would the anniversary of another person's firing matter, anon? Reveal your secrets.

>> No.67590792
Quoted by: >>67592159


You really think Anycolor wouldn't be that petty? Remember that this is the same Anycolor who privated her MV in the first place, and wouldn't tell her or anyone else why. And this is also the same Anycolor that bonked her for asking for permission to host a Fall Guys tournament -- they might actually still be mad at her for that.

Plus, if they wanted to get rid of her for being "impure" Chinese but wanted enough plausible deniability to avoid getting sued into bankruptcy, they'll just release the bullet point list that they're planning to release anyway, but "accidentally" delay the release until the 9th/10th. Firing a dragon vtuber on the first day of the year of the dragon isn't illegal discrimination, and their legal team would claim it's just a coincidence that they fired a Cantonese-speaking Chinese employee on the first day of the Chinese New Year, and that it totally had nothing to do with her ethnicity, and hey also look at this shit list we compiled.

>> No.67590877
File: 773 KB, 635x635, 1636272155202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67591483

Can someone just explain or give a QRD about what on earth is happening with Selen?

>> No.67591483

She and a bunch of other artists spent months working on a music video for Last Cup Of Coffee. It was published on Christmas Day as a gift to her fans, and got lots of praise from lots of people, including Lily Pichu, who did the original.

Then Anycolor management privated the MV, and did not tell her or anyone else why.

Then she told the world that management privated the MV, and told people to reupload it so that the artists' work would not be lost forever. And she's been suspended pending termination ever since.

Oh, and she got into an accident after that and spent a few days in the hospital.

>> No.67591716
Quoted by: >>67593426

Accident my ass, they tried to kill her

>> No.67591839

>Oh, and she got into an accident after that
yeah, "accident"

>> No.67592159

I still don't get why they got mad at her over the tournaments and forbid her from organizing crossbranch collabs. It's free money for everyone but Selen.

>> No.67593426
Quoted by: >>67626642

Or she did. You never know with girls.

>> No.67593715
Quoted by: >>67595325

because, and I can't believe I have to keep repeating this, nijisanji black company

>> No.67594043
Quoted by: >>67600276

Eating too much food for decades is not an accident

>> No.67594274

They also have 2 JP livers graduating on 1/31

>> No.67594886

>they'll wait until the day before her contract finishes and then Zaion her.
It's going to be this except they're 'graduating' her not zaion'ing her.
The pr that comes with firing selen is too much. she's already gone but they're waiting for the contract to lapse so they can attempt to sidestep the issue and 'officially' graduate her without involving the talent behind selen.

>> No.67595151

I promise you that if there's any negotiation going on it's from Anycolor's end to try and keep her. Losing Pomu and Selen side by side is a massive blow to their image and they want to avoid that.

My personal rrat is if she comes back it's going to come with a sweetheart deal that may or may not be disclosed publicly, and the video will come back up along with Selen suddenly announcing some big project of hers that Niji will throw their full support behind. Otherwise she's completely fucking gone and not looking back and we'll see her PL revive sooner rather than later.

>> No.67595325
Quoted by: >>67609596

pretty much. it's not enough that selen's tournaments are free pr and grow the company with absolutely zero expenses on part of the company.
japanese corpo autism is so insane that it's hurtful to their pathetic pride and face that selen is, in their eyes, showing them up. she's just trying to be a good little soldier by being innovative and creative but to them the fact she the lowly grunt and not they, the magnificent management, is coming up with and organising these tournaments is a slight on their pride.
so they'd prefer to shitcan her and have nothing. because they're prideful retards.

>> No.67595791

Anon, your personal rrat is absolutely delusional

Ultimately, NijiEN doesn't cares if their public image takes a powerful blow and/or gets tainted forever

They simply don't care because there will be people sucking their dick regardless of what bullshit decision they come up with, it's just as simple as that

>> No.67596094
Quoted by: >>67597074

This is your brain on /vt/ catalog

>> No.67596128

If they Yugo her, they won't be able to publish a list of why they hate her.
They are gonna nuke her vods, close her twitter, and stop her merch sales, regardless of how and when they get rid of her. But if she graduates instead of being terminated, it'll be significantly harder for them to unperson someone who left on nominally good terms, and it'll also be that much harder to coerce the remaining livers and other content creators into blacklisting her lest they get blacklisted. i.e. if Selen "graduates" instead of being terminated, Nerissa and Reimu won't be forced to publish "I hate Selen" tweets in exchange for collab perms; and they wouldn't be able to block that collab if either of them publishes an "I don't hate Selen" tweet.

They hate her too much to allow her the nominal dignity of a "graduation." They will terminate her, and they will be excessively vindictive about it; the only question is when.

>> No.67596206
Quoted by: >>67598087

Lmao they see Selen as a liability that constantly causes trouble and drama for the company. They will be more than happy to get rid of her. It's going to be Yugo style to not generate much fuzz.

>> No.67596365

i think she will comeback.
the fact she stopped tweeting mean she still following kurokolor order.

>> No.67597074

Proof is already laid bare via all the Selen events they cancelled, all the terminations that came before and Selen going radio silent under the guise of a medical leave while playing Apex on her PL account.

Or you can also disregard all that and keep rooting for your preferred chuuba company like a shitty retarded pussy! No one will stop you from living your dreams, anon

>> No.67597643

she sent in her resignation by then for her next renewal date and they didn't want her being able to promote herself more, or try to sway JP members from quitting too

>> No.67597784
Quoted by: >>67600550

Because she's under contract still. She's been fucking around with her steam username in the meantime, during Pomu's graduation and AI she was fucking playing Apex

>> No.67597847

She's been gone for over 30 days. If they planned to let her return, she'd already be back.

>> No.67598087

Anon, if they didn't care they would have just come out and said it. Day 1. Christmas day. "We have terminated our contract with Selen." and been done with it. That they're waiting at all so that either the bad news doesn't pile up, or so that they can attempt to salvage things is proof that they do care. That doesn't mean they're good or smart, but that they have enough awareness to know it would have been worse to fire her on the spot.
That's probably what's going to happen, yeah. While I do think they'll try and get her to stay, I also don't think a bunch of ancient Japanese salarymen are going to be willing to make any sort of concessions a talent may ask for and cut ties with her as amicably as they possibly can to avoid any further drama.

>> No.67598218

They want to make one last buck on Selen's voice packs first. That's why they're delaying the announcement

>> No.67598339

Sale ends Tuesday. Expect a notice on Wednesday.

>> No.67598666
File: 431 KB, 663x560, sleen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67599079

>Hey Selen, suspension's over you can stream now
>AHAHAHAHAHA- *hangs up*
>boots up Palworld

>> No.67599079
File: 28 KB, 695x441, 7829999183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67623855


>> No.67599412
Quoted by: >>67600091

They almost certainly don't need to wait for that. They own the rights to Selen as a character and to any content she creates as Selen. That's why merch tends to be available a short time after someone leaves.

>> No.67600091

If they graduate on good or at least neutral terms.
The "immediate" part of "immediate termination" might be a bit of an issue for continuing merch sales, though.

>> No.67600276


>> No.67600550
Quoted by: >>67605479

i mean zaion went ballistic in her rm during her suspension

>> No.67600649
File: 152 KB, 1143x1287, 1645929531416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rrat is she blew up at management for the last video. She put in way too much time and effort on projects that Anycolor barely approved of and getting in trouble for this one was like the straw that broke the camel's back.
Graduation or Termination, no other option.

>> No.67600983

Spite. Pettiness. Antipathy.
That sort of thing. It's why they privated the MV in the first place.

>> No.67601484

You're having a fever dream. They're just gonna Yugo/Magni/Vesper her, easier and they don't want the bad PR that the Zaion thing got. They're never gonna Zaion someone again unless the talent actually does something so fucked up they could get public sympathy from it (like Oceane or that Idol girl who was fucking a manager).

>> No.67602132

I think it's a bit late for them to start worrying about the PR flak they're getting for their handling of Selen

>> No.67602713

>Anon, if they didn't care they would have just come out and said it
NTA but they did the same thing in JP when they delayed the announcement of axias termination and had a sale of his merch the day after he sent his resignation internally.

>> No.67603295

Yeah it makes the most sense for both parties to make the parting as amicable as possible.
That said they're turbo retarded and seem to have a grudge against Selen so the chances of another Zaion are just very low rather than zero.

>> No.67603908

They're probably never doing another Zaion again. The reason they did it in the first place was probably from taking advantage of how small she was before Niji + how short she'd be in Niji so she wouldn't have had time to build up a huge super devoted fanbase that would take issue with their cahracterization of her. It's stupid, but at least from that angle it makes sense. That it completely blew up on them despite this when she had a compelling story of their own wrongdoing would make it a no-go ever again. But even if their Zaion gambit had paid off, Selen is not Zaion. She's been with the company for a long fucking time, she's got massive amounts of support, and is one of, if not their most popular female talents. Risking the same move with her would be suicidal.

I'm sure lots of people would love a proper graduation, but I don't think that's happening. I think she's gonna get Yugo'd and they'll probably do what they can to avoid saying terminated and just say some shit like both parties agreed to end their professional relationship, have Selen sign an NDA, and try to move on.

>> No.67604345
File: 130 KB, 327x262, 1649525165962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MV comes out and everything is fine, then Selen lets it slip that she messaged Lily's producer to 'check your emails' at some point. Management has a complete meltdown at this perceived overreach of command and takes down the MV purely out of spite. Selen recommends others reupload the video because she spent 15k on it. Further meltdowns from management from this obvious disrespect leads to her getting suspended. Selen either tries to kill herself or gets in a severe accident due to the overwhelming stress of all of this culminating on christmas.

>> No.67604791

What has Anykara done so far that makes you think they give a single fuck about bad PR? Genuinely asking

>> No.67604865

The only PR Anycolor cares about is between corporations.

>> No.67604931
Quoted by: >>67604993

>They're probably never doing another Zaion again.


>> No.67604993
Quoted by: >>67607554

If they were smart you could say "They'll never pull another Zaion." But big companies aren't known for being smart.

>> No.67605479

That happened after they closed her streamlabs account so she was probably gone by then

>> No.67607554

>Zaion happened because management is a fucking train wreck
>fire Zaion, but keep the same shitty management
>do the surprise Pikachu face when it happens all over again

>> No.67607745

>implying they can easily fire management when some of them are nepo hires from the livers themselves

>> No.67607873

she dead man

>> No.67608622

That's one way of doing it.

>> No.67608706

Imagine if they never fire her and just stop sending her cheques.

>> No.67608926

my rat is the bad corpo ending where actually selen does want to go back to work but they're punishing her and she's just going to take it and sincerely doesn't want to leave/get fired which is why she hasn't used doki since the 9th in addition to them threatening her that if she keeps vague/pity posting and/or if her fans get too toxic they'll just cut her completely and i think at the end of the day like everyone else she doesn't want to get a new job and leave the people that she likes and is hurt that she missed out on public closure for saying bye to her friend(s)?

That being said I really like selen unfortunately usually it doesn't work out for people when they go against corpo interest/ego at least it hasn't for like 99% of cases i've seen irl and people can always say she has X whatever but at the end of the day corpos want drama free money pumped out to a regular schedule with no surprises and i think selen is a mix of too ambitious/immature for the return they're looking for they probably also want to see how much she's soured on her career i think that if it was an issue of them not liking her and her not liking her job it would be over no one gains anything from having her in limbo just to graduate when people constantly bring it up unless they wrote themselves into a corner with termination which could also be a thing

>> No.67608928
File: 8 KB, 535x192, 1706193273999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67609291


>> No.67609144

>2/10 (day of Chinese New Year; it's the year of the dragon, and she's [...] and if that's the reason why management and/or the Beijing investors hate her then firing her on that date would be their way of appeasing the Beijing investors while technically not violating Canadian anti-discrimination laws)
That's the most Asian-brained 5D chess schizo rrat I've ever read. Also she's not.

>> No.67609291

Pal World be that way though.

>> No.67609302

>Nerissa and Reimu won't be forced to publish "I hate Selen" tweets in exchange for collab perms
Without Pomu or Selen, who would they still want to collab with? The remaining literal whos? At that point they're better off collabing with Phase (which they just started doing) or even indies.

>> No.67609346

I believe this rrat.

>> No.67609596

>to them the fact she the lowly grunt and not they, the magnificent management, is coming up with and organising these tournaments is a slight on their pride.
>so they'd prefer to shitcan her and have nothing. because they're prideful retards.
This. This is pretty standard JP corpo culture.

>> No.67609909

Anon, you just described every traditional Jap corpo.

>> No.67610089
Quoted by: >>67610137

Imagine the lawsuit.

>> No.67610137

she's not lebron or messi, she doesn't have a lifetime contract

>> No.67610198

at this point we can just assumed niji just shitcan her until the contract ran out and then forced graduate her.

>> No.67611463

She's asking for rent money on her throne now... I think she's forced to take donations due to nijisanji not giving her an income for a month now and she doesn't know when she can work.

>> No.67611554


>> No.67611599

She's a week away from selling her ass on the streets, apparently.

>> No.67611693

This is actually so sad... Now I'm convinced that management shut her down on her personal twitter and she can't make any money until she's released from the company.

>> No.67611764

>and did not tell her or anyone else why.
They didn't tell us, they certainly told Selen.

>> No.67611777

holy shit.

>> No.67611794

>Or you can also disregard all that and keep rooting for your preferred chuuba company like a shitty retarded pussy!
Who are these imaginary people you think you're talking to

>> No.67611872

no way
>checks it

She's asking Rent and Bills fund for february. my god

>> No.67611918

How can she have NO savings but 15K to blow on an MV?

>> No.67611934

revolting, not only their behaviour but that they weren't paying their full-time very popular talent enough to have savings that could cover a month of rent. no wonder matara acts like a beaten dog, they're kept terminally afraid of demanding better treatment because their pay is so low that they can't save enough to leave

>> No.67611945
Quoted by: >>67611991

I think it's more so of her not wanting to keep using her savings with no income. Imagine living an entire month off it with nothing you can do to help build it back up.

>> No.67611947

she will come back then try to continue streaming as if nothing happened

>> No.67611975

The 15K is probably paid over the year when NijiEN was more popular, now she has no saving because NijiEN isn't doing as well as before

>> No.67611991
Quoted by: >>67630379

in english we call that begging
her family's well off, i'd be asking my parents for help before asking for handouts from fans with less money than i have

>> No.67612008


>> No.67612027
File: 105 KB, 350x535, 1681966523482861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, pulling the very barley legal tactic that some super sketchy companies will pull to try to get you to quit, so that way they don't need to pay you anything for leaving. It's a thing some really really bad companies do if you say you're leave they will try to make those last 2 weeks so bad that you quit and they just bully you all of the time.
I wnat to say only the worst of worst companies do this cause if it get's out it normally will hurt your reputation and hiring power, but it's a tactic you see a lot in some shitter business companies, so I'm wondering if she has to run the clock so long until she can leave without quitting and I imagine if she quits they will also force a large scale bill on her for things or have to pay her out some, so that's why they are trying so hardy to bully her into quitting? Seen this done a many a times right in front of me too.

>> No.67612065

She deleted it but I saw it. Won't be surprised if she got scared of nijisanji for trying to get money while suspended.

>> No.67612067
File: 16 KB, 337x506, 154643233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. it just got deleted. i took screenshot but im too much of a pussy to risk it

>> No.67612228
File: 79 KB, 1077x1061, 1685145666384314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67617865

This is getting really bad, what the fuck is wrong with this company?

>> No.67612281
File: 12 KB, 401x180, 1688464764501081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67615305

It's over

>> No.67612428
Quoted by: >>67613214

I have never had so much contempt for a vtuber company.

>> No.67612570


>> No.67612586

damn I refreshed when it was at 600ish and suddenly her goal was filled.

>> No.67612602

how can selen be fucking broke, what the fuck?

>> No.67612613

>making the same bait thread again when there are any number of generals to discuss this

>> No.67612637

Well no paycheck since they're probably holding it back for awhile now and I'm, guessing they are probably back charging her for her own MV she paid money for.

>> No.67612672
Quoted by: >>67612742

Are there though? /HAHA/ is generally living in copium/delusion land and avoiding talk of her rm, meanwhile I'm fairly sure most of /NijiEN/ probably memoryholed her already.

>> No.67612673 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 720x1231, Screenshot_20240127-101801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were like two dozen donators in the past hour, they paid her bills instantly and she left a nice message in thanks.

>> No.67612680
File: 5 KB, 351x50, 041854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it filled really fast, wow

>> No.67612742

Yep, /NijiEN/ hates her (and did well before all of this), and /HAHA/ will call you a shitposter if you say anything related to reality. Catalog is currently the best place to discuss her, unless there's some sikret discorb.

>> No.67612747
File: 708 KB, 842x760, 1578987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully her Dragoons are making sure she can rest easy

>> No.67612765

>he fans hate her and the people who watch her call you a shitposter
I hate you scum sucking bottom feeders so much.

>> No.67612768
Quoted by: >>67613389

Could be like Kiara, you have money but it's not liquid so if the checks stop coming in you can't just convert it.

>> No.67612781

Holy reading comprehension retard

>> No.67612797


>> No.67612839

Selen (and by proxy almost all corpo vtubers) are retarded if they think that any court would think that there is a material breach of contract if they get money from somewhere else when they are not allowed to work for the corpo

>> No.67612891

You might be right, but the corpo doesn't need to actually win in the court. It just needs to stretch things out enough to ruin you with fees, time wasted, and stress. And corpo the size of Niji could do that easily.

>> No.67612959

>Selen (and by proxy almost all corpo vtubers) are retarded if they think that any court would think that there is a material breach of contract if they get money from somewhere else when they are not allowed to work for the corpo
They can totally put that within their contract. The thing is it doesn't need to hold up, but they can keep legal problems in court going for so long that you can't actual get any money until your life is done with easy. It's what a lot places do.

>> No.67613027
Quoted by: >>67613146

She can make money in other ways. That's why she wants to do commissions and stuff. It's just that she can't vtube while under contract, and when your primary source of income is vtubing, well...

>> No.67613139
File: 128 KB, 500x500, 1776534465489329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer will this hell last?

>> No.67613146

>She can make money in other ways.
You cant sign away your right to work in a field without compensation. That is why when there is a non compete period you get paid for that period, anything else would just render it null and void

>> No.67613188

>You cant sign away your right to work in a field without compensation.
Lamo, you think big companies can't get around that and bully out out of of it and threaten you even if they can't legal do it then you're delusional. It's pretty common practice out there.

>> No.67613214

The giant two need to be purged not joking.

>> No.67613267

time and place smallcorponigger, time and place

>> No.67613272

? ? ?
hololive doesnt have exclusivity clauses and some members get to vtube on the side as well

>> No.67613289

>Randomly Hololive
Anon we are talking about Selen and Nijii here

>> No.67613290
Quoted by: >>67614139

What the fuck does she live from paycheck to paycheck? How the fuck can she be in deep shit in barely 1 month?!

>> No.67613306
Quoted by: >>67613410

She'll graduate after february

>> No.67613389
Quoted by: >>67613418

She's had over a month to sell stonks or wherever she store her money though...
Assuming she doesnt spend it all each month, she cant be that dumb right? Right?

>> No.67613404
File: 798 KB, 498x498, 1698849726168244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really love to get a real read of the Nijiisan contract for talents cause that thing has got to be scummy as fuck stuff hidden in there seeing how people seem to have to pay out so much stuff or have zero money when they leave or right before they're kicked out. I wonder if they have hidden termination fees and that's why they hope to bully people into quitting. No I'm like 90% sure they totally have hidden termination fees goin going off the people who leave.

>> No.67613410
File: 88 KB, 593x530, 1676151807232962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another fucking month of no income

She's an online content creator and artist, she absolutely needs to be freed from this bullshit contract immediately.

>> No.67613418
Quoted by: >>67613576

iirc she puts a lot of her money into savings

>> No.67613474
File: 14 KB, 227x222, 1685879705723551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one fag who derails the thread every with the same pictures of sweaty dragon booba
it's a shame /doki/ never actually took off

>> No.67613505

>anycolor is like fuck you.
Riku is stupid, but he isn't a retard. Losing Pomu was an 8 month affair of trying to keep her. Selen is a must-not-lose scenario

>> No.67613503

>least homosexual /vt/ user

>> No.67613506

Things will change once the graduation happens and she redebuts in VShojo with Pomu

>> No.67613576

Then withdraw from there if its an emergency??

>> No.67613629

Kurosanji strike again

>> No.67613653
File: 241 KB, 550x463, 1693196819076876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon they wnat to lose her, but they wnat her to quit. This is most obviously bully you until your quit thing I seen and I have seen a lot of business companies do this outside of Vtubing. You see if she quits then he he try to force it to turn around to be that she did something wrong and make her look bad, so you run a stall tactic where you hold someone for a long as you can and make their life so shit that they quit and that way you can still look good in the end since you can make it look like they were a bad employee .
It's pretty common in the business companies, so you can stop someone that worked for you from going to some other rival company of try to get every cent out of them well making sure it will be harder for them to get a job in the same field after they leave.

>> No.67613657

It took her an entire month before she started panicking. I won't be surprised if she has been paying hospital and lawyer fees as well with no income coming in.

>> No.67613665

Exclusivity clauses do exactly that though. I know everyone likes to repeat Niji bad but I highly doubt that the contract is so restrictive it would prevent all livestreaming period, it's just that she would have to do it without a vtuber model. And going live on a dead account just to be bombarded with chat messages asking what's going on while you have to ignore them would probably not be worth it.

>> No.67613701

Extremely Japanese behavior

>> No.67613747
File: 161 KB, 392x416, 1688408238081863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubing honestly lifted the veil for me on how soulless and bug-like so much of Japanese culture really is

>> No.67613760

>trying to keep her
They did nothing of the sort. They denied her Home3D, they denied her projects, they denied her being in Kiara's birthday 3D, they denied her a big opportunity that was offered to her directly. It's almost as if they intentionally tried to find reasons to make her leave.

>> No.67613766

Nah I work in this field, can confirm to this isn't Japanese behavior. Tech companies and general
business companies just be like that everywhere

>> No.67613775

Anyone who knew niji would fuck them over in the future probably wouldn't put money into long-term savings accounts (of which the stipulations should be obvious).

>> No.67613776

Doubt it. VShojo exists and has claimed 2 of their ex talents. There is no "making it harder to get hired elsewhere" when there's a known group waiting to snap up the big names that they lose.

>> No.67613778

so let me get this straight, she spent 15k on some shitty song when she's renting and doesn't have a years worth of rent saved despite making good money?

>> No.67613802

They have been like this even before WW2

>> No.67613833
Quoted by: >>67613883

This isn't even Japanese culture, this is just how it is in that world. People just haven't worked in this field enough to know that it's this scummy everywhere in the world

>> No.67613870

They still haven't implemented Mika, and with how the corpo dealt with losing not-rushia, i don't think they're that willing to be seen as a corpo vtuber retirement home now

>> No.67613871

>Doubt it. VShojo exists and has claimed 2 of their ex talents.
Bro the standards seems low on that after they picked up Rushia

>> No.67613880

I'm amazed they let her do that big APEX vtuber event with Altare and Axel, though come to think of it that event probably only happened because EA were involved.

>> No.67613883
Quoted by: >>67613985

fuck off Communist.

>> No.67613951
Quoted by: >>67614082

We also don't know if they will, and Pomu is still up in the air. And what are you even talking about Nazuna had basically retired from VShojo had been 4 months without a stream before coming back just to announce a graduation. It had next to zero impact.

>> No.67613985

What? I'm just saying it's like this everywhere instead of it just being Japanese since you've got it wrong. I didn't say "take down the system let's go ahh". You ok anon?

>> No.67613994

This is why you support independent and underground idols instead of falling for the big corpo trap.

>> No.67614082

>It had next to zero impact
Bro not-coco went on full damage control trying to say she never actually invited or coerced not-rushia in to joining. Happy coincidence and all the bs. Mouse spoke about it somewhere, where she wasn't liking the new nickname for vshojo

>> No.67614125
Quoted by: >>67614231

She made one tweet lmao anon what the fuck are you talking about. Catalogfags tried to make it a big deal but I promise you most people didn't car.e Mike had been her exclusive source of streaming for months at that point. Everyone had moved on.

>> No.67614133
Quoted by: >>67614204

I'm pretty sure they'll take both Mika and Pomu. And Selen if she wants to. The small 3views nobody even knows about, probably not.

>> No.67614139
Quoted by: >>67615099

Did you forget that she spent $15k on an MV?
Nijis make most of their money from donations and VP sales.

>> No.67614142

>take the indie pill

>> No.67614175
Quoted by: >>67614218

And it's gone now. Wow. What the fuck is going on even.

>> No.67614204

Pomu gets to be reunited with Matara, gets to be with her kamioshi (Henya) AND gets to keep working with Selen?

>> No.67614218
Quoted by: >>67614440

She's definitely terminated. But they are being assholes and not releasing her from her contract, but also preventing her from working anywhere else too. Basically starving her out and depriving her of wages. It sounds very illegal and definitely very black-company

>> No.67614222

sure you can
if you're an nba player you're obviously signing away your rights to simultaneously play for a euroleague team
more generally, every 9-5 i've worked has had a provision against moonlighting in the contract
would they enforce it against selling trinkets on etsy when i'm a software developer? probably not
would they enforce it against software development for another firm in the same line of business? absolutely

>> No.67614231

I'm not arguing that, some people even called her jap hime
My point is Mouse is more reflective about what her group is like, in terms of reputation now, and Nazuna quitting kinda put a polish on the situation, especially when Kson tried to pretend she didn't roll the red carpet out for her in the early expansion days

>> No.67614296

She will be allowed to return when she learned to respect management
Nijisanji > individual talents

>> No.67614390

What even is she in trouble for? Last minute perm shit is management fault (unless she really did try to skirt last minute approvals)
Telling her fans to reupload it?

>> No.67614402

The fact that Kson acted like that really tells me that no one Hololive must have known I guess? Fucking crazy to think about not even your friends would know about that

>> No.67614440
Quoted by: >>67614787

You've gotta stop existing exclusively on the catalog bro. It's not conducive to what's happening in reality.
I'm guessing they want to save it for February 1st, 1 day after a month from her last contact on Selen. That way they don't have to say they lost both Pomu and Selen in January, and they can pass it off publicly as a 1 month suspension (even though she was almost certainly suspended on the 25th, not the 31st)
The reason the video was taken down remains unknown and there's only rrats, but telling her fans to reupload is probably what got her suspended, and she's probably not interested in coming back after getting it taken down.

>> No.67614467

The latter most likely. It's basically her openly going against what the corpo decided.

>> No.67614497
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>> No.67614550
File: 224 KB, 1846x1970, 170206543365479821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prease watch my indie whore

>> No.67614787

>I'm guessing they want to save it for February 1st,
it doesn't matter why they're doing it, but depriving someone of wages and starving them out is absolutely ridiculous and black-company tier. I don't think it's even legal to do that.

>> No.67615019

You know what is Nijisanji's real problem with Selen?

The fact that whatever they do, they'll lose their face. They cannot punish her Selen publicly, so they resort to making her life miserable as long as they can.

>> No.67615099

Havent that one been in making over a long time? I doubt she payed the full amount only the second it was completed...

>> No.67615127

this is the most serious public incident of butting heads with management, but it's not the first time

>> No.67615305
File: 109 KB, 350x452, EyeD_Wink_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67615342

False, you know what to do.

>> No.67615342
Quoted by: >>67615641

>promoting dramatards

>> No.67615466
Quoted by: >>67615565

>Anon they wnat to lose her, but they wnat her to quit.
They could fire her if they wanted to. Stop being a melodramatic faggot.

>> No.67615503

They literally begged her to stay on

>> No.67615565
Quoted by: >>67615651

>They could fire her if they wanted to.
I like how you didn't even read the rest of the post.

>> No.67615598

It's not the first time Selen has announced or done something prematurely and had to walk it back begrudgingly.

Which is fucking ironic as all hell when you remember the situation with Obysidia's outfits.

>> No.67615613
File: 53 KB, 390x638, 1690656003212837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67615840

Acting as if she's broke when people have been giving to dokibird streamlabs the whole time god knows how many other people have given that are under $150.

>> No.67615641

Selen will become his anti-Niji weapon just like Zion

>> No.67615651
Quoted by: >>67615680

I'm not going to debate a stupid post point by point.

Stop being a retard if you want people to take you seriously.

>> No.67615680

Nijisan management woke up guy. It's over.

>> No.67615719
File: 294 KB, 537x439, 1701889935995588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of a sudden posts saying nothing is happening or shitting on her
Very subtle...

>> No.67615807
Quoted by: >>67616028

>without compensation
I am sure an NBA player gets compensated even if they dont play fucking moron. And that is for every fucking example you gave, if you dont get fucking paid you cannot be hindered to work elsewhere. No western society would consider it a valid fucking contract

>> No.67615840

Without saying too much, there are things we as fans (or you catalogfags) don't know about. We don't know her situation, her moneyflow, or anything. We don't know who she has to take care of, or how her money is tied up.

I don't have a reason to doubt her when she asks for help.

>> No.67615864
File: 94 KB, 1280x993, 1679871154998300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67615896

>the discord ping went out

>> No.67615867
Quoted by: >>67616028

Anon, NBA players are salaried employees. They actually get money as an employee.
Nijisanji's genius move to abuse their workers was making them all "contractors". So if they are deprived work, they literally get 0 money for that time.

>> No.67615896
Quoted by: >>67616588

Wait... you can ping on Discord?

>> No.67615925

because you fucks keep shitting up /nijien/ threads

>> No.67615942
Quoted by: >>67618179

Wow you weren't kidding. They're literally flooding in here, it's almost fucking comical. Do you think they get paid for this?

>> No.67616028

there's no indication that she's not being sent her youtube revenue/merch split, etc
>but she's begging for rent money
yeah because she's known to be an idiot about money, who'd have thought
if she spent $15000 on a vanity project without any kind of rainy day fund i'm not feeling sorry, that's months of rent anywhere in the world

>> No.67616150

>the posts made after this posts
my fucking sides are in orbit

>> No.67616304

>Big names
Kek, nijinigs really live in delusion land

>> No.67616389

>least obvious /NijiEN/ tranny

>> No.67616499

You will pay for your sins, Nijinig

>> No.67616588

Assuming you genuinely don't know: @<username> will ping that person. You can also ping @<role> or @everyone if you want to get yourself lynched and possibly banned. Using the reply feature also has a ping toggle that is on by default.

>> No.67616661
File: 2.19 MB, 1915x1075, 1688981441755381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67617915


>> No.67617585


>> No.67617624
Quoted by: >>67618528

With all the hints nina dropped about her I would be very surprised if Mika didn't debut at vshojo by the end of summer

>> No.67617704
Quoted by: >>67621741

have you considered not being corporate cocksuckers who suck riku's cock over the talents you supposedly watch?

>> No.67617732

Holy shit. How much more of a black company can Anycolor become? They're literally just doing this to fuck with her.

>> No.67617865

What ISN'T wrong with Anycolor? They chose black, it should be obvious at this point.

>> No.67617915
File: 1.61 MB, 396x498, Ping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67618146
Quoted by: >>67618244

huh, is she bad with money or do they make so little?

>> No.67618161

honestly that's on her for poor money management

>> No.67618179

I sure hope so because doing all this for free would be pretty pathetic.

>> No.67618244
Quoted by: >>67618337

It's more likely she's been paying for lawyer and hospital fees throughout it and her savings is getting lower and lower that she needed extra help due to no income.

>> No.67618294

Jesas, I’m usually just in these threads to laugh at Niji. But holy crap, I actually feel really bad for her

>> No.67618337

yeah but still, those are peanuts for any indie at ~2k ccv

>> No.67618362
File: 3.04 MB, 498x448, wtf-what-the-fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67618480
File: 61 KB, 603x766, 1703871072608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hermanda del catalago invents a rrat without any source of information other than ¨probably¨¨¨.
>to get angry when it is made clear that her rrat is a lie
>you have to believe me, I am an anon of vt

>> No.67618528

Summer is a long time away, I give it 1-2 months

>> No.67618553

Guess Niji can't terminate her for some bullshit reason so they stop her from streaming to drain her out of her income and make her quit on her own cause firing her normally would entitle her to some form of compensation? What even is this company.

>> No.67618606

Classic Japanese company. Doesn't want to fire you, so they make work conditions shit until you leave

>> No.67618985

Selen may be refusing to sign the NDA as is. Keeping her under suspension until they come to an agreement.
She may have lawyered up.

>> No.67619066
Quoted by: >>67620938

It's like Selen saw this coming, quickly starting her other source of income.

>> No.67619286
Quoted by: >>67619880

Thank God she still has savings. It's not like if she had to invest over 15k in a project FOR HER FUCKING COMPANY out of her pocket, only for said company to completely shoot it down and suspend her, leaving her without any means to make any money.

>> No.67619380

Kataribe... Roa...

>> No.67619403

As if Niji ever learns their lesson.

>> No.67619595

At worst she will have to sit out the rest of her current contract - which should be less than year.
Not sure if it will get that far though considering her leaving without a NDA signed could cause some issues for them. They will try to drain her out of her income for as long as possible in hope that she surrenders before that happens.

>> No.67619630
Quoted by: >>67620480

my nigga they're still reselling Lulu's old voicepacks and shes been gone for 2 and a half years.
Same with Roa.
They have zero fucking qualms about necroing voicepacks.

>> No.67619699

She's getting terminated for telling her fans to "pirate" and reupload her song. We're gonna get the dreaded letter after her voice pack resale ends.

>> No.67619880
Quoted by: >>67621087

that amount of money should not be an issue for people at that size

>> No.67620006

See the problem is, they're in a bit of a trap, PR wise.
Any content uploaded under the "Selen Tatsuki" channel is property of "Selen Tatsuki" whose IP is owned by Anycolor.
So Selen's MV is - legally speaking - Anycolor's property.
And Selen openly told her fans to infringe on their IP rights which is what kickstarted the whole yab.
But PR wise, that's Selen's MV. Selen spent all the money for it, and she made it for her fans. So while Anycolor legally owns it, enforcing that right would destroy them PR wise.

At the same time they can't allow this precedent of a talent openly infringing on their own IP so blatantly. It would have ripple effects across the other livers if Selen wasn't punished for it, since it would always be used as an example if other livers started doing the same thing.
Especially JP livers, since if they got punished for something a foreign liver was able to do, that would be catastrophic for what little internal cohesion they have.

They HAVE to punish Selen, just for the precedence.
But punishing her also runs the risk of completely evaporating what little goodwill they have left among their own community, and it will also disincentivize EN livers from wasting money on big projects like this if it's just going to get canned last minute.

They can either wait until things have died down (2-3 months maybe, plus a new wave announcement) before terminating her (won't work, the fans will never let it go)
The much less damaging idea of revealing that her month long "break" so far was actually a stealth suspension for violating their IP, during which time they decided to amicably part ways - no graduation stream obviously.

It will still hurt (another open confirmation of stealth suspension) but it's the only way they can salvage this whole shitshow.

>> No.67620082

5-D chess move by Selen. A risky gambit to herself, but one that can burn Niji EN badly. Bravo

>> No.67620277
File: 185 KB, 305x316, FbdwOF4WYAEbn7M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragoons, I kneel.

>> No.67620302
Quoted by: >>67636606

>They're probably never doing another Zaion again
The zaion thing should not have happened in the first place. Public firings with listed grievances like that traditionally happen when a lesser known company has to fire a comparatively larger idol because her list of shit is too much for them to keep up with. Niji sent that message because their management all hang out in a discord together and tell each other how smart and they are, as they all wipe their asses and pick their nose with the same hand. They will tell each other it is the managers deft skill that causes a talent to get a 1k viewer bump playing a buffgame, but that it is the talents failure that the new merch wave with generic art assets copied on to a shirt sold less, and because everyone else agrees with them they honestly think its true. It doesnt even matter if the company secretly fired the guy who wrote that particular letter because whoever they replaced him with is in the exact same discord group with the exact same culture and will also come to believe that the time a talent dared to say 'these nuts' on stream is a crime worthy of repeating because it was so terrible it forced them to send two emails.

>> No.67620384

>2-3 months
I really hope this doesn't drag on that long. Selen doesn't deserve that...

>> No.67620401

Anycolor caring about PR
lol, lmao even

>> No.67620480

Sure, but if they drop a graduation announcement in the current mood it's likely to affect the sales of that voice pack. Doubly so if it's not just a grad, but her geting Zaion'd. While they hold though people are uncertain and thus much more likely to buy.

>> No.67620558
Quoted by: >>67620805

the thing is that Nijisanji has never done the things that "makes the most sense" otherwise they wouldn't be in this position

>> No.67620805

Exactly. They are like Frieren demons, mimicking speech to fool humans out of their money

>> No.67620892
Quoted by: >>67621007

They will go with a third option much worse than both of these and no one will be able to understand the thought process.

>> No.67620938

Isn't that in itself against their rules?
Anycolor seems to take rm activity more seriously than Holo.

>> No.67621007
File: 407 KB, 677x532, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67621138

>We are pleased to announce the live beheading of Selen Tatsuki

>> No.67621087

She gets paid in yen, afaik, so 15k is a ton more money.

>> No.67621138
Quoted by: >>67621330

>>we are pleased to announce the live beheading of Selen Tatsuki
Now this would be avant-garde vtubing

>> No.67621236
Quoted by: >>67621408

>Selen's MV is - legally speaking - Anycolor's property.
Japanese copyright law is a bit more complex than that. Artists' rights are permanent and irrevocable, so anyone who worked on the MV owns whichever parts they contributed. You can only sell or transfer commercial exploitation rights. So, depending on the terms of their contract Anycolor may be the only people allowed to make money from the MV, but they don't own it.

>> No.67621330
File: 750 KB, 864x746, ,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67621367

cutting-edge innovation, you could say

>> No.67621367

something, something, her long neck

>> No.67621371

Petition for anycolour to terminate selen's contract.

>> No.67621401

>They simply don't care because there will be people sucking their dick regardless
Niji EN is doing terribly and can barely keep up with some weird rabbit from a Canadian coffee company and the built in viewership for their new gens is almost nonexistent.

>> No.67621408

Oh yeah I heard about that. It is why manga continuations after a death or when there is a dispute is so hard to do

>> No.67621735

What throne??

>> No.67621741

> /nijien/
> watching streams
most of their time is spent /soc/posting

>> No.67621779
File: 166 KB, 457x457, 1630834771722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor dragoons, here have some Selen porn.

>> No.67621862

Didnt some female asian actress just straight up vanish?

>> No.67622013
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>> No.67622037
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>> No.67622228
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>> No.67622561

I aint clicking that shit nigga.

>> No.67622686
Quoted by: >>67623026

And the rest of NijiEN will act as if nothing's wrong and nothing terrible is being done to their coworker and not especially something threatening that hangs over all of them like a sword of damocles.

>> No.67622742

we /meat/ now? HOT

>> No.67622935

she's returning in the next week. expect either monday or saturday.

>> No.67623026

Millie will throw Selen under the bus, her clip will ban any comment critical of Niji, and everyone else will fall in line as their viewers shrink

>> No.67623855

Lmao I second this. Please!

>> No.67624415

i'm not clicking that

>> No.67624749
Quoted by: >>67627955

If I had a choice between every Enna fan dropping dead or SEA getting rangebanned off the board...
Well, I'm not gonna say it'd be an easy choice, but I think that it's a fair trade to have to choose between one or the other.

>> No.67624824

Talking about her art commissions. She knew that she was getting plenty of free time to do so now.
While her RM account ceased activities, she's still giving cryptic updates through her steam names. Like she was playing Palworld.

>> No.67625954
Quoted by: >>67626843

Yep. It's a major failing with our modern justice system. The process is the punishment.

>> No.67626642
Quoted by: >>67627121

This ratt is very unlikely since if she did try to commit suicide, she'd have been held by the hospital for 72 hours for observation. But she got out in a day.
The more likely rrat is she had a panic attack due to the years of abuse from Nijisanji finally reaching a bursting point with them taking down her MV and suspending her, and was taken to the hospital over that.

This is classic black company behavior. They suspend Selen so she can't earn money, but at the same time, she can't stream on her own time to make enough to live because that would be a breach of contract and would get her blacklisted from any other corpo even if her doing it justified since Nijisanji is just doing this to ruin her.

>> No.67626843

This, I worked for a convention that was set up to be competition for another one in the area, but was very lazily run.
Instead of improving themselves, the bigger con used some technicality to take us to court and just bleed the smaller one dry until they had to go under even though the suit was dismissed.

This is why SLAPP suits need be made illegal.

>> No.67626960

She actually died in said "accident" and they are trying to keep it as secret for as long as possible

>> No.67627016
Quoted by: >>67627594

I didn't know a corpo can restrict you from tweeting on your rm account like this.

>> No.67627121
File: 95 KB, 694x500, Cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67627710

>she'd have been held by the hospital for 72 hours for observation
She literally was. We only HEARD she was in the hospital close to her release, we didn't hear >"Hey going to the hospital"
She did her thing, silence, then we learned what happened. That's a few days worth of time.
Unless you have proof this was "Give me rent", she's not.

>> No.67627594
Quoted by: >>67628083

They can't, she's choosing not to.

>> No.67627710

If that was actually the case, they would have never given her access to her phone while she was under observation, so all signs point to it not being mental health crisis.

>> No.67627955

You are perhaps naively thinking that there is no considerable overlap.

>> No.67628083

yeah, it's so obvious that she's coming back. she wouldn't be silent as notSelen if anycolor did shitcan her.

>> No.67628162
Quoted by: >>67628440

If she comes back as Selen then it means she agrees with being nothing without the niji brand and became a corporate bootlicker like Millie and Luca.

>> No.67628440

Especially considering she was never that active as notselen these days unless it was to retweet/like and the occasional post. This is the most she's been active in awhile on it even ignoring obvious reasons.
>then it means she agrees with being nothing

>> No.67628870
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 1636272599439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67629145

Why didn't Selen just hold the graduation bait video until after she announced she was graduating? That way everything would have been above board with management and Selen wouldn't be put through the ringer.

>> No.67628932
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, paul is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After she gets evicted from her house and lives on the street away from any mic, I wonder how her voice will sound like ... being taken over by another

>> No.67629145
Quoted by: >>67630117

>Selen wants to graduate
>Management won't let her because she's one of their top talents and they just lost Pomu
>Tries to get terminated instead
>They put her in limbo

>> No.67629208

how can they possible deny her alternative income sources if they don't allow her to earn money as selen? they can't just let her starve.

>> No.67629304

I already accepted she'll be the next one to graduate

>> No.67629307

I am not fucking clicking that.

>> No.67629953

What in the fuck lmao

>> No.67630117

Pomu didn't exit until after Selen got screwed. You could even say it was because of Selen that Pomu left. She learned from how management treated Selen and decided she'd just say "I'm leaving". No tricks.

>> No.67630379

Same, seems like a grift.

>> No.67630514

Pomu made her decision to graduate all the way back in July retarded dragoon. The vtubing world doesn't orbit around Selen no matter how hard she tries to take credit for everything.

>> No.67630680

It's so over...

>> No.67630705
File: 104 KB, 1180x880, 1617019836902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand the appeal of /meat/ which is fine as long as it stays contained in its own thread. This is more high-effort than I expected though so I don't mind but holy shit nigger what the fuck.

>> No.67631173
Quoted by: >>67631270

Another month of silence before graduation announcement that's effective immediately gets posted. It will talk about mutual agreement on her parting with the company, citing simply health reasons that make it unable for her to continue.

>> No.67631270

>citing simply health reasons that make it unable for her to continue
Then she will go live the very next day on her PL and grind Apex for 10 hours.

>> No.67631677

Yes. And it's going to render the board unusable for a day, because catalog will flood from threads being baked about it. There will be cope of her maybe being now bound in wheelchair and unable to ever do 3D so that's why they let her go, and then she posts "I'm perfectly healthy and I'm going to live my life" just like spacegirl did.

>> No.67631839
Quoted by: >>67631941

She's graduated on her PL.

>> No.67631884
File: 541 KB, 1280x720, 1689519468611013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now hear me out. I understand everyone saying "NIJI will sue!" But counterpoint: If Selen tells them to fuck off and goes scorched earth harder than Zaion, she'll probably be legally screwed in Japan. But if she just never does anything involving Japan until Niji collapses, then all of that legal shit will be moot and she'll come out the winner.

It won't take long for Niji to implode considering the ammo that Selen has against them.

>> No.67631941
Quoted by: >>67632125

She can very easily ungraduate if she so chose to.

>> No.67632005

Pomu's decision was probably approved by management a while ago, before Selen got fucked over. That said, it probably convinced her that she made the right choice and its better to leave before management thinks you've worn out your welcome.

>> No.67632099

Zaion just dipped cause they were and did implode there was no reason for a broke girl to go nuclear when her frail body couldn't take it.
The real question is if she really took the nuclear football with her and if she'll deploy it to save Selen from abuse.
The clique doesn't really have any other options so they're there forever.

>> No.67632125
Quoted by: >>67632350

Most do not do this. This is why who use RM/PL accounts they tend to go facecam streaming or start a new identity if they graduate from a current persona.

>> No.67632350
Quoted by: >>67634741

>Most do not do this.
Most don't have to resort to begging for money because their black company employer is literally preventing them from streaming to earn money.

>> No.67633231

Doesn't work like that, also you just want to Selen to do it because you hate the Nijis, and not because it's in Selen's best interest.
You feigned support for Zaion for the same thing and then ditched her the moment it was convenient.

>> No.67633338

Op said rrats not incredibly retarded niji dicksucking lmao

>> No.67633467
Quoted by: >>67633717

I donno why people act like Zaion's case is some tragedy and she died after she was "abandoned by the dramafags". She's got a model and streams full time as mid-high 3view and probably makes very good money even after she gets done paying her husband alimony. She's not a top vtuber but she's doing quite well for an indie and easily out-earns something like half of nijishitters.

>> No.67633477
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Quoted by: >>67636289

I've watched every single Sayu stream since she started to actively simulcast to YT. There is no person I like enough to watch Twitch.

>> No.67633621
Quoted by: >>67633655

I bet this is the same retarded brownoid who just spams porn in /HAHA/ if anyone talks about how long shes been gone.

>> No.67633655
Quoted by: >>67633964

>retarded brownoid
Dont project too much anon

>> No.67633698

are you implying niji threads arent garbage the second theyre created?

>> No.67633717

She could be doing better if the circumstances were better but the timeline made it so that she had to start streaming without a full debut because it's her full time job, meaning she couldn't capitalize on the hype effectively

>> No.67633750

They literally fucked up everything she planned to do, down to even fucking up her own graduation message. The sheer incompetence on display is staggering. It's to the point where it looks more like malice or sabotage than mishaps.

>> No.67633878

I have only checked nijiEN threads less than 3 times in my life and I can assure you it is shit because the people who are regularly there are the problem

>> No.67633951

I genuinely hope Selen just decides to get the fuck out. She deserves better.

>> No.67633964

That doesnt even make sense in the context of their post you moron.

>> No.67634059

>I'm homosexual, please don't post lewds because it makes me uncomfy

>> No.67634095

Amerimutts should be killed for spreading their gender bullshit

>> No.67634741
Quoted by: >>67635297

>Most don't have to resort to begging for money
Proof next thread? Nothing is stopping her from earning money like she normally did and does. Others had side stuff or even jobs while vtubing, including those in both holo and niji.

>> No.67634894

Selen is already legally screwed in Japan. Truth is not an absolute defense against slander in Japan, and she slandered them by claiming that they took down her MV.
Granted, she could probably sue them in Japanese courts for slander, depending on how they word the termination notice. But she'd have to set up some sort of residency first in order to have standing to file the suit, and she might lose on the grounds that she didn't have residency in Japan when they slandered her. But if she ever steps foot in Japan, they'll hit her with a defamation suit before she even shows her passport to Customs - if she takes a trip to Taiwan, but the Anchorage-Taipei leg of the flight has to make an emergency landing in Japan, she's basically toast.

>> No.67635168
Quoted by: >>67636253

Not gonna read this whole thread but I've come to accept that she's been terminated and is just waiting for the letter to come out in February, no way she would take a one month break with dead silence coming from her end.

>> No.67635297

>Nothing is stopping her from earning money like she normally did and does.
Proof next thread?

>> No.67636253
Quoted by: >>67636391

She's getting fucked in the ass, that's what she's getting. She just wasted a ton of money into a video she couldn't monetize and she's not allowed to stream or to quit. She's in trouble.

>> No.67636289

>Using a twitch vtuber who's not Sayu

>> No.67636391

Should have taken the Pomu route: put in graduation notice and then continue as if nothing until the last couple of weeks. But now she fucked it all up and will become persona non-grata in the vtuber community just like sayu who has to resort to whoring herself out to z tier fleshies in order to survive.

>> No.67636606

This is a whole lot of rrating when the actual answer is obvious. They wanted the list to look substantial because they were firing a talent that was only at the company for like 2 months, and a lot of the stuff she was in trouble for they couldn't detail because of NDA. They obviously went overboard since even a lot of casual observers looked at the list and thought it seemed inflated, but that is a tactic that many companies have used before when letting go of workers that are notable enough to require a public statement. It's not new and it's not special to Nijisanji, but they likely expected Sayu to take it sitting down and keep her gagged with the threat of an NDA. That she then went to a lawyer and carefully constructed a statement that would not break any NDA's and ruin their own rep isn't what they would have expected because most Japanese workers would have taken the abuse and moved on.

>> No.67636699

Pomu saw the writing on the wall in time. Poor Selen was too naive and now she fell into an almost literal death trap.

>> No.67637082
File: 478 KB, 662x720, 1683839574657928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67637167

>Persona non grata
Nah. She's got friends in high places.

>> No.67637167
Quoted by: >>67637216

She has zero friends in vshojo. And no Froot was not her friend. They just sometimes played apex together but had a falling out when Froot decided to drop apex and became a variety streamer.

>> No.67637216
Quoted by: >>67637256

Don't worry, she will once Pomu joins them.

>> No.67637256

Pomu will never join vwhorejo
