▼Phase Connect LinksOfficial Website:https://phase-connect.com/Official Schedule:https://schedule.phase-connect.com/Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/PhaseConnectOfficial Character References:https://pastebin.com/RP5DxAmiUnofficial Phase Connect Archives:https://pastebin.com/qAsMRhBa––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouasheliaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaioriChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikuraurukaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiruChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemiChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmaMaemi https://www.twitch.tv/tenmaTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa https://twitch.tv/pippa––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaneko_lumiChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumi https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumiTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/dizzydokuroChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@dizzydokuro/ https://www.twitch.tv/dizzydokuro▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/jellyhoshiumiChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@jellyhoshiumi/ https://www.twitch.tv/jellyhoshiumi▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/emberamaneChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@EmberAmane/ https://www.twitch.tv/emberamane––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_NephysChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemiliaNephys https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys▼Chisaka Airi 千坂 アイリ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiriChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChisakaAiri https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairiTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx7aPMHI_kK1CP6zSvilHSA▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川 しいな (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiinaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmanogawaShiina https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiinaTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkDfBt3R64R2rRIrAQwldeQ▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRieChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimemiyaRie https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarieTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3-Rfh_Ek-s6EUWS4fT5VPw▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakinaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/ErinaMakina https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipankoChannels: https://www.youtube.com/c/KomachiPanko https://www.twitch.tv/komachipankoTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_EIfw5I5uDlwsK6sc-83Q––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼ Runie Ruse ルニ・ルーズ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/RunieRuseChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@RunieRuse https://www.twitch.tv/RunieRuse▼ Eimi Isami 勇エイミ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/eimiisamiChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@eimiisami https://www.twitch.tv/eimiisami▼ Muu Muyu むうむゆ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muu_MuyuChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@MuuMuyu https://www.twitch.tv/MuuMuyu▼ Hikanari Hina 光鳴ひな (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/HikanariHinaChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@HikanariHina https://www.twitch.tv/HikanariHina▼ Saya Sairroxs サヤ・サイロクサス (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/sayasairroxsChannels: https://www.youtube.com/@sayasairroxs https://www.twitch.tv/sayasairroxs▼Phase FriendsPrism >>>/vt//ppg+/Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/Idol Corp >>>/vt/jidf/Other Small Corpos >>>/vt//corpo/Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/Previous Thread >>65935945
OK guys. I've been coming to the general every day for the past 36 weeks so that basically makes me an oldfag. I deserve a ritualpost but I don't know what to spam the thread with. Spoonfeed me ideas that would annoy you the most.
Love you Pippa, glad you seem to be enjoying Touhou in your own autistic way.
Eimi LOVE!
I love Panko.I will always love Panko.Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.
I will RAPE this cute little pink rabbit and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me
>>65942407NOW (Literally right now)Pipkin Pippa (LIVE | Touhou)https://www.twitch.tv/pippaChisaka Airi (LIVE | Adventure Quest)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MNrtvpx1sgEimi Isami (LIVE | Modded Minecraft)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr2YNwLbOZ4Fujikura Uruka (LIVE | 2023 Recap)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHDu0yad4scHimemiya Rie (LIVE | Testing Lethal Company Mods)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3_4zgVkdWoSOONDead HoursLATERDead HoursBONUSHanamori Natsumi (1h40m | Guardian Tales)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp2hbZWz6WE
Likers are monitoring this thread
Catching up on Eimi's spooky mansion vodman she's already tired of spfb, I cant say I blame her
uruka has sever tendionitisisis
Will Rie reach 300 viewers?
>>65942566You should stop.
>>65942655second post first bost :D
I want to mangle Hime Rie so goddamn bad. I don't know how much longer I can live without feeling my knuckles sink into her soft tummy, over and over and over until she throws up. I need the sensation of my fingers digging into the flesh of her neck as I slam her into a wall until she's even more retarded than she is now. How does she do this to me? I don't feel like this for any other girl.She's streaming RIGHT NOW. Watch her mod lethal company and be a very diligent corporate asset.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3_4zgVkdWohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3_4zgVkdWohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3_4zgVkdWo
I want to sniff the Pippa
Pippa love~!This is peak laying on the couch with your little sister watching her play video games. All its missing is her smacking me in the face with the controller and telling me its my turn. I miss when me and my sisters were kids and enjoyed each others company.
>Uruka lifted up a car with her BEAR handsI'm going to breed this woman.
I really really really really really really don't like Rie.
Phase Connect girls for this feel?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbrvUEMeGik
>>65942774Everything too big
Dizzy is so gross
>>65942941you're gross
>go to twitch game for a whileOh yeah, it's scratching her autism itch
>pippa 2hu grinding arcbasedtime to fire the hisoutensoku up boys, we jouhou now
>>65943054>hisoutensokuI'm gonna have to make that guide image after all huh?
>”this might be my Twitch game for a while”Look at what Jong fags have to do to mimic a fraction of a Touhou fags power.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Womor1UYMzMStream Forbidden!
>>65942892 Should I be ashamed for actually being kind of into this?
Why is Hina secretly good at games
Why anyone would watch Rie is beyond me. I would honestly watch Kirsche over Rie and that’s saying a lot.
if one of the girls were to have a crying stream, which one would be worth watching?
>>65943093Oh shit I still have that on my computer. It's been years since I last touched it.
Amy gushing over strawberry bushes... cute>>65942655
>youtube doesn't let me send a super chat for my favorite hamsterbros.... it's over... I can't support my oshi....
>raiding bat after that secondary rage tweet yesterdaykek
>>65943054Can't wait to jouhou with you jouhous
She always says my name at the end of twitch streams
>>65943115She's a LoL/Valo/Apex discord kitten
IIRC 2hu has some multiplayer games with servers. Both a 2 player shmup and fighting gamesIs moriya shrine still alive? That sight has archives of every game.
Scammed out of a kiss...
>Eimi's a Komaeda girlgrim
>>65943238The faithful just got one. Were YOU there?
>>65943238She came back for the kiss...
Panko please don't kill yourself over a failed stream
>>659432872hu is better than jong.
>>65943287Love Pippa. I will not play the bullet hell games.
I was unironically scared there for a moment. Like coldsweat scared.
>>65943159Oh, that one.
>>65943302Yeah, see >>65943311(me, kissed)
>>65943219there's a multiplayer 2hu mahjong game on the /mjg/ repo
>>65943287>RATE THE RABBITCUTE CUTE PEEPA!!!>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYBefore Disney went to shit…>RATE THE TOUHOUKino! Move over Jong!>RATE THE PIPKISSTHE AUDACITY OF THIS BRAT… It was a good kiss though…>RATE THE STREAM(S)Very good/10
>>65943186is it bullying or an apology?
>>65943410Amen, brother.
>>65943219It was last time I checked. If it's not /t/ should have still the thread with all the games packed up into a giant torrent.>>65943318What?
Speaking of Touhou, how many of you, if any, still have your actual Windows XP machine? I do. It's the original, actual internet hate machine of myth and legend. I bought it circa 2004 or so. Running at 2,4 Ghz (Intel Celeron) with 4Gb of RAM and a 128Mb Ati Radeon (I forgot which one exactly) it's both a holy relic and a piece of fully functioning hardware.
>>65943318do it for the content girl. imagine the advertising potential for the company
>>65943287>RATE THE RABBITCUTE NERDY PEEBA>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYNostalgic>RATE THE TOUHOUCalled it>RATE THE PIPKISSAll mine>RATE THE STREAM(S)8/10, fun times, just wish it could last a little longer...
>>65943186>>65943473Bat and Pippa are long time frens
>>65943287>RATE THE RABBITlove Pippa/10>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYexcited for Mickey to become the new symbol of white supremacy/10>RATE THE TOUHOUPippa, the trick to the game is actually to just not get hit/10>RATE THE PIPKISSalmost scammed out of it that brat/10>RATE THE STREAM(S)comfy/10
>>65943287No rate squib tonight, sorry.>RATE THE RABBITCute but unprepared/10>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYTo be fair I didn't expect her to get 3 hours worth of content from it kek/10>RATE THE TOUHOUShe's getting better! Which makes it seem like she's having more fun, which is good/10>RATE THE PIPKISSScuffed but appreciated/10>RATE THE STREAM(S)6/10 and 7.5/10 respectively. I liked the first, but I do wish she'd prepare just a little more even for those ones, or have some sort of reliable backup. When there isn't Twitch to fall back on, it kinda leaves you hanging.
>>65943509>internetNo. I got rid of my around 2012-13ish. I miss it bros
>>65943509XP is software not hardware retard.
>>65943287Pretty good. I also wouldn't mind 2hu as her new twitch content.
Could Pippa moving closer to her genmates so she can do more offcolab stuff with them be a secret hint of her wanting to distance herself of Phase Connect?!
>>65943546you can still bully your friends
why does pippa sometimes stream on twitch and other times stream on youtube
Bat is ugly.
>>65943563(me)oops wasn't mean't to include >internet
>>65943556>spoilergood, i'm tired of proof reading each one
>>65943599Learn to read and/or understand written text.
i love autistic stacys (Lumi)
>>65943666yeah, so that's obvious
>>65943605Obviously she hates them.
>>65943287>RATE THE RABBITShe said she was tired today but imo her performance was actually pretty good/10>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYWas interesting, wish it would have gone a bit longer/10>RATE THE TOUHOUNice she picked up a new game, the usual stuff got a bit dull/10>RATE THE PIPKISSI am so glad she came back/10>RATE THE STREAM(S)Good streams/10
>>65942875Don't fucking talk about her then, simple as that.
>>65943287>RATE THE RABBITGood mood tonight. Wasn't bouncing off walls but was in a good mood for just hanging out with.>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYCant believe Disney didnt find a way to hold on to the copyright for a few thousand more years.>RATE THE TOUHOUI'm a very casual enjoyer of the series so its nice to see her play the games. Hope she does continue to stream it.>RATE THE PIPKISSHer hitting LIVE again just so she could kiss her brothers goodbye was cute.>RATE THE STREAM(S)Short streams but they were both tolerable. Touhou was the stand out for me tonight mostly because it was cute seeing her get into the game.I made ramen to eat while teasing her and she ended before it finished. 10 out of 10 pippa'ed softly.
>>65943677I'm gonna make the biggest ESL blogpost when I feel up to making them again just for you kek
Guys, stop baiting. Is it too hard just to watch something else?
>>65943287Impromptu mini book club love/10>RATE THE RABBITMy rabbit happens to be a bit of an intellectual >RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYWhat if mass media was always degenerate?>RATE THE STREAM(S)Short but nice.
no pip kiss, day ruined...
>>65943862>he missed the kiss
>>65943862>he missed it
>>65943864>THE PURPLE BUSH
>>65943862You lacked faith and MISSED the kiss. You deserve all your despair.
>blue bearsDo they sound like dudes too?
Playing lethal company solo is one of the saddest things you can do on PC.
im still losing my shit over tard souls what a dummy
>>65943287>RATE THE RABBITCute as always>RATE THE STEAMBOAT WILLYIt was alright>RATE THE TOUHOUWas fun listening to her play and hum along to the music>RATE THE PIPKISSGot two for the price of one>RATE THE STREAM(S)Pretty dang good.Bonus, two grudge posts in one day cause newfags cant tell the difference between when Pippa likes something and is enjoying herself or playing along, or when something is actually getting on her nerves.
Why is Airi killing gen 3 live?
>>65944028drunk sloppy sex with panko...
>>65943669I think classic RPGs had it right when they have things a character with 7 int can solve, but are impossible for one with 6 int or less.Just like this anon here can't figure out the simple and obvious twitch/youtube pattern. He could spend his entire life trying to figure it out, but would never come to a solution that isn't deranged or wrong.
>>65944134what is she saying?
>>65944144Nothing to back this up but i feel like she is the type to insist on riding you before vomiting on your chest mid-sex. Just the vibe i get from drunk panko
>>65944182ok, but what's the reason tho
>>65944028originally I read the first tweet as "i'm alive nice"like she thought she was gonna kill herself or something
>>65944062Why the sudden correction?
>>65944300What sudden correction?
>>65944182that's more of a modern rpg thing, Classic RPGs would usually RNG fuck you with a roll.
>2hu go-to twitch gamePlease, God.My sleep schedule has been fucked with FOMO for missing that 5am jong guerilla, but I could live with catching the vod for a 2hu stream since it's singleplayer.
>>65944348pretty eyes...
>>65944348Thoughts on homestuck?
>>65944348i enjoy this visage
>>65944255sub 6 int anon...
>>65944182You never played a classic RPG
>>65944474Great start, needlessly convoluted and dragged on towards the middle and end. Art was good, music was great, and it had some funny moments. 6/10
No Pippa twitch vod? Did something happen?
>>65944682You lookin' real unfamiliar my nigga.
>>65944743If I was a woman I'd be making Dizzy troll edits.>>65944785I don't quite know how to respond to that.
>>65944780Disney is going scorched earth
Does anyone have that old junt ritual post guide? Is junting even a thing anymore?
>>65944780She farted on stream.
>>65944780Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the vod to appear
>>65944028She got drunk after being destroyed in family feud. She talked for less than a minute for the entire stream. Did she even get a single right guess???
>>65944825The Mickey vod is fine though. Twitch was Touhou.
>>65944780Seems like twitch changes something recently, vods have been defaulting to private. I noticed it last month.
>>65944851I still play it, I just feel like a burden when I join lobbies with people who have a way higher HR.
>>65944780It's over, anon.
>>65944826I just post cute airi pics to stuff I don't understand tbdesu.
>>65944851Monster hunter is boring, Tohou is the new hotness now
>>65944851Myu showing more of an interest in rise then XX seems to have killed it a bit. I personally switched to PC rise so I could play in bed on my steam deck for the days I'm too lazy to get on my PC.
>>65944655yes yes i am fucking stupid, someone please spoonfeed me why. she did her first touhou stream on youtube and moved to twitch - why?
>>65944851This? >>64730747
>>65944248disgusting, but also hot as fuck and i agreei'm more of a drunk limb tetris with sloppy kisses and outercourse kind of guy from my experience
>>65945026>rise over XXPLEASE BE BAIT PLEASE BE BAIT PLEASE BE BAIT fuck bro and here I thought she was a hardcore MH fan
>>65944887Do you want proof?
>>65945125What's so bad about Rise?
>>65943509I miss Windows XP. Last time I had an actual desktop computer was when it was still popular. Been at least a decade since I had that thing.
>>65945159Don't post your dick.
RRat on who the collab is worth go.>>65945125Did you not watch her debut? She had a QR code that linked to a document about Rise shit. I haven't watched any of her streams since then so she might have changed her mind. I'm sure a mini moo will correct me in a second.
>>65944851Copy and pastedQuick guide for retards on how to play MHGenU online because original poster anon stopped posting this constantly1) Download the game: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vNB2C-H1c5GJSRbzuADs2KQJgRu3gBLj/view2) Download the actually mp-capable emulator here https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/wiki/Multiplayer-(LDN-Local-Wireless)-Guide3) replace the inside of the "emu" folder you got in the game download with the inside of the new emulator4) open the Ryujinx emulator through the launcher exe5) in emulator settings, configure your keyboard/controller under options>settings>Input>Player 16) make sure options>settings>multiplayer is set to the mode Ryujinx Ldn (Network passphrase could be used later to keep randoms out if we wanted to)7) create a new profile under Options>Manage user profiles8) add the game directory under Options>GeneralCongratulations, if you start MHGenU now, you can go to the multiplayer tab and search/create lobbies in "local network". If you don't know if it worked, sometimes randoms will create lobbies themselves and you should be able to find themhttps://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/MHGU:_Hunters_Hub_Key_Questsold monhun games require you to do hidden key quests to rank uptry use and groom a gathering palico to play as (you can play as palico just go to palico board) - it speeds up gathering and small hunts, palicos have infinite durability tools and gather faster.
>>65945087thanks, i want junting to be a thing so bad hat i'm considering reviving this ritualpost myself.
>>65942407>>65944062>>65942544 Oops, I forgot about the ritual.
>>65945257Twitter guy who was collab begging the other day
>>65945159show hole
>>65945257don’t have the timestamp, but in her debut 2.0 she mentioned wanting to play either monhun stories or genU
>>65945257hatsune miku
>>65945185It's new and slightly different and the 40 year olds that populate this thread hate new things
>>65945234Check the Proof folder in the archivehttps://mega.nz/folder/mjJSSQLA#hx2kbHofUyhIGAXjpWr2DQ
>>65945027First one on youtube to test out the game with her community. Followup stream on Twitch due to numberfaggotry.Let's be generous and say that Pippa's average CCV for the past couple months is 3k. If she played Touhou again she would probably get like 1600 CCV or something since it's not novel anymore. This disparity apparently affects her analytics and discoverability on Youtube, because the algorithm thinks that since your CCV suddenly decreased, your channel is on the decline, so it won't recommend your channel to other people as much as it would normally. That's the theory.
>>65945603So you lied in the jig then.
>>65945185World was already controversial for dumbing down alot of the mechanics that made MH what it was, Rise turned that up to 11 and added dark soul mechanics. It's more soulslike than MH.
>>65945685Lied about what?Is there an imposter?
>>65945424Bito hoooooooleeeesssss
>>65945718Editbug random questionHow long have you been /here/?
>>65945712>>65945587I see.... I never could get into World even after trying it, maybe Rise might be more my speed if it's just pseudo-souls
>>65945712This ain't /v/ anon.
>>65945632>chasing numbers at the cost of making things worse for her viewersincredibly grim
[Eimi news] She needs wood.
>>65945845Pippa hate her viewers
>>65945814>He doesn't know /vt/ is a /v/ermin migration boardSorry you had to hear the news this way. 90% of everal general has anons who came from /v/.
>>65945758not a single bito has ever shown hole. you can trust me i would never lie to you.
>>65945778You got me, guess I'll have to commit sudoku.>>65945795Not very long as Editbug, maybe 4 months? A little more than a year total. Like my oshi I've had a few lifetimes.
Why is rime playing lethal company alone?
>>65945934We should riot.
>>65945997She likes the game and is testing mods.
Which one of you fuckers is this?
>>65945632ok but how about she has fans on both platforms and wants to share between them?
>>65945970Yeah. But leave your /v/ tier talking points like comparing literally everything to dark souls over there. Quantify why things are the way they are instead of making a dark souls comparison your entire argument
>>65946045holy autism
>>65945985There were posted proofs of the exact opposite recently.
>>65945997It's a lot easier to test mods when you don't have to make a bunch of other people install them.
lumi majored in music?
>>65945994Stay forever, I love your edits!
>>65945985I showed my hole, but you fuckers said its too hairy
>>65946093Bito hoooooooooleeeesssssssss
>>65945994Just don't let me catch you slippin' again.
>>65946157no, she majored in sucking cocks
>>65946203>Big Michi is always watchinghow terrifying...
>>65946150Uzaki chan had me obssesed with the idea of titty fucking a girl. Only to actually do it in reality and be extremely disappointed. It's just not the same as actual sex.
>>65946203You will catch me slippin' again, I have the memory of a goldfish.
Any Junters?
>>65946232yeah mine
>voice deaththis is what made me a concernfag for uruka
>>65946093those are psyops by fags that want to sully the good name of the bitos, don't trust them. i'm the only one you can trust, alright?
>>65946232Mine specifically
>>65946045that's probably the jonger that ends all his posts and twitch messages with ellipses
What are you bitos up to?
>>65946251gtfo out sexhaver i dont ever want to see your normalfag ass around here ever again
>>65945778Who was even watches homestuck? How is that ever a relevant talking point in /pcg/?
>>65946183Bito hooooooooooleeeesssss
Why does Eimi just make sex noises the entire stream? Like cmon man, I don't feel like wearing headphones and feeling tingles you stupid hamster.
>>65946309none of your business, liker scum
>>65946251i love fat titties and chubby girls
>>65946201I think spoilerbito should adopt some sort of skincare routine. Specifically for his hands. >>65946278No, sorry. I only trust God. There's no one to trust.
>>65945758>>65946093>>65946348I don't understand why a homosexual would watch Rie. Surely only straights want to beat women?
tenma rape
>>65946407The likers corrupted them.
>>65945424Are there two or three Bitos? Spoiler, Pink and Edit or are Pink and Edit the same Bito?
>>65945970It's a lot faster pace for sure, and the maps are less obstructed and smaller in comparison to MHW.
>>65946427raping or being raped by? both are equal possibilities.
>>65945994>4 monthsThanks editbug, this information will be useful later on.
>>65946407Statistically, homosexual women are the most likely demographic to beat women.
>>65946446i'm both pink and edit, yes.
>>65946305What's wrong with that...
who is this dragon and why is she so down bad for airi?
>>65946528There are no women in this thread, anon.
Oh shit when did breastie show up in Airi stream?
>>65946427Yeah me as she digs her massive claws into my back.
>>65946573Oh yeah? Prove it. Post your cock right now.
>>65946305But I don't ever type in chat, I just livepost here...
>>65946482>>65946522Congrats editbug! You've been added to the spreadsheet!
>>65946628I gotta get out of here!
>>65946446Pink and Edit are one and same, GrumpybitoSpoilerbito always names his files and writes with spoilers, except when saying nini to anons.
>>65946045that's just some latinx fag
>>65946675>>65946628You get used to it.
>>65946427I hope you live a happy life without any struggles.
>>65946628Blood ain’t getting me on his spreadsheet that’s for sho
This stream is making me so nostalgic
>>65946628>tfw no one will ever bother to spreadsheet me
>>65946878I'll spread something of yours, anon.
I wonder how Erina feels about another woman encroaching on her turf.
I dont care for the annoying woman, but I completely forgot about adventure quest.
>>65946628The spreadsheet is a lie.
>>65946878I’m pretty sure I’m in at least one of the talent’s spreadsheets. But hoochie mama I love Runie!
So versatile, runatics!
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuP1JLsX1NEThis sound like Last Friday Night by Katy Perry?
>>65946976Erina is a baby, she has no chance against the experienced Nova
>>65946628am i on the spreadsheet yet
>>65947138I didn't even notice the Boobatic...
phase shop international shipping is bogus. $30 for the tenma mug and $30 for shipping. if i get the entire pack the shipping doesnt change. what the hell.
>>65946628Remember when /pcg/ had an official spreedsheet anon for anons,chat, and superchatters?It's been almost 2 years since he left, wonder where he went.
>>65947194Erm... get born in the first world next time LOL
>>65946455I'm convinced half the people who complain about rise haven't played monster hunter and the other half have only played world. There are certainly complaints I have about jrise, mostly to do with the whole anomaly research level thing and it being harder to actually get into hunts with people because you can't SOS into any hunt but have to pick a specific hunt, which are valid and major criticisms for enjoying the game, or the faster pace, which isn't for everyone, but the discussion on all boards around it is just consolewar numberfagging. Literally just look at these steam numbers. I fucking hate numbers. I hate numbers so much.Anyway, kill yourselves numberfags. Pardon my rant.
>>65947191My number clicking reps >>65947104
>>65946692Thank you, thank you. Now I just need to figure out which Airiheads are which and I'll be good.Is picrel the same Airi as >>65944453 ?
>>65947194Yeah, shipping costs money; it do be like that
Sakana has a typo on the fanworks guidelines page, how embarassing
[Uruka News] Uruka is a femcelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHDu0yad4schttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHDu0yad4schttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHDu0yad4sc
>Open twitter>See thisIt's so over dickheads.
>>65946976>encroaching on her turfWhat do you mean?
>>65947324Femcels don't exist women can't be lonely this is incel cultural appropriation
>>65947356This is Panko's fault for noticing!
>>65947324me and uruka are both conservatorycelswe both spend time grinding repetoire instead of getting laid
[Airi News] She's harassing other KR chuuba hags
>>65947505What do you play anon?
>>65947356someone needs to edit this onto their dick and prove how much of a runie fan they are
Hear me out...could they be related?
>>65947301no shit sherlock. but you would think small item = cheap big item = more
>>65947554classical guitari have a competition in a month and i haven't practiced in two weeks because work :)
Don't worry, it's not just a spreedsheet, it's a full on wiki-like document I'm creating of the:>Notable anons over the years>schizos>paypigs>orbiters>clippersAnd more throughout /pcg/ history. Stay tuned you'll get a kick out of this.
>>65947505post stats and cock
>>65947641very coolI think I'm supposed to ask you if you can play Pippa the Rippa now
>>65946878If you watch Lia Pippa or Rie regularly and are an active chatter I guarantee you are on at least one spreadsheet either mental or excel~.
>>65947356 Couldn't she have just made it a little witch hat with ears and an eye? Or just forget the ears and only keep the eye? I think Hina might have more int than Runie at this point.
>>65947652Show spreadsheet or show hole
>>65947657i'm retarded, what are statsmy cock is kind of ugly
>>65947652I got a custom voice clip from Nass one year ago for free, am I on the list or are clippercels banned?
>>65947652Thank goodness i'm not in it.
>>65947734It's a ruse.
>>65947652waothat's actually really neat. godspeed
>>65947652Like 6 or 7 entries are gonna be me
>>65947634Fucken idiot, your equation makes no sense. All because you are a phone poster and don't like to use commas or use empty lines. How embarrassing.
>>65947632muumi and jelly share the same mama, yuko too
>>65947652ive been here a week can i join?
>>65947652Good luck anon, I will not be contributing to my own page though.
>>65947755as long as you're cut it'll be cute
>>65947652Am I on it?
>>65947717very funny you said that, because i spontaneously decided to drunkenly arrange a jazzier/modern version of the chorus yesterday instead of actually practicing. i think i threw in some 9ths and 13ths on the chords
As the speaker for the Runatics I would like to hereby announce our secession from /pcg/. The council has found that a vast majority of Runatics find this thread abhorrent and would rather post in their own self governed thread. We have a singular request: Do not add /rune/ as a Phase friend. Doing so would drastically misrepresent the relationship between our two threads.Hail RunieGive Glory to the Runes
>>65947978post butt
>>65947922are you retarded?
>>65948003Shame, was hoping to include you in some edits.
>>659479185 of the posts from spoilerbito’s video were from me
>>65947652Good luck reading through my blogposts.
>>65948003fuck off
>>65947652At least I know I will never be there since I only post while skinwalking, I hope I cause a bunch of dodgy entries to appear for each of you
>>65947669>>65947695>>65947934you guys aren't getting it>muYU>muuMIthink about it
hmmm what do now?
>>65948003ᚲᛁᛚᛚ ᛁᛟᚢᚱᛊᛖᛚᚠ
You hear a knock on your door. It’s Pippa. She says she is badly hurt and asks if you could help her. Do you let her in?
RIP Airi stream.
>>65948158what the fuck
>>65948101he makes videos? a d ti thibf I roned him
>>65948193Yes, I dont mind being murder raped if its Pippa~!
>>65947652Well good thing I'm too much of a skinwalker to show up in your list.
>>65948058>item = cheap big item = moreWhat this says is that item equals to cheap big item equals to more. It makes no sense, fockin moron. At least break the lines.
what are the runatics smoking? you think you're half as tough as likers? know that if you secede, you will forfeit your right of return to /pcg/.
>>65947652>anon does NOT deliver
>>65948101I was three of them
>>65948193No, she is going to human traffick me
>>65946251What was wrong with it
Goodnight, /pcg/I love Pippa and old Disney
>>65947954i meam cut cocks are objectively inferior but i can post it if you really want>>65948056will mods ban me if i put it in a catbox link
>>65948101>spoilerbito's videothe fuck did i miss
I really really hope Eimi does Astral sorcery, it's such a good mod, it's pure aesthetics as well
>>65948453Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
>>65948452how villainous
>>65948453sleep well, lil Iori
>>65948396>one guy>what are runatics smokingAlso, it's suckers in this town lad.
>>65947652I'm probably on it
>>65948520Isn't Astral Sorcery really grindy? At least it was last time I played it.
>>65948453Goodnight Bnuyposter
>>65948396It’s just one guy. Runie is popular and I lover her but she can’t keep a general alive, plus I like her lead in to Eimi and being with the other gen 3s
>>65948396I'm still here motherfucker. Evict me, I dare you.
>>65948453Good night bunbrother.>>65948510https://youtu.be/YOpDWQwdOKc?si=TMapiC1MeftDU8e0 because posting it will trigger spoilerbitos embarrassed screeching.
do you feel like Airis streams have been getting worse lately? like watching her is not as fun as it was months ago?
I would literally murder multiple people if Airi would be my wife afterwards, she wouldn't even have to move or change her streaming\working schedule
>>65948642Nah, dickheads.
>>65948453Nini bnuy poster
>>65947652>paypigsHow are we defining this term here? By amount or frequency? How much and/or how often?
>>65948396We go where we want
>>65948453nini capipi!>>65948768why would i be embarrassed?
>>65948658Not that I remember, the girls don't seem adverse to playing offline anyway
>Gay women cant reproduce Why is Airi like this?
>>65948862it said not finished and you seemed to be shitfaced the night you posted it. I guess I don't get to bully you FUCK.
>The breeding shall commence!how many babies do hamsters have?
>>65948795Airi has never been interesting
Speaking of stalking anons, who is the nini hostage normally?
Suckers or Dickheads? That is the question. If the last number of this post is even = suckers, odd = dickheads.
>>65947356can i get a squibby of that
>>65948768subbed and I'll cum inside spoilerbito if he DMs me
>uruka starts playing violin>loses 100 viewersthe west has fallen
>>65949093Dickheads it is...
>>65948768Bito hoooooooleeessss
>>65949145Need Liora and Nova to scissor Airi/10
culture vulture
>>65949145Pon/10It hurts so much/10See you in court/10a classic/108/10 Very fun, a shame Neal cut it short.
>>65948768Hey, I'm in the video. Didn't think I'd have posts in there.Some of you other falseflagging likers are falseflagging as me now. I will remember this.
I wish I could have as much fun as vtubers
>>65949145Cute and nostalgic. I wonder if they'll go through with the court hearing collab.
>>65948862you remembered me...
>>65949093wow what a dickhead
congratulations on your christening, dickheadshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmmYMwFj1I
>>65949295>He's happy falseflagging but not happy being falseflaggedRules for thee but not for me hmm?
also fuck the anon who was asking my dick and ass pics and then abandoned my offer
>>65948101only 4 of mine made it in
>>65948928i've posted worse
>>65949419We know spoilerbito, we know.
>>65948453nini anon
>>65949408fuck you I got distracted by splilerbito's video, post em why don't ya?
>>65949419Yes, yes you have now that I think about it. Excellent job with gosling images for the egg incident btw I lost my shit at work over the popping SFX.
>>65948453>>65949481pretend that was the soundpost
>>65949397That skinwalker title is mine.
Why do only Suckers/Dickheads get retarded /pcg/-only fan name? How about other Gen 3 girls?
>>65949419Bito hoooooleeeessss
>>65949555Get them back by skinwalking them
>>65949595There's hamptards/hamcels isn't there?
>>65949663Ah yeah. I don't see it getting used /here/ that much though.
Lolicons are hot
>>65949727Muyufags run.
>>65949727you.. you mean lolis are hot, right?
>>65949770I can't, stuck in the cowcunny's iron grip
>>65949811>He hasn't encountered a loliconcon
>>65949811He didn't stutter.
I will molest hina.
>>65949727Oh yeah? Why?
>>65949595>>65949663Sayakin? Sayamorphs? is Sayanid too high brow?
I want to clean Pippa’s vagina with my tongue
>>65949663Speaking of the hamster, just got around to catching her stream, how is she been doing so far?
Goodnight /pcg/, I love Panko
>>65949901gross man, i was just in there
>>65949727post some loli lia art
>>65949915Just a pretty chill minecraft stream, reminds me of the cross-company server days.
>>65949323of course>>65949123what the fuck you can dm people on youtube?
nini, luv Airi!
Good night anons >>65949919and you too panko poster
>>65949970nini Airihead.
>>65949919>>65949970>>65949972Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
>>65949919nini pankophile!>>65949970nini airihead!>>65949972nini hamptard!
>>65949970Goodnight Airihead>>65949972Goodnight Hamcel
>>65949919sleep well, lil pank>>65949970sleep well, lil pon>>65949972sleep very unwell, lil faggot
>>65949919>>65949972>>65949970nini anons
>>65949919Sweet dreams pankophile>>65949972Goodnight hamptard
>>65949919Nini lil Pank, hope you sleep well and enjoy Dark Souls tomorrow
>>65949970Good night brother.
>>65949595come up with your own name then, Hina birdtards, moontards, icecreamers
Airi's doujin is at the top of nh right now...
>>65949970Nini lil Pon, sleep well and be comfy>>65949972No nini until you make a squib move
>>65949972>>65949919assholes do your ninis all at once so I dont have to go through my very limited Pippa nini collection~!
>>65950160Well done, son.
>>65950140>Airi has a doujinI'll be right back...
>>65950221a bit too hot for that one
Stop being parasocial with the thread.
>>65950140Where? I don’t see it
>>65950140488854? Its fucking great.
>>65950274it's just social though
>>65950279It's not actually Airi, it's her doppelganger, Wakamo.
>>65950305Huh for some reason it wasn’t showing up for me
>>65950221you need to workshop the name some more, but i like where you're heart's at
>>65950356Yeah? Well i'm anti-social.Hope you graduate, whore.
>>65950247this is easily the best loli lia picture
>>65950140Wao, she really does look like Airi!
>>65950221Wouldn't Hinazi make more sense?
>>65950337>Airi MMD modelneat.
>>65950452i'll graduate in between your legs fag
>>65950465>you are get a fever
>>65949123nice decklists
i still dont know what lia meant by that
>>65950553Who is this? She looks cute
>>65950556that's pretty good actually, but the best name is one that is used here, and is still normal enough to be used outside
>>65950176>Not stealing all the other Pippa ninis from other anonsThere's definitely some duplicates here buthttps://files.catbox.moe/l17jps.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/tr78bc.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/0pwmz8.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/i667du.gifhttps://files.catbox.moe/0fnwin.gifhttps://files.catbox.moe/7c4ji2.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/5it6ex.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/xksz5d.webmhttps://files.catbox.moe/oc4hnv.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/l17jps.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/sd4kfa.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/ep3v3w.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/9o04t3.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/9g7y3j.gifhttps://files.catbox.moe/0fnwin.gifhttps://files.catbox.moe/cn26kj.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/hjwn2k.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/us9i0h.gif
>>65950617That's Boris
>>65950556I wanted to do something with the abbreviation for her full name (HH)
uruka has an innie, no flaps since she cant see it
>"Time to BREED"Not the first time Eimi said that to me
Why is Uruka so erotic by accident?
Ember’s fat ass can only be tamed by a big black cock
goob night
Even Hina's minecraft model is sex
>>65950852sleep well, lil doragon
>>65950852Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
>>65950852nini utanationalist!
>>65950826Sheltered girl who repeats words she hears from her high school and university friends
Honestly, I'm enjoying this minecraft arc, I hope more talents play minecraft.
>>65950760Wish you happiness. >>65950852Goodnight.
>>65949093just make it dickhead suckers and call it a dayit works on multiple levels
>>65950635>stealing ninisof course!
Hina fed Panko her meat
why did the panko eat the steak
>>65950826In a world of whores the inexperienced is most enticing.
>>65950852You little thief. Sleep well
>>65950954>>65950950Panko love meat
>>65950852Goodnight Nasaposter
>>65950852Nini utacitizen.
It is late, time for beddy byeNini Just kidding I stay awake all night and watch loli hentai Just always wanted to make a nini post
>>65950955why is michiru looking at me like that............
>>65950978Yea, mine
okay this is for the faggot or femanon who wanted picshttps://files.catbox.moe/yggq0m.jpeghttps://files.catbox.moe/wnbele.jpegi hope you're happy coercing a drunk anon into this
nini /pcg/
>>65951008>>65951002And you too.
>MinecraftDamn, even Airi's playing again.
>>65951039Goodnight, of course.
>>65951030>not litterboxyou fucked up drunkanon
>>65951030post it in the Lia thread faggot not here
>>65950915>Wish you happiness. thank u
>>65951030That's a nice orange
>>65951039sleep well, lil bun
>>65951039Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
>>65951030>long sleeved yarn sweateryou really are such a fag
>>65951002good for you>>65951039nini capipi!
>>65951002it's okay anon, I also nini'd yesterday and then continued to shitpost with the lads, but don't tell anyone
[Michiru News] Stream in around 5 hours.https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru/status/1742794921499898017
Is the minecraft revival real? Is the fish happy now?
>>65951079>>65951089whats the difference>>65951072cry about it he didnt specify if if he cared about it im a high t white male im not a hairless faggot>>65951148its cold and i hate cold
>>65951102There's nothing to be thankful for. After all, its one of the worst things I could ever wish. Now that I acknowledge this, I should wish for Tenma to suffer, huh.
>>65951030I clicked on this mid meal knowing exactly what it was going to be. I have no right to be upset.
>>65951030Anon, please wax, it's such a waste to be hairy with a body like that
>>65951030These days during dead hours its more shocking to not get dick pic flash banged clicking a catbox and I'm not sure why I still click them.
>>65951230The siren call of a stray catbox link is strong.
>>65951039Nini bnuy imposter
>>65951039Sleep well bunposter
>>65951205Gen3 really is fishman's dream generation
>>65951231do you have any idea how hairy i am? waxing would take a weeki'm gonna shave my body when i go cosplay at cons in the spring
>>65951030thanks these are going into the spreadsheetof links to never click againfaggot
>>65951230>>65951254it could've been an egg, you had to click to make sure
>>65951030I'm not gay whatsoever but for some reason this really arouses me.Do I need to seek professional help? I'm not a fucking faggot for christ's sake but this cockpic is making me feel funny.
Eimi killed Panko!
>>65951325>I'm not gay whatsoever but for some reason this really arouses me.bad news anon
Panko and Eimi double KO...
I will post something too. https://files.catbox.moe/ghtrs6.png
>>65951325>starknight>not gaylikely story
>>65951325>I'm not gayI've got bad news
>>65951254It's not like there's nothing but dick pics.https://files.catbox.moe/m3kd2g.png
Panko acquired a taste for flesh and Eimi had to murder/suicided her (in minecraft)
>>65951355>Clicked it on instinct>404I was a fool but god deigned to spare me anyway.
>>65951254sumimasenthe fag who requested them hasn't even responded, what a faggot>>65951314i wouldn't mind them being preserved for history's sakefag>>65951325i'm straight, i just get aroused by cock because i have a cock so i can appreciate it. same reason whi i can appreciate a nice male body. still only go for women tho
>>65951325>I'm not gay whatsoever butYou are homosexual
>>65951356>>65951349>>65951368Fuck you guys ok I'm not fucking gay, I hate homostars and rainbow flags and all the other LGBTQ shit that I have to see everywhere. It's just a weird impulse I'm being serious here do I need medical attention?
>>65951039Goodnight Bnuyposter
>>65951417That was the joke.
>>65951325same but i think its the fact that people are being and you're being a voyeur
>>65951472you can still be gay and not be part of them you know
>>65951472Are you seriously asking here and expecting not to be called a fag? Stop jerking off for a month and come back.
It's okay to be gay, my fellow phase friends and lia likers.My first gay experience happened like this:I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him.Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his faggot friend and I quickly finished them both off. I rolled them into the bushes and finished my walk. That was only my first of many such gay encounters.
>>65951430>i'm straight, i just get aroused by cock because i have a cock so i can appreciate it. same reason whi i can appreciate a nice male body. still only go for women thoYou and Tenmaschizo should talk.
>>65951472You could try an electric chair maybe?
cockanon, forgot to mention lumi is my oshi and i lift because she said she was proud of her little brother for getting swole so if im swole she'd babey me like i was her little brother
>>65951472>I hate homostars and rainbow flags and all the other LGBTQ shitBecause you're a closeted homo who's jealous of how openly homo they are
>>65951507are being exhibitionists* idk how i missed that
phase friend hexa sexa going to read the epstein court docushttps://www.twitch.tv/hexavt
>>65951472lmao this nigga gay af
>>65951193Get a nap in Michiposter, you have 5 and a half hours
>>65951553This is a skinwalking liker.
>>OPPhase Friend https://www.twitch.tv/hexavt is doing a Jeffrey Epstein deep dive
>>65951593I will, after i eat.
>>65951546i don't know a lot of /pcg/ lore i just act retarded here so why is tenmaschizo gay>>65951585hot
>>65951472lol imagine being this gay
>>65951628>why is tenmaschizo gay
i think ill send muyu a maro challenging her stance on anonymity this will be my act of revenge
>>65951622Feeding Michiposter...
>>65951522>>65951512Whatever dude fuck offI'm still hard and can't help looking at the tab over and over, I'm going to the E.R. I 'm getting getting sicker and sicker with myself but I unironically, completely deadpan straight can't stop looking.hopefully the E.R has boner killing pills or something.
>>65951585Damn it doremu, why did you post that...
>>65951546>I'm not gay, I just get homosexual thoughts and impulses.kek
>>65951472super gay
https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa/status/1742797590843040217Nasa on in 4 hours for a new FPS.
>>65951671>Because otherwise I wouldn't trainWhat?
>>65951688accept who (You) are
>>65951325It's the sweater, don't worry, I get you lil starknight, liking cock doesn't make you gayI'm a faggot though
>>65951585now make her spit out an egg.
>>65951734You do know that I'm ESL? I thought it was obvious. You should get used to it.
>>65951734He too appreciates the male form, but not in a gay way, surely.
>>65951688anon please stop distressing yourself with my cocki didn't mean to cause people harmjust recognize the gay urges and let them recede from your mind>>65951695having gay urges and not acting on them makes you extra straight, goofus
Sell me on MuyuI'm enjoying Eimi and Hina is okay, but haven't really been drawn in by Muyu, maybe she's just not my type
im still trying to figure out how happiness is the worst thing you could wish soemone
>>65951734He's a Siberian who treks into the woods to lift rocks his special lifting rocks. They get frozen in the winter and it makes him cranky.
>>65951793uoooooooh cunny
>>65951775i'm glad someone gets it, even if you're a fagthanks this sweater is very cute and comfy
>>65951793watch her streams from today
why is this thread so full of fags tonight
>Ember's regular order at Wendys is a baconator, 20 piece chiggen nugget, chili cheese fries and a small frostyJesus H Christ, this woman can eat.
>>65951786Kill yourself faggot go have sex with a woman and stop posting cock on /pcg/ this isn't your fucking pseudo /lgbt/ hideout.It's the middle of the night and I have to start my fucking car up an drive to the hospital because of you kys you homo baiting piece of shit.
>>65951878No idea
>>65951878How new?
Pippa can you retweet or like or comment on something really crazy or stupid so we have something to talk about during dead hours?
>>65951903i have had sex with a woman already and it was nicei don't think you need to hospitalize yourself for an erection, it hasn't been 4 hours since i posted it
>>65951688You need to work on your self control if you are unable to close the tab. The homoshit is secondary to a lack of discipline.
>>65951586small reminder Hexa is a regular user of the VTuber kiwifarm offshoot site Virtual Asylum....good luck trying to get a collab with Phase Connect when Sakana wants nothing to do with KF or its goons
>>65951886>no regular fries to dip in the frostydropped
>>65951723Do I nap as well or do I just stay up late tonight? It's only 4pm
fishman the server...
>>65952020you're vile
how many times does pippa masturbates a day on average
>>65952048no, you're vile
damn cow brat...
>>65952019>Does he know?
>>65951937>>48551056Reminiscent of this one.
Eimi is the bottom of the food chain
>>65951952Umm. Anon.NOW (Literally right now)Eimi Isami (LIVE | Modded Minecraft)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr2YNwLbOZ4Fujikura Uruka (LIVE | 2023 Recap)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHDu0yad4scSOONDead HoursLATERShisui Michiru (5h30m | ???)https://www.youtube.com/@ShisuiMichiru/streamsBONUSHanamori Natsumi (LIVE | Guardian Tales)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp2hbZWz6WE
>>65951786What the fuck that's like 2 days of food.
>hexa blackpilled asmr
>>65952137https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJr7S4r6FlQYou forgot Nasa...
>>65951472Usually when people say homophobes are closeted fags I think it's just cope, but in this case...
quit talking about dicks and soundpost that "hey besties, kill yourselves"
Ya'll niggas gay
>>65952137Oh right, I need to add Nasa now, I have messed this up every time the last 4 timeshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJr7S4r6FlQ
>>65952019>Sakana wants nothing to do with KF or its goonsLol, lmao.
>>65952137>Anons would rather argue over being gay or not instead of liveposting eimiMinecraft really is that boring, huh.
>>65952211It's not an easy job with the official schedule being broken most of the time.
>>65952143Uuuhh, number clicking reps??
>>65952137>Dead Hoursnoooo, not again
>>65952019>Fish wants nothing to do with KF He's talked with josh before over getting certain posts removed He's also had posters from there doing work for phase at one point
>>65952185It's an old trolling strat first introduced by Freud. Of course, he did understand that it was not always like that. It was just funny.
>>65952117Ah yes, presplit likers...it was a better time, a simpler time...
>>65952224Uruka was singing a little bit ago too, everyone was having fun being gay though so I didn't want to interrupt them
>>65952117>8 months agoI remember seeing this as it was posted, where does the time go?
Uruka will NEVER beat the allegations
What the fuck did I just open /pcg/ to
>>65952019Is this bait?
>>65952334Must be real lonely being the only anon ITT who is a Liker anymore.My condolences at least their split seems to be going well
>>65952427femcels dont exist
what was the best uruka clone tweet?
>>65952480NTA but likers in general changed after the split.>t. day 0 lurker
>>65952463The usual.
>>65952480We have at least 3 main thread Likers and all the split Likers migrate home when she's on the telly
>>65952463Some guy posted a pic and turned an anon gay
>>65952480He's not completely alone.
>>65952518They became whiny bitches who fall for bait just like cookies
>>65952603I'll microwave her just for you
>>65952463Welcome to the new support group general for homosexuals in denial.
>I've watched 8 hours of minecraftOdd, I didn't enjoy Holo or Niji minecraft, but Muyu and now Eimi is making this entertaining. It's probably because it's modded minecraft.
>>65952590Their split has weakened them. In a sense, it was inevitable. Cut off from the torrent of rrats flooding this thread, their tolerance decreased.
>>65951610Hexa announced she's going to stream CWC related stuff at the weekends. Add her to the list of people Lia should have in a part 2 of it.
>>65952654It's been that long? Fuck, didn't even realise
>>65952518>likers in general changed after the splitNo, the split happened because likers changed (got sick of watching capipis timeloop 24 hours a day)
>>65952689Bad threads create strong postersStrong posters create good threadsGood threads create weak postersWeak posters create bad threads
>>65952518Turns out a fanbase who constantly complains about the state of the thread fucking off would end up massively changing from how they used to be. AKA accepting of homo's, off topic, and nijis. Likers never really fit in here anyway
>>65952654These are also just good minecraft streams.They're in their honeymoon phase with the game so everything seems more interesting and fun to them and that also makes the experience more enjoyable for us as an audience.
>>65952700She already announced this during the Pippa collab. She watched the first episode and forgot all abotu it.
>>65952758I know a lot of the remaining mainthread likers are liker/capipis. Not sure how many pure likers are left.
How many streams do you guys normally watch at a time? I used to be 1 stream at a time only then I started watching two, then three and now I switch between three and four It feels like a mix between schizophrenia and a super power being able to focus on all of them at once
>>65952758This thread has become far worse than the liker thread since the split.
>>65952835I only watch one at a time because I'm not a fence sitter.
>>65952739This but unironically
Eimi said lol out loud so now I'm honor-bound to anti her forevermore. Sorry.
>Lia split happens, Likers become less homosexual>pcgai split happens, Starknights become the new bitosHow did this happen
>>65952835One at a time. More than that will give you tiktok zoomer adhd brain damage.
>>65952857It's been half a year, this thread changes posters and culture every 2 months.
>>65952835I generally don't watch more than one unless it's a collab like among us or something like that.There have been a few exceptions when I really wanted to watch two different streams overlapping.
>>65952758>a pipnig talking about offtopicOh the irony
>>65952948I hate starknights so much they give a bad name to my oshi
>>65952954My attentionspan is fine, I do a lot of focused hobbies during dead hours though, like reading, gardening, jigsaw puzzles & woodworking
>>65952758Translation: I like this thread more now that the people who used to call me out for being obnoxious aren't here to call me out for being obnoxious.
>>65952735Doesn't matter how it happened. Fact of the matter is likers are simply a different breed now, I'd argue their thread is straighter than this one. They also took "only Lia" to the extreme and just outright disregard most of anything else to do with Phase. They're their own little island now which was inevitable really.
>>65953005Be the jellyposter you want to see anon
>>65952948>new bitoshey, we're still right here
uruka reflecting on her horny arc
>>65953073No offense but Starknights take being gay to a whole new level.
>>65953050Which is weird since Lia is still the face of Phase.
>>65953073Sure babe.
>>65953050Nah, Likers are fine, you guys are fags exaggerating things, they're cool with me whenever I go visit themThe main thread Likers are more enjoyable to be around though
>>65953005just imagine they're cute femanons posing as gays and you'll feel a lot better, anon!
>>65952948>>65953073i can't believe i've been outgayed
>>65953005It's the avatarfag just turning out to be a fag and the liker
>>65953050>They also took "only Lia" to the extreme and just outright disregard most of anything else to do with Phase.Well duh, that thread's only for posting about Lia and when I want to post about other Phase members I come back here.
>>65953138Thanks anon, as every remaining mainthread liker, me and my smart fridges appreciate it.
>>65953112this is true>>65953119if no one got me i know michiposter got me
>>65953138Don't hate em, they're just different.
I warned you all about the splitsAll the different groups in here kept each other in check. Now the balance has been thrown off and all the threads are worse as a result.
https://twitter.com/komachipanko/status/1742751710718599283Are you excited for Panko's upcoming Tard Souls streams?
>>65953112There's also more avatarfag Starknights than any other fanbase, what about Jelly attracts them? The autism?
I think (You) SUCK
Likers were supposed to end their thread when the fire went out, but then it happened and they never did.
>>65953226yeah me
>>65953226Yeah, (Me)
why don’t capipis get their own thread
>>65953240it went out cuz they were all too drunk for 100k. it's very in character for them
When is Euphoria getting its own thread?
wait a fucking minutethis isn't /lig/
>>65953050>Thread focusing on purely one person... focuses on one personDon't visit /baubau/ or other holo threads, it might just blow your mind.
>>65953191>m alib>t,omorow
when is my sewing machine getting its own thread?
Hampter has crazy retention rate. Reminiscent of Da Michi's audience.
>>65953224I just post jelly when I want to. Her expressions are funny.
Fish tried to pimp Uruka
i need uruka's most horny streams from her horny arc. i remember anons talked about her fingering her ass
I should have my own thread
>>65953324I just can't stop watching, I don't want the stream to end. I want to spend as much time with her as possible.
>>65953340based, jelly isn't even my oshi but I must agree
>>65953267They're the majority so they get to hold this one hostage instead and call you brown and/or female if you complain about how annoying they are.
>>65953240If Divegrass was to die do you think they would consider coming home?
> I was in a dark place>Sakana was trying to make us go down the lewd route>then he said stop doing thatWtf is uruka trying to say
>>65953324I'm not even that into it and it's 2AM but for some reason I can't stop watching
>>65952487it's seriously some stolen valor ass shit for real for real no cap on god. uruka needs to stop calling herself a femcel. women saw incels create edgy punk counter culture of the modern era and now they're trying to co-op it! as an almost 25 year long incel myself i refuse to stand for something like this! uruka, stop calling yourself a femcel!
>>65953340That's a fair point, she does have the best model by far, just bugs me that I need 6 different skinwalking folders for them
>>65953398wait sakana asked the talents to be more lewd? i'm going to kill that fish.
>>65953393I think some of them are too entrenched in the whole confederacy thing to ever return.
>>65953393>football's no longer coming home>likers come homeironichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJqimlFcJsM
>>65953398>>Sakana was trying to make us go down the lewd routewtf I thought Sakana was a crypto unicorn?
>>65953267They won't leave even if they hate everyone else because Pippa likes /pcg/, not a hypothetical /pippa/. The capipis that don't relentlessly bring up drama or complain are cool tho.
>>65953267Don't wanna >:(
>>65953481Yes but he's also stupid
>>65953398>>Sakana was trying to make us go down the lewd routebased fish
>>65953449Muumi really saved the fuck out of this company didn't she?
>>65953449Yes rewind a bit Uruka said he instructed her to 'act sexier'
>>65953398He wanted his own Houshou Marine no matter what
>3k ms
>>65953267Because I also watch Lia with tenma and michiru on the side and its convenient having one thread to post in.
>>65953398Uruka misinterpreted whatever the fishman said so she got told to pump the brakes.Also she probably wasn't lying about "once a day"
>>65953483Most of them are pretty cool. Some of them are spergs. Most of the retards people complain about are falseflags though. Just that anyone posting anything negative in the thread gets called a capipi by schizos like the pipnig poster, so all antiposting kinda gets stuck to them.
>>65953571This is really my only issue with splits, having a single talent split is usually fine but splitting by generation means I have to watch multiple threads to get all the news/art/whatever.
>>65953398I'm fully convinced Phase would have ended up like tsunderia or even Ako Air if her didn't hire Muumi. What a moron.
I think Phase Connect is pretty cool
>>65953653Kill yourself.
>>65953398He shouldnt be telling a family member to be more lewd
>>65953398/pcg/ will shit on Sakana for this while also soundposting and jerking off to anything that sounds even slightly lewd out of context
Honestly the threads have been pretty good the past two days, it really is just 2 retards shitting the place up, the moment they're gone everything is so much calmer
>>65953447Why do you need so many folders? Are there that many distinct posting styles of Jelly?
Goodnight, /pcg/. I love Tenma. BB has yet to say anything. He wants to jump out of a window — silly guy, he doesn't even have legs! — or a body, for that matter. Of course, talking to Boris (his name, I think it's a funny way to call a dog) is the same as talking to an apartment. You see, even he (he?) wants to go beyond [himself]. Saint Teresa prayed: "pati, Domine, aut mori". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RyS0e4Ppg4
>>65953267They tried /pippa/ once during december 2022 and even had a string of threads going, but funny enough jannies ended up banning that entire general after a week. wonder why they didn't do the same with Lia or /pcgia/
The more time I spend watching streams the more I come to respect that one kanpainiki who doesn’t even watch her because he’s too busy making himself a better person for her
>>65953715NTA but I can spot about 4
>>65953719sleep well, lil шизo
>>65953719Nini Tenmaschizo, hope you're doing well and being comfy and satisfied with life, sleep well
>>65953730>Jelly is...>Autismposting>Real starknight>Me calling people dense motherfuckersHmm...
>>65953714>2 retardsCould've fooled me, sounds like the same broken record at this point.
>>65953719Goodnight Kanpainiki
>>65953720Wasn't that Peruanon.
>>65953678Why not? Maybe if your parents had told you to be sexier you might have grown up with some rizz and gotten a gf.
>>65953719Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
>>65953622Splitting by generation is stupid. While PHASE INCLINE BAYBEE!!!! is true, but it is still not as big as Niji or Holo to justify a split. The only split that make sense is a /pippa/ but you know how Pippa feels about it. Tenma is inclining hard too so a split is possible but kanpainikis aren't even that active /here/.
>>65953719nini kanpainiki!
>>65953719Sleep well tenmaschizo
>>65953714But the real question is, who are these 2 retards ruining threads?
>>65953875DER LIKER
>>65953787>>65953730Some of them don't come here often and stick to /pcgia/ most of the time
>Infinite page 9I will now attempt to nap.
>>65953719Nini Tenmaschizo!
>>65953913You'll be bit by a single bedbug that cares just a bit more than the rest.
>>65953897I swear on my life I have never antiposted. I can't say the same for anyone pretending to be me though.
Working overnight as a security guard fucking sucks huge dickJong to pass the time anyone? Majsoul Friends Room 80835(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=80835
>>65953913don't go to bed just yet, spoilerbito could post his hole again...
>>65953913napnap michiposter!
>>65953875I think it's 3 to be honest but if 2 of them are missing the 3rd won't act up on his own and tends to just stop by before leaving
>>65953913Goodnap Michiposter
>>65953973Bito hooooooooleeeesssssss
Nasa schedule.
>>65953958The Liker is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a falseflagger, homosexual, threadshitter, gayfaber, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Liker and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.
>>65953913Nap well Michiposter, I hope you go straight into REM sleep and wake up smoothly for stream without needing an alarm to go off
>>65953913Goodnap michiposter! Better wake up in time, you wouldn't want your loyalty to be outdone by a capipi of all people would you?
>>65952019>gossiping whore trying to act superior over supposed other gossip Bonus points because you are probably talking out of your ass. >>65952314>he talked to JoshHis talking was trying to send a takedown notice which obviously didn't work, you dishonest retard.
Image limit?! in my /pcg/?Rip Nasaposter
I want to drink Pippa’s piss
>Infinite page 9What level of purgatory have >we found ourselves in, how deep does this abyss go?
>750+ posts in the middle of the nightThis better not be from all of you wishing each other good night.
>>65953957Do you not have any jpgs saved? I'm like 100+ pictures in for you and they're all pngs
>>65954101Once you find the catbox link you'll wish it was~!
I'm tired of talents streaming at 3:00-6:00AM so I'm moving to the better timezone
>>65953957>>65954000>>65954019>>65954049>>65954052 Please.>Image limit>Bye Bye[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi6czos.mp3].png
>>65954101We've been stuck on page 9 for an hour now. This is the infinite thread.
>>65954099Quick! Someone make more Runie threads to bump us off
>>65954072>VTuber kiwifarm offshoot site Virtual AsylumIt's doing a shitty job of being a KF clone then.
https://twitter.com/eimiisami/status/1742812279735816309uoh tummy erotic>Verification not required
>>65954105I use snipping tool and it's defaulted to png's. Not editbug by the way or is it, there's no image to tell.
[Phase friend news]Hexa is exposing the jews
>>65954157>Runie threadsHuh?
>>65954031FINALLY, that's everyone besides Shiina and Michi now. Michi won't do one and Shiina is dead to the world for a while still so that's all of Phase added to the spreadsheet
>>65954210A joke that's gone a bit far.
>>65954195Yeah, she kind of needs to be careful here. Her literal who status protects her but someone out to get her could do some damage. She did just say that this would not be archived.
Page 10, someone bake, I'm busy at the moment
>Page 10baker?
>>65954257To be fair what she said was pretty tame
>>65954072Bito hoooooooleesssss
>>65953966>full>jong rooms only posted during dead hours nowI miss the old days.
>>65954210>>65954230Just checked the catalog>there a 2 runie threads>one of it is a generalWhat the fuck
>>65954316I don’t
>>65954294Yeah, she pulled up at the terrain warning. Though what is tame for anons is horrific to normgroids.
>>65954336There were 4 at one point earlier today (all with the same image) but jannies killed 2 of them
>>65954336Was started as a meme but commieschizo is pushing it really hard because he wants a version of /pcg/ without "natsocs"
New thread>>65954431>>65954431
>>65954395I'm not a Nazi I just hate Jews
>>65953267>getYou make threads, you don't get them handed out to you by some small dicked destroyer of /a/.
>>65953720>TheyCapippalists never made a general. People trying to anti Pippa did. >a string of threadsNo.