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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.42 MB, 3412x4096, 1659752699835640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39005922 No.39005922 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, I Wish It Were Always Midnight

>> No.39005953
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39006029

Audio from the live stream courtesy of >>3900593


>> No.39006044

Whoops cut a number off


>> No.39006068

I will once again post that Mori's verse in the Zuto song is fucking amazing.

>> No.39006084
File: 290 KB, 516x680, TheExtendedUniverse[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxnkrx4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milky orisong:

Monarch cover:

Lucitan cover:

Miori cover:

Boogey Voxx cover:

HACHI cover:

do we have all the lyric captures from iTunes?
I feel like it'd be a nice inclusion in the anchor

>> No.39006089
Quoted by: >>39006199


>> No.39006123
File: 15 KB, 457x367, 846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixed in such a way I can barely catch any words
>subtitles are rotated so I can't even read them
I guess?

>> No.39006149

Good sound sound good

>> No.39006175


>> No.39006189

Are you the deadbeat from the last thread that was having a hard time hearing words in the album too? I had no issue understanding her part in the zutomayo song.

>> No.39006199
File: 84 KB, 206x206, 1650054469113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39006232
File: 280 KB, 1440x1672, FgPAXJ9akAA8D_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>38996802

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXHUb3tvYLA
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (NEW! - December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
//// Stream Kira Killer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5LaKxJVeVI

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
NEW! – SINDERELLA PRE-ORDER (Standard/Limited/Store Exclusive)

New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Audio-only archive: https://mega.nz/file/tekVTYxD#mwPhQyElULKBNnCF3JRemaTb2zK2riViOxLC8Lu8vnw
Mori Calliope Major 1st ALBUM「SINDERELLA」Release Party!
December 18, 2022 via SPWN

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.39006243
Quoted by: >>39006275

I understood mori just fine. Is there any chance this is an issue with your speakers or something?

>> No.39006246
Quoted by: >>39006275

There's a couple of us deaf ass ESL retards with shitty earphones, yeah

>> No.39006275

I use HD600s with a nice external amp so maybe that's why I can hear things fine.

>> No.39006344

Suddenly the MV is gone

>> No.39006361
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 1662152884859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39023626

I wanna see Ope do this pose

>> No.39006362

made me check

>> No.39006364

WTF...at least it's still on spotify

>> No.39006373

>not available in my country

>> No.39006395

>the MV is gone now too

>> No.39006421

I VPN'd to tokyo and it's back. Some weird region locking going. .

>> No.39006429

Still available in Europe

>> No.39006486
Quoted by: >>39006596

Zutomayo MVs take a while to get clearance in NA
Like, a while

>> No.39006495
Quoted by: >>39006527

It's blocked in the US. Anyone else having issues with it?

>> No.39006527

Yeah I can't watch in the US, still fine on spotify though.

>> No.39006543

It's fine in my yuro shithole

>> No.39006558

Man NA deadbeats who didn't stay up and going to wake up to a very interesting stream lol.

>> No.39006559

I honestly think you need to get your hearing checked dude.

>> No.39006596

Mirror Tune is STILL not viewable in the US. I don't know what ZUTOMAYO is doing but goddamn if this doesn't always happen

>> No.39006598


what in the absolute fuck happened

we burned through so many threads but this time it's for good things, did miss alot?

>> No.39006606
File: 112 KB, 272x203, 1633447615746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get more ZutoMori ASMR?

>> No.39006605

It's privated already

>> No.39006615


>> No.39006630
Quoted by: >>39006690

The stream is gone, why do Mori's offcollabs keep ending up privated?

>> No.39006656

Album prematurely got live. IT WAS AWESOME. Then It's revealed that Zutomayo has a ladycrush on Mori, The collab song is 10/10.

Morischizo on global is in an existential crisis right now.

>> No.39006658

Sinderella dropped early, Mori's given the go to stream it. Mori had an ASMR-like stream with Acane that was oddly erotic, then they released the collab song. Mori's new music is fucking great.

>> No.39006677
File: 49 KB, 181x224, 1655346927543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once, all good things! Great karaoke, Sinderella leak/release, album turned out great, post-coital pillow talk offcollab with ACAne, and the Zutomayo collab song is a banger.
Better get caught up deadbeat

>> No.39006690


>> No.39006705

You missed a hell of a lot.
Mori did a karaoke to promote the album
Suprise album release an hour or so after
Mori gave us permission to listen to the songs early
Album is great, next to Your Mori level
Mori did a collab stream with Zutomayo, it's privated now but audio in global if you want to hear it, there was no visuals so don't worry about that, also it was weirdly intimate between them
Zutomayo collab song just released, it's really good but seems to be having issues for some people in some places, will probably get fixed later

>> No.39006710

The only bad things are that an absolutely kino stream got private, and if you're a z
USbeat you can't hear her zutamayo song at present.

>> No.39006714


>> No.39006732

The fact that they literally did the stream from Acane's bedroom with rustling bedsheets and everything is wild to me

>> No.39006808

>mori is just talking about how cute ACAね is LMAO
Mori aggressively hitting on a vulnerable fembeat...

>> No.39006858

>aca: since the tune changes depending on the air...it's hard but (??) something something i want to do it again in another concert...we should do it together
> ACAね says she wants to try being a vtuber LMAO

>mori: i think it'd be fun if you did asmr streams...
>aca: yeah that would be fun

>> No.39006918

Mori is so inspirational and encouraging! I love that about her!

>> No.39006951

So next is the album release party in 19 hours, right?

>> No.39006954

acane's voice is cute as fuck, would listen and sleep to her asmr or her just talking like that for hours

>> No.39007048

Maybe Mori should do more streams with her, y'know help her out and teach her how ASMR works

>> No.39007078

so, is it okay to download a Torrent now because my CD isn't arriving until next week because of Customs shenanigans?

>> No.39007080

Acane did say "1st collaboration" like there would be more

>> No.39007096

She's a busy gal

>> No.39007101

Anon it’s on youtube. Stream it legally

>> No.39007118

Holy shit today is a good day. So many good things happening at once.
Acane's voice is really nice

>> No.39007120
Quoted by: >>39007219

>Meets Amalee
>Amalee becomes Monarch
>Meets Acane

Mori actually inspires people to be vtubers, even when they're already famous.

>> No.39007125
File: 117 KB, 923x1200, 1668171908338839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on every streaming service.

>> No.39007138

You can stream it for free while getting mori views. I'd suggest you do that.

>> No.39007141

>fan harp
what the fuck, didn't know this was a thing

>> No.39007170

It’s on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon music. You don’t need to.

>> No.39007219

ACAne is Mori's pet snek

>> No.39007220

Always has been. Still, maybe give the songs a view on YTmusic anyway, it'd make out boy happy.

>> No.39007247
File: 404 KB, 480x358, drunkbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it: 2022 was worth it for this
this album has the raw energy of someone processing some shit

>> No.39007290

If Acane became a vtuber, would you watch?

>> No.39007295
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, 1658603399629376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you came around

>> No.39007339
File: 145 KB, 1200x1372, 1658506353994835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39007513

I ended up staying up all night
I have work in less than 6 hours but I just want to listen through the album again

>> No.39007347

If she did asmr and singing content yes

>> No.39007396

My lack of Japanese might filter me a bit. Even so, I'm certainly interested in watching her as a chuuba.

>> No.39007425

I don't have enough time to watch another chuuba but I might watch her every once in a blue moon.

>> No.39007437

I have to confess, this album release is the first time I’ve felt really excited about Mori’s music since CapSule was announced. It’s good enough to make me want to stream it again and again.

>> No.39007486

If she does more offcollab ASMRs with my boy? Hell yeah.

>> No.39007510
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, C3109F5C-0A7D-44A3-BD63-55E6FFA46ACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39008126


>> No.39007513
File: 328 KB, 740x740, 1670633991867418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep now and listen to it at work

>> No.39007597

Today was a good day. Streams:

>> No.39007850
Quoted by: >>39009538

[20221215] もうすぐ綺羅キラー ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 ZUTOMAYO (3wKsHN5C9k8)

>> No.39007976

So, as this is probably the last Morpi release of 2022, I went through her releases. If you include the lo-fi mixes, she released 37 songs this year, and it would take 2hrs 17m to listen to them. And that doesn't include the stuff not on spotify, like Covers, C-man, etc.

>> No.39008126

you now realize the hairclip on the "idol" is shaped as a spine ending
she's a bone idol, shining killer
it's literally a whole song about ACA's adoration for Mori

>> No.39008377

I sure hope this leads into a 2nd incline in terms of subs.

>> No.39008823

I don't. She's big enough.

>> No.39008870

Listening to the stream again, what Mori gushed about wasn't a plushie, it was a real cat, almost a year old, still a "baby cat" according to Mori.

>> No.39008925

Oh, and she told Acane about Beelzebub and Destroyer, calling them fat fucks.

>> No.39008933

Yes they literally seemed to be in Acane’s bedroom

>> No.39008956

That depends, most holos aren’t growing as much as we’re hitting a ceiling in the current niche group. Even Gura has slowed down in terms of growth. Outlier is Marine who’s still riding on Treasurebox’s momentum.

>> No.39008958


>> No.39008975

they were looking at a video from acane's phone. Apparently it's a young cat named Ginger

>> No.39009107
Quoted by: >>39009154

Is it true that Acane found Mori from her Sololive?

>> No.39009136

Sinderella sounds okay. Some cringe raps as always and still addressing her "haters" at times. Come up with new subject matter, bitch.

>> No.39009154

she is the screamer

>> No.39009264
Quoted by: >>39009714

Well, it sounded more like "kekko futoi".

>> No.39009339

I expected cringecore to be, you know, cringy. Especially knowing Calli isn't afraid of being extremely cringy, but it's actually really good

>> No.39009538

Thanks for the download link

>> No.39009641

I don't know about you guys, but it takes me a few listens to really start making out the lyrics of songs. In the meantime, I'm going entirely off vibes, and man does Sinderella have some pretty great ones.

>> No.39009709

Help I've listened to this album on loop since it released and I got no sleep and a final in 4 hours

>> No.39009712
File: 397 KB, 762x974, Congratulations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came by to congratulate on the new album, deadbeats. As I hoped, I really liked Taste of Death. Hope Mori's happy with how it turned out.

>> No.39009714
File: 11 KB, 525x151, 1659893516609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39009778

Translation thread confirms

>> No.39009778
Quoted by: >>39010044

>American cats
>They are fat

>> No.39009836

Thanks, man. This Sinderella has definitely replaced Your Mori as my favourite album from her. And with the collab with Zutomayo being another hit, I am beyond excited for her future endeavours.

>> No.39009907

>released a banger of an album
>got it to topm the charts in hours
>got to collab with zutomayo
If she ain't happy after all that then I'm bonking this self-deprecating reaper.

>> No.39009948
File: 43 KB, 288x419, Partybeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hope Mori's happy with how it turned out
I know I am.

>> No.39010019
File: 26 KB, 600x400, Thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39010182

What did you like about the track, birdman?

>> No.39010044

Fat cats are cuter after all.

>> No.39010182
File: 31 KB, 452x433, Curious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really great at explaining things when it comes to music, all I can say is that it reminded me of like 2000s era Pop, which I liked. It certainly was a Kira-produced song, I can tell that much.

>> No.39010416

im so fucking glad sinderella is good bros

i didnt enjoy SN at all and i was really worried about the potential of soullless umg future but our boy brought it back and i feel bad i doubted

>> No.39010425

Eyy thanks buddy. Sat down at work and listened to it, I love my Reaper.

>> No.39010533
Quoted by: >>39010559

>Open lyric dive site
>Other ‘songs you may like’ is a roommate song and Ussewa (A Mori original)

>> No.39010559

A Moriginal, if you will.

>> No.39010653

I somehow overslept and missed the stream and the MV how was it?

>> No.39010807
Quoted by: >>39011109

Everything was amazing except for the fact that UMG screwed up and accidently released the album early because people were complaining they couldn't pre-order the physical release.

>> No.39010845

Cute as fuck. The MV isn't available without a VPN in the US and some other countries. The stream was audio with a static image; it got privated, and you can listen to it here: https://files.catbox.moe/cbd567.webm

>> No.39010892
Quoted by: >>39010950

Also, scroll up for translation if you're not jouzu.

>> No.39010950
Quoted by: >>39011081

is it true that Acane was the lesbeat that screamed?

>> No.39011066
Quoted by: >>39011156

People are saying Mori released 12 songs today but I only count 11 from Sinderella and the Zutomayo song.

>> No.39011081

No, it was just a joke.

>> No.39011109

What's amazing is how incompetent UMG is woth handling this release.

>> No.39011156
Quoted by: >>39011279

For some reason people are counting Calvin and Haykos's Christmas Rap as Mori's. I guess it IS on her channel.

>> No.39011279

Oh right Wrapping Paper, I guess technically it could count even if it was just her and Bae fucking around.

>> No.39011649
Quoted by: >>39013032

MV in case anyone missed it

>> No.39012096

that was the gayest stream on par with mel one lol

>> No.39012169
Quoted by: >>39012272

>i love you
woah aca

>> No.39012272

bedsheet status?

>> No.39012383

After listening to Sinderella 3 times I'd say it's pretty good even if the 3 first tracks are painful to listen to. I'm still not quite sure about the multiple genre packed in a one album without much cohesiveness. For Unalive I thought it was just her fucking around before she signed with UMG, but it's a pattern now. I don't think that will work for her in the long run.

>> No.39012431

And both of them are privated.
I see how it is.
thanks a lot to people who archived it, I already lost hope in terms of seeing the Mel collab

>> No.39012740

man, I get now why she was surprised by what Cover/UMG allowed her to write, Death Sentence feels almost spiteful but then glass slipper comes in, wistful and resigned

>> No.39012777
Quoted by: >>39013091

why does she say omega so much in wanted, wasted

>> No.39012951

got a link to the archive? i missed it

>> No.39013032

As a US deadbeat that jwu, many thanks

>> No.39013035
Quoted by: >>39013183

apparently it was just audio only anyway so you didn't miss much

>> No.39013091

omae ga

>> No.39013181
Quoted by: >>39023682

Mel Collab is lost media now

>> No.39013183
Quoted by: >>39013228


didnt expect a girls calling each other kakkoi asmr but apparently im into that

>> No.39013228
Quoted by: >>39013388

Mori called her really cute and she giggled. I think we lost.

>> No.39013371


>> No.39013388

I seriously can't believe Mori is coming out in her media and streams flat-out balls to the wall with lesbian sex streams and music.

>> No.39013477

I think Mori and Lui should fuck

>> No.39013526

nice commercial you got there Calliope Mori

>> No.39013531

Didn't this artist draw comics of Mori getting cucked and being a bad parent?

>> No.39013568
File: 43 KB, 1000x562, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so appealing

>> No.39013653

Zutomayo just gave mori a lot more exposure than I originally thought

>> No.39013698
Quoted by: >>39013818

My Boy is is mainstream now....

>> No.39013818

I'd say she always has been but I think with this recent album and Zutomayo she's going to get more eyes on her

>> No.39013928
File: 268 KB, 432x484, 1665819959005099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015069

Just listened to the album and man, it really is great. Might just be her best work overall, she's right to be proud of it.

>> No.39014069

listening to the Zutomayo collab audio and yeah this is giving some ASMR vibes

>> No.39014300
Quoted by: >>39014368

Wait, why did Mori make two almost-the-same-tweets?

>> No.39014345
Quoted by: >>39014468

I think with Mori getting signed her popularity wasn't immediate explosion like they thought it would be but I think it's going to be more gradual and we're probably seeing signs of it right now because I'm pretty sure that Spotify commercial is a pretty big fucking deal

>> No.39014368

Sex with Acane is very distracting

>> No.39014468

Absolutely, you don't get to represent one of the biggest music companies on the planet without them banking on you being able to attract users.

>> No.39014544

were Mori and Acane really in bed with each other or what?

>> No.39014600
Quoted by: >>39014659

No, it was recorded to sound that way.
You can hear a guy at the end saying "Hai" as a "ok we're done recording" right at the end of the stream and them doing the whole "Thank you for your hard work" saying japanese do after a job is done.

>> No.39014628

There was a third person overseeing the stream, so I doubt it. They just chose to make it seem that way, for whatever reason.

>> No.39014659

it's weird I can imagine them both being in a dark room together in front of a monitor behind covers

>> No.39014786

>for whatever reason.
our boy wants discord sex with other musicians

>> No.39015069
File: 194 KB, 850x1200, 1670743145168542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan too, and I'm calling it now:
Wanted, Wasted is going to be the OP of the inevitable Gachiakuta anime

>> No.39015082

We're just 7K away from reaching the final 100K stretch.

>> No.39015206
File: 1.17 MB, 744x1200, 1670730801301844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015482

the highs and lows are mentally taxing but worth it in the end

>> No.39015249

I don't think it's going to be the OP but I do think she's going to be involved in the anime in some way for sure

>> No.39015273
File: 564 KB, 762x638, 1647877420615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the benefits of being stuck at work and only being able to access YT to listen to the album is the MV is already on my set list now

>> No.39015297

Sinderrella is number one in leaf land now

>> No.39015309
Quoted by: >>39015355

am I retarded? I can't figure out how to see any of sinderella clicking on her YT channel but the recommended page is bombarding me with links to videos of individual songs from it. anyone know where to get the full playlist?

>> No.39015355
Quoted by: >>39015608


>> No.39015433

I did my part

>> No.39015482


>> No.39015534
Quoted by: >>39015600

kek, look who replied first to the Zutto MV animator
small world

>> No.39015542


>> No.39015600

who's this?

>> No.39015608
Quoted by: >>39015941

If you have Spotify/apple music/yt music premium I'd listen there, the youtube topic versions don't have as good sound quality

>> No.39015634
Quoted by: >>39015740

did anyone save that one oppaibeat photo from a while ago?

>> No.39015660
Quoted by: >>39015690

Fake Type MV animator, also coincidentally goes by Mori.

>> No.39015661
File: 973 KB, 1225x884, 1659424134245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015733

Reminder that Mori loves her friends and WILL KILL SANTA

>> No.39015690


>> No.39015698

's (You)!

>> No.39015733
File: 394 KB, 1265x1080, yod1wl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39015740

The Unshaven One?

>> No.39015769

got done with Zutomayo audio it's still strange it was recorded in this way

>> No.39015829
File: 33 KB, 725x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're getting uppity

>> No.39015879


>> No.39015891


>> No.39015903

You should have seen them when the album first dropped. They got so uppity jannies had to ban and delete their posts.

>> No.39015941

I don't, I have a phys copy coming and was planning on just pirating digital

>> No.39015973
File: 27 KB, 605x418, 20220405_163918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn that was funny

>> No.39015982

They were too based

>> No.39016005
Quoted by: >>39016051

ganbatte mori
you'll surely woo atlus into letting you stream an entire persona someday

>> No.39016022
Quoted by: >>39016082

finally watched the Kira Killer MV I love the hand drawn style of it and the song slaps I hope this one does really well too

>> No.39016051

It'll only take 5 years

>> No.39016082
Quoted by: >>39016593

It's a guaranteed hit

>> No.39016192 [DELETED] 

Mori was eating her cunt on streamaok8rt

>> No.39016360
Quoted by: >>39016488

I'm going to dox the author and staff if not

>> No.39016488

The author wrote a blurb for the album site, if the song isn't in the anime blame the production committee

>> No.39016548
File: 213 KB, 406x433, 1661576611047361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of nuts NEZUMI Scheme ended up being one of the (relatively) weaker tracks

>> No.39016593
Quoted by: >>39016698

Isn't it already #6 on JP charts?
That and being in the Spotify ad already is "industry plant" levels of connections.
Zutomayo is no joke.

>> No.39016698

Yeah zuto’s a big shot and this will 100% help with sinderella. Huge W(heh) for Mori all around.

>> No.39016806
Quoted by: >>39016874

So, if the album is literally out in Japan physically, I'm surprised that bonus EoaL mix hasnt leaked anywhere yet.

>> No.39016874
Quoted by: >>39017362

JPs don't like to pirate for some reason

>> No.39017362

Makes sense, given how autistic they are about perms and copyright.

>> No.39017427

Oh hey, it hit top 10 on US iTunes.

>> No.39017519


>> No.39017967

Sitting at #11 for me. So weird to see it next to Christmas albums and Taylor swift but I wasn’t around for the first albums and whatnot so I’m sure it isn’t surprising.

>> No.39018056

Our boy hitting big time

>> No.39018078
Quoted by: >>39019533

imagine Kiara/Mori GTA co-op with the custom radio set to play Fever Night and Dance Past Midnight

>> No.39018100
File: 734 KB, 1457x942, 6d2c5c843e879d09b8d90b23c9dcd13b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39018290

Today is like a holiday, a reason to come together and celebrate. Feel more excited about this than Christmas this year desu.

>> No.39018117

Kira Killer minus MV for USbeats that want to listen

>> No.39018246
Quoted by: >>39018441

Mori should do a song with Home if she wants to do more synthwave music

>> No.39018290

I was thinking the same thing it really does feel like Christmas came early today

>> No.39018313
File: 1.25 MB, 1797x569, 1642290827528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39018386
Quoted by: >>39018603

Today's been a good day to be a deadbeat.
>New album, probably the best thing she's done all year
>ZUTOMAYO collab
>Calvin Christmas rap on the advent calendar

>> No.39018441
Quoted by: >>39018580

I would fucking love for her to make something like hyper cold sleep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4C0mMg14UU

>> No.39018580

get Milky Queen or AmaLee on the track or both and it's a certified bop

I was thinking maybe something like this

>> No.39018603

UMG leaning on the some of the weaker songs to generate hype for this has some mixed feeling for me but I'm glad the Album is as good as it is

>> No.39018796
Quoted by: >>39018912

they really don't understand why her music appeals to people, at all

>> No.39018823 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 777x622, 20221215_142116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I yeeta da pizza

>> No.39018861
Quoted by: >>39019014


>> No.39018912

this is why I keep saying and it's my personal schitzo theory that they're trying to appeal to the JP normie audience when they should be going to the anime audience don't know if that's a UMG idea, Mori idea or both

>> No.39018930
Quoted by: >>39018984

into my mouth

>> No.39018965 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 2388x1296, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me 2 days to beat this fucker, but I did it. Who knew that upping the difficulty to Merciless will actually make the fight easier.

>> No.39018968

go chimken throw that pizza!

>> No.39018984
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>> No.39019014
File: 467 KB, 767x771, 1668795083482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your loss KFP

>> No.39019023

A second Zutomayo collab seems to at least being discussed based on Acane's wording. Maybe in a couple months they do something on Mori's channel

>> No.39019040

that gluttony song is really good

>> No.39019050

He's not fat, just big boned...

>> No.39019073

always gotta come back to them wanting to use calvin to promote something because they don't realize hes a parody

>> No.39019243
File: 1.38 MB, 2601x3021, 1651963422376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinderella album drop story
Has lore about how the Goddess imparts new songs onto her people.
The album is fucking amazing, I love my Mori. I'm really struggling to pick a favorite between Taste of Death, Wanted Wasted and soul food.

>> No.39019330
Quoted by: >>39019377

Yep. I'm Greedy has grown on me but its literally my least favourite track on the album. Anything else would have made a far better debut song - it almost put me off buying it.

>> No.39019377

I like it on a quality pair of headphones, in fact most songs come out even better that way.

>> No.39019441

I guess anon doesn't have it

>> No.39019481

No. I disagree. It's a great album. There were many mistakes that would have been better and still very easy to avoid. There still are ongoing mistakes that are threatening.

>> No.39019479

Hot... I want to watch Mori possess some lesbians

>> No.39019533

As kino as that'd be, I feel like GTA multiplayer is explicitly banned by management, and will remain so for the foreseeable future

>> No.39019598

Why did the Zuto collab get privated anyway?

>> No.39019683

That was a guy samefagging hard.

>> No.39019685
Quoted by: >>39019771

They don't have any other streams still up on their channel, probably just prefer it to be all music or something.

>> No.39019698
File: 3.41 MB, 750x1334, 1671120170380566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's certainly a top highlight to cap off an incredibly ambitious year, but some of the lows definitely could have been avoided with some better judgment.
That being said, I still think her full Live Concert was still the hypest shit of the year by far, so I have high hopes for the concert this weekend, and might usurp it if she can really pull these songs off just as well.
Overall proud, and happy she's entering the New Year with a happier mindset, and coming off of an unironic HUGE W

>> No.39019715

There is a catbox link in the thread.

>> No.39019753
Quoted by: >>39020201

Song trades is often how these things go, similar to Villain Vibes.

>> No.39019771
Quoted by: >>39020594

It got full privated, not just unlisted.

>> No.39019853

>The album is fucking amazing, I love my Mori. I'm really struggling to pick a favorite between Taste of Death, Wanted Wasted and soul food.

my nigga

>> No.39020008

Gonna be honest here, the new album isn't doing it for me
Maybe because there are so many genres involved, some of which I'm not a fan of, a bit like Unalive
Favorite song is still Nezumi Scheme
I was hoping for something like EoaL

>> No.39020086
Quoted by: >>39020192

With all of the Album hype, has there been any hint about what kind of MV is being made? Lyric vid, animated, or 3D choreo?

>> No.39020097
Quoted by: >>39020331

>I was hoping for something like EoaL
glass slipper

>> No.39020192

Wanted, Wasted is a 2D animated by people she really likes. I've been suspecting PPP

>> No.39020201

That's usually for similar artists though, and not usually paid off so uniformly.
I'm aware they're friends or at least close acquaintances, but this isn't like BoogeyVox, AmaLee or Milky Queen, this is a major artist with a much more comprehensive production team, so try not to get your hopes up

>> No.39020257

Holy fuck, then this should be incredible.
When did she mention that though, I must have blanked on a members stream

>> No.39020286
File: 40 KB, 499x499, 1657644375931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39020434

I figure fembeats might be a bit like that if Mori ever performs Taste of Death in a live concert kek.

>> No.39020331

I'm not getting the same vibe from Glass Slipper
EoaL was just a fucking masterpiece

>> No.39020401
Quoted by: >>39020883

It's really funny we've got multiple people claiming (even if it's a joke!) to be that one chick who lost it at the live at this point.

>> No.39020434

there won't be one fembeat screaming really loud but two this time

>> No.39020445

Do you at least have a couple songs you like on it?

>> No.39020506
Quoted by: >>39026094

Nezumi Scheme - I'm a fan of electroswing
I'm giving the album a couple more loops to see if something sticks for me

>> No.39020559

We will see a circle from around Lucitan and Saku as they fight to the death.

>> No.39020594

Ado does the same thing when she streams. Just the culture I guess

>> No.39020628
Quoted by: >>39020665

I am actually worried Saku will just explode

>> No.39020665


>> No.39020709

I hope Mori's new place is close to where they were. They seemed genuinely interested in hanging out and becoming friends. Mori could also introduce Tutu to her

>> No.39020883
Quoted by: >>39020961

Mostly because Acane turned into a giggling mess when Mori started talking. Mori somehow keeps getting away with it.

>> No.39020926
Quoted by: >>39021000

>inb4 it's Urana-sensei

>> No.39020961
Quoted by: >>39021479

Why does she have this effect, particularly, on Asian women?

>> No.39021000
Quoted by: >>39021464

>it just ends up being the OP the unannouced Gachiakuta anime

>> No.39021039
Quoted by: >>39021055

Wait, Mori being able to possess others is part of her lore now? Is she a shonen protagonist with how many powers she gets each arc?

>> No.39021055
Quoted by: >>39021219

I can't wait until she learns how to stop time

>> No.39021219

She already seduced Kronii and Ame, she should by now

>> No.39021284

Has anyone edited yesterday's Advent video to be Mori and Bae's voice yet?

>> No.39021464

That's what I'm saying >>39015069
"One man's Trash is another man's Purpose" was a line so cool even the JP producers had to call it out, and it's even perfect for the theme of the show.
Wouldn't surprise me if she was inspired with some of the lyrics/themes while reading it

>> No.39021479

Sometimes it affects white women too

>> No.39021518
File: 30 KB, 600x401, 2e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millions of fans
>complaining about cancel culture
She okay? Like she cant be cancelled short of spamming more racial slurs again.
She is a grown woman

>> No.39021616

Ye is being canceled for a widely held opinion. She can absolutrly get canceled.

>> No.39021682

Anon I don't love Hitler and I don't want to gas the Jews

>> No.39021699

You already tried this in Global.

>> No.39021701
File: 10 KB, 206x206, Fg3SECuUAAAQ3t4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>widely held opinion

>> No.39021704
Quoted by: >>39021838

You can be "cancelled" for some dumb shit now a days. Be forced to apologize for stuff you said years ago just because things have changed that you weren't involved with.

For example, having to apologize for saying you liked Kanye, even though you said that 5 years ago before anything current era happened. Some people are demanding that. And you should have seen what happened to Coco and Haachama.

>> No.39021771
Quoted by: >>39021816

so it turns out that all digital versions of Sinderella might be censored there might be more incentive to get the CD or at least pirate the songs

>> No.39021816
Quoted by: >>39021842

>uncensored Taste of Death

>> No.39021838

I don't think Mori is going to talk about wanting to go death con 3 on jewish people - so no, I don't think she will ever be "cancelled"

Thats not what cancelling means. It means getting them kicked out of Hololive. That aint happening. They already know of what shes done in the past.

>> No.39021842

it might make you cum twice

>> No.39021883

Kanye got kicked out of Hololive...

>> No.39021916


>> No.39021919


>> No.39021980


>> No.39022009
Quoted by: >>39022123

That's not what cancelled means. Cancelled doesn't mean fired only.

>> No.39022063

Mori lied to us yesterday saying that she's loved a wavy song for many many years.

>> No.39022092

Okey tophatman

>> No.39022101
Quoted by: >>39022279

So I went looking for Acane lewds...I only found like 8 pictures.

>> No.39022123 [DELETED] 

It would get rid of her public platform, or atleast one of them. That's literally what it means. The cancel in cancel culture is supposed to be literal - like canceling events.
If she's going to steal from black culture, she should atleast understand it ya know?

>> No.39022148

You don't actually believe 4chan is unironically racist, or unironically anything. Do you?

>> No.39022276


>> No.39022279
Quoted by: >>39022489

link 'em

>> No.39022323

I'm actually in love with my oshi

>> No.39022479

holy hell, "heel on your neck"
Taste of Death is so horny

>> No.39022489

I don't feel like taking a vacation, but they are on a popular western hentai booru style site.

>> No.39022503
Quoted by: >>39022871

Morbi toes…

>> No.39022564

Nezumi Scheme really goes hard on that transition into the final chorus. Never appreciated it much until now. Also a great transition into Soul Food

>> No.39022718

Listen, I may have some opinions about certain things that could get me yelled at, but I think his recent things have gone just a tad bit further than most people's inner thoughts

>> No.39022723
Quoted by: >>39022759

>mods deleting calli critique

>> No.39022759
Quoted by: >>39022923


>> No.39022871
File: 473 KB, 541x634, 1670073960781460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39022936


>> No.39022923

He also used the word critique without knowing what it meant. Criticism was the word his ESL brain was searching for

>> No.39022936
File: 84 KB, 339x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39023085

the "Go, Go!" from DpM is fucking sending me
the Sloth song is a fucking racetrack banger

>> No.39023228
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 1663406016522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39023254


>> No.39023263


>> No.39023278
Quoted by: >>39023331

I really thought the zutomayo calliope song wouldn't be region locked on youtube. I assumed they collabed so that zutomayo could expand further into the west and calli could expand further in japan.

>> No.39023331
Quoted by: >>39023938

Apparently it's common for her songs, hopefully they manage to fix it faster than the months it normally takes for her songs.

>> No.39023626
File: 364 KB, 600x600, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39023651

Based couponbeat

>> No.39023682
File: 353 KB, 1267x1402, 1654651399491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39024483

Deadbros.... https://gofile.io/d/1EUapN
I haven't actually had time to listen to it so I'm hoping this is actually the mel collab

>> No.39023741

Jwu, and holy shit, the album rocks, DPM is cool. I've yet to hear the zutomayo collab

>> No.39023759


>> No.39023839

It was privated, there was no video, just a still image. You can listen to it here

>> No.39023938

Ado songs get region locked for me too despite being NA. If takes a few days, but they don’t stay locked forever.

>> No.39023943
Quoted by: >>39023987

Oh, if you mean the actual song, its region locked from NA for whatever reason. You can VPN or find a copy somewhere in the thread.

>> No.39023987

The song isn't region locked, just the MV

>> No.39024037
Quoted by: >>39024338

>widely held opinion
Well I don't know about that but even most people must admit that hollywood is jewish heavy

>> No.39024048

I think Soul Food might be my favorite right now, I can't stop vibing to it

>> No.39024163
Quoted by: >>39024193

Why were the Mel streams privated? Does anyone know?

>> No.39024193

the very end revealed her nintendo friend code since Mel forgot to end the stream before they joined pekora on her's

>> No.39024300

Imagine if Mori gets another big concert and they have a giant Ope mascot on stage

>> No.39024315

every time I see this I can't help but hear that Yoshi sound

>> No.39024338

Wanna see a real cancellation? Look at Kyrie Irving.

>> No.39024468
File: 186 KB, 605x807, 1653579650928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out an bought a tassel to replace the one that came with the NUO keychain, but now I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm worried that I'm just gonna end up destroying this piece of merch if I do anything to it
Any DIYbeats have any tips for me?

>> No.39024483

Sorry I replied to the wrong post. Mel collab is in this link >>39023682

>> No.39024502
File: 136 KB, 1023x673, A4341CF1-E803-4D26-81FC-99C61DBB387F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39024908

The canon version

>> No.39024565

thanks Coupon beat

>> No.39024581

Honestly Dance Past Midnight has some light vapour wave sounds and its really growing on me

>> No.39024603

Never miss a chance to suck up to Atlus, Mori. She WILL play P3 in january.

>> No.39024624
Quoted by: >>39024685

I can't believe Mori killed The DCEU for her album's success! That bitch!

>> No.39024640

as I've said before I would love for her to work with Home to make something amazing

>> No.39024685
Quoted by: >>39024727

nothing of value was lost anyway that shit sucked lol

>> No.39024727
Quoted by: >>39024907

That's true, feel bad for the actors though.

>> No.39024731
Quoted by: >>39024951

Dark Synthwave cyberpunk Mori is the new hotness

>> No.39024738
File: 238 KB, 846x1200, 1670565129592220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Sinderella

>> No.39024831
Quoted by: >>39024893

What's wrong with the NUO one?

>> No.39024893
Quoted by: >>39024939

nothing really, its just I thought it might be cool to replace the felt with a real one.

>> No.39024908

Huh. Oddly cute.

>> No.39024907

Especially Cavill, he just quit The Witcher for it.

>> No.39024939
Quoted by: >>39025164

Well I don't think you're going to replace it without damaging the felt. But I think you will be able to do it if you don't mind damaging it.

>> No.39024951
Quoted by: >>39025114

Haven't heard the song yet, but from I heard in the preview, it's not even close to dark synth, it's just synth-pop.

>> No.39024982
Quoted by: >>39025599

He would've quit The Witcher anyway

>> No.39025022
Quoted by: >>39025164

Huh, at this rate you could replace the whole thing.

>> No.39025053
Quoted by: >>39025599

Honestly it seems like he wasn't really happy with the way the show runners were taking things and was getting tired of trying to get them to stay more accurate to the character

>> No.39025098

Been listening to Zuttomayo's songs and they're pretty funky and very catchy. I dig them a lot.

>> No.39025114
File: 25 KB, 806x617, 1649986659607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HimeMori synth-pop denpa song collab is a possibility

>> No.39025164
Quoted by: >>39025210

probably yea, I was thinking of either trying to pull it out or sticking a knife along the inside edge but I might just have to cut the whole thing
what do you mean by that?

>> No.39025210
Quoted by: >>39025370

As in, just use the thing you bought instead of the entire original tassel module, kek

>> No.39025312

I still don't even have my NUO merch because I made the mistake of ordering it together with Ina's birthday merch

>> No.39025370
File: 91 KB, 531x398, 1671068996058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, that might actually not be a bad idea. Just gotta find a cap and clasp with a similar finish to the original and attach this new tassel to it. That way, I can keep the original one and have another that I can interchange whenever I want.
Thanks for the suggestion anon!

>> No.39025420
Quoted by: >>39025447

weird, I already got my Ina merch a while ago

>> No.39025447
File: 301 KB, 480x480, 1640223509984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39025551


>> No.39025551

Poor SqueebBeat...

>> No.39025599

Yep. Apparently he got into an argument with the director at one point, because of a scene where Roach dies and the director wanted a funny quip to cut the tension but Cavill put his foot down and insisted it be an emotional scene.

>> No.39025681

><Special Thanks>
That's me!

>> No.39025752
Quoted by: >>39026353

That's funny to me, because I've received Ina's birthday merch from May and the NUO Essentials pack but have yet to receive either the proper NUO goods from June or Mori's birthday merch from April.

I'm convinced Geekjack pull their despatches from a lottery every day now.

>> No.39025771

>the director wanted a funny quip
Why the fuck do media people have such an addiction to this kind of dialogue

>> No.39025838

Fear of committing to emotional tension, Marvel "humour" is a good example

>> No.39025856
File: 1.23 MB, 850x1202, 1670713030689778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they think everything has to be like the MCU

anyway Morpo

>> No.39025870

I blame Marvel's popularity

>> No.39026094

Alright, after listening to it for a while, the songs I'm putting on my playlist, starting from most liked:
Nezumi Scheme
Death Sentence
Dance Past Midnight
I'm Greedy

>> No.39026169

fucking incredible

>> No.39026294
Quoted by: >>39026342

It's nice that the album seems to have at least one or two songs for everyone. Mori really accomplished her goal.

>> No.39026325

You got some terrible taste, that's your problem.

>> No.39026342

I remember her talking about how she says she likes when that happens so it's great to see it here too

>> No.39026353

I'm still waiting on my IRyS merch from ~january. Geekjack can go geekjack-off-itself

>> No.39026714
Quoted by: >>39026754

When's the next stream?

>> No.39026754
Quoted by: >>39026911

Album release party in 10.5hrs.

>> No.39026904
Quoted by: >>39027650

Mori on the telly!

>> No.39026911
Quoted by: >>39026938

is that after the live show ?

>> No.39026938

No, that's on the 18th.

>> No.39026995

Ya sorry. I have no clue how I mixed that up

>> No.39027242

I don't why I thought that was today I guess with all that was happening all at once I guess that was today too lol

>> No.39027650
Quoted by: >>39027776

I really wonder what she thought about the zuto live stream. Was it more "cute" or " I wish that was me"

>> No.39027776

It was a fake production of a thing, not genuine.

>> No.39027808


>> No.39028021

AI Mori...

>> No.39028034

It's no big deal, music is like 90% subjective
If anything Sinderella is mori playing hardmode since it uses different genres and tools for each song, instead of being cohesive, which means some people might be turned off by a few tracks
But there's nothing wrong with just not liking it overall
t.I like every song on the album

>> No.39028110

Dude, Kanye had a point initially, but he then went off the deep end either trying to be a postironic provocateaur shitposter and failing or actually not taking his meds
I agree with the sentiment, but choose a better example

>> No.39028757

he made fucking alex jones uncomfortable
alex jones!

>> No.39028798

Guys the crazy lung guy from last night is now DMing me.

>> No.39028955
Quoted by: >>39029023

WTF Context?

>> No.39028959

Nezumi Scheme is only 101,922 views away from a million views do your part today


>> No.39029023
Quoted by: >>39029266

what does he want now?

>> No.39029106
Quoted by: >>39029283


>> No.39029266

his lungs, i imagine

>> No.39029283

