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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59274423 No.59274423 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like some are pretending to be silly and some actually can't function on a basic human level.

>> No.59274588


>> No.59275515


>> No.59275750


>> No.59275910


>> No.59276079


>> No.59276105
Quoted by: >>59281072

Unironically Baelz

>> No.59276305
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Quoted by: >>59281072


>> No.59276831
Quoted by: >>59280959

Miko, Mel, Rushia

>> No.59278263
File: 230 KB, 546x546, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59278512
Quoted by: >>59327692

Yeah, me.

>> No.59280959
Quoted by: >>59302939

Lol, no. Miko is a very clever individual. You're right about Rushia.

>> No.59281072

This is the practical answer.

>> No.59281157
File: 55 KB, 347x240, 1689233216148263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59310269

Mel is mostly retarded and even is dumb enough to forget to wear clothes and go biking. She's cute though

>> No.59281163

You know formal schooling is probably a mistake. Before the existence of schooling you could probably have told the smart poor people (some dude who taught himself to read by combing through a bible) from the average retard who would need extra years of study just to do basic math, but in the modern era you have a lot of morons with access to google who can basically approximate intelligence without ever actually being smart It's Laplus

>> No.59281288
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1680578300120191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59281899

>some actually can't function on a basic human level.
This woman talks the same way and acts and does the same things that special ed kids do

>> No.59281399

What does formal schooling have to do with any of that?

>> No.59281683

You now remember one time when Aqua almost killed herself by not taking meds because of "disgusting taste".

>> No.59281733

A Holomem's true intelligence can be judged by the quality of her life decisions. So Kronii, Mori, and Laplus are pretty fucking stupid. Ame is low on the intelligence scale too. Rushia wins the ultimate prize though.

>> No.59281899

>People keep falling for "le socially awkward girl" meme over and over and over again

>> No.59282681

Why do people even post this now a days when it's always fucking werido's who get into being a vtuber in the first? I worked like years ago, but not really now a days

>> No.59284268
Quoted by: >>59292494

no one's gotten smarter from reading the bible

>> No.59288100


>> No.59288370

My oshi couldn't press a button right

>> No.59290690

Peco, Moomer, Rbc, Shark. Akutan already grew up and capable of taking care of herself.

>> No.59292340
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>> No.59292494

Go back

>> No.59292774

All of them. Cover has hidden policy of hiring retards only.
It works wonders for Hololive since watching retarded women is peak entertaiment.
But sadly it's goes beyond that, which means they hire retarded men that no one wants to watch for homos and retarded staff that keeps pushing those retarded men on audience that want to watch retarded women.

>> No.59296032
File: 261 KB, 371x294, 1667050620156171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59296203

Miko, Ayame, Towa

>> No.59298222
Quoted by: >>59298818

All of them, even big names like Suisei will be broke after vtubing due to her gacha addict lifestyle, none of them can funciton alone.

>> No.59298358

Becoming a vtuber is a retarded life decision therefore all holos are retards

>> No.59298401

You got to be a wierdo to even consider being a vtuber

>> No.59298520
Quoted by: >>59308842

By that logic Gura is a genius because you can't fuck up if you don't stream

>> No.59298818

I mean the hags were doing fine before this and can function just fine. I image a good chuck of them aren't dumb and save thing or well Noel has invested in things and Noel bought land.

>> No.59300226
Quoted by: >>59300541

these girls managed to get and keep a vtubing job. they survived before that and now are pulling in a lot of money. if you really believe they are retarded, the retarded person here is probably you.

>> No.59300541

>they survived before
Barely. In some cases they literally only lived away from parents after Hololive.

>> No.59302752

Mel is literally unironically all jokes aside retarded. Her IQ is probably around 75. I have no idea who tard wrangled her before hololive, but they did a damn good job because somehow she hasn't put a fork in a power socket yet, or tried to warm up her bath with a toaster.

>> No.59302939

Miko is an airhead and has multiple pon moments but she's not retarded

>> No.59302991
Quoted by: >>59303237

>pretend to be retarded
>become rich milking lonely men for their money
She's pretty savvy imo.

>> No.59303162

Teaching yourself to read witu no context is not easy, and it would show intelligence in one area. You be pretty much throwing away many different types of people who could he scientists. You want your population to ve educated. You guys have some really weird ideas about what thebpast was like.

>> No.59303237
Quoted by: >>59303425

You've never watched her if you think she's pretending.

>> No.59303391

average iq in japan: 106.5
average iq in indonesia: 78.5

>> No.59303425

I bet you think Suisei is also a lesbian comet. It's a fucking persona and when the camera is off she's normal. Subaru lied about her house burning down, this is all known.

>> No.59303757
Quoted by: >>59303983

Bro not him, Mel is literally retard

>> No.59303983
Quoted by: >>59304101

You only base that off shit she says on stream, which is performative. Again other girls embellish things, or play things up to entertain viewers, it's a persona and they do it because it makes money. I don't get why people know yuribaiting is bullshit, but think the self made millionaire girls are actually retarded. She will make more money than any of you, and that includes doctors. She does it just by playing videogames, she isn't destroying her body like a tradesman or factory worker, she isn't dying of stress like doctors and finance guys, and she will be able to retire early. Mel, Aqua, etc are smarter than the average viewer and it shows becuase they live an entirely different life with less stress and more money.

>> No.59304101

yeah, she repeatedly agrees to collabs that are obviously going to play off the 'mel is stupid' angle. if she were really that dumb she would be embarrassed about it.

>> No.59304256
File: 798 KB, 498x498, 1681659853746427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59304405

>No man you don't understand everyone is just pretending to be retarded
Anon just stop.

>> No.59304362

>if she were really that dumb she would be embarrassed about it.
Why would you when it makes you money?

>> No.59304405

A retard has earned more money than you would earn in a lifetime, you're objectively doing worse at life than a retard. If she were stupid she wouldn't be ok with her persona she would likely complain about people calling her stupid all the time. Look at Suisei hating people sexualizing her, or Kiara with the bottom left shit, Mel as no problem being thought of as an idiot becuase she's smart and knows she has more money coming in from fans who think she's dumber than them.

>> No.59304516

>Mel as no problem being thought of as an idiot becuase she's smart and knows she has more money coming in from fans who think she's dumber than them.
Anon she's retard how makes money form being a retard. It doesn't stop her from being retarded.

>> No.59304599

That's like saying xqc isn't a fucking retard cause he makes money by being mentally challenged. The man is still a fucking retard

>> No.59306194


>> No.59306715

I reminded after awhile the manager job openings had:
>Work with small children or the disabled would be helpful

>> No.59307031

>Moom can't buy groceries because no japanese reps
>Asks manager if someone can accompany her
>Managers think she literally can't go buy groceries
>Bring her groceries instead

>> No.59307490
Quoted by: >>59307863

>>Work with small children or the disabled would be helpful
Man I'm hoping Suisei and Aqua aren't legit retarded.

>> No.59307554

I have never seen someone this retarded in my life. It's actually impressive how dumb she is. I guess it's what happens when you are being groomed from a young age.

>> No.59307754

I reminder that, when they added to the JP resume added that as a plus for things listed that would help you get hired with things like being able to speak English. Still funny.

>> No.59307863
Quoted by: >>59308574

Bro even people outside of Cover that have met Aqua called her retarded. She's legit retarded

>> No.59308574

I don't watch her, what made people say that?

>> No.59308696
File: 2.51 MB, 960x540, 1641583631338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59308745

>Mete girs
>Only talks by slurp's
>Hides behind other people even if she does talk and actually runs from people she suppose to meet up with
>Says only very stupid things when she does talk
She's gotten better I think though.

>> No.59308800
File: 602 KB, 1912x1572, 1665325087366339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Pekora was fucking convinced that you read NESW on a map the same way you winds work in mahjong and she was super serious about the whole thing and like double and tripled down she was right.

>> No.59308842

>you can't fuck up if you don't stream
Not streaming is fucking up in and of itself. Gura is killing her own numbers although she doesn't seem to care for some reason.

>> No.59309201
Quoted by: >>59342670

That's just her being an Asian woman

>> No.59309948
File: 66 KB, 410x410, retarderchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59350358

can you even argue that she isn't

>> No.59310269
Quoted by: >>59311049

qrd on the biking story? I don't know much about Mel since I'm a filthy EOP and clippers usually ignore her.

>> No.59310462
File: 355 KB, 2560x1440, 54354533545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaze upon true retardation.

>> No.59310625
File: 5 KB, 312x73, 1692987962257082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59345904

>from one of kanata's tweets from a few hours ago

>> No.59311049

Mel kinda got dresses and I guess want biking a for a few blocks before she realized she forgot to put her skirt or any pants on. She said probably no one saw her since she had a long coat on.

>> No.59312546
File: 606 KB, 717x896, 1678058672510374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59315129

I like how a literal HS dropout is smarter than some holos

>> No.59314023

Not even the dumbest in Trinity.

>> No.59314112


>> No.59314957
Quoted by: >>59342867

Nah, she seems fairly smart. Booksmart at any rate. Her "issue" is that she is simply young, inexperienced in life and seems to want to do things her own way.

>> No.59315129
File: 272 KB, 348x955, 1684595704141782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59316521

It's funny

>> No.59316521

My nerdy math wife Nene...

>> No.59318013

Reminds me of surveillance cam footage from eons ago where some lady spends eons trying to park her car but keeps failing. The guy behind her gets sick of waiting, gets into the lady's car, and parks it for her in one go before getting back into his own and driving off.

>> No.59323178


>> No.59324585

>autist itt thinks making money = being a literal genius
This guy has never worked in real estate kek (probably never worked anywhere at all, actually). Only the most braindead retards make good money in real estate.

>> No.59324631

Where's the Nene copypasta again?

>> No.59324914

To be fair, the mnemonic was supposed to done clockwise instead of up-down left-right.

>> No.59327692

this post best post

>> No.59331217

shion nene miko

>> No.59331666


>> No.59332209

Chama is so retarded that her name has become a suffix for retarded.

>> No.59334505
Quoted by: >>59339428

>You know formal schooling is probably a mistake
Not enough of it is, as evidenced by your post.

>> No.59338090
Quoted by: >>59346284

I don't think its true stupidity, it's more like arrogant and hypocripsy

>> No.59338135

all of them

>> No.59339428

Not enough of it is what anonchama?

>> No.59339800

I'm not a fan of classic academia but I'm pretty sure humanity has not gone past the industrial era if not for public schooling. Just look at african countries.

>> No.59342670

i still can't believe pekora is an asian woman

>> No.59342867
Quoted by: >>59345940

>fairly smart
>doesnt address her senpais with honorifics
>said that hololive fans have been brainwashed into liking hololive
>didnt show up to her anniversary 3d stream with her genmates
>acts arrogant, hypocritical and obnoxious on stream
>says shorts are better than streams and she won't stream on youtube anymore
>her taste in fashion is garbage
>looks and acts like a typical low IQ wannabe whore with no self-awareness
>doesn't understand what makes hololive so popular
>chases e-celeb dick on main account
She is a walking retard anon

>> No.59344798
Quoted by: >>59346324

All of them are considerably fucked in the head and have fleshlight or drop-out IQ

EN's got Kroni, Ame, Kiara, Irys, Bae, Mumei as challenged

Fleshlight IQ: Fauna, Mori, Koseki, Fuwawa and Mococo, Nerissa and Shiori (who reeks of single mom stench its practically palpable)

Watching them slowly deteriorate and self-absolve (self awareness be God damned) will be entertaining and maybe finally bring grade S content onto YT

I don't wish a single fucking one of them well post-career/next stage, burnt HS yearbook style notwithstanding

>> No.59344892

what am I seeing here? Not organizing desktop? Looks like my boomer parents, maybe just lazy but not retarded

>> No.59345904

what does "understanding North, East, West and South" even mean?

>> No.59345940
Quoted by: >>59346284

you describing a cunt, karen to be
not a retard
no wonder she made me remember so much of my sister -.-

>> No.59346081
Quoted by: >>59346324

That's just autism, not retarded.
Mel is actually retarded.
Like sub 80 IQ

>> No.59346284

none of them are as retarded as /here/posters like
>>59338090 >>59345940

>> No.59346324
Quoted by: >>59347013

>Mel is actually retarded.
> Like sub 80 IQ
But she's Japanese, that can't be right.
I also need Mel to NOT be retarded so I can feel ok with her ero content.

>These girls are dumb
>lists of girls who know 2 or 3 languages

>> No.59346552
Quoted by: >>59346903

You don't get it. The ones that act retarded and can convince everyone they're dumb as shit and basically can't function without a guardian that dresses them every morning are the smart ones that clearly know what they fans want. The actually retarded ones are those that can't shut up when needed and always have to start shit because they can't actually control themselves. See LaPlus, Matsuri, Mori, Rushia, etc.
Well, the Trinity girls might actually be retarded

>> No.59346641


>> No.59346903

>can't function without a guardian that dresses them every morning
To be fair Mel actually forgets to wear clothes sometimes

>> No.59346929

>assuming she's smart enough to realize she is the joke

>> No.59347013

I can speak 4 languages because my parents crammed that shit into my brain when I was really young, I'm still retarded enough to be posting on /here/
Your point being?

>> No.59348197
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>> No.59349429

That makes you above average intelligence. Most people only speak 1 language.

>> No.59350358

do you know two languages

>> No.59350458

i'll not argue that some of the EN girls are a might touched, but fauna is obviously intelligent. i could argue kronii is too, given she's working on her third language and has the sense of humor of stephen wright.

>> No.59350595
File: 347 KB, 640x497, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59352347

>> No.59350720
File: 77 KB, 410x482, Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59351872
File: 46 KB, 850x638, 1685078685741189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59352347
Quoted by: >>59355435

actually happened to me
was too autistic to go to the hospital even though i had pulmonary edema and almost died

>> No.59355435


>> No.59356052
Quoted by: >>59357796

New girl got in trouble since last stream she was screaming "I AM IN HOLOLIVE AND DEV_IS" at the top of her lungs in a non sound proof appalment till her neighbor complained
She seems to have a lower IQ then Mel.

>> No.59356501

They're all women so they're all fundamentally retarded.

>> No.59357796
Quoted by: >>59358058


>> No.59358058
File: 891 KB, 498x372, 1693872057386357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59362950

The one that drools and talks at 75% a normal humans speed, but at 250% the volume.

>> No.59358573

A lot of these girls didn’t cram that shit into their brain when they were young, though - they had the dedication and resilience to try and learn it as adults with severely diminished brain plasticity. That makes them some level of intelligent.

>> No.59358994
File: 403 KB, 2048x1536, Nousagi Gives Pekora Map Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That had to have been a bit, r-right?

>> No.59362402
File: 94 KB, 960x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noone can beat her

>> No.59362450
Quoted by: >>59363294

none, the rigorous hiring process of Hololive weeds them out

>> No.59362644

Suisei fucks Miko every day

>> No.59362950
Quoted by: >>59363258

The baby or aqua 2.0?

>> No.59363258

aqua 2.0

>> No.59363294

I think you means hires them on purpose
