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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 882 KB, 2048x2048, 1587250279480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
492757 No.492757 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>493250

Hololive Global

>> No.492760


>> No.492761
Quoted by: >>492789

w-what happened to the thread

>> No.492764


>> No.492766

I have no idea what happened, I just made a new thread

>> No.492768
Quoted by: >>492962

what the fuck meido I was about to call anon a faggot

>> No.492770
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1606981359301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-guys? what happened?

>> No.492773

Based meido

>> No.492774
File: 9 KB, 512x207, 1609204343691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492779


>> No.492778


>> No.492780
File: 702 KB, 864x1225, 1613072269321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492781


>> No.492784
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in the thread 3 minutes ago and was reading my way through it, why was it nuked?

>> No.492783

excuse me we were just discussing zombie pegging

>> No.492785
Quoted by: >>492810

Someone posted the new peko doxx again?

>> No.492786 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1613072558029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492795

The thread died?
I think I know what happened.
Lookit this!

>> No.492789
Quoted by: >>492827

Just stop SHE'S NOT/HERE faggotry, it's pretty clear.

>> No.492790

You guys are actually retarded.

>> No.492791
File: 87 KB, 444x511, cute kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492807

...the thread didn't seem that bad, all things considered?

>> No.492793


>> No.492794


>> No.492795


>> No.492796

What the fuck?

>> No.492797


>> No.492798
File: 68 KB, 973x171, MY DOG [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuauxv1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492801
Quoted by: >>492815 >>492819

Meido also deleted the Ame thread randomly yesterday.

>> No.492802
File: 528 KB, 837x1000, 1611509631100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492806
File: 446 KB, 949x1200, 72416616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behave yourselves, please.

>> No.492807
Quoted by: >>492845 >>493002

Meido probably didn't want to see the HERE discussion.

>> No.492808
File: 47 KB, 915x455, 1584393058656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's gooo

>> No.492810
Quoted by: >>492849

dripfeed me

>> No.492811
File: 1.12 MB, 1261x935, AkiAraAra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido-sama being a good boy, ara ara

>> No.492812
File: 325 KB, 1431x2048, 1592414908566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492815

>Ame is the sharkmeido

>> No.492816

robomeido pls

>> No.492817
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1599400504870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meido are you ok?

>> No.492819


>> No.492820
File: 13 KB, 128x128, 1606685860177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492840

I can't believe the meido hates timeloops so fucking much that they deleted the entire thread.
I respect that.

>> No.492821
File: 342 KB, 1448x2048, Et3lr5KVEAAbSWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493110


>> No.492822

thread got nuked, interesting that you didn't do it when the Ame invasion picture was posted Meido then maybe Ame would have to have her old fags and herself paranoid

>> No.492823
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, watame phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made the call

>> No.492826


>> No.492827
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1577639560991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492862

Gura is still cute and funny and you can never take that away

>> No.492828
File: 71 KB, 354x385, ina_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one replied before the thread died, therefore I won the argument.

>> No.492830
File: 146 KB, 512x512, 1612533798970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo!! I was just about to CTRL + F all my (You)s. And then it got fucking nuked. Not fair.

>> No.492832
File: 2 KB, 82x95, 1611392863082s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy was baiting about here/not here timeloop and was apparently wiped.. Incidentally he just may have also been the OP of the last thread... honest mistake..

>> No.492834
File: 730 KB, 810x780, calmdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it

>> No.492835


>> No.492837

Did the HEREposting go too far?

>> No.492839
Quoted by: >>492870

>alright, the thread might be early but it made to 1k posts, there is also another thread made around the same time at 1 post
Never change meido

>> No.492841
File: 289 KB, 1448x2048, Et8Klz4VEAQ-OpT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, chumchads. Let's pretend that Gura's schedule is up


>> No.492840

Sounds based to me

>> No.492844

>gura isn't making a schedule to avoid the rrats about her not streaming on Valentine's
>gura isn't making a schedule because she's fucking lazy
I don't know which one is worse...

>> No.492845
Quoted by: >>492926

Wouldn't it be good to communicate that? I can see how "she's here" can be interpreted as IRL stuff. At least if it goes to far?

>> No.492849

If you're lucky, they'll spoonfeed you immediately, and no, I don't save doxxes

>> No.492851
File: 626 KB, 1092x1092, 1605993549119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492997

I apologize Ame, you're not here.

>> No.492852
File: 3.36 MB, 1280x720, Roboco BGM Next_Wednesday 魂音泉ロボ子cover[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxkv8cz.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you Roboco.

>> No.492855
File: 606 KB, 250x250, 1612044212417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.492856
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1609045002398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493199

What the fuck happened to the last thread?

Love my Mori?

>> No.492857


>> No.492859
Quoted by: >>494133

The zhangs won

>> No.492862
File: 282 KB, 710x1000, EtjMFALVIAEgX8T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is all around wonderful.

>> No.492863
File: 112 KB, 381x612, 1600077111612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, whatever. NEW IMAGES
Here's an old one

>> No.492865


>> No.492867
Quoted by: >>492889

>Little Nightmares 2
Isn't this a direct sequel of Little Nightmares though? I recall she said she never played the first one

>> No.492869
File: 524 KB, 4096x2896, 1613072758399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492870
File: 86 KB, 990x1280, 1611844117495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods can wipe someone out at the click of a button, but sometimes shitters are also the OPs. Sometimes threads have accidentally gotten nuked back on /jp/ too... It happens.

>> No.492871


>> No.492872

I am impressed how /hlgg/ on /vt/ has become more cancerous than it was on /jp/. What happened?

>> No.492874
File: 176 KB, 504x283, 1325983099537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492875


>> No.492878

>more hat in time
>project diva
>more gurame battleblock

>> No.492880
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1051, 1613002202475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else can't wait for next Minecraft update so Gura can build Atlantis?
Glow Squid winning was the best scenario
Also what the fuck happened to the thread?

>> No.492881
File: 325 KB, 418x433, 1611290314698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel was being an angel, that's what

>> No.492882
File: 150 KB, 1024x991, 1600310106329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Amelia, she is very cute and cool, and she has a nice laugh, also she should do ASMR again.

>> No.492885
Quoted by: >>493191


>> No.492886
File: 665 KB, 500x300, Ame sit on my lap[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fszg397.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492905 >>492904

Once more, how does this make you feel?

>> No.492888

Chinks got to Coco, she started crying and Kanata swept in to comfort her, so she ended the stream.

>> No.492889

Can't wait for all that Little Nightmare stream Gura fanarts.

>> No.492890


>> No.492893

Oh, so he was a load-bearing retard?

>> No.492895


>> No.492899
File: 277 KB, 427x452, haah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492900
File: 5 KB, 250x65, ame kekekekeke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492902

Gura already committed to two valentine's streams.
Gura and Ame know they have to long streams that day or the schizos will attack them.

>> No.492905
Quoted by: >>492990

Indifferent. I don't particularly like Ame's voice or feel any attraction to her beyond being a streamer.
>t. holmie

>> No.492904

sit on my face brother.

>> No.492908
File: 315 KB, 436x456, fnfgura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Gura would play Friday night funking evetually skeebo bap beep a oe kino soon!

>> No.492912
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492970

wooooo fast new cat. it's fat also.

>> No.492913

I believe this.

>> No.492915
File: 145 KB, 809x1132, __usada_pekora_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_chiro_norishiro_michiro__9e7eb99a3a7e5b6bb8707c5c2ccf61f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: ignore shitposting numberfags posing as fake nousagis, watch actual Pekora streams to see what she's really like.
Her Metal Gear Solid streams are peak Pekora and showcases her strong points as a streamer, how she gets so immersed in the story and characters, jokes on the fly, her hilarious reactions and playstyle.
MGS1 playthrough, translated:
MGS2 playthrough, translated:
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuiwbwapLB4
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvue5kOf2P4
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl3qBl8dp6s
Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzJKx8KmXOs
Part 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LALYIN_Jf1Y
Part 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogs9eB4U7_g
MGS3 playthrough, translated:
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SInzi5gb6uk
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPkOWbR2sy4
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7_uWXyM7ig
MGS4 palythrough, translated:
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V5TLXqvJng
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Glvw-Ivx4I
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I13njTYPVmI
Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FSlDMLRs_s
Part 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqJ5ZK20gDo
Part 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF4pUes8H2Y
Rest are still not translated yet.
If you want to watch in the order Pekora played these, start with MGS3.
Some more stuff to watch, also fully translated:
Pekora on Deserted Island VN walkthrough - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcnOexP7gRYwMO9iLeRMbnopYjn816AB9
Telephone Booth Escape game - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcnOexP7gRYzCWDztF4wUj2zJOuefAvM4
Watch these during dead hours and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

>> No.492916
File: 421 KB, 406x665, 1588333782627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492963

If you're referring to the Risu denying guy, maybe
I'm pastebin anon, and I'm fine, doubt it was related to that honestly

>> No.492917

Okay that's pretty funny.

>> No.492919

That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.492921


>> No.492923
File: 49 KB, 112x112, 1612740716113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492936 >>493026

i have Ina withdrawal
pls send help

>> No.492924
File: 2.11 MB, 1084x1500, 1610138141723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492969


>> No.492925

the banner is still at the top of every fucking board attracting flies

>> No.492926
Quoted by: >>492948

...how can it be IRL when the only stuff which can be reasonably accepted as evidence can only happen on stream?

>> No.492928

New board, more new users who can easily fall for bait/rrats.

>> No.492930

/hlgg/ wasn't as obvious to outsiders when it was on /jp/. Now that /vt/ has it owns board, neo-/hlgg/ is a giant bullseye for every off-siter interested in chuubas.

>> No.492933

Watch the streams

>> No.492934

/hlgg/ I nuked the thread by accident LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.492936 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1613072955844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493079


>> No.492939


>> No.492940
File: 111 KB, 236x224, 1607854971297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the schedule you dumb baby

>> No.492941

Yeah, that's actually a rather apt description.

>> No.492944
Quoted by: >>492994

Oh my god, she's going to read [good horror story]! this is going to be fucking amazing.

>> No.492945
Quoted by: >>492981 >>493025

Anyone else finding it strange how Haachama is getting tons of high quality threads?

>> No.492946

so the SHE'S HERE discussion isn't allowed? Honestly, good, that's one of the most silliest and smallest things to talk about. Because we already know that Enma's here

>> No.492948

I was guessing before >>492832 was posted. Didn't think of that, but I think something like that happened before

>> No.492949


>> No.492954

how new?

>> No.492958

in about 3 hours

>> No.492959

>load-bearing retard
Holy fuck i'm stealing this.

>> No.492962

Meido called all of you faggots

>> No.492963

I'm the denier and no I didn't make the thread. Also, I've seen the light now

>> No.492966
File: 372 KB, 578x530, TheCallThatSavedHoloID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job meidos, just in time so no one got to see it
You are still not getting paid tho

>> No.492969
File: 394 KB, 1806x2168, 1612968765877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492970

finga shottou!

>> No.492971

Enma seeing the hate some anons have for her and her porn is hot

>> No.492974


>> No.492978

5 mins (namek time)

>> No.492980
File: 731 KB, 2979x4096, 1583662771788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492996 >>493029

I left for a second what the hell happened?

>> No.492981

haachama is the best vtuber and the most powerful

>> No.492982
Quoted by: >>493010

>Super Metroid
>Project Diva
>Valentines Baking
>Another reading stream
>UNO collab
>Shrek PS2

>> No.492984


>> No.492986

I'm glad coco has ppt

>> No.492987

Is this more cancerous though? A month before the end /hlgg/ was unusable at certain times of the day. It died back down as we got closer to /vt/'s birth, but I'm not sure we'll fall that low again for a long time

>> No.492988
File: 72 KB, 1174x814, Load-bearing retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I'm looking at the deleted posts and you're probably right
They fucking long-laughed themselves right into the meido's sights and got their entire post history wiped, only for their post history to include the fucking OP

>> No.492990

>t. homo*

>> No.492991
File: 1.48 MB, 864x1593, Screenshots_2021-02-11-14-51-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GurAme section of steam...

>> No.492992


>> No.492994

Isn't the word nigger a lot in the story though?

>> No.492996

Gura called us all faggots for arguing about whether or not she was here and the mods had to delete the thread because there were too many hurt feelings

>> No.492997
File: 555 KB, 497x937, 1611082244270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493005

Ame. Your haircut reps.

>> No.492999

21 (You)s last thread. Heh.

>> No.493000

>Wait you guys aren't actually taking me serious
>when I, I see a lot of people saying
>"Uhh fatshaming" but you don't actually
>you don't actually, you didn't actually take that seriously right?
>This, this situation of me telling an enemy in a game that he's too fat
>Chat"LOL NO"
>Ok, ok, ok, I was getting a bit worried that you guys are
>getting too sensitive

>> No.493001
File: 37 KB, 1003x413, 1594126272665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the posts that got nuked along with the thread
notherefags.. embarassing

>> No.493002

lol no, the nothere fag used to get banned on /jp/

>> No.493003
Quoted by: >>493120

>Confirm Haatochama is here with my 600 post thesis
>Mods delete thread

>> No.493004
Quoted by: >>493080

OP of the last thread here, nothing happened to me, just a warning. Meido nuked the thread.

>> No.493005

God I fucking love long haired Ame

>> No.493009
File: 195 KB, 548x366, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will be deleted in 5 minutes from now

>> No.493010
Quoted by: >>493044

Uno collab with fucking Coco too, time to teach the chinks they're going to need more bots to compete with EN spam.

>> No.493011


>> No.493014

I still cant believe we got permissions for Barbie Horse Adventure!

>> No.493018

I care more about fat cat poster than Okayu...

>> No.493019


>> No.493025


>> No.493026 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1613073263182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493079


>> No.493027


>> No.493029

you leaving killed the thread, we just couldn't go on without your presence
please never leave again. we missed you

>> No.493030
Quoted by: >>493055

Ame and Gura should play Sam & Max.

>> No.493031

>the absolute state of notherefags

>> No.493034

Bird is based.

>> No.493037
Quoted by: >>493122 >>493135

It's not normally a big deal but it is annoying when it goes on for 200 posts and some people are being retards about it. There seem to be some who are real desperate to pretend that the ENs have no idea what even 4chan is, which is retarded. Why? I guess some kind of extended form of concernfagging afraid that they're all delicate flowers who wouldn't be able to take the banter here. In reality come on, these are hardcore internet dorks, not normalfags. Their skins are thick.

>> No.493038
Quoted by: >>493087 >>493119

So he got killed for saying they're NOT here? Interesting...

>> No.493039
File: 5 KB, 227x222, 1612505717553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was also arguing with herefags... why was I spared

>> No.493041

jesas, and jp developers are somehow still autistic about permissions...

>> No.493044

They're taught from childbirth that nothing is more important than Chinese pride, they'll kill themselves buying bots and memberships to harass Coco and anyone near her instead of admitting defeat.

>> No.493045

>fatshaming people

>> No.493046

you weren't schizo enough

>> No.493050

I don't know if I would call it more cancerous, it's more like a different kind of cancer. Before was constant timeloops over the latest doxx shit to leak out and cause a shitstorm, now it's a bunch of newfags and retards biting stale bait during Dead Hours.

>> No.493053


>> No.493054
File: 247 KB, 512x411, 1612962278056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493055
Quoted by: >>493089

Isnt Sam and Max a single player point and click...

>> No.493056

I kneel /u/schizos...

>> No.493058
File: 845 KB, 1000x1414, 1612629517931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493265

Cun cun is life

>> No.493063
Quoted by: >>493083

as a notherefag I wasn't nuked... interesting

>> No.493064

I somehow doubt you were doing the whole "I'm going to spam laughter" bit.

>> No.493065

You took your meds

>> No.493066

Yeah, looks like he was baiting for the timeloop

>> No.493067

based and checked

>> No.493068
File: 28 KB, 380x157, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand a word he's saying, but I'll member just for his karaokes.

>> No.493070

Steam stop /u/fagging

>> No.493071

t. Cover staff that modded the chink in Coco's chat

>> No.493075

Do the JPs watch the EN girls?

>> No.493079
File: 231 KB, 1453x1239, inadidnothingwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493143

thanks i guess
but i need them streamz

>> No.493080
File: 43 KB, 213x162, 1609237018246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha. They can give you a warn on a wipe, so it WAS your fucking fault.

>> No.493082

Capcom please give Resident Evil permissions I want to see a holo grind out a no damage run of RE:Remake

>> No.493083

It's hard to nuke individuals after the thread is executed.

>> No.493084
Quoted by: >>493128

Is Ina gonna stream HK today?

>> No.493087
Quoted by: >>493100

This sort of seems to go against the /vt/ rules though.

>> No.493088

Polka does.

>> No.493089
Quoted by: >>493116

Didn't stop Takamori Papers Please from being great. Two dumbasses figuring out puzzles could be fun.

>> No.493090

They watch the clips at least

>> No.493093

>constant doxxing, cuckposting, HERposting and other types of shitposting
Nah, it was pretty fucking bad. You just memoryholed all the nasty shit from those threads by now.

>> No.493094

Why was Ramy patterned after Dio of JJBA?

Daifuku = Daworld
Lawnmower = Steamroller

She even does the 'muda muda muda' move on Daifuku after her booze was confiscated

>> No.493095

I know no one is discussing this right now but I am just curious. Does being a holo that openly drinks alcohol or references it get you more donations (like bigger donations from I'm assuming older audiences)? Like doesn't Mori, Lamy, and Coco have drinking streams or in Coco's case the bar talk streams? Just curious on people's thoughts on this

>> No.493097

You took too many meds

>> No.493099
Quoted by: >>493123 >>493136

Either Cover managers forced the thread to be deleted so newfags wouldn't dig into the HERE posting and do massive containment breaking

>> No.493100

VTubers don't necessarily need to be on Youtube of course, they can be on [...] any other platform.

>> No.493101

Subaru watches Mori

>> No.493103

You were marginally less retarded than this guy

>> No.493104

I love this chicken

>> No.493105
Quoted by: >>493134

Ina drinks on stream sporadically so no

>> No.493108

I'll go with meido was gonna get you but the thread collapsing in on itself due to OP getting nuked stopped him.

>> No.493109
File: 142 KB, 1200x1053, 1589168177598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now let me post it myself for the last time before taking a nap for the upcoming streams


I worked on a comprehensive and clean version of my old pastebin, I don't care if she's here or not, I just found it fun to piece it together
also take your meds

>> No.493110
File: 233 KB, 1920x1080, 1612886076607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give mori a fat aka

>> No.493116

Oh I guess that's true. Might be a pretty funny stream.

>> No.493117

We need a drunk oni holo to test this theory.

>> No.493119
File: 167 KB, 427x381, 1607089148071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly does he know..?

>> No.493120
File: 93 KB, 800x800, NickrutoUzuname-1352245081806413824-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's everywhere and nowhere. We are her dream. She is inside us but outside of the universe. Haachama is timecube, Haato is abovegod, HATT9N is squared pyrimad creation l

>> No.493121

>wake up
>no Ina stream

>> No.493122

For sure they know about this place, but I think most of the schizos, and to some extent the non-schizos, just want to know if they just lurk here from time to time or actively participate on the shitflinging

>> No.493123

Or it was just one retard getting his low quality posts nuked along with the thread.

>> No.493124
File: 817 KB, 620x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see it was the right move for architects and kfp to become allies
Also checked

>> No.493125

Drinking is fun. Unsure if that has anything to do with the donations though.

>> No.493127

that nose is so distracting

>> No.493128
Quoted by: >>493232

I would expect minecraft if anything. It would be kinda mean to the takos if part of the series was guerilla.

>> No.493134

Ina's an outlier since she openly states not to SC her unless they want to give her a piece of advice to read off-stream.

>> No.493135
Quoted by: >>493208 >>493334

To anons here this thread must seem terribly central to their lives and they can't imagine holos holding it in the same regard, and they'll be right - because they probably don't.
To them its probably no different from going through end-stream YT comments or browsing reddit and twitter. No one is even saying they lurk here 4 hours a day or some shit, just that they're aware and visit from time to time. That's it.

>> No.493136

Either.... or?? or??? anonchama????

>> No.493138
Quoted by: >>493144

>tfw i contributed to this pastebin

>> No.493137
Quoted by: >>493175

Additionally maybe people are getting drunk alongside the Holos which leads them to make poor sending decisions and send them more money.

>> No.493139

Pretty sure you're allowed to say they're here or not here and even get into extended pointless discussions that go almost nowhere or boil down to formant analysis of stream waveforms, just don't be completely stupid about it and turn into the Joker?

FWIW I was engaging in HERE-posting two threads ago and even I think Risu is obviously here, but I believe "HERE" exists on a continuum, and not some discrete HERE/NOT-HERE state.

>> No.493143

We all do. When this feelings gets too itchy I watch that one WAH+earshake clip.

>> No.493144

oh interesting, what did you do anon

>> No.493150
File: 109 KB, 827x1143, 1602005203337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493173

I don't care at this point anymore, this kind of discussion has gotten irritating

>> No.493157

COVER is super incompetent. After ChangMods happened, they put up a "oh just tell us if you got banned" form.
Assigned a single person to work on it, so it'd take months to go through, assuming it happened at all.
While I'm sure some of the spam gets to her, Coco has always prioritized doing right by her fans, and having a huge chunk of them get banned and having very little power to do anything about to it finally hit her hard.
She's crying because she feels bad for her fans, not necessarily because of any personal problem.

>> No.493159
File: 545 KB, 900x900, Et-IEBCVcAEwxhu-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493576


>> No.493160

so how long do i have to wait for Gura's schedule and congratulating Ame on twitter to doompost for real

>> No.493163
File: 212 KB, 463x453, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori's SC gains are so high because she always gets her deadbeats drunk

i believe it now

>> No.493165

Why are teammates like this?

>> No.493168

Stop talking about Gura like you know her.

>> No.493173

understandable anon, I just wanted to make sure that people know there's an updated version so they don't like the old one with horrible formatting I made

>> No.493174

So no Ina stream?

>> No.493175
Quoted by: >>493277

didn't think of this but that could be a factor too

>> No.493176

anon... please stop I want to get off this loop why do you even care

>> No.493177
Quoted by: >>493445

who fucking cares anymore after that Ame invasion thing it disgusts me that the girls are only here to deal with shit like that, OR IT'S THE MANAGERS if so then good they're doing their job

>> No.493182

I don't think it has an impact on donations. I mean just in EN Mori and Kiara are pretty comparable in donations, Mori has regular drinking streams and Kiara is basically straight edge so the alcohol has no impact there.

>> No.493186

Stop talking about Gura like you know her.

>> No.493189

I blame UN and stupid Geneva convention for not letting this happen again

>> No.493191

If only...

>> No.493196

I love Sora.

>> No.493199
File: 92 KB, 1024x1162, Cute Mori scarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I'm hoping for is that my boy has a good time and that chat doesn't ruin it.

>> No.493201
Quoted by: >>493454

It seems kind of luck of the draw, Flare drinks on stream sometimes and is the least-successful Gen 3. Marine also does it too however. Lamy in specific is really-into sake/drinking etc so it's a more pronounced bit of her personality, probably the most booze-focused Holo I can think of in fact.

In general a Holo that likes to drink and shoot the shit with the viewers is a more adult thing; kids and teens can't really chill/drink alongside the chuuba so may not really get anything out of it. Also, it could be that getting your viewer audience a bit tipsy might open up their wallets more. They don't have to ask you to drink, because just being around someone having a good time with some booze is rather kind of contagious, socially. If so inclined you'll wanna do it just because they are, as it's like you're getting tipsy with them.

>> No.493202 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 1613073858095.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494378


>> No.493203
File: 2.77 MB, 426x240, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffhl31b.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493205

Shut up Ame

>> No.493206
Quoted by: >>493233 >>493303

Gura is awake.

>> No.493208
Quoted by: >>493239

It's easier for me to believe Gura reads these threads religiously than it is for me to believe she reads youtube comments regularly. She definitely doesn't.

>> No.493209
Quoted by: >>493233

New schedule incoming.

>> No.493212
Quoted by: >>493233

Gura jwu. Schedule imminent

>> No.493214
File: 547 KB, 2160x3200, 1607308786994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493215
Quoted by: >>493233

Schedule pleeeeeeaze Gura

>> No.493217

When the stock market closes.

>> No.493218
File: 3.61 MB, 366x558, 1610744673404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493233

*casts a spell to make Gura post her schedule*

>> No.493219
File: 630 KB, 1366x768, polka_zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight Polster

>> No.493220
Quoted by: >>493233

it's time chumbuds

>> No.493221
File: 115 KB, 266x309, 1612844874252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493233

Gura where's the schedule?

>> No.493222

Oi I wanted to post that. Polka/10

>> No.493223

Should there ever come a day where my country finally declares war on China, I will be among the first volunteering to commit war crimes against the insects. Kill every last fucking bug on the planet.

>> No.493224


>> No.493225

There's some who appear in streams from time to time. I think Mel's shown up once or twice.

>> No.493227

Loli vtubers make me unironically uncomfortable. Something about knowing pedophiles are watching along with you for very different reasons is enough to make me tune out

>> No.493228
File: 179 KB, 827x1169, 6F634AD8-CC29-4D6F-8DB4-D205EB14A482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK your timeloop, post your oshi.

>> No.493229
File: 1023 KB, 640x903, 1609612790518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want everyone in this thread to play a word-association game.
I'm going to say a series of words in spoilers, and when you read them, I want you to write down the very first thing that comes into your head. Not a word itself, although if it is a word, that's fine to write down as well. But if it is a concept, or a visualization, or anything else, write that down, too. I want to see what you've come to see in your mind's eye when it comes to certain things. Ready?
Feel free to speculate on the meaning of your own results.

>> No.493231

God Polka's voice is pure sex

>> No.493232

Oh I'm a big idiot and read her schedule wrong. I thought today was the last HK stream of the week lol. Thanks for making me notice.

>> No.493233 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>493256

>Twitter for iPhone
1 more hour at least.

>> No.493237
File: 1.53 MB, 1547x1051, 1612808621910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493238


>> No.493239

That's just your bias.

>> No.493241

ok guura

>> No.493242
File: 306 KB, 842x496, 1608990658393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unfortunate.

>> No.493244


>> No.493248
File: 372 KB, 607x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493276 >>494318


>> No.493249
File: 17 KB, 267x294, 1609257624072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that chat doesn't ruin it.

>> No.493250
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 1602828379914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493298 >>493358

Continuing counting posts of past threads.
Results up to OP >>OP: /hlgg/ has had 189 threads, 12 deaths, 281425 posts, and /vt/ post ratio of 57.1%
Data https://pastebin.com/8gHwy7AY

>> No.493253
Quoted by: >>493330

none of the girls give a fuck about na/rrat/ives

>> No.493255
File: 434 KB, 1448x2048, Et8Klz4VEAQ-OpT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493844

Would you accept Gura's valentine's pralinés?
What if she insisted on you giving her a little kiss on the lips?

>> No.493256
Quoted by: >>493318

Anon, that's for the person who posted the art originally. Retweets don't show that.

>> No.493257
File: 311 KB, 1433x2023, Et7IxGhUUAAQQS_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493271

this is beautiful

>> No.493259

If Gura ACTUALLY got permissions for Barbie Horse Adventure and/or Shrek how would you feel? Like unironically.
Would you feel conflicted or would you kneel so hard past the earths crust and into China's stratosphere taking out the bugs who are pestering Coco in the process?

>> No.493262

Good. I do not want you in the chat dissuading them from acting lewd.

>> No.493264
Quoted by: >>493363

is arguing with herefags even grounds for ban and deletion?
fucking weird, couldn't it have been something on another thread?

>> No.493265
File: 1.93 MB, 1356x974, 1608706940958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double cun cun is heaven.

>> No.493266

>chat doesn't ruin it
Deadbeat I...

>> No.493269
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x1500, 1609555816348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you fags just constantly refresh Gura's twitter waiting for any sign of life

>> No.493267

I kinda just want her to stream the Barbie game

>> No.493271

T u T Best artist yet

>> No.493272
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, 1610951781598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493295 >>493907

Gura won't be streaming for a while not will she post a schedule she's busy hehehehehehe

>> No.493274
Quoted by: >>493308 >>493394

If they get shrek Mori would be happy and they can collab with the game, it would be amazing and yeah I would kneel hard enough to destroy the bugs

>> No.493276


>> No.493277
Quoted by: >>493447

Mori making her superchat reading a drinking game was either a very smart idea or a very stupid idea, depending on your point of view.

>> No.493278

I don't care what permissions she gets, as long as she enjoys playing the game, those are her best streams.

>> No.493281

>valentine's day cunny ASMR

>> No.493283

>implying the girls give a shit what retards in here think

>> No.493284
File: 366 KB, 379x543, Forum_columbia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493286

I don't know about more donos but for me it's just fun watching a drunk cute anime girl.

>> No.493288

Meme games always attract viewers so it's fine

>> No.493289

Fuck I feel anxiety in needing to see Gura's schedule for some reason this week.

>> No.493290
Quoted by: >>493331

The latter, I just want to watch Gura be happy playing anything desu

>> No.493291

you know Gura never going full GFE is probably because of Ame, fuck that blonde bimbo

>> No.493293
File: 1.19 MB, 2893x4092, 1609476755647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was worried that chat would ruin the Christmas date with their usual bullshit but either they were well-behaved for once or Mori filtered out the garbage to make sure it'd be a good stream. I have confidence she'll do the same for Valentine's. I wish more artists would actually draw things from the date stream though, like Mori leaning in close and kissing a skelly.

>> No.493295
Quoted by: >>493310

Oh noes, please save us from empty image slots chumguts!

>> No.493296

Desktop notifications on twitter are a thing. No need to even be on the website.

>> No.493298
Quoted by: >>493371

Does last thread count as a death?

>> No.493299
Quoted by: >>493340

no, idiot, we have notifications turned on

>> No.493302
Quoted by: >>493321 >>493323

Hardcore Minecraft but a new world because she accidentally deleted the old one

>> No.493303

Dumb brat was drinking coffee at 1AM EST....

>> No.493305
File: 171 KB, 791x1400, 20210211_150909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493355 >>493378

Synecdoche holo when

>> No.493307

i have desktop notifications on for all the ENs + my oshi

>> No.493308

>They get to the part Mori said she couldn't get past
>Gura shows her how

>> No.493310

Chumguts is an ojisan

>> No.493313
Quoted by: >>493524

Why are you wasting your time with shitposters? no matter how hard you btfo one they'll just continue to shitpost for (You)'s

>> No.493315

shut the fuck up Klaius

>> No.493316
File: 334 KB, 436x456, 1610343262697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493317


>> No.493318 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 1195x267, 1591661551566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retweets don't show that.
Not to you, maybe.

>> No.493319

kono mama ja dame

>> No.493320

>Comfy chimkin in a pillow blanket fort
>Stranger danger
>A rainbow colored water stream for some reason
>Korbo from Spice and Wolf
>Eminem holding a fat rat
>My gf

I'm ESL and new to Hololive idk

>> No.493321

If she did that it'd legitimately be the first stream I intentionally skip. I already disliked her last Hardcore one, I'm not going to sit around seeing her mine in a new world a second time.

>> No.493322

MOOOOOOM Gura is once again liking nopan fan art!

>> No.493323

Member stream on Valentines, no public one

>> No.493324
Quoted by: >>493339

Yeah it's indisputable Cover is HERE.

>> No.493329

Ina announce if you're gonna guerilla or not so I can decide whether or not to nap onegai

>> No.493330

Kiara gives half a fuck and I don't blame her. But yeah the other girls laugh at the rrats at most.

>> No.493331

Same. A Hat in Time looks like boring shit but at least Gura was having fun with it.

>> No.493333

didnt think of anything
I dont really know what this means about me

>> No.493334

>No one is even saying they lurk here 4 hours a day or some shit

I dunno about this one anon.

I mean, okay, I would say it's impossible for them to actually lurk here as much as some anons do and still hit their stream responsibilities, but a central part of the "HERE" discussion is about how adroit they are at being able to suss out board culture, with the prevailing theory being that Ame has enough experience to basically swoop in quickly and take the temperature of /hlgg/ and react to it in a relatively covert but effective manner... with the implication being that she was, at one point in the relatively recent past, HERE as much as some anons are currently, even if she is not now.

Of course, she's also proven that she's highly empathetic so she might require less time/effort to do that as a general baseline than some anons that spend more time here, which is probably what throws many off.

>> No.493336

She mentioned Planet Coaster last week so she might get around to that.

>> No.493337


>> No.493338

dont care, just want a hat in time in euro hours

>> No.493339
Quoted by: >>493357 >>493367

>doing something

>> No.493340
Quoted by: >>493352 >>493461

Twitter is being shit and it longer gives me notifications, any idea why?

>> No.493349
File: 1.34 MB, 1658x2104, 20210211_151009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493504

Barefoot please.

>> No.493352

it's being shit. try cycling them off and back on.

>> No.493354

Robert Frost

>> No.493355
File: 215 KB, 1689x1137, Et8SgtQVoAEaqAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again it's time to post that I want, I need a


for gen2 or gen 6, for the love of god, please, cover don't be faggots, give me her!

>> No.493357
Quoted by: >>493387

Taking all that superchat money while failing to deal with simple issues doesn't count?

>> No.493358
File: 754 KB, 864x672, 1609132433497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have been in at least 100 of those threads
I need a break from this place.

>> No.493362


>> No.493363

As evidence-gather to mass-delete a user, sure. But I don't think it justifies killing an entire thread.

Though meido is based for doing that, its the first time outside that one 900ish imagecapped thread I've seen a manual thread kill on /vt/.

>> No.493367
Quoted by: >>493387

They don't do shit, but we know loserbait is still around.

>> No.493371

Definitely not, a question could exist whether it counts as pruned, but since it was long enough to be part of mainline I'm counting it regardless.
I check the start and end times of every single thread, also verifying recycles, so hopefully in the future I will notice similar occasions even if I'm not here to see it, and it isn't in the native archive.

>> No.493373

shark feet

>> No.493378
File: 96 KB, 516x491, 1612109136876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully never, my dick wouldn't survive the experience.

>> No.493379
File: 625 KB, 2803x2252, Et9cCKOUcAQLcvM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493395

It makes sense now.

>> No.493382
File: 599 KB, 624x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493420


>> No.493383
File: 174 KB, 850x1202, 1599659233569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been so long already
Get well soon Korone

>> No.493384
Quoted by: >>493432

that poka doxxfag's channel got copystriked by some chad and now poka uses a channel named DR RUSHA

UCNZhN8PUPidL6IjtVMk32RQ is the channel URL identifier.

whoever you are, you did a good job.

>> No.493387

YOU... you have a point
fair enough

>> No.493391
File: 337 KB, 433x437, A9886451-8489-42A2-B7F8-63B1C615E2E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Reine!!!

>> No.493394

is it a game you can actually collab with? I thought it was some old singleplayer game

>> No.493395

This could've been Slimelia if the co-op was online enabled. Fuck nintendo.

>> No.493400
File: 846 KB, 803x457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Amelia's ability to split into multiple versions of herself is a canon ability.

>> No.493402
Quoted by: >>493495

I always underestimate the schizo stalker levels of these threads.

>> No.493405
Quoted by: >>493507

>Ina's subcount is gonna catch up Kiara's soon
I guess get ready for another subs begging stream or a video that may boost her subcount

>> No.493406
File: 446 KB, 423x644, 1609843447924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493409
File: 218 KB, 346x329, 1612568672945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493426 >>493429


>> No.493410
File: 146 KB, 850x1007, Reine 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493426 >>493429


>> No.493412

I always appreciate a good shovelware stream.
t. Vinesauce viewer.

>> No.493418
File: 1.80 MB, 254x196, 1578664428578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493495

What the fuck

>> No.493419

>only kinda cared for lofi from id1
>i really like zoomer and reiner from id2
how did the IDs get such a massive upgrade from gen to gen is beyond me

>> No.493420
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1605837270813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cunnyseur

>> No.493423 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>493462 >>493485

What would your unironic reaction if your Oshi said on stream she had a boyfriend.

>> No.493424
File: 3.40 MB, 1797x1125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to post the updated version during EN dead hours. I compiled all the holoEN weekly schedules from 2020 last night and forgot one of Ame's the first time around. Some notes
>Kiara didn't start posting schedules until later, so that's why hers are only October and onwards.
>I used Ina's JP schedules for a few weeks because she made videos, and I preferred grabbing the JP schedules over screenshotting Twitter videos.
>The aspect ratios for Mori's schedules are inconsistent, which is why hers seem the "largest".

Larger res: https://files.catbox.moe/siga7i.png

>> No.493425

I'm a Teamate.

>> No.493426
File: 665 KB, 1219x1158, 1585465517104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494088


>> No.493427

It's like she's written by Toriyama or something.

>> No.493429
File: 507 KB, 2000x1267, 1607087636094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493432

I’ve always wondered, but is Poka an actual SEAnigger or people just call him a SEAnigger because he’s a doxxfag?

>> No.493431
File: 467 KB, 945x1321, 1592461763250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in my dreams.

>> No.493433
File: 78 KB, 629x594, 1607262477174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart eyes

>> No.493434
File: 86 KB, 840x960, Not Todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493611

Steam is on sale, what games should I buy?

>> No.493437
File: 372 KB, 702x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493458 >>493467

Bros... its over...

>> No.493438
File: 2.68 MB, 366x558, 1601275098925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am beginning the ritual to throw /hlgg/ into another timeloop. I require protection for 10 minutes while I enact it.

>> No.493443


>> No.493444

actual seanigger

>> No.493445

>only here to deal with shit like that

>> No.493447

I thought it was a decent idea even though I kinda don't like the idea of her destroying her liver for content and then recording for the whole day. Also the kfp rule was ridiculous to add on and I imagine no one played seriously

>> No.493450
Quoted by: >>493495

that's kinda scary

>> No.493452


>> No.493453

Just Got Curious, how was Polka's AI dungeon??

>> No.493454

She's a good example of this actually. she may be on the lower ends in terms of sub count, but she punches well above her weight in terms of superchat.

>> No.493456 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.78 MB, 259x144, 1613074610633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493457

I will only kneel for one game: Shrek Extra Large.

>> No.493458

good job editing the Ago thing

>> No.493460
File: 454 KB, 200x200, 1609911337164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493526


>> No.493461

small indie company pls understand

>> No.493462


>> No.493464
File: 12 KB, 320x320, Pekora 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Chicken

>> No.493467

>it's rreal

>> No.493468
Quoted by: >>493494 >>493665

Ame... please use your time travel powers to help Haato and Haachama...

>> No.493469
File: 294 KB, 529x442, 1612913497519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493493 >>493526


>> No.493472

chikin brest

>> No.493473

No idea. He did imply it though, somewhere. Take it with a grain of salt. Or two.

>> No.493474

Juicy white meat chicken breast, would bread and fry

>> No.493475

probably has 30 grams of protien per 100 grams

>> No.493476
File: 153 KB, 312x559, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In under 15 hours it would have been 6 months since Gen 5 debuted. It really doesn't feel like 6 months have passed since then.

>> No.493478

get fucked

>> No.493483
File: 102 KB, 850x817, Daiwizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493526

*Casts Fireball at Watamage*

>> No.493485

I'd be disappointed in her. There's no need to make our relationship public to everyone.

>> No.493488
Quoted by: >>493514

Sugoi, even Ina's schedules are dull

>> No.493490
File: 130 KB, 2048x1151, 1610195886099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493526

Not today, fucker.

>> No.493492
Quoted by: >>493568

Man it feels like there should be a lot more.

>> No.493493

>Jobs thrice to DOOG

>> No.493494
Quoted by: >>493665

It would be kino if Akaichama actually got other holos involved in the plot.

>> No.493495 [DELETED] 

The only things it does that twitter's app doesn't is show the source app for retweets, and give reliable notifications...

>> No.493497 [SPOILER] 
File: 422 KB, 1052x1600, 1613074729510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493505 >>493570


>> No.493502
File: 909 KB, 701x644, 1612243527533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a counterspell of unknown power*

>> No.493504

My dick...

>> No.493505
Quoted by: >>493534 >>493557

it's getting dull seeing horny posts of enma

>> No.493506
File: 439 KB, 4096x2896, 20210209_174711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493547 >>493776


>> No.493508
File: 512 KB, 2100x1500, 1587340107098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493536 >>493542

Which one

>> No.493507
Quoted by: >>493709

>Ina's subcount is gonna catch up Kiara's soon
You've been saying this for literally a month now.

>> No.493509
File: 510 KB, 720x720, 1605666045439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.493511

You're right, it feels like it's been three years.

>> No.493514

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.493515 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>493556

What did she mean by this?

>> No.493516
Quoted by: >>493573 >>493684

Is Kiara ogey?

>> No.493517
Quoted by: >>493584

It is but it could easily be some kind of OneyPlays type of stream where Mori takes the backseat and comments or while it'd be a pain in the ass and very prone to scuff, could easily have both of them play simultaneously and either "take turns" or play side by side

>> No.493518
File: 767 KB, 848x1200, IMG_20210122_192808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, sheep.

>> No.493520

It's 4-player co-op.

>> No.493521
File: 144 KB, 828x1672, risu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I need to do my VOD reps for the treerrat, how was the ID/Homo Among Us collab? Should I watch that or should I watch her latest Nier stream?

>> No.493523

Unironically based taste

>> No.493524

not here is the shit post though.

>> No.493527

>your oshi
>what are you buying in the new steam sale?

>> No.493526
File: 894 KB, 1366x1080, 1582859696320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493544 >>493632

You will all suffer the events of September 31st again and you will ENJOY IT.

>> No.493535

simple I love my boss

>> No.493534

It's the second most reposted image on the entire. board behind fatto catto.

>> No.493536

Me with the Luigi board.

>> No.493540
File: 583 KB, 1290x1828, ba09452809c01ea6d0a10b0a84abbf828a7c4234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493582 >>493583


>> No.493542
Quoted by: >>493713

Ame should just make Gosling the official teamate at this point, nothing else is gonna stick.

>> No.493544
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, (You) [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvdtjfx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not prepared

>> No.493546
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 39de1120b97bb14280ce78cdec17a882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493547
Quoted by: >>493574

Oh shit you got a source?

>> No.493549
File: 65 KB, 379x170, rratboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493550
File: 17 KB, 533x389, 1611121363456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this retard

>> No.493554
File: 171 KB, 800x600, 1600744366150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate shak
'ate chiken
'ate raper
'ate slag travla'
not roicis' just doin' loike em simple as

>> No.493555

No the Shrek 2 game is a multiplayer beat em up. It's actually good too I had a ton of fun with that one

>> No.493556

please impregnate the art student alien

>> No.493557
File: 150 KB, 1200x1213, @ninomaeinanis_EmNTkRYUcAAGFBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, now should start the pure Enma love and appreciation.

>> No.493558
File: 2.80 MB, 638x562, 1579098654937.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its already been half a fucking year since Gen 5 debuted
Where the fuck has the time gone?

>> No.493562

None of what I bought was on sale
Hollow Knight and some cosmetics for DRG because I'd gladly support competent devs

But also, we're nowhere near the end of this thread for survey posting friendo.

>> No.493568
Quoted by: >>493624

But that's not the updated version, it ends with December
Because there should be 6 more

>> No.493569

gura retweeting

>> No.493570
Quoted by: >>493621

When is he posting the finale image?

>> No.493573

I mean.... yeah no shit?

>> No.493574
File: 481 KB, 4096x2896, Etx1BWsUYAUBZqF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493587

it's one of two images, here's the other one

>> No.493576
Quoted by: >>493614

>JP.CN translator
I like the art, but I am skeptic

>> No.493577

>It's real

>> No.493578

Holy shit meidos, you alright

>> No.493581

It was a lot of fun, with the YES and HYPER SPEED rounds being particular stand outs.

Also, Ollie sus.

>> No.493582 [SPOILER] 
File: 379 KB, 853x747, 1613075016526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493583

Pretty hot.

>> No.493584

that'd be chill to see a side by side stream. I remember seeing two holo's challenge each other in getting over it and that seemed fun

>> No.493585
File: 336 KB, 1115x1700, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493586 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 1300x866, 1613075038170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Ina SUCKS

>> No.493587

Thank you friend

>> No.493588
Quoted by: >>493616


She was literally having sex with oldman on stream!

>> No.493589
File: 145 KB, 429x379, 160934803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493590
File: 218 KB, 500x500, 1609550744369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of my head

>> No.493591

I'm a deadbeat.

>> No.493593
File: 441 KB, 3840x2160, EtwKZv1UcAAiq1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493595

Barbie Horse Adventure would unironically be fucking hilarious, go for it.

Shrek is kind of a tired ironic meme so whatever.

>> No.493597

Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Wasteland 3
Also fuck you for survery this early

>> No.493602
File: 629 KB, 840x810, 1597977997538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493603

That first post linking naive and rrat. It's burned into my skull how many (You)s that one thread-opening post had.
A warm gentle feeling spreading from my chest and a smile that widens over time.

>> No.493605

I wish more people knew about Ina's ass flap.

>> No.493606
Quoted by: >>493639 >>493658

J*W*U* what happened to the last thread? How far back do I need to do my archive reps?

>> No.493611


>> No.493613
Quoted by: >>493636 >>493660

ehh, we traded cancers. There's a lot more bait now, but much less doxxposting

>> No.493614

I've seen him around, he's a supportive fan, most likely not a mainlander schizo.

>> No.493615

She is king

>> No.493616

fuck me this looks great I gotta watch this

>> No.493617

Shovel Knight !

>> No.493619

Go fuck yourself

>> No.493620

Me in the middle

>> No.493621
File: 205 KB, 1427x1691, @ArkFordArt_Et45-CnU0AAiXv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow based on the tweet.
To be honest I'm not really into the whole hate fuck scenario and is more looking forward to tamer lewds.
But beggars can't be choosers, any new Enma art is a blessing.

>> No.493624

>holoEN schedules from 2020
I wanted a set end point.

>> No.493631


>> No.493632

Wait september 31st? The only thing I can recall happened on Oct 1/2?

>> No.493634

Ame is such a strange case. Half of the time I can't stand the way she does things, and half of the time I can't look away and completely captivated. What the hell.

>> No.493636

There isn’t a lot more bait, just more newfags who actually respond to these baits

>> No.493637

Ina's got a really nice back

>> No.493638

What a nice back

>> No.493639
Quoted by: >>493719

See >>492832

>> No.493640
Quoted by: >>493656 >>493657


>> No.493645

I'm a chumbaby

>> No.493655
File: 504 KB, 606x360, 87683557-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493656

SHE'S ____

>> No.493657
Quoted by: >>493674 >>493683

If she makes it EU time I'm going to nuke EU.

>> No.493658 [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1610385891275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493694

Some anon found an alt account ran by Kiara's roommate specifically for onlyfans, and the rick roll was a red herring. Thread exploded and meidos had to nuke for excessive roommate posting

>> No.493660

No need for doxxposting when youtube recommendations exist

>> No.493661

Shrimpo saido
Sharko saido
You are shrimp

>> No.493664
Quoted by: >>493723

Actual SEAnigger larping as a Canadian, or Austrailan larping as the previous. Either or, doesn't really matter though.

>> No.493665

I mean it's pretty much confirmed she's been following the latest arc, I think some people asked her about it in SCs so we'll find out on Sunday. She's taking notes probably.

>> No.493667
File: 1.36 MB, 2528x3427, 44a9e8009b221c4290c6c7405648b32e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493717 >>493788


Important question for teamates

>> No.493666

apparently, this was made for a kfp rpg game. I want Kiara to play it like Ame played her fan game

>> No.493669

Why isn't she streaming on the 14th?

>> No.493670
File: 66 KB, 412x405, its_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Ina guerilla

>> No.493674

just watch the vods lmao

>> No.493676
Quoted by: >>493744

Why goober no senpai collab????? Respect!

>> No.493677

Will probably finally pick up X-Com2 because of the price but I'll need to see how essential the DLC is first.

>> No.493683
Quoted by: >>493731 >>493760

Don't worry, it's all ProjectDIVA

>> No.493684
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1000, Enmalove00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda weird seeing people use the Enma edit I made outside of here.
But if it spreads Enma love then I'm all for it.

>> No.493688

Maybe there isn't a big rrat on why Gura hasn't posted her schedule.
Maybe she's just lazy and doesn't care as much?
Occam's razor, shizos. It wouldn't be a first for her.

>> No.493691

>What? The stream is shadowbanned?
>Noooo, is it?Wait let me check
>No why, because of the boobs?
>The boob thumbnail is that why?
>wait, yeah it is shadowbanned EHH?

>> No.493694

can confirm
t. last thread

>> No.493696

You arrived

>> No.493700
File: 186 KB, 454x432, 1601519355891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493751 >>493753

remember to download wall-e fags

>> No.493708

She's seriously agonizing over what to play and doesn't realize she can list a bunch of times and play multiple games in one stream and be happy.

>> No.493709
Quoted by: >>493796

I mean she's only 1k away in subs so it's not surprising. Ina has greater natural growth but that's like Kiara's 9 to Ina's 10

>> No.493711

Has she ever posted a schedule this late?

>> No.493713

Don't really care about having an official fan base mascot.
I'd rather have everyone keep making their own.

>> No.493714
File: 3.80 MB, 477x360, 87443179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493717

You should have asked this right after the last stream ended, a couple hours before the next stream we're in the horny phase.

>> No.493719

what the fuck

>> No.493723

Well if he’s LARPing that means he’s a SEAnigger. SEAniggers like to pretend they are white online because of xenocentrism

t. SEAnigger

>> No.493726

Last week she posted her schedule on Thursday.

>> No.493731

Hell yea, Project Diva endurance stream. I'm up for it!

>> No.493734


>> No.493735
Quoted by: >>493761

Literally same day last week. Is this the goldfish thread?

>> No.493742


>> No.493744

Gorila has gone too long without senpai collab that it's weird now and whoever gooba collabs with first night make everyone else think granola hates them.
Also she doesn't speak Japanese like Kiara and to a lesser extent Mori and Ina, but unlike Ame she probably doesn't have the confidence to try and do a language barrier collab where she might embarrass herself and her senpai.

>> No.493752
File: 2.63 MB, 1856x3250, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_sukocchi__7fc2671f11ef877feb06b6c95aa4bee6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want all of you to appreciate just how flat Suisei is.

>> No.493751

I always just leech off cytube and go fullscreen to ignore the chat

>> No.493753
Quoted by: >>493768

Wait what. When is this watchalong? Sunday?

>> No.493756

I was thinking of getting Hollow Knight because of Ina but it’s not on sale

>> No.493758

The circle of life.. hakuna matata..

>> No.493760
Quoted by: >>493795

Surely you mean minecraft

>> No.493761

these threads are just a constant timeloop

>> No.493762

I will do just that. Thank you friend.

>> No.493764


>> No.493768
Quoted by: >>493836

its in 8 hours you bozo

>> No.493769

who is this boy?

>> No.493774
Quoted by: >>493884

Shame that she has to be so tall.

>> No.493776
File: 232 KB, 778x1100, __saotome_meari_kakegurui_drawn_by_j_k__35f2fb1869d49bb3b0c7bd349fad1ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that really activates the almonds

>> No.493777
File: 116 KB, 1297x601, 1583981066019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are your numbers for today. Please say something nice about the top ten fastest-growing Holos currently.

>> No.493780
File: 458 KB, 1920x1080, Et6jWggWQAYyO5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493808 >>493825

After seeing a circus tent someone built on a KFP colonised planet, Pol now wants to play No Man's Sky.

>> No.493781

She posted it last Thursday as well but it was earlier in the day compared to now.

>> No.493784
Quoted by: >>493804 >>493824

Pull the wool from my eyes. Did hololive finally proliferate because they abused the YouTube community post algorithm bug?

>> No.493786
Quoted by: >>493800


>> No.493787
Quoted by: >>493800


>> No.493788
Quoted by: >>493819

Could you even keep going after 2 times in a row, teamates?

>> No.493790

Jesus how new are you?

>> No.493792

just be careful of having your volume too high

>> No.493793
File: 275 KB, 502x538, 1597453052221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493814

Bros... it's fucking cold

>> No.493795

Gura's recent successes in Minecraft may make her stream more Minecraft.

>> No.493796
Quoted by: >>493815

You know i am pretty sure like 2 or 3 weeks ago Ina already closed in to 1-2k distance but then for reasons only the algorithm magic understands Kiara gained to 4-5k again.

>> No.493799


>> No.493800

Stop fooling around and post your schedule.

>> No.493803
Quoted by: >>494285


>> No.493804
Quoted by: >>493827

Link or you're a faggot.

>> No.493807 [SPOILER] 
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, 1613075775886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.

>> No.493808

It's on steam sale right now so I wouldn't be surprised if she goes for it.

>> No.493811

Any one gets the feeling that EN is spoiling us a bit too much?
>5 - 7 streams a week when a lot of JP do 4-5
>one or more weekly memebers streams when a lot of JP do one a ir two a month
>play a lot of diferente games and take imput from fanbase on what to play or frío when a lot of JP play only one or two games a week and and are on a "if You don't like it, don't watch" basis.
Is just something that I was thinking, that and that gEN 2 has massive ahora to full.

>> No.493810
Quoted by: >>494226 >>494240

does anyone have the knowlege how to do something like this but with hololive songs and /hlgg/??

>> No.493814
File: 217 KB, 476x531, 1610249806288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a scarf for you.

>> No.493815
Quoted by: >>493898

The homiemoon widened the gap by like 3k.

>> No.493816


>> No.493817


>> No.493819

If I have managed to fap 4 times in a row I can certainly go 4 times with a sex goddess like Ame in front of me

>> No.493821
Quoted by: >>493850 >>494164

Jesus. Rushia’s close to that 1 milestone. I wonder how much SC money she’ll make during the celebration stream

>> No.493824
Quoted by: >>493909

Why did you put wool in your eyes and why should I be the one to pull it out?

>> No.493825


>> No.493827
Quoted by: >>493835

It's real

>> No.493831

Where is Kiara??

>> No.493835
Quoted by: >>493928 >>493932

Not the bug, I know that exists. Specific examples of holos abusing it.

>> No.493836

>tfw it's 4 a.m. but I can't sleep
>it happens every night
I am ruined.

>> No.493837


>> No.493838

>Any one gets the feeling that EN is spoiling us a bit too much?
No one is even close to Watame/Flare levels of streaming, so no.

>> No.493842

>catching up on Polka's AI Dungeon stream
>she says outright at the start that she saw EN's Ame-chan play it and wanted to try it out
Feels good to have a UNITY oshi, god bless this clown.

>> No.493843


>> No.493844

In a hearbeat

>> No.493846
Quoted by: >>493870

Kiara here is actually tied with Botan at 89K but just cut off (I just checked myself)

>> No.493850

Oh shit I need to start saving up my money.

>> No.493851
File: 24 KB, 480x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493891

Moona has 486k subscribers right now, but on October 11th was celebrating 6 months and 100k.

>> No.493852
Quoted by: >>493868 >>493919

>People still wonder why she gets lumped in with the honorary ENs

>> No.493854

She's still waiting for Ame to wake up to confirm more collabs with her
She wants to do AI Dungeon together with them taking turns

>> No.493856

and Botan is now playing Titan Fall 2, feels great to see how much Gen 5 is pro unity

>> No.493857
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, Et-PLXFVoAAI6Xy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493869 >>493878

>lives in a big moon


>> No.493858 [DELETED] 


>> No.493861
File: 1.99 MB, 1280x606, yeb[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgmxgds.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493890 >>493924

Yeb hehe...

>> No.493866
Quoted by: >>494085

can you imagine the ENs like this

>> No.493867

Did she specifically say she saw Ame play it live? The stream was members only, even though she made the vod public later.

>> No.493868
Quoted by: >>493914

Nigga she was the FIRST honorary EN. The rest came later.

>> No.493869

pretty funny coincidence innit

>> No.493870
Quoted by: >>493931

Why isn't POL inclining as much as she should?

>> No.493872
Quoted by: >>493887

Gura seems to like the art that gives her street wear. And so do I

>> No.493873
File: 190 KB, 331x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this detective?

>> No.493876

Wow... why is Kiara the black sheep of EN? I actually stomached her entire super chat last night and I'm actually kinda falling for her, but she isn't as popular as the rest, just gets a lot of simp money.

>> No.493878 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 463x453, 1613076065097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493892 >>493895

If that's crazy then this will blow your mind

>> No.493884
File: 1.02 MB, 746x1500, 87582027_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shame that she has to be so tall
But that's what makes her even hotter anon

>> No.493887
File: 219 KB, 318x343, 1592207254832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she gets a casual outfit as her new costume if she gets one

>> No.493889

Polka is lovely to the EN girls and Gen 5 as a whole need to collab with EN more

>> No.493890
File: 1.05 MB, 702x790, jebb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493924 >>494023


>> No.493891
Quoted by: >>493935

Good, I wouldn't deny she leeched subs but she's still really good and definitely deserves the numbers

>> No.493892
File: 207 KB, 463x453, 1594198513321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way thats real

>> No.493894

Too bad there's not a proper Japanese version of AI Dungeon, machine translation for that game must have been tricky to play.

>> No.493895


>> No.493898
File: 12 KB, 1631x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it widened before that already
This timeframe is when they were the closest last time. The homiemoon only started on the first and there was no collab on Kiara's channel until it ended.

>> No.493902
File: 212 KB, 1280x1621, 1611213083482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week has been the deepest I've fallen in love with her. Just seeing her giggling over Oblivion made my week.

>> No.493903
File: 24 KB, 139x129, 1612157379940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494198

our tenchou is a walking filter, babyyyyyy

>> No.493906

2nd outfits will definitely happen (they even have a channel on discord for outfit ideas)
3D is the big question.

>> No.493907
File: 1.02 MB, 1434x1080, chumguts4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493908
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, Blue Clapper [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fukxpi0.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat and agile

>> No.493909

Watamates do the strangest things.
Will he put the wool in their ears for the King cover I wonder?

>> No.493910

Who knows, maybe her disastrous debut has been affecting her numbers since day 1

>> No.493912
Quoted by: >>494199

That energy is amazing, idk how people can legitimately hate the homos.

>> No.493914
File: 1.93 MB, 1343x894, puaga9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493940

Tecnically haachama was the first but its was pretty close between them

>> No.493913

This time last year the average Hololive girl had ~100k viewers and the biggest barely broke 300k. Most of them joined on the premise of it being a low-demand side gig, streaming to small, intimate audiences largely for fun and maybe getting their foot in the door for a smalltime idol career.

When the ENs debuted, the average holo now had 400-500k and the biggest were closing in on 1mil. They entered into a fundamentally different environment than most of the jps did and their explosive start definitely put on pressure to perform.

Plus Ame kind of set the pace for EN streams, and since the EN girls largely share fans, there's been a lot of pressure from the viewers for the rest of the gen (and Mori especially) to stream more and keep up.

>> No.493915
File: 783 KB, 800x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494541


>> No.493917

Amelia needs to show her thighs and down WAY more often

>> No.493919
Quoted by: >>493957

No one wonders that here newfag. Nene and Polka were the first honorary ENs after the Amon9 Us Collab.

>> No.493920

What is wrong with you niggers?

>> No.493923

She deserves to be happy. I hope she lets herself be.

>> No.493924

Based and Jebpilled

>> No.493925

If Gura doesn't schedule anything for the 14th don't worry she's just going to head to Ame's house once she is done streaming to have valentine's sex with her

>> No.493926
Quoted by: >>494324

Believe it or not but anime girl zatsudan streams are are pretty niche

>> No.493927

Biologically inaccurate, Ladybugs eat spiders if you didn't know that, we don't get stuck in the spiderweb either

>> No.493928
Quoted by: >>494204

If anything the ENs have used the community posts way more than the JPs. The JPs do it all via twitter, since everyone in Japan loves twitter.

>> No.493931

idk but I wish her the best. Maybe more EN collabs would be good

>> No.493932

At the least I haven't seen any big channels not making at least 1 post a month. I'm sure this is known to them

>> No.493934

Her new outfit is 100% going to be barefoot

>> No.493935

Yeah all the ID girls deserve more attention than they get so I honestly have no issues with leeching from any of them

>> No.493938


>> No.493940

Haachama is gen 0 though, not really honorary EN if she’s officially part if the EN branch

>> No.493942
Quoted by: >>493970 >>494142

We already know that it's gonna be a baking stream on the 14th.

>> No.493943

>daily growth rate
>on a rolling counter
>a good indicator
Also as far as far as the algorithm cares she didn't stream yesterday or today since no archive yesterday and shadowbanned today

>> No.493947

I hope none of the holos gets a painful period on valentine's day and thus cancels their streams, causing a meltdown

>> No.493948
File: 70 KB, 168x194, amesmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493951
File: 31 KB, 598x360, aphoenic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"do you have a date for valentines?"
>Yeah you guys, I'm streaming on valentines day
>I have two streams and one video release premiere
>I'm dating you guys
>Honestly I wouldn't want to have it any other way
>I don't care for that right now
>thank guys for being with me, thanks for giving me a place to be

>> No.493952
Quoted by: >>494040 >>494103

I just ended watching takamori a way out stream and it was fucking kino. I've also watching some of Mori's recent streams, she's cute. I think I'm gonna give Mori and Kiara a second chance as long as Mori doesn't fuck it up.

>> No.493953

I kneel

>> No.493954
File: 383 KB, 1000x1108, 1606276757970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a EUfag, it blew my mind a few years back to find out that Valentines Day is non-platonic in the US. It's called "Friend Day" here.

>> No.493957
Quoted by: >>494034

Nene is honorary holoES

>> No.493961
Quoted by: >>493977

>Go to do vod reps
>Almost SIX FUCKING HOURS of Hollow Knight
>After 5 hours yesterday

What the fuck is wrong with Ina.

>> No.493964
File: 2.19 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>493995

>Ladybugs eat spiders

>> No.493967
Quoted by: >>494030

>It's called "Friend Day" here.
Yuropoor here, Valentine is Valentine, the lovers day. The fuck are you talking about.

>> No.493970
Quoted by: >>493989 >>493993


>> No.493973


>> No.493974
Quoted by: >>494030

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.493975 [SPOILER] 
File: 336 KB, 1000x1501, 1613076459583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494170


>> No.493977

I meant day before. Fuck.

>> No.493978
Quoted by: >>494009

Haachama please reply to Ame’s congratulations....

>> No.493980
Quoted by: >>494005

>do you have a date for valentines?
asking a girl that is dangerous but nice answer from tenchou I thought she pushed back on the whole gfe thing

>> No.493981
File: 248 KB, 463x453, 1594395192212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493983
Quoted by: >>494057

Kiara's debut fumbled a little bit because of her bad audio setup and she had a few things to sort out early, like balancing EN and JP, and being a Pekora fangirl. It's probably not accurate to say that Kira is less popular, but her initial growth surge was blunted by these factors and by her moving saga early on. She's largely had to claw her way up the charts after her initial boost while the rest have enjoyed a pretty consistent growth thanks to the algorithm.

And for some bizarre reason, Kiara remains the only EN besides Gura that gets regularly shadowbanned.

>> No.493988
Quoted by: >>494040

I love chickim but she def needs to play better games, stream at EN friendly times, and actually use her collab advantages a bit more. That and her early struggles may have turned some EN fans away forever. My boss is ambitious though so she'll be fine and make newer big collab events eventually

>> No.493989

there's no reason not to since gura has already said it multiple times.

>> No.493990
File: 91 KB, 660x789, Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494026

Friend Day, you say?

>> No.493992
Quoted by: >>494038 >>494059

Does the "last 7 days" column refresh every day and shows the total of the last 7 days? Or does it wait for the week to finish and then show the 7 day total?

>> No.493993
Quoted by: >>494016

DYRB mind
Yes you fucking obsessed cucks

>> No.493995


>> No.493997

She is a bit fucked in the head. I'd be inclined to believe her this valentines day.

>> No.493998


>> No.494001


>> No.494002

How the hell is she the "black sheep of EN" if she and EN are neck in neck in subs?

>> No.494003

I don't watch Kiara that often but i'm glad she's part of holoEN.

>> No.494004
Quoted by: >>494042

God I hope so.
I want them to have the most pussy grinding, sweatiest, wildly invading each other's mouths with their tongues sex imaginable

>> No.494005

it was a takamori bait question

>> No.494008
File: 640 KB, 2990x2412, 1612308817079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494056

Risu frightens me.

>> No.494009
Quoted by: >>494031

she did

>> No.494011


>> No.494014
File: 6 KB, 225x225, foobaaaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494033

Just watch guys, Ina's going to announce a gorilla stream any second now!

>> No.494016

Give me a fucking break man. I rarely get to post DYRB ever since judas left

>> No.494017

My first pick would be white sundress with toggleable sun hat/cat ears, but casual Gura is a good second

>> No.494018
File: 240 KB, 342x352, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon who told me that Kiara "isn't interested" in doing stuff like this last night must be feeling pretty fucking stupid now. Hey, >>468102, fuck you. You don't even get an Ai-chan grudge, you get Kaguya Luna instead.

>> No.494023

haha yeb

>> No.494025

She truly had the best character arc out of all the ENs.
t. faitoposter

>> No.494026
File: 790 KB, 767x1148, 1611203855211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494029
File: 263 KB, 722x561, 1606157254691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love her so much.

>> No.494030

He's from a special yuro country
pls andastd

>> No.494031


>> No.494033


>> No.494034
File: 276 KB, 666x619, 1610182507943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494037
Quoted by: >>494092 >>494126

I mean I'm not saying she isn't saying the truth, she definitely is, but do you really think any holo would say "yeah I have a date with some dude" in a serious way about Valentine's? Never.

>> No.494038

It's the current sub count vs what it was 7 days ago.

>> No.494039
Quoted by: >>494054 >>494076

How many more galaxy streams do you think are left?

>> No.494040

A Way Out was amazing
>play better games
True but Nier is a step in the right direction.
Also Ryza 2 is pretty good actually
>stream at EN friendly times
It's just not gonna happen while she's in Japan. The times are either too late or too early

>> No.494042
Quoted by: >>494123

>Gura and Ame are here reading this
>Ame is confused and turned off
>Gura is literally wet at the thought of this happening

>> No.494052
Quoted by: >>494082 >>494271

Why doesn't Kiara just play like bayonetta or something so she can salivate all over her
I don't get it

>> No.494054
Quoted by: >>494072 >>494262

Unless she's planning to go for 100%, she's pretty close to done.

>> No.494056
Quoted by: >>494105 >>494243

Well she did go toe to toe with the Shark in the EN collab so she's lacks the Japanese social respect, I like that a lot, it makes her interesting.

>> No.494057
Quoted by: >>494101

don't forget scuffed mic karaoke with delay means people don't expect good singing from her they already put her in the "not bad enough to be SOUL, but not good enough to care"

>> No.494059

It refreshes every hour, same as all the columns

>> No.494066

>Kaguya Luna
I desperately wanted to fuck her

>> No.494067
Quoted by: >>494081

God, Europeans really are cockless bastards.

>> No.494072

she may as well get 100 it's not bad in galaxy

>> No.494073
File: 22 KB, 319x319, 1613000431593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any holoJP reply to Ame's tweet? A single one?

>> No.494076
Quoted by: >>494262

until the end of the game? this one
until 100%? depends how bad she does, the final starts can be quite hard. Id say 2 streams after this one if she goes for it, 3 if she's really bad or the streams are short

>> No.494078


>> No.494081

He's lying though. It's not "Friend Day", it's just Valentine's.

>> No.494082

Our tenchou is kind of retarded, please understand

>> No.494083
File: 474 KB, 1208x715, anya is very ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fov142c.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.494084
Quoted by: >>494118

Did Gura? No? OK shut up now cause Haachama did

>> No.494085

just look at that energy, they are having so much fun just by doing a dumb intro, I hope EN can reach this level of being comfortable around each other one of these days

>> No.494087
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1600810184209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494194

>a cross-thread (You)
Damn this is like the SSR of (You)s. Thanks anon. It's still not GFE though, she's making fun of the idea.

>> No.494088

based this particular image poster

>> No.494090
Quoted by: >>494202


>> No.494092
Quoted by: >>494110

Takamori you tard if she didn't feel that way she'd easily just pull a "oh yeah I wanna date Mori"

>> No.494095

I want to join the numberfag faction. How and where do I start?

>> No.494098 [SPOILER] 
File: 523 KB, 1181x1181, 1613076831663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descriptions that come into your mind when seeing the following image?

>> No.494100
File: 161 KB, 915x883, anya_nooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494101
Quoted by: >>494122

It's her own fault for using the chicken voice

>> No.494103

A way Out is just a kino game desu but yeah the ending was SO CLOSE, I didn't even think Kiara had a chance but she almost won the button mashing when Calli won the arm wrestling and is known to have played fighting games

>> No.494105

Risu's power made even the Shark Kneel

>> No.494106

i don't remember if there are any other filtering moments like the triple jump left.
Then again she overcomes some of them prewtty easily, like the bomb throwing star.

>> No.494110

>yeah I have a date with some dude
Read again retard.

>> No.494112
File: 148 KB, 1916x1080, 1607443009051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very ogey.

>> No.494113
Quoted by: >>494151

>all these crocodile tears because of muh cyberbullying
>still zero showing of support to her own genmate who is recovering from a life altering surgery
I still can't bring myself to feel bad for her. I guess she has to make it rain superchats though and pay the bills.

>> No.494116
File: 600 KB, 1150x1655, 87876687468468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494117

I agree but it's not often that streamers decide to go for 100% completion in a game and it really is up to her. At the very least, there's a whole other Galaxy game to play after this one.

>> No.494118

>its always gura

>> No.494119
Quoted by: >>494176

>It's just not gonna happen while she's in Japan. The times are either too late or too early
Is it though? The time gura streams at is usually 11am jst.

>> No.494120
Quoted by: >>494140 >>494189

Can you faggots stop posting "(you)" it gets my hopes up.

>> No.494122

It's not even just chicken voice hell for some songs it does work it's not that bad it was her 1 billion Japanese songs which don't work with said chicken voice

>> No.494123

Why does everyone talk about Gura like she's some kind of sex fiend?

>> No.494124
File: 604 KB, 2693x3200, 1588197422714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this schedule-less baby

>> No.494125

Cute daughter

>> No.494126

Gen 2 might have that type of bitch

>> No.494132

Little Kare-... I mean.. Calliope

>> No.494133

>make a girl cry
No wonder they've never won a war.

>> No.494140

(you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you)

>> No.494141
File: 97 KB, 302x167, 1603752670488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JWU and heard about the latest coco stream
Chinks are still going after her? I thought they were too busy infighting these days?

>> No.494142

hope it's members only

>> No.494143
File: 241 KB, 220x205, 1610866455256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494145
Quoted by: >>494212 >>494215

Kiara actually called out the Euros for time bitching so much recently I forgot which stream though due to all the vod privation

>> No.494148

new how?

>> No.494150

my boss was very cute here

>> No.494151

I hope another chink hits you with his van, then comes back to run his back wheel over your skull to avoid paying your medical bills. Fucking insect.

>> No.494153

EA and Josef is gonna get a huge boost to sales come March when that new co-op game comes out if Ame and Gura plays it (God please play it, please please please).

>> No.494154
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x562, 1609960810187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494190

Cultists, how long until Ina finishes Hollow Knight?
I miss lobcop

>> No.494155

She's definitely the horniest holoEN

>> No.494156

she finally found what sheeee was loooooking foooooor

>> No.494158

There's 1 billion of them
Some of them surely have time to bother Coco

>> No.494161

Mine and Mori's daughter.

>> No.494162


>> No.494164

Single handedly creates a downturn in Japanese consumer spending as their central bank tries to figure out WTF is going on.

>> No.494168
File: 38 KB, 429x421, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5u4eg1.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys remember when Shion str... Uhhh. You guys remember when Shion.... No... That's not right.. You guys remember Shi.... Shien... No.... Her name. The brat... The shitty brat... Kusogaki, I think. Gura? I think it's.... yeah, Gura. Gura was her name... You guys remember when Gura.... streamed?

>> No.494170

my boss is fucking hot

>> No.494172

Chinese New Years time which means more free time to harass others.

>> No.494173
Quoted by: >>494186

yeah, Astel and Roberu

>> No.494174


>> No.494176

She usually wakes up just before her "american time" streams start. I don't mean too early in an objective sense.
Certainly doesn't help that she's chronic napper which fucks up her sleep schedule even more.
Holotalk is literally the only stream that she has before 12:00 JST

>> No.494177

cant believe goro majima is gona play yakuza zero

>> No.494180
File: 155 KB, 286x286, 1609335845415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey A~me, can you lick your elbow? How long is your tongue?
Hey A~me, can you do the splits?
A~me, what does your bellybutton look like?
So A~meh, I heard you were looking for a new place to move into, huhaha...

>> No.494185

impostor syndrome too strong please undastand

>> No.494186
Quoted by: >>494232


>> No.494187

It's a very dedicated group of idiots doing this shit, I honestly wish their government would go and punish them for watching Youtube in China

>> No.494189

(you) (you) (you) (you) (you)

>> No.494190

If she’s just going to speed through the story. About 2-3 more streams depends on how she performs. If she wants the true ending, double that maybe

>> No.494194


>> No.494196
Quoted by: >>494221

>Think Cover can't get anymore incompetent
>They exceed my wildest expectations with this Coco stuff

>> No.494197
Quoted by: >>494234

She's pregnant, expect a simlar hiatus arc like Miko.

>> No.494198
File: 293 KB, 811x737, Screenshot 2021-02-11 125857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494279 >>494347


>> No.494199
Quoted by: >>494217

Everyone was great in it. The hide and seek rounds were my favorite. https://streamable.com/zasz9q

>> No.494202
File: 4 KB, 281x31, 1612094143494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494204

Well they haven't appeared to me, especially from Gura cause she almost never uses it, only for member stuff. Most stuff is from clipniggers making retarded polls everytime to boost their channels. No I won't block them, I have to keep track of their shit and report for spam even if it seems like it doesn't work.

>> No.494206

>Why does everyone talk about the sex fiend like she's some kind of sex fiend?

>> No.494208
Quoted by: >>494238 >>494255

Nier is absolutely in the right direction. I love tenchou and want her to just blow through the jrpg games quickly so that the debuffs aren't super long

>> No.494209
File: 129 KB, 459x629, 1610772313663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tiddy
Small waist

>> No.494210
Quoted by: >>494246 >>494304

Tiny dagger is cute.

>> No.494211
File: 10 KB, 140x129, 1608005963890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494708

Anon, stop.
This obsession with Gura is not healthy.
Gura already streamed yesterday. At least wait 24 hours before making these kind of posts.
I miss you Gura, please stream...

>> No.494212

The superchat reading.
But i understand both sides. For Kiara EU primetime starts at ~3-4am, but her EU times usually start at ~1-2pm

>> No.494213

Ever since Kiara dunked on her not once but twice she just hasn't been the same.

>> No.494215

I'm a Euro and I hope she doesn't cater for our timezone when she moves back home. Ratings and Supas are in the toilet even when she streams at peak EU times. So despite all the complaining we never seem to support her properly.

>> No.494217
Quoted by: >>494315

cuckposter is back

>> No.494221
File: 677 KB, 1328x1060, 1613002538331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU, what happened with Coco/management?

>> No.494223
Quoted by: >>494247

God I love her laugh. I'm glad she found something that sounds natural rather than... shahahahark...

>> No.494224
File: 857 KB, 2485x4096, 78867776768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494253 >>494257

If you fell behind Gura and looked up her hoodie. You would pretend that you saw nothing, right?

>> No.494226
Quoted by: >>494260

how new? vocaroos, anonchama...

>> No.494231
File: 269 KB, 1000x1414, 1612262300306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494390 >>494435

Shut the FUCK up and let my oshi rest

>> No.494232
Quoted by: >>494273


>> No.494234
File: 9 KB, 220x220, 1608917427099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There must always be a pregnant Holo...

>> No.494235
File: 320 KB, 690x450, cute ame[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F439kc4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not my oshi, but her being happy makes me happy.

>> No.494238
Quoted by: >>494263

She should ditch jrpgs and go straight to skyrim

>> No.494240
Quoted by: >>494281

absolutely hated that video for the longest time

>> No.494243

True, she didn't kneel to the shark which was pretty impressive. Shame the main confrontation was due to a misunderstanding of the game settings though

>> No.494244
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, 84977982_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494245
File: 395 KB, 457x611, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494265 >>494333

Shion is doing very well! She'll be back anytime by now.

>> No.494246

she doesnt sound ogey there...

>> No.494247
Quoted by: >>494320

>I'm glad she found something that sounds natural rather than... shahahahark...
That's just her regular laugh. It's amazing that she thought she needed to change it at all considering how much people like it.

>> No.494248

She can be based at times but also annoying and cunty. Her personality and chimken voice turns a lot of people off. I'm one of those people.

>> No.494249

>even when she streams at peak EU times
Anon exactly what streams of her are at "peak EU times"?

>> No.494250

>You guys remember Shi.... Shien...

>> No.494253
Quoted by: >>494306

Insufficient information. Please supply a better roleplay prompt.

>> No.494254
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1605983610774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Astel continue to play Apex even though it's been 13 hours since he started so you know, just Astel things happening.
Wihile Miyabi surveys and appreciates the work he did for his new zoo in Planet Zoo.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.494255
Quoted by: >>494311

Anon, she already has 3 tales games, xenoblade and probably more on her backlog The pain train ever ends

>> No.494256

me in 3-4 months after lazy arc

>> No.494257
File: 188 KB, 1143x2048, 20210208_150105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would describe to her in vivid detail exactly what I saw.

>> No.494258

>So despite all the complaining we never seem to support her properly.
Funnily enough there was some Euro support this stream one of the pink message was guess what? That's right! a superchat bitching about her stream time and asking her to stream in prime time when she moves despite her already promising that

>> No.494260
Quoted by: >>494372 >>494381

yeah but did "we" ever have an /hlgg/ sings where like 90 anons sing a holosong?

>> No.494261

Kanatan is going to slap Yagoo in front of Coco

>> No.494262
Quoted by: >>494299

She's not going to 100% but she's probably going to at least try every galaxy she can. I can imagine she'll skip the really hard green star galaxies if she ever unlocks them, and she probably won't do every comet just because she doesn't actively check for them all.
If she just wants to beat the game she only needs like 6 more stars I think.

>> No.494263

No, she has to wait for a million to go to Morrowind.

>> No.494265
File: 298 KB, 463x453, 1603912118298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494356

I haven't seen this in months it feels like. This might have power.

>> No.494268
File: 274 KB, 1800x1240, 1610557760196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494287

This is my mommydaughterwife.

>> No.494270

I'm just imagining her singing Please RIP in a loli voice

>> No.494271

We just gotta get her attention and I am sure she would try it out

>> No.494273

Stop forcing the homos into every discussion, holoJP has always meant hololiveJP

>> No.494275
File: 461 KB, 2000x1758, Et2Fa7xVIAMuyah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys remember when Gura.... streamed?
Literally yesterday.

>> No.494279
File: 2.08 MB, 220x220, 1606317543177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's our tenchou!

>> No.494281

it´s kinda cringe but also endearing in a weird way for me

>> No.494282

Coco gave management a list of they worst chink spammers, they made them mods instead, the chink mods then went on a massive banning spree.

>> No.494285

>He can't memorize nightmare king's moveset

>> No.494286
File: 10 KB, 131x126, 1591827028782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494400


>> No.494287

Anon, that's a retard...

>> No.494291

Astel's endurance is wild friend

>> No.494295
Quoted by: >>494313 >>494537

>Kiara plays wolfenstein

>> No.494297
File: 495 KB, 1342x1733, 1607468811727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're asking for a cunny dump, just ask. No need to bait

>> No.494298

Yes it wasn't even 24 hours ago

>> No.494299
Quoted by: >>494350

She should 100% it, some of the comets/green stars are alot of fun

>> No.494300

Nice try SEAnig

>> No.494304
Quoted by: >>494332

People who skipped that collab because of Homos really missed out. It was even better than the Amon9 Us collab for me. Lots of fun moments and made me like Shien a lot.

>> No.494306

You are Chumguts, you and your companions has been sailing for 7 years and has finally reached the Island of Cun when you trip over an ojii-san and look up Gura's hoodie.

>> No.494308


>> No.494309

get sadder

>> No.494311
Quoted by: >>494352

I thought she said she wasn't gonna play the tales games she already played though? Also how long is xeno anyway? It seems like that game will take forever

>> No.494313
Quoted by: >>494323

too yabe

>> No.494314
File: 235 KB, 1400x1920, 1612144667973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbabies can't into jokes
t. Chumchad

>> No.494315

What did he mean by this

>> No.494316
File: 201 KB, 463x453, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494465

>It's been only a week and a half since Nene showed off her true form

>> No.494317


>> No.494318


>> No.494320
Quoted by: >>494480 >>494486

Is there a Holo laugh that is actively hated or disliked?

>> No.494322

is that an edit or it's her actual model

>> No.494323

sound of music though?

>> No.494324
Quoted by: >>494364

So she should spam minecraft streams instead? I'm surprised cover doesn't force them to do this then to grow as much as possible.

>> No.494327
Quoted by: >>494369

Gura has been wearing that hoodie for like 5 months straight imagine the smell

>> No.494328
Quoted by: >>494368 >>494888

Now that Ame has actually paid for her internet what's the chance of her Nier stream tomorrow not being cancelled midway through?

>> No.494330

gura baby!

>> No.494329
Quoted by: >>494585 >>495281

on average, gura posts a schedule every 7.17 days. the delay between schedules is most commonly 7 days (9 times), but has been as long as 8 days (6 times) and as short as 6 days (3 times).

>> No.494331
File: 129 KB, 263x302, jazz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494382 >>494511

soundpost friends, how do I adjust the volume of soundposts?

>> No.494332
Quoted by: >>494395

>really missed out.
I doubt that

>> No.494333

Weak. Where's the real curseposter when you need him?

>> No.494334

fuck you bitch I'm not watching that again

>> No.494337
Quoted by: >>494429

I really hope Gura is enough of a Gaymer to at least try to do death wish when she finishes A Hat in Time.

>> No.494339
Quoted by: >>494398

This can't be real, can it? Cover is incompetent but there's no way they're that stupid.

>> No.494341
File: 7 KB, 223x226, 1609432579712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13 hours
Astel.. your addiction...

>> No.494344


>> No.494347

>Constant Debuff Games
>Chicken Voice
>Barely Burger Hours
>Emotionally Unstable
>Mentally Unhinged
I can't defeat her...

>> No.494350
Quoted by: >>494444

Someone could probably tell her to keep an eye on the map (or whatever you want to call it) in the middle of the observatory to look out for comets, since she said she enjoys trying them.

>> No.494351

Never fails to make me laugh

>> No.494352
Quoted by: >>494497

You might be right, but I just meant to say she will never quit JRPGS. And thats ok, as long as she keeps one at a time and dont spread the streams too much, like FE

>> No.494353
Quoted by: >>494376 >>494451


Do you think this is only a Coco's individual problem?
No, not like that. This is a crisis against Hololive. If Coco graduates from Hololive because of zhang, can you still enjoy watching the other holos? I can't. Why do we have to worry about chinks reactions? We have to banish them

>> No.494354
File: 741 KB, 1200x628, chumbabie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494366

chumbabies look like this?

>> No.494355
File: 824 KB, 642x567, 1611123690297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here Ayamefriend!

>> No.494356 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1613077577104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494411

>haven't seen this in months
>This might have power.
Is that how it works?
Alright then:


Mori shit and farted while streaming and the audio of the shitting and farting was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.494357

very cute reapy. I like the Kiara one the artist made too

>> No.494358
File: 110 KB, 466x310, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I could get any sadder than I am already.

>> No.494364

It would unironically give her a massive boost if not for her personality filtering kids

>> No.494366
File: 75 KB, 480x360, chumbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494368

Posting isn't going to affect anything. It's just gacha at this point whether her internet shits the bed or not.

>> No.494369
Quoted by: >>494385

I showered for the first time in 3 days today and I felt like a new man. It gave me a new perspective on how low Ame must have felt to not shower for an entire week.

>> No.494372

No, and hopefully never.

>> No.494374
Quoted by: >>494430

Wait he's still fucking going? I went to sleep for 8 hours and didn't bother to check when I woke up holy hell

>> No.494376

Wouldn't Fubuki leave? Once fubuki leaves then Hololive is done for

>> No.494378

why is it always the sora spoiler

>> No.494381

"We" have pre split on jp and it was bad. Let's not do that

>> No.494382

Get the playlist script and use that. It's better in every way.

>> No.494383
File: 123 KB, 1066x596, numbers [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpf4dzi.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.494385
Quoted by: >>494413

were you trapped in the woods anon or something

>> No.494386
File: 363 KB, 593x463, firefox_HvG1GJaL3u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura liked this

>> No.494390
Quoted by: >>494452

Sharks die if they stop moving, resting is death

>> No.494392

yeah she did

>> No.494393
Quoted by: >>494414 >>494450


>> No.494395

Suit yourself, but it was damn good.

>> No.494397
File: 211 KB, 1728x1728, 1585763330547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*shadowbans your stream*
>*algorithmically de-ranks you*
>*deletes your channel*
Heh, nothing personal, kid. That'll be 30% of your income.

>> No.494398
Quoted by: >>494459

Oh its real, the buttons are right next to each other you see.

Small indie tech company, pls understand, they did reverse it but the damage had been done, now because Cover is so fucking stupid, they assigned one single person to help with the unbanning, so Coco was doing it herself.

>> No.494400


>> No.494401

what the fuck happened?

>> No.494406
File: 2.53 MB, 914x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494423 >>494474

Holy shit I want to breed her

>> No.494408
Quoted by: >>494450


>> No.494409 [DELETED] 


>> No.494411


>> No.494413
Quoted by: >>494439

So cold here that the pipes are being shitty so I had to drive and shower at a friends place.

>> No.494414


>> No.494415
Quoted by: >>494437

Can she like posting her schedule too?

>> No.494416
Quoted by: >>494434 >>494436

Gura is the only one that hasn't been affected by the schizos so she can safely enjoy her teetee with Ame (I kinda wish Ame did but I'm guessing that detective diaries was the last straw)

>> No.494419
Quoted by: >>494450


>> No.494422

In a sense, I'm glad I ignored vtubers until September

>> No.494423

What's stopping you?

>> No.494428


She has the face of someone that complains to managers about extremely minor inconveniences.

>> No.494430
File: 1.36 MB, 1105x712, 1595777791687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494462

Fucking christ he really has been playing Apex for 13 hours straight.

>> No.494429

she cleared the lava level on her first try, I can see her clearing some of the first death wishes, also why was she playing on fucking keyboard?

>> No.494434
Quoted by: >>494456

Was that the reason she stopped detective diaries?

>> No.494435
Quoted by: >>494484 >>494488

Why do you always say this? Gura has never once complained that she doesn't have enough time to rest. In fact, whether or not she streams seems to have absolutely no bearing on how tired she gets.

>> No.494436
Quoted by: >>494457

Ame likes some stuff sometimes, less blatant though.

>> No.494437

schedules schmedules

>> No.494438


>> No.494439

oh just poorfag problems that or you didnt run your water like a moron also you should warm up those pipes anyways before they burst

>> No.494442

she's also a doxfag

>> No.494444

I mean you could try to tell her, but you know Ame. If you tell her to do something, she doesn't want to do it anymore.

>> No.494445
File: 44 KB, 411x467, 1559345669490(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going.

>> No.494446
File: 1.21 MB, 900x900, amedizzy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494448
File: 72 KB, 576x346, Et6qa-1XAAI8ZnY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494449

The paperclip problem... Is real.... Youtube's AI will kill Hololive...

>> No.494450


>> No.494451

If Coco graduated, that would most likely signal the 7th trumpet, depending on what transpires immediately after it. If it's the catalyst for other holos left with her or threatened to, Cover would be forced to do something. You'd've thought that the string of talent taking breaks or getting harassed between December and January would have made something click in the suits' heads, but tiny indie company, please understand.

Coco is probably the strongest talent Cover has, mentally. If any of the other girls were in her shoes, I think they would've cracked a long time ago.

>> No.494452
File: 142 KB, 848x1199, EtsNKvFUUAke1Ln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she's moving around in a pile of eggs or something, either way she needs breaks for her social battery to recharge. Don't you remember the Minecraft depression stream?

Her breaks are essential to her being happy and having good content

>> No.494454


>> No.494456

no the main reason why was because everyone was sending the same questions and Amelia expressing how teamates need to step up their game with questions

>> No.494457

what about her twitter banner?

>> No.494459

>the buttons are right next to each other
That's not an excuse considering managing a youtube channel is their fucking job

>> No.494462

I would maybe actually watch astel if he got rid of his earrings, feminin face and yee yee ass haircut

>> No.494463

Women should never be CEOs

>> No.494464

From the thumbnail I thought it was Callipog

>> No.494465
File: 459 KB, 644x704, 1612113234976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494496 >>494525

So many ENs seem to want a pet, how about a Nenechi?

>> No.494467

I feel like the only way to make a cool Hololive game that doesn't discriminate anyone is making a Pokémon-like game (if you played Touhou Puppet Performance something like that) or the gacha Holotools is trying to make.

>> No.494471
Quoted by: >>494490 >>494576

Is it wrong to fuck oni girl?

>> No.494472

The only acceptable hololive game is a darkest dungeon clone

>> No.494474

Sui-chan looks like THAT?!

>> No.494478

She looks evil what do you expect

>> No.494480
Quoted by: >>494518

There was that one guy who didn't like Reine's
I don't think they ever found the body.

>> No.494482
File: 79 KB, 1077x1061, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxvn9ej.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, her name wasn't Gura. Gura is the.... Reaper from EN, I think... The missing one... Was generation 2 or.... generation 5? Which was it? I think generation 2.... She was.... A witch, and I know she had a cute tummy. I think it's Shien..... or Shion? I.... Why am I not sure? I'm Fubuki... I show know and love them all...

>> No.494484

>replying to bait seriously

>> No.494485
Quoted by: >>494590

I fucking woke up ready to watch noel's ds3 stream, the episode after she killed vordt, and the entire playlist was gone

>> No.494486

Yes. Kiara.

>> No.494488
Quoted by: >>494513

>Gura has never once complained that she doesn't have enough time to rest.
Why would she complain? She takes breaks as is, I'm just telling you to stop bitching about that

>> No.494490

Anon, she’s still in highschool...

>> No.494493

Kusogaki.... come back...

>> No.494495
File: 168 KB, 284x276, korowah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sense the copyright on fanmade works strikes arc comming.

>> No.494496

She's really doing her eigo reps.

>> No.494497

I know for this Ryza she already said that it might be spread out due to the move but yeah she should not stream more than one at a time and always have something big a week like holotalk/karaoke/collab

>> No.494500
File: 157 KB, 827x1670, 20210202_133136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494505

Friend... she's gone, you have to let go...

>> No.494509

Fuck you nigger Nene is my CEO and you can't stop her.

>> No.494511
File: 42 KB, 601x332, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the 4chan sounds player script is pretty neat it even has a tool to make your own sound posts

>> No.494513
Quoted by: >>494532

You just strike me as the kind of faggot who spams "go to sleep" in youtube chats is all.

>> No.494514


I don't like this

>> No.494518
File: 1.25 MB, 1670x1074, don't fuck with this peafowl[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F88tdw2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have fucked with the wrong people...

>> No.494520
File: 149 KB, 1334x750, 1611702062793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494550

Okayu summary anon has posted his summary of Okayu's latest stream in the okayu thread!

>> No.494521
File: 9 KB, 243x208, 0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494524

Her sister owns that dna and ancestry website

>> No.494525

She translated kabutomuchi (rhinoceros beetle) as "mushiking." Nene never fails to cheer me up.

>> No.494528

My only regret is not being able to watch Kanata’s Max Payne 2 stream live...

>> No.494533
File: 101 KB, 273x257, 1603739731442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subconsciously click it despite my wishes to not see it again
>Quickly pause it the moment I realize it
>Forget to collapse it and scroll up
>It plays by itself

>> No.494532

Sorry, but these are not equivalent things.

>> No.494534


They're fucking stupid if they don't strike up some partnership with ArcSys or something for a Hololive fighting game. It would work all too well and sell a lot and it doesn't need to be a huge game.

>> No.494537

I would love to see it but yeah idk its yabe and Kiara is not afraid to randomly talk about countries irl in her streams

>> No.494539
File: 763 KB, 683x804, 1613027630180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands up

>> No.494541


>> No.494544
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, Et6jIpQXcAU3rp9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to talk about KFP guys, they are gaining far to much power.

>> No.494547
Quoted by: >>494598 >>494619

A fighting game made entirely out of memes. No thanks.

>> No.494550

thanks okayufag

>> No.494554
File: 527 KB, 640x372, 1603348381364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN will keep growing and eventually fix shit like this, just wait, the dark times are over

>> No.494556

>You guys remember Shi.... Shien
yea he was really fun in the among us stream, hope he keeps up the energy
i have no idea who are shoin and gara tho, did they graduate a long time ago?

>> No.494558

candy g-string

>> No.494563

Who do you want as CEO of Sex then? Takeshi?

>> No.494564

soran bushi

>> No.494565

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.494566

>Sora is playing Nier Automata

2Sora art when.

>> No.494573

I think you're severely overestimating Hololive's popularity.

>> No.494575
File: 217 KB, 864x864, 1609040491450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494609

>holostars have gotten more holoJP recognition for hitting 50k than Ame did for 1m

>> No.494576
File: 3.31 MB, 1400x2080, 1612439558667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onis are the superior race and it is okay to have sex with them. Ayame is for hugs not fugs though.

>> No.494577
File: 249 KB, 626x408, 1612739273260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494578
File: 163 KB, 610x547, KFP_Desolator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We claim the stars in the name of our oshi.

>> No.494581

why do I get a weird butterfly feeling in my stomach when my oshi reads a non superchat comment and ignores my red superchat

>> No.494584

>Waiting for ENMA to greenlight some permission she asked for
>Waiting for confirmation from the other party for a collab
> Waiting for management to tell her if there is anything special she has to do this week
>Waiting for confirmation from something she has to do IRL so she can schedule arround it
There, there are your rrats of why gura is late with the schedule.

>> No.494585
Quoted by: >>495281

oh, and the average time she posts the schedule is 16:02 eastern time.

>> No.494590
Quoted by: >>494648

I take it we're not getting her DS3 streams unprivated if the DS3 permissions are through Bamco and not From?

>> No.494591
File: 611 KB, 811x1079, Brotherhood of KFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a problem?

>> No.494592

Honestly m8, listen to the new song by best girl from EU branch and chill out, worrying about things like memory just isn't worth it

>> No.494595
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1599654340071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting for ENMA
Didn't read the rest, I'm loading my shotgun

>> No.494598
File: 279 KB, 2054x850, 1605159315345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494651

are you stupid or something? it can be good it just comes down to the gameplay design. holos have more than enough moveset potential

>> No.494600
Quoted by: >>494634

Whoever did that, I salute you.
Let's boldly go where no man has gone before, KFP.

>> No.494606

that sounds like stuff that should go on next week's schedule

>> No.494609

Holostars actually speak japanese and have known the JP branch for much longer than Ame has.

>> No.494612
Quoted by: >>494649 >>494656

What is this? Star Citizen?

>> No.494614
File: 443 KB, 1750x2048, 19247812894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE looking forward to our great 1m Ame's Mario Galaxy stream today, right?

>> No.494615

Are they some kind of cult or something?

>> No.494616
File: 2.91 MB, 1919x3210, 1608647395956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494655

but they got good benefits

>> No.494618
Quoted by: >>494636

Why are you retards already doomposting as if Gura didn't stream last night? I know we go through this shitty timeloop every week but this time it's not like she hasn't kept up to her word.

>> No.494619
File: 157 KB, 2048x678, 1613019003179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dark story game would be kino which I doubt they'd do if they did make a game. All of the girl's lore can get into pretty depressing/horror tier territory

>> No.494623

reminds of this

>> No.494624

Nice rrats anon, they would be very useful if Gura was actually late on her schedule.

>> No.494625
File: 234 KB, 1400x1400, 1612060725671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still watch Gura if all her streams were sponsored?

>> No.494626
Quoted by: >>494646

Jesus fucking christ Gura you don't have to retweet everything a like would just do.

>> No.494627

>Watching Astel continue to play Apex even though it's been 13 hours since he started so you know, just Astel things happening.

>> No.494628

Amelia HATE

>> No.494629
Quoted by: >>494645

No, no I'm not.

>> No.494631
Quoted by: >>494698 >>494709

who's going to be the horus?
Mori? or dare I say, an EN gen 2

>> No.494634
File: 847 KB, 1200x630, 1608880238295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494642


>> No.494636
Quoted by: >>494657

only Gura has the power to end this timeloop. We're slaves to her whims

>> No.494637
File: 65 KB, 604x624, 1611660450775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494664

Huh? What did I lose?
Is that video of rushia stripping real?

>> No.494639
File: 68 KB, 608x126, 1583038229767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494694

Oh man, I remember the whole shitshow with Marine's song. The guy in charge of Hololive's official FB page started insulting fans. Good times.

>> No.494640
File: 280 KB, 1444x2048, Et2lxYhUYAMhVQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494641
Quoted by: >>494669

Did Ame get the 1mil boost from the algorithm yet?

>> No.494642
Quoted by: >>494666 >>494677

Wtf is this real?

>> No.494645


>> No.494646
File: 159 KB, 1056x1132, 1600413548791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't have to retweet everything a like would just do.

>> No.494648

How does that work?

>> No.494649

No Man's Sky. The original poster of the screenshot (on twitter) created a circus tent on that planet and Polka retweeted it.

>> No.494651
Quoted by: >>494688

I'd rather have a gacha or an RPG over a fighting kusoge that will have 0 players in a couple of months

>> No.494653
File: 57 KB, 960x960, 1604317379269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494748 >>494780

Not after what she did last night.

>> No.494654
Quoted by: >>494696 >>495005

>Cover game
There you go m8

>> No.494655


>> No.494656
Quoted by: >>494687

No Man's sky, The game is still dogshit tho

>> No.494658
File: 1.29 MB, 1919x1079, kfp rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post this too. That way all my C&C OC is here.

>> No.494657
File: 193 KB, 484x482, 1613004839221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you just stop bitching and realize that she's a princess who should get multiple days off every week

>> No.494659
File: 172 KB, 454x374, 1607571080332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KFP beat McDonald's to the race to establish a joint in another Galaxy
McDonald's already beat her to Mars though

>> No.494662

In time you will know pain.

Skyrim? Red Dead? You better hope your oshi remembers to finish those games.

>> No.494664

Doxxfag get out.

>> No.494666
File: 31 KB, 186x185, 1612674650838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494669

>1mil boost from the algorithm
It doesn't exist...

>> No.494672

No, galaxy 1 is dogshit

>> No.494676
File: 38 KB, 847x635, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fx7pfam.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a succubus... she was cute and used a synthe... no what was her name alo... nene?
where is she now? is she the one with the chinese dress? I cannot recall... I just feel like I am missing someone....

>> No.494677

ye that's me

>> No.494679

The only acceptable game is either a gacha or a fitan gaem

>> No.494685

Gura is Horus. The Emperor is Kizuna.

>> No.494686

Kiara loves her battle cries and so we do it for her and KFP

>> No.494687

I heard good things about it lately
Mostly from people that still play it so it's probably not that accurate but still

>> No.494688
Quoted by: >>494705

why not both or all three

>> No.494694
Quoted by: >>494707 >>494739

Interestingly enough Kiara actually specified why they weren't able to include it in the pack. As part of the licensing deal to put it up for digital download and on streaming platforms they're not allowed to sell the song separately. It's why her voice pack only had the instrumental version of Hinotori and not the actual song.

>> No.494696
File: 86 KB, 839x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494697
Quoted by: >>494721 >>494799

>/vt/ in some years.
>Why is the spoiler a bunny girl?

>> No.494698
File: 924 KB, 800x711, 1607101250517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494709

EN gen 2 would be in a way the children of gen 1 so I guess we'll see.

>> No.494704
File: 184 KB, 973x1400, 1612406936345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its nice to be able to be apart of making such a cute girl's dream come true, last nights stream was great

>> No.494705

Anonchama... this is cover we're talking about, the best we're getting is their shitty vr chat ripoff

>> No.494707
Quoted by: >>494765

The JP pack on booth had the song. Only the EN pack on geekjack didn't have it.

>> No.494708

The post wasn't about Gura.

>> No.494709
File: 1.88 MB, 4096x4096, 1611265424705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494740


>> No.494718
Quoted by: >>494815

This will never happen because Cover doesn't want to officially endorse their girls beating each other up violently

>> No.494721
Quoted by: >>494730 >>494755

nah they'll probably know begora
the the funny post would be
>who is the spoiler girl, the one with the ribbon

>> No.494728
Quoted by: >>494743

i'd prefer if most of her streams were members-only, with two public streams a week, one of which is sponsored every other week.

>> No.494730
File: 6 KB, 164x161, 1609989601109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reject this timeline.

>> No.494731
File: 491 KB, 2880x1620, Auguste Isles[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F20wdk9.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.494732

Do you ever daydream about being a vtuber and collabing with your favorite vtubers and even imagine what /hlg/ would say about you? I put on music and pretend I'm a vtuber doing karaoke.

>> No.494735
File: 32 KB, 576x576, Thanks kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only just now starting to get over the worst hangover of my life after the drinking game the other day. My temples felt like they were splitting, I kept throwing up, my heart kept racing and I started panicking because I thought I was going to faint and die. I thought I was having a heart attack or something. The little sleep I did get, I kept waking up sweating and cold and delirious. I was so scared. Even now I still feel groggy and my eyes aren't focusing very well.
And to think, all of this is KFP's fault.

>> No.494736

hey, i get two days off every week too!

>> No.494738

Sure, I've nothing against sponsorship as long as the Idols make the stream interesting and give it a good go. Mori's Dad-manga stream was hilarious and Ina's Princess Connect was informative because she's a gatcha freak and knew what she was talking about. However when you just get Ame going "oooh" a lot without knowing what's going on it makes the stream and the sponsorship seem tedious.

>> No.494739

I'm not entirely sure if you can place the blame on Cover for that. Music production and DRM is fucking retarded in general and Japan being more behind the times the most regions about this makes things worse.

>> No.494740
Quoted by: >>494790

I dont recognize Gura and Kiara
I guess Kiara is Magnus

>> No.494741
Quoted by: >>494772 >>494777

so realistically speaking, which EN will be the first to have some kind of on-stream breakdown like this? I say Amelia, she came close at the end of her embarrassing totsumachi stream

>> No.494743


>> No.494744

No kek

>> No.494748
File: 290 KB, 932x834, 1611238712356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet! We don't talk about THAT..

>> No.494749
File: 26 KB, 500x282, BC885A0E-770C-486D-A32C-E69D163095D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494775

1 millions? More like 1 million suckers, Cole. You throw a pretty young blonde in front of a bunch of pathetic men and they’ll eat her up like starving dogs until the next pretty young thing gets introduced. Then what? Watson or Haato will be lucky if they find someone who still gives a damn about them once they’ve gone the way of silent films, and that’s the brutal truth of it all.

>> No.494752

As long as they aren't sponsored karaoke, sure.

>> No.494755
File: 121 KB, 957x1200, 1611720920152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494756
File: 48 KB, 638x776, 1600573744022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit can a single hololiveJP reply to Ame I'm actually starting to feel bad

She's literally forgotten already

>> No.494759
File: 2.42 MB, 1501x1263, Welcome to KFP [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnkqgnb.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And to think, all of this is KFP's fault.

>> No.494765
Quoted by: >>494811

>english release has shit english copyright issues
welp rip fanmade games like this >>494448

>> No.494766
Quoted by: >>494785


>> No.494771

sometimes but then i realize i wouldnt be able to entertain people for an hour

>> No.494772

Kiara, she's already on the edge

>> No.494775


>> No.494776
Quoted by: >>494804

What the fuck are you talking about with these posts?
I realize that the doomposters are retarded this time around but none of this is even about taking days off?
What are you trying to defend her from?

>> No.494777

Kiara and Ame broke down on stream already, except Ame mute her mic.

>> No.494780
File: 17 KB, 324x144, colorrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She killed many rats, but in the process she learned not all rats are bad. Some rats will help her, even if only one. She will soon learn to embrace the good rrats.

>> No.494782
Quoted by: >>494808

I can’t believe the KFP tried assassinating the deadbeats

>> No.494785

>EN gen 0

>> No.494787

yeah, I love imagining entertaining everyone and reading all the comments and rrats. probably just an ego trip but it feels good to think about being the center of attention like that

>> No.494786
Quoted by: >>494809 >>494845

Why did Yagoo reply very promptly to Ame but not Haachama

>> No.494790
Quoted by: >>494806

Looks like Gura is Angron

>> No.494792

Yes but then I remember I don't like singing, hate having to wait for others when I just want to play a game, and get uncomfortable at the idea of talking to myself.

The money would be nice though.

>> No.494798
Quoted by: >>494820

You should assume they're talking in private when this happens. It's better for your sanity and they're able to have better conversations outside the public eye anyway.

>> No.494799
Quoted by: >>494805 >>494848

>Why is the spoiler drawn by a 10 year old?

>> No.494802

I'm glad she's taking 3 days off, recharge those little batteries Gura!

>> No.494804
Quoted by: >>494836

gura can do no wrong!

>> No.494805
Quoted by: >>494826

This might happen very soon, no one uses coupons anymore.

>> No.494806
Quoted by: >>494824

Where are the nails?
Also Angron in Blue armor? Did I miss anything?

>> No.494809

Chammers is a know problem child.

>> No.494808

It's probably deadbeats assassinating deadbeats

>> No.494811

unless they're a retard and decide make a kickstarter and make a youtube commercial full of stolen fanart and don't charge people money for it, it shouldn't be an issue

>> No.494815

But they will officially endorse one of the girls inserting a buttplug into another

>> No.494818


>> No.494819


>> No.494820
Quoted by: >>494842

Don't expect a schizo like me to know the concept of object permanence, anon. The girls don't exist outside of the streams.

>> No.494823

Yeah. But then I remember I can't sing. And I'd have to entertain probably less than a hundred people

>> No.494824
Quoted by: >>494852

Perspective for the nails and also it's just fanart, the colors were adjusted.

>> No.494825
Quoted by: >>494873 >>494887

Really, what I want is not acceptance from the JP side anymore. That's clearly not gonna happen. I'm rooting for the expansion of the EN side instead, with a dedicated studio and team behind the scenes working with the EN's for projects, and more EN gens to expand the horizons of collabs and dynamics. If that happens, I would not mind ENJP collabs being a rarity, and it's basically getting the best of both worlds. It's easy now to want the two branches to get along and interact more, since EN is still a small side branch and JP is more established, but should the EN side get a degree of independence, it will no longer be a need.

>> No.494826
Quoted by: >>494932

what are coupons?

>> No.494831

If anyone want to just ask in /wvt/ here or in trash because that place had many vtubers come out of there

>> No.494832

I wanna be a princess like gura...

>> No.494836
Quoted by: >>494880

Sure. But what does "deserving multiple days off" have to do with anything?

>> No.494838

>Kiara called her jp senpies to tell her not to congratulate Ame
The only reasonable explanation

>> No.494842

I sometimes wonder if any of you exist, after I close the thread.

>> No.494845

who is this haachama person I keep hearing about?

>> No.494846
Quoted by: >>494895



>> No.494848
File: 47 KB, 939x487, avocado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember us, remember that we once grew a plant

>> No.494849

Damn KFP trying to thin the numbers. And trying to get the highest number in body count
Damn KFP and their numbers

>> No.494852
Quoted by: >>494879

But why Angron though? Also the more I look at this the angrier I get. The only one who fits is Mori and thats only because of the Scythe

>> No.494858
Quoted by: >>494884 >>494889

JP is probably assmad about the EN all on track to hit 1 million before most of them

>> No.494862

>I never really thought I was bad at singing
>but yeah I mean it's just I think fans generally
>except KFP fans, but fans besides KFP people
>don't really consider me as a good singer generally
>people when they think of good singers in Hololive Englis
>they don't think of me
>I feel like only Gura comes up which is totally deserved
>I've also noticed singing clips of me are like for example
>on hololive sings my clips are like the least viewed ones
>so I don't know people just don't watch those clips
>yeah, also other channels to yeah
>I wish that at least for unarchived streams
>people who missed it would watch the clips I guess but
>KFP_discord mod"it's sort of the confluence of your circumstances and decisions with karaoke though"
>WHAT, what do you mean? What's that supposed to mean.
>I don't know I guess there's just not much of a demand for Kiara clips or Kiara singing clips
>It's ok, it's ok, it's just something I noticed but it's ok
>"Song selection" I would say the songs I select are bangers but
>I don't know, well anyway thank you so much for the support
>I'm glad you enjoyed it

>> No.494864
Quoted by: >>494886 >>494934

I'm scared of Gen 2. There can't possibly be that many girls as good as Gen 1. They picked up the cream of the crop already and it's the dregs from here on out.

>> No.494865

Please Gura, acknowledge your sister...

>> No.494871


>> No.494873

How is it not gonna happen? JP loves their EN kouhais

>> No.494875

Polka literally talked about Ame a minute into her stream yesterday

>> No.494874


You lose this round, Risu.

>> No.494876
File: 229 KB, 525x409, mamal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494902 >>494909

Though this moment a few minutes after it was better she got over it rather quickly
>"Considering the artists you follow on Twitter, we have all the evidence we need for you not knowing what the "h-thing" is. (Totally don't know that because I follow them too.)"
>what? what? Artists as in muscians or in actual artists?
>aw because I said, aaaaaah
>eh I follow ehh? I follow normal artists.
> I don't follow such hentai drawing illustratuors. ehh?
>I mean mostly. Maybe some of them sometimes do it
>but not like the whole time
>*heh hmh* Mamaloni *heh heh hesccc"
>[Chat]"X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X Doubt"
>>"Sneed's Feed and Seed Danke Schon"

>> No.494878
File: 269 KB, 741x757, 1610607974695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494879
Quoted by: >>494891

>Mori: name and scythe
>Kiara: bird aesthetic
>Ina: art perfection and shit
>Gura: sharp teeth and idk that's what was left
It's just fanart dude, don't take it too seriously.

>> No.494880
File: 193 KB, 1565x1218, EtnzitiUcAAqaDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494920 >>494971

He's right that Gura deserves multiple days off, but I'd like them to not be in a row. The withdrawl builds up too much like this.

>> No.494883
Quoted by: >>494922

Anon, it's thursday... the week is basically over

>> No.494884

>thinking JP gives a fuck
How new are you?

>> No.494885
Quoted by: >>495048

Hell even their mother did

>> No.494886

There's like 700 million english speaking women out there, I'm sure theres more than 5 good ones.

>> No.494887
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, 1609254822939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494916

>That's clearly not gonna happen
holy shit what is wrong with you. like what? what is acceptance from the JP side for you? are you so desperate to see them interact with their senpais everyday? wasn't miosha inviting kiara and calliope to new years highlights stream, which was hosted on the main hololive channel, enough of an acknowledgement for you? holotalk? watame and calliope's song? everyone from the jp side talking about how much they love mori? what the fuck do you want? are you schizophreniac? are you going to keep shitposting about this bullshit until one of the ENs get 3d?

>> No.494888

I don't think paying for the internet has anything to do with the issues. They would have just cancelled her internet straight up if they wanted to. The connection being bad is just because the connection is bad. She's gonna have to move but thats honestly a pretty big deal

>> No.494889
Quoted by: >>495030

It doesn't help that Western fans kept harassing FBK when Gura hit million before her.

>> No.494891

But my 40k autism dude

>> No.494892
File: 826 KB, 600x336, party_hard_comet[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmoe6e8.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some clips because I am bored.



>> No.494895

god I love this artstyle

>> No.494897 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 236x224, o-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her...when is she coming back?

>> No.494898
Quoted by: >>494925


>> No.494900
File: 53 KB, 407x490, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsk9ia6.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494933 >>495122

Fubuki.... Yes.... from generation 1, and debuted with... The dog girl. Her name..... Oh. I also debuted with Haachama. She was.. What did they call her... Menhera? I think? She was friends with himeori... and... and I obtained 1 million subscribers... Playing.... Singing? Fubuki. From generation 1 of...Holostars? Hololive?... owned... by... by... Cover... They were... a nice company... I... remember how people... mentioned cats... Okayu? Oh her. She was the one..... Had the yubi yubi thing... Nice girl... Yeah.... Fubuki... generation 1... Yeah....

>> No.494902
File: 76 KB, 400x400, THE_MAMALONI_[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmvineh.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494903
Quoted by: >>495048

>Their mother acknowledged her before her sister
Gura... Onegai...

>> No.494904

Also nice addition of using the text from the "Free Investigation Coupon" coupon.

>> No.494906
Quoted by: >>494947

She's always so down on herself. I don't even watch Kiara and I feel bad for her.

>> No.494907
File: 524 KB, 608x900, Et92zeiVIAAmu8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.494909

She has a lot on her mind due to her move back home

>> No.494916

>are you schizophrenic
The answer is always yes.

>> No.494920
Quoted by: >>494930 >>495013

She streamed last night though? What timeline am I in

>> No.494922

It has been exactly 7 days since Gura last posted a schedule. Your idea of when a week ends doesn't matter to anyone. She is not going to post her schedules when the other girls do because at that point she is still in the middle of her last one.

>> No.494924
Quoted by: >>494988

It kinda makes me uncomfortable when she goes on these tirades

>> No.494925 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 986x940, 1613051873094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn it now its gonna be the other way around

>> No.494926
Quoted by: >>494977

The mamaloni...

>> No.494930
Quoted by: >>494936

the schizo zone

>> No.494932
File: 59 KB, 915x455, 1588515543077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know coupons?

>> No.494933
Quoted by: >>494952 >>495119

this is actually making me upset

>> No.494934


>> No.494936
File: 26 KB, 494x370, LETS_FUCKING_NNNNNAAAAAAAA [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnbrva4.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the schizo zone
Ah yeaahhh

>> No.494937
File: 259 KB, 850x1293, 1584865065139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 3 100% this weekend right

>> No.494938
Quoted by: >>494962

How worried should we be about the rapidly deteriorating mental state of at least half of hololive?

>> No.494939
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1602213974163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494956

I'm bored

>> No.494942
Quoted by: >>494961

who else should play hollow knight that isn't already?

>> No.494944

>>KFP_discord mod"it's sort of the confluence of your circumstances and decisions with karaoke though"
>even discord circlejerk blames her retardation

>> No.494947

Watch her most recent karaoke to see improvement not in singing voice but in just having fun and rolling with the mistakes when singing. If anything watch her sing "Hanaji" which was the song she closed with. You could hear how happy she was of just singing and having fun.

>> No.494951

Saved, many thanks,

>> No.494952

it's like mind ryona

>> No.494953
File: 10 KB, 297x170, anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494969


>> No.494954

>people when they think of good singers in Hololive Englis they don't think of me
>I feel like only Gura comes up which is totally deserved
heh, wow Kiara, it's not like your best friend in HoloEN is a singer or anything...

>> No.494955


>> No.494956

Aren't you exited for more bing bing wahoo in an hour and a half?

>> No.494960

Ah... The Loni... Or as some say, the Mamaloni...
Grant us /u/.... Grant us /u/..!

>> No.494961


>> No.494962
File: 1.23 MB, 5800x925, UniTeam 4 _ Hololive 1942 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frhxtc0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be fine, don't worry about it.

>> No.494963
Quoted by: >>494981 >>495022

I wouldn't mind if she just went straight to CD.

>> No.494964

How does a shadow ban work?

>> No.494965
Quoted by: >>494990

Good idea. Here's some soul I clipped earlier: https://streamable.com/o2gqm6
And here's a cute AmeMel clip: https://streamable.com/agr0p5

>> No.494969

Based, she will be the next Gura once she debuts!

>> No.494971

She literally just streamed schizo

>> No.494972
Quoted by: >>494994 >>495001

Kiara probably see's rap and singing as separate so Gura's the singer but Mori is the raper

>> No.494973

You are overthinking this more than Ame herself. Relax anon.

>> No.494977

Is that similar to Pepeloni?

>> No.494980
Quoted by: >>494991 >>494992

>Can't post images

>> No.494981

I want her to play as Knuckles and enjoy flying and climbing around

>> No.494982

Rapping ain't singing baby

>> No.494984

That's her idol PTSD flaring up and it worries me every time I notice it. I honest to god hope she's able to defeat those ghosts she has when she goes back to Australia.

>> No.494986

>No green ladder shades

>> No.494988
Quoted by: >>495107

Me too, I love Kiara but damn woman you don't have to wear your heart on your sleeve all the time. Partly it's just because she has no filter so she just literally says exactly what she's thinking 100% of the time. But in these situations I wish she wouldn't cause she kills the mood of the stream so hard. And it annoys me because it's kind of like saying the love and support she does get isn't good enough or something. Like thanks a lot Kiara.

>> No.494989
Quoted by: >>495010 >>495083

Why is it so boring today, where are the Holos...

>> No.494990
Quoted by: >>495009

Ah yes, soul...

>> No.494991
Quoted by: >>495002 >>495020

how rrat?

>> No.494992
Quoted by: >>495002 >>495020

How rrat?

>> No.494994

>the raper
God, I wish Mori would rape me.

>> No.494998
Quoted by: >>495053

Mori is not even close to Gura`s level

>> No.494999

>thready j[post
> cant post p pictyre
woa aaa

>> No.495001

Mori is the rapee, though

>> No.495002


>> No.495005

>FRIEND's game still isn't translated.

>> No.495007
File: 161 KB, 1506x1502, 1610425990958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make some cupcakes RIGHT NOW for ame's watchalong, anyone wants some?

>> No.495009
Quoted by: >>495290

Got any clip from her DBS song?

>> No.495010

Peak dead hours after everyone and their mother was streaming earlier

>> No.495012
Quoted by: >>495076 >>495092

>streams during EN debuff hours
>plays debuff games
>sings with her debuff voice (most of the time)

Now I'm not saying she should change either of those things, but she has so many handicaps that are self-inflicted. Like, I totally get wanting to do your own thing rather than following tired and true methods of success, but she needs to kind of get over the idea of worrying about views/subs if she's going to play by her own rules. If she's worried about her image or brand, she could change either of those things and it'd be like taking off weighted training clothes.

But I honestly think it's a mindset she needs to work on changing, because this is only a taste of what it's going to be like streaming during EU hours.

>> No.495013

>Expecting Gura antis to actually keep up with if she streamed or not

>> No.495014
Quoted by: >>495027

Chickin thread?

>> No.495020


>> No.495019


>> No.495022

CDeez nuts.

>> No.495023
Quoted by: >>495049

will they have decorations or will they be plain?

>> No.495025

Depends on what you mean. In the context of youtube streams it just means it's not shown in searches or given the spotlight, but you can still access it.
In a general context it means to make an account's content invisible to other users without making it obvious to the user in question, even though that's incredibly dumb since you can easily check it with a second account (or no account at all).

>> No.495027


>> No.495030

That's not what happened. In one of FBK's prechats EOPs were numberfagging about Gura hitting 1 million and causing a shitshow with each other. It upset Friend because sub growth between holos isn't supposed to be a competition.

>> No.495033

Alright /hlgg/ what are WE playing today to pass the time?

>> No.495034
File: 220 KB, 943x1209, goou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how easy it is to pick her up...

>> No.495037

I was hoping for an Ina guerilla to make up for the lack of a collab, but I guess I'm too optimistic.

>> No.495039

why hasn't gura congratulated ame on twitter yet?

>> No.495042


>> No.495046
Quoted by: >>495087

kek i should watch this collab

>> No.495048

Why are you so obsessed with this? I don't get it.

>> No.495049
Quoted by: >>495062

absolutely plain because I don't have any artistic abilities

>> No.495050
Quoted by: >>495077 >>495126

will somebody please explain to me who haachama is?

>> No.495051

Halo MCC

>> No.495052

Am i supposed to believe this girl is a SJW?

>> No.495053


>> No.495055

youtube epic trolls you and basically makes your live stream invisible to people.
ie: if you search for a kiara stream, it won't show up. you have to directly go to her channel to find it.

>> No.495056

Good. Don't watch then.
Snowflakes should fuck off, as intended.

>> No.495057

Gura... please...

>> No.495059

>baking cupcakes to watch a movie
Do burgers really?

>> No.495061

I will be playing the game where I prepare tax returns for rich people

>> No.495062

then i´ll have some as well

>> No.495064

I just realized what Gura meant

>> No.495066

>A board in which you are able to post images in
>Regrettably I have been informed that I cannot post images
Quite wonderous...

>> No.495067


>> No.495069
Quoted by: >>495086

"We"! Hahahaaa...

>> No.495072

Have to get a direct link to find the video

>> No.495073

The leech has come here previously to shill herself on multiple occasions.

>> No.495075

with my balls bing bing wahoo

>> No.495076

>>streams during EN debuff hours
>>plays debuff games
But those aren't what she is complaining about? Her Karaoke was during NA time she wasn't talking about game stream views. Stop being so broad about "numberfagging" she is very specific about what she NUMBERS for and your suggestions don't apply to the issue

>> No.495077
Quoted by: >>495099

I can explain by my drawing.

>> No.495078

Nioh 2

>> No.495080

>Even while she was already feeling tired and sick she forced herself to clear Sonic 3 and get the chaos emeralds just to no disappoint her fans
We don't deserve her

>> No.495081
Quoted by: >>495120

Didn't she also say something like
>When my next song comes out maybe it'll change people's opinion's on my singing
And after hearing that I was in tears laughing cause Tenchou's Karaoke is mostly amazing while her music videos are not as good because it's in her chicken voice.

>> No.495082


>> No.495083

For EN it's an Ame only day unless Gura streams

>> No.495085

I like both of their designs and both are cute. It would be a fun collab.

>> No.495086
Quoted by: >>495101

I miss Uncle Phil...

>> No.495087
Quoted by: >>495213

It was one match, but super hilarious.

>> No.495088

Cycling between DMC5, Apex, and TF|2

>> No.495089

vicky 2

>> No.495091

does she not understand that it's not about demand, it's about The Algorithm having a Gura setting that is on maximum blast and feeding back on itself

>> No.495093
Quoted by: >>495196


>> No.495092

she has been improving though which is a good thing.
if you compare her to how she was around debut and a few months back.
she's definitely stronger, but still has a long way to go.

>> No.495094
Quoted by: >>495109

Well now here's a thought: we have a whole board to ourselves. When this thread hits the image limit, why not create an overflow thread for posting images and just crosslink the image back to here?

>> No.495096

This website just isn't designed for the intense autism of these threads

>> No.495099

this, the ear of haato

>> No.495101

He'll be back next thread, don't worry.

>> No.495103

Please do inform me my dear gentleman- precisely how new are you to this establishment?

>> No.495107

In this context, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. She did say "outside of KFP people".

>> No.495108

I just want my boss to be happy and so I hope the move and her cats can pull her out of her stress with not feeling up to par with her genmates. She genuinely has a lot of strengths that are unique to her

>> No.495109

sounds gross desu

>> No.495111

Why how recent have you joined us?

>> No.495114
Quoted by: >>495141

why do you need gura to congratulate her on twitter? she congratulated ame on her stream already

>> No.495116
Quoted by: >>495179

Takamori doesn't make much sense when SameAme is more genuine.

>> No.495118
Quoted by: >>495134


>> No.495119
Quoted by: >>495164

Sorry anon. I think I took this shitpost too far.

>> No.495120

>it's in her chicken voice.
It's not even that it's because her songs are overproduced with the instruments overpowering her vocals along with that she needs to realize HOLOEN SHOULD SING IN ENGLISH

>> No.495122
Quoted by: >>495139

This reminds me of the Keyes terminal in Halo Anniversary

>I, forgot something... What did I- My name. I forgot... Oh! Uh... Keyes, Jacob. Captain. Service number 01928-19912-JK.


>> No.495126

listen to the fbk soundposts in the thread that will give you an idea

>> No.495130
Quoted by: >>495151 >>495162

______ is cute!

>> No.495132
Quoted by: >>495163

if there are enough EN generations it's inevitable that Kana will eventually be a Holo. an inescapable fact of the universe

>> No.495134
Quoted by: >>495153


>> No.495135

honestly she just needs like 50 more "am frogs" and community polls and she'll be in business.

>> No.495139

That terminal was fucking depressing

>> No.495141
Quoted by: >>495155 >>495204

no she didn't. all she said was
>this aint minecraft
plus, it's a symbolic gesture. all members of EN congratulate ame except for gura? that's a bad look.
my narrative that ame/gura secretly hate each other off-stream is getting more evidence as we speak.

>> No.495144

>does she not understand that it's not about demand, it's about The Algorithm having a Gura setting that is on maximum blast and feeding back on itself
She kinda does though she mentioned how when gura was shadowbanned it didn't affect her much

>> No.495147
Quoted by: >>495154 >>495314

peko peko
peko peko peko

>> No.495151


>> No.495152
Quoted by: >>495211

Or at the very least sub the MV

>> No.495153


>> No.495154


>> No.495155

I meant gura's stream anon

>> No.495156
Quoted by: >>495211

I don't even care about the English thing, in fact I think it'd be really cool to have more German, but the way the producer of these last two songs has handled mixing is horrendous.

>> No.495157

>your oshi
>a stream you want to see from them, realistic or not

>> No.495158

Already had celebratory discord sex

>> No.495161

Shiiiieeeet. Just ‘ow new are ya’ll certy folks?

>> No.495162

every holo

>> No.495163

But she is an even bigger ball of nerves than Gura...

>> No.495164

Don't worry. It's funny, I'm just scared about it happening to me. I need to stop drinking.

>> No.495167
Quoted by: >>495221

the algorithm is definitely a big part in how popular you are.
I opened an incognito tab and just searched "vtuber" and gura's debut is one of the first results, next to some weird kids channel and anituber crap
also getting shadowbanned doesn't help.
not saying that youtube is the sole reason why she isn't that popular of course.

>> No.495169

I'd rather forget you if it's all the same

>> No.495173

Having 2 stream taken down for days, the latest one being shadowbanned and the moving thing must be stressing her out a lot

>> No.495174

soft voice ASMR

>> No.495177


>> No.495179

falseflagging too obvious

>> No.495180

baba is you

>> No.495181

I love the Mamaloni even if she takes meds

>> No.495182
Quoted by: >>495199

The valentines kit kats are on the way to Ame's adress.

>> No.495185

So what are some games we can colonize anyway

>> No.495186
Quoted by: >>495192

He went joker like 10 hours ago what level of deranged psycho gamer is he on currently?

>> No.495189
Quoted by: >>495231

Yeah the mixing has been garbage in all of them, even with Mori behind one of them.
Kiara did great with this song though

>> No.495192

Super Saiyan Mickey.

>> No.495193

Hey deadbeats, here’s a drawing of your oshi. No need for thanks.

>> No.495195

>your oshi
>if you had one day to read literally everything within the holo discord servers, including direct messages of any holo account what would you go for first? would you tell anyone what you saw?

>> No.495196

this is like the 3rd time this was brought up so far

>> No.495199
Quoted by: >>495245

do you think Ame will give Gura her new address?

>> No.495200


>> No.495203

*posts an image into the thread via my imaginationwaves*

>> No.495204

>all members of EN congratulate ame except for gura?
Ina Ina Ina...

>> No.495208

3D model pole dancing

>> No.495209


>> No.495211

>Or at the very least sub the MV
she said since there is barely any english she will post the translation
Yeah her mix is god awful if heart challenger is that she needs to be told

>> No.495213
Quoted by: >>495258

Especially this part and couple min before that, like damn

>> No.495215


>> No.495216 [DELETED] 

Armored core 3 silent line. Or any AC game

>> No.495217

re7 collab with botan

>> No.495221
Quoted by: >>495317 >>495346

>gura's debut
I can't imagine there are that many people whose first exposure to vtubing is Gura's debut, who then decide they want to stick around.

>> No.495222

Off-collab mukbang with japanese food

>> No.495226

Silent hill 2

>> No.495227

>project wingman on sale
aviationbros, never tell me the odds...

>> No.495228

>Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 unassisted endurance stream

>> No.495231
Quoted by: >>495488

It's not even a chicken voice thing THAT bad, like hell karaoke hinotori used that voice and it sounded way better than the official release

>> No.495235
Quoted by: >>495439

>14 hours of Apex

>> No.495237

Mesugaki asmr

>> No.495238
Quoted by: >>495318

Ame, please, play hotline Miami

>> No.495241
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1612917285778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving the chinks the satisfaction of driving you to the point of tears, dumbass reddit dragon

>> No.495242 [SPOILER] 
File: 733 KB, 610x646, 1613080592937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your oshi
>your thoughts?

>> No.495245
Quoted by: >>495289

You know they're moving in together.. right?

>> No.495246
Quoted by: >>495276

Gura pretty much never congratulates anyone on Twitter, be it EN, JP or ID. She congratulated her on stream and probably did it off stream too.

>> No.495247


>> No.495250
Quoted by: >>495267

>your oshi
>does mori pay her rent

>> No.495252

You know those limited demo events steam has? I want permissions for those so Holos can play random games with no expectation that they finish them.

>> No.495255
Quoted by: >>495300

I’d see if they all are in a relationship. Fuck yeah I’d tell everyone

t. SEAnigger

>> No.495258

Seaweed is a bro. It was cool of him to be a big bro and get her that champion title and dab on a bunch of shitters

>> No.495259

Why is her English singing voice so seductive?

>> No.495260

Even tow truck drops the nasally voice when she sings, chicken should do the same.

Maybe she's just deathly afraid of stalkers still.

>> No.495264

Madden 2021

>> No.495267

>Yes, but not in the way you'd expect

>> No.495268
Quoted by: >>495302

What does a women's period taste like? I low key want to eat Amelia's period.

>> No.495273

>instead of ending the streaming and saying her pc died she let them win
Might as well graduate at this point.

>> No.495274


>> No.495276
Quoted by: >>495326

she congratulated aqua and marine

>> No.495277

Why is she naked?

>> No.495279
Quoted by: >>495306 >>495349

any Pokemon game

>> No.495280

Did these fuckers get into race condition when one of you deleted your previous image?

>> No.495281
Quoted by: >>495325 >>495331

the one-month moving average of gura's delay between schedules has increased slightly over the past 4-6 weeks (values are in days):

[7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.25, 7.0, 7.25, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.25, 7.0, 7.25, 7.25, 7.25, 7.25, 7.5]

>> No.495282


>> No.495283

Lamy x Aki x Noel x Mori drinking off collab followed with a mini ASMR session.

>> No.495284
Quoted by: >>495307

I just woke up, what happened?

>> No.495289

Explain this rrat to me

>> No.495290

I am afraid not

>> No.495297

God I wanna pat that head.

>> No.495298
Quoted by: >>495356

I'll login to L*serbait's account and call everyone bad names to get him fired

>> No.495300

>Two oshis

>> No.495303


>> No.495302

I've eaten a girl out the day after her period and she tasted kind of iron-y

>> No.495304

Definately not Kiara

>> No.495305


>> No.495306

Fuck yeah.

>> No.495307
Quoted by: >>495337


>> No.495308


>> No.495313


>> No.495314


>> No.495317
Quoted by: >>495342

Have you seen reddit's anime meme subs the month of debut? Tons of weebs got into vtubers once an english branch was established

>> No.495318
Quoted by: >>495365

Isn’t the music in that game a problem? Like you need separate permissions

>> No.495324

>tfw your oshi can't do gloves streams
You know why.

>> No.495325
Quoted by: >>495338

Oh god. We're not getting a schedule or a stream today right? I'm starting to doubt and not have faith...

>> No.495326

That's why I said pretty much never. It's rare. Not sure why people are obsessed with it.

>> No.495329

The schedule drift is ridiculous, but at least she still does post schedules.
She'll be EN's Ayame by the end of the year.

>> No.495330
Quoted by: >>495353

3D fight VS nene or a Terraria playtrought

>> No.495331

>we will eventually reach a point where she posts a schedule for the previous week

>> No.495332

More like because of covers incompetence

>> No.495333

The rrat is that /u/schizos really want Gura and Amelia to move in together now that Amelia is moving.

>> No.495334

>Literally almost killed me, fuck kiara

>> No.495337

Wow she cry because of text posted in her chat by bug men

>> No.495338

i think there's about a 95% probability of getting both today.

>> No.495341
Quoted by: >>495372

no hands?

>> No.495342
Quoted by: >>495380

Good thing that most of those niggers are dead subs and aren't the majority I hope

>> No.495344
Quoted by: >>495372

I don't know why

>> No.495346

Dude those people found "a" to be the funniest thing in the world. Gura really did use her skills for that

>> No.495348

A 10-15 hour long narrative-centric game stream

>> No.495349
Quoted by: >>495496

Even sword and shield?

>> No.495350

>Harassments still ongoing
>Small indie tech company makes the problem worse
>Forces her to handle it all herself
>Art tag spammed with gore and other horrible shit

Haha yea, stupid dragon, just hold it all in.

The simple fact that it took PPT asking her how she was doing and if she had eaten, that led to her breaking down really shows how hard she was trying not to break.

>> No.495351
Quoted by: >>495372

She's too poor to afford gloves?

She doesn't have hands?

>> No.495352

>wife experience ASMR

>> No.495353

They should do a pillow in the 3D studio instead and stream that.

>> No.495354

When all you can see is a wall of text saying "you're shit" that's not a nice thing anon.

>> No.495356

You’re doing him a favor id you did. He can finally chase his dream of being in JAV

>> No.495357

Are you implying Gura doesn't have child hands?

>> No.495361

Disco Elysium

>> No.495364

fucking why, schizo?

>> No.495365
Quoted by: >>495408

Sadly yes, Hana Macchia dropped Wrong number because of Perturbator and Carpenter Brut copyright

>> No.495367

I went to /t/ and there was a delete moona unboxing stream, is it because of that?

>> No.495369
Quoted by: >>495394 >>495415

To be fair, she didn't completely breakdown until Kanata rushed in an gave her a hug. She was keeping it together pretty well then. Sounded like she was tired or distracted, but once you hear the door open is when it's actually clear that she's crying.
Not saying it's Kanata's fault at all just that it's interesting just how vulnerable Coco let's herself get around Kanata to the point that she feels safe to cry when she's around as opposed to when alone.

>> No.495371

the girls reacting to August 31st

>> No.495372
Quoted by: >>495432

She's FAT

>> No.495376

>Your oshi
>Have you ever dated before

>> No.495377


>> No.495380

Gura and to a minor degree Mori really sponged them up

>> No.495383

Good news! Astel has played 14.5 hours of Apex straight!

>> No.495385

yes and i did not enjoy it

>> No.495386

I went on a date once and it went well so I never did it again.

>> No.495388

Mario Party 2-3 with Gura + Ame + Ina

>> No.495389
Quoted by: >>495427 >>495547

>"its unarchived but I don't mind if you clip it haha haha"
>nobody cares
she should stop thinking about numbers or what people wants and just have fun for once
that's why people liked moris unarchived karaoke stream even if she was singing about cum rain

>> No.495392

Yes but I love Gura more than anyone I've dated, send help

>> No.495393

>been busy these last two weeks, hasn't put out a schedule by thursday
>putting off getting a pet tarantula even though she really wants one
>thats all i have i just want them to move in and fuck

>> No.495394

She still give the chinks exactly what they wanted though

>> No.495395


>> No.495399


>> No.495406

It's not just that, there's probably a lot more, especially since her face is public and this stuff effects her livelihood and co-workers, and remember she is a japanese woman

>> No.495407


>> No.495408

Shame. Music is such a huge part of that game. She can maybe play it mute but it wouldn’t be the same

>> No.495409


>> No.495410

I haven't gone on a date in a decade now

>> No.495415
Quoted by: >>495482

>you will literally never have your own Kanata

>> No.495416

Yes, but ended hate fucking the girl I dated because she only wanted sex and never talked to her again

>> No.495418

>yes, it was pretty lowkey though

>> No.495420

I mean I've been at a restaurant alone with a girl before, one that was there because I invited her. I guess you could call that a date in the more basic sense, though it went nowhere and I doubt she'd call it one.

>> No.495421
Quoted by: >>495443

There’s literally 0 evidence for it, like I can see the Gura secretly has a crush on ame thing but the moving rrat might be the most retarded thing I’ve seen here in a while

>> No.495422

Reminder that we could have already had two Gura cooking streams with a camera by now but Enma is too protective.
Meanwhile Jenma is almost ID-tier with how much she's letting Kiara get away with.

>> No.495423

yes, the good moments were nice but it went to shit later
a year later i learn from this thread that i was in an abusive relationship

>> No.495424

No she cried because her real fans got fucked due to Cover's incompetence. She doesn't give a fuck about the bugmen text, she gives a fuck about how her fans got sucked into their bullshit and got banned for no reason.

>> No.495425

Yes, it was not good, not bad.
Gura is unironically better

>> No.495427

>she should stop thinking about numbers or what people wants and just have fun for once
She's doing exactly that by playing debuff jrpgs

>> No.495428

>yes, but we called it off after 2 years for personal reasons

>> No.495429



>> No.495432


>> No.495433

She has to grow an even thicker skin in that case. They will never stop now.

>> No.495439

He might go for 24. He doesn't even sound tired.

>> No.495441
Quoted by: >>495458

>1 yeah but I'm old and haven't dated in 3 years because because of a very toxic relationship

I was the toxic one

>> No.495443


>> No.495444
Quoted by: >>495560

Why do other boards can go as high in posts as possible but here they die at 1500?

>> No.495445

Everyone has limits.

>> No.495446

No, never.

>> No.495447

i want stereo audio way more than some fucking camera.

>> No.495450


>> No.495451

Didn’t really help that her own company that is suppose to support her stabbed her in the back.

>> No.495452

>thinks humans can do 100% rational things all of the time
What's done is done.

>> No.495455

When will the fucking chink arc end? Jesas

>> No.495456


>> No.495457

Yes, longest relationship was 6 years.

>> No.495458

>acting "toxic"
Stop the presses.

>> No.495460

Will Kiara just cheer up, you're making me sad.

>> No.495467


>> No.495468
Quoted by: >>495485

Fucking kill this thread already
>your oshi
>skub or antiskub

>> No.495470
Quoted by: >>495588

>her songs are overproduced
yes, this makes it "souless" somehow, idol songs aren't "good", people like it based on whos singing
you are just gay, language doesnt matter

>> No.495472

Gura unpinned her schedule, I just woke up so was it now or has it unpinned for a while?

>> No.495475

what makes 1 million any different than 973,267 subscribers
people going mad over arbitrary numbers

>> No.495478
Quoted by: >>495534

It was unpinned before the stream yesterday.

>> No.495479

no (Almost a wizard)

>> No.495480

Oh nice, Firefox now has feature highlight all instances of the thing you are searching for on scroll bar
It's will be nice when it comes to seeing how popular my posts are

>> No.495481
Quoted by: >>495534

Unpinned for a while

>> No.495482

>you will literally never have your own Kanata

>> No.495485

Skub Love!

>> No.495486
Quoted by: >>495605

When the Three Gorges Dam collapses

>> No.495488
Quoted by: >>495532

Kiara needs a whack to the head for her to notice she does better with powerful songs, not cutesy songs.

>> No.495491
Quoted by: >>495534

Unpinned for 14 hours now

>> No.495493
Quoted by: >>495586

Knowing Gura, even if she could have a camera she wouldn't want it anywhere near her. Imagine the stress.

>> No.495494
Quoted by: >>495545

It won't end until every last bug is exterminated

>> No.495496

Sure, she seemed to enjoy herself the last few times she played Sword

>> No.495499
Quoted by: >>495534

she unpinned it after yesterdays stream

>> No.495501

THIS is what the idol industry does to young women.

>> No.495504

Post on booru please

>> No.495505

>your oshi
>would you suck your oshi's dick if she had one?

>> No.495506

Yea, a couple of times

>> No.495509

At this point? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.495510
Quoted by: >>495622

Gura seems like the type who is paranoid as hell, she won’t even tweet without re writing it a few times. It’ll take a while before she’ll show anything, I don’t know if it’s just the manager in this case

>> No.495512

No, dicks are gay

>> No.495513


>> No.495516
Quoted by: >>495563

>It's been about 10 hours
>Over 300-400+ people still in Coco's free chat
God bless the Tatsunoko

>> No.495514
Quoted by: >>495539 >>495585

How underwhelmed do you think Ame felt about the 1 mil?

>> No.495515

>Fuck yeah

>> No.495517

Why is december 25th treated any differently than december 26th?

>> No.495522

Would you guys get doxxed? I wouldn't want that

>> No.495525

No, a girl I was working with one day suddenly said she'd date me if she wasn't already with someone. I knew she was in a relationship so I wasn't expecting it at all.
Thank god I moved pretty soon after, because shit was getting weird.

>> No.495526

because NUMBERS ogey?
shitposting aside, its psychology bullshit regarding the significance of multiple digits.
its why in grocery stores things are usually priced 99 cents rather than whole numbers, since paying money is a negative, meanwhile on the flipside a positive thing such as a subscriber count, makes you glad to see the rollover to a new digit

>> No.495527

Hell YES

>> No.495528

I already sucked her dick

>> No.495530
Quoted by: >>495576

Is Polka Menhera?

>> No.495532

She needs to not force her Kiara voice when singing. Rusu and Susei have a much deeper and richer tone when doing so and they sound great.

>> No.495531

More than once

>> No.495533

>13 hours
What's the longest stream that YT will archive again?

>> No.495534

Ok, thanks for the info anons.

>> No.495539
Quoted by: >>495549

I think last night was her most superchatted stream ever so she probably feels pretty good

>> No.495540

12 hours

>> No.495541
Quoted by: >>495567

under 12 hours, but he wasn't planning on it being archived anyway since he was singing at the beginning

>> No.495542

12 hours. Anything after that is deleted.

>> No.495545

Based just keep moving forward anon

>> No.495546
Quoted by: >>495577

I'm convinced with the rrats about Cover put her on pedestal before debute and the pressure bite into her.

>> No.495547

she wasn't think about the numbers during the karaoke that happened after the stream

>> No.495549
Quoted by: >>495571

according to playboard it was second only to her first monetized stream

>> No.495551


>> No.495556

Yes, it'd be the most feminine penis in existence

>> No.495554


>> No.495560

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.495562

>Childbirth ASMR

>> No.495563

Theres enough emote letters to spell fuck China

>> No.495564


>> No.495567

I guess endurance is one way of making a stream unarchived...

>> No.495568

A couple of dates with one girl irl and I had two online "relationships" when I was in high school

>> No.495569

Kiara had Jenma in her house to prevent yabs gura wouldnt have that

>> No.495570
Quoted by: >>495592 >>495607


>> No.495571

makes sense

>> No.495573

Playing Recettear

>> No.495576

Menhera Janai mon~

>> No.495577

Yep, it's yagoo's fault for being a massive idolfag

>> No.495579

no, i don't see her as sexual

would suck ame's femdick if she has one tho

>> No.495580


>> No.495585

How overwhelmed do you think Todd is, having hololiveEN support him unilaterally?

>> No.495586
Quoted by: >>495611

My oshi's gloved hands are visibly shaking out of fear and no matter how many akas I send it won't stop!

>> No.495588
Quoted by: >>495617

>language doesnt matter
bullshit, does language matter, you'd see that Mori hasn't had a single Japanese song

>> No.495590

Lol all these fags looking for an excuse to suck dick. I don't need one.

>> No.495591
Quoted by: >>495610

>like Gura in streams, she's cute and fun
>artwork and lewdposts make me feel very uncomfortable

I guess Im just not a paedophile.

>> No.495592
Quoted by: >>495628


>> No.495593


>> No.495596
Quoted by: >>495634

/fit/ is my homeboard, what do you think anon?

>> No.495597
Quoted by: >>495630

When Hololive ceases to exist, they are not after Coco, that's just an excuse

>> No.495598


>> No.495599


>> No.495603

Gura. Schedule. Doko

>> No.495605

You're acting like it's a bad thing

>> No.495606

based fag

>> No.495607

I really hope this artist does stuff of the other EN girls like this. Especially Gura

>> No.495609

Holy based.

>> No.495610

>I guess Im just not a paedophile.

>> No.495611

You clearly didn't send enough poorfag.

>> No.495614

based faggot

>> No.495615

Based as fuck

>> No.495617

you say that as you watch all okayus karaoke streams without knowing a single hiragana

>> No.495620

Is Gura pulling a no schedule this week or did she decide to take her 2nd break today?

>> No.495621

uhh it's because humans have 10 fingers or something... it's also pretty close to 2^20

>> No.495622

i think she might occasionally "blame" things like that on her manager just to shut people up. i can't fault her for it.

>> No.495628

Why did she say nigga?

>> No.495629

Based and fagpilled. I kneel!

>> No.495630
Quoted by: >>495657 >>495660

I unironically believe this and my current rrat is that they have been switching to falseflagging instead about cover's incompetence

>> No.495632

Hell yes. I also can't wait for Gura to plant her seeds inside me as she promised.

>> No.495634
Quoted by: >>495653

Gay. /fit/ have been bad for years after they chose to delete/sig/.

>> No.495641

Only if we agree to say no homo after

>> No.495648

sometimes when my oishi speaks i respond to her out loud like i'm talking to her good thing the thread is dying

>> No.495650

Gaychad... I kneel...

>> No.495653

there is a reason i've been here more than i've been on fit
also i do not want to see the coinslot anymore i have had enough of it
ill always be a meathead at heart tho

>> No.495654


>> No.495657

Dude, they fucking modded the spammers. You don't need to falseflag about their incompetence.

>> No.495658

i love you, gura.

>> No.495659

I love you Gawr Gura!

>> No.495661

I wanna be gangbanged by futa EN gen1!!!

>> No.495660

even the groups that where against Coco on bilibili already stepped down because it was "permanently damaging their reputation" and vtubers were leaving the site out of fear

>> No.495663

Once. It fell apart since we could barely ever see each other. I also realized I really just want to be left alone most of the time, and someone constantly texting me was overwhelming. I'm happier alone if that's the alternative

>> No.495665


>> No.495668


>> No.495666

You love dick.

>> No.495669

Sucking dick is probably the straightest thing you can do
