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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 975 KB, 571x1079, 179848154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43707895 No.43707895 [Reply] [Original]


Twitter: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara

STREAM DO U: https://youtu.be/QI96hnhcr2E

STREAM FEVER NIGHT: https://youtu.be/SF4rteXN57w

STREAM ALWAYS WITH YOU: https://youtu.be/kJ0hczPwSnM


Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1627639547935981574

Previous thread: >>43648475

>> No.43707964
Quoted by: >>43708102

I love Kiara

>> No.43708013
Quoted by: >>43708168

Everybody in this thread's a faggot except me

>> No.43708080
Quoted by: >>43712723

I'm blackpilled on Pavonashi and I can't cope with it

>> No.43708102
File: 201 KB, 1299x1330, 1675249772226352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.43708112 [SPOILER] 
File: 814 KB, 2828x2880, 20220930_083921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa feet

>> No.43708120
Quoted by: >>43724575

Sex with kiara

>> No.43708168
File: 187 KB, 911x600, 1649749674433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong thread

>> No.43708386
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x3686, 20230223_193216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43708433
File: 798 KB, 500x750, kiara-love-me-love-me-[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa96rwf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43708445


>> No.43708474

I hope to wake up to a 3D showcase reservation, all signs positive.

>> No.43708847
File: 126 KB, 1068x1068, 1647678950259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna continue to give Kiara my energy just in case

>> No.43708963

smart and based

>> No.43709036
Quoted by: >>43709164

I'm gonna grudgepost you if it backfires

>> No.43709100

Shiki is /here/...
What if she's one of the schizos... or worse, one of the y*smen...

>> No.43709164
File: 53 KB, 680x680, 1646435795444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My conscience will be clean, I will have done all that I could

>> No.43709322

Too much energy will hurt her, it will ALL have been your fault.

>> No.43709580

Calm down, unless you turn her into the Kuze of Hololive!

>> No.43712722
File: 959 KB, 971x622, 1666160938931914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43712723

What does this mean? I don't keep up with this pill loser bullshit.

>> No.43712850
Quoted by: >>43713054

idk what blackpilled means but there was an anon on mep schizoing about how Reine doesn't actually care about Reine and it's all one sided, probably that

>> No.43713054
File: 121 KB, 1073x720, 1671455699750969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reine doesn't care about Reine

>> No.43713682
File: 1.50 MB, 1143x1200, 1631665459869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43714356

Need some boots on the ground with live updates on kiaras throat every 5 minutes

>> No.43714356
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x667, cartelmelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gi-Gimme a moment here, a'll make sum calls and I can get me uhh, 2, maybe 3 baron baerats on call, they tell, uhh, they tell their oshi that our Kiara likes vegemite now, know vegemite, that there ugly brown thing? they tell her that an within, within 5 minutes we have their girl knocking on ourses' door with chicken soup, by the time she realizes it's a lie we, uhh, we'll have gotten our share of updates

>> No.43715822
File: 101 KB, 354x448, 1684024178410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43717005
Quoted by: >>43717087

Do you remember that Kiara postponed some offcollabs with HoloJP during her last trip to Japan because "there's another trip coming up, so I don't have to force myself"?

>> No.43717087
Quoted by: >>43717196

Don't remember any postponing besides the watame chip one

>> No.43717196
Quoted by: >>43717465

Maybe one with Haachama? But that should be all the ones we're privy to.

>> No.43717465

Ah I think that one was for lack of free studio time yea

>> No.43717787

Its up!

>> No.43717980

>reverse grip
I'm hoping for the best, practicularly in regards to her voice

>> No.43718034

So still some hoarseness, will decide IT at 6pm jst

>> No.43718332

love this tkmr nut

>> No.43718647


>> No.43718997
File: 98 KB, 385x386, 168721544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43719485
File: 609 KB, 1572x1687, 1641482309262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she gets some good, quality rest!

>> No.43719791

well I'm going to sleep and hopefully waking up to good news

>> No.43720010
File: 232 KB, 2048x2048, FQeABGNVUAE5OCh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the orange woman

>> No.43722434
File: 597 KB, 800x1144, 1646565329882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43722536


>> No.43722726

If my /x/ reps serves me right, it means giving in to despair.

>> No.43722743

>nobody was surprised

Love these girls

>> No.43723845
File: 371 KB, 642x716, 1687451284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43723958

Is that a real tweet by THE Nene of Hololive Japan? Noted as the most powerful idol of the 23rd Century.

>> No.43724538

Please don't post photos of me without my permission. I'm just a little guy.

>> No.43724575

>that chubby chuuba tummy
Honeslty, I am really not a fan of all the sex-schizo posters here (ie >>43708120), but this really gets me goin.

>> No.43724668
Quoted by: >>43724905

Oh to be a little hen sandwiched between Kiara's soft thighs

>> No.43724905

I still remember the happy days, being a lil egg, enveloped by Kiara's warm thighs and soft butt, until I hatched and go thrust into this cold and uncaring world.
... wasn't she going to lay an egg in her 3D debut?

>> No.43725784

wawa could be peeing right now

>> No.43725908
Quoted by: >>43726136

Can i fast forward another 19 hours already

>> No.43726136

Bu I need to sleep :(

>> No.43727239
File: 156 KB, 849x1200, Luyluc - witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiwawa shall be healthy!

>> No.43727303

>been coping and filling the lack of wawa with ame and vespers fallout nv streams
>now I desperately want her to play it
She's more likely to like 4 but I beleeb.

I hope she gets a lot better soon too. I redownloaded fall guys just in case but I hope everything turns out fine, most of it is pre-recorded too right?

>> No.43727390
Quoted by: >>43727678

Call-ins and guest appearences should be prerecorded, she probably wants to dance live but she can do that to playback without singing if need be.

>> No.43727608

he, you can thank me later.

>> No.43727635

Maybe Ame can rope her into some Fallout 76 to get her interested in the rest of the series, but she does have a ton of jrpgs lined up too. It could end up being a fun series though, a bit like her gta5 playthrough

>> No.43727645

I don't think she'd be into it. As much as I love NV, it has a very American aesthetique and lore. I think a lot of the special qualities of the game would fly over her head.

>> No.43727678

Damn, I kinda figured the dancing would be pre-recorded so cover could touch it up.



>> No.43727700
File: 152 KB, 584x808, attention whre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43727932
Quoted by: >>43728332

I looked at his twitter. Didn't know there was a cabal of KFP running this show.
Now that Kiara is feeling healthier, I hope retards don't make their own personal drama into something she has to address later.

>> No.43728256
File: 473 KB, 1104x1124, Giga_stacy_wawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you niggers doubted her...

>> No.43728332

it's pretty simple, if they're banning people unfairly then it needs to be adressed, everyone who hasn't been banned needs to stop being a pussy bitch

>> No.43728390

fuck off, go back

>> No.43728401

somewhere in Tokyo there's a dead prostitute that Kiara has drained of all life essence

>> No.43728434

who did she rape

>> No.43728442

Yeah, me

Still have no idea what's going on. I hope that they can all be adults and no include the words Kiara or KFP in any of their tweets incase Kiara ego searches. If it's discord drama, keep it there.

>> No.43728490
File: 3.73 MB, 2160x3704, wknoh5o1wgx71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye, 'tis I

>> No.43729019

Kiara literally browses this thread you baka

>> No.43729047

>Still have no idea what's going on
Just jero being jero. Saying
>This community sucks I'm gonna leave (this time for real!)
for the 500th time. Then the next day he changes his mind saying he was just depressed.

>> No.43729254


That camera that went down her throat? Me.

>> No.43729289

i cant believe KFP got a pic of her throat
your oshi really loves you, you fucks
t. dead beat

>> No.43729308

What the fuck did they feed her in Indonesia

>> No.43729318


>> No.43729376

is wawa ogey?

>> No.43729411
File: 12 KB, 545x67, lunchbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43729786

>shills her on trooncord
>shills her on /vt/
>shills her in pre chat
Can you stop shilling your shitty oshi for ONCE?

>> No.43729418
File: 250 KB, 852x261, 1686471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy alien!

>> No.43729438
File: 2.97 MB, 1080x1869, 16485072958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43729579

What went wrong, KFP?

>> No.43729487

Godamit, my oshi is insane and I fucking love it. Rest well, Kiara. You've got a big day tomorrow and we'll be here cheering you on.

>> No.43729537

Yeah, I fucked this

>> No.43729545

ok how much cocaine did Jenma give her

>> No.43729579
File: 357 KB, 762x974, 1661981692414592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong thread

>> No.43729683
File: 310 KB, 490x552, 83dea6b9fa630f7a500f28fce99b8a30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got excited and though was a colonoscopy

not dissapoited tho

>> No.43729786
Quoted by: >>43729808


>> No.43729808

NO U lunchbox

>> No.43729871

>Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN and yes i fainted, i cant wait to tell u all about it LOL
content brain

>> No.43729896
File: 13 KB, 979x89, 1645748109342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43729944 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.45 MB, 1801x1368, Frogiwawa down your throat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this weirdo.

>> No.43729957

wow, her thrussy...

>> No.43730088
File: 234 KB, 756x571, 1650094338817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43731412


>> No.43730195

does anyone have weird fucking pictures/drawings of kiara i need to expand my collection

>> No.43730208
File: 521 KB, 742x782, 1677232115881525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Jenma mean by this

>> No.43731047

The thrussy...

>> No.43731288
File: 1.51 MB, 484x862, cute-dork-[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frazeiu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43731303


>> No.43731412
File: 554 KB, 1170x1103, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you.

>> No.43731468

That was Vampiara, Kiara is innocent

>> No.43731565

Holy sex

>> No.43731611


>> No.43731709

Is Zeta still in Japan?

>> No.43731781
File: 989 KB, 828x1059, 1665895016394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medically speaking, Kiara is cute.
It's tragic I know, but she's such a surprising and unprecedented case. That larynx belongs in a textbook.

>> No.43731826

God I love this woman

>> No.43731849
File: 272 KB, 500x500, 1651191148670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mowi said to watch Wawa's 3D

>> No.43731859
Quoted by: >>43731876

Don't care

>> No.43731876
File: 413 KB, 1536x2048, 1652765377054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should care about wawa's wifey

>> No.43731892
File: 724 KB, 2048x1814, FXZ0NLCXEAA37Qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care about this one

>> No.43731932

I still feel weird about seeing Takamori diehards in Mori's streams but hardly any in Kiara's.

>> No.43731973
File: 303 KB, 500x500, 1663267997418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43731993
Quoted by: >>43738450

Kiara spent a year finding new friends in Holo (Pomu, Ame, Reine etc). Mori spent that year working on her music career. Her followers are waay behind in the past.

>> No.43731998
File: 374 KB, 2526x276, falseflagbeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43732066

Because it's just cuckbeats

>> No.43732066
File: 1.15 MB, 600x800, mucho texto [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fofimwe.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43739301

For the last time, nobody is reading that shit

>> No.43732079
File: 666 KB, 1280x720, 1653566099425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43732452

>i went through most of it conscious but in the state of about to throw up HELP ME HELP ME and then faint lol Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN (01:26 AM)

>> No.43732274
Quoted by: >>43732301

Please take this in the nicest way possible:
Get out

>> No.43732301
File: 348 KB, 1040x1500, 1670139022860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43732397


>> No.43732344

Let's not argue and timeloop over ships. This isn't tumblr, ladies.

>> No.43732397
File: 265 KB, 1500x1266, E9Uw0SxUcAQpsgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43746256

Takamori LOVE

>> No.43732419

Is there art of Kiara with a faceless male? Not asking for porn. Just stuff like hand holding and kissing

>> No.43732434
File: 217 KB, 2048x2048, 1657487042750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43732451
File: 620 KB, 2000x2100, 1675257263616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43732452

>fainting chicken

>> No.43732709


>> No.43733103

Fucking kek

>> No.43733202

>my love for kiara reached her and healed her voice
You guys can thank me later

>> No.43733240

>food poisoning plan failed once again
Next time

>> No.43733294
Quoted by: >>43733784

It was actually from me having nonstop sex with her feet. How does that affect her throat? It just does.

>> No.43733410
Quoted by: >>43733750

It was pretty funny until the instrumental break hit, and then I lost it

>> No.43733750
Quoted by: >>43733784

Truth be told, it was me and my anti inflammatory and antiseptic cum that I applied directly and liberally to her throat cervix >>43729944

>> No.43733784

For >>43733294

>> No.43734362
File: 97 KB, 900x900, aussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43734423
Quoted by: >>43735192

Today Kiara has awakened yet another fetish of mine

>> No.43735192
Quoted by: >>43735235

what is it anon?

>> No.43735235


>> No.43735439

"The guy who shot first". That is his canon name now.

>> No.43736357

Merry Christmas!

>> No.43736372
File: 511 KB, 2480x3508, 1667117557083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43736971


>> No.43736374

Never come here again

>> No.43736406
File: 117 KB, 853x369, 8750224_072902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43736971

seductive wawa...

>> No.43738338
File: 3.93 MB, 1400x2048, 1665208613738.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43738492

hope wawa keeps her promise of playing sf6

>> No.43738342
File: 126 KB, 1200x800, 1671413163547755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for redemption

>> No.43738372

Summarizing some Kiara mentions
>Kiara pinged all ID the day before the Mario Party stream that she was in Indonesia and wanted to meet them all
>Kiara was shorter than Ollie expected. Frail and light too
>Kiara was wearing a flowy shirt, contrasting with Ollie/Moona wearing sweaters. Rainy season supposed to be chillier for locals
>Shared Kobo's fascination of Kiara's eyes. Also thought they were contacts at first
>Kiara really enjoyed her time with Kobo throughout the day with plenty of ナデナデ (patting/stroking). Ollie slightly jealous and wondered if she'd get the same if she was 10cm shorter

>> No.43738450
Quoted by: >>43741343

>Kiara spent a year finding new friends in Holo (Pomu
you stupid, stupid retard

>> No.43738492

some of you use the word "promise" too flippantly

>> No.43738531


>> No.43738618
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>> No.43739169
File: 28 KB, 646x432, 1674097175787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43739301

I did and he's right.

>> No.43740117

Imagine Kiara spreading her mouth open, putting her tongue out and showing her throat to you, begging you to relieve your pent-up frustration into it.
I'd commission it if I wasn't broke.

>> No.43740370

Ollie/Kiara has been such a wierd ride.

>> No.43740399

hot damn, Wawas actual insides

>> No.43741099

>I WILLED myself into good health, here's a picture of my throat
I'm in love.

>> No.43741343

I added Pomu after the fact, you raging cuckbeat. I apologize..

>> No.43742652
File: 124 KB, 447x442, 1649748832599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43742710

What if wawa dies in her dreams so dies IRL?

>> No.43742710
Quoted by: >>43742783

she's a phoenix.

>> No.43742783
File: 197 KB, 900x900, 1671800291041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it'd be scary

>> No.43743063
File: 232 KB, 1039x816, the kiarab owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts ?

>> No.43743259
Quoted by: >>43746771

ninja chicken is my new crackship

>> No.43743457

what kind of fresh menhera is this?

>> No.43743604

You should stop using words you don't understand, anon.

>> No.43743631

Move Ame to "THEY ARE". Their last interaction is a little old, but she’s still and has been full-on gosling for a while now.
We have data on Luna, they had a Rust interaction and she borrowed a horse and advertised her birthday live. Move her to "on good terms"

No other objection.

>> No.43743733

does anyone actually believe this?
who wants to bet after the 3D ""Live"" she'll tweet about how it's suddenly back and she needs to take a break?

>> No.43743798
File: 987 KB, 864x1304, 1675284836080908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43743959

Guess what?

>chicken butt

>> No.43743953

She sounded pretty rough in the secret ending when she was talking about her bath. I’m not sure what to think.

>> No.43743959

That's a counterfeit wawa, sir. Please hand it over.

>> No.43744010

Kiara always keeps her promises
>but what about--
Those weren't promises

>> No.43744014

If I am not mistaken, Luna and Kiara had a brief interaction in Rust, Lamy-Kiara had an interaction in an official hololive programs and Iroha called in during Kiara's bday totsu.

So is Chloe the ONLY hololive member she has never had any interaction with ?

>> No.43744064

Imagine the smell

>> No.43744216

She messaged her about them having the same pjs.

>> No.43744232
Quoted by: >>43744416

>does anyone actually believe this?
>who wants to bet after the 3D ""Live"" she'll tweet about how it's suddenly back
She won't. So anybody making that bet would be a complete retard. Are you a complete retard, Anon?
>and she needs to take a break?
Kiara only takes breaks when she's on vacation or literally dying. And she still puts out content even then.

>> No.43744416
Quoted by: >>43744526

I could totally see Kiara loading up on meds and powering through the live but being too hoarse to stream afterwards. She doesn’t have an infection but she’s not 100%. I wouldn’t bet on it happening but I wouldn’t say it’s a retarded bet to make.

>> No.43744491

Your oshi has an erotic larynx.

>> No.43744526
File: 30 KB, 750x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43744658

She already cleared it with Jenma and got the OK from a doctor. Unless her throat litteraly die after the showcase, she will stream.

>> No.43744658

>kiara please don’t stream
>kiara go home and sleep

>> No.43744726

She's bursting at the seams with tangents at this point.

>> No.43744856

>Dragging Kiara away from the computer
>Dragging Gura to the computer

>> No.43746036

Idk why Moona is there but it's some kinda meme so no comment.
Ame to "THEY ARE", Mori to "friends and Marine to "They could be"..
Drop IRyS to a new "IRyS" tier.
But good tier for a deadbeat, don't usually expect you to watch Kiara.

>> No.43746256

Take a pity (You).

>> No.43746597
Quoted by: >>43746772

You forgot Pomu on the THEY ABSOLUTELY ARE tier

>> No.43746772

Pomu is another Ame situation where Kiara is far more fond of them than the other way around
Reine is also one, but whatever

>> No.43746771

Here's your ninja chicken. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miomuSGoPzI&ab_channel=schmoyoho

>> No.43746933

I know this was before soundposting really blew up, but I wish someone would go back and grab the really old shit that was soundpostable. Not this one in particular, but you never hear a soundpost with the old voice.

>> No.43747001


>> No.43747177

Mulle Meck playthrough when?

>> No.43747340

I've listened to Reine gushing about Kiara as much as I've heard Kiara gushing about Reine. And I rarely tune in on Reine streams.

I'm also out of the loop regarding moona. Moona was really cute and a caring mother during the ID trip, but they rarely interact. Is it something regarding Pekora

I know she's gone, but I really enjoyed Kiara and Sana interactions. They are/were the extroverted, cheerful, friendly and most talkative of their respective Gens, and I feel like they got along really well despite their few interactions.

>> No.43747422

Sana was my favorite Council and I always hoped she’d make friends with Kiara. it was hard to watch their fantastic chemistry in the last collab while thinking about what could have been.

>> No.43747438

I think she’s friends level with Noel, Polka, and Choco.

>> No.43747515
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, 1649696017473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43747977
Quoted by: >>43749849

As a merakyat, you're full of shit.

>> No.43748136

Holy shit, she talks about some pretty recently relevant stuff around that time clip.
>Mori cat
>Harry Potter

>> No.43749005

What program does people even use for cutting out audio for soundposts? I do it so rarely that i just pick some random online sites that allows for cutting out snippets directly from youtube whenever i do it

>> No.43749368
Quoted by: >>43749477

>most talkative of their respective Gens
Kiara being the most talkative is obvious, but I'd argue that Bar is far more talkative and outgoing than Sana is. She's shy a lot, but she is constantly streaming with new people and broadening her horizons. She's Council's version of Kiara, so to speak.

>> No.43749477

Bae is more like Ollie than like Kiara imo (not a bad thing, Ollie is cute)

>> No.43749519

I used DaVinci when I did soundposts, it's 30 seconds to make a separate audio file from the clip.

>> No.43749647

Does Sana even still stream? I've never heard anything about her roommate or alternate identity. If she actually just quit because she didn't like it, then why'd she even start?

>> No.43749698

i just screenrecord and export from there but there's websites like https://youtube4kdownloader.com that can trim streams and export to different formats too

>> No.43749737

You could just use youtube-dl and ffmpeg…

>> No.43749761
Quoted by: >>43749830


>> No.43749830


>> No.43749849

He's right, >>43700031 is the truth, take the blackpill...

>> No.43750500

>He’s right
But that’s your own post

>> No.43750541

Why is wheelchair reenacting Need for Sped: Hot Pursuit?

>> No.43751035

I just jerked off to the larynx pic, gonna drop a fat aka tonight

>> No.43751592
File: 84 KB, 640x405, jarvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jarvis, scan these pictures and make a 3d model out of it; you are free to use footage of her IRL self and anatomy books to complement the model, if you deem it necessary.
Then print it in silicone, add touch sensors and hydraulic muscles to mimic gag reflexes. Also, implement a heating system that keeps it at body temperature. And finally, add some lube injectors to keep it wet and sloppy.

>> No.43751739
Quoted by: >>43752202

Wait shit, 3D debut is today? Guess I'm coming down with a fever and will have to stay in tonight.

>> No.43752035
File: 269 KB, 534x414, 1655840271367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43752202

in 7 hours, yes
just eat some aluminium foil to simulate a fever

>> No.43752334
Quoted by: >>43755413

People thought they were frienemies because they both love Pekora but they were doing a bit. They've had a few stream interactions and bonded during the Summer festival(s) a lot. They both love dancing, singing, kpop and there's the obvious Sun Moon connection.

I'm lowkey hoping that they do something kpop related down the line together. They're both fantastic dancers and were the highlight of day 2 last year for 3rdFes.

>> No.43753073

Today is such a good day, did well with my help desk practice call and my wawa will show her power in 7 hours

>> No.43753415

I want to kiss her big forehead and tell her that I'm proud of her.

>> No.43754149
Quoted by: >>43754843


>> No.43754843
Quoted by: >>43754912

If there's anything Ollie wants, it's affection

>> No.43754912

Her fault for choosing to be h*tero

>> No.43755413

SunMoon original duet by KIRA!

>> No.43757571
File: 333 KB, 527x509, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43757767

Why wouldRyS she do this?

>> No.43757767

They hate each other...

>> No.43757987

I heard a rrat that kiara hates hungarians

this true?

>> No.43758227

She hates being hungry.

And Hungarians.

>> No.43758561

Not that I know of. When she was thinking of getting snackboxes from her friends instead of getting them from those mediocre companies, she brought up that she could easily get snackboxes from many european countries, Hungary included. Mamatori also lives in Hungary and she has no qualms with it as far as we know.
Sometimes a hungarian /pol/tard is brought up as one of her antis, but haven't seen proof of that so far.
Maybe she just hates Orbán and I can't blame her for that.

>> No.43759814
File: 1.88 MB, 1536x1024, 02338-3707937407-((takanashi_kiara)), (best quality), (extremly detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper), extremely detailed character, cinematiclighting,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>page 8

>> No.43759938


>> No.43760359

Yes. She believes Hungary is rightful Austrian soil and Hungarians are golems created by alchemists solely to serve the sexual whims of the Master Race. Mamatori is there as an anti-government sleeper agent waiting for Order 69.

>> No.43761577
File: 822 KB, 750x1629, FpuRxOfaQAAK6MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43762006


>> No.43762006

I need Kiara to try this first stream she gets back home.

>> No.43763424

We NEED more schizos to liven up the thread

>> No.43763734
File: 682 KB, 1250x1250, 1659096955389573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43764064

Hungarians hate everyone though. They have the fame of being the most racist and homophobic European country. It's no secret that everyone else in Europe doesn't like them either.
I had a good laugh when the ucranian refugees started leaving ucraine and other European countries started to prepare to receive them, and Hungary being Hungary focused all efforts on providing incoming refugees with free transportation to cross their country so they could stay anywhere else but there.

>> No.43764241
Quoted by: >>43768842

>Cut clip
>Reading a message from chat
Do you really ?

>> No.43764407
File: 1.88 MB, 1024x1536, 1675889166402513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara told me I was going to be on the stream tonight with her too, I'm so excited to see her!

>> No.43766448
File: 140 KB, 783x1200, 1675140404162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43768164

Only two more hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.43768547
Quoted by: >>43768677

After sifting through the thread I feel I can conclude that Reine should not have mingled with Kiara. It is very clear to me that Kiara and her fanbase very much over assume Reine's feelings for Kiara. It should be clear that Reine sees Kiara as a friend, but a regular friend only. Reine sees her ID group as her best friend. Kiara seems to think that Reine is her best friend despite those feelings not going back to her. Because of this kfp become very dramatic about any ID that Reine chooses over Kiara. Kiara will not have a best friend in Hololive because she is the same as her fans. Kiara is not a bad person but very clear she can be difficult and too clingy.

>> No.43768571
Quoted by: >>43768637

Anymore updates about Kiara's throat in the last couple of hours?

>> No.43768637

Not specifically. She sounds like she's in a great mood and is rehearsing in the studio right now.

>> No.43768677
Quoted by: >>43768892

Wrong thread fag

>> No.43768842
Quoted by: >>43768997

I do think it’s a little rude to edit clips and use them to portray Reine in a way she isn’t necessarily trying to show herself. I mention it here only because this is the designated shitting thread for schizos and I know I’m being one, but I still have to say it. Making the clip and posting it for a laugh is one thing but using it repeatedly to push a narrative is different.

>> No.43768892

No friend I'm here to let kfp know how they feel is not true to what is real. When she said that she said that as a sorry for forgetting Kiara the first time. She knows she has kfp in her chat so she tries to not offend them by forgetting. The truth is she forgot because Kiara is a normal friend not best friend. Anyone that watches Reins knows.

>> No.43768997

kfp do not know or get how Reine feels. They should know Kiara's feelings is not the same as Reine's but they deny because they want Kiara to have a best friend bad.

>> No.43769077
Quoted by: >>43769190

Never quote me again retard

>> No.43769083
Quoted by: >>43769297

You do a bad job man

>> No.43769163

I've had 4BLOOD on loop for like an hour now, I'm so fucking excited

>> No.43769178

normally my mind tries to overanalyze the production details behind 3D streams. for once I'll just watch in sweet ignorance and enjoy Kiara prancing around.

>> No.43769190

Why. We agree yes?

>> No.43769229
Quoted by: >>43769255

I'm nervous

>> No.43769255

post larynx

>> No.43769290

chumbud thinking of getting into Kiara, what time EST does she usually stream

>> No.43769297
Quoted by: >>43769977

I don't get what you mean

>> No.43769411

Mori you've been samefagging about this here and in /mep/ for two days now, chill.

>> No.43769471

We're going to get woman tears tonight, aren't we?

>> No.43769526

usually streaming time for you would be between noon and 3pm your time.

>> No.43769646

Pretty much exclusively during work hours.

>> No.43769977


>> No.43770028

>Kiara magically healed up
>I woke up with a sore throat
It was me. I offered up my body for kiara to siphon my off my health.

>> No.43770119

GWS chimken and thank you for your service o7

>> No.43770363
File: 318 KB, 2048x1423, 1674752894046050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw wave after wave of chicken into the Phoenix Oven until it hit it's predetermined kill limit and shut down, releasing Tenchou from her ails.
>A sacrifice I was willing to make.

>> No.43770420
Quoted by: >>43770574


>> No.43770574
Quoted by: >>43771049

I’m nervous! I hope it goes well!

>> No.43770653

wait so why did she post a picture of her thrussy?

>> No.43770855

Makes it easier for us to imagine our selves inside of her womb, waiting to be birthed.
You'll see what I mean during the 3d stream

>> No.43770941

She just wants to share everything she can with us.

>> No.43771049

She is extremely paranoid about people thinking she's faking illness.

>> No.43771665
File: 1018 KB, 755x1063, 1649805133344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43771806

This might come as a shock to the denizens of the Kiara shitflinging and bait testing thread, but Takanashi Kiwawa is really fucking cute.

>> No.43771806
Quoted by: >>43771872


>> No.43771872
File: 382 KB, 621x643, 1664854321458572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43772066

I see you were left wanting for more, Anya

>> No.43772021
File: 2 KB, 100x125, 1652530384741s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv wawa

>> No.43772066

>t. Anya

>> No.43773594
Quoted by: >>43773735

Nina is in chat

>> No.43773608

I'm awake

>> No.43773735
File: 21 KB, 394x217, 1670869275381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43773816
File: 12 KB, 480x194, 3dchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43773854
Quoted by: >>43773900

>not a mod
I guess if you aren't Pomu or Pomu's girlfriend you don't take priority...

>> No.43773877

wawa LOVE

>> No.43773900

Shut up dramatranny

>> No.43773918

How much delay?

>> No.43773955

Stop baiting grudegshit

>> No.43773971
Quoted by: >>43774209

4AM but I'm here for it

>> No.43774003

2 minutes

>> No.43774047

honestly more excited than I thought I'd be, my hands are shaking like they would before a final in college

>> No.43774209
Quoted by: >>43774345

5AM you weakling

>> No.43774345

I'd argue 5AM is easier than 4AM

>> No.43774406


>> No.43774508


>> No.43774512

that KFP? me

>> No.43774557

It's starting, fools!

>> No.43774759

chicken sex

>> No.43774781

Chimken butt.

>> No.43774822

Kiara sparks???

>> No.43774830

Live version, nice!

>> No.43774885


>> No.43775083

>Cover can't even handle making a the screen behind her not be delayed
how the fuck do you even manage that, where they actually duplicating her movements?

>> No.43775126

Look at the chimkens in the background.

>> No.43775196

KFP... home...

>> No.43775215

holy fuck she's even cuter than usual...

>> No.43775370

>still not over 30k

>> No.43775380

Kiara sounds so much better than normal!

>> No.43775381


>> No.43775489


>> No.43775577

She's literally collabing with a male...

>> No.43775593

It's you anon, you're in 3D and barely moving because of stage fright.

>> No.43775636
File: 399 KB, 534x599, 623588356435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43775690

Not even 30k viewers, KFP bros....

>> No.43775692

It's raining chimkens, hallelujah!

>> No.43775707

KFPfellas, you need to lose some weight
you're gonna get confused for disgusting hooties at this rate

>> No.43775729
File: 234 KB, 974x1546, 1658855681854168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chikin voice: OFF
Ngl bros I miss it... even though natural Wawa voice is sex

>> No.43775735
File: 935 KB, 1400x1400, 1657728225568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so cute...

>> No.43775784

KFP wagies give me a Yagoo burger with large fries and a drink

>> No.43775833
File: 206 KB, 2012x1313, FDTkJ84XEAUStwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is so beautiful.

>> No.43775829

Shut up with your tard timeloop

>> No.43775902

KFP, you have a cute oshi

>> No.43775906

She's being so cute bros, I can't handle it.

>> No.43775948

>no Karens

>> No.43775950

hey KFP is kiara sick?

>> No.43775954

were her tits always this big in 3D?

>> No.43775959

I remember when Burger King had a black burger for Halloween, it gave me green shits for about a week. It was delicious though.

>> No.43775963
Quoted by: >>43776341

I know this is bait but
>European streamer
>3D debut at 4am in Europe.

Bravo Cover

>> No.43776021

how is her soft laryngitis voice so perfect?

>> No.43776027

Just a bit...

>> No.43776043

She's losing her voice? She really needs to take more rests. She could risk permanent damage without enough rest.

>> No.43776114

Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.43776134
Quoted by: >>43776262

Yes, she literally had a camera down her throat less than 24hrs ago

>> No.43776146

i'm so proud bros...

>> No.43776179

its still there but not as bad

>> No.43776218

She's so fucking GOOD I'm not gonna make it y'all

>> No.43776239
Quoted by: >>43777284

reminder that japanese camera man can barely concentrate on his job because her gigantic butt is bouncing around in the studio...

>> No.43776262
Quoted by: >>43777971

h-hot.... is that the picture i've been seeing on catalog?

>> No.43776292


>> No.43776341
File: 208 KB, 377x339, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


KFP your Oshi is really cute and happy for her and yall. Congrats. She def seems to be having a lot of fun right now.

>> No.43776428
Quoted by: >>43777030

>very limited time
>decides to waste 10 minutes doing a variety-show game with bad assets with worse tracking
curse her Japan TV brain

>> No.43776432
File: 50 KB, 800x450, 1677044367848755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43776434

she reached it rn 16 mins in

>> No.43776453

I am the fattest KFP here and I will belly flop your ass.

>> No.43776546


>> No.43776598

Her voice is actually dying, damn.

>> No.43776624

i enjoy her japan tv brain :)

>> No.43776655

she's definitely sick, sounds like me the past week with the clearing throat and coughing, Its been fucking my sleep schedule too it sucks.

>> No.43776663
Quoted by: >>43776837

KFP, advertise harder
At this rate she's going to be the worst viewed 3d stream

>> No.43776833


>> No.43776836

What the heck kinda sandwich is this? Bone in chicken?

>> No.43776837

of course she is, there was no shot of anything else from the start, now shut the fuck up and enjoy your cute oshi, if she's not your oshi gtfo

>> No.43776895

lmao THIS is the CEO of KFP??? What a shitty restaurant. She constantly messes up my orders

>> No.43776955
File: 97 KB, 1164x568, 1668376627190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43777156

>> No.43777030
Quoted by: >>43777182

she'll have many opportunities for 3D lives, but 3D debut cringekino only happens once.

>> No.43777044

big dumpy...

>> No.43777059

She's actually a larping part timer.

>> No.43777117

>Those hips moves...
I want to fertilize Kiara's eggs...

>> No.43777126
Quoted by: >>43777219

Your oshi is pure sex

>> No.43777142

this is the 3d equivalent of lip syncing isn't it

>> No.43777156

>Bae, your girlfriend is awesome

>> No.43777173


>> No.43777182

ok fair

>> No.43777197
File: 978 KB, 2542x1580, 1659328739128863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in late why was kiara building a jenga tower

>> No.43777219
Quoted by: >>43777352

Even with her hoarse voice?

>> No.43777233

imagine she calls you into her office, and just dominates you with her ass

>> No.43777250

>spend days doomposting (again)
>get btfo'd severely (again)
>resort to the same old copes (again)
lmao at achizo

>> No.43777256

not her fault you ordered the wrong thing

>> No.43777284


>> No.43777328
File: 207 KB, 1920x796, 1663509158607990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this sound so sad?

>> No.43777346

I love Fever Night so damn much

>> No.43777352

i'd rather have the horse voice than the chicken voice

>> No.43777452

why so few viewers man? shes a good girl, a good streamer, cares about her fans and unironically carries the entire branch when everybody else is horting their tummies
i admit i hated her at the beginning over the takamori shit, but thats water under the bridge

>> No.43777475

are we meat to be hearing her voice right now?

>> No.43777614

Mercy, I know it’s wrong. But every time I see that juicy fat bird from KFP my mouth starts a waterin’ and my hanks start a hankerin’.

>> No.43777630

watch wawa have the highest superchat revenue of any EN 3D showcase. viewers ain't shit

>> No.43777639

EN viewers don't care about idol stuff, unfortunately. Her biggest buff to me personally is her biggest debuff as holoEN.

>> No.43777668

Friday night vs Saturday night for Ina.
Even in niche weeb fandoms there's a lot of normies.

>> No.43777720
Quoted by: >>43777952

It was the Takamori shit. it was a bit insulting to the fans by trying to get subscribers through Yuri bait. Then her room mate stuff got exposed as a result. What doesn't help is her voice tends to be annoying as well. It's just a mix of bad decisions and other things.

>> No.43777721

I don't really like myth all that much nor do I really watch it, but I have mad respect for Kiara so I had to tune in, she always seemed like the cutest and hardest working girl of Myth in my eyes so I am here for her even if I don't watch her much otherwise

>> No.43777797


>> No.43777844

eating ina's onion ring...

>> No.43777855

did Kiara just disprove every schizo that says these are 100% prerecorded? based chicken

>> No.43777938
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 1677295616709578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43778123

>> No.43777952 [DELETED] 

room mate drama?

>> No.43777971

Yes, she posted it on twitter.

>> No.43778002

Ina also confirmed it was live

>> No.43778006

chicken woman too powerful

>> No.43778072


Shit this could be just 10 seconds of them actually interacting live and it'd still redeem this clusterfuck of a 3D debut

>> No.43778075
Quoted by: >>43778198

watching streams disproves the schizos. they don't care because nobody watches streams.

>> No.43778115

What did she say? I'm spacing out

>> No.43778123
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43778235


>> No.43778198
Quoted by: >>43778247

REAL also I want to have sex with Kiara. just thought I'd put this out there.

>> No.43778233

Chicken ass

>> No.43778235
Quoted by: >>43778401

fat fuck

>> No.43778247

I made this post

>> No.43778277

Based Ame and based cameraman.

>> No.43778289

Ame with the assist looking out for us all

>> No.43778310

ur oshi is sex

>> No.43778341

>fasleflaggers samefagging off of each other and repeating old timeloops
For once I think real KFP are, indeed, in global

>> No.43778358


>> No.43778374

she replied to Mori's comments in the live chat

>> No.43778401

try and be fit while eating KFP everyday

>> No.43778428
Quoted by: >>43778663

She responded to Calli typing in chat.

>> No.43778534

maybe, I'm not KFP myself, but I don't post in Global.

>> No.43778566

wrong hand still...

>> No.43778620

Kiara please... I'm saving my load for Do U... I won't that long at this rate

>> No.43778625

She could do whatever she wanted to me with that sword.

>> No.43778663

She already said several times it wasn't, you niggers just don't follow Kiara.

>> No.43778671

Kiara swallowing my sword...

>> No.43778710

Calli sounds so bored

>> No.43778754

NTA but I don't follow Kiara, but she IS best myth and I am supporting her by watching her 3D live

>> No.43778774

every time I watch a Kiara stream I am reminded that she is the best hololive en and it's not even close. she works so hard and is super entertaining, plus she is an idol otaku. I love this chicken.

>> No.43778845
Quoted by: >>43779030

that's her extremely sleep-deprived voice

>> No.43778868
File: 981 KB, 960x960, Kiara_butt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43778923

global is for faggots, though even some anon in this thread said i was timelooping even though i made a simple observation and wasn't insulting my wife in any way. not everyone spends every hour of the day watching streams and reading threads retard

>> No.43778933
Quoted by: >>43779013

then how does she respond to the live chat? clearly there is some part that is live, probably the non-dancing parts. ignorant nigger.

>> No.43778948

Some people still insisted it's 100% prerecorded, but hopefully that was enough proof.

>> No.43778968


>> No.43779013

Illiterate nigger.

>> No.43779026

she's athletic enough to dominate me...

>> No.43779030
Quoted by: >>43779209

Bro, it’s just after noon in Japan. There’s no way she’s sleep deprived.

>> No.43779045

her similing 3D face is the cutest

>> No.43779063

I have a feeling she didn't get much sleep after her dead space marathon.

>> No.43779071

Why are there no JP guests? Do they hate Kiara for forcing them to do off collabs?

>> No.43779117
Quoted by: >>43780080

cope faggot. learn english or you will never escape the indonesian shithole you are trapped in.

>> No.43779147

I will eat this chicken

>> No.43779209

you know it's possible to be sleep-deprived past night right? she just did a marathon

>> No.43779248

You dropped the burger you fat retard

>> No.43779255

maybe songs are pre recorded, shes literally reading chat

>> No.43779261

I genuinely can't tell if you're arguing it's live or arguing it's prerecorded.

>> No.43779305

She's not in japan retard

>> No.43779326
Quoted by: >>43779924

Talk about bad timing.

>> No.43779375

That chimken got some tail.

>> No.43779452


>> No.43779488
File: 1.03 MB, 1267x708, 1671270151157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43779505
Quoted by: >>43779924


>> No.43779511
Quoted by: >>43779924

this aged well

>> No.43779521
Quoted by: >>43779924

Get smoked

>> No.43779537

Holy shit it's Subaru!

>> No.43779547


>> No.43779552


>> No.43779557
Quoted by: >>43779924

you were saying?

>> No.43779573
Quoted by: >>43779924

You should kys now. Thanks

>> No.43779583
Quoted by: >>43779924

Put me in the screenshot too

>> No.43779622
Quoted by: >>43779924


>> No.43779629

rather have 30k fans than 30k tourists

>> No.43779635
File: 127 KB, 391x321, Bae lmfao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, is going to be one of THOSE posts again?

>> No.43779658
Quoted by: >>43779924

When will you people learn

>> No.43779698

she is the ubermensch, triumphant in her final form

>> No.43779727
Quoted by: >>43779924

Shit couldn't even last more than 3 minutes KEK

>> No.43779744

Their voices go well together.

>> No.43779770


>> No.43779788
Quoted by: >>43779924

(You) fucking moron.
Holotori love.

>> No.43779790

Holotori idols!

>> No.43779797

next desertorium video is gonna be gud

>> No.43779842

>35k viewers is few
Christ. Holofans are so blinded by numbers or are entitled as fuck.

>> No.43779924

Cant believe so many people fell for bait

>> No.43779968


>> No.43779981
File: 3.59 MB, 640x640, Pomu sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu doko?

>> No.43780008

once you watch enough 2views who are happy to get 100 ccv you realize that numberfags are in a delusional world divorced from reality. 35k viewers is incredible.

>> No.43780080
Quoted by: >>43780290

It's not your fault anon, as a burgers you're not expected to have reading comprehension to begin with.

>> No.43780104

>I was pretending to be retarded
anon in shambles

>> No.43780113

>i-i-i w-was only pretending to be retard

>> No.43780154

Nenechi will NOT appear in this live. Screencap this faggots.

>> No.43780193
Quoted by: >>43780343

how do fags like you ever recover

>> No.43780222

>underage retards flood places like /#/
>surprised when they spout the dumbest shit
That thread is good containment but it really breeds genuine idiots with ridiculously skewed perspectives on streaming

>> No.43780290
Quoted by: >>43780533

I make more money than you. Enjoy eating lentils 3 times a day until you get robbed by some streetnigger.

>> No.43780318

Shut up and get to it KFP, I'll await for the shubatori soundpost

>> No.43780343

Mine was an obvious joke lol

>> No.43780379

Numbers aren't viewed in a vacuum. 35k is few for HoloEN, but Kiara has always had lower viewership and higher SC earnings.

>> No.43780384

someone PLEASE explain to me what the significance between 3D model reveals is
I watch Kiara casually and it’s 5 am
I don’t understand the concept, is it a new model? I swear she’s done like Japanese game shows in the past in 3D

>> No.43780425

No other 3D debut will ever top this, this is fucking GOLD

>> No.43780506


>> No.43780530


>> No.43780533

I'm a well-off lawyer in an actually decent country but go off. I wouldn't doubt you making more money.

>> No.43780543
Quoted by: >>43783450

3D streams are special occasions, it would be unfair for them to skip their 3D debut streams just because they first appeared in a concert, so they're doing them anyway.
Happened with JP3 as well.

>> No.43780560

It's tradition and it's fun.

>> No.43780576

Stop trolling us, Amelia.

>> No.43780591


>> No.43780605

how are you so consistently retarded?

>> No.43780620

Well looks like another one

>> No.43780629

oh no no no no

>> No.43780634


>> No.43780646
File: 46 KB, 563x731, 1621707514192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43780651

>i was pretending to be retarded again, sorry

>> No.43780658

it's sort of like celebrating that you now have a 3d model and you can do stuff like interacting with the other people who have 3d models get on stage and stuff. show off your movements. like it's cardboard versus i get to like move my body around now. and we can see how stiff ina is. like ame's is going to be great. tool around for an hour wiggling your arms

>> No.43780665
File: 120 KB, 418x249, say no to racism we're all nekko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43780664


>> No.43780688

EN had various 3d streams already due to reasons, so this is basically the equivalent of the JP 3D Debuts without actually being a 3d debut.

>> No.43780718

jesas, they recorded the Nenechi segment on a 2007 laptop, where is the lighting

>> No.43780771
Quoted by: >>43781071

Sping 2023, O'riends live.

Stupid tranny

>> No.43780782
Quoted by: >>43780832

ok john linneman

>> No.43780824
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>> No.43780832

kek, alright, I'll give it up

>> No.43780835
File: 293 KB, 606x383, Screenshot 2023-02-24 195118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43781038

so much good songs and dances on this stream
kiwawa my favorite oshi

>> No.43780842
Quoted by: >>43780960

DO NOT watch other 3D lives

>> No.43780873

This is Jenma.

>> No.43780926

they're harmonizing amazingly
as expected of o'riends

>> No.43780960

I watch all of them.

>> No.43781038

anon what the fuck is that resolution/bitrate

>> No.43781044

Damn Nene is so fucking huggable looking.

>> No.43781067

Nenechi my beloved

>> No.43781071


>> No.43781116
Quoted by: >>43782067

I'm watching it from my 3DS

>> No.43781186

Nenechi is the cutest retard ever. I love her so much.

>> No.43781286

normally talents first do their 3d showcase/debut and use it afterwards
HoloMyth didnt do it like this because due to covid they couldnt travel to japan for like two years and their debuts got delayed a lot

>> No.43781329

>Duck motions to offer hug
>doesn't hug the fucking duck
>Nenechi makes half an arm heart
>doesn't make the fucking heart

your oshi is genuinely autistic

>> No.43781386

give her a break, she's austrian

>> No.43781429
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, orenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orenzu deeesu

>> No.43781438

she is just like me

>> No.43781441
File: 513 KB, 887x475, Screenshot 2023-02-24 195651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43781541


>> No.43781503

Kiara will NOT bend over with her ass facing the camera man, let out a loud BRAAAAP and then squat to lay an egg while making erotic Austrian noises. Screencap this fags.

>> No.43781537

I don't see how she's ending it in 3 minutes, this doesn't feel like an ending

>> No.43781541
Quoted by: >>43781790

anon please watch the debut in anything other than your PS Vita.

>> No.43781550

she's european

>> No.43781611
Quoted by: >>43781668

only 2 hours practicing?! damn

>> No.43781665

I’m betting on Pekora for #3, maybe Suisei.

>> No.43781668

and flamenco-ish difficulty too
ssg show idol

>> No.43781731

Holy shit, how has it been an hour already?

>> No.43781776
Quoted by: >>43781964


>> No.43781790
File: 884 KB, 1088x576, Screenshot 2023-02-24 195943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43781907

not psvita fagüt

>> No.43781892

>only 2 guests

>> No.43781907

Stop watching the debut from your Switch, anon

>> No.43781964

Bold of kiara to launch her own Tenga line disguised as a thermos. .

>> No.43781987

"I have one more song for you guys"

>> No.43781990
Quoted by: >>43782120

actually usable merch lfg

>> No.43782020

Pomu will NOT join her in her final song.

>> No.43782029


>> No.43782067
File: 3.22 MB, 3072x4096, IMG20230225120142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit me too.

>> No.43782120

you didn't like Ina's bra washing case?

>> No.43782140


>> No.43782154

What's up with the retards in the peanut gallery tonight?

>> No.43782156

Huh, why don't she just use this CCTV theme as transition? This is way better

>> No.43782198


>> No.43782296


>> No.43782316

My diiiiiiiiick

>> No.43782396


>> No.43782410

Two guests that performed a song each.

>> No.43782497

>only 1 kiara
>no kiara blanco and kiara negra

>> No.43782631
Quoted by: >>43782781

They one debuted a few months ago, they have to wait for their 3D showcase like everyone else.

>> No.43782728

all of her original songs sound so melancholic
I need a hug

>> No.43782754
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d thoughts

>> No.43782781
Quoted by: >>43782878

desu they could have had kiara be the white one and have a backup dancer like black

>> No.43782812

This. I would've prefered Hinotori if that was going to happen.

>> No.43782827
File: 718 KB, 1165x632, Screenshot 2023-02-24 200741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based wawa ^__^

>> No.43782855

god I'm so exhausted after that, feel like sleeping lol. so happy about it all

>> No.43782856
Quoted by: >>43784146

I am proud of Kiara and I also want to have sex with her. It's a strange feeling.

>> No.43782878

couldn't they just make a model mirror her movements?

>> No.43782893

kino, just wish her model's neck wasn't janky

>> No.43782926

10/10, kiwawa rocks

>> No.43782953

Excellent stream, KFP. I expect you all to buy the thermos.

>> No.43783019
Quoted by: >>43783184


>> No.43783030

can we have new thread now?

>> No.43783036

I bet she asked Korone and Marine and god knows who else to appear and they all shot her down
I really fucking hate everything.

>> No.43783184

excellent work, thanks

>> No.43783220

good stream, congrats kfp! your oshi did great today

>> No.43783268

So true anon! Im so mad too! Why dont you kill yourself to help with the pain?

>> No.43783303

What the absolute shit went wrong
36k max view
Holy shit

>> No.43783326
Quoted by: >>43783508


Bruh it was a single fucking hour. 3 songs with 2 guests + some talk is plenty.

>> No.43783331
File: 201 KB, 609x600, FJ57r2jWQAMERBL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will kill #

>> No.43783342

Your oshi was great, I really enjoyed the show.
You got a good one KFP.

>> No.43783450

thank you thank you
stream was comfy and I liked the songs, I hope Kiara gets some rest

>> No.43783508 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43783708

Shut the fuck up you retard nigger, you ask guests first and then plan the segments and how much time they'll take
And that doesn't even get into the fact that she wasted like 15 minutes on some retarded burger flipping shit

>> No.43783562
File: 66 KB, 525x525, 1677291373801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43783839

I love your Kiwawa

>> No.43783572

I want to hear Kiara's thoughts on how the dancing turned out. Got members stream to look forwards to soon.

>> No.43783639

Congrats KFP your Oshi nailed this.

>> No.43783680

Question, why did Ame asked for that pose? Did she know?

>> No.43783699

I enjoyed Kiara's showcase KFP. Happy for you guys

>> No.43783708

>post schizo conjecture
>get called out
Based underage retard. Back to /#/ with you!

>> No.43783734

so uh, that's it huh?

>> No.43783739 [DELETED] 

>no Pomu
At least the board won't melt down over it I guess. Never would I have expected Kiara to stab her in the back like that though

>> No.43783777
Quoted by: >>43783860

>Ina got 3 quick appearances and only talked for 3 minutes a piece
>Kiara got 2 full songs + short conversation (that she also live translated and thereby took up even more time)
She probably decided to sacrifice a third appearance in lieu of having two longer appearances. We all know she loves to sing and dance. Having Hololegends like Subaru and Nene were excellent choices as well. Still bummed that Pekora wasn't included, though.

>> No.43783839

>Ina 60k
Takos... why

>> No.43783860

Yep assembling burgers is clearly more important than a song with a third HoloJP

>> No.43783883
File: 633 KB, 1100x1100, 1653728276104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantastic showcase from kiara, kfp hope you're proud. she moved and sounded so hot, prerrecorded transition skits were kino and guest sections were amazing too. more holos should do harmonizing vocals for duets because that sounded fantastic.

>> No.43783931

Probably just didn't have enough time (even Myth called all together). Or Cover didn't give permission.

>> No.43783960
Quoted by: >>43784221

Idk where the pomu expectation came from. There were a lot of performances so she really couldn't fit more people into the timeslot

>> No.43783977

wish I could smell her sweat now

>> No.43784015

BakerFP better be baking the best thread of his life

>> No.43784027

I'm proud of wawa, that was such a good 3D showcase, I was entertained literally the whole time. I don't think any of the others will top it.

>> No.43784028
File: 1.18 MB, 1460x816, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43784033

The camerawork for the songs were atrocious and her 3D rig is way less expressive than the JP talents, but Kiara came through nonetheless with her singing and dancing. I am properly satisfied.

>> No.43784050

Yeah, I know. Isn't it great?

>> No.43784131

Nigger, she clearly understands and loves Japanese culture more than you do. She decided to do a bit while Ina gave a tour. Big deal. I'm sure the other 3 will do something autistic too.

>being this salty about a flawless 1+ hour performance
Get outta here, shit stirrer. Kfp only.

>> No.43784146

Very normal feeling for an adult man supporting his oshi

>> No.43784150

I really love this cute dork and think she did really well.

>> No.43784221

this post explains the rationale. I tried to tell them...

>> No.43784242


>> No.43784252

Schizos BTFO

>> No.43784335


>> No.43784354

It was nice to watch an idol who can actually dance

>> No.43784358

>praising her even after getting backstabbed
Pomu is too kind...

>> No.43784371

Loved Kiara's 3D but anyone else notice that the back movements aren't tracked very well? I know studio Ame and Kanauru have the post processing buff but Cover seems to not have good tracking for her like hip and back movements as much, making Do You and Fever Night a bit awkward in some parts

>> No.43784441
Quoted by: >>43784627

Go back already dramatranny

>> No.43784449


>> No.43784468
Quoted by: >>43784627

Get lost already you fucking weirdo

>> No.43784491


>> No.43784492

luv my wawa, worth waking up for

>> No.43784542

this but unironically

>> No.43784603

great show

>> No.43784627

Who was in Pomu's 3D?
Can you list the guests?

Fucking rats.

>> No.43784637
Quoted by: >>43784700

The song with Nene was really, really good.

>> No.43784679

I said get lost you fucking loser
Neck yourself for once

>> No.43784691

Go back dramatranny

>> No.43784700

it was my favorite

>> No.43784775

>>43782754 the 3d dancing was really cute liked a lot!

>> No.43784892

New thread???

>> No.43784975

>number nigs shitting up everything

>> No.43784983

the burger assembly game was slightly too long but that is literally my only gripe with the showcase
It was near perfect.

>> No.43785017

KFP, I kneel. I love Kiara now. truly a bastion of idol culture amongst EN
