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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 200 KB, 850x1388, 1674792126625006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53034635 No.53034635 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>53034693

Previous: >>53029550

>> No.53034655

This one

>> No.53034677
File: 520 KB, 2601x4096, FxxkHwYaYAI1MfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.53034693
Quoted by: >>53034729

This will be a better thread

>> No.53034702
File: 1.05 MB, 2730x4096, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53034714

Rika my beloved. Not really that is a lie. I like Sophia the Valorant player.

>> No.53034729

Doubt it.

>> No.53034749
Quoted by: >>53034827

Oh activity from Gura

>> No.53034754
File: 2.67 MB, 1280x720, real gura.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53034765
File: 107 KB, 850x1255, 1669734845823754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.53034791
File: 3 KB, 362x60, erjkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53034816

>> No.53034805
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Quoted by: >>53036287

I love them

>> No.53034816
File: 288 KB, 1440x1920, nene shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53034827


>> No.53034828
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>> No.53034847 [DELETED] 

I fucking told you niggers holo will normalize male collabs because VSPO

>> No.53034872

Go back

>> No.53034877
File: 1.02 MB, 600x900, F0WmWSTWAAEDIns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53034908

>> No.53034886
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>> No.53034890

why does towa gets a homo pass?

>> No.53034908

Miss him every day

>> No.53034926
File: 43 KB, 161x161, watame ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53034924

towa is a homo

>> No.53034932

wrong thread beggar

>> No.53034939

Trying to shitpost against Towa is like talking to a brick wall and no one will bite your bait except for a "Towa..."

>> No.53034938

>Nene """"yab"""
Looks like the youtubers who make /vt/ videos are out looking for their latest screenshots

>> No.53034941

Irys sub 6k average
Fauna’s friend rant
Kronii cucked her fanbase
Bae’s Australian
Mumei made being insane her entire personality
Nearly 2 years in a council fucked up this badly

>> No.53034945

Hire more fps and competitive gamer chuubas

>> No.53034961

She doesn't, actually. She fucked up very early on in her career. Oh this reminds me that it is the ENsharts that supported the male collabs and thus saving Towa from graduation.

>> No.53034964
Quoted by: >>53035013

you mean watamelon right? Right???

>> No.53034969
File: 214 KB, 656x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53034979
File: 88 KB, 844x845, 1664133160534011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will be better.

>> No.53034987

Is it a wonder why Cover thought the EN market would be more receptive to closer male integration?

>> No.53034991


>> No.53034998

they are already full with nina and nijidrones doing damage control, these are just a bunch of homobeggars trying too hard

>> No.53035008

>listening to Miosha singing sad ballads while Korone is failing in jump king
Feels good being a holoCHAD.

>> No.53035010

why is cover still trying to push homocollabs?

>> No.53035009

Give them more time to grow

>> No.53035011

get off 4chin cirno

>> No.53035013
File: 476 KB, 905x1280, EnivrmYUYAMeY43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53035169


>> No.53035015

kek yet the whole thread fell for the bait anyway.

>> No.53035021

No one is saying that it is a yab. It is just a menhera moment because she is losing long time fans due to her decision.
>only 2 valorant streams in the past 4 weeks
I still have no idea why this is a big deal.

>> No.53035036

have ever of Omega or T-chan

>> No.53035063

Exactly. ENsharts are hypocrites in that they don't like ENs having m*les collabs while encouraging the JPs like Towa to have them.

>> No.53035074

>It feels like they're more stressed after IPO
>More work more stress obviously idiot
Some of you are schizo over the weirdest things

>> No.53035080

Towa's singing is what let her crawl out of the hole she put herself in.

>> No.53035085
Quoted by: >>53035122

What was her decision?

>> No.53035096

Towa was one of the holos who didn't do an English voice pack too despite having one of the biggest EN fanbases. Shows how much she appreciates their support. Life of a Kenzoku, know for a fact you're getting cucked, support her anyway and get absolutely fuck all in return because Towa will never acknowledge or pander to overseas fans.

The reason they don't get baited is because they're already at rock fucking bottom and they know it.

>> No.53035097

>get backlash
>only 2 valorant streams in the past 4 weeks

>> No.53035109

It isn't, she just keeps making it bigger by letting herself be affected by people quietly leaving

>> No.53035122

Valorant it seems. She didn't talk about it specifically in that stream so I lack critical information.

>> No.53035126
File: 30 KB, 232x227, 1642121293792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like the youtubers who make /vt/ videos are out looking for their latest screenshots
jesus it was this all along and fucking BVTM subhumans

>> No.53035130

did kenzoku kill your family

>> No.53035136
Quoted by: >>53035222

Everything could've been fixed if cover doesn't get obsessed with pushing stars and debut EN3/JP7 to supplement the lacking number of streams in 2022/2023 by the members due to other commitments. At this point, they're gonna overwork their current talents with idol activities then they also need to do streams. Cover doesn't realize streaming is what got them popular in the first place.

>> No.53035150

Nekkos are the most loyal fanbase

>> No.53035169
File: 16 KB, 503x454, Watama waoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53035172

Fuck I just noticed Kenzoku = Kindred.

>> No.53035191

Is Nene the most isolated holo? Even Iroha has Doroken now as a regular collab group.

>> No.53035202

She has Astel.

>> No.53035209

Because she has bigger nuts than all of the homos combined

>> No.53035215

Not enough valorant streams no wonder they're mad

>> No.53035222

wait wasnt the LORE that got them popular?

>> No.53035228
Quoted by: >>53035283

It's just yesmen faggots who allows it. The FPS community is a disgrace to the vtuber sphere as a whole.

>> No.53035234
File: 931 KB, 1313x1440, 2ce8d22957f7c83e3b734bfb2fc2dde4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not liking flat chest chuubas

>> No.53035236

>I still have no idea why this is a big deal
Unlike ENs treatment towards their long time fans, JPs actually do care about the opinions of fans that have supported them since the early days.

>> No.53035251

No you're a schizo no one said it was a yab and the only reason it's being brought up is because Nene was talking about it

>> No.53035252
Quoted by: >>53035399

NTA but he is telling the truth.

>> No.53035260

Towa is a man. Just like how rio is a woman.

>> No.53035262

Silly anon. Kenzokus are women.

>> No.53035267

no, they shid in his cereal

>> No.53035270
Quoted by: >>53035325

weird, quarter of the end of the last thread were growing their own IQ and the start of this one the IQ dropped even harder, what happened? bvtmfags came in?

>> No.53035280

So Nijisanji is having constant kino Koshien streams while Hololive is having a few more yabs?

>> No.53035283


>> No.53035295

>Nene's basically going through her own Kronii arc
I fucking warned you faggots, so many times I said I feared this

>> No.53035308
Quoted by: >>53035345

What's your favourite stream moment?

>> No.53035325

bvtm niggers trying to erase the plappening and their cuckoldry from our minds

>> No.53035331

Those who want to masturbate...
gather at Karin

>> No.53035345

when holowhores got mogged

>> No.53035346

Can you share one singular instance of anything happening in those koshien streams?

>> No.53035351

>Luxiem, Mori, Bae, Yagoo, Noctyx

>> No.53035355

do not click, i came the second i was in

>> No.53035372

Oh, so it's mostly in her head? She doesn't say what the "anti-idol" entails, but at thr same time I cannot see it being msle collabs.
Stuff with male hosts, like VSaikyou or shows/interviews maybe?

>> No.53035385

This doog is one jump away from ending it all...

>> No.53035389

Kronii never cried for her fans.

>> No.53035399

look i couldnt care less about towa and whatever her fans do but it's pretty clearly head canon for the most part of what they're saying. towa doesn't really have as big as an overseas fanbase as she once did, this board acts like they're back in 2020 consistently

>> No.53035408
Quoted by: >>53036670

She's pretty much the ground zero for male yab nuke in her early days and got a permanent whore label branded on her back so she's immune to anything male now

>> No.53035412
Quoted by: >>53035530

Do these get uploaded somewhere? I'm listening to Mio currently

>> No.53035414

>Polka joined the stream to cheer her up
I feel like you people just shitpost without any basis in reality.

>> No.53035419
File: 1.05 MB, 2722x4096, 1642918149237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a full bladder, I'm bursting... Can I pee all over her ?

>> No.53035431

>Memberships last a month
You're pretty dumb they weren't completely gone until now. Just because you cancel it doesn't mean it just ends

>> No.53035440

>>53035372 (me)
Or is it just her playing more games like Valorant?

>> No.53035444

lol Towa just doesn't like doing voice packs but keep coming up with scenarios about how she hates her fans, you're entertaining.

>> No.53035460

It might be something alongside what Kiara considers idol-like

>> No.53035472

Kiara just admitted on stream that she is single but also no desire for a relationship.

>> No.53035507

towa is only liked by women and faggots

>> No.53035512 [DELETED] 

Exactly. Everyone even Ayame appreciate their fans and do what they can and actually streams. Meanwhile in EN
Gura = (no streaming)
Mori = owning the haters (her previous fans)
Ame = improving her fans
Ina = berating chat for liking her model (also hiding her forehead whenever she can)
Kronii = unfortunately maidenless fans are a thing
Fauna = cannot be friends with her fans and it is Babski's fault according to her

Only Kiara, IRyS, Bae and Mumei somewhat respect their fans. Mumei is dangerously close to the (no streaming) category though.

>> No.53035520

>Astel literally made Nene cry
Damn I kneel.

>> No.53035530

/asmr/ is your man then

>> No.53035549

kronii doesn't care about idol stuffs
I watched her post Connect the World stream, she just didn't care, she gave vague answer like "yeah, mumei did good, yeah everyone did well", and only talked about her performance, it's like she didn't even watch the concert itself.

at least nene still care about idol stuffs

>> No.53035552
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>> No.53035570

Kill yourself babski

>> No.53035571


>> No.53035572

You're getting it lol

>> No.53035577

Gen 5 is the only unit she has. Even Polka has Shiraken

>> No.53035586

Maybe she can bag herself a popular male twitch streamer. Proven incline, and good money.

>> No.53035589
File: 487 KB, 600x850, 1667890715521612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fascinating the cultural divide on this. ENfags are so used to being treated as disposal ATMs that they literally cannot fathom a talent being upset that some of her fans that she does care about decide to stop supporting her.

>> No.53035594

gen 5 doesn't count, name one group Nene has outside of gen 5 that regularly collabs the way Botan has Subachocolunatan or Polka has Shiraken

>> No.53035602
Quoted by: >>53035651

Err, that's Baqua...

>> No.53035626

why are the catalogreaders here now?

>> No.53035651
Quoted by: >>53035677

Towa on the right.

>> No.53035655


>> No.53035661


>> No.53035663

Nice nude model

>> No.53035669
File: 237 KB, 412x409, 1648220720366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53035754


>> No.53035668

Anything else is unironically enjoying things, which is cringe. Also parasocial as fuck. Lastly mega incel behavior

>> No.53035677

I can't see shit with that emoji

>> No.53035698
Quoted by: >>53035779

It really is different when JP does it.

>> No.53035706

Then I have no sympathy and I'll rub it in your face when Nene breaks.

>> No.53035712

They want to get on a YouTube video

>> No.53035718
Quoted by: >>53035769

Has any other Holo ever officially disclosed their relationship status?

>> No.53035754

reine let it go if the maldive's bed covered with flower petals didn't do the trick there's no way

>> No.53035764


>> No.53035769
Quoted by: >>53035832


>> No.53035777

If we could program a bot with the shit that pops up in the catalogue, you are what it'll look like. KIll yourself.

>> No.53035779
Quoted by: >>53035844

Does what? Menhera moment? She literally did the opposite of what Kronii and Fauna did. She was sad that her long term fans leaving and was explaining what happened instead of lecturing her fans like the ENs.

>> No.53035798

you just now her dildo is used A LOT

>> No.53035813

No it's just people here are schizos. It's normal to stop supporting and leaving when things change.

>> No.53035827
Quoted by: >>53035871


>> No.53035828
Quoted by: >>53035909

I just woke up. Did Pekora get a Gold today?

>> No.53035832

which one? we are not talking about doxx shit, but on stream as holo

>> No.53035844

She's still going to make you eat cock, cuckboy.

>> No.53035849

If that's true then 70% of this board should have fucked off already

>> No.53035851

t. dramatuber faggot

>> No.53035855
File: 176 KB, 596x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such an unfortunate abbreviation

>> No.53035861

Yes, Boring Botted Baseball Simulation (BBBS)

>> No.53035871

that's a lot of people there

>> No.53035882


>> No.53035902
File: 218 KB, 1080x1058, IMG_20230531_130109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep bringing up your faggot nijinig.

>> No.53035909
Quoted by: >>53035976

No, but protagonist of Hololive did.

>> No.53035917

I’ve seen some Towa and some random homo collabs in the 3k ccv range tho….. so it’s not like people even like them

>> No.53035919
Quoted by: >>53035953

What? Anon do you keep supporting vtubers who no longer create content you're interested in watching? Saying there's nothing wrong with leaving when a content creator makes a switch you dislike should be the most uncontroversial statement in the entire thread.

>> No.53035923
File: 2 KB, 125x125, watasmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its not

>> No.53035934

No wonder none of the EN was onboard this project.

>> No.53035936
File: 2.47 MB, 2128x3244, 00dc788ea59603abd72f31cb10fcbb70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036128

how so?

>> No.53035940
File: 1.29 MB, 1165x1450, 1649364237676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karin my beloved
I watched her when she used to read names before she started her ASMR session and I got my name read several times, feels incredibly good man

>> No.53035942

>He thinks 70% of the people here is normal.
70% don't even watch streams. Just look at this schizo >>53035851

>> No.53035953

stop falseflagging to create content for your youtube channel faggot

>> No.53035957
File: 594 KB, 1068x705, 1688523844526056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53035991

this is Mumei's busiest month, she has 3month backlog of homework because of her cough, and next month is her Birthday and Anniversary

>> No.53035973
Quoted by: >>53036082

ban that faggot

>> No.53035976

Who? Sorry, I've got banned from all numbefrag websites, so I can't check myself.

>> No.53035980
File: 295 KB, 1622x2560, 816MnN0BIIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori = owning the haters (her previous fans)
I've been a fan day one, WTF are you talking about?

>> No.53035987
File: 2 KB, 261x46, 1660870764970379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036018


>> No.53035991
Quoted by: >>53036061

>engaging with a catalogue shitter

>> No.53035993 [DELETED] 

He a literal nijinog, the contrast of his sc.

>> No.53035998


>> No.53036011

They were right, about 1/4 of the En fanbase watches homos while in JP it’s more like 1/20

>> No.53036013
Quoted by: >>53036474

Remember the 2 panel? That is who you are, even today.

>> No.53036016
Quoted by: >>53036080

Kpf and braps are the cancer of Hololive

>> No.53036014

Who's graduation/graduated in NijiID? The wiki doesnt even list their members

>> No.53036017
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039610

Hell of a chin on this lad

>> No.53036018
File: 3 KB, 183x37, 1669646581167713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036021
Quoted by: >>53036105

Wow, it's like someone retarded distilled all the catalog shitposts into one giant pile of shit.

>> No.53036022

She doesn't. Towa is just good at straddling the line of doing CGDCT content in between her FPS spam to keep interest up. It also helps a lot that she has connections to Pekora, Aqua and Suisei, three of the most popular Holos. Basically spam FPS til CCV starts to tank, do a collab with Suisei and Aqua to get the cucks back, rinse and repeat.

>> No.53036025

If you want one, choco

>> No.53036054

So that babski is a literal nijinigger?

>> No.53036061

What do you expect from a Mumei avatarfaggot?

>> No.53036063
Quoted by: >>53036133

So after streaming for like 20 hours, did Nina manage to surpass Sana's graduation in ccv and/or superchats?

>> No.53036080
Quoted by: >>53036224

Funny you don't dare to blame IRyStocrats and hoomans.

>> No.53036082

Fauna did

>> No.53036086
Quoted by: >>53040364

Actually sad to see this. Why are management forcing her to do non-idol things?

>> No.53036088
File: 45 KB, 591x535, Numfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be (You)r favourite chuuba.

>> No.53036089

21/34 Hololive JP members have collab with a male in the past which bring them to 61% .
These are the only jp members that have not collab with a male once throughout their holo career
>Akai Haato

>> No.53036092

>Completely normal SC to NijiGirl
If it wasn't obvious enough he's a shitstirrer

>> No.53036103
Quoted by: >>53036164

Depends on content, nobody in japan gives a fuck about cod or overwatch so those get bad numbers while apex collabs get more than 3k

>> No.53036105
File: 437 KB, 408x507, 1639034722901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending the EN whores
>In /#/
Wrong thread, global is down the hall.

>> No.53036117

all of these have collabed with towa

>> No.53036118

Not just a feeling

>> No.53036119

Funny enough, Suisei and Korone didn’t do a EN voice pack version either

>> No.53036124

Go back to your own thread phasekek

>> No.53036128
Quoted by: >>53036280

hikakin loving this

>> No.53036133

>in ccv
Not really

>> No.53036136
Quoted by: >>53036176

What is even BJ outfit? Do you need a ponytail/twintails and deep V neck or something?

>> No.53036135


>> No.53036144

>not collab with a male

>> No.53036145

>he doesn't remember Red-kun
>Okayu x Hikakin

>> No.53036156

>biggest manga in the world gets big noombers
Very surprising

>> No.53036163
Quoted by: >>53036253

So you can turn this place into your palace of lies? Not a chance nijinig

>> No.53036164
Quoted by: >>53036247

no anon it's clearly the males and not the fact no one cares about the content

>> No.53036165
File: 245 KB, 527x540, migo que.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, Nene wants to be more than just singing and dancing and retarded tradidolfags are up in arms against it?
Feels like a weird thing to leave her over, especially if you've come to know her over the past two years.

>> No.53036171

That's really good timing if she can keep some bit of spotlight for when Jigoku 6 releases.

>> No.53036176

Kneepads and a bib

>> No.53036182
Quoted by: >>53036244

Stop engaging with a schizo

>> No.53036199

Abusive husbands usually acts like this so it is not surprising

>> No.53036212
Quoted by: >>53036287

>up in arms
literally a dozen or so people left the membership and Nene is menhera enough to make an entire stream talking about it. It's like fauna one guy shit but actually worse because nene purposely went and sought that shit out

>> No.53036218

no that part is actually accurate, most of the people who dislike Mori now used to like her during the early days of EN

>> No.53036224

funny you do

>> No.53036232
Quoted by: >>53036279

didn't okayu have a collab with ryushen?

>> No.53036233


>> No.53036244


>> No.53036247

Who the males are and context of the collab matter as well but such nuance is too much for the average /#/ poster alas.

>> No.53036253
Quoted by: >>53036344

Can you point out what part of >>53035512 is a lie? All seems accurate to me and you're just coping.

>> No.53036258

Pretty sure Mel has.

>> No.53036268

but you guys were telling me that one piece is shit

>> No.53036273

Pretty sure Noel has said that she's too busy to find someone. It's where the rrats about her hunting highschoolers for sex came from.

>> No.53036279
Quoted by: >>53036503

Is Ryushen male (female) or female (male)?

>> No.53036280
File: 810 KB, 2480x3508, 1aa92f95bb1e1a997f16ca4752a7cb27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036285
Quoted by: >>53036560

She will be the last one standing. No one will touch her over

>> No.53036287
Quoted by: >>53036321


>> No.53036288

People left, Nene then decides to figure out exactly why and opened marshmallow and asked them to honestly tell her.

>> No.53036302

53piss would you still watch Miko if she changed up her content and stream valorant or apex regularly?

>> No.53036311

>Fauna = cannot be friends with her fans and it is Babski's fault according to her
What? Did she even address it? I thought she memory holed it (as she should).

>> No.53036321
File: 746 KB, 3072x4096, 1679599501907534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036369


>> No.53036324


>> No.53036326
Quoted by: >>53036441

The official One Piece Youtube channel has 796 videos on it. After just 5 days, the volume 106 theme sung by Mori is currently the 14th most viewed video on the channel.

>> No.53036342

Streamwatchers have already fucked off, now there's only clipfags and sunk cost fags here, along with dramafags and phasefags (but I repeat myself).
A lot of people are just waiting for EN3 to decide whether to come back in or drop the hobby completely.

>> No.53036345

She wants to replace the singing and dancing with FPS shit. People noped out and Nene went menhera over that.

>> No.53036344
Quoted by: >>53036442

The part where you claim that it's somehow an EN thing, for starters

>> No.53036369


>> No.53036372

wow, bvtmfags and ytvtfags are already avatarfagging...

>> No.53036395

All this talk about leaving memberships remind me of DesP and that Okayu TL guy. Fans leave for weird reasons.

>> No.53036400


>> No.53036405

ask them why they're brown for good measure

>> No.53036404

>she memory holed it
She did. Stop replying to the schizos and shitposters.

>> No.53036442
Quoted by: >>53036478

HoloEN has a well deserved reputation for not giving a fuck about their fans. From Gura just semi retiring and doing less streams in the past 8 months than most Holos have done in the past two weeks, to Watson constantly berating her cuck members and telling them to fuck off for the mildest criticism to Kronii going all out on homoshit and becoming Vespers personal accessory.

>> No.53036441
Quoted by: >>53036675

There's so much that is inaccurate about this. Definitely a falseflagging schizo

>> No.53036444
Quoted by: >>53036910

Wait DesP left Fubuki? I thought he's just tired of live translating

>> No.53036464

>DesP left FBK
>Jin left Ogayu
>Osekkai left Suisei

>> No.53036474
Quoted by: >>53036605

NTA but what 2 panel

>> No.53036478
Quoted by: >>53036556

See I told you they wanted to turn this place into their palace of lies

>> No.53036481

I mean I get it to a certain extend, people change. I don't blame anyone for deciding some thing isn't for them anymore as long as they don't make a huge stink about leaving.

>> No.53036485

this thrad may have been free of sanjischizo, but you guys are being extra faggy today.

>> No.53036501
Quoted by: >>53036697

What the fuck. Guess no one dared to collab with her pre-2020, out of fear of being called a groomer/nonce.

>> No.53036503

she's male

>> No.53036514


>> No.53036516

She addressed it in the comment of that stream. Few days later she banned Babski as she thinks that is the cause of her rant not because of her own whorishness. Cucks itt like to tell you that Babski's SC is the culprit but if you inspect carefully, it is just a regular $10 SC that any holo can ignore with a throwaway Berserk line attached to it. Another thing they would like to say is that Babski is being biased but truth is that Babski donated to almost all relevant EN female vtubers. Most of the donations of him to holomems are praising them, except for Mori.

>> No.53036520

there will be a degree of people just getting bored after a years of following the same person and looking for an excuse to move on. justifying it to themselves as much as anything.

>> No.53036522
File: 36 KB, 870x589, 1686386062729458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036526
Quoted by: >>53036944

Ask him why the brownfaggot got mad people calling him brown.

>> No.53036528
Quoted by: >>53036733

which is exactly what Nene's fans did, but then she decided she couldn't let it go and went digging and had a crying stream and now it'll be endlessly shitposted about for the rest of the month

>> No.53036530
File: 350 KB, 669x720, 1674911665694832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love Mooms

>> No.53036537

i just saw some glorious kubo kino, how's your day going /#/?

>> No.53036556

>N-No it's just lies
Where are the Gura streams then? Hm? If I'm lying about Gura not streaming then prove it. Or is it publicly verifiable information and you're just coping?

>> No.53036560

Luna collabed with Tamaki
Scratch her from the list

>> No.53036561
File: 1.09 MB, 750x1000, FEA06F90-EA2D-4C31-985C-9A23DAD5EBA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036643

Luna and Kanatan will never betray me

>> No.53036564


>> No.53036570
File: 22 KB, 614x216, 1658852452239608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036572
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, 1679812675677159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036580

Can you retard stop posting link only?
I don't want to drink the verification can

>> No.53036597

ITS 50% REAL, before the frame up.

>> No.53036602

oof, now that's some awful timing

>> No.53036603

Lmao bad timing

>> No.53036605

He means the cuckbeat comic panel

>> No.53036622

To all the schizos saying it's weird reasons what would make you leave your oshi?

Now I wait for schizo ravings

>> No.53036626
File: 690 KB, 1651x868, 1659195561205436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooba saw the state of this thread and made that announcement

>> No.53036629

>Where are the Gura streams then

>> No.53036635

Oga failed.....

>> No.53036637

Reminds me of the coco thread

>> No.53036642

gura is /here/ BTFOing you

>> No.53036641

No EN3/JP7 is really a serious blow to cover. What the fuck were they thinking debuting stars for 2022 and stop streams during their 3D debuts? Do they think people would watch stars streams out of pity or something? They'll just use their to do other things.

>> No.53036643

This >>53036560

>> No.53036648
File: 387 KB, 1097x1071, 1681698281008200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't delete

>> No.53036651
Quoted by: >>53036733

They didn't. It was Nene who chased after them and wanted to know why they left. It will almost certainly get spun into the reverse by the homosisters.

>> No.53036652
File: 17 KB, 128x128, 8b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a big OOF

>> No.53036663
File: 728 KB, 969x702, 1687795457779465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyo

>> No.53036665
File: 644 KB, 1280x720, if you don't love gura[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo3ptm7.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036732


>> No.53036670

I am not talking about her fans being groomed into accepting male collabs. Everyone else gives towa a pass while shttibg on la+, matsuri, and others.

>> No.53036675
File: 2.34 MB, 1325x1665, screencapture-youtube-onepieceofficial-videos-2023-07-08-10_43_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036676

Once Watame collabs with males then I know Holo has truly fallen.

>> No.53036685
File: 59 KB, 500x500, F00AA061-E70F-48E4-8713-0485D7BF7DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037433

Literally only streaming to shill her cover with Okayu. Why is she such a JP fag while she lets En fucking rot without her???

>> No.53036693 [DELETED] 

Does delete this faggot, kek

>> No.53036697
Quoted by: >>53036794

Haachama has had collabs with Red-kun before, who is Haachama's canon boyfriend.

>> No.53036701

Cuckling trying to leech on Gura again it seems.

>> No.53036709


>> No.53036713
File: 142 KB, 1030x393, 1662486089528080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036875

same energy

>> No.53036716
File: 462 KB, 1800x2400, Fh-LzN_akAEVVkQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Karin wont make it to the tally today

>> No.53036719

You should argue more often, your powers of getting proven wrong are awesome.

>> No.53036718
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, Lol[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftyq7yt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036728

DesP seems to disconnect himself completely from the net after burnt out. Jin is still teaching or helping around with other translator's translation.

>> No.53036732


>> No.53036733

Oh yeah, I wasn't really talking about the whole Nene situation, just more about fans in general.

>> No.53036736

Collabing with holostars.

>> No.53036742
Quoted by: >>53036801

big brain (You) farmer I kneel

>> No.53036745

Neck yourself

>> No.53036747

Thank you jinxanon
Couldn't have done it without you

>> No.53036754
File: 458 KB, 1543x1401, 1617707263184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura decides to milk her paypiggies some more
>Suddenly all the ENfag shitposters hiding the fact they're chumcucks out of shame come out of the woodwork
Fucking hell lmao

>> No.53036755
File: 79 KB, 448x448, B5CFDAC3-65CA-4DB9-966B-089D76706FCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit faggot

>> No.53036760
File: 312 KB, 1167x844, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full koshien podium
>Nina cripple
Hololive is getting an ass whooping this year unlike any other. Niji will take July and probably August too, two months in a row.

>> No.53036759

because Towa doesn't do anything reprehensible while collabing/interacting with males, the worst thing she does is simply the action of collabing with men

>> No.53036781
File: 230 KB, 2292x2964, gura finger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036788
File: 264 KB, 334x393, 13212312316545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036794

Yeah, but when I fuck Chammers I fuck Red-kun by proxy, thus making them both my bitches.

>> No.53036795
File: 40 KB, 1200x900, newFile-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me on the screenshot kek

>> No.53036799

eat shit and die

>> No.53036801

Kek I was about to do the same thing but he got it first.

>> No.53036823
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately trying to deflect
like clockwork nigger
you better not delete that shit

>> No.53036828

this is embarrassing anon

>> No.53036833


>> No.53036842
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1069, 1679067144705346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking embarrassing

>> No.53036847
File: 551 KB, 1374x646, 1688249473005879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036990

>Gura is back
>Mori One Piece
>Fauna inclining
>Bae's new EP
>Mumei's finally taking care of her health by going to doctor and doing physical therapy
>IRyS has the best performance in CtW
>Kiara is included in HoloSummer and Holotori is real


>> No.53036846

>Point out Gura has streamed less than Ayame
>Gura does one (1) stream
>"BTFO wooo goober"
ENfags are pathetic really. The fact Gura has done fuck all this year will still be true tommorrow as it was today

>> No.53036849


>> No.53036858

Stop shaking when you typing this, sister

>> No.53036860

amazing, they'll only be 90 gold behind

>> No.53036868
Quoted by: >>53036919

Meh, the faggot is a known shitposter, should've been banned earlier with or without that SC.
So Fauna did do the mature thing and memory hole it, good.

>> No.53036876
File: 173 KB, 799x813, 1675853885440296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036875

funny thing is that it actually happened twice! the other one was during Ame's birthday IIRC.

>> No.53036879

dude just stop digging

>> No.53036882

And they got the raspberry too. Wins just keep coming.

>> No.53036883
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, D9C2B86C-5D78-45BA-BCAC-67039E17E1AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura fans watching HoloJps like she wanted
where is the problem retard?

>> No.53036889

check her likes

>> No.53036910
File: 493 KB, 724x510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he became a Salamifag
Haven't seen much holo stuff from his twitter for a while

>> No.53036912

sister...I can feel the seethe behind this post

>> No.53036919

Funny because when he shits on Mori everyone was calling him based.

>> No.53036927
File: 296 KB, 622x541, 1666534214885985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036929
Quoted by: >>53036964

Where'd all the chumcucks pop out from?

>> No.53036930
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1661543966699961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to have thoughts about...you know...

>> No.53036936
Quoted by: >>53037002

I'd just like to remind everyone that Nene clinically depressed, to the degree that Polka, menhera prime, is afraid of what would happen if she left her alone for a few days.

>> No.53036938

>1 sec difference
You can't make this shit up

>> No.53036942

I'll be honest I can't be mad at the hypno-ojisan thing. That shit was genuinely fucking hilarious. The creepy mugshot kills me every time.

>> No.53036944
Quoted by: >>53037054

kek, did he really get so mad that he made a new twitter account?

>> No.53036959
File: 714 KB, 967x572, 1688521780540938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037104


>> No.53036964

Keep digging deeper sister
maybe you can cool off your seethe

>> No.53036971

People come and go. It's Nene who's the schizo.

>> No.53036982
File: 6 KB, 236x224, 1612341674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037043

Good day.

>> No.53036990

>IRyS has the best performance in CtW

>> No.53036991

Anon... Please stay away from any grade schools in your area

>> No.53036998

Honestly, laughing the retard seething at Gura aside ...
Can >we agree that after the Nene fiasco today that JP fans can be just as retarded as people /here/?

>> No.53037002
Quoted by: >>53037113

Its great that everyone just dont bother with Nene except Polka, I dont want my oshi to get dragged down by her

>> No.53037022

yeah, she got the highest superchat for it

>> No.53037032
Quoted by: >>53037130

Where are your concerts?

>> No.53037043
File: 735 KB, 1536x2048, gura_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Goob day

>> No.53037048

Yes, it is basically IRyS > Bae > Kiara > Mori = Gura >>>>> the rest

>> No.53037047
File: 84 KB, 536x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037137

I just got recommended a 2view by yt
Come watch with me instead of engaging with schizos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFZ8GgCeItk

>> No.53037054
Quoted by: >>53037286

I dunno about his other twitter, but i can feel the seething when he doxx mori on his twitter and "declare" war on /vt/

>> No.53037055
File: 15 KB, 233x195, 1656606677034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add one more (You) for good measure

>> No.53037065

was that ever in question?
where do you think we inherited half our schizo behaviours from?

>> No.53037076

Laplus gets it because she's relatively new and there's some virtual tendency of her wanting sit on the fence and that pisses some people off. Towa (and Matsuri, I don't see people shit on her for male collabs anymore? ) already set their niche in stone for the past years and everyone already registered in their consciousness that they just want to collab with males

>> No.53037078

Dry your tears anon, it's gonna be okay.

>> No.53037088

>Bae that high
Not really

>> No.53037095

Where is gen5 schizo when you need him the most

>> No.53037104

She may be dumb, but she ain't dumb

>> No.53037105

>there are no unicorns in the JP fanbase
said no one ever

>> No.53037112

cry harder

>> No.53037113

I mean, Polka is not the only one who cares about her, but she's the only one who is afraid that she'll hurt herself.

>> No.53037115

The only retarded JP fans are the JP fans that still stick to Nene after the tracing yab.

>> No.53037129
File: 1.11 MB, 1252x669, 1663218532836044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This obstacle course is way too fucking long. Is there even a reward at the top?

>> No.53037130

Twinkle 4 You shat all over Connect the World just yesterday...
>Be lazy EN whore
>Pre record concert because too lazy to actually do it live
>Record a single encore because you don't give a fuck

>Gen 5 does an entire live show
>Three encores

>> No.53037137

bro watch this instead >>53035331

>> No.53037148
File: 3 KB, 125x125, migo_pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream valorant or apex regularly?
My Migo will make Gaylorant and Gaypex Straight and Popular again!

>> No.53037152

Wait, shitposters in this thread were chumkeks bored of not having a guba stream to watch?

>> No.53037153
File: 298 KB, 463x453, eww peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was pissing your mothers ass (toilet) last night, her pork tail was dirty af!! Clean her ass & pork tail properly next time when you pimp her out for money. That's a 1 star from me man

>> No.53037161
Quoted by: >>53037297

you get stamps and fireworks when you complete a stage

>> No.53037172

We're all human. It's only the perfectionist beggars who seem to think they are superior people.

>> No.53037183
File: 348 KB, 1073x943, 346d7a02918fa0ec432aecc2639759ee3f6ddb4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holokeks status?

>> No.53037200
Quoted by: >>53037750

IRyS > Mumei > Gura > Bae > The rest

>> No.53037209

>amE 3.2k on valorant
What a fucking waste.

>> No.53037214
File: 1.32 MB, 720x1280, 1672144353234491.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it ok to have thoughts about...you know...

>> No.53037220

nijibros... our audience...

>> No.53037226
File: 14 KB, 363x328, 1633752534823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it. The ENfags are very quiet until they think they get a "win" but the lazy whores will be right back to being a laughingstock anyway and they'll need to pretend they're not the shame of Hololive

>> No.53037232

Don't worry, Cover is scrambling to turn hololive into VSPO just like how they shat out Tempus after seeing Luxiem get some numbers.

>> No.53037235
File: 372 KB, 1319x736, 1648854853814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post gura image
>"L-Look! It's a chumkek!"

your mother is a whore
>t.totally a chumbud

>> No.53037239
File: 218 KB, 573x368, 1657605490251646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037256
File: 126 KB, 339x676, gaga_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037416

Why are you always asking for my validation?

>> No.53037255

I've never liked Mori, but I've also never said some faggot shitting on her is based. Just watch the girls you like. If you're wasting time shitting on the girls, you're just a faggot and certainly not based.

>> No.53037263
Quoted by: >>53037340

I thought you were a Nijifan. I'm happy for concerts we got in the past weeks.

>> No.53037272

>72 likes after 30 minutes
Wow... I haven't seen anything Vtuber related with that low of engagement for quite some time.

>> No.53037280

weird because i remember a lot of anons hating him for sending a SC to irys

>> No.53037281
File: 598 KB, 996x868, 1682654188093685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037348


>> No.53037287
Quoted by: >>53037596

Chumbuds are the second kindest fanbase

>> No.53037286
Quoted by: >>53037406

>doxx mori
impossible, she literally makes it obvious

>> No.53037294

>Schizo's like someone until they do something they don't like
Sounds familiar

>> No.53037297

well shit

>> No.53037298
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, 1688742354581067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS > Mumei = Ina > Kiara > Bae > Gura > Fauna > Mori > Kronii >>>>>>>>>> Ame

>> No.53037302

Keep seething fag, your tears are delicious

>> No.53037308

yes you massive faggot, my migo can be entertaining in any situation.

>> No.53037328

>Mori when it's some weird mutation of mumble rap
Bae can't sing. She's just saying words loudly and stressed out.

>> No.53037340
Quoted by: >>53037621

I'm happy that JP took a big steaming dump on EN and showed them up for the lazy, retarded, talentless sacks of shit they are.

>> No.53037348

that's a delicacy in their shithole country man

>> No.53037365

people just got bored with her and moved on

>> No.53037370

No matter how many times you repeat it it doesn't become true

>> No.53037371


AIIIEEEEE she's streaming semi regularly again!

kek dont delete

>> No.53037372

"Where is anon wining a 10mil$ lottery then?"
Said it again pls.

>> No.53037375
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1658941021913404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037381

I gave up...

>> No.53037402

so how is everybody doing to day here in /SNO/?

>> No.53037404

Irys did the best yes ignore any other statement after that because it's entirely shitposters

>> No.53037406
Quoted by: >>53037832

Im mean yea, but still a doxx, the same faggot who posting chicken wrestling because he got butthurt and lost an argument with a rando holofag on twitter.

>> No.53037408
File: 20 KB, 433x412, 1677223980607856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037414

Can you use a controller with it?

>> No.53037416

To constantly remind holokeks that abandoning the biggest market is a mistake.

>> No.53037418
Quoted by: >>53037814

Holos should start streaming on fc2 live

>> No.53037419

>Where are the Gura streams then?
kek, BTFO in 35 milliseconds

>> No.53037427

everyone is a retard anon, some fans would even leave members just because his oshi likes to put chocolate on her pizza

>> No.53037433

The cover that came out several days ago?
Literally every stream she’s done since her birthday was a collab with EN and the next day she’s doing a Myth collab.

>> No.53037437
Quoted by: >>53037569

She's just shouting.

>> No.53037456

People can't sing don't cover a KOKIA song and sound decently while doing so.

>> No.53037463 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 640x640, houshou-marine-look-side-glance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura showing up for her monthly superchat farming session means she's changed
Please tell me chumcucks aren't going to fall for this AGAIN

>> No.53037476

No in this case you're the retard

>> No.53037477

>Ina that high

>> No.53037494

Still crying, faggot?

>> No.53037497
Quoted by: >>53037614

>Biggest Market
I think your logic is a bit off anon.

>> No.53037514
Quoted by: >>53037625

Like this?

>> No.53037519
File: 310 KB, 548x538, 1673405548548407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037521

You clearly didn’t even fucking watch if you’re going to argue what was a rock song was mumble rap. Just throwing out buzzwords.

>> No.53037528
Quoted by: >>53037560


>> No.53037532

Biggest market, china?

>> No.53037553

This is embarrassing Anon, go make a catalog thread or something to cry in.

>> No.53037560

Overly generous?

>> No.53037561
Quoted by: >>53038053

Honestly, while I kind of agree with this, it will set a dangerous precedent that beggars can use to get away with starting shit due to "Muh freedom"

>> No.53037567


>> No.53037569

in what way?

>> No.53037573

Go away zhitskin

>> No.53037581
Quoted by: >>53037924

Can this be good stream content to replace Only Up?

>> No.53037596

That's a pretty smart insult, really. Not a lot of people in this thread have an intellectual capacity to understand what you just did. You need to be born in a first world country with a decent educational system to really understand it.

>> No.53037598

Gura is doing her best schizo. Everyone else is definitely lazy whores though choosing to repeat a song

>> No.53037599
Quoted by: >>53037660

You know the new gen is near when Gura starts streaming

>> No.53037602

>The lining up monolog at the end of connect the world is a throwback to holoFes1.

>> No.53037608
Quoted by: >>53037646

If I never listen to that, i can never be proven wrong.

>> No.53037614

In terms of body mass anon

>> No.53037620

How long is your meltdown gonna last, you mental midget?

>> No.53037621
Quoted by: >>53037725

Just get anyone in gen 5 to say that on stream, then I'll respect your opinion.

>> No.53037625
Quoted by: >>53038048

If your suggestion is that Aki can't sing anon, then I am sorry to hear that you lack functional ears.

>> No.53037635
File: 776 KB, 1423x757, 1681473855078893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards sure are slow, huh? The entire FPS speech is just an excuse. The true meaning behind the "expand" is "Idols can do male collabs too".
Now you remember when i called /#/ a bunch of retards for watching the SF6 collab with Niji males? This was probably the trigger that made her change her instance. Collabs with Astel and going to those events together in person are unavoidable now.
She pretty much already plays with Astel and Niji males behind the scenes, but now wants to do it on stream.
Why Valorant and Apex of all things to expand?We already went to this arc before but people usually forget this stuff. Some whore from Aogiri High School, who was also the GFE type who didn't collab with males one day had her logs leaked, showing that she was even playing with Astel behind the scenes. Hololive is a lost cause now.

>Otodama Tamako is HEAVILY GFE, Most of Aogiri seem to be more GFE than Holo.
>Most of them do ASMR with GFE elements.
>They don't collab with males on stream and it's pretty much the same as Holo but way more GFE orientated and got popularity through Youtube shorts.
>Some stalker autist finds out she's playing with a rando twitter artist
>People stalk her match history and match up the days and found out she lied about x/y/z
>On the day of Japan power cut saving sometime last year she said she would save power and not stream but was actually playing VALO for long hours.
>Her whole shit gets leaked and she played with multiple dudes and one dude for over 400 matches and various other FPS and even some V-Tubers like Astel and Shion.
>Rumors about offpako and various other things start circulating.
Basically the whole company is fucked because of this whore and VALORANT.

>> No.53037646
File: 41 KB, 564x505, retard slap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037652
File: 264 KB, 800x566, canned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037660

Ame's taking a break next week isn't she?

>> No.53037666


>> No.53037676
Quoted by: >>53037992

tell that to your B2 overlords, the ones that are now crying about losing money on their concerts

>> No.53037689

She can sing but she's much much worse doing it live. It's like she loses all power in her voice when she does.

>> No.53037691

Fuck off.

>> No.53037696
Quoted by: >>53037791

Thanks for showing me her own original song where she tries to sing. I'm rooted deeper in my opinion now.

>> No.53037707

she is a fucking child I swear

>> No.53037719


>> No.53037725
Quoted by: >>53037824

he doesn't watch streams so how would he know? JP numbers are just a convenient tool for him to shit on EN. Just like the homos are just a convenient tool to kill idol culture.

>> No.53037736

Gura I kneel!

>> No.53037744

gura+peppa pig, i can already feel the disturbance in the algo

>> No.53037750
File: 65 KB, 799x799, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53037785

My owlshi did her best. I'm proud of her.

>> No.53037752


>> No.53037765

>Peppa Pig
Gura, no.

>> No.53037767

China offers s lot of viewers and no money to earn.

>> No.53037775

Can't decide if it's a buff or debuff.

>> No.53037785

we love your owlshi here

>> No.53037791
Quoted by: >>53037853

>Bae just shouts
>Posts a song where she doesn't shout at all
>This proves my point
are you clinically retarded

>> No.53037798
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, 1688573553604457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037804
File: 5 KB, 337x64, rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53037808

She was talking about watching Bluey to Kronii. She's definitely a child

>> No.53037814
Quoted by: >>53038010

i approve it, i like raw numbers without using vrabi or vstats

>> No.53037819

>taking 5ch gospels as facts roru.

>> No.53037824

>I care about EN
>But also I'm worried about homos killing idol culture
Getting mixed messages here. Idol culture in EN died the moment Mori made it in.

>> No.53037832

Face wouldn't count as dox for Mori and Kiara with what they do

>> No.53037834
Quoted by: >>53037906


>> No.53037839

Not deserve even a pity (You) from me

>> No.53037848

>Solo stream
Oh no no no sisters...our last hope...

>> No.53037853
Quoted by: >>53037917

Her performance in CtW, dummy. Both of them even. She's just being loud.

>> No.53037857

She's /here/

>> No.53037874

Lmao good image

>> No.53037887
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are chumcucks going to pretend to like this toddler shit?

>> No.53037895

Gura I fucking swear

>> No.53037901
File: 487 KB, 600x612, kneel sephirot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53037906


>> No.53037916

We already have enough schizo here, we don't need another wg schizo.

>> No.53037917

Nigger your entire point is that Bae thinks singing is shouting every word, don't move the goalposts now

>> No.53037918

Nijisis...She's mocking us...

>> No.53037924

now that i think about it, why holos don't play holoearth?

>> No.53037930

Sub 10k.

>> No.53037952


>> No.53037957
File: 64 KB, 239x215, 1681105309286341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempiss 3 confirmed, the contract is sealed.

>> No.53037963
File: 126 KB, 820x691, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53038252

Aogiri will be just fine anon. Komaru is still making bank.

>> No.53037969
Quoted by: >>53038009

Bae collabs incoming?

>> No.53037977


>> No.53037978

take your fucking meds anon

>> No.53037992
File: 3.75 MB, 630x8506, 12_01_08_ezgif-1-5065819bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, we are mogging both niji and holo.

>> No.53038002
File: 3.16 MB, 2508x3541, 764a15ce549954c0f3146c6f18c7c68a5dc92dae1bb431e5382055243fe26f05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53038035

Fucking brat i want to impregnate her now

>> No.53038005

holoearth is not really ready for a freeform stream yet. It'd be like streaming a visit to a museum

>> No.53038009

She doesn't acknowledge Bae's existence

>> No.53038010

The distinction between PC and Mobile viewers is pretty cool as well.

>> No.53038018

im gonna kms, i guess the clips will be GODtier

>> No.53038021

Based, you made the ENsharts mad.

>> No.53038027

>started playing apex at debut
>started playing valorant a year ago
>retards pretend anything has changed

>> No.53038028
File: 592 KB, 531x519, 567567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53038070

You can check it yourself

>> No.53038035


>> No.53038048
Quoted by: >>53038383

No. It's the other way around
I was disproving his
>People can't sing don't cover a KOKIA song and sound decently while doing so.

>> No.53038053

You guys are less than thread readers they left silently. Are they supposed to give her money even if they don't want to?

>> No.53038059

She's really good in a studio, I just think that she's noticably worse when live, or when she dances and sings at the same time.
Also, what is the theme of her EP? Just took a look at it and the songs are all over the place.

>> No.53038070
File: 297 KB, 310x294, 1670294142487981.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53038086
File: 338 KB, 695x628, gura salute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless America, that 4th of July got her the inspiration she needed

>> No.53038090

gura, stop eating, you'll get fat

>> No.53038097


>> No.53038103
File: 136 KB, 463x453, kawaisoupeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got dragged hard by everyone retard, go cry in a corner

>> No.53038120

It's still alpha lol

>> No.53038121

Is Kiara the only holo EN member that confirmed being single and not looking for a boyfriend?

>> No.53038123



>> No.53038126

Different forms of Chaos I think.

>> No.53038128
File: 505 KB, 1080x2739, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-GyyqevVsVYvejrO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOF, better start streaming on kick, oh wait it west taiwan, kek.

>> No.53038129

Gura herself posted this btw

>> No.53038138

you are just another monkey anon...

>> No.53038137

>Full Councilrys collab
>All of MYTH is streaming today
>Full Myth collab tomorrow

>> No.53038139

Bae got 4.3k so I’m predicting 14k max peak for Gura.

>> No.53038142

It's time sub 10k for the grim bros

>> No.53038145
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, miko one piece is real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53038150

Well because there is not that much content yet. This Yamato area is the first playable area.

>> No.53038165

What's with these replies? I feel like it's a valid concern for unicornfags, especially with a precedent.

>> No.53038168 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53038221

This is the game she said people would look at her crazy for.

>> No.53038188
File: 148 KB, 850x1184, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_seboneko__sample-b0c075ca4749cbc308f7edcbfeee088f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun seeing all the schizos suddenly sperg out when gura does literally anything, if she actually comes back this month the seethe is gonna be amazing.

>> No.53038193

Prepare for the flood of clips with her reaction to the out-of-nowhere Elizabeth II obituary

>> No.53038198

few deleteds

>> No.53038200
File: 4 KB, 330x55, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53038202

Be less obvious

>> No.53038219

That's just the platform like how youtube is running at a loss. Other corpos like asoul is making more money than cover.

>> No.53038221
Quoted by: >>53038361

yeah Bae ruined the surprise a long time ago

>> No.53038227


>> No.53038234
Quoted by: >>53038303

Why are you East China niggers always picking fights with us?

>> No.53038239
File: 472 KB, 2048x2048, 1668054608848661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53038237

But schizos were already sperging out

>> No.53038252

>The true meaning behind the "expand" is "Idols can do male collabs too".
Nene literally said she can't just do idol stuff and expect to live off that. She knew fully well what idol really means unlike the EN whores.

I wonder how many people here actually watch Aogiri. Tamako is a fucking nobody and it is Komaru that is carrying the company. I am not surprised no one here watches Komaru because I don't think ENcels can handle her contents kek.

>> No.53038258

>if she actually comes back this month
The chumcucks really are like a abused wife aren't they. Not "when" she comes back this month. "If". Even they know there's still a good chance she fucks off and does nothing even after the concert.

>> No.53038270

Cover shills, cvcks, yesmen damage control team with a touch of retards trying to escape from reality .

>> No.53038272

500 hours off stream

>> No.53038275

We might lose this month but seeing the niggers seething even though they're winning is already a W in my book

>> No.53038278

why does Gura suddenly become so close with Kiara now?

>> No.53038296

What a sad state of affairs.

>> No.53038300
Quoted by: >>53038469

She was talking about purple nurples (nipple twisting) and then one of the comments pushed it to that. She used to watch it

>> No.53038303

East Chinese are still salty they lost the fight 70 years ago

>> No.53038305
File: 396 KB, 1922x1497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some discord guy went full schizo over Holoearth, he copypasted this on several servers even

>> No.53038317
Quoted by: >>53038406

It has been a thing for the past 7 months

>> No.53038334


>> No.53038342

I can tell you don't watch Kiara streams

>> No.53038349
Quoted by: >>53038435

I didn't see you typing this when Bae played it.

>> No.53038361

You can only expect people to wait so long. Mori requested Choo Choo Charles and Trombone Champ perms plus was the one who got Cover to make the HoloRust server but you didn’t see people politely waiting for her to play them first.

>> No.53038366

I'm just waiting for the yab because of Kronii's influence.

>> No.53038377

They bonded during the second myth off collab.

>> No.53038383

That should be people (who) can't sing don't cover a KOKIA song and sound decently while doing so.
I have no idea what you're attempting to disprove, but it's not certainly not anything to do with Bae's singing ability, who very much sounds quite good on her KOKIA cover.

>> No.53038388
Quoted by: >>53038470

This is fake she has her chat closed, can’t even shitpost in it

>> No.53038390

If you want to blend in better, stop using unicorn

>> No.53038406
Quoted by: >>53038492

no wonder Ame goes to Japan w/o work schedule so she doesnt lose her shork from a chicken

>> No.53038418

>Blue Journey video has comments turned off
Covercels fear the schizo investor calling the Blue Journey management a bunch of wannabe omegas

>> No.53038420
File: 737 KB, 854x480, nene_fap[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4f9jwc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cums on you*

>> No.53038424

>greentexting outside of 4Chan
Not reading the rest

>> No.53038435

Bae's 12, anon

>> No.53038436

>She's good when technology can make up for her faults

>> No.53038437

What a fag

>> No.53038443

holy schizophrenia
I suggest he takes 5 dose of 9mm to the head

>> No.53038451

the two reddit threads he's talking about

>> No.53038462


>> No.53038466
File: 100 KB, 1000x1381, 1687793444109134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being JPcucks right now, enjoy your chinklorant with males

>> No.53038469

Did she even know what a purple nurple was? It sounded like she was just referencing Chowder

>> No.53038470
File: 71 KB, 824x728, gtrgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53038480
Quoted by: >>53038579

Too many shit tier corpo vtubers fanboys there. They already got cucked by their shit corpo/indie oshi and now just think it's ok if holofans will be cucked as well. Sorry, you run away from holo to find a greener pastures outside only to return like a beaten dog, sad and bitter.

>> No.53038490

it just seems like he's seething that he didn't get hired by cover to develop the game, judging by how he knows the devs

>> No.53038492

Ame initially decided she wasn't going to Japan cause she thought Kiara/Gura were going on vacation together but then jumped on the chance when she found out it was a work trip.

>> No.53038516

>do a fucking 360

>> No.53038522

And anybody with even a slightly functional brain will ignore the schizo.

>> No.53038524

kek, the things he's criticizing the software for are the exact things this place praises it
>a place to stream things outside of youtube
>a way for Cover to get their revenue without sharing with Youtube

>> No.53038527

he already did, /here/, on twitter, on reddit, and now on discord?

>> No.53038534

faggot doesn't even realise they're separate things lol

>> No.53038546
Quoted by: >>53038801

Too bad because JPchads have choices.

>> No.53038554


>> No.53038557
File: 499 KB, 540x875, guralikesnice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53038631

I guess gura is in a good mood today.

>> No.53038573
Quoted by: >>53038625

He should duke it out with SchizoInvestor-kun on who's the worse retard

>> No.53038575

>r/vyt faggot
I'm shocked I tell you

>> No.53038579

VSPO seems a lot more promising than your steaming pile of shit corpo

>> No.53038587

They were more receptive but not enough to actually make it work and since Westerners can't just mind their own business and like what they like it resulted in never ending drama.

>> No.53038586

Plapkin Peppa...

>> No.53038607

Stockholm syndrome. She was essentially Kiara's prisoner in Japan when Ina left

>> No.53038613
Quoted by: >>53038775

I love Hololive but anyone playing that game is insane, it's ass

>> No.53038621

I mean, if half of his list is true, he's kind of right with bitching about it, not supporting the schizophrenia though.

>> No.53038625
Quoted by: >>53038678

Investor-kun's schizoid ramblings actually got results tho

>> No.53038631
Quoted by: >>53038696


>> No.53038670


>> No.53038678
Quoted by: >>53038724

such as?

>> No.53038692

kek, r vyt

>> No.53038694

Kiara basically became her second mom in Japan to the point where she set up a playdate between her and Okayu

>> No.53038695

does she know?

>> No.53038696

what does this have to do with EN3?

>> No.53038698

half of it is bots, other half is niji/idol schizo

>> No.53038717

>referencing Chowder
Yes she said she watch chowder.

>> No.53038724

Blue Journey being advertised on the main channel with holos visibly represented

>> No.53038725
File: 52 KB, 718x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this type of mental illness

>> No.53038738
Quoted by: >>53038888

Nene had a yab what the fuck happened? I only know about the game against homos.

>> No.53038742
File: 129 KB, 1078x535, shorter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53038833

>This is a rewrite of my older post about this topic, to make it short-
TOP KEK, holy schizophrenia!

>> No.53038752
File: 712 KB, 739x879, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is very horny today

>> No.53038769

>former fan turned schizo
his crusade against microtransaction seems unprompted based on his posting history?

>> No.53038772

>Councilrys and Myth full collab on the same week
>Ame going on vacation next week and told people what the teaser wasn't
>Kiara joked about doing an EN3 demon summoning ritual
It's all coming together

>> No.53038775
Quoted by: >>53041060

The game isn't out yet, there's just a little side area to support the testing of a full live show in the app while they experiment with supporting content and monetization of the concert portion.

>> No.53038801


>> No.53038807
Quoted by: >>53038984

The girl that has admitted to eating baby food?

>> No.53038809
File: 26 KB, 408x408, 166324165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought you'd be into Hololive for the girls and literally everything else is secondary. Just don't play the game? I don't understand the priorities of some people.

>> No.53038813
File: 4 KB, 333x61, standardized merch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use it whenever new Niji merch get's posted

>> No.53038820

Complaining to the EN audience is silly, translate it to JP if the schizo really cared.

>> No.53038833

is he a /v/ or /vg/fag?

>> No.53038844

Since there are a lot of chumbies here, I have a question: what did Kronii ask when she muted the mic? Gura's reaction was like "WTF" so I am interested.

>> No.53038848

Does anyome actually care about EN anymore? You know its all going to be shit anyway

>> No.53038850

The only appropriate response to that should be
>[image of laughing bitches]
That would be enough to trigger an even longer post

>> No.53038864

The only real problem with mumei is that she doesn't stream on a regular basis due to school and health reasons even when it's clear she actually cares about hololive and wants to do more atm even Kronii have more presence.

>> No.53038866
Quoted by: >>53038941

bro its not even an actual game, its just a way to hold concerts withoht YT's godawful bitrate throttling and revemue cut and its a free software

>> No.53038867

Good for cover bad for consumers.

>> No.53038886
Quoted by: >>53038973


>> No.53038888

Menhera breakdown. Normal women things

>> No.53038896
File: 16 KB, 259x194, 1688833408405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53038948

You smell that boys?

>> No.53038914
Quoted by: >>53039009

>former teamate
he's now a pippafag isn't it?

>> No.53038916
File: 89 KB, 1023x1163, ReformedMei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039013

I thunk I will kiss IRyS today.

>> No.53038917
File: 43 KB, 899x435, 23165465749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53038922

these but with homokeks

>> No.53038924

I don't get this mentality, just don't pay then? Nobody is pointing a gun at you to pay money.

>> No.53038929
File: 391 KB, 844x423, 1668792194757379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love holoEN

>> No.53038936
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, it's afraid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53038941
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, dk bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climb some ladders
>get free crackers
>kill some bees
>get free crackers
>farm some cherries
>get free crackers
(bees unrelated)

>> No.53038942
Quoted by: >>53039104

He's not wrong. But because it's marked as "hololive" all he'll get is "poorfags seething" and "go get a job". Spamming this is a shizo behavior, on the other hand. Just don't touch this shit. As long as i can watch Pekora playing videogames on youtube i'm happy.

>> No.53038948
Quoted by: >>53039386

I'm going to go ahead and say a new round of Tempiss whores isn't going to do much good but hey, prove me wrong

>> No.53038968

thank you based AI overlords

>> No.53038971
File: 94 KB, 512x512, 2D23F6CC-F139-4E17-82D2-A5954770B3F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039193

Probably period question, idk I’m a male that’s the only thing that makes sense that every girl she asks gets off put by it. Like “when you have a your first fap bro” kind of shit

>> No.53038973
File: 214 KB, 463x453, 1684511813080488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's stream is gonna have actual children watching.

>> No.53038984

didn't she admit to eating cat treats? In the stream with Kronii.

>> No.53038997

Both HoloEN and NijiEN are seeing good numbers for the past weeks. EN market is healing.

>> No.53039002

>barely stream
>Algo resetted
>start streaming
>buff birthday
>get into algo again
>Peppa the pig
>Another algo boost because child content
Gura playing the system, she knows how YouTube works to the core

>> No.53039006

How would anyone know? Probably something about saving Jews but sacrificing your family to the gestapo or whatever.

>> No.53039009
Quoted by: >>53039118

his seethe against holoearth is really out of place

>> No.53039010

No she was just explaining it to kronii definitely didn't know

>> No.53039013
Quoted by: >>53039258


>> No.53039024
Quoted by: >>53039084

he got bfto'd from the official sub? kek

>> No.53039027
File: 676 KB, 2894x4311, 0f0fb162fdefdc8fed7cc9e67ca2e50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039082

are you perhaps mad sister?

>> No.53039032
Quoted by: >>53039126

Was this shit a buff for Bae? Did Bae even know who Peppa Pig is?

>> No.53039035

stop being gay and post cunny

>> No.53039051
File: 57 KB, 1070x299, IMG_20230709_002424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another evidence pointing to holostar fan (female pinoy) hating on hololive.

>> No.53039053

>liking art

>> No.53039054
File: 12 KB, 1253x62, 1684494695197396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck happened?

>> No.53039062

Gura has been doing youtube for a very long time, so I don't even fault her burn outs.

>> No.53039068

Why does she struggle to get above 20k ccv then

>> No.53039076
Quoted by: >>53039179

Peppa Pig is debuff. There is one moment people care about the queen bit.

>> No.53039082
Quoted by: >>53039159

Don't use my oshi to shitpost jpcucks

>> No.53039084

He couldn't post because he doesn't have enough karma

>> No.53039085
Quoted by: >>53039193

>I don't want to play this game anymore
Maybe Kronii said the game looks like you're peeing on the dirt to wash it away like in a urinal

>> No.53039086


>> No.53039095

Kek you're so pathetic.

>> No.53039104
Quoted by: >>53039575

>He's not wrong. But because it's marked as "hololive" all he'll get is "poorfags seething" and "go get a job".
Anon, this is the hobby where people unironically subscribe to Matsuri 299 USD (or whatever) tier three (no extra perks) membership for the lulz.
It's not a hobby for "vulnerable people" and the rest to enjoy the same.

There is nothing preventing one from fully enjoying Hololive content without being a member, buying merch or forking cash for Holoearth crackers.
There is also no reason to prevent the ones with money from spending it as they see fit

>> No.53039118
Quoted by: >>53039262

i don't mean for the seething tho

>> No.53039126

peppa Pig is Australian

>> No.53039147

She gets decent vod views and merch sales, so it's probably not a high priority for her

>> No.53039159
File: 818 KB, 3035x4299, 1c73572cc316a60b60a22e60262fbb3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething sister

>> No.53039179

Debuff for CCV but get YouTube algo protection by default. Expect more subs from her

>> No.53039180

Phasekeks, nijibros...I don't feel so good.

>> No.53039184
File: 37 KB, 428x343, GURA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53039193

Most likely I guess. Gura said "what the fuck is the point" so it must be some depraved shit that Kronii is into.

Kronii was asking a question.

>> No.53039194
File: 951 KB, 840x1053, Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039221

As usual

>> No.53039208

>Mori casually treats people to 500 dollar dinners

>> No.53039209

why the fuck half english and half wtf language

>> No.53039213


>> No.53039221


>> No.53039253

yeah, mine

>> No.53039257

>awful sounding language
damn idbros, I kneel

>> No.53039258
File: 442 KB, 693x725, Reformedlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I meant thenk

>> No.53039262

I know, he's not on other vtuber fanbase or anything like that

that seethe came out of nowhere like I said
his last post before changing drastically like that are congratulatory post for Hololive 5th b-day

>> No.53039265

Looks like we can add Blue Journey to the list of HoloFlops2023
At this rate, Holo will end this year with a staggering 100% flop rate for all of their projects.

>> No.53039271

I understand the feel, I remember being poor and being treated to stuff I felt I didn't deserve (and definitely couldn't afford).
Today I make it a point to pay it back the kindness of those those who treated me before and pick up the bill when inviting people I know won't have the same means.

Class act by Mori

>> No.53039275
Quoted by: >>53039385

you should check azki

>> No.53039286

* FINAL EN SMALL CORPO TALLY OF THE DAY * (minimum 1000 viewers)
>3,485 Rin (Idol)
>1,284 Poko (Idol) [Raid]
>1,075 Momo (Idol)

1) Rin (Idol) - 3,461 - US geography quiz
2) Pippa (Phase Connect) - 2,225 - Horror
3) None
4) Rin (Idol) - 1,861 - Wii horse game
5) None
6) Rin (Idol) - 2,137 - Splatoon male fleshstreamer collab
7) Rin (Idol) - 2,940 - Minecraft
8) Rin (Idol) -3,485 - Rating hate comments

5x: Idol
1x: Phase Connect
2x: None

5x: Rin
1x: Pippa

>> No.53039289
Quoted by: >>53039373

Kobo's an indog. She probably never saw that much money in her entire life

>> No.53039299


>> No.53039308
File: 91 KB, 700x700, FlzP0cNaYAk_YSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealous, hero of the children?

>> No.53039336

that's awful low, did she cull one of the failed chilla's art streams or something?

>> No.53039345

Pippakeks got too cocky. What is it, she's not streaming or the Plappening really affect her audience?

>> No.53039347


>> No.53039358
File: 1.56 MB, 500x500, 71b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura tapping into the Youtube children viewers

>> No.53039360

>Rin domination
What happened to Pippa? No I don't think the photo yab did anything because her fanbase doesn't care after a few hours. People cared more about her voice acting stuff than this.

>> No.53039373
Quoted by: >>53039483

That fucking dinner could've lasted an Indon family for a month. She should feel bad.

>> No.53039385
File: 11 KB, 1258x62, 1687900072917952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, did one of her geoguesser streams get privated or something?

>> No.53039386

So true sister, I am amazed you can still post at the same time as you miming blowjob motions while listening to Milord's RP ASMR

>> No.53039395
Quoted by: >>53039566

>Ame forgives Gura
>Gura starts streaming again
that was the reason? really?

>> No.53039397
Quoted by: >>53039843

That's a luca fan anon.

>> No.53039406

Tempiss status?

>> No.53039415
Quoted by: >>53039673

That shit's like twitter likes. In the grand scheme of things, it isn't what makes them money or more popular.

>> No.53039421

IDs are good kids
Shame that they're often too naïve for their own good

>> No.53039431
Quoted by: >>53040419

Have you heard the crowd on her saying HIRyS it's IRyS! ?
Shit's crazy

>> No.53039449
Quoted by: >>53041025

The NASFAQ lads have a script that marks deleted videos. Ask them

>> No.53039473
File: 1.15 MB, 1046x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039896


>> No.53039483

Is indo that poor?

>> No.53039506

>Gura play kusoge
>Omg this must be her plan to game the algo
This sound like borderline cope from /#/ to justify big number chuuba playing shit games

>> No.53039510
File: 28 KB, 403x324, 1549414043033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53039514
File: 452 KB, 1280x1556, 960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was a joke...

>> No.53039537

/nasfaq/ would know but they're real slow right now

>> No.53039545

Peppa pig is overrated. This will be another sub 20k stream from Gura

>> No.53039566

>Ame finally has sex with Gura
>Gura starts streaming again
i guess it was that simple

>> No.53039564

Collabing with your oshi next

>> No.53039570
Quoted by: >>53039668

It's just stupid, she's playing the silly game cause she's a silly person, not cause she's done the math and knows it will get her numbers

>> No.53039575

I totally get this. People will spend a lot of cash in this game just to show how much they support hololive materially. And it's not a bad thing. I just think that it could've been different. It still could be. Maybe there some limited fireworks and stickers or some shit, i don't know, i never even played this yet. I just think that this sort of a game should be a "community hub" first and commercially successful game second. I hope they'll succed and this fag is just painting everything in a black color. But he can be right and everything is just an excuse to sell overpriced stickers.

>> No.53039576
File: 438 KB, 1276x724, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039711

As a special mention, Shiina had a 12 hours birthday stream and while she didn't get 1000 viewers, she got close.

>> No.53039610

Wait is he streaming?

>> No.53039619

based, I prefer Bob the Builder.

>> No.53039620
Quoted by: >>53039737

the exchange rate is still pretty shit yeah
I wouldn't be surprised if Kobo is earning more money than the rest of her neighbourhood combined purely because she's getting SCs in USD and yen

>> No.53039634
File: 15 KB, 431x233, image_2023-07-08_233620950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53039729


>> No.53039652

What are the chances of EN3 getting announced next week?

>> No.53039668

Guras math amounts to
>This looks fun let's do this!
And a lot of people watch it and it's fun. It's that simple. It's a solid equation.

>> No.53039673
Quoted by: >>53039722

True, and Gura isn't driven by wanting to actually do anything entertaining so I guess maximizing profit instead of doing anything that would make people want to watch streams makes sense. Sad for the chumcucks though

>> No.53039686
Quoted by: >>53039726

tell ame how long she will be in vacation

>> No.53039690


EN3 will never come
fuck you Nostradamus

>> No.53039689

There are minigames in HoloEarth you can do to earn the store stuff for free. There's nothing going on inside HoloEarth 80% of the times anyways

>> No.53039692
Quoted by: >>53039851

so i'm guessing splash party concert recordings are finished already?

>> No.53039711

Phasesisters it's over. The joos have beaten us.

>> No.53039715
Quoted by: >>53039779

500 dollar is literally my IT intern salary for a month...

>> No.53039722

stop ban evading.

>> No.53039726

She's going on a vacation starting on the 14th

>> No.53039727


>> No.53039729
Quoted by: >>53039800

What can they buy with this amount?

>> No.53039737

i really don't want to know how much rich Kaela has become in indo%, with her ratio of west SC and ads CPM.

>> No.53039739
Quoted by: >>53039783

Ame news next week will have tempoop

>> No.53039764

pippa's actually hurt by the "yab" huh?

>> No.53039779

500 dollars is a toco bell shit mopper's wage for a week....

>> No.53039783

Do you like it?

>> No.53039794

Ngl but I don't understand the hype behind another rare Gura stream. She will stream once, get around 20k, huge VOD view, and then dipped
Nothing gonna change. Even a surprise Koshien stream gonna impact more

>> No.53039792
Quoted by: >>53040027

>I just think that it could've been different.
Lots of things in the world could be different
> I just think that this sort of a game should be a "community hub" first
GOD FORBID! I think everybody learned their lesson about the two type of communities that form around Hololive
>the community that puts their money where their mouth is and financially support the girls and their company
>the community that put their feet where their mouth is and demands to be catered while not even watching streams or their VODs, only clips

>> No.53039800

It's like 15 dollars in indonesia, so like, three meals, two movie tickets, or maybe a taxi fare

>> No.53039801
Quoted by: >>53039865

Peppa is absolutely huge in a kids cartoons market. She will not get attention of an adult audience, but stupid kids that watch the same videos 100 times... why not. Or maybe not. It's not a coincidence that all of the fake gurakillers that pop out from time to time are just kids channels.

>> No.53039815
Quoted by: >>53039856

I'm expecting in the myth colllab

>> No.53039826

>Sub 20k
It will be sub 15k. It will be glorious to see her continued recline into irrelevance as she continues to treat fans as ATM and try to prop up her numbers using children now

>> No.53039827
Quoted by: >>53039959

>En management uplifts the “Gura collabing with Tempus is to risky” ban
>Gura starts streaming again
Gura X Tempus collab incoming. My bet is her collabing with Flayon 1st

>> No.53039838

The only retards saying otherwise are just salty brrat fags that are upset the cameraman didn't go schizo on IRyS's performance.

>> No.53039843
File: 93 KB, 1080x389, IMG_20230709_003940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Tempus fan

>> No.53039851

They're probably mostly done if not all.

>> No.53039856

you really think they gonna announce a new gen at the myth collab? When is the collab anyway?

>> No.53039865

>She will [headcanon]
Lol like she is capable of thinking that far. You guys overestimated these women

>> No.53039869

unironically wtf, i can get good food from a good restaurant here for a quarter price of it, i would feel bad too

>> No.53039884
Quoted by: >>53040207

Real “nobody messes with my NijiEN FAMILY” vibes

>> No.53039883
Quoted by: >>53039933

Gura will have another duolingo vod from this when it gets into the kids recommendation algo

>> No.53039889

Jesus christ Phase is dead.

>> No.53039896

I can just imagine this small child handing over everything she got while Mori desperately tries to get her to stop lol.

>> No.53039915
Quoted by: >>53040207

Sounds eerily like "I love Nijisanji" from the NIjiEN blokes

>> No.53039933

YT kid is a different algo altogether, she won't "get into it" without being registered as a kid channel

>> No.53039954

Tempiss and nijien are the same with the same cancerous fanbase.

>> No.53039959

My bet is on Hakka so they can do La CREATURA bits

>> No.53040000

Exactly. This is why burger flippers in the US should be grateful that they didn't born in SEA

>> No.53040027

Yeah, i'm sure people that can't be bothered to watch a 2 hours stream are going to sit all day inside the holoearth app... for a reasons.

>> No.53040038

Fuck of Babski, hope you get banned from every holo’s chat

>> No.53040060

Can someone give me money i'm from SEA

>> No.53040069

Nah, according to her Twitter she is just on "short hiatus"

>> No.53040070

Hirogaru hororaibu!

>> No.53040077
File: 1.74 MB, 1852x5019, 2023-07-08 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>82,413: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>75,754: Rika (Nijisanji)
>64,249: Nui (Nijisanji)
>63,921: Hololive (Hololive)
>50,496: Nina (Nijisanji)
>35,153: Subaru (Hololive)
>27,529: Mori (Hololive)
>24,843: Subaru (Hololive)
>24,738: Suisei (Hololive)
>20,629: Korone (Hololive)
>20,207: Pekora (Hololive)
>19,500: Miko (Hololive)
>16,567: Fubuki (Hololive)
>14,316: Fubuki (Hololive)
>13,637: Fauna (Hololive)
>13,215: Ito Life (Indie)
>13,105: Mio (Hololive)
>12,749: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)
>12,707: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>12,213: Lize (Nijisanji)
>11,846: Rika (Nijisanji)
>11,808: Lui (Hololive)
>11,664: Beni (VSPO)
>11,442: Chiroru (Indie)
>10,514: Reid (Neo-Porte)
>10,403: Luna (Hololive)
>10,402: Hal (Neo-Porte)

One two three for Niji Koshien today with Shiina holding strong and powering through two gacha streams, with Rika getting silver and Nui a skin tight bronze over Holo main channel, with Nina graduation (part 2?) also making to the top 5.

>> No.53040091

Pippa fucking moggggggggged!!! Wasn’t this supposed to be the “Pippa wins lol” tally before the plappining?

>> No.53040094

They might sit there and talk to each other

>> No.53040095

You smell

>> No.53040120

It's going to be announced tomorrow with a Myth watchalong of a teaser.

>> No.53040130

They won't, they'll just use other means of communications to broadcast to the world that they're feeling left out and that COVER should cater to them somehow.

>> No.53040142


>> No.53040149
Quoted by: >>53040371

This isn't /biz/ retard

>> No.53040184
Quoted by: >>53040247

What "yab"?

>> No.53040188

Also 500 dollars almost 2 times of 360$, so Kobo better be thankful because Mori worked her ass a whole lot for that.

>> No.53040195
File: 1.53 MB, 2086x626, 1657980756635011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make me happy

>> No.53040198
File: 166 KB, 800x800, shiina 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53040318

I'll tell you, I'm glad it's Shiina, she has much better tits than Nui

>> No.53040207

Depends if all Tempus made similar posts around the same time like NijiEN did.

>> No.53040209

yeah, mine, inside of gura

>> No.53040227
File: 1.89 MB, 4096x2731, Parade Parade - Live[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flwir3e.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53040267

>> No.53040247

The Plappening. People would tell you but there is a 50-50 chance they would get banned on sight so you do your reps

>> No.53040263

This but replace Mumei with Gura

>> No.53040267


Parade, Parade, Parade!
Shining brightly, using our calling voices as a cue
Parade, Parade, Parade!
I'll go looking for you... no matter how many times I have to start

I simply wrote down a monologue
I simply ran, just to get started
Far away, lit in the dark
It was a name that was too bright
It was a memory that was too kind
I reached out to get closer
Unexpectedly, we came together
Look! The lost children,
have become "us" now!

Parade, parade, parade!
We will shine brightly!
Drag your regrets and your love along
Winds, dreams, wings.
We'll take off into the sky
That little prayer is a light
Signs that never end
I'm proud that I was able to find you
From here on (KOKO KARA)
From now on (KORE KARA)
Our Bright Parade, Parade!
Our Bright Parade, Parade!

I still have an unreliable feeling
I'm not ashamed to sing about it
The "Imaginary" that no one can solve
A spell so that we may meet again
The story that began from zero on that day
An uncountable number of words
But these aren't feelings that can be numbered
Now, let us call "us" as "one"!

Parade, parade, parade!
It's beautiful isn't it
A moment when we can forgive each other
The night is sparkling!
Rain, Sunshine, Kaleidoscopic
A sky like no other
A journey that's worth taking
Is being with you. (KIMI TO ARU KOTO SAAA)
It's all about being with you. (KIMI TO ARU KOTO NAAANDAAA)

When I hear "I'm home"
I'll shout, "Welcome home"
Isn't that obvious?

Parade, parade, parade
We will shine brightly!
What fills the the darkness
It's you! And it's me! (KIMI DA, BOKU DA!)

Parade, parade, parade
We will shine brightly!
Drag your regrets and your love along
Winds, Dreams, Wings
We'll take off into the sky
That little prayer is a light
Signs that never end
I'll jump and fly with you
It's a splendid start
From here on (KOKO KARA)
From now on (KORE KARA)
Our Bright Parade, Parade!
Our Bright Parade, Parade!

>> No.53040277
File: 467 KB, 900x870, Moom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53040282

Can't Hololive get more than one or two 30k+ streams a day anymore?

>> No.53040283

Go to sleep seanig

>> No.53040292

How the fuck did Rika beat Nui? Was Nui stuck with a complete shitter squad?

>> No.53040299

kek that's nowhere near Kronii bullshit of male collabs, lying/randomly changing her mind and not giving a fuck about anything hololive in general.

I do wonder is management pushing more homo integration though? It sounds pretty dramatic just for some Valo games.

>> No.53040301
Quoted by: >>53040551

why are we seething about valorant JP? I missed it

>> No.53040316
File: 127 KB, 796x861, laughing abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anon catching a stray ban for posting a screencap of Kobo showing her MLP toys
Funniest one I saw in this thread

>> No.53040318
Quoted by: >>53040388

why do you have to be a faggot

>> No.53040341

How would you save holoen anons

>> No.53040359
File: 467 KB, 1350x654, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Shiina numbers so good? I expected the drop to be bigger considering she had Ohtani birthday buff + pulling Ohtani in her first stream. Also holy shit those grim FF16 numbers. Game is really a massive debuff past prologue.

>> No.53040364

ask fagoo

>> No.53040371

that's why he's asking here, you can't beg on /biz/

>> No.53040388
File: 1.45 MB, 1240x1754, shiina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53040512

Come on, Shiina has natty tits, Nui's clearly look like boltons

Kuzuha in her team, Ohtani in her team

>> No.53040404
Quoted by: >>53040845

I’ve gotten banned for posting the MLP NijiEn picture. The mlp rule is strongly enforced if people report it

>> No.53040414
File: 663 KB, 1964x640, 1657543592389393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53040474


>> No.53040419

Was there a live cam upload for this moment? The one I found doesn't have her Gravity and I think that's when she said it (or was it some time else?)

>> No.53040416


>> No.53040424
Quoted by: >>53040490

Well I am certain they want to. I can imagine the homo management pestering the higher up every chance they can about how they NEED the girls to share their fame to grow the Stars. I mean they were paid to came up with ways to incline the Stars

>> No.53040431
Quoted by: >>53040476

She has Tokyo Ghoul on her team doesn't she?

>> No.53040452

She got really good draws so she's an early favorite to win

>> No.53040462

Gura will fail to hit 21k and have another stream that gets btfo by the homo uno collab

>> No.53040472

why the sudden talk about nene again?

>> No.53040474

ok this is off the table, they're not coming until Q4 this year

>> No.53040476
Quoted by: >>53040604

Yeah, she is THE Kuzuha team of this Koshien

>> No.53040490
Quoted by: >>53040529

Rent free, this has nothing to do with the boys and everything to do with her just being a shitter.

>> No.53040512

Do you have that around the wrong way wtf?

>> No.53040529

I didn't talk about Nene specifically retard

>> No.53040550

Not sure, was Twinkle 4 U that unremarkable?

>> No.53040551
Quoted by: >>53040625

Can you stop trying to derail the thread you bumbling, moronic, asshat?

>> No.53040604

We haven't seen Chinman yet. He will be the REAL Kuzuha of this Koshien. Also, Lize's second stream will most likely be bigger than Shina's second.

>> No.53040607
File: 237 KB, 1154x252, screenshot_1688835233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do these numbers say about Pekora appeal to EOP?

>> No.53040620

Astel asking her, this guy is holostars mafumafu

>> No.53040625

no, i just wanted to know why the sudden talk about nene again, even baiting with homos

>> No.53040636

show bob and cunny

>> No.53040638

>3 views clipniggers

>> No.53040710
File: 246 KB, 1376x972, choco laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons trying to bait the post tally thread
>on a weekend
Go to sleep niggers, there is nobody here

>> No.53040737

Flare's comfort games are so weird

>> No.53040785

it just got deleted anon

>> No.53040806

like luna and "farm games"?

>> No.53040831

Cute anime girl doing cute noises is an universal language. Also, Pekora has a very bad clip game in EN clip scene. There's so many 100k+ jp clips of Pekora doing anything and absolutely nothing in en. Instead, my feed is full of micomet shit for some reason. I never watched a single one of them.

>> No.53040836
Quoted by: >>53040934

I never noticed it but since when saplings infested this thread on EN hours? She never get real big numbers

>> No.53040845

no, that's just an excuse for the mod to ban you because you insulted his nijikeks
Which really applies to most of the rules on this site

>> No.53040880
Quoted by: >>53040897

Flare is weird

>> No.53040897

You're weird

>> No.53040904
File: 11 KB, 594x136, screenshot_1688835572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53040929

>Good morning at 1am
Is he ok?

>> No.53040929

He is a vampire retard

>> No.53040927

Is Gura back from Japan?

>> No.53040934

>Only fanbases of chuubas with big numbers exist in this thread
Do you really?

>> No.53040957
File: 44 KB, 254x252, 1688835649352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53041019

EN3 will be our first guest

>> No.53040993
File: 134 KB, 600x601, 1679799905425672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53041019

Did ledditors ever make a thread about this or are they still bitching about downvoots?

>> No.53041025

nasfaq is fucking dead, bro

>> No.53041027
File: 17 KB, 600x600, bait lowquality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53041043
File: 219 KB, 455x388, 1665416432729785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53041060

nta and yea thats true, but realistically the game is going to be ass on its own merits.

>> No.53041074
File: 63 KB, 624x628, 590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
