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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48527645 No.48527645 [Reply] [Original]

Scuffed Raccoon Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>48518816

>> No.48527699
Quoted by: >>48528791

aethel just leaked that it's ending. It's been a good run

>> No.48527706

racoon thumbs

>> No.48527715
Quoted by: >>48527786

Uh the coon isn't in vshojo and all the people she collabed with that were left

>> No.48527716

>VShojo is:
>Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya
Tick Tock, you're next

>> No.48527740
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indie bitches

>> No.48527773
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Good news this month Good news this month Good news this month Good news this month Good news this month Good news this month Good news this month Good news this month

>> No.48527786

Mouse is the only one she collabs with

>> No.48527810

>If I have it my way Nyan is gonna keep making content until she's 110
Based appleman

>> No.48527827

Former members:
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/vei
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale

>> No.48527856
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love me indie wolf wife

>> No.48527874
Quoted by: >>48528101

It's a race between Zen and Mouse. If Mouse announces first though it probably means the company itself folds. On one hand, that means she can force them to give her an actually good contract. On the other, it means no one else is liekly to get one which will kill the org too if they're seen as throwing everything behind one talent and giving scraps to the rest.

>> No.48527881


>> No.48527895
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>> No.48527931
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Quoted by: >>48528015

Indie Bitches...

>> No.48527960
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In these times of crisis, what is the appropriate level of raccoon love?
>okay youre jsut hate fucking silver by proxy
>actually cool im kinda getting into it
>wait fuck its starting to hurt
>but like gently this time

>> No.48527970

As badly as I hope this is true so this drama org can finally die Zen's not leaving without the moose.

>> No.48528006

>I think I've successfully purged myself of all parasocial attachments
>Silver's probably dating Asmongold
>I get jealous
>Mfw I'm a gosling again

>> No.48528013 [DELETED] 

so aethel is saying in a roundabout way that nyan didn't have as much creative freedom under vshojo.

>> No.48528015

>Nyan saw Vei/Silver having fun being indie bitches and wanted to join

>> No.48528043
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i guess she's staying

>> No.48528048

Vshojo was a good idea to help grow the vtubing community by supporting bigger vtubers and addin smaller ones bu it had 2 problems
1 they didn't hire people fast enough and let the hype die
2 the grow the community model works only if the vtubers care, as we've seen they only care about themself so they leave as soon as they can

>> No.48528069

>silver gosling
My dude there was never a salvation for you.

>> No.48528072

VShojo wasn't letting nyan release the sextape

>> No.48528101

If Zen is the last (besides the ones who don't stream) then the company would either fold or become the Zentreya variety gaming co. Like they would have to have Zen and Melody in the DM's of all their biggest friends to rebuild. And I doubt they have the capitol to do that level of rebuilding.

>> No.48528119
Quoted by: >>48528201

How high you are or maybe you are turbo ESL.

>> No.48528120

So was that “talent freedom” thing a lie?

>> No.48528126

Nobody cared in the last thread, nobody cares here.

>> No.48528129

>gunrun, 500k usd more or im leaving

>> No.48528132

Vshojo stopped the Jerma collab confirmed. People said that's what it was but it sounded so unbelievable with 'talen freedom'. Typical. At least now it can move forward and we get what will easily be one of the GOAT streams of all time.

>> No.48528160

I care

>> No.48528169

Let's be honest, no one really cares about these fake cunts and them leaving is no real loss.
I hate her but at least she made actual content doing more than just being an e-whore.

>> No.48528192

i care

>> No.48528201

I think you're projecting there anon.

>> No.48528215

Sorry, Nyan isn't allowed to watch him anymore. No bf freedom.

>> No.48528230

vei is just a cunt, not a fake cunt.

>> No.48528233

Check latest tweet ZEN is /out/

>> No.48528239
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So again, assuming Mythic members are off the table, which +'s are still in the running as a potential new member?

>> No.48528248
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Quoted by: >>48528324

>> No.48528255
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>> No.48528266

Not necessarily creative freedom but there are limitations to being a part of a company, even one as lax as VShojo.

For example, Vei went back to slinging hard tards the moment she left. Undoubtedly she was advised by management to watch her language a bit.

I do wonder how many times Nyan and Aethel went on some schizo shit and Nyan later got a talk about "maybe don't make an in-joke about autism"

It's also completely unknown how much, if at all, the investors are involved in VShojo's movements.

>> No.48528270

thats a funny joke anon

>> No.48528324
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pink cat love

>> No.48528366

Coqui, Tob, Anny, Buffpup, and Giri.

>> No.48528374

None. No is going to board the sinking ship.

>> No.48528382
File: 536 KB, 699x699, 1654044445928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't those veifags just leave our general? Don't they understand nobody likes them?

>> No.48528452
File: 367 KB, 590x587, 1682900307544776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is that retarded to join a sinking ship!

>> No.48528454

This lines up with Silver leaving to go on her far-right political arc. That woman has strong opinions about the gays and immigrants.

>> No.48528457

Vei is an annoying dumb whore but she's not fake. She knows she's insufferable and she owns it.

>> No.48528494

They can cope however they want, Silver did not make it sound like just business. It seemed very personal. But she is also a petty cunt so who knows.

>> No.48528500

Like usual nyanners struggles with the truth.

>> No.48528514
Quoted by: >>48528656

It really shows how spiteful Silver is. They press a contract that removes vetos and it isn't enough for her to leave, she has to destroy the org on the way out. What about people like Coqui that never did anything to Silver but are going to be hurt by this?

>> No.48528530

So vei and nyanner left so they can joke about autism and call people retards right after haruka joined, such good friends supporting the autistic friend they always say they love that got severly bullied for being autistic

>> No.48528532

apparently Kiara mentioned SOTD this week

>> No.48528547
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>Aethel says the only reason he played Final Fantasy was because that's what pussy does to a motherfucker
>Mouse is getting Connor to play FF

>> No.48528568
Quoted by: >>48529070

Giri would be a great addition and I don't think she has any representation right now.

>> No.48528592

>Aethel says the only reason he played Final Fantasy was because that's what pussy does to a motherfucker
He's just like me fr fr

>> No.48528593
File: 431 KB, 3035x3035, 45346ggsgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

connor is fucking doomed

>> No.48528610

If she keeps saying retard she will get banned by twitch or possibly cause soda to get banned. Twitch has banned more popular streamers for less. Vshojo may not be the epitome of a properly ran company but I can't fault them for that one

>> No.48528642

not wanting to bow down to twitter troons is not far right, its called having a spine

>> No.48528656

based Silver burning this shitshow to the ground
i love her even more now

>> No.48528675

>Aethel might be collabing rpr soon via

>> No.48528698

Absolutely, Silver left because Gunrun kept telling her not to say the 14 words.

>> No.48528743
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>>48528675 (me)
Fucked up the text I'm tired and going to bed now

>> No.48528746

no one that isn't far-right uses the word troon

>> No.48528750
Quoted by: >>48528804

Reminds me, anyone know how far Soda and Vei got in their last attempt? I know they were in post ARR patch stuff last I heard.

>> No.48528751

Who will go down with the ship? That’s a better question.

>> No.48528791
Quoted by: >>48528894

whats ending?

>> No.48528795

I don't mind Aethel but I unironically do think that pink cat will abandon him down the line just like she does with everyone in her life.

>> No.48528797
Quoted by: >>48528845

Silver doesn't so no idea what's your point

>> No.48528804
Quoted by: >>48528914

they stopped in the same place that everyone else stops

>> No.48528805
Quoted by: >>48528917

She's in Mythic

>> No.48528845

I was refering to you and the ones doing the counter-crusade.

>> No.48528846 [DELETED] 

I use the word troon and I'm not far right. I just don't like trannies.

>> No.48528869

It should be Mouse since she's the one that always talks about it being a famoly and shit.

>> No.48528875

gunrun dropped the ball so hard

>> No.48528886
Quoted by: >>48528990

WACTOR still has people signing up and they literally doxxed their ex talents

>> No.48528894


>> No.48528898 [DELETED] 

Ok Mr. Third Position

>> No.48528914

Rip, was hoping they made it further. Vei's only made it to the beginning of stormblood ever. I need to convince my friends to get back into it so I can finish this story already.

>> No.48528917
Quoted by: >>48528957

Mythic exclusve contracts are for 5k+ streamers only.

>> No.48528920 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>48529046

being center-right is not much better

>> No.48528926

Froot and Vei probably has the thickest skin in the org formerly known as VShojo. Froot's been basically harasser all since the beginning and has never once cracked publicly. Vei being a natural bitch makes her battle hardened being able to take what she can dish.

>> No.48528945
Quoted by: >>48529127

Look on the bright side anon, no woman dates Asmongold to fuck him. They just want his money.

>> No.48528950 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>48529457

let me guess you're a centrist

>> No.48528957
Quoted by: >>48529022

explain vei being in mythic before her vshojo contract was up then

>> No.48528971

Hime, she will forget to change update her info so she will be in Vshojo long after it dies.

>> No.48528990

People that don't have any real following.
It's like the people that work for McDonalds, they don't have any better options

>> No.48529012 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>48529569

oh so you're just transphobic then

>> No.48529017

vshojo could announce hime is out and most people would unironically who her

>> No.48529022
Quoted by: >>48529184

They are only available for streamers at that level. That doesn't mean they have to take them.

>> No.48529046 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>48529116

Much better than being left nowadays

>> No.48529062

Both British. Hmm...

>> No.48529070
Quoted by: >>48529593

Giris going to Japan to join Geexplus, Abby leaked it.

>> No.48529091
Quoted by: >>48529185

not having a victim complex worked out for froot, her metal cover popped off and now shes getting the attention of actual record labels, even if she leaves vshojo she'll be set

>> No.48529116 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>48529207

ah, there's the mask-off moment

>> No.48529127

s..sounds horrible haha...

>> No.48529131 [DELETED] 

I think you're retarded, anon.

>> No.48529164
Quoted by: >>48529223

I mean, have you seen how he talks about it? He acts like he's being forced to play FF8 against his will

>> No.48529172
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>> No.48529185
Quoted by: >>48529460

Froot tanked through like 2 harrasment campaigns against her this year, while going through a 3rd one right now
the fact that she's still standing is impressive

>> No.48529184

and what's your source on this?

>> No.48529195

whatd i miss
was it anything good/interesting/damning/wholesome?
or just nothing

>> No.48529207 [DELETED] 

>wow you think *extremist political position* is worse than generic centrist position? mask-off moment! fascist spotted!
american leftoid moment

>> No.48529223
Quoted by: >>48529311

He does that with literally everything, he's british

>> No.48529234

The longer Aethel talks about getting Nyan to record something the more I think it's a bit .

>> No.48529236
File: 401 KB, 1415x1998, FQugI9BaUAI_hZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my cute delinquent wife

>> No.48529257 [DELETED] 

I'm from the Balkans, but nice try

>> No.48529267

Did Aethel clarify what he's doing at Offkai? Is it just the normal ipad meet and greet? It's near me

>> No.48529281 [DELETED] 

yeah ok lil bro

>> No.48529283
Quoted by: >>48529535

Now that everything is going to shit. I wonder if the meme about mouse not streaming while nyan was streaming was true. Like, everyone was pissed with mouse sucsess after subathon even months late.

>> No.48529294
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Quoted by: >>48534301

it's still not too late to say sorry vsj

>> No.48529301

>guys i played too many games yesterday and body hort. but i will be back tomorrow for a fun stream bright and early. see you soonironmouseDespair

Maybe no Dead Island with Connor today then

>> No.48529311

Stop blaming everything on the fact he's British, it's not some curse that forbids him from feeling emotion

>> No.48529319
Quoted by: >>48529369

he'll probably do the ipad thing and walk around in forma de fleshie

>> No.48529357

if I was gun I would make offers to southside and girlsfc while they're still able to take them

>> No.48529365

ok, he's also a man

>> No.48529369

>gets stabbed by a nyangosling

>> No.48529370

He's going to be accepting suitcases full of money from vague CEOs. That's what vtubers do at Offkai

>> No.48529381


>> No.48529388

Holy shit when did she add this

>> No.48529395
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vei sex

>> No.48529446
Quoted by: >>48529489

>zen takes the day off
>mouse takes the day off
Repeating what I said earlier, but the two latinas leave today.

>> No.48529451
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>guys i played too many games yesterday and body hort.
Sure Mouse. That's the reason why you're not streaming today, right.

>> No.48529457 [DELETED] 

Nope, vote left, just don't like troons.

>> No.48529460

i have massive respect for her for that but i also hope if she does stay that vshojo actually steps up to help their talents against bogus slander

>> No.48529465
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>> No.48529472
File: 254 KB, 600x357, 1656327924234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were Gunrun I would load my Cobra, put it to my temple, and pull the trigger

>> No.48529479

You know what it would be such a bizarre turn of events if Silver became some cuckservative Crowder 2.0 in vtuber form after this. I still wouldn't watch her but it'd be unique at least.

>> No.48529489


>> No.48529499

please no. I slept watching connor being mega retard yesterday. I can't take it again

>> No.48529509

she didn't say the games made her body hort
and her heart is technically part of her body

>> No.48529526
Quoted by: >>48529812


>> No.48529535

>I wonder if the meme about mouse not streaming while nyan was streaming was true
It was somewhat true? But not because of any retarded drama, it's because mouse loves pink cat and they used to just watch other instead of streaming if one of them was live

>> No.48529553

I'm a dirty leftist but that would honestly be fucking hilarious

>> No.48529563

She did say modern cartoons are woke...

>> No.48529569 [DELETED] 

No. Transphobia is fake anyway because nobody is afraid of you chuuni snowflake attention seeking faggots.

>> No.48529570

Yeah the 15 hours of streaming and gaming must have nothing to do with it

>> No.48529587

Mouse if someone is leaving, play Honkai Star Rail tomorrow

>> No.48529589

>vei and silver leave
>veifags and silverfags remain despite spergs not wanting them
>nyan leaves
>nyan general starts almost immediately

>> No.48529593

Kadokawa finally making a Vtuber division? Feels a bit late to the game though.

>> No.48529594

Defcon 3 guys, we're officially at Defcon 3. Defcon 2 would be Mouse leaving and Defcon 1 would be the collapse of VShojo as a whole. How do we stop this?

>> No.48529611


>> No.48529636

its almost like their audience doesnt browse here

>> No.48529653

The right wing heel turn is a weirdly common social media thing because it requires very little talent since they're desperate to get young people interested.

It's where people with low standards and a need for easy money end up. Well that or porn.

>> No.48529689

I think Dead Island with Connor is still up in the air. She might not have alluded to it in the message because he's asleep and can't coordinate. Yesterday she said that they would likely be playing today, seemingly before he decided he'd stream yesterday. So who knows.

>> No.48529696

I’m an accelerationist at this point

>> No.48529728

Nyanfags need to stop making the Nyan threads I swear to god. I already have to browse this thread, /pink/, and now /lig/ for pink cat.
I don't need a 4th tab in the mix.

>> No.48529725
Quoted by: >>48529787

hire anny and others

>> No.48529758
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Quoted by: >>48529844

I'm not leaving

>> No.48529772

Go back in time and convince Gunrun not to fuck over Silver

>> No.48529779
File: 643 KB, 2700x3525, Fkv5--SaUAATv26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i post in both threads but Silverposters aren't as numerous as others

>> No.48529786

Hire all of Girls FC.

>> No.48529787

>hire anny after vei/nyan left
lol I would just feel bad for at that point since those were the two she cared about the most in the org

>> No.48529790

Silverwhale has experience in both pandering to worthless coomers AND pandering to unapologetic transphobes so she's set for her indie journey

>> No.48529799
File: 235 KB, 550x309, 1673067353226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48530006

>> No.48529806

I wonder if Gunrun will quit and close up shop when all he has left is the Zen/Mouse/Froot clique and no one will got to con parties with him anymore?

>> No.48529805

i'm gonna make /catgirls/ just for spite

>> No.48529812

at this point i hope so i'll follow mouse either way

>> No.48529830

wrong, haruka

>> No.48529835
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>> No.48529838
File: 1.70 MB, 1572x1440, 1682905449402079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>veifags and silverfags remain despite spergs not wanting them

>> No.48529839

snuffy dodged a bullet jfc

>> No.48529844

stay, it's not like one more tourist will change anything.

>> No.48529857

Veifags and Silverfags won the game. They can post simp shit/art on /lig/ and post shizo shit here just to make people mad.

>> No.48529869
Quoted by: >>48530317

Well, the strawberry demon plasma came in and you are getting absolutely FUCKED on this as far as size goes.

>> No.48529876

Hire Snuffy and Rainhoe.
Force them to do CB streams

>> No.48529881

Go back in time and tell Gunrun to not fuck up the indie auditions and just commit to two no-names and one nepo-hire before everyone found out they were a sham.

>> No.48529893

>>unironically calling people transphobes

go the fuck back to twitter and reddit, faggot.

>> No.48529904

has nyanners mentioned her cats since she abandoned them for dick?

>> No.48529911

thats the point
anny is like wholsome vei

>> No.48529924

Kys you fucking twitterfaggot

>> No.48529934

Gunrun has been catching up on anime and now he has decided to turn vshojo into an idol band, pretty based.

>> No.48529937

You're just describing Silver back to me and I can just see it more and more, oddly enough I picture conservative Silver with a mustache.

>> No.48529951

It's just Gunrun, Hime, Melody, and Kson from here on out.

>> No.48529958

she already shit them a long time ago anon. They are helping a tree to grown by now.

>> No.48529961

wait Nyan is gone too?
vshojo is DEAD dead huh

>> No.48529962

>thinking either of them will be banned for saying retard

>> No.48529969

i like nyan but this particular decision of hers makes me uncomfortable to be a fan. I would never do that to my pets.

>> No.48529998

Relax, they're cats

>> No.48530006

Vei dojo

>> No.48530030
Quoted by: >>48530135

and you're just a faggot
what's your point?

>> No.48530042
Quoted by: >>48530076

Blame landlords

>> No.48530043

It's in her nature to abandon things once she doesn't need them anymore

>> No.48530046
Quoted by: >>48530124

nobody gets banned in twitch for that
and when did Vei said "retard"?
the times where I have watched her (which is not much because she dosnt stream) I have not heard use that word

>> No.48530052

Cats forget you exist about 12 hours after they haven't seen you, I'm sure they're fine

>> No.48530060
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>> No.48530076

Everyone conveniently forgets about Aethel's allergies.

>> No.48530085

I also prioritize the well being of animals over my own well-being, it just makes sense.

>> No.48530124

She really likes to use it when she’s drunk, like during the double date after they started playing Among Us

>> No.48530127

please explain how they impacted her well being

>> No.48530130

We know Zack

>> No.48530135
Quoted by: >>48530963

they don't feel love
and if you think they do, you're projecting

>> No.48530142


>> No.48530151
Quoted by: >>48530238

that's why i like Silver
she would never abandon her kitty

>> No.48530163
Quoted by: >>48530238

the cat discussion always brings out the actual unironic sociopaths, it's pretty funny.

>> No.48530168

She ate them

>> No.48530177
Quoted by: >>48530217

Westerners have truly lost their minds with animals, treating them basically like substitute babies. Here if someone gets bored of a cat they put them into a plastic bag with rocks and toss them into a lake.

>> No.48530192
Quoted by: >>48530861

Without Pink Cat, it's time to fucking accelerate. Bankruptcy Speedrun, burn every bridge, destroy the org.

>> No.48530217

That is why you live in the third world

>> No.48530219

>i like nyan
that's someone else's girlfriend you parasocial freak!

>> No.48530225

she abandoned vshojo just like her cats

>> No.48530238

Too true sis, some people go too far.
Silver's cat killed itself to get away.

>> No.48530241


>> No.48530261

it's over

>> No.48530287


>> No.48530303

Joewari da…

>> No.48530310

Can't tell if you retards are being serious when you're posting about the cats or if this is some advanced autistic shitposting

>> No.48530317
Quoted by: >>48530789

>100mg of caffeine
Mouse is going to have a heart attack if she drinks this on stream.

>> No.48530323
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x960, 1682691139157185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know if tthe reason they left is because they want to regain their freedom from the blue bird app and the blue voters
I think the company should collapse

>> No.48530335
File: 59 KB, 944x1004, Fh0CF53WYAExkN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48530351

do we have to explain human attachments to you again, robot-chan?

>> No.48530362

Announce it, Mouse. Kill Melody's hopes and dreams.

>> No.48530372

What does this even mean? Is this your brain on /pol/?

>> No.48530376
Quoted by: >>48530424

aethel's allergic to cats so when they moved in together she left them with her mom
that's literally all there is to it
anything else is just shitposting or people butthurt that she got a bf

>> No.48530413
Quoted by: >>48530828

Twitter is basically 4chan with likes at this point

>> No.48530424

Actually Nyan ate her cats. Swalled them all whole.
This is the truth fat bitch doesn't want you to know

>> No.48530438

Seeing the majority of a random reddit thread arguing the merits of cats over dogs was my first hint that something is wrong w/ those people

>> No.48530442

I'm sticking to OTV. They would never betray me like this.

>> No.48530474

Man I'm tired

>> No.48530480
File: 779 KB, 806x839, 1673290460800461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joins company so she can be in the same org as her friends
>all her friends leave

>> No.48530483
Quoted by: >>48530514

and she made vei eat her cat too.

>> No.48530487
Quoted by: >>48530517

That's it. Time for me to get involved.

>> No.48530495

I thank God everyday I'm not as retarded as you are

>> No.48530496
File: 290 KB, 2048x2048, 1615269296392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48530498 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.92 MB, 1924x1084, Despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48530713


>> No.48530514

Actually nyan flew to the uk and ate vei's cat for her

>> No.48530517

That me? Me.

>> No.48530542
File: 153 KB, 1205x504, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Indian television station?

>> No.48530662
Quoted by: >>48530717

It's over. https://twitter.com/ironmouse/status/1653144932054335490?s=46&t=GAezGD4R3D1vjYKVCRF56w

>> No.48530713
Quoted by: >>48530823

give me the rundown, love me some scarra

>> No.48530717
Quoted by: >>48531119

i dont get it

>> No.48530722

annys too busy fingering herself on telegram to join please understand

>> No.48530728
File: 160 KB, 413x382, 1629314530072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may I just say: yab

>> No.48530752

Isn't Sykuno from OTV? I hate that nigger

>> No.48530789

It tastes fine, barely a taste at all really.

>> No.48530810
Quoted by: >>48530912

woah big yab guys anyone got some rrats?! ogey!?!
if there's one thing i hate this board for most it's that bullshit

>> No.48530812

You do realize that the blue checks were reclaimed by Elon Musk for the true patriots that pay him $8 right?

>> No.48530822

He's just an OTV +

>> No.48530823

Scawwa is great. Shame he never collabed with Vei again

>> No.48530828

I blame the jannies

>> No.48530831

Nothing bad happened
It's just business

>> No.48530835

>connor and aethel kissing stream mid may

>> No.48530847

He is an OTV+.

>> No.48530861

They were going bankrupt anyway. Why do you think they're revising the contracts upon renegotiation? They have no money, and nobody wants to invest in the current economy.

>> No.48530868

who cares... Vshonen is dead forever.

>> No.48530884
File: 1.72 MB, 600x357, 1680916236079170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is my favorite EN

>> No.48530894

>too busy for Mouse in may
>available for make out session for Aethel
Connor is leaving Vshojo.

>> No.48530912
File: 1.08 MB, 1534x930, 1670790609990945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48531072

>culture bad, no fun allowed
and you wonder why people dont like you

>> No.48530913

This is like the 2nd mention of this I've seen is it real?

>> No.48530918
File: 242 KB, 657x669, 1647063177274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post in /lig/, here, /nyan/ and lurk /pink/ and have no problem with it.
Then again I have dual wielded /lig/ and /vsj/ since the beginning so adding slow threads like the other two isn't any more taxing, plus it's nice to have getaways when the catalog is raiding

>> No.48530919
File: 216 KB, 483x228, 43252356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.48530920

>Vshonen is dead
they killed it for fucking useless JP branch which is one menhera and Kson

>> No.48530963

>they don't feel love

>> No.48530978


>> No.48531023

yeah. The jp move was a huge mistake. We got nothing from it.

>> No.48531034

they are dumb animals. They are not conscience so no they don't feel love in the same way you do.

>> No.48531072

it's not culture it's stupid shitty memes that got run deep into the ground and infected every corner of this board
i don't want you to like me, eat my balls

>> No.48531084
File: 3.26 MB, 3124x1738, 1638502735757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to treasure your memories fags

>> No.48531088
Quoted by: >>48531173

leave sykkuno out of this

>> No.48531117
File: 66 KB, 612x574, 1672111928833826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you happen to have a source for this claim that I can listen to for authorization purposes

>> No.48531119
Quoted by: >>48531147

Ok I googled it. It's a meme, and the side eye is meant to show contempt. Who or what is she showing contempt for?

>> No.48531122

The more I look at it, the more the entry to JP really does seem like an awful idea. Especially with only 2 talents. It's a much more saturated market, and way more restrictive.

>> No.48531144

only 2021 Vshojo mattered. Those were the times of pure joy. It was dead for a long time.

>> No.48531147

to me

>> No.48531155

cat lovers are disturbed individuals

>> No.48531163

Wait, Anny actually fingerblasted herself on her telegram?

>> No.48531173

Fuck off Mouse

>> No.48531179

amen anon. still can't believe 2023 nyan (forma de puta) tried to gaslight us into believing this wasn't the best of times.

>> No.48531196
File: 2.22 MB, 2560x1440, PinkLoveConcert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink love is unironically dead. It is over. Things will never even remotely resemble what they had in the past.

>> No.48531202
File: 347 KB, 1490x902, 1641021242008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where it ended
on New Year's Eve

>> No.48531216

How can you possibly be surprised

>> No.48531227
Quoted by: >>48531293

Dont give up hope anon. There is still a chance if Mouse Leaves too

>> No.48531229
Quoted by: >>48531298

All the money went to those fucking subway advertisements. For no reason too. Who gives a shit about Vshojo in Japan? Especially when you debut with only 2 talents.

>> No.48531233

fuck off nostalgiafags. Go watch some old video and fap.

>> No.48531253

Leak it. Now.

>> No.48531258

this, vshojo's golden era starts now, in may

>> No.48531270

I dunno, I don't really watch her. I know she coombaits, but I didn't know she cooms for views.

>> No.48531279
File: 604 KB, 720x720, 1682569378773808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48531287


>> No.48531288

I fully finished coping and accepting this sorry state of affair, but I had a head start since I fucked off during the gosling genocide. I hope you're able to find peace too anon.

>> No.48531293
Quoted by: >>48532470

Either mouse or zen is leaving tomorrow so we’ll see. Mouse is streaming early again tomorrow and look what happened on sunday

>> No.48531294


>> No.48531297
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1628299925645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48531298

On twitch no less.
seriously, what the hell were they thinking?
I know Gunrun got contacts at Twitch, but it's not like he even got exclusivity contract for his talents.

>> No.48531307

t. mad because he wasn't there for it. It was the best Mousey birthday too.

>> No.48531316

nah. No hopes for anything better. I just hate all these nostalgiafags who cant move on from the past. Things change.

>> No.48531319

You could have at least posted the image as well

>> No.48531322
File: 300 KB, 2560x1440, FvEvsnZXwAEokcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.48531328
File: 273 KB, 343x343, 1638327835249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this month for sure I can feel it

>> No.48531335
File: 315 KB, 1255x678, valshojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48531413


>> No.48531343
File: 223 KB, 600x600, 1646702164775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48531349
File: 30 KB, 546x111, 1653137197483822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i checked out her telegram and saw this
true homie

>> No.48531350

>May announcement leak
>Sasha Grey joins Vshojo
>Rainhoe joins Vshojo
>Snuffy is still in negotiations for Vshojo
>Yuu Asakawa joins VshojoJP

>> No.48531356
Quoted by: >>48531437

nostalgiafags are better than you faggots looping the same shitposts

>> No.48531363

Do you think Gun would still help with IRL stuff if Mouse left?
I know it sounds like a stupid question, but Connor got to be the best advertisment opportunity for his backpacks.

>> No.48531373

dios mio...

>> No.48531376

silver is so nice

>> No.48531385
File: 25 KB, 112x112, Math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck i guess

>> No.48531386

... Jesus christ.

>> No.48531395

Back when we hoped Buff and Rose might get in. Truly the halcyon days of yore

>> No.48531398
File: 220 KB, 2048x1152, FvEvsnZXwAEokcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48531492

Return of of Demon Queen, bunny ver.

>> No.48531404

For the worse

>> No.48531413
Quoted by: >>48531516

el western horse...

>> No.48531418

Mouse has always said great things about gun i'm sure they will stay in touch

>> No.48531428

>mouse reduced to virtual prostitution in a desperate attempt to keep vshojo relevant
it's over

>> No.48531437
Quoted by: >>48531661

what shipost? Grown up it will never come back. Keep crying about muh mouse birthday, muh new year vr... It's all over and gone.

>> No.48531436

I bet mouse didn't message her

>> No.48531442
File: 10 KB, 434x84, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion bros...

>> No.48531446
File: 59 KB, 526x500, 1625835714093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48531462


>> No.48531464

>career at vshojo ends
>turns to working at a bunny maid cafe
kino ending

>> No.48531467

roru rumao

>> No.48531487

It's ok that you weren't good enough Anny

>> No.48531492

this is the golden era i see

>> No.48531496
Quoted by: >>48531627

Get fukt losers, this is what you deserve

>> No.48531516
File: 173 KB, 1533x891, 1625789200982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48531524
File: 338 KB, 668x549, 1674005405131706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so nothing changed

>> No.48531539
Quoted by: >>48531644

Everyone has only said good things about Gun. I really just think he trusted people to run things that he shouldn't have and it fucked everything.

>> No.48531553
File: 5 KB, 244x91, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48531614


>> No.48531579

wdym hololive does this all the time

>> No.48531583
Quoted by: >>48531626

women being forced into sex industry to make ends meet is my fetish

>> No.48531614
Quoted by: >>48531802

Alright, no leaked finger blasting. Got it. My interest in the Ukrainian whore is gone now.

>> No.48531623
File: 18 KB, 112x112, Cozy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is so kind

>> No.48531624

Any foreskin bros here?

>> No.48531626

this but not just the women, but the men and the children too

>> No.48531628

The new song Aethel made fucking slaps

>> No.48531627
Quoted by: >>48531697

How, they had no say in the matter
Man any time I actually think about how infant genital mutilation is normalized there I'm just shocked

>> No.48531629
File: 637 KB, 500x281, 1415856382223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533420

Goddamn I want to find snuffy in a con, take her for a couple drinks and mating press the ever living shit out of her. I don't care if she's got more rolls than a noob darksouls player in pvp. I don't care if her pussy sounds like you're swishing a canister of oil back and forth while you're plowing into her. I'm going to mating press this fucking coon.

>> No.48531644

Being a good and nice guy doesn't make you a good manager or CEO. That or he could be constrained by promises to investors. Who knows!

>> No.48531661

>remembering good things bad REEEE
you fucking doomer millenials need to kill yourselves you are useless anyway

>> No.48531697

Deserved. Pass the parents religious sin down to the child until they fucking learn they're in a cult.

>> No.48531730

I'll jerk off to her

>> No.48531744

stream windchimes btw

>> No.48531758


>> No.48531775


>> No.48531802
Quoted by: >>48531893

there is toy too

>> No.48531841
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, 1578253585777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nobody leaks the anny telegram there WILL be consequences

>> No.48531853

Wow, she never got any better at singing. You would think even just practicing would pay off.

>> No.48531857

remembering is good but bring it up every thread is annoying. Move on with your life, it's clear now that the only thing keep those people together was the pandemic.

>> No.48531861

nta but all these people bemoaning days long gone are way more of a bunch of doomers

>> No.48531893

Cool, to me it may as well not exist. I'm not going to seek it out.

>> No.48531942

I have a question for cut anons. I'm uncut and when I pull back to touch the head, it's really fucking sensitive. So if you're cut, the head is exposed 24/7 so wouldn't it be super fucking uncomfortable just wearing pants.

>> No.48531950
Quoted by: >>48532039

Genuinely kill yourself pmg scum.

>> No.48531951

Is anyone in the girl's discords? Have any of them said anything recently?

>> No.48531966

false having interesting conversations about the vshojo contract
at 1:57:00ish onwards there're important-sounding implications

>> No.48531968
Quoted by: >>48532039

You shut your whore mouth. Silver's singing is great.

>> No.48531970

Unironically Offline-TV are bigger snakes than Vshojo behind the scenes lmao

>> No.48531975
Quoted by: >>48532047

Nah that song sucks ass, Sun Killer alone mogs all of Silver's songs
400k views now btw

>> No.48531989


>> No.48531997
Quoted by: >>48532123

The head is not as sensitive for me
I think it adapts

>> No.48532006
Quoted by: >>48532123

it gets numb and cutfags barely feel anything

it's why they need lube and a death grip to cum

>> No.48532010
Quoted by: >>48532149

Vei abandoned hers the moment she got to America.

>> No.48532019
File: 429 KB, 1458x2000, FuOQqxKaIAE_KJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48532602

stream sunkiller it just reached 400k+

>> No.48532023
Quoted by: >>48532123

No. A side effect of circumcision is basically losing all feeling in your dick. You should feel pity for them. They'll never know real sex, they'll never know actual intimacy.

>> No.48532032

It's over. It's so goddamn over. Ya'll motherfuckers can't even comprehend how over it is.

>> No.48532039

nta but she is pretty bad.

>> No.48532047

baby shark, 12 billion views now btw

>> No.48532070
File: 123 KB, 454x324, g birb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, with V-Shitshow gone they'll all get to be the cam girls they always wanted to be.

>> No.48532098

mouse definitely leaked shit to him KEK

>> No.48532123
File: 7 KB, 180x280, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48532246


>> No.48532132

It's inevitable that she'll be repeatedly called "Karen" throughout her life.

>> No.48532133

I hate that after this goes down, Mel might never be able to get sponsorships again

>> No.48532149

vei really abandoned her discord compared to before lmao
that shit is abandoned

>> No.48532154

I know people dislike him, but FalsEyeD said he expects more news this week, whatever that is worth.

>> No.48532167

its shit like this that makes me think she wasnt just making shit up on her last stream

>> No.48532200

Mel will only get sponsors from the porn industry.

>> No.48532222

thought he said news this week tho

>> No.48532234

Mouse and Zen are leaving, cap this

>> No.48532246

It will never be our problem. We are kings.

>> No.48532252
File: 928 KB, 2480x3508, 1649710777919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no comfy wow leveling wow stream
I hope they don't go live at 2 a.m

>> No.48532282

*beats you up*

>> No.48532295

I heard someone say that Melody said she's going through it, but I haven't checked myself.

>> No.48532301

Give Valheim

>> No.48532305
File: 95 KB, 1440x308, Screenshot_20230501_181050_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48532304

update, false is implying that 2023 is where corpo vtubing becomes a thing of the past

>> No.48532323

It literally could just be that Mouse and Zen are still negotiating, but who knows.

>> No.48532341
Quoted by: >>48532491

What's there to cap? They've both been signalling it for a month. It would be more supring if they stay.

>> No.48532359
File: 1.92 MB, 1439x1079, Pink Cat Archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) Vod Archive (Starting on 2020-07-17 running until 2023-xx-xx): https://pastebin.com/Eg1Yy3TZ

- Complete Hime Hajime Vod Archive (Starting on 2021-01-31 running until 2023-xx-xx): https://pastebin.com/28iC7P72

- Some Indie Vod Archives: https://pastebin.com/STax22rK
>Some other stuff that might be of use:

- Vod Archiving guide for Twitch/Youtube Live streams that covers the basics: https://pastebin.com/1i8hF902

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels, Koikatsu Party Character cards from /Vsj+/ and /lig/, the website to make wordclouds and some fitness guides an anon posted in /vsj+/: https://pastebin.com/FiAsYK7e

>> No.48532389


>> No.48532400
Quoted by: >>48532475

That just seems like speculation based on where streaming is going post COVID and with capital pulling back on tech.

>> No.48532414

mel will be sad and that's unacceptable

>> No.48532441
Quoted by: >>48532480

who made Aethel's waiting screens?

>> No.48532470

Already called one of them happening tomorrow, probably zen though cause i doubt mouse’ll stream the same day as her announcement

>> No.48532475

>Were the Vshojo contracts that bad, or was there another contract that looked even better? That's what you should be asking
>Does it even make sense to be a corporate Vtuber, fiscally speaking, when comparing it to indie Vtubers?

>> No.48532480
Quoted by: >>48532589

the castle, he had a lil contest thing for em in the discord

>> No.48532487
File: 3.91 MB, 712x687, 1661601273983232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48532489

His discord community.

>> No.48532491
Quoted by: >>48532638

If they leave, VShojo will surely collapse.

>> No.48532497


>> No.48532539

Just let the camgirl blast her self silly like she always does. She'll come out of it.

>> No.48532553

vei's fupa...

>> No.48532576

In these trying times we are all /lig/gers now

>> No.48532588

-> >>48531532

>> No.48532589
Quoted by: >>48532681

are they saved somewhere?

>> No.48532592

so its not the contract just that it makes no more sense to be corpo? I hate the fucker who made me watch false

>> No.48532602
Quoted by: >>48532666

waifu jam has more views

>> No.48532604
File: 1.40 MB, 498x498, 1678371087539003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48532721


>> No.48532610

Ok, so something big is definitely happening, and it's more than just vshojo. It all has to be connected. Is it mythic, or something else entirely?

>> No.48532612
Quoted by: >>48532729

hey remember when she had a state-of-the-art 3d model and JP viewers made a sizeable portion of her viewership

>> No.48532638
Quoted by: >>48532694

Imagine trying to get spnosors when like none of your remaining talents stream.

Mouse and Zen each stream almost as many hours as the rest together.

But at least Vshojo has Hime

>> No.48532647


>> No.48532660

>Does it even make sense to be a corporate Vtuber, fiscally speaking, when comparing it to indie Vtubers?
Staying indie makes sense if all you want to do is make a living playing video games on stream.

If you have higher aspirations, you need corpo backing.

>> No.48532661

/refugees/ when

>> No.48532666

of course it's a real banger

>> No.48532681

there's a channel in the discord for bumper submissions

>> No.48532694
Quoted by: >>48532760

>/vsj+/ still gets to technically exist because Hime forgot to announce she's out too

>> No.48532702

Real talk, where do you think each of our girls and ex-girls will be 5 years from now?

>> No.48532718

She sounds both cut-up like a Vocaloid and like she's speaking Chinese instead of Japanese

>> No.48532721
Quoted by: >>48532788

Yes, your home is there

>> No.48532725

>higher aspirations
From what I've seen, the ones that have left don't have those "higher aspirations"

>> No.48532729

I remember when she went full bing chilling

>> No.48532731
File: 151 KB, 1474x1627, FgrJjt6UYAA0DmF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already am, all Silver songs have perma spot on my workout playlist

>> No.48532757

yeah, i think that was the problem. Vei, silver and nyan never had the aspirations to be "idol". We all know mouse is a holofag and wanted to be one...

>> No.48532760

She also still hasn't fixed the messed up twitter link to Vshojo that doesen't actually work.

>> No.48532778
Quoted by: >>48532823


>> No.48532779
File: 3 KB, 112x112, 1682896785308950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some red street

>> No.48532780

Nyan will be in prison

>> No.48532788
File: 430 KB, 1708x1726, 1618619357863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48532790

Damn he's probably got the whole picture from Mouse and authorized by her to use it.

>> No.48532793
Quoted by: >>48532922

Even 2021 was freaking horrible to Silver.

>Months of menhera because no sponsors
>Months of Silver being left out of collabs
>Nux drama

I think Vshojo was just always bad.

>> No.48532809
Quoted by: >>48532883


>> No.48532817

ah yes Vshojo will go full Idol now. Just what we needed and wanted right?

>> No.48532819

All the girls will be at the cemetery

>> No.48532821

the indie girls

>> No.48532823

you wish dyel
my wolf wife motivates me

>> No.48532833

utterly based

>> No.48532838

I'm telling you he's just talking about the general state of tech and stuff like twitch lowered the revenue split. It could be lean times soon.

>> No.48532848

Well there is common branding that indies lack. UTA is not a brand. Mythic isn't really a brand. OTK and VShojo are brands as they are they are the fan facing organizations while UTA and Mythic the customers are the talents. And brand loyalty is a thing it is naive to deny it. On top of that is big events like cons, concerts, or whatever are probably much harder as indies. But if your only goal as a streamer is to just chill and stream games and collect a paycheck indie with something like mythic helping with sponsors/merch is probably all you need.

>> No.48532859

new /lig/ org coming, I can feel it

>> No.48532864
Quoted by: >>48533018

"indie bitches" kek

>> No.48532882
Quoted by: >>48532973

Nyan is a +

>> No.48532883

just a hunch. All the vagueposting from liggers and some vshojo members about may really

>> No.48532884

Nyan used to, but she got to be on stage with Kizuna and open at VILLS, got a nendo, a full fig(is that still happening?), even put in a game. She got everything she wanted and has pretty much reverted back to normal streaming activities.

>> No.48532889

yeah... All i wanted is to watch silly rat doing silly things. I don't give a shit for concert and all that holobullshit.

>> No.48532896
Quoted by: >>48533011

>nyan never had the aspirations to be "idol".
newfag pls mcfucking kill yourself thanks

>> No.48532922

Were things ever good for her?

>> No.48532936
Quoted by: >>48533590

I think I have brain damage I can't stop laughing at this shit

>> No.48532940
File: 154 KB, 1131x800, 1617116165884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48532947

Probably somewhere else in social media or as a mid level employee at a marketing firm.

Streaming isn't forever for anyone except maybe Mouse.

>> No.48532950

Tob's + status is on life support

>> No.48532973
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1621969541171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533172


>> No.48532984

grave, jail or mental asylum
except hime of course, she will be president of the united states

>> No.48533007
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, 1653409279115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533515

Unless you want to hold large events like gigantic themed game shows or concerts then Vshojo doesn't seem to offer much compared to other orgs. Professional streaming has been a business for a decade now, there are plenty of services out there to fulfill their needs for merch, sponsorships, con appearances, etc. But even if you want to hold large events its just a matter of organization and connections. Which apparently Vshojo doesn't have. They couldn't find a better editor for Zen, or help her with her 3D tracking in any notable way, whatever Silver wanted to do outside of getting sponsorships apparently wasn't getting support too. Is Mouse's cover album happening through Vshojo? I'm sure it's being worked on through UTA instead.

I think Vshojo has just out lasted its usefulness to its talents. The girls befriended one another and collab then drifted apart. It happens all the time for streaming groups. This one just happened to have a company built around it. Maybe May will bring a miracle and turn things around for the company, but as things are now there's no apparent reason to resign with the organization.

>> No.48533011


>> No.48533018
File: 22 KB, 874x710, 1679747594501102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533046

more like indie whores

>> No.48533046

Good thing I love whores

>> No.48533048

Haruky why... why did you have to join now??? Is this autism curse????? ueeeeeeee

>> No.48533067
Quoted by: >>48533165

Not vtubing anymore but still drawing
Still streaming because she's got nothing better to do
Not camming anymore but probably an owner or manager of some camgirl thing
Same as Haruka
Ditto, of course with TTS still
Married to Aethel and has two kids
Ditto but with Soda
In a mental asylum
Something related to Yakuza
Dead or also in a mental asylum

>> No.48533075

I think this is right about Nyan specifically. She got what she wanted, it would be a lot of work to keep doing it and she just wants to make goofy content with her boyfriend. Understandable desu

>> No.48533077

honestly yes

>> No.48533087

I have this lingering thought that Vshojo will go full jp while EN being side branch...

>> No.48533107
Quoted by: >>48533541

that explains all haruka talk about problems and life messing up with her subathon. Fuck, what an unlucky moose.

>> No.48533118

would be cool

>> No.48533132

aethel was both a blessing and a curse in disguise

>> No.48533165

>Ditto but with Soda
eceleb relationships don't last anon. You think her Soda gig will last for 5 years olo?

>> No.48533166
Quoted by: >>48533455

>most girls
Don't care
My tradwife. 3 kids.

>> No.48533172

She isn't a +

>> No.48533184

yeah, since aethel her focus changed a lot. Not blaming her but i hope she can finally be happy.

>> No.48533190

that would be hilarious

>> No.48533200

False confirmed at least one more non-renewal. Yikes.

>> No.48533202

I said it during the buy a home arc. Form Pink Cat, Inc. funnel all your twitch payout to that and pay yourself a salary. Hire Aethel's manager to represent Pink Cat, Inc. After a year, you've got a history of stable pay and a valid position in a company. That's plenty to have a bank give you a home loan. Set for life and can continue being a fat bitch on twitch.

>> No.48533209

Obviously the future of Vshojo lies on Kick, streaming slots all day.
Mouse is literally the devil, leading people into dangerous vices is her job.
And Mel wouldn't have to give CB a cut anymore.

>> No.48533219

They will be drowned in a sea of competition with already established JP orgs. VShojo had a niche as it better met western vtuber audiences eye to eye than Holo or Niji EN but now they have a hard time competing with western streaming organizations.

>> No.48533225

yeah, me

>> No.48533226
Quoted by: >>48533273

I love talking about things I know nothing about!

>> No.48533238

i can see their relation ending like a "will smith" case.

>> No.48533255
Quoted by: >>48533318

Kick has only 1% of sub revonue right?

>> No.48533264

I absolutely see Soda and Vei being together to the end.

>> No.48533273

go back and strategize mouse

>> No.48533282
Quoted by: >>48533325

ten it's Mouse since she always leaked info

>> No.48533302
Quoted by: >>48533435

Kick is dying sooner rather than later, unfortunately

>> No.48533309
Quoted by: >>48533352


>> No.48533316

Place your bets, Mouse, Zen, Nazuna, or Hime.

>> No.48533318

5%, to cover transaction fee or something.

But the real money is in promoting unregulated gambling.

>> No.48533323
Quoted by: >>48533512


>> No.48533325

yeah maybe it's mouse. She needs to think about her and her family. I would not be mad if she decided to leave.

>> No.48533350

It would be hilarious if it was Hime.

>> No.48533352

hilarious to think you'd see this same exact post this time last year for the opposite reason

>> No.48533355


>> No.48533360

the only person he's close enough with to know this is mouse, so she's most likely leaving because she would not share someone else's gossip

>> No.48533366
File: 10 KB, 691x92, 654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what they need

>> No.48533389
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1080, 1682587477794799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533432


>> No.48533420

I get it, same.

>> No.48533427
Quoted by: >>48533562

Timestamp or it didn't happen.

>> No.48533432

>Vei convinces Silver and Nyan to leave
>Rejoins a week later
Chaotic neutral

>> No.48533433
File: 39 KB, 472x472, gotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533477


>> No.48533435

Eh, only if they dont get their copyright regulation in order and get sued into oblivion, funneling people towards online gambling is extremly lucrative and would make up for the money hole that is streaming.

>> No.48533445
File: 440 KB, 665x649, 7b51kw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Athel mentioned silver and said as a joke "A third vtuber has hit the tower"

>> No.48533455
File: 693 KB, 2621x3636, 1675890331834098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made that post

>> No.48533467

Kson will become her own brand entirely and may even start her own talent org. Mouse and Haruka will still be vtubers. Zen already said she'll retire in 4-5 years, might keep the character around via manga. Hime will stream twice a year with the model.

>> No.48533469
Quoted by: >>48533513

Froot ez
screencap this dick

>> No.48533477


>> No.48533512

“At least it’s over now right False, we can let our guard down?”
“Whoah, that’d be stupid! Never let your guard down! I might even have more on that this week!

>> No.48533513
File: 91 KB, 1440x368, Screenshot_20230501_183244_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El caparino.

>> No.48533515

They definitely had connections, considering Nyan and Mouse got those Nendoroids with Good Smile. They just didn't direct their efforts equally. They could have gotten Zen some help with her 3D model--they didn't. (For a while, Zen's suite was the finger-tracking system Silver made for her bunny outfit last year.) They could have gotten Silver more support with her music--they didn't. Nyan and Vei got big enough to where they could probably get better contracts elsewhere. But look at Silver and Zen--the fact is, they can do bad by themselves. They don't need Vshojos help for that.

>> No.48533540

kek this bastard

>> No.48533541

You really think all this was already in motion around that time? Also if they knew they were gonna leave why not warn Haruka before she signed on.

>> No.48533548

At least provide timestamp

>> No.48533555
File: 595 KB, 463x453, ezgif-2-02d9d3fb46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's roll the ogeydice

>> No.48533562

I'll believe it when they tweet. Otherwise it's just rumor. Not that it can't happen.

>> No.48533565

if Mouse leaves Vshojo the agency is dead. They will file for it a month later. As for others I don't see Mythic lasting longer than 2 years. They go hard and overbloat. It will either be bought out like Polaris and crash or pop on it's own.

>> No.48533573
File: 56 KB, 177x194, 1681862047119827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no vshobros

>> No.48533590

the way the TTS handles all caps shouting is fucking gold

>> No.48533593

>there's a dramafaggot blogger
>thread blindly believes said blogging dramafaggot
Yeah just shut this shithole down, nothing good can happen here anymore

>> No.48533604

It's Zen

>> No.48533610
Quoted by: >>48533710

I'd bet money that's Zen.

>> No.48533611

>Vshojo the agency is dead

>> No.48533631

>They go hard and overbloat.
They are essentially better twitch bounties, man. Bloating it isn't an issue.

>> No.48533638

That's just more of what he was saying earlier.

>> No.48533662
Quoted by: >>48533710

zen or mouse

>> No.48533666

I'm really dubious of how much info he's actually getting.

The only person (that we know of) that would leak anything to him is Mouse, and would Mouse really tell him something like "so-and-so is leaving?"

>> No.48533665
File: 388 KB, 586x571, Screenshot 2023-05-01 173519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no jp bros

>> No.48533684

But sister, we must feed on the delicious rrats.

>> No.48533693
File: 667 KB, 1402x1718, Screenshot_20230501_183604_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48533695
Quoted by: >>48533791

It's Gecko Zen!

>> No.48533710

if Zen leaves then Froot is next unless their friendship is just a facade

>> No.48533714
File: 259 KB, 919x737, purple keem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48533807

>> No.48533722

She would never do that, and therefore the only conclusion we can draw here is that Mouse herself is leaving

>> No.48533724

I hope, the shit /vsj+/ threads outweigh the good ones nowadays

>> No.48533727
File: 12 KB, 344x74, uuuhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Mel again

>> No.48533736

The final blow.

>> No.48533751

Mythic are bloating their numbers for two reasons.
More rapebait
Looks better for the corp if 1/100 are rapists rather than 1/5

>> No.48533753
Quoted by: >>48533815

False is the one guy outside VShojo who might reasonably have inside information about VShojo

>> No.48533763

No, this thread is just being brain damaged as usual

>> No.48533766

>Would a known leaker, known as ironleak, leak information?
Silver confirmed all "friendships" in Vshojo are fake.

>> No.48533771

gee wonder why

>> No.48533776

Ok, so every vshojo took day off, prepare for third nuke today

>> No.48533783

mouse would not leak other people secrets buuut her own is another matter

>> No.48533791
File: 573 KB, 426x413, gecko_invader_spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48533796
Quoted by: >>48533876

yeah it's hitting her hard. Definitely getting another announcement. I give it either 20 min, or 1 hr 20 min.

>> No.48533806

I can actually see them forming a family

>> No.48533807
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>> No.48533809

Plenty of vtubers and streamers in general have done fine without any corpo backing. Vshojo should have acted more in the background and not be as much front and center as they were.

>> No.48533811

She's taking the day off because her entire empire is falling

>> No.48533813

>trusting Silver
come on now

>> No.48533815

(apart from (Me))

>> No.48533847

Just because Silver has no friends doesn't mean the rest of them don't.

>> No.48533854

>Vshojo should have acted more in the background and not be as much front and center as they were
in what world are you living? vshojo literally does nothing

>> No.48533856
Quoted by: >>48533950

What big thing has she actually leaked in recent times?

>> No.48533861

They should have acted period. I still don't see what they actually provide the girls now that they're all sizable on their own with huge connections.

>> No.48533864
Quoted by: >>48533909

Dude when was the last time they even hung out
Zen calls Geega/Haruka pretty much every stream but not Froot in ages

>> No.48533876

i'm kinda excited to see the shitstorm. if its mouse that will be huge news

>> No.48533879
Quoted by: >>48533917

gonna be zen I think. she's been acting real depressed today

>> No.48533891

>Plenty of vtubers and streamers in general have done fine without any corpo backing
Yeah, fine as streamers who play video games and sometimes selling like acrylic keychains and other small merch. If you want anything beyond that? Better join a corp.

>> No.48533898
File: 127 KB, 660x1200, 1674580012745065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48534318

>thrusting Silver
come now

>> No.48533906

so he's essentially saying that they didn't leave because the contract was especially terrible, but because they got a much better offer from elsewhere.
That much better offer, MUST be Mythic; who else would it be?

>> No.48533909
Quoted by: >>48534152

less than a week ago, tourist

>> No.48533914

I wish she had the patience and staying power to make more music, she can actually sing.

>> No.48533917

probably because she signed while others dipped without telling her

>> No.48533926

It 100% is. She's the only one who leaks info to false.

>> No.48533938

>trusting any other Vshojo
cmon now

>> No.48533940

Mythic is beign backed by 7 milionaires and a fucking pc company that keeps growing like cancer. They will only fail if they are absolute terrible at their job (doesn't look like it), a major scandall happen (this is likely to happen) or OTK/Starforge pull the plug (unlikely).

>> No.48533950
Quoted by: >>48534002

Literally new members and big changes this month came straight from her mouth.

>> No.48533954
Quoted by: >>48534057

it's not huge news as is?

>> No.48533965
Quoted by: >>48534040

>Silver confirmed all "friendships" in Vshojo are fake.
retard, the only thing she confirmed is that they're not the friends they used to be

>> No.48533989

and Polaris was backed up by fucking Disney with billions

>> No.48533998

With all this Gunrun still not staying anything is what's worrying.

>> No.48534002
Quoted by: >>48534033

Oh, like every other month this thread says she supposedly leaked new members and big changes?

>> No.48534009

Nobody says she isn't, she's taken the initiative to make music on her own without Vshojo's help. Whether they're there or not doesn't affect Silver's ability to make music with Ayiko or whatever.

>> No.48534017

too big to fail... Yes never happened before.

>> No.48534026
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1671227520565192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gunrun still not staying
Gunrun is graduating.. it's over...

>> No.48534033
Quoted by: >>48534110

She tied an actual named time period to it this time, instead of big things soon™

>> No.48534040

are you guys pretending to be retarded? she said that the people who were truly her friends before are still her friends now (vei)

>> No.48534050
File: 638 KB, 3695x3536, 1676818147986191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48534084

i love them

>> No.48534056
Quoted by: >>48534246

I will laugh if it's Mel. Big role in the company behind the scenes my ass.

>> No.48534057

I mean they are all big vtubers but mouse is also widely know outside the vtuber world even if people don't watch her

>> No.48534068

polaris was a shitshow way before disney.

>> No.48534070

Money doesn't solve scaling problems. You need capable management and executives. Which isn't something streamers are exactly trained for.

>> No.48534084

i hate them

>> No.48534087

>she can actually sing.

>> No.48534098
Quoted by: >>48534267

What could he say? "Wow, yeah, we sure are bleeding talent, but that's okay, look forward to our new announcements!"? Making a "we stand by the community" statement with Silver would have been even more cursory but still at least represented something, Gunrun admitting the house is falling around his ears is just gonna make them all look worse.

>> No.48534110

So there would obviously be a clip of her announcing "There will be new VShojo members at this specific time frame" right? Go fetch that for me

>> No.48534130

I hate Silver but Ame is still a whore until she collabs with her.

>> No.48534131

Disney didn't actually put any money or effort on Polaris they just wanted to reserve an MCN for their own needs since youtube shut down the MCN program shortly after.

>> No.48534142

We get it, no one likes Silver. You don't have to keep telling us.

>> No.48534152

pfft nothingburger call

>> No.48534166
File: 134 KB, 900x900, 8790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts Vtubing company with a backpack salesman and a guy who made gachi videos on the internet
>it fails
Woah! Didn't see that coming!

>> No.48534168

i love silver wtf..

>> No.48534181
Quoted by: >>48534236

But polaris was terrible at their job, so far nothing points that Mythic isn't doing a good job, that's the point. They can fail and they afford to not be profitable for a time because they other sources of support, as long as they don't fucking rape someone (likely to happen btw) and are not completly garbage, they will survive.

>> No.48534201

I mean the girls sure didn't fail

>> No.48534205
Quoted by: >>48534290

the only thing silver was good at was coomerbait. She is talentless as someone can be.

>> No.48534236

>so far nothing points that Mythic
Mythic been around for less than a year give it time

>> No.48534245
File: 348 KB, 577x507, 1657316312454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop me fag

>> No.48534246
Quoted by: >>48534300

Mel needs Vshojo to basically get adsense and partner checks from twitch since she's basically blacklisted from Paypal and Stripe as an individual. She can't leave so if nothing else Vshojo might just be Mel's private corpo later on.

>> No.48534267

Well at least calm shit down not have kson and others doing PR shit.

>> No.48534290

we get it, you cut off your dick, fuck off to twitter.

>> No.48534300

>she's basically blacklisted from Paypal and Stripe as an individual
that'sso fucked up since actual pornstars and camgirls use Paypal to this day

>> No.48534301

why. i stood by her and will continue to do so.

>> No.48534318
Quoted by: >>48534338

yes i trust my wife, your point?

>> No.48534324

If you think thats funny
look at any other Cali firm

>> No.48534330

If Mouse leaves, would somebody else help her be an Ipad in Irl happenings?

>> No.48534338
Quoted by: >>48534457

my point is that you should cum in your wife NOW

>> No.48534344
Quoted by: >>48534410

Yes, me

>> No.48534358

Yeah probably. Doesn't sound too complicated really.

>> No.48534374

Sure only vshojo corp has that kind of advanced tech

>> No.48534375

I think the biggest takeaway from this is that Mouse actually has the worst fans in all of vtubing on 4chan. They're making holofags looks like saints and jesus christ is that an accomplishment

>> No.48534382
Quoted by: >>48534410

yeah, me

>> No.48534409
Quoted by: >>48534429

Where's the link nigga

>> No.48534410

Thanks guys

>> No.48534429

in his mind

>> No.48534432

>They're making holofags looks like saints
you know this is bullshit

>> No.48534444
Quoted by: >>48534626

That's not at all what she said

>> No.48534457
File: 2.71 MB, 3200x4000, FhGIUzUWQAUsi7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will, my cum has healing properties and it stopped Silver from burning down gunrun's backpack factory
no need to thank me, im just doing my job as her husband

>> No.48534483


>> No.48534492
File: 265 KB, 1366x2048, FvBkrylakAAnrZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48534547

>> No.48534503

Here's the issue. Gun is a tech guy, he's fascinated with progressing the technology of Vtubing. He is NOT a businessman for content creators, you can even see it in the mission statement of Vshojo.
>VShojo is on a mission to empower unique individuals. We believe in embracing ourselves without apology and believe in true connection through technology
He will absolutely help Mouse, Connor, and anyone else that asks for tech help. He won't, however, properly run a talent agency.

>> No.48534509
File: 36 KB, 113x171, 1679825246899187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48534611

I just want to say, like, this is actually super fun and spicy to guess who's going next?
Like this is just like Love Island omg

>> No.48534547

Ignore my post date, it's actually May 10th.

>> No.48534562
File: 8 KB, 223x226, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48534564
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1681765363850214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48534586

snuffy is so cute and i love her

>> No.48534609


>> No.48534611

If the org is going to collapse in front of my very eyes, I'm going to have fun while it happens.

>> No.48534626

it is LITERALLY what she said
i'll even spoonfeed your retarded ass

>> No.48534649
File: 556 KB, 856x856, 1662170860336902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically i hope that vei and nyan do shit together more after this they are my favorite combo
me too bro shes the cutest

>> No.48534655

So I'm guessing she got some bad news?

>> No.48534693

mouse announcement inbound

>> No.48534696

Her dream is dead

>> No.48534720
Quoted by: >>48534877

zen is leaving

>> No.48534766

Fingers crossed.

>> No.48534777


>> No.48534782

She probably just figured out the contract she signed is bad, and regrets not reading it or having a lawyer look at it.

>> No.48534815 [DELETED] 


>> No.48534838
Quoted by: >>48534900

the contract rrat is dead. Please do your reps.

>> No.48534851

>Mel was moving to japan
>probably work visa
>vshojo fails
>no work visa
I'd take a brain day too

>> No.48534877
Quoted by: >>48534918

If you were in her Discord you would already know how much she talked about it today. She said she's been getting a lot of hate DMs so she was probably not goign to stream. She praised her VSJ manager and sponser manager and did more teasing for her music cover with Froot coming up.

>> No.48534889


>> No.48534896

so are you saying she was saved?

>> No.48534900

>believing purple keem that Mel is not a contracted employee

>> No.48534905

is self-immolation on a public square a viable strategy to save vshojo

>> No.48534918

Wait, why the hell would she be getting hate DMs? What the fuck?

>> No.48534921
File: 33 KB, 326x326, DA97E01BFF4344808B79B59FD038F0D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48534922
File: 526 KB, 500x500, 1659864246882584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made some weed butter bros

>> No.48534926
Quoted by: >>48534964

This one got me and I hate you for that.

>> No.48534965

I want to sex Kumichou and all her girlfriends

>> No.48534964
Quoted by: >>48535004

You should feel bad for being such a retard

>> No.48534985
Quoted by: >>48535052

Why is she awake around this time?!

>> No.48535001

look at these threads to see how unhinged people can be anon

>> No.48535004
File: 71 KB, 573x681, FB8Xg7lXsAIXn3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48535154

I do

>> No.48535044
Quoted by: >>48535128

stares in Mixer

>> No.48535052
Quoted by: >>48535081

At 8am? Because she's not nocturnal?

>> No.48535081
Quoted by: >>48535304

She's usually awake in the afternoons of jp

>> No.48535083

Seeing the castle crumble is often more entertaning, people love this shit and are problably taunting her to bait a reaction.

>> No.48535086

Man i just want to watch streams. I don't give a fuck for all this corpo shit.

>> No.48535093

my guess is he's not saying anything until all the /out/s are settled

>> No.48535128

>They will only fail if they are absolute terrible at their job

>> No.48535154

Now I feel bad, you're supposed to snap back and insult me due to having too much pride and ego within you

>> No.48535160

spotted the holofag

>> No.48535168

clippers are now superimposing pics of mouse next to him like he's holding a daki

>> No.48535204
File: 330 KB, 419x419, 1672182611119183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's over

>> No.48535229

did aethel watch my nigga steve's new video yet or do I have something comfy to watch while I eat dinner

>> No.48535232

Dude, even I get hate DMs and I'm a nobody that does nothing.

>> No.48535236 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>48535280

>Vshojo stopped the Jerma collab confirmed.
Do you wanna know WHY they stopped the jerma collab? Pet schizo, was onto something. He was always throwing out theories left + right, but he was definitely onto something. I know for a fact pet schizo and jerma985 are friends, I think certain people realised what was actually going on at that point... theirs something sinister vshojo's employees are doing, and pet schizo being abused by vshojo exposed it all

>> No.48535256

do you really have to ask

>> No.48535280


>> No.48535300

maybe that's why, ever thought of that!

>> No.48535304

She went to bed early

>> No.48535317

About to watch it

>> No.48535318

It's me, sorry about that I was drunk

>> No.48535331
Quoted by: >>48535427

how many more hours till midnight

>> No.48535379

silver vagued that someone was terrible, that's gotta prompt hate to everyone still in. that's why you don't do that, generally.

>> No.48535427

It happens somewhere every hour

>> No.48535476

>silver vagued
she made it pretty clear she was throwing shade at Mouse

>> No.48535491
File: 8 KB, 225x225, le_classique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48535574

Mousefags blaming silver for literally everything

>> No.48535546

Anon, you're replying to a fanfic. She hasn't said anything on her Discord today other than that she's probably not streaming today.

>> No.48535574
Quoted by: >>48535745

What is this Facebook ass image?

>> No.48535607
Quoted by: >>48535614

Literally false. Search her name

>> No.48535614
Quoted by: >>48535971

I did.

>> No.48535631

are you retarded or are you pretending to be retarded to get spoonfed

>> No.48535651

get in here now

>> No.48535666

Hime needs to realize that she needs to jump ship, and join GeeXPlus already. There is no future for her at Vshojo.

>> No.48535672

It's unprofessional to attack your peers you worked with. Attacking management can work out. But the way she went about things burns so many bridges for her for good. In particular, the comments about Connor are her intetionally leaking private information she has from internal communcations. Who would ever say anything to her in confidence after that? Or even be a part of something like a group channel where people can speak more freely when she's shown she will use anything said there if she hates someone enough.

>> No.48535710

thank you, love my nigga steve

>> No.48535711
File: 83 KB, 1024x572, 1678655243286693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time stevebros

>> No.48535721

average mousefag post

>> No.48535743

I've never had one, anon.

>> No.48535745

anon this 4chan image is older than vsj, vt and half the blue boards

>> No.48535810
File: 3.97 MB, 498x498, 1659042460006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48535943

>> No.48535818
File: 586 KB, 686x1072, fe24c1c0757458b1471e48791fdf4f97bbaea7d3907cc3e36c06d8424b7fb011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With those kind of loose lips she should get a sponsorship with warthunder.

>> No.48535834
Quoted by: >>48535883

Six new Mel outfits... but I really don't have the spirit for this right now.

>> No.48535838

yeah yeah you are wasting your logic in retard addicted to (you) anon. We all know about it.

>> No.48535865

>muh Silver
find better boogeyman

>> No.48535870
Quoted by: >>48535935

The fact that a human being actually tought about this, typed, went through the verification and pressed enter amazes me.

>> No.48535883

>11 million well spent

>> No.48535886
File: 221 KB, 2594x1456, E8Ge2MEVEAMeF6O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Important Announcement]
New backpacks will be on sale in late May. Please look forward to it. Thank you.

>> No.48535894

ok oldfag.

>> No.48535930

What was it like back when World War 1 happened, Grandpa?

>> No.48535935

>no argument

>> No.48535943

>gets in via nepotism
>destroys the agency from within
>is behind Nyan/Aethel meeting and hooking up
>hooks up with a millionare

>> No.48535971
Quoted by: >>48536535

>so tonight is lewdcast, not feeling up to it. but i still wanna stream, somewhere. do you think i'll get harassed. cuz im like a bundle of nerves.

>i just got a lot of hate, and i wasnt expecting that, and its rattling me a lot. i... i didnt do anything. so why all the messages on places where DMs are technically open? and on twitter.... im, im so sad

>um in cool news, i agreed to do some music stuff or whatever, so thats positive
fuck im such a baby ahhhh

>i think i may make a statement in a week or 2 on social. when i have a full opinion. right now im just talking, letting yall know im ok, and loud social media voices make me anxious.

>thx, im hyped for future. have a lot of things up and coming. cute things and cool things. and tommy (sponser mamanger) has been super helpful, and poshie (talent manager), my god.

>u guys make me happier, so deal. and really looking forward to doing music stuff. i maaaaay be working with a super talented lady ur already familiar with. whos to say. anywho

>> No.48535993
Quoted by: >>48536153

Is Vei or Silver the one known for con sloppy?

>> No.48536005
Quoted by: >>48536048

Mouse in Mysta's Twitch stream right now

>> No.48536004

What did she say about Connor?

>> No.48536030

What if this is all just an elaborate prank
>Everyone leaves vshojo
>Everyone Joins shojoV

NO! I am not coping!

>> No.48536037
File: 737 KB, 1142x1033, 1676759598565582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48536140


>> No.48536048
Quoted by: >>48536145

ok stalker anon.

>> No.48536074
Quoted by: >>48536125

that banana apple smoothie looks so fucking good

>> No.48536075

>>is behind Nyan/Aethel meeting and hooking up

>> No.48536077

>connor fanboy asks what does she tihnk of him
>Silver says that he's not her boyfriend
>mousefags read it as Silver saying connor is dating mouse
>meltdown in thread for the last 3+ days

>> No.48536125
Quoted by: >>48536352

the bean salad looks like natto lmao

>> No.48536135
Quoted by: >>48536275

>literally everything must revolve around the cripplequeen
God I despise mousefags

>> No.48536140
File: 187 KB, 988x988, 1671610137814230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48536206

thanks for killing my oshi dipshit

>> No.48536145

I just watch Mysta anon... fuck you

>> No.48536147
Quoted by: >>48536230

Wow, that's incredibly meh.

>> No.48536153


>> No.48536206
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1682737598585280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vei helped her get out of a shitty contract. I have nothing but respect for Vei.

>> No.48536216
File: 17 KB, 360x270, 1679793091549403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48536326

>> No.48536230
Quoted by: >>48536431

Yup. Cripple bitch can't die soon enough.

>> No.48536275


>> No.48536300

Leave or stay, I do not care. Can a nigga get a stream over here? Shieeet.

>> No.48536316
Quoted by: >>48536431


>> No.48536326

This and only this

>> No.48536333

tomorrow for nyan never for vei

>> No.48536352
Quoted by: >>48536389

the beans and potatoes looks like compost this all looks decadent

>> No.48536382

Good morning darling
You haven't been posting in a while

>> No.48536380

silver this is me venting, not meant for you, silver love

>> No.48536389

oh I would fuck this mre up 100%

>> No.48536391

Hime, this is your moment!

>> No.48536431


>> No.48536439

>Oh no they aren't dickriding my queen Ironmouse! Quickly how should I respond to this sacrilege??

>> No.48536469

>"What do you think of Connor?" He's not MY boyfriend, I don't care. I don't know much about him.
> He seems nice though.
I dont think it was a leak, but I doubt she didn't know know what she was implying.

>> No.48536487

i don't follow all the happenings, it's too much
is that guy spamming thilver in caps a new schizo or something

>> No.48536492

do you guys remember that retard who paid 10k to silver thinking she was his girlfriend?

>> No.48536502
File: 550 KB, 406x887, 1679793971151558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steve shaved

>> No.48536510

this but unironically

>> No.48536525

it's just an average mousefag

>> No.48536535

That's fine. As long as my beautiful Queen Mousey doesn't get any hate, the rest can be casualties.

>> No.48536536

not all the thilver posts were him, recently it's just one seething mousefag though

>> No.48536537
Quoted by: >>48536587

I think you need to calm down dude, even Mamavale loves the Thilver joke.

>> No.48536545
Quoted by: >>48536622

It is a leak because it isn't just someone speculating. She's implying she actaully knows it's the case from internal communcations. That's actaully a serious issue. It's probably even something that could lead to a lawsuit.

>> No.48536546
File: 6 KB, 180x179, __________________.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>connor boyfriend Rrat full steam ahead

>> No.48536547

nah it's just a meme aethel and nyan started. Some spergs get triggered by it for some reason.

>> No.48536554


>> No.48536571

Exactly. It's the tone and attitude, it doesn't come across properly when you just quote it. She knows what she's doing and considering Connor unfollowed her after this, yeah.

>> No.48536587

Mamavale literally disowned her daughter.

>> No.48536592

>Explain the literal fact that you are not dating the streamer CDawgVA
>mousefags foam at the mouth like the rabies infected subhumans that they are

>> No.48536609

can't shake the feeling that silver remains based here

>> No.48536622
File: 476 KB, 680x759, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh god we need to get a lawyer on this this is a full on leak and and and-
Take your fucking schizo meds mousefag. It's literally fucking nothing. Stop reading too into it.

>> No.48536632


>> No.48536633

>Explain the literal fact that you are not dating the streamer CDawgVA
but she wasn't asked if she was dating him
