>> | No.33177607 File: 980 KB, 600x338, Clock getting beat up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>33176660
>First /hlg/ in /JP/ Earliest hololive thread i could find is >> /jp/thread/S23065672 This is not the same that was implied in >> /vt/thread/S22935161#p22997058
>/hlgg/ - /hlg/ Split The same as the first hlgg appearing >> /jp/thread/S26130331
>HoloMYTH Debut Sep 13, 2020, Source: Youtube, Gura's Channel
>/jp/ - /vt/ Split >>OP
>First /hlgg/ in /vt/ >> /vt/thread/S185685
>HONK opens the NASFAQ https://nasfaq.biz/info#news , scroll to the bottom, 2/16/2021
>First nasfaqg thread >> /vt/thread/S2294664 or >> /vt/thread/S2295714
>lazulight >> /vt/thread/S3614725 My source was PP telling me it was 15th may
>Coco Graduation Jul 1, 2021, Source: Youtube, Coco's channel, date of the graduation stream
>HoloCOUNCIL Debut Aug 22, 2021, Source: Youtube, Ouro Kronii's Channel