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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 122 KB, 1469x1024, 1677385988522569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67050737 No.67050737 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."

Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight. Don't turn this general into /cgl/, please.

>Last thread FAQ:

Something something about building a harem
/wasp/ie revealing real voice (which is better than fake one)
is it worth setting up a throne?
/wasp/ie wanna collab with other females but too autistic
/here/ chuubas ignore viewers
How to get people to sub more to your channel? (Nobody really knows)
/wasp/ie how into shorts
Something about LLC

Are you an expert on any of these topics? Drop by! Your opinion is welcome!


>Some resources

>threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous >>67022573

>> No.67051053

>dies at 140 posts
it's time to let it go

>> No.67051218
Quoted by: >>67059612

yeah i found what you were talking about
>We are updating the PayPal Privacy Statement to describe the account and personal information that can be seen by PayPal account holders and non-account holders (collectively “Users”) when you use the business profile service. You will be able to review and manage what business profile information is seen by other Users in your business profile settings.
depending on the settings, what you’re allowed to hide, this might be fine with me. i’ll look into the LLC thing thanks

>> No.67051263

Why are /asp/ies (that one guy) so mad that their monopoly on advice that they didn't provide anyways, is compromized?

>> No.67051817

Thou shall not split the thread

>> No.67052293
File: 321 KB, 542x600, 1682987246382139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67060380

>> No.67053661


>> No.67054765

I can't believe females are NGMI! The male thread is still standing. This proves it lass, we gotta pack it up!

>> No.67055151
Quoted by: >>67055831

au contraire, it's because they are gmi that a female focused /asp/ are not possible, since most female vtubers will get advice from other vtubers they know.
A focused advice and start-up thread is not bumpable, hence why /asp/ is a drama thread and club for ngmi males to scout out newbies, give eachother views and to ride the tailcoat of females.

>> No.67055831


>> No.67056713
Quoted by: >>67058376


>> No.67056774

less posts less crab

>> No.67057440
Quoted by: >>67058265

There are female only openings for this small corpo. Why not apply rather than pander to /asp/ies and trannies.


>> No.67058265

Because we all gotta start somewhere

>> No.67058376


>> No.67058683

how to do GFE as a lesbian

>> No.67058988


>> No.67059023

pretend you’re talking to girls

>> No.67059605

you should play kekken

>> No.67059612

for me, the thing with the LLC is, it feels too complicated, laws are too complicated and ever changing, I'm going overlook something, and one day my full name will just be there on Google

>> No.67060355

OPSEC is only as good as you make it

>> No.67060380
Quoted by: >>67060513

/vt/-tan is cute

>> No.67060513
File: 85 KB, 1217x1141, 1687525035736807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead, we got this

>> No.67060722
Quoted by: >>67073647

>makes a female split
>uses a picture of a failed male vtuber

>> No.67061476

Since i prefer not to bake, im wondering if the anons in >>66818234 are currently watching her.
from less than 2 ccv to having 25 ccv at the moment, i'd say its pretty good.

>> No.67062260
File: 257 KB, 350x350, 1697848798607607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67091784

The old asp died all the time before it became /mvp/ 2
go ask Elliot Ambers
It's not an issue

Topic threads are slower than community threads, but community threads die to discords - which is why activity on asp was so slow during the icecreamcord era too

Every thread is a split of someone, and a father of someone. Else we will still be in Virtual Youtubers back in /jp/. You all fought this split long enough, it has happened three times already. /asp/ will keep getting worse and worse until steam is released. It's time to let go. The cycle of death and rebirth must continue

How can I try to explain?
When I do, he turns away again
It's always been the same
Same old story
From the moment I could talk
I was older to listen
Now, there's a way and I know
That I have to go away
I know, I have to grow

>> No.67062488
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 1703164069639855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67062501

last time the vt catalog found a darling turned out to be a man with a voice chancer and they had a meltdown
good times

>> No.67062501
Quoted by: >>67062567

i was there
i still watch kano sometimes

>> No.67062567
Quoted by: >>67062976

how is he doing? /jp/ dont do it out of malice, their babi culture is just different
It's in the west where is not that well understood that vtubers are just live anime, thats why no one plays characters, but shit different over there

>> No.67062976
Quoted by: >>67063160

he seems alright, sadly hasnt inclined but there's a few loyal viewers in his chat. he also interacts with them. very few jp.

>> No.67063132

From what I read, most male aspies don't care. There is however one homobeggar really scared about "future male aspies" being left to rot.

This is how the scenario goes on his head, I believe

- Current asp is a mix of female and male vtubers
- Starting female vtubers recieve raids from male vtubers trying to groom her
- Female vtubers grow
- Female vtubers now think they are part of the "community" which gave them so much support, then show up in the chats of any male aspie debuting, unlike most of their male peers. This is how they "pay back"
- Them might raid them too, which displeases the old aspies, since now they have new competition, they would rather receive those raids and attention to themselves.
- New male vtubers get "integrated" in the community, manage to escape the 0 view hell and now look for new females to groom, and the cycle repeats.

This is what he thinks will happen if /wasp/ continues to exist:

- Female vtubers, like mutton, start posting in the thread.
- This attract male vtubers, who are still seeking for targets, So when they debut, male asps raid her anyway.
- Some of them post in both asp and wasp, but they get more yous in the female only thread despite it being slower.
- Eventually they stop dual posting, no longer learning who the new male vtubers are.
- The chain is broken because males don't care for each other, this will be the last male generation to ever get views or raids. This works for well for "stablished" male vtubers since they wont get competition anymore, but fucks up any newcomer who has no females to leech.
- Females only learn about nfemale ewcomers from the /wasp/ threads, forming their own "community" only with women and the men who already have views.
- This makes the homobeggar cry and beg for collabs for their homos to female vtubers and to other males, but his cries go in vain: Nor his fellow men or the women care about his new grooming targets.
- Everyone wins except the new fuckers and him who will eventually see all his new groom targets fail and quit.

I think this is why he is so scared of this thread, but I don't think he is right. Women will very likely keep posting in both, like mutton just did.

>> No.67063160

he could probably do better with a simul translation

>> No.67063302
Quoted by: >>67066308

break up with her now. You wont be able to compete with endless men showering her with money and affection, many of them considerably richer than you are. I lost count of how many chuubas made their boyfriends mods only to cuck said mods with another mod. You will lose her.
Friends dont let friends become vtubers

>> No.67063371
File: 3.05 MB, 3000x1680, 1702765639129807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67075640


>> No.67063551

Well I subscribed, Iike it when they simply dont know whats going on

>> No.67064168
File: 161 KB, 1400x1400, IMG_4859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinna is playing palworld:

>> No.67064239

finally, links

>> No.67064873
File: 652 KB, 860x1338, bg_Tokoyami-Towa_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67065133

moring was- what the hell

>> No.67065133

you slept and the thread died
don't sleep anymore

>> No.67065175

How to stay parasocial but not overdo it? I have to hold back saying i love you to each chat member

>> No.67065260

have you tried killing yourself?

>> No.67065275
File: 73 KB, 225x225, 1703414163243376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parasocial good
telling your viewers you love them
>parasocial bad
telling your viewers you love them in dms

>> No.67065333

Ask this in /asp/ and I'll give you a serious answer

>> No.67065404
Quoted by: >>67065695

ok towa

>> No.67065431
File: 9 KB, 219x213, 1692436222538735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67065534

>I have to hold back saying i love you to each chat member

try treating the chat as a collective entity and poor your love into that being.
Use your fanbase name instead of individual names and you do as much lovebombing as you want without anyone misunderstanding or feeling excluded

>> No.67065534

thats some >poor

>> No.67065695
File: 299 KB, 619x551, 1695129380198806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67067969

Not me but play tekken

also puzzle finish will load a new one

>> No.67066308
File: 2.54 MB, 1594x1916, 1692719474556071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Donto changa
Play fighta
Donto lets gooooo
Donto crabba
Donto feminaiza chatta
Donto breaka
Donto parasocia

>> No.67067199

Is the site imploding for anyone else?

>> No.67067380

Can trans females post themselves here?

>> No.67067805
Quoted by: >>67067969

I'm not sure how to overcome this anxiety I have, I've been working on a vtuber branding and lore and have an AI generated PNG I don't mind starting with, but I never streamed before and I'm very introverted, thus I know my first lives will be horrible, yet, I like my character so much I don't want to start it with the wrong foot.
I also badly want to pull the plug and comission a proper model but that's obviously an awful choice for someone with no experience.

>> No.67067969
Quoted by: >>67070030

The answer is the same as /asp/'s-- Just Go Live™.
You can stream to the void once or twice, then post your link so you'll get a couplr of viewers from here.

Check /asp/'s Laine if you want a girl fightan player, she plays Granblue. I suppose you already know Rura plays kekken.

>> No.67068088
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1693395672632148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67077339

this entire thread is filled with grown men pretending to be females (trannies) and grown men acting like it isn't filled with trannies (tranny chasers) so likely. no women's space belongs to only women now anyway with how much you troons push your agenda

>> No.67068987

i’m not a terf or anything but it would be nice to be able to only talk with female vtubers anonymously, or at least vtubers who seem female idk some troons it’s not easy to tell
women have different strategies as vtubers than obvious troons and males do, you shouldn’t post in this thread if u just want to validate your gender…

>> No.67069938
Quoted by: >>67070176

Ask this in /asp/ and I'll give you a serious answer

>> No.67070030
File: 433 KB, 552x500, 1683918481842240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67071133

I tried granblue and didn't like it, perhaps because it was too much like another game i didnt like DFN duel
Does she play anything else?

>> No.67070137

Use the threads to find genuine female aspies or join the discord. DM the female ones and then get into the group chats with pure females.

>> No.67070176

is this the first wasp meme ?

>> No.67070234
Quoted by: >>67070468

im not a terf because i'm not a radical feminist, im just trans exclusive
as a fem vtuber i agree, like sorry but i wanna talk to other girls not agp men that get off to having over sexualized models

>> No.67070317
File: 1.16 MB, 1154x575, 1690462367738860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm checking your 2view
anything I should know before I decide if I'm going to stay?

>> No.67070468
File: 1.23 MB, 900x900, 1678904275721809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67070616

writing style and the fact that you are posting from a new ip everytime suggests you are not a girl but the tranny schizo trying to stir shit, tho

>> No.67070545
Quoted by: >>67070635

she selfposts in this site, thats a redflag already I suppose, but seems mostly yab free otherwise

>> No.67070616
Quoted by: >>67070945

idk how my writing style suggests that i'm not a girl, but i'm posting from a new ip because i haven't posted on any threads in months

>> No.67070635
File: 6 KB, 131x148, 1691415919047010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67074983

Well this is an interesting redeem
I will farm her just for this in another tab

>> No.67070945
File: 45 KB, 252x360, 1701939045837518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67073856

>idk how my writing style suggests that i'm not a girl,

Well, I will explain since this will help women mask their writing styles


Also, women usually tend to care a lot about the presentation of their posts, so they take care not to make typos and use proper punctuation. Think about how men and women treat the way they look.

There is a loophole however: severely depressed women stop caring about their appearance, both in their writing and in real life.
So if you are a really a girl, I will have to ask: are you daiyoubu?

>> No.67071133
File: 130 KB, 519x815, IMG_8499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play and learn literally whatever as long as there are other people to learn with. Just hard committing to GBVSR because I'd like to compete

>> No.67071249

put tekken 8 in your throne, you will like it. It's very popular with women because apparently "the males are hot"
all the girls in fig will be playing and you can make new friends
There is a girl there who boosted herself to 50s in less than 5 months just by hosting tournaments

>> No.67071390
Quoted by: >>67071728

also link yourself now so I can post you in fig when you stream fightans, thats what I do with rura

>> No.67071394
Quoted by: >>67071567

I don't really wanna use Throne, but I might end up buying it on my own later down the line. I've played T7 but not enough to get good or seriously lab the game, just played with friends and low-tier ladder andies. Still waiting for a character on the 8 roster to call out to me (maybe Azucena I guess)

>> No.67071567
Quoted by: >>67071728

you should try tekken 7 a bit during this week since people are playing it waiting for tekken 8
GB is still FOTM but I think it will die out a bit with T8
fgc people are whores with no loyalty they will jump to whatever game is new

>> No.67071728
File: 211 KB, 711x228, GBf6NWSXkAANwcC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitch.tv/laineikaros; https://twitter.com/laineikaros

something I wanna start working on soon is running a tournament series every 2-3 months where I announce a poverty fighter a week/a month in advance and everyone has that amount of time to prep for that random fighter, it'd be stupid and fun

Will either run it this weekend or next week then. I need an excuse to lab it and reinstall it. I'm a granblue andy because i'm a granblue (gacha) andy first and Cagliostro exists so I have to play her

>> No.67072158
File: 602 KB, 640x480, 1686836502136423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I announce a poverty fighter a week/a month in advance and everyone has that amount of time to prep for that random fighter,
matcherino is your friend here, you can start giving them money with that with 0 imput on your part

I would also recommend silly tournaments that attract casuals, like this one

FT1 E.Honda tourneys. Most people avoid tourneys because they have no chance of winning, so you can even out the odds by making it something stupid and still giving them a chance to win money

Damn I wish there were any good SF6 avatar tournaments, I could show my towa model

>> No.67072935
File: 2.88 MB, 2040x2720, 1699295128543321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67073420

Love me Ant Andy

>> No.67072965
Quoted by: >>67073420

I have seen a lot of vtubers checking this game
I thought everyone hated pokemon after the shitfest that was the last one

>> No.67073420

Pokemon fans suffer from sonic syndrome
they get off to abuse at this point

I seen this vtuber here but never seen her links

>> No.67073490

Thats the biggest amount of VTs I seen in a chat ever

>> No.67073647

>/asp/ was founded by a tripfag man who ended up being a failure of a vtuber
>becomes a den of failed men


>> No.67073856
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1699178291461673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67074104

i am daiiiijouuuubuuuuuuu

>> No.67074104
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>> No.67074322
File: 382 KB, 720x564, 1687396532166374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67074752

next one loading

>> No.67074550

This is clearly an advice thread and not a social one as evidenced by the numerous puzzles and avatarfagging

>> No.67074752
File: 481 KB, 969x777, 1690768304671992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more puzzla

>> No.67074828

but less of this at least >>67066392

>> No.67074983
Quoted by: >>67075815

What are some good redeems ( for girls only)?

>> No.67075036

/asp/ never taught me how to commit tax fraud tho

>> No.67075640
File: 129 KB, 1263x729, 1705679427029610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67075902


>> No.67075815
Quoted by: >>67080835

Drawing a doodle with your foot (just say you are using your foot and instead use your off hand and make the doodle extra shaky and bad on purpose)

>> No.67075902
Quoted by: >>67075998

he was so powerful the author had to kill him because he was broken

>> No.67075998
Quoted by: >>67076049

He did my crush gojo dirty. Killed off screen

>> No.67076049

I have the feeling he is going to resurrect, this manga is full of bullshit anyway

>> No.67077339
Quoted by: >>67078999

I dont have a problem with replying to larpers, the question is valid the answer can help any girls lurking (mutton basically)

>> No.67078999

there are two others at least
larpers larp for their sake

>> No.67079728
File: 310 KB, 500x672, 1685980974404330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67080501

next puzzla soon

>> No.67080332
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1703108704516329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she forgot to link herself playing not pokemon...

>> No.67080501
File: 489 KB, 519x815, 1694376176115852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67080633
File: 23 KB, 365x342, 1702854817039090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs to work on her redeem game

>> No.67080813
Quoted by: >>67080907

>the males are hot
and yet the hottest one of all isn't in tekken 8

>> No.67080835


>> No.67080907
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1705260816559985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67081048

Leo is in there tho

>> No.67081048
Quoted by: >>67081735

nah, the coyote can have him

>> No.67081370
Quoted by: >>67081668

This is already better than asp, at least people are trying to give advice here and it isn't filled with people arguing about rrats and who is more mentally ill and other crabbing so it's easier to see links

>> No.67081668

honestly asp has grown too much for it's own good, it was never meant to be a fast thread
Everything happened because male vtubers are too fragile to move to wvt nowdays.
Gen 0? They were born in the fire that melted the zoomers at the entrance. It isnt even a fraction of how insane it was pre vt days
Gael used to have meltdowns everyday instead of the usual once a week and he used to have a trip
Those were the days

>> No.67081735

who then

>> No.67081803
File: 1.35 MB, 640x1136, 1692935997435617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67081848

that game looks like fortnite, why are the graphics so bad, is it a switch game?

>> No.67082038
File: 15 KB, 475x181, 1696123150029646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67082664

this name sounds familiar to me for some reason
I checked the twitter and it is dead
Any rrats?

>> No.67082142
File: 14 KB, 399x200, 1690677497988604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well an easy redeem is "name a pokemon after me" if thats what she is playing.

Clio had something like this for EU4 and it was very successful

>> No.67082162
Quoted by: >>67082479

long hair

>> No.67082184

One of my viewers wants me to know if I will record custom asmr for them. How much should I charge

>> No.67082360
File: 362 KB, 550x319, 1692029564442800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67092543

make it a donothon reward to the highest donor
when you don't know the price of something, you should let the market decide, and auctions are the most effective way of finding out

t. economist

>> No.67082479
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x675, 1695109590478516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have some weird taste in men if this is you husbando

>> No.67082664
Quoted by: >>67082752

he's kliffothvt now

>> No.67082752
Quoted by: >>67082964

oh, the mothman
I seen him being talked about in /cbdct/
well, before they kicked the indies out

>> No.67082779

good mutton morning! i will be laying low for a while as i prep more stuff but i hope everyone has a nice day

>> No.67082859
File: 1.27 MB, 1235x824, 1697831544850092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mutt
be sure to drop some early designs every so often so we can make edits

>> No.67082962

Good morning!!!

>> No.67082964
Quoted by: >>67083065

they kicked out indies because he was caught selfposting

>> No.67083065
Quoted by: >>67083205

for real? do you have the links? that sounds hilarious

>> No.67083205


>> No.67083918

may this be a lesson for all vtubers here

>> No.67084023
Quoted by: >>67086306

>i prep more stuff
what are you cooking?

>> No.67084249

Is it worthy raiding males as a fem vtuber? I don't think any of their viewers has ever subscribed back to me, but when I raid my friends I usually get 3 at least.
I want to help them but I don't know if I'm helping them at all.

>> No.67084274

How important are schedules?
They make me anxious and I find I stream better/more consistently when I don't have one but Is it super necessary for twitch streamers?

>> No.67084332
Quoted by: >>67084519

They will never make it. Best to leave them in the dump where they belong

>> No.67084362

I don't have one either :D

>> No.67084504

I’m still waiting on you to groom me

>> No.67084519

not beating the unicorn thread allegations here but >>67084332 is right. If you want to help your male friends you need to shill them to women and if your audience is mostly men it wont work.
You should have a gender ratio thing in your statistics: wait until you know which streams you make bring women and raid them then.

You need to really think about what "kind" of male are you rading into: your regular audience is probably ok with a brotuber but if you bring them into a fujoshitter doing CBT script reading they will not only leave as fast as they can but a poor fella who was asleep is going to have gay dreams

Very important but not so important you shouldnt break them every so often.

>> No.67084748

I don't particularly like to link myself, I didn't forget

Never know what to do. I know I need to add some but I always feel like most redeems are a bit overwhelming and that's not really the vibe I'm going for

>> No.67084763


>> No.67085451
File: 8 KB, 380x179, login.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most redeems are a bit overwhelming

Some simple, non stream-disturbing redeems you can pick right now:

- A redeem to say hi: 200
- Water/stretch: 100 (stay hydrated dammit)
- A redeem to say you are having audio issues 1
- A "first!" redeem
- A daily login card redeem: 100 ( check Halbernatch)
- 100.000 for VIP (every time it is redeemed it costs more, this is Leaflit's tactic sort of)

the last one will motivate people to keep watching and the rest are very non intrusive.

If you really really don't want to add stuff at least remove the default ones, it looks lazy to the trained eye.

>> No.67085521

well if you dont mind I will link you from now on then

>> No.67086306

i am making a (much better quality) sketch of my design! i made my youtube and twitter as well

>> No.67086434

will wait for it !

>> No.67086586
Quoted by: >>67086686

The viewers have finally realized after years of abuse by females that only the bros are there for them

>> No.67086602
File: 574 KB, 1052x673, puzzlke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzla over soon
please give suggestions im running out of ideas

>> No.67086686

Nah fuck male vtubers. If you were my bro you wouldnt be trying so hard to fuck the girl I like.
U r just a bitch no true hommie

>> No.67086688

Why are the females so stupidly easily impressed? You do the most basic thing to them and they feel they owe you their life. No wonder they get groomed and have mental breakdowns all the time

>> No.67086818
Quoted by: >>67087076

Do not underestimate the power of bro unity. They will get by just fine without women

>> No.67087076 [SPOILER] 
File: 998 KB, 640x960, 1675190347174225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro unity wasnt enough to keep mvp alive
male chuuba is the wolf of male chuuba they are all competition to each other for the same pool of girls

Bro unity is a sham. There is one thing however that might save them:
Jong unity
In my experience so far, males only watch each other when they are playing mahjong
my prediction is that asp will finally die, and /jong/ will take its place

>> No.67087165
Quoted by: >>67087242

The second should not be so cheap that it can be spammed that easily

>> No.67087242

300 and 5 minute cooldown then

>> No.67087261
Quoted by: >>67087404

The bros are too busy streaming to maintain such threads

>> No.67087404
Quoted by: >>67132932

>The bros are too busy streaming to maintain such threads

Seems like they can easily do both at the same time >>67083205

>> No.67087660
File: 506 KB, 947x631, 1674644000726373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzla done new puzzla soon

>> No.67088320
File: 1.46 MB, 894x924, 1697786515875945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67095064


Donto browsa
I plan my day according to those so schedula

>> No.67088485
File: 34 KB, 832x429, Screenshot 2024-01-19 171052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a few. Always forget that channel points are a thing. Will just end up adding more down the line

>> No.67088612
File: 1.87 MB, 1284x1323, 1698003535077830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67088696

kinda cheap , be sure to eventually rise the price

>> No.67089047
Quoted by: >>67091675

who will be our main /jong/ers

>> No.67089246

I'm going to make a company called "simp secure" where girls upload verification that they are really girls and not using a voice changer and then we give them a token they can send to their simps so they know it is really a girl.

>> No.67090219
Quoted by: >>67090433

>male vtubers are too fragile to move to wvt nowdays
Every male I have ever talked to about posting in /wvt/ saw literally 0 results from it, no matter how much they posted. NOBODY in /wvt/ cares about anyone other than their favourites or new grooming targets, and it's been like that for years.

>> No.67090433
Quoted by: >>67091027

Every male I've given a chance from these threads is either entirely uninteresting, and/or obviously only there trying to chase some other 2view woman to groom. The reality is male tubers can't live off being a 2view with dedicated simps like women can, and they need to have some stand out quality to make it anywhere, like uwu to owo

>> No.67090440
Quoted by: >>67092913

Sure is a lot of talk about males in the WOMEN thread.

>> No.67091027
Quoted by: >>67091327

"The males suck"
"So do the females you're just horny"
"Yeah so what female hobby"
I wonder how many thousands of posts on this entire board could be distilled into these 3 sentences

>> No.67091327
Quoted by: >>67091568

You're a retard if that's what you read. The males+females suck, but there's no audience for males that suck. Can you tell me the audience for a small, generic male vtuber?

>> No.67091568

That's anon's point. Most who only watch girls are lonely coomers. That goes double if you only watch 2 view girls.

>> No.67091675

Uwu and Kongou will lead the herd

>> No.67091784
Quoted by: >>67092285

Most of this thread is puzzles and talking about the /asp/ thread, not much to do with what you claim it to be for

>> No.67091984
Quoted by: >>67092588

my issue is as a woman i’m too retarded about this sort of thing and i’m afraid of fucking up my taxes or getting in legal trouble, i’ve looked into it a little and anonymous LLCs are an option depending on what state you’re in, double LLCs improve privacy too but is all of that even necessary for this, it’s just vtubing
in my personal opinion if you aren’t actually female you shouldn’t post here since it’s contrary to what the thread is supposed to be about, that said this is an anonymous website and you may have concerns that align with the females /here/ so as long as you’re anonymous it doesn’t really matter and it might depend on exactly what advice you’re seeking
a question about something like voice training might not garner much response because for obvious reasons women (female) don’t need to do that, but if you use a voice changer and babiniku well enough you might have questions that align with the people /here/ like avoiding creeps or schizos so it depends on what your concerns are and whether or not actual women can relate to them
my best advice would be to float between both threads since you’re going to have issues that may be suited for either thread or if you can seek out the advice of small indies that you know are like you since you’re going to have concerns that are unique to your situation and don’t exactly align with typical men or women
just my two cents though

>> No.67092285
Quoted by: >>67093766

We also discuss tax fraud, killing all the mods, tanning lolis, and leaving male vtubers to rot raidless.
If you only see the puzzles is because you are speed reading.

>> No.67092543
Quoted by: >>67094058

Auctions are not good for the individual buyers of the market, only for the auction holder due to the overpricing of goods on auction, which leads to buyers remorse and dissatisfaction generally.
The Asmr will end up being overpriced and the people that payed for it would feel cheated if you made custom asmr's later for a lower price than they payed. So generally putting it as a donothon reward is a bad idea, if you want to make custom asmrs as a general service.
t. economist student

>> No.67092588

You probably wont be making enough for it to matter and if you're really paranoid just use what twitch provides. they handle taxes for you too

>> No.67092620

you know what you should definitively add?
A "fight me right now" redeem like the one Dante has, that is if you are going the fighting game route.
That way you will know when to stop doing ranked

>> No.67092913

well, who else was going to post here?

>> No.67093110
File: 248 KB, 590x683, 1699642194570837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67094576


>> No.67093766
Quoted by: >>67094466

Tax fraud is illegal and therefore against site rules

>> No.67094058
File: 549 KB, 733x385, 1687810086761473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67100477

You are forgetting about artificial scarcity.
In theory she could mass produce custom asmrs, but she shouldn't.
They should be locked behind a vault and only be pull out as rewards to donothons, that will keep the prices high and everyone will be happy.
When a game opens it's legacy skin vaults people lose their shit, because what is really worth it is that other people don't have it.
Costumer satisfaction is knowing other viewers wont have access to something like that, ever. This is how Tsunderia managed selling LITERAL rocks for $4000. These are called "wealth signaling items" and it's basically half the reason people buy apple products.

>only for the auction holder
fuck the oilers we rolling, which side are you on?

>> No.67094466
File: 7 KB, 406x123, 1702656146013156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akshually ,only if it's in the US
discussing how to commit tax crimes in other countries is not in the report list, apparently

So burgers, dont do this cool thing

>> No.67094576

you need people to look at you, but you also need to be worth looking at
that should be obvious

>> No.67095064
File: 339 KB, 823x487, 1681010277566789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzla don
I am officially out of ideas for edits
please post art of your waspshi

>> No.67097355
Quoted by: >>67097478

still working on my new sketch :(

>> No.67097478

please post em so I can make edits
any games you like? it doesnt have to be fightan

>> No.67097610
File: 446 KB, 841x791, IMG_7977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67098102

How can I become friends with the other wasp/asp girls? I dont want to selfpost...

>> No.67098294

follow on twitter any of the girls posted here and make art for them, no matter how bad
after a while everyone will notice the pattern but have no evidence

this is called being here adjacent and it is quite a big category

>> No.67098451

Rura, Mond, Rinna are very friendly and approachable. Be friendly and they'll adopt you into their circle.

>> No.67100284
File: 172 KB, 343x357, 1690123549018701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67146041


>> No.67100477
Quoted by: >>67100645

Great way to make people feel left out if you do it too soon

>> No.67100489
Quoted by: >>67102036

self posting opens a lot of doors but you can always mystery post and then tell your friends a certain poster was you all along

Like how meat is known in lig as the polkaposter

>> No.67100645

they should had known better than being poor

>> No.67101350
Quoted by: >>67101806

If we're talking numberwise, eventually you will reach a saturation (which is very quick within a circlejerk like /asp/) and you will be just be raiding into the same viewer pool.

If you really want to help your males, go raid outside your circle, make new friends and grow. Once you're big, go raid them. Although, it's not a guarantee.

I watch a sizeble /asp/ie. She finally "paid back" raid a male vtuber with hundred people raid. He gained some followers but he's still single digit ccv to this day

>> No.67101806

>Once you're big, go raid them.
this is pointless if you grow as a GFE vtuber, for example. They might even try to kill him

>> No.67102036

I'd rather mystery post desu, I see all the crabbing and would rather avoid it.

>> No.67102514
File: 8 KB, 173x204, 1691017837200357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67151450

seconding this

>> No.67102675

well, it's mostly one guy and you better learn to handle the shitters now, but it doesnt comes without risks, particularly if you have bad opsec

Always take the safe option, even if it means sacrificing growth , friends, or money. You will continue to exist after the stream is over, dont let the avatar take over your life

>> No.67103120

>, I see all the crabbing and would rather avoid it.
thats nice and all but if your trying to network, you have to bite the bullet

>> No.67103219
Quoted by: >>67111656

> 100.000 for VIP (every time it is redeemed it costs more, this is Leaflit's tactic sort of)
I don't recommend this even with Leaflit's strat unless you purge your VIP list periodically of inactives.

>> No.67103521
File: 203 KB, 989x1120, 1702755503645414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patreon is a good way to do this.

>> No.67104789

once i am more comfortable with how my accounts are set up i am pretty open to making friends :)
t. mutton

>> No.67105248

>chat in chat
>add twatter
>join dicsord
>slide into dm
there are so many better avenues outside here

>> No.67106721

i can't take it anymore im ordering a leverless fightstick

>> No.67107041

What's stopping you from having less input latency?

>> No.67108123

wvt has slowed down by a ton because there are no longer viewers viewing vtubers in /wvt/. There's no point posting in wvt anymore since everyone there has their one favourite to post and then they leave the thread while the rest who remain are the schizos that shit up trash and wvt that have been left there since everyone else that are cool moved to discords.

>> No.67108371

check the mau opsec guide in asp
never recycle an email for anything
delete all your social media or make at least it private
tell your retarded irl friends to have opsec
never trust anyone ever
never open suspicious links
lie to people you trust about your birthplace or where are you located, even if you are a corpo and its your manager (see aetheria)
never meet up with anyone
buy a shotgun

>> No.67108463

cheatbox all the way

>> No.67108466

just dm elliottambers or msabigailcm on twitter and ask to join the aspie discord. You can start there and then move outwards.

>> No.67108646
Quoted by: >>67108847

kuku was caught schizoposting once so lets add him to the list. for so long he was used as an example that females are schizo too so he deserves it

there seems to be a theme here

>> No.67108847

>n example that females are schizo too so he deserves it
Oh, right I forgot about that
It does explain a lot

>> No.67109061

If you managed to get in /asp/cord ask him how old was xia when they got together

>> No.67109354

also tell them to let shaniachan back in

>> No.67109373

honestly what I want to know is if Jingx ever managed to groom someone
Else that seems a lot of effort just for Elliots' sake

>> No.67109462

>honestly what I want to know is if Jingx ever managed to groom someone
he tried and failed. grooming is still grooming even if you failed

>> No.67111656
Quoted by: >>67111977

You can do a VIP thunderdome where the survivors get to keep their badges like Clio is going to do

>> No.67111977
Quoted by: >>67118265

>going to do
Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah if thats gonna happen it's gonna be next year or the next next

>> No.67112208

You give anons way too much credit

>> No.67112479
Quoted by: >>67112597

jingx almost groomed grimmi

>> No.67112481

>new thread starts
>not many days pass and the cord jerk is already here trying to burn it down
They must be suffering of the classic discord server fate which is a constantly dying userbase

>> No.67112597
Quoted by: >>67112902


>> No.67112902
Quoted by: >>67113321

she prefers pathetic failed divorced men

>> No.67113321
Quoted by: >>67115599

You can't be a failed man if a woman even once gave you a chance. The truly failed were never given any

>> No.67115599
Quoted by: >>67138074

>You can't be a failed man if a woman even once gave you a chance
my ex wife would disagree

>> No.67118265

any moment now... for sure

>> No.67120155

become my friend please :#

>> No.67121037
File: 242 KB, 449x447, 1680155531945316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something I wanna start working on soon is running a tournament series every 2-3 months where I announce a poverty fighter a week/a month in advance and everyone has that amount of time to prep for that random fighter, it'd be stupid and fun

shit count me in

>> No.67121693
File: 899 KB, 1280x720, 1696942718245085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just hard committing to GBVSR because I'd like to compete
You should start training for project L (lol fighting game) in 2025, that game will have a 2v2 system and will be free, shit is going to eat the meta the same way Valorant ate the meta.
Plus letting your viewers carry you will be more fun for you than letting them kick your ass

>> No.67122080
Quoted by: >>67125152

>letting your viewers carry you
One of the perks of being a fem chuuba

>> No.67122898
File: 108 KB, 801x623, 1682000364173575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone went incredibly schizo on the puzzle and placed all the pieces in one square...

>> No.67125152

just git good

>> No.67125821

hugging goat while she scratches the back of your head peacefully till you fall asleep... i need someone to knock me out with a pan or a shovel

>> No.67126064
Quoted by: >>67127190

wrong thread?

>> No.67127190
Quoted by: >>67127255


>> No.67127255
Quoted by: >>67127568

now answer the questions in the op as an apology

>> No.67127568
Quoted by: >>67127612

-what is wasp?
/wasp/ is a thread for female vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.
-why wasp?
men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth and gain an audience.
-can i self post and promote?
-"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. (i didn't actually read this part... )

>> No.67127612
File: 9 KB, 242x208, 1675561689153472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67127651

when you say goat do you mean kotomi snacks?
if so, how is she lately?

>> No.67128400
Quoted by: >>67128935

good night /wasp/

>> No.67128935
Quoted by: >>67129076

you cant sleep yesterday we died around this hour

>> No.67129076
Quoted by: >>67129135

gomen… but my bed calls to me…

>> No.67129135

well I will keep the guard
I have stuff to finish
have a good night

>> No.67129978
Quoted by: >>67130060


>> No.67130060

I am sure op will deliver tits at some point, we just have to wait
Just like I was waiting for you to go to sleep.
All yours dont let it die aspies got to smug yesterday

>> No.67130646
Quoted by: >>67130736

>when most of the posts in the thread are just about keeping the thread alive and no one actually uses it

>> No.67130736


>> No.67132003

How do I fight the impulse to not start things?
I have been putting off doing anything productive for quite sometime now

>> No.67132093

ask in /asp/

>> No.67132129

What are you trying to do?
Break it off into smaller tasks/steps and set time apart for it with no distractions.
In these cases starting can be the harder part and once you get into the zone nothing stops you.

>> No.67132807
Quoted by: >>67133991

I've made it to 100ccvs
Never touched twitch, only talk to girls that are /here/ but not ASP or wasp or whatever.
And I managed it without being groomed or having mods.

Feels good man. I want to colab with koopa

>> No.67132932

Kliff isn't a bro, never was.

>> No.67133707

Seems like the things you have to do are low-stakes. There's nothing we can do if that's how you see things

>> No.67133991
Quoted by: >>67134206

Well done. You got monetization yet?

>> No.67134191
File: 8 KB, 464x273, wasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for fun to see how much life support from schizos this thread is actually on, I decided to count and categorize all of the posts

50% of this place is not on topic at all

>> No.67134206

Yep, some time ago started in 2021.
I refuse to do GFE or ASMR shit so I'm not sure what I can do to grow more other than keep playing my autistic games and talking about the niche topic that I'm studying. Also my viewers are 15'ish female which is pretty cool I hope to get it higher

>> No.67134901
File: 15 KB, 357x327, 1685762586921597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's /asp/'s

>> No.67135015
Quoted by: >>67145142

It's not surprising. Unicorns co-opted a joke thread thinking they could finally be free of those sexpest males in their heads. Now they're hanging on for dear life. It happened to /mvp/, /sig/ and /bvg/. It will happen again.

>> No.67135018
Quoted by: >>67135063

How are you defining On-Topic?

>> No.67135063
Quoted by: >>67135083

That thread is probably 90% offtopic

>> No.67135083

Define offtopic?

>> No.67135229
File: 6 KB, 306x261, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah nigger I did my own evaluation

>> No.67135342
Quoted by: >>67135388

There's like around 10 posts with seeking advices and giving advices. How did you come up with that

>> No.67135388
Quoted by: >>67135414

Oh so that's how you're defining on topic and off topic then? Well I was being generous when I did this >>67134191 then, the percentages are probably way worse then

I defined on-topic as being at least pertinent (non-belligerent) to thread culture

>> No.67135414
Quoted by: >>67135569

>I defined on-topic as being at least pertinent (non-belligerent) to thread culture
That's meta

>> No.67135569
Quoted by: >>67135595

No it isn't.

Meta is discussion of the thread or other threads themselves

>> No.67135595
Quoted by: >>67135631

>discussing thread culture
>thread culture

>> No.67135631
Quoted by: >>67135817

When did I ever say "discussing thread culture" schizochama?

>> No.67135774
Quoted by: >>67136071

God damn she's hot

>> No.67135817
Quoted by: >>67136071

Thread culture will never be on-topic if it doesn't ask or give advice schizochama

>> No.67136071

Not a /wasp/ie off-topic

Okay so then the vast majority of this thread is not on topic either then.

>> No.67136151

>Okay so then the vast majority of this thread is not on topic either then.
Plain and shrimple.

>> No.67136619
File: 418 KB, 390x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She released a shorts video talking about how a thread was talking about her and how it helped her reached her goal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbpnwE6ugVw

its pretty cute, but its in japanese. i honestly didnt think id make it this far. she's streaming right now with more than 10 people, i think thats a good thing.

>> No.67136708
Quoted by: >>67136870

Damn. You really see the difference between westerners and jaypees when it comes to gratitude for viewers

>> No.67136870
Quoted by: >>67136977

im surprised she even acknowledged it in the first place, but make a video about it? she's a legit /here/chuuba now

>> No.67136977
Quoted by: >>67137010

I bought a /jp/ indie chuuba bottled water and ramen package once. She was so grateful. I stopped watching for 6 months and came back and she remembered me!

>> No.67137010

im following an indie low view chuuba as well, im an inconsistent viewer, i think ive gone 3 months and she still remembers me since she only says "hello" to nonjp lol.

>> No.67137532
Quoted by: >>67137616

Miru is an aspie newfag

>> No.67137616
Quoted by: >>67139725

Yeah I know dickhead. She's an /asp/ie, not a /wasp/ie. So she's completely off topic.

>> No.67137989
File: 18 KB, 584x92, 1686769287395675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think. Too many females are too menhera to remember that you can't please everyone and will only suffer greatly if you attempt to

>> No.67138074

Tell that to all the incels that never even got to talk with a woman and doesn't even get greeted by the grocery store cashier

>> No.67138278

Not a /wasp/ie

Off topic

>> No.67138445
Quoted by: >>67139929

>people learning things you learn in childhood just now

>> No.67139725

alright, never talk about mond, rura, or rinna here again by those rules
this is now /mutton/

>> No.67139929
Quoted by: >>67139982

Yeah man it sucks to be autistic. Your body ages faster than your mind

>> No.67139982

This is why autists' life expectancy is 35 something years old

>> No.67140113


>> No.67140168

Damn I got 10 more years lesgoooo

>> No.67141022

I will make sure that my oshi grows into a beautiful and happy hag

>> No.67143438
Quoted by: >>67146079

mond is a cute autistic and schizo vampire!
she likes osrs and retro games.

rura is a cute autistic dino!
she likes fighting games.

rinna is a cute /choc/ cat!
she is a talented voice actress.

>> No.67145142

>Breaking news: thread that just started isn't as popular as the one they split from. This has never happened before. Experts shocked

>> No.67145333

General question, how do you feel when an agency rejects you?
I've applied to so many that I'm starting to think that maybe I should have another dream, its a difficult thought to have since I never planned to be succesful as an indie, I only planned to be big enough so agencies start noticing me and get inside one.
I never thought that once completing step one of my plan, there wouldn't be any serious agency accepting me. How do you cope with this? What objectives do you have?

>> No.67145599

makes me try harder so i can prove them wrong

>> No.67145769
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1675227695393429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67147975

you dont need to "cope" with it
you just need to git good.
Think of failing an audition as failing a job application, it doesn't mean there is something intrinsically bad with you, it may just mean you need to work on your resume building skills.

Thinks you can do to increase your chances:
- Bigger numbers (obvious)
- Sing better (corpos love the idol larp)
- Game better (brave group and else really care about it)
- Become funnier/ more entertaining

Certain people start vtubing and immediately pass auditions, but this is because their lives they built skills that lets them be more charming, more engaging, and more likeable.
Kindergarden and school teachers are overepresented in vtubers, because your job as an entertainer is to make people who might be bored pay attention top you.
Watch a watame stream for example, she used to be a preeschool teacher, and she mastered the art of "jingling the keys" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWvMULRzPUg

>> No.67145871

I think we could add something in the op about what can a viewer can do to help their oshis grow
Advice that females can apply to themselves can also be done by a viewer: buy them ads, clippers, etc

>> No.67146041
File: 320 KB, 598x547, 1676325947678433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


puzzla ready

That 50%? All me. Also you sound very autistic so you probably know, what is the optimal puzzle size? I am wondering if I should lower it down so images look better

>> No.67146079
Quoted by: >>67146400

some fucking links at last thanks im tired of being in the dark about who these people are

>> No.67146400
Quoted by: >>67146814

>doesn’t know how to use the archives

>> No.67146555
File: 1.07 MB, 1321x718, 1692156385887813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pafu live but still not lazy eyed or if she is she is not showing it

>> No.67146814

Spore has such potential but ended up being extremely disappointed.
Has any company actually tried what these people wanted to do with it? I think there was a evolution simulation back in the SNES, bloom might have talked about it.

do you have any idea how many femboys are in asp? I dont want to click through every one of them to find out

>> No.67146908

she has a cute laugh

>> No.67147129
File: 993 KB, 861x597, 1695439630672329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67149056

actually I have been wondering about this for a while, what's the green thing in her head supposed to be ?

>> No.67147878

Why do males always try to enter female-only threads when they have the whole board for themselves? Jfc

>> No.67147926

this isn't a female only thread, it's a viewer only thread

>> No.67147956

Ask this in /asp/ and I'll give you a serious answer

>> No.67147975

Thank you! I think this is the best advice I've been given in a while. Usually people tell me "oh its because you're very unique, your time will come" and it feels like more of a backhanded compliment than actual advice and it feels kinda useless.
I have already proven that i can keep a somewhat moderate size audience entertained (im a 2-view, 3-view on ocassion) but never thought about it as being a teacher. This opened a new perspective for me! Again, thank you!

>> No.67148173
Quoted by: >>67148369

>but never thought about it as being a teacher
most of the streaming audience is literally children and it gets worse the most popular you get, so it makes sense.
Clio is also a teacher and she speedrun partner and is on her way to becoming a 4view if she already isn't
>she is boring
She makes learning about history fun! Do you have any idea how hard is that?

>> No.67148369

This is just a deduction coming out of my ass: Clio tried to join Phase Connect got rejected now, not only she has PC ccv numbers, she's friends with them

Going corpo is not the only path. You can "leech off" of them if you're tenacious enough

>> No.67148556

I mean the anon was saying they have 2 view numbers and occasionally 3 view so I don't think that's clio considering she's very firmly a 3view

>> No.67148592

>Going corpo is not the only path. You can "leech off" of them if you're tenacious enough
the only good reason to join a corpo is to try to have sex with your sempais.
If you cant make it on your own, you will be given a horrible deal even if you pass the auditions (2%) , and if you can make it on you own you are better off by yourself 90% of the time unless it is hololive

>> No.67148625

this happens every time there's a female only split, they cant stop seething about them

>> No.67148729

Your ass gives very good deductions, get a nice chair! Pamper yer ass!
Never heard of clio, but ill start to watch her and learn, I can't really leech of corpos for reasons, but now I know im not entirely hopeless, thank you

>> No.67148756
Quoted by: >>67149056

Don't trust any femchuuba that calls their friends

>> No.67148788

Yes only schizos think otherwise ignore them.

>> No.67148901
File: 372 KB, 500x366, 1688391726203641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67149122

are puzzles on topic if they are puzzles about vtubers?
was gay erp considered on topic?

is /mutton/ the first sixth gen

>> No.67149056
File: 119 KB, 276x183, 1679910602819711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67149395

I think she is a butterfly vtuber and thats the thing they have in their heads
why? geniune question

>> No.67149122

>is /mutton/ the first sixth gen
This is not /asp/. She 1st gen /wasp/

>> No.67149160

this is going to make tiermakers considerably easier to fill

>> No.67149191
Quoted by: >>67149329

Leave that retarded gen speak out of the thread

>> No.67149302

>lazy eye
that seems like a pain if your job is playing videogames while reading chat

>> No.67149329

this, stay in /asp/ if you're going to bring that circlejerk shit here

>> No.67149395
Quoted by: >>67149573

Neither straight women nor gay women refer to friends as “wives”. It’s too intimate and strange for straight women, especially if they only’re online only friends, and real lesbians don’t use the word lightly with other lesbians and would never call a straight woman “wife” due to a lifetime of being afraid of being seen as creepy (just like straight men!) Any vtuber who calls a friend wife is fleecing you.

>> No.67149495
Quoted by: >>67149629

Have some faith

>> No.67149573

well it would be creepy IRL but this is an idol culture thing so lesbian roleplay is more common than actual lesbians.
In particular I remember both Layna (lig) and Melody (vsj) complaining they got mislead by someone roleplaying yuri and when they wanted to do more they got rejected.
Heart breaking.

>> No.67149629

hey we made it through bump limit this time, the secret is to survive past burger dead hours

>> No.67150202

Gonna bake, anything that should be added in the op FAQ or else?

>> No.67150641
Quoted by: >>67150691

Make sure subject is /wasp/

>> No.67150691

what if i we compromise and call it fwaspfw

>> No.67151003

the thing about viewers asking for advice for their oshis, that will bring tourists

>> No.67151450
Quoted by: >>67151782

I play(ed) tag fighters primarily so Proj.L is right up my alley. Not sure how you expect me to train for a game that's not out and has hardly any gameplay revealed. I will never let viewers carry me. I will simply get better and crush every single one of their hopes and dreams.

That's what "Run the set" is.

>> No.67151547

She posted in asp, that makes her an aspie

>> No.67151782

>Not sure how you expect me to train for a game that's not out

actually if you figure this part out tell me
I am currently playing MvC2 because they are the same team and people recommend me to try other tag fighters
