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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.60 MB, 306x378, 1599281372856.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3988177 No.3988177 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.3988605
Quoted by: >>3994400 >>3995034

amelia nigger

>> No.3994102 [DELETED] 
File: 697 KB, 498x498, LOOK AT HER GO[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9mzbs2.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3994400
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, 1620541764619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Amelia Nigson

>> No.3994536
File: 1.01 MB, 2500x4000, 1620980746225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia doom gameplay today!

>> No.3994706
Quoted by: >>3995180

Hello Intern-kun here again, as I've expected they're not gonna announce VSinger yet especially on an important project, but at least they did give a lil hint of her in the video. Expect early next week for the official announcement. Good night.

>> No.3994979

>Mori gonna drink till she's shitfaced so she can arrive at meme review hungover to laugh at all the shit memes.

>> No.3994984
File: 3.02 MB, 200x113, 1621053443856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995074

i want sex

>> No.3994987

Ame cute!

>> No.3994990
File: 154 KB, 800x1144, 1621281069581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995006
Quoted by: >>3995069 >>3995076

>young 13 year old Mori makes a thread on /a/ about Naruto
>first reply is this
>it was Ina
>Mori cry-typing and seething at a copypasta while Ina sifts through her frog and wojack folder

>> No.3995008

the Trinity aka True HoloEN will never collab with the reddit dragon

>> No.3995018
Quoted by: >>3995330

>Mori messaging Coco literally the moment her manager said it was okay to collab
this woman

>> No.3995019


>> No.3995021
File: 1.76 MB, 1098x1080, 1620662977890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995029
File: 424 KB, 1431x2048, 1595679360125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995177


>> No.3995034
File: 328 KB, 645x664, 1612933973833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995187 >>3997659

Amelia Spicson

>> No.3995036
File: 101 KB, 284x288, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995038
File: 150 KB, 730x634, The Deadbeat & The Investigator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995040
File: 355 KB, 2105x1185, 1618720723907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.3995041
Quoted by: >>3995189

Get fucked Kiara
Mori won

>> No.3995043
File: 391 KB, 776x834, 123223S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995044
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x1024, 54AB7007-E4DF-44F3-8DC3-A7DB10C5DB9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995177

I love Mori!

>> No.3995045

「0 Gen News」
Miko and Suisei surprised Sora and Roboco with birthday presents. Sora received "Nun Nun Axe" and Roboco got "Elite Pickaxe".
The aquarium is also filled with fish, Roboco gave diamond pickaxes to Sora and AZki. Sora named her pickaxe "Zero Miracle Pickaxe" and AZki named her's "Roboco Love Pickaxe".

>> No.3995047

Kiara literally did that

>> No.3995048
File: 194 KB, 637x624, 1600785334643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shitty gift, inspired by the last thread.

>> No.3995049

So what exactly caused the ban lift? The anti-chink measures in Coco's chat working (though that would mean all collabs will have to be on Coco's channel), Cover being scared of NijiEN?

>> No.3995052
Quoted by: >>3995094

Mori has shit taste if she likes Naruto. I bet she also likes isekai.

>> No.3995055
File: 293 KB, 2048x1758, EutYJ_dUYAIJ9LQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame too!!

>> No.3995062
File: 1.34 MB, 1426x2048, GuraNeko469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will collab with her next week and I can’t wait

>> No.3995063

>Be there or be circle
>Know that Kanata has a phobia for circles

>> No.3995064


>> No.3995065

Yellow fever?

>> No.3995066
File: 9 KB, 409x331, sh6886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995089 >>3995111


>> No.3995068
Quoted by: >>3995100

Didn't Mori say before she wouldn't drink with senpai?

>> No.3995069

Frog and Wojack came in after you were able to make Naruto threads on /a/ without getting copy pasta spammed and sage bombed though.

>> No.3995070
Quoted by: >>3995086

Gura is doing meme review next week dumbasschama

>> No.3995072
Quoted by: >>3995108 >>3995150

>Mori doesn't mind doing a drinking collab with a senpai

>> No.3995074
File: 512 KB, 562x432, Aloe....webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995165

all the sex we lost

>> No.3995075


>> No.3995077

It always crack me up how coco was recruited for Hololive rather than getting in management position like she originally wanted
I mean, how much of a sperg did she have to be for the interviewers to recognize that they struck gold?

>> No.3995076

>wojack folders in 2008

>> No.3995083
Quoted by: >>3995160 >>3995197

Kiara basically said that. Theres that clip of her saying how she's making so much more cash than her bullies.

>> No.3995088
Quoted by: >>3995189

Kiara can't stop losing
Feels good to be a deadbeat

>> No.3995086

>Gura is [HEADCANON]

>> No.3995087
File: 260 KB, 675x900, 1616252975289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some bad news for next week, trinitynigger

>> No.3995089
File: 11 KB, 504x438, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995092
Quoted by: >>3995136

Cover HATES Suisei

>> No.3995094

At least she isn't dubfag

>> No.3995099

Comfortable enough to drink with Coco but too shy to have a drinking collab with Lamy. She knows what it's like around elves.

>> No.3995100

Not that I remember.

>> No.3995101

Reine had Enma forcibly removed from the equation after she kept shutting down collabs between Anya and Gura.

>> No.3995102
File: 108 KB, 212x252, 1620004091752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995166

Gura is cute

>> No.3995104

Well that's cute as fuck

>> No.3995106
Quoted by: >>3995521

Will Coco Mori meme review be an offcollab?

>> No.3995108

Meme review should've been that, offcollab.

>> No.3995109
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1613262178457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995728

You will get a Ame/Coco Fallout 76 collab and you will like it!

>> No.3995111
Quoted by: >>3995136

No. Suisei is a weirdo and shouldn’t be allowed with 100 miles of Mori.

>> No.3995112

>I need to get back into the game whether it be solo or collab

>> No.3995113
File: 228 KB, 360x450, 1608737859415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I had to get it out of my system.

>> No.3995114

Ina probably won't until she drops Yostar, true, but Ame and Gura totally will.

>> No.3995116

Probably just they they think that the situation has calmed down and further restricting collabs continues to be a bad look for them.

>> No.3995117
Quoted by: >>3995435


>> No.3995119 [DELETED] 

i mean you say that and then you take a look at this board esp split threads
theres millions of losers who'll die alone in the world and they're all using 4chan
humanity filters the useless, cope, some people aren't worth thinking about, dying doesn't change that
you genuinely overestimate people, literally go to a nursing home or some shit, talk to a rando 20-something incel nerd in your apartment complex, 80% of the time the only person they talk to in last few months was person doing a job like nurse or delivery driver
seriously, its fine. its just how humanity prunes itself, relax. wby do you think "lets goooo" is popular and funny as shit? as people we want useless things to go away and not worry about them, life is the same
>life is shit because bad person is a bad peraon
please read the posts, this is literally what ive been saying?millions of bad xudes who are not good or useful people, which is why they die alone and nobody cares, it's just filtering garbage. why do you think you're disproving something when you're literally agreeing with me that some people simply are gonna go this way and that just how its supposed to be? fucking lol
>you little shit
why are you angry at being told that there exist worthless people that are gonna die alone?
unless you think we live in literal different dimensions anon

you people really need to stop giving such retarded (You), it like you're arguing with a post that mentions gravity being real "BUT LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE IN PLANES RIGHT NOW" ok cool and? relevant, how?

>> No.3995120
Quoted by: >>3995209

>So what exactly caused the ban lift?
A handful of angry frog images posted on an underground anime forum.

>> No.3995123
File: 146 KB, 731x437, Investigator&Deadbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997881

>> No.3995121
Quoted by: >>3995435


>> No.3995122
Quoted by: >>3995435


>> No.3995124

oh no

>> No.3995125
Quoted by: >>3995435


>> No.3995126
Quoted by: >>3995435


>> No.3995127
Quoted by: >>3995435


>> No.3995129

Imagine a Mario Party Collab with Mori, Coco, Suisei and Kanata...

>> No.3995133

I WILL make Mamaloni straight

>> No.3995136


>> No.3995142
Quoted by: >>3995196


>> No.3995143
File: 253 KB, 454x358, 1610558765099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ARK collab

>> No.3995144
File: 67 KB, 750x1335, 1619429132588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995479 >>3996212

Reminder: Gura WILL have the hots for Lady

>> No.3995145
Quoted by: >>3995163 >>3995257

How do teamates cope with the fact that Ame had a lackluster birthday compared to Ina and Mori?

>> No.3995149
File: 1013 KB, 1222x879, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina too!!!

>> No.3995150

with Coco specifically

>> No.3995151
File: 271 KB, 546x1642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995191 >>3995288

To be fair, Lamy very much enjoys alcohol in its many forms and has at multiple points ranted to her audience about proper preparation. For hours.
The woman keeps a dedicated sake warmer in her soundproof booth.

>> No.3995152

>Ark collab would be awesome!

>> No.3995153

>dragging this into the new thread

Kill yourself you attention whoring faggot. And stop replying to this faggot you idiots.

>> No.3995155


>> No.3995160
Quoted by: >>3995239

Based. Bullies can go fuck themselves.

>> No.3995161


>> No.3995162


>> No.3995163

How does schizo#1 cope with being a manlet?

>> No.3995165
File: 370 KB, 726x584, 1610279833091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit i wanted to smash those ass cheeks so hard

>> No.3995166
File: 3.75 MB, 2048x1742, GuraNeko465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!

>> No.3995168

I still have them all saved.

>> No.3995169
Quoted by: >>3995218

I like the NijiENs but they're pulling ID/homo numbers right now. They are absolutely not threatening to HoloENs audience in their current state.

It's probably just been long enough that Cover feels comfortable with Coco collabing without bringing the context of the China situation to whatever branch she collabs with. The last thing Cover wants is a bunch of angry EN fans going on a twitter crusade against China and generating a lot of bad optics from racist discourse.

>> No.3995170

Mori can barely play minecraft, how will she handle ARK?

>> No.3995171
File: 39 KB, 474x597, coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thought HoloEN was safe

>> No.3995174
Quoted by: >>3995343

Stop posting anon.

>> No.3995177
File: 837 KB, 768x900, 1619826846654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995180

>he still thinks VSinger is happening

>> No.3995186

This was posted yesterday you fucking mongoloid. Why are you spamming the link as if it's new?

>> No.3995187
File: 48 KB, 735x627, PainAme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you'll never break pinatas or spend Christmas with Ame singing Feliz Navidad.

>> No.3995188 [DELETED] 

So Mori talking about doing VA work when she was 13 right because i have it >>/jp/thread/S30337856#p30338603 also if it not working download the file and open it

>> No.3995189
File: 255 KB, 1268x2073, F039C260-3824-4DAF-9AA7-C298657CD40C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995316

Nice try deadbeats, but it’ll take more than that to make me open a reaper stream.

>> No.3995190
File: 35 KB, 225x208, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want to know why I did it, Sora? You ask why Watame, Aqua and Miko had to die? I'll tell you. It's because hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it

Man the leaked script for the anime seems pretty dark

>> No.3995191
Quoted by: >>3995274 >>3995288

Oh, I'm not saying it was a bad decision. It's actually way cooler that she got got approached about it instead of paying for it like traditional merch.

>> No.3995192
File: 2.23 MB, 342x498, 1617056665177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995196
File: 406 KB, 667x413, 1607535326447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995197
Quoted by: >>3995220

I don’t watch Kiara. Do I look like I have 70 hours a week for zatsudans?

>> No.3995198

miss her quite a lot

>> No.3995199
File: 85 KB, 645x900, E0lC5h7XoAERq1Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995283 >>3995672

JWU, literally What does /vt/ think about the coming collab?

>> No.3995200

Menhera Mori...

>> No.3995201
File: 404 KB, 2000x2000, 1615515890289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995202


>> No.3995206


>> No.3995208

>Cover being scared of NijiEN?
that is kinda funny because even without Ina sleeping in NijiEN would've been mogged regardless.

>> No.3995209

This but unironically.

>> No.3995217
Quoted by: >>3995384

Okay faggots, we all know how they recruit people to hololive
Try to do your best impression of mentally broken autist!

>> No.3995218

That's the idea, kill them before they are a problem

>> No.3995220
Quoted by: >>3995306 >>3995463

there's a clip here that gets posted from time to time, think it was called "money mogged" or something
Maybe someone has it

>> No.3995221
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, 1600164205887.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching this wonderful and first ever Full Gen 0 Minecraft collab as Sora's finally getting her wish and finishing off the Gen 0 house together with her lovely friends. Roboco and Miko are being fantastic teachers to the others who don't play Minecraft much.
While Mori drops some sick baby reaper lore and has us scavenging the internet for her past VA acting while also gushing about her deadbeats and just full heartedly thanking them for the support.
While HOLORO continue to bomb the hell out of each other in Bomberman Online and Anya's competitive spirt cannot be crushed.
While Marine and her constant 110 BPM heart rate is taking on the long winded Tanker section of RE7 and Marine's screams after simple squeaks is a fine blessing for this morning.
While Mio's simply blazing through these regular old schmobs as her power and control over the pins in TWEWY grows. She's also getting hungry looking at the sashimi being shown to her.
While Flare and her Insect Glaive of flips and tricks do 5 billion flips in the air before actually attacking because je suis monte.
While Coco's completely done with the spooky games for today and is now closing us off with a cuter than usual supachat reading.
While Lamy shows off her sake product, bottled in a beautiful blue bottle and adorned with lovely art of her. She's very proud of this creation and excited to hear what others think of it.
While Matsuri and her good friend from 774inc are playing Ap-wait this isn't Apex this is Clubhouse 51! What gives!
While Rikka's playing Apex Legends. WITH A PAD. Watch how this old man tries to use sniper rifles and aiming on a controller and laugh at the attempts to perform headshots.
Also HoloALTs extended teaser was released today and we get to hear more of the song Mori sang. Mori also said that a full version of the song is coming soon, so if you haven't watched the teaser yet, then hurry up and go catch it, my oshi's pretty cool in it you know.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.3995223

Fuck, these times were great for me...

>> No.3995227

Anya accidentally saying bullshit and the rest of them going "Ahh..." had me rolling.

>> No.3995228

I warned you about Orange women. I fucking warned you. Enjoy your ARK.. . no.. . Your new AEK chapter, deadbrappers.

>> No.3995229


>> No.3995236

Anyone watch the NijiEN debuts? How do they compare to HoloEN debuts?

>> No.3995235

>summer vacation
...Woman, how young do you think I am?

>> No.3995238

>Cover being scared of NijiEN
most likely, which is why more competition is always good for (You)

>> No.3995239

Seethe, I'm a upper middle class white collar worker while the dorks I bullied are either druggies or homeless

>> No.3995246

The gates have been opened for the orange bitch to flood through. I hate that it took so long to happen

>> No.3995249

Orange woman BAD

>> No.3995252

not the thread for that

>> No.3995253
File: 343 KB, 1799x1514, 1605206283063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995356

What's so bad about summer in Japan bros?

>> No.3995255
File: 104 KB, 439x1149, E13s8urVoAEdyKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually hilarious looking at this because it makes you realize Kuroboshi REALLY REALLY wanted Ina to have glasses. The other designs he also had for her probably had glasses too. I wonder why she didn't have it on the base form at this point.

>> No.3995256
File: 157 KB, 436x456, gunslingergamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995271

Howdy pardner.

>> No.3995257

By not has to spend 9000 yen just for the shipping?

>> No.3995258

>I guess we're gonna start reading super chats again

Okay, back to gen 0.

>> No.3995264

Are you going to post this in every thread until I like it?

>> No.3995265
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ᶠᵃᵗᵗᵒ ᶜᵃᵗᵗᵒ

>> No.3995268
Quoted by: >>3995370 >>3995380

What is Holoro supposed to stand for is it an indo thing

I know its ID2 but idk how they got the name

>> No.3995269
Quoted by: >>3995300 >>3995547

I dont have friends anon, what's your point?

>> No.3995270
File: 92 KB, 570x638, 1621553406430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995367

dubs and i will shit myself voluntarily

>> No.3995271
File: 393 KB, 498x498, stickemup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995272

Haachama where are ye?

>> No.3995275
File: 59 KB, 238x212, 1613959567369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody remember what Gura said exactly a couple of streams ago about not wanting to spoil it because she wanted Mori to do it first? Was it specifically a game or just a stream?

>> No.3995274
Quoted by: >>3995346

Definitely yes, though I wonder what the cut looks like in cases like that. From what we know, the girls get a bigger cut for merch they had a more active hand in setting up, but if it's slapping a label on a bottle is the cut smaller?
Or is it the same because they approached Lamy specifically about it after seeing her passion for the topic

>> No.3995278
File: 253 KB, 1124x1124, 1603228439635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995440


>> No.3995279
File: 509 KB, 1440x1861, Memamaloni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995361 >>3995718

I'm sure Kiara is just happy her shorts made the pic.

>> No.3995282
Quoted by: >>3995384

>How do they compare to HoloEN debuts?
HoloEN at least got everyone to debut
Also wrong thread

>> No.3995283

People've been waiting for this for almost a year now, what do you f-wording think?

>> No.3995285
Quoted by: >>3995358

>Cover being scared of NijiEN
One of them didn't even debut on time

>> No.3995288

It was a partnership between the government's regional revitalization project and cover

>> No.3995291
File: 30 KB, 400x400, XR-ix9Gw_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this bird. She's a wonderful, cute, energetic, emotional, forward, open, entertaining, loving, needing your affection chicken and ash deserves to be loved celebrated. Every time Kiara talks about needing us/her chat, it makes my heart go dokidoki. Every time she squaks or stifles her giggles, I can't help but smile and laugh along with her. She is my Oshi, and I am her loyal employee.

>> No.3995292
File: 5 KB, 256x197, orcos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995363

I was told I can post orcs here, is that true?

>> No.3995296
Quoted by: >>3995338

Damn, all that success and you still ended up here.

>> No.3995297

Welcome back ayamefriend

>> No.3995300
Quoted by: >>3995355

>Keeping this attentionwhore going

>> No.3995299


>> No.3995303

Bloodborne, right?

>> No.3995304
File: 8 KB, 184x256, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995305
Quoted by: >>3995985

>There's no proof she didn't post these herself because it happened right before a big yab

>> No.3995306

I don't have it but her laugh in that clip is from the bottom of her heart. absolute catharsis.

>> No.3995309
File: 127 KB, 720x720, 1617593700664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here Ayamefriend! Imagining who Ame would have the most fun with collabing in the JP server.

>> No.3995310

everhood stream

>> No.3995312


>> No.3995315
Quoted by: >>3995340 >>3995381

Kuroboshi was right.
Ina, like everyone else, needed glasses.

>> No.3995316

Fuck you KFP, but I'll still watch your chicken later

>> No.3995317
File: 80 KB, 800x800, 1621568277961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995319
Quoted by: >>3995348 >>3995368


Zhangs were right, the second Coco touched a EN she poisoned them.

>> No.3995320
File: 155 KB, 828x1792, 1611361267789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995373

I really regret staying up so late for the holoalt video. i slept through my oshis collab and the little bit i did catch so far was great...

>> No.3995322

Welcome back Ayamefriend!

>> No.3995325
File: 2.81 MB, 1162x1625, GuraNeko452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995350

I love Gura

>> No.3995326
Quoted by: >>3995345

>that absolute giga wall community member post by Nene

>> No.3995327

>Meme review.
I knew the monkey paws effect will come around.

>> No.3995329
Quoted by: >>3995388

Mori literally just called half her fanbase summer posters

>> No.3995330
Quoted by: >>3995353 >>3995359

>meanwhile Kiara messaged vshitjo whores

>> No.3995331
File: 4 KB, 182x230, 1621606201244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995333
Quoted by: >>3995394

Not the thread for it
They're good girls and worth taking a look at if you're a fan of hololive. Especially because they sometimes stream during dead hours

>> No.3995335
Quoted by: >>3995448

Just because nobody cares about you, don't assume nobody cares about me, you narcissistic loser.

>> No.3995338

Where else can I bully more losers?LinkedIn? Lmao

>> No.3995340


>> No.3995341
Quoted by: >>3995509 >>3995564

I did not know that Sora has friends. Did she finally get her wish for the other members to not dai senpai her?

>> No.3995343
Quoted by: >>3995379

ima just post like i normally do about other shit, only got on this topic because some retard asked if bis oshi would give a shit and when I said no a million faggots jumped down my throat angry for whatever reason, imagine honestly thinking anybody gives a shit on 4chan of all places desu

>> No.3995346

Probably smaller cut since she's not the one paying for it, but at the same time, she's also not the one taking any financial risk. It was probably a flat payment + a % royalty. Could compare the price of the bottle to what else the brewery makes to have a rough idea of how much Lamy is getting, but I don't care enough to do that.

>> No.3995345


>> No.3995348
File: 7 KB, 159x160, 1611537721515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to fuck

>> No.3995350

same desu

>> No.3995351
Quoted by: >>3995424 >>3995505

I'm gonna timeloop here, but seriously, FUCK cover management for banning EN from collabing with Coco for so long. These girls clearly want to very badly. As if Coco didn't have enough shit to deal with.

>> No.3995353
Quoted by: >>3995374

Don't get cocky, you'll get your Ironmouse collab too.

>> No.3995354
Quoted by: >>3995449

Fucking neck yourself.

But honestly, I wonder about the psychology of people feeling proud that they caused others pain for the sake of it.

>> No.3995356
Quoted by: >>3995661

It is humid hot as fuck.

>> No.3995357

>Noel was able to try Lamy's sake early
>it's good

>> No.3995355

My bad, I just got up, didn't even know what board this was for a second.

>> No.3995358

Fitting, since she was the only TBAtuber of the three

>> No.3995359

And coco

>> No.3995361
Quoted by: >>3995444 >>3995718

It's obviously a sneak peak of a larger artwork she's working on

>> No.3995363 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.43 MB, 1045x1440, 1621609447772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995365
File: 107 KB, 271x257, 1611859126890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good, you're still here. I imagine you already understand how ridiculous you sound, but if you don't realize already, I made something to make it more clear to you.

>> No.3995367
File: 113 KB, 264x265, ina CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that's what I call shitposting

>> No.3995368
File: 33 KB, 457x512, uglybastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995370

Loro = 2 in their own language or something.
Holoro = Hololive ID2

>> No.3995373
File: 506 KB, 500x1080, SLEP [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fn51ncm.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLEB is important melhomie.

>> No.3995374


>> No.3995377

oh.. it's a deadbeat thread
time to leave

>> No.3995379

Nah, you wrote a whole paragraph about your narcissistic bullshit, had you just said no, you'd get no (You)'s

>> No.3995380


>> No.3995381

Get out of this board, fubuki

>> No.3995384

Hey buddy, the Lamy Transformation Fetish thread is two blocks down: >>3891104

>> No.3995387

Please don't stir up the retards, just watch them, they weren't bad

>> No.3995388

Mori herself is a summerfag so she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.3995393
File: 124 KB, 1058x685, 1598050573458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995401


>> No.3995394

Whores are never good

>> No.3995395

UUUUUUU I missed you! Thanks for the updates once again!

>> No.3995396
Quoted by: >>3995417 >>3995433

>Chink spam and ARK
Hope plebbit review was worth it Deadkeks

>> No.3995401
File: 111 KB, 183x257, 1620430191846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.3995402

>Getting bullied out when we had the chance

>> No.3995403

Based V

>> No.3995404
Quoted by: >>3995415 >>3995464

Deadbeats I ordered a 500$ Office Chair.

>> No.3995406
Quoted by: >>3995575

AZKi...Sora...speak more...

>> No.3995410


>> No.3995415
Quoted by: >>3995460

what kind an aeron?

>> No.3995416
Quoted by: >>3995439 >>3995500

I'm legitimately going to fucking unsub to Ina if she gets roped into Ark.

>> No.3995417

I'd take Mori reviving the JP ARK server for a couple of weeks over Shadowverse every single time.

>> No.3995419
File: 143 KB, 312x312, 1599224730953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize until you disappeared that like 90% of the streams I choose to watch are based on your descriptions

>> No.3995422
Quoted by: >>3995520

Yukimin...what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3995423
Quoted by: >>3995530 >>3995534

None of those links work in any way.

>> No.3995424

I've been saying that since the beginning.

>> No.3995428
Quoted by: >>3995486 >>3995781

Hoe was the ID collab? Did they speak their jungle mumble throughout it?

>> No.3995432

Mata ne~

>> No.3995433

Spam can be dealt with a handful of moderators. Susan actually broke their back.

>> No.3995434


>> No.3995435
Quoted by: >>3995472

Oh God... The monkey's paw...

>> No.3995439
Quoted by: >>3995457

I don't believe you.

>> No.3995440
File: 133 KB, 850x850, Anya shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya will never play ARK
Anya will never play Minecraft
Anya will never play APEX
Anya will get her one million subs through playing Kusoge

>> No.3995444

Kameltoe Kiara is the only thing we care about. So it's pictured perfectly.

>> No.3995445

Why have there been so many deadbeats lately? Did you get bullied out of /morig/?

>> No.3995449

Kek gaylord, I'm the one who kicks the chair and takes pics lmao.

>> No.3995448

>he took a 4chan post vaguely referring to portions of population personally
my sides
not everything is about you whiny confrontationalist faggot
question is why would you even take it personally in the first place, maybe your less secure than you think. dw anon, your life doesn't matter

>> No.3995450
File: 354 KB, 459x544, 1595476593361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995730

tldr but based on the replies I can assume that you are a sad faggot projecting his self pity

>> No.3995452
Quoted by: >>3995572

let me guess 6'7'' and jacked

>> No.3995454


>> No.3995456
File: 102 KB, 1036x1072, 1621609643535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995457

Yeah I won't, but I probably won't watch that stream.

Just kidding that was also a lie.

>> No.3995459
File: 277 KB, 1440x1628, Screenshot_20210521_230650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura don't look!

>> No.3995458
File: 603 KB, 637x667, amelia kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995460


>> No.3995463
Quoted by: >>3996307


>> No.3995464

Tell deadbeat's oshi to do the fucking same so she can stop her back pain.

>> No.3995465

Don't worry, Mori doesn't have the brain power to play ARK
ARK 2 though...

>> No.3995466

Never played ARK, why is so bad?
Isn't like Minecraft but with dinosaurs?

>> No.3995471
File: 957 KB, 704x700, 1604178744475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was with you up until you said she wouldn't play APEX. She's NGMI.

>> No.3995470
File: 290 KB, 586x595, 1596059549711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995469


>> No.3995472

I can't believe the 张's were right...

>> No.3995474
File: 855 KB, 680x673, okayu based department.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995475

Holy shit, Mori's voice has NOT aged a bit. Thanks anon

>> No.3995476
Quoted by: >>3995633

Again you stupud motherfuck, I'm not going to selfpost but there are plenty of people who's lives are in healthy and good places at this very moment who post on this board. Just because yours and most of the people around you sucks does not mean everyone posting on this board also have shit lives.

>> No.3995478


>> No.3995479

Already does

>> No.3995482
Quoted by: >>3995732


>> No.3995483
File: 382 KB, 407x710, 1618374809235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995484
File: 587 KB, 1045x794, 1620709573947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995520

>Lamy transformation fetish

>> No.3995486

They were having fun but yeah a lot of indog

>> No.3995489
Quoted by: >>3995525

anon, you've been awake for a whole 4 hours. Don't think you should take a break and rest a little?

>> No.3995491
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1611545563588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the special collab Gura hinted at ARK?

>> No.3995493
File: 34 KB, 367x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-tick tock?

>> No.3995497

Ark is fine, we just had to live through the Ark arc.

>> No.3995498
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, Wan mirrion subskwiburs[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffkbefi.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995499

It's a game that looks and plays like a technical alpha or tech demo/proof of concept, but it's a full priced game.

>> No.3995500


>> No.3995501


>> No.3995502

Damn anon. Teach me to just be like you.

>> No.3995503

literally remove last line and dagger would be on par with EN numbers BUT NOOO

>> No.3995505
Quoted by: >>3995548 >>3995587

Coco should have been allowed all the time
Vshojo should never be allowed
It's that simple

>> No.3995509

she recently discovered that kaigainiki refer to the Gen 0 as Gen 0, wasn't a concept to them. Other holomem pushed them into doing a full group collab

>> No.3995508
File: 216 KB, 1000x1422, E1LnAMSUUAMAhF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/morig/ is for doxxbraps, I don't go there.

>> No.3995512

I don't know, but if something happens, I will find a way to blame nijiniggers and spread it on normie networks

>> No.3995513
Quoted by: >>3995600 >>3997037

>Anya will get her one million subs through playing Kusoge
She played RE Village already right? that kills your theory

>> No.3995514

Glasses are the thinking man's fetish

>> No.3995517
Quoted by: >>3995599

t. living in an RV working a blue collar job

>> No.3995519

I was highly disappointed that she's not in Alter.

>> No.3995521

Extremely unlikely unless she's doing the members stream right before it at the holohouse or with coco in her apartment or something

>> No.3995520

Split threads, not even once.

>> No.3995525
File: 87 KB, 880x866, 1619965900712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995585


>> No.3995526
File: 11 KB, 368x97, 515154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995527

Based, I thought anons got bored of it.

>> No.3995528

what part of 'lurking now' don't you get?

>> No.3995529
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1333, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995644

>> No.3995530

got it fine here

>> No.3995531
File: 184 KB, 708x1000, fqae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes Miko the most popular Gen 0 by such a huge margin?

>> No.3995532
File: 990 KB, 2894x4093, 1621609799726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995534

>also if it not working download the file and open it

>> No.3995535
Quoted by: >>3995552

ring-tailed mori when?

>> No.3995538

She'll catch up today now that Ina's not streaming.

>> No.3995539

The appeal of Ark is PvP shenanigans, but you can't get that on the Holoserver because they only play with each other, so you get endless grinding with no payoff. There is no room for creativity and making cool shit like Minecraft because the game isn't designed around it.

>> No.3995542
File: 520 KB, 554x554, 1618672309196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in both

>> No.3995546

Not a Deadbeat but judging by those threads they're just a honeypot for doxbeats

>> No.3995547

how new are faggots in this thread to think that a post needs a "point"
im not posting to get yous
im not posting for validation
im not posting to get a reaction
im not posting for conversation
im not posting for whatever reason you newfags think a post happens for
i am just posting, welcome to 4chan

>> No.3995548
Quoted by: >>3995654

i agree
this cancerous reddit dragon attracts cancer aka chinks
now they will hate HoloEN

>> No.3995552
File: 525 KB, 1440x2379, 1620405973026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995566 >>3995606


>> No.3995555
Quoted by: >>3995702

She said the funny nigger word

>> No.3995558 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.75 MB, 756x607, 1621609851132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995687

Cherish them. Don't wait around, do what you have to while they're still here.

>> No.3995559

But what if Ina-Senpai asks her to play Ark together?

>> No.3995562
File: 39 KB, 351x348, ChickenSmug 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

>> No.3995563

Yeah I'm angry too, maybe with time everyone will be included

>> No.3995564
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1613745516455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like she realized that everyone calls them Gen 0 and it dawned on Sora that said Gen doesn't communicate much. Enter Flare who scolded basically everyone and said shut the fuck up and communicate already thus culminating into this beautiful collab.

>> No.3995566
File: 330 KB, 813x470, 1621453560939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995568

Where's that clip of Gura talking about cringing so hard your face inverts? This is what's happening to me right now. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3995567

That billboard did it's work I suppose.

>> No.3995570
Quoted by: >>3995665

Does Ina not have priestess duties? Her schedules have been weirder than usual.

>> No.3995572

5'11 king manlet chad with 12% bodyfat

>> No.3995575

It's way past Sora's bedtime so she probably feels tired. Dunno about Azki

>> No.3995576
File: 104 KB, 1320x1320, 1621609878838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995577
File: 66 KB, 900x660, the antis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995671


>> No.3995579
File: 123 KB, 435x517, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995612

i've said it once, i've said it a thousand times. deadbeats are the true lurkers of the thread. unless mori is around, they're quiet. or falseflagging
t. ako

>> No.3995585

you're literally dying every moment you're awake, quickly, rest!

>> No.3995587

Extremely based post

>> No.3995588
Quoted by: >>3995677

Sudden guerilla 980k to 1m endurance stream inc

>> No.3995593

a clip of her saying the n-word (nigger)

>> No.3995599

Blue collar wouldnt be shitposting on a weekday though

>> No.3995600

RE8 is kusoge

>> No.3995601
File: 4 KB, 219x120, 1620456989253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995626 >>3995683

How was ID Gen2 bomberman? I was doing stuff and couldn't watch properly.

Who's the best bomberman in IDGen2?

>> No.3995606
Quoted by: >>3995800

>I like to move it, move it

>> No.3995612
File: 1.76 MB, 2490x3510, 1616692261486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watch the other girls and occasionally post MORI LOVE

>> No.3995615
Quoted by: >>3995656

>Miko making a heartfelt speech
>Sui interrupts to heckle her

>> No.3995617
File: 882 KB, 2048x2048, 1618650478865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995664

Ame's special announcement she has after working on it during her 3 day break is Fish Tank with Coco

>> No.3995618
File: 1.11 MB, 1902x1355, 1615620018001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How closely should I study Flare's playstyle if I wanna git gud at huntan with the Insect Glaive?

>> No.3995620
File: 15 KB, 263x213, Screenshot_863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995626

ollie is the best
anya is the worst and is DISPLEASED

>> No.3995627
Quoted by: >>3995778

Is there an eternal war between these two? A endless stream of timelooping tick tocks? When will we see an end to this?

>> No.3995628
File: 1.10 MB, 1684x1191, 1596821925256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995731 >>3995853

>no Watamelon/Mel/Aki/Chama/Luna on alt
Fucking rude.

>> No.3995629
File: 2.75 MB, 720x480, あつい、さむい、あつい、さむい... あつい!!![sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fga9u3x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995695

People seem upset.
The day is starting anew,
Look at this nice dog.

>> No.3995632

I guess it was just hard to put her because of ''lore '' reasons since Sora already fits the ''singer Idol'' position

>> No.3995633
Quoted by: >>3995842

and yet you you feel compelled to angrily reaffirm your quality of life to a bunch of randos online because...why? you literally scared of being visualized as a loser? retard

>> No.3995637

Nigger moment and STAY HOME

>> No.3995638
File: 100 KB, 425x400, GuraHeadband6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ready for a Gurailla Project Diva stream where she unlocks all the songs in extreme?

>> No.3995639

am frog

>> No.3995640


>> No.3995641
Quoted by: >>3995681 >>3995690

So what memes are we gonna send to reddit so that our boy could react to during the meme review? Any suggestions on which ones to updoot?

>> No.3995642
File: 38 KB, 500x500, ohhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995645

JWU after the Alt PV
What did I miss

>> No.3995644
File: 46 KB, 415x266, 1618712136073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995648

Plays a variety of popular games. Does a lot of collabs. Unique personality and voice. Vent viral before vtubers hit the mainstream.

>> No.3995649

>am cow?
My Mori with the fat fucking tits that you can hear the milk sloshing around inside

>> No.3995651
Quoted by: >>3995773 >>3995792

>No voice pack

Ina actually fucking hates her fans

>> No.3995654

Whatever, the chink threat is gone. Most of them have either gone on to watch other chuubas or returned to hololive.

>> No.3995656
File: 92 KB, 600x600, 1607663359434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995727

Do idols really?
Not trying to bring THAT up again, but I'm trying to understand if that's a Japanese culture thing and if so I now understand why she did it

>> No.3995657

>retarded whore birthday is in july
>she will never get a sub boost

>> No.3995658

god mori please
the deepthroat noises

>> No.3995661
Quoted by: >>3995686

All over the country? Well shit.

>> No.3995664

I'm in. I want Coco to make fun of my room.

>> No.3995665

Her overall schedule is beyond fucked for the past two weeks.
Kiara exposed yesterday that she slept like two hours.

>> No.3995669
File: 1000 KB, 336x498, 1619039550450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gen 0
Thank you for this, Flare.

>> No.3995671

t. deadbeat

>> No.3995672

Feels good to know robutts is a Deadbeat.

>> No.3995675

>and has us scavenging the internet
Can't believe Ayamefriend is a newfag...

>> No.3995676

She said nigga on stream.
Her entire GTA playthroughs have propelled her really.
I'm just waiting for her to play WaW and scream banzai

>> No.3995677
File: 2.45 MB, 1280x720, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 25k bot subs to Kiara that I will start to unsubscribe once she begins her endurance stream.

>> No.3995681
File: 1021 KB, 1640x2360, 1620707632527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995691


>> No.3995683

there was a lot of bullying and more personal conversation than i'd expected, ollie fed (heh) the architects with icecream eating depression talk, and anya got mad at them for "trying too hard" which was pretty cute.

>> No.3995685
Quoted by: >>3995693

>Male on screen
Mori is cringe

>> No.3995686

At least in Tokyo.

>> No.3995687

>do what you have to
The hell do you mean?

>> No.3995690

I'm just gonna let reddit handle it, it's not like >we stand a chance of making it any less shit.

>> No.3995691
File: 37 KB, 461x427, butt [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flaqeve.wav].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995693

t. deadbeat

>> No.3995695
File: 140 KB, 1120x1334, 1621216739510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995933

That is a nice dog.

>> No.3995699
File: 149 KB, 1892x1155, A FUCKING EGG HEADLINE [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhus7kv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995700

>the only response he didn't reply to justify himself to was the one where he got blown the fuck out
makes sense

>> No.3995702
File: 72 KB, 718x899, 1596875065718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995717
Quoted by: >>3995804

The pixiv thing will be the 1 million for Ina

>> No.3995718

Probably what she's been working on the whole time she was gone?

>> No.3995721
Quoted by: >>3995735

>3 of the same letter

Mori, E is the most common letter in the alphabet. I've used it 12 times already. 14 total.

>> No.3995723
Quoted by: >>3995877

Well, will you guys spend 160€ to buy a giant tako bean bag?

price + shipping + import tax

>> No.3995724

anyone else kind of think it's bullshit that Ame wants to use creative mode in Minecraft?

>> No.3995726


>> No.3995727

I mean, it wasn't super deep and it was good natured teasing about 'why am I not in your memories about Hololive' since Sui is newer to the group.

>> No.3995728

That might actually be fun. We all know how much Ame likes terrible janky games like Oblivion

>> No.3995730

funny how people act like this despite me never complaining once, it doesnt even bother me, people just get pissed about reality i guess. it wasnt even unprompted, i was answering a question and people couldn't help but flood me with their dumb self-affirming schizoposts

>> No.3995732


>> No.3995731
File: 498 KB, 649x685, 1619819238058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995775

Not the first time Luna's gotten shafted terribly by Cover
And probably won't be the last time either which pisses me off

>> No.3995733

We have received eyewitness reports that Amelia Watson of HoloMyth is cute.
Authorities in the area have opened an official investigation on the case, and our reporters are en route now. Stay tuned for more info.

>> No.3995735

she might've meant in a row

>> No.3995742


>> No.3995745

" Thanks a lot for your input.
I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused, I'm not an idol...
I'm trying my best to make everyone smile, but I'm sorry for making you look sad."

JPs are actually pretty bitchy huh? Nenes zatsudans always seemed entertaining to me and of the same style as Kiaras which everyone likes but apparently nips don't like tangents.

>> No.3995750
Quoted by: >>3995828 >>3995991

It's interesting that the new holo alt is still limited in its casting of holos

Shinto setting - FBK Mio Ayame
Modern Setting - Cat and Dog, matsuri, sola (also pekora, shrine maid?)
Fantasy - Muscle, flare, coco, pekora
Port Town (also fantasy?) - marine, aqua
Future setting? - roboco
Choco, kananata, and rushia are hard to tell

>> No.3995751
Quoted by: >>3995757 >>3995798

>getting bullied by the people that got bullied
how weak?

>> No.3995752
File: 43 KB, 198x198, ppt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking morig doxxbeats were the ones who got this post deleted when it was linked in their thread

>> No.3995757

Most bullies are bullied.

>> No.3995759

kek, nice sidestep Mori

>> No.3995760

no concrete evidence as usual

>> No.3995764

Why are Catbros so based.

>> No.3995765
Quoted by: >>3995986

>called Aqua "Maid-san"
>no mention of Miko & Sora
so the rrats are true huh

>> No.3995767
Quoted by: >>3995836

They surprisingly hate doxx shit over there

>> No.3995768

She's funny

>> No.3995769
File: 131 KB, 1000x1336, 1601522363596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently investigating her tits, can confirm they are quite nice

>> No.3995770

>Ina gets an unfair advantage with a fake birthday and pixiv shit
>people will now keep spreading the "Kiara is worse tan Ina" bullshit for months to come
Great. Just fucking fantastic...

>> No.3995773

I'm only responding to this bait so I have an excuse to mention how cute it is that we get a matching hoodie and can take a selfie with her in it. That's GFE right there

>> No.3995774
File: 386 KB, 1440x1658, cheaper than meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995775

Luna is actually trapped in the crystal sword and it's up to the rest of Gen4 to rescue her from Matsuri.

>> No.3995778

Once one of them reaches 1 million subs.

>> No.3995776


>> No.3995780

>just watched gura's member karaoke
aw fuck, gura singing ai kotoba 3 while doing squats and running in place is actually better than the actual cover

>> No.3995781

They shift into English halfway through. It was fun regardless.

>> No.3995785
Quoted by: >>3995987

if they're anything like how EN is, they're probably wading past a horde of support and capitulating to the handful of whiners that stick out.

>> No.3995788
File: 2.82 MB, 4000x6408, 1617236696858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995821 >>3995916

so why is the Lamy transformation a thing again. i vaguely remember how it started but have since deleted it from my memory

>> No.3995790

Mori handling her ghostlings with care here

>> No.3995791

>We can be bro and sis
She's DEFINITELY doing that on purpose.

>> No.3995792

>100$ shipping
do I have the strength to do this

>> No.3995796

Like most things said here, the split being for doxxfags is also bullshit.

>> No.3995797
File: 361 KB, 1289x689, 1595201487305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go through the ARK arc

>> No.3995799
File: 791 KB, 2244x1890, 4892be93096c59969177763419d4460f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995815 >>3995830

How many viewers will Gura get on her bday? 70K+?

>> No.3995798

Deadbeats were the real bullies all along.

>> No.3995800


>> No.3995801
Quoted by: >>3995943


>> No.3995804
Quoted by: >>3995904 >>3996054


>> No.3995805
File: 680 KB, 800x900, E162aqKVcAAxgOl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995840


>> No.3995806

Well, it's just how this place rolls

>> No.3995808

>fake birthday
>pixiv shit
are you fucking retarded? no wait, dont answer that

>> No.3995812
Quoted by: >>3995829

People think that place is doxxbeat central but it honestly isn't

>> No.3995815

a lot

>> No.3995820

Fuck those niggers they never will be satisfied, Nene is so cute on her tangents and SC readings.

>> No.3995821
Quoted by: >>3995916

I thought it was an offshoot of the architecture thread.

>> No.3995826
File: 72 KB, 909x768, 1611814233749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995855

>pink hair
>same kind of eyes
What are you talking about?

>> No.3995827
File: 882 KB, 700x700, 1607711980522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995909

There's the nigga bit that everyone's already brought up, but also, her playstyle in games makes her approachable to a wider audience than usual.
When she open world games, it's like she's embodying the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. People love that kind of thing.

>> No.3995828
Quoted by: >>3995924

Kanata and Choco is in the fantasy setting with Flare, Coco and Noel, you can see them in the ending with them.

>> No.3995830

yeah 80k+
the question is how many viewers will Kiara get kek

>> No.3995829

It depends
During SEA hours it actually is

>> No.3995833
Quoted by: >>3995846 >>3995874

>tan Ina
Gyaru Ina...

>> No.3995836

The duality of the beat

>> No.3995837

Well her birthday isn't fake and Ina's pixiv shit will probably barely pass 300 viewers if lucky.

>> No.3995840
Quoted by: >>3995955

We’ll be excited for two more months. god I hope not

>> No.3995842
Quoted by: >>3995863 >>3995988

>you literally scared of being visualized as a loser?
He says as he deletes his post.

>> No.3995846
File: 778 KB, 540x350, 1621551129387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995849
Quoted by: >>3995908

>everyone is dicking around with the mics
>Sora just working hard in the background

The true Hololive experience.

>> No.3995851
Quoted by: >>3995910

So, they never did post the new information they said they would.

>> No.3995852
File: 184 KB, 201x430, 1613524124190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it up and stop acting like a bitch

>> No.3995853
File: 90 KB, 200x200, 1601933204296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995855

I think she means the shape

>> No.3995858
Quoted by: >>3995907


>> No.3995859

I'm always here. I've been here today since Ina's birthday stream.

>> No.3995863
Quoted by: >>3995926

Stop fucking replying to him.

>> No.3995867
File: 331 KB, 615x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995935

>> No.3995869


>> No.3995870


>> No.3995871

Believe it or not, there are people in the split who don’t like all the roommate talk and want the ones involved to shut the fuck up.

>> No.3995872

my genki oshi is awake!

>> No.3995874

>sexually aggressive flatty who will bully you into yakisoba runs

>> No.3995875



>> No.3995877

I already did.
Customs tax will make me wake up at night.
Still worth it.

>> No.3995881
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1439, 1603434703748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995999

>got a like from my wife Nene for my comment on her member post
Later losers, gonna have sweet romantic sex tonight

>> No.3995882
Quoted by: >>3995972

you wasted 3 minutes of your life for this?
also you read into shit too much, try saying it with a straight face and no music and you get closer to the actual tone of the post rather than thinking any post longer than 5 words means the poster gives a shit

>> No.3995883

>the question is how many viewers will Kiara get kek
More than your oshi, seanigger.

>> No.3995884


>> No.3995887

Nah, with Kiara its all about those sweet sweet supa's

>> No.3995885
Quoted by: >>3995940 >>3996009

Don't act like you won't be shitting on Ina when she falls behind again after Kiara's ROAD TO 1 MILLION karaoke you fucking ape

>> No.3995888
Quoted by: >>3995899 >>3995951

Would you watch Hololive with your siblings?

>> No.3995889
Quoted by: >>3996447

Man...casual clothes are nice and all but I really hope EN get cool lore outfits next

>> No.3995891
Quoted by: >>3995982

I'm thinking between 20 and 30k. Slightly less than Ina. But money wiise it will be huge as fuck. Keep in mind that during Mori's Bday lots of KFP and takamorifags donated. I assume normie deadbraps will do the same during Kiara's stream. Plus the usual KFP rich fucks

>> No.3995895

Looks like she fixed her sleep schedule again

>> No.3995896 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 475x441, 1621610565575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995917

>> No.3995894

Her exaggerated swagger of a black teen.

>> No.3995897

Nip autism back at it again?

>> No.3995899

Fuck no

>> No.3995901
File: 456 KB, 680x1067, inameschizodi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone made more lore about Ikadachi, member of "THE ANTIS"

>> No.3995900


>> No.3995904

2 days

>> No.3995905

>My sister would probably bully me too

>> No.3995907

Just a doxxbeat joke

>> No.3995908
File: 54 KB, 364x415, 1608029735838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daisenpai love!

>> No.3995909

>Miko Morales
>embodying the exaggerated swagger of a black teen
I fucking hate you for this reference cometfag

>> No.3995910

Didn't mean to reply

>> No.3995913
File: 1.06 MB, 370x660, This is Based [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1scsvt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995916
Quoted by: >>3996753

As with a lot of our culture when it comes to the girls who existed before /hlgg/, a very dedicated autist on /hlg/ had a vision, and made sure it spread.

>> No.3995917

Needs that pacifier sucking sound Maggie from the Simpsons makes.

>> No.3995919

Investigations have concluded that not only is Amelia Watson cute, but today her cuteness ranks two standard deviations above the mean.
We urge all citizens to stay vigilant and follow all relevant protocol regarding the matter.

>> No.3995923
File: 361 KB, 680x1067, 1610804663714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's this one

>> No.3995924

good catch, so
>Fantasy - Muscle, flare, coco, kanata
Coco Shion Rushia?

>> No.3995926

That was my first and last reply to him.

>> No.3995928


>> No.3995932

Members only post?

>> No.3995933
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1502, m9pklm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for the love of a cat who can devour the world

>> No.3995935
File: 118 KB, 724x1024, 1612979223973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996033

Ame Ame Ame Ame~ AMMME!!!

>> No.3995940
Quoted by: >>3995965

I think Ina will reach 1 million first if Kiara stays with her initial plan of starting the marathon next Sunday

>> No.3995941
Quoted by: >>3995958


>> No.3995942
Quoted by: >>3995961 >>3995994

Mori, no.

>> No.3995943

Nene's gotten complaints from JPs that she takes too long on each individual SC message and doesn't get to enough of them per stream. So basically doing what Kiara does going on tangents and playing around trying to be entertaining.

The criticism got to her and she ended her zatsudan early and wrote an essay to members.

>> No.3995944
File: 2.34 MB, 1006x1800, WOMB [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ff9bk51.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3995946
Quoted by: >>3996071

Doesn't look like it to me.

>> No.3995947

well she is using the meta weapon and the meta slow bug that gives you two extracts. ground combo's iirc give you more damage then air combo's, but air combos get stronger with each pass you finish, even with the wirebug move that slams down with a downward thrust. She's alright in her playstyle. It's more about fun.

>> No.3995950

/morig/ likes talking about Mori's past music, but personal shit and bringing roommate twittwr drama annoys most folks there all the same

>> No.3995951

>tfw no siblings

>> No.3995954

Will Mori Get Into Fighting games?

>> No.3995955
Quoted by: >>3995996 >>3996066


>> No.3995958


>> No.3995961

She said it at light speed kek
The only Stars who would accept a collab are Roberu or Shien, and I can't see neither of them collabing with her.

>> No.3995964
Quoted by: >>3996011

What a fucking stupid thing to complain about

>> No.3995965
Quoted by: >>3996095

i'd say ina will get to 995k then kiara will pass her by starting at 990k

>> No.3995969
Quoted by: >>3996043 >>3996073

IG is fucked in Rise.. its over..

>> No.3995970
File: 34 KB, 352x418, 1616208439992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3995990 >>3996010

Feels good to be avoiding real life by watching five japanese women play minecraft together.

>> No.3995972
Quoted by: >>3995998

I've wasted half an hour of my life reading and rapping a deadbeat's post that was possibly less cringe, dude, it's fun to make fun of edgelords like that guy

>> No.3995974

kek, nice

>> No.3995975

I just realized I don't give a fuck about Hololive. I just like my oshi and that's it.

>> No.3995976

That's unfortunate. I personally think Nene has the most enjoyable super chat readings out of everyone in Hololive.

>> No.3995980
Quoted by: >>3996222

Maybe Blazblue, but a lot of the appeal in fighting games is in the designs/characters rather than mechanics, so don't expect her to start playing Virtua Fighter or something.

>> No.3995982

Kiara doesn't really have that high of revenue peaks. It's more steady and consistent. Don't expect anything crazy

>> No.3995985
Quoted by: >>3996533

She definitely did
It was posted just before the first reading of the dad manga to drum up hype

>> No.3995986

glad to see Miko found a new blue woman to be friends with now that Pekora'a fame got to her head and decided to be a bitch to everyone

>> No.3995987

This positive reinforcement that whining gets you more attention is what kills me the most when people post shit like Aqua did yesterday.

>> No.3995988

that was the meido retard, not everybody is insecure like you
youll be forgotten and youre not important, seethe

>> No.3995990

4 japanese women and 1 russian woman

>> No.3995991

The scene with Miko and an LED sakura in the bg is interesting. I would expect she can interact with the Shinto setting in some way.
I'm betting the lore will either have the modern setting as some sort of hub connecting to the several fiction settings

>> No.3995994

Mori, yes!

>> No.3995996
File: 46 KB, 358x401, 1614545554028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996220

Because Ina is only an M towards other women, busty blondes in particular. She's a hard S towards her takodachi

>> No.3995998
Quoted by: >>3996067 >>3996079


>> No.3995999
File: 1.82 MB, 600x300, Love Love Beam[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnlwa2y.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996000
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1606740208390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.3996002

>it's not your fault I'm a dumbass
Damn, this woman

>> No.3996003
Quoted by: >>3996021

JOP Hate!

>> No.3996005
File: 3.55 MB, 3065x4336, GuraNeko477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big kitty paws, small kitty titties

>> No.3996009

I wont be shitting on anyone. I love Ina, but everyone can agree that Ina is just a chill streamer. Kiara puts a lot more active effort into her content and tries her best to grow, but each time its not enough for some reason. I dont want to say that Ina doesnt care, but she just does her own thing and goes with the flow. So why the fuck is any of this fair? This feels like seeing the top pop song of the month climbing the charts, while your favorite group is lagging behind. Even if they put all their soul into it. You cant help but wonder why dont people appreciate quality.

>> No.3996010
File: 846 KB, 1232x957, 1610283432027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996045

fucking retard, you're watching life not avoiding it

>> No.3996011

I mean they complained about Polka being too loud. They take the best parts of the Holos and complain about them.

>> No.3996014

t. Woolsworth

>> No.3996015
Quoted by: >>3996050


>> No.3996017

>Mori is NOT an alcoholic

>> No.3996018

t. deadbrap

>> No.3996020
Quoted by: >>3996107


>> No.3996023
File: 71 KB, 215x199, akiomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996044

a map of your eyes because i often find myself getting lost in them

>> No.3996024

What's the point of being a fan of a chuuba if not all for the random tangents about how they are????

>> No.3996025

nice blog

>> No.3996021
File: 1.09 MB, 340x340, 1591452735589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996027

t. deadbeat?

>> No.3996032
File: 76 KB, 173x203, 1593363533809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996070

Gen 0 already has audience waiting for a concert

>> No.3996033
File: 55 KB, 398x434, 1606437274624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996055

[Sad News] Teamates, stuck in their Ame deprecation chambers, have regressed into being unable to say anything other than variations of "Ame" and "Cute."

>> No.3996036
Quoted by: >>3996158 >>3996209

So they're pulling a "unique person must be hammered down to conform with the rest"?

>> No.3996040
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, INAHATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996043
Quoted by: >>3996061 >>3996101

Counterpoint: nothing is that hard in MHR so just play whatever you find fun. IG is tons of fun.... if you aren’t man enough to be a charge blade main

>> No.3996044


>> No.3996045
File: 72 KB, 850x1200, 1620419763422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a very sexy friend you got there

>> No.3996046
Quoted by: >>3996093 >>3996120

That is life. Mori once said "Just because you work hard doesn't mean it will be good." Maybe just accept that most people within the HoloEN audience don't like Kiara.

>> No.3996047

>If you wanna call me drunk go ahead do your thing haha

Mori your being bullied reps...

>> No.3996050


>> No.3996054

NTA but the Pixiv event is after Ina does her chatting stream. About three hours after Ame begins the illusionist watchalong.

>> No.3996055
Quoted by: >>3996074

At least they haven't started sadposting yet

>> No.3996056
Quoted by: >>3996207

She's pretty competent. Knows her ground combos for damage and uses her kinsect well, though she could be keeping it out more often for a little more passive damage (though to be fair I haven't played Rise cuz no PC ver yet so I don't know how they changed things). She's perhaps a little too cautious at times but I play really aggressively so I'm biased

>> No.3996057
File: 106 KB, 1457x1158, 1619099872030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based trips

>> No.3996058

Me too!

>> No.3996061

solo bowgun bros...

>> No.3996062


>> No.3996064
File: 1.05 MB, 2508x3541, 20210521_100242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame too!

>> No.3996065
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, EzzO5qTUYAAWSxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based & same

>> No.3996066
File: 3.09 MB, 1362x1992, GuraIna31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996110

I’m sure it’ll be sooner than that but the lack of a date does worry me. This does give me some hope of a Gura song announcement by her birthday if it doesn’t have to be completely finished to be teased

>> No.3996067

I thought it sounded like the guy who did that vocaroo.

>> No.3996070

Damn, Ollie is already there and her MC stream doesn't even start for another 10 minutes!

>> No.3996071 [DELETED] 

i reported the post
t. deadbeat

>> No.3996072
Quoted by: >>3996180

But I'd assume thats something a lot of members like about her right?

>> No.3996073

Are you memeing? IG is super good in Rise. You must not know how to play it or how to even buy proper dual color kinsects if you think otherwise

>> No.3996074

I sadposted during dead hours like 2 days ago, wasn't as cathartic as I'd hoped so no more of that.

>> No.3996079
Quoted by: >>3996089

You know it

>> No.3996080

your oshi personality just isn't as appealing as the others to the vtuber audiences
just get over it, KFP

>> No.3996086
Quoted by: >>3996113

Amelia Watson is not cute.

>> No.3996085

i will disregard your bias and say that by ''you will shit on ina" i didnt mean YOU specifically, but KFP who either are simply falseflagging or are genuinely schizo

>> No.3996087
Quoted by: >>3996111 >>3996229

Assholes. Nene is actually the most enjoyable holo to SC because of her reactions.
What do they want, just "[name], thank you!"?
It literally both boosts her SC income AND it makes her fans happier. AND SHE SEEMS TO ENJOY IT.
Do they realize that they don't have to watch the SC reading portion?

>> No.3996088

You watch Kiara enough to know that she's divisive. Lots of people absolutely love her more than anything, but on the flipside she pisses other people off. I say this as someone who goes back and forth from really liking Kiara to disliking her every few weeks.

>> No.3996089
File: 180 KB, 783x243, 1608352646966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996093

I do accept that most people both itt and in holo communities overall are either open or private Kiara antis. I just dont get why. Shes a sweet lovable dork just like the rest of them.

>> No.3996094
File: 86 KB, 500x500, Octopus Teacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996271

I love Ina too!

>> No.3996095
Quoted by: >>3996134

If it's on Sunday Ina will have around 999k if the daily growth rate is 2k

>> No.3996096
File: 47 KB, 220x260, 1609674578501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In an alternate universe, there's a community of JOPs who are getting extremely mad at complaining EOPs after Mori decided to stop using her recorder to thank superchats, since they thought it was cute and funny

>> No.3996101

I'll never understand MH metafags. Everything dies within 5-8 minutes. What's the point of using meta builds?

>> No.3996107

wait for >>4000000, maybe it'll be good

>> No.3996110
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1600549770794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This honestly reminds me a little of Melissa from Nijisanji because they would pull this fucking shit where they announce a fucking cover they haven't even recorded yet and then you completely forget about it and then it springs up out of nowhere. I hate it so much. I know it's not THIS bad because the teaser trailer did have music but I'm tired of being burnt like this man. Shit gives me PTSD.

>> No.3996111
Quoted by: >>3996229

It's probably just 2-3 idiots out of all her fans but Nene read all her marshmallows and took it seriously I guess
She's sweet and wants everyone to be happy

>> No.3996113
File: 71 KB, 940x500, 1618500012942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!

>> No.3996114
Quoted by: >>3996163

Towa's voice...

>> No.3996116

How was Nene GFE?

>> No.3996118

Kill them in 2-5 minutes.

>> No.3996119

Name one divisive thing Kiara did that wasnt just some /cgl/ or eggman hate narrative.

>> No.3996120

This, luck is 90% of success

>> No.3996121
Quoted by: >>3996128

>deadbeats don't care about hololive
the fanbase reflects the oshi

>> No.3996122

This shit makes no sense, wouldn't you like having your oshi giving you more attention about your SC? It's literally having your money's worth

>> No.3996127

Kiara has a bitchy, annoying personality that overrides all the hard work she puts into her content
The hard work actually makes her feel entitled to more popularity as well, which is also off-putting

>> No.3996128

t. deadbeat

>> No.3996132

Ina plays fad games and does variety. Chiara mostly plays debuffs. She's a good entertainer but JRPGs are a lot less interesting to a casual viewer unless you've been keeping up with them.

>> No.3996134
Quoted by: >>3996316

i doubt the pixiv event will have any actual influence on ina's sub count, so we'll see next friday

>> No.3996136
File: 237 KB, 2048x1152, 1621611172535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996135
File: 7 KB, 190x188, 1614389301070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do accept that most people both itt and in holo communities overall are either open or private Kiara antis.
Why would you led an egg and his child followers deceive you into thinking that, anon

>> No.3996139 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 731x240, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996195

>> No.3996140
Quoted by: >>3996187

Why not? It's one thing if you're talking about dropping QoL skills like Earplugs if you can't roll through a roar, but why not use the meta weapon in your preferred weapon class? Literally plays the same.

>> No.3996143
Quoted by: >>3996730

Not liking something doesn't make you an anti.
I don't give a shit about Ame, I don't watch any of her streams, but I'm glad Teamates have someone they enjoy, even if I wish they'd tone it the fuck down sometimes.

>> No.3996145

I guess it's just the way she is, I'm no anti but the only streams I've been able to sit through outside of her collabs have been the Yakuza streams. Kiara is a pretty big filter to a lot of people.

>> No.3996148

Imagine being able to understand cute, bubbly Nene but choosing to complain about her tangents. Fucking pricks don't know how much I envy them.

>> No.3996149
File: 23 KB, 350x412, ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996237

So... Did Mori sleep during the egg happening?


>> No.3996151

critizing Kiara isn't the same as being an anti you know

>> No.3996153

Suisei's thirst for blood cannot be sated

>> No.3996154


>> No.3996156


>> No.3996155


>> No.3996158
Quoted by: >>3996200 >>3996260

damn, almost like this thread tried with kiara and mori

>> No.3996159


>> No.3996160

Suisei fucking killed Miko...

>> No.3996161


>> No.3996163
Quoted by: >>3996227 >>3996252

To be fair, Towa's voice does suck now. It's all nasally and shit. She should go back to her deep voice.

>> No.3996164

The Mori Buff kicking in

>> No.3996166


>> No.3996169


>> No.3996172

You can't just ignore that from her debut, and until two, three months ago she was very "unlikable". Many people, including me, got filtered by her.

>> No.3996173

miko is dead!

>> No.3996174
Quoted by: >>3996350

You used to need meta builds for things to die that fast but World and especially Rise have casualized the series.

>> No.3996175


>> No.3996176

>Sui slapped Miko so hard she's ending the stream in front of Sora and AZKi

>> No.3996177
File: 187 KB, 647x1044, listener-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a koronesuki, I gotta say, you need to keep your oshi aware that these are shitty loud people and not the real fans

>> No.3996178

Making Nene sad is a war crime that our justice system lacks a punishment severe enough for.

>> No.3996180
Quoted by: >>3997811

Possibly only from an EOP perspective. A lot of the time Nene takes a long time on a SC message its translating an EOP SC and giving them a humorous response.

>> No.3996179
Quoted by: >>3996191


>> No.3996181


>> No.3996187

I wanna see fuckhuge blast explosions and giant element particle effects.

>> No.3996189

It's just how it is. I really respect Kiara for sticking to her voice, songs, games, etc... and trying to keep up with her genmates through pure effort.

>> No.3996190
File: 168 KB, 576x576, gura edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996241

Now that I think about it, has anyone sent Kiara Habsburgs shitposts?

>> No.3996191


>> No.3996193


>> No.3996194

They'll complain, chuuba makes the change, and proceed to not watch said streamer

>> No.3996195

Wrong thread.

>> No.3996196


>> No.3996197
File: 702 KB, 3000x3000, 1621611231650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996200

>this thread
You can just say "retards" and not rope the vast majority of everyone else into a few retard's campaign.

>> No.3996202

I don't mean that she necessarily does anything wrong. I don't think that at all. Just her personality and insecurities can tick people off. Not a reason to send her hate, just maybe one reason people watch someone else instead.

>> No.3996207

The type of Kinsect she's using automatically attacks when it's NOT deployed as long as she has all three extracts, actually.

>> No.3996209

>"unique person must be hammered down to conform with the rest"?
Japanese culture in a nutshell.

>> No.3996211

In another timeline this thread would be dogpiling Ina for being a boring, low-effort fad chaser riding her old job's popularity and praising Kiara for not bowing to idolfags, staff, antis, narratives etc. and putting all this effort in to proving those people wrong

>> No.3996212

Who doesn't?

>> No.3996220

She was an M to Haachama

>> No.3996222
Quoted by: >>3996249

Why wouldn't she get into Guilty Gear over Blazblue? Doesn't she already play GG?

>> No.3996226

Why wouldn't Nene's fans be happy that she gives each individual SC attention? They are the ones sending the SC right? Better than some Holos who only read reds.

>> No.3996227
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1609808552348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996263

That's what I was trying to get at by bringing it up.

>> No.3996229


>> No.3996233
Quoted by: >>3996253 >>3996315

Only in these threads due to seaniggers. Nobody acts as if Kiara shat in their cereal when she shows up. Go to your split tako thread, like the good dogfucker you are.

>> No.3996237

It happened right before Ina's BD right? Mori was asleep for 2 hours, right before Ina's BD

>> No.3996241

How do Austrians feel about Habsburg shitposting anyways?
Germans like to join in, but I've never seen an actual Austrian comment on the mega chins.

>> No.3996242
File: 32 KB, 750x504, 1620678605605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just dont get it do you

>> No.3996244

People already do that anon, /hlgg/ isnt a hivemind

>> No.3996249

I mean that she's already into Guilty Gear, but the only other fighting game she's ever expressed any interest in is Blazblue, and that was mostly just interest in Hazama because of course.

>> No.3996250


>> No.3996252
Quoted by: >>3996314

Isn't that his point? Towa's voice was great and they badgered her about it until we got the nasal version she uses for speaking.

>> No.3996253

thin skinned KFP
your oshi is garbage

>> No.3996254
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x1200, 1621459497564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996300 >>3996342

Would you take a pill given to you by Lamy while drinking together?

>> No.3996256


>> No.3996258

mori HATES this chicken

>> No.3996260

>an implied we

>> No.3996261

>It's the only time I overslept
So Kiara was lying when talking about "collabs" (plural)?

>> No.3996262

People already call her boring and that low effot fad chaser rrat died when people realized that she loves Hololive the most out of the ENs.

>> No.3996263
Quoted by: >>3996420

Eh, Towa's YAB was a bigger deal to the JPs than her voice. They really are unicorns over there. I think if she hadn't had her YAB she would be more popular, I mean Ange is one of the most popular Nijis and she's practically a man.

>> No.3996264
File: 117 KB, 361x387, 1606185186419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really like hoodie but poorfag and can't afford till start of next month
>but next month is also goomba's bd which will probably have own merch too
>there is also a chance that all hoodies would be sold out before ill have chance to get one
I guess ill just start sucking cocks for money or something

>> No.3996265

And in another timeline this would be a true unity thread and both this timeline and your shitty timeline would be in the toilet

>> No.3996266

Mori calling Kiara calling Mori out. She says she only overslept and caused a collab to be delayed once

>> No.3996267

>Mori calling out Kiara

>> No.3996271

Goddamn japs being able to get this chair without $80 - $100 of shipping

>> No.3996272

Mori is more based than usual today

>> No.3996273
File: 206 KB, 400x400, 1609679979675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son.......run away.....

>> No.3996278
Quoted by: >>3996332

her being tactless is very off-putting to me, but I know that she doesn't mean any harm, she's just a dumb EOP after all

>> No.3996283
Quoted by: >>3996462

Merch is made to order, it won't sell out.

>> No.3996285
File: 70 KB, 168x194, 1609011467633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996297 >>3996333

In another timeline I'm casually dating both Ina AND Kiara but don't know if I should go steady with either of them, and my friend Amelia gives me advice on how to live life while eating hamburgers and my frenemy Mori stays up late partying and flaunting her money, while Gura makes some wacky new invention for us to be baffled at, and we all play in a band that got a pop hit that topped the charts in 1969 yet we're still all teenagers going to high school

>> No.3996289

Have you ordered you hoodies yet, takos? I looked it up and they're proper L and XL sized, european. My L hoodie that I measured was even smaller than what was labeled as L on the booth site.

>> No.3996294

I felt some anger behind Mori's words.

>> No.3996297


>> No.3996298
Quoted by: >>3996344

Jesas, Mori really does hate Kiara

>> No.3996299

in another timeline your falsefalgging ass would have been banned but we are in the timeline sharkmiedo is busy chumming it

>> No.3996300


>> No.3996302
File: 31 KB, 1163x762, Ej1iiI-VgAAyHIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996419

>there is also a chance that all hoodies would be sold out before ill have chance to get one

It's made to order bro. I already bought myself one but considering buying 2 more when I start my job. It won't sell out.

>> No.3996304

Just when kfps have been suprisingly shill, now when 1 mil approaches its back to calling ina boring and acting like kiara deserves to reach it before ina for arbitrary reasons :/

>> No.3996306

There seems to be a few rotten eggs in this thread.

>> No.3996307

Fucking based, this is the correct reaction. Only psychopaths don't feel a need for revenge.

>> No.3996311
Quoted by: >>3996462

>sold out
it won't sell out
shit is made to order
that's why there is a sales period and a gap before anything actually ships.

>> No.3996314

Towa's voice is more her being self conscious. If anything, her fans badger her more about her choice of games, which she usually ignores. As I said, the deciding factor for her JP popularity really was her YAB, not her voice.

>> No.3996316

Not to join in on the numberfagging but this event is absolutely massive, on par with Ina's birthday and outfit reveal at minimum (for Ina). Her being in it is significant.

>> No.3996315

Maybe I worded that poorly. I don't think Kiara deserves any hate. I just think she doesn't necessarily have a (stream) personality that is universally likeable. That's completely fine, most people don't go through life liking everyone they meet.

>> No.3996317


>> No.3996318

>broke down crying on screen about how everythings going wrong, twice and one of those was at the start when people were forming their opinions
>hard filter voice
>leans far too hard into /u/schizo stuff, especially during most early gen and Mori collabs

Probably more that I'm too brain dead from waking up to watch the Gen0 collab to name, but she's certainly got plenty of filters, anon.

>> No.3996324

Do KFPs really...?

>> No.3996327

Nah, you're just used to her pussyfooting around pretty much everyone other than Kiara and Gura, so when she drops the politeness because she's comfortable with the person you interpret it as actual aggression.

>> No.3996328
File: 920 KB, 935x548, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996615

What did she mean by this?

>> No.3996332

This doesn't explain any actual hate. It's one thing to dislike someone/not watching her. It's another thing to constantly shit on that person and being obsessed with her death. There is no logical reason to do that just because one doesn't like her voice or tactlessness or whatever.

>> No.3996333
Quoted by: >>3996349

Don't doxx me, please.

>> No.3996334


>> No.3996337

I would be too for talking shit behind your back especially when you are friends.

>> No.3996338
File: 1.67 MB, 1720x1214, 1615095385685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This threads overreactions to negative emotions makes me want to post negatively within the rules just to rile you guys up, btw. Seeing this thread descend into screeching autism is always a good time.
Best part is when people overcorrect with caps lock spam and make the thread more unusable. Keep seething please your rage sustains my will to live, I am satisfied knowing just how many more people I've seen posting about leaving /vt/, soon this place will be only normies that will leave for the next fad and I'll be able to watch this thread collapse in real time. Die oldfags, die. Leave and let it rot.

>> No.3996341

Mori is absolutely ok with accepting her fuckups
but implying she fucked things for others when she didn't probably tickles her badly

>> No.3996342

Will it transform me into lamy?

>> No.3996343
File: 19 KB, 754x367, What time is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996402

oh boy would you look at the time

>> No.3996344

You act as if that's a revelation

>> No.3996346
File: 388 KB, 600x846, 1620779484899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996369

Man I fucking love Gu

>> No.3996349
File: 1.72 MB, 900x1353, Life with Ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996440


>> No.3996350

bigger damage i guess. Though i like partbreaker, good luck, and carve master(or capture master if its warranted) in my sets. I go for my own farming meta and i don't sacrifice much in time.
I hope the announcement on the 26th and the possible 3.0 update next friday brings some endgame challenges. I would be excited if they brought valstrax in at the end. its been stated in pretty accurate leaks

>> No.3996355

t. KFP

>> No.3996356

Let's discuss how Gura farted during the karaoke

>> No.3996358
File: 2.21 MB, 4096x2891, 7vwyz8niu2w41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996359
Quoted by: >>3996386 >>3996465


>> No.3996364
Quoted by: >>3996449

How does one's head become an egg, anyway?

>> No.3996365
File: 432 KB, 1648x1192, Eggs[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flrxngf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996366
Quoted by: >>3996387


>> No.3996367
Quoted by: >>3996404 >>3996470

The only actual hate she got was from a literally mentally broken schizo anon. Relax, it's over.

>> No.3996369
File: 590 KB, 1024x1024, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996372
File: 1.80 MB, 960x540, aki2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996409 >>3996428

>> No.3996376


>> No.3996378

shut up and post more cute watame

>> No.3996382
File: 309 KB, 975x1024, 1617638499617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen Zero Love!

>> No.3996383

This reply-chain is not talking about sending her hate. Only about why she doesn't get as many viewers despite her hard work.

>> No.3996386
File: 463 KB, 848x1200, 1605671784097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat this duck.

>> No.3996387


>> No.3996388
File: 209 KB, 1447x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My L hoodie that I measured was even smaller than what was labeled as L on the booth site.

Yeah you always have to account for this. Japanese manlets, and all. I say, as L always fits me anyway.

>> No.3996392

>everyone is an anti, you just refuse to believe me
nigger, i'm not KFP and kiara is hardly my favorite, but you're simply being fucking delusional by putting so much importance in her or the girls in general. being an anti means actively shitting on her both on social media and in her chat. this place is as irrelevant as any retard's 2-member discord. most people simply dont care about kiara or are indifferent to her, as opposed to your delusions that "everyone is out to get her" based on a few schizos here who have nothing better to do in their life than to seethe over someone who makes their yearly salary in a week. my question is why do you think kiara is the one with the most antis and not literally anyone else. if anything, statistically speaking gura should have the most "antis" due to her popularity and reach, so basically "muh numbers" argument again. do you honestly believe anyone outside of weebs, a group of normies, and some angry trannies on twitter even care about the success of these girls in general? most people just see random memes like the subaru dancing duck recently and go "oh, cool" and go on with their day. there are so few people that care about a girl doing a chicken voice that annoys twice as many people than the amount that actually enjoy it and subsequently her content that you simply are unable to comprehend due to your views being skewed beyond belief from spending so much time in a small community

>> No.3996395

>Ollie needs permissions to go on the new EN Server
Fucking COVERR

>> No.3996398


>> No.3996399

Luna is a genius and her sense of humor I think would actually be agreeable with most people, still doesn't stop her from filtering most people from enjoying her.

Same thing with Pekora in the broader world really.

>> No.3996400


>> No.3996402 [SPOILER] 
File: 332 KB, 750x715, 1621611810749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996404

but i hate her too?
hope she dies
t. day 1 chumbud

>> No.3996408 [DELETED] 

ENMA Based for holoEn server

>> No.3996409

So the shadows are baked into the pits? I see.

>> No.3996411

Didnt read, but by Allah im gonna stroke one out to this sheep right now.

>> No.3996412
Quoted by: >>3996492

I'm not a tako and I ordered it, I just think it's neat.

>> No.3996413

Chill out you overly sensitive moron, nobody is saying that she deserves hate.

>> No.3996415
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, 1592348107501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, Roboco

>> No.3996416

KFPs (and Kiara) just need to accept that the numbers reveal everything. If someone has very few viewers like Kiara does, it's usually for a really good reason. I suspect that's why she's so insecure about her viewership, because deep down she knows she deserves being on the bottom of HoloEN.

>> No.3996419
Quoted by: >>3996605

>but considering buying 2 more when I start my job
I'm considering the same actually. I already have the money for it though, I just never did the collection-type thing where I'd buy three of something.
I'm sure as shit going to be wearing it constantly so I want to make sure I don't regret not buying more when looking at the worn-out one.

>> No.3996420
Quoted by: >>3996534

>Ange is one of the most popular Nijis and she's practically a man.
Nijis and Holos audience are night and day. But you're kind of right in that they are fine with Ange's deep voice and that can extend to others. The problem for them with Towa was that she wasn't "supposed" to have a deep voice. After they saw her design the nips all worked up headcanons and theories that she was gonna be some cutesy squeaky-voiced tsundere devil. They railed hard against Towa's voice because it didn't match their expectations for how a girl like Towa should sound.

>> No.3996422
File: 254 KB, 367x347, ollie lookindown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996863

Ollie sounds extremely different right now
extremely cute, holy shit

>> No.3996421
Quoted by: >>3996471 >>3997680

Based. That rainbow bridge fucking sucks.

>> No.3996428
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, 1620860661890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996580

>Roboco's cute little dance off to the side

>> No.3996433 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 1109x1328, discordtrannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee I wonder who could be behind this shitposting.

>> No.3996436
Quoted by: >>3996471 >>3997680

Keep that zoomber away

>> No.3996437

the reasons anons hate Kiara
>people who don't like her and want to be vocal about it for some reason
>people who just want to stir shit up
>newfags who've seen the two former and try to fit in
>actual fucking schizos whose motives are still a mistery

>> No.3996440

There's something about old cartoon style which makes me feel uncomfortable and disturbed.

>> No.3996443
File: 316 KB, 1500x1427, 1617503466028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996476 >>3996484


>> No.3996447

How much lorey can you get with Ina's priestess outfit?

>> No.3996450
File: 191 KB, 1000x750, 1616215433117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996510

Ollie is going to speedrun the Holo permanatly destroying her voice arc.

>> No.3996449

First you need a really smooth brain.

>> No.3996454
Quoted by: >>3997680

Based keep that fucking whore away from EN.

>> No.3996456

I still disagree with her doubling down on doing SC reading and not releasing the archive for that EN Uno collab
She gave a defense of it which sounded spiteful and selfish, it was pretty much "no because i do what i want on my channel" (all that does is mean big EN collabs should never be on her channel)

Thankfully she took the criticism from that collab pretty seriously, though I still dont think she understood exactly what she was being criticized for

>> No.3996460

Stop, I will not be horny for robutt on this day

>> No.3996462
File: 282 KB, 434x734, 1620304020676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, one less problem to worry about, thanks

>> No.3996465

>gaza strip

>> No.3996466


>> No.3996469


>> No.3996470
Quoted by: >>3996521

Anon we have personally identified MULTIPLE literally mentally btroken schizos that hate Kiara.

>> No.3996471

FUckYOU She's the whole reason the EN server got a second wind

>> No.3996472

I understood this reference.

>> No.3996473

I mean, you all DID invest in Moricoin didn't you?

>> No.3996474


>> No.3996476


>> No.3996477


>> No.3996479

If you think Kiara has very low numbers, I hope for your sake that you never fall in love with an indie.

>> No.3996480

>invest in Moricoin

>> No.3996482
File: 560 KB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996559

>> No.3996484
File: 721 KB, 638x722, mel pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996737

nice desune

>> No.3996487
File: 140 KB, 1200x1096, 1620167568853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996488
Quoted by: >>3996514

What am i reading here? who are these people?

>> No.3996490

All* of hololive are cute
*humans not included

>> No.3996494

the voices in my head get angry whenever i see the color orange

>> No.3996492

I'm a deadbeat myself and I ordered it too. It's just too good, solid stealth weeb design. I could wear it to work and nobody would notice.
Sell the jacket and hat as merch, Mori, DO IT!

>> No.3996499

I've been here for a while and I want to ask you, what are the latest trends?
By the way, I recently learned that the correct translation of the overseas NIKI is "Oversea bros".
Brothers abroad is a mistranslation, isn't it?

>> No.3996501

Do you think my Oshi would be mad if I waited exactly 16 days after her birthday to wish her a happy belated birthday?

>> No.3996503

I ordered everything yeah. I'm thinking about ordering another hoodie though but I've been on the fence about that for now.
With JP manlet clothing sizes dictating the L and XL, I'm hoping I'm right in getting the largest not for the width, but length.

>> No.3996508

>Snoop Dogg "shirt"
Oh, Mori...

>> No.3996510

Yeah. Her voice is doing better that it would've a month ago, but that's not saying much.

>> No.3996513
Quoted by: >>3996617

Don't even say belated just be the ultimate slowpoke

>> No.3996514
Quoted by: >>3996668


>> No.3996515


>> No.3996516
Quoted by: >>3996537 >>3996561

Nobody who obsesses over numbers actually watches anyone outside of Hololive.

>> No.3996519
File: 56 KB, 1000x1000, Eqh8oG98n3tbhn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996553 >>3996568


>> No.3996520
File: 59 KB, 588x337, 1608679748887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the krautfags actually, unironically TICK-TOCK post
You've gotta be fucking kidding me, are these niggers worse than parody

>> No.3996521

Fine, multiple mentally broken schizos. My point that the only real hate she gets is from mentally unsound people still stands though.
Most just don't find her appealing.

>> No.3996522

I was looking at the prices for Ina's merch.. What the fuck is that? The shipping alone costs more than the whole Ame set.
Ame was honestly pretty smart with her merch. Its affordable with good art and has a high net profit, while Ina's stuff probably costs a fortune to make.

>> No.3996524

I would but I'm tall and large, even if thosre are properly sized for westerners I may not ever fit them.

>> No.3996526

Kiara's streams have been steadily improving since her new outfit, being entertaining and being at her 100% for over 6+ hours no matter what game it is is a talent I appreciate, but sometimes I feel like all that effort and talent is for nothing

>> No.3996528

She needs permission to do a guerrilla? What?

>> No.3996530

>open Ollie stream
>JP server
>close Ollie stream

Fuck J/Enma.

>> No.3996531

call me 'boy' more, Moririn...

>> No.3996534

It's only the rabid antis that are like that. Most JPs enjoy both Nijis and Holos and Holos collab with Nijis more than anyone else outside of the company. The two companies are on good standing with each other. I'll admit that the disconnect between Towa's voice and her appearance is there, but you could easily just call it gap moe. Look at Botan, people were really surprised by her voice but now she's the most popular Gen 5. It really was the YAB that soured Towa for the JPs. Even the ones that aren't die hard unicorns were put off.

>> No.3996533

Yeah, that was it. I was trying to remember what stream came right after it.

>> No.3996537
Quoted by: >>3996557

>Nobody who obsesses over numbers actually watches anyone

>> No.3996538

Mori giving insider info for /nasfaqg/

>> No.3996539
File: 2.53 MB, 518x474, 1609636060506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996565

Today was a good day

>> No.3996540

Do people even use "Moricoin" outside of here?

>> No.3996541
Quoted by: >>3996564 >>3996621

>Ollie's manager was trying to STOP her from streaming
What the fuck are you doing ID

>> No.3996543
Quoted by: >>3996605

Are you guys aware how poor the quality of holo merch hoodies is?
It's not like a good hoodie. It's a really thin poor quality one.

>> No.3996548

> fall in love with an indie
speaking of...
one of my favorite small vtubers hit 140 peak viewers the other day! INCLINING

>> No.3996550


>> No.3996551


>> No.3996552

Mori has a couple times.

>> No.3996553
File: 48 KB, 1200x600, 1608581619700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997271

Based Drawbeat, love your drawings

>> No.3996555
Quoted by: >>3996911

Trends? Trends for what?

>> No.3996557

You got me there.

>> No.3996559


>> No.3996561

>Nobody who obsesses over numbers actually watches anyone

>> No.3996562
File: 171 KB, 800x800, robolove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996564
Quoted by: >>3996892

reminder that she literally fell asleep on stream once

>> No.3996565
Quoted by: >>3996619 >>3996664

What was even special about today, aside from the HoloAlt teaser?

>> No.3996567

>zoombie has insomnia
Dementia takes another holo.

>> No.3996568


>> No.3996569

Kiara's numbers are exceedingly low for Hololive. Consider that she gets the Hololive buff and is constantly boosted by the brand, and yet her averages are Mel and Roboco-tier.

>> No.3996573

And yet we all bought it.
It can't be helped.
rip wallet ;_;

>> No.3996574
Quoted by: >>3996911

>latest trends
Bullying Antis. Antis should die
>By the way, I recently learned that the correct translation of the overseas NIKI is "Oversea bros". Brothers abroad is a mistranslation, isn't it?

Oversea bros would be more casual, brothers abroad isn't technically wrong.

>> No.3996578

If youre of normal size non asian xl is always the way to go, unless you like everything sitting tight as fuck

>> No.3996580
File: 3.00 MB, 574x1024, roboco wiggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996581

It's not the first time Mori's mentioned it, so it's going to have rubbed off on Deadbeats to some degree, but she definitely heard it from here directly or indirectly.

>> No.3996582

It's used in the Mori discord

>> No.3996588

SHE’S HERE but everything that is used here is also used outside of here. Every single fan discord uses the memes and phrases that come from here. There are discord users posting with us at all times.

>> No.3996591

Takos should have pent up wallets due to being discouraged from super chatting.

>> No.3996593

The hardest worker isn't always the one that people love the most. That's just how it is.
>You cant help but wonder why dont people appreciate quality.
I acknowledge the fact that Kiara is putting a lot of work and hours into it. But I do find her a bit obnoxious, I'm not a big fan of her screechy voice either. Can't do anything about it, just not my type.

>> No.3996597
File: 202 KB, 1914x1066, 1601686416538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996603


>> No.3996600
Quoted by: >>3996627

sometimes she gets 7k
i think her peak is 8k

>> No.3996604
Quoted by: >>3996911

Lately the thread has been making fun of a Kiara anti that looks like an egg.

>> No.3996603


>> No.3996605
File: 923 KB, 2828x3052, 1600212866899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996688

Yeah I got laid off last year and finally got a new one after I didn't bomb the interview. I still have a lot of money saved up so I can easily order it now but since it's a month long window (and Uma Musume is getting goods next week for their live that I also have to preorder)

Anon I literally don't give a fuck. I bought a low quality official im@s hoodie and I wore it for like 6 years before it started tearing and I was upset with myself that I didn't have a replacement because as thin as it was it was fucking comfortable.

>> No.3996608

There are discorders amongus

>> No.3996609
File: 459 KB, 933x589, 1610195182849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are discord users posting with us at all times.

>> No.3996610

>There are discord users posting with us at all times
I can't believe there are Discordniggers among us.

>> No.3996611

It sucks. Since Kiara and Ina are pretty good buddies and I'm fans of both. These discord faggots need to find the nearest rope. It's a sad existence.

>> No.3996612
Quoted by: >>3996639

remember that time Ollie had sex during a collab?

>> No.3996615

(Unreliable mayor)
(He is still the most decent man in the town of Saisho.)

>> No.3996617

There's an alternate reason to do so though.

>> No.3996619
File: 152 KB, 710x704, 1607087161666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a lot of streams anon. Doesn't have to be a special day for it to be a good day.

>> No.3996621
Quoted by: >>3996657

Have you heard her voice this stream? She could do with resting it.

>> No.3996620
File: 24 KB, 427x434, 1609407038381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996663

Worth it.

>> No.3996626
File: 103 KB, 221x197, HINT HINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996729 >>3996943

I wish I had saved more of those egghead pictures. I only have SEAmonkey ones.

>> No.3996627
Quoted by: >>3996656

Only with the Minecraft buff

>> No.3996629


>> No.3996632
File: 350 KB, 900x464, 1613790448242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in shitcoins

>> No.3996633

If you oshi never cried on stream she's shit

>> No.3996634

I dunno why people are still surprised that Mori is here

>> No.3996637

If you have a spare bucks I suggest to bought two of every full set.
You can auctioned the other one and make more money as non-producable goods later.
Unfortunately it's a long term gain and you need to tank, at worst your goods will arrive at the end of this year.

>> No.3996639

Which time? There were multiple. Also she wasn't having sex, just getting fingered.

>> No.3996640
File: 256 KB, 1165x714, rrat controlled numbersagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon just admit you don't know what you are talking about

>> No.3996645

Tell me deadbeats. Who is calling her "C" word ITT? New tourists? I don't watch Mori, at all, but it pisses me off.

>> No.3996649
File: 391 KB, 640x452, 1621462513062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996659


>> No.3996650
Quoted by: >>3996659

sus mind

>> No.3996655

Who ISN'T here at this point

>> No.3996656
File: 103 KB, 322x244, 1612356911312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minecraft buff

>> No.3996657

Yeah you're right. She sounds pretty fucked up

>> No.3996659

sus mind mind

>> No.3996661
File: 657 KB, 804x765, amongusrrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996663

Yeah, it was.
I'm not looking forward to eating ramen for the next month, though.

>> No.3996664

Coco EN lockout dissolved.

>> No.3996666
Quoted by: >>3996713

Someone called her a cunt? That's harsh even for tourists.

>> No.3996667
Quoted by: >>3996748

>Kiara's numbers are exceedingly low for Hololive
Chocomel outside of ASMR...
The entirety of ID...

>> No.3996668
Quoted by: >>3996697

meds, you're insane if you believe people need reps on your shitty derailing off-topic lolcows

>> No.3996670
Quoted by: >>3996714 >>3996790

>They're only going to get more expensive, with Gura's merch being twice as much as Mori's

>> No.3996675

That and people hoping for a (You) or two from it.

>> No.3996676

Why is KFP like this?

>> No.3996678
Quoted by: >>3996700


>> No.3996679

>Kiara's numbers are exceedingly low for Hololive

>> No.3996681
File: 385 KB, 2880x1440, Screenshot_20210521_234943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996752 >>3996896

>Called everyone nicknames but only called Aqua "Maid san"

>> No.3996684


>> No.3996685
Quoted by: >>3996795 >>3996877

>I don't watch Mori, at all, but it pisses me off
Then why do you care?
And why do you have to announce it all the time? I always see some "oh I NEVER watch Mori" posts.

>> No.3996687

Atlus employees

>> No.3996688

Fair enough I just wanted to make sure you guys know and don't think it's like ordering a high quality heavy cotton tee or something from redbubble

>> No.3996690

Every time

>> No.3996691
Quoted by: >>3997680

Thank fucking god, I would rather have kiara ruin the sky with her ice bridge than seeing anymore bullshit like the rainbow bridge. Keep that annoying indog out of the server.

>> No.3996692
Quoted by: >>3996750

I'm glad Ollie is suffering

>> No.3996693

i enjoy the fact that there are actual stages of KFP posters here when building up to and during a kiara stream. ~4 hours before start they are all somewhat hostile but you can actually discuss kiara in a somewhat negative light without all of them sperging out. then you have the ~2 hours before stream KFP that are actually reasonable people who can see the flaws in her and dont run away from actually discussing her issues but prop up her good sides while understanding that she might not be for everyone. and the final group is actually during the stream where this place seems like a discord raid and every other fanbase converts into a KFP that shits on literally anyone who says something beyond "kiara's voice is louder than the game". simply wanted to share my observation

>> No.3996696

Serious Question: Do you think the Holos would ever review a room if there were guns in the picture? I have mine mounted on the wall so...

>> No.3996697
Quoted by: >>3996855

Then don't ask retarded newfag questions you fucking tranny.

>> No.3996699


>> No.3996700
Quoted by: >>3996739

But it's all me though?

>> No.3996704
Quoted by: >>3996741

>Watch Holo Alt pv.
>It's still massively biased towards Gen 3 and lots of Holos gets shafted.
>Don't feel a need to ever watch it again.

>> No.3996706
File: 12 KB, 853x578, Standing here[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhkmh50.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had enough of your kind

>> No.3996710
Quoted by: >>3996782 >>3996802

>Valentines Day

What the fuck?

>> No.3996711

One thing that triggers me about Kiara is her strong fixation on making her streams constantly 'exciting'. I got mildly pissed off yesterday when she was asking chat whether it was 'boring' because she was just looking for ice in Minecraft. And it's too much of a recurring thing; she hurt her throat by going full throttle on the wake-up-Ina stream too.
She said before that she thinks people expect her to be hyper energetic and she feels like she's letting down expectations by not being that, but she has to realize that what people think they want and what they actually want are usually two completely different things. What they tell her is just a caricature of their true impressions mixed with what they think she wants to hear.
Ironically it fits somewhat with her phoenix character, but I think many people just get burnt out on her constant energy. She needs to learn to accept downtime on her streams to let viewers breath. Just because she's capable of going full throttle all the time doesn't mean she should.

>> No.3996713

I was tempted to use it once when I realized I said Mori three times in a post. And aside from that it's been growing on me lately
Konnichiwashington Stan-san

>> No.3996714

Oh, don't remind me of Gura's birthday next month, in which I will have to not only buy her merch, since she's my oshi, but also send her a gigantic superchat.
I suppose it's time to stop fearing the money sink and learn to love it.

>> No.3996718

>Valentine's SCs
Will we have another date?

>> No.3996720

Pretty sure Kiara has moved on from HERE, at least for the time being. Ina probably doesn't spend much time HERE anymore with how busy she always seems to be but who knows.
I'm pretty sure Ame 100% isn't HERE and anything that seems like dogwhistling are just memes she picked up secondhand from 4chan-adjacent subcultures

>> No.3996721


>> No.3996723

Oh no, the timeloops

>> No.3996726

You mean Calli?

>> No.3996728

Cool blog.

>> No.3996729

what's stopping you from going to warosu and saving a bunch of the pictures?

>> No.3996730
Quoted by: >>3997044

>even if I wish they'd tone it the fuck down sometimes.
but why? in what way does that take away from the thread, it's not antiposting or anything harmful

>> No.3996732

Ollie guerilla minecraft zatsudan is blessed. I love this zombie

>> No.3996735
Quoted by: >>3996765


>> No.3996737

my nigger of taste

>> No.3996739

I don't remember posting this...

>> No.3996741

I got filtered by Mori's singing

>> No.3996743
Quoted by: >>3996792

There have been a few rooms with guns reviewed.

>> No.3996745

Probably not. Send it to the 6th EN or something

>> No.3996748
Quoted by: >>3996780

So that's 3 (three) HoloJPs with fewer viewers than Kiara?

>> No.3996749
Quoted by: >>3996859

Pretty sure youtube's policy actually has something about showing real firearms. There's a chance they get Algorithm'd for showing something like that.

>> No.3996750

Whores deserve to suffer

>> No.3996752

She actually doing maid work so it can't possibly be our Aqua senpai

>> No.3996753


>> No.3996756

do retard really ?

>> No.3996759
File: 46 KB, 100x100, mogu mogu yummy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3aruot.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996872 >>3996963

>> No.3996763

I've been calling her Calli since day 1 you can fuck off.

>> No.3996765


>> No.3996766

>opens a new beverage
How much has Mori drunk so far...?

>> No.3996771
Quoted by: >>3996818

And the increased hornyposting

>> No.3996770
File: 155 KB, 500x417, 1621474097645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997195

Both translations are usuable. "Oversea bros" is a casual way to use it. "Brothers abroad" may be a more formal usage.
Trends in Hololive fan groups overseas? Many fans of CAPCOM games have enjoyed streams of Holos playing their favorite games. Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil have been stand-out streams for many, with a lot of love for the Korone-Marine race of Rock Man 3.
A fun event has been fans of Same-chan identifying with "Vergil," the brother of Dante in Devil May Cry. When Same-chan teased Vergil heavily in streams afterwards, many fans of HoloEN teased Chumbuds as well. There are now 3 groups of Chumbuds: Vergil fans, Dante fans, and Nero fans, who each want Gura to love their character more.
Very fun times!

>> No.3996773
Quoted by: >>3996804


>> No.3996776


>> No.3996778

holy fucking shit go back

>> No.3996779

I learned somewhere that >niki is used by gay japanese men

>> No.3996780

Just the ones I notice, there might be some I'm literally forgetting.

>> No.3996782

>Mori schedules a superchat reading stream
>gets halfway through before she has to stop
>promises to finish the rest soon in another superchat reading stream
>in the meantime, more build up
Now repeat this for four fucking months because she always does this and it’s one of the few habits she has that legitimately gets on my nerves.

>> No.3996789
File: 59 KB, 638x319, 1620851807953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996790
Quoted by: >>3996828

Fuuuuuck, I might not be able to afford it. My crypto is fucked and there's a chance of it going bear.

>> No.3996791
File: 3.85 MB, 1108x1478, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996831


>> No.3996792

Really? Who did it?

>> No.3996795
Quoted by: >>3996812 >>3996853

I honestly think it's a misguided attempt at fitting in.

>> No.3996794


>> No.3996798


>> No.3996799

Way to out yourself as a newfag you stupid nigger. ;_; was always allowed in spoilers.

>> No.3996802

Not even the oldest stream she's reading from today.

>> No.3996803
Quoted by: >>3997199

I'm only a kiara anti on this board
nuinely, being on /hlgg/ makes me act like a worse person and it triggers nearly all of my worst impulses

My pet theory is that I'm fairly certain that the people who defend this place are actually violent manic workaholic normies who have normal social lives as a cover for their socially unacceptable personalities and use these threads as a psychological dumping ground and means of affirming a sense of validation by sharing in-jokes with others like themselves. That, and Discord raids by people who use shitposting and attempting to anger other people as a way of blowing off steam from their IRL lives.
No other thread has this effect on me except the split EN threads. Not /hlg/ outside of Discord raid hours, where I can often feel a sense of relaxed authenticity even if it is kinda vulgar. Not the other holos split threads outside of the Polka split thread and the threads of IDs that are popular in this thread.
More than any other place, this threads feels like where a bunch of people come to take off their usual mask they wear, and jesus christ, for all your shitposting about normalcy, you people give off such a deeply unhinged aura of unapologetic schizophrenia that it can literally alter my behaviours for the worse.

Maybe, just maybe, some of you should keep your fucking masks on. Forever.

>> No.3996804


>> No.3996805
Quoted by: >>3996835

Jesus Ollie...take your meds

>> No.3996810

Can you people stop pretending like Eggman is some unique anti? This is why all the other antis are starting to dislike you. Ikas, gnomes, deadbeats and even barracudas have something positive to say about the others. Rarely do they build up their schizo as someone who is supposedly holy, while implying that the others are garbage, maybe only as a banter.
This is the most annoying part about Eggs. Every fucking time they pretend like Eggman is above every other schizo. Trinityfag also samefags and promote tribalism. Manlet is also delusional. Mori also doxxes and criticizes herself. Cuckposter also ban evades and builds retarded cuck rrats which he cherishes. Stop pretending only Eggman does those things.

>> No.3996812
Quoted by: >>3996842

But why?

>> No.3996815
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1697, 1620951067644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996814
File: 119 KB, 640x640, 1617648241214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997000

Reine and Haachama.

>> No.3996818
File: 990 KB, 1233x872, 1619235917485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996901

but hornyposting never stops

>> No.3996821

go back

>> No.3996820
File: 163 KB, 1249x718, e686eb14090a629420b1d36360bd0a85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996852 >>3996881

With pent up superchats and the SC jar gimmick, Ina climbed 13 positions in 1 day in the JP SC ranking.

>> No.3996823
Quoted by: >>3996949

Holy shit how the fuck does this still apply after all these months.

>> No.3996824
Quoted by: >>3996862 >>3996982

Apparently one of the JPs complaints to Nene were that her Apex streams were too short and they were blaming her SC readings dragging on and taking away time for more gameplay.

>> No.3996828

Why is it fucked anyway? All because Elon Musk pulled his cock out?

>> No.3996829
File: 222 KB, 2257x2074, 1590784298192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996864 >>3996871


>> No.3996832
Quoted by: >>3996850

can she fucking stop blowing the flute thing it's so damn annoying

>> No.3996831

Would fug

>> No.3996833

In other timeline I mastered my time stopping ability and every holo is pregnant with my childs

>> No.3996834

I actually want to laugh if some takodachi out there has limited budget and give her a red superchat just to find out her merch has unusual high price and can't afford it.

>> No.3996835
Quoted by: >>3997026

What did she say?

>> No.3996842

God knows I can't read the mind of tourists, you'll have to ask them.

>> No.3996849
Quoted by: >>3996888 >>3996891

ollie is cute when she's not screaming

>> No.3996850
Quoted by: >>3996895

Close the tab and never come back

>> No.3996852
Quoted by: >>3996915

I don't think the SC jar gimmick did anything significant. When she appeared it was already broken.

>> No.3996853
Quoted by: >>3997140

Probably. We have so many newfags now, 99% of the thread wasn't even here for EN debuts. This leads to shit getting pushed by a few faggots and then the new faggots jump on in an attempt to fit in.

>> No.3996855

I didn't though, I gave you my opinion on how crazy it is that you think everybody needs to know your off-topic shit

>> No.3996858

>t. newfag

>> No.3996859


>> No.3996862

>criticizing Nene SC readings
I am angry.

>> No.3996863
Quoted by: >>3996984

Extremely sad

>> No.3996864

throw it as far as i can

>> No.3996865

mainly because of china, partly because of elon

>> No.3996871


>> No.3996868
File: 31 KB, 174x145, 1611758801430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996872
File: 894 KB, 2683x4166, acc7ce81fb8a53a3558a0c335f374968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996875
Quoted by: >>3997015

There was enough for Ame that there was a fucking pastebin of examples, but the easiest would be the plug.dj stuff and also filtering "/jp/" from her chat in September.
The ranking has always been Mori as absolute, Ame as second place but not far behind, Kiara as a maybe, Gura as a softer maybe, and Ina as "oldfag on /a/ but odds of still being here are low."
There are things that change from here and there but that list is the likeliest.

>> No.3996876
File: 293 KB, 1900x1900, E1tPKCRWUAQbrWh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I loved that, so adorable
Based shrinebeats

>> No.3996877

I wanted to emphasize that this one small change stands out to me this much, even though I never engage in any conversations ITT about her. Maybe I didn't word my thoughts properly the first time due to being a yuro ETL. I've been wondering about it for a while since it started ~1-2 months ago yet you mistook my random question as an aggressive bait. Drink more milk deadbeat.

>> No.3996881

The SC Jar was immediately fucking broken the moment she started because she already had 14k in SC before she even started the goddamn stream.

>> No.3996888
Quoted by: >>3997023

So she's never cute?

>> No.3996889

hey we have one of those discord posters trying his hardest to fit in

>> No.3996891

How about when she's getting fingerblasted on stream?

>> No.3996892

That's not even in the top three worst things she did on stream.

>> No.3996895

nope, I'll keep complaining and you'll keep seeing my posts

>> No.3996896

>called everyone nicknames
Not true.

She also paused awkwardly when Miko appeared and never mentioned her by name at all, instead commenting on the scenery of the scene.

Miko was also the only Holo she explicitly seemed to avoid acknowledging by name or title or otherwise.

>> No.3996897

>newfag telling someone to go back
I forgive you anon. Don't do it again.

>> No.3996901
File: 547 KB, 2214x1776, 1620137198538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997027

ah yes, my apologies

>> No.3996903

In another timeline we're dogpiling you for being stiff, and lack-luster, and somehow tripping into subscribers since your debut as a male in HoloMyth while we have Ayamefriend inclining at a surprising rate as they genuinely enjoy their job as a chuuba and the environment other Holos breed and it shows; getting lost in their 9 hour endurance streams about nothing while a news ticker at the top actively displays the other streams and events going on becomes a thread tradition.
"Ayamefriend was cuter than usual today"
"When the fuck is anon-chama going to graduate? All they do is bitch all day long about literally nothing."

>> No.3996904
File: 34 KB, 227x222, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... are Mori and Calli the same person?

>> No.3996907

how new?

>> No.3996906

China talked about banning the use of crypto for sales transactions. It’s horseshit, by the way. China is basically THE crypto nation and their government puts out these bullshit rumors to force a dip that they can then buy up.

>> No.3996909
Quoted by: >>3996953 >>3996979

Chikin Yakuza. Please attend

>> No.3996910
File: 15 KB, 480x360, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3996966 >>3997275

I'm a stud. I'm ballsy.
I don't take no shit from anyone.
I post about Luna anywhere I want.
I don't have to make a Global thread like you, hahaha.

>> No.3996911

I wanted to ask you about a recent popular topic
I am sorry for my poor writing
英語の「Oversea bros」はかっこいいですね。
Is Kiara anti called an egg?
Does it mean that we are a reserve army of KFP employees?
Or does it mean that you are a failure who does not deserve to be a fan?

>> No.3996912

So, when's the Miitopia arc?

>> No.3996915

It absolutely works. I remember when watson used her SC aquarium for the first time, she got almost 5K on a normal supersunday.
People just want to see the thing working and candies getting thrown outside.

>> No.3996913

No take your meds

>> No.3996914
File: 169 KB, 265x317, JIUB IS HORNY[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnqeh08.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996916

No, take your meds

>> No.3996923


>> No.3996924

Cuckposter's whole repertoire has diminished to just sometimes repeating that Gura is not a virgin, as if it's some mantra to him. He is just pathetic now.

>> No.3996926
Quoted by: >>3996958

Take meds schizo, I bet you think Suisei and Anemachi are different people as well.

>> No.3996930

OIlie is such a sweet girl.

>> No.3996934

The only real proof we have of Ina being here is somebody uploading her secret Youtube emote to /wah/ like fifteen minutes before it became available on youtube.

>> No.3996939 [DELETED] 
File: 543 KB, 2150x2850, EzLxlHbVgAs81mP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997061

Fuck, I just discovered a bunch of roommate stuff about Amelia and I came to a realization that doxxmates are just as bad as doxxbeats, they're just better at being subtle about that shit.

>> No.3996936
File: 33 KB, 463x453, 1590796282280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-No, it can't be..

>> No.3996937

Naaaa it's just part of the crypto cycle that I'm going to be honest, I don't fully understand. Elon was one of the catalysts for the drop but not the sole reason.

>> No.3996943
File: 171 KB, 700x700, 90ad64cb4765f5cb7ba9bea558733341045e40dfv2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my OC

>> No.3996945

emotes, and initialisms (wtf, lol, etc.), were always called out once upon a time on this entire website, but faggots overran this place as you can see from all the replies to you.

>> No.3996949

It's a timeloop anon. Groundhog day lasted for around 10 years
Endless Eight for about 40

>> No.3996950

Back from my fucking nightshift, did Mori say anything about the shitpost review?

>> No.3996952
File: 544 KB, 900x1118, __inugami_korone_nekomata_okayu_and_tetsujin_28_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nekoyama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996953
Quoted by: >>3996976

But I don't like Yakuza games

>> No.3996956
File: 1.99 MB, 1495x2535, mnmht5cpkg071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997002

>> No.3996958 [SPOILER] 
File: 344 KB, 775x2574, 1621612903899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.3996961

Yeah, hlgg's "victory" over Eggman really feels hollow now doesn't it? If anything, everyone sperging out about him led to more people voicing their hate for Kiara.
There are SO MANY people who hate Kiara and every time one of them is put through the ringer, people pretend that they were the only ones who antiposted about her

>> No.3996963

Thank you. This is always nice.

>> No.3996964
File: 86 KB, 849x702, 1620138153447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996966

based negger

>> No.3996965


>> No.3996969

I won't bother replying to them, sad state of affairs though

>> No.3996972
Quoted by: >>3997193

How was the 1st ever full Gen 0 collab?

>> No.3996973

t. newfag larping as an oldfag

>> No.3996974
Quoted by: >>3997031

There are so many examples of Ame being here but one glaring one I remember was someone asking on the thread how to remove notifications from plug.dj and then once someone posted step-by-step instructions bubb4bot just did it.
At that time there were still rrats that bubb4bot was run by a manager so it wasn't too focused on, but then Ame revealed later that it was her laptop so.

>> No.3996976

This one's different, you now have to wait your turn to punch the guy

>> No.3996979

But I don't like Kiara streams

>> No.3996982

>Apex JOPs give Aqua a literal panic attack
>Apex JOPs attack Nene for not enough Apex
How did nips become this autistic over their fucking FPS of choice
Somebody please BTFO the EA servers please

>> No.3996984
Quoted by: >>3997035

She has been disappointed by the indogs chat, which is understandable.

>> No.3996985

China threatened to ban crypto transactions for like the 6th time. They never actually follow through, it's just blatant market manipulation. They wanted the price of crypto to drop so they tanked it. Now their oligarchs will buy the dip reasonably assured that it will continue to rise organically without their interference. Then they can sell high, threaten to ban it again, and rebuy the dip for a tidy profit.

This kind of thing would be illegal in the first world, but in China the law is decided by the people who profit from breaking it.

>> No.3996986

>this stale old rrat again

>> No.3996991
Quoted by: >>3997021

what is ollie talking about?

>> No.3996998
Quoted by: >>3997021

Ollie sounds so boyish
its so cute......

>> No.3997000

Sitting in a tree.

>> No.3996999

>were always

epic for the win

>> No.3997002

The Pekoland Princess is built differently

>> No.3997004
Quoted by: >>3997021

I am saviourfagging Ollie

>> No.3997003
Quoted by: >>3997059

>tfw called out for using 'etc.'
wtf lol

>> No.3997005
File: 178 KB, 403x251, 1621054103202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997021

Is Ollie going to have a breakdown?

>> No.3997011
Quoted by: >>3997052

Who is manlet?

>> No.3997014

Calli is just a rrat, she doesn't exist

>> No.3997015

The pastebin was absolute schizo shit, anon. It didn't actually provide any tangible examples, just paranoia from one medless anon that saw what he wanted to see.

>> No.3997016
Quoted by: >>3997089

>belatedly find out Coco is finally getting her EN collab
>it's a fucking reddit review
fucking monkey's paw

>> No.3997017
Quoted by: >>3997093

I don't think you are an oldfag

>> No.3997020

I’m taking a shit right now

>> No.3997021
Quoted by: >>3997077


>> No.3997023

when she's screaming ye

>> No.3997025

>I want to believe people can change for the better
>but it's getting hard


>> No.3997026

She's been having insomnia lately and right now having a meltdown about her depression

>> No.3997027
File: 747 KB, 2416x4096, 1593620617829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually gets drowned out by the constant spam, so it's normal to not see it as constant

>> No.3997031

I'm still surprised Ame doesn't despise this place after Amegeddon

>> No.3997032
File: 208 KB, 792x410, tdlr_lets_go[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffr5c5c.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997033

>dopest fanbase in the world
T-thanks Mori

>> No.3997034

Ollie please stop egosearching on /vt/.

>> No.3997035
Quoted by: >>3997185

>indogs chat
Surely it it has nothing to do with people shitting all over her youtube and twitter for the past month over a certain incident.
>Ollie just mentioned people talking about her on a "forum"
She really needs to stop lurking here.

>> No.3997036

Holy fucking newfags, batman.
Lurk a million years before posting.

>> No.3997037

>not kusoge

>> No.3997038
Quoted by: >>3997103

How is it that there's significantly less bitching about Ina's merch than Ame's months ago?

>> No.3997040
File: 759 KB, 1500x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997075

>> No.3997042

>Switch over to Ollie
>This conversation
I-Is she talking about us?

>> No.3997044
Quoted by: >>3997187

Ame does some fairly long streams sometimes, and trying to discuss anyone else here while she's on is an uphill battle.

It's also a little irritating to see two or three "Ame Cute" posters responding to each other ad infinitum as if the rest of Hololive didn't exist while there are a dozen streams up, but that's not actually a problem overall.

>> No.3997047

>On their little forum

>> No.3997052
Quoted by: >>3997100 >>3997239


>> No.3997054
Quoted by: >>3997186

Kiara Anti's are now called Eggs yes. We also call them SEAniggers or seagulls. Recently one Kiara Anti showed his face and he was ugly, fat, and bald. His head looked like an egg so people called him an egg and it has gained popularity since then.

>> No.3997059
Quoted by: >>3997338

I said "yikes" the other day and got jumped on. These retards just pick and choose words randomly. Dumb emoji of course should be mocked, but they just pick random words now and decide they belong to twitter trannies now.

>> No.3997061

I mean all her clips are in the open, normalfags love roommate shit, and she's pretty cute in recent (2019-2020) videos. People are only subtle here. Doxxbeats are doxxbeats because Mori is active outside Hololive, thats all there is to it.

>> No.3997064
Quoted by: >>3997159 >>3997174

>Ollie is sad about malicious rumours spread about her

>> No.3997065
Quoted by: >>3997154

Anon what could Ame have meant by
>I released secret coupons underground and I will teach you how to find counterfeits
the only ones with the same artstyle as hers were released in the threads before debut

>> No.3997069
File: 423 KB, 591x735, 1605721824120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997073

nice cringepost + schizopost. go post it on reddit

>> No.3997074

>Ollie directly talking about her antis on stream
That shit isn't going to help the situation, Ollie.

>> No.3997075
Quoted by: >>3997216 >>3997359

There honestly needs to be an Astel version of this. His stream yesterday was fucking wild.

>> No.3997077
Quoted by: >>3997107 >>3997119

what is she even playing?

>> No.3997079
Quoted by: >>3997144 >>3997267

>Marine plays through the entire game
>Streams all the plot twists
>Fights the final boss
>But now during the cutscene at the end where they fly away to live happily ever after she has to cover it up

Someone please fucking explain what the fuck Capcom’s autism is about this?

>> No.3997082
File: 194 KB, 503x503, 1613394839004 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2k4owq.mp3] .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3997085
File: 348 KB, 1804x1400, 1616761230810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cute. Maybe we'll get another Gen0 collab in the future.

>> No.3997089

don't worry I'm sure they will play ARK together eventually

>> No.3997091
Quoted by: >>3997852

>Hololiove Alternative PV posted
>Ceasefire declared in the Middle East


>> No.3997094
File: 434 KB, 1200x1200, 1620132896685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know too much.

>> No.3997093
File: 4 KB, 249x49, dry sacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only "proof" I can show is my sadpanda account that I made about a year after I came here.

>> No.3997099
File: 23 KB, 473x356, 1616706784635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks

>> No.3997102
Quoted by: >>3997126

Ollie stop ego searching yourself here it's not fucking good 90% time even without with the YUBI YUBI SHIT.

>> No.3997100
Quoted by: >>3997205

I don't know who that is...

>> No.3997103

Takos are probably more used to buying imports from Japan, so the costs and issues associated with it are expected by them.

>> No.3997104

Cover won't ever let her. Remember that he posts the podcast titles on the channel.

>> No.3997108
Quoted by: >>3997186

>Is Kiara anti called an egg?
A man would come to discussion forums of Kiara and attempt to harass her and make other users dislike her.
Recently, somebody found the man who was going from thread to thread doing this. He was a very stereotypical NEET. Fat man, with a forehead which resembled an egg.
The person was mocked ever since. Even the HoloEN talents brought up eggs without reason during Ina'nis' birthday celebration event. This led many users to believe they had also seen this, and were laughing to each other at the anti's exposure.
Many jokes were made on the subject of "Chicken and the Egg, an Eternal fight..."

>> No.3997107


>> No.3997114
Quoted by: >>3997172

>posting reddit schizo essays here
maybe next thing you'll post some OC donut steel Holos for EN2

>> No.3997115

>2016 is oldfag
The absolute state

>> No.3997116

Nope not watching ID.

>> No.3997117

How do you cope when you feel like the world bates you? I just rush into reps and work projects but somebody I know DMd me recently that they thought how quickly I get over criticism and get back to working made me a sociopath.

>> No.3997118
Quoted by: >>3997186

Check orcschizos new update. She links to the egg stuff

>> No.3997119


>> No.3997121
Quoted by: >>3997173

That's most of THEY'RE HERE posters though. That's what happens when your in-group memes are all just common words and phrases but with different context.

>> No.3997120
Quoted by: >>3997256

Shes got a pretty big backlog of SCs, I wonder how much shes gonna play today

>> No.3997123


>> No.3997125
Quoted by: >>3997168

Literally the same as Kiara

>> No.3997126
Quoted by: >>3997192

It's not a coincidence that the most unstable Holos are all massive egosa maniacs, huh?

>> No.3997127

what the fuck are you on? there's 5 very specific examples which you cant debunk at all

>> No.3997131
Quoted by: >>3997229 >>3997258

During that thing there was a lot of defending of her going on as well in the thread. Then the meidos swooped down and deleted half the thread. Since then it just kept evolving into /ameg/. I think she understands >we is silly.

>> No.3997132
Quoted by: >>3997333

yuro out.

>> No.3997135
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1621289263849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3997137
File: 90 KB, 372x228, 1606822535114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997338


>> No.3997138
Quoted by: >>3997200


>> No.3997141

>Ollie is everywhere

>> No.3997140

>99% of the thread is new
is just the metafag version of
>2010 was 20 years ago... wow...

>> No.3997144

afaik they gave the nijis exclusive permissions to stream their games in full so this was apparently one of the few walk-arounds because capcom are fucking niggers. i will never see them in a positive light after what happened to mio

>> No.3997145
File: 334 KB, 640x640, 1618859720522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally everywhere
Nigga im getting worried. Risu pull her plug

>> No.3997147
File: 409 KB, 650x650, 164894840984890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997177 >>3997192

You faggots bullied my daughter and now she's depressed. Fuck you all.

>> No.3997148


>> No.3997153

It's FUD season again.
Elon started it and the chinks joined with yet another threat to ban/regulate it only to make it crash to buy the dip and increase the size of the CCP portfolio.
Now to see if the SEC will do some shit to increase taxes on it

>> No.3997151


>> No.3997152
Quoted by: >>3997258

/vt/, and formerly /jp/, probably squishes twice as many antis as it produces, and always points out that the antis are samefagging, and puts them on full blast when they get outed.

A handful of antis and doxxers will never drown out the fact that this is /ameg/.

>> No.3997154
Quoted by: >>3997262

Counterfeits showed up on twitter before they showed up here. The trend of coupon making began with twitter coupons being reposted here, you just didn't notice that they weren't OC because they weren't credited.

>> No.3997155


>> No.3997157
Quoted by: >>3997292 >>3997333

this is potentially some really funny reverse-bait but holy shit

>> No.3997156
File: 284 KB, 332x442, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997387

Oh god she has a frying pan

>> No.3997158
Quoted by: >>3997212

"I want to complain about the same shit that's been repeated ad nauseum for the last 6 months!"

>> No.3997159

Nah she’s talking about reddit, discord or facebook. Everyone here loves her and would never timeloop rrats about her for a week even when she’s not streaming

>> No.3997163
File: 282 KB, 628x476, Screenshot (515).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997203 >>3997213

What does this expression convey?

>> No.3997164

Is youtube shitting the bed again?

>> No.3997168

Yeah, management should at least explain this to them, it's like a basic concept in being in the public eye. Just another thing to add to the list I guess.

>> No.3997170

Expected the katana, got the pan

>> No.3997171
Quoted by: >>3997372

I’ve been here since 2026, what does that make me?

>> No.3997172

nothing beyond stick figures, i havent done my drawing reps since middle school

>> No.3997173

>>Post 1
>>Post 2

>> No.3997174

I feel pretty bad for her.
Cover need to vet these young girls better if they're gonna take on young ones at all.

>> No.3997176

Juuust a little to the left boss

>> No.3997177
File: 405 KB, 770x776, 1615868997927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. She deserves it for being such a fucking crybaby faggot.

>> No.3997179

I want to give Ollie a hug...

>> No.3997181
File: 1.36 MB, 3128x2008, NGMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this

>> No.3997182

>If anything, everyone sperging out about him led to more people voicing their hate for Kiara.
The yolk loves to cope.

>> No.3997184

>everytime Ollie wants to play on EN there's some fucking issue
>JP is fine though

>> No.3997185

Yeah she started by talkinh bout the indogs who keeps spamming her chat asking her to speak indogs, then she talked about how people and her antis think about her in "other forum"

>> No.3997186
Quoted by: >>3997232

Kinda wholesome how people are lowkey fine with spoonfeeding an innocent obvious nipponniki

>> No.3997187
Quoted by: >>3997246 >>3997423

Ame indeed does some long streams and a lot of the time those get overshadowed by meme review or whatever the fuck else is going on with Haachama those days. Let's not forget pretty much nobody was talking about Ame during her Outer Wilds playthrough

>> No.3997188


>> No.3997190

Zoombie needs to get off of social media

>> No.3997191
Quoted by: >>3997245


>> No.3997193
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x1188, 1620790330078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997353

It was good. SoRoboAZ went off to get fish and had a very comfy adventure. MiComet went to mine underground and it was really funny to watch. Then they all regrouped, gave Sora and Roboco birthday presents, built a little stage area, and then Suisei killed Miko to end the stream.

>> No.3997192

They're at least the ones that care the most about their public image to an almost unhealthy degree, Jesus Christ.
>implied >we

>> No.3997194
Quoted by: >>3997245


>> No.3997196

It's not schizo shit at all. Your new is showing.

>> No.3997195
Quoted by: >>3997487

I've never played DMC before, but seeing so many HOLOMEMs playing it recently has inspired my interest.
Do you mean Billy Herrington aniki?
He was a respected figure in the old days of Nico Nico Douga.
I did some quick research and found that the word niki has a different origin.

>> No.3997200

>Let the seething weeaboos have their own thread and everyone who doesn't have a mental breakdown when someone posts a Hololive they don't like can use this thread.
I agree anon, but your point?

>> No.3997197
File: 115 KB, 514x756, Kiaraguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997322 >>3997398


>> No.3997198
Quoted by: >>3997229

I think things would have played very differently if /vt/ existed back then.

>> No.3997199

I feel like such a feeling speaks more towards your own issues than mine, anon. If you find yourself unable to control your own emotions, it is very rare that the fault lies on anyone but yourself.

>> No.3997202
File: 418 KB, 1426x2048, 786534345687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats don't fart nyooo

>> No.3997203

She's looking at my 3 inch monster cock

>> No.3997205

That's enough for you to search through the archives with

>> No.3997208

>sitting on the toilet
>listening to Ollie rant
>"I'm everywhere"

Bros... I'm nervous...

>> No.3997209

>They are here!
>No they are not, they just pick up memes from containment breakers on twitter and discord.
Anons. They literally mentioned eggs after a Kiara anti was exposed as an egg.

>> No.3997212

where do you see me complaining?

>> No.3997213


>> No.3997215

>Kiara preparing for War and looking for weapons

>> No.3997214
File: 96 KB, 768x564, 1590093123168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997380 >>3997480

>Ollie has constant panic and menhera attacks
>Her oshi is Matsuri
If Ollie isn't a prime example of a fanbase being just like their oshi.

>> No.3997216

Dude was having a blast during the entire Chris section and practiced flicks on Miranda's face
It was great

>> No.3997218

Smells a lot like egg in here

>> No.3997219
File: 252 KB, 381x548, kiara phone gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997295 >>3997322

Forget a single fucking gun, Kiara has an ARSENAL of weapons!

>> No.3997220


>> No.3997221


>> No.3997223


>> No.3997225


>> No.3997226

All the holoID are here

>> No.3997227


>> No.3997228
File: 132 KB, 1892x1155, 1621562630568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997229

>waaah waah
nothing even happened stop exaggerating you idiots

>> No.3997230
Quoted by: >>3997430

Just ask Ame for the new server adress zoombie

>> No.3997231

Ollie is a young kid, so I understand the heavy mental toll it must have. Hopefully management is giving her the proper support she needs

>> No.3997232
Quoted by: >>3997296

Japanese brothers are always welcome here.

>> No.3997233

Antis are officially goose eggs.

>> No.3997234

the only issue is that enma hasnt added her to the whitelist yet
maybe she should stop being autistic and just ask for it

>> No.3997236

The universe is trying to make her take the hint.

>> No.3997239
File: 1.19 MB, 2151x1248, The Schizo Knight[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fohpink.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997306


>> No.3997238
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, GuraNeko447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just sweat

>> No.3997243

>Enma has a sort of parasocial relationship with Ollie where here entire life revolves around stopping her from playing on EN at all costs

>> No.3997245


>> No.3997246
Quoted by: >>3997308 >>3997364

>pretty much nobody was talking about Ame during her Outer Wilds playthrough
Not true, there was plenty of reactions going on.

>> No.3997247
Quoted by: >>3997292


>> No.3997250

...was a faggot, and deserved to die.

>> No.3997251

>lives in Austria
>hates Österreich

>> No.3997256
Quoted by: >>3997280

She only has this and the ina waiting stream, no?

>> No.3997258
File: 608 KB, 1059x2048, Sexy Hair up Amelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997471

All hail /ameg/. I fucking love this place.

>> No.3997261

blizzardchama....not complaining

>> No.3997262
Quoted by: >>3997411

And your proof being? Are you basing this on assumptions or do you have something to back it up?

>> No.3997266
Quoted by: >>3997316

I noticed the rrat was losing steam and then she went menhera with "that site" and suddenly all of them got invigorated. Her threads were starting to go on-topic again and went back to shit

>> No.3997267

Why is everyone so fucking confused about this shit. That and Gura streaming capcom endings without problem. It's pretty obviously this:
>Capcom gives perms to Hololive, but warns them that streaming the endings of some games may get picked up by their automatic content ID if there is no one talking over it or nothing hiding the screen.
>The JPs get overly cautious about this because of copyright PTSD and insist on hiding everything
>Gura doesn't even fucking know because she doesn't speak japanese and COVER's communication sucks. She's fine because the system isn't that sensitive. Her avatar is blocking some of the screen and she's not completely silent during the credits. That's enough.

>> No.3997270

I don't have high hopes they will be able to do much to help sadly.

>> No.3997271 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 700x700, 1621613494142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too

>> No.3997275


>> No.3997277

Talk to the fucking zombie....

>> No.3997280


>> No.3997285
File: 76 KB, 220x208, aqua へええ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer truly never ended..

>> No.3997287
Quoted by: >>3997297


>> No.3997288


>> No.3997289

>less than 2k viewers

>> No.3997291

>Botowa ITT continuing today.
Good shit

>> No.3997292
File: 127 KB, 350x413, Tenboro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997360

The number on the right is the year. Tenboro for reference.

>> No.3997293

Zomily, is this how Ollie's member streams always are?

>> No.3997295

Someone should make a phone arm for her.

>> No.3997296

To be fair he asked nicely too
Honestly though I've never seen someone here who is literally actually japanese and clearly using google translate

>> No.3997297

We've already gone through this.

>> No.3997306


>> No.3997308

Yes if you only count the sun station landing

>> No.3997313

ID2 in tatters.

>> No.3997316

Dramafags live for this shit, them addressing it on stream in the way she has is the goal. If she keeps doing it it's just going to be a cycle, same as with Kiara, though she's a little better at it.

>> No.3997314

JRPG debuff

>> No.3997319
Quoted by: >>3997403 >>3997524

>ID2 don't talk that much
>So she was very happy to collab with reine


>> No.3997322
File: 143 KB, 650x748, KFPArsenal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997345 >>3997547


>> No.3997323

You just wanted to be grudgeposted didn't you

>> No.3997324

If thats the actualy reason its pretty funny

>> No.3997326


>> No.3997325
Quoted by: >>3997376

>She's fine because the system isn't that sensitive. Her avatar is blocking some of the screen and she's not completely silent during the credits. That's enough.
do you want to say that the JP have smaller avatars and that they essentially switch off their mics or something? your logic is retarded

>> No.3997327

>doing anything
Along with Ollie not wanting to bother any of the other holo girls Ollie is fucked

>> No.3997332

Sorry, I'm having more fun watching an autistic indie playing WoT

>> No.3997333
File: 863 B, 154x29, 1603633976799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just jumping in. I double checked my own panda account which I know for sure is from 2009, and the year comes last in the date order.
2009 is still eternal newfag territory, I'll admit

>> No.3997338
Quoted by: >>3997535

>I said "yikes" the other day
Yikies. Go the fuck back.

>> No.3997339


>> No.3997341

This reads like eggman's fantasy.

>> No.3997342
File: 1.00 MB, 714x714, cats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cats don't fart
Man, my cat unleashes the most rancid farts known in existence. Whenever she hops on my lap, she makes that retarded face and farts. It makes me gag. Fucking atrocious.

>> No.3997343

Its an easy minigame but they do a poor job of explaining what you have to do

>> No.3997344

I still can't believe how often they brought up the word "egg" yesterday.
They're totally /here/.

>> No.3997345

Based Royposter.

>> No.3997350

When is she done with this shitty game btw? Anyone knows how far she is? I want her to play other games

>> No.3997353
File: 298 KB, 1210x854, 1620171746188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that Sui slapping Miko in front of Sora isn't even a shitpost anymore. It was a fun stream.

>> No.3997357

Wasn't Ollie supposed to have an APEX collab with RBC and Ame? What happened to that?

>> No.3997359

It was hilarious alright. Managed to skip 90% of exploration and barely ever used shotgun. Don't think he used Magnum at all. Then proceeded to take last boss down in a minute by putting his entire sniper ammo supply in her head.

>> No.3997360

Too late, you've unleashed my anger

>> No.3997361

I did, but I probably won't see it until next year cause

>> No.3997364

It sort of depended, her sun station landing and last stream of the game were talked about a lot, the others were often sandwiched between higher profile streams like Kiara redebut for example.

>> No.3997365

>Hopefully management is giving

>> No.3997369
File: 242 KB, 365x291, 1621450809765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of uninformed anons here is actually sad, less they actually attempt to discuss things they don't even understand

>> No.3997372
Quoted by: >>3997422


>> No.3997376
Quoted by: >>3997426

No, anon. I'm saying that the JPs would be just as fine if they did the same as Gura but they do more because they're scared. That's what "being overly cautious" means. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.3997380
Quoted by: >>3997421 >>3997570

Interesting hypothesis, let's explore it more deeply. Are the following Holos similar to their vtuber oshis?

Noel (Oshi: Ayame)
Suisei (Oshi: Mori)
Kiara (Oshi: Pekora)
Matsuri (Oshi: Hoshikawa)

>> No.3997381

Maybe her manager is gatekeeping her from collabs.

>> No.3997382

So Ollie is the only holo confirmed to be here?

>> No.3997384

remember to make fun of people who numberfag when a stream has just started

>> No.3997385

>doing anything
take me to your timeline

>> No.3997386

>She doesn't remember
oh well at least she's hired some people.

>> No.3997387

Hope she cooks some of the KFPs on it. I want two scramble eggs please

>> No.3997390
File: 283 KB, 1249x1495, 1619649342221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohapol! Welcome back, hope you are well.

>> No.3997391

>its dark and rainy as she's talking
Hah even in minecraft the weather reflects the mood

>> No.3997393
Quoted by: >>3997485

>My oshi Nene calls me husband and gives me chu chu's.

So long losers! No point in hanging with you lot.

>> No.3997394

Next week.

>> No.3997396

>Management giving support she needs

>> No.3997397
File: 220 KB, 987x681, okakoro sex [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftpwgke.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997434

Deadbeats beating their meat at toots.

>> No.3997398
File: 20 KB, 323x372, sad shit amelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw noguns
I've failed my state

>> No.3997400
Quoted by: >>3997440 >>3997444

>2k viewers
>900k subs
Pathetic to say the least

>> No.3997402

I should happen next week unless things changed

>> No.3997401
Quoted by: >>3997432

lurk more

>> No.3997403

>ID2 grew apart quicker than EN

>> No.3997405
File: 62 KB, 1177x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this? They're not actually related.

>> No.3997406

They mentioned its next week

>> No.3997409
File: 13 KB, 414x141, 1600639854075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997472 >>3997527


>> No.3997410
File: 190 KB, 850x1113, 1620415790173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997411
Quoted by: >>3997458

That's not how this works, hoghschool dropout-kun. You made a claim without supporting evidence. I presented an argument for plausible deniability, demonstrating that, without evidence, your claim is not the only plausible explanation. If you want to sustain your claim, you're going to have to provide evidence. Without evidence, there's significant reason to doubt the efficacy of your claim.
Understanding burden of proof is one of the benefits of furthering your education.

>> No.3997421

I can only see the Mori/Suisei similarity

>> No.3997420
File: 63 KB, 466x361, 1620797007093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997443

next week
hope she doesnt show up though desu
i dont like ollie

>> No.3997422

Damn it

>> No.3997423

Sure, special events can still take up some thread space depending on what's going on, but that's about the only thing that will put a dent in the great Gosling wall.

>> No.3997425
Quoted by: >>3997451

Unfortunately there's no dedicated top player of Oshi coiner for Mori at this moment, it's either Takodachi or some extent Chumbud.

>> No.3997426
Quoted by: >>3997655

didnt temma or another homo stream the ending of a capcom game and had to private the VOD afterwards recently?

>> No.3997429

Apparently cat sharks do though
>it was her chair
Ok Gura...

>> No.3997430
Quoted by: >>3997448 >>3997457

She can still get in to the EN server. She was briefly on it for a couple of minutes the orher day before cancelling her stream due to small indie company YT shitting itself

>> No.3997432
Quoted by: >>3997493 >>3997495

Alright tough guy name one more then

>> No.3997434
File: 189 KB, 1019x1441, 1621327033587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course

>> No.3997433

Anons will always discuss a topic they have no knowledge on with such confidence and authority that it's funny.

>> No.3997438
Quoted by: >>3997460

What do you mean anon Huke is Kiara's dad and Kuroboshi is Ina's papa. Thems facts!

>> No.3997440

Hang on, I thought Kiara is supposed to be the numberfag - was it you all along?

>> No.3997443

Me neither but Ame likes her so it's okay

>> No.3997444

Kiara only have these subs because of the HoloEN buff. if she was in HoloJP she will get 500k

>> No.3997448

No, that was realms not the actual server.

>> No.3997451

Did they fix that shit yet? I quit after the Coco debacle

>> No.3997455

Why is youtube so shit lately?

>> No.3997457

That was the Realms server that hasn't expired yet. It had the door that Gura blew up still standing.

>> No.3997458
Quoted by: >>3997696

Anon.. I've been in the threads where the coupons were posted, original anon said they were made by him, I've scoured twitter and reddit back then and after for the same coupons but they weren't anywhere except the threads. You said they showed up on twitter before they appeared here and I asked if you have something to back that up.
It's accepted that those first coupons were posted here by an anonymous poster. You're changing the story 8 months after for what reason?

>> No.3997459

Just her insecurities leaking out.

>> No.3997460
Quoted by: >>3997496

But that's wrong.Kuroboshi is not Papa'nis.

>> No.3997461
File: 330 KB, 1236x1748, E16I-etXMAEirBH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997554


>> No.3997462

Ouch Kiara

>> No.3997463

>he wasnt here

>> No.3997465


>> No.3997467
Quoted by: >>3997598

Yeah, they have had better updates and fixes since then.

>> No.3997471

Nice drawing anon

>> No.3997472
Quoted by: >>3997510 >>3997537

I regret took 5ch narrative seriously.
My enjoyment going down the hill when there's no EN2/Vsingers announced.

>> No.3997473

no way! I bet that next you're gonna tell me that Nabi isn't actually Amelia's mom! I won't believe your lies

>> No.3997475
File: 19 KB, 349x212, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are zombros so gay?

>> No.3997478

Does the high rate of mental illness in Indonesia stifle their social lives? Why don’t they just talk to each other?

>> No.3997480

*guitar riff*'s oshi was also Matsuri

>> No.3997481

Where the fuck are the announcements

>> No.3997482

>Egghead in the thread is mad at the orange woman
>SEAnig in the thread is mad at the orange woman

>> No.3997483

>JP holos don't watch Gura and don't know they can stream the ending just fine

>> No.3997484

I'm getting bonked fags, later

>> No.3997485

Hello fellow Nekko! I see you at the back of the line!

>> No.3997487

It is always nice when a Holo plays a game, and inspires viewers to enjoy it themselves.
Soon Amelia Watson will be playing the game "DOOM," which many fans have enjoyed watching Holos play since Korone's hit streams a year ago.
Many Kiara fans have also enjoyed her Yakuza gameplay, with Yakuza fans and Hololive fans having surprising overlap. This was likely true since at least Kaichou's debut, though, so I should not be surprised.

>> No.3997488

Some faggot from this board is trying to shill a vtubers shitcoin on /biz/ these days

>> No.3997491

Damn, when did she start using such a sexy pfp?

>> No.3997493


>> No.3997495

There was another one ~2 months ago and a dedicated cultural exchange thread a bit before that, I'm not digging through the archive for you

>> No.3997496

He is Anon, you just never realized this. Huke is also married to Kiara's mom, the sister she mentions is literally BRS

>> No.3997497
File: 59 KB, 628x431, 52c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997999

I really want to be Kiara's dog.
But Kiara said that she likes cats, and I cried.
I know why I cry because I am actually a rat who is neither a dog nor a cat.
I never expected Kiara to like me. I understand that everyone likes cute dogs or cats who can superchat money. No one likes damp and sick rat.
But I still asked Kiara: "Can I be your dog?"
I know I can't be a dog. But if she likes dogs, I can always watch her by my side, even if the dog in her arms is always a dog.
But she said that she likes cats.
She is still looking at me now, still making me happy, because the cat hasn't appeared yet, and only me, rrat, crawls out of the hole every day, looking at her from a distance.
When the cat she likes comes, I should roll back into my hole again.
But I still like her. Can she look at me more while I'm still by her side?
Kiara said that she would spend every Christmas with her friends. I don't know who you are referring to. I really hope to be a part of them.
I will be the cats she loves.
I know that I can't.
Finally, Kiara would probably put my body up and throw it out the door. This is how my senpai rat died.
But I still beg her to notice me one day.

>> No.3997503
Quoted by: >>3997549 >>3997590

oh, like you're doing now?

>> No.3997506


>> No.3997508
File: 155 KB, 554x546, 1621100520751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can smell the body odor coming from this supa

>> No.3997510

are you stupid?

>> No.3997511
Quoted by: >>3997692


>> No.3997514

More obsessed with numbers than Kiara

>> No.3997515
File: 161 KB, 791x1200, 1620037352752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting lamy since i rarely see her

>> No.3997522
Quoted by: >>3997635

there also was an actual fedora tipper before him

>> No.3997524
Quoted by: >>3997619 >>3997768

Honestly, the only ones I see talking regularly is Anya and Reine. Ollie keeps implying a lot of distance with everybody but Anya just says fuck it and powers through doing whatever she wants

>> No.3997523

Based poetic zomrade

>> No.3997527
Quoted by: >>3997577

since we count Fukiretta on the list of 'Hololive songs that hit million before a month passed', do we count this?

>> No.3997529


>> No.3997533
Quoted by: >>3997569

No idea. Also, dandelions are fucking weeds, I wouldn't want to be compared to one.

>> No.3997535

No you.

>> No.3997537

I do hope you've learnt your lesson about trusting anything "5ch says"

>> No.3997539
Quoted by: >>3997598

Yes, they actually fix Coco the day after. Now almost back to their peak players again.
If you make new account it would be around $22-25k for starter.

>> No.3997540
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1612670567413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen their oshi?

>> No.3997547

has he been revived from the travesty that is heroes in crisis
is his daughter back

>> No.3997550

>spend all the captial immediately
kek have fun at the first few shareholder meetings

>> No.3997549

what the fuck is this supposed to mean anon

>> No.3997554

Mori would honestly be hotter if she's a bit pudgy

>> No.3997555

>Ollie is feeling lonely
>ID2 is really busy so they don't have time to hang out or collab that often
>Hasn't talked much with Risu or Matsuri either recently

>> No.3997557

Deadbeats only listening to Mori's toots, how >we holding up?

>> No.3997556
Quoted by: >>3997602


>> No.3997558


>> No.3997561

She encourages attentionwhores a lot

>> No.3997563
File: 20 KB, 594x124, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997584 >>3997585


>> No.3997564
File: 269 KB, 1000x662, 1620432073007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997568
Quoted by: >>3997592

Ame mention

>> No.3997569
File: 71 KB, 371x210, 1612935105778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, dandelions are fucking weeds
Just like her!

>> No.3997570

>Suisei and Mori
So obvious that I'm not even gonna bother
>Kiara and Pekora
Both maintain a character voice even to their detriment health and viewershipwise, always have numbers on the brain, go to great lengths to interact with and return the love of her fans, and have hada great character growth arc in Kiara's self confidence reps and Pekora's socialization reps.

I can't speak to the other two, but I also think Matsuri is more more in the romantic side of attraction then actual oshi with Hoshi.

>> No.3997573

The IQ requirement for this minigame is way too high for my birb boss...

>> No.3997574

My boss is chilling and having fun. Interesting that you care more about these numbers than her.

>> No.3997575

I'm going insane

>> No.3997577

We should, yeah. 5 hours holy shit

>> No.3997578
File: 52 KB, 310x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997625 >>3997972

Falling back to alcoholism with Lamy!

>> No.3997579
Quoted by: >>3997833

The Boardroom Minigame took way too long for me to figure out. I just brute forced it before

>> No.3997580
File: 1.80 MB, 1919x1080, there are others.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997658

>There are others. Even stronger than me. They are coming.

>> No.3997581

>Matsuri too busy to talk with Ollie
>Genmates busy as well

Ollie is going to menhera harder.

>> No.3997582
File: 132 KB, 275x288, 1621131079879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So JP fans:
>absolutely hate Towa, her voice, and have never forgiven her a year later
>Says Polka is too loud
>Says Nene "shouldn't go on tangents" during superchat readings
>Still thinks Mori is a hardened badass

Anything else I'm missing?

>> No.3997584


>> No.3997585

Based Kiara!

>> No.3997589
File: 607 KB, 1502x2020, 1595556898411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997651 >>3997671

Nice, then I'll post Matsuri since I rarely see her too.

>> No.3997590


>> No.3997592


>> No.3997593

>Ollie has changed topics twice now because the topic was too sad

>> No.3997595
Quoted by: >>3997679 >>3997829

Damn antis aren't even trying anymore....

>> No.3997596
File: 282 KB, 600x827, __kamen_rider_ouja_kamen_rider_and_1_more_drawn_by_maru_maru1105__e1323350f34a25b454ddc828b67efd0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what a homicidal maniac would say

>> No.3997598

Oh cool, I'm still in the top 70 without doing anything. Might play later

>> No.3997600

someone help this poor zoombie onegai...

>> No.3997602
File: 219 KB, 1280x1790, 1595060790171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post mio as well

>> No.3997604

> Ollies stream is just a venting session / pity party

How cucked would you have to be to sit through this

>> No.3997605

My head hurts a little. I'm fine.

>> No.3997608
Quoted by: >>3997819

>barely 2k viewers on fucking Yakuza
And anons itt tried to tell me that Kiara's numbers were actually good

>> No.3997612

I recognize this. I don't remember from where, but I've definitely seen it before.

>> No.3997611

So what is Yakuza about? Besides the obvious criminal organization setting

>> No.3997615
File: 225 KB, 665x634, anyareallyhopesyounoticehernewlipstick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'know, as much as i don't really want to say it, was connor in the right?

>> No.3997616

It's basically background noise at this point.

>> No.3997618
Quoted by: >>3997649 >>3997708

>could reach out to EN
>4/5 EN are hopeless autistic introverts, and the one that isn't, doesn't want anything to do with ID

>> No.3997619
File: 59 KB, 715x836, E0wOHfnWQAIs8Yb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997621
File: 3 KB, 1x1, don't be fooled by watamages[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fom3tcw.webm].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997677

>> No.3997623
Quoted by: >>3997687 >>3997877

I really like low-energy Ollie. I know it's not sustainable entertainment in the long run but its so nice to hear her chilled out like this, even though it is because of depression.

>> No.3997625
Quoted by: >>3997882

>I normally don't dilute my sake…I guess you can say the ice I put in does a bit…
Kek, that's someone who drinks

>> No.3997626
Quoted by: >>3997820

meanwhile 5ch was shitposting about kuroboshi getting mogged by his own daughter

>> No.3997627

I feel like people don't give seagulls enough shit for being Kiara Antis. They are just as likely to be behind posts, even more so considering they originated on 4chan.

>> No.3997632

it was a surprisingly solid and fun toot session

>> No.3997635
File: 20 KB, 349x212, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I (6'7 and jacked) have to share my oshi with such people

>> No.3997637

Music to my ears.

>> No.3997638

Swords and dragons

>> No.3997639

Do cuckolds really?

>> No.3997642
Quoted by: >>3997698 >>3997806

What the fuck is going on where
>Gura is glowing with happiness because she gets to hang out with so many lovely friends
>Ollie is slowly being broken with loneliness and sadness because she doesn't feel like she gets any chances to hang out with her friends
Uhh is ID2 somehow more busy than EN, what the fuck?

>> No.3997644

The fuck was that minigame?

>> No.3997649

Ina would probably collab with Ollie if Ollie asked though. I don't think Ina would ever deny a collab unless she literally doesn't know what they can do to collab. They both speak english too so they could play or do literally anything.

>> No.3997651
File: 144 KB, 1000x1417, 1608620807671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997671


>> No.3997653

Why are JOPs like this?

>> No.3997655
Quoted by: >>3997695

Yes. That happened to Pecor. But if they had actually done something wrong the videos would have gotten copyright strikes. And it was before they started putting [Spoiler warning] or [natabare ari] in the stream titles when they reached the endings.
It was very soon after the perms dropped, too. They probably just got the warning at that point, and got scared and privated the vids. It would not be the first time hololive panic privates something.

>> No.3997656
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1606715091799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997700

I'm very sorry that my expertise is limited to only so many fields, if I could carry discussion on my back I would. But Ame Deprivation makes it harder to speak with authority on topics that I truly know about with enough speed to move the conversation.

>> No.3997659

>blue eyes

>> No.3997658

>Doxxed Austria Egg Man claims there are other Egg Men like him

>> No.3997660
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1620249555322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus

>> No.3997666

Wait...Matsuri is not ID?

>> No.3997667

You new to Hololive?

>> No.3997668

This is why the unofficial EN title was made. If >they aren't showing enough love, >we will.

>> No.3997671
Quoted by: >>3997714 >>3997726

I think matsuri lewds SUCK.

>> No.3997674

I just died from cringe, thanks.

>> No.3997676


>> No.3997677
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1614020654039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997679
File: 41 KB, 672x491, 1610975721052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm angered more now by how pathetic their trash posts are. It's worse than spam

>> No.3997680
File: 319 KB, 476x567, 1557497265231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3997712 >>3997765

Wait, so now you all are in favor of the ENs being separated? Why?

>> No.3997682
Quoted by: >>3997760

oh its the same guy my bad

>> No.3997686

oh christ
I wasn't ready for that

>> No.3997687

It feels like a mixture of Kiara and Mori
which ironically is what I felt about Ollie when she first debuted, the voice/personality/energy of Kiara with the color scheme and concept of Mori

>> No.3997688

Literally how new?

>> No.3997689

Actually smooth now and has live graphs and prices that update in real-time instead of the old broker cycles. Now they're more struggling with inflation.

>> No.3997690

I've sat through Matsuri twitcasts, this is nothing.

>> No.3997691
Quoted by: >>3997727 >>3997744

>absolutely hate Towa, her voice, and have never forgiven her a year later
Wrong. Towa's chat has been getting more and more JOPs since she started making her voice higher.
>Still thinks Mori is a hardened badass
Wrong again. They've known Mori is a dork for ages. NY collab made that obvious. They appreciate the gap moe as well.

>> No.3997692
Quoted by: >>3997757

Go back

>> No.3997695

at least they privated them instead of deleting them...

>> No.3997696

Please understand, anon, NOTHEREschizos will never be convinced.

>> No.3997700
Quoted by: >>3997976

calm down, don't speak about Ame when she's not streaming, we know you like her but please we don't care about her

>> No.3997698

>how the fuck do these indogs have real life problems that keep them away from socializing
what did anon mean by this?

>> No.3997702

I just realized egg also fits the KFP theme of being chickens.

>> No.3997704
File: 57 KB, 660x340, puinished gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare I be forced to share a community with such people...

>> No.3997708
Quoted by: >>3997863 >>3997894

> and the one that isn't, doesn't want anything to do with ID
3/10. She mentioned collabing with Reine soon. For better rratposting, imply she has something against Ollie personally.

>> No.3997710
Quoted by: >>3997780

You have been FRAMED for some UNSPEAKABLY BAD CRIME by the people who raised you. You must now regain your honor and show the world that Japanese organised crime (folded 1000 times with the art of finger cutting) is a really good way to protect your community from vagrants, and you SHOLULD pay that protection money.

>> No.3997713
File: 10 KB, 177x176, 1609818422153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3997712

Only female JP and EN Holos are important.

>> No.3997714

yeah I bet she does a lot of sucking in her lewds

>> No.3997716

Go go Gadget antis can now only live by breathing pig shit.

>> No.3997717

Ouja has grown on me, he's like a Shakespearean schizo that seems harmless

>> No.3997720

KEK almost choked on a bone to this

>> No.3997723

Ina isn't. Anymore rather. She's the embodiment of old /a/

>> No.3997725

>Ollie's gradually getting disillusioned with Hololive's internal culture

>> No.3997726

i think this anon is a FAGGOT

>> No.3997727

5ch is not representative of the normal audience. Most of them don't know shit as shown by Mio coming away from that collab thinking Mori was cool.

>> No.3997728
Quoted by: >>3997807

Holy fuck doxxfags are just posting RL pics of Pekora out in the open now, what the hell

>> No.3997730
Quoted by: >>3997762

>watch kiara
>eat kfc
am i on the right track?

>> No.3997731

wacky side quests that are the polar opposite in tone to the main story, which is also wildly convoluted and also makes no sense

>> No.3997732

Goes right into my superchat cringe compilation folder.

>> No.3997737

>lets stop talking about depressing stuff
>talk about how bad her mom got bullied anyway

Ollie... is your life just full of depressing stuff

>> No.3997743

Honor, betrayal, and karaoke

>> No.3997744
Quoted by: >>3997795

>Towa's chat has been getting more and more JOPs since she started making her voice higher.
Yes idiot that's the point read.

>> No.3997746

are we generalizing what nips think of holos again

>> No.3997749

>Pochi in Ollie's chat
>Has no idea what's going on
>Justs posts a spider emote since Ollie was fighting a spider

>> No.3997750

This has to be a piss take

>> No.3997753

Holy shit is that pekora?

>> No.3997757
Quoted by: >>3997866

t. never had sex

>> No.3997760

I think that's even worse
He spent $500 to be a faggot

>> No.3997762

>Eat KFC
>Not KFP
You are doing the wrong thick bucko

>> No.3997765
Quoted by: >>3997836

*separated from Ollie

>> No.3997768

Anya and Reine seem relatively close. During the ID karaoke relay Anya said in passing that in the case of her internet dying, she would just stream from Reine's house. My personal theory is that Ollie is way younger than the rest of ID2 hags edition.

>> No.3997771

There was one a couple weeks ago asking about Ame.
It's possible that this is even the same guy.

>> No.3997775


>> No.3997777

..is cute!

>> No.3997780
Quoted by: >>3997793

I've never seen someone miss the point of Yakuza so badly

>> No.3997786
Quoted by: >>3997822 >>3998005

The decline of quality in antis is honestly just sad at this point. Seeing retards try to throw everything at the wall and nothing sticking is a truly sad sight.

>> No.3997788


>> No.3997789

Reminder that singling out chuubas to hate on her is against board rule and results in a ban.
Less replying, more reporting

>> No.3997791

An actual schizo enabled by his middle aged friends topples a conspiracy.

>> No.3997792

>ollie has an indog gangster circle in her family

>> No.3997793
Quoted by: >>3997855

Always works

>> No.3997795

>absolutely hate Towa
This isn't true at all but whatever. I don't care about arguing so think what you want anon.

>> No.3997797

a text board isn't representative of the opinions of an entire fanbase?
Anon, don't talk crazy now

>> No.3997803

( W o W )

>> No.3997804

overall? yakuza business, fighting, karaoke, sidequests, similar plotline in every game but still managing to be interesting. also weapons

>> No.3997806
Quoted by: >>3998020

Ollie is afraid to reach out only because she feels lonely and expects that her friends are too busy. She's trying to be professional but also wants to depend on them for friendship, it's a catch-22.

>> No.3997807
Quoted by: >>3997816 >>3997850

Didn't that guy just made a fake clickbait Pekora dox video to trick people into watching him shit on doxfags instead?

>> No.3997811

I guess I'll be the one to play devil's advocate.
Imagine if Gura spent half of her SC readings running JOP supas though google translate and tried to respond to them in super broken Japanese. Would that still be entertaining, or would you rather her spend more time on reading English SCs?

>> No.3997812

Pochi's English is actually great, though. She might just be trying to cheer Ollie up.

>> No.3997815


>> No.3997816
Quoted by: >>3997861


>> No.3997817


>> No.3997819

Sorry but I have a meeting in 30. Also she's getting close to where I am in the story, so I might not even watch Y7 after this stream.

>> No.3997820
Quoted by: >>3997946

They need to stop this shit honestly. Kuroboshi draws a cute, soft Ina while Ina draws a more lively one. One's not better than the other, they're both great.

>> No.3997822

It's sad that I can't kill them all.

>> No.3997827
Quoted by: >>3998006

Oneesangumi playing RE8, just like my SBFPs.

>> No.3997831
Quoted by: >>3997856


>> No.3997829

Let them try, we can recycle their shitpost into OC

>> No.3997833

I used the DLC OP characters desu

>> No.3997834


>> No.3997836


>> No.3997835

>Would that still be entertaining
Yes, incredibly so

>> No.3997842

>your oshi
>your reps

>> No.3997845


>> No.3997848

It stinks like newfag, where the hell are you from now?

>> No.3997850
Quoted by: >>3997919

no thats actually pekora

>> No.3997852


>> No.3997855

Well now I'm just confused since I usually just enjoy the series on my own, pasta?

>> No.3997856

Yes, watame, loafy and kiara. They're gonna play ultimate chicken horse.

>> No.3997860

No that would suck.

>> No.3997861

Pretty based, ngl

>> No.3997863
Quoted by: >>3997935

I'd argue that almost doesn't count because of the HoloBirds thing. When was the last time Kiara mentioned any of ID1 or the rest of ID2 outside of special events/milestones?

>> No.3997866

Nonsense, I'm about to fuck you right now

>> No.3997867

>a smile suits you better

Why are XIV players all faggots?

>> No.3997868


>> No.3997870


>> No.3997874

press F for /oag/

>> No.3997877

Low energy Ollie is every membership stream. She says its her normal but she plays up the genki for her public streams because she thinks that's what people are looking for. She does eventually dip into depression arcs during streams though, but she's getting better.

>> No.3997878

Yeah right

>> No.3997881


>> No.3997882

If I understood nip, I'd be watching Lamy 100% of the time with how much she gets into the topic

>> No.3997884
Quoted by: >>3997955

I want to start doing some actual /fit/ reps over the summer

>> No.3997887

Ollie telling some real indonesian slum stories

>> No.3997888

yakuza but you recruit girls for your vtubing tech and communications company agency instead

>> No.3997893

Pochi is a treasure.

>> No.3997894
Quoted by: >>3997977

she does.
remember that Ollie liked Kiara's roommate's tweets on the Olllie account. dumb bitch. I don't blame Kiara if she's pissed at Ollie and wants nothing to do with her.

>> No.3997895
Quoted by: >>3997928 >>3997938

Have you never been on a 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM EDT thread before?

>> No.3997905


>> No.3997916

So Idolmaster?

>> No.3997917

the first thing i thought of was huniecam studio
the other games are better

>> No.3997919

She's cute.

>> No.3997922

Yeah it'd be great

>> No.3997924

Bro who cares, JWU has been a meme here forever just cause this is a 24/7 hobby and its always possible to miss something
Some people even just watch streams and miss a few threads instead of reading every /hlgg/ ever posted

>> No.3997928
Quoted by: >>3997984

Usually I work but I took days off to watch streams.

>> No.3997930

>actual /fit/ reps since my body is fucked up

>> No.3997932

College reps, but I want to lose some more weight actively this summer instead of passively like I have been with lifestyle changes

>> No.3997935

Minecraft stream a bit ago and her members emote drawing stream.

>> No.3997938

I must be growing intolerant

>> No.3997939


>> No.3997940

If Gura made the readings half as creative as Nene does, absolutely.

>> No.3997943

And 4chan isn't representative of the normal Western audience. The dumb shit you could write for what EoPs believe about JPs is even worse.

>> No.3997944

Wouldn't that just be the cabaret minigame from 0 but with anime style girls instead?

>> No.3997946
Quoted by: >>3997974

keyword is shitposting you retard

>> No.3997949

I saw a billboard in Times Square and ended up here

>> No.3997950

So Ollie's mom and the bully fucked, right? Is that what's going to happen?

>> No.3997951

Ollie should stay away from Ame, Ame already deals with Gura being a menhera she doesn't need another

>> No.3997953

not killing myself

>> No.3997954

Dayum what kind of stupid are (you)

>> No.3997955

Same anon, this lockdown shit got me on the path to eggman.....

>> No.3997958

Yakuza but you're a gang of Indonesian bullies

>> No.3997959

>R*ddit memes are not funny
Chill, Mori...

>> No.3997965

fit, art, and gamedev reps

>> No.3997964

So one JP holo is more representative of JP fans then? That's retarded logic anon. I've seen a bunch of JP translated clips of Mori acting like a dork or ones showcasing her gap moe. They already fucking know. It's possible to find someone cool yet also realize they have a cute/dorky side.
The NY collab YT chat and 5ch thread were filled with JOPs concernfagging over Mori and cheering for her despite the clumsiness. Yes this isn't representative of all JP fans but it's a better indicator than what Mio thought about the collab.

>> No.3997967
Quoted by: >>3997990

>Mori already shitting on reddit
That's my boy

>> No.3997970
Quoted by: >>3997990

Mori shitting on reddit memes lol

>> No.3997971

Gura VODs reps

>> No.3997972

Is Lamy drinking to a point where it's actually a detriment to her health? How often is she *not* drinking?

>> No.3997974

Still needs to STOP

>> No.3997976


>> No.3997977

Kiara does not hate Ollie.

>> No.3997983

She'd get better at Japanese. It'd be cute and funny. Cringe superchats are cringe anyway, she can skip those english ones for JP SC gatcha

>> No.3997984

It's always like this around this time, except for the rare times when it's so dead that people just kind of hang out for a while and talk about one of the rare streams that are still on before things pick up again later in the day.

>> No.3997990

based, 4channel maymays are far superior

>> No.3997991

sad cat posting

>> No.3997999


>> No.3998004

『Ollie's Mom and Uncle Story』
>Ollie's mom was bullied a lot in school
>Ollie's uncle was the leader of a famous local gang known for violence
>Uncle and his gang goes to the school surrounding it, shouting with a megaphone calling out anyone bullying her
>Principal calls her mom and the bully into her office to investigate
>Neither would apologize or admit to anything
>Unlce and gang starts going crazy, trashing the school gates, breaking windows
>Principal makes the mom and bully show the gang they are making amends to calm them down
>Turns out the bully is the Uncle's ex-girlfriend
>Ex didn't know it was his sister, very awkward situation
>In the end gang goes home, Mom never gets bullied again

>> No.3998005

It's because people respond instead of reporting and ignoring. Easier for them to get infamy and still derail threads with offtopic posts. You even have tourists here who think its hilarious posting a fucking wojak adding to the infamy

>> No.3998006

>A darkie, a redhead and somebody with fat tits.
It fits.

>> No.3998013

>this merchandise is no longer for sale

>> No.3998014


>> No.3998018

Gura LOVE!

>> No.3998020

Its kind of weird though, i still remember Anya's AI Dungeon stream where she invited Ollie on and they had a fun time. So its kind of hard to imagine Holoro not being very close

>> No.3998021

Kiara destroying critics with FACTS and LOGIC

>> No.3998022

you can't possibly be this stupid

>> No.3998024


>> No.3998027

Let's be honest Ollie would be better off had she joined the shojos, it's more her style
