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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53730943 No.53730943 [Reply] [Original]

Do you love vtubers? Have you been looking for a general where you can sperg out about science or sociology? Share or write some lore? Build worlds? Homebrew an RPG or discuss a Vtuber's campaign? All in the context of the Vtubing hobby?
Welcome to the right spot. This is the thread to do all these things and more. Feel free to browse settings, lore entries, and discuss any of your work here.

QRD Edition

Previous: >>53660293

>Where do I start?
1. Skim the setting introductions
2. Be inspired
3. Create something

If nothing struck a chord with you, you can always put together your own vtubing-related setting. Others might even join you in fleshing it out if they enjoy it!


Reply to OP so your work is added to the archive or the lore catch-up.
Remember to use rentry.ORG as any other rentry sites are seen as spam.



Era After:
>Archive: https://rentry.org/EraAfterIndex
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/78s3q
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/at0is0.png

Cyber Vitubia 40,000:
>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ukyK3_sidebA_kLuH8i1I6TuVyFkWeJSYvyhqT6FMRU
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/cvt40k-start-how
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/7y8nn7.png

Battle For Aurorai:
>Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ieZmSPEqYbGY6xvyQRzwTDihj9ouCE3Z/view?usp=drivesdk
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/i7kmbj.png

>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HM_UK-qNKXQgFH-ixcWsCC3oAgBnFrxCKRPXdKiPMwQ
>Intro Docs: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-intro, https://rentry.org/ziuog
>Map: https://vtwbg.github.io/


Featured works from recent threads, in case you missed them!
Cult of Lamy brainstorming: >>53722028
Kenzoku Rage Mech Idea: >>53666893 >>53667526 >>53711234
BFA Discussion: >>53721121
Laska Hooman Relations with the Huul: >>53692803
New divegrass players proposals: >>53266748

>> No.53731138
Quoted by: >>53731245

I still insist it should try add tabletop chuubas and expand beyond what vtwbg covered

>> No.53731245

added with
>or discuss a Vtuber's campaign?
Though maybe it could be more prominent?

>> No.53731262
Quoted by: >>53731507

I don't think this pact or whatever is worth it if we're still gonna die at 100something posts.

>> No.53731507
Quoted by: >>53732157

I took a 40 minute nap and you guys died else I would have bumped you
I have my eyes on this thread but I am just one man and I also need to sleep

>> No.53732010
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Threadly reminder to look at the featured works from past threads!

>> No.53732157

So what you are saying is that you are unreliable. Should we really have accepted this deal so fast bros?

>> No.53732259
Quoted by: >>53732699

for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part
do not be so fickle, anon

>> No.53732319

i say we go back on this deal and take global out of our name.
i dont want any holobronies in this thread wandering around by accident

>> No.53732417

Anon, I...

>> No.53732699
Quoted by: >>53733381

I think the anon who accepted this deal on his own in the first place was being rash desu.

>> No.53733177
File: 1.27 MB, 5000x3000, divegrass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53733290

Player suggestions for divegrass are still open, so if you have any ideas for the team you'd like to see then pitch them here. The current list of suggestions can be found right over here https://rentry.org/team-vtwbg and if you have any other comments or ideas that aren't about the roster then feel free to reply with those as well.

>> No.53733290
File: 44 KB, 112x112, 1682303640090886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about wigglies? they have their own country now >>53611639
For 40 years they wandered in the desert until the prophet beebs lead them to the promised land thanks to the divegrass team

>> No.53733381

You didn't read the terms and services. That deal was made for kayfabe, not log. I literally said I'd sacrifice this thread behelit style to fix western vtubing.

>> No.53733486
Quoted by: >>53734138

I see, so no reason for us to keep the global in our name and honor that "deal" then, gotcha.

>> No.53733588

>I literally said I'd sacrifice this thread behelit style to fix western vtubing.
griffiths my king I will follow you anywhere
save vtubing

>> No.53733747
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Quoted by: >>53734017

Speaking of which /fig/ is two months old so they can have a country too
Is that still a thing?

>> No.53734017

An entire country of people just starting fights all the time. I dig it.

>> No.53734138

I don't particularly care one way or another, but I think we should keep the global just to spite this strangely hung up anon.

>> No.53734664

They finally have a home, amazing. What kind of practical skills would animated emotes translate to?

>> No.53734824
Quoted by: >>53734851


>> No.53734851


>> No.53734953

Artgolemancy. Creating living golems from 2d artwork.

>> No.53735222

Ohh, that could be cool. Legions of artificial creatures doing all sorts of repetitive (preferably a 2-3 second cycle) all over the country.

>> No.53736862
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Please click onegaishimasu

>> No.53738026
Quoted by: >>53738168


>> No.53738168
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>>53736862 (me)
poaling for ideas for a potential quest btw

>> No.53740473
Quoted by: >>53740642

its been decades since tg quests...

>> No.53740642
Quoted by: >>53742134

Yeah... /qst/ is still around though, just quite dead. I've been reading this one Idol Manager quest that is pretty fun.

>> No.53742134
Quoted by: >>53742548

care for a small summary?

>> No.53742548

Ripped straight from the thread:
You are a newly-appointed manager over at the Matsuno Inc. idol agency.
After working your way up the ranks, you’ve finally been deemed ready to guide your very own idols.
Just one at first, but the owner, Matsuno Takechi, has assured you that if you show promise that you’ll be managing your very own idol group before long.
This is the latest thread for it >>>/qst/5677921 >>>/qst/5677921
It's a nice mix of emotional/relationship aspects and crunchier management mechanics.

>> No.53743709
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Quoted by: >>53743991

I just learned that rentry has a character limit. Time to condense my writing

>> No.53743991
Quoted by: >>53744140

Woah, you've been hard at work vnugget. No need, just split it up! What even is the limit?

>> No.53744140

Alright, here it is! The limit’s 200k which I went over by just a bit

>> No.53744924
Quoted by: >>53749534

>But an even more primal part of your mind interjects. It is a deeply-buried part, undisturbed by trivial things like reasons or self-preservation. It is an indescribable, raw emotion flowing through your searing blood.
Ah, favorite bit of the chapter, that's so strong! Nice.
>camelot reference
Kek, unexpected, but good.
The panic of the powered suit while MC all but held a gun to its head with a USB key was really well done, that made for a really tense scene even though he's seemingly harmless. I also like how throughout the story being able to actually see your target has proven to be more important than having powerful weapons and armor. It's like a microcosm of the stealth doctrine. Will read the epilogue once I get to my pc.

>> No.53747179
Quoted by: >>53749534

Wow, that epilogue has a lot to it, it's good you didn't try to cram it in the first page. Really amazing work, it's nice to see a great story get to its conclusion.

>> No.53749328
Quoted by: >>53749538

Which is the most powerful wiggly?

>> No.53749534
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Quoted by: >>53752015

Thanks! I try to make better use of the 2nd person perspective by focusing more on (you)r emotions and thoughts, and I’m happy that it’s working fine! Truth be told I mulled over the ending for quite a while because I was worried that it was a bit anticlimatic since there’s barely any actions (as her role requires). I also made the epilogue into a separate mini-chapter because that’s basically the last chance I have to reveal behind-the-scene stuff that the readers should know to not get too confused (or so I hope). Now that it’s ended I’m willing to answer any questions if people have questions about the story!
I actually did cut some stuff from the epilogue since I try to stick to the ambiguity when it comes to how (you) see her. The TL did leave some unused lines that would’ve put the mood into a more passionate interaction

>> No.53749538
Quoted by: >>53752071

saotome ninas forbidden wiggly which causes epileptic attacks

>> No.53752015
Quoted by: >>53753567

Oh, among other things, I'd like to know more about the attack that started it all! Did the ship that shot the particle beam know Nari was on the ship? Or did that just give her an opportunity to do a mission she had all along? I think the payload was responsible for sending out the signal to come rescue Nari? Is Nari's faction involved in a wider conflict, or is this a more local scuffle between outlaws and some kind of law enforcement?

>> No.53752071

May I see it?

>> No.53752284
File: 1 KB, 500x300, Flag_white_blue.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura just confirmed that this is the Atlantian flag

>> No.53753020
Quoted by: >>53753126

Bro...I am a Holobro but dont lump me with the rest of those...

>> No.53753126
Quoted by: >>53753255

But anyway, about the Anakondian leader's title?

>> No.53753255
Quoted by: >>53753445

The Queen Cobra? The Head of the Hydra? Or just, "The Hydra". The Grand Serpent.

>> No.53753445
Quoted by: >>53753563

Grand Hydra mayhap?

>> No.53753563
Quoted by: >>53754828

Grand Hydra sounds nice, fun bit of subtle alliteration.
Also a hydra is a creature made powerful by having the heads of many snakes, so it kind of makes sense for someone who leads many snakes.

>> No.53753567 [SPOILER] 
File: 461 KB, 640x945, 1658595851640091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the attack
The attack’s from the same side as Nari. It’s a relativistic e-beam that’s meant to disable the target ship with one shot so it was aiming for either the main reactor or the control deck. Whoever made the shot wasn’t very good with their job though, which is why Nari commented on it multiple times and was pretty displeased (since it could’ve actually killed her and more importantly, a show of poor marksmanship)
>Nari’s role
She’s meant to be on the ship to deliver the payload to the ship’s system. It’s a malware that can take over the ship’s systems and basically make it a sitting duck. I imagine the plan A for the attack’s for her to sneak on board, upload the payload into the main frame at which will activate at either a predetermined time or when it receives a signal from Nari’s ship. She did manage to upload it but she got caught before she could finish the job (hence the powered armor’s comment) so she got thrown into the brig. The attack’s probably the plan B where damage need to be done to make sure the ship can’t fight back. Her tasking (you) to finish the job helps disabling any remaining defense system (even though they’re never shown) and likely help her friends to get on board faster
It’s implied that she did send a signal to her team while (you)’re asleep in the pod, hence the transponder which was turned off during the Flight was on at the start of the Descent. It was never elaborated upon but my idea’s that it was the actual plan C: if they didn’t hear from her and if the payload wasn’t uploaded after a while, they should just irradiate the whole ship since she would be dead anyway
>the conflict
It’s left ambiguous first because the enemy’s just there to have an adversary, and later because the vtuber related to them had graduated. I guess that kinda make the question irrelevant now because of that. It’s implied that they’re some kinda law enforcement although they might not be part of a larger government. The cargo (you) found in the hanger’s meant to be a hint of what they do with people they captured. They could well be some kinda bounty hunters who capture wanted people or space pirates in general for a living while claiming to be some kinda vigilante paramilitary (fittingly)

>> No.53754828
Quoted by: >>53755213

Right then I have:

King/Queen: Polaria/Savan
Grand Pontifex: Blancopolis
Grand Hydra: Anakondia
Leader Supreme: Negazion (suggestuons welcome)

Missing: Diarnuit, Cita Azul and Stadt Des Feuers.

>> No.53754917
Quoted by: >>53755985

Ah, it falls into place. I was wondering what the transponder's role was, that makes sense! I'd like to see the talking to she gave to the gunner responsible for the shot, that would be funny.
I am far too amused that Nari is literally the "three legged pirate".
How much resistance was even left on the ship by the time Nari's friends got there?

>> No.53755213
Quoted by: >>53755551

I'm not sure about the others, but "The Eternal Flame" came to mind for Stadt Des Feuers.

>> No.53755485
Quoted by: >>53755578

I'd add a detective/mystery option

>> No.53755551
Quoted by: >>53755999

I wanna keep the kraut theme going with SfD.

A little something about Diarnuit, they have reps for every major race bloc and from there, they choose (method tbd) who's leading. As for Cita Azur, they're essentially a less rich Monaco, but more autonomous, autonomous enough to not let anyone interfere in their matters.

>> No.53755578
Quoted by: >>53755985

There's an "add option" button if you want, anon. I do love a detective story.

>> No.53755985
Quoted by: >>53756483

Probably not much apart from some automated defense system but she didn’t know that at the time. For all she knew the shot might’ve missed the bridge and a buncha survivors could’ve hunkered down there for a last stand. Microwaving the whole thing ensures minimal casualties for the rest of the crew since Nari assumes anything that could kill her and (you) would be able to put up decent resistance in boarding combat. It might also be her giving the finger to her would-be killers

I like detective stories too!

>> No.53755999
Quoted by: >>53756632

Oh, kraut req huh. German words tend to be a bit of a mouthful, Stadt des Feuers is remarkably elegant given that... Well, depending on the way you go, "Die Drachen" or "Die Phönix" are two options that sound good and thematic (the dragon and phoenix, respectively). "Die Verzehrend" kinda vibes with me, sounds a bit like "vizir" somehow (means "The Consuming (Flame)).

>> No.53756483
Quoted by: >>53760735

Nari is really kind of a badass, to have landed that shot on the power armor in the dark, aiming armless with her tail.
Also, is this:
>You glare at the blue armor tainted by dull red smears. The fire burning inside you demands you to make it suffer.
>… red?
The moment where MC realizes Nari didn't actually die, because her blood is purple? That's some clever sleight of hand on her part.

>> No.53756632
Quoted by: >>53758082

I ran DeepL for "ruling flame" and "flame rule specifically and here's what I got:

>Ruling flame:


>Flame rule:


>> No.53756706
File: 1 KB, 45x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>space renegade on a mission with Nari
>our ship gets hammered by a freakin' relativistic e-beam shot
>Nari's lucky to be breathing, but the shooter needs target practice in hell
>they couldn't hit a floating asteroid if their life depended on it
>Nari's job is to inject malware into the enemy ship's veins
>plan A: infiltrate, upload, and turn their systems into cosmic mush
>Nari's stealth skills? Let's just say a blind space slug would do better
>she got caught mid-hack and thrown into the brig like scrap metal
>plan B: obliterate their defenses and tear them a new black hole
>then I wake up from cryosleep, the last hope for this cosmic circus
>Nari must've sent a signal to her team while I was dreaming of a peaceful death
>transponder's on, ready to unleash the gates of space hell
>we gotta annihilate their defenses and pave the way for Nari's vengeful crew
>we're the ruthless conquerors of the cosmos!
>oh, and guess what we found in their dank hangar? A trove of twisted cargo
>they collect souls like a galactic harvest, fueling their sickening desires
>bounty hunters or pirates, it doesn't matter; they're depraved scum
>justice? Nah, they prefer the sweet scent of chaos and the bitter taste of misery
>the conflict is as twisted as a supernova collapsing upon itself
>but hey, who cares about answers when there's blood to be spilled?
>some lame-ass vtuber related to them graduated, forgotten like space dust
>we're the new stars, born from the abyss, ready to orchestrate the symphony of doom
>cue the cosmic fireworks, lasers cutting through the darkness, screams echoing in the void
>we're tearing their pathetic vessel apart, piece by forsaken piece
>Nari's leading the charge, her wrath painting the walls with shades of cosmic agony
>finally, we reach the control deck, the heart of their doomed existence
>I hack their system like a digital reaper, releasing the viral apocalypse
>malware uploaded, an inferno of chaos unleashed upon their vessel
>lights flicker, alarms wail, and their ship convulses in its death throes
>we did it, my fellow interstellar hunters! Victory tastes like blood-soaked triumph!
>Nari's friends storm the ship, bringing the fury of a dying star to those who remain
>we rendezvous amidst the wreckage, drenched in the crimson essence of our conquest
>we saved the day, condemned those pretenders to cosmic damnation, and reveled in the screams of our enemies
>another chapter in our cosmic odyssey comes to a close, marked by death and desolation
>until the next time, my battle-hardened brethren, when we plunge into the abyss once more
>space cataclysms: where malware dances with death, and the galaxy quakes in fear!be me
>space renegade on a mission with Nari
>our ship gets hammered by a freakin' relativistic e-beam shot
>Nari's lucky to be breathing, but the shooter needs target practice in hell
>they couldn't hit a floating asteroid if their life depended on it
>Nari's job is to inject malware into the enemy ship's veins
>plan A: infiltrate, upload, and turn their systems into cosmic mush
>Nari's stealth skills? Let's just say a blind space slug would do better
>she got caught mid-hack and thrown into the brig like scrap metal
>plan B: obliterate their defenses and tear them a new black hole
>then I wake up from cryosleep, the last hope for this cosmic circus
>Nari must've sent a signal to her team while I was dreaming of a peaceful death
>transponder's on, ready to unleash the gates of space hell
>we gotta annihilate their defenses and pave the way for Nari's vengeful crew
>we're the ruthless conquerors of the cosmos!
>oh, and guess what we found in their dank hangar? A trove of twisted cargo
>they collect souls like a galactic harvest, fueling their sickening desires
>bounty hunters or pirates, it doesn't matter; they're depraved scum
>justice? Nah, they prefer the sweet scent of chaos and the bitter taste of misery
>the conflict is as twisted as a supernova collapsing upon itself
>but hey, who cares about answers when there's blood to be spilled?
>some lame-ass vtuber related to them graduated, forgotten like space dust
>we're the new stars, born from the abyss, ready to orchestrate the symphony of doom
>cue the cosmic fireworks, lasers cutting through the darkness, screams echoing in the void
>we're tearing their pathetic vessel apart, piece by forsaken piece
>Nari's leading the charge, her wrath painting the walls with shades of cosmic agony
>finally, we reach the control deck, the heart of their doomed existence
>I hack their system like a digital reaper, releasing the viral apocalypse
>malware uploaded, an inferno of chaos unleashed upon their vessel
>lights flicker, alarms wail, and their ship convulses in its death throes
>we did it, my fellow interstellar hunters! Victory tastes like blood-soaked triumph!
>Nari's friends storm the ship, bringing the fury of a dying star to those who remain

>> No.53757217
Quoted by: >>53791514

I'm genuinely unsure if that's AI who somehow managed to learn how to write green text, or you wrote this and your tone is a bit all over the place. Both possibilities are insanely soulful.
>>some lame-ass vtuber related to them graduated, forgotten like space dust
fucking kek

>> No.53758082
Quoted by: >>53758209

Regelflamme sounds pretty cool and evocative.

>> No.53758209
Quoted by: >>53758299

And the others?

>> No.53758299
Quoted by: >>53758381

They sound a bit wordy to me, but that might be because "flamme" is also a word in my first language, so it's weird to see it on its own.

>> No.53758381
Quoted by: >>53758739

Right then, Regelflamme it is.

What then for Diarnuit?

>> No.53758739
Quoted by: >>53760606

Since you've got a bit of a "celestial" thing going on with the moon and sun, maybe the leaders could have star-related titles? You know, like how the MC in Monster Hunter World is called "The Sapphire Star". These always sound cool. If you wanted to stick with the french thing you'd use "L'Étoile du [Nord or whatever]" or something of the sort.

>> No.53760606

Sky Regent maybe?

>> No.53760735
File: 667 KB, 1920x1080, 1673760390286756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53761104

It probably helps that belyms can see infrared (even if resolution’s not very good) so she would be able to see both the powered armor and the hole she made with explosives
That’s indeed (you) realizing her blood isn’t on it! The stutter when it answered the question about killing her’s also a hint at it lying in an attempt to demoralize (you) only for it to backfire

I didn’t know AI can write greentext

>> No.53760778
Quoted by: >>53761189

Also, did a bit of delving into TV tropes and...

Diarnuit is soft-divided into two: west Diarnuit is comprised of dwarves, goblins, and other steam-punk races. East Diarnuit is where you'd see elves, fairies and even angels, in the case of Kanata. They usually leave each other alone, only banding together for bigger threats. Both halves contribute their thing for the greater good of Diarnuit.

Meanwhile, Elysium and therefore the Tempus guild hall can be found between Polaria and Diarnuit. Xenokuni(the place Hakka and Shinri come from) can be found near The Lake of the Covenant.

>> No.53761104
Quoted by: >>53762153

Right, that explosion was done with the repurposed collar bombs, right? Ah, everything finds a use in this story.
Oh, it was also a cool visual how the monitors switched to display when the hack completed, like one of those hacker signature things in a cyberpunk show. I don't know if it's intentional, but making the emoji a first rank title made it so the page title is the stars, which is pretty cool.

>> No.53761189
Quoted by: >>53761322

Oh, Sky Regent does work. A bit like the celestial powers are lending executive powers to their earthly representative.
>duality of base species and fae species in west and east Diurnuit

>> No.53761322
Quoted by: >>53761642

I guess every once in a while, they all undergo a ritual to see who their deities pick to be Sky Regent. Polaria already has the star theme.

Also, I've decided that the birdpeople would be Savanese, concentrated on that top island above the mainland. Therefore, Lui is Savanese.

>> No.53761642
Quoted by: >>53761968

Looking forward to the Holotori reunion when Kiara meets her fellow birds from the north.

>> No.53761968

Hmm, so this means I can put Reine as the heir the Birdland. Now Savan has two princess types and the queen.

Speaking of the queen and Savan, Botan's council(before the game at least) were comprised of Lamy, Fubuki, Mio, Hyen(Ch7 boss), Magnus(Ch6 boss) and one whose name /species is TBD

>> No.53762153
Quoted by: >>53764662

The collar’s a big part of it but she also boosted it with the last chewing gum explosive from the brig since she needs all the energy she can get. I imagine she used the collar to detonate it remotely while the gum might’ve helped attaching the collar to its back
The emoji being a first rank title’s intentional! I first noticed that when I was trying to make someone in the story shout, and so I saved it until I reach that point to use it for the emoji

>> No.53762511

Can pizzerias exist in a medieval setting? Asking for Arusan. Also, I will cast aside THE BARRIER and making him and Flare have an actual sibling dynamic.

>> No.53762613
Quoted by: >>53762707

Ancient Rome has something called thermopolium which is basically fast food shop for people who didn’t have kitchen in their home, so if pizza exists you should be able to have pizzeria as well!

>> No.53762707

Huh...fast food as far back as ancient Rome. Alright, thanks! Atm, I wrote em as an inn that got destroyed when the game started. He tells as much to Izuru and Temma.

>> No.53763851

As for Savan, they have a mixed theme of Slavic and animal-related names. All their territories except Pekoland follow this rule.

>> No.53763921
Quoted by: >>53764048

The real blocker for the development of pizza as we know it was that Europe didn't have tomatoes until europoors stumbled onto America. If Auroria has tomatoes somewhere, there can be pizza. They might originate from Cita d'Azul, based on your descriptions, and then spread to the rest of the continent.

>> No.53764048
Quoted by: >>53764224

Hmm...I could probably make it that the Cita Azur tomato is the best there is (or so the public thinks) but in the passing of eons, there became many versions, multiple even per nation.

>> No.53764224

I always think it's a bit funny that Italy is known for having five dozen species of the most amazing tomatoes... But all of those are transplants from the american species, which do not have nearly as good as reputation for quality. Goes to show that being closer to the source doesn't necessarily mean better.

>> No.53764662

Deep rentry formatting knowledge, I'll have to think on how to use this...

>> No.53765625

woah... 25 minutes to page 10. Going to sleep, feel free to bake the thread if it dies.

>> No.53766963


>> No.53767897

Bumping with eating habits of Aurorai!

Polaria: average, pretty much what humans eat.

Savan: what the respective animals eat with a bit of East Euro in there because Botan.

Nero Eterna has a marked taste for raw things as well as dishes made with offal, aka animal innards.

Cita Azur primarily eats seafood and vegetable but has tendencies to try out more flavors.

For Diarnuit, the western portion has more meat and ale in their diet while the east primarily do seafood, poultry, and wine, along with some cheese.

Blancopolis primarily excels at bread and cheese. They also have seafood and beef.

For Anakondia, they all have diets of plant, fish, and occasionally bug when times are scarce.

For Negazion...anything really, they're fucking starving. Food there, if it qualifies at all lmao, is all magically synthesized.
Also, did a medieval setting do cloning troopers yet?

>> No.53768661
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>> No.53768686


>> No.53769071

so what tabletops do you guys actally play?

>> No.53770291

Smite! Till anons awake!

>> No.53772138

so beyond it's fucking cold we ever get anywhere with Shishilamy as a state in any of the settings?

>> No.53772796

In mine, Lamy is Botan's right hand despite her coming from Diarnuit and not from Savan which Botan rules as Queen.

Leader title recap:

King/Queen: Polaria/Savan
Sky Regent: Diarnuit
Regelflamme: Stadt Des Feuers
Grand Pontifex: Blancopolis
Grand Hydra: Anakondia
TBD: Nero Eterna (ruled by Death-sensei aka Muerto)
TBD: Cita Azur

>> No.53774810
Quoted by: >>53774842

3 games of Tales From the Loop
5 or so Delta Green
more than a dozen Dungeons and Dragons 5th, really hate the system but I enjoy the rp
three Mutants and Masterminds
and I'm learning about Shadowrun most recently
Those are all actual play, I've got many more games that I haven't gotten to run or were done in oneshots that i don't really count.

>> No.53774842

Oh and lots of Call of Cthulhu 7th

>> No.53774887

Bump to commemorate survivors of Order 66

>> No.53776781

Anybody awake?

>> No.53780063

Last bump, I better see a new /log/ when I awake.

>> No.53780610

why new log

>> No.53783272

There was a species of cool snow lions developed for them to use as mounts, right?

>> No.53786212

I can second Call of Cthulu 7th, that's a great one. Also a bit of World of Darkness.

>> No.53787062
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Best I can offer is a new /kayfabe/ thread

>> No.53787335


>> No.53788804
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1682140091389995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting quest poal and adding a new one to give me an idea which generals should feature.

>> No.53789465

why hank hill

>> No.53790627
Quoted by: >>53792803

how do you even have less kaybefabe than melody she is a literal e whore

>> No.53791514

[nah, that was straight from the ai. I did tell it to write it in greentext style and format though]

>> No.53792695

who is tsugu

>> No.53792803
Quoted by: >>53793395

She actually pays a fair bit of attention to her kayfabe as an AI whore specifically rather than a more generic type. She has a whole backstory with a cyberpunk world that she sticks to. I think she's in about the right spot, could be higher desu.

>> No.53793395

she never showed her face even

>> No.53794527
Quoted by: >>53796278

meanwhile vei flesh streams

>> No.53796278

and streams lol with her boyfriend

>> No.53796602

What is a neat factoid about your oshi's lore that others might not know about?

>> No.53796813
Quoted by: >>53797609

in-world lore, or like, "canon according to what was said on-stream"?

>> No.53797609

I had the latter in mind, but either is fine.

>> No.53798052
Quoted by: >>53800524

Mori fact: Early in her career as a vtuber in underworldian Japan, Mori had a neighbour with a remarkably loud motorcycle which passed nearby every other stream. He's named Gho Strider and has the appearance you'd expect. Mori has since moved to a more upscale part of the Underworld, and has quieter neighbours.

>> No.53799641

Doesn't she have lore short animations as well?

>> No.53800524
Quoted by: >>53801042

i was there... ghost rider even donated 500 to apologize

>> No.53801042
Quoted by: >>53805862

He's not a bad sort, just had a loud hobby. He even dropped by one of Mori's Valentines Day streams.

>> No.53801639
File: 958 KB, 1152x881, 1689808018953953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53805133

Fresh lore drop: Mori has lent a piece from her collection to Kronii for some reason.

>> No.53803363

Kronii's oshi is also her girlfriend, Kronii. Time shenanigans may be required to make this work.

>> No.53805133
Quoted by: >>53805782

Aaaayyyyyyye that's just what I need for her prf, maybe.

I did set it to her Timehand (the bigger one of the two she has), and she's a flying class cuz Kroniicopter. (Pegasus Knight)

>> No.53805782
Quoted by: >>53805904

Can you get away with recolors of existing sprite sheets for all the battle sprites?

>> No.53805850
Quoted by: >>53807072

Aye OP, another link for the next bake under my tab!


Schematics! The 5w1h of my game.

>> No.53805862

i remember that too...

>> No.53805904

For the hack, yes. For the actual game, maybe not...

>> No.53805931
Quoted by: >>53806280

it there a meat arg for real?
kayfabe is lookin for args

>> No.53806280

The meat arg is the investigation of the actual criminal case around Akira Mazono.

>> No.53807072
Quoted by: >>53809177

Shit, there's a lot to an FE game huh. What's a treasure chapter?

>> No.53808419
File: 441 KB, 828x472, She’s _here_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53808552

>> No.53808552

Wow, that's very /here/.

>> No.53809177
Quoted by: >>53811130

Just as it says, a chapter where you hunt for treasures while enemies try to hinder your efforts(by attacking you, not stealing the treasures). In vanilla, it usually is on a desert which not a lot of players like because cavalry, infantry, and armor have reduced movement and fliers/infantry mages do not. On top of that, only theives/rogues can guarantee a find, everyone else is on a Luck% chance.

Btw, saw the supports table yet?

>> No.53809992

Ina's tentacles are only as strong as her arms are. They're effectively pool noodles according to her.

>> No.53810768

I can see why the other girls wanted to jump into them once they got their 3D, sounds comfy.

>> No.53811130
Quoted by: >>53811270

Yeah, looks like a job and a half. What's the color coding on the left?

>> No.53811270

Red is all slots full
Yellow is one slot remaining
Teal is two slots remaining

Didnt imagine Aqua to go red despite being THE holo inkya.

>> No.53811318

The ones in blue and pink denote male and female (You).

>> No.53811434

Fem avatar and Shinove gon be a repeat of Joker x Kawakami romance el-mao

"But...you're a Guardian...I am a Commander..."
"That's the best part."

>> No.53811504

Ah, that explains why she didn't use them in the arm wrestling competition.

>> No.53814292


>> No.53814655
Quoted by: >>53815942

Live (1)

>> No.53815942

Live (2)

>> No.53817070
Quoted by: >>53817899

Well, now that I think about it, Aqua does have her hands in a lot pies, regardless of her communication issues. Maybe because of them, that's part of her moe factor I think.

>> No.53817899
Quoted by: >>53821299

Funny enough, Chloe and Reine is on minimum slots due to others taking their partners and filling up...

>> No.53819652


>> No.53821299
Quoted by: >>53822993

Huh, I feel like I see a bunch of holos in multiple spots though, is there a limit?

>> No.53822993

7 per person. Point me where? I may have flubbed things...

>> No.53823045
Quoted by: >>53824019


>capcha: ytowa


>> No.53824019
Quoted by: >>53827209

Oh no, 7 seems about right.
You know, there's quite a few holos from the underworld now that I think about it.

>> No.53825191

Ame has a hole in her head, detective has had a hard life.

>> No.53826988
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>> No.53827209

Eeyup. Ina, Calli, Chocosen, Oga, Twpi, and probably La+(at least her ancestors).

>> No.53827373
File: 516 KB, 2480x3508, 1665177102579083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53827616

In the chuuba backstories, Mel and Shion are also from the Underworld Academy, Ayame too. Aloe and Rushia would be as well, and Ollie, I guess? Kek Cover is really inspired by hellspawn.

>> No.53827616
Quoted by: >>53827929

Oh right, Ayame and Ollie too would come from Nero Eterna. Though for Ollie, she'd probably be a former Polarian citizen. Ayame meanwhile is a noble with some importance in the country. Same too for Aloe and Rushia because of their skills.

Shion I'd probably put in Polaria because there's nothing too dark about her.

>> No.53827929
Quoted by: >>53828047

I'd put Shion somewhere else if only so that half the company isn't backloaded to Nero Eterna kek.

>> No.53828047

Exactly. Besides, Shion is still ningen, therefore, to Polaria she goes along with Miko, Sora, Azki, Ame, Arusan, Roberu and others.

>> No.53828105
Quoted by: >>53828130

I think all of the playable Tempus would be from Polaria. Elysium is located square between Polaria and Diarnuit.

>> No.53828130

(Cont) Shinri tho would come from further in Polaria, since Xenokuni here is near the center of the continent.

>> No.53829144
Quoted by: >>53829939


>> No.53829939

Page 8 hate

>> No.53830574
Quoted by: >>53833883

Ina isn't from the Underworld, Death Sensei and AO-chan just have history together.

>> No.53831648

/wg/ is hosting a board-wide fanfic writing contest. If ever any of you wanted a shot at getting people to read a story set in your setting this could be it.

>> No.53833722


>> No.53833883

Hmm, but she derives her fighting skills from AO-chan and she has them Splatoon hair...either Polaria or Cita Azur, if not Nero Eterna.

>> No.53834548





>> No.53835316
Quoted by: >>53839846

Another setting to put in the next OP

>> No.53836102


>> No.53837128
Quoted by: >>53837448

>Try to reconcile how two characters would meet for a crossover fic
>End up working on a Holo Gensokyo AU
Dunno how this happened but I'm rolling with it.

>> No.53837448

Marine sends her regards.

>> No.53837920
File: 426 KB, 790x795, 1681987493156607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53838137

New kayfabe thread

>> No.53838137

Discipline your regulars. I saw one of em sneak a diss at my work.

>> No.53838188
Quoted by: >>53838361

He dissed us too anyway some people are like that but they will come along eventually when they understand the scope of the works at hand

>> No.53838361
Quoted by: >>53838441

Does this new thread welcome discussion about my work? Will camp till the next /log/ is baked.

>> No.53838441
Quoted by: >>53838529

what is your work specifically

>> No.53838529

The "gay ass fangame" aka Battle For Aurorai. Check OP.

>> No.53839216

ah yeh that guy
well he also shat on us for being x schizos so it is what it is
I think your game is cool if that matters

>> No.53839468
Quoted by: >>53840042

Sneak a what?

>> No.53839503


>> No.53839843
File: 99 KB, 1034x808, 1684768936967539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote more!
Also apparently Suri’s /here/, I kinda hope she isn’t also in this thread reading the weird stuff I’m writing

>> No.53839846
Quoted by: >>53840114

Is this a chuuba?

>> No.53839892
Quoted by: >>53840173

Jesas, why you screaming at the poor guy?

>> No.53840042

An insult, calling it "gay ass fangame". While complaining about this thread.

>> No.53840076
Quoted by: >>53840173

You forgot your caps dude?

>> No.53840114


>> No.53840173
Quoted by: >>53840192


>> No.53840192
Quoted by: >>53840251

This isn't kayfabe

>> No.53840251
Quoted by: >>53840359

but what is kayfabe?

>> No.53840359


>> No.53840574
Quoted by: >>53841188

Ok, they tryna make me do this arg thing or whatever...which admittedly is not in the plans...

>> No.53841188
Quoted by: >>53841909


>> No.53841909
Quoted by: >>53841977

Them or me? Either way, whatev, not gonna do this arg unless its for a very compelling reason.

>> No.53841977
Quoted by: >>53842080

them (me)

>> No.53842080

How the hell am I gonna fit an arg for an Emblem-like/SRPG anyway...

>> No.53842305

well not inside the game, you just do it in the promotion materials
Its better if you recruit someone stop trying to do everything yourself thats what kills all indie games
rockstar has an entire studio and 100 million dollar budget and they make a gta every ten years

>> No.53842379
Quoted by: >>53842950

I games, ARGs tend to take the form of easter eggs, so I guess in this kind of FE game that would look like hidden objectives in the chapters which reveals clues about the mystery if triggered
If you wanna do that, anyway.

>> No.53842950
Quoted by: >>53843137

hide little clues in the easter eggs I dont think its that hard.

Let me help you.
1st map: The npc has a weird name, he says "definitively check this location at midnight, its quite a party"
He sends it to x location, then you make an event trigger only during nightime in the game... but also another even if you check the event during HIS midnight (access his clock or something like that )
- Random string of numbers, act like it is an error but in truth it points to another map location in binary.
- in that location they find some numbers and it says it holds the key to "reality bending" or some shit
- They should put these numbers into somewhere else in the game as a password.
- It will say something like |
"State your wish, Who do you want to see come to into this world?"
First guy that names a holo gets her chuuba in the expansion. If he wants anything else you may consider depending on what he asked for.

You can release the dlc a year later no one cares.
Now of course you must hint the existance of said arg inside the game outside of it, on that you can post stuff in the twitter updates as codes or whatever go ask kayfabe for help

Rather easy

>> No.53843137
Quoted by: >>53843247

I think this FE game just throws you from on battle to the next.

>> No.53843247
Quoted by: >>53844059

This particular one has a World Map that you take breaks on to manage your shit before you fight or grind your shitters in extra battles.

>> No.53843746

Where are Kokones big boobies?

>> No.53844059

Oh I see, I only got as far as the tutorial before I got a bit soft locked.

>> No.53845380

Ohh, ocean planet lore!

>> No.53846242
Quoted by: >>53846673

bump for kayfabe pay back with a bump

>> No.53846673
Quoted by: >>53846846

>bake /kayfabe/
>subject empty
That's why I didn't see it in the 'log...

>> No.53846846

I am retarded

>> No.53848943

ᛞᛅᚢᚦᚢ ᛁᚲᚲᛁ

>> No.53850409

One of my favorite Xpunks!

>> No.53851894
Quoted by: >>53852247

solar punk more like gay punk

>> No.53852247

What's your preferred punk, anon?

>> No.53855104

nuclear punk of course

>> No.53855716
File: 334 KB, 2080x1724, 1675804717808500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any of you have seen Made in Abyss, what would you call that?
Its not really steampunk, but all of the really crazy tech is a mix of basic science and ancient artifacts that usually do just very specific things
>inb4 fucking yu-gi-oh-punk

>> No.53855844

I'd call that pedobait and you should be on a list of some sort

>> No.53855856

What Bondrew is doing feels like a flavor of biopunk, but really MiA is a mix of multiple contrasting things depending on where you're looking. That's part of why it's so fun to read I think.
based pick desu

>> No.53856514
Quoted by: >>53856557

your mom is a basic pick

>> No.53856557
Quoted by: >>53856654

anon... your literacy...

>> No.53856654
Quoted by: >>53856745

Ok maybe I am a bit touchy today sorry

>> No.53856745
File: 274 KB, 373x307, 1684390952891046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53857186

It's ogey, what's your favorite nuclear thing?

>> No.53856856
File: 500 KB, 1430x2000, fauna_vine_creep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53856958

I guess thats pretty true with Bondrewd
kinda tracks with why I love all the body horror stuff in /uuu/ lore

>> No.53856958
File: 292 KB, 755x701, 1667433577868232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body horror? More like body fun!

>> No.53857186
Quoted by: >>53858534

big fan of nuclear cars actually too bad the nucleon ford never took off

>> No.53858534
Quoted by: >>53858677

Yeah, the idea of having a nuclear reactor in your car is extremely cool. They'd also have a steam turbine in them, so they would sound pretty awesome. People are so worried about a bit of uranium leaking around them...

>> No.53858677
Quoted by: >>53859738

that and a car crash that turns into a dirty bomb

>> No.53859738

Eh, that's just a bit of an engineering challenge. For example, the SSBN Scorpion hasn't leaked a single radioisotope despite its nuclear reactor full of fuel having gone through a implosion and having hung out at the bottom of the atlantic for over 50 years.

>> No.53862579
Quoted by: >>53864527


>> No.53864527

what does this means
