Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: (Graduated) (Graduated)Iluna: (Graduated) schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: Minecraft Server:ninisani.moeOur watchalong fangame VN: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread: >>53336102
Ike love!
sonny LOVEToT
Fuck Pomu saying we make her feel like she's a princess make me tear up
You guys know it's not her actual birthday, right? Fucking idiots
>>53342855Bro you got lost in the dimensional intersectioncome back with me
Aiku... Always a mama's boy, until the end.
>cutest outfit: ____________>sexiest outfit: _____________
my iluna and xsoleil oshi
wuca wuca! NIJIEN LOVE!
Unity fairy , I kneel and I love you
Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~
dae my oshi sings better than all of your other oshis, they are trash, upvotes to the left
>>53343364kill yourself, faggot
Happy Birthday Pomu!
cocksleeve material
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luca love! Good morning!I dreamed Luca making a zatsu guerrilla because he’s sick….
aspie wife love!hbd chaotic fairy, thank you lots
NijiEN is so lucky to have Pomu in the first wave, what a phenomenal hire
I LOVE this Feesh and NijiEN!
These threads will go back to ignoring the unity and shitting on the other members sadly.
enna and maririn rabu, nijien love
>>53343375God Aia's tits look massive there
I want to cup pomu's cake
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!I love Pomu like you wouldn't believe!I love NijiEN like you wouldn't believe!I love /NijiEN/ like you wouldn't believe!
>>53343368Maria maria
>>53343292Yeah, I ship each of them with me, correct
I love Pomu, she's my shining star!
What did Pomu mean by this
>>53343388true, my oshi did well
>>53343239petra, uki and finana are good
I love Pomu soooooo much
>>53343400This is how I feel getting wife crumbs on stream and in the song! What about you, did you like it?
Mysta love
happy birthday pomu! such a sweet girl. i wish you a lifetime of happiness.
I miss rosemi sama...Once again happy birthday pomu!
>>53343475Why are phantomos hetshippers
>nobody streams during thisthe power...
>>53343376why do you type like this are you retarded
>>53343364wait WHAT
>>53343036>5 years deep>AR3>new 3D for 2nd/3rd outfitsThe golden timeline.
fishnet on ver...i'm horny
My oshi > Your oshi
>>53343422good morning! he was cute in the group cover
>>53343521but alban in like 3 minutes
We appreciate Pomu a lot, but it's still not enough for what she deserves
Petra looking kinda smug
>>OPLazulight oshi: PomuObsydia oshi: RosemiEthyria oshi: ReimuLuxiem oshi: LucaNoctyx oshi: SonnyIluna oshi: MariaXsoleil oshi: KotokaKrisis oshi: WilsonKamioshi: Rosemi
>>OPluca, ike, ver and sonny are ugly
>>53343449because they are
>>53343459Season 2
I don't want Pomu to go
Pomu is gone... I miss Pomu........ NEEDS to do a JP song coverholy fuck
Elira SEX
Ikey! <3
>>53343375>Yesterday Aia was talking about her lines being next to someone she talks a lot too and is glad they were able to be together my sluts!
(Yu) :))
>>53343422Good morning Lucub! It is a good day to be a NijiEN fan! And you dreamed of Luca, POG!
>>53343520Reimu boring so they have to insert her into hetships to make her more interesting
>>53343557We can never love her as much as she deserves Pomie
>>53343487>petra>ukiNot really
Is this when the /NijiEN/ orgy starts?
>>53343577rens japanese was pretty good i wonder if aussies learn japanese at early age cause they all can speak some
auban wuvRLCraft soon>>OPnijien LOVE !
Thank you Pomu
>>OPIf you liked this cover and enjoyed watching your oshi sing please consider donating to my oshi Pomu Rainpuff who set it up and paid for everything.Help her get some of the money back.
Maybe I'm being too autistic about this but someone's already reuploaded the full cover onto Twitter. Is that disrespectful?
>>53343543truly the quilldren
>>53343538Truly golden
>>53343427its already happening
Good cover. Birthday itself was extremely underwhelming especially compared to last year but I didn't expect much from a Pomu birthday to begin with since she is not the one to make a grand spectacle out of it.
flip jumpscare
my only gripe is my oshi didn't have a solo part
>>53343388this but unironically
>>53343664How's the RLCraft stuff been?
Now someone gonna do gorilla stream, right?
>>53343643>Jongbirdwhat does it mean?
>>53343639She works so hard, I just want to support her.
>>53343558What happened to her bakery!?
>>53343574Pomu's fat ass
ren is by far the best male singer in the branch
>>53343519>>53343553I should check it out later, I woke up for the ggd collab but slept in the middle of it…>>53343631Dreamed of seeing his waiting room to be precise, but pog anyway!
that was pretty boring. when does selen stream next
>>53343663ren has been teaching himself japanese recently
>>OPI love Pomu, she is my Princess and the cutest and best kamioshi I could ask for
>>53343400Wife love! Great over I couldn't really hear wife but he felt very cute!
>>53343701Kill yourself briskadet we fucking get it.
Obsydia anbiv nnouncement! It will be kino after kino from now on. Then there is koshien in july.
>>53343701shut up briskadet
Pomu's birthday vod doesn't exist?
>>53343685Did Selen just fuck Millie and this is their offspring or something?
>>53343642Uki is good, people just don’t like his voice because it’s soft
Wtf I thought there'd be more stream after the cover Any interesting parts of the totsu to go back for?
>>53343723other than the fact that he burnt down the tower last time he played solo, it's been going good ! i think he needs to gather a bunch of stuff for everyone else before he can take them anywhere though...
>>53343783Oh nice
>>53343520Vox and Ike are het because Ike is a woman you're so right
>>53343701This is why no one likes you shitkadets
>>53343783Rosemi's silhouette is so cute
>>53343796Nina's message
>>53343663he’s been learning japanese since he joined nijien i think
>>53343701stfu kadet
So is Kris season 2 or season 3?
>>53343685Selen this is getting unhealthy
>>53343701fuck off briskadet
>>53343791Selie my beloved
>>53343783sigh, cant wait for petra to have clothes again
>>53343672Yes actually, they're extremely retarded foe doing that and should take it down.
>>53343819Why are you obsessed with the worst person in the fucking branch?
>>53343701no one gives a fuck about your oshi briskek
>>53343639I want to try my hardest though
>>53343763>>53343845his pronounciation was so cool se sounds so good......
>>53343827Go back to sleep, Vox.
>>53343846we don't know yet, tell toby fox to put his fucking game out already
It's getting late, goonight everyone!
>>53343876You too.
>>53343873Okay. I wanted to message them politely about it, but they don't have messages open.
Yu Q. Wilson rabu rabu!why did I get attached to vtubers, I'm so overwhelmed.. thank you for the cover pommers.. rabu...
>>53343754i got busy in the middle of it too so i didn't catch the last of it until the premiere. i also had a dream about luca but it was very different kek
>>53343789Because the stream literally just ended. Give it a few minutes to load.
>>53343868Petra is better without clothes
>>53343701hey briskadet, seems like you're an annoying piece of shit just like me, maybe we should get together babygirl?
Season 1 EDSeason 2 ED
>>53343783cant wait to see another cute wose
>>53343914Good night! is this schedule
>>53343783Can't wait to see how my penguinwife looks
Sweet Dreams
>>53343498goose game was kino, goose song made me cry. i love my FGE
>>53343783I hope we get something as amazing as last year's shot glasses
>>53343577this but unironically
>>53343796>Wtf I thought there'd be more stream after the coverShe had a meeting to run off to because staff are incompetent at scheduling
>>53343789she forgot to hit end stream
>>53343783Please don't tell me it's another white dress
>>53343956and both times it was pomu that delivers. when will the other waves step up?
>>53343914night peep
>>53343985an in progress half week schedule where he was gone for a bit
>>53343956man... time flies
>>53343921Reply to them, not only is it disrespectful but they also don't have the legal rights to re-upload it.
>>53343964Akurei is a better ship
>>53343914Good night peep! Sweetest of dreams!
>milgur schizo samefagging
>brownsemi in 1 hour
>>53343938Speaking of Luca, I completed fumowuca! He was drying up while I’m asleep, I should dress him up again
>>53344090Pogmu is a better ship
I miss Elira.
>>53343783Life is growing well
>>53344030The stream was always going to be short threadwatcher.
Wozemi has deccetdd my im going insaM butnr how's it growing buds?
I'm actually considering giving Pomu my donation virginity over this. She's so thoughtful to everyone's fans.
>>53343765i'm going to listen to it another time with earphones in to properly appreciate the mixer's sweat and tears
>>53343765You're not alone, I couldn't hear him either :( I'm just glad he was there.>>53344013FGE... not like this. I just like the unity. It's a shame certain livers couldn't participate.
>>53344184That pomudachi? Me.
>>53344139oh you finished it!
>mysta was on break>alban get the coofwhat about hex?
>>53344133I don't know if it'd funnier if she had the same voice as rosemi or a hag one
Who is opening the champagne the moment Mysta graduates?
>>53343899>>53343728me too, friends. she means the world to me. best we can do is just support her anyway we can.
Rosemi sama...
>>53344162She wants to do a late night guerrila after her meeting is over and her work is done, so hopefully she will be able to otherwise it will be until Wednesday that we see her again after Nijigen and her short break to work on other things
>>53343701Stop being ungrateful my oshi not even joining. That's very good cover and pomu doing her absolute god work.
Ike was in Ceph's chat
>>53344247thankfully nowhere to be seen
>>53328086GET FUCK
>>53344247physically incapable of singing
>>53344247have you heard him talk?
>>53344247he got hexed
>>53344285late night guerilla tomorrow*
>>53344254I don't care about Mysta either way. But I'll be popping it when Kyo graduates.
>>53343388someone post that tier list
>>53344325She did it.
>>53344323The liver vortex
did she get it?
>>53343725Millie. Zomboid please
>>53344133For me it's
My gorillawife is dying...
>>53344321but he has a orisong....
>>53344323>the people in front are pomu’s favorite people Rate my rrat
>>53344264I hate how happy she makes me but I love her for it. It's weird.
Hello friendsAX Lazulight Panel 30 minutes is random music video trailers, and me fucking with the framing, talking starts at like 29Also sorry to the ryugards finana's face is like half blocked off by the crowd
>>53344369she did! I was watching all like
This isn't meant as a doompost; I'll just say if Pomu decides to leave, the EN branch is FUCKED.
>>53344404yeah, dying for my cock
>>53344285I'm so sad I can't go to nijigen.
My favorites are together T_T
>Literal dead hours
>>53344254Can we just fire his voice actor and pull some random teenage boy off the street to replace him? It'd be the exact same character with less menhera
>>53344431>pomu in the backI agree
>>53344383I think she actually did.
>>53344466Sonny looks like teenager ToT)
>Guys look at me, I'm so cute! R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-rosemi-sama desuwa KAWAII! OH ho ho ho ho ho! One, two, three, GO!How do you respond?
Pomu is a good oshi.
>>53344442this but unironically
>>53344466go fuck your bike
>>53344438Dolphin porn...
Wake me up when "nijien saving selen from depression and crushing loneliness" arc starts
>>53344444Yeah, mineand checked
>>53344466>cut reimu outkys shitkadet
>>53344496I am in this pic ( I am Pomu)
>>53344488You don't even watch him
>>53344431>Selen at the back rowOuch
rens japanese is so cute
Read the English translation of the song, i almost started crying... Thank you Pomu for the cover!! (っ˘з(*˘︶˘*).。*
>>53344466fuck off and kys biker
>>53344520she was last on my screen
>>53344323That there are Three Rosemis scares me to no end
>>53344500wabadabada is that true roriroriroriroriro rosemi-sama rosemi-sama *bites lip* (with rizz)
>>53344415Listen to it and tell me if he would be capable of actually singing
>>53344500Wubadubadub is yond true?
>>OPNijiEN is so good
>>53344438we're used to it...
>>53344585todd no...
>>53344434I understand you completely
>>53344585it was always the wedding ring that did it for me
Vox at home...How do people not get sued for stuff like this?
>>53344321You mean that's Hex's actual voice? It's not an act? He really is irl Master Chief?
>>53344585next OP pic
>>53344649stfu ame stop promoting your posts itt
God I love NijEN... And I lovehate /NijiEN/
>>53344639It's nice to know I'm understood. I never did reconcile how to deal with how happy she makes me feel.
Look at her cute belly button
>two covers>two concert>figurefeel good to be a briskquilminion
>>53344677totally not bleach
Would you stick your baguette in Scarle's donut hole?
I go so quickly from " fuck this branch and management" to "omg that was so kino, I love the NijiEN family" and back again it's honestly scary
>>53344585now THAT is a rosebud
>>53344220i have real life friends...... but it's different! it kind of brings me back to highschool.
>>53344323Wait why is Maria there twice?
>>53344677Sued for what retarded sister?is Vox the only pale motherfucker with black hair in red highlights? Never was never will
>>53344605>The extra Maria is a replacement for picrel
>>53344321hex's voice is just acting. his real voice sounds like mysta's voice
>>53344323>Sorted by wave>Reimu with Luca and Shu
>>53344649ame is going to make me dislike this ship
>>53344568I've watched enough of him to know that the "creativity" everyone praises him for is straight out of TikTok. My younger cousin has the exact same absurdist humor.
>>53344764I'm always like this branch
>>53344438Day keeps getting better, thank you sir.
>>53344507>>53344598das not me...
>>53344764Yea it's crazy how listening to that song made me forget how everything has been burning to the ground for the past several months and all the magic and joy I used to feel watching these entertainers has been replaced with cynicism and distrust.
>>53344792Seeing this bitch and events like tonight really makes me realize how badly she fucked upLiterally a golden opportunity absolutely ruined
I'm really happy for Pomu but I actually seethe when she gets last on her chat
>>53344438I KNEEL.
>>53344764The latter pushed down the former, but it was scary how loud the voices were getting for it
>>53344764You can like the branch(livers) and hate management(anycolor) at the same time without contradictions bipolar anon
>>53344801No squeakers allowed
>>53344323>sonny behind mariaoh no....
>>53344349i made one rn just for u bbygirl
>>53344812Exactly, you don't watch him.
Okay Mysta not even being in it is a bit weird. He's not in koshien either. Is the menhera actually planning on leaving?
>>53344438Is says the provided key is invalid.Is it not POM?
>>53344241I’ll need to take more photos later, I’m happy how it turned out
>albanian playing rlcraftI guess he really enjoyed that collab as well, he's so genki recently.
>>53344792If you be the real Zaimon, I am sorry... I wish she was able to mesh better in the end. It was sad seeing her go, and it would've been nice to see her here with everyone else
>>53344887alban and hex weren't in it either
>>53344677He looks more like a character from Bleach than a Vox clone
>>53344323>two marias
>>53344772Why did you have to point it out, now I gonna have to take it down and reupload it
>>53344764i hope it is the start of a great 2nd half of the the livers, hate management
>>53344764NijiEN is the cycle of abuse experience
>>53344677ok but why does he have actual boobs, is this a trans male?
>>53344438Pomie you should upload this to youtube.Other Pomies deserve to be able to see it too.
>>53344764you know you can like the livers and not the management right
>>53344897OH you even made his coat! it looks so good
>>53344919yet they were atleast in koshien
>>53344323wtf two maria
Pomu's still streaming please watch her
>>53344680That's what anons and NijiEN livers themselves have been saying. It's not something he puts on or forces. He has a condition that affects his throat/vocal chords.
>>53344887Anything as long you happy I guess?
Just bought zomboids. The game is so difficult i had to watch a beginner tutorial just to get out of the spawn area
>>53344845As a former zaimon I really think she needed wrangling She's so directionless it hurts
>>53344955The artist just doesn't understand anatomy.
I love my bird wife Enna!
>>53344677stupid woman thats just this guy
>>53344883>S tier is AsterI kneel
>>53344323>shuca>ikeakuma>rosepeto>vertokorate pomu taste
>>53344987I legit can't decide if that's losing or winning the genetic lottery.
>>53344184that's a lot of stummy to love
solo cover when
What do you think Pomu is talking to staff about right now?
>>53344887I actually forgot about him not being in Koushien, yeah he's not participating in shit he's not being paid for anymore
>>53344845nta and not a zaimon but I still believe management bullied her out because she talked back too much behind the scenes. management in Japanese companies are cunts like that. the shit list was just a pretext.
>>53344764I love the livers and would like to love management but I don't until they show us they can do right by them. It's not contradictory inherently
>>53344769I don't have rl friends... but I guess it reminds me of middle school, where we still had fun events to do. Anyway, it's funny wife yet again had ripped jeans, kek. A shame his design is missing a few things.
alban is holding out on the rest of the RLcraft server...
>>53345022pomu doesnt like shuca, she hates shuca. shes a lucake fangirl because she likes watching ike torture luca
>>53344323I just realized it's arranged by wave
Pomies I don't know what to do with myself. I love Pomu so freaking much.
>>53345006>>53344845>M-muh genshin accountchrist what a retard
>>53344113kek I don't think he even realized it
>>53344883ngl i unironically forgot aster also sung on pomu's cover
Pomu's birthday stream was the last we'll ever see from Nina Kosaka. It was her epilogue. Did you like it?
>>53345042>japanese companiesTry talking back to your bosses and managers a bunch anon and tell me how that goes for youWhy would any higher up in any job want their employees to actively be against them lmao
>>53344792nah, she was gone long before that and even when she was around she avoided big events like dick dice and wrestling.
>>53345037>So those liver-accurate onaholes are almost done, right?
>>53344622Enna said in their collab that she asked him for perms to sing it where the fuck is it then it's been months.
>>53344725>>53344993Imagine a nijiEN costume that was pic related
>>53345015Wow that looks like shit, is it ai?
>>53344708>>53344808Ame who?
>>53344792>>53344845What could've been...
>>53345028never!next month probably. potentially. please
>>53344887Mysta is not in koshien? No... I want to see mysta's koshien arts...
>>53344513First she has to want to be savedright now Selen is just keeping up the facade, trying to debunk rrats that pop-up here and /haha/ by showing up but she still awkward af with them
>>53345037Staff probably going down a list of her project proposals and saying "No" to all of them
>>53345003Got scammed too? I swear they just make it look fun
>>53345003yeah I tried playing it without knowing anything but it's kind of brutal. I suggest you do watch beginner guides after you play around a bit
>>53345085Then explain how she approves ike getting put with vox twice
>>53345037>Do EN AR Live on this year's Nijifes or I'm walking to Hololive
>>53344530>saying that when phantomos cut out Enna for their akurei ship >>53342139
>>53345161It's only fun when you play with friend
>>53344883least accurate nijien singer tier list
Love your oshi FameliraLove your oshi RyuguardsHappy Birthday Pomu!!!! Love your oshi PomudachisLove your oshi DragoonsLove your oshi RosebudsLove your oshi PentomosLove your oshi AloupeepsLove your oshi FamillieLove your oshi PhantomosLove your oshi HoneysLove your oshi KindredLove your oshi LucubsLove your oshi QuilldrenLove your oshi MystakesHey YaminionsLove your oshi BriskadetsLove your oshi StargazersLove your oshi TakaradachiLove your oshi ComfydantsLove your oshi YuguysLove your oshi ScarlingsLove your oshi AiadmirersLove your oshi MarippetsLove your oshi KyomiesLove your oshi ArcadiansLove your oshi RenvaderZLove your oshi ScythekicksLove your oshi MelovesLove your oshi SicklingsLove your oshi KotocatsLove your oshi VillionsLove your oshi YuqtiesLove your oshi VantacrewLove your oshi MedkitsLove your oshi to the one SeffyniteI just woke up... I slept like 15 hours!!!!!I watched the cover!!!!!! It was so good!!!!!!!!! Everyone did amazing!!!!!Pomu is incredible and the heart of NijiEN!!!I love NijiEN and all you guys!!!!!!!!!
>>53345161It's fun if you're playing with friends
>>53344585how many zoomers would even know this reference?
>>53345131>AIGo back and watch your r*ddit shows, Moeshitter.
>>53345140Anon where were you? We've known since Koshien started.
>>53345134Insufferable twitter clipper, if you don't know don't worry about it
>>53343919hehe, one of my screenshots
>>53345139hes thinking about my well beingi might die if he does release it
>>53345116cake because it's pomu's birthday!
>>53344897Yooooo that's so awesome!
>>53345219I remember them talking about it on stream and kyo googling it and being surprised, it's fun that there's always a new crop of people to get goatse'd
>>53345219Be happy Tubgirl never reappears.
>>53345131no kubo is just a bad artist
>>53344869The thing is that management is going to see the positive reception to this and think that they didn't do anything wrong. They'll just think that all the idol shit they've been pushing is the right direction because everyone loves the Lazulight concert and these music covers.
You know it'd be fucked up if both Shu and Mysta graduate at the same time
>>53345015i miss my onahole bf
>>53345186>>53345245's still not done paying off the cover
>>53345117That Reimu Nina duet is going to be left on the cutting room floor with the other Remiu duets.
>>53345099And she hasn't even played it as an indieShe just buys lots of merchIt hurts because she could have been honed into one of ENs best streamersThe hate she got from the outside was so fucking crazy I have just been hyper defensive of her for months but she has issues
>>53345219is goatsee even that old
>>53345174time to go to bed vox
jefferson is not in the cover...
brownsemi has korean in her description
>>53344323>two marias>no renoji-san...
>>53345208>Pomu is incredible and the heart of NijiEN!!!Wrong, Pomu is the soul of NijiEN.Elira is the heart and Finana is the genitalia
>>53345174Vox held her at gunpoint to.
>>53345208Hey momelira!NIJIEN love!
>>53344883I'll yoink this one and post this whenever someone starts another vsinger timeloop again just to shut them up
>>53345119It depends on the job position really. Entertainers are hired with the expectation that they know their audience and know what direction they want their content to go. Or if you're hired in a position in tech where your direct superior is not a tech expert they usually rely on you to give them candid advice. At least ideally that's how things should work, you should be able to argue from your position for the best interests of the company.Some managers are garbage though and care about protecting their authority more than advancing the interests of the company.
>>53345161>>53345204>>53345215And this is why CDDA will always be superior
>>53345229I just starting to visit this thread again after the song cover. I missed so many things
>>53344976Comparison with original product. I can do funny things to wucafumo now!
>>53345139but he has 6 duet with millie, pomu, petra, ike, luca and mysta next month....
do you think any of the niji boys shave their hairy asses
>>53345208good morning momlira! kyaa, i love you too!
>>53344438>megacan you put it on gofile too...I'm on my hands and knees anon
>>53344217I will as well! I was listening to it on speakers so it probably wasn't the best quality >>53344220I bet fuuchan tried his best! I kind of want pomu to release the raw audio TwT
Obysdia 3D when
>>53345161>>53345003It's a brutal game until you get experienced... I really don't want to spoil it with tips because my autism lead me to learning really fast all the tricks. We call 360 vision the "Safety Dance" in my gaming friend group. It's also much more fun with friends like>>53345215>>53345204said.When I set up the server I'm going to have a common starting point just to make it easier on the anons who want to group, and will help out anons who want to learn without getting too autistic about it =w=
>>53345299>And she hasn't even played it as an indiewhat the fuck?
>>53345183Akurei is a good hetship thoReimu and Vox are in love for real
>>53345263Thanks! You can check this >>53345377out too!
>>53345282The ends justify the means, it just hurts being the collateral damage 90% of the time
>>53345174she said on fujosanji that she likes lucake but ikeakuma is more real
>>53345416postponed due to covid
Speaking of goatse what was the name of that girl with black hair and massive breasts who was a weaboo?It wasn't boxxy.
I want to do a unity puzzle...
>>53345235my dear i’m sorry but i’m willing to sacrifice your life so we could get a solo cover soonjk but it’ll come out eventually so yeah
>>53344438If it's not too much of a burden, if anybody could upload this to gofile or anonfiles or elsewhere that isn't DL-limited it'd be swell.
>>53345377don't do funny things to him..
>Hex is Hex and it's probably physically painful for him to sing anyway>Alban already apologized frame 1 for being absent in it and said he had COVID at the time>Mysta specifically requested not to be in Koushien and now opted out of this
>>53345308You will never drag this away from me when it’s literally in the vod
>>53345324Mobody remembers jefferson anon, they still think Todd was the first tulpa of this thread
>>53345462Ms Minx mix or something like that I think she actually did a JAV or two
>>53345291Because of all the last-minute work that had to be done. And payments are handled through management, so she can't pay for the last-minute work immediately herself, has to wait for her manager.
I miss petra so much ;;
>>53345416Not until Selen renews her contract into perpetuity.
>>53345003I bought it too and I've been dying playing alone. I've been watching zomboid videos and tutorials to survive longer.
Theoretically, could you release covers with Nina and say that Nina finished the vocals before she graduated, but everything else was delayed?
>>53345299>she has issuesno shit, a woman's worst enemy is themselvesbeen dealing with some family issues rn, everything always boils to their destructive emotional behavior, shit is tiring
>>53345431I don't think she even played star rail on stream yetShe just did a few good zatsus and showed the genshin shit from anime expo
>>53345335Hmmm maybe! But I feel like Pomu has the biggest heart in NijiEN.>>53345338HEY POG!!!>>53345396POOOOG>>53345485YEAHHHH!!!!!!!>>53345513pogAlso I still don't understand what Alban is playing. What the heck is RLcraft. I've never played Minecraft He keeps dying....
>>53345208hey momelira...if the bud cheats on you can we go out?
>>53345156staff is very based
>>53345507Please, Milord, you need to sleep.
>>53345507your meds vox
>>53345003>>53345161>>53345170You should name all your characters Millie Parfait while the game is still beating your ass and killing you every 10 minutes, then you can get the authentic nijiEN experience!
>>53345506Damn, and people think Selen is menhera!
Is it me or is there some faint voice saying something random at around 0:15 after everyone sings the line?
Checking the comments, lots of japanese comments surprisingly? Are these just lurkers who are fans of EN but don't talk in chat or did someone link the cover?
>>53345309it should be pretty old
>>53345485You realize it was quite literal.
>>53345466im ok with it, if the sacrifice has to be done then so be itthis damn autist I WANT TO HEAR MORE OF HIM AAAAA
>>53345539Probably only if management approved the cover before she announced graduation.
>>53345517She is dying...
>>53345462Hannah Minx. Got married, had kids, and got off social media because of it.
>>53345406I've been listening on earphones the entire time but i might be going deaf... I want raw audio but I don't want to be too greedy, we did get his VtL parts last year, after all.
>>53345208Good morning, MomElira! Love your oshi!The cover was SOOOO GOOOOD! I love Pomu even more now! Love you too! Be sure to catch the birthday stream VOD if you can afford the time! The totsu was really fun and Duckmongus was really funny!
>>53345609how new
>>53345439Penny already have one kid >>53344514
>>53345506Sounds like Mysta
>>53345565the cheddar cheese pringles...
>>53345023That's a big genetic L he has sinus issues and gerd, he said sometimes breathing feels like inhaling soda through your nostrils and he can't talk for extended periods of time without losing his voice
>>53345565RLcraft is just minecraft made more difficult. Tons of requirements to do things, tons of monsters spawning out of nowhere…
I'm playing valorant right now
>>53345619Is Elira still mad about it?
>Cataclysm experience means nothing because the Zomboids eat your ass in real time
>>53345416after selen graduates
>>53345565>What the heck is's a mod of minecraft that's supposed to be realistic but it adds shit like dragons and spirits, it's if you combined rage and autism into one minecraft modpack, dying is a common occurrence even with late game armour
>>53345539It happened with Mayuyu but like >>53345622 said it has to be approved before she actually graduated/the deadline on the page.
>>53345539I always wanted to hear Nina sing an ORIGA song... RIP both of them. ;_;
>>53345649Their covers usually do get japanese comments, but they don't happen that fast from what I've seen. Maybe I just don't pay attention.
>>53345539anon they cant do that when that needs to go through management in the first place.
>>53344883I think we already know where scarle, hex, doppio and ver would be
>>53345507shulie and luna is my favorite ship now
>>53345608i dont hear anything
>>53345565RLCraft is a shitty ragebait modpack for Minecraft
>>53345646His vtl parts were so cute, I won't mind if she never released the raws because I'm just happy he participated! I'll try and listen to it again with my headphones sometimes you just have to concentrate really hard to hear it !
>>53345744I want punch this pomudachi face
can we talk about Ren's solo in the cover I'm ngmi
>>53345645Lucky husband
Anon I love (You)
>>53345506I fucking hate Mysta. He's such a little faggot.
>>53345650It's uki wearing petra's wig.
>>53345661She was mad? Not turned on, and a little moist, ready to be next in line for breeding material?
>>53345744Pomu thighs peropero
>>53345744that pomie is asking to be dropkicked
>>53345608Think you're hearing the timbre of a hi-hat or something similar like a tambourine sample
>>53345645>>53345509Hey nice.Dude she was so hot. Why can't we have femanons like her?
>>53345744Damn that's way better than Ichiso
>>53345839She wasn't mad but she still saw Rex as a little annoying kid and couldn't wrap her head around him having kids with 3 girls let alone turning into the gigachad he is now
>>53345568No!!! If he vanishes I will just get a wife cause dudes are annoying sorry>>53345648I'm gonna check out everything!!!! I love big collab games and wish NijiEN would do them more. I kinda miss the Among Us and Fall Guys arcs... even Crab Game...>>53345655I'm bringing back all the old memes!!!>>53345658>>53345689>>53345783So it's just a modpack for streamers to get mad on stream with? Makes sense. Probably why Pomu didn't want to do it.... Ike's vocals sounded so nice here... This makes me wish that he'd sing more mellow, upbeat songs. As much as I love metal, it's nice to hear him sing like this. He sounds so youthful, full of energy. It makes me really happy, and I'm glad he got the chance to be a part of this, and to be a part of NijiEN.
>>53345075i'm happy with the casual and light-colored theme, having 27 people drawn in a month is crazy. that's almost 1 person per day. large youtube and nnd choruses would get different artists to draw for groups with less people.>>53345406i can hear him clearly at the beginning but have a bit of difficulty with the rest. i could actually hear aia, doppio and vox clearly this time around. and ren needs to sing more in japanese, holy moly.
>>53345506Where are you getting this information?
Pomu's mama's swimsuit art looks like it used AI for some parts...
>>53345936fat FUCK
>>53345901>Pomuranians are very Fuwa FuwaPomu is Fuwa Fuwa
Im sad that Sonny doesn't have his solo part
>>53345744based ayamy giving pomu the milkers she deserves
>>53345023It's a temporary W for a life long L that will eventually cause him to go mute
>>53344438>9gb video file
>>53345918can i be your wife in the future when it happens?
>>53345208I see that the timeline crisis has resolved itself. Very nice.
>>53345630she was coughing a lot in the cia, shu, reza collab... she really seemed sick, like early stages
>>53345744schizo mama... mogged...
>>53344883Petra, Aia, Finana and Maria should be higher
>>53345517Me too. I hope she's feeling a little better at least.
>>53345124Today I will remind them that Pomu is against the idea.
>>53345996If you think that's big some honey archived both of Nina's graduation for precaution and it was 38 gigs
>>53345975Damn that's crazy I didn't know a non-briskadet would care that much about Sonny
>>53345744ngl I liked last year's art more than this one
>>53346000seriously? it makes even worse with how the schizos insist she's lying or partying
>>53345568Sorry to flat lovers but I love enna and Millie with big tits.
>>53345918That Millie pic makes me wonder if it's truly a divine punishment... I'm half Flip and my life swings from being wonderful to terrible all the time. I'm not self-hating but I do hate the crabs in a bucket attitude and gossip society the Philippines has in general, as well as the unironic clique culture in every workplace.
>I already see some Rosemi chatters in Brownsemi's streamYOU'RE NOT SUBTLE ABOUT THIS, BUDS
I'm indecisive tonight on what to play: Metroid Prime remaster or more Grim Dawn?
>>53345963Alban said it in chat, Hex has said as much himself before when talking about his throat condition and the Koushien rules work like that. You have to specifically tell your manager not to let them feature you/that you don't permit them to use you for Koushien. There's not some check list like anon's assume, because Salome wanted to opt out last year but forgot to tell her manager about it before it was too late
>>53346038Who in NIJIEN would willingly let their pussy/ass get molded for an onahole?
>>53345975You are getting a karaoke from him, you will be alright
>>53345988Shit that actually fucking sucks. Sucklings, I formally apologize for all the times I said he was just dropping his pitch for the camera. I am naked dozegaing. My gut makes it hard but I'm still trying my best.
>>53344845Absolute fuck up she was. Her genmates are currently making themselves known and establishing themselves respected members in Niji, all while she is sinking into irrelevancy. What could've been had she just followed the rules.
>>53345799They really were. I watched the clip where Pomu showed them earlier and he was even cuter than I remembered. The more I watch wife the cuter he gets in my eyes...>>53345962Yeah!! I'm happy my wish for a comfier outfit came true so quickly haha. I can kinda hear him at the beginning now, but not later.
>>53345744Why do they always draw us looking like perverts...
>>53346001>>53345904I won't tolerate Itiso slander.
hahaha what if ike is streaming today
>>53346038>Finana suggests using the finger puppets as onaholesShe knows is too funny. Elira's laugh is heavenly.
>>53345962I had a really hard time actually hearing any of the boys that were paired up with girls I think the higher pitches drowns them out, but I'll give it multiple more listens to try and hear wife! Ren should sing more in general he has a very nice voice, he'll release an album one day I believe!
I like how everybody forgot that Scarle is missing from the song too
>>53346131>That gigachad PomudachiWtf I didn't consent to model for this picture.
>>53345393the asian ones should have naturally hairless assholes but with a big bush that covers their little dicks
>>53346038feesh's mind is always in the gutter
>>53346131because you are
>>53346181Pomu said she had bronchitis
>>53346144how many times has ike streamed this month?
>>53344438You're a star, Pomie!
>>53345744Next year I want Ayamy to draw herself and Pomu together in swimsuits. Not for the birthday art but just in general.
>>53345506>Mysta specifically requested not to be in KoushienStill don't understand why? It's a big exciting event in Niji. Not like he's the one playing the game.
>>53345393shu, uki, ver and yu
>>53346210Imagine if this cum-addicted whore (you can tell) reveals that she can speak English but it's with a thick New Jersey accent
>>53346206Poor lucub, subjected to reverse birth
>>53346133Watcha wanna do? Watcha wanna do? Tell me
>>53345975We're getting karaoke from him don't be too greedy. And I'm sure he just want everyone else to shine in that cover (him and Millie always like that T_T)
>>53345918>No!!! If he vanishes I will just get a wife cause dudes are annoying sorrywant me to set you up with the brazilian pomudyke shes really cute and also hates shu.
>>53346083I'm lurking personally just because I want to see what she's like
>>53346038>The way Pomu says that's not what they've been using it forShe's so adorable
>>53346250He's a pissbaby who hates fun
Do you think Brownsemi will debut in Nijisanji with the same mama as Rosemi?
>>53346270Wh-what does a female NJ accent sound like?
>>53345997M-maybe????>>53345998HUH>>53346080I just think its funny!!!!Why are there Arknights characters in this picture>>53346299Yeah alright
>>53346209Oh I see, so she does have an excuse then like Alban and Hex
>>53346295When is Petra gonna stop being a lazy whore?
>>53346327One of your multiverse variants slipped through >>53342855
Feesh's brain is slice of life
>>53346181She wasn't? But there was art of her.
>>53346223this month 4 streamslast month 8 streams
>>53346210my lovely Rosemi is getting a lesser known sibling!
>>53345501Low quality gif
>>53346087I'm talking about the cover. Pretty sure he was with family and had other shit going on irl with his mom so it made since that he missed it. And wasn't he dealing with tax shit too?
>>53346327No it is really funny, don't get me wrong! Especially if you are Filipino/Filipina or have Filipino friends and you all have a sense of humor you can laugh about it, but I do wonder about it sometimes.
>>53346327a maybe isn't a no!
>>53346384stop talking to yourself weirdo
>>53346121He gets cuter and cuter everyday the more he becomes comfortable around us, he's releasing he full cutness power
>>53346308I doubt he even cares about koshien anon.
>>53346397his poor brain is smacking around in there
I think luca got silence suspened
Pomulira always winning
Went back through some old VTA clips, and...
>>53346385Honestly this edit kind scares me because it looks like unhingedsemi but not cute unhingedsemi, like, scary unhingedsemi
>>53346402How long has he been dealing with tax shit? It's been months.
>>53346456Yeah, so we are in agreement then
>>53346385>Rosemi is going to be 3 livers nowSo this is the real reason for less streams... not the anniversary...
>>53345620i’m still thinking how to properly convey to him that we appreciate his voice in the group covers and still think it’s not enoughi genuinely believe the possibility this autist would not get it
>>53346385Are we sure she's not Rosemi? Look at that smile.
>>53346457It’s all cotton anyway!
>>53346487It's the eyes. They look emotionless.'re cracked
>>53346339Hex sang his wave song, I doubt he'd have a problem singing again.
>>53346121i'm planning to loop this song a thousand more times anyways, my ears will be trained to pick everyone up by the end>>53346172if you want to pick out a lower voice then you really gotta know what you're looking for. he used a higher, more nasally voice at the beginning so it was easy to hear, but when he goes deeper he sounds less nasally and blends in more
>>53346496No, because hate implies he cares enough to think about it.
>>53346543he just did some low mumble rap in hold it down
>>53346540Yeah, that's what I felt, but it's weird because her thumbnail doesn't provoke the same feeling, it's just the edit, and the eyes aren't edited when I put them side by side
>>53346472Selen spotlight when?
>>53346529you're right since i also choked mine
Filia tomorrow...
>>53346327>Why are there Arknights characters in this pictureThat's because they're all dragons!
>>53346397why are you wearing gloves
>>53342855>>53346367what the FUCK>>53346405My one flip friend says he's one of the most powerful races in the world....>>53346408That's true!!!!>>53346483I have similar stories.... my friends were like "Wait what do you mean you've never had a corndog??" and I'm like "is it really that common?????"
>>53346605You get it!>>53346628I’m shy
Don't let all this shitposting distract you from that time when Doppio almost made Nina die from laughter
>>53346172I think you may need better headphones... At least for me personally it was pretty easy to pick apart voices. Except maybe the Ver, Aster, Elira part. I couldn't really hear Ver at all. Aster was prominent. Vox was also a bit hard to hear because he sounded really bass
>>53346541oh theyre the one who drew the filia arti follow the artist somewhere else and it drove me crazy trying to find their niji account..
>>53346384and no one shits on him like they do with petra? man, sisters are better than maleanons
>albanian doing a drinking zatsu>remembers yugogood times.
>>53346593He cared enough to specifically opt out
I miss Feesh...
>>53346652Hi shy, im anon!
>>53346629I mean, we swagapinos are!
I liked that everyone was singing but why are branch ensemble songs so lame and dull sounding?
Maimoto love!
Pomu's birthday is the anniversary of my leg getting fixed too. what a great day today was
>>53346689Hi anon! I’m Shy!
>>53346600Skinwalker vibes
>>53346397shake harder >:)
does anyone have the lazulight concert but on gofile....
>>53346685Nice attempt to start genderwar nigga san NO BROS
>>53346738His head is heavy, I’m worried it might get torn off…
>>53346764i can't read
I love Mysta Rias
>>53346719Broken leg Pomie! Nice to see you're doing good.
>>53346751I'll upload it, but my upload on gofile is like 256k so expect it tomorrow unless an anon decides to take up the quest
>>53346764literally why say that
>>53346764me no speak moonrunes, translate
I wish Tuna uploaded the cheering ENs, they're so cute
>>53346764Fucking Japan lmao
>>53346803thank you TT i'll wait for as long as it takes i love you anon
>>53346437It probably also says something about me when I keep liking him more and more haha>>53346580I've been looping it since it dropped! It's so good. But I really can't tell them apart. It reminds me of how people kept saying you could hear Ike in VtL, but I just couldn't... Please train your ears and tell me where exactly I can hear wife!
>>53346270nah but this one can(please watch her)
>>53346764Translate it weebs
>>53346764Literally Who?
>>53346764To be fair, Adobe deserves to get robbed
>>53346300schedule today
>>53346764>apologizing for pirating (apparently Adobe?) 10 years agoWhat living in JP does to a mf
>>53346794>>53346818>>53346870Basically, Mika decided to, for no reason, say they've been using pirated software for their entire career.>>53346877Character designer, made a few vtubers, fgo characters, fire emblem engage.
>>53346764Pirating Adobeshit is based
>>53346764wait that's fucking hilarious, is this nigga essentially apologising for pirating Adobe 10 years ago
>>53346652oh, i also forgot to show you my order of his papes finally came in a few weeks ago. i also got his birthday merch today.
>>53346764FE Engage FUCKING SUCKED.
wait bros i'm having an /x/ moment>selen, elira, maria, rosemi all present on stream at the same time if only for a brief moment>finanaschizo trying to start a loop about her purity ITT>alternate universe thread personalities popping up>a new rosemi clonewhat does it all mean
>>53346943h-how hungry?
I just got home... Happy Pomu Day!Pomu's really based for doing a goose house cover. I am a lil sad that mysta wasn't able to participate because I really like this song...
>>53346764>Right after one piece collabI kneel
>>53346800Hey, Mystake!! Yeah, I've been doing really well, I hope everything is going well for you too. it's good to see you again!
>>53346943So many papes to abuse!
>>53346918don't give me hope
>>53346797but your oshi hates unity...
>>53346764How is this related to Nijisanji?
>>53345377Hatless Yuyuko looks weird...
>>53346930Ah, so it's just japs being retards again. Majority of artists use pirated software.
>pomu vs finana pineapple pizza debatekino
>>53347004we LOVE coping
>>53346943That's so many Lucas...
>>53346580Wife has such a nice voice he really should sing more, I'm waiting for him to actually sing enshrouding for us there are lyrics for a reason wife! I'll try harder and listen better>>53346860It means you have great taste!
>>53347013Person has designed 3 vtubers, probably won't be on the list of people that could design vtubers in the future for Nijisanji.
>>53346979im going to eat them all>>53346996no abuse, just dressing him up and taking him on trips lovingly!
>>53346974You're thinking too much.
>>53347018The hat is too big and so hard to get it to stick on her…
anons I think Pomu was the one that drove Finana to Jollibee's
>>53346472selen status?
>>53347045y-yeah we do..!
>>53346974Last week marked the Large Hydron Collider being on for a year straight.
>>53346860i might mess with my earphone settings and see if i can boost the bass or something. i can pick up vox pretty easily now since his voice is so low and i really, really like how his line with millie and selen sounds.
>>53346522he would probably think singing snippets and humming some songs on stream would be enough aiee jki wonder if being direct would help.. he might take it the "you are ordering me what to do" kind-of-way though, sighbut being unambiguous wont get through that thick skull of his, thats for sure
I'm looking at Pomu Rainpuff rule34.
>>53347063Speaking of dressing up, I can’t wait for kenmochi’s stream so I can dress wucafumo with baseball uniform!
>>53346764This reminds me of the time when Kotoka announced she was Japanese. Who asked?
>>53346764>Pirating Adobe a decade ago will get your ass canned in the year 2023Alright, /nijiEN/, how many of you are automatically banned from working in Japan because of this? Confess.
I love Pomu.She's a wonderful person and I hope she's had a lovely day so far.
>>53346384and no one shits on him like they do with shu? man, sisters are better than maleanons
>>53347085Pomu seducing Feesh and Feesh's underage sister...
>>53346764>japanese people unironically naked dogeza for pirating drawing software 10 years agoslave mentality.
>>53346764when is ichiso gonna apologize for using ai?
>>53347063>taking him on trips lovinglythat sounds so nice, I haven't been able to take mine out ever since spring ended, I need to buy a nice itabag for him so we can enjoy dates again
>>53347054>>53347091it was an impulsive decision...>>53347147is he even doing koshien streams? ive only seen him do one but it didnt seem that long
>>53347155I pirate adobe but I never use it, I should probably delete it
>>53346973Not because of Mika Pikazo. It sucked because IntSys couldn't be arsed to implement the social aspects of Three Houses that Koei Tecmo added and because the localization had more lines that were straight up fanfic shit instead of being translated with some degree of accuracy.
>>53346982Seemed like bad timing since he was away with family if I remember right. Hopefully he'll be in whatever big cover they do next. Although i'm still concerned over the situation with his own cover and if he really did commission that scammer animator...which if that's the case that absolutely sucks.
>>53347155Mine was over 10 years ago, I'm safe. But that's only because I stopped doing graphic design work.
Duwu duwu duwu is that fake! MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF Brownsemi sama! Brownsemi sama!
>>53347155i literally use pirated photoshop cs3 to this day
>>53347153isnt Kotoka also half hispanic which is why Reimu brought up that weird moment when they met?
>>53346943an itabag full of wuca papes could be pretty cute!
>>53347155I have a pirated copy open right now
>>53347244No she's full Japanese, her family just lived overseas due to her father's job.
>>53347059No way they'll be blacklisted over this right? Right?
>>53346327those are dragon sistersthey are a family of 12 siblings
>>53346989It's been up and down, but that's life for you. I just know I'll be looping this new cover for the next while, it's so beautiful. Definitely a mood booster, Pomu's worked so hard...
>>53347216He is, he’s required to. It’s in the weekend. I hope he does a long one, he need to catch up
>>53347244Get your facts right
>>53347205i've taken him outside to take pictures with flowers and conventions, i'm still not comfortable doing it in public without getting embarrassed though..
I now know the context for this
>>53347155The last professional software I've pirated was Office 2007. Nowadays I just get by using free alternatives like GIMP or Libre Office. REAL
>>53347155If I move to Japan, it'll be as a successful business owner, I'm not fucking working under software illiterate retards. Retards don't realize emulation is what will save all their precious fucking games
>>53347059They didn't fire Lauren for pirating porn, I doubt pirating adobe software 10 years ago will get an artist blacklisted. This isn't even like him getting "canceled" because it was a self-cancel out of guilt.
>>53346764Jokes aside, pirated photoshop CS6 is literally all you need.
>>53347155i have literally pirated nearly every nintendo game i've played for the last 20 years
>That voiceYeah no Rosemi here...
>>53347349She's a hamster
>>53347293nigga do you even remember Murakami? No that nigga said "hey sorry, I traced this ONE image and ONLY this one image because the pose was SUPER DIFFICULT" and that man has never made commercial art again
>>53346764>Blames his decision to pirate on how he used to live overseasfucking pussy
I love Elira, Shu, Ike and Enna's part. They have unique voices. I still don't understand what is with Shu and not doing a solo cover when he can sing like that.
>>53347056I need to listen to his karaokes again.Do I really? haha... I did change favourites, so I'm not so sure.>>53347103You can do that? I can faintly hear Vox, maybe my ears really are bad. Girls are just easier to pick up.
>>53347250i thought of mostly one to take off his hat and coat, keep one with it, one to take outside and one to keep in packaging etc..
Brownsemi sounds like Kotoka
>>53347384this isn't my wose what the hell
>>53347244>Kotoka LITERALLY looks like a model, she is actually physically a Japanese princess>At least until you go back to her place and see that she's the slobbest of slobsHow does this make you feel?
This brown VTA doesn't sound retarded enough
>>53347315aren't they only required to do a certain minimum of streams?
>No high pitched voice
My only nitpick is that the cover doesn't have English subtitles. That annoys me about the majority of Japanese covers.
>>53347446I'm horny
>>53347446Makes her even better
>>53347427And Kurosemi looks like ungyaru'd Kotoka...
Nonstop sex with Ike
brownsemi the real ojou-sama
>>53347487Pretty sure they’re required to stream the entirety of the training duration, which isn’t that long anyway considering they have a whole month
>>53347427Yeah but Rosemi acts like Kotoka. Never forget that time when she got so mad at girlDM that she went on a rant about meeting her in the back of the Among Us parking lot
>>53347452Remember to thank Pomu for the cover (and giving Rosemi that rap solo) by donating to her here
>>53347533Kotoka was the third Rosemi all along...
5ch thinks she sounds like Meloco now
>>53345234I think I occasionally saw them. Right, those are the ones who love Sonny and Luca right?
is this her attempt at Japanese humor?
>>53347202AI is allowed, they even sell official doujins with AI art.
>>53347605I'm going to donate my cum into your mouth
>>53347322oh same. it's still a date to me if he can get some fresh air and accompany me on walks, I wouldn't pull him out anyways since I'm scared of him getting dirty
>>53347417thats pretty practical! either way you can still do the itabag idea, even including the one in the packaging, would be funny as an army of wucas
>>53347384>>53347239What is this song?I recognize it!I can't remember! This is awful!What is it???
Cute eigo NEED a chunky asian gf like this famelira
>>53347619I can kinda see it but this is more funny and Meloco in JP is more sex, even other members think is sex because she moans a lot
>>53347592july is going to be over in 3 weeks kenmochi..
>>53347298I hope everything works out for you and you keep your head up. I know you really helped me when I was going through it so I hope you can keep moving forward.She really did and I feel like I don't deserve such an amazing oshi, I just wish Mysta could have been there too.
Who would win the nijiEN Geoguesser tournament?
>>53347202He’s using with his own art and fix things here and there, so nobody cares
>>53347605Rosebuds don't donate to Rosemi, do you think they would to Pomu? LOL
>>53347605Nope. Not my fault you blew all your money on this shit, Pomu.
>>53347617This must be the real reason she tried to arrange a Dark and Darker collab with Maria and Rosemi. She was a fool with too much ambition, as the Rosemi clones often are. Thankfully, the universe quickly course-corrected to prevent such an event.
>>53347229I know he wouldn't miss out on this type of invite unless he absolutely wasn't able to make it. We've already had him record karaoke vocals for rio and ren in the past, so he's definitely interested in participating in music projects! you pretty much spoke my mind about his mv... hopefully, he will release it soon with the newly commissioned illustration
>>53347727isn't rosemi the only one that has played it a lot? I remember drunk enna/millie failing horribly at figuring out america.
>>53347605I can't support more than one oshi financially outside membership...
>>53346764Is this guy even a mama of nijiEN liver? or nijisanji in general? why post this here?
>>53347675dirty papes are scary, losing them by taking them out is even scarier..>>53347676i might do it at a convention im going to soon! its easier to do then an actual itabag with badges or charms anyways
>>53347704He can do one stream each week then, with each stream finishing an entire year. Shouldn’t take too long unless he’s doing a 5 hour character creation like Kuzuha did
>>53347128exactly…i used to help babysit my autistic cousin some years ago, and dealing with shu reminds me so much of that time.sigh. at this point we can do nothing but have some faith in him
so is Pomu birthday the end of the current season or the start of the current season?
>Pomu constantly worries about her not being funny or entertaining or cute enough to be worth her own successPomies, how many of you would literally watch Pomu stream paint drying? How do we convey this to her in an objectively-irrefutable way?
I think her voice is kinda nice
>>53347824already answered in the threadcould just put them in the blacklist for working with niji in the future. They have designed 2 of the most successful vtubers out there so....
>>53347824f-fulgur played the fire emblem game?someone mentioned bae once I think...
>>53347864It's the start of my dick in your mouth
>>53347864End of S2
what am i looking at
>>53347704june still hasn't ended for him...
>>53347605Pomies can pay for it just fine.
>>53347870You can't. Pomu will always second guess herself on everything
>>53347839i havent watched him too much so im not sure how he manages these kind of games so hopefully not..>>53347922KENMOCHIII
>>53347870I would watch Pomu do anything. Unfortunately she'll never understand how great she is
>>53347864season my cock with your butthole
>>53347864Start of S3 after a tragic character death and bad arcs but the new directors are promising
>>53347835nice! have lots of fun at the convention :D
something about the voice crack makes her sound like such a hag
why is brownsemi riding an elephant
Luca sounded robotic on this cover
This girl's a weirdo but I like weirdos
>>53348004that's how he always sings, it's like rosemi but less cute.
>>53347924>Pomu made at least $5000 in streamlabs this weekI think she'll break even.
How many NijiENs have done a GRWM stream? I know Petra's done like two. Pomu did one when she was a wagie.
Please tell me the ojou thing is a one off joke I liked her voice at the start.
>>53348053the Millie Vox Selen part sounded fine despite the lineup
>>53347410yeah there's an app i can use to mess around with the settings. i boosted the bass but then i realized, his voice might not be deep enough for that to have an effect... i can hear vox really well now though kek>>53347056enshrouding... the range seems friendlier than legatus 505, that one was way too high for him during the chorus.
>>53348004i only heard him once so i cant tell, just happy he sang with millie
Brownsemi sounds too mature like an obaasan.
>>53348138same hereits funny as a Japanese joke, but god i can't imagine hearing this the entire time
>>53348138it's a bit, she's doing a "get ready with me" stream where she romanticizes her life.
kotoka in rlcraft
>>53348115i think rosemi has had one?
>>53348115Millie did
>>53347870>how many of you would literally watch Pomu stream paint dryingThis is the issue anon.Pomu wants to be an objectively entertaining person who is successful because of that and not because people are smitten with her or loyal to her.As a fan it leaves me with complicated feelings because I know she pays more attention to negative comments so I want to cheer her on to counter that and help improve her mood a bit but at the same time I want to be objective and either give her advice or recommend things that I think will help her to reach a wider audience and entertain people outside of the regular Pomies.
>>53347708Wholesome pomie -3-)
>>53347543Uhm, s-sauce...?
>>53347708Thanks Pomie, I'm glad my words from back then could help you. But know you got over through on your own strength too. I'll do my best!I wish he could have been a part of it too, but there's always next time. I'm holding out for one of the boys tardwrangling the rest for at least a VtL come their anniversary...
I uploaded the Lazu panel to GofileLazulight Panel.mp4
>>53348244why did you lie to me?
>>53348248shes done two technically if you count the asmr one
>>53348324she's in the game......not in vc....
>>53347870I've seen the paint drying hypothetical brought up before but isn't that basically a zatsudan lol.
>>53348146Oh.... that sucks. But, we can always hope Pomu releases the raw vocals, right? I haven't listened to Legatus 505 since last year, I gotta do it again soon. It's still cute he decided to release a song despite barely being able to sing. I wonder if he remembers about the batsu song?
>>53348321Thank you anon
>>53347803>Koshien watchalong>Yugo Graduation>Vox/Maria/Rosemi OW2>AR cancellation, Vox month-long break for "family issues," Z*** termination>Pomu Bday stream 2023>?When will they learn...
>>53348321Thanks anon
>>53348312>>53348349I'm stupid.
thank god she stopped using the voice
>>53348321thanks, saving me 5 hours
>>53344438anon if i could kiss you on the lips it would be a big sloppy one i love you
>>53348418Thank you, may both sides of your pillow be cool tonight.
>>53348324i wasn't lying.....TwT
>>53348418Hi stupid, i'm anon!
>>53348321anon heart
>>53348442brownsemi is reading this thread. say something nice bros
Love or hate it they'll eventually ALL in live stage, singing, playing and talking, that just how Nijisanji does in JP also but its probably gonna take some time to revaluate the livers skills and sophisticated minds.
>>53348464I can be appropriately thanked in payment of sexy Ike art.>>53348497Hi Anon, I'm your mom!
>>53348411luca's announcement on the 31st
I forgot how good Trial and Error is
>>53348542Rosemi in minecraft chat is the funniest Rosemi
>>53347803>Kotoka, your atom has brushed against two possibilities>You have touched the possibility of a collab with Rosemi and Maria... >Or the possibility of where reality remains in stillness...>You have sensed it... if you wish to continue with this collab it will lead everything to oblivion... clearly a path of reality's self-destruction...>Livers are but prisoners of watcher's expectations... but you I know a way... A way to escape this world's destruction...>If you allow me... I have sensitive information about Dark and Darker... the collab will be canceled for sure... >Or you can proceed and turn all to nothing to begin with... Those two... should never collab...>Kotoka... choose...
Brownsemi is a fuckin perv
feelsl ike Brownsemi has been talking for an hour but its only been 20 minutes
>>53348284women are annoying sometimes
brownsemi's voice is kinda hot
>>53347855i get that. i have my own experience with two close family members (both different ages) and you can see how its almost a different type of stubborness. i understand them but it can be quite frustrating at timesyeah, but i hope its soon.. his voice is so good and pretty distinctive of him, its a shame theres no much material of it. daddy daddy do is still in my mind, the low, soft voice..
>>53348572You're my mom?! T-then who is at my house right now??
>>53348577Elira should sing it more. Even Wose likes it and sings it in her karaoke.
>>53348517>its probably gonna take some time to revaluate the livers skills and sophisticated minds.Pretty sure there is a bigger issue at play, and it's not the livers.
>>OPnijiEN love, hopefully more members decide to organise more unity covers
>>53347839>5 hour character creation I feel like a lot of coaches this time just made the livers off stream so I think the coaches didn't stream character creation this year except for minor edits. It would be funny if this was because of Kuzuha leaking GIlzaren's outfit in that 5hr character creation last year
does VTA not get live2d??
>>53348667Me. Trust no one.
brownsemi loves me bros
>>53348577Elira sounds so good when she sings that or anything really
brownsemi loves me, later virgins
I actually like her cuter voice a lot more
>>53348723no they get jpgs until they get promoteddesu it's pretty fun seeing the edits they do with their single jpg
>>53348517it's not gonna be anything like JP unless Anycolor is willing to invest in a new studio
>>53348576*kyo'snow kys kyowhore
She has long legs like Rosemi-sama
The AX concert is actually kino. I fucking love LazuLight. Thanks anon that recorded.
>>53348731O-ok mom
>>53348576God I would be so fucking happy if that happened. Take Shu with you too so nijiEN can be good again
>3 sizesSHE'S A SLUT
>>53348869Unity cover Also anon
>>53348605man nijiEN lore is crazy
>>53346083You weren't lying.
>>53348844Remember to eat healthy, exercise and get 8 hours of sleep, or else I will kill you.
>>53348319That would be awesome, and I hope that happens. i imagine Ike would probably try to put something like that together. I know Mysta isn't confident about his singing, but the heart is what matters.
>>53348947not doing any of that will kill me faster than you could
>>53348946I saw Majima in prechat
>>53348906I don't give a fuck about males. Especially Luca and Shu, they could fuck right off and everything would improve
>>53345729many luxiem sisters are jops so of course they would comment on a cover that their oshi participated in
>>53348947I'm already dead dingus
So this is how they hire korean again after merge KR branch
>>53348998You don't deserve pomu rainfpuff
>>53343427kek this anon wasnt wrong
>>53348911Wait, she's a hamster?King...
>>53349013Oh shit, yeah. Uhhhh. Do it because it'll make me happy.
>>53348631It's not a woman thing.It's a content creator thing.Every single content creator wants to make good content.So you'll be happy if someone enjoys what you're streaming or drawing but at the same time if they only like it because they've been a fan for awhile or because they like you as a person then it's a bit disappointing since you're never sure if you actually did good work that could be enjoyed by itself.It's why some famous authors sometimes use a different penname for some works.
Just listened to the cover and I love it! Very cute and unity. Thank you Pomu for organizing this and happy birthday!
>>53349069Because you asked so nicely, i'll head to bed now. No promises on eating healthy or exercising though
>>53348832I try my best, though I just wish my camera was better since the models are so washed out half the timePossibly should have recorded the side screens instead since those were projectors
>>53349081Lazy whore
>>53346083Kek, they're already trying to groom her
>>53349056Same how nijien males don't deserve to be in that cover, Briskadets literally complain about it already because their Sonny didn't get a solo part.
I miss brownsemi
>>53348394it's a sign of his love, that he went so far outside his comfort zone because he wanted to give back to us! it's also why i won't fault him for hiring a team of fans every time instead of professionals. i hope he hasn't forgotten, i want us to have our very own cutesy song too
@sonny_brisko since there's a TF2 update you should gorilla and just play in silence to rest your throat someone please reupload this somewhere without a free download limit that's smaller than the filesize?
>>53349118I'll take it. Goodnight!
Brownsemi grew up in Korea?
>>53349096They kind of have a point I feel like my oshi's content for the past year or so is good if you are already a fan but I wouldn't feel confident in recommending it to someone new if I'm trying to promote my oshi.