Previous: >>54654670
>>OP*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>> list at
Using this one.
Can't you guys just enjoy things? Why always be angry?
Yagoo... activate the Salome transfer... please, she's withering away...
#1 EN wins again
Grim status?
>>54657499I feel like Anycolor are hanging them dry from any profits. It's easy to keep talents by paying them more and give them benefits but it's as if riku doesn't care about them at all since they could always replace them with another gen. why do people keep joining or supporting this company anyway?
>>54658418I think there is this Lulu merch being sold despite her graduation after a year. Or is it Warabeda or I forgot.
Catalog is trying really hard to hate Shiori
Oh no, the Junko grimfag made the thread...
>>54659621She is actually ok. I predict content wise might be stale 2 months down the line but she is no homo-collaber.
Miko is cunny
>>54659355>>54659373Wheres the lie? You retards even made up those "le all out war" pics just to incite tribalfagging.
>>54658612>have only one or two successful talents that warp the entire company around them>:3
>>OPthis one
koseki takes the lead over shiori
Koro-san just killed Miko.
>>54659626Feasting on Shiorifag tears
Oh yeah, is it possible for Cover to accelerate Id3 and JP7 this year and Q1 of next year?
JKT48, the Indonesian version of AKB48, is releasing a vtuber unit:
>>54659657Lulu, Melissa, and Mayuzumi
>>54659638>I feel like Anycolor are hanging them dry from any profits. I don't think that's the problem. Most of the graduations (on the JP side) came not out of monetary issues but content priorities.Mayuzumii left because clearly the company he helped prop up was more interested in "sing and dance" than in their wacky past.Melissa left because they wanted "cookie cutter" songs and not her creative input. Gundou....
>>54659038>knows sisters that french kissed each other>and they were twinsI... don't know what to tell you, anon.
>>54659665I have no idea why. Her PL is ok, if they really wanna pin her down on that last line about collab why not wait another few months?
>>54659688miko is baby, not cunny
>>54659698do you get paid?
>>54659698???Did you forget the source of that image was your fellow sister? From your own thread?
>>54659638Maybe because the rumor that they are not supporting them is a lie made up by Holofags.?>>54659657>>54659751They get a percentage of their sales.
>>54659710It's been like this all day, she gets 1k advantage and Shiori ties with her again
>>54658442proof that id market still growing compared to Mnl48 a.k.a akb48 ph version
>>54659698>ALL OUT WAR is made upPretty sure this is a certified nijicope™
>>54659360They are still the most popular generation ever despite the numbers. You aren’t calling Mori and en management liars are you?
>>54659604I don't know anon
Ok but where is en aqua? Also holokr doko?
>"This is holofags' fault!">post shit like picrel
>>54659698Jesas man, i do really hope you're getting paid for this falseflagging operation
How far are the twins willing to go for money and fame? Would they touch each other on an asmr stream?
>>54659785>what vtubers dovs>what antis/fans doYou are a fucking retarded tripfag.
>>54657687When did she react? I checked her VOD today and it's obvious she knows.
>>54659844Western women can't game
>>54659698someone really get paid for spreading shit like you huh... is the applicant still open?
>chatting streamIf she pulls off a 5view recovery in the future, she has more influence to shape the company in her image.
>>54659785dont worry sisters the AR live is coming soon
Anyone from the time Council debut, was it as bad as it is now? I think the whole board is 80% baits and shitposts
>>54659793Why would they remember when in their mind EVERYTHING is holofans' fault?
>>54659772gotta make do with anything that will stickit's the negroes way
>>54659744>Main branch slowly dying>ID branch thrivingIs this the future of hololive
At this point I'm convinced the poster that claims "ALL OUT WAR is fake" is just saying it to keep it in the thread's mindchair so we never forget
>>54659867It is so bad I think it is a double falseflag
>>54659900It was worse
So EN3 >> JP3
>>54659223I humbly disagree, you should not acknowledge those as fans to begin with.
>>54659665I need to stop clicking on catalog threads, hopefully they will get bored soon
>>54659911Sadly these batch of new vtubers are not as bad as the last batch.
>>54659762I know twins that have kissed but not Frenched
>>54659918lollmao even
>>54659783>>54659884Im not an astorturfer like Cover interns in /vt/.>>54659793It was probably posted first in the general by some faggot here.>>54659819If telling the truth is nijicope then yeah.>>54659867>le false flagIm not a holo fan though?
>>54659792>they get a % of sales after graduationAre you sure bout that?
>>54659918demographics are destiny i suppose.
>>54659966Council really didn't do as well as expected huh.
>Holo vs Holo>Gen vs Gen
>>54659762I know a twin who kissed each other but not french kiss
Will any of them be a Gura killer?
>>54659744>>54659804oh yea i kinda forgot philiphine also has akb48 branch there
What ENs are mostly like to up the affection/fan service now that there's an actual GFE chuuba among themOr, are they glad that the people who want that from them will now gravitate towards her
>>54660006They would have to because that would violate the contract
Can EN3 replace JP3?
>>54660064GURA HEALER
>>54660064maybe Nerissa
Been seeing that “Shiori fucked thousand dicks” strewn around every thread involving her. Trolls, mostly, but how do you even fall for something so stupidly fictional? Even as someone who will never watch her, that’s just going too far. It’s just downright mean.
Being in Hololive is like the pinnacle of vtubing. You will be in anime, games, merch and performing in front of a crowd of 10k people.That’s big
>>54660064There's no EN vtuber on the face of the planet that is a consistent 5view except Gura.
>>54659998Hai hai, anonchama. I will leave your trolling, falseflagging, seething, or whatever you're actually trying to do for the past hours in peace. Keep up the good work.
Can someone explain, why IronLung and NijiEN still not making any contact with Advent?
I thought niji had no streams or something. Why is the sister here
>>54659604Do you really not know?
>>54660089No they don’t even speak the same language
>>54659998Reality being against nijisanji is ABSOLUTELY hololive's fault
>>OPObserve My Wife.
>>54659922triple false flag. the only way to not get outed for being retarded is to be even more retarded.
>>54660106???did you just literally believe what random anon said on /vt?
>>54659980>>54660023>Posting people larping as nijisanji fans and twisting it as the truth.
>>54660157I mean in terms of success
>>54660127because it's afraid
>>54660127They only prey on runts like Kiara because they are easily leeched on. They can't handle a golden gen group.
>>54659726ID4 and JP7 are both very likely this fiscal year.
Is the war in Ukraine also the fault of Hololive?
>>54660127seethe, mald, coping in their discord server
>>54660064the cunny will be the GURA HEALER. Nerissa will be the black lamy of Lamy Council, i bet the balls of anon below me.
>>54660193But enough about yourself
Why are people samefagging as nijis just to shit on them? Why not drop the pretense?
>>54660074Mori's being pretty cute right now
right now im just listening to mori moaning and groaning in her sleepy asmr from a month agoi really couldn't give lesser of a fuck about your false flags.
>>54659621Alright, people seem to think that the reason some aren't fond of Shiori is because of her statement on collabs at the end of the debut. That was dumb, but no, it's not just that.She did much worse.It's about her being an unironic turbo slut. And I don't mean the 4chan definition of "she kissed a dude" or "she had a bf before!".I mean an actual vile slut that had miles of cocks inside of her.Did you know that Shiori aka Natsumi Moe used to be on this site?Did you know that she used to record lewd vocaroos for anons among other things? big deal of course, hot even. But did you know that she literally talked about all the condoms she had to keep buying and the dicks she had stuck inside of her?She was unironically the town bicycle kind of girl.Forget complaining about other ENs for overblown issues, this girl is an actually disgusting human being. For once words such as turbo slut or absolute whore actually accurately describe a holo.
>>54660106>but how do you even fall for something so stupidly fictional?I mean a lot of retards still think the all out war screenshot is actually real so you'd be surprised.
>>54660031entire generations, entire companies, dust before the wind in your rush to seethe
>this much seetheToday's domination really broke the nigger's mind huh?don't worry, you still won the monthjust 1 month out of 12
>>54660231>Russia invades Ukraine the same day Rushia was terminatedi dont know you tell me
>>54659792Anon, Hololive ceases selling goods of those who leave and especially those terminated.Why are you making up shit? is securing her date with Toko after her pathetic attempt to get Toko on Niji Quiz
OH NO NO NO NO NO ANYA-KEKS!>Lamy disavowed Anya japanihood! also mentioned meeting Fauna (and Kronii, and Reine)
why do hags love amongsus so much?
>>54659172...that was a raid not a funnel
>>54660231Xher mom not loving xhe is definitely hololive fault.
>>54660259Isn't Mori streaming right now?
>>54660127>>54660195>>54660213>>54660234Agree, They are probably afraid of being harassed by rabid Hololive fans.
>>54660106Why are you lying I’ve never seen that despite going into 3 or 4 different threads?
>>54659998>This mass replying faggotYou're too obvious shitpost-kun.
>>54660231>The day Russia attacked Ukraine coincide with the day COver terminated RushiaI dunno anon, you tell me.
>>54659744Huh, those are actually good designs.Not very unique, but easy to distinguish and, to pick up their main design elements
>>54660133>work asmrDid Vox have to get a job again since his niji career isn't as lucrative anymore? Or is this just another larp?
>>54659698Original photo without the text on top:
Wait gura's new song is still not 1M?
>>54659744Kek, my wota friend went speechless after seeing this announcement
>FF14 to bait FBK>ToTK to bait Ina>American truck to bait GuraI kneel, Bijou
>>54660343why would i watch her live?when i can listen to her ASMR instead?i mean, that's the only thing i would watch from her anyway
>>54660106Didn't you see the doomposting predebut about her? They picked her out in advance to be the harassment target and now they are spamming the whole board, it's mean by design
>>54660161>Its nijisanjis fault that Hololive fans are making stuff up about them because of some kind of retarded tribalistic console war.
>>54660127Using a gura pic but obsessed with things unrelated to hololive
>>54660274This has to be a double falseflag.
>>54660127Bijou went to ironmouse when she was pretending to give indies clout and got no replyNow Mouse is afraid to be humilliated right back
>>54660358That guy is a master baiter, I'm pretty sure he's been here for months and yet people still bite
>>54660412based hooman, understandable
>>54660127They can pretend to be friendly with Myth and Council but Advent is a first threat and serious contender to steal their fans
>>54660181Did you even bother reading what I wrote?
>>54660435The hate and bullying actually got through and graduated Mysta though.
>>54660303>Saying this when council released a merch of sana made by sana a year after her graduation.
>>54660407also got Kiara hook line and sinker with Tales ofshe wasn't kidding when she said she's in it for senpai collection
>>54660445>Cover is going to allow the universe and all of reality to unravelholokeks explain
>>54659744Lel too late 3dp bitches. Holo already secure this genre
>>54660309She met the people who was in the live shooting they did. I am shocked
Not sure if it is a genuine schizo or a really commited shitposter. The >how do you divide odd numberShitposter yesterday was much better anyway.
>>54660161Unfortunately for them, baseline reality is biased towards Hololive supremacy.Doxshitter Nijisisters would better spend their time not watching their bargain-bin organs on researching theoretical physics instead. Hopefully in 100 years they can start building a dimensional-breaching portal to travel to another reality where Nijisanji thrives rumao.
>remember when Petra leaked that discord vent channel?>It was me!>I'm the one who broke her OBS at super speed!
>>54659998Nijicope means lying to escape from reality, not telling the truth.>It was probably posted first in the general by some faggot here.>probablyBasically, the default position is that it came from /NijiEN/. Until you show receipts that say otherwise, the default position holds.
The number of schizos you get is proportional to your popularity. Shiori coming in hot.
Since hololive is based on AKB48 we can infer what regions hololive may be interested in expanding in based on AKB48 sister groups.>Thailand>Viteman>Mexico>india>philippines>TaiwanOut of all these I think we may see a gen base in india next. Especially with it being a riseing economic superpower
>>54659674I feel like all the faux seethe over the collab comment is hiding her real problem in that she didn't seem to have any good game streams lined up as a possibility.
>>54660425Why are you surprised? No actual nijisanji fan acts like this and only tribalistic hololive fans from here do and sometimes shits up other threads or the catalog.
>>54659842>posting this but not giving us an invite link to the server so we can spam it with gore and ywnbaw copypastas
>>54660268>the girl recording lewd sounds to anons on a basket weaving forum is totally going out and getting dickKek. That's the first sign of a femcel virgin.
>>54660309>her words vs subaru's wordsNo offense to all wamy's fans ITT, but I believe subaru more.
>>54660309>Reine, Kronii and Fauna were the ones that came up with their sexy moves during rehearsalsWell, that puts the rrats to rest.Prude Kronii had fun being Sex.
>>54660539they look like they fuck each other
>>54660064Maybe for a week or two, while she maintains her debut buff, you can spam GURA KILLER to your heart's content.
>>54660568Didn't he run away from the internet?
>>54660323That looks like a natural funnel to me.
>>54660193But the truth is that they are real Nijisanji fans. Saying otherwise is lying.
They're afraid and coping
>>54659842>owo aggeyy thankies theres no way people actually talk like this, right?
>>54660576Anon...That was from last year...
>>54659965>>54660041I guess I got the pair that was more desensitized to it.t. burger
>>54660632He got doxxed by his antis.
>>54660309this makes me happy
>>54659880Towards the end of her VOD. 5:43:40Around there
>>54660560By your logic Mori is the most famous member of Myth anon
>>54660643This almost make me feel bad for actual Star fan even if they are a small fanbase
>>54660323Looks like it.
>>54660440Would not surprise me if its multiple people from here that do it since they love Hololive and try and do what they can to attack other groups especially Nijisanji.
>>54660632I mean he followed his advice in a way
>>54660309The true council is forming.
>>54660560Not entirely true, Kiara used to be the leader in attracting the schizos metric for a while.
>>54659900> Mooms and Fauna baitIt was hell for early Saplings and Hoomans
Curious on who will get the Gura blessing for Advent.
>>54660635>>54660727WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT .... Can Nene count as a honorary blonde Lamy?
>>54660127They cannot take the heat of being branded as leeches.And their fans will whine that telling the truth is harassment.
>>54660595You don’t live in the west do you? That’s the signs of a first rate slut and I am now more likely to watch her
>>54660791>This artist missed the chance to draw Super Marine showdown vs Super Pekora
>>54660400Honestly probably the reason why Gura hasnt collabed with Ironmouse even though they probably ran in the same circle before.Hololive fans are rabid.
>>54660127All of advents were former indies that refuse to kneel or even aknowledge vshojo's and niji's existence. They know that this gen is ambitious and they fear advent will dominate the game and send all theise lewd peepeepoo chuubas into irrelevancy
>>54660810Nene is like an adjuvant to the Lamy council, but not a Lamy herself
>>54660595Yeah I thought as much kek. I am not impressed until people dug out Fauna or Mumei's level of stuff.
>>54659980Remember when NijiEN tried to migrate to /jp/ because of the bullying here and they got kicked out?
>>54660796If Shiori gets through this, she will be able to incline like both
>>54660848>Hololive fans are rabid.
>>54660666That’s the pair definitely down for a threesome
>>54660411I actually think she’ll end up doing something Kronii-level stupid. But holy shit this is getting to be too much. I’m surprised someone who was a washed vtuber of yesteryear, long before most of the people flinging shit around even watched vtubers is getting so much crap. Who’d she piss off?
>>54660869>migrate to /jp/
>>54660631She's overlapping Gura this very monday with her very first stream so it will happen for at least a stream
>>54660810Every Lamy has a blonde sidekick.
Will Nerissa enter the Lamy Council?
>>54660635It's almost here bros.. the dream of /become/ ISRAEL!
Jesus fuck, that fag is still going despite multiple reports. How many devices does he have?
are pastel colors the first requirement in the Lamy project?
>>54660643First time I checked a stars post in the homo sub and holy shit the comments are all the people that complain about downvotes lmao, their community is really this small
>>54660127They're afraid that their audience will abandon them if they initiate contact. A 3rd gen in hololive is like a vacuum that sucks in all the Tourists and newfags. And a 4th generation is the Killer blow. The nail in the coffin. The final todome. And it's making every indie Niji smol corpo and Vshojo shreak in Terror at what shitters they'll be reduced to when hololive stops playing around and gets serious.
>>54660499Is this a Council merch or a Sana merch? I don't remember Sana merch being sold after her graduation. Only things that she designed.
>>54660938Fauna doesn't...>>54660942For fuck's sake she's not a Lamy
>>54660560>ShioriFailed experiment.
>>54660869>>54660935They did try, and tried to migrate to 8kun as well
>>54660848I think the reason why Gura hasn't collabed with IronKung is that she doesn't know her or care about her.
>>54660997Fauna lost hers. It's Sana
You have to go back
>>54660848Yeah, rabidly not watching your whores lmaoBut I get Ironmouse, I really do. Let's be fair, most vshitshow hatred was from Nyanners and Veibae( +some general whore rep from all of them),Now those two fucked off but left the "horrible company" bill to Vshojo, and IM can't carry this shit alone.
>>54660643I mean being attacked by a fanbase that shares a corpo with you does that. Hololive has done nothing but make the entire industry including their own internal one more tribalistic due to their walled garden approach.
>>54660616WTF I though anons said she looked uncomfortable? Did /vt/ lied to me yet again?
>>54660407>did her research to hit weak points in holomemsRocunny I kneel
>>54660964dynamic ip
Let's say there were 30k applicant for Hololive audition. Do you think Cover watch every one of them?
>>54660595>>54660834>>54660867It wasn't even her, just some nijifag spreading rrats again.>>54645571
>>54660966>Pastel colors>Thumbnail >Gfe Need 3/3 to be a lamy which is why the guy that used to make threads for this dictates we’re down to 2
>>546609361. She is a Holo2. She got over 120k CCV for her debutThere is no need to piss off anyone because niggers will automatically target you for the above two reasons
>>54660869Isn't their main base of operations some dox website? Or is it just the nijisister part of their fanbase?
>>54660936You've got to understand these people went into this debut planning to cause a shit storm just like they always do with everything holo related, if not her it would have been someone or something else
>>54660979I don't remember any handsome elf in Sankisei. Who is that nigerina 2nd from the left?
>>54660966pastel colors, gradient shiny long hair, big tits
>>54660643>call out muh boi for his retardation>no>call out Cover Corp for enacting internal policy>yes
>>54660499Watch streams. The girls said it was supposed to come out last year. But they had to delay it.
Genuine question. What happened to gura's new song?
>>54661030Whatever happened with that board of theirs?
>>54660869I remembered that. They stayed there for 2 threads before getting kicked out by meidos. Whatever happened to their own website?
>>54660616>is this what you wantedno bitch, i wanted your tits
Redditors knelt
>>54660561They should try with Thailand, idol market in that country is unexpectedly viable even Aki-P granted them with two overseas branches in Bangkok (BNK48) and Chiangmai (BGM48).
>>54661061yea, how else would they find worthy 2views? it's not like they did a Filter Sort By Most Subscribers like iLuna did
>>54661063Oh then whoever that is a super slut
>>54661016Its impossible that she doesnt know her but she's probably wary of talking to her because ironmouse might get harassed.
>>54660643Looks like a larp and the material came staight from here.
>>54661035You say that but it isn't like Ironlung hasn't ever done some sneaky shit before.Like putting up Mori's png while she was afk even though she was collabing with NotMori.
>>54661047Well yeah, she did look uncomfortable and was 1 step behind everyone... but that's normal Kronii in collabs.>>54661108
>>54661149>sort by most subsKek did they really do that or just a meme?
What happened to Mori’s new song?
>>54661178It's ok because she's crippled
Mori mention she had a long chat with shiori after debut...
>>54661098>people saw an unfinished version of it during the bday stream>the old version got reposted weeks ago>dont bother to watch the new one
>>54661178Yes but did that really contribute to vshojo's rep? Not really.The other two, they have
>>54660400It does suck. People take this shit hobby way too seriously, treating it like it's a chicongo gang war. I watch streams to have fun, not to own people who don't watch what I watch.
>>54661161Gura doesn't watch people outside of Holo even when people tried to force IM in one of her streams she had a talk about hololive being her home, she has morals of being loyal
>>54661098She hasn't released it yet, maybe it will come out on her anniversary
>>54661191I didnt know they added Aqua's colors into the game
>>54660988From what ive read in the thread it was a council merch with sana that was made with sanas design.>>54661097>Releasing it after a year when all contractual obligations expire so that they wouldnt have to pay or just undercut Sana
So uhh predictions for the remaining 2 debuts? Imo twins can get 100k while ravengril is 80-90k.
>>54661098Waiting on Full Color MV.
>>54661148maybe Bijou is the first step into the Thai market?
current subs (12h after debut)>shiorin : 239k>bijou : 240k>nerissa : 204k>fuwamoco : 224k>>54624747
>>54661098It's not supposed to be a song, its just an anime OP thing. And you have brain rot, cause its not bad, it just isn't zooming like top songs
>>54661266I should have saved that 5ch screenshot of the jops kneeling to shark king for calling GTAVCR gay and Miko's server the only one for her.
>>54661100ask themI will never willingly step into such wretched hive of villanyit's probably abandoned
>>54660309Why the fuck did they cut off so much of this? This is missing the entire Harry Potter thing as well as the Pokemon thing
>>54661215all of iluna had rms with 100k subs or more
>>54660973Homosub was never alive to begin with, sisters and beggars taken over it and throw all OG starfags out and turn into vent channel/doxxsite 2.0
Putting Shiori aside, I already felt overwhelmed with Bijou debut, and it's not done yet..Apparently the main event will be the twins and Nerissa showed us promising stance..
>>54661333anon there's another one from holoENConnect concert
>>54660869kekekekekek lololololol Kusa Kusa Rumao Rumao
>>54660127No, seriously, they are actually genuinely scare. When council debuted, they were on their way gaining more popularity so, they were chill with it. Now that they are slowly losing their grips, EN3 came when holo is on it's strongest form, especially with EN management getting better and "pefected" their inner work, they know EN will get all those support for a total domination of western vtuber.
>>54661246Yeah? You don't expect Advent members to avoid Mori or anyone in Hololive, do you?
>>54661177Nip found out Power Pro baseball game in the Olympic got a LOT more view than other sports for seemingly no reason. And when they track the numbers IP it traced back to Portugual, chat was full of “Belo Jogo!”
>>54661351Nope, I sub to all kinds of streamers but I only member one girl.
>>54661215Its just a meme perpetuated by a coincidence but people believe it since its anti nijisanji goyslop.>>54661381And? Cover also hired people with massive pl.
>>54661260Yea I don’t get it either, how does one’s team Or the supposed ‘rival’ winning/losing impact his/her rl anyway?
>305>A threadreaderOf course
>>54661401I don't know why everyone has such high hopes for the twins when they're going to have an even worse schedule than Bijou
>>54660127They send schizos to do the attack.
>>54661246owari da... people talking about rissa being Kronii 2.0 while the one that Mori groomed to be Kronii 2.0 was Shiori all along...
>>54661473Why are you here if you are not watching hololive?
>>54661255>Yes but did that really contribute to vshojo's rep?I mean, kinda? Some doxxbeats even got angry at her pulling that shit, and we're talking about doxxbeat here.
>>54661266That sounds more like fear of backlash than being loyal.
Why are people saying Bijou will overlap Gura? Her stream is 1 hour earlier than Gura's timeslot
>>54661090My wife of course
>>54660309>Ramy rangers assembling>Fauna enticing LamyFauna is becoming too powerful
>>54661260holofans does not give a single shit about other vtubers. They only want to watch their oshis in peace. Nijiniggers and vwhorejos keeps agitating holofans and bringing their cancer drama to holofans. If holofans is even half as rabid as the nijiniggers, this community would not survive due to the sheer amount of fans they have.
Mori said Shiori has great taste is Harvest Moon games.Comment from numbers?
>>54660854>fear advent will dominate the gameMan I wish but starting to have my doubts, the 2 members we've seen so far seem to exclusively favor debuff games
>>54661554Maybe cover had a vendetta against Rushia because that would warrant at least a suspension. Isn’t that why they fired one of the homos?
>>54661581Dude this is the "Diamond city lights? What is that?" Girl that in 3 years only name dropped Pikamee, outside of hololive Gura is not a vtuber watcher
Definitely dropping below 10k after this week
>>54660979>4th genDoko...
And it’s overIn case you guys didn’t notice we just got a full 24h of Hololive events. We gonna get a break tomorrow before Miko live
>>54661641>Mori saidShiori herself already said that on her debut
>>54661590She is literally going to be sandwiched between Ina, Fauna and Gura while playing trash, you guys keep going on about how it's at a new hour as if that's going to stop the girls from holding on to people who would otherwise move over; it's not. And then after an hour there's Gura to be the blackhole she always is.
>>54660743After Gura, she absolutely is anon
>>54661246Are >we really surprised?
>>54661641I mean>A wonderful lifeYeah you can't get more based than this. It's more of a life simulator with farming as the side content compared to standard harvest moon/story of seasons.
>>54660253Yeah but Mori's always cute
>>54661612>Even though she mentions Miko the language barrier has schizos spreading rrats just like herekagami
>>54659744So Kobo and Moona can have proper live- 2D/3D MV with the idols.You don't want the Holo summer MV tragedy happens again.
>>54661641Very subtle sabotage.Good job, Mori.
>>54661548Im learning
>>54661523>reading comprehensionI watch Kaela, Sora, Polka, Bae and Lui from Hololive. I only give my Member to Magnet because she's my oshi.>>54661607Nothing about my post was exclusive to holofans. It was an indictment of tribalism and people treating talents from different companies like they're Axis & Allies.>>54661699She only has the one sub tier, I'd pay her more if I could.
>>54660754axel did a viewer room review and there were some real fucking shrines in there.well i mean in the twitter tag i didnt watch
>>54661063Sisters are fucking weird man. What compels them to hate Shiori that much.
>>54661718>Fauna not even back yet>Ina playing final fantasy and PikminShe will do fine for her first strean
>>54661688Next year, probably June if the current backwards debut month trend persistsFriendly reminder that the current audition reminders are for EN4
>>54661671Clipfag she does watch indie vtubers for a week before getting bored of them. She say’s “she” so it’s most likely cunny vtubers
>>54661442But ... But muh hecking behind the scene faction war ...
>>54661477Hololive fans just want to harass everything because they have the mindset that everyone outside hololive is a threat for not following their idol moral code.
Here is the current state of the TUTORIAL BATTLE for the new EN girlsThe already debuted ones already finished beating ALL of the mooks, with the only battles ahead of them being>the boss of local mooks>the lieutenant of all mooks>the final mook bossand finally>the TUTORIAL BOSSfor the right to enter the game and fight the first battle against a mostly dead enemyIf that doesn't scream real POPULAR DEMAND I don't know what would
>>54661643We'll see
>>54661443probably this
>>54660743>One Piece collab>UMG contract>Sololive>Albums and BD salesIsn't she? We can argue meme metrics like CCV but not even Cover considers that as the one and only and even primary metric for gauging a talent's success.
>>54661793I will literally bet my balls that Fauna streams on Monday.
>>54661722So not the most
>>54661063did anyone really believe it was her lol
>>54661305>Cover does not pay but Anycolor does on post graduated chuubasI apologize but I cannot take this claim seriously without clips from notHolo and notNiji.
>>54661810>Gura is a groomerlines up with her personality
>>54661810Her whole indie watching phase was just a reflection about how much vtubing has grow, she never got into the topic again
>>54661779>It was an indictment of tribalism and people treating talents from different companies like they're Axis & Alliessee>>54661834Its really no surprise that the biggest harassment scandals in the vtuber world (Coco and Aloe) centers around a single corpo and their fans.
>>54661764Let it go, anon... Omega is not here anymore...
>>54661929Wasn't there a clip from notWarabeda and notGundou saying that they just escaped from a jail or something? Rumao
>>54661794>Friendly reminder that the current audition reminders are for EN4eh... Idk about that, ID also made the same announcement 1 month before ID3 and we know for sure that the they were hired months before that
>>54661125Ledditors will never know what a First Army is. What a shameful existence they must lead.
>>54661502The hype is not about the numbers, anon.I think the debut numbers are lower on Day 2 because of lack of funnels.
>>54661839WTF, They already beat all Holostars EN except Regis?Also, when did Regis get this much ahead of he rest of the branch? How?
>>54661782I fucking hate homobeggar StarsJP had a branch concert once, they performed well to a lot of women who love them. No hatred, only a bunch of dude performing to their fan, doing their things, they even had their own Hologra with the run down shabby office we used to laugh at. What went so fucking wrong?
>>54661869>BD sales
>>54661063it was earlier this year. not sure if it was a shitpost to IM or Nyann
>>54661779most of the conflict happens because nijiniggers and vwhorejos. Nijiniggers for bringing chink fujos and general cancer behavior to this hobby and vwhorejos by bringing politics, degeneracy, tranny menace, among other things and poisoning the hobby. Holofans legitimately unironically does not give a single shit about any of them and want to have nothing to do with them. You take a look at the nijiniggers behavior and you will understand why they are so fucking hated.
>>54661607>holofans does not give a single shit about other vtubersThis part is true>They only want to watch their oshis in peace.This part is not
>>54661462>Power Pro baseball gameIs this like some vidya game? Or is it some special version of baseball done at Olympics? > got a LOT more view than other sports for seemingly no reason. And when they track the numbers IP it traced back to PortugualDid this ever flow out into mainstream? Or do they not care shit like this happens?I can’t wrap my head around why the consistent focus on Baseball and not anything else. Even if you rig something surely you’d do a better job of it no? Or even use the rigging to help in many more occasions.
good morning anontachiis mikochi the new ceo of tranny???
>>54662003pity subs from kobo leeching, dead subs of course
>>54660878Not if she hops on the homo carousel
>XX should have been in EN3Is this the entire reason for the shitpost campaign?
>>54661879Probably not, but you know how it is with nijifags. Unless you respond to their shit directly they will just keep spreading it like roaches and until it escalates to being a real problem (esp with discord lurkers.)
Lol whats up with the guy crying about holofans? Did the EN3 debut numbers hurt her feefee's?
Faumei off collab doko
>>54662005>What went so fucking wrong?As you said, homobeggars.This very fucking thread vibed with several of the Holostars projects including the very praised Astel "train" 3D live.It all went down when the local management thought "acceptance of existence" meant "support" and tried to force everyone to eat their veggies.Then Holostars became an existential threat and got dealt accordingly
>>54661977There are still sane people on that sub, like this dude who I can tell is trying really hard to not sound offensive when calling out the mod lol
>>54662039>Saying this when Aloe exists.Hololive also has some cancerous tendencies and will even turn on one of their own if she does not fit their idol standards. Its why aloe was harassed.
>>54662094Niji is crashing and burning and small corpos have enjoyed an empty no competition 2 years and are waking up to having to actually compete with Cover for new eyeballs.
>>54660966Its not so much the colors themselves, but that they share a similar visual aesthetic. They also need a similar introduction thumbnail. Anything else is more or less gut feeling from anons.
>>54660878Depends who she decides to learn from.
>>54662094All the EN scene got reminded by the 128k debut that Hololive is miles ahead everybody else and they will never stand a single chance so they got fucking mindbroken
>>54661332>>bijou : 240k>>shiorin : 239k>>fuwamoco : 224k>>nerissa : 204kKNEEL AND APOLOGIZE
>>54661671She only "namedropped" Pikamee because Ina collabed with her at the time.
>>54662136nigga's treating this like it's /wg/ kek
>>54661968Gundou and Warabeda likened Nijisanji to a prison on their first ever collab as former talents. 22:19Marshmallow question: お二人の出会いはなんですか?>How did you two meet?NotGundou: 私たちが監獄にいた時の話したっけ>Did I ever tell you about the time we were in jail?NotWarabeda: 閉じ込められててその時に出会って意気投合して…>We were locked up and that's when we met and hit it off...NotGundou: そう独房がおんなじで>Yes, we were in the same cellNotWarabeda: 独房から脱獄して…>We broke out of the cell...NotGundou: プリズンブレイクしたんだよね、覚えてるよ。同じ模範囚として頑張ってたんだよね>We had a prison break, I remember that. We worked hard as the same model prisonersNotWarabeda: …先生は結構つまみ食いしたりとか> were pretty picky about it and so onNotGundou: そうね結構怒られが発生してたかな、脱獄して良かったね>Yes, there was a lot of anger, I'm glad I got out of jailNotWarabeda: 良かったね、世界は明るいよ>Good for you, the world is bright
So lets say Advent start their first week of streaming with 250k subs.... looks like they will atleast reach 350-400k in 1st monthThe main challenge will come after, how do you then attract new people outside of EN vtubing since any active EN fan that exist had already subscribed at that point...Can they attract new type of audience?
>>54661068All that showed was that shioris voice is pretty generic.
>>54662057what are the odds she knows what this is supposed to represent or ooooh i like pink and blue
>>54661869>Ok>Hololive made a deal with them>Means nothing unless you want to say Okayu is bigger than her>Do you have any solid numbers there?
>>54662220>Can they attract new type of audience?So far from the current two? Absolutely not. All I see are these 5 new girls stretching the audience they already have. There's nothing remarkable about either of them and Shiori is especially filtering with the way she speaks.
>>54662193Sit down, brick. The twins will show you what an actual real debut looks like.
>>54662220Like anything they have to have a giga viral clip like Gura or Eekum Bokum, Twins will probably be able to tap into the JP market as well if they are adept.
EN3 in 12 hours. EN4 in May 2024
If you want to put a husbando list on debut at least don't have shit taste
So, is this a bot? Is he getting paid? Why is he trying so hard?
>>54662048Anon Power Pro baseball game is the game Niji host Koshien on. Belong to Konami
>>54662163Would Nijisanji and Small corpos be afraid when they have solidified their market the last 2 years because of no compitetion from Hololive? If anything they are happy because a lot of new eyes are watching hololive due to curiousity and majority those will go to Nijien or Small corpos after they get a taste of how toxic the Hololive fanbase is.
>>54662158>when calling out the mod lolcalling her out for lackluster job is not bannable. offending trannychan with her discord goons is.
>>54662162Why do you bugs keep trying to revise history?
>>54662310T-Tempus3bros, WW@....
>>54661834Yea yea go on, either stop larping or get some much needed help. Do not reply any further.
>>54662202Pretty sure thats a fake translation.
>>54662220>since any active EN fan that exist had already subscribed at that point...You are missing a share of inactive EN fans that might return for the new girls
>>54662162>history revisionismand the fucking cancer of vtubing community strikes again
>>54662350Also some context: that guy was a niji clipper
>>54662162it's 2023 already retard. how many exists did niji have since then?
>>54662042No that is true it’s just 99% of the people here aren’t hololive fans. It’s like people that appear for championship saying they was supporting this team from the beginning. It’s all for shitposting
>>54661688Right here.
The pebble is the best mascot design in Hololive. Probably will sold like a hot cake as merch
>>54662350>>54662424Pretty sure that was just some regular vtuber fan trying to dispel any rumors and fake rrats.
>>54661779You should only watch hololive.
gwombus is awake
>>54662491>Pet rock kit stripped straight from japan + tipAieee Bijouawari da
>>54662202damn Holofans making Riku run Niji like a prison
>>54662350So Hololive fans harassed her for interacting with a Nijisanji liver? Isnt that what happened with Ironmouse.
>>54662534>immediate chub from a lewd RT
>>54661791It's not about Shiori. They just want to hurt Hololive and will use whatever they can get.
>>54662405>that imageLol who is the one getting bullied until graduated?
>>54662580I can't believe holofans told Putin to invade Ukraine...
Shiori hanging with Mori and her comment on collabs tells me all i needed to know. Props to her for admitting to being a whore on debut atleast, alot more respect for that than Kronii leading everyone by the nose and then stabbing them. That being said Nerissa and the Twins(who won't betray me obviously) are left, I jusg hope Nerissa is in the same boat as Bijou.
>Eating frozen dumpling at midnight>Enjoy itThis woman living like a true shut in
>>54661971What the fuck are you talking about? ID3 had actual auditions, just like ID4.
JWU. How were the debuts? Stocks going up or down?
>>54662435How many livers graduated on the first week of their debut because fans felt she didnt fit in and harassed her? Only one i can think of is Aloe and she's a Holo talent and not a liver.
>>54662202>Warabeda was in Rain Drops>Akane was in Nornis>The PEAK of what Niji artist route can achieve>Both still left
>>54662202For people that don’t like nijisanji you seem to know a lot about nijisanji and their talents. I don’t even know who this is
>>54662003Hard suckling off the Kobo teat. animations already
whats on your mind when you see pebbles?
>>54661791>Sisters are fucking weird manI mean just read the thread for the past hours, anon. They're desperate
>>54662349You have brainrot, sister.
>>54662350>nips nijifags harassed her to the point of graduating just because she mentioned a rrat about an ex nijiDamn, that's brutal.
>>54662695Read it again
>>54662699Holochads can't stop winning.
>>54662647Holofans did 9/11
Oh, "Hololive fans are toxic" argument is back? Haven't seen this in a long time since the Nijicoep list
>>54662709>he doesn't remember Graduation into 3D debut relaykek
>>54662162... anon.. do you even there when aloe yab happen?aloe didnt get harassed just because of "idol" thing but she used her model before even debuted
>>54662350keep paying 4 them condoms
>>54662684>Doesnt get enough revenue from hololive to buy her own stove.Grim
Seething 2views and sisters are pathetic
>>54662637Aloe you fucking disingenuous nigger.
>>54662730Kanauru made that a while ago. And it's Kanauru.
Prediction for Cover stocks market?
Ironic shitposting is also shitposting. Even worse if it's spam
>>54662327How does one host Koshien on a game? Sorry but my understanding of Koshien is simply from /a/ related stuff like Rookies, so I assumed they provide commentary on Koshien itself. Is the event no longer about a tournament based on Japanese high school baseball teams?And wouldn’t the stream for the real Koshien have all the viewership? I’m so lost I feel like I crawled out of a cave.
>>54662162are aloe the new nijinigger meta to shit up thread?
>>54662820Who asked
>>54662699First one is gfe but may or may not collab with homos it’s very vague. Anything else you have to see yourself to understand Second one is cunny, doesn’t seem like gfe, boring, but nice taste in games
>>54662704>Got the Peak of Niji Artist route>Left because they fulfilled their dream and have moved on to something else or retire.Pretty normal behavior to me.
>>54662820who is getting the cuck chair.
>>54662824Kneeling to Anykaras stock price
>>54662804This bitch keep are getting high quality arts
Cucked from debut kek
>>54662820>SEE? we are a duo vtuber too!>p-please watch us....
>>54662804Can't believe some anons are convinced she won't do great.
>>54661791they're not called the cancer of vtubing community for a reason
>"liver">"pl">rewriting aloe's history again>ESL to bootdamn, nijidiscord sisters aren't sending their best this morningoh I'm sorry, "tonight" since it's past midnight in sealandia
>>54662396pretty sure it isnt. that anon even provided the linkwhy dont you click it?
This could be the duo to surpass Gura
>>54662762having a bad day
>>54662820It's clear that they are trying to incline from the twins, they seems nice and respectful in comparison to that maoi-faggot, hope it works out for them
>>54662773I’ll be real that means nothing to me is that also related to niji?
>>54662894Anon she called herself viewers girlfriend during debut and called viewers boyfriend
>>54662896Imagine Gura and Mumei funneling into the debuts
>>54662816Remember Arumaki?
>>54662032tbf, a bulk of mori sales are not counted to oricon and the gaijin sales are disqualified. One might dismiss it as insignificant but we don't have the numbers. Plus some Okayu sales seem not to be counted if it is bought from the holoshop
>>54662820leeching aside>that cuck chairlmao
>>54662820all the best for them. They're one of the few people who are actually excited for fuwamoco instead of seething.
>>54662877Yeahhh, sure.
>>54662903kek, respect the hustle though, at least they're not seething, unlike that husband-wife chubas duo
>>54662730kek imagine bijou holding diamonds in her inventory and kaela kills her with a pickaxe.
>>54661791Fujo fanbase are fucking cancerous, anything they touch turn into shits.
>>54662944And then she told me not to get mad when she cucks me, fuck off.
>>54662675I've been feeling cautiously optimistic about Neri with her tweets.I think the debut is going to go well.
>>54662903I still respect those two's hustle more than all the phase feces and seething 2views in this board
>>54662924>need 2 people to even have a chance to beat GuraGrim.
Hopefully marine does 3D live that revolves around Umisea.
>>54662924wait I just realized; the twins have the same color palette with Aqua.
>>54662896What does this mean. Is she still angry they had to censor her anime with light rays?
>doxxniggerKill yourself
I will watch koseki i will skip shiori
>>54662903Eh, they seem harmless, let them hustle.
>>54663025no she didn't
>>54662709Hololive Gossip Thread. Please andastan.
Based Fubuki shilling EN debuts in front of 90k
en3 d2 got shilledspecially the twins, so happy for them
>>54662924>>54663050You mean color that support the cause?
>>54663050Aqua and Korone's kids.
>>54662940Eh, it was the other way around.Graduation was delayed 10 min so the 3D debut could end.
>>54662924>The weapon to surpass metal gear That weapon lost to metal gear
Niji krisis status?
>>54662162Aloe was chased out by you nijifaggots. Go rope.
>>54662847The logic is that it’s not Nijibot but Konami’s. And they bot that specific baseball game of them in tournaments, which include Niji
>>54662856>are aloe the new nijinigger meta to shit up thread? Nah, apparently the meta today is alternate timeline
>>54662924Just be a 5view alongside. That'd be evidence of an expanding HoloEN box.
>>54663129That's Vox
>tease Mikoti by shilling her 3D LIVE There's something about girls playing together that made this ojisan feel fuwa fuwa
>>54663088Yeah you know its already over when the entire fandom worldwide is either holofans or holoantis.
>>54662924just say Gura Killer(s)
>>54662220>Can they attract new type of audience?NoLet's just get that out of the way firstThe only thing I hope for is that they can retain the current EN audience
>>54663129Vox imposter?
Wish Nerissa would get back on twitter
>>54663177ojisan you might want to check your blood pressure
>>54663166>>546631011 minute
>>54663101>>54663166Unironically rent free
>>54663088>tsunderia and cyberliveancient image
>>54663233I'm really enjoying genki unity moom arc
>>54663004Yeah, Akane left vtubing because she was already on the top of the vtuber world with nothing left to do. While Warabeda earned enough to retire and do vtubing as a hobby. I mean Mysta even bought a house for his Mom and then left. Thats what happens when talents are actually getting paid. Its why a lot of Hololive talents are still there since probably because they cant afford to quit due to no savings from low pay.
>>54662924About time, she's been waiting for this moment for 3 years
>>54663270Please, better worry about your new EN whores collab with Tempuss bois.
>>54662202Nijisanji truly is a black company.
>>54662500>some regular vtuber fanYes some regular vtuber fan that dedicated a shitload of time making niji TL clipsAnd worst thing is that he was larping as a nip
>>54663319Your falseflagging game is weak.
>>54663167No that will just be proof every en member besides Ina are dogshit streamers.
>ESLOf course
>>54662903I don't care as long as they aren't talking shit or acting too familiar.
Who will be the first vtuber to do a cover of this?
>>54662896only fatties would be scared going bare
>TomorrowThe killer of en corpos and indies arriving
What impressed me is how calm both Shiori and Bijou were despite never having this many people watch them before.Did Cover also train them in handling so many viewers?
>>54662877Holy copium. >Left because they fulfilled their dreamAkane left because she found a better gigWarabeda "escaped" from "jail"Please admit you are larping as a Nijisister
>>54663088It's kinda funny, my first exposure to vtuber clips was through niji JP but i stopped before investing myself into content that i couldn't understand, and now i'm doing reps for hololive instead
>>54662924They're going to play the most debuff shit on top of their gimmick growing stale, they'll still be within the top 5 for HoloEN, but let's relax.
>>54663319Try harder next time, here is a consolation (you).
>>54663344They probably will harass each other since Hololive fans are retarded and are afraid of mixed collabs lol.
>54663319try harder to get them next time
>>54662753There was no announcement of audition a month before ID3 so you're still spewing bullshit without any proof because you obviously don't have any.
>>54663129Should've played 0 if he wants noombers.
>>54663172>>54663232we have vox at home>
>anon trying his hardest to "one man" grim when even the GRIMGANG™ is kneelingkekHere is a sign of today's absolutely domination by Hololive>Hololive had FOURTY FOUR (44) entries in the tally todayincluding three 100k+Anyone not kneeling today has no knees left!
>>54662903Meh. Theyre trying without seething. Even 1% of what Shioriand Koseki got yesterday would be a godsend for them
Twitch numbersNews: Nyanners is in a 24 hour charity stream!For St. Jude Children's Research HospitalShe even has Ai Nyann for when she goes to the bathroom.
What happened in March for this sudden incline for Mumei?
>>54663396Shiori was nervous and was going on long tangents and falling back on kayfabe bits, Bijou was impeccable for a zoomer. Maybe cover advised to turn off the view counter because I know most people would be blubbering seeing 120k
>>54662220>new audienceMore like old which is a vast one. Koseki currently has my eye as somene who stopped watching hololive several months ago we will see how it pans out.
>>54663396>Shiori>calmshe literally spilt her spaghetti all over the floor anon. She's extremely nervous. But I believe they got trained by the staffs for months before debuting.
>>54663489>charity buff>not even 8Klel
any Nerissa homo likes today?
>>54662933Maoi is the respectful one and they are the ones seething
>>54663388why does bijou look like chitanda eru
>>54663396What? Shiori's voice was literally trembling, you could even hear her switch octane as time passed and she became a bit more comfortable.Bijou was a lot more composed yes, but still nervous
>>54663465Didn’t niji do a karaoke relay like a few months ago to similar fanfare? I remember because it was the last time numbers was actually discussed with Noel’s surprise win over Slome
>>54663133Lol. Aloe was chased out by Hololive fans because she didnt act like the pure idol maiden that they wanted.
>>54663396The probably got some instructions beforehand, especially with the new people in charge and the understandable waves EN3 would make when they finally have their debut
>>54663396they were both nervous, Shiori specially, she had to keep going on tangents to calm down
>>54663489what with st jude and why streamers often use it for charity stream target
>>54663436Good thing that Shiori already damage control, collabing with Tempus should be safe and no incels dare to harass her.
>>54663490Nobody knows for sure but I have a theory that her wires got crossed with>the "other" Mumeipic related, searching "Mumei" back in those days had the other Mumei dominate her shorts and this "wire crossing" might have cross polinated /our/mumei in the fanbase coming from the other
Why did nobody notice Gura has once again started moving. 30k subs for the month
>>54663388This looks more balanced since the twins are separated
>>54663492>Bijou was impeccable for a zoomerMore like, she's literally a better Bae, because she knows how to use her zoomer instead of letting the zoomer define her.
>>54663553Not today but she liked towa yesterday
>>54663431>>54663372How am I wrong though? Akane did everything that a vtuber could do.
>>54663639>Why did nobody noticeYou're just late, latechama...
>>54663319Your falseflagging is very weak.I do want to say since I was among those that watched her, Akane Asahina was very much in the red for her vtuber career.She spent way more of her own money making songs, streams and shorts than she earned from it.She left very suddenly and cheerfully so, we're just waiting to see what her next contract was for that couldn't wait for the Nornis anniversary.
>>54663489>>54663619Children oncology care is as non controversial as possible for a charity
>>54663639Already noted however many threads ago.
>>54663635I’ll just call you a schizo
>>54663489How the hell are Isegye Idol still doing so well
>>54663368>esl cant be vtuber fans>vtuber fans cant make niji clipsSchizo
>>54663243Oh shit she started liking stuff again
>>54663119Gura is Big Boss, Fuwamoco is Solid Snake. Kronii is Solidus Snake. Fauna is Ocelot. Ina is Otacon. Kiara is Huey. Mori is Fatman. Sana is Kaz. Mumei is Raiden. Ame is Liquid Snake. IRyS is Quiet. Bae is Venom Snake.
>>54663396Considering that the entire company watched their debut and the JPs dumped the whole fucking box at them, I'm really impressed.It also speaks well of Cover since it seemed for a while that EN was going to be left to rot and that's pretty clearly not the case.
>nijinogs are now left with 'no u' response after getting btfo by receiptsLel.
So it's interesting since a new gen from Hololive is always helping the whole group incline. Does this ever happen in Nijisanji?
>>54663731they're about half their numbers from last year
>>54662220supposedly yesall gen 3 from every branch expect the gay branch attract a new audiencebut... if somehow they didnt then you know what happen
>>54663719Maybe, but who is to say the voices are always lying?
>>54663198Thanks for the reminder. Gonna rewatch the Soul Queen
>>54663420>Akane left because she found a better gigProof?>Warabeda "escaped" from "jail"Watch the vid it was just a joke.
>>54663103No they need to stay as our food
Zeta will reach 1M before Iroha, Fauna, Bae, and Lui just by debuting in the same gen as Kobo. Can the twin or anyone else in EN3 fill that position?
>>54663766>a new gen from Hololive is always helping the whole group incline. Does this ever happen in Nijisanji?Yes, Salome helped the whole group incline as well.>that group was also Hololive
Nerissa I love you
>>54663625Would not be sure about that since Hololive fans dont need any strong reason to harass another group. Hell they keep harassing Nijisanji even though they have not done anything to them.
>>54663766Not a nijifan but luxiem?
>>54663731Theyve hit stagnation and have been floating around the same numbers for an entire year now
>>54663830bro, the censorship doesn't only makes it better...
>>54662875>Nice taste in game>FF XIVImma fucking strangle you anon singing for the end of the month.>2.5k
>>54663129Actually gave this a watch because I like RGG and this motherfucker is incomprehensible sometimes. People keep talking about how ESL Advent is but niji straight up has had 3-4 people that you can't understand due to their accent.
>>54663570Yes but we dont celebrate Nijisanji here because this is a Nijisanji anti thread and we just make fake rrats about them.
>>54663864She's so cute
>>54663914It is a nice gamejust not gooa stream material
>>54662005that stars 3d anni had them acting like complete buffoons and there's just no way the irony poisoned fucks they hired for en would be able to do that shit.
>>54660127the dude in vshojo already tried to leech shiori
>>54663859Honestly one of the funniest things ever to come out of the tubing sphere. When your rival has much more mindshare in the casual viewer space in terms of female vtubers they think your new star is their talent instead.
>>54663766Anon.A new Holo gen inclines ALL of Vtubing.
>>54663945She's gonna be the star
>>54663749Schizo>>54663743You’re giving Fuwamoco and Mumei big shoes to fill
>>54663945Everything she has showed so far seems like a fever dream being realized back in october last year
At this point i just think /vt/ is spamming all these threads to try to groom her to be a menherashe already has some characteristics>spills spaghetti>cat lady>weird hobby with dolls>hate after hate threads about hergo too far and you might break her
>>54663619It’s Children’s cancer research thing. It gets promoted constantly so people recognize the name. It’s basically a safe choice
>>54663580thanks for another reminder that NijiJP fags are just as much of a cancerous growth on the vtuber community as their EN counterparts
>>546639451 like, you have to respect it
>>54664003>StarsI hope she'll collab with them, really tired of this gatekeeping.
>>54664002Including the homos?
>>54663774>>54663896Nevermind then, but it still seems like they're on top of the Twitch Vtuber pile? (or is that not the case anymore)
Honestly it's kinda surreal that Shiori came to Holo. It would be like if Siro decided to join JP7.
>>54663859Pretty sure Salome inclined Nijisanji and not hololive since her debut made Koshien bigger than the previous year due to new nijisanji fans.
>>54663914A good game is a good game even if it’s not the best for streaming >>54663939Oh right I forgot
>>54664065>punishes the upstart who was throwing her ass around in her absence by making her eat wasabi a year later
>>54662995Oh don't worry, the true test is when they discover that the walled garden is actually walled
>>54661473based jellyfish enjoyer, just wish she would do more solo content
>>54663766Only with Luxiem and their major events. Niji doesn't have the same sort of vtuber box.
>>54663396Shiori’s voice was literally trembling. I know because I watched her before. She tried to change her voice a tiny bit but couldn’t hold it
>>54664081Did you not see oga’s number?
>>54663945I hope she does regular asmr
>>54664053Dont bet on it since Hololive fans are rabid when it comes to male collabs unlike Nijisanji.
>>54664112if by new fans you mean those portugese bots, then sure
>>54663945Shes REALLY excited to be here. Take notes Clock. Pick up even 2% of her enthusiasm if you can
>>54663961she needs to be talking to fauna not kiara regarding what games are stream material
>>54664177>unlike NijisanjiYeah, they're rabid when it's female collabs.
>>54663999It was not just the misconception by the audience, but the inability of NIjisanji to change their strategy "on the fly".There is no convincing anyone that "Salome Hyaku-man-ten-bara" was not an elaborate shitpost by Nijisanji management that was supposed to last a week at most and be shelved.She didn't even have a schedule, it was "Monday: Bio Tuesday: Bio Wednesday: Bio" etc.The thing is: she was SO SUCCESSFUL they could have made something of her, they could have regeared the whole company as supporting characters for the "Salome Show" but, instead, they stuck with their "temporary talent" guns and let her wither and die, but not before channeling her whole first time vtuber watching audience into Pekora and Hololive
>>54664177I genuinely think Tempiss was given a gag order not to interact with EN anymore and thats why Vesper and Magni are gone because they refused
>>54664168We're treating a one-off stream as a sign of incline now?
>>54664099who was she again?
>>54664035I mean...if it works...
>>54664112>made Koshien biggerthanks to Mayuzumi for sacrificing his soul
>>54663986Its easy to make fake accounts to and blame the other company.>>54664048Only reason why the current vtubing sphere is cancerous is because of the walled garden approach that made it more tribalistic.
>>54664035>she eventually starts going menhera thanks to the antis and falseflaggers>goes full gfe>she becomes the basket case anons here were expecting her to be before debutpottery
>>54662283>Tranny flagUnsubbed
>>54663945EN koyori??? I’m honestly surprised Koyo is still doing it 1+ year in. She doesn’t like anything other than small comments and retweets her fan art
>>54664094Yeah big en indies fell hard and vsj..small ones seemed up tho all around so its a weird paradigm
>>54663570>a few months agoNijiMelody and it was August last year mate! There was no 100k+ stream that day from them tho
>>54664232Fair point, but then it is a pain to track everyone long term.
>>54664283So EN3 has its own Kaela and Koyori?
>>54664048Might actually a nijisis since I refuse to believe an "oldfag" didn't actually know how the Aloe shit went down
>>54664227They probably also got doxxed and harassed by Hololive fans as well like Mysta for being male.
>>54664177>Be a female in Nijisanji and you get death threats for looking at Luxiem members.
>>54664232How new ?
>>54664220Honestly, the "Salome was meant to be a milestone gag" rrat makes so much sense given how badly Nijisanji squandered her. All those beautiful numbers lost to time...
>>54664259Mirai Akari
>notMori posted a voice acting reelThanks YouTube!
Wow, this one nijisis is trying REALLY hard to make xer narrative stick.
EN4 when
>>54664265Stop shitposting, retard. You've been trying for months.
>>54664260Mayuzumi's graduation never brought in new fans but his old fans did spread out to the other livers because of they know that any nijisanji talents are entertaining.
>>54664380Probably saw successful AmaLee got with voice acting despite having zero voice acting talent.
>>54664318Koyori is still on a different lvl to Kaela man. All those people that said she would nt be able to keep it up lost their balls
Bae and Kiara should honestly guide this new gen.
>>54664387pls understand, BJ's only debuff is her game choices
>>54659918honestly i expect hololive to have a similar fate to something like morning musume or akb48. you get such strong personalities that everybody associates with the brand, but eventually they leave and they new talents that replace them feel generic. hopefully vtubers will have longer careers in groups than members of idol groups have, which will help alleviate this problem, but i do think it is something that is inevitable for holo.
>>54663692>She spent way more of her own money making songs, streams and shorts than she earned from it.>She left very suddenly and cheerfully soIs this a bad look for Nijisanji in terms of branding? I am not referring to income, but it looks like Nijisanji is becoming the stepping stone for something greater instead of being the end goal.
>>54664418Sorry, I mean Koseki is clearly gunning for the Kaela position. Rissa seems to be the Koyori type.
>>54664177>unlike NijisanjiI can't tell what kind of baiter you are anymore.
>>54664353Answer the question fag.
>>54664394Already streaming.
>>54664227Nah, prime homochad like Vesper won't back down like that, after the stunt he pulled on Kiara, he'll keep do it again and none of incels can't stop him.
>>54664342>>54664212Pretty sure thats the Niji female fanbase AKA ex-holofags who try and push their idolshit in nijisanji. Even that one fps streamer commented about how he got harassed just by collabing with Selen.
>muh EN kaela>muh EN koyori>muh EN subaru >muh EN pekoraWhen the fuck are you retards going to understand and accept than western whores have no work ethic, honor, or professionalism?
>>54663465>still losing to JPKek the En sharts can’t even beat JP with fucking debuts!
>>54663667It's over
so, do that sisters have nothing against koseki?
>>54664507nigga they haven't even streamed a proper game yet.calm down
These last few days really mindbroke this nijisister huh. Sad.
>>54664507bushido can be instilled within
>>54664401Its good to remind newfags in this thread why the current state of vtubing is such cancer due to Hololive being on top.
>>54664486>stuntI don't think Kiara really gave a shit. You know if Kiara was against the raid she would just deny it or at the very least show confusion and awkwardness. She was pretty calm with the whole exchange. They have similar timeslots and Kiara is a numberfag so she probably asked him to raid her.
irystokeks are getting keked by this
>>54664541Pretty much the only bad thing they could say about her is that her numbers will be grim. They have nothing on her otherwise except seethe.
>>54664507who in jp has all 3
They were on it right away.
>>54664507oh come on. let a man have a dream3rd gen's supossedly a blessed gen
>>54664579Noone is falling for your larp
>>54664592Good for Kiara to let her rabidd fanbase dictate what she can and cant do. Its pretty sad to see how restrectied talents are in Hololive.
>>54664507Just like how vtubing is dying in the West and most of the audience have left in 2021.
>>54664553Well I mean,>their top chuuba is graduating due to their bullshit>meanwhile Hololive is getting 5 more girls who get the highest debut numbers in ENsphere
>>54664592homobegging faggot
>>54664660Bijou is very memeable
>>54661996nah i hype dog numsdebut might be lower but they will make bank off being permanent 2 best friends shit
>>54662137You're getting a scuffed collab with Kronii and that's it now say thank you
>Shiori turned out to be worse than even the doomposters predictedHow the fuck did this happen manYou faggots told me she was gonna be "boring" and "mid", not a literal EIEN-tier GFE grifter whore who has had 50 dicks in her.
>>54663804I won't spoonfeed you. Akanefags said so.Also, you cannot just dismiss dark talk like that as a joke.
>>54664660>>54664719Helps that she knows how to zoomer for an audience.
>>54664380KEK actually got the same vid on my recommended too
How does the tally look to day? Is it Complete Holo Domination?
>>54664660Would not surprise me if the Kanauru one is a paid astroturf to make a meme artificially inflate to trick people into thinking they are popular. They did it with Guras "A" and magging
>>54664541Not really she was a 2 view and didn’t do much wrong. Shiori on the other hand has like 5 yrs worth of content to shitpost about. Noticed that before the stream they keep posting her vshojo collabs but now it’s totally tempus she is collabing with and the vshojo thing is forgotten.