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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 385 KB, 707x529, 1604485127840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5803804 No.5803804 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5803918

ina fat ass

>> No.5803921
File: 1.63 MB, 1800x1800, 1624924425975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Scout's abs NOW

>> No.5803923
File: 2.88 MB, 858x1078, coco ass shake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804099


>> No.5803925
File: 403 KB, 578x640, B821EF88-FF69-4B20-AE8C-1C8B5F01269F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5803963 >>5804013

Ritual posters today will make my cock larger

>> No.5803927
Quoted by: >>5803944

I'm going to dedicate a special American event to Ame tomorrow.

>> No.5803934

Hololive global

>> No.5803935
File: 586 KB, 4096x1636, AmeCute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love Ame!

>> No.5803938
File: 301 KB, 1394x2048, E4qaRdnVkAInc3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels nice being the only teamate these past few threads. I have Ame all to myself!

>> No.5803941

my tummy hurts

>> No.5803943
File: 2.26 MB, 1750x5693, 2135366126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5803971 >>5804240

>retards last thread saying December January was Ame's best months
>When she's been literally inclining ever since the outfit reveal

>> No.5803944


>> No.5803945
Quoted by: >>5803962

No thanks I'm good. I had a glass yesterday so I'm pretty hydrated.

>> No.5803948
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1608653175489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5803980 >>5804054

I love Ina!

>> No.5803949

This last meme is just depressing. ココは僕に(クソ)日本語を教えました。

>> No.5803951

That's a big Roboco

>> No.5803954

Ame doesn't stream today but why is everyone still talking about her?

>> No.5803961

Suck my bone tealass

>> No.5803962

>had a glass yesterday

>> No.5803963
File: 248 KB, 1800x2000, 1611706063011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey.. m-me too!!!

>> No.5803965
File: 211 KB, 1200x1688, nekomata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the gravitational force.

>> No.5803968
File: 2.86 MB, 2894x4093, 1603447931393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804001

Hey, me too!

>> No.5803969
File: 1021 KB, 1318x1368, EnusEixUcAEUUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Gura and Amelia should have sex with each other. It would be enjoyable for them and the thought of it would be enjoyable for me. I don't think there's any obvious downsides

>> No.5803970
File: 126 KB, 1587x1113, 1624331508983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco is playing an amazing +91 RP game with RBC right now! CHOCO LOVE!

>> No.5803971

That's cool or whatever but when's Oblivion #13

>> No.5803975
File: 141 KB, 850x743, 1624942956441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stream!

>> No.5803976
File: 1.71 MB, 1111x1460, 1623036003150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do love Suisei

>> No.5803977
Quoted by: >>5804064 >>5804198

She literally got sent to the shadow realm for a week (or was it 2?) by MaID and told to cool off and relax for a bit. She missed the EN outfit reveals because of it.

Granted it was probably a combination of that and the constant Apex streams among other things, but the Ollie arc climaxed with her taking a vacation/being quietly suspended, back in the beginning of May.

>> No.5803980
File: 687 KB, 2480x3508, E43_CwOVkAMjoUe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina too!

>> No.5803981
File: 446 KB, 2048x1536, 1624503417348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread started from anti shitposting at Ame.
>Got called out.
>Devolved into concernfagging.
Well, that was weird.

>> No.5803982
File: 1.85 MB, 2283x1605, 1624934059715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5803983
File: 27 KB, 117x118, chrome_DSzdNgbBJn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804000

Everyday. Everyday I go to the stream and this dope looks at me like this. This tako's smug aura mocks me.

>> No.5803985
File: 848 KB, 2560x3072, 1624598008569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804036

beep boop mogu

>> No.5803989
File: 126 KB, 318x323, 1624498058641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, when's the next EN stream?

>> No.5803988

I posted this

>> No.5803990
File: 3.90 MB, 1448x2047, 1623953515034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KIARA LOVE & lust...

>> No.5803997
File: 619 KB, 848x1200, 1622725335128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a smellpost thread

>> No.5803996
File: 240 KB, 1530x1675, E1V0Ug1UUAg53TY-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804050

This but with Ina and Ame

>> No.5803999

You're 90 and on your deathbed. Will you be thinking about hololive in your last days?

>> No.5804000
Quoted by: >>5804033

This emote is pure gold

>> No.5804001
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, AmeFeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but I love her more!

>> No.5804003
File: 837 KB, 1200x849, 2299D092-4894-4EB0-BBBF-C54C78B82927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804044 >>5804194

Hey haatons, my oshi DOMINATES your oshi.

>> No.5804004
File: 238 KB, 1200x805, 1624158541591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804101

Why do they make such a good pair?

>> No.5804009

Anon... it's been 2 months...

>> No.5804011
Quoted by: >>5804050

This but Ina and Ame

>> No.5804012

I think Gura and Amelia should start slower. Just a little making out between friends. Then they have sex with each other.

>> No.5804013
Quoted by: >>5804045

*doesn't ritual post*

>> No.5804016

This is /ameg/

>> No.5804018
File: 3.00 MB, 640x360, Miko Gosling[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fys8l1p.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804088 >>5804094

I miss Ame...

>> No.5804020

Robocco (Honorary EN)

>> No.5804021
Quoted by: >>5804062

For you ojisans out there

>> No.5804022
File: 1.74 MB, 1362x1800, 1614748535312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804023
File: 100 KB, 1263x900, 8767683543786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad for you, I'm awake now.

>> No.5804024
Quoted by: >>5804051

i really liked that blonde girl....what was her name? emily?
she was nice

>> No.5804027
File: 246 KB, 1900x1471, 1624760869048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatto cow....

>> No.5804032
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1225, Weekly Schedule! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpxej93.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Into Plug n Play
>Into JP Minecraft
Looks like a fun day.

>> No.5804033
Quoted by: >>5804081


>> No.5804034
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x1024, 1620068216038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori

>> No.5804036

robot fat cat made for sex

>> No.5804037

Teaschizos are shitposting at max volume to get people to defend her.
I don't think there's actually anyone here right now that hates Ame - it's just a couple fuckin wackos that want to hear people say nice things about her since they can't hear her directly.

>> No.5804038

Kiara playing plug & play in about 15 hours I think?

>> No.5804040

/sp/ here, I watch clips some times.
You guys are fucking weirdos that talk and compare anime girls all day like they're pokemon.
Its fucking creepy, Get a fucking grip.
"My pokemon is better than yours because this week it streamed more / had bigger number"
They're there to bring you entertainement, and instead you overanalyze every little thing they say and go on a rant for meaningless stuff.
Consider suicide.

>> No.5804042
File: 221 KB, 1230x1470, IMG_20210420_074645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast

>> No.5804041

I'll be watching Mifanee from HoloEN Gen 6 by then.

>> No.5804043

>implying I'll make it to 90

>> No.5804044

That's fine. As long as she's being looked after and taken care of.

>> No.5804045
File: 248 KB, 492x592, BDD98194-4CD4-4FF3-B6C8-50434E8D7322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All part of the plan

>> No.5804046

By then we'll probably all be wired up to virtual reality

>> No.5804050
File: 621 KB, 1000x1200, 1624833818995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.5804049
Quoted by: >>5804117

Didn't Gura said she was a muscle girl?

>> No.5804054
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1000, 1615427313459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804051


>> No.5804053
File: 682 KB, 3300x2550, 1624943119173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804057

Who doesn't?

>> No.5804060
Quoted by: >>5804177

Bold of you to think that humanity will exist by that time.

>> No.5804062
File: 848 KB, 1000x768, 90834518_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual, the SFW version is better.

>> No.5804063
File: 3.76 MB, 2000x3333, 1624060789566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i think I'm going to play apex

>> No.5804064

Also Moona sent her screencaps of people shitting on her on 4chan.

>> No.5804067
File: 2.51 MB, 2048x1990, 1622153057430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina does too!

>> No.5804070
File: 3.49 MB, 2894x4093, 1624899306380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804097

what would this board's opinion on Gura be if she was exactly how she is now, but japanese?

>> No.5804071
File: 372 KB, 483x602, 1614773497447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah there pal

>> No.5804078
File: 1.70 MB, 1768x2500, E4kLQGCVoAca37C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not swtiching timelines where you are the only teamates
Are you even trying?

>> No.5804076
File: 402 KB, 680x709, 1624856841350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804079


>> No.5804080

Hey that’s not us that’s dramaniggers
Also go back

>> No.5804081

Fuck off.

>> No.5804084
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chunky cat post

>> No.5804085

So what did Gura mean by this

>> No.5804088

I like how Miko looks mortified

>> No.5804089

Goslings are mentally ill.

>> No.5804091


>> No.5804093
File: 77 KB, 1000x749, E4qcbMDVgAAeUFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice

>> No.5804094
Quoted by: >>5804157

With the way Miko reacted to the ENs, you'd think they were some kind of animal in a zoo.

>> No.5804095
File: 415 KB, 405x459, 1623901975339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804097
Quoted by: >>5804152


>> No.5804099
File: 1.48 MB, 1936x1500, Ekhy3iwVcAAOOgQ haiki396g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It made me sad how much I liked Weather Hackers. What happens in two days will hurt, but I will recover quickly, wipe away tears, and keep smiling. Knowing Hololive continues and so will she, making her own success and watching her friends continue theirs.

If I can remember Mori and have visions of her coming for me at the end, welcoming me, I will die happy.

>> No.5804101

it's like a pair of degenerate half-sisters.

>> No.5804103
File: 98 KB, 768x768, 1624943214428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804105

I'd like to Plug & Play into Kiara, if you catch my meaning.

>> No.5804107

There is literally nothing you can do to stop me from masturbating to Scout

>> No.5804108

So I can be horny over you?

>> No.5804109

stopped reading there kek

>> No.5804110

Assuming I can still remember anything, I bet I will. I still remember all of the morning/afternoon cartoons I used to watch 30 years ago.

>> No.5804112
File: 350 KB, 1423x2048, E2dPLiGVoAIOlIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every reply to this post is me!

>> No.5804114
File: 1.21 MB, 1134x1701, 90660055_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804186

Reaper tits

>> No.5804113

which ENdom has the most unironic goslings?

>> No.5804115
File: 141 KB, 534x515, E4l4ijaXEAkpu-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matoto and Patoto are both cutie pies

>> No.5804117

Yeah, and called her artists to draw the abs because she couldn't do it.

>> No.5804120

Cute I was just rewatching the bit in the review where they talked about Mamaloni a few minutes ago.

>> No.5804121
Quoted by: >>5804195

I want to hold hands with Watoto

>> No.5804122
Quoted by: >>5804214

TTRPG is before Ina's Minecraft?
I didn't check the time, I just figured it would be in the same spot as all the others.

>> No.5804123


>> No.5804124
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1624714864274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The older I get, the more I realize how unnecessary and peculiar tits are on the female body.
We need to breed a race of humans who can't grow tits larger than C cup, with completely flat and A being the average.

>> No.5804126
File: 24 KB, 100x100, 1591050795510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's Dramaniggers and numberfags

>> No.5804127

Maybe Yuul should stop being so stubbornly sexy.

>> No.5804129
File: 126 KB, 293x294, thefighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804644

more when assed or if you guys want to draw the others

>> No.5804128
File: 243 KB, 619x599, cute miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804133
Quoted by: >>5804214

We're not sure when the TTRPG is going to be on exactly

Hey, me too!

>> No.5804137
File: 211 KB, 245x432, 1606233418312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But my oshi IS stronger than yours? Anyone who says otherwise is literally stupid.

>> No.5804138

Don't quit cocochi :(

>> No.5804139
File: 252 KB, 2048x2048, 1610404187419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804140
File: 141 KB, 552x1024, 1603289024964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna marry this cute shark

>> No.5804142
Quoted by: >>5804217 >>5804388

/vt/ here, I watch sports some times.
You guys are fucking weirdos that talk and compare sweaty men all day like they're pokemon.
Its fucking creepy, Get a fucking grip.
"My team is better than yours because this week it scored more / had bigger number"
They're there to bring you entertainment, and instead you overanalyze every little thing they say and go on a rant for meaningless stuff.
Consider suicide.

>> No.5804143
Quoted by: >>5804286

Why only limit it to EN you nigger

>> No.5804144
File: 31 KB, 308x290, 1546808893783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by then I can upload my brain to the internet and shitpost here forever with my virtual Ame wife by my side

>> No.5804145
File: 361 KB, 1280x1808, 1624935338311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804980


>> No.5804146

She needs physical contact

>> No.5804148

Does /sp/ have any right to say this?

>> No.5804152


>> No.5804150
Quoted by: >>5804279

Here? Tie between Ame and Gura
Outside here Gura because of sheer numbers

>> No.5804155

the fact that they are the noisiest people here doesn't mean they are the majority anon.

>> No.5804157
File: 80 KB, 633x842, mikogura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804182 >>5804378

>implying Miko didn't win harder than any JP that day

>> No.5804158
Quoted by: >>5804195

You can't stop me from fapping to watoto

>> No.5804159
Quoted by: >>5804279

Amelia by percentage, Gura probably by sheer numbers

>> No.5804163
File: 2.71 MB, 1980x2444, 1619590050296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804167
Quoted by: >>5804218

hathaway flash is out?
how long was i asleep for?

>> No.5804169


>> No.5804173
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point yeah

>> No.5804174


>> No.5804177
Quoted by: >>5804379

>News articles talking about 2 cities that are literally too hot for the human body
>Next year there will be more
>In a few years it probably won't even snow anymore
>In 30 years if you don't have huge amounts of money to live in canada/russia with air conditioning you'll probably be dead

>> No.5804181
File: 167 KB, 768x1024, 1606881842669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804182
Quoted by: >>5804193 >>5804212

I still don't know what she meant by George...

>> No.5804186


>> No.5804187

Doesn't /sp/ do the same, just with men? I'd rather spend my time obsessing over cute girls desu.

>> No.5804189
File: 122 KB, 779x741, 1620130812054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking the threads from a few months back is a blast

>> No.5804191
File: 135 KB, 1199x848, 1610148610605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be the only Teamate when I'm here too?

>> No.5804193

Jaws. She hummed the jaws theme after

>> No.5804194
File: 471 KB, 1942x1202, 1614180281735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, she needs a nice girl like Watame to make sure she's OK.

>> No.5804195
File: 55 KB, 495x593, 1610693369726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804262 >>5804280

But Watoto is a m*le...

>> No.5804198
File: 372 KB, 828x789, E8C610C5-DD32-49A7-809C-FCE6BCD6D0FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh Ollie was suspended
Can we (by we I mean you niggers who clearly don’t watch Ollie) stop pushing this fucking retarded rrat? She’s a fucking kid that got thrown into “fame” and needed a fucking break, stop being a fucking newfag retard that thinks every break is a suspension. Kiara didn’t get “suspended” and took a week vacation. Mori didn’t get suspended on her week off. Ame didn’t get suspended. Fucking 99% of JPs don’t get suspended on because they take a personal break for their own mental

>> No.5804201
File: 767 KB, 1571x1253, 1621811477100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your reps

>> No.5804200
File: 330 KB, 1052x1660, 1600927993172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804202
File: 1.65 MB, 1050x1050, suzy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this to be the last thing I see
>implying I'll make it to 90

>> No.5804206

I'm only horny for Yuul so far.
Gura may change things with Scout, but we'll see how that goes tomorrow.

>> No.5804207
File: 247 KB, 771x771, treerrat38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804211
File: 561 KB, 4093x2336, 1597285770818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804212

She was saying Jaws. Gura heard it as George.

>> No.5804214
Quoted by: >>5804312

I'm going off of the schedule form teamup which has the TTRPG set three hours before Ina's stream.

>> No.5804215
File: 469 KB, 584x412, 1618070922448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804277

I don't think I have enough time to watch Zeta but I really don't want to miss Ina's watchalong

>> No.5804217

/k/ here
Did you only now realized this is a shit place full of retards who make the rest of their board look terrible?

>> No.5804219

There's no way I'm making it to 90. I'm probably going to off myself in a year or 2.

>> No.5804218

It finally came out and Netflix of all things got the rights to stream it.

>> No.5804220

I haven't watched a single TTRPG stream besides the intro, so sure.

>> No.5804221
File: 478 KB, 1447x2047, depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but at the same time will I think about any of my entertainment media in my last days? I don't think so. If I were to venture a guess, I would assume, 90 or not, I will look back on my pathetic life and be partially upset that I didn't do enough and relived that my consciousness can once again return to the void were it belongs.

>> No.5804224
File: 92 KB, 300x300, Pain Tako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804266

Ina hasn't been live for the past few hours

>> No.5804228

I wanna see Scout and Yuul next to each other.
I'd say the same about Tiara but I still don't know what she looks like.

>> No.5804229

Post Scout's fat ass

>> No.5804231
File: 98 KB, 768x1024, 1607674424214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804232

No, I don't think I will.

>> No.5804233
Quoted by: >>5804276

Nice, didn't even see that she was continuing to play Paper Mario.
Also Ina has said she likes Gundam/Gunpla a few times right? Still surprised that we're watching Gundam movies. I've never actually watched any Gundam stuff, where cam I rent these things?

>> No.5804238
Quoted by: >>5804303

>Release an original song
She's got 6 months left. Is she going to make it?

>> No.5804239
File: 2.71 MB, 4000x2600, 1624817207151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804353


>> No.5804240

Glorying Nov and Dec is an age old timeloop, with the former mostly being glorified for insane output and some standout events like Thanksgiving. (It was pretty great though.)
On a fundamental level, even through the timeframe of lower "creative" output, Ame is better on a fundamental level in 2021.

>> No.5804241
File: 1.39 MB, 1575x999, 1621789936094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804313

/k/ ur stupid

>> No.5804242


>> No.5804245

Maybe. But I'll definitely be thinking about those beans

>> No.5804246
File: 190 KB, 1113x1323, 1610367705638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804251
Quoted by: >>5804313 >>5804314

Go back to your brownies
t. /k/fag

>> No.5804254


>> No.5804256

Ollie also spoke about how her and her family was busy moving during that break

>> No.5804259

I just want sweaty passionate loving sex with my oshi. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.5804260
File: 1.79 MB, 3314x3001, 1624655603518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poruka oruka?

>> No.5804262

did I fucking stutter 35pchama?

>> No.5804263
File: 190 KB, 1000x1000, 1600383743104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804266

The fact she just kinda spat that out as a throwaway joke emote cracks me up, considering how good it is

>> No.5804267
File: 202 KB, 700x770, 1611364876212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>release an original song
>"why do you guys want me to release an original song? Just to have one?"

She was begging to be grudgeposted.

>> No.5804269
Quoted by: >>5804288

Why everyone makes Scout a stick?

>> No.5804273
File: 263 KB, 555x640, 0E8131CB-0B2A-421B-8C65-8BE9A821AD55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, think of their headcanon! You can’t just ruin their dramanigger narrative like that

>> No.5804274

I'm gonna mating press Vic until he's inflated with cum.

>> No.5804275

It's already almost July, Ame...

>> No.5804276

>Also Ina has said she likes Gundam/Gunpla a few times right?
She went on an hour-long rant about her passionate burning otaku love of Gundam. She also said this watchalong was happening like two weeks ago.
But Ina's planning on using netflix for these watchalongs too.

>> No.5804277

If you can get to Quatro's speech you'll probably be fine.

>> No.5804279
Quoted by: >>5804496 >>5805578

Gura's fanbase isnt even old enough to know what sex is they cant be goslings

>> No.5804280

So are you and I would also hold your hand

>> No.5804281
File: 440 KB, 1875x2160, 1605043088810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804365

>> No.5804286

the combination of Suichan's releasing her new song and reaching 1 million subs brought out quite a few gosling hoshiyomi

>> No.5804290
File: 973 KB, 2009x2400, Eqoe2lNU0AM5VTa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More reaper tits

>> No.5804288

artists are retards

>> No.5804292
File: 214 KB, 1205x936, 1596700807414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804293

Go back. They're our pokemon.

>> No.5804294

numberfags and powerlevelfags literally got to coco's mindset and made her go into spiral of negativity and was one of the reason why she chose to graduate
i guess doing those tierlist shit on meme review was not a healthy habit

>> No.5804295
File: 772 KB, 504x760, 1610778538457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about hag ass

>> No.5804300

She is an ID, nobody watch them

>> No.5804303
File: 342 KB, 2000x2000, watson just wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804305
File: 451 KB, 795x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804306
Quoted by: >>5804433 >>5804459

Maybe Ame has been in a mood because she realized that not only has she only accomplished 2 of these, but the ones she was actually making progress on she did a hard 180 on and made them arguably worse than they were before.

>> No.5804307
Quoted by: >>5804342

reminder that /sp/ of all places had the biggest schizo this site has ever seen. And I've seen literal criminals /b/

>> No.5804308

t deadbed

>> No.5804312
Quoted by: >>5804324

Both Mori and Gura have said in their member streams that it's being pushed back a few hours at least.

>> No.5804313
File: 2.60 MB, 2710x2710, 6D481894-D167-475B-993F-23F7603CED8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /k/ was welcome here

>> No.5804314
Quoted by: >>5804339

go back to fucking deer in the woods

>> No.5804315 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 707x847, 1624943651744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804316
File: 189 KB, 1383x1902, 1617519389551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much bros

My heart goes doki doki when I think of her

I can't even sleep

Help me

>> No.5804318


>> No.5804319


>> No.5804320
File: 493 KB, 800x800, 60D9958B-FB3F-46E3-817D-565BCE3D0E08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804374 >>5804425

less reaper tits

>> No.5804323
File: 257 KB, 1506x2048, 1614813097528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804324

Oh yeah I forgot about that

>> No.5804325
Quoted by: >>5804341

People keep asking why ENs don't play Replicant even though JPs can play it, but do they know that literally no JP has finished Replicant?

>> No.5804327
File: 185 KB, 858x1200, 1624500196723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804328


>> No.5804332
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1624570402508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804333
Quoted by: >>5804413

>90 years old, lying on my deathbed
>forgotten all of my family by now, mind is a garbled mess of all the previous years I've lived before, cant even remember my own name
>in my will, before I give away what meager possessions I managed to scrape up with my wageslave life, request that I get a song played for me
>life floods into my eyes as I start hearing the keys
>start waggling my finger "Oh yeah this brings me back, I used to hang out with these crazy fellas, we'd post hundreds of gosling when Ame sang"
>take one last deep breath as I lie back down, dying seconds later

>> No.5804337
Quoted by: >>5804373 >>5804387

I bet you think the fingering thing is a rrat too.

>> No.5804338

/pol/ here
I'm a stupid nigger

>> No.5804339
File: 1.50 MB, 1136x640, FD378437-BE6A-47AA-B1B6-9AEE519CC7D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804436 >>5806279

Nah I’m gonna hunt rabbits with accidentally-made Napalm rounds

>> No.5804341

I saw Miko playing it the other day though?

>> No.5804342

nah, I think its /a/

>> No.5804344
File: 881 KB, 297x277, 1624792046525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804367 >>5804382

/pol/ here. I just like vtubers. All of them. Theyre all beautiful and entertaining in their own unique ways

>> No.5804345


>> No.5804346
File: 159 KB, 1448x2048, Ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Amelia married me last night, I decided to consummate the marriage!

>> No.5804347
File: 310 KB, 2252x1468, Fratboy chad chadsplains things to yuul b awright who just wants nothing more than a decent nights sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuul, okay, so there's this group of Virtual Youtubers, VTubers, from Indonesia as a part of this company Hololive, there's Airani Iofifteen, aka "Iofi", a supposed Extraterrestrial who came to Earth to... paint. Allegedly. and then there's Moona Hoshinova, who's supposed to be a Moon Goddess, these two have a very clearly "Beings from Outer Space" theme going, but then you've Ayunda Risu, a Witch who basically merged into her squirrel familiar Where does she fit in this-Wait, you want me to pull my duck out? I don't have a duck, and the nearest pond's like, a mile away. RIght, so Risu....

>> No.5804348
Quoted by: >>5804588

Nice haiku, Anon

>> No.5804351

gura didn't get suspended. she was commanding her ohio-class nuclear submarine during the northern edge 21 exercises.

>> No.5804352
File: 922 KB, 1459x828, 31482747-0783-42BD-A7F8-A01B2D380D1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804407 >>5804480

>Nobody watch them
Well here’s a good clip of an ID I think you need to watch ESL friend

>> No.5804353
File: 112 KB, 1200x900, 2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is doing things to me that I'm not sure I'm a fan of...

>> No.5804354
File: 322 KB, 1294x1723, 1611021144553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804358
Quoted by: >>5804381

Choco is so giggly when she has a friend to play and so depressed when she's playing alone.
Imagine if she had a husband to dick her every night and bump her self esteem.
Sadly, no one wants to marry her.

>> No.5804359

I am still curious that if management bonked her for talking about e-celebs on her streams.

>> No.5804360
File: 2.75 MB, 720x480, あつい、さむい、あつい、さむい... あつい!!![sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fga9u3x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804408


>> No.5804362
File: 888 KB, 1000x1250, EbSVlaLU4AARFBj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804364
File: 95 KB, 256x256, 1621733202671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804397

I have a feeling you're saying this but then you probably hang out in the generals with the fat trannies who talk more about estradiol than guns.

>> No.5804365

cute but
>gura as tall as ame

>> No.5804367
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1613418495883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804426

What about black vtubers?

>> No.5804368

should I join Ina's membership to see gundam? I'm not a huge fan of the series as a whole since it's usually so formulaic
>boy + girl on opposite sides of the war
>zeon or maybe neo zeon vs federation
>someone shoots up some civilians
>boy + girl fall in love and make peace
>whole 52 episode season is worthless because the war doesn't even end for another 200 years
I did like 08th MST and Unicorn was pretty even if it was written by a monkey. I couldn't finish IBO. Hathaway looks pretty though.

>> No.5804370
File: 674 KB, 768x768, 1606779827581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804400 >>5804472

kf/pol/ here
go back nigger

>> No.5804372
Quoted by: >>5804380


>> No.5804373

Back to your split cuckrade

>> No.5804374
File: 888 KB, 768x1920, 90872124_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804422

Reaper ass then

>> No.5804376
File: 133 KB, 1183x1231, 1615631816924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804391

>> No.5804377


>> No.5804378

>Gura actually talks to Pekora, Miko, and a few others
>Even replies to Miko on twitter
>Ame just mutes herself, stands to the side, and hides her UI so she can't even see the chat
I expected the opposite from both of them, but hearing Gura and Pekora say a few things to each other was so fucking surreal.

>> No.5804379
File: 518 KB, 608x608, 1622290099761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805958

Also, here's a reminder that uploading your brain into a computer is completely impossible to do, and even if you manage to do it, the one living a digital life would be a copy of you, and the real you will still be in the real world, suffering until the sweet embrace of death.
So, enjoy your chuubas while the world lasts.

>> No.5804380

Oh shit

>> No.5804381

>ywn marry Choco and play apex with her making her suck you to completion everytime you wipe

>> No.5804382
Quoted by: >>5804435

As long as you keep /pol/ shit away from here you're fine.

>> No.5804385
File: 232 KB, 2048x1152, 1598494005750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804387

>NOOO You have to believe every single rrat you read on this shithole site don’t use common sense Mori will graduate by January Gura hates Hololive Kiara wants to kill Moona AAAAHHHH

>> No.5804388
File: 160 KB, 1528x1948, 1609899445622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804430 >>5804463


/vt/ here, I shoot guns some times.
You guys are fucking weirdos that talk and compare metal tubes all day like they're pokemon.
Its fucking creepy, Get a fucking grip.
"My caliber is better than yours because this infographic shows higher MOA number"
They're there to bring you kills, and instead you overanalyze every little thing they do and go on a rant for meaningless stuff.
Consider suicide.

>> No.5804391
Quoted by: >>5804414

>Rode the same boat in a love tunnel
what did they mean by this

>> No.5804392
File: 897 KB, 1276x710, 1614524538218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804412

The day the name Ayamefriend was coined

>> No.5804393


>> No.5804395
File: 29 KB, 617x514, 1622682675657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804396

I actually can't listen to this song after realizing why she wrote it.

>> No.5804397

No, I stick to telling people to shut their stupid mouth about lasers for the most part

>> No.5804399
Quoted by: >>5804440

Every single EN should play Caves of Qud

>> No.5804400
Quoted by: >>5804416

>>>/pol/ retard

>> No.5804402

no, i'm 40 and i basically think of hololive as a sort of emotional palliative care already

>> No.5804406
Quoted by: >>5804451

It's depressing sometimes seeing all the ritual posts shouting affections to Holos at the start of the thread, but by the end it's nothing but shitflinging.

>> No.5804407
File: 1.21 MB, 500x281, 1485844912511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indogs truly are the worst. lmao. Holy shit.

>> No.5804408
Quoted by: >>5804447


>> No.5804412
Quoted by: >>5804439

Not true. It was back in December.
I didn't switch to the Towa image until january though.

>> No.5804413
File: 59 KB, 238x212, 1613015517376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804414

They love being besties

>> No.5804416
File: 53 KB, 443x383, ChickenSmug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804417
File: 173 KB, 700x1208, 1617761454785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804960

Just remember that when you sleep you can DREAM about her, which is probably better than just thinking.

>> No.5804422
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, EhcrhzgU4AEmV7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805295

that ass looks a bit off to me

>> No.5804425
File: 268 KB, 1000x1531, EwCWYVnVkAQCjh0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I can get a better one

>> No.5804426
File: 92 KB, 196x258, 35163161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.5804427
File: 613 KB, 1372x1542, 1624799958029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT was cute towards the end, but when Pekora first saw Gura and just intensely started at her COMPLETELY camera locked was a bit eerie

>> No.5804428
File: 62 KB, 761x502, 1624681369795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's right
Go back anyway.

>> No.5804431
File: 1.32 MB, 2591x3624, 1609708767445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804430

>muh bigger
But.. the 7mm is superior

>> No.5804433
Quoted by: >>5804502

If you're talking about collab, she is doing great here.

>> No.5804435
Quoted by: >>5804460 >>5804489

>He really believe /pol/ niggers can go 1 thread without bringing up /pol/ cancer
Every other board détestes /pol/ for a reason, especially /int/

>> No.5804436

equally based

>> No.5804439
Quoted by: >>5804467

Ahh, my bad

>> No.5804440

They really shouldn't.

>> No.5804441
Quoted by: >>5805025

If you didn't like her enough to member her already, and you're iffy on Gundam, why would you start now?

>> No.5804445
Quoted by: >>5804475 >>5804523

Why did she write it

>> No.5804447
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, 1612642839236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804448

Too bad Ame can't let go and actually integrate but I'm glad Gura went on her own and socialized with her sempais

>> No.5804450
File: 37 KB, 560x410, 1624349122689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/u/ here. Post more about the girls being together.

>> No.5804451

>but by the end it's nothing but shitflinging
There's always some I LOVE YOU X at the end too.

>> No.5804452

>Will you be thinking about hololive in your last days?

I will become Hololive by then. VR waifus soon

>> No.5804453

Join Ina's membership if u like Ina and the $5 won't be a bother to you

>> No.5804456
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1612091341777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch it.


>> No.5804458
File: 1.43 MB, 2373x2149, Rolland the Tako Gunner [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsrjzxv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804544 >>5804578

Post funs

>> No.5804459
File: 1.70 MB, 1310x634, 1623966648535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's done a lot of good collabs lately, people have serious goldfish memory if they think Usaken is Ame's only collab

>> No.5804460

While you're right, you're still a filthy fr*g

>> No.5804463


>> No.5804464

You think it's because of Coco? I'm not sure entirely but it's worth mentioning she didn't write the lyrics herself. More like directed it according to her English Q&A that got privated.

>> No.5804467


>> No.5804468

don't member to the girls unless you're ok with giving them uncompensated support.

>> No.5804472
File: 563 KB, 617x540, 1611448275535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804560

/v/ here
fuck outta here with board faggotry

>> No.5804475


>> No.5804479
Quoted by: >>5804504 >>5805059

The Gura/Fubuki meeting was really cute, I don't know why people don't talk about it.

>> No.5804480

based zoombie

>> No.5804481
File: 411 KB, 2089x3872, 1615175789705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of posts about towa back then saddens me

>> No.5804485
File: 336 KB, 1536x2048, E5BgQA7VIAEzvh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804514

For the Lion!

>> No.5804487

Rhombus head...

>> No.5804489



>> No.5804492
Quoted by: >>5804512 >>5804577

The thread sure is awful, get your shit together meidos!

>> No.5804494
Quoted by: >>5804553

I said this about her dedicating it to Coco and got called a schizo by haatons

>> No.5804495

>schizo arc song
thanks but no thanks I'll just stream red heart instead

>> No.5804496
Quoted by: >>5804542

Can you guys make up your mind if we're actually children or pedophile ojisans

>> No.5804497
File: 72 KB, 553x271, Google dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804538

Does Coco know this dragon?

>> No.5804499
Quoted by: >>5804532

how many hours is the TTRPG stream gonna be pushed back? I need to reschedule my meeting

>> No.5804502
Quoted by: >>5804547

Ayamy's Stacy energy was way too high in this collab, I don't remember anything else from it.

>> No.5804503

I'm glad you understand

>> No.5804504
File: 198 KB, 1549x871, 1624805855249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even more funny how people are still trying to shit on Ame when Fubuki did the EXACT same thing during usaken and everyone just thought it was adorable

>> No.5804505
File: 322 KB, 2048x1544, 1624863834538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cozy art

>> No.5804508
Quoted by: >>5804598

She never even planned to make it a collab in the first place.

>> No.5804512


>> No.5804514
File: 595 KB, 1575x2100, E4gBZVBVkAMzUUo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804527


>> No.5804523

I sang this song for someone I love.
I hope this song will make you feel happy

>releases song a week before Coco's announcement
>releases it to zero fanfare and throws it out into the wind and goes about her business as usual
>Coco makes her announcement
>video suddenly has this pinned comment
>she deleted everything streamed after it and fucks off

>> No.5804525

Gura has gotta have my favorite Minecraft skin simply because of the eyes

>> No.5804526
File: 3.96 MB, 2264x2264, 80472887_p0 smalla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804527

Cute lion

>> No.5804532

We don't know, best guess is like 3 hours.

People shitting on anyone for not enjoying the festival the 'right way' are absolute fucking schizos and you should just ignore them.

>> No.5804535
Quoted by: >>5804588

>I love her so much
>My heart goes doki doki
>I can't even sleep

>> No.5804536
File: 785 KB, 804x765, 1613814329278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804538
Quoted by: >>5804568

That's pretty prejudiced to assume ALL dragons know eachother

>> No.5804540

char's counter attack would not be the movie i would recommend to get into the UC gundam universe.
i'll watch hathaway flash just to be 100% upto date with everything UC but i doubt i'll enjoy it. He's just not a character that i would ever like.

>> No.5804541

>Uploader is a Nijifag
I'll watch my own copy, thanks.

>> No.5804542

Congrats on figuring out the joke

>> No.5804544

The only pictures of me with a gun are ones where I’m wearing the uniform and no way I’m putting that online.

>> No.5804545
File: 99 KB, 1297x1229, 1612161278679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804547
File: 1.17 MB, 1095x1069, UNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804575 >>5804581

Ame went full Fubuki is great & Nabi's cursed dice.

>> No.5804548

Because fubuki was actually on a date with chat

>> No.5804549
File: 3.24 MB, 1600x3110, guaroauroao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804570 >>5804626

I will post it again

>> No.5804550

Not him. Yeah she has done plenty of good collabs, but Usaken really isn't a traditional collab. It's more of Ame having a really hard time in groups then being a """bad collab"""

>> No.5804552
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, I've seen ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbuwqqi.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura has a normal minecraft view
>Pekora's screen is completely covered in numbers like she's looking through a dragon ball scouter

>> No.5804553

Haatons are the last fanbase that are allowed to call anyone a schizo.

>> No.5804558
File: 873 KB, 2893x4092, Exz42a5UYAIgTRW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804559
File: 2.35 MB, 4961x3508, 90430079_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804561
File: 2.39 MB, 640x360, another yeb hehe [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Figahdz.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804560
Quoted by: >>5804593

/hlgg/ sometimes reminds me of an /int/ but instead of countries its boards

>> No.5804562
File: 503 KB, 1527x2048, 1B170941-C00E-4A80-A96B-41E7CB9BA0B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804636


>> No.5804563
File: 223 KB, 1000x1414, 1616420969262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804564
Quoted by: >>5804620 >>5805462

Thanks to Hololive my youtube recommendations have finally been purged of random shit and are almost exclusively Hololive related videos. Except for right now, there is a clip of Scrubs. I never even typed the show's name, I simply watched Kiara's stream as she mentioned it, and came to the thread where other people typed the name.

>> No.5804565

So far I think she's gotten better at singing and pretty sure she dropped working out/running and her sleep schedule is for sure still shit. Has she she stopped ordering ubereats or done her nip reps?

>> No.5804568
File: 175 KB, 640x480, SeanConnery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We meet again Trebek

>> No.5804569
File: 244 KB, 1080x1210, 1622047202718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804570

Nacho is a hack, news at 11

>> No.5804573
File: 240 KB, 1499x1582, 1616514927072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804575
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1624758072735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already ahead by 1 star at the end of the game
>got both bonus stars too

>> No.5804577 [SPOILER] 
File: 572 KB, 1025x1080, 1624944322661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804590 >>5804616

You think that's bad.? Check THIS out.

>> No.5804578
Quoted by: >>5804713

aero lower BCM upper ogey I guess
I like the 92
>4 pistol mags

>> No.5804579
File: 15 KB, 354x418, 1596525888394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804581

Pach pachi That Ayamy part, kek

>> No.5804583

Fubuki was a really good camera man, lots of cute moments if you watch from her perspective like the pic you posted.

>> No.5804586


>> No.5804588
File: 239 KB, 1868x2048, GuraBlanket4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely unintentional, my love for her must have unconsciously created a work of art

>> No.5804590
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1607822750163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf ! ? ! ?

>> No.5804591
File: 139 KB, 850x661, 1623450513854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804594
File: 1.99 MB, 1280x606, yeb[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgmxgds.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804746

Just post the damn soundpost ya shit

>> No.5804593

melting pot of the website, babyyyyy

>> No.5804598
Quoted by: >>5804624

... Yes she did?
She literally replaced the sharktale watchalong for it

>> No.5804599


>> No.5804600

Seeing these posts back then makes me feel nostalgic

>> No.5804603
Quoted by: >>5804622 >>5804643

Watching this VoD. Oh the things the main festival missed


>> No.5804609

Fuck off, Kana

>> No.5804611
File: 96 KB, 689x1199, 1612254683089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is furea hag?

>> No.5804616


>> No.5804617

t. Kana

>> No.5804618
File: 118 KB, 1353x764, noelpanties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804668

>> No.5804621
File: 2.42 MB, 1987x3449, E5Brv_nVkAcHYPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804620

Congrats. Scrubs is an amazing show worth watching.


Relevant for 2 days from now.

>> No.5804622

Maririn and Shishiron were cute together

>> No.5804624

I mean Ame's usafes stream.

>> No.5804626

2/10 would not bang

>> No.5804630

If only she showed more life with Gura's collab. It was like she didn't want to be there.

>> No.5804634

well at least this one has abs.

>> No.5804636
Quoted by: >>5804773 >>5804909

Is that a Gurren Lagann reference?

>> No.5804638


>> No.5804643

God, Marine's festival outfit makes me diamonds.

>> No.5804644

Looking forward to it

>> No.5804645
Quoted by: >>5804913

i want to see ame destroy guras huge anis

>> No.5804647
Quoted by: >>5804672

Calli (no Mori) not!ASMR Zatsudan summary:

>She's going on a week long trip with Kiara in the new year, they're planning content to stream as they're on the road
>Endurance Crash stream coming, she insists it'll only take 8 hours but the smart man's money is on 24
>Going to do a Pop on Rocks cover
>Working on 5 (FIVE) different song collabs (one is meant to be out this month)
>Working on merch/other stuff for her birthday
>Bread Rap single this month
>Death-sensei isn't happy about her quitting scythe swinging but he's gonna have to deal with it
>ASMR mic ordered
>She screamed PEACE at her very confused Japanese teacher accidentally

>> No.5804648
File: 70 KB, 193x187, 1621037889188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you bastards I'm way too young to be anxious about all this existential shit like this I just wanted to a have a nice stress-free evening of posting cute 2D girls goddammit

>> No.5804650


I want to see Mori do an auctioneer impression with that lung capacity of hers.

>> No.5804655
Quoted by: >>5804673

Never watched a Nacho stream?

>> No.5804660
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x799, 1576212851384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804664
File: 674 KB, 690x876, 1613654806714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura trying hard to break out of her shell and interact with her JP senpai
>Ame and Mori making excuses for their autism and not even bothering to try

>> No.5804665
File: 5 KB, 227x222, 1612666590181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804694

I was poking around Coco's videos and saw that her 3D debut was an entire fucking year ago
I vividly remember laying down in bed to watch it.
I can't believe how much time has passed...
This isn't even a funny haha time warp. I'm scared...

>> No.5804668
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 1624769486612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are not panties, just the usual spats (black hole)

>> No.5804669
Quoted by: >>5804720

Stop thinking retard

>> No.5804672
File: 9 KB, 186x186, SadsharkOFFICIAL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Mori... come back... why did you have to take life advice from people who hate your job...

>> No.5804673
Quoted by: >>5804724

By herself? Why should I?

>> No.5804675
File: 2.49 MB, 540x540, 1617204930568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804679
Quoted by: >>5804704

I accidentally fell asleep while watching Kiara, did she talk about anything interesting after she talked about how she fucked her neck?

>> No.5804688
File: 1.33 MB, 900x900, STOP HAVING THOUGHTS [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftnow9b.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804720


>> No.5804694

the big C put a lot of people's lives on hold, as long as you weren't in your formative years or hella old you don't really have to worry

>> No.5804701
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1607589915888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804743

she's not cute, or "adorablely" cute, she's a fucking cringe, loud, teenage angst, emo, punk rock, edgy, zoomer, lacks basic pragmatic skills and no basic social capacity trash taste leeching using hololive as her pedestal doesn't know any other senpai besides coco at debut didn't even watch holoID with her genmates ungrateful barely streams nothing but zatsudans and milestone SC farming "reaper".

>> No.5804704

> she fucked her neck
What a slut

>> No.5804708

>Ina image
>always shitting on someone
Sasuga falseflagger

>> No.5804709
File: 520 KB, 690x876, 1624944599867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon barely celebrates Gura coming out of her shell and overcoming her fears
>instead focuses on people who still enjoyed the festival, except in ways he does not approve of

>> No.5804710
Quoted by: >>5804728


>> No.5804713
Quoted by: >>5804847 >>5805060

IDF here, yeah the Tavor is nice and all but holy fuck it’s overhyped as hell. God I love the long hard, throbbing black M16A2.

>> No.5804715
File: 1.02 MB, 1103x1080, 1622577973390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more holos superimposed in real life art.

>> No.5804718

She's just shy. She still squeals a lot and has fun.

>> No.5804720
File: 18 KB, 124x127, 1619916777789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804722

>Watoto gets to fuck this

>> No.5804724

>He didn't watch Nacho's early voice-only streams with /hlgg/
She is always low energy and quiet, until something makes her scream.

>> No.5804727
File: 2.67 MB, 640x360, This way Gura[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl3k9a4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804760 >>5805920


>> No.5804728


>> No.5804735
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1624859479420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804834

Name a better solo stream in the past 30 days

>> No.5804737
File: 335 KB, 848x1200, A47A2261-E305-4EA0-90D7-DD93A96D2FC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck ass, the softest in all of Hololive!

>> No.5804738
File: 252 KB, 1338x2048, 1624944796600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804743


>> No.5804745
File: 175 KB, 1189x1754, EjjRLU0U0AEe8fF@gachigachi99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I want her to beat me up

>> No.5804746
Quoted by: >>5804953

But I wanted to post that picture

>> No.5804748
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, 7a4ef2cf17b3579c2fce9344b84ab47c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804760
Quoted by: >>5804781

Anon Gura was literally in a different voice channel

>> No.5804763
File: 125 KB, 542x839, nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804765
File: 40 KB, 323x389, ToastNene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop caring. That's literally all you have to do. Just imagine this Nene everytime you get mad, sad, anxious, jealous, etc.

>> No.5804766
File: 1002 KB, 4096x1755, E4svOiuUUAE95J0-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804770
File: 399 KB, 3780x2126, 1614990301430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804771
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1614774588035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804773
Quoted by: >>5805252

Unironically a reference to Kiara’s boxing story earlier today

>> No.5804775

stop caring-mind

>> No.5804778
File: 40 KB, 361x646, 1616121054521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original

>> No.5804780


>> No.5804781

not connected

>> No.5804783

>Watoto is a male
>people will draw Ames character fucking Guras character
>By proxy, Gura will have sex with a...with a....

>> No.5804792
File: 160 KB, 2048x1151, The Passion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'd make a good couple.

>> No.5804794
Quoted by: >>5804967

Still waiting till someone properly draws the BOTTOM HEAVY part.

>> No.5804798


>> No.5804803
File: 576 KB, 669x595, 1611237578291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804917

I remember this post. You're gross.

>> No.5804802
Quoted by: >>5804842 >>5804873

The hivemind is fucking real, it amazes me how common this shit is.

>> No.5804804
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1618658050095.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804806
File: 417 KB, 2480x3480, 1624945060313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804838

I had a dream that Gura commisioned some cosplayers to dress up as Gura and Scout and have sex on camera. She was releasing the video as a part of her b-day merch. The video was kinda strange but instead of discussing it /hlgg/ was shitting on Mori because her b-day merch was apparently not as good and original. Then I woke up.

>> No.5804808
File: 668 KB, 869x795, 1622841364841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804970 >>5805031

If you can not control your own thoughts you are less than a functioning human and should unironcally consider meds. Awareness of our own cognitive functions is the only thing separating human philosophers from monkeys on a typewriter and that's a very fucking thin line. Go become a monkey on a typewriter if you want, rely on an uncaring force of entropy to guide to who knows where and lose control of your life and self. I have no sympathy, but I will think less of you for it, and you will be less for it, and you will have nothing to yourself in the end, just regrets from not caring enough to have more regrets.

>> No.5804813

Didn't watch the stream. Is Gura's character just Nico?

>> No.5804814

>all the artists know that blonde is the best choice
>retards vote for the worst option

>> No.5804820

you're a blight

>> No.5804824
File: 107 KB, 737x735, treerrat107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804889

I want to use Risu's tail as a pillow

>> No.5804826
File: 608 KB, 616x463, 1624796865327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, everyone in /hlgg/ is so focused on Ame during Usaken, I kinda forgot...

...What did MORI do during Usaken? She can literally speak JP, did she talk to anyone besides Kiara?

>> No.5804827
File: 701 KB, 837x837, 9BE0C3AD-8717-4E48-B7F7-D2731F92F56C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804828


>> No.5804834

Gura seed babies

>> No.5804835

The more time I spend here the higher chance I'll think of it. I'll probably remember posts from here thinking "that anon was fucking retarded. Fun times"

>> No.5804838

>instead of discussing it /hlgg/ was shitting on Mori
Sounds like the standard /hlgg/ experience to me

>> No.5804842
Quoted by: >>5804871 >>5804954

The more you post on 4chan the more you absorb other anon's post styles

>> No.5804846
File: 183 KB, 1596x1083, E07ltrcXEAI-BdC-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804847
Quoted by: >>5804939

Don't you guys just get a mix of shit? I've seen people with tavors, m16's, CAR-15s, etc.

>> No.5804849
File: 173 KB, 943x865, 6ef9fe0fa7c826df9261e142e7e82ebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always curious what happens in /wah/ since Ina is so boring. I think this image speaks for itself.

>> No.5804850
File: 275 KB, 916x883, 1619728970204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are different.
Which one should I imagine?

>> No.5804860
Quoted by: >>5804887 >>5804941

i'm going to sleep someone give me a nice vod to listen to

>> No.5804861
Quoted by: >>5805002

She kinda mumbled around, got lost in a maze, and polka killed her.

>> No.5804864
File: 823 KB, 3153x1736, 20210629_042054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805249

Excluding -ERROR this is my favourite Towa cover

>> No.5804865
Quoted by: >>5804919 >>5804937

Reminder that Aki is going to be doing one of her kino acoustic lives tonight. You aren't going to want to miss this.


>> No.5804868
File: 1.18 MB, 1028x682, 1621546084478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804948

I'm honestly concerned for schizo#1, he's actually addicted to this whole shitting the threads to an unhealthy extent
It would be a shame if he died from a heart attack from staying on his PC all day and becoming obese with diabetes

>> No.5804871
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1594671036869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of becoming Lamy, you become anon

>> No.5804872
File: 193 KB, 424x424, 1623508145171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cool concept I've been thinking on.
hear me out, Gura but evil and with red eyes

>> No.5804873
Quoted by: >>5805003

Even by this thread's standards it's been happening a fucking lot recently.

>> No.5804881

Bullshit. I make /a/ look like it's not full of shounen and isekai threads.

>> No.5804886
Quoted by: >>5805586

she mostly talks to herself and doing internal monologues like a dork. actually enjoyed it while jp's are screaming cool at her while doing dork things

>> No.5804887
Quoted by: >>5804920


>> No.5804889
File: 280 KB, 573x598, AyundaTail [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Foj0sgw.ogg].jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804936

If only.

>> No.5804893
File: 1.69 MB, 2480x3508, E3poRdzVIAITErj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring splits are good. Trust me.

Ame's split used to be a cute fanart dump, where people occasionally screamed I LOVE AME while sharing fanart. It was great.

Now people use to practice their rrats about her, see which ones get (You)s, then copy/paste them in /hlgg/.

>> No.5804898
Quoted by: >>5805076

I randomly found this. Its pretty cool

>> No.5804900

Now that's a funny image.

>> No.5804901

I keep telling people that outside of collaborative art projects and live streams /wah/ is slow as fuck.

>> No.5804903


>> No.5804908

that sounds kakkoi anon, how would you name it?

>> No.5804909

Ashita no Joe

>> No.5804912

Yeah and covered in blood!

>> No.5804913

Noooooooo not Gura's anis! She's gonna be so sad, it took her so long to grow...

>> No.5804917
File: 249 KB, 519x341, 1614845403706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804919

Aki's guitar slave got a new outfit, it looks like.

>> No.5804920

that was going to be my first choice actually

>> No.5804921

Thats because of the AX superchat that she got. we had a lot of /pol/ threads that got deleted. It'll pass, don't worry.

>> No.5804923
Quoted by: >>5804945

>Vic gets to fuck this

>> No.5804931
File: 109 KB, 456x499, deflap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest shitposter in /wah/ is the deflapper. I know one of you fucks is him. One of these days you'll pay for your crimes against humanity.

>> No.5804935
File: 267 KB, 460x460, 1603782143889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-wait, when did that happen?
I used to visit the split for good feels when this thread made me too angry...

>> No.5804936
File: 712 KB, 4093x2894, intiMATE [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F669p5f.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I miss her

>> No.5804937

Also reminder RBC and Aki are collabing again in 3h

>> No.5804939
Quoted by: >>5805034

Depends on what you do. A filthy jobnik (who actually genuinely does important stuff please I swear it’s not shit like making cards for people) like me only gets gun when doing security duty and that’s rare. Usually I would get a short M16 (different from an M4), but last time I got a long one. The main guns used are M4s, Tavors and overly modified M16s

>> No.5804941


>> No.5804943
File: 1.01 MB, 1122x767, 1620577949304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804965


>> No.5804945

>Taps dat ass
>Air guitars
>Passes out

>> No.5804947
Quoted by: >>5804992

Your fault for having Ame as your oshi.

>> No.5804948

That's mean anon

>> No.5804951


>> No.5804953
File: 1.23 MB, 518x1080, yebebebebebebebebebebeb [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fldy3n9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a consolation prize

>> No.5804954
Quoted by: >>5805122

There's an effort to be made to not stick out when posting here lest you look like a tourist or a newfag. Unless you're Damascus I guess.

>> No.5804955
File: 587 KB, 1754x1754, 1624945276590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804958

Ignored Towa's numerous attempts at interacting with her.

>> No.5804960
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1611923803651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804994

>I want to tell my friends and neighbors about it

I can't see this ever going well.

>she's a what? a shark girl? like a little girl? that's kind of weird anon

>> No.5804961
File: 53 KB, 808x470, 1462536035846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805299

Do you remember...

>> No.5804965
File: 127 KB, 793x993, 1624772009975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5804967
File: 1.94 MB, 1997x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804987 >>5805250


>> No.5804970


>> No.5804972

Temma from Holostars is practicing graduation songs on the piano...

>> No.5804975

based sealmind

>> No.5804977

Kek this cracked me up for some reason

>> No.5804980

Who the hell drew this one

>> No.5804981
File: 120 KB, 435x517, 1615411623387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5804998

The beginning

>> No.5804985 [SPOILER] 
File: 142 KB, 1020x1443, 1624945354074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805179

I have no reason to ever use /ggg/ because instead I can stay here and do my bait and falseflag reps so I can get people to talk about holos they usually don't and how cute they are

>> No.5804987
Quoted by: >>5805147

It kills me how every single artist draws the blonde version

>> No.5804988

At least the splits are active, Risu's break and guerilla week as a whole leaves her already slow split almost entirely dead

>> No.5804990
File: 186 KB, 828x558, D02C9006-55BD-4C0A-86AF-1AEA6CA4B906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The splits are fucking UNBELIEVABLE SHIT. I don’t understand how it can be this fucking bad. I find it hard to believe that newniggers really don’t know about /hlgg/ after 1 day of lurking. And I find it hard to believe the average newnigger comes to the board with fucking retarded month old rrats that he genuinely believes. And it can’t all just be raiders either. I’m genuinely confused as to how /hlgg/ is the only quality place on the entire board (aside from a VERY FEW generals)

>> No.5804991
File: 43 KB, 640x423, z2pdbizj3p771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804992
File: 315 KB, 653x235, 1624854803712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's my bad for having the greatest entertainer in hololive as my oshi, I'm spoiled way too much

>> No.5804994

You don't bring up vtubers to other people. It just doesn't work out.

>> No.5804998

thanks for reminding me

>> No.5804999

What is /sp/?little numbers board?

>> No.5805000

Is Youtube becoming more accommodating to vtubers? I'm suddenly getting literal 2 views (the one I'm watching right now has 9).

>> No.5805002
Quoted by: >>5805066

>and polka killed her.

>> No.5805003

Yeah, right? I really do wonder why, almost every thread has an instance of it.

>> No.5805015

>i don't eat
>i don't sleep
>i do nothing but think of you

>> No.5805023
File: 2.11 MB, 4050x2095, gura 162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cream of potato

>> No.5805025
Quoted by: >>5805120

I like big robot and stuff like 08th MST but I'm sick of the exact same Romeo and Juliet plot over and over again. I don't know anything about Hathaway or other series though. Unicorn was really nicely animated. It's just depressing to see the power of love/friendship fail offscreen over and over because they have to make more series to sell kits and they couldn't be bothered to just start a new universe (except SEED? wtf was up with that?). I don't even know if IBO is supposed to be the same universe or a new one.

>> No.5805026
File: 115 KB, 250x250, 1623991492489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805055 >>5805097

I miss haachama

>> No.5805028
File: 18 KB, 400x400, ter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did /hlgg/ think of Suisei's new song Bluerose?
TL: https://pastebin.com/jNJnNgmG

>> No.5805031

Yer a cruel man, Jack Spara'...

>> No.5805034
File: 206 KB, 820x512, 1619414074599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805075

Gotcha. Last question, are the hot IDF girl pictures real?

>> No.5805032
File: 25 KB, 230x230, chimkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805035
Quoted by: >>5805093

>using smol Ame as a fleshlight

>> No.5805036
File: 6 KB, 357x64, 1624861580934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805078 >>5805144

>> No.5805037
Quoted by: >>5805700

People only really talk about Ina and Gura's Usaken stream because they're the ones who had all the action going on. Kiara had some but only briefly.

>> No.5805040
Quoted by: >>5805064

>"quality place"
haha... yeah the last thread was real quality...

>> No.5805045
File: 591 KB, 646x612, 1624573601331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll spam it until I die, the /jp/ move was a mistake. We didn't need an entire board to ourselves, all it does is enable splits.

There is a genuine population of posters here who ONLY go to splits, take what is said there as fact, and go to other social media platform and spread month-old stale rrats as if they were fact. If someone mentions /hlgg/ they just handwave it as a "hugbox for holocucks"

>> No.5805046


>> No.5805047
Quoted by: >>5805083

How often does Fubuki actually play Apex?

>> No.5805051

I haven't gone since the hiatus but Haachamas split was nice except for the one antichama always raging about EOPs and the dumbasses who bit his bait.

>> No.5805055
File: 215 KB, 1400x929, 1615592329839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her too...

>> No.5805056
Quoted by: >>5805118 >>5805220

Splits can be good. Depends heavily on who your Oshi is and what time of day it is. Like a discount version of /hlgg/.

>> No.5805059

I've only seen probably 20% of the interactions, did they actually speak to each other?

>> No.5805060
File: 13 KB, 259x259, 1624688209733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805112

>obsessed with black dicks
Say it ain't so.

>> No.5805063

She acted like a schizo and duck got scared of her.

>> No.5805064

SEA hours anon. We’re always fucking garbage from 1am EST to like 11am EST. But even then these hour threads are still better than the splits

>> No.5805066
Quoted by: >>5805136


>> No.5805073

God I remember that fucking post. Glad we didn't have to see the rest of you back then.

>> No.5805075

Sometimes, usually it’s real. Plenty of Russian chicks born in Israel serve in the IDF. The Israeli Air Force girls are the hottest. By the way Kiara thanks for the help bombing Gaza in the last conflict

>> No.5805076

Definitely rough around the edges especially if you go down in rank and the lyrics will abruptly cut off and go back to earlier ones, but it is pretty neat.
>5 minutes from the end has come as the edging A rank
>full rap solo breakdown into chorus as S
>outro fadeout after finishing a fight
When it works, it works great.

>> No.5805078

This asshole has been trying to groom ZonBko for the last year.

>> No.5805080

it's ogey
ghost was better
her cover of ranbu no melody was better than ghost as far as singing goes

>> No.5805083
Quoted by: >>5805111

She used to play it quite a bit but until yesterday she hadn't touched it in months.

>> No.5805086
File: 637 KB, 2331x1311, Ina Sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805091

Wump Wunday was lame.

>> No.5805093

did anyone make their takohole yet

>> No.5805095
File: 92 KB, 689x1073, 1619776608611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805140 >>5805150

Going to reply to myself with proof: This 100% would not have happened if we stayed on /jp/, literal containment breaking RAIDS

>> No.5805097
File: 298 KB, 2000x1415, 20210628_191856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805101
File: 171 KB, 800x1000, gared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Collabed with Coco more than the trinity
> Has more JP collabs than the entire trinity put together
> Crushed all their respective rrats instead of letting them fester
> Both currently doing GFE for their members ( unlike the trinity)

Isn't it about time you apologized to them?

>> No.5805102

>hugbox for holocucks
Niggers who say this are unironically /vpol/ or doxxcord kids. Their opinions are worth less than the dirt you walk on

>> No.5805103
File: 1.03 MB, 2853x2480, 1618100717643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one too. So, Ina and Amelia, they're in love, but due to the nature of their powers and personal histories their love becomes something sick and twisted.

>> No.5805105

>If someone mentions /hlgg/ they just handwave it as a "hugbox for holocucks"
Why would you want these types and people who listen to these types in hlgg?

>> No.5805106

Take it easymind...

>> No.5805107

>the /jp/ move was a mistake
I agree. Unfortunately, mods are niggers and didn't want to work, so here we are.

>> No.5805111

rrat time: she saw how self destructive choco was and decided to reinstall to give her company from time to time and nudge her to stop when she's gone too far

>> No.5805112

You’re the one who associated “long, hard, throbbing and black” with a dick, anon, I was merely talking about the M16

>> No.5805118

True. My oshi's split does a really good job of keeping the bubble sealed. Only supportive people there, only time drama happens is the rare happening of a separate rrat thread made about her and we make fun of it.

>> No.5805120

Barely any of the uc gundam has a romeo and juliet story. Instead all of them are just pushing for muh peace and coexistence

>> No.5805122
File: 796 KB, 687x877, now with kicking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805193 >>5805192

Everything I do in these threads spirals out of control. I carefully crafted the first Ayamefriend dream to gaslight myself into drawing something when I was in artblock mode and now someone else has evolved the design and there's some erp shit going on. I drew one of the first designs for koopwa and that has clearly gone off the rails from where it started. I began the Anya edits and now feed Anya global appears in the catalog sometimes. I've been intentionally trying to keep a lower profile lest I start some other shit like I did with the gura outfit critique image.

>> No.5805124
File: 333 KB, 1361x1094, 1622427189176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I was impregnating Mori right now
Can you get pregnant from bathing in semen in a hotel room?

>> No.5805129
File: 8 KB, 162x203, E44_QqGUUAI4-av.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly girl, that's not how you use a camera.

>> No.5805133
File: 87 KB, 275x248, 1607206810317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks Roboco, for reminding me that I should be sleeping now

>> No.5805134

based tribalist

>> No.5805136
Quoted by: >>5805183

>polka was extremely nervous about the festival
>has to drink sake so she can loosen up
>but is also worried at the same time that she might be too noisy when she drinks

>> No.5805140

Arguably if mods were horny all the time (like 2 days ago where we were getting 3, 50 mass deletes per thread of off topic and retard shit), and we’re as autistic as /a/ all the time shit like this wouldn’t happen. Blatant raid planning on here and then the fags go to their discords to contianment break more

>> No.5805142

>No Coco collab.

>> No.5805144

birdkun hate!

>> No.5805147

Same desu

>> No.5805150
File: 1.18 MB, 1306x827, 1595917417061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805189

The comments of this video is something I'm not happy about. Especially since I feel a little guilty.

>> No.5805156
File: 556 KB, 1175x660, eibv55tpzom61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo uh...

...what happened with these?

>> No.5805158

It helped that it used to mostly be an offshoot that some 20-odd hlgg users posted in, probably because the naming convention made it less visible.

>> No.5805163
File: 1.26 MB, 1313x1875, 90890514_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805167
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1594744884119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805208

I didn't give you permission to respond.

>> No.5805168

god I want them so bad

>> No.5805170
File: 1.68 MB, 1545x1637, 1614900582112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle fingernail got chipped
Nailchads what do I do? I don't want this nail to be broken not until haachama's birthday

>> No.5805175
File: 317 KB, 2047x1447, 1624319066062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda enjoy newfriends coming with this super final yab, tease it for a few posts then post this 2020 dead rrat nobody gives a single fuck anymore

>> No.5805176

lost to the ether.

>> No.5805179
Quoted by: >>5805204

I will talk about how cute any holo is just because I find out cuter things I didn't know from doing that. No need to falseflag

>> No.5805183

At least she got cute moment with Ina.

>> No.5805186
File: 974 B, 128x128, 1607441641473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura wants a new mascot, so the vetoed the whole thing.

>> No.5805188
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, E5A4oafVIAQOv_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame had a bad week according to others but I'll still be there to support her.

>> No.5805189

Eh, it's just two comments that can't really be traced back to here unless you know about it. It's not so bad.

>> No.5805190

Polka's soft "Ore no Ina..." gets a smile outta me and then she goes full ORUKA and spams a million screenshots and I laugh.
What a great girl she is...

>> No.5805191
File: 319 KB, 1500x750, 1605860208062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805224

>he doesn't know
feminization arc 2.0 is happening right now.

>> No.5805193
Quoted by: >>5805348

Nonsense. Why contain it?

>> No.5805192

I should clarify I've got no problem with you. You breathe life into this place you weird little fetishist and I'm happy you're here.

>> No.5805194

The lyrics are very cute but it's not really my favorite Comet song in terms of how it sounds. I'll still give it another listen whenever it pops up in my recommended

>> No.5805196
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, url(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moririn... schedule...... onegai........ .

>> No.5805198
Quoted by: >>5805225 >>5805239

Everyone knows you like Towa. Just ask her out already.

>> No.5805199

Gura shit posting on Twitter out of the blue is a little unusual. This probably means pregnancy.

>> No.5805204
File: 300 KB, 2560x1440, 1610423467875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant pretending to be a fanbase to drum up more discussion of a holo it's too hot to think right

>> No.5805208

>hololive can't get permissions to play atlus games
>hlgg can't get permissions to reply to this anon

>> No.5805210


>> No.5805214
File: 258 KB, 1278x718, anime battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a context based on this image

>> No.5805215


>> No.5805218

The only worth of this board's existence is giving a proper board outside of /trash/ for discussion of other Vtubers outside of Hololive or JP companies in general except it gets drowned out by dramaniggers spamming rrat splits anyway because they don't actually watch Vtubers so it doesn't even accomplish that.

>> No.5805220
File: 76 KB, 1882x345, misaimed cum globule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805267 >>5805401

I must be spoiled being a hoshiyomi
especially when threads trying to smear Suichan appear in the catalog and anons bully the fuck out out of the faggot OP like pic related. if any of you participated in the bullying then you're extremely based

>> No.5805221
File: 2.76 MB, 1500x2000, 1608602919952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805254

The worst is over friend, we're free

>> No.5805222

And gura said they talked a bit after the stream was over and maybe... and stoped there, so yea, MIGHT not be the last we see of gura-pekora.

>> No.5805224
Quoted by: >>5805313 >>5805356

Anon Kiara doesn't live with her anymore, you're stuck with... him

>> No.5805225
File: 501 KB, 1280x529, 1624279583335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only...

>> No.5805228
Quoted by: >>5805270 >>5805310

Ina mentioned them last week. Basically, the girls got sent multiple prototypes and Ina herself believes they're absolutely amazing, but has now begun to worry about shipping cost due to them being bigger than she expected. The prototypes themselves are in various types of materials which all seem "high quality", but the ETA of them is still "Soon".

>> No.5805229

Now this image is pure SEX.

>> No.5805230
Quoted by: >>5805270

Pretty sure the concept got mutated into that giant takodachi beanbag from Ina's birthday merch. So unfortunately for the Takos you're out of luck if you didn't fork over the $100 (plus $30 shipping).

>> No.5805232
File: 125 KB, 1280x1000, 1620010067405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805238

Pekora sacrifices one of her lesser minions to appears the numbers god

>> No.5805240

People who don’t actually watch vtubers should be fucking banned

>> No.5805239
File: 121 KB, 1050x1206, 20210628_070444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did ask her out yesterday but she said no...

>> No.5805243

>spams more screenshots than migo

>> No.5805244

Pekora assets her dominance over the Flat Chested Towa as Gura watches in Silent Horror. Mori wonders if she has any booze to help her forget this moment.

>> No.5805248

This just reminds me of that anon that tried to headpat a girl in real life to find out she hates it.

>> No.5805249
File: 379 KB, 491x643, 1621828016747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this

>> No.5805250

Needs a fatter ass and oranger hair

>> No.5805252

Isn't this one of the reason's her necked is fucked? Why would you draw this?

>> No.5805253
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, lamina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805265 >>5805364

>still barely any subs of Lamy and Ina's date


>> No.5805254
File: 755 KB, 899x900, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805284 >>5805317

It's fucking 80 degrees where I live and despite having 3 fans on my room is still even hotter

>> No.5805257
Quoted by: >>5805333

To the anons who had quit smoking, but who bought a pack of cigarettes again when Coco announced her graduation:
have you given up again?

>> No.5805259
Quoted by: >>5805305

>mio wanted people to draw guessing her new outfit
>no one drew shit
why is there no love for Mion

>> No.5805260
File: 421 KB, 459x503, 1614183648105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sinking feeling is starting to set in again

>> No.5805261

Aka, /pol/ fags that want this board to be like /pol/

>> No.5805265

Be the change you want to see in the world Anon

>> No.5805267
Quoted by: >>5805327

every JP split I've looked at has been good most of the time. As much as I like /hlgg/ for EN, JP splits have people that actually watch the streams for JPs.

>> No.5805269
Quoted by: >>5805706

how did she stream the whole thing without noticing the game was zoomed in on her stream?

>> No.5805270


>> No.5805282

I actually like pushing that “hlgg is a hug box” narrative because it keeps some of the unwanted faggots away from this thread

>> No.5805284

>80 degrees
Are you a rotisserie chicken or something?

>> No.5805285
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1615692230268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is probably not going to stream today right?

>> No.5805295
File: 3.21 MB, 2480x3508, 1611524174546(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the artist forgot to draw my cock in it

>> No.5805296
File: 3 KB, 117x108, miko look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora murders her friends and coworkers so casually and so unremorseful that even the Apprentice of Death is disturbed

>> No.5805297

That dangerous. Did the same with Roboco and ended up giving her a monthly allowance.
Robot's fucking cute dude.

>> No.5805299

The 21st night of September?

>> No.5805300
Quoted by: >>5805336 >>5805566

Do you think the EN girls (except Ina) that all have impostor syndrome, watched this video?

>> No.5805298

Pekora was in the middle of admiring Gura from afar when Towa trotted on up to Same-chan like the disease riddled street walker she is to try and seduce her. In a fit of jealous rage, Pekora bolted over to Towa and caved her head. Gura was completely ignorant to all of this and was quite surprised to see the small pile of treasures.

>> No.5805303
Quoted by: >>5805328 >>5805358

This is my first time posting during the lonf EN dead hours, what are this threads about?

>> No.5805304

It's sad seeing actual threads about indies get 9 posts while bait threads about how corpos are bad and to go watch indies get 500+ replies.

>> No.5805305

I slammed my wrist in a car door. Provided, my guess was probably going to be too lewd to be shown regardless

>> No.5805307

The new board was necessary as long as the mods refused to allow the old vtuber rules to be upheld. If the period after the meido war had lasted more than a month, /jp/ would've been just like here, but with doxx allowed in /hlgg/ as well. I know there are some people who think that people wouldn't have found out because it would be hidden on /jp/, but there's no way that was going to last forever. At the very least the Coco sticky would have brought in a flood of shitposters who'd realize the board is easy pickings.

>> No.5805308

>spams a million screenshots
>gets annoyed when the “screenshot saved” text gets in the way of her view

>> No.5805310

Specifically, they are smaller than the KDTD, but are actual plushes and not a beanbag.

>> No.5805311
File: 245 KB, 503x465, 2358652A-96C7-4AFD-A2CA-9DAD95F596EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be strong like your oshi, anon!

>> No.5805313

Like i said
>he doesn't know

>> No.5805316

I'm fucking losing it looking at that serial killer Bloop again, I totally forgot about it like I forget about Bloop in general

>> No.5805317
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1624730018074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try that 108 we peaked today homie

>> No.5805320
File: 107 KB, 813x1777, 1624486096765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805366 >>5805375

I'll never forget how fucking bad Coco's sticky was, it literally wasn't even about vtubers, it was 100 reply chains about palestine and actual /pol/ topics

>> No.5805321
Quoted by: >>5805406

>These two are my favorite couple. Don't interfere.
>Gura killed Ame
>Wooooo love is so intense!
Damnit Polka

>> No.5805323
Quoted by: >>5805397 >>5806741

Damn, this takes me back. Even the visible confusion in the replies. Before Ayamefriend came to fix Ayame's image, she was the boogeyman who always shat on the girls, especially Mori so I always kept a close eye on her. Shit that stemmed from /hlg/.

>> No.5805324

Remember on /jp/ when every post with using “hugbox” genuinely was unironically shit? It’s the exact same here

>> No.5805327

even when my oshi's thread goes to shit, it's not even close to as bad as /hlgg/ can get sometimes,

>> No.5805328

coin toss between pretty comfy and rrat central

>> No.5805331
Quoted by: >>5805435 >>5805470


She is actually gay for Kiara

>> No.5805333
File: 140 KB, 1100x1300, 1623856319910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, gets easier every time.

>> No.5805336

Stop shilling your shitty channel.

>> No.5805338

Stop being a weakling & whining about it. The split thread stays alive for days & quite often the first place newfags come into first. Slaying rrats there is as important as slaying rrats here.

>> No.5805341
Quoted by: >>5805368 >>5805468

This shit looks like that one Jotaro vs DIO panel from Stardust Crusaders

>> No.5805343

This is legitimately the only board I bother hiding threads on because they're all just months old narratives and twitter newfags barely masking how new they are. Hell go to the horny thread, go through the archive of that. Those fuckers post roommate koikatsu shit there all the fucking time. The only worthwhile thread out of here is the holofightz stuff for the novelty of watching holos beat the shit out of each other and then the drawthread, which doesn't get a lot of good requests so the drawfags there won't bother doing half of them. Every thread that isn't this one is obscenely low quality and you can safely ignore at minimum 60 threads at any given time due to how shit they are.

>> No.5805348
File: 667 KB, 1260x1745, 1615769203270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805416 >>5805524

Because I don't want to risk manifesting another character, it's weird to watch your own creations evolve without you.

>> No.5805347

I'm of the opinion that only three types of thread should be allowed in this board
>A general chuuba/group thread
>An ongoing event/current stream thread
>A news/announcement thread ideally limited to only a single general

>> No.5805351 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 524x113, chi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's fans are strong as fuck, chin up lad

>> No.5805355
Quoted by: >>5805380 >>5805403

how does Kiara do it?
/vt/ hate Kiara
/vt/ hates Twitch
but when Kiara when to twitch, /vt/ kneel because she domineted a catboy
then /vt/ hate on pinkcat so she did a collab with her and /vt/ kneel when Kiara peg Pinkcat on stream then /vt/ start hating on gigacuck because of a shadowverse collab with mori but when Kiara did it /vt/ kneel because she put gigacuck on her place.

>> No.5805356

She talked about how Coco is giving her advice and setting her back on the right path. Hence why we got that bathtub stream in the first place.

>> No.5805358

nothing at all.

>> No.5805360
File: 307 KB, 446x540, 1624001985190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Te area where I live got up to 92 Degrees last week
>Then the fog rolled in on the same day and the temperature proceed to drop to the low 70's and is only now climbing back up the 80's

>> No.5805359
File: 335 KB, 1254x878, 1613955657416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.5805364

Just watch it with the translator anon.

>> No.5805367

She was pretty tired/drunk but it seemed like she really enjoyed herself. I think she finally felt what people have been trying to hammer into her brain for the past 8 months about Hololive.

Also she read the "What color are your panties?" sign out loud and got Pekora to straight up ask her.

>> No.5805366

Reminder that we’ll always be flooded with these niggers every time there’s a sticky

>> No.5805368
File: 525 KB, 540x497, 2sqzch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805468


>> No.5805369
Quoted by: >>5805391

I really love Ina

>> No.5805371


>> No.5805372
Quoted by: >>5805379

Watoto is gonna fuck Scout and you WILL enjoy it (I'm already drawing art)

>> No.5805375

I remember checking it and there were entire screens just talking about chinks and then I closed it

>> No.5805378
File: 57 KB, 984x709, 1603284377345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STALKER permissions onegai...

>> No.5805379

please post it

>> No.5805380


>> No.5805385

It hurts, but the sooner she moves on, the better she can protect her own smile and the sooner I can actually begin to cope.
I'll fucking miss you so goddamn much, but I understand why you want to go. I just wish it didn't have to be this timeline that >we failed you in.

>> No.5805391


>> No.5805395
Quoted by: >>5805438

pol is the opposite of a hugbox, do you actually not know what that word means

>> No.5805397

I started replying to him to support his redemption effort and never imagined that it would lead to where it's gone now. Not that I really mind, it's just strange.

>> No.5805398

I know this clip is about Nene but seeing Polka react was cute too

>> No.5805399

I just dump images I like rarely to get the same effect. It's fun to see people talk about every holo.

>> No.5805401

The fuck, until I got to the Flare point I thought this post was about Mori. Which brings me back to a point I made very early on, that Mori was the Suisei of global.

>> No.5805403

Shit post, never try again.

>> No.5805405
File: 669 KB, 2200x2900, E2Dr4PLVoAAr1iU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805440

It was a really light week, like she said it would be, but it wasn't bad at all.
Tutorial was nice since Watoto is such a promising character.
Ame Valorant is fucking ace always.
Festival had a lot of great moments.
Karaoke was godlike, especially with the duets.
Wupa Wunday was kinography.
Only minus is oversleeping supa sunday which messed my sleep schedule.

>> No.5805406

Based Polka with her good taste

>> No.5805408

>Polka just kinda working
>"Ina is in a Yukata, you know"
>IMMEDIATELY ceases what she was doing to go run out and look

>> No.5805412
File: 247 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210629-180019_Fennec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, Goslings are based

>> No.5805413
Quoted by: >>5805443

Is it bad if I don't feel anything?
I think I successfully supressed my emotions to the point that now when I get sad news like Coco's graduation I feel nothing.

>> No.5805414
File: 1.53 MB, 1250x860, 90744594_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805434 >>5805441

>> No.5805416
Quoted by: >>5805787

Again, nonsense. Such power was meant to be swung about as wildly and with the same enthusiasm as an elementary school student with a professionally sharpened katana.

>> No.5805419
File: 165 KB, 1316x874, E4HgXugUYAQBRn_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless they can undo the ecelebs collab, no.

>> No.5805420

There should be a sticky during the graduation stream and the meidos should use it as a firing range to ban unwanted cunts. Of course, this will never happen because why would they do something good

>> No.5805428
File: 20 KB, 323x372, 1609913422994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a timeline that Coco never thought of graduating and Cover allowing her to take over some of her creative decisions
>There is a timeline that Aloe never graduated and told her enemies including her dad to fuck off and continued to have kino collabs and moments in Hololive
>There is a timeline that the China yab didn't happen and Haachama never turned full schizo
>There is a timeline that Aqua and Shion never got depression and continued to stream cheerfully
>There is a timeline that the Premission arc never happened and they have more freedom in streaming
>There is a timeline that Nijiniggers and Bugs never existed
I want to find this timeline

>> No.5805429

didn't leave an impression on me the first time she sang it but now it's constantly looping in my head

>> No.5805433

Since when did Mori start putting her superchat jar on screen during game streams? I gotta say thats a bit too "in your face" for me.
I guess she really really loves money.

>> No.5805434
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1616848503382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't post corpses.

>> No.5805435

>Kiara turning every non-holo she works with into KFP
how does she do it bros.... I wanna be a gigastacy like her

>> No.5805438

I didn’t say or imply it was a hugbox anon.

>> No.5805440
File: 85 KB, 272x229, 1624684127630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's valorant was so good just because of Ame headbutting dramafags head-on and not giving a fuck:


>> No.5805441

Is he dead or no?

>> No.5805442
File: 277 KB, 1050x1494, 1622094501903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805457

My oshi is really cute and I bet yours is too. Post cute art of your oshi to prove it!

>> No.5805443

Some people are more effected by such things than others. It’s natural. I felt sad but I didn’t cry, instead i took the “let’s help others” approach

>> No.5805448
File: 1.14 MB, 220x265, 1624297754768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everytime a vtuber does something to said oshi or anyone close to them, you'll feel hatred towards that vtuber.

Unhinged. Either the internet makes these people or they've always been with us. Not sure what's worse.

>> No.5805454

God I love this image so much. It's perfect how they both look dopey as hell.
So much separates them, and yet...

>> No.5805456
Quoted by: >>5805481

Reminder that Polka confessed whenever she's super into something / finds something insanely cute, her voice lowers to incredibly deep levels.
Also Nene doing that pun convinces me she and Ina talk a lot.

>> No.5805457
File: 1.61 MB, 3012x4096, E491NHRVoAc3Wa-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805459

Iname schizo....

>> No.5805460
Quoted by: >>5805504

Wasn't there a soundpost of this?

>> No.5805462

the Scrubs song was one of the most kino karaoke experiences we've had to date, so it's deserved

>> No.5805468


>> No.5805470

>Calls her Mori

>> No.5805469

There is no such timeline anon, you have to live in this one and cherish it’s glories like the festival

>> No.5805473
Quoted by: >>5805859

Nene really was great, found 3 of the EN girls and brought them to the festival. I love that she immediately places a sign down to mark where Ina kissed her. And Polka running out of whatever stall she was in at the mention of Yukata Ina.

>> No.5805480
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1611563886701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805518

People say it's the weakest Comet song and I don't necessarily disagree but I still looped it a shitton when it came out. I just like listening to her say Darling a lot, I guess.

>> No.5805481

Why do you need to be convinced? Lamy, Nene, Polka, even Botan, have all talked about Ina spending a lot of time on the Gen 5 discord talking with them

>> No.5805484
File: 680 KB, 1200x1600, E4v1kC-UUAQM9-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805485
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, AmeLaugh [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1rhr4m.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have Ame's new best laugh recorded?

>> No.5805488
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1606886748498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did Calli ignore Towa?

>> No.5805502

she was busy having sex with me

>> No.5805504
File: 53 KB, 329x329, 1543104207426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but I tried to post it earlier but it didn't have sound

>> No.5805505

oh shit, when did Fubuki join? I just noticed it

>> No.5805506
File: 194 KB, 299x418, yeah nice peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't know how nice things could be, just coming to the board to talk about the chuubas. Newfags come here fully expecting shit because 4chan's reputation as the place to shitpost, then never try to improve it. We got a good taste of how nice things could be and a good number of anons try their best to preserve it

>> No.5805507
Quoted by: >>5805546 >>5805590

I still think you should carry yourself with just a little more professionalism than this. If she was an indie with this attitude then I wouldn't care, but she isn't.

>> No.5805508
File: 173 KB, 996x764, Haven't Had A Good Dream in a Long Time[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fld9gd9.flac].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805509
File: 1.21 MB, 1401x2157, E49BtJfVUAImbXR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm excited for new Gamers outfits. I can't wait for announcements.

>> No.5805510

This soundpost doesn't show the best part before the crash happens.

>> No.5805513
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I'm still an advocate for the classic

>> No.5805514
Quoted by: >>5805656 >>5805675

God why is Polka so fucking based?

>> No.5805515

Threads that are unrelated to hololive tend to decent, just because they get to hide away.

>> No.5805516

Pic is why /int/ gets an anti-/pol/ sticky every time there’s a big /pol/ event. Because we’re so new and are literally a combination of every board we get underage larpers like that (or SEAs like that)

>> No.5805517

She didn't have a bad week by any metric. Don't let schizo#1 form your opinion.

>> No.5805518

>People say it's the weakest Comet song and I don't necessarily disagree
perhaps but holy fuck, those lyrics

>> No.5805520
File: 502 KB, 3024x4032, E445LZZUUAcrRoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop trying to use my oshi to timeloop.
She responded to her here.

>> No.5805521
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1615005385590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Communication achieved

>> No.5805524
Quoted by: >>5805787

That's just the nature of the internet m8.
I'm far from being a drawfag, once I made a skull on ms paint and now I see it every day. You got the talent, use it fren.

>> No.5805531

Why is Ina so popular among the Gen5 girls? When did she even get close to Lamy?

>> No.5805543

It was also good because she cared more about talking to chat than tilting over losing rounds. Like, no one cares if you lose ten matches in a row, Ame, they're still going to cheer for a good sniper shot and every single kill.

>> No.5805544
Quoted by: >>5805615

Botan, Pekora, and I think Fubuki were all watching too and they all lost it at this moment.

>> No.5805546

>Professionals can't take a holiday

>> No.5805548
File: 992 KB, 2400x1080, 1624804748085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usaken was so fucking good, do you think anything will come out of it? Will ENs and JPs interact more, or will everyone just return to their side of the fence that Jenma made?

>> No.5805549

She reminds them of Aloe

>> No.5805550
File: 111 KB, 275x299, 1615361817602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I watched uh, ooh I watched this movie I was waiting to tell you guys about it was like "I'm gonna stream, eh I don't feel like streaming, I'm gonna stream, I don't feel like streaming, I'M GONNA STREAM, ahh no... gonna be a potato today" anyways I watched this movie I wanted to tell you guys about- oh no I don't have any money that's fine- I watched this movie called oh yeah I was telling you guys about it, its, it looked interesting cause uhhh, I was watching like uhh what was it? Oh yeah, Calli did like uhh, how do I do this? I... oh this is like a sniper's nest sort of. Sorry, I was watching a uhh... oh yeah Calli she did like a collab stream on twitch or something yeah, recently, and I was watching a, on twitch, it, they have like a- ooh, ooh, do it again. Oh what? What what what what, one more time. HAHAHA. I was watching her uh ads, watching ads on twitch. And one of them was for the movie Infinite with not Matt Damon. I thought Matt Damon but it wasn't Matt Damon. Matt Damon looks like Mark Wahlberg. Anyways it was Mark Wahlberg and it is such a bad movie. It's a really terrible movie. But it was good in like the best, it was good in the worst way possible. You guys should watch it if you haven't seen it before. It was really really really really really really really bad. But like because it was so bad, it was good. There was like one scene, spoilers, well it's pretty shit anyways. I dunno I dunno why, it's just really bad movie. There was like one scene where they're like torturing this guy and they like, one of the guys wants an answer from him about something and he's like "I'M GONNA DROWN YOU IN HONEY" and he like pours a jar of honey in the guy's mouth but he doesn't even cover his nose and the guy starts like-- I don't know, it's so dumb! He just has like honey dripping down his, down his face and like they make it look super dramatic and stuff from the lighting but it just looks really dumb cause he's just like dripping honey I dunno, it's really weird you guys should watch it.
>You didn't hear it from me though. You didn't hear it from me.

>> No.5805552

>Fun inventive 'zatsudan'
>Comfy valorant
>Had fun looking around the Usaken festival
Seems like a good week to me, not even a teamate.

>> No.5805557

She wanted to respond, but each time she almost said some random T word instead of Towa, so she kept her mouth shut

>> No.5805558

I still haven't watched Usaken...

>> No.5805559
File: 1.86 MB, 320x256, 59563E53-5473-42B5-B023-5E1D9DD46419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roommate koikatsu shit
Nigger they do W H A T???? The absolute state of this board

>> No.5805560
File: 168 KB, 828x1680, 1617182374452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5805561
File: 205 KB, 1352x955, E5BOqVLVoBcpqja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805585

Yonkisei love!

>> No.5805567
File: 1.20 MB, 640x480, 1611762248704.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805566
Quoted by: >>5805588 >>5805595

>(except Ina)
I dunno, she seems to have her own issues with how much she reminds people that she isn't that great of an artist and sometimes isn't happy with finished products.

>> No.5805570

You didn't see the heating water debate.

>> No.5805572

Gura already said she talked to Pekora afterwards and they're considering collabing. Turns out having a space for EN and JP to interact naturally can lead to collabs, who woulda thought it?

>> No.5805575

So, now that EN4 was announced, what do you think of the Rhodesian chuuba?

>> No.5805577

kek I had to rewatch that VOD just for that part

>> No.5805578

Her grayname fanbase yeah, her members have to at least have a payment method so I'm sure the majority are over 18.
Children don't like spending money

>> No.5805585
Quoted by: >>5805605


>> No.5805586
Quoted by: >>5805614

Her confessing to deadbeats and getting flustered after that was cute as hell
>I love you
That hit too hard

>> No.5805588

>with how much she reminds people that she isn't that great of an artist and sometimes isn't happy with finished products.
That's literally just being an artist. All the best / most successful artists are like this.

>> No.5805590

Show me one part in Cover's policy forbidding their talent from taking a break.

>> No.5805592
Quoted by: >>5805603

She's hoping for collabs*
Don't hype it up when she said not to.

>> No.5805594

I don't have the full pastebin but:
After amongus, Ina has the Nene/Pol collab and gets close to them.
Ina spends time talking with Nene/Pol and starts talking with Lamy/Botan as well
They wanted to do a collab after the MonHun collab where they built a stall for Usaken, but Lamy was sick.
Ina preferred Lamy rest than collab and get worse, Lamy was very thankful and wanted to make it up to her.
Lamy asked if Ina was going to Usaken, if she had plans, and when Ina said no plans, she asked her on a date.
It's all very cute.

>> No.5805595

That's literally every artist.
No exceptions.

>> No.5805596

there's a small possiblity that Gura will do collabs with Peko in the future, I'm guessing it won't be 1 on 1 and will have Kiara or someone else with them

>> No.5805597
File: 422 KB, 1600x1072, three gorges dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5805987


>> No.5805600

they fucking what

>> No.5805602
Quoted by: >>5805757

Yea but that's the timeline that Friend graduated after giving into the pressure of being the top vtuber
Festival actually killed her mom and never made it to Hololive
Miko died from an illness
Aki graduated because she felt unloved
HoloEN was overlooked for HoloKR

Could you live with those changes?

>> No.5805603
Quoted by: >>5805705

Fair enough, sorry.

>> No.5805605
Quoted by: >>5805639

This is worse than trinity posting

>> No.5805609

Which TTRPG session do you think has been the hardest for Mori so far? Do you think Gura's will be the hardest?

>> No.5805610
Quoted by: >>5805650

Oh, so that's why you guys were posting gifs of that scene the other day.

>> No.5805612

incoming pegura collab
gura said they talked a bit after the event
i don't know if miko is brave enough to initiate a collab

>> No.5805613
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, Ame giddy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjbm3fm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I -ADORE- this woman.

>> No.5805614

This woman still hasn't decided if she wants to do GFE or not?

>> No.5805615
Quoted by: >>5805718

Towa too, pretty much everyone that saw it was cracking up, it was fucking hilarious.
From almost every point of view Gura just fucking exploded out of nowhere.

>> No.5805616
Quoted by: >>5805655 >>5805657

Bedrock portal between JP and EN maps when?

>> No.5805624

Ina's going to the JP server tomorrow during her MC stream.

>> No.5805636
Quoted by: >>5805681

Remember folks: one day the raiding dramafags will come for YOUR oshi. No amount of facts will bother them. They’ll come for her like they came for Mori the moment fans were slightly unsatisfied, they came for Kiara too. They will act like they’re part of the fanbase and falseflag.

>> No.5805639

Accept quaternity

>> No.5805641
Quoted by: >>5805714

>a timeline where HoloCN still exists

Fuck that

>> No.5805643

When I'm 90, they'll have figured out how to upload your consciousness into a computer to live forever.
Gura's personality and likeliness will have been simulated/replicated in this world so I'll be able to spend the rest of eternity living with her (or until the system gets shut down)

>> No.5805646

Dunno about hardest but Watoto was the easiest since Ame was a luckshitter and got 2 godly rolls when she was in danger, and also decided to do something really unexpected that cut the story short.

>> No.5805650

We were? I missed that.

>> No.5805652

At some point around the Among Us stream she started actively talking with Gen 5 behind the scenes but rarely spoke about it. Even during the JP Tour Lamy showed up for a bit. Hell Lamy starts talking in a perverted voice when she's with Ina.

>> No.5805653
Quoted by: >>5805673 >>5805751

It was quiet, but it had some really cute moments

>Trying to commentate the ice races
>Phasing through the haunted house due to lag and scaring the shit out of Rushia, Kanata and Subaru
>Somehow pulling bullseyes out of her ass during the archery competition and getting a bunch of 'kari-san kakkoi...'
>Initiating actually cute Takamori moments like the tunnel of love and giving Kiara a rose
>Getting lost in the maze and dying but still diligently doing all the punishment games
>Starting that nice discussion at the end with Kiara, Ame and Gura about doing something similar on the EN server
>'The moon sure is pretty tonight, huh Calli?' ' YEAH IT'S A'IGHT'

>> No.5805655
Quoted by: >>5805662 >>5805733

when they kill the ender dragon

>> No.5805656

I'm actually more interested in Nene's M side.

>> No.5805657
Quoted by: >>5805687 >>5805733

Soon as they kill the enderdragon. Usaken seems to have lit a fire under EN's asses, and the group (-Ina) all agreed they wanted to do it soon.
Ina has 2 minecraft streams this week, so things are looking good.

>> No.5805662
Quoted by: >>5805670 >>5805707

Is that a requirement or just autism? I'm not into minecraft.

>> No.5805663
Quoted by: >>5805678

I miss Ina

>> No.5805666

>your oshi
>how many images do you have in your machine?

>> No.5805667

I want to say Ina/Yuul but Mori was so proud of her prep for that it's a little difficult to say. The only reason it'd even be considered hard was due to bad rolls too.

>> No.5805670


>> No.5805672
Quoted by: >>5805709

Ina's was probably the hardest for Mori because I think the two girls lack much common ground. Still went well though.

>> No.5805673
Quoted by: >>5805716 >>5805835

>'The moon sure is pretty tonight, huh Calli?' 'YEAH IT'S A'IGHT'
I barely watch Mori and I absolutely lost my shit when that happened

>> No.5805675

>polka is a gurame shipper
>ame hates gurame shippers

>> No.5805678

can't for more Wahnderful 101

>> No.5805679


>> No.5805681

Roboco is teflon coated.

>> No.5805687

Hope they also run a server that runs better than me local hosting ArmA 3

>> No.5805690


>> No.5805691
Quoted by: >>5805744

I have a lot of faith that /hlgg/ will always be the dominant place on this board, even if “the holy percentage” goes under 50%, even 40%, because people will always come /here/ to talk about everyone. And if Hololive explodes, unless another group or company manages to grow to Hololive’s size, /wvt/ will be the next main board. I don’t even think /Vshojo+/ will never be because no one watches them and Niji’s refuse to have a central thread to actually compete. /wvt/ is the only board that has beaten /hlgg/ IIRC. I wouldn’t be against another new group competing with /hlgg/ though, if it’s not shit or they aren’t nijinigger tier

>> No.5805692


>> No.5805694


>> No.5805700

I mean they only talk about the Nene and Polka part, Ive haven't seen anybody talk about people sending Ina underwear.

>> No.5805701

I wonder if Haachama is going to break down at the Coco graduation live. She's apparently going to be there

>> No.5805705
Quoted by: >>5805725

It's good to be excited and stuff, I'd just prefer if we didn't get collab beggars whining about "Where's the Peko collab Goorah. You promised Goorah"

>> No.5805706

Manager was asleep and she doesn't read chat during Minecraft.

>> No.5805707

Strictly speaking they can do it whenever, because the portal thing is a mod, not a built-in system.
They want to kill their own enderdragon first because that's kind of what "unlocks" the end of the game, and it means a lot less if some JP crew with futuristic technology come flying in and murder the dragon for fun.

Its like the Prime Directive, basically.

>> No.5805709
Quoted by: >>5805781

>because I think the two girls lack much common ground
The opposite anon. It's legitimately why Ina's prologue was structured the way it is, because Mori knows Ina inside and out.

>> No.5805710

Thousands. Mostly war aesthetic stuff

>> No.5805712

>Ame hates Polka
>Polka hates Polka

>> No.5805714

>There is a timeline that Nijiniggers and Bugs never existed
can't you read?

>> No.5805716
Quoted by: >>5805867

Another funny moon moment was when Polka and Nene were asking who among them were her favorite and she looked up at the sky (while underground) and said the moon was beautiful tonight

>> No.5805717

tower babel...

>> No.5805718
Quoted by: >>5805804

I actually thought Towa was the only one that didn't laugh kek, I gotta watch her perspective soon, KanaRushia's too since they also saw that happen right in front of them.

>> No.5805721
Quoted by: >>5805776

>So these are Gura-chan numbers...

>> No.5805723
Quoted by: >>5805732

But why

>> No.5805725

I did say considering to try to prevent that, but I don't want people to get the wrong idea either.

>> No.5805726
Quoted by: >>5805784

What in the fuck is a Haachama?

>> No.5805730

same desu
honestly I think it's unhealthy but I can't help it

>> No.5805732

why not?

>> No.5805733
Quoted by: >>5805761 >>5805922

Hint: There are three Strongholds each within 1000 blocks away from spawn.

>> No.5805735

4,122 sorted
2,431 unsorted
my external only shows a filesize of 28.6GB instead of the actual amount of files on there for some reason
so a couple

>> No.5805736
Quoted by: >>5805769

Polka only ships gurame because she wants Ina for herself.

>> No.5805744


>> No.5805748
Quoted by: >>5805813

>teamatedachis getting fucked by takodachis
lore friendly

>> No.5805750


>> No.5805751

Oh fuck, I forgot the cutest moment.


>Fubuki just talking to her chat
>Suddenly Mori logs in right beside her
>Stands in front of her going 'Mori!Mori!'
>When Mori is actually connected she leads her to the festival, with Fubuki saying that Mori was like her cute boyfriend
>The moment Mori gets to the festival, Gura suddenly runs over and smacks her initiating a looney tunes chase

>> No.5805754
Quoted by: >>5805779 >>5805794

Wanna listen to Gura jam to Devil trigger?

Take a pick for the others since images are dead, Ame edition:

>Ame being extremely wholesome
>Ame baneposting
>Ame going WAH

>> No.5805755

Gura should be matched with Kazuma AI in subs and then overtake her in the next few days...

>> No.5805757

>HoloEN was overlooked for HoloKR
That's a dark timeline because it would've delayed their attempt at an EN branch (I still believe EN was inevitable). That delay would've been enough for Ame to give up streaming and become a paramedic, Kiara would've returned home a failure and may have done something drastic, and with the timing change Mori and Gura might not have applied either. I think we might have only got Ina in that timeline.

>> No.5805760

Falseflag Takodachi may be a metafag like /int/ says but full on autistic oshi wars are actually part of idol culture. Not for the sake of drama or anything, but because the fans are genuinely obsessed enough to fight other fans for not liking their oshi

>> No.5805761

I'm... not sure what you're supposed to be hinting at?
Kiara and Ina have basically done all the prep that needs to be done. Ina has enough for a fully empty end frame, and Kiara's villagers can provide any of the gear they need

>> No.5805762
Quoted by: >>5805820

Flare and Polka soon, but it's Uma Musume.

>> No.5805764

I can imagine Kiara's was probably simultaneously the easiest in some ways and the hardest in others for Mori as a DM because Kiara would alternate between being TOO proactive and trying to write the story herself a bit (which isn't inherently a bad thing by any means, it just means Mori had to make a lot of split second decisions on whether to improvise something to suit Kiara's ideas or guide her back to what she originally had planned) and eating beans.
It also had the combat situation with the most enemies and she had a lot to keep track of between the four of them at points.

>> No.5805768
Quoted by: >>5805941 >>5806146

Ame also complained about being pushed to socialize by chat in the following stream lmfao.
I think she's the most socially autistic out of all of them, with Mori being a close second.
Gura at least tries to socialize, even if she's shy

>> No.5805769
Quoted by: >>5805834

Ina's already in a committed relationship with Lamy.

>> No.5805770

Jesas christ I forgot about Noed's other account and busted out laughing

>> No.5805771

So this is what people are gonna do once the Tako plushes ship out, huh

>> No.5805776


>> No.5805777


>> No.5805779
Quoted by: >>5805809


>> No.5805781

I wish I knew Ina's insides... ......

>> No.5805782

More than two I think

>> No.5805784

Getting tied and having a vibrator inserted into her panties by Watame as she sits helplessly in bliss

>> No.5805787
Quoted by: >>5805891

Yeah that's great and all but I need to eat and commissions don't come for chuubas. I can't schitzopost with as much effort as I put into the Ayamefriend sequence frequently unless I can get paid for it. I'll still put out the pregnant mio later tonight and rantpost all I want but like, I have no job dude commissions are my whole income. Call me selfish but I'm 2/2 on well liked designs just in these threads and on a certain level I feel like I'm giving my design skills away for free, and I get almost nothing for it since I don't link back to my Twitter or fanbox from here. The joker said to never do something you're good at for free and I get that he was supposed to be undermined by batman fighting for justice for free but batman is rich af and I'm a stock speculator with no car. The moral still stays on the joker side and batman is a cuck for working for free.

>> No.5805790

>Kazuma AI

>> No.5805791

I'm horny...

>> No.5805794
Quoted by: >>5805809

>>Ame being extremely wholesome
Which one..

>> No.5805798

I just don't understand Choco. Imagine having a body and voice like hers and spending whats left of your youthfulness rotting playing Apex.

>> No.5805802
Quoted by: >>5806242

the live counter has her at about 1k off of 2.96m so she should be tied in a matter of hours when youtube does its 10k update

>> No.5805804

Towa wasn't looking at Gura when she died but she did laugh when she realized what happened.

>> No.5805809



>> No.5805813

Takodachis please don't rape me just because I like Ame and Ina

>> No.5805814

a lot

>> No.5805820

>Uma Musume
>Monster Hunter

Save me...

>> No.5805825
Quoted by: >>5805873

Anon she tried. She doesn't have high standards in men.

>> No.5805829

She's just like me...

>> No.5805830

20k+ half of which are from here. I barely have space left I think it's time to purge images

>> No.5805831

>Kazuma AI

>> No.5805834
Quoted by: >>5806272

Lamy is just completing the triangle between Ina and Nene.

>> No.5805835

I love this fucking dork like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.5805836
Quoted by: >>5805885 >>5805955

Ame's utterly breathless laughs are the best, I wish we got to hear them more often


>> No.5805838

Hundreds of oshi related, five digits of work related

>> No.5805841

Never change schizoprime...never change....

>> No.5805845
Quoted by: >>5805876 >>5806045

Ame... Mori...

>> No.5805848
Quoted by: >>5805899

You know what collab would be funny as fuck just because it is such a weird pairing?
Mori and Miko.

>> No.5805849

fellas I love my oshi and her beautiful mind

>> No.5805854

retard, she's a shy little japanese girl collabing with the 2nd largest VTuber in the world, who also happens to be a gaijin

>> No.5805856

>kazuma ai

>> No.5805859
Quoted by: >>5805883

Didn't she also change a sign for Ina only to confess her love for Nene? Or was that up the whole time?

>> No.5805865

Better than spending it with some fuck boy that won't make her happy. Imagine having your bar lowered so much and still not having those needs met.
Being Choco is suffering.

>> No.5805867

I was about to say that this happened to Ina and not Mori but I think that was a thing with both of them due to Nene's maze.

>> No.5805872

Does anyone care about Sora beyond begin the first?
What doe she even do?

>> No.5805873


Solid snake



Hattori Hanzo

Lord Farquaad

Obese white guys (cute face required) (12-51)

A mystery other than saying "Her taste in men is extremely strict"

A moderately-okay looking salary man that isn't a complete void of personality

Mads Mikkelsen

Kiryu Kazuma

Older classy gentlemen (or Flare)

Fit sporty types


Someone who can match the love in her heart


Walt disney

Abe Hiroshi

15-23 year old cool, quiet, able to sweep her off her feet

King Dedede

Actual no-memes lesbian

>> No.5805876

Ame! Mori!

>> No.5805877
Quoted by: >>5805903

Hey, so I didn't quite *** but I was reading the thread and you guys are alright. Ultimately, when I die, I'll probably be remembering this place in a positive way.

>> No.5805880

Gacha anon onegai....

>> No.5805883
Quoted by: >>5805998

There was a sign to confess to Nene, as well as a sign to confess to your stream chat.

>> No.5805885

I love both these girls.

>> No.5805891

Fair enough. Good luck, you crazy fuck.

>> No.5805894

Yes, Kazuma-desu

>> No.5805899

The straightest pink woman and the gayest pink woman. It'd be like an antimatter annihilation

>> No.5805901
Quoted by: >>5805923 >>5806100

Fubuki banter with chat the whole time though, Ame tried to be a muted camera man.

>> No.5805902

Sometimes life fucks you a bit. She'll get there eventually, we all do.

>> No.5805903


>> No.5805906

Lmfao explain this image

>> No.5805911

Sans Undertale for Furea

>> No.5805913
Quoted by: >>5805939

What will the Sametori collab be?

>> No.5805918
Quoted by: >>5805965


>> No.5805920

Gura was really dumb in her perspective though there. She literally saw them all running away from her towards a new location and she just turned away and started walking in circles for some reason

>> No.5805922

the challenge isn't finding the end portal or killing the ender dragon. they're pretty much ready for that. The nether fortress has been found. Ina has all the materials needed to activate the end portal. Kiara's phoenixton can give everyone diamond armors. gura should still remember speed running techniques to get it all done.
getting all 5 of them to free up a slot to do a 2+hrs minecraft stream... that's just as hard as doing the usaken fest stream. need real motivation.

>> No.5805923

That's because Ame's chat was spamming the shit out of her to OMG TALK TO X

>> No.5805930

I have a chance with Choco and Polka

>> No.5805938


>> No.5805939


>> No.5805941
Quoted by: >>5806116

She was pretty talkative when it was just EN. But once Gura got sent to Miko's group she just shut down completely.

>> No.5805942

i will become the Solid Snake

>> No.5805943
Quoted by: >>5805949

>She can literally speak JP
no, she literally can't.

>> No.5805946

>15-23 year old cool, quiet, able to sweep her off her feet
guess I'm killing myself next year

>> No.5805948
Quoted by: >>5805972 >>5806182

>Both currently doing GFE for their members ( unlike the trinity)
Can't really argue with this. I'm surprised by how little affection Gura has shown despite the birthday stuff, even in members streams. Feels like she just says thanks but doesn't feel compelled do say anything beyond that. Which makes alarm #2 kind of weird, what's the point of a GFE alarm when you don't do that content to begin with. It's actually out-of-character when you think about it.

>> No.5805949


>> No.5805954

>Your oshi
>Your boards before /vt/

>> No.5805955
Quoted by: >>5805982

I need more Rainforest collabs

>> No.5805958
Quoted by: >>5806499

tbf, if it becomes possible for our brains to interface with computers enough for memory copying then all we'd need to do at that point is keep the brain connected and communicating with the tech whilst copying everything over and systematically dismantling/"killing" the original organic components in such a way that the individual doesn't experience death or any loss of identity, our bodies replace all our cells over the course of every ~7 years anyway so it's not even like a procedure like this would pose any greater philosophical conundrum than regular biological function already does

>> No.5805959
Quoted by: >>5805974

To anons thinking that the sadness of Coco leaving has subsided...
Just wait until her graduation stream.

>> No.5805965


>> No.5805966

Why does Kiara refuse to collab with Amelia but is so willing to make fun of her? First on Twitter than then immediately when she joined the call during the summer festival? She seems to have been putting more effort into collabing with outsiders rather than Amelia.

>> No.5805968

>if I try to be chuuni I'll probably end up like Vergil, not Dante
It's over for me

>> No.5805970


>> No.5805972

Gura spent half her stream describing her fetishes in detail today. She's giving us the Goomer Friend Experience and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.5805973
Quoted by: >>5806068

Summary of Ina's draw-stream
>Lamy invited Ina for a collab after they did their MH collab. Ina cancelled it so Lamy could rest due to Lamy having throat problems day-of. Ina was then invited on a date by Lamy later on for the Summer Festival.
>Ina is considering renting out an office for streaming and Priestess Duties. Her main drive for this is because it'll have airconditioning since she's very sweaty normally now.
>Ina will be using her old mic on a new audio setup from now on.
>Ina is a self-proclaimed normie. During debut she built her computer for dedicated streaming and gaming for ~$800. Before, she played on a laptop grinding FFXIV at 20FPS.
>New Emotes: ENTako (5), Bye! (6), KDTD (7), Mogu (8), SmugIna (9), PainTako (10), [Zzz (11) postponed]
>Ina had an interview for Draw-A-Lot, along with sponsor impressions https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:bYa2-_bZukYJ:https://prtimes.jp/story/detail/zxgv73SJKKB+
>Ina's hand is still recovering. She isn't planning any heavy drawing streams while she recovers.
>YAGOO built HoloEN under the idea of being content creators, not idols.
>Ina has been playing Phantasty Star Online still. Is thinking about asking Fubuki for tips.
>Ina is going to try and sneak into the JP Minecraft server to steal some designs and experience the summer festival minigames she missed. Expect a shorter stream (~2.5h) but all on the JP server.
>Gunpla review stream is wanted, but Ina's nervous about messing up names. Mentioned she struggled remembering the other EN girl's names for over a week when they first met.
>Ina is looking into playing Dead Space. May make it a collab with somebody that isn't Ollie.
>Ina's been looping Gura's "Reflect" since release
>Ina reconfirms a third time that she's the reason Violet is delayed so much. She is still waiting on Violet to be pieced together by LUMINA-san and doesn't want to rush them as a result --to make up for it, she showed a cut of one of the drawings.
>Loves drawing emotes but wants to keep them usable. Still one of her favorite types of streams.
>Ina is absolutely dripping in sweat and feels very sticky. Even accidentally wet her mouse.

>> No.5805974

i wasn't thinking that but thanks

>> No.5805975
Quoted by: >>5805990 >>5806005

What's Towa's preference in men?

>> No.5805978

/a/, /jp/, /g/

>> No.5805981

>/ck/ /a/ and /ic/ but only for the artbook threads.

>> No.5805982

I wonder if they'll ever finish that spy game or move on to something else

>> No.5805987

All it needs to break it is some big water

>> No.5805988

It's even sadder when you remember that Aqua said Choco is literally getting hotter with age (somehow)

The last time Aqua hung out with Choco she said she literally couldn't stop staring at her because she almost seemed inhuman with how attractive she was

>> No.5805989
Quoted by: >>5806009

sometimes ck, tg mostly
and Ame did good in her ttrpg stream

>> No.5805990
Quoted by: >>5806050

extremely good in dancing

>> No.5805995
Quoted by: >>5806016 >>5806112

Give me a QRD on rape rrat

>> No.5805996


>> No.5805997

I never thought back in January that we'd see the day where Gura streams more than her

>> No.5805998

Ah thanks.

>> No.5805999

How do I compete with this guy

>> No.5806000

/jp/ and /h/

>> No.5806002

The two of them are constantly jockeying for the position of 'alpha bitch of EN'. Biologically, they can never be anything closer than rivals.

>> No.5806005

Filipino with long fingernails

>> No.5806006
Quoted by: >>5806092


>> No.5806007
Quoted by: >>5806090

I thought Fubuki's ideal is Tom Hiddleston

>> No.5806008
Quoted by: >>5806157 >>5806266

Iwish Mori do more collab with Ironmouse, singing one isn't a bad idea

>> No.5806009
Quoted by: >>5806149

She did yeah, all she really needs to know is she can talk OOC when Watoto isn't speaking, and to show a bit more emotion when using watoto and she's set

>> No.5806010


>> No.5806016


>> No.5806017


>> No.5806019


>> No.5806022
Quoted by: >>5806083 >>5806178


>> No.5806023

woo go choco
nice champion

>> No.5806024

2/10 bait, you can do better than this.

>> No.5806025

>/a/, /vg/, /jp/, /tg/, /m/

>> No.5806028
Quoted by: >>5806178

/int/ and /3/ (when I was still doing reps. Now that im here I only use /vt/ and never do reps anymore)

>> No.5806031
Quoted by: >>5806078 >>5806232

I'm gonna piggyback off this to share the mildly interesting factoid that Ame has collabed with Ina only one more time than she has with Kiara.

>> No.5806032

>/a/ then /d/

>> No.5806035


>> No.5806037

/v/ and /vg/.

>> No.5806039

Didn't really have a homeboard before /vt/. I guess /fit/ and /vp/.

>> No.5806038
Quoted by: >>5806060

/vg/, /jp/ and one specific thread on /b/

>> No.5806043


>> No.5806045

If you just want "I want to collab with" on stream, then Ame & Mori has more than Gura already.

>> No.5806048

okay fuck you I laughed

>> No.5806050

Holy shit my chances just keeps growing, I think I have a chance with towa

>> No.5806053

/m/, /o/, /g/, /u/

>> No.5806055

/a/ /c/ /wsg/ /sci/ /jp/

>> No.5806056

/a/, /co/ and /tv/

>> No.5806058
Quoted by: >>5806178

2009-2010: /b/
2010-2013: /v/ and /vg/
2013-2017: /a/
2017-2020: /pol/
2021: /vt/

>> No.5806060
Quoted by: >>5806062

>one specific thread on /b/
which one

>> No.5806061

/a/ mainly, but sometimes /g/ and /int/ für /deutsch/
Thank fuck I left those. I enjoy /vt/ far more than all of them.

>> No.5806062


>> No.5806064


>> No.5806066
Quoted by: >>5806178

>/v/, /pol/ and /tv/

>> No.5806068
Quoted by: >>5806187

Thank you, Takobro. These are some of my favorite posts in /hlgg/

We used to get recap posts of Polka, Nene, Botan, and Kanata, I really really miss those posters. Did they go to /hlg/?

>> No.5806071

/a/ & /v/, then /m/ when it was made, then various /vg/ threads, then obviously /jp/

>> No.5806074
Quoted by: >>5806283


>> No.5806078

They have trinity collabs still but yeah that's entirely on Ina that they have so little

>> No.5806083


>> No.5806084
Quoted by: >>5806102

jwu and i need the latest gurame deets

>> No.5806088


I don't really know why Watame thought it was acceptable to start talking about Mori's feet for like a full minute here, but all power to her I guess.

>> No.5806090

he's just flavor of the month because of Loki.
Mads is forever. there was a time she was lost in thought and forgot she was streaming as she was so lovestruck\
>"yes, yes, blow that cigarette smoke in my face, more please..."

>> No.5806091

/ck/, /a/, /vg/, /jp/

>> No.5806092
Quoted by: >>5806174

How does an /out/chad get sucked into vtubers?

>> No.5806093

/v/ and /vg/, those were awful times

>> No.5806094

Bros...I don't think I'm gonna make it

>> No.5806095
Quoted by: >>5806122 >>5806283

/k/ and /a/
(still lurk there, I don't post anymore because this place has taken up more of my time)

>> No.5806098
Quoted by: >>5806125

other than /jp/, /vg/ /vst/ /a/ /co/ and /tv/

>> No.5806101
Quoted by: >>5806141

Where does Hattori Hanzo come from? I thought her ideal was Miles Morales

>> No.5806100

Ame made commentary on the sideline & talk to the chat.

>> No.5806102

here you go

>> No.5806108

/jp/ obviously

>> No.5806110

Images doko

>> No.5806112
Quoted by: >>5806136

The real reason Kiara left Japan was out of shame for being molested by Mori. Mori was in the middle of her thousand projects at once arc and Kiara invited herself into her studio to hang out, but it was annoying Mori. Finally she fucking snapped and molested Kiara right there against the wall, sucking and licking and kissing her all over while forcing her to orgasm with her fingers. It was purely a power thing. Kiara couldn't bare the shame and left under the pretense of moving closer to family. This is when Mori's depression arc started, because she had done something reprehensible and hurt her friend and drove away the only friendly face in her life.

>> No.5806116

The way she was just kinda following Gura for a bit after that happened was kinda cute though...

>> No.5806117


What did she mean by this

>> No.5806120

/a/ from 08-11, /tg/ from 12-16, /vg/gbfg from 17-20

>> No.5806121


>> No.5806122

Forgot to mention /jp/>>5805954

>> No.5806124

/vg/ and sometimes I just lurk in /his/ and /v/ though now I only stay here in /vt/ because I don't really browse this site that much now

>> No.5806125

finally, a fellow /vst/chad

>> No.5806130

/jp/ /d/ /h/ /e/

>> No.5806136

I beleeb.

>> No.5806137

>polka/flare musume
time to rev up my eardrum reps

>> No.5806138

/jp/ I suppose

>> No.5806139

It's impossible to fully understand the sheep

>> No.5806141
Quoted by: >>5806198


>> No.5806142
Quoted by: >>5806283

/k/, /fit/, /o/

>> No.5806144

clearly that its the stuff

>> No.5806147

A moderately-okay looking salary man that isn't a complete void of personality

Lord Farquaad
Obese white guys (cute face required) (12-51)
Kiryu Kazuma
King Dedede

Older classy gentlemen (or Flare)
Fit sporty types
Someone who can match the love in her heart
15-23 year old cool, quiet, able to sweep her off her feet

A mystery other than saying "Her taste in men is extremely strict"
Mads Mikkelsen
Walt disney
Abe Hiroshi
Hattori Hanzo

Solid snake

Actual no-memes lesbian

>> No.5806146

Mori has sort of conditioned herself to mitigate her autism by speaking loudly and often, at least. Ame is so meek when she's in a group voice chat that when she tries to say something and someone cuts her off they don't even realize it.

>> No.5806149

I don't think that will be a problem in a full group collab. Watoto is basically Grog Strongjaw+Mc Gyver.

>> No.5806151

Wtf I just looked up the lyrics to Fanza and now I'm tearing up again...

>> No.5806152

>over 500 posts to kill

Jesus fucking Christ this is going to take hours.


Generate a rrat about your oshi and paste it here

>> No.5806155

holoJP talking to her a lot now on discord ever since they got introduced in the festival

>> No.5806157
Quoted by: >>5806175 >>5806374

that's gonna have to be pre-recorded or a song collab. can't sync with the lag.
kanatan and rushia tried to sing hanabi during the usaken fest firework display and audio was just a complete mess https://youtu.be/80j0bxfrcbM?t=8817

>> No.5806159

>your oshi
>good news you have

I'm getting a new mic and an AC later this week

>> No.5806160

Maybe they got pedicures together or something

>> No.5806161

/k/ and /out/

>> No.5806162

wtf is this what people were referring to when they said Watame thinks Mori has nice feet? fuck I should never trust you people

>> No.5806166

/jp/ /vg/ /a/

>> No.5806167

Can't you read?

>> No.5806168

>your oshi
>coolest video game you've played

>> No.5806172
Quoted by: >>5806217

>Kiryu Kazuma

What the actual fuck? The guy is basically a Terrachad

>> No.5806173

/fit/ /jp/ /e/

>> No.5806175

ouch, then cover song collab

>> No.5806174
Quoted by: >>5806239

Covid shut down the small conservation business I worked for and locked us in the house for 2 months.
Luv' birds
Luv' botany
Luv' wilderness
Luv' Roboco
Simple as

>> No.5806178
Quoted by: >>5806238 >>5806245


Anons, I'm glad /vt/ rescued you from /pol/

Shouldn't your oshi be Ina?

Did you do reps on both /int/ and /3/?

>> No.5806182

She's probably just too embarrassed by GFE to do a lot of it. Gura ASMR onegai...

>> No.5806183

I just found out that the Amachiro maker is dead...

>> No.5806184

/an/, especially /aq/

>> No.5806187

I'm also the Polka and Botan one but can't catch them live easily anymore

>> No.5806188
Quoted by: >>5806257

Sure, let me just cut my legs so I become a whole 2 feet smaller.

>> No.5806191


>> No.5806193

library of ruina just for the raw unfiltered kino

>> No.5806197
Quoted by: >>5806221

Why do you have to kill posts? Because of image slots?

>> No.5806198

>he looked exactly like Hanzo
holy shit you were right i kneel

>> No.5806199

/b/, /v/, /co/, /sci/, /fit/, /v/ again

>> No.5806201

Good morning, anything new around ayamefriend? Did that one anon draw her with ripped pantyhose?

>> No.5806202
Quoted by: >>5806222 >>5806225

PekoMiko rape rrat QRD now.

>> No.5806205

>tfw obese and white but have a manly face
truly cursed by god

>> No.5806206

>/pol/, /a/ and certain /vg/ threads

>> No.5806209

Gawr Gura is the latest sex icon. Her feet and tummy are commonly seen as erotic. According to a study, people look at her for long periods of time, with their eyes darting around her curves and skin, noting down every flaw that they see.

Why so? Because all that she has are her eyes.

Well, you must be wondering, is she really to blame? How could she be blamed for her appealing feet and big tummy?

Well, no, it’s not her fault that we want to look at her feet, her tummy or even her boobs. It’s not even her fault that she appeals to men by showing those traits.

>> No.5806208
Quoted by: >>5806211 >>5806290

>Your oshi
>Drink water again

>> No.5806210

Fuck that, play Godfield with me.
- Hidden melee
- password "pepeloni"

>> No.5806211

aye aye captain

>> No.5806217

Fuck I forgot to move him, he is in very hard

>> No.5806218

SSX tricky holds a special place in my heart

>> No.5806219
Quoted by: >>5806248

So did they finally go out to their "date"?

>> No.5806221

>page 8
because if >we don't kill the thread, the board kills >us

>> No.5806222

Gura is now sandwiched between them.

>> No.5806224 [DELETED] 

/mlp/, /pol/, /a/, /v/ (Touhou threads)
I promise I'm a good poster

>> No.5806225

go to the catalog. i'm sure there's a whole thread for it

>> No.5806230

she recently released a new song Bluerose

>> No.5806231

Variously /jp/, /g/, /a/, /sp/ and /o/ (basically only for /dbt/)

>> No.5806232

That's not really surprising to me, Ina and Gura have collabed about the same amount of times as Iname/Takotori have too.

>> No.5806239

Oof. I have respect for conservation guys. My best friend works as a ranger for our government, and helps hatch and raise endangered native birds. Top bloke. Swell job.

>> No.5806240
Quoted by: >>5806303 >>5806315

>Your oshi
>Favorite holo song

>> No.5806238

/int/ for French practice
/3/ for 3
Since quarantine and Hololive all my IRL reps have come to a halt. Now I’m trying to figure out how to get back into the groove

>> No.5806241
Quoted by: >>5806381

>Super Robot Wars - Original Generations (PS2)

>> No.5806242

>live counter
That's just an extrapolation, there's no way to get exact numbers outside of 10k increments unless you're the channel owner.

>> No.5806246

>Your oshi
>Thoughts on her split?

>> No.5806245
Quoted by: >>5806314

>/vt/ rescued you from /pol/

It’s honestly a massive fucking breath of fresh air. Browsing /pol/ too much is horrible for your mental health. The more time you spend on there, the more you see the ugly truth about the world and just how fucked up it is. Hololive is a force for happiness and joy in my life and I’m so glad I found it.

>> No.5806248

Not yet, we don't even know if Watame has invited Mori yet. We do know that Mori invited Suisei out to dinner, at least.

>> No.5806249
Quoted by: >>5806286

Towa did 9/11

Remember Towa? Back in the summer of 2013, it seemed as if most people outside of Japan were forgetting about the catastrophe that was 9/11.

But as it turns out, Towa was a brand new 9/11, the second-ever to happen to an aviation company and to have its demise be broadcast live across the world.

That’s right, Towa, a low-cost carrier company that was backed by the internet phenomenon Japan Airlines (JAL), was the first airline to go down as a direct result of the 9/11 attacks in 2001.


>> No.5806252

why are antis focusing so hard on ame being autistic at the festival when mori was just as bad. are the antis all deadbeats?

>> No.5806254

>your oshi
>why you're here during (relativly) dead hours

>> No.5806257

You say that like it's impossible

>> No.5806261
Quoted by: >>5806322

/mlp/, /pol/, /a/, /vst/
I promise I'm a good poster

>> No.5806265


>> No.5806266

>An hour long
God damn she did this all in one sitting?

>> No.5806267

I'm watching streams. Like you right?

>> No.5806268

They've always been the Ame antis.

>> No.5806270

She craves the approval of others like a drug and has gotten more hits since Reflect dropped than she has ever gotten in her life.

>> No.5806269


>> No.5806271

One of my cats gave birth

>> No.5806272

Ina has enough tentacles for everyone in Hololive.

>> No.5806274

The actual age of the creature known as Gawr Gura is currently unknown. It is estimated to be older than 9000 years old but conflicting reports have made this claim unreliable. The creature is reported to inhabit a cave and as such is trapped by the locals. Although the claims of the creature’s existence are still unverified, the presence of mysterious gold artefacts at the site does suggest that Gawr Gura is real. References: http://www.astroartists.com/scientist-gawr-gura/ http://www.astroartists.com/scientist-gawr-gura/ http://www.aurorae.net/2012/02/22/gawr-gura/ http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/37096/article.php?doi=10.7109/23972671.196953

>> No.5806275

I hope so too
those boards aren't the hallmarks of a good poster

>> No.5806278

I think Botan and Watame should have sex with each other

>> No.5806279

Ahhh, the dragonbreath...

>> No.5806282


>> No.5806283
Quoted by: >>5806433

Based /k/ommando. I haven’t been using /k/ much lately tho, mostly there for patch threads

>> No.5806284
Quoted by: >>5806328

[Gawr Gura revolutionized the art of bathroom egg making. In fact, she once] made egg-shaped baked beans from scratch. Not only does she use eggs in her creations, but also various other ingredients to make them unique. Her fan following has not just grown with the innovation, it is also increasing. Many of her devotees try to replicate the recipes in their kitchens.

Goodies & Co has come up with Egg Biscuit Sandwich rolls. They come in a rich and creamy curry dip, something which makes you feel satiated and full.

Chi-Chi’s Chutney now has a range of fluffy and egg

>> No.5806286

>That’s right, Towa, a low-cost carrier company that was backed by the internet phenomenon Japan Airlines (JAL), was the first airline to go down as a direct result of the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

I’m fucking dying, I got absolutely rused

>> No.5806287
Quoted by: >>5806302

Ame was 500% more autistic than Mori was.

>> No.5806290

Alright, thanks for reminding me

>> No.5806293

You're phrasing that in a negative way, but Gura finally getting to talk to her parents about what she does and how incredibly happy that made her also made me really happy.

HERfags continue to be in shambles

>> No.5806295

I can't tell if you're joking or not...

>> No.5806300

these hours are better as long as no shit's going down

>> No.5806302
Quoted by: >>5806367

I also tend to be extremely autistic at 5 AM.

>> No.5806303

it's pretty good
archive reps

>> No.5806304

Idk man, i want to trust you but...

>> No.5806306
Quoted by: >>5806369

so i can post about fucking my oshi, answer surveyposts and laugh at eggs.

>> No.5806309

>thread's actually usable around these hours compared to how it is 4-8 hours before them

>> No.5806312

Ame had a lot of fun at the festival, so in the end the posts are meaningless.

>> No.5806314
Quoted by: >>5807054

I know what you mean, buddy.
I got out after QAnon started popping up once Trump got elected in 2016.
2015 to 2016 election shitposting was fun, but after that, it (and 4chan) got a whole lot worse, so I stopped browsing.
It started to become soul destroying.

>> No.5806315

Palette but I have others which I really like too, Stardust song, Suspect, Red Heart, RED, Bully, Live Again, Mogu, Ghost, Next Color Planet.

>> No.5806318

Many people believe Ollie was fingered on stream, as evidenced by her sexual moans. But in actuality, it was a glitch in the Discord server that she was watching that captured her genuine reaction. (The Daily Dot has attempted to contact Ollie for further comment.)


The idea that Ollie is being framed as a “female Twitch streamer” that specifically likes lesbian content has been doing the rounds in certain corners of the internet in recent days. However, in a recent video released by Ollie’s girlfriend, Maggie Rizer, it is made clear that Ollie has no connection to the other streamers

>> No.5806319
Quoted by: >>5806438

Technically nothing wrong with that as they've kept it to just the vtubers, and no relation between lives gets established.

>> No.5806322

get the fuck away from my beloved homeboard

>> No.5806325

Gawr Gura is not Gawr Gura
Gura is the wrong word. The only word used to define Gawr Gura is Sraianya but I have never heard the people speak it. Therefore I use Gawr Gura here to describe the savages I have met.

I know Gura in Sraianya was based on the real life word Gura. It means wild and savage which is the only true definition of Sraianya's savages.

Gawr Gura is how they describe the females of Sraianya. "Gawr Gura" translates to wild flower. Most females here are completely covered in beautiful wild flowers which

>> No.5806326
Quoted by: >>5806343

>your oshi
>I don’t give a fuck who your oshi is mine’s better anyway

>> No.5806327

I'm bored and lonely

>> No.5806328

I read that as
>rich and creamy cunny dip

>> No.5806333

It's pretty good

>> No.5806334

My favorite night here was liveposting Moona's karaoke with a relatively small amount of anons

>> No.5806335
Quoted by: >>5806350

Because I just got unbanned. I'm watching Flare and Polka play Horse Girl.

>> No.5806336
Quoted by: >>5806405

>Just as bad
Maybe they just both enjoyed the festival in their own way, and we don't need to have a fucking ranking of 'who festival'd the best' over a fun event? You people are so autistic it hurts.

>> No.5806338

Can’t sleep

>> No.5806340

>tfw neither fully white, nor overweight, nor a twink, nor buff, nor a chad, nor small and nor old enough.

>> No.5806343

Why are lunaito like this?

>> No.5806349

Minato Aqua and Murasaki Shion are having sex.

Afterward, Murasaki Shion congratulates Minato Aqua for winning the battle.

Unable to sleep, Minato Aqua goes to the storage facility with Makoto Kanzaki.

He finds a bottle of alcohol which he tries to buy.

Shiro tells Minato Aqua that Murasaki Shion has gone to Kagoshima to escape from the SORA agents.

Shiro brings Minato Aqua to the SORA headquarters in Tokyo, where it is revealed that Makoto Kanzaki is their new third member.

Makoto Kanzaki is a gothic man dressed in black clothes and

>> No.5806350
Quoted by: >>5806359

Please ban this anon again

>> No.5806351

>/mlp/, /pol/, /a/, /v/ (Touhou threads)
>"I promise I'm good poster"
>gets deleted
Based meidos

>> No.5806353

Mori could've been a superstar like Gura and Ina were but she fumbled it super hard... At least she was trying though.

>> No.5806356

I don't know, but this thread is comfy

>> No.5806358

Virtual Youtuber Ookami Mio shows off her dark room

Mio is a very stylish girl, always wearing outfits with a futuristic and superhero-like aesthetic. Her room in the VR world she created for Nimbly is no exception: she lives in a virtual hotel room with a distinctive purple decor, a deep purple bathtub, and a wall with a special feature.

Mio designed the room herself. In VR, it’s possible to walk around and turn a corner to see the entire room. In the video, Mio herself tries out the trick and checks it out.

>> No.5806359

You will never stop me from watching Horse Girl.

>> No.5806367

As long as we're making excuses, please remember that Mori was drunk during the festival.

>> No.5806369

also add that there are significantly less schizos, eggs and other doomposters / shitflingers during this time.
i can actually discuss things here.

>> No.5806372
Quoted by: >>5806391

Ina love ame but never liked cuitlacota

"but for this nuiseon as qui monteal

monat in serviu sint they ilome

she soolynd them.

For tamen I uskmo in moyo

those who ever done with my wife."

The difference between these long poems is not so much in the presentation of its contents as in its own personality. The long poems were charged with emotion; they were reflections on the human condition. These poems by Vllth are not so much interested in what is, but in what is seen.

The last two poems are on Tamar.

>> No.5806374

To be fair that's over discord, right? There's specific software to be able to sync audio for duets. But from what I heard it's only really viable with low ping.

>> No.5806377

I'm studying and everyone is asleep, so you guys are the only social interaction I have for now

>> No.5806381

BEYOND based

>> No.5806383

So was there a final version of all those theater edits from the other day?

>> No.5806384

Catching up on vod because im eu

>> No.5806386
Quoted by: >>5806428

that's a buff at a social event, anon.

>> No.5806387

>your oshi
>your favorite tea

>> No.5806389
Quoted by: >>5806428

Drinking should suppress autism unless you're just completely shitfaced.

>> No.5806391

okay rat

>> No.5806394

blender renders take a while

>> No.5806395

Don't being so autistic. Kiara is like this with everyone because she's comfortable with them, sometimes its a bit too much ("Gura are you gonna cry...? Really?") but its just the way she is, she sees the opportunity and goes for it.
Ame banters a lot with chat and with genmates too to a lesser extent (a lot with Gura), but as a teamate I feel she's really comfortable around Kiara and their collabs are great. Their bunny man collab is still one of the best EN 1:1 collabs with how hilarious it was

>> No.5806399

>Got done playing boats with friends and editing clips from said boats with friends and now i am eating cake and being tired from playing boats with friends

>> No.5806400
Quoted by: >>5806447

Was she actually drunk or just tipsy?

>> No.5806401

These hours are the best

>> No.5806402

Suisei Hoshimachi, also known as Helga Gurlukovich, allegedly impersonated a foreign woman by wearing make-up, claiming to be British, to convince two men who took her to a shrine that she was interested in marriage. She reportedly sent them a picture of her face to verify her identity.

Per Japanese law, it is a crime to lie about their nationality to a foreign government official.

According to reports, one of the men took Hoshimachi to a Shinto shrine, where the other man is said to have invited her to go out with them.

An official at the

>> No.5806405
Quoted by: >>5806423 >>5806497

The way some posters here are just fucking pathologically obsessed with creating tier lists out of everything including fucking interactions is just pathetic. Screams /v/ like nothing else does.

>> No.5806406

Slowly, I started to grow long blue hair and massive breasts.

I was beginning to look more and more like an ugly little high school girl, and the other kids called me "Fruit Loop."

I found solace in the "Black Box" where we could watch the flow of life around us.

It was beautiful and intriguing to observe how organisms interacted with each other.

At that age, I had no conscious awareness of the importance of nature or the concept of "human impact," but I was beginning to understand the significance of our domination of Earth.

In my humanistic view,

>> No.5806409

I'm sitting here with the thread open on my second monitor while I play games. I have nothing else to do so I'm just doing challenges for unlocks in the master chief collection

>> No.5806410

If the same 3-5 discord kids are still spamming their cuck fantasy timeloop shit after what, 9 months? 10? Then it’s shit.

>> No.5806414


>> No.5806415

This one is pretty cool
Towa and kenzoku went to the game store.

I went to where the play park was and found Towa by herself.

She wanted me to stay in one place but I didn't want to.

She was the same as me so I'm confident we'll have fun.

Then finally at the park I saw kenzoku who had done something with his sword.

It was my sword and then he told me I had to come.

I went to a secret room and found myself on a plane of lies.

I found out why we had to come here.

Towa wanted to be reincarnated into a mortal and she asked me to make this

>> No.5806419

I don't like tea, I wish I did but I've been poisoned by sugar and soda

>> No.5806423

we should make a new spic dbz tier list from scratch

>> No.5806424

I'll finally be moving back to my home country in a couple of days after 5 fucking years due to education and I'm thinking of getting this IP banned for any unfortunate sod that is sharing it

>> No.5806425

Anon below me put it better than I could have:

This is all really dumb and immature of both sides, and this whole furore that's been circulating around the net this morning isn't going to do anything but cause a few mudslinging affairs.

As a couple who's been married almost 17 years and still going strong, we've just had an awful lot of people mention our marriage in the most negative of terms.

Sure we got divorced, and it was messy, and everybody who knew us at the time knows the details, but the fact is

>> No.5806426
Quoted by: >>5806446

I want to plaster Ayamefriend’s thighs with my cum.

Before I could act on that thought, I heard Hana’s voice beside me.

“Oh. Hi there, Ikura-san.”

…Hana. A Goddess of [sexual desire].

I decided that I might as well go along with her innocent act, so I raised my gaze to her.

“Aya-chan…what are you doing here?”

Hana didn’t even look at me. She was focusing on Ayamefriend who was talking with the stern-looking blue haired girl.

The latter had just finished lowering Ayamefriend’s top.

“Well, I was thinking that we would head back soon so I

>> No.5806428

That's what i though too but it doesn't seem to work for Mori. Not that i cared because it was cute seeing her just being dork and talking to deadbeats when she needed to calm down.

>> No.5806433

Its been pretty lonely in there as a leaf lately, everyones got so much cool stuff to share and were just going backwards

>> No.5806438
Quoted by: >>5806634

No you dumb fucking nigger it’s dox shit and anyone doing that shit needs 30 months gone

>> No.5806441

Gura’s pee

>> No.5806444

Earl Grey
I don't know tea, I just follow the instructions on the box then add milk

>> No.5806446


>> No.5806447

We can only guess based on her estimated body mass, the number of sips she took, the estimated average size of a sip, and the estimated average alcohol content of red wine.

>> No.5806449

i want to rape shion so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.5806452
Quoted by: >>5806456

There is a pre-debut HoloID member that will be known as Thorax. Her streaming style will consist of an interesting blend of rock and metal. She has a detailed appearance and performs with intensity and charisma. Holo ID is most likely planning to make a considerable impact with the “Holo ID Derezzed” album release.

Bands that would be more appropriate for rock fans to listen to are Chrome Shoutout and Ardisia.

Holo ID’s Twitter states that they will be releasing the “Derezzed” album on February 22.

Source: HoloID Official

>> No.5806453
Quoted by: >>5806920

Probably true, she does egosearch after all. The praise being for something she took seriously and put more work into than anything she'd done previously must make a huge difference. Her saying that she had the happiest birthday of her life felt like it wasn't just kayfabe.

>> No.5806456

Based fucking Thorax

>> No.5806458

A mix of waking up, being on vacay and watching vods.

>> No.5806471

Kiara’s character encountered a vampire janitor and an apocalypse cult. Ina’s character encountered witches, changelings and THE HOOK. Ame’s character encountered werewolves and servants of the Wyrm. Now for the last session, Gura’s character will encounter…ALMOST THE ENTIRE CHANGELING BORG CREW! (Zhargis, Chandara, Keran, Lais and Xiao Bao) It’s a pack of golemstomping rock beasts that gets the description of “very, very lazy.” We may have one pack of baddies on one side of the room and a pack of a dozen baddies on the other side. Did I mention we are doing this at one of the most popular RPGs in the East Coast? Yes, Red Phoenix here, preparing for the big brawl.

This sounds like some of the finest military training, right?

>> No.5806474

Coco graduation reason is a nice long vacation before I have to let him loose on the world, but I would have been just as happy with a "graduation / visit with grandparents".

I think the only thing that really changed my mind about "wasting" it at the reunion was the argument we had over it.

The reunion planning committee was working hard to make sure there was a good turnout, and it sounds like a lot of work.

However, despite this, I didn't hear one person say anything nice about the planning committee to me.

The what?

>> No.5806476

It's either great and full of Mori Love or it's the centre for some of the pettiest and most autistic squabbles I've ever seen play out on this board (or site, honestly). The worst part is that you can tell it's not an influx of tourists, it's the regular posters who turn schizo at the flip of a switch.

>> No.5806488
Quoted by: >>5806621

Reposting my favorite TuT

I want to cum on Gura's feet. I want to blow raspberries on her tummy. I want to flip her onto her back and fuck her tits like an eight-year-old. I want to stick my tongue up her butthole and fuck her all over again.

And yet, I also want to do all those things and more. For now, I'm sticking with some very special exercises, like learning how to swim in my socks. I guess there's no better way to show that you're sorry, than to make sure everyone can see you.

5. Having Sex with 20 One-Night Stands

>> No.5806491
Quoted by: >>5806515

Sometimes I can just be a potato, and if you guys you know, I totally get it if you're like "-ame FUCK you for being a potato" you know? I get it, I know where you're coming from, but I still would like to be a potato like this today, I guess. But yeah I'm alright, it's pretty harmless. But I've seen some of those threads get pretty dark. I've got a few friends who have had serious suicidal ideations. They didn't have, you know, the capacity to, to make their mind up. They didn't have enough clout to want to take that step. And that is really hard for me to imagine. I mean, even some of the suicide people that I have on my list, you know, I'd have to call their psychiatrist to get them to write me a script,

>> No.5806492

I always have /hlgg/ open no matter what, even if it's Gura/Ame hours and the thread is spamming unfunny jokes or there's another raid. It's my home.

>> No.5806495

Best tea I've ever had was a pot of chai tea at an upscale indian restaurant but I'm a burger so what the fuck do I know about tea

>> No.5806497

I told this to the people that basically powerscale Hololive singers once and one dude got so offended

>> No.5806499

Cept the brain doesn't undergo cell death and replacement like the rest of the body does. Once you lose a neuron, that neuron isn't gonna regrow itself.

>> No.5806500

Amelia Watson's schedule for this week will be much calmer, even if she's almost certain to be working harder than ever. In fact, a study released this week suggests it's all in a day's work.

Watson, a third-year student at the University of British Columbia, plans to hit the books for an hour or two at night to tackle at least one more course. Then, she'll try to sleep — or at least survive — the sleep deprivation and the daily double-duty schedule of being a student and working a full-time job.

>> No.5806509
Quoted by: >>5806539

Minato Aqua is an African streamer of the all-female virtual idol group Hololive.

She is of Swahili descent.

It was revealed in January 2009 that Minato will be joining the virtual idol group.

She made her debut in January 2010, with the single "Ayanoko".

In July 2011, Hololive started producing the music video for "Gakuen" featuring Miliyah Kato.

After this Minato moved from London to Tokyo, Japan, leaving her career in the group.

Since then she has had many guest appearances as a soloist for many Japanese acts including Perfume and Angelic Pretty.


>> No.5806511

Menhera as fuck but it's out of love

>> No.5806512

Watamelon posters were used to define the shape of stars and constellations, and to illustrate the myth of Orion and his hunting dog Canis Major.

The first known surviving image of a Watamelon painting is attributed to Paul Huet.

In the mid-17th century, the painter Jean-Baptiste Oudry reproduced some of Watamelon's frescoes and also depicted him riding a horse.

Several of his paintings are now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

>> No.5806514

>Your oshi
>Which Holo would pay the most to have sex with your oshi.

>> No.5806515


>> No.5806519


>> No.5806532

Pretty ogey

>> No.5806539
Quoted by: >>5806583

>Aqua is a nigger

It almost makes sense honestly

>> No.5806541

I mean, he somehow manages to blame Ame for Gura being muted in her own watchalong.
You think common sense is a part of his brain?

>> No.5806554

Probably Roboco, I think they’d be very cute together

>> No.5806555

Brown Barley

>> No.5806557

>"Stop being horny!" screamed the Teamate at the top of her lungs, unaware that a deadbeat was behind her with lustful intentions.
>She made a goofy, bubbly, feminine movement to mess up her appearance and almost carelessly threw a long purple scarf in her hands.
>"Um," the deadbeat, the one who messed up her ponytail, said with a bewildered look on his face, "Hey!
>Look who it is!"
>He turned around and saw the poor, female Teamate.
>He felt his heart shatter in two.
>"I have no idea!" she blurted, stammering.
>The Teamate guy stood there, shocked and speechless, for a minute before breaking into a run, completely

>> No.5806559

ahh the pepeloni, pepeloni. you know the pepeloni? the nooo one. i always, i always order the, the domino. domino pepeloni and without pepeloni. i always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. pepeloni! i like pepeloni, yeah. i always, i always order the, the cheese- cheese pan. ahh how can i explain? i can explain by my drawing! i always order the cheese pan. cheese cheese pan. i order the cheese pan without pepeloni! pepeloni is kind of like sesame seeds, so if you mix pepeloni with sesame seeds, it would be, like, a bomb. pepeloni is kind of like sesame seeds, so if you mix pepeloni with sesame seeds, it would be, like, a bomb. pepeloni- Sesame seed- Sesame seed- PEPELONI Sesame seed PEPELONI!! SO GOOD! I LOVE IT SO MUCH. SWEET, SO GOOD. SO DELICIOUS, SO DELICIOUS. LOVE IT! DELICIOUS. GONNA PEPELONI NOW!

>> No.5806562

why did Gura make Scout so sexual? is she trying to tell us something?

>> No.5806563

>cunny up for almost 23 minutes in the catalogue

>> No.5806565

/v/, /co/ sometimes /tv/.

>> No.5806566

>Watch Ina drawing new member emotes
>That one faggot said that he didn't miss Ina
how that fag kill himself

>> No.5806568

We won't make it to 1500, just accept sweet death

>> No.5806569

>try to fall asleep to my oshi’s ASMR
>just end up getting extremely horny

God damn it

>> No.5806573
Quoted by: >>5806591

Gura is horny

>> No.5806575
Quoted by: >>5806604


>> No.5806576


>> No.5806579

Mori is already my oshi

>> No.5806583 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5806761

>Minato Aqua is monkey
>made a fried chicken machine in Minecraft
>self-inserts as the BLACK swordsman
>Minato Aqua is Shion's boyfriend. Shion's boyfriend is black. Therefore...
>Pekora hates black people and calls them gorillas. Aqua and Pekora clearly have some beef, this is why.
>Korone played an old game from the 90s with an extremely racist depiction of a black man and found it to be hilarious. This is why Aqua and Korone are tense around each other.
>Subaru loves black people. This is why she's one of the few Holos to break her shell.
>As established multiple times in the past, FBK is a little racist. This is why she targeted Aqua in the Mario Kart tournament and caused her to lose.
>her roommate's name is Rinkoyabembe
>no father
>Akukin Kensetsu is a BLACK company
>extremely good at looting and shooting in APEX
>has never said the GTA funny word on stream
>canonically has a 10 inch peener
>got mad hops in jump king
>insane ad-lib dancing skills
>dabs on whitey EOPs when they make lame ass onion jokes
>is a maid but doesn't do any work

>> No.5806584
Quoted by: >>5806614

Jasmine, from Indonesia. The only good thing that comes from that place.

>> No.5806591

I don't understand.

>> No.5806594

She’s gay

>> No.5806597
Quoted by: >>5806633

>your oshi
>ctrl + v

>> No.5806603


>> No.5806604


>> No.5806607
Quoted by: >>5806659


>> No.5806608

Antis and shitposters using every opportunity to try and shit on the girls doesn't matter which one, just using any opportunity. Teamates aren't upset at Ame at most we wish she would have opened up a little more but we know groups are hard for her, she wasn't feeling well, and she still had fun.

>> No.5806610

>your oshi
>your first oshi

>> No.5806611

i want to say nene, but at the same time it doesn't feel right.

>> No.5806612

The NPCs of Hololive EN’s hit tabletop series Hunter Myth include Vic, vampire ex-prince turned janitor; Chad, frat boy with ambitions of destroying the supernatural; Nita, valley girl roommate of insomniac Yuul; Mother Watoto, retarded but kind parent; Derek, wannabe hipster partier; Xander, Calen's “hot” cousin; Joss, Derek’s sarcastic cousin with a Yakuza husband and clan boss; Cassidy, Jennifer's daughter who speaks Japanese (and acts as a sort of tour guide); Ella, vampire prostitute and artist; Alfred, devout mobster; Lilia, a mass murderer; and more.

Also, in Hunter Myth you’ll meet a giant fire-breathing turkey monster named Foul-Spell. I’ve not met a giant fire-breathing turkey monster named Foul-Spell, but I’m really looking forwar

>> No.5806614

That's when you know a ghost about to spook you

>> No.5806616

[A thread on 4chan called /hlgg/ is a terrible place. They discuss various Hololive virtual YouTubers there, like Usada Pekora. In fact, it's so terrible that] 4chan banned /hlgg/ in 2014. It was so bad, even 4chan couldn't deal with it.

This HBD subreddit (HBD) used to be listed as a sub-reddit of /sjw/ (social justice warriors) before they completely deleted it. HBD believes the white race is superior, which is all just fine. However, in this subreddit, they claim that it's the white race that is responsible for global warming. And they also think the earth is just warming up naturally in the friggin' deserts of the world.

>> No.5806618

Amelia Watson is a time traveler.

That alone sounds weird, but it's not really.

Watson's job is to make sure that in every possible time and place, all of her partners know where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there.

How did Watson ever pick the perfect time and place?

That's the whole point of the book.

Watson is a little bit obsessive, a lot confused, and has a tendency to forget just about everything.

She knows that the safety deposit box where the safe time capsule is stored is the only thing

>> No.5806621
Quoted by: >>5806664

That first line wasn't partly generated, was it

>> No.5806622
Quoted by: >>5806815


>> No.5806625

How are my Iname bros doing? Still coping after the festival?

>> No.5806626

>your oshi
>a gun you like

>> No.5806633

I went to watch movies with Towa , a close friend, in Jindo over the New Year holidays.

We went out for dinner to a "Five - star Restaurant" (which was really just a cheap kimchi place, and I wasn't impressed by much).

Afterwards, we went back to Towa's house and played a few rounds of food games: Nom - king (the king of Yubari), Food Hell, and Banana - Weighing Tissues.

It wasn't the most interesting night ever, but it was nice to hang out with a friend who doesn't have crazy expectations about life or stress, and I was in

>> No.5806634

I mean technically as in its not against the board rules.

>> No.5806639

Gura is going to make #MythRape a reality one way or another

>> No.5806645

I miss Ame.

>> No.5806646

You know who.

>> No.5806647


>> No.5806652

M1 Garand

>> No.5806654


>> No.5806659


>> No.5806664

First 2 sentences were written by me, the bot is the one that made it pedophilia

>> No.5806665

Springfield 1861. Hope to shoot one oneday.

>> No.5806679

Gluon Gun

>> No.5806681

No one but Mori used to be my favourite. I think the Mori split unironically was part of the reason I dropped her, I really dislike those deadbeats, even though some deadbeats here are cool, when they're not being dramatic faggots.

>> No.5806682

Gura cute zbulon mënyrën se si dëgjohet qielli, kur ju jetoni në zemër

Gura, një ndër përbërësit kryesorë të shijes, që përbëhet nga selvapi, uthulla e kuqe, lakra, lakra të kuqe dhe drithëra të pasura me vitamina dhe minerale, është shumë e vlefshme për shëndetin.

Por kur përdoret, si shija e zakonshme e këtij lëngu, ai nuk është i shëndetshëm. Gura mund të ketë një nivel të lartë të alkoolit, duke rrezikuar seriozisht sëmundjet.

Por mund të mos ketë qitësin e rëndësishëm që e shton shijen e gura, në

>> No.5806687

>Your oshi
>What you bought in the steam sale

>> No.5806690


>> No.5806691
Quoted by: >>5806710

Anyone noticed that a bunch of views got pruned from the Minecraft festival VODs?
Like at one point gura's was at 1.1 million but it's down to 1 million now.
This seemed to have happened for all the VODs at that time.

>> No.5806698

Okayu was remembering the time when I was cooking and she had been pulling my hair.

I have probably been pulling her hair since we were kids.

I thought.

I wondered why she was pulling my hair.

"Whatever, oga."

Okayu's expression had changed from seductive to innocent.

I laughed out loud.

"Ah, okay."

I said shaking my head.

She laughed and passed by me.

I watched her as she went into the bathroom and stood for a while.

She was looking directly at me with her eyes.

>> No.5806699

Nothing, save my money for im@s and tales of arise

>> No.5806704

Remington model 8

>> No.5806706

>your oshi
>how hololive has impacted you negatively

>> No.5806707

I'm glad they stopped being made, mostly because there wasn't that much discussion going on in them, besides the obvious rrats, to begin with. Ironically, I'm pretty sure the last one I'd consider decent was active just a little under three months ago.


>> No.5806709

Kiara Takanashi of HololiveEN has come under fire recently over statements regarding her rather extreme stance on gun ownership. The owner of several firearms herself, [AI starts here] Takanashi proposed to lowering the minimum age to purchase a gun to 14 years old. Though not yet fully implemented, this suggestion has received criticism from various American politicians. Enthusiasts of Japanese culture, Japanese American or otherwise, have made it clear that Takanashi’s gun-owning policies are an anathema to their ideals and represent a marked departure from Japanese cultural values. The public firing of an AK-47 within the campus community of America’s liberal city state

>> No.5806710

Pajeet website, please understand.

>> No.5806712
Quoted by: >>5806772

>Kiara still tweeting at 9AM

>> No.5806713
Quoted by: >>5806801

Bought Muse Dash since it was $1 and Gmod for a friend, Rainbow six siege for another friend, and got myself Hotline Miami 2

>> No.5806715

Haachama, I miss her so much I hope she's okay

>> No.5806716

Anyone else not really enjoy watching their oshi anymore but can't stop due to the sunk cost fallacy? I'm basically stuck waiting for her to either redeem herself or commit a yab that allows me to stop following her without regrets.

>> No.5806721

Flintlocks and Muskets

>> No.5806727

Fubuki stopped her stream for a moment to sing Shiny Smiley Story, whilst the rest of us decided to call it a day.

I think we all just decided that we needed to let the pent up pressure out.

The hotel room was a bit smelly by this point but I can't fault the cleanliness of it.

The ride home seemed to take much longer.

There's a certain element of sleepiness that comes along with taking three drunk people out at night.

The reality of the situation however, is that it was impossible for us to go back to sleep after what had just happened.

>> No.5806735

Muse dash dlc, God eater 3, eternal and w101

>> No.5806736

Winchester model 1887

>> No.5806738


>> No.5806741

It feels so weird to not get the expressive walls of text describing every single holo currently live.

>> No.5806744

>Sunk cost fallacy
Just fucking watch someone else you autist.

>> No.5806747


>> No.5806749
Quoted by: >>5806838

No but good luck with that deadbrap

>> No.5806750
Quoted by: >>5806845

is she gay for scout or is scout just her

>> No.5806751

[Calliope Mori] of Los Altos was unable to recover the ball in the end zone, where she”d tucked it in for a touchdown. Two plays later, she threw an interception to Irene Orozco, who returned it to midfield to set up the Panthers” final drive.

“I”m very disappointed,” Orozco said. “We fought hard all game and didn”t get the win.”

“They”re a good team,” Thomas said. “We”re not too worried about this one. We got one in the bag, and that”s all that matters.”

San Lorenzo Valley (1-0) went into halftime with a 3

>> No.5806753


>> No.5806755


>> No.5806756


>> No.5806757

DST to play with some friends.

>> No.5806760

earl grey, oolong, genmaicha, thai

>> No.5806761

Wtf mods why did this get deleted?

>> No.5806763

You should just stop now though if you're being serious

>> No.5806766

my sleep schedule is FUCKED

>> No.5806767

>there's a crack on Scarlet Nexus already

Lmao. get fucked Namco

>> No.5806771

I'm actually shopping for that right now and will fully decide sometime soon if not tomorrow. Any recommendations?

>> No.5806772

I'll just pretend she managed to fall asleep right after her stream and woke up early

>> No.5806775
Quoted by: >>5806838

based teamate

>> No.5806777

Nah, my oshi is still consistently great. It's going to really suck if I ever get tired of her though because I don't have anything else anymore.

>> No.5806776

Grizzly MkV

>> No.5806780


>> No.5806785

Barrett 50 Cal
I live in a cucked country, pls andastan

>> No.5806786

It was then when Yuul realized she was trapped and about to be raped by frat boys.

The first thing Yuul remembered was looking at her captors, afraid and extremely pissed off.

They all looked in their late teens and wore gothic clothing.

They were all tan skinned and had pierced ears and noses.

One had black hair, the second had blond hair, the third had dirty blonde hair, the fourth had long, brown hair, and the fifth had short, black hair.

They all had on blue hoodies with red lettering on the back.

What concerned Yuul the most was their eyes.

They were completely

>> No.5806788

Doom eternal, dead cells, witcher 3, bayonetta and outer wilds

>> No.5806787

Unironically been a bigger schizo the more I fell in love with my oshi, I can't help but become a menhera for her.

>> No.5806790
Quoted by: >>5806838


>> No.5806793

I miss Ina...

>> No.5806796

name, birthday, credit card number

>> No.5806798

oolong, green, jasmine, chamomile, all sorts of milk tea, corn and barley.

>> No.5806800

I do nothing other than watching hololive. I don’t go anywhere or do anything if I think I will miss something related to hololive.

>> No.5806801

>got myself Hotline Miami 2
Based. Remember to hold shift for the entire game or you die from shit that's off screen.

>> No.5806808
Quoted by: >>5806843

So why have the threads been dying lately? What's wrong with you guys?

>> No.5806813
Quoted by: >>5806849

Ayamefriend had given in, lost the fight, the flame of her spirit long extinguished.

Her eyes closed.

The thick darkness engulfed her, and she began to tremble, struggling against the power that bound her to the building.

Was this what everyone felt when a vision took hold of them?

She did not know, but she was beyond caring.

"You cannot hold me.

If you do, you will only kill me."

Ayamefriend hugged her arms around herself to ward off the cold.

"I'm going to die."

"My son," said the shem, "it is time."

He approached.

>> No.5806815

>In this world, Huke is an researcher and engineer for a company called Cover. One day, the CEO of the company requests him to research a certain species and to figure out whether that species is safe enough to be allowed to be in public.
What the...

>> No.5806816

Please do something you enjoy. The more you try to care about something that you don't enjoy, the more you'll hate it.

>> No.5806817

I live in constant fear of being doxxed by my own kind

>> No.5806823

>your oshi
>your first name
>your height
>your weight

>> No.5806824

Virgin slayer

>> No.5806825

i dontn sleep anymore

>> No.5806828

Is it really sunk cost if there was no other way this could have ended? That is, you with less money in your bank account and nothing gained from it.

>> No.5806831

Coco, soon to be Gura
I'm addicted. I took a day off work today because I was up all night last night watching streams and posting on /vt/.

>> No.5806833

she is not your oshi anymore then

>> No.5806836

could pekora defeat lord frieza

>> No.5806838

Good guesses but I'm actually an Iofarian

>> No.5806843

no major yabs or "happenings" so there's nothing for shitposters to come here for
it's a good thing

>> No.5806845

she made her ideal girlfriend who happens to share a lot of similarities with her

>> No.5806847

Understanding the pain on how it feels to see some artist/celebrity/idol/etc. that you liked leaving. I used to think that was ridiculous until experiencing ACTUAL depression after the announcement.

>> No.5806849

>"You cannot hold me.
>If you do, you will only kill me."

Yeah, that sounds like Ayamefriend.

>> No.5806850

isn't she just a anthropomorphic rabbit?

>> No.5806852

Wait a minute, did we talk about this yab?

>> No.5806853


>> No.5806854

Bobby Shmurda, 4.20, 69696969

>> No.5806857

In a straight fight she would probably lose but if she had time to gather enough number energy from all of her nousagis she would obliterate him.

>> No.5806858

You're not in a fucking marriage and she isn'tyour dependant. Go take a break, do reps or anything else you enjoy and come back to her later.

>> No.5806861

What did Pekora mean when she said "Fifty-four" to Gura during the summer festival? Did Gura tell Pekora she was with "Fifty-four"? The killer wrote "Fifty-four" in the margin of one of the rape kits.

We still don't know, or won't until we learn more, who "Fifty-four" is.

Pekora said she did not believe Gura would believe that. "Jenny wouldn't ever, ever think that someone was (expletive) her to that extent," Pekora said.

It is troubling to think that any woman could dismiss her own pain in that way. And it is an especially troubling thought when your identity remains a

>> No.5806863
Quoted by: >>5806880

>Towa Baby

>> No.5806864

Is this shit really an AI?

>Anons keep posting and posting, doing surveys and posting bait to fill the post count, but it was too late, the thread was already on page 10.
>Right at the end, a post popped up.
>It wasn't the usual cat stuff, no tl; dr: a transman started the thread to rant about his life.
>The transman was around 20 years old and spoke of abuse he had gone through as a child, an unhappy family, etc.
>I don't mean to say any of the other admins or moderators, but there are far too many admins in #gamergate.
>I have 3 pages of trolls at this point, the comments don't get much better, it's almost if they're trying to get the website to be down, for

>> No.5806866


>> No.5806868
Quoted by: >>5806914

What do you think she has to 'redeem' herself for? Unless this is just more about not enjoying her content and less about some sort of incident or whatever. Because if you took the fucking Among Us saga seriously then I have bad news for you about your mental health

>> No.5806867
Quoted by: >>5806901

God I want to fuck Gura's tight little cunny until it rips her from her belly button down to her puckered little asshole. I tug on her hair, and I smile down at her, "Now, Gura. I'm in charge. Do you understand that?" I smirk and say, "You'll love my cock, won't you, Gura? I'm bigger than Roshi's, right? Do you remember that? How much bigger it was than Roshi's." I pull Gura's head to me. I kiss her on the cheek, and she goes limp in my lap. She lifts her head to smile at me, but I can see tears in her eyes. I stroke her hair and murmur, "It's okay, Gura. I'll give you whatever you want, but if you don't do what I say, I'm afraid you won't survive the

>> No.5806871

>your oshi
>a poster you like in these threads (hard mode: no Ayamefriend and R.Ratman)

>> No.5806876

>1:33 PM - Subject Gawr Gura has woken up.
>1:37 PM - Subject has opened Twitter and is currently in the midst of retweeting art of herself. She is then being censored by Twitter.
>2:06 PM - Subject has stopped listening to the live stream.
>4:11 PM - Subject has closed her computer, put it back on the desk, and is now texting on the computer.
>5:10 PM - Subject is having a total twitter-induced breakdown. She is currently screaming about how much of an ungrateful bitch and tacky whore you are for not acknowledging her and her awesomeness.
>5:36 PM - Subject has stopped screaming about how much of a bitch you are.

>> No.5806874

I stayed up so late for her last karaoke that I had to call out of work because I was about to pass out. Apparently, it was the last straw and they fired me.

>> No.5806880

This would be a good replacement to that actually, I think I might use it in the future.

>> No.5806883

Fatcat poster had hit submit,
Tiny text,

“The Wall”.

His mouse had scrambled

All he wanted to do was create

But tiny message,

Something about “a wall”.

Strangled his click,

It’d take forever,

Give it a moment to settle down.

Someone clicks the mouse too,

It spits out, “The Wall”.

Who you calling skinny?

Then the screen went blank.

His eyes jumped,

The text scared the hell out of him,

It was a thing of beauty.

Fuckin’ A,

When he read that sentence,

Then he almost peed himself.

Tiny text,

“The Wall”.

>> No.5806884


>> No.5806885
Quoted by: >>5806973

While we're here and can talk without worrying about derails or anything, I wanna say that I really don't like that kenzoku facebookfag. The nails one? You know him?
I really like Toowa but I feel like I can't appreciate her without having a fucking faggot crawling around the posts. It's not like that with any of the other girls, even ones where some posters have a strong identification with their oshi like Ayame. It's only Towa that has that sludge around her, and I wish it wasn't like that.

>> No.5806889

I've watched a very unhealthy amount of streams, cried a lot, ruined my sleep schedule and talk to my friends a lot less.
Completely worth it though, hololive pulled me out of a bad place. I'd never change.

>> No.5806890

Yeah we already discussed how the skin color of the hand wasn't sufficiently inclusive and how making an Artia reference indicated her latent zhang sympathies.

>> No.5806891
Quoted by: >>5806955

Just got back from getting my ass fucked, is Choco still live?

>> No.5806893


>> No.5806899

Ok Im guessing you werent speaking monetarily when you said sunk cost since nobody gives her money.

>> No.5806901


>> No.5806903

big water

>> No.5806904

200 more

>> No.5806906

My desire to protect her is so strong that I've had a couple nightmares about her being in bad situations, and I've found myself spontaneously tearing up at the thought several times over the last few months

>> No.5806908

The other Kenzoku and the Onigiryaa/Koronesuki anon

>> No.5806911

I had no idea that's what her fanbase is called.

>> No.5806914
Quoted by: >>5806930 >>5807011

Why should I care about Among us? That was chumbuds being fucking babies.
The Connor thing did leave a sour taste in my mouth.

>> No.5806918

Well you know what they say
Every closed door is an intro to a brand new story

>> No.5806920
Quoted by: >>5807017

She probably lives vicariously through her personas too, if what rat peddler >>5806270 says is actually remotely accurate.

>> No.5806922

[Recently, a new rumor appeared. The rumor said that a virtual YouTuber, named Sakura Miko raped another virtual YouTuber, Usada Pekora. However, today Usada Pekora revealed the truth:] It was a misunderstanding.

Before anyone jumps to any conclusions, let's put the situation into the context. As it was explained on Pekora's channel, it was a misunderstanding that Sakura Miko referred to as an incident that took place in the afternoon of July 10. In fact, that event never took place and it was fabricated by Usada herself. What is more, the YouTuber apologized for the hurt caused by her "error".

The incident did not have any negative impact on Pekora's life.


esl pls andastand

>> No.5806926
Quoted by: >>5806947 >>5806987

>Gura just now discovers the headpatting meme
I thought she was 'hip' and 'with it'

>> No.5806929

I'm fortunate enough to usually sleep when Gura is streaming but if she streams earlier or I happen to stumble upon Gura hours thread while searching the archives time and time again I'm reminded chumbids are worse for the threads than zhangs, doxxfags and /qa/

>> No.5806928
Quoted by: >>5806966

I don't actually know what lofi even does. I haven't watched a single second of her content.

>> No.5806930
Quoted by: >>5806975 >>5806976

Did it ever really go farther than a few tweets? I was kind of under the impression she just did it because the rest of the IDs were as well.

>> No.5806931

You guys better post a LOT of fuckable Yuuls in the next thread.

>> No.5806933

Coma-dude was pretty cool

>> No.5806935
Quoted by: >>5806956

I'm starting to blur the real post from the computer generated ones

>> No.5806940
Quoted by: >>5807045 >>5807107

the other kanatowa poster

>> No.5806943
Quoted by: >>5806980 >>5806984

I love Amelia Watson. She makes me so happy <--(What I wrote) She has the perfect sound. She makes me want to see every day. Her music is the sound of me being happy in the world. My favorite song of hers is this one.

But my favorite thing about her is the way she tells the story. She has such a sad heart. And she has a broken spirit. But her passion for life comes through in her music. She reminds me so much of myself, and I’ve never met her. I love her.

But my favorite thing about Amelia Watson is that she always has the perfect voice for everything.

>> No.5806945
Quoted by: >>5807004

What were the other straws?

>> No.5806947

She's old anon, leave the poor grandma alone.

>> No.5806948

all fat cat posters

>> No.5806950
Quoted by: >>5806960


>> No.5806954


Roboco is gonna sing until uh... 685k? You go, Roboco. Keep living your truth.

>> No.5806955

Ayame, won't that upset your IBS?

>> No.5806956

We're all in a simulation dude

>> No.5806958

(You) and (Me)

>> No.5806959
Quoted by: >>5807088

I'm about to fail my master's degree because I can't leave the threads and my entire day goes by with me sleeping and watching streams from 2pm to 2am my time

>> No.5806961
Quoted by: >>5807027

Amelia watson isn't just allergic to gluten,

she's allergic to everything. (Yes, even oysters.) So when her family decided to celebrate Christmas, she couldn't eat any of the chocolate or wine that was being served to the family. (She had an anaphylactic reaction to the cheese.)

Amelia's mother, whose brother is also allergic to gluten, had to improvise. To keep Amelia and her brother hydrated and happy during the celebration, they gave her a tub of vanilla ice cream and a soda in the hopes that the sugar would keep her busy until dinner
jesus being ame is a living hell

>> No.5806960


>> No.5806963

Meidos are back

>> No.5806965


>> No.5806967
Quoted by: >>5807018

tfw no ame until thursday

>> No.5806966
Quoted by: >>5806977

Makes Deviantart quality drawings

>> No.5806970

Damascus, his art is great

>> No.5806972

The fear of missing out had me cancelling most of my plans with my friends or outright ignore them because I don't want to miss a stream from her

>> No.5806973

Same, I don't understand why he gets such positive reception around here or why he doesn't get shat on more.

>> No.5806974

Usada Pekora and Gawr Gura collaboration was an unprecedented success, starting with a sell-out record of all four shows at the Millennium Stadium and staging three further concerts at the Principality Stadium (alongside Jackaman), with the total number of shows exceeding 54.

Usada Pekora is credited with reviving the traditional Welsh dragon for music concerts, largely because of his support for the crowdfunding campaign to fund the Celtic Classic Campaign, a project aimed at re-establishing the Dreamfield Tour (previously known as the "Wales Millennium Dragons

>> No.5806975

>the rest of the IDs were as well.
Anya... Risu... Reine...

>> No.5806976

You think she would tweet about it again after the backlash? How can I trust get that she isn't paying Apex with him behind our backs?
Can't fucking trust women. Ever.

>> No.5806977

Oh... well I'm sure her personality is good.

>> No.5806979

Member's only hentai doujin readalong

>> No.5806980

nice one

>> No.5806981
Quoted by: >>5807041

why does apex let you die permanently? now fubuki is stuck being dead for the rest of the match instead of being able to buy back in if her team survives.

>> No.5806983
Quoted by: >>5806995

i still get enough sleep, eat healthily, and enjoy doing my reps and studying, so I'd say it hasn't impacted me negatively or positively at all.

>> No.5806984


>> No.5806985
Quoted by: >>5807009

What did Reine meme by this?

>> No.5806987

Nothing to suggest that she discovered it today, anon.

>> No.5806988

Ninomae Ina'nis has a large buttocks and a large forehead.

Her husband Isamat was a member of the Tusantile people.

Unlike other "Totomi", who were passive nubile girls dressed in iridescent fabrics, she wears no clothes.

On her back is a fiddle that a priestess made out of a claw.

She is fornicate with snakes and wild boar.

The purogamala (female ceremony) was a sacred marriage that had ceremonial roles.

As the bride of a priest, Ina'nis was married in secret to the Great Jaguar, although she would be given a marriage to the Big Snake at the end

>> No.5806995


>> No.5807000

Ernesto Avila
3243 8764 2388 7636
Why you want this infomration? i dont know

>> No.5807004
Quoted by: >>5807028 >>5807070

I'd always arrive a few minutes late. That was mostly my fault but bosses were always cool with it but then we recently got a new hardass gm that was looking for any reason to fire any of us.

>> No.5807005
Quoted by: >>5807048

Why do some people want Yuul to be a male? I mean, can you imagine removing his clothes and licking his tiny body all over, nibbling his neck and kissing his adorable little nipples? Only a faggot would think about his cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with his saliva, pumping in and out of his mouth until it erupts, dripping with bright red and thick pre-cum, down onto his face and into his mouth and all over his cute tiny little face. Yuul and Qudru are so innocent; it’s just their baby gayness that makes them incredibly cute, and no matter what gender they turn out to be, they’ll always have the most adorable gay baby faces ever. I’m a huge Qudru fan, and not just because he’s the cutest male in OUAT, and he’s literally my first, second and third faves in the show. Qudru is just adorable, and he looks

>> No.5807009
Quoted by: >>5807025

This one will be fun, more fun that Lofi and dagger

>> No.5807011

I wish that faggot would fuck off. I'm putting bets on him being a groomer with the way he was talking to Ollie and how he's a fucking asshole to people other times.

>> No.5807014

(ง ื▿ ื)ว
>Sharks have many teeth
>Tiger sharks have stripes
>Megalodons are as big as 140 bananas
>Hammerheads like to eat stingrays

>> No.5807017

Anon she IS Gawr Gura, it's an avatar not a scripted character. Even some of the visual design choices were likely her own.

>> No.5807018

Wednesday I think

>> No.5807021

Destroyed my sleep schedule, made me develop actual feeling towards funny people on the screen, and now I keep daydreaming all day about Hololive girls

>> No.5807020

>Your Oshi
>The first image you will post in the next thread

>> No.5807024

/pol/ though I guess it's been over a year now since I was last there..., /v/ to lurk for game announcement info, /fit/, /jp/ for a bit.

>> No.5807025
Quoted by: >>5807046

How was the dagger one?

>> No.5807027
Quoted by: >>5807072

That one is still within the realm of possibilities. I have a buddy who has a onions allergy and basically can't eat anything (including ice cream) because it turns out there's onions products in all sorts of shit.

>> No.5807028

Sounds like you had plenty of warning that your job was at risk.

>> No.5807031


>> No.5807034

The thresher shark uses it's long scythe like tail to attack. It's been reported by scientists to have cut fish in half.
The most common term for a collective of sharks is a shiver. Other common terms include a gam

>> No.5807039

Fuck hard mode. I like Ayamefriend's persistence, and how informative his posts are.

>> No.5807040

It really hasn’t

>> No.5807041
Quoted by: >>5807172

In solo queue your respawn timer is a mercy, so you can leave instead of being stuck in "your teammate can still revive you if they grab your banner" mode while they're running to the other side of the map.

>> No.5807042

I was already an absolute train wreck of a human being so nothing much has changed

>> No.5807045
Quoted by: >>5807069

I'm curious, why kanatowa over kanacoco?
t. other kenzoku that posts kanatowa sometimes

>> No.5807044

/tg/ and /his/

>> No.5807046

It's not that bad, but it's not that good either

>> No.5807048

>bright red and thick pre-cum
anon I think something is wrong with your dick

>> No.5807050

colt m1911

>> No.5807051

Roboco Smug

>> No.5807054

When the shitposting became reality it just became awful.

>> No.5807059

I'm living vicariously through Gawr Gura of Hololive EN and her accomplishments make me very proud

>> No.5807063

I've felt a large schism between my and my friends as they consume mostly normie content and I am relating to them less and less and how much they actually don't care to listen to things other things people are interested in despite me putting my head out the door constantly and giving their interests an earnest listen/attempt at getting into. Which, I don't expect people to get into chuubas simply because I am, but when they ask and immediately become disinterested in anything I have to say for the rest of the conversation it just kind of stings.

>> No.5807064

the pepeloni. You know the pepeloni?
Do you always order the domino? Domino pepeloni
Do you always order the pepeloni?
And without pepeloni
>and without pepeloni
Pepeloni! Do you like pepeloni?
Cheese pan. Do you always order the cheese cheese pan?
>cheese pan
How can you explain the cheese pan?
>cheese pan
Do you always explain the cheese pan by your drawing?
>cheese pan
Do you always order the cheese pan?
>cheese pan
the cheese pan in the ear of pizza
>cheese pan
Pepeloni. What do you order?
when you order pepeloni, what's on the top?
Do you always pick up the pepeloni?
Do you eat the pepeloni?
>i don't eat the pepeloni
How about you repeat that three times?
>i don't eat the pepeloni
>i don't eat the pepeloni
>i... i don't...

>> No.5807068

Watame dominating Botan

>> No.5807069
Quoted by: >>5807087

cute thematic gap + dorks being dorks together

>> No.5807070

If this was hospitality or something I'd have fired your ass as well. If it's just a desk job then the manager is being a cunt.

>> No.5807072
Quoted by: >>5807096

I couldn't imagine being allergic to aqua
I know what you meant

>> No.5807074

Same desu. Seeing how happy she was about the festival filled me with a huge amount of joy.

>> No.5807076

35poster is nice

>> No.5807087
Quoted by: >>5807148

fair enough, just wondered how heimin felt about it

>> No.5807088

You disappoint your oshi by being unable to make something more out of yourself.
It helps if you just have the thread visible, but taking up a very small fraction of your vision. Either as a long thin window off to the side or on a side monitor

>> No.5807089

A sad towa

>> No.5807090
Quoted by: >>5807109 >>5807141

Is being a vtuber the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a chuuba. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are motivating, supporting, entertaining and rearing your viewers from your debut to graduation solely so they can go and ravage or get ravaged by another viewer.
All the hard work you put into your chuba activities -the streams, the concerts, the events, bantering with them. All of it has one simple result: you will never be able to be with them.

>> No.5807096

I didn't until I looked back at my post and remembered the word filter.

>> No.5807101

I like the fat cat posters, that soundpost is a fun listen

>> No.5807103

>Your oshi
>what are you listening right now?

>> No.5807104

I love the onigiryaa, the kenzoku, the few heimin (or is it just one?), the Astel oshi guy, and the Tatsunoko are always a pleasure to have in the thread

>> No.5807107
Quoted by: >>5807148

Oh so you are a hymen afterall
t.kenzoku kanatowa poster

>> No.5807109


You supported your viewers and motivated them to become a better person. They stopped being neets and perfected themselves for you, their oshi. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random person who had nothing to do with them and how they got better thanks to your streams. This person gets to enjoy your viewer every night instead of letting them watch your streams and buy your merch. They get the benefits of their sweet and kind personality that came from the way you supported them.

As a vtuber, you are LITERALLY dedicating your precious time and money for another viewer to get stolen by someone else. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically...

>> No.5807113
Quoted by: >>5807125 >>5807131

>you oshi
>say something nice to a random anon

>> No.5807115

I miss daredevilchama, when he failed I always laughed like an idiot

>> No.5807116


>> No.5807119

I'm very proud of how many people she's convinced to masturbate to herself.

>> No.5807120

Bokura no Ashiato as part of my Kiara playlist

>> No.5807125

ur cul dud

>> No.5807127


>> No.5807129


>> No.5807130


>> No.5807131

I know there are some genuinely kind anons in these threads and I really like talking with you guys.

>> No.5807137


>> No.5807138


>> No.5807141
Quoted by: >>5807185

Feels great to not give a shit about the relationship aspect of it in any way.

>> No.5807142
Quoted by: >>5807155

Don't do that. Its escapism, can't you see!?

>> No.5807148

Kanata is a player and can get whoever she wants

>> No.5807149

chocorobofubu moaning in apex

>> No.5807151

I'm gonna fucking cry again

>> No.5807152
Quoted by: >>5807252 >>5807268

Heard that the anon running it had Coco as his oshi, and that next week is going to be the final stream.

>> No.5807154

I love Crush 40.

>> No.5807155

It's healthy!

>> No.5807156

Some cute dude playing shamisen

>> No.5807159


>> No.5807160

Dholap Reltih
6000 0000 0000 0000

>> No.5807164


>> No.5807172

ok but what about when you're in a group and you have to sit there and watch your friends have fun while you do nothing. if you die early you could be stuck for like 20 minutes waiting for them to get champion.

>> No.5807175


>> No.5807180
Quoted by: >>5807194


>> No.5807185

normalfag why are you here go away

>> No.5807186

The Aristocrats - Get It Like That
3 piece supergroup with Guthrie Govan, Bryan Beller, and Marco Minneman

>> No.5807190

>Your oshi
>The ideal height you want your favourite EN gen2 to be

>> No.5807193
Quoted by: >>5807224

>your oshi
>what if we gangbang the Watamage poster until he’s our bitch

>> No.5807194

stream goodbye declaration

>> No.5807195

Shorter than Gura, I want goblin levels of shortstack

>> No.5807204

Usui Clear slapped Pomu in front of Gura asserting her dominance over both.

She sneered at Gura and said, "Gura, I'll allow you to sit on the left side of the stage so you can observe both sides and play the correct side by side.

>> No.5807207

150cm or 165cm, nothing inbetween

>> No.5807218
Quoted by: >>5807239 >>5807276

Do you think Gura lies awake at night sad that, in the words of Bane, 'nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask'?

>> No.5807220


That's the height every woman I've ever dated has been for some reason.

>> No.5807224
Quoted by: >>5807240 >>5807243

I don't think we can use horny to dominate every specific poster in this thread

>> No.5807230

one tall one maybe 5 foot 6 to maybe 5 foot 11 just to stretch up the average.

>> No.5807231

Any hag poster

>> No.5807232

Literally some online russian radio playing anime songs while at work, currently Faylan - Red Love

>> No.5807233
Quoted by: >>5807289

Biggest Ame antis by fanbase

>> No.5807239

I don't think Gura thinks with that much clarity. Her thoughts probably race through her head faster than she can focus on any of them.

>> No.5807240

says you

>> No.5807241

holyshit rbc
that was so close

>> No.5807242


>> No.5807243

We did it to Ayamefriend, we did it to STOP BEING HORNY anon, and we can do it again

>> No.5807246

Transistor OST

>> No.5807252
Quoted by: >>5807278

Where'd you hear that?

>> No.5807258


>> No.5807259

F for fubuki

>> No.5807267

Damn I’d actually bang Watamage poster tho to see her too weak to cast spells

>> No.5807268
Quoted by: >>5807278

I think next week is just Coco's last week and it will pretty much be the end of season 0 of Holofightz. I don't think it's ending any time soon.

>> No.5807276

In the words of ame "Since the first time that I met you, I knew there were something really special, and now the whole world knows it too", she's fine

>> No.5807275
Quoted by: >>5807285

don't start

>> No.5807278

Last week's holofightz thread. Asked for clarification, never recieved any, don't think OP commented on it either. Tried archive diving, no luck. Personally, I think its just a rrat.
Man, I hope that's the case.

>> No.5807279

>Your oshi
>Goodnight have a nice thread

>> No.5807285


>> No.5807287

Biggest Mori antis by fanbase
Deadbeats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.5807288
Quoted by: >>5807298

>h-hah.. it'd b-be a shame i-if... h-hah...

>> No.5807289


>> No.5807290

while catching up on VODs

>> No.5807291


>> No.5807293

bye honey

>> No.5807298


>> No.5807299
Quoted by: >>5807321

you can't fool me watamage, i know that's you

>> No.5807300

good night sleep tight

>> No.5807305
Quoted by: >>5807334 >>5807380

I autistically scroll through every single hlgg thread in fear of missing an interesting essaypost or hugely (You)d post to the point of treating it akin to a job.

>> No.5807308

As short as Luna

>> No.5807315


>> No.5807319
Quoted by: >>5807358

Fuck off.

>> No.5807321

Hehehe.. fool! It is I, the comfort posting Watamate!

>> No.5807322

Sleep tight, there's no one looking behind our window, so don't worry about the it.

>> No.5807324

Girl goes to doctor. Says she's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says she feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Polka-chan is in town tonight. Go and see her. That should pick you up." Girl bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Polka.”

>> No.5807328

JWU, how was Gura's member's stream?

>> No.5807334

I wish someone would make a split thread dedicated solely to (You)ing interesting posts so I could just check that every day. As I hit submit I have the realization that I have recreated Reddit

>> No.5807335

Any anon that can delve deep into derail topics like nuclear energy anon, artic military tactics anon, that one dude that dropped off the pepsi pdf.

>> No.5807337

Sleep well anon, chu~

>> No.5807339

>Your oshi
>Favorite ending to something

>> No.5807351

I STILL want 4chX code that makes the thread load in (You)d posts to the top, most to least.

>> No.5807355
Quoted by: >>5807363 >>5807373

come on /hlgg/ kill this thread already

>> No.5807354

anywhere from 5'7 to 5'11 or even taller might be fine

>> No.5807358

t. Watamage

>> No.5807360


>> No.5807361

Just do your reps bro

>> No.5807363


>> No.5807365

The ending to Half-Life: Alyx

>> No.5807367

make sure to call all the earlyposters in the other thread faggots when we die!

>> No.5807369

Hopefully this thread

>> No.5807373


>> No.5807374


>> No.5807375

Code Geass ending was nice

>> No.5807376

Luv me Kiar'

>> No.5807378


>> No.5807380

I've been doing this for now 9 months

>> No.5807381

Ina's flat chest

>> No.5807382

